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re l 1 , KUT; Z r I-A i on .;.,,It on STRA-INARUi-Ion (Strecinaru, Js] (Rumynskaya Marodnaya Respublika. g.Tassy) Diffusion and evolution of speech defect3 in children. Yop. palkhol. 6 no.1:176-178 Ja-F 16o. (MMA 13:6) (Rumania--Speech, disorders of) (Children--Diseases) AP6Ti994-2 CA) SOURCE CODE: CZ/0075 61570_0_6766~ -/d'0_1_4_/ 6_(ff5_~ I AUTHOR: Strecky, Jo (Enginc,ir) ORG: Department of Mercantile Ware Studies, College of Economics, Bratislava (Katedra tovaroznalectva, Vysok~ vskoly ekonomicke") TITLE: Testing of waterproof and water-repellent textiles SOURCE: Textil, no. 2, 1966, 74-75 TOPIC TAGS: textile, water repellent material ABSTRACT: The article discusses the trends in quality control of textiles. The author comments on the shortcomings of the test methods prescribed by the Czechoslova~l norm 80 0818 of 1961 (determination of impermeability), as described in articles by H. Fencl (Textil, 7/1965) and J. Kaplan (Textil, 10/1965). The testing by pene- trometer is simple, but many test laboratories do not have penetrometers.-- Further- more, the norm does not give parameters for individual types of impermeable and water-i repellent fabrics, yet since 1961 dozens of types of fabrics have been produced and their values of impermeability have not yet been determined. Consequently, the norm is not used.- As-'f or the norm CSN 80 3841 (silk fabrics for-' ia'inco-aits)-which has- been in'effect since I July 1965, the norm provides for testing instrumIents-which are en-_ tirely different from those prescribed by the CSN 80 0818. These instruments are not manufactured at all. It is pointed out thata norm is useless if the instruments are Card 1/2 AP6019942 not available and a single instrument should be standardized and manufactured for the testing of impermeable and water-repellent textiles. Comments are made on the testinj instrument FF 10 manufa-ctured in Hungary. The author describes the instrument, gives its parameters in detail, and recommends that the norms discussed should be reviewed, so that the FF 10 instrument could be used by the "Textil" n.p. in Bratislava (n.p. Textil). Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DAM, none 2 STICCDA, A. I .. ~ - ''. I ~, Zenker's diverticalum and diaphragm-tic hernia. Acts. radjoi.cancer. bohem. 4 no.5-6:194-196 30 D 149. (CLIM 19:3) 1. Of the Radiological Clinic, Charles University IV In Prague (Director -- Prof. V.Svab, M.D.). STREDA, A., As. MUDr Diagnostic difficulties in spontaneous pneumothorax. Cas.lek.ceek. 91 no.10:297-300 7 Yar 52. 1. Z IL Interni kliniky a z radiologicke kliniky rarlavy univer- sity. (PIMNOTHORAX, diagnosis, difficulties) Th EPSTBIN, B.; GYPITIART, A. -, STREDA, A. Gastric and duodenal ulcers In children. Cesk. pediat. 10 no.10: 7~0-719 Dec 55. 1. UN7-ONV, Praha vIII, Bjlovka. detsko-kojenecke oddeleni (prodn. prof. Mr. R. Epstein) UNZ, Praha IX, rtg oddeleni (predn. WDr. A. Streda). (Venovano k 25. vyroci cinnosti nemocnice na Billovep v Praze 8). (PEPTIC ULCER, in Infant and child,) STNUA. Adolf. KUDr.; BRd, Vile'm, KUDr. Remarke on roentgenology in the control of gastric cancer. Acta radiol.cancer bohem. 10 no.1:33-36 Mar 1956. 1. Rtg odd. 01MIZ Praha 9, Vysocv&nY. (STOMACH, neoplasms control, role of x-ray diag.) STREDA, Adolf, %ILJDr. Osteochondritis ischiopubica detected in connection with injuries. Cesk-. roent. 10 no.2:58-60 June 56. 1. OUR Praha 9. (OSTEOCHOPIDRITIS, IBchiopuhic, with Legg-Parthes dis., cansed by inj. in child, case report (Cz)) (WOTIMS AND IIUURIES, causing ischiopubic osteochondritis with Legg-Perthes diB. in child, case report (Cz)) GLUCKSMAN, MUDr. J.; EITEIDL, K., MUDr.; 1% STRMA, A., MUDr. Clinical x-ray changes of locomotor apparatus in a ballet group. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 24 no.4:312-318 JulY 57. 1. Zdravot. odbor v Praze 2, vedouci MUDr. A. Bily. Vvzkumnv ustay chorob reumatickych, prednosta prof. D. F. Lenoch. (SPINIC, pathol. cervical degen. changes in ballet group, x-ray ((;X)) (KNIE, pathol. degen.' changes in ballet group, x-ray (Oz)) (MITAMUMM, pathol. degen. changes of metatarsophalangeal joint in ballet group, x-ray (Cz)) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASIM degen. changes in cervical soine.-knee & metatarsophalangoal jdint in ballet group, x-ray (Cz)) bICLIS Of TuLjjr(; CzEcjjoSL0VAYJ-A%/ oelloral Pro ii.,man Neoplasl2s Cor.12aris3n oncDloa- ,%bs jour 1-.1st Title or , I>ub ,C Abstract U Rof 7jiur Biol-) I'l, 1, 1959, 4309 ,103tiseki 0.) St".edo ,A.) a. .3tic Disease -euI,' Si Fysiatr. vest., 1957, 35, No 5, 286-295 rited. The t"ese Doilited .,as are desc 'lasr.rDC ictures of 3 cases Df .1 t-eljo--rapt-ical I a-,.cl r,,eu- a-,,d r:)en , ~.- ' aiffuse(I -.)stejporDsi5 cli.."ical .. snoildyl-~S"' ~aj 'Lulus"Jally 1-lif-P fz)ri:i,,G correspondi'--- the data Of studies Cmi liritis Vatielits C1--ta ,atic ar'V, tioji rate) d sprDtei:-, w Sedilicilta the ,,e rarro -I.DGical i avestications ates- .. r- I is 0 t Df IT""Ct nd f C 1.1c; 'Iis Diffuse Ds- utoPsies a 11 _3 T.I.Dcyt, Izs - s co-,,,rse Of a di~c--'05is ~)f Plas it cojif irvecl I a- a ients runn orVCd) i*:, is aey.,.,D,.lstx 0a ill 2 pa I)s te:)poros~ "ItIl.)Ut f oci 3f I-Ys's is at first card'- 110 1. Cal-d 2112 ,.1959, 4309 e .Ors J'10 ')f ?'C lor t1le plasw rl., C. 1, 12e 'i tj " -Iltle IQ;j JsCj'VL"j 'Cytoria. S ski II(I r,lo,,,. 7710 Pto t 1, dxsl)r~ to,. I%tuta W 3IJ as or CIS 11 ZI also so OV'lluated. L1 , Coex- U 55 STIMA,__4~; TRUHLAR.P. Radiological contribution to the early diagnosis of progressive chronic polyarthritis. Cesk.rentg. 14 no.5:303-308 0 160. 1. Vyzkiimny ustav chorob revmatic1qch, Praha, red. prof. dr. F.Lenoch (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID radiography) STREDA, Adolf; PTAK, Fraatisok Objective evaluation of o3teoporosI3 (1). Cesk. rentgenol. 15 no.4:245-250 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav chorob revmatickych, reditel prof. hIJDr. Frantisek Lenoch Vyzkwmiy ustav fotog-caficko chemie. (OSTEOPOROSIS radiography) A. umti, Diseases Acsoarch Institkite for f4ic rmmaticklych)) Praguey dir(,,ctor, Prof - c 6 --R (Vyzkwu*, ustav cjorob Dr& F, Lenochy Drse Prague, -Fysiatricky V2stak, iio 6, 1962, pp 340-345 S., - -rogressive Folyarthritis" .1nostoses of the Cervical Spine in Juvenile P STIUI,DA, A.; WhISM;~, L.; GUSTAFIK, St. A3yrmetrical incidence and the size of syndesmophytes in spondylarth- ritis an-kylopoietica of the thoracic spine. Cesk. rentgenol. 16 no.3: 190~194 Je 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav chorob revmatickych v Praze, reditel prof. dr. F. Lenoch Cs. st. kupele, Trencianske Teplice, riaditel L. Spiska. (SPONDYLlTIS AIIKYLL61NG radiog) STREDA.A.; PAZDERKA,V. Width of the articular fissures of the hand in progressive polyarthritis. Cesk. rentgen. 18 no.3*-174-180 Myt64 1. Vyzktimny ustav chorob revmatickych v Praze (rediteli prof. dr. F.Lenoch, DrSc.) a Hlavuv I. patologickoanatomicky ustaT fakulty vseobeeneho lekarntvi KU v Praze (prednostat prof.dr. B.Bednar, DrSc.). it- r ~,T STRIZA. A . Inflammatory destructive changes of the spine in ankyl6tic spondylarthritis. Cesk. radiol. 19 no.3:153-161 My 165 1. Vyzlq=y ustav chorob revmatickych v Prame (prednosta: prof. dr. F.Lenoch, DrSc.). FlOtllre.3 iT I tt-.onpc, ros is c, thf Joints Ln I Us and tubermilcu:. Jolnt Involvement. dr., STREDIA., 'Itilue of -,romrj7ra.-,~.-y in sev.,~ 32 gg ~b t `~.; STFIK-1 A, A. prrgressive polyarthritli with on ych oar throcs t nodys trophy. F.,-,slat.. ventri. 43 no.6~332-334 D 1 65 -- Vyzki-Lmny ustav chorob rematickych z Prazze (red--telz prof. dr. F. Drl'12~~). SKOP, 'faroglav; STREDA, Frantisak Precision cnsting toothed wheels. Slevaranstvi 12- no.11:428- 431 N 164. 1. Zjavody tkrilcovskych st-ivu, Tynista nnd Crlici. STR:-,'DA Ivo, !.,,z. SyStelaa Ol ST _In,' c. Za,ra-oda-' Legal units of r-&Lurement; I - - t - r . J VZUL I:S-Iii.;pI: Preh-lady technickych tab-allek, diag-rama a nomegramu 11 no - 1: 1-4 bl~ t 3TEM) A, i'l ; , " .- -.- . ljrilt3 irl 1 1 1 r, ; ; , j- r-,~ ~, I ~k jy ?" I I ..,-1 2 - lckyoh t -k, diagramu a nr-)m,.)grA;Tll i -,~ ' , tachr. , , ~,u I i~ 4. t(v)/' ,(T i BF L 2`462-66 F,'I -) -, /r-- ~1 P ( t ) /EN P ( kIt P/E LLLt.)_/L1: TC i , - 7C FFRR-771-16-61-19 83 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0057/65/000/007/0292/0299 AUTHOR: Streda, Ivo (Engineer; Candidate of sciences) ORG: CVUT, Prague q fo TITLE: New unito of measurement in metallurgical technology and literature SOURCE: Hutnik, no- 7, 1965, 292-299 TOPIC TAGS: scientific standard, metrology ABSTFACT: Beginning with 1 January 1966 all Czechoslovak scientific publications will use units of the International Unit System. The basic units will be: meter, kilogram, second, degree C, ampere, and candle. List of abbreviations, conversion factor3 between various systemsp and definitions of the units are given. Orig. art. has: 11 tables. ri PRSI SUB CODE: 14 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 009 / SOV REF: 002 stanlard& STREDA, I. "Axial Ventilators Under Constant Pressure.$' p. 264, Praha, Vol. 4, no. 4, Apr. 1954. SO: Xast European Accessions List, Vol. 3, go. 9. September 1954, Lib. of Congress "T ') , , %, JD ,,YI . "Eoiler room vc-ntilators. " ~~nerretikii, Frahn, loj . .11, ro. ',*, July 1954, p. -F,3. SO: Eastern Luroj~ean ;icces:ions Id.,t, Vol. 'I, No. 11, ~,ov. 1954, j,.C. V15-52~--' cKli (if Nlea!uring the Ash Content of Snvike, PuznAntky k inetoditis meftuf ulelit Y kouioijch plytirrh. Qj (Cz#,~ch.) 1. Stictla. S(rolirem(cf, v. 5, tie. 5, May 1055, p. 381-3m. -- - - Measuring equipment vvith extental and internal QC136 and procedures tot measurinr the quantities of gas dzawn 0 and asit content trapvcd. Diagntrus, photograplo, graphs, table. 7 ref. 3TTLEW'., I. Fly ~sh in ele~-tric power pDznts. P-302 - -., - I - -'~ .(". -erstvo pnliv a ener7eti-ky. Hl~ivni spra-va .1.1 ; :-- ;.,. , anist cle~c~.Aren) Frahn .101. r") no. F, 4,-uc. 1955 F-rist, E'U.-ope-r. i,ecessions List 'Vol. ff No. l Jan. 1?56 STIRKTA, I. Dust -separatinr equziprrent in pcwer plants. p.1-1. (Technicka Praca, Vol. 9, No. 1, Jan. 19c7, Fratislava, "zechoslovakia) sn: ~Ionthlv List of East 7urovean Accessions (7-1-"AL) LC. Vol. 6. No. 9. Sept. 19"7. Uncl. STREDA, Jij CERNY, F. "Measuring the Capacity of Boiler Ventilators During operation", P. 330 (ENERGETIKA, Vol. 4, No. 8, Aug. 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) 501 Monthly Liut of East Europoan Accessions, (ML), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12., Dec. 1954, Uncl. C: z E cac) S L,-- CC, C np:7 Lj L " i IC, 6 C- L 1: 1: STREDA, Miloslav Role of magnesium in internal medicine. Cas.lek.cesk. 99 no.9; Lek.veda zahr. 25-30 26 F 160. 1. 1. interni klinika fak. vseobecneho lek. KU v Praze, prednosta nrof. MUDr. M. Netousek. (MAGIMSIUM) STREDA 1-1. Prediabetic states. Cas.1ek.cevk 100 no.50:Lek Veda Zahr 272-274 15 D 161. 1. 1 interni klinika KU v Praze, Idborator pro patofYziologii krvetvorbr a jater, prednoBta prof. MUDr. Vojtech Hoenig. (DIABETES MELLITUS prev & control) FZDA, '.'iloslav CZWHOSLOVAKIA :,'ember of the I. Internal Clinic of the Faculty of General :-,"edicine of KU (-Karlova Universita - Charles University), Prar-ue; Dirt--ctor: V. HOE11TIG, Prof. Dr. Prague, Fralcticky Lekar, No 20, Oct 62, -T)--0 857-858. "Dia,r~nosis of Manifest and Latent Diabetes" SWE DA, 111iloslav; laboratorni spoluprace SEIEWIDOVA, M. Effect of ultraviolet rays on carbohydrate metabolism. Cas. lek. cesk. 161 no.18:561+-566 My 162. 1.1 interni klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, vyzkumna laborator pro patofyziologii krvetvorby a jater, prednosta prof. dr V. Hoenig, DrSe. iULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (BLOOD SUGAii) jy~ TIver Eu 1A 't and IIVOr j:qpat&vI!3.&,,4 + b pal."VIr...". aUc- the 1, cant sLre f Pre STUEDA, M.; HOENIG, V.; technicka spoluprace SFAU"VA, M. Influence of hydrocortisone on the blood sugar curve in chronic liver disease. Cas. lek. cook. 102 no.1.1:288-291 16 Mr 163. 1. 1. interni klinika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. V. Hoenig, DrSc. (BLOOD SUGAR) (HYDROCORTISONE) (PHARMACOLOGY'S (HEPATITIS) (LIVER CIRMOSIS) (LIVER DISEASES) (BILIARY TRACT) (DISEASE) SUC-01%. ~1~ - .1 Genealogical studles of liver cirrhos2s and d-*ab--tes =e2i'tU3. Acta univ. Carol. (med] (Praha): Suppl. l8t 1010-204 '64. 1. 1. inter-i k13-nika fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Uril-ersity y v Fraze (predrootkla: prof. dr. V. Hoenig). Karlo,.- tri chronit; liver dinouqeus Cas. lek. cesk. 104 26 F'65 klinika fakulty v-.:,7eobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy Univer- ilrazo- (prednn,--ta: prof. dr. V. Hoenig, Dr3c.). STRMA, 0. "Pneumatic-clamping units, a cheap mechanized means." n. 317. STPOJIFIE~ZKA VYROBA. (MINISTERSTV0 TEZKEHO STROUIRENSTVI, I,[rNISTERSTVO PRESNEHO STROJIRENSTVI A MINISTERSTV0 AUTOMOBILOVEHO PURIYSLU, A ZUMELSKYCH STROJU.) Praha., Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 7, July 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Uncl. STREDA, Oldrich "New in sheet-shaping technology" by Odehnaly Repa. Reviewed by Oldrich Streda. Stroj vyr 11 no.7:370 163. STRLDAY Oldrich First National Conference on Shaping Technology, Stroj vyr 11 no. 12: 627 163. 1. Autobrzdy, n.p., Jablonec nad Nisou. STREDA, Oldrich "Cold steel pressing" by Frantisek Hemr. Reviewed by Oldrich Streda. Stroj vyr 11 no. 12: 638 163. STREDA., Oldrich "Pressing of parts according to the elementF in small-scale production" by V.M. Bogdanov. Reviewed by Oldrich Streda. Stroj vyr 12 no.3:233 164. I ~- ~] I-t.' ri,.T --- nirs without ising the pres-sor~- am r !'rrm compressorB. :3~.r~j vyr 1 " :1,)- 3: L96 Mr '65. L. Naf.Lonal Entgrprise, Jablonec- KAMPELRACHER, E.H.; STF,'EEFKERK, C.W. Experiments with a latex-slide test for th,e serodiagnosif cf trichinovis. (Preliminary report). Wiad. parazy-t. 7-1 no.4: 317-326 165. 1. The National Institute of Public Health, Laboratory for Zoonoses, Utrecht. STR~~GAROIIJ, Y.; X'SESCU, V. "Analysis of tj:e qIzality of buckthorn seeds". i). ilh, kr'&,TISTA PAT)ITRTI,OR, Vol. 69, lio. *3. mar. 1954, 13u(.-ureBi, Rumania) SO: monthly List of Nast Euronean Accessions, (EI!LU), J,C, Vol. 3. Nn. 19, jec. IP54, Uncl. STREGUMN, A. T . Kinetics and 6tructural korms of the Products of Isothermic Trans- formatim of Austenite in Carbon Steels. Trudy UvAN 9) 87, 1937. - __ -~ - II I __ - - __-_ - ~~_ ,- , I -pap% - 3111111"UID", A. I.; KEM111, F. S. Research on the Transformation of Austenite in High-Carbon Steel Trudy UFAN 9, 137, 1937 S-3FREGULIN, A. I. Transformation of Overcooled Austenite in Carbon Steela. Ural T"dustrial. InDtItute imenJ Kirov, Sverdlocskp 1941. Sol U-1837, 1h April 52. u I- ~2 !~oti C. c C-! Tar~,,e I I in -,;'il IT , Efroct r cLir,,j()ri ti:c ()f f;ll(-- Isothenalc Dlsirltc~yrf-ltlOn of Austenite Ln C,,trt,ci 'O'tcc)l.s ST'RY-,UTjNj__A. I.; n'TSIN, F. S. The Effect of the Partial Isothermic Disintegration of Austenite in Carbon Steels on the Postition of the Martensitic Point. Trudy UFAN lo, 65, 19111 STREGULIN, A. I.; KETSIN, F. S. Chemical and Physical Properties of tbh Products of Isothermic Hardening and Comon Hardening with Tempering in Carbon Steels Trudy umi io, 99, 1941 PUIA31M, D. K. EIS PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFORT AID 368 - I BOOK Call No.: TN072.7y';" Author: STREGULIN, A. 1. and KOZLOVA, R. I, Full Title: MAGNETOMETER WITH ALTERNATING CURRENT FOR THE STUDY OF RAPID PROCESSES IN AUSTENITE TRANSFORMATION Transliterated Title: Magnitometr na peremennom toke dlya issledovanlya bystrykh protsessov prevra3hcheniy austenita Publishing Data Originating Agency: All-Union Scientific Engineering and Technical Society of Machine Builders. Urals Branch Publishing House: State Scientific and Technical Pliblishin� House of Machine Building Literature ("Mashgiz Date: 1950 No. PP.: 7 No. of copies: 3,000 Text Data This is an article from the book: VSESOYUZNOYE NAUCHNOYE INZHENERNO- TEKHNICHESKOYE OBSHCHESTVO MASHINOSTROITELEY. URALISKOYE OTDELENIYE, THERMAL TREATMENT OF METALS - Symposium of Conference (Termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, materialy konferentsii) (p. 405-4111 see AID 223-I1 Coverage: The metallurgical laboratory of t-ie Ural Branch of the Academy of Science (U.F.A.N.) conducted extensive tests on rapid transformation of au3tenite in a specially designed magnetometer. Shteynberg's magnetometer with ballistical Magrjitometr na ID 348 - i bystrylch piotsessov prevrashcht:niy dustenita arrangement for measuring of the magnetic phase was modi- fied with a Slemens-Relnlnger electro-cardiograph and an electronic voltmeter with detector and ampliflers. This new amplifying and recording arrangement permits the study of the rapid Isotherm] transformatiori of aus'~enite at dIfferent temperatures. The article Is Illustrated with the diagrammatic arrangement of the electronic amplifiers, heating furnaces, and recorder. 6 charts. Purpose: For scientific workers Facilities: None No. of Russian and Slavic References: None Available: Library of Congress. 21/2 c cs z, 771 Irittueace of pressure on tr -a-nsfonnstjqn yten tt., marteasite. A. 1. Sirvgllli~~ 014. Ittlitit ova. of C 01;0, Mo 3.74. Ni -1.2 aml A C Mik LU4, Ni 20.31' %teels oJtCIIjjjC 31MVe I)o WM WHIV.11CII Ut 11,U)" 141ced ? capstile, und (lie I;tttcr wwscomlartwsed ina die under it prr~q asiuring a .3~liinvtisimml strc-,s distribution. After obtain- ing the il"irett comprcsMott, lite clic was cooled with licloid N at -it rate (if and the sitecinicits were lichint a ,Krcdctd. temp. for 15 inio., after which they were licated to )0m temp. at 10-115*/ndn. without relieving the firmure, Curves giving j)vrct:iitage of niartensite fortned at a given temp. as a furction of jimssure show Iliat increased fimssure lowers the pcretillage of Inattensite fanned at any given temp., thutigh the c1mracter of triarteirsite formed is the Saine.. When thi,,L stek-Is wcrc c(,c,lcd to -175 to -190" under- atin. firmurc, 70-90% d ritaTtensite was rccritticd, but when the prcs~urc was raiscd t o 12,000 kg./sqem., only 11-14 % of martensitc, was ferined. 4. 1261/12/3 669.112.227.34 -669.15 The FTI'~-~A of PlIessurki (:~n the DQkl, A;kad. Natk AUl,tx-- L7;tz, i t j5 -i zj,3 h'11'r C I wa U. S. S. R. T rzartanaitq was studied i~- rr,s:vir~- ~g/sq.c= if. ateela contaiai-rig 4% Mm, ~4~ N i t 3d5. C, I. Oa~ Hn, e% ~.l and -'-,Ij. 5% :-', -, - ~ h ty, a ~j , 01 prod Un lid lAontical rfjEiLdtfj. no rudpod presaw-e lowored th6 temperdturu Lziterval X auftfinitu-martensite transfomaticn, and reduced thu effcot of aaxtcmaito transformation. Llardanirx undor pr-ssure iid not eacm to affect tho ult~xaato !Ar~i~,,turo of atuel, /71 66229 W-0 0 SOV/126-8-3-13/33 AUTHORS: StIr.egulin, A.I. and Mellnikov, L.A. TITLE: Transformation of Austenite Into ivartensite at High Pressure PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 3, pp 4o6-411 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Numerous theoretical calculations(ag,,Ref I to 4) and experimental (Ref 5 to 7) work have confirmed the expected effect of pressure on slowing down the gamnia--)Palpha transformation. Although Stregulin and Chuprakova (Ref 8) improved the experimental technique by using all-round pressure, defects remained. The authors describe a magnetometric apparatus (Fig 1) for studying the austenite-4martensite transformation at pressures up to 30000 kg/cm2. The quantity of magnetic phase is found with the aid of a ballistic mirror galvanometer connected to a measuring coil between the poles of a strong electromagnet in the sides of the high-pressure chamber. This chamber is a cylinder with a 7 to 8 mm diameter aperture. The specimen is placed in a lead or paraffin ampoule in a hole through the poles and coil. Pressure Card 1/4 was applied from a hydraulic press. Two austenitic ~K 66229 SOV/ 126-8-3-13/33 Transformation of Austenite Into Martensite at High Pressure steels, 7N4G4 and 4N19G were used, their respective compositions (%) being: 0.66, 0.39 C; 4.20, 19-30 Ni; 3.74, 1.00 Mn; 0.22, 0.15 Si; 0.05, - P; 0-03, - S. The test specimens were 4 mm in diameter and 25 mm long; they were homogenized at 1150% for several hours and then stabilized at 1000C. Specimen temperatures during testing were measured with a chromel alumel couple. Cooling rates for studying the transformation were 2 to 30C per minute. The same results were obtained for the two steels. Fig 2 shows the % martensite plotted against temperature for 7N4G4 steel at pressures of 1, 5000, 10000, 15000 and 20000 kg/cm2. The martensite-point temperature for this steel is plotted against pressure in Fig 3 showing a decrease with increasing pressure. For studying the effect of pressure on the isothermal austenite--~martensite transformation, the enclosed specimen was kept at 25000 kg/cm2 while being cooled to the required temperature, after which the pressure was dropped to the required value. In the first 2 to 3 sec after pressure reduction,transformation was very rapid. After 30 seconds the change became slow enough for Card 2/4 magnetometric determination to be effected. Fig It sho~~ 66229 SOV/126-6-3-13/33 Transformation of Austenite into Martensite at High Pressure to martensite plotted against time for 7N4G4 steel for -160, -120, -93 and -650C and atmospheric pressure for -150, -120 and -850C and 10000 kg/cm2s the high-pressure curves lie well below those relating to atmospheric pressure. Rejecting the initial portions of curves in Fig 4, the authors obtain isothermal transformation curves: these are given in Fig 5 and 6 for atmospheric pressure and 10000 kg/cm2l respectively. To get a truer picture of the kinetics of the transformation, the authors adopt the suggestion of Kurdyumov and Maksimova (Ref 9) and relate the quantity of martensite formed in the isothermal transformation to the maximum quantity formed in the isothermal transformation (not to the total martensite in the specimen). The curves then obtained are shown in Fig 7 (atmosphere) and Fi5 8 (10000 kg/cm2). Results for 4N19G steel (at 5000 kg/cm ) were similar, showing that the isothermal austenite --*martensite transformation is slower at elevated pressures. There are 8 figures, 1 table and 9 references, 7 of which are Card 3/4 Soviet and 2 Western. LIK 66229 SOV/126-8-3-13/33 Transformation of Austenite into Martensite at High Pressure ASSOC 1ATION: Inst, itut fiziki meta-L/lov AN SSSR (Instituteof ?,Iletal Physics AS USSR) SUBMIWED: October 16, 1958 Card 4/4 V~~ ST.W,ULIN, A.I.; MELINIKOV, L.A. Conversions of austenite to martensite tinder high pressure in a magnetometric unit. Zav.lab. no-11:1324-1326 '59. (FIRA 13:4) 1. Institut fiziki metallov Akadenii nauk SSSR, g. Sverdlovsk. (Austenite) (Mnrtensite) lr,icrtcd. cop.,C-n p ravl ets I ye . Bdit~riil N,,~tor or 1. Ya. DeKht~a:,, D.,ctor ~r Zc1,,r..c2, D. A. vr Tc~.In!,ta' 1. Y- A. BV'.!Y, candlu~tc Of Tec.,-nical sc!cllces, V. ". 1)"I"j. or Tecr.:,Icp1 rclemce., Pr.1 A. V. Q., TcO, nical sclenc-8, H.: M. S. cn-ler SI.. Kunt,~!- (Z.,~Intrr. Dept.)z V. K. Serdyuk., LnClnc~r. Card 140 PURPCS~: Tnis coll,ettcn. of articlen 'a 'r.*.--..!e1 f~:, wrr4ei-3 and tectinicul por!rimiel of r~ac,~c!i ar,d sThcicls of tech-nIcal cdu-1t'c:i. COVUUIE: The c()11-3ct!cn cortains paperr ;rcrentrd at a conveiltI-x held In Eiyev on pr:~blemm of phyb1c3.1 r~t%llurCy and mctloda of th,i htzi~ treatf.!url. of metals appIlled ill tte Ir.-I"Intry. PI.Aso tr&nororm:.tio*ta in metalp and allcyc are d!dcuzzod, mid renults of' Invcttlg~tticns conducted to ascertaLlln the effect or heat ttreit.7en' on th~ qu-11ty or ret-1 are anzly7.el. Too pc,n- albillity cf cbtp.!ntnF m,tala with given. propertIci a, to tire ;rohlems or stee' brtttlent3o. The col- 4o di57uLe, lectim lr.-!*~Iev papera deal. " kln~tlzs c-.' tramromf,tiii, Ing It, heat treatment, and propertlen cf catt !rcn. N,% r i I I t I e s ar, rcr.UG:,.cd. Art1clen are ty moctly s3vle'. TAPLF, 01 CONTUCS Stmgulln, A. I., FnFInccr, and L. A. Me' Inikc,; kubtenite Into Marttnalte Unl-or Hgh 12 Brunilov3kly, B. A., En.-,ineors ofid F. 1. :Kro=..atorA). X-Hay Invezitication of the ?:ar-etwi:te In Tempering at Low TLxperaturc 19 KGchorzh!na%iy, Yu. A., Cuitlldate or Tec!~-,.Ical Sz!ence~ (Ylyvv). Conditlons of For--ntion of Vxtabtal--i A~~te;Ate In Iron-Carbcn Alloyr 22 MiroVbkiy, E. I., Foglne~r (K!Yev). n,c Vatu~z- cr the Noiio Trunafomition of Cartan S~ccI5 34 caml ',/*10 . 1~ Ir AID I . 982-~ 4 June EFFECT OF HIGH HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE ON PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS IN Fe-Nj ALLOYS (USSR) Mel'nikov, L. A.. B. K. Sokolov, and A. I. StregiUin_ Fizika metallov i rnetallovedeniye, v. 15, no. 3, Mar 1963, 357-361. 51126/63/015/003/006/025 i The effect of hydrostatic pressure onthe direct and reverse martensitic transformation in the Fe-Ni,bLlloy containing 0. 04616 C and 27. 61/o Ni has been studied by the Institute of the Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR. Disk-shaped alloy specimens 4. 5 mm in diameter and 0. 5 mm'thick were 1 vacuum annealed at 1150*C for 1 hr and water quenched. It was found that a pressure of 10, 000 kg/crr.2 lowers the M. temperature to -50*C, compared with 3*C under atmospheric pressure, and reduces the rate of transformation. Un- der atmospheric pressure 80% of the austenite transforms to martensite be- tween +3' and -20*C. Under 10,000 kg/CM2 the same percentage transforms between -50* and -100*C. High pressure also lowers the temperature of the be- ginning of *.the reverse. ~trzrsformation.,At 10, 000, 20, 000 and 30, 000 kg/cm 2 the A temperatures were found to be 435* , 400* , and 360*C, respectively, com- pared with 465*C under atmospheric pressure. IND] Card 1/1 MELINIKOV, L.A.; SOKOLOV, B.K.; STREGUM ~,A.I. Effect of high isostatic pressure on transformations in iron- nickel alloys. Fiz.met.1 metalloved. 15 no.3:357-361 Mr 163. (MM 16 4) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (Irpn-nickel alloys-Metallography) (Pressure) ACCESSICO I'R:k A?4017372 S/0126/64/017/002/0313/0315 A.UTHWSi E'ellnikovj Lo A*; Sokolov, Be Ks; Stregulin, A, I, TITLE: Plastic doformation effect on the reverse martensito transformation in nickal iron SGU7,M Fizika matallov i metallovedeniye, v. 17, no. 2 1964" 313-315 TOPIC TAGS: Ni, Fe, nickel iron, plastic deformation, phase trans formation, direct transfom,ation, reverse transformation) martansite deformation, austenite deforma- tion, deformation temperature effect, nickel iron deformation ABSTRACT: The plastic deformation effect of martensite in Ni-iron on the reverse transfor,mation was studied in order to obtain additional information concerning this process. Ingots containing 27.6% Ni and 0.04659"carbon, were held at 1200C for 10 hours and were then forged into samples 0.5 = thick and 4.5 mm in diameter. These samples were vacuum heated to 1150C, held at that temperature for one hour, 0 cooled in water. The martonsite transformation started at 2 , and the reverse transformation (martexisite to austenite) at 465C. In order to obtain a maximum quantity of martensite, tZe samples were cooled in liquid nitrogen. Ifter this J--.4 113 ACCESSIO14 NR: AP4017372 they were worked in a hydraulic press. It was established that the deformation of martensite at various temperatures affected in different ways the reverse marten- site transformation. It caused the formation of austenite when induced at the AH temperature (temperature of the beginning of the reverse transformation), and it delayed the transformation when applied at temperatures lower than A (in such H cases, it was necessary to heat the samples in order to start the formation of austenite). The plastic deformation had the same effect on tlie martensite trans- formation during cooling. Deforming the alloy in the austenite state at tempera- tures exceeding MH (temperature of the beginning of martensite transformation) activated the martensite transformation and increased the temperature of the begin- ning of martensite formation. This activation effect was weakened by the increase in the deformation temperature and was eventually replaced by slowing down of the martensite transformation (i.e.j by the austenite stabilization effect). The authors believe that the results of these experiments justify the assumption that the causes of the plastic deformation effect on direct and on the reverse marten- site transformation may be the same. Orig. art. hasr 2 figures. Card 2/3 AccEssio~; i.R: AP4017372 ASS'OCIATIO,'Ift Institut fiziki meta2lov AN SSSR (Imtituto of Physical Metallurgy AN' SSSi) SUBMITTED. 3ojul63 DATE ACQ:: 1&lar64 EvCLr 00 SUB CODB: NO REF SOV: 005 OMER: 002 C,rd 3/3__ .kCCz-,-,SIOIT NR: AP4017373 s/0126/6~/017/002/0315/0317 A. 1. AUTHOPS.- Sokolov., B. K. 1 Sorokin, I. P.; Tr."LE: Effect of plastic deformation on phase transformations SUMCE: Fizika metallov i me'vallovedeniye, v. 17, no. 2) 1964., 315-317 TOKC TAGS: steel, austenite formation, plastic defornation, phase transforuationl. alloy, nickel alloy, diffusion process ABSTRACT: The authors studied the effect of plastic deformation on phase trans- formations in iron-*nickel alloys during heating. The samples contained 9, 12., 18 and 27.6",-)' Ni. The carbon content of such alloys did not exceed 0-04%. The samples.were annealed at 1200C for 6 hours and cooled in liquid nitrogen in order to obtain maximum martensite formation. Some of the sunples were rolled (2h-28%) at room tomerature. Dilatomoter curves were obtained during the heating of the formed and ~f the non-deformed samples at the rate of 8 degrees per MiQute. Tlie~ temperature (indicating the beginning b2 austenite formation) TB was determined from these curves. In the alloys with. 9 and 121M Ni the preliminary deformation lowered TB by 50 to 40 degrees bat did not affect the critical point position in Cord 1/2 ACCESSION MR: AP4017373 tile alloy with 18;v,' Ni. In the 27'.61 Ni sarVle the temperature of austenite for.,,iation in the formed samples was 40 degrees higher than that in the non-deformed samples. The authors conclude that under the conditions described the phase transformations in Uie low Ni alloys were determined by diffusive processes. "The authors consider it their duty to express their appreciation to M. 1. Oleynik and L. A. Mellnikov for their help in some of the experimants," Orig. art. has: 4 figures. ASSOCIaION: Institut fiziki motallov AN SSSR (Institute'of PkWsics,of-Metals, a Ali MIZR) SUBMITTM t 30JU163 EWL: 00 SUB CODE: 114 NO REF SOV: 007 onm: 001 Card 2 /2 ACCESS1011 NR: AP4039605 S/0126/64/017/005/0769/0772 AUTHORS: Mallnikov, L. A.; Sokolov, B. K.; Stregulin, A. I. TITLE: High pressure effect on ShKh15 steel transition during annealing SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 17, no- 5, 1964, 769-772 TOPIC TAGS: steel transition, annealing, carbon, chromium, magnesium, coercive 0 force, atmospheric pressure, carbide, residual austenite, martensite, steel ShKh15 ABSTFUCT: The pressure effect on the transition of steel ShIO115 (containing 1.3~5 carbon, 1.46/~ chromium, a-I 0.3~6 magnesium) during annealing was studied. A 3-mmv diameter by 25 mm specimen as quenched in NaOH water solution 2after being vacuum heated to 1000C. Annealin,r was carried out under 20 000 k.-/CM pressures at 75-300C temperatures applied for 30 min. The coercive force H. was measured as a function of temperature. The curves showed an identical decay of H C under both 20 000 kg./cm2 and under atmospheric pressures for 200t~- T :f- 300C. Cux-ves of H versus T after annealing indicate C-carbide to -/--carbide transitions activateg by the pressure. I'leasurements of residual austenite indicate that at low annealing temperatures the martensite decay proceeds at the same rate under both high and atmospheric pres- sures, but the presence of high pressure delays the decay of residual austenite. Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4039605 V. P. Katwjev participated in this -work. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov'AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Metallurgy AN SSSR) SUBMITTED- 18Ju165 DATE ACQ: IgJun6-& EUCLz 00 SUB CODE; IC4 NO REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2 M 11,1 NIKOV, L.A.; ~jCVLo'/, P,F.; STREGULIN, A.I. F, ,th-pre:3,vire chamber fric sttidvlr,~ phasr! transiticng. 7.av. lab. 30 no.10:1284 164. (MIRA Iq-4) 1. Jristitut fiziki motallov All L 13998-65 zjTW1_vPF(c)1m1EwP(j) Pc-4/PIr-4/Pa-4 AEDC(a)/S8D/Mn/AFrC(p) I/W ACCESSION NR: AP4046478 SiOO32/64/030/010/1284/1284 AUTHORt kfel'nikov.-L. A.; Sokcklovj 36 K.; Stregulin, A. 1. TITLEt High-pressure chamber for the study of phase transfer SOURCE% Zavodskaya laboratorty4o vs 300 no* 10, 1964, 1284 TOPIC TACSs hydrostatic pressure, ultrahigh pressure, steel treatment. ABSTRACTs A high-pressure chamber has been designed in which steel specimens can be heated up to 400C under hydrostatic pressures up to 30,000 kg/cm2. The chamber (see.Fig. 1 of the Enclosure) consists of heavy steel housing 6' wit nephrLtt bushing 5, into which steel spec-, imen it enclosed in teflon%avelopd 4, is placed* lWhen the tempera- ture inside the nephrite bushing is raised by heater 2, the teflon melts and serves as a medLu=,fov'tbe transfer of the pressure from plungers 7 and 8,which are act"t*d by a hydraulic presso The tamp- erature of the specimen is m#&sur6d by thermocouple 2 welded to it The chamber has successfully withatood over 50 tests in which annealed and quenched steel specimens were tempered at 75-350C under a 23,000 kg/cmz pressure. Orig. art# bass figure* Card 1 /3 L 13996-65 ACCESSION NRt AP4046478 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metalloV AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV:- 000 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS: 313T Card 2/3 L 13998-65 ACCESSION NRz AP4046478 ENCLOSURE:- 01 Fig* lo Design of.high-pressure chamber. Card 3/3 -V . R-TL, L. "First aid in cases of' broken bones and sprains", p. 8, (ZM0'-I:,JE, Vol. 5, 11o. 7, 1953, Poland) ;0: Monthly List of Ruropfan Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. /#, April, 1954 - . - -Lf 1. i "We shoull-. loarn li-eoaving.ll p. 11 (Zdrowie, Vol, ", No. 11, E'1,53, SCI: 'Yonthly List of East Euror;-an ccessions, Library o-' 'ongress, Vol. 3, Nio. 6, June. 195-4, Uncl. STREHL, L. Fainting; let us learn to rescue, p. 13. (ZDR(74IE, Warszawa, Vol. 6, no. 8, 195h.) SOt Yonthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. h, No. 61 ayll. 1955, Uncl. STRSHLINGiM, LaJos. dr. - Problems of appendicitis in childhood. Cbrermekg7ogyaszat 6 no.11: 329-335 Nov 55. (APPENDICITIS, in infant and child) BUKOVINSZKY, Janos, dr; WiIII, Geza, dr.; KASSAI, Peter, dr.; STP:,MING:E-R, Lajos, dr. Successfully operated case of gastroschisis. Magy. sebNaNdi 16 no. 3:192-195 Je 163 1. Budapest XIII. ker. Madarasz utcai Csecsemo-as Gyerm9kkdI-)Az (igazgato. Kemeny Pal dr.) Sebeszeti oszt&lyanak (foorvant Strehlinger Lajos dr.) kozlemenye (INFAN"fY IEWBORN-DISEASI-S) (STOMAGII) CZECHOSL40YAKU KNOCHE, W.; WENDr, H.: AHRENS, M.;-.L.; STFJUiWW, H. as Vax Planck Institute for Physical Chemistry (Max Planck-Inatitut Vir physikalische Chemie), GUttingen, Germany (for all) Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communicatio , No 2, Feb- - In& ru&ry 1966, pp 388-398 *Kinetics of nindyrins bydrstione* GAVRILESCU., S. , dr.; STREIAI!, -C, , dr.; OCICA, I., dr. Considerations on various aspects of water elimination in ascitogenous liver cirrhosis. Med. inter., Bucur 13 no.6: 933-945 Je 161. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica I modicala Timisoara (prof. H.Aubert). (LIVER CHMOSIS complications) (ASCITIS therapy) (COATISOME therapy) (DIUI'd-',TICS Ahet,apy) (WATER metabolism) ,;IOBANU, St.; BUTNARU,, 14,,~ KiiELVIU, G,-- - - Contributions to the technique of intrahepatic biliary digestive anastomosis (personal technique). Rumanian 14 Rev. no.4:64.-68 C-D 160. (BILIARY T-rjIICT surgery) (GASTROINT~ZTINAL SYSTIEM surgery) GAVRILESCU . S. , dr.; STREIAN, 0. , dr.; DUMITRIU, M. , dr.; GAVFJ1XSCU, M. , dr. Considerations on the relations between the clinical Ficture and arterial oxygen saturation in cor pulmonale. Med. intern. 14 no.8: 945-950 Ag 162. 1. Luerare efectuata in Clinica I medicala si laboratorul de anatomie patologica I.M., TimisQara. (PULMONARY HEART DISEASE) (ANOXIA) (RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIFITGY) GAVRILESCU, S., dr.; STREIAN, C., dr. Congenital aneurysm of Valsalvals sinUB ruptured into the right cavities. Med. intern. 15 no.7:867-870 JI 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in ClLinica (director: prof. H. Aubert). (AORTIC ANEURYSM) (HEART SEPTUM, I medicala, I.M. Timisoara (AORTIC RUPTURE) ATRIAL) GAVRILESCUP S., dr.; DEUTSCH, G., dr.; STREIAN, C., dr.; STEIN, I., chim. Considerations on the renal elimination of water and sodium in the initial phases of hypertensive diseases. Med. intern. 15 no.9:1109-1113 S 163. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica I medicala I.M. Timisoara (directot: Prof. H. Aubert). (HYPERTENSION) (WATER) (SODIUM) (METABOLISM) STREIAN,C., dr.; SERBAN, Paula, intern. Pulmonary function tests in congenital cardiovascular mal- formations with left-right shunts. Med. intern. (Rucur.) 16 no-4t469-473 Ap'64 1. Sectia ASCAR . Timisoara (coordinatori prof. H.Aubert). 4r- GAVIITL~SCIJ,S., dr.; STRRIAN,G., dr.; STANCIII,L., dr. flemodynamic study of mitral valvi diseases with The aid of dye dilution curves. Med. intem. (Bucur.) 17 no.1,65-73 Ja 165 1. Uicrare efectuats. la Clinics. I medicala, Institutul de medicina, Timisoara. WEISS, St., dr.; STREIAN, C., dr. COBIIXISCHI, E., asistenta medicala Considerations on hemodynamic changes in the aged in normal and pathological conditions. Med. intern. (bicur.) 17 no.1:75-80 Ja 165 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica I medicala, Institutul de Modicinfl, Timiftoarn (direct,ori conf. S. Gavrtlescu). GAVRILrSC-U,S., dr.; FALCOIANU,A., dr.; STOSSEL,S,dr.; IM. SS, S. drl; STPXUAN~-C., dr.; BfW,'PA, I., dr. The carotid ninus hyperreflexivity syndrome. (a clinical and functional. study). Med. iw-rr- (aicur) 17 n0.5:561-570 .L M Y 165. 1. Luarare efectu&-ta in Clinica I madicala (conf. S. Gayrilescu) si Mbnrutul de elentroercefalogrwra al Clinicii de nerurologie (prof. A. Sofletea, Ti-migoara). GAVRITF.9r,11, :1A., conf.; GAVRILESCU, Maria, droj Primary pulmcnary hypertension (PPH). Mod. intem6 (Wcrur) 17 no.6t687-694 J~165. 1. Lucrare efectuata in Clinica I medicalal 1,M. Timlsoara (directort confe Ste Gavrilesou)*