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h1283 3/035/62/000/010/032/128 AOOI/AlOl AUTUORS: @Aeshenko, P1. V., Khokhlova, V. L. TITLE: Excitation of He I in chromospheric flares PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomlya I Geo@leziya, no. 10, 1962, 50, 'tbstract 1OA357 ("Izv. Krymsk.astrofiz. observ.", 1962, V. 27, 120 - 139) TEXT: The study of 11 emission lines of parahelium and ortholielium In the flare of August 3,0, 1959, and also a number of lines In other flares, show that In flare!-@, observed on both the limb and disk of the Sun, the optical thickness of helium lines In the spectrum region from X 3700 to K 6700 is small with exception of the lines /1`15876 and @, 4471. Pop*ulations of the He I excited levels are determined from energies emitted in the lines with allowance for' the.optical thickness for opaque lines. On assumption that line broadening Is .caused only by thermal atom velocities, the upper limit of kinetic temperature in_the region of lie I glow was determined from the width of the lines; it was Tkin _< 1.7 x 100K (translator's note: probably misprint) in the flare on the C,ard 112 3/035/62/oco/c) 10/0 321128 Excifation of He I in chromospheric flares A001/AIOI limb on Allev--,it -)'0, 1959, and T 6 x 1,,) 4 oK in flares on the disk. Popu- rig 'lations of li!vels of He I were' eoretically calculated for n = 2 x lo13 cm-3 o e and T IG* X 10 K; for this purpose, equations ationarity and !on- of st lz,ation oqul I ibrium for parahellum and orthohelium were solved,jointly. It is rhown that thij- emission observed can be ensured at n = a x 10 and T zz@ ,14 e e 1.7 X 10 at the expense of excitations by electronic impact and recombinationz. The poLi@,Iblllty of heating the region of flare optical emi.9sion at the expense of X-ray radiation of the flare itself is considered. The @,,bserved flux of X- radiation and energy liberation of the ' flare in ultraviolet and visible regions of the z-,pectrum can be ensured at the color temperature of the flare core being 5 x 106 cy Authors' su=ary Abstracter':; note: Complete translation] Card 21,- t .. . . i. -. - - . . , ; , I . , , : : - 7. . - . .1@ " . . " ., , . ; : . I . I D @51@- L @.; I 116tr Favlovich, kand. fiz.-matom. utiuk; 01MIENIKO) Nikolay Vladimirovich, kary]. fiz.-matem. nauk; SRULITS, N.P., red. (Crimean Astropbysical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.] Krymskaia astrofizicheakala obsei-vatorila Akademil nauk SSSR. Simferopol', Krym 1965. 78 p. (MIRA 18:12) 3"A 79 j 1/ 3 2) J/71 60/OF3/000/013/014 / @-/,o (// / v ) D218%301 -@ 01 1, @S: Abrallenko, S. I., Dubov, E. Ye., Ogirl, M. B., ,ko, N. Ye.,_Shaposlinikova, Ye. 125. and Tslap, T. T. ',"lie -)hotomelbry of solar flares @.-.ELdemiya 11CLUIC S:J'SR. Xrymskaya astrofizicheskaya obser- vatoriya. Izvestiya, v. 23, Ploscow, 19060, 341-361 T: continuation of ex,-L)erimental work on the compilation of a CLILzalo.,ue of :jhutoinetric curves for flares and a stu,_1y of the im- L@ - U @;Ortancc Of tI, c variotto factors which influence the shaoe of these curves. The Iluthors report photometric CUrves for 4 195@ flares ,und 10 1958 fltres of importance ,;r2. The observat ions were carried out usin,r the 'J-4 (0-1) coronagraph and an interference polari- zation filter centered on the 11 q line. In Ellay 1958, a wide-angle _lter 7 f 0.35R, was in- ;'IT--t9(GOI IT-44) having a bandwidth o troduced into the apparatus. A detailed description is given of ,solated flares and their development curves. The results are com- f, Vard 1/2 S/712,/60/023/000/013/014 ).ot-o:.@.otry of solar flares D218/D301 wit--L t1e@oje obtained with the chromos-)heric telescope -1 -,L@O III USSR (GAO U IL 0 14 -22-2) (Simei:L) arid the A.211-2 telescope 'lie T - X Ujr._,'j3_a (Kiyev) ) .Z11. description is also given of the contributions dL,e To i3econdar'ir tral,smission maxima of the filters and a number 0, (2-@"'ects onsible for 'he shift of the main pass-band. A de- e o p za Led e.--aninalw-ion of the lar,@e number of graphs revealed 'Uhat the Q -)i1itometric curves for a given flare may differ from instrwient to U @,,ient. Differences of tIe order of 25 - 35@, are common. How- ever, these Curves .-Lay still be useful for 6reot i)hy-gical purposes theref ore, the authors con:Ader it essent al to continue cir aork on col.11pi a catalo6ue of photometric curves of flares 4 _)btafned a., different observatories during the IGY. The present C) pa2er contains over 100 such curves. Acknowledgments are expressed to IN. V. Godovnikov for assistance in preparing the material. Thert@ are 34 figures, 2 tables and 5 Soviet-bloc references. SliB:-'@ITTED: Nay 1959 Card 212 S/035/62/000/005/051/098 A055/A101 AU7LIORS. OiLirl, M. B., Stcshenko, N. Ye. Photometry of solar flares PEalODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 5, 1962, 54, abstract 5A393 ("Izv. Kryinsk. astrofiz. observ.", 1961, 25, 134 - IL47, English summary) The authors reproduce the photometric curves of the Ho:,intensity and t,--.0 areas of 44 flares whose Intensity is not inferior to 2, observed with the ald of the c' hromos phere -photos phere telescope A(DP-2 (AFR-2) from June 1957 to lie n cember 1959, and with the aid of the coronograph Kr -1 (KG-1) during the year 1959. Some regularities resulting from, the examination of-the-area and the brig',tness curves of 86 chromospheric flares are pointed out. The results of a comparison of 'he area and the brightness curves, obtained by measuring films taken with the coronograp:h and the AFR-2, are presented. There are 5 references. J. From'the author's surwar7 r* Complete translation] L,,bstracterls note: Card 1/1 STESHaric" Ir'. 1-@ Agriculture - Caucasus, Northern Work of the House of Farm Crops. Ko;kh proizv. 12p No. 3, 1952. Monthly lLst qf Itussian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. 1 . @' i 1 -4: -; " !-_W I - .;-- _2 P. P. 2. MI)IR (600) 4. Agri cul ture-S tudy and Teaching 7. How three-year agricultural courses are carried on. Sov.agron. 11 no. 1. 1953. 9. Monthly List of Ruqsian Accessions, Library of Congresn. March 1953, Unclassified. 1- /;, @ ". : : , ,, @ ; " T@ i ""; t, I ::. r I:,, '@ ?;- . -. . , z , @ I . . I I . . . I I , , - t I .A @ ,, .v ,/ :@ .1. 1- il;" b .'.' "t 11 . ;1" @ ",., i ! @, : 1.,. ,,i-. I I . - -1, - @, , - ; --.@ !I, I . 'rir t I tut wo-iir,,v Meki,nnik-I @ ' z' L!!' , . , 1,@ @ 1 r@ ",L ::."-% STESHENIKO, V.F., tekhnik Redesigning of the croosam cotter pine of generator brWah holders. Energetik 9 no.5:27 My 161. (MIRA 1415) (Turbogenerstors) STESHENFO, V.F., tekhnik System using a turning lathe for making valve vents. Energetik 10 no.4:17-18 Ap 162. (KRA 15:4) (Electric power plants-Equipment and supplies),'@-al arpects, frov, tcx4c oheml @,,al ctr4or l-, and Fatoloulie, k] ln@ka 1 ter,:F.Ila erilngra,@.'. '. ed I t sina .!Cl itud treatment in le s J c@ ns r,!6i oact. ive @.rri porazhem.jalkh i T 6 p . i -.,@ ... j GAGARIN, V.G.; STESIMIKO, V.M.; TOKOMYEV, M.M. Role of rodents in spreading helminthic zoonooes. Trudy Inst. zool. i paraz. AN Kir. SSR no.6!159-160 157. (MIRA 11:3) (Rodents as carriers of disease) (Kirghizistan--Worms, Intestinal and parasitic) T '!'_Il S s! c nar t: 'fa S on c r;r, COUNTRY @IATEGORY 1)59, 1@-)- F`E T T. T-TI, E i,i tc- - nrx- le6, -.1iolo-ical exa.,!iin-ition rttiloP@iy. In t'iick(,.!,,iirr-. Of f7"Ict I-taII3, u a a C.- Unit 0 1.. , na -v of' oil vc-) 1 e. ri a r t c 3 (',1 of an' s -Lc r. c round t" Le CAT "01,1q. ff@@iB4o! 6, Fo, 71i 1959, t!o. 1 1, t nd T T. TITLE n t1l v L) -@' 'e @.ilotod rn- -'Le V i b 1 o od : the ne -. -%re o c 1 Is a v e incni%zo,! In ar.@@ In o@ ncrvc ri@)O'vf! are simllell nnd'],-I- are of thf@' 0@@!n!onl t%v@-!'- in silnce,) c@ir@trervitosis can take ft forn of z-7", -0" AC USSR Diseases of Farm Animals. D13eases Caused R-1 by Bacteria and Fungl AbB Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7309 Author Kh.Sh. Alimeyev, V. M. Mitrofanov, V. M. Stesh- enko, T. M Mukanbayev. Inst :-N-ot-11-1ven Title Pathological Histology of Infectious Pleuropneumonia of Sheep. Orig Pub: (M-vo s-kh. SSSR. Latv. s-kh. akad.) Riga, 1957, 22 str. ill. ODY)WS, R.N.; STSSRMO, V.M.; VAUJYSKIY. P.P.; ILIBEZOVA. Ye.P. Iffect of stable strontium isotopes on the sheep organism. Izv.AII Kir.SSR. Ser.biol.naulc 1 no.1:93-117 159. (MIRA 13:6) (STRORTIUM--ISOTOPBS) (SHRUL-PHYSIOLOGT) DUB111111, V.B.Edecoaaed]; GfflOENTUK, R.V.; STESILOKO, V.M. Sarcoptic mange in the Cebtral Asiatic mountain goat, t,eke (Capra eibirica Meyer.) In Kirghizia. Izv.AN Kir.SSR no.6: 137-154 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Ilirghizistan--Goats--DissaBoo) (Scabies) GAGARIN, V.G.; STESILMIKO. V.M. Case of acute fasciollasin in sheep in the Chuya. Valley. Trudy Inst.zool.i paraz.AN Kir.SSR no.7:153-159 15@. (MIRA 11:4) (Chuys. Valley--Liver flukes) (Sheep--Diseases an4 pests) ODYNETS, h.N.; ILIBEZGYJLO JO.P.; STESHENKO, V.M.1 VALYUSIUYp P.P, Effect of chalk and sodium bicarbonate on strontium deposition in the organsafid tissues of sheep. Jzv. AN Kir. SSR Ser. biol. nqu 2 no..5133-6" 1609 (KUU 14 -.6) (SI@U@;HYSIOLOGY) (STRONTIUM IN THE BODY) (CALGIUK-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (SODIUM-PHYSIOLOGICkL EFFECT) LUSHCHIKRIN, M.N.; STES911KO, V.M. Formation of the fleece in fine-wool sheep of Kirghizistan. Izv. All Kir. SSR Ser. biol. nauk 2 no15:69-79 160. (MBU 14:6) (KIRGIIIZISTAN--SHF-47) (WOOL) UDY!4-,I,jj i,.J.; 6L:;6IL:,J4O, V.i,,.; iLID:@ZOIJA, Ye.p.; VALUYS,:IY, P.P. Strontium as a goitrogenic factor. Izv. All Kir. SSR. Ser. briol. nauk 3 no.2:311- 161. (ML-A 14:12) fSTjtOlITIUI,-"*-PHYSIOLOGIGAL EFYL-CT) (GOITLA) WiNLT6, STzSH.140, V.A.; ILIBEZOVA, ye.p.; VALYUSKIY, F.P. Toxicity of copper to sheep. Izv. V Kir. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 3 no.2:43-49 161. (HIHA 14:12) (GOPPLiL.-TOXIGOLOGY) (SHELP-DISLASES AND PzSTS) 'd,; a -I' : " @@Ogmlf eff e.-.t C4* -@: ii,-k @@ @es C.!. --, , eo F:gis si-f,. -1 -,!. , t r"', 4 (KIW- L!-,,') AN K-*,-. T,:7. rf-r. bA4-,.I. ( r.@;..7.139 S @ A in zh ME If A -nz I I I T V P (Catal,j,g of spal-6 parz-, ZAZ--4t:,:'% nZaporozilets- aut0jr,,- t'l giobiliR "Zaporozhets"? T,,;: Mashinostroenle, 1965. r.-j mc, Zapor,:,zhskiy la,-d K Z, L 15531-63 EWP(Q)/E%T.(M)/W$. ACCESSION NR: AP3004917 S/0120/63/000/004/0189 /0 190. 6Z :p AUTHOR: teshenko, V. V.; Pivovarov, A. V.; Rubanov, TITLE: One-crystal short-wave focusing x-ray quantometer SOURCE: Pribory@i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1963, 189-190 TOPIC TAGS: quantometer, spectrometer, x-ray-speciral analysis ABSTRACT- A ten-channel spectrometer is described whose distinguishing feature is that it uses one crystal for all workin;e0tannels. The quantomete Includes a 5BKhV-l x-ray tube, a curved quartz 'nalyzing crystal, a container with MSTR-4 Eounterstoand a PS-1000QJscaler. 0An cleventh, monitor, channel I of goniome of the teirtype and'can be tuned to - working elements. The quanto- I meter is tuned to the following elements: 3Z Ge, 37 Rb. 39 Y, 40 Zr, 41 Nb, 42 Mo, 82 Pb, 73 Ta, 90 Th, 92 U; stronger analytical lines are tabulated. A functional diagram and a collimator arrangement ard'-presented. Orig. art. has: @Ccrd 1/Z L 15531-63 ...... ACCESSION NR: AP3004917 :2 figuree. ASSOCIATION: Nll minerallnogo a *rsya Ministerstva geologii i okhrany* nedr y KazSSR (Scientific -Res ear ch Institute of Crude Minerals, Ministry of Geolo .-and Conservation of Mineral Resources, KazSSR) KROYCHUK, L.A.; NESTEROVA, V.11.; ROYAK, S.-H.; STESHENKOP Ye.M. Firing of two-component charges. TSement 29 no.6:16-17 I--'D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut toementnoy promyshlennosti, i Volkhovskiy tsementnyy zavod. 5TESHENKO,Ye.M.; FOKIN.V.V. Dust recuperntion in n rotqry kiln. TSement 21 no-3:30 MY-Je 155. (KLRA 8:10) 1. Volkhovskoy aly-uminiyevyy zrLvod. (Kilna, RotRry) STES=MD, Ye.M, Installing TSement 26 'protective heat-resistant faceplates in rotar7 kilns. no-5:30 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Xilus, Rotary) STESHWKO, Ye.M. Using screw unloaders from removing dust from bunkers of electric filters. Moment 26 no. 6:22 N-D 6o. (MMA 13:12) (Ilectric filters--Cleaning) (Dust--Removal) CHULANOV, V.N.; STESHENKO, Ye.M.; TAGERY A.R. Operation of the cement works of an aluminum factory. TSement 27 no. 2:8-10 Mr-Ap 161* (MIRA 1-4:5) (Dust-Removal) (Cement plants) 0 AUTHOR Yo @-JV-101-58-5-81'10 T 11. L E: Effecient Razwval of Cl@.nker Grit (Rat3ionali- zatsiya uda1e.-.iy,--. krupki) PERXDICJ@L: T3ement, 1958, Nr 5, p 28 j 'i '. (Mr) A B 3 TRA C T in the Cement Wtorkshop of the Volkhov Aluminum Plant, three clinker mills which form 1.9 - 2.2 tons of clinker grit per (lay are in operation. This grit was removed by workers to the clinker atcreroom. The transportation of the clinker Jrit has now been mechanized by installing a pneumatic ap- paratus, This apparatus removes 160 kg of grit in 4 minutes. The consumption of compres3ed air is 42 m3 per day. Manual labor is no longer needed. ","here are 2 sets of diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Tsementnyy tsekh Volkhovskogo alyumini evogo zav,3da (cement Workshop of the Volkhov Aluminum, Plant@ 1. Cement--Production 2. Industrial plants--Equipment 3. Pneumatic systems--Performance Card 1/1 22 'AUTHOH: 6teshenko, Ye,S. SOV/101-58-6-10/i3 TITLE: -Th-e-11@eplaceme@t-o-f Cast Iron Protective Pins by Wooden Ones (Zamena predokhranitellnykh chugun- nykh pal'tsev derevyannymi) PERIODICAL: Tsement, 1958, Nr 6, p 33 (USSR) ABSTRACT; At the Volkhov Aluminum Plant, hammer crushers are used for crushing lime stone and bauxite. Protective pins connect the drive (1) with the rotor shaft (2) of the crusher. These pins are made of cast iron. The yearly consumption is 6,496 pieces. It is recommended to substitute them by wooden pins, made on a turning lathe. They are very resistant. The yearly consumption is only 2,400 pieces. Another device is mentioned which switches off the electromotor if metal ob- jects happen to be in the material to be crushed. Card 1/2 23 SOV/101-58-6-10/13 The Replacement of Cast Iron Protective Pins by Wooden Ones There are 2 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Volkhovskiy alyuminiyevyy zavod (Volkhov Aluminum Plant) Card 2/2 STASEMKO, U.S. Efficient way of removing klinker grit. TSement 24 U0.3:28 S-0 138. (MIRA 11S11) 1. TSementnyy tsekh Tolkhovskogo slyusimiyevogo sayoda. (Cement klinkers) (crushing machinery) ZTBIN, Yu.P., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, professor; STSSIMV. I.I., reteenzent; VI'TOGILO)OV. A.F., retsenzent. [Technology of footwear] Takhnologila obuyl. Kooky&, Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-vo Kinisterstva promyshlennykh toyarov shirokogo potroblonlia SUM, 1953- (KLRA 7:6) (Shoo industry) STESHEV,1.1., glavnyy inzhener f4ulti-line conveyor system in a cutting-out shop. Leg.prom. 15 no.7:18-20 J1155. (MIRA 8:10) li Glavnoye upravleniye obuynoy promyshlennosti Ministerstva, promyshlennykh tovarov shirokogo potreblenlya. (Shoe industry) (Conveying machinery) s/117/62/ooo/oo1/oo1/oo6 Aoo4/AlOl AUTHOR: Steshin, A. S., Turner TITLE: Metallic ceramics should be introduced more widely PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, no. 1, 1962, 22 TEXT: The author points out that, although ceramic metal cutting tools do not represent a novelty nowadays, the present problem is to choose the most suitable grades and shapes. He reports on work being carried out at the Gorl- kovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Gorlkiy Polytechnic Institute) under the supervision of I. I. Lubyanyy to select the most expedient shapes of ceramic metal bits. At the "Krasnoye Sormovo" Plant, a mandrel has been developed for 11M -332 (TsM-332) bits which possesses a superposed sintered-carbide chip breaker. Research work on the application of metallic 2eramics is being carried out at the Leningrad Nevskly Mechanical Engineering Plant Im. V, I. Lenin. The known Inno- vator Yu. M. Frantsuzov of the Moscow Plant imeni Kalinin has been using ceramic metal tools for some years. The author recommends to use the hexahedral tool bit, with three and six cutting edges, developed by the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledova- tellskly InstrumentalInyy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Card 112 STESHIN,, A.S. Our practice in using molybdenum disulfide lubrioant, Mashino- stroitelf no.6:36 Je 164. (MIRA 17:8) SUSHIN, I., upravlyay,.tshchly. Tighter control of water losses. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 3 no-7:26-29 J1 153 MR.A 6:8) 1. Saratovskiy treat "Vodokanal." (Saratov--Water supply) (Water supply--Saratov) m STZSIIIN,,I., inzhmnar. I C6mpetition between two cities. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 6 no-7:4-6 156. (MLRA 10!2) (Saratov--Winicipal services) (Stalingrad--Municipal services) STISHIS, I. Imergency repair of vater pipes. Zhil.-kem. khoz. 7 no.6:18-19 '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.Upravlyayushchiy Saratovsklu trestom "Yodokanal." (water pipes) STESHIM, I. V,,M Socialist competition among groups of water-supply systems of four cities. Zhil.-kom. khos. 10 no.5t25-26 160. WU 13:10) 1. Upravlyayushchiy trestow"Vodokanal,' Sarataw. (Water supply) , ! @! ',I- I , I @i i N I ( , ,V . A . .k,-Ir.(! ,t.okh I .-i C, I.,( .I @ Z, i. - 1 ;.I;I. I I . I - il 4 ".. .1 . ,i r i .1, .1 ; . (-,!1.,3 burnern f,;r c,@n-lnt plan's. Isp o I l.i-x!zll v eK,:z. ' 2 5 ( ' / T . - _*, I ? -. q, ) . I I no .,,: I @, 3. 1. 1,0Airatoriya ispolIzovaniva f-siza v promyonlennoati 3aratov!,.k.,)Fo ,!,)sudarstvennog.) i provraktnoFo instituta po iFp:)I'ZCVBhivu gaza v nfir(,,dnc).m kho7,yfty.-,,.vt-. SIWIMISM, 14.L.; STBSHIN,,-TojA,-. - Oakine, an actual sliaft layout in boring inclined-levnl holee. Podzes.gaz.Ugl. no.2:56-58 '59. (14IRA 12:9) 1. Podonskovnaya stant" iya, "Podzemgaz". (Mine surveying) (B oring) - STLSiill'S, V.K., kand.meditsinskikli nauk Significance of the reconstruction of the posture of the victim in an Inquest on an auto accident. Zdrav. Belor. 4 no.2:37-39 F 158. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz kafedry sudebnoy meditsiny (zaveduyushchiy - dotsent S.A. Prilutskiy) Minskogo meditsinpkogo instituta. (BORISOV-TFA"IC ACCIDENT) (MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE) STESHKIII. A.M. Laborutory couroes in the teachers' institute. Fiz. v shkole 13 no.5:71-73 S-0 153- (MI-RA 6:8 ) 1. Uchitellskiy inatitut, Armavir. (Physico-Study and teaching) AVDONIN, N.S.; STESHKINA, V.I. Effect of various amounts of lime on the yield and quality of plants. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; biol.nauki no.4:142-146 162. (MIM 15:10) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy agrokhimii Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. Lomonosova, (PIANTS, EFFECT OF LIME ON) I ANDON I: Is STESHKINA, V,I.-. - z -- " "-, Effect and aftereffeOt of varioue amounts of lime on changes in the properties of soil, yield, and quality of farm plants. Pochvovedenie no.91l-7 Ag (I. e. S1 263- (MIRA 16slO) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstve=yy universitet imeni. loomonosova. (Liming of soils) ACC NR: L-@6,)351,J2 SOURCE CODE: U`R10372/66/ooo/ooq/Go4I/GO4A7. Stezhkovich 1. T. TITLE: Two solutions of one logical problem SOURCE; Ref. zh. Kibernetika, Abu. 9G265 IIEF. SOURCE: Sb. tr. Leningr. mekhan. in-ta, no. 51, 1965, 152-1-57 @L-PIC TAGS: teaching machine, computer input unit , @@ircuit A3ST,-,ACT: For ultimate use in the input unit of a teaching machine (knowledge-control! aut-omation), the author considers the problem of synthesis of a switchinG circuit v.aosc Input relay must operate upon closing of only one n tumloller switches intended "or t'-e 'nr - . crtioi- of the answer into the mach-'r,,! arid must not operate upon simultane- ous or sequential closing of two or more tumblers or when there are no input signals. A cor.-jarati-,%: estimate of two variants of the solution of this problem is given. 2 i illustrations. Bibliography, 2 titles. G. V. [Translation of abstract) SbB CODE: 09 Card UDC! 62-506.9 tor rc, c t C@ the re 2 r:lria r treatment a e n C,,' 5 1 ..P;,ort 'Ic. .6. **I_Uzc-i:. trudy !TILP no-, 'hu:l ori I kc-l. i i rjekj,_- GTE:Riov, I.I. New shoe factories. Nauka i zhizn' 21 no.8:6-7 Ag 154.(MLRA 7:8) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Glavobuyl Ministerstva. promyshlonnykh tovarov ohirokogo potreblenlya SSSR. (Shoe industry) VEYIIBXRG. Ikhill Abramovich; PIMINOV, V.I., kRndidAt takhnicheakikh nAuk retsenzent; ST=OV 1 1, Inzhener, retsenzent; MINAYWA, T.M., -0 4L..; - rodaktor, NEDIASMI, U.I., rekhnicheskiy redak-tor. [Hot vulcanization in footwear production] Goriachaia vulkanizataiia v obuvnon proizvodstve. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnicheekoe i2d,-vo Ministerstva tekstillnoi promysh. SSSR. 1955. 230 P. (PIMA 9:4) (Vulcanization) (Boots and shoes) ZTBIN. Yuriy Petrovich. doktor tekbnichoBkikh nauk, professor-, STNSHOT I.I., retsonzent; VINDGRADOV, A.P., roteenzant; MUMMA, T.M. rMaktor; M3MWDFV, L.Ya., tek-hnichockly redaktor. (Technology of footweurl Tekhnologiia obuyi. Hooky&, Gos.nauchno- tokhn.izd-vo Ministoretva proaVshlennykh tovarov shirokogo po- trablenita SSSR, Pt. 2, 1955. 446 p. (MLRA 8:10) (Shoo Industry) KCLBYUIN. Artemiy Fedorovich;-STESHOV, I.I., inzh., retsenzent; HINAYEVA, T.M., red.; MEDVAM, CNew laboratory eqaipment for the leather and footwear industries] Novye laboratornye pribory v kozhevennoi i obuvnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po legkoi promyshl., 1959. 188 P. (KIRA 12:12) (Shoo industry-Equipment and,supplies) (Leather industry-Nquipment1lond supplies) KOT)ZINIKOV, Viktor Nikolayevich. kand.takhn.nauke, LIOKUMOVIGH, Khatakell Khaimovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; PSTRUNINA. Meriya Matveyevna, inzh.; SHTNTSOVA, Tamara Petrovna, inzh.; FINGER, A.M., prepodavatell takhnikumas retaonzent-.. W3SHOV.,_Ij., in2h., nauchuyy red.; GRACHSTA, A.T., red.; PLENTANNIKOY, M.N., red.; MEDVEDEV, L.Ta.. [Technology of shoe manufactnring] Takhnologiia obuvi. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po lagkoi promyshl., 1959. 602 p. (KW 13:3) (shoe manufacture) SIMAYD-c, Yrantinhek [Snaidr, Fri--ntisek); FAGID, N.1: [translator]; YOINAMIT:Al T.G. [translator]; BILIEVSKlY, P.9 translator ; red.; C.,_).C1TVA, A.V., red.; SHAFENKOVA, T.A., tekhi.. red. [Technology of shoe manufecturel Tekhnologiia obuvi. Pod re. M.I.Nagida i I.I.Steshova. Moskva, Izd-vo nauchno-tekhn. lit- ry RSFSR. Vol. 1. 1960. 210 p. Translated from the Czech. (MIRA 15W (Czechoslovakia--Shoe manufacture) SIDIAYDR, Frantishek (Snaidr, FruntiseKj; Z.-AGID, M.l. (translator]; KOITYAKHINA, T.G.[translator); ST1314OV, I.I., red.; LACHEVA, A.V., red.; BATYREVA, G.G., tekhn. red.; SHAPENKOVA, T.A., tekhn. red. [Technology of footwear] Tekhnologiia obuvi. Pod red. M.I.Magida i I.I.Steshova. Moskva, Gizlogprom. Ft.2. 1963. 234 p. Translated from the Czech.. (MIRA 17:2) 1,:U,tAV'Yb"V, M.I.; KARASIK, Z.S.; OKUNI, B.D.; IRUSH114', S.A.; ASHRATOVA, S.K., kand. tekhn. nauk; GOROKHOVSKIY, A.I.; LAPSHIN, V.P., inzh., retsenzeat;_,4TESHQV,_jj,.,, red.; M'INAYEVA, T.M., red. Pandbook for a shoe industry worker] Spravochnik obuvshchika. Movkva, Gizlegprom. Vol.3. 1963. 505 p. (MIRA 1735) cl%aracteris@Jrs of the technology for the manufa@@-ture of cold weather footwear (boots) with uppers trade from the new types of artit'icial leather. Kozh.-obuv. prom. 7 no-4:17-18 Ap (65- (MA 18:6) 1. Zainestitell direktora TSentrallnogo natichno-issledovatellskogo instituta kozhevenno-obuvnoy promyshlenno.,iti. I - . !,Wjv ) 1. L. - . - I - -, -- - . 1, - - Kozh.-obliv. - @ 1 e .11, t'. I ! I - @ , I I - @ I't , 1. t ',I., @ @ @j , I L3 @@ i . ,, : ! :@71 r; !, . 0,17R"t 18:10) 7 rv . . -, -. -1 -1c) %L, I I1q. LAVfiFNTIYFV, A.F.; STESHOV, V.A. Raise the importance of standardization departments. Standartizataiia 29 no.105 Ja 165. (MIRA ISSO i - @- @C- , -,@ I y 1@ " I,p I- a-Ato " F*; Of VhO Otmndf!.!'(Vrat,:'OT, at a S ndoT-U i a t4L zata i '9 r c-,.5:5-, V 165. Wi.;,., 19:11@ 5 (4), 2 (5) AUTHIORS: Stesik, L, N,, Akimova, L. 11. BOV/76-33-6-t4/39 TITLE: In@@rect_Method for the Evaluation of the Width of the Reaction Zone in a Detonation 'Nave PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 8, PP 1762 - 1768 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An evaluation of the width of the explosion zone (EZ) of vari- ous explosive substances is made starting from the dependence of the detonation -velocity (DV) on the radius of the explosive charge (EC). The influence of (EC) on (DV) is due to the dis- persal of the substance out of the reaction zone so that the width of the (EZ) is determinantof the (DV) as a function of (EC). On the other hand.., the dependence of (DV) on (EC), which can be found experimentally, serves to calculate the scope of the zone of chemical reaztion in the detonation wave (DW)__ The width of the (EZ@ is determined by the distance between the front of the (DW) and the Zhuge pointo In the present case, an experimental curve is plotted which is characterized by the function D/Di - F (R na) (1) and holds for various explosives (D . ideal (DV', D - (DV) with the radius R, n - constant co- Card 113 1 Indirect Method for the Evaluation of the Width of SOV/76--33-6-14/39 the Reaction Zone in a Detonation Wave efficient). The investigations were carried out with charges of troty'. (I) of various densities., hexogen (II), and mix- tures of (I) and (II) in different compositions. The (DV) was measured with a photorecorder CFR,,, the explosions being initi- ated in case of charges with a diameter of less than 30 mm, by means of a detonator consistingv of TG 40/60@ The functional curve (1). for (I) was plotted by means of the function D/Di f (R) (2'), which was obtained with densities of 0,,80 and .Z '@46 g1cm' (Table 1). L, A.. Vladimirov, Candidate for Diploma, cooperated in the determination of function (2) for (II) and a number of mixtures of (I ') + (II) with various densities (Ta- ble 2). The measurement results obtained are in good agreement with equation (4), According to the measurement method (Ref 4), the width of the reaction zone of (I) (density 1.55 9/cm3) was measured by A, X. Dremin by means of magnesium laminas. The values of the function D/Di of a/R are given (Table 4), and it is stated that all values calculated for the scope of the re- Card 2/3 action zone for different explosives agree with those (EC) for indirect Meth-,d fcr the !N-aluatlon of the 'Width of SOV/76-33-e.. 141/3 9 the Reaction Zone iv a Detonation Vave which (DV) shows the ideal value. There are 3 fiFures, 4 ta- bles. and 7 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCTLATION: A-kademiya nauk SSSR,Institut khimicheskoy fiziki,?/O8kVa (Academy of Sciences, USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics, I'loscow) I SUBMITTED: January '7, 1958 Card 3P '%I 1"!j') & - IL S10201611137100210I61'020 0 0 AUTHORSi Stesik, L, it,, Akirnovav L. U., and Apin.. A. Ya. TITLEi Determination of the width of the reaction zone, and the parameters of the detonation wave c14 a comnact eXDIOSiVe FERi"')DICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SOSSR, v. 137, no. 2, 1961, 569-371 TEXTt The ULIthors measured the width of zone a of the chemical reaction and detonation wave of a co:iipact explosive with practicall.@ optimum density 1 (1-56 2,/cm'), namely H (N) ballistite powdt-r with a nitroglycerin content of 01' 40 ZIMII Lnd a hei6;L-,t appro.'C4 The charkes had a diameter 60 mm The was fired by a lensshaped char&e guaranteeing a plain detonu,ior, front. The detonation velocity was 7010 m/sec. The zone width 13 the distanct; between the front of the shock Wave and the Chapman-Jougu,:-i- T)lane. Thp %lithors, dett-r-,.-nr@i the zone width by the methods of R. Duff, j. @:Le:.-,. Phya. , 21, 1263 (191 5) )and A. N. Dr6min, ri Houston (Ref. .5 P. FL Pohkil, (Hef. 2: JAJ, 127, 110. 6, 12,15 (19:5)')), in which first the shape of ma3o velocity a is d;Aermined by an alizinum plate moved '-..v the Card 1/6 20V.2 5102@1c-,/' 37/002/0 16/0-20 DetermitrzLior, ',.-e width. . B1 03//B21 5 P 1 ihick aliabatic of the and the detonation ve'ko@@it@i i)u -@alruktted from the formula U + c - 1i Dj(u + c V) tile L',iknes!? of the ,,-ietal plate-, at which a discontinuity On OCCUrs; D is the detonation velocity, D the average 1 velocity of ttie shock .-.ave in section b of the metal, V the avera,,-,e velocity of the movin,- -,)ouadary 'netween explosive and metal, u and c velocities of m.ass and soun' in the ;::etal with a depth of b. The discontinuity of curve u t@@ickness of the i:ietul) has been experimentally proved. Th e mass velocity of the metal at this point is dete-@mined by pressure and mass veloci I.; c." the detonation in the Chapman-jouguet plane of t h e d P t o n a f -@ o ri tv The authorn Qsed 0.3-9 mm aluminum plates, whose shock 1 and Fig. I Cive thtD experimontal res-lts. The valuf@,,, ol' m::Io, @'-,.Iocity of the alur,-iinun adjacent to the powder was Card 2 6 207L2 S/020/61P37/002/016/020 Determination of the width... B!03/B215 calculated from the known shock adiabatics, The authors found the discontinuity of the curve u - ,P (1) to occur at a plate thickness of 0.85 mm. D1 . 7520 m/sec, V - 1730 m/sec, u - 1360 m/sec, a - 7590 m/sec. Hence, a reaction zone width of 0.12-+0.4 mm was obtained. In formula (1). however, the rebound of the detonation wave on the boundary between ex- plosive and metal is not taken into account. The authors determined the width of the non-disturbed reaction zone of powder N on the basis of the function of Ref. 2 which gives the relation between the measured value of a and the dynamic rigidity of explosive and metal (the dynamic rigidity is the product of initial density and velocity of the shock wave (?,D)). The above width Is 0-15�0.5 'Wa. On the basis of their experiments, the authors determined the polytropic curves of the detonation products (for method of calculation see Ref. 6s A. N. Drdmin et al, DAN. 128, no. 5, 989r 1959): P . 2A-101 Oy2_ 80 bar (2). The values characterizing t@e state of the substance in the Chupman-Jouguet plane are; P - 204-10 bar, 2.14 9/cm@ c - 5160 m/sec, u = 1840 m/sec. Since the average value U in the reaction zone is 1.25 times as high as u in the above plane. the authors calculated Card 3/6 20 714 2 S/020/61/137/006/016/020 Determination t..,r Lhe width... B103/B215 the duration . the chemical reaction of powder N in the detonation wave as follows. t - 7.4/(D - u) - 3.3@10_ Bec, According to their calculations, the- critical Aiameter dCr of the powder N is 28 mm. They proved der /a to be approximuLt@ly 200. Since the detonation velocity of compact powder does not depend on the diameter of the charge, critical. and ideal velocities practically do not differ, Hence, the authors conclude that the detona- tion vani8hes zithout ejecting the incompletely reacting substance from the reaction zone. This vanishing is caused by radial expansion of the detona- tion products occurring along the edges of the charge. It is known (Ref. 8, H. Eyring, R. Powell et al., Chem. Rev., -4a, 69? 1949) that the detonation front is bent due to this expansion, i.e., the smaller the radius of the charge, the more it is bent. The current of substance is diverged when passing the bent front. This means that the radial expansion of the substance behind the front of the convex detonation wave covers the whole cross section of the charge, irrespective of the distance covered by the diapersion wave, A certain curvature of the -front causes the pressure to decrease to an extent which stops further expansion of the detonation. Card 4/6 Determination of the width ... ,"0742 3/020/61/137/006/olt;/020 B103/B215 The.-e are 1 figure, 1 table and 10 references: 8 So7iet-bloc. AZ'SOCIATNN: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii natlic SSS? (Ins-titute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences) PRESENTED: October 29, 1960 by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SU--:,'ITT-'-'D: October 26, 1960 Y Card 5/6 Determination of the zidth... Legend to Fig. 1, Dependence of mass velocity in aluminum on thickness of plate. Abscissa: Ordinate: M Sec. Legend to Table 1: 1) Thickness mass velocity, of plate, mm, 2 m/sec. 20A2 S/020/61/137/006/016/020 B103/B215 HIce goo 0 1 1 3 J T a (S Toaujims Macconas M.Cia'81%111 MIACINK. CXOPMb.. 113ACTS". CXOPOCTh 34W 1 MICCK UK. MW ulcex 0,00 210() 1,38 1340 0.30 1700 1.95 1320 ./0,59 1500 2,90 1 1260 0,74 1400 5,W t230 1.00 1330 4 0 4 Card 6/6 21573 S/020/61/137/003/027/030 A P B103/B208 AUTHORS: Apin, A. Ya., Kostin, I. D., and Stesik, L. N. TITLE: Detonaiion of ballistite powders PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137# no- 3, 1961, 652-653 TEXT: The authors studied the detonation velocity (D, m/8ea) as a function of the charge diameter of a compact explosive on two samples of H B (NB) ballistite powder containing 40% nitroglycerin. Their density was 1.62 glcm@ The critical diamertere of the samples were different, probably owing to some deviations from the nominal composition. D was measured on the Cd@P (SFR) device by the optical method. A cast charge of the composition rr 50/50 (TG 50/50) with the same diameter as the charge in question was used as auxiliary detonator. Experiments with sample no. 1 disclosed V\/ that D is practically independent of the charge diameter. D was assumed to vary in a very narrow range o-r diameters (of about 1 mm) which are. near the critical diameter. To check this assumption, experiments were made with sample no. 2, and the same results were obtained. This indicates Card 1/3 Detonation of ballistite powders 21573 S/020/61/137/003/027/030 B103/B208 initiation. Such an initiation takes place particularly if the detonator does not touch the surface of the charge, but is at some distance from it. The authors confirmed in experiments of this kind that 1) detonation is either initiated by a high D (at a certain depth of the charge), or 2) the charge does not detonate. These experiments have shown that NB powder is very little sensitive for the transmittance of a detonation over an air interval. Its 20-mm charge does not detonate any more by a charge of cast TG 50/50 of the same diameter if the interval is 4 mm. Under the same conditions, TG 50/50 does not detonate at a distance of 25 mm. There are 1 table and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: M. A. Cook, R. Keyes et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 12, 32 (1957). ASSOCIATION; Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: October 29, 19601 by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED. October 26, 1960 Card 3/3 f 1503 3/020/61/137/004/028/031 0 0 3103/B208 AUT60RSa Apin, A-.Ya..,:Stesikg L. N.p and Shvedova, N.S., TITLEa Shock adiabate of Ballistite powder PERIODICALe Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no- 4, 1961t 908 - 909 TEXTs The shock adiabate represents the relationship between pressure and density of the substance in the shock wave. The laws of conservation of mass and momentum f?OD - jp (D - U), P - ?ODU (1) relate the pressure P and the density y with the propagation velocity D of the shock wave and with the flow velocity U of the substance behind the front of the shock wave. The shock adiabate is determined from the measured values D and U. Shock adiabates of both inert and non-detonating explosives were deter- mined in several recent papers. A knowledge of the shock adiabate of a non-detonating explosive is useful when studying the mechanisms of dis- solution and theicourse of the chemical reaction in the detonation wave. Compact explosiv's are most interesting from this point of view, as their density deviates only slightly from the maximum. The authors have now Car-d 1/6 23,503 S/020J611137/004/0281031 Shock adiabate of B1031B208 determined the shock adiabate of H (N) Ballistite powder which contains 27% nitroglycerin, and has a density of 1,58 g/cm% The experimental methods were previously described (Ref. 3, A.R. Dremin, G.A. Adadurov, DAN, 128, no. 2, 261, 1959). D was measured in the powder (thickness of the layer t 5 mm). The shock wave penetrated a 5-mm copper plate. The shock adiabate of copper is known. The moment when the shock wave passed through the powder layer was recorded by an OK-15M (OK-15M) cathode oscil- lograph. The relation between the depth where the detonation Is released and the pressure in the shook wave entering into the powder was first de.- termined. It was concluded from Fig. 1 that D in the powder N may be de- termined up to a pressure of about 130*109 bar. Table I contains experi- mental data. It is expressed in the coordinates Df U as followss D - 1.760 + 1.86 U (km/sec) (2). By substituting this value in Eq. (1) one obtains a formula that interrelates pressure and density in the shock wave3 P - (1-76)2olo 10 -9 ) 17_7 MO The limiting o r@/90-1.86(?/? 0 - compression (.P/po)m.. of the powder in the shook wave is determined there- Card-2/6 Shock adiabate of ... 21503 3/020/641/1-37/004-/028/031 B103/B208 froato i-f the pr -essure approaches- in-finityi'. (?/?c,)M.- x was-found to be 2.16. In the-pressure range@ of 35XIO 9 127*10? bar the shock adiabate of the powder N is well descrited by the exponential formula P - 5,,31 9-10 1 [(Vlp0)7-1 _W.@, The resu-Itant- value of - the- qhock' adi- abate may be used for estimating pressure and density of the powder in the peak of the reaction zone of th Ia shock .waveog @or this pt@rpose,. the shock adiab&te has to be ex"trapolated. up to th@ point'of intersection with the @icheison' strafght lines 2_ 2 , P ___ To co,nstrue-b D Vo. VQ-- Me this straight line,the detonati Ion velocity. q.f.the pov@er It mant-be, knov'nj 'it Vks found to'be '7010 m/sec, Extrapola@ioji gave a' pressure .9 3124,10. 1 baro a 'density of 2,P64-g/am% and m&is'-,Vblvciiy in thii"ZOLOW 262.0 miseeg, The pressure of the explosion produc:ts* in the Chapw6ik,,&; Jouguett,plane of the detonation wave of the pbvdei? N was 2040109'ba:r. :The, ratio of the.pressure izf the.chamical peak to the pressure in the Chapman-J.ou'get plane - is 1,o5f3p- which agrees iditbedita obtained, by other Card 3/6 2ZC3, a/q2O .7.1/q04/Q28/031 .Shoick ;adlabate of B,,@OT/5208 .Ilu$h&rsw -Th&re-axeril figur" V tabllip',- and -.7;-!~eferenceoW6-~.aevi"04-i~bloo ,apd J"- Ther reference- to.1he kaglish laagiiage@4011-catlon mr, f ollawsx Refj If Wlo@ Duft-p So Iloustono. J* CheMA Phys4i 956),v: 43SOCIATLOls -IrLbtitub kbimioheskoy lizIlvi Akaclemit wiuk, SSSR -(Instltute of Chif*kcal Physics. of the- Academy.of solalleQ13% USSR,) @ENTKD9 October. 29,1.@',1960 by.V*N' Kendr"*Yev,#- Academician P RE SUBMITTM October 26,@'1960, Card 416 S/020/61/137/004/028/031. Shock adiabate of B103/B208 200,101 ISO fSO Q6 0 S- Legend to Fig. 1. Relation between the deoth where the detonation is released and the pressure in the shock wave. Abscisaaet mm or&inatess bar. Card 5/6 21503 S/020J61/137/,POAI/0281031 Shock adiabate of B103/B208 T 000 A It 495 1 581 6m, 6930 3790 4010 togs 1185 68 78 2,224 2,244 &Tr5o/5o 1 592 7400 M80 1200 96 2,09 1:655 7WO 4440 1435 t02 2,336 Pyexcoreff i,OM 822Q 4521) t6w t37 2,499 Y Table 1. 1) Active explqsivet A) troty i l, B) Tr 50/50 (T05P I50), C) Hexogen, 2) 9 9/cm-7. 3) O ltion aeto a n velocityp 6/see; V 1) in t e 4 powder, M/se mass velocit c, 5) vt m/sec, , 6) pressure in the, povder 10 burl 7) density of the powder, 91CM 2 Card 6/6 AKTUI moo P6. r/cm, I CROPOC'm AtTOWARUM N/Ctx JCOPO"h YA&P. molk $0.4"m a nopoxe. U/CeK M&CCONAM CXOPOC-M a nopoxe. WIM "93" 110, 1 11AMOC" nopon. rftm- Tponut 1,203 5W 3100 725 35 .2,064 t,208 5700 3170 735 37 2,058 J,315 Om 3430 M5 47 2,It5 1,405 6360 3570 965 55 2,175 1,463 6560 37W 1060 63 2,202 Accesmw n: AP4035820 S/0020/64AW002/0152/0153 AMM: Yakovleva, Go So; Apin,' A. Ya.; Kuxbangalinai Ro Kh.; Ates1k#' Le Vo TITIZ: The rate of detonation of liquid hydrazoic said I'SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*,, ve 156- no. 1,, 1964,, 152-153 .TOPIC TAGS, hydrazoic acid# explosives detonatioup detonation ratep liquid bydrazoic acid @ABSTRACT; t Is of HN3 is not used in practice as an explosive., nevertheless,, I interest to determine its detonation characteristics in the liquid state* MeasurID-1 Ment of the detonation characteristics are frequently used in the studies of the equation of the state of gases at high pressures (hundreds of thousabdo of atmos- !.pheres)'and at high temperatures (several thousand degrees). In treating experl- mental data one is involved with multicampoaent, systemsp since the majoilty of explosives consist of at least four types of atoms. Consequently, the explosim, products contain several types of molecules. In this respect HN differ* favorably" @-from other explosives because one might expect that products of letonstion of liquid 11N will consist primarily of molecular nitrogen =A hydrogen. The rates 3 Card L 8901-65 EPA/EWTW/EPA(b) DIA (h) - PC_4/Paa-4/Fd-4)-W-4/ 'ACCESSICIT HRs AP4044730 S)-2/EYT(m)[EW(c.)/KPq/EWP(J)/FCS(f)/H/~CS-(k)/ JAUTHORs Stesik, L. N. (Moscow)i Shvedova, K. S. (Moscow) ITITLE3 Detonation of condensed explosives of small char-go density ISOMICEs Zhumal prikladnoy makhaniki i tokhnichaekoy fizikip no. 4j 1964# 124-126 TOPIC TAGS: explosivej, detonation.. detonation voloc-ity) trotylp totrylp haxogenp nitrocellulose# charge density 1ABSTRACTs To study the possibility of calculating the-det n on velocity of lexplosives with very low char lonsitien (O.O05-`--O-0lg/cMo)., the detonation Ivelocities or nitrocelluloR.6 ges (13.3% V) in cellophane cases with densities It Iof 0. 13-0.67 _&7o-m_5 -were meaEad by high-speed photography. The detonation ivelocities of charges with lower densities (O.OO5-.0-0)-,-g,/,cm3) were then calculated! with a computarand the results were compared with the curve of detonation velocity.,' ivs eharf:o density extrapo ted from data obtained at the higher densities. The results for nitrooolluloBaXro represented by curve 3 .in Fig. 1 of the Emlosure. The results showia tha extrapolated values were ia good agreement with i calculatad values. In the calculations, it was assumed that the heat capacity of Initrocellulose is 605.4 kca3/kgl thermodyaamic, equilibrium is established in the I i Card I 1 89,01-65-.- 1ACCESSIM VRs AP40"730 .detonation wave# and the explosioR pr b y the idoal gat; law. Analogous 1 11 tM11hoexegen,, PM1, and pAerig a at a .caloulations were made for Jr2ty-@L@e Isingle charge density of 0.01 dcm3 . These values togo5ther with pfVv16ufi ex- 1perimental, values obtained at higher densities are aloo plotted in the figure. Curves 6. 5p 4,and 2 represent trotylp picric acid,PFTN, and hazogen,, respeotively,l Trotyl and picric acid showed good agreement between extrapolated experiaental land calculated values. For PNTN and haxogen, the calculated values were consider- ably lower than the extrapolated data. The largest diserepancy was found with haxogen, To explain thin# special tests were made with'hexogen of 0.53-1-g/cla density. The results are represented by curve 1. It was found that the present i ieXperimental data were somewhat lower than those obtaimad previously* This Is lattributed to the use of glass oases. Orig. art. haal 4 tables and 1 figure. ASSOCLATIONt none SUBMITTEDs O6Jan64 SUB CO@Zs WA ATD PRESS$ 3105 NO Rgr BOVs 003 J2;CLs 01 OrHSRs 004 213 L 45087-65 EPA/EPA (a) -2/EWT (m)/EPF (c )/EPR/D--1PQ )/EWA(0 PC.-4/Paa-4/Fr-V------'---- P,3-vPt-.?. RPL WW/aM/RM i I A"CtSSION ---'------~-Ult/020T/65-/00a/OOP/0146/ol4 'AUTHOR: Apin, A. Ya. (Moscow); Stesik L. N. (Moscow) TITIX: *Mechanism of the chemical reaction in the detonation of solid explosiveti SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i t*.-khnicheskoy fiziki, no. 2, 1965, 146-149 TOPIC TAGS: detonation, reaction mechanism, explosive, solid explosive, NB explosi N explosive ABSTRACT: The effect of additives (finely ground CaCO3, MgO Bi2031 PbO, HgO, and W) on the critical charge diameter (dl*) of solid explosives ?Powder Wcontaining 4o%,nitroglycerinAand powder N containing 28% nitroglycerin and 11% dinitrotoluene)'' was atudied photo&aphically using cylindrical charges 25-30 cm long in cellophanel cases. Both the critical diameter at w1jich the detonation propagates steadily (,d#4 and the diameter at which the detonation velocity decreases (d*-) were determinedp and the data tabulated. In all cases in the presence of additives, particularly PbO, HgOj and B12 C@ , a considerable decr6ase in d* wait observed. The data indicate that d* decreases linearly with the distance between the additive particles in the explosive. Based on this conclusion the following reaction mechanism is suggested. The reaction is initiated at certain centers by the reflection of the detonation wave from the additive particles or other nonuniformities In the explosive, nnd the Card 1/2 L .45087-6,9 ACCESSION NR: AP5013384 reaction spreads to other points.of the charge. Thus the reaction proceeds in two.' stages, the initiation stage (reaction delay, to) and the reaction propagation time (tp).. The total reaction time is: -t to+ tp= to+ (r-0/2u, where r is the aver- age distance between the reaction centers, a is the,size of the center, and u @5 Ihe average detonation velocity. The distance r may be expressed as r H-1/3 w ere K,is the number of reaction centers (number of the additive particles (n );,lhus the number of nonuniformities in the explosive (n), i.e., S = no + n. When 6, and. no are negligibly small, then %311 = constant, and each explosive may be characteriled by this constant. The minimum value of the initiation impulse needed for a-stable detonation near the critical diameter is proportional to the.critical volume V = d*3., Thus the sensitivity of explosives may be characterized by V*-1 a AN, wtich depends on the chemical properties and uniformity of the explosive. Orig. an art. has: 2 tables and l.figurei- [PSI ASSOCIATION: none, 31jan64 M CL: 00 SUB CODE: WA, FP 0 REF SOV., 005 OTHER: 002 ATD PFMS:, @Cccrd 2/2' 4 ACCESSION NR: AP4022725 S/0020/64/lb5/002/0422/0425 AUTHOR: Stesikov, V. P.; Ovchinnikov, Yu.I V.; Kargin, V. A. (Academician) TITLE: Effect of nonsolvent on the physico-mecnanical properties of concentrat- ed solutions of 13olymers. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 1.)5, no. 2, lzi64, 422-425 TOPIC TAGS: polymer property, acrylonitrile methyacrylate copolymer, poly- mer solution property, property change, glass point temperature, strength, relative elongation, propylene carbonate solvent, dibutyi phathalate, supermole- cular structure, polymer solunility ABSTRACT: The possibility of changing a wide range ot the mechanical proper- ties of concentrated solutions of polymers by changing the solubility oz the poly- mers in a solvent system was investigated. The physico- mechanical properties of concentrated solutions of acrylonitrile-metnacrylate copolymers (2ula metha- crylate) s-uch as glass point temperature (Tg) (fig. 1),strength and relative elon- Card 1 ACCESSION NR; AP402272b gation during rupture (tig. 2) were determined using a solvent system having propylene carbonate as the low molecular solvent and dibutylphthalate as the nonsolvent. The polymer strength in the pure solvent is low, but it increases rapidly by adding 10-201/6 dibutylphthalate, and decreases thereafter upon separa- tion of two macroscopic phases, namely a solution of a copolymer in a low mole- cular liquid and a solution of a, liquid in a copolymer. The effect of tne amount of nonsolvent on the glass point temperature is somewhat similar; at up to about 1016 dioutylphthalate the glass point changes little, then rises snarply in the 10- 20116 range. In the first case, where the low molecular liquid combines well with the copolymer, the mechanical properties are determined by tne primary structural units of the polymer-the polymeric chain. In the second case, above 1016 nonsolvent, the mechanical properties are determined by the secondary structures- blocks of chains. This change occurs within very narrow dibutyl- pnthalate limits, Thus the physico- mechanical properties of polymeric solutions are varied significantly within the limits of one and the same phade by cnanjing their supermolecular structure, which is accomplisheo by changing the solubility Card 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4022725 ENCLOSURE:01 dibutylphtnalate content Fig. 1. Relationship between glasspoint temper- ature (T9 and non-Bolvent content. t dibutylphthalate content Fig. 2 Relationsnip between ultimate strength (cr) and relative elonga- tion during rupture ( 6) and the non-solvent content: 1. ultimate tensile strength 2. elongation during Card 4/4 USSR/Mathematics - Continuous Fractions Card 1/1 Author : Stesin, I. M. Title : Conputation of eigenvalues by means of continuous fractions Periodical : Usp. mat. nauk, 9, No 2, 191-198, 1954 Abstract : Extends the method for finding the eigenvalues of a symmetrical matrix A and linear operators by means of the conversion to a continuous fraction of a special series, which was indicated by L. A. Lyusternik in his report entitled: "Reshenlye zadach lineynoy algebry metodom nepreryvnykh drobey, Otchet otedla priblizhennykh vychisleniy ITM i VT AN SSSR %a yanvaryl-iyull 1952 g. [Solution of problems of linear algebra by the method of continuous fractions, report of the division of approximate computations of the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Technology for January-July 1952]. Acknowledges the helpful advice of L. A. Lyusternik. Submitted July 24, 1953 at' Y is. - elm. 20953"IW71@ussian Let v->x > - - - be (lie set of numbers. such that d where K is mmetric ositiv s 2(s o a e y, , y p . yL " @ d i l h ==I. definite kerne t . t /jx)=Y, ,4,(x) w Ed, Let 1&;-!f.IIK1,.-jdy. c.@f.IVI% Develop the series into a tin ed f ti con u rac on + +T+ Let the zeros of the denominator Q.(4) of the nth cOn. vergent of (*) be d2noted by :!., >z.,> - - .. It is known [Stesin, Uspehi M?t. Nauk (N.S.) 9 (1954), rio, 2(60), 191- 198; IMR 16, 405]. that as n-00, Vie author now gives asymptotic bounds (or as 01-+00, Thic proof for even n is given in detail. Let B.,= The result-for even n is-that, up U) quantities of 3rd order in h., B,,(l @Aj