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Y~~CoMsrsloa of eth=9, ptopane, and WWi W clefiriC
90an KrAtkj itilT "cv Wplpa. Chem. PrfimyjJ 4(29)A
,9~POMM::-A methods and their;
ecanomic value. L. A. Helwkh
ZA SOCIALISTIKOU VEDU A TECHNIKU (For a Socialist Sclanoe an4 I~nginaering)
Vol# top No, 5p Fayp1954
Development-of proRallent fuels in Czechoslovakia.
.The present position and trends of the consumption and productibn of
propellants in Czechoslovakia are discussed. To cover the require-
ments it will be necessary to extend and develop the production of
liquid fuels not only frork coal but also by increasing the refining
By V- Stepin ........... 195
W n-I
30791 Processing of Several Waste hoductj From the
-Mineral-Oil RefinMes of Czechoslovakia. Ober die Verarbel.
tuttx &us Mirwt d6traffincrien der
Itsit. (C4rrnanj V. Wpfm. Chemische Ta Ark1k. v. 6, no, 10,
Ott. 19M, p.
Muthod3 fu~ c%tsacting useful components such I's II.So"
asphalt-like subsitincts, and sulfo-40(h from acid sludge. FLw
charts, tahIci. (To be contintwd,)
"Technical and Economic Prerequisites for Cracking Petroleum in Czech-
oslovakia", P. 232, (PAIIVA, Vol. 34, No. 9, Sept. 1954, Praha, Czech-
SOi Monthly List of East European Accessionaj (EEAL)j LCI Vol- 3, No. 12,
Dec. 1954P Uncl.
Czechoslovak reLineries in the hands of the people. p. 145.
(FALIVA, vol. 35, no. 5,9 May 1955, Praha)
SOt Monthly List of Zast European Accession,(EEAL), LC, Vol. 4.
No. 11,Nov. 1955, Uncl.
Chemic3l FrOcessing Of ccal, crude oil, and natural gas in CzechoslovLcia
P. 111, (CzechoElovuk Heavy Industi-
() Vol. 9, ITO. 9, 1957, Czechoslovakia
j iZ-
A! 0 f,
f ti-je 111dustry of Ljqjjjd Fuel and
Tasks 0
Lubr~.cants -Aime s.,j,-,jjg Che Devejol;Icent
of Mr,)torization. jr, Czechosiovakia
No-. tecim. 1915P, I No 31 107-112
2U Pj -it prospects of motorization in
P P A C T Dei;~'-lopmel
a--o considered and; -In connection therewith,
:,Ttalyvi~ is presented of tbe -f-rincipa-I defects of the
I~d,~jmestic -i.'ades c;' gasollne and motor lu-brickfits. The
A oducts
r,--jii1rements Which must be met by t1liese petroleum pr
S/081/63/000/004/1~40 ~O51
St6pina, Vh I esel', Vficlav, Cvejka, Prantisek
Method of producing engine oils for two-atroke -aaoline
Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaj no- 4, 19631 536, abstract
4P262 (Czech. pat.'103403, Jan. 15, 1962)
TEXT: An engine oil for two-stroke gasoline engines, which is introduced
into the engine mixed with the gasoline, is produced from the aromatic
extract from selective-refined mineral oils by using propane extraction to
remove the polycyclic compounds from the extract, adsorption refining,
H2so 4 refining or hydrofining. The polycyclic compounds can be removed
from the extract in a mixture with a hydrocarbon solvent such as white
spirit, diesel fuel or used ;ngine oil. The refined mixture obtained in
this way is used as the engine'oil. For example a medium extract
(viscosity 360 cat/500C) was dissolved in white spirit to a viscosity of
75 cat/500C and then refined with 3 - 4 ~- H2 so 41 lixiviatedt washed with
water and driedl a refined product was obtained consisting of 75 % oil and
Gard 1/2
Method of producing engine B160/BI66
25 cifo white spirit to be used,as engine oil. EAbstrac,ter's notes Complete
Card 2/2
s t ry
STEPINA , Va,- I Ev,
Present problems of upgrading lubrioating oils by additivea.
Rope. a uhlie 6 no.lOz289,-290 0 164.
1. Benzina National Enterprise, Department of Lubrication and Fuel
of -oc-n:, r.
I~F~ I,T N A
TwentiEit~ anniver-.;;~ry Of thf! hLA--lition tin', t.,.e petrolelrn-
inclu,3t.rv in czecnoslowikia. Illona ri uhlie 7 Ap I 6Z
Naticn,~tl Entorpriso, llrag,iol, :,ephrtne!!T, of'
DiLrlcation and r"tiel Tec-hnologj.
GLEBOV$ M.A., kand. eel I skokhoz.rmuk; STEPINA, V.G., uchony-jr agronon
Economic aspect of concentrated spraying of 2ugar beets. ZUBhch.
raut. ot vred. i bol-5 no.9:8 S 160. (MIRA 15:6)
(Smela District--Sugar beets-Diseases and pests)
(Spraying and dusting)
STEI-21A V. N.., "Hetero--enic inoculation of the Brcwn-F-ierce tumor and
.0 -
studies oil the antii-enic vroT-erties o-.' heterotrarspiants". Moscow,
1955. Inst of Eridejriolo~~; and Microbiolo~y imeni Honorary Academician
N. F. Gamaleya, Acad Med Sci USSR. (Dissertations for the de:.-ree of
Candidate of Eedical -cience.)
"JO: Knizimaya Letopia' No. 50 10 Decembor 151:5. Moscom
STEPINA, V. V. (K~ T Se L t z A D,- 5~a Kn,-,e 11 -1 It --.Icoco, d. I I
:7ancar Cr.-f Vop.cmk.
(ul-U. 12:L9-)
3. 17 Instituta i r,,j~-,,objnjcpJ-L im. 11.7. G.,r)-,laya (dir.
P I-C f . S.N. Ra --wat s.7, "1 t e 1 d e ys tv i % A 1 Ity7 c hle-r-
OW SSSR prof . L..A Z! 1
Uving the method of immunological tolerance for inhibiting
antibody formation to tissue antigens. Vop. oak. 6 no. 9:9-15
s 16o. (MIRA 14:1)
Use of immunological methods for detecting the virus of breast
cancer in mice. Vop.onk. 7 no-5:59-62 161. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Iz laboratorii immunologii (zav. - deystv. chl. AMN SSSR prof.
L.A. Zillber) Inatituta eksrorimentallnoy i klinicheskoy w,*ologii
At-III SSSR (dir. - deystv. ch]. A1,114 SSSR prof. N.N. Blokhin),
V.11.i ZlLlo~lit, L.A.
Ad5orption of nouss leukosls virus by ery-throcytes. Vop.
virus.7 no.3.-309--311;~ MV-J9162. (14DA 16.-E)
1. Institut ekspei-L-aentallnoy i klinicheskoy onkolo-ii A~-M
SSSR, ,bsk-va.
(L~X~-:IIIA) (VlhU6hS) (E*,mii;.aYTES)
STEPINA, V. N.,(Mosk7a, TSentr. ul. Bogdana Klmlinitskogo, 11, kv. 27)
Comparative study of the methods for purifying immune antineo lastic
sera. Vop. onk. 8 no.2:12-15 162. (MIRA 157
1. Iz laboratorii immunologii (zav. - deystv. chi. AMN S&SR, prof.
L. A. Zillber) Instituta ekspertmentallnoy i klinicheskoy onko-
logii AMN SSSR (dir. - deystv. chi. AMN SSSR, prof. N. N. Blokhin).
24(2) SO 7120-128-' -1 81/r,8
AUTHORS Garber, R. I.,
TITLE: Etching Patterns of Elastic Calcite Twins
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 3, FP 4?,--.Ol
ABSTRACT: It appeared to be of some interest to investigate the lv.,-
patterns of the crystal during the formation of elastic ir.s,
which differ from twin intermediate layers by their wedg-
shaped appearance. Besides, the original position of the
crystal planes is not yet found when investigating the elastic
tidn formation in the mother cryatal. Strong def ormati ons irE
thus caused in the neighborhood of the elastic twin. The
latter have already been described by R. I. Garber (Ref 4)
(see also G. B, Rays, Refs 1, 2). An elastic twin of th~
dinary shape was completely contained within the sample a:,.
did not cause any particularities on its surface which occur
on etching. It was particularly interesting that the twin left
the crystal for the shear plane. The performance of these
experiments is briefly described. Etching traces in the form
of small slits occurred on the face along the line of inter-
Card 1/3 section of the elastic twins and the surface crystal face.
~'tching Patterns of Slastic Calcite Twins SOV/20-128-3-18/58
The etching patterns of the elasiic twins are illustrated in
a figure. They expand with decreasing thickness of the twin,
Narrow lines occur on the etching of deformed crystals. The
former are probably special deformation lines, which have
not yet been found in calcite. By changing the distance from
the point of contact of the wedge with the crystal up to the
polished face, and also by changing the strain, it is possible
to obtain various cross sections of the elastic twin with
polished surface and, consequently, with different length of
the etching trace, provided the twin length is given. Another
figure shows the formation of a parallelogram on the etching
pattern near the vertex of the elestic twin. This parallelo-
gram forms the base of a roof-ohaped cavity which is formed
at the sharp edge of the elitatio tni.n or. etching. The fourth
figure illustrates the arrangeman'. c'L the traces of the clpava6e
faces on the shear plane near tLe peaks of the elautia 'bwJ.,-..
The formation of the lattEr may be regarded as a rotatli..)n t)f
the ranges of planes about a d-ifinite angle within the tvvi~t
range. According to the thickness of the wedge and the v~tlue
of angle a at the boundariea of the twin range, different
shift of the mixed ranges of each plane is obtained by tap
Card 213 rotation. If this shift amo,~ints tc nn inte~;er k of the
Etching Patterns of Elastic Calcite Twins SO V I/ 2o- 123-3-18/.58
Na, the deformation at the bowi.,lar.- may assizne its least
value; otherwise defects of the kiad of dislocationa wo-_zid
occur. The least relative elanti~- Jeftrmations are fo-cnd
in the ranges of the least values of the above intej,,er k.
Certain deformations are perio4ically arranged alor;- %he
,4: , I
boundary of the wedge-shaped twin at distances of 1,_ ~17
The typical etching pattern is formed only when the
emerges on the face. There ~re 11, figures and 4 referen,,e.3..
3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institat A'P-adcnii nauk USSR
(Physical-technical Instituta 6'- the Acadeuy of Sciences ,f
the UkrSSR)
FRESENTED: April 15, 1959, by 1. V. Olbreizc-v, Acadenfcian
SUBMITTED: April 13~ 1959
Card 3/3
Etching figures of wedged elastic twins. Kristallografiia 5
no-5:811-813 S-0160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Ali USSR.
(Urystallography) (Calcite)
S 8 1/6 1 /'00.'/CC,21026/V-_)0V
T I TL-;-': Defects at tiie boanJMry of twin lla.,ers
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 12, 1961, 514-519
TEXT: 1ri order to investigate plastic deformations in twinning it is
necessary to study structure and properties of the boundary layer in a
twin crystal rind parent crystal. It has already been investigated for
several times experimentally by using etch patterns and theoretically
by assuming that the boundary has a dislocation characteristic. In a
previous paper tiie author has already reported on investigations, which
lie had done on a wedge-shaped twin. This paper reports on stuL_es which
have been cone to clear the nature of defects appearing at the boundaries
of twin and parent crystals. The inve8tigations have been done on calcite
crystals which had been deformed by shearing and had also been etched
with a weak etching solution of type C_"4 (SR-4). Etch patterns have
been producea titid observe,l under various conditions. Under a NO times
magnificattic!', 1111'etch patterris observed were similar, i.e., small oval
Card 1/2
Defects at the boundary S/1 8 1 /61 /00 3/00211026/0.50
openings which are arra_,~,gea in rows. These results and those of the
previous paper fDAN SSSRj 126,no.3,495-0959) make it possible to draw
conclusions on the mechanism for defects to occur at boundary of twins.
Similar assumption3 are used with respect to the position of cleavage
faces of a wed&e-shaped tw4tri, as used by K, V. Vladimirskiy. It has been
found that etch patterns at the twin boundary would occur due to the
presence of finest layers of untwinned material at these boundaries;the
edges of' these `a,~,ers are bounded by twinning dislocations. During
the fusion of the boundaries in a reciprocal twinning or in a twinning
of a sem-, synthetic twin small islands of untwinnea material with twinning
dislocations at their edges will occur in the sample. At these places
there are etce patterns wh_,cr, are similar tc those observed at the
boundary of twin layers. Clogeed islands with disloptions can be re-
moved by suffiziently high shear stresses (100C g/mm ) with corresponding
signs~ 'here are 5 figures zind 9 references: 7 5oviet-bloc and 2 non-
ASSOCIATION: F_ziko-tekhn1_cheskiy institut Art USSR Khar'kov (Institute
of Phys-icai, Technology AS UkrSSR, Khar1kov)
SUBMITTED: 111ay 24, 1960
Card 2/2
L)pf(y!f.!- at ,Aorping pl:wvs of f.wjrj~-' boundar-Ar~.,.
7 nc).,!: -325-326 Mr-Ao '62. (1,,llLq 15:10
1. Fiziko-tekhnic~eskiy institut AN US~Sli.
(Crystal 9--beff-cts)
AUTbORSs Garber, R. I., and Stepina, Ye. 1.
TITLEs Mechanism of mixing of dislocations during elastic twinning
PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 1, 1963, 211 219
TE.~T: Formation and variation of elastic twins in calcite crystals was in-
vestigated by photographing and photometrizing the transmission interference
patterns. The elastic twins were created by pressing a steel ball against
a crystal face. Lenrth and thickness of the wedge~-shaped twine were pro-
portionnl to the load. The creation of the twin and its growth depended
greatly on the stress distribution inside the crystal, i. e. not only on
the load but also on the ball radius. Balis of different dimensions but
impressed with equal loads yielded twins of different length and thickness;
the greater the ball diameter the shorter the twin; twins of equal length
were thinner when produced by a larger ball. When changing from loading
to unloading, or vice versa, the twinning process shows a hysteresis effect
with respect to the twin length. This effect is due to the change in sign
of the dislocation friction forces (Peierls forces) when changing from
Card 112
Mechanism of mixing of ... B1021B186
loadin,~- to unloading. The kind qf hysteresis depends on the ratio between
Peierls forces and surface tension. In calcite the Feierls forces are
rather weak. The length of the hysteresis reizion decreases with the twin
length and it vanishes at 0.1-0.2 mm twin length. The rules governing .
shape and growth of elastic twins depend.uniquely on the dislocation dis-
tribution along the twin and this distribution is determined by the crystal
defects and the Peierls forces. There are 7 figures.
SUBMITTEDt July 28, 1962
Card 212
R.1.; STEPINA, Ye.i.
Strengthening of calcite following multiple twinning. Fiz. tver
tela 5 no.912656-2662 S 163. (MJRA 16:10)
Defects dlie to the fusion or tho! int,~rlnyar.,3 (.f a prlysynthetic twin.
Fiz. tver. tmln 5 no.12:3489-3495 D 163. (14IRA 17:2)
C~Ti. !-IT ,Y o. . 1 .
1~ . ! ..
it, 1! N, R $ ; ,
Sf!coridory cl(~fjwlee ir. Krlriuallografiiu )
o. '. -,'-)9 Mr-Ap 164. ( M:RA -! " . :., )
,_';,~5 5 `
1. F!zik-)-fekhnlchpqkiy ins-.1tut AN Ukrl'S!".
L 25o?5-61 EWT(l)/EEC(b)_2/T IJP(c)
AUTHOR., Garber, fl, Steni
TITLE.* Speed of vanishing of elastic twins in calcite
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7P no, 1. 1965, 141-166
TOPIC TAa8j calcite., twinaing..:g1astic twing twin velocity,, dialocWi;ion motion#
temperature dependence
ABSTRACT: The vanishing of elastic twins in calcite following a rapid removal
the load was measured by high speed motion picture photography. A diagram of the
equipment is shown in Fig. 1 of the enclosure., and an FP-22 camera was used for
the photography. An additional lens in front of the camera made it possible to
take pictures in natural size on 8 = film at.100,00C frames per sec:ond. The re-.
sults have shown that the speeds of the twins reach tens of meters per secondf
which is much higher than the value obtained ~y F. P. Bowden and R. E. Cooper
(Nature v. 195, 1091., 1962). An analysis of the kinetics of stress removal in a
crystal leads to the assumption that the speed of the twinning disLDcations in
Card 1/3
L 25075-65
A=siox HR s moo343o
calcite can be not lower than 100. M/sec. The temperature dependence of the pro-
cess was determined by placing heating coils, wound on flat thin mica plates, on
both sides of the crystal. These heaters could raise the sample ter;)erature to
4000. Tests have shown that the speed of the process increases with increasing
temperature. "The authors thank Ye. V. Ku_llh_av and V. A. Arinichg of the Unia-
grad LLechanica.1 Institute for making possible the use of the camera and for in-
terest in the work." Orig. art. has; 7 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institute AN UkrSSR, Khar1kov (Pt*-sinotechaical
Tualitu e.AH UkrSSH)
SUMTM: O8ju164 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: N P, ES.
NR REP SOV: 002 mm; oo6
L 6 ".. 1. ~ "
2507 - -' * -" - ** " "' ' ' -I", I '~:,
ACMRZWNRi AP5003430 '' - Fm:Dml ol . '' 11.11~' I -
I ~
Lsti -W-. .-.
38528-65 Go JD
EEC(b)-2/EWr(l)/EWT(m)/El.4A(c)/I-/,~4p(t). pi-4 Jjp(c)
ACCESSION NR: AP5005282 S/0181165/007/002i'0459/o463
AUTHOM Garber, R. I.; Stepina, Ye. 1.
.TITLE: Possitle mechanism for multiplication of twinning dislocations
Fizika tverdogo tela, v,, 7, no. 2, 19659-459-463
TOPIC TAGS: twinning$ dislocation loop, dislocation motion, crystal imp~.-rfection.
crystal inclusion
ABSTRACT: The authors propose a new mechanism for multiplication of tvianing dis-
locations, which may be effective in the case of crystals with a limited number of
sources, The mechanism is similar to that which gives rise to slip dislocations
near inclusions in a perfect crystal at sufficiently low general stress level, as
observed by J. J. Gilman (J, Appl. Phys. v. 30, 1584, 1959), differing from the
latter only in that the elastic field of the twinning dislocations movirg In the
neighboring layer may also participate in the production of the loop ane). may also
be concentrated on the Inclusion, The newly produced loops expand Under the In-
-fluence of applied stresses and give rise to nev loops on concentrator Inclusior-s
which they encounters This possibility of dislocation-loop nucleation on the con-
C,,d 1/2
centratorg in con,,4unction with the low energy,of formation of a tvo-dimension&l
1. nucleus on the boundary between the twin and the Went crystal. may make possible
transverse growth of a twin layer due to the formation of plain nuclei on the
boundary in the presence of random inclusions near the boundary. Such a. mechaniam',
agrees with the features of twinning in'calcite. The concentrators may be of dlf-i:
ferent sizes and may concentrate the stresses in different manners. Tht estimated!
critical dimensions of the created stable--loops, assumingthestress on the bound-i.
ary between the twin and the parent crystal to be In the range from ho tohoo` - j
g/mM2, is from 0.3 x 10-3 to 0.3 x 10-4 cm. It is pointed out in the conclusion
that the described mechanism is suitable for any'crystal, being independent of i
the structure, and does not pertain to twin formation in perfect crystals. "The
authors thank A. M. Kosevich, Is A. Gindin, and V. L. Indedbom for a diacussion of
the work," Orig. art, has: 2 figures.
ASSMIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheakly Wtitut AN UkrSSR, Khar1koy Obysicotechnical t
Institute.AN UkrBSR)
SMM t 22jui64 EXCLt 00 SUB CODZI SS
NIR REP SOVI 005 6MER 1 008
Card 2/2pj'is
oil QIe lurainercent, -urrlatlo, anu dL- I. ion
C1,111b0"'ate !*Ock LLy;!rs ar ruvea2tld try a rtA.zcfy r.-.adc in
'he cro.,r nection of Lower Carboni ferour in "he routhern
Tir,-,vi Ran~re. Lit. i -.-ol. iskop. rio.6:20-33 it-D 165.
(NIR,, 18:12)
I I nin,-7-ad.
-1. 75esf~ruz:lTr instit,ut rawedochnoy Le I
S~,'4ralucd S;~ov-~rr~xr 19644
Yugoslavia (430)
The relationship of two water currents in rocky
regions. p. 17. ELEKTOPRIVREDA. (Savet za
energetiku i ekstraktivnu industriju) Beograd.
(Monthly journal on power and extractive industry
issued by the Board of Power and Extractive Industry;
with English French I or Russian sumaries). Vol. 3,
nos. 11 (A-E~ - 12 (A-E), Nov. - 1952.
East European Accessions List. Library of Congress.
Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1953. Unclassified.
Determining the total of sulfur in high-boilling Lal. productS.
Ropa a a~,Lie 7 no.2:62 F 165.
1. Research Institute of Coke Chem-stry of the Urxovy zavcdy
National Enterprise, Ostrava.
Electronhotometer for the measurement of a beam of light of
very small intensity. Nauki matem przyrcd Lodz no.17:73-75 164.
1. Department of Experimental Physics, University, Lodz.
1 1 7 1 . .
, . , : . 1 1: - I . . I .
. - - h ... .- .1
ST ELI I_j, 11 F. ; GWCjl,, I.,".
j~ ~
"Possibiliti#,~; cf A-Dillyinp a Substitute Insulation in Cold Storape." T).21
(PRZ-:ZTY93, ROI-mN-f I SPOZYWGZY Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 195", *Yfarszawa, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East Pir2r~ean Accqssioji v 1954/Uncl.
~, LC, Vol - 3, no. 5, Ma.
1, 0
.:A-l i~~-H , - - .
"As Yet ijr!l tl]17.(.(i fodricr from vaitc trodnets of tho food in(iii.-it.rif r," Pncmysl
holny I ")pozywczy, loi*p-r-ozawa, Vol 8, "o 8, f-lig. 1954, P. 710.
SO: Enstern Fiiroperin Accesslons List, Vol 3, 140 11, Nov 1954, L.C.
I...; A.-Gic,~.!, :,..
Some ta~-ks of t~ie m~!at 2nd dkir7., industries in Uit fieli of increasinF and inprovirg
the production of f*ur2f-I-. 1). 10.
GOLPICIDARIKA VA. 7, No. 9 Sept. 1955
(Polskic 4~-&wni.(-twa Gospcklarcze) Warsz2wa
Z7.RCPE:L%' ~* LIST Vol. 5, 14o. I Jan. 1956
STEP11"SKI, .' .
SCEPI'SKI, ". Technical progress in the rieEt industry as the subject of the
deliberations, of the Collegium of the Ministry of the !eat and
i:ilk Industry. p. P.
Vol. 11, No. 1, Jan. 1956
lelarszaw~-,, Poland
So: East Europeon Accession, Vol. 5, No. 5, 1-lay 1956
-TrPT'~77 I V.
Some raw materials problens in the manufacturp- of elatin.
n. 112, (Pr7rrnvsl Spoz,,wcz,,-. Vol. 10, no. 3, Mar. 1956, ~Iarszawa, Poland)
..ontlil,,, Index of Yast Furovc,~,- Accessions (!-;AT) 'P,. voi. 7, no. 2,
February- 19 ',
e c z -I
ave. A f, r 1
Modern meat plants in Bialystok, Czestochowa, Rzeszow. P-13
FR,e-%GLAD TFQNJ.CZN'Y. (Nacze1na Urganizacl~~a Technic;-na) arsz~--,,a, Pbland
Vol.80, no.15, Apr. 1959
-'.onthly List of L",t ;:,uropean Accessiois index, (EI-id) LC, Volob, no. June 19r-9
1 613
STETINUI, Mieczyslaw (Warszawa)
Internaticnal Packaging ixhibition in Italy. Przem spoz 15 ,,o.ll:
30-35 161.
S-I %, F111T "I's Ki ~ Rier~zyelaw
Detter and better development of the export of Polish liquiurs a-rid
beer. Fr~cmpl ferrentacyjny 6 ric,*3.79-480 IlIr 162,
STEPINSKI, Mieczyslaw, ngr. (Warszawa)
Development of the export of agricultural and food articles. Przem
spoz 16 no-4:15-20 Ap 162
1. Redaktor dzialowy miesiecznika "Przemysl Spozywczy."
i-4_1071-65 EWr(d)/EEC(k)-2/EEC-4 Po-0q.0q_4/pk-
ACCESSION NH: AT5005432 Pr2510/64/0W/0r.-/00T3/W75_-j
AUMOR: Michalak, S. (Unalyak, S.); Rutkowski. ,T. (Ru C
tkovskiv, Xg&I
Stepinski., M. kStqnp1nakiy,_M.)
TITrE: Electrophotometer for measMELAG weak 31jLht currents
SOUWE: Lodz. , Universytet. Zeszyty naukove. Beiria, n.. Hauki matew;,tyczno-
przyrodniaze, no. 17,, 1964. FizYka.. 7j-'15
TOPIC TAM: electrophotometer, photometer, miltiplier,, amplifier,, faL. wave rec-
tifier, resistance, microameter, bridge circuit, dark current
ABSTRACT:, The photometer consists of a multiplier and a d-c linear amplifier. i
The multiplier', possessing a constant amplificatiV factor for a wide vange of i
photocurrents and a dark curtent of less than 10-Y A is powered by a Idgh-voltage;
stabilized ZWN 2800-4 feeder. The connections of the" amplifier in a Ullfige ar-
rangement with nonsymaetr1c JLnpAt axe shown In Fig. 1 of the Eaclosure,. The wor.
ing point of Ube 988CO vorking In the amplification range Is selected with the
aid of potentiometers Rl and R2 which also zeroize galvancmeter Go ReAtIstances
Re - 0.5 MIN I Wk and 5 HA x-oduce amPlificatlotA of 930 � 5%v 1760.10%, AM-
Card 1/0
L 4107-1--65
9100 respectively. The conneeion of'134011 and 670R. resistan!es in
paradlel. with Un microemmeter reduces the sensitivity of galvanometer I Ir 3. 10 and
5.24-fold respectively. The amplifier possesses a cowtant ampUftcaion factor
for currents from 10-4- to 10-10 A. The amplifier feeder, set in a ful L-wave
rectifier, is stabilized electronically and maiitains the power at 150 V with an
accuracy of about 0.1%. The total amplification of the electrolphatome!;er amounts
to about 5000 A/lumen. The defect of this arrangement Iles in an Instibility of
the zero point, of the order of 2.10-10 A/hr. Or1S* art. ban: 2 figures.
oodzklego (Da*rtment of
ASSOCIATION: Katedra, FizykLDosviadczalnej Vniversytetu L
Experiaental Phyalca,, Lods Univereity)
NO MW MY: 003 OMM: 001
Card' 2/3
L 1965M5 -b~.10(j)/94A(k)/FBD/EWT(I)/EWP(e)/EW'T(M)/FM(k)-2/F.EC(t)/V/EBC(l))-2/EWP(k)/
E'9P(b)/E14A (m) -2/FWA (h) Pn-b/Po-L/Pq-h/Pf-h/Pi-h/Pl-b/Pob IJP(C)/ASD(a) , -5AFE-IrRI
RAEN(a)/ESD(gs)/ESD(t) WGAA1
~ L ON 11 R: A 115 00 17 8 5 P/0053/64/000/OIL/0589/0596
"HOR: S -; Chwalko, R. . / a
1ITI.E. Measurements of power output and characteristics of rube laser
1.,at beam
SOURCE. Przeglad elektroniki, no# 11, 19649 589-596
TOPIZ, T-GS: laser output analysis~ruby laser, interference filter,
di3charge lamp, pumping source
.%~ . Z71AC'I :Ruby lasers made at the Institute of Physics, Polish Academy
of SxAe_njp_q, were investigated. The ruby crystals contained Cr ions
ii, J.05% concentration. The silver-coated interference mirrors had
a reflection factor of 99.2-99.5% and a transmiji(sion factor of 2.8-6z
for the 6943-A wavelength. Xenon-filled %Martz~'hnd glass discharge
lamps served as pumping sources. A bridge calorimeter with a bolom-
eter was used for measuring the output power. Operational time of
the laser was about 1 usec, duration of the measured laser pulse
was 5 x 10""4. and the energy was of the order of I J. It mis cbsetved thart
Card I / 2
L 32026-66 F r~Mj EIEC ( k2 /T / 7,14 F ( k1 JP(c) M;
ACC NR: A-16020362 SOURCE CODE: PO/0045/66/029/006/0753/0757
AU"MOR: Chwalko, R. Stepin,,ki, S. ;Hammer, H.
ORG: InsLitute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
TITLE: Spatial coherence measurement of gas laser output
SOURCE: Acta physica polonica, v. 29, no. 6, 1966, 753-757
TOPIC TACS: izsnr, gas laser, laser beam, laser emission coherence
ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the spatial coherence of an lie-lhi laser beazl.
Measurements were made of the output radiation of a cw He-Ne gas laser opez-ating at
6328 A. The laser consisted of a quartz discharge tube 995 mm long filled with -lie
at 0.5 mm lig and Ne at 0.1 mm Hg. The Lube, which was terminated with optical flats
oriented at Brewster's angle, was made of high-optical-quality synthetic fused
silica. The tube was placed between two external confocal spherical refiectors
mounted 111.4 cm apart. The reflectors, which consisted of vapor-deposited dielec-
tric layers, had reflection coefficients of 98.7 and 99.3%. Interference patterns
for pin-holes spaced 1, 2, and 3 imn apart and the intensity distribution of inter-
ference fringes were obtained. Analysis of the interference patterns showed, in
principle, that the degree of coherence of the laser radiation varied in differen--
parts of the laser beam and greatly decreased in the direction opposite to the
geometrical axis of the beam. The degree of coherence of the laser beam depends
L 32026-66
ACC NRt AP6020362
greatly on the mode exhibited by the laser. It was concluded that the la5er beam
was 11almost coherent" throughout its entire cross section and that a greater degree
of coherence can be obtained for some modes. Comparison of the flux-density of a
black-body radiation Ws and the flux-density of an "almost coherent" radiation beam
W shows that W - (0.16 A) 2W.. For a laser beam at A - 6328 X the ratio W 1W is
P 0 p p s
more than 101 times greater than for black-body radiation. Orig. art. has:
3 formulas and 8 figures. (JAI
Card 2/2_X0
Polish Technical Abst.
No. 4, 1953
2376 622.7-08:622-34
Stepinaki W. Yean Value Cuxves in Dressing Low Grade i
and Multi-M3tal Ores.
Krzwe sredniej wartosci przy wzbogacanlu rud ubogich
I rud wielometalowych. Frzeglad Gorniozy. N:). 1, 1953,
pp. 33-37, 7 figs., 2 tabs.
Washability curves for low-Crade ores give an Insufficent
degree of accuracy of readings for the metal content in
tailings. The accuracy of reading can be raised by the
transformation of graphs of medium.value curve.
Substantiation and methods for trorisforsUg these curves,
as well as for combining them with waaMbility iurves.
Application of this method to multA-cwtal orev.
~T -.:.
thc~ '-:ost 'ri-ofitable -vera---e ~;ontant ol ECtal in Ore." p. 257P
..j.. : , Vol. I, ."o. 3/4, 1953. 'd;arg,-a7,r a, I oland.)
.'~O: I'onthly List of East -,uropean Accessions, (EE,".L) , IC,
Vol. ~, Tlo. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl.
TF Pi /U
W e4erminivid the Optimum bletal cantea4 In are&
,,Oktvi onle nalkorsysinlojitzej rowertaict metalu w rudsit". Prits.
c)4d Gdrnlctj% No. 7, 1953. pp. 2-44-255, 3 litiv, 2 tabs.
The iijblem'of total metal obtained jointly by the ore mine and
Ilia metallurgical wnrkx. The call by metallurgical works for orts with
rinximum metal content causes the Intcrior ores to he left In the de-
Nvit, resulting In a loss to national economy. T" Increased cost In
eArocting interior ores Is offset by the Increosc In the quantity of me-
ful actually obtained from the -depozit, so that national raw material
remurces are being made effeclIvOy exploited. This Is subAnntlAted
by data contained in tables and gropliA nrcompanying V 0 article.
622.7.05 :1172.34
BI'Millski W. Analytilot Improvement ItaLikee In Ore Eitrichment.
7Xn-j-Tm'1' bilansu rneLdi wzbogacanto rod". Cdmictwo, No. 2, Kra-
If5w, IV5.1, PWN. pp 161-175, 1 fig., I tab.
Differences between the Uteoretically perfect find the actual Imprti--
vement bal4trice are first ditiousged. Estimation of ore enrichinent pro-
ce"Acs If, mechanical dreis!ng plants is often In error when based on
'~Pparers! raLn obtained !roiri nietul bilance data. The difference behi.Ten
Inp -urid 'lie true outpui of inctal depend:% (in an tinkrinwn
qujnwty. tkitt vilue ~,r which. canne! be eiUmatca, Thlq quantity may be
positive at negative. and accordingly rAther ra!~e., or d1miriLshes the
a, 11.1rent gain. It rt:suIU Iran, errors it. eAlmalmg the dry weight and
(he rittin of --netil In the Gled and end-prodiwIs. In practice. the dIf-
ference 6~,tween the viqlareal and the actual g,-trz depends, in the first
place. on themagnilinle of the errors In entimAiinq the weight and ratio
of niet.313 In like (red as well as oil diarmig" at,,] 4ust los.." of the can-
centrate In the Pillier, formulae are given by mein, of which it Is Pes-
Mbif, W catculatO conveniently. oil the grourds ct the basic data of
the inetal balance -- the unknown quantity. tie ictuai gain, the Iossp--
of ine0l,, the !rue weight-; of and the ineta; ratio in 11w, feed and In
limducts (it the metak In the f"d. Vvery kind .)( error is considered
fl(T,irateiY Wficri the efficiefivy ra1vulatiom ire carefully analygrd,
PArmila! h0p in d1wilvering th,! tnTor~ in mea,,ureinent~
and the undefinable hi--m- ut, .0sing tit the crifiching prock:~,.
Su%:h ,in iiPjalysir IN arifilled particuLirly in file case of multimetal tire
enrichment. wher, it is lio.,,slble tit compare the appirent :tnd actual
dala referring In hv,, or more met i1q,
~g(Spfh~k;_W. Rece"i Methods of Drealng flome Ores.
,Nowoczesnq sposoby w2bogacanin rud krqjowych". Przeglqd C6r-
niczy. Vo. 6, 11154, pp. 206-217, 4 figs.. 2 tabs.
Varlou.i possibilities of modernising mineral dressing processes. Th!
n4essily nf tecoveting the best mean metal content from the point of
view of lite redtiction of losses of metal In ore body and in metallurgical
procecRes. Ust! of beavy media separation for the poorest zinc and lead
ores as well a.- for slurries. Complement of flotation by subsequent clean-~
Ing In spiral ~vparalors.
Subject is co-author with J. Boracki, W. Jampel,,& M. Przedpelski, of the book "PLANOWANIE
HANDLU WFANMZNE7,011 (PLANNING DOMESTIC TRADE), Warsaw., Folskie Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze,
1955, Uncl. fsg
'T~',I "K1 , '.'.
". Determininz- the most economical m-tal content in an ore
concentr~~te. p. 417 Vol. 11, no. 11, Nov. 1955.
~jO?':IC Y.-
I . 7tilinogrod, i-oland.
SOU'.qCE: East European Accessions List (FFAL) LC VOL. 5p No. 6 June Z-56
(Polisli.) Tlw lld-ti,!n ll~twcesi Production Costs
cor I',:I I%-, / ..
Melahl iv koncrainvio im k~zlfdlowanit~ sit ka~46"-
Archittlim ct~ljkbltta, V. 1~
"'Or rotal Of 3 tOll uf th~xv ii u
filcit'i" 1~~ t'd il , .,,t,, I',1*11~ f,;Ii.ld 'L !vrillilling thi,
Profitableness of the mechanical preparation of coal for industrial use. p. 317.
ARCHDIUM GORNIGNA. (Polska Akademia Nauk. Kordtet Gornictwa) Warszawa, Poland
Vol. 3, no. "'v 1958.
Monthly list of East European Accessions Index (,'-EAI), LC,Vol. By no. 6j June 1959
STENISKI, Wledzimierz, prof,dr.,irz.
Profitableness of copper ore flotation. Rudy i metale 7 no.1:2-F
I"7--"Pll i~ hl
- i~- ', -'x prof. dr "z.
Gcmwrcial for=laB of concentrates and ores. Rudy i metali, 8
no.&284-290 Ag 263.
(1.2 RA vv)
I Wjo(izjmjer.-, prof. or Inz.
. . p
Curve of average values as an evaluation factor of two.-
stage flotation re5-,lt.s. Fuiy i metale 9 no.10;532-535 0 164.
~ I of' Min.Inj, and P.F-ttillur.U, Krakow.
1, ;(-h6o
17 Z
Stepinski Z.
Stepinski Z., Architects. "Some Remarks on the East-West Tnoroughfa;.-e." (Niektore
uwagi o projektowan iu Trasy Wschod-Zachod). Architekturas No 11-12, 1949, pp. 313-
326, hO figs.
An article writben by architects of the East-W,.-st Thoroughfare studio. It is In
the nature of an opefting to the discussion which is likely to develep on such a great
town-planninC undertakJng, the Fast-West Thoroupfifare already built, and an invitatlon
to other architects to participate. The article also gives some rertarks on the cond:L6.
tions in which the staff of the East-West Thoroughfare studio among the specialists in
terested. Such a discussion should give inddetail all the "pros and cons" necessary
to the formation of an objective o,,inion of the whole of the Ea5t-West Thoroughfare
and the establishment of a basif for suggestions for the future.
SO: Polish Technical Abstracts Do. 21 1951
The desigri of the building at the intersection of Szpitalna Street and
Rutkowski Street in Warsaw. p. 105*
LNZYNIFRIA I BUDaNNICT140. (Nacze1na Organizacja Techniczna i Polski
Zwiazek Inzynierow i Technikow budowlanych) Warszawa, Poland.
Vol. 16, no. 3, Mar. 1959.
Monthly list of 4ast %ropean Accessions Index, (EM), LCO Vol. 8, no, 6.
June 1959
Reconstruction and regulation of the Rutkowski Street, formx,r ChnisIna
in Warsaw. Architektura Pol no.11/12:456-460 161.
SMMINA, Yo.V.; STEPL~~~, kand. filosof. nauk, red.; U24BEAGER,
M.Ya., toklm. red.
(Planetarium is a nidus of scientific ati.eistic propaganda; -n-
nual for teachers and cultural and educational workersl PlIaletarii -
ochag nauchno-ateisticheskoi propagandy; v poroshcht uchiteliu. i
kulltprosvetrabotniku. Red.i vstup. statlia 1'.A.Stepinskogo. Kursk,
Oblastnoe upravlenie kulltury, 1960. 77 p. (MIRA 14:111)
(Planetaria) (Atheism)
I it I ~y
Cn-Ck(-w1ov!1!, i i - 15
A a
Stepita, N.
g-, ven
T It 1, Lowerin,7 ti;k vater j^Ibsorptinn of Gypsum by Treitment
w 11 P1 a 1~~ t i c
ii,, L", -w,7-506
C r ~1' 112
':-)r ~iro-.erties of con5truction
viad,~ frnm. t;-ypFum, t;.(,, author recor.~-,ends
treq.tmont .-vlth solutionz.i of p1rietics in orgranic Bolv-
v-rts (arv.,eonn evjlF-iorii , ho.4ever, may not be used).
'V~ie technolo(ry used in the imprei7nation of 115 CM
thif-k ~- p3WI 131abs ir, kjescrit)ed. 'r
.Y he followini7 rna-
terial-9 v~re u:-,ed in t-ne process: fl) a sojution of
tLe nonomer of the methyl. ecter of merhacrylic acid
(1) in bennene (IT) or in toluene (TIT) in the vres-
ence of benzoyl peroxide and (2) a solution of the
of I in mixturni -.,r;.rh 60-,,a IT or Ill and 20%
alcolhol. Phe 6trenit.r- of the slabs
STEPITA, Rastislavp inz,
Protection of chemical industry buildings, Poz stavby 12 no.q:
395-396 164.
JTE-,"Y,t,, F.
ll.duccessful tractor(kivers have an easy life nowadays." (p.5)
11~;ooperative markets in 0'amorin and C-abcikovo.1' (P-5)
FOLNICht- NOVErf. (Poverenictvo rodohospodarstva) Bratislava, Vol. 8 No. 7L, Nov. 1953
SO: East European Accessions List, Vol. 3, No. 6, Aug. 195h.
FORT~ Josef, inz. (Praha); STEPKA, Petr
Notes on economical use of the milk fat. Prwm potravin 13
no-5:239-243 My '0'2.
1. ilhocesko mlakarny, nope, Tabor.
Umbilical hernias in newborn infants. Akush. i gin. 36 na.3:85-88
my-je 16o. (MIRA 13:12)
BOROZDE11KOV, V.I.; SIU-TNSKIY, K.P., jvtnd. nauk,
retsenzent; STEPKIII, O.S., inzh., retsenzent; UtGAI'OV,
V.G., inzh., red.
[Vacuum pumps in the chemical industry] Vakuum-nasosy v
khimicheskoi promyshlennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo q~ashino-
stroenie,t' 1964. 98 p. (MIRA 17:6)
STXPKIN, P.A., inzh.
Testing of three-Pole circuit breakers. Avtom., telem. I eviazO
4 iv. r a "w" VJ6 0. (MIRA 13:1
1. Inboratortya signalizataii I svyazi Garlkovskoy dorogi.
Cclectric circuit breakers)
STEPKIN, P.A.,, starshiy inzh.
The mobile IS-60 testing station is checking the high-voltaCe
equipment. Avtora., telem,i sviazl 6 no.2;41-42 F 162,
(MBLA 15:3)
1. lwiboratoriya signalizatsil i avyazi Gorlkcvzkoy dorogi.
(Rail-roads-Signaling-Block oyatem)
3tepkin, and 1u. .;. Lerminasov. X- ray method of measuring residual stresse3
welded articles. 11. 96
Leningrad Inst. of
Tech. and Yeeh.
Discussion of above paper. P. 105
30: Bulletin of ,h Acad. of -'ciences,, Izvestia (U33R) 3eries on :---ayss
Vol. 15, No. (1951)
ZOV, Yu.N.; STIMN, S.A.; FIGURNOV, N.M.; RACHURIN, V.K., 2-edaktor;
SNITKO, I.K. fiUktor'*,-GAVRIWV, S.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
[Laboratory testing of the strength of materials] Laboratortwe rabdty
po soprotivleniiu materialov. Izd. 5-0, perer. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo
tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1954. 286 p. (MLH& 7;12)
(Materials--Testing) (Metals--Testing) (Strength of materials)
STEPKIN, S.A., dotsent, kandidat takhaichaskikh nauk; KIIAMON, L.K..
Problem of residual stresses in axial stretching. Sbor. LIIZHT
no.146:221-243 154. (MLU a: I )
(Deformations (14echanice))
STEPKIN,S.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent; KHARSON,L.M.,
------- r WMre r
On the character of deformations in rail steel subjected to cyclic
loads. Sbor. LIIZHT no.148;104-122 155. (MIRA FS:10)
STEPKIN, S.A., dotsent, kand.tekhn-nauk
Designing arches with superstructures by the matrix method.
Sbor.LIIZHT ao.10~:84-153 '59. (MIRk 13:8)
(Matrices) (Arches)
STIPKIN, S.A., dotuent, k-ind.tokhn.nauk; KHARSON, L.I.I.. iuzh.
Deformations and structural changes to met-als subjected t(; cyclic
loads. Sbor.LIIZHT no.161~?23-330 159. (MIRI, 13:8)
(Strains and stresses) (Me tals--Tes t i ng)
STEPKINP S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; KHARSON, L.M., inzh.
Development of plastic deformations in rail heads during their
manufacture and use. Sbor. trud. LIIZHT no.174:5-18 160.
MRA 15:11)
AR6000722 SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/65/000/009/V010/V010
AUTHOR: Stepkin, S. A. 4_3
TITLE: The stability of a thin-walled cylinder pressed by a flexible stressed
shca th ~Lq
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mokhanika, Abs. 9V72
RFF SOURCE! Sb. tr. Loningr. in-t inzh. zh.--d. transp., vyp. 229, 1964, 139-146
TOPIC TAGS: iron, shell buckling, shell structure stability, critical. point
kBST1UiGT: The loss of stability of a cylinder under the influence of tension in
a high-strongth flexible sheath has been invostif,-ated experLmentally. Forty-five
specimens of various thicknesses and diameters of sheet metal and irorl plate woro
tested. During s11naLhInc,, the ~~LlLnd2i~\Nwas seated on a drum. Aftor sheathing, the
cvlln(lor was freed from tho drun. The critical tons! by
,9n in the shouth was found
r4eatod sheathin-o-a with increasing tension. Capron' ablo was used as the sheathing;!
677~ncdefficient made it possible
its high strength and elasticity for a low fri- i
to ere-tto gi-eat tonsions In the sheathing with a small loss of the pro-tension when
the cylinder was removed from the druri. Buckllng oc=-red suddenly with the forma-
tion of a lonritudinal dopression of the same longth with a great depth of curvature.',
Empirical fornulai are given for the critical tension, which are similar in
Card 1/2
L rj;iO*~'-!'
structure to the formulas for the loss of stability of a ring. It is noted that
-tlilly increased and the
with partial sheathing, the critical stresses are substan
nature of the buckling is changed. V. I. Shalashilin &Lranslation of abstract7
Carr4 2/2 "M R,
Y.--r/Ar 5~
'IiZfect of Vnlum--~ CMrPres -,it of rintn lzyers of 3.~r.~Lconductors and Ectals,"
~.. S. Fosman
I'Iz Ak Nauk, Ser Fiz" Vol XVI, No 2, p 202
Aboreviatc-11 text of report published in "Zhur LEksper i Teoret Fizz" 21, 528, 1951. Tested
layers were laid on boih sides of insulating plate. The sign of effect on semiernductor
Te agr3es with theory by V. Ye Lashkarev and with expts by V. I. Lynshenko and 1. 1.
Stepko. Graphito, Sb, Bi and Pb showul -.,n on,-,osite sign of effect, beside:3 the resistance
of one or electrodes passed throurh a max with increasing field. The beha~iior of the
res-istnnce depaixis on the pres. nee of initiql ch-a-Ce.
PA 220T93
Influence of adsorption an sarface charges find 11004114:11""
ity of a earnkooductor. V. 1. Lya~hcuko and 1. 1. IM-pilis.
lawit. Akad. Nisak S.S.S.R., Set. Fit. 16.211AM9.5'-It.
The chAngr in work function due its sul,,orption of Sair, Its
vapors we% deld. by contact -patent ial nwAstifenwats. rhe
,witsk-ooductor was mounted in a bell jar at a distance of 0.5
min. from a vibrating All plate The a.c. flowing between
the pUt" could be made am) by applying to the plate a hia*
equal tot he contact potent 61. CulOssampletswertnuidehy
vAmum deposition of Cu on quartz, beating for 3()-4fj min.
at 1,00% and quenching with 11.0. The %amples, -ere
axed by expaiturc to air for I is th. The lay" thickilms
was I X 10-1, ters., sad the Halt canst. was 12-114 sq. cm, v. I
-rc. -1., this indicated strulles, mobility than in chic-It slimples.
The ",Kylretsipj" length (screenieff of external iWids) was
cm. CuO.M.&MCdOsemplesuvitob-
tained by vacuum deposition of the usetal and oxiclation.
.%fn(h samples seem obtained by decompa. of Mn(N(h)i.
Decrea.Re in contact potentLd up to IOD mv. and changes in
cond. were obftvvvd when polar mob. slack as ak.. acetone.
or HO v-Apor were adsorbed on hoie canductor CuvO. The
influence of nospolar brasserie was =mail. Coed. decressrst
when the work function was decreased, and both changed
raluilly at SmAliff sort jowly at higlier Vapor pressure. its
CdO the work function k Nocreatied by adsorption. Thet
-Wf"llins" length was mramited by i6easurintl the cond. of
I he -4tskoodueting plate formiall I electrode of a cwmlrnwr
.hik applying a field to the otiter electrode. Suchmea-urr-
illent, were made on CuAl artil ZnO arml %how that the re-
wisict of a halt conductor itscregaes &W of an ele"fonic
111.1tti-tar dnmmw* as a linear function of the pos charge
oil the consirriser plate "Mile the lemicund.
S. Pskswrr
.-- ,
Variation in yield performance and conductance of cuprite in a
catalytic reaction. Probl.k-inA kat. 8:180-188 '55. (9111A 9:5)
1. Institut fiziki AN USSR.
(Copper oxides) (Catalysis)
Variations in the yield and conductivity Of CUDric-oxide
during catalytic reactiona. Zhur.fis.khim. 29 no-3:401-
408 Mr '55. OLU 8:7)
1. Akademiya nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, Institut fisiki. Kiyev.
(Copper oxides) (Catalysis)
oTEPIW, 1. 1. , Gzand Pnyi3-:-'aAth L~cl -- (als.-.) "EloeLronle phe~,,omenon on
'he surraces of semiconductors during adsorptions and catal,(sis."
Aiev, 1957. 10 pp, (Institute of Physics, AS UkrSSR), 100 copies
(KL, 29-57, 89)
AUTHORS: Lyashenko, V.I. and Stepko, I.I,
TITLEt Brief Results of Studying the Connection of .3urface
Electronic States of Semiconductors with Catalytic
Phenomena (Kratkiye itogi izueheniya avyazi
poverkhnostnykh electronnykh sostoyaniy polu-
provodnika a kataliticheskimi yavleniyami)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol. M, #2, op 201-
205, 1957, USSR * Seriya fizicheskaya
ABSTRACT: Some theoretical and experimental studies correlate
catalytic properties of semiconductors with their
elec conductivities. In the authors' opinion, it is
more expedient to correlate semiconductor catalytic
activity not with conductivity but with surface
electronic state, characterized by the value of
contact potential, which depends directly on the
surface charge.
In order to study the changes in contact potential
values, the oxidation reaction of CO on the catalyzer
cupric oxide was used. The contact potential
Card 1/5 1