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to f C 0 14 i I In op I -St c inal L!, .6,1 1p, v rr pt,r, chiji rj!tjj d aft, r 'r-tv or ow TIM mWil, A tilt: l'i0re 11!11~ t1q.11.",-;~ ~ rv wl,erl w6r~ "m ~~) 7,; .~Xk;~~ZPTA MiCk Sec.5 Vol.11/4 General Patholoz:y A 5 8 1112. THE PATHOGENESIS OF HAEMOLYTIC ANAEMIA OF TOXIC ORIGIN (Rus- sian text) - Stepansk iy G. A. Med.Inst. Pavloff, Ryazan - ARKH. PATOL. 1956, 18TT_(3U--_S9Y7GPjphs 2 Tables 4 When rabbits poisoned with AsH 3 are given narcotic doses of chloral hydrate (0.25 g. per kg.) or sodium amytal (0.025 g. per kg.) the globular resistance is decreas- ed much less than in control animals also poisoned with AsH3. 20-30 min. pre- viously; it to particularly the resistance against the lowest percentage of NaCl so- lutions which is influenced. On the other hand, administration of Na amytal in doses of 0.1 g. per kg. increases the degree of lowering of globular resistance. Ad- ministration of 0.25 g. per kg..Na amytal 6 hr. after the poisoning when haemolysin begins, not only does not decrease the degree of lowering of globular resistance, but even Increases it. 0.1 g. per kg. Na amytal Induces in rabbits a condition very near anaesthesia: it delays the development of haemolytic anacmia, but also the regeneration of red cells. Administration of 0.5 g. per kg. chloral hydrate in- creases the development of haemolytic anaemia. Administration of 0.025 g. per kg. Na amytal 6 hr. after the poisoning caused in the first group: in 48 hr. in some ani- mals retardation of the development of haemolytic anaemia, followed by enhance- ment; In the second group: in 24 hr. a marked effect on the development. acceler- ating and increasing globular destruction. Administration of 0.25 g. per kg. chloral hydrate to white mice 20-30 min. after poisoning them delayed the development of haemolytic anaemia; 6 hr. later. however. It enhanced it. Introduction of the narcotic substance soon after poisoning exerts a distinct influence on haemolytic anaemia and on erythropolesis during the whole period of illness. The fact that this action is exerted via the central nervous system was proved with the aid of trauma of the animals' heads or repeated knocking on the head: a distinct increase of ery- throcytes and of the Hb content ensued; no variations of globular resistance. Cranial trauma in poisoned rabbits delays the development of haemolytic anaenda. It is obvious that narcotic doses of chloral hydrate (0.5 g. per kg.) or of Na amytal (0.1 g. per kg.) do not interrupt the pathological reflex arc, but only m6dify the trophic manifestations of the central nervous system. V-~- - - -- - --, - ~ -1 - - waahtmahAsahwui~ STEPATISKIY, G.A., gvardii polkovnik med.sluzhby, prof. Methods of artificial respiration for military field conditions, Toen,- med.zhur. no.10:16-27 0 158. (MIRA 12:12 (RASPIRATIOI, ARTIYZC M methods In military field cond. (Rus)) (KOICINN. MILITART AND NAVAL artif.reep., methods in field cond. (Ru)) ,=MA=U,9-.G.A* Ghollnestermfle renctivntors as an antidote in orgnnic phosphorus poisoning; review of foreign literAtureo Farm. i toks. 21 ao*2: 83-90 Mr-Ap 058 (mrRA il.-6) 1 Il Moskovskly gosudnrstvennyy meditsinskly institut Iment, N:I. Pirogova. (PHOSPHATBS. poisoning, cholinesterase reactivators ther.. review (Bus)) (CHOUNBSTUMN, reactivators. ther. of phosphnts pols.. review (Rua)) LIDOV, I.P., dotsent; MBSHKOV, V-V-, kand.meditsinskikh nauk; STEPANSKIY. G.A., prof. The Great Medical Incyclopedia is a valuable aid for the military physician. Voen.-med.zhur. no-7:83-90 JI '59. (MIRA 12:11) (K&DICINN-DICTION&RIES) STEPAIISKIT, G.A., prof., gvardil polkovulk meditsinskoy sluzhby An important event in the life of the military medical servi-,e of the National People's Army of the German Democratic Republic. Toen.- med.zhur. no.10:91-92 0 159. (MIRA 13:3) (MILITART MgDICM, history) STEPAN31IT, G.A., prof. (14oskva) - Manual methods of artificial respiration. Med.sestra 18 '59. (RISPIRATION, ARTIFICUL) no.12:13-21 O'Mk 13:3) SWANSKIY. Georgiy Avroamovich [Artificial respiration] lakusetvannoe dykhanie. Moskva. medgiz, ig6o. 161 p. (MIRA 13:12) (RESPIRATION, ARTIFICIAL) STITANSKIII'l G.A. -1-- -.. .... I,----,- Oximes- as-thera-,,eutic agents in poisonings with organic yb".pbarm -r compounds (according to foreign data). Farm. toks. 24 no.3:357-371 K7-Jet 161. (M11U. 15:1) Y 1. 11 Moskovi*iy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy institut, imeni II.I. V Firogova. (OXII-IES-Tilz~-EUTIC LUE) (PHOSPHORUS ORGANIG CO)WOUDS-TO41COLOGY) SIEPAT'I'SKIY., 1. y inzh. Transporting 30 m. trusses. Na stroi. Ros no.2:14 F 161. (MIRA U:6) (Trusses-Transportation) STKPAHSKIY, L.G., in2h. Solving some problems in the theory of machining metals by pressing. Sbor.MOSSTAIIM no.4:18-44 058. (MIRA 12:4) (Forging) STAPANSKIY, L.G., inzh. Determining stresses in upsetting pipes in containers. Test. mash. 38 no.3:42-43 Nr 158. (NIRA 11:2) (Metals-Cold worktng) ~- T-13,S)LlY, ',,,-nd '2f~ch Sci - (dir-~ "kyi!7--7-cirical under con(litionf-lif un,-ven coln1r.-,ssion in *11. coit, ill, r.11 '.'on., of ",lec',nical i--d in- f tioll, 195P - 14 I)P (-;t: to Coll'aitt(;ej 01' thi'; Coll cil f i- M;Slli on 4utom,,tion nd Michin,; 1;,ui1Ji)lt-. Sciqw- 0, -nd llrchint; Bu-I'ding n 11'7 z3h) .11~0 ropics. (1:1"39-rg, lorz) L. G. , ~, ~ ~ .~ 1y0 " I ~ - '41. ~, I , '.. a t-,, ,~,,jcuia,t fies and deform;-,!. ,l c"', ,,-Is 'It', 11 9. u6rMig ~)," +1-1ji. Kuz.-sljtam.j,rvlz-,-. I nio.j: 1'~ ~ 041RA 12: 10 1) Ions Wechariic-~O! zi ml P-1 AS a 41 . ; .4 4 f] jj 4 - :1 n tz. -_j a bi g 2 . I J1 r d3 i J3. ill A v -..$-T4?=KLY,-"G.-0oskva); UNKSOVP Ye.P. (Moak-va) Approximate solution of some problems of plane and axisymmotric plastic deformations. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh.nauk.Makh. i mashino,gtr. no. 1:170-173 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Deformations (Mechanics)) UNKSOV, Ye.P.; STEPANSKIY,--"CL.- Designing the process of pressure cladding of bimetal tubes. Kuz.-sntam. proizv. 4 no.3:3-8 Mr 't,2. (~IiA 15:3) (Metal cladding) (Tubes) S11821621000100310011006 /,?/0 D040/DI13 AUTHORS: Unkoov, Ye. P. and Stepanskiy, L.G. TITLE: Calculation of the bimetal tube pressing proceas PERIODICAL-. 1,uziiecl, proizvodstvo, no. 3, 1962, 3-8 TEXT: The results of research on the pressing of bimetal tubes, conducted by the authors at TsN1ITTTASh in 1960, are given. The derived calculation formulas for determining the necessary dimensions of tube billets, the re- pressing -force and the press capacity are also presented. The experi- ments consisted in pressing 18 x 3, 18 x 2, 16 x 2 and 15 x 1.5 mm bimetal tubes,clad with a 0.2 - 1.2 mm metal layer on the outside or inside, in a .1 A container ,00-t vertical hydraulic Dress. 40 mm in inner diameter.was used. Armco iron and steel grades 90612 (E1612), ly,18119T (lKhlBN9T), A4 852 (EI852), .90 847 (EI847) and 45 were used. Billets were prepared by turning forged metal rods, pickling them to remove oxide films, assembling them into bi-layer billets by pressing, and finally heating them for Dressing Card 1/2 Calculation of ... S/182/62/000/00.1/001/006 D040/D113 in a barium chloride bath after preheating to 750-800 0C in an indusl~ion "urnace. The container was preheated, and a mixture of graphite with ma- -hine oLl used for lubricant on the container and die surfaces. The tube mar.drel was lubricated with 20A (20A~ glass powder of the Gosuddrslvennyy ins~itut stekla (State Glags Institute) dissolved in commer-Aal water rlar-z. The fluid pressure in the cylinder and $the time of movement of thr- pr~---ss sliir- were ossillographed. The conditions resulting in a 34eady pressing pr,,.-~css are given in formulas for cases when (1) metal of higher strength is in the external layer, and (2) is on the inside. The recommended seauence of calculation using these formulas is given. O.A. Yegorychev, A-L Mishulin and A.A. Sokolova took part in the experiments. There are 7 f.igures, I table and 6 references: 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The Eni,liob-language reference is: "Materials in Design Engineering", 1959, 38, rv,, 7, 91-93. Car I Pl/? STEPANSKIYO L.G. Calculating stagnation zones in setal during extrusion. Kuz,-ohtam. praizv. 5 no.101.1-3 0 163. (KmA 16:-,,1) ~3,i6i,poz:.Klyv L.G., Boundaries of a plastic deformation focus caused by extrusicn. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.9:59-62 S 163. (MIRA 16110) ''T ~. ~- , . , , , t ~. I I . , ~ : , " , -, : . , - :~ , " r 1 5 1".. ? -, .. . 17L ". , ", 4 1 . . ~ , ; J I -.A I , ~ 70 (M 1 1 1-1, - ", "No-mo~,,raphic re-recentati .-, )r &rtain relations vrith -qi-x wria~)Ies cor':,.,I~I,ned ya-, with a linar-.,, field. 1- connecting lines of the nomog m 3 rT Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, Vol . 4, 'lo- 5 ,1953. -~-ist -',wironean Accessi,-ms 0,; 0. '~j "entember 1)59. Hon+.hly Ligt ~'ncltassif ied. STEPANSKY, Vaclavp prof.p dr. Representation of relations with eight to twenty-four ra- riables by nomograms with several ocale system or binary fields united by crossed indexes with a system of direeting lines. Sbor VS-B Ostrava 9 no.2t 183-226 163. STEPANTSEV, A.; TASAKOV, A.; LIBERHAN, S.; MOISITEVA, L. ---- Ri*tdw tho instructions for removing fat from carcasses. Kim~. ind. SSSR 29 no. 4:39-40 t58. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Michurinskiy myssokombinat. (Packing houses) ~ r, ~ ~ 7., . .. - . 1. cests dispases of beets and control of thern. Tanhkent, COS-izdat uz.`FS.Rj, 1944. 33P. STIPAJITSKV a V-11 Temperature conditions of the woolly aphids. Izv.Otd.est.nAuk AN Tadzh. SSR na.13:139-143 156. (KLU 9:10) I.Tadzhikskiy sel'Rk9kh~zyzystvsnnyy Institut. (Plnnt lice) ME TRY limn T U Oti Y Flan't of Cultivated Plants. iiUR. -P. - - T, . -'REF ZHUR 8101-CGIYA, NO. 4, 1959, A7UTFiOR .-StOD"n-W,1107 I'll" ri Ts rAll " , ~S ~i,11(1,zhik SOR on(i 11,heir Cont.rol. CotLOTI %4,lt oimeas-s, - I Izv. Utd itv. nauk XT Tsezh7),-)R, 1957, - ro~ 41, -A-2-STFUXT -', n coatradictioa uf une view- p,)ii-,t oa the nature of' vdit in the cottc,rt plant, tte author exrresses the oDin4 ,on t-,,at U-he cvase of the wilting %,,,as not Lfungi but spp;~~ ial lar-favorable meteorolo!7,i- . Cal Conditious, and he Considers the im- T)ianta~ion of fua-,i on these plants to be a secondary fa,:~tor. ,'i 1 t can bt.% Dro- duced by a hi~;h critical tem-uerature (hir..h-I er than 38.? degrees) with low himidity and! 1/3 ZAILAKIN, A.,polkovnik, kEmd.ped.nauk; STIPANTSEV, V.,kapitan, kant.ped.nau Reconsider some submachine gtm operations. Voen.vest- 38 no.11:68-71 N '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Kachine-gm drill and tactics) STEPANTSEV, Yu., kapitan 3-go ranga I How we try to raise the professional qualifications of seamen. Komm.Vooruzh.Sil 2 no.2:57-60 Ja '62. (YLIRA 15:3) (Submarine boats) 0 0 0 0 g Of r -L-1-1 AA cc go EL 4-- A A "I _I pl(cllsl~ I- 00 00 cbo=kw ;7vtlm at afteekh" trm.pmwy sqn. lm. D'yakove and T. 0... Stepant",_ 00 rwf&90 ToPim 8, lW-43(103-,).:-A'0rlm&# .y "'Pl"W"t" 1&1. 14'tdllk'ti by 'd 00 the %apraqw1ilt. fron, the Kafa-illf) Ltkr. 411.1 it, fj."tj"' 00 flilill ACidiC alul IU%14: Cjljgjjk)jl,St~. vu 1d"1 a light."lk" 00 alud, h,, "he's freshlY 41i'l.1 00 oil 111V C 11 *,* Ow foll.."Illig lh,,., Vbilb 1FACtIMAli'll AIM 0 lach fraction, i#i ff&rl,4pns LN , 1, cut%, *44 '11181vird fix un. 011 'i 1mrafy'll and nruiril o, I I-( TAW g4-11n, a Os . mainly by the pre-wiscr of n trAl (J-. S. and ru 00 whit 11 c"uj'j be f cnl')vr' I by troratinvilt w1th ~ld. FrCh in HCJ wAn. Fiochletti r,frtO,n.:w.. 00 00 Of 00 a are 19116at CLA$SVFKAT4* Als-ILA ITA%LUNGKAL LOT 100 - 9 A s"3d pply toll 4 Poo 0 0 0 101 0 0 00 Oros 0 0 0 0 0 lo 00 go, 0000000 -00 0 :0 =00 cloo zoo see 500 9*0 see moo des L10 0 moo . ,r" A. -.'. . DI , ". :'. , A I. G. "Cn Cl-lrtain Phyuic,--l Constants ol* Jli.,ti:re:; of Hydrocarbons -- I1,11 Zhur. CbEhch. 9, 1:0. 6, 1(?J9. Re,-!--d 1- JU:.y 193P. ReDort U-1517, 22 Wt 1951 0 0 oooooo*ooooosoooo "U A, a 1 4 1_;_11 a Sri 00 If i 96 j 0 41111 01 g 0 13 00 '41 V" uvv 0 0 _""~ 5 i _#-V-"-W-W-W--VS--I,-- it iv Is it x -oil I;L1 Mp bit 1111141 ,"o Is W is k it So 4 all a IS j I LL-k-, I A ASA 0 Q M U~t t I I I IS, Meow polyryclic homologe of "Otbilwase 404 tocahn. I, 11.411114A.A Atilt r. Gfq. (IS. S. S. R.) 9, tine ptiAuets 4 cyclobexene JI) with naphtliallent (U) and tetrulin (111) in the presence IS# AICIj are descTitmd. To a ViAn. I.( 2W g. 11 in 110 x. 04 we added slowly while 9 I "'.4ing *_*F; C, MAY& AICI, and an equirtiol. ,_(tutIrSI bw r"414., with If., off -1-, 1;-- --- I' I'- Ifir W11"ti. 0%1 4 th, 1"AM"11 11"1.1 with Ift'l .10 A,,J Ilo.l 1.1"m III, 11MA11,41 1.1 171WFAI*,O.V.I..Ae",,ft'r,hih,,I,",Iv~ ". ,1.1: 1.049. tsi, I .7,,.j2,`?'*.,S') 071,(7, is imilatt'l "firrem. the fracti'"I 1" 1.54 W (1414104 #4 mill, of IV anti sit- If 1w Hopid by#f"xtA ban (V) FwOm b, Iw-"r Ni ve4 JAjWAOA"jd!d M). in I W - I and a liquid i~wnrr. N 20-8 . it.'* 1.11M. d:" lJOW. .1,* IAI19, m1f I .104A. 9. 1.674A. fit OMWO, ~,SSV (P_ IW3. VrAclkoil 14 L:111 70* givri in Ull And ftm-11~41 1% 27,11.441, ativs al-AlLa'att, III '.'Ml *, of the Suitt -4 IV at I V giv,i plirtivinapholiAl.-ne. no. IS: 4'. V th- IScing either weth)i yo;,,"W- p4iLdaSe. IkhydrogtwfPIna(VI gives& newdIpArSt ,~I- AICI, avul 40 X. I while roi4ing. The tracti,in firoduct Aft, r iippr.,pt iA I r I Ira I furni it sollievird to tract "Stiuldi4t n. Fid"tioll I-, It.', 7W 1% 14: !... I., -W .1:: 11 VIA4(wo IS, fith ~Ilkf V. /Art Wiff"COSS. Ing trAwrisount. itt I he juvwnte i~ . III at I-al-1101, givi 0 a nost. .4 and the mitt. showing bj 0 t-111-41 -, J:* 0.4"% 11!.1 OAI%. XV I.B019, "0 11.47,18, ih. O.U331. The cyclolurtyl derivs. of U. IU wW decalin tenw. when IS sut, I Ito the action of IIIAO. tract mitre at IrSn 9"Wilf wilirlit"Ifnimokiton of wiffutisatiun Imodwts. IV, VI and VII Ole r&-IIV .11, In A11111or At 11111111 0. it I L A of fALtU#GKAL LifINATURt CLAISIFICATP061 T a., 0., U AV 00 iSt a - q ,?I- Sin A 0 0 0 All, 0" 0, 0" ; o* 0, 0" 0" on ; ta Z 'Or 0* o 0" 0 0 0 0 000,00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lot se _~o 0 o 4 a rw a** a x 1:010 coo 1? 00 1. 000 i . Woo too do* A t too too 11- W a 9-age 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 **so* 0 0 0 ?I it tstil f #tit A A AL-A - P, a I I - I_ _11- T J- AA 0 cc to ft W I of- A-0 0.6 049f#1 all. 4,69j, #I* 0 ' Pet 1.5 Bev is approximately 1o30 erg. The conclusion is drawn that the particles were ejected during the initial stage of the flare; this is of im- Card 1/2 S/71Z/6Z/027/000/011/015 The total number of high energy particles ... A001/A101 portance for the theories of cosmic ray generation during flares. The diffusion path was determined to amount to (5-7) x 10 12 cm. There is 1 figure. SUBMI'I'l May 1961 Card 2/2 45129 S/712/6Z/027/000/012/015 AO01/A1O1 AUTHOR: Stepanyan, A. A. TITLE: On the problem of the variation spectrum during the Forbush effect SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Krymskaya astr.ofizicheskaya observatoriya. Ivestiya, v. 27, 1962, 182 - 193 TEM The problem of spectrum of variations is very important-in studying the modulation of cosmic ray intensity, since the spectrum indicates the mech- anism of effect. In the present article the author considers the spectrum of the Forbush effect. Several mathematical expressions for the Forbush effect spectrum are presented and discussed, but only three of them are theoretically calculated and compared with experimental datag 1) The spectrum of the type ~X' Iarccos 1 - Po ; 2) LD - PPO, and 3) the spectrum of variations generAed by 1, r P D the effect of an electrical field. In order to compare the-calculations with experimental data, the ratios of amplitudes of effect on various instruments were calculated, such as neutron monitor at sea level, neutron monitor at a Card 1/2 S/712./6Z/027/0r-0/012/015 On the problem of the variatiorl 6pectrum... A001/A101 level of 680 9/CM2, cubic telescope at sea level, and*the primary flux for the given parameters of the variation spectrum. Calculations were carried out for geomagnetic latitudes 500 and Oo.' The comparison of experimental data with theoretical ones shovathat the spectrum of the electrical field type yields the best agreement. Although the existence of an interplanetary electrioal field is not very probable, the*question of modulation of intensity by the heliocen- tric field remains still open. There are 2 tables. SUBt-UTTIM: May 1961 Card 2/2 07,1 s/l6q/62/ooo/oo8/o69/oqo d 1/10 6J+, E032/E.114 AUTHOR: Stepanyan, A.A. TITLE: On the specielim, of variations during the Forbush effect PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika., no.8, 1962, 11, abstract 8 G 84. (izv. Krymak. astrofiz. observ, v-27, 1962, 182-193-) TEXT: Reports calculations of the.relations between cosmic- ray variations at different recording instruments during a Forbush effect. Three types of spectra are considered: 1) (1/7C ) cos-1(1 - PO/P); 2) 6D/D = P./P; -and 3) the.spec.trum of variations appearing under the action 9f an electric field. Comparison of the results with published experimental data shows that the spectrum of the form PO/P is not in.agreement with tkiese data. The beat agreement in obtained for the spectrum of the electric-field type. ~Abstractor,s note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 S/712/6.0w/028/000/020/020 E032/E314 AUTHOR: Stepanyan, A.A. TITLE: Connection between the characteristics of tile Forbush effect and chromospheric flares SOURCE: Alcademiya nauk SSSR. Krymskaya astrofizicheskaya' observatoriya. Izvestiya. v. 28. 1962., 324 - 330 TEXT: IGY data and the results of other investigations are used to investigate the correlation between the Forbush effect ands chromospheric flares. The surface of the Sun was divided into three zones (goo E - 10 0E, 100E - 10 0W, 100if - go0W) in order to investigate the amplitude and duration of the Forbush effect on the flare coordinates. The average values of the Forbush-effect parameters i-,rere then found for each zone. Forbush effects unidenti- fieti with flares were assigned to the central zone,if they were large, and to the peripheral zone if they vrere small. This was done in such a way that the differences between the average character- istics of the zones were a minimum. It was found as a result of this procedure that the Forbush-effect parameters were independent of the coordinates of the flare (to within 20 - 25%). Next, an Card 1/2 S/712/6 Connection betiveen .... 2/028/000/020/020 F-032/E314 analysis was made of the'relation between the flare duration and the amplitude of the decrease in the cosinic-ray intensity during the Forbush effect. It was found that flares of longer duration were more likely to give rise to a Forbush effect than flares of short duration. The correlation coefficient characterizing the connection between *the amplitude of the Forbush-effect decrease and the duration of flares is of the order of 0'08 + 0.111. In the' case of magnetic storms occurring in close succession, the Forbush effect tends to become suppressed if the flares responsible for the successive storms do not occur in the same active regions. There are 1 figure and 4 tables. SUBMITTED: December, 1961 Card 2/2 -VTADIMIRVISKY, A. A. STEPANYAN --ie Rmdamental Features of Forbush Effect and on the Small Effects -.):-L s-,-Atted for the 8th Intl. Conf. an Cosmic Rays (IUPAP), Jaipur Tnd',-, Dec 1'~63 STEPANTAN, A.A. Width of corplinnular strHama retiponsible for the diurnal effect in cosmic rays. Izv. Krym. astrofi2. obser. 29sl26-130 163. (MIRA 16:10) AZATYAN, V.D.; YESAYAN, G.T.; STEPANYAN, A.A. Sukfonic acid esters. Report No. 12: -Chlaroethyl esters of sul-fonic acids. Izv. AN Arm. SSR. Khim. nauki 16 no.5: 461-464 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut, organicheskoy khimii AN Armyanskoy SM. L 32100-65 E-WT(1) /E6G(v)/FCC/EEC-4/EEG(t) WA(h) Pon4/pe-~/Fq-4/pj.4/po~-2/fe A=SION IM i AR5005142 8/010/674/0W/011 I/AOU/Mi5 Ref. th. Goofiz.9 Abu. =89 SOURCES Tmzl on the mechanism of diurnal variation in comle roWs cam swRczt rtv. Krymak. astrofic. observop ve 329 19&9 56-66 TOPIC TAGSt cosmic rwvyd:iurnal variation TRARMATION: It is ohown that the win characteristics of the diurnal Wect in coandc rays - the variation apectrun and the latitudinal variations of the first and second harmonics - can be Wlaine4 by assuming that the diurnal variation is due to the action of an electric field; the absence of variation in the low-energy'i -- ~ -- I A%^ ~-Tr%- A.U-- U- - I -AS-.&-A &- 4.16- -A- AA.- ---k- --- - - , , I i - I , . ( i * I ~ I ~ i:, - 1 - ! j " , i. 0 V 1 : - -f , 'J ": -- , -; ; - '.' - v. , -, ~ , t; i. . . : !. , .,It., , .7 . - *" . ,1". , . , ;~ ). &, . i . 1 , . . . I I .. (.,! ~ 2) L -3o88-& ACCESSION ER: AP5018216 UR/0119/65/000/007/0015/0016 621-317-T7,681,142.6 AUTHOR: Stepanyan, A. (Candidate of technical sciencea)i Cb*hontsev (Enginde-r-Y-- 3 TITLEt Static functional device SOURCE: Priborostroyen4a, no. 7, 1965, 15-16 TOPIC TAGSs function generator ABSTRACT: The principle of operation is explained of a now function generator which produces all trigonometric functions of a phase-shift angle between two voltage vectors of the same frequency. The function generator is based on three multipliers which develop: (1) a scalar product of two voltage vectors, (2) a vector product of two voltage vectors, and (3) a scalar modulus product of two voltage vectors. An experimental model of a now 50-cps phase meter (FV-.162) uses the above principle. Orig. art. hass I figure, 11 formulas, and I table. ASSOCIATIONI '~' none Card 1/2 L -30&:--~66-- - !ACCESSION NR: AP5018216 SUBMITTED: 00 I VO REF SOVt 003 . 1 1. ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 2 I~-14113;;66--L,~IT(1)/FCC/LWA(h)--C;W--------- ACC NR: AR5018139 sou= cwE: uR763i_3TW_(56_o AUTHOR: Stepawan. A.A. J ORG: none TITIZ: Mecl-nism of the diurnal variation in cosmic SOURCE: Ref. zh. Iseledovaniye kosmicheskogo, prwtx=stva. Otdel$My vy"k, Ab4. 7.62.254 RW SOURCE: Izv. rxymsk. astrafiz. obeerv., v. 32, 19640 56-66 TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray measurement, particle, particle scatter, diurnal variation TRANSIATION: A theory on the diurnal solar variation in cosmic rays, developed in 1955 by L.I. Dorman, is compared with experimental data obtained by the universal network of stations during the International Geophysical Year. The author points out that in order to coordinate a theory with experimentally obtained data, it is neces- sary to keep in mind two factors: 1) the redistribution of trajectories of cosmic ray particles in a geomagnetic field, laading to varied decreases in the variation amplitudes recorded at various geomagnetic latitudes. Thus, at the equator the de- crease coefficient of the neutron monitor is 0.67 for the first harmonic, vhereas it drops to 0.29 for the second harmonic of the diurnal solar variation; yet, at 700 Card