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(M)-2 P7-6/Pa-4/Pab- 0/P1 -2759745 tWT(I)/8PA~sp)-2/Sp~A~w)-2/85C(t)/T/gWA 1 .-4 ACCESSION NR: AP5003237 S/0057/65/035/001/0056/0061 q3 AUTHOR: Z5kgyYG, Dushin.L. Nikollskiy.I.K./ Pavl1chenkoL--., O-.S./ Tolok. V.T. TITIZ: Spectroscopic investigation of the plasma@ln colliding bursts I'SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.35, no.1, 1965, 56-61 TOPIC TAGS: plasma interactian, plasma spectral line, charge exchange ABSTRACT: This paper reports a continuation of work by some of the present authors rind others (ZhTF 35,62,1965 Is-ee Abstract APS00323P concerning the confinement of plasma injected into a cusp ;;agnetic field. The present work was performed withwt the magnetic field, and was undertaken to investigate the processes taking place in nnlliriinir nlasma bursts. Plasma bursts were injected from one or more of four coni--@ !Card A@_ RWM L 27597-65 ACCESSION NR- AP5003237 of 2 x 1014 cm-3 and the electron temperature was 4 to 4.5 eV. The velocity of the 'I fast component of a bursts was 1.4 x 107 cm/sec; this was followed by a slower tail". The collision of two plasma bursts led to an increase in the intensity of all spectrum lines and the appearance of lines that were not observed in single I bursts. Velocity measurements performed with the photoelectric instrument using the HP 4861, C 1 4371 and C Il 4267 lines showed that both the carbon Ions and the by- 2/3 I-Cord Awl, @AT ACCESSION Mi APS003238 8/0057/65/035/001 062/0071. AUTHOR-. Zykov, V. SteMnenkoI.A./_To1ok. V.T.1-Sinellaikov. X.-D TITLE: Investigation of-the capture of plasmarin a magnetic trapWith oppoging fields SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.35, no.1, 1965l 62-h TOPIC TAGS: plasma conf -cusp-field plasma interaci,ion inement, magnetic mirrori 'ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated.the confineiment of plasma, y 69-cusipt b a magnetic field produced in a20 cm diameter stainless, steel cylinder by four: wind--. It. ings disposed as shown In Enclosure 01. The maximum magnetic field at the wall of the chamber in the cusps was 1200 Oe. Ilydrogen plasma was injected at one 6r.more of the cusps by four conical plasitia guns equally spaced about the periphery...,The Card A M.-N R ......... Aifflt'Uii MM 'M MP -Z' Ar 0*1 R 07,@- L 27602-65 ACCESSION NR: APS003238 central cusp the magnetic field did not tend to confine it to this region. The ma inetic field did, however, tend to confine to the central region plasma that was in-l Jetted at one of the side cusps (6096 Z2), and this tendency wat-markedly Increas ed (the decay time increasedfrom 30 to 55 microseo) whea'plasma, was Injected ittbot h side cusus Mn and Z .1 a1rmv1+anPn11J21%F- Th i a h SKIY, 9 1 C'n 35 ja 165 "IT, _7'," 18: !L 2h91-66 EwT(1)/ETC/EPF(n)-2/EWO(m)/EPA(w)-2 IJP(c) AT t 6 R, ;ACCESSION NRi AP5020723 UR/0057/65/035/M/1390/1393 V" AtMIORt Zykovp V.G. ; Stepanenko# I$ I T@lok Vo To ITITLEt Interaction of polarized plasma streams in a magnetic field that Increases toward the periphery Alt Vy" SOURCEi Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 35, no. 8, 1965, 1390-1393 !TOPIC TAGS* turbulent plasma, plasma confinement, plasma injectionp plasma :Lnter-. action, magnetic trap, magnetic mirror, cusped magnetic field 1ABSTRACT: The authors and collaborators.have previously investigated the interac- Ition of oppositely directed plasma streams in a uniform transverse magnetic.field j(ZlITF, 32, 1050, 1962). The oppositely polarized plasmas interacted strongly and deceleration occured; turbulence arose, however, which led to loss of plasma. In ,the present paper the authors report experiments with oppositely directed plasmas lin a biconical cusped field., which were undertaken with the expectation that the more smoothly varying fiela-would not give rise to turbulence, The biconical cusp was produced in a 30 cm diameter stainless steel chamber by the discharge with a @19 psec period of a 2700 Kfd capacitor through appropriate windingme The maximum C,,-d 1/2 L 2491-66 ACCESSTION NRI AP5020723 his valuable advice and interest in the work." Orig. art. bass 4 f1gureso Ncr 3 field strength In the mirror region was 8800 Oe, and in the cusp at the-chamber wall, 2250 Oe. Plasmas were injected from one, two, or four conical guns symmetri- cally disposed with respect to the plane of the cusp in a meridian plane of the bicanical field. The Injection directions were at 45010 the axis of the field. Each plasma gun was fired by the 12-15 kV discharge of a 1.2 pfd capacitor, the discharge period being 3.5 paeo. The behavior of the plasmas was observed by pho- tographing their luminescence from different directions, and the plasma polariza- tion at different points was measured with a double floating probe., The plasma polarization did not vanish when the plasma crossed the central po@nt of zero.mag- netic field; it disappeared only after the plasma had.penetrated several centi- meters beyond this point into the region of oppoaftely directed field. The oppo- sitely directed plasmas did strongly interact without observable turbulence, but part of the plasma escaped through the cusp, and part escaped through the mirrorsa It In conclusion, we express our deep gratitude to Academician K.D.Sinallnikov for ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDS 16Nav64 ENOM 06 NR REP BOV"03 OnJERS o0o Card 2/2. - Vex, BUB CCDZ1 RX 7L 3614-66 ACCESSION NR.- AP5024033 uR/bo57/65/035/bo9A585A589 3 533.9 AUTHOR: Zykov, V. Go; Stepanenkop 1. A Tolok V. To TITLE., PolarizatiorMeraction of opposed plasma streams in a composite magnetic field trap SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizikis V* 35, no. 92 1965., 1585-1589 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic mirror., combined magnetic field, plasma injection, plasma Je@ plasma confinement, plasma interaction ABSTRACT.- The authors have investigated the behavior of plasma bursts colliding within a-magnetic mirror.system provided with an auxiliary quadrupole or octupole magnetic field. The magnetic mirror system was produced in a 30 cm diameter stain-, less steel chamber by discharge.-of a 2700 microfarad capacitor through suitable windings& The maximum magnetic field at the center of the system was 2800 Oe and the mirror ratio was 2.16. The auxiliary field was provided by currents in eight copper rods parallel to the main field and disposed at equal intervals on the sur- face of a 1096 cm diameter cylinder4 The rods could be connected variously in sex%- ies or series-parallels but the rod system was.,always connected in series with the main windings so that the ratio.of the auxiliary to the main *field remained con-- ,stant during the discharge* At the surface of the 1 cm diamieter rods this ratio Card -i A3 -L 3614-66.- Acussim NR: AP5024033 was 0.87. Plasma bursts from four conical plasma guns disposed symmetrically in the equatorial plane of the mirror system were injected transversely to the Ogain magnetic field* The velocity of the leading edge of a asma jet was 2 x I f j013 cvr@l cm/sec and the ion density was of the order o . Tn the presence of the auxiliary magnetic field the turbulent plasma "protuberances" observed earlier by the authors and collaborators (ZhTF, 34, 1417, 1964) did not occur, and there was no difficulty in assuring head on collision between oppositely directed jets. It was established with the aid of probes that the oppositely polarized colliding jets interacted strongly, The maximum plasma density in the center of the system was much greater when the auxiliary field was present than when it was notp but the confinement time was the same in both cases*, "The authors express their sincere gratitude to Academician K*D.Sinellnikov for his valuable advice and support, of,the work." Drig! art has: 4 fii@is- ASSOCIATION: none I SUBMITTED: 16Nov64 NO REF SOVt 004 ACC NRs AP6036030 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/011/19-71AW75 :AUTHOR: ZykovtV.G.; Stepanenko,I.A.; Tolok,V.T. ORG: none TITLE: Volume polarization interaction of plasmas in a multipole magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 11, 1966, 1971-1975 TOPIC TAGS: plasma injection, dense pla@tma, plasma gun, plasma interaction, non- ,homogeneous magnetic field, combined magnetic field, magnetic trap ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated the behavio plasma bursts with velo- cities of 2 x 106 cm sec and densities of 1012 to 10 f3ofm -3 produced by conical plasma guns and transversely injected singly or simultaneously in opposite directions ,into the magnetic field produced by the inductively loaded 3 kV discharge of a 2.7 millifarad capacitor bank through four'parallel 1 cm diameter'150 cm long brass rods.. which formed the edges of a rectangular parallelepipedon with a cross section diagonal of 10.5 cm, The period of the loaded discharge was 4 millisec and the maximum i strength of the magnetic field produced on the injection axis by the currents in the rods, all four of whichl were in the same direction, was 1,2 kOe. The injected plasma were photographed and their behavior was investigated with electric and magnetic probes. It was found that a plasma burst of considerable density would.pass through both magnetic barriers. From this it Is concluded that simultaneous Injection from Card 1/2 ACC NRs AP6036030 opposite directions is necessary for efficient entrapment of plasma. The magnetic .field configuration recorded with simultaneous injection of plasmas from opposite directions differed considerably from the algebraic sum of the fields recorded with single injection of plasmas from the two directions; this shows that the colliding plasmas interacted with each other. The moving p1q3mas were electrically polarized. The polarization of a singly injected plasma changed sign, but the polarization passec through zero not on the axis of the system, but some 0.5 cm beyond the axis in the direction of motion of the plasma. -'When two plasmas were simultaneously injected in: opposite directions their polarizations decreased smoothly and vanished on the axis @of the.system. Plasma was entrapped in the field when; two plasmas were simultaneou53 injected; the entrapped plasma moved both along the magnetic lines of force and parallel to the axis of the system. It is planned to investigate injection of plasmas parallel to the axis of the system and entrapment of interacting plasmas in magnetic traps. The authors think graduate student A.V.Pashchenko of the UIF1 for partici- pating in the measuresents. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DAM' 22Jul6b ORIG. REP: 001 OTH REP: 002 TSVFTKOV, V.N.; SKAZKA, V.S.; HIKITIN, N.A.; STEPANENKO, I.B. Sedimentation and diffusion of polymer solutions studied by means of a polarization interferometer. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.1:69-?5 Ja'64. ' (MIRA 170) 1. Fizicheakiy institut Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. STEPAIWKOO.. I.D. Investigating the.process of first carbonation in the spray absorber and the new method for feeding carbon dioxide gas. Sakh. prom. 31 (NI2A 10:6) 1. Cherkasskiy eakhavoklotrest. (Sugar industry-lquipment and supplies) STEPANENKO, I. D., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) OStudy of the process of first saturation in an irrigation absorber." Kiev, 19,58. 13 IPP ; 1 sheet of r--, drawings (Min of Higher Education UIq SSR& Kiev Technological Inst of .-.1 Food Industry)p 150 copies (KL, 18-58, 100) -70- STEPANICITKO, I.D.; MILIRUD, B.T.; PARKHODIKO. A.P. Using new .methods in organizing the repairing and remodeling of sugar factories. Sakh.pron. 33 no.6:45-48 Je '5v. (14IRA 12: 8) 1. Cherkaaskly eakhavelclotrest. (Sugar industr7--Equipment and supplies) -:IT-7--' -.' @J:G, 1. F. The Siberian butter industry Novosibirsk Sibkraizdat, 192-8. 201 p. I Yudin HB92 76-S83 -n -n ac 7!.7. .1 irl ny'll - STEPAIEVIKO, I.G..inzh. Using precast reinforced concrete in constrneting shops of chemical plants. Prom.stroi- 37 no-3:9-12 Kr '59. (KIRL 12:4) (Chemical plants) (Precast concrete constraction) STEPANENKC13. L.I.; BYKOV, G.D.; SOSIPATROV, V.T.; A.G. Ra,A.3 top pou-ring of steel, Matalhrg 1-10 nz;.8:IF-20 19 '65. (MMA 18:8) 1. Uertepovetlskiy metallurgicheskly zav0d. STr"! -,,itr,,jt.4rjj oil I-w.vys.ucheb.=v.;khim.i khim-,@ehh- 4 (14M 14:iO) 1. Moskovuko-yc- v-.fs,-*,i.-;!re teklinicheakoye uchilishche imeni kafedru. clrl@ Btrwriana ..hciie-,r airaii. (.:-,-ridir.e) i,I'Ollid :;T'l- JgRg-@.Iov.101; J- I YE I KO ) "... . I . ,11 0 . (Electrunic wa:plifiersl Eiektrorinye usiliteli. iz4d.1lc., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 539 p. k@.IHA 17: 10) STIPANMO, I *P kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; SHAMSM, V.I., - I t�r -, I? "@@re FRIDKIN, A.M., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. (Some problems in applied electronics; a collection of scientific papers by students of the Moscow Physical llngineering Institute] Nekotorye voprosy prikladnoi elaktroniki;sbornik nauchnykh rabot studentov KIFI. Pod red. I.P.Stepanenko. Moskva, Goa. energ. iad- vo, 1955. 87 P. (KLRA 9:4). I.Hoecow. Kookovskiy inzhonerno-fizicheskiy Institut. (Alectronics) STHPAIENKO, I.P. Calculating limiting cascades. Sbor.nauch.rAb. MIFI ne.9.-68-74 155. (KIRA 10:1) (Pulse techniques (Blectronice) STEPAMKO, I.P. Some problems in transmitting pulse tops In electronic emplifiers. Sbor.nauch.rab. HIFI no.9:92-101 '55e (MIRA 10:1) (Amplifiers. Blectron-tube)(Palse techniques(Blectronics)) AGAKEUUrAN, T.; STSPANEM, I. An electronic encephalograph. Radio no.12:53-56 D 155.(KlaA 9.4) (Blectroancephalograpby)(Blectronic apparatus and appliances) :!,.@2 nS e 2, 1' Petrov G. L A G( ;I!Ocnber V G. V., . _ .; , ; . g, I P. ShuysId L . , y, Tit' @_@-ansistol,s O@Idl tll@@il, "'p-l-lic:ltic".. Ori F;-'- 3b. I. MI. , llc5r--,y 3-25 c I D bTIP"UNO, I.P. - Application of germanium diodes and triodes in instrument making and automatics. Priborostroanis no.1:13-16 Ja '56. (KM 9:8) (Germanium diodes) (Transistors) (Instruments) AUTHOR KONONOV B.N., STEPANENKO I.P. PA - 2726 - TITLE Computation SE-emes o@ Basis of Semiconductor Triodos. (Pereschetnyye skhomy na poluprovodnikovykh tiiDdakh -Russian) PERIODICAL Atomnaia Energiia,1957, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp 364-375 N-s.s-R.) Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT The paper under review deals with the schemes of the uodes of those computation devices which are typical representatives of the nonlinear pulse generator with semiconductor triodes. The currently most fre- quently used semiconductor apparatus (germanium diodes, punctiform germanium triodes of the n-type, and smelted (?) areal germanium triodes of the ty-pe p-n-p) are treated with particular attention. The possibili- ties of the apparatus of other types are only briefly, indicated. The semiconductor triode as switche In the computation scheme under con- sideration the active element ope;7a-tes as switch, i.e. it can be in ei- ther of two possible states (either open or closed). In the commutator circuit of the closed semiconductor triode there always flows an initial "uncontrollable" current Iko. This current intensity is a parameter of the transistor. The areal triod*3 are characterized by a strong "creep- ing" of the current Iko. The '!maximally opened" state of the semiconduc- tor triode corresponds to the saturation with regard to the current in the commutator circuit. It is the main disadvantage of the punctiform tri- odes in the wiring schemes that they do not "contract to one point" at the saturition. Card 1/2 For the cdmputation schemes with areal tricdes the paper under review Computation Schemes on Basis of Semiconductor Triodes. PA - 2726 gives the most significant relationships with which it is possible to comput the wiring. The following variations are discussed: computation cell with independent displacement, wiring with automatic displace- Mont, wiring without displacement. Then follows & discussion of the au- xiliary nodes of the computation schemes, of the forming cascade, and of the high-voltage sources. Some conclusione. It is possible to build the computation ly on basis of semiconductor apparatus. Such schemoaL are pensive, they can be very well operated by batteries, and development of portable devices is promising. At the time semiconductor computation schemes can reach and even surpass of the computation schemes with electron tubes. (With 16 reproductions). schemes entire- extremely inex- therefore the beingthe the quality ASSOCIATION PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 19.9-1956 AVAILARTE Library of Congress Card 2/2 BEZBORODOV, N.V.; STEPANENKO, I.F. Single-channel amplitude analyzers with increased discrimination. Zbor. nanch. rab. HIPI no.12;92-103 '57, (MIRA 10:11) Ollectronic instruments) STEPANFINKO, I.P., dots., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; AKALUNIN, S.A., red.; V.S., tekhn. red. [Use of transistors In electronic equipment; a collection of scientific papers] Ispollzovanie poluproyodnikovyth priborov Y uzlakh elektronnoi apparatury; abornik nauchnykh rabot. Pod red. I.P. Stepanenko. Moskva, Obs. energ. izd-vo. 1958. 175 P. (MIRA n.'7) 1. Moscow. Hoskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskly institut. Kafedra elektroniki. (Transistors) Luz U@ lo a r -@tjlj- STEPANENKO, I. P. A. U. Filippov, I. P. Stepanenko, B. N. Kononov, T. M. Agakhanian, L. A. Serkin, L. N. Patrikeyev, "Certain components of a digital computer using semiconducting triodes." Scientific Session Devoted to "Radio Day", May 1958, Trudrezervizdat, Moscow, 9 Selb 58. 7he balanced operation of semiconducting elements of a computgr (analyzed in the note "Elements of semiconducting computers") is verified in three basic components of a parallel type machine: the register; counter and adder. Logical circuits of the com- ponents mentioned are abalyzed and a method and results of testing are presented. An ex- perimental investigation has been made on four types of each of the components. Experiments were carried out by changing the ambient temperature, the voltage of the supply source, by scattering the parameters of the components and replacement of the semiconducting instruments, by humidity. The experiments showed reliable operation of the set of computerelements developed. I. P. STE'"PAIJU01 B. 111. Kononov, T. I.I. Arakli@,nyan, A. G. Filij..I,ov., L. 11. PaLrike.@,ev: "Elemcntj uf semiconductiqf, dij@ital machiries." Scientific Sessicii Dev(j4L@d to JjPa(jijj Da@-Jj -1 "o-cow, 9 Sel@. 5L Results are nresented of the de3telopment of systems of fundamental logical eleiaents using sei!d- conducting :Lnstrwaents for a digital computer. Fundamental computational relations ancl e;1 n - 1 r* -T (15) n 1 - g, (1 .+ A r R n2 1 - @,(i + A) (16) L n - 1 Ivi (1 + A) are obtained, in which r - the resistance connected in parallel to every diode, n - number of diodes in parallel connectiong r* - pa- rameter analogous to R* in series connection; rev/21ma, - the .c diode current utiiization factor; T i = .1/0 determines the Card 3/4 33793 S/.10 62/017/002/008/010 The design of shunts and of ... D201%305 rectifier efficiency in the absence of other losses, I being the efficiency. The above formulas make it possible to determine the resistances associated with diodes connected either in series or in parallel when the voltage applied or the current exceed their ra- ted values. There are 5 figures and 2 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno.-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi im. A.& Popova (Scientific and Techni- cal Society of Radio Engineering and Electrical Commu- nications imeni A.S. Popov) [Abstractor's note: Name of Association taken from first page of journal] SUBMITTED: February 4, 1961 Card 4/4 L 47722-65 ACCESSION 14R AM4042762 BOOK EMMATICK S/ Stepanenkop Igor' Pavlovich Principles of transistor theory and transistor eircuits.(Osnovy teorii tranzistorov i tranzistorny Wh s1diem),. Moscovo Gosenergoizdatp 19631, 375 P. illuse., biblioej, index* 42,000 copies*.printed, TOPIC TAGS: transistorized amplifierp transistorized circuits transistorized pulse generator,, semiconductor diodeq power supplyp traasistor electronics PMPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is devoted to the analysis and design of basic, types of transistorized amplifiers., pulBe circuits and power supply, The circuitry analysis precedes a detailed consideration of the physical process in semiconductor diodes and transistors and their characteristics as,circuit elements* The book is intended for engineerep graduate students and students specializing in computer technology,@instrwosnt buildings automation, measuring technology# and a number of fields of radio engineering and electrical Card 1/3 oh, zi_ul. Card 2/3 PATRIKEYEV, L.N,; ST.EPANENKO., I.P. Present state and some prospects of microelectronics. IZV. v7s. ucheb. zav.; radlotekh. 6 no.6s587-601 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy elektroniki Moakovskogo-inzhonerno- fizicheskogo instituta. @ Card 1/2 I I - ;@ "'.1-1 . 1. ! @ - .. .. @' . - , .." I -, @ @ @@- . - @ - : - ": @: - --@ . - -" -.-. ,,,-3 . . I . - - .1 .. 0 . .@ -'. . ; : - . ---- -. ( @,- -; 7. - -; 1 1: ACC NRt AP7002828 SOURCE CODE: UR/0142/66/009/oo6/0735/0741 AUTHOR: Rodionov, Yu.P.; Stepanenko, I.P,;'Tarasov, V.P. ORG: none TITLE: A transistorized model of nonlinearicapacitors SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 9, no. 6,@1966. T35-741 TOPIC TAGS: electronically variable capacitor, transistorized c;rcuit, test model ABSTRACT: A transistorized circuit that is a model of high-Q nonlinear voltage- .controlled capacitors with a high ratio of maximum-to-minimum capacitance is described. The circuit consists of a transistorized three-stage feedback amplifier which contains no inductive components. The eqijivalent input impedance and Q-factor of the circuit are controlled by the input voltage. .The shape of the circuit volt-eapacitance characteristics can easily be changed to resemble various complex shapes -a do=--shape, for example* High- frequency transistors 'must,be used in the circuit to obtain the best frequency characteristics. The volt-Fapacitance characteristics -of the circuit. reserble Card 1/2 UDC: C ACC NR: * 'hose fo'r -surificei chi@r-je -bairi ' ca A ' a t er pacitors. ctu ly, only the reactive (capacitive) component of the circuit inp!ut impedance is volt age-va riable. The variation range of the circuit capacitance (Cmax--Cnfn) is a'ignificantly smaller than that for actual capacitors. This ccnatitutes a significant advantage o-v-er actual capacitors. 3UB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: o4Apr66/ ORIG @EF: oo4/ ATD PRESS: 5114 Card STO A I rr',-,jKa, -I - '"' . 1. --@. -- RT-)ar.,3ion of Poreq in Cohesive Soil. " Gand S,-!-, Kiev State U, Kiev 1953- kReferEL'uivn,-r@r Zhurnal-Mekhanika, Jar, 54) SO: SM-1 16R, 22. JulY 195" ISHLINSKIY, A..Yu.; ZVOLINSKIY. N.V.; STWFANENKO, I.Z. - % 0 - -.1-- -1, Theory of elasticity. Dokl.AX SSSR 95 no.4:729-731 Ap 154. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii nauk USSR (for Ishlinakiy). (Soil mechanics) (Blaating) USSR/A ysi @ h cs Plasticity Card 1/1 Pub. 85 - 6/16 -3091 FD Author Zvolinskiy, N. V.; Ishlinskiy, A. Yu.; Ste-Danenko, I. Z. %M_. - -_ I @__ I - Title Remarks on S. S. Grigoryan's article "Stating of dynamic problems for ideal plastic media" Periodical Abstract Prikl. mat. i mekh., 19, Nov-Dec 1955, 733 The present authors remark that S. S. Grigoryan carried out interesting investigations of the equation of state of plastic medium, which equation was proposed by them ("Dynamics of ground masses," DAD SSSR, 95, No 4, 1954), and his results deserve attention. Grigoryan pointed out that the energy condition on the surface of strong discontinuity is fulfil-led during the entire time of the process only if in the external region the pressure equals the critical pressure, as was assumed in the authors' work, and he also made a conclusion concerning the impossibility of the existence of a certain zone III etc. As a result Grigoryan concludes categorically that the stated problem can- not be solved by means of the authors' equation of state. The present authors cannot agree with the categorical character of this conclusion. The authors consider their scheme as a limiting scheme and not as com- pletely solving the problem of deformation of densification of grounds. The entire problem consists in whether their description gives the main outlines of the phenomenon of dynamic densification of grounds. The problem remains open. Submitted STEPAIMENKO I. Z. "Enlarging a Cylindrical Opening in a Limitless Idealp IncOm- pressible Fluid," by I. Z. Stepanenko, Kiev State University imeni Shevchenko, Prykladna Mekhanika, Vol 2, No 4, 1956, PP 456-459 "Studies the impossibility of enlarging a cylindrical opening in a limitless ideal, incompressible fluid by finite pressure applied to its internal boundary. "It is also shown that pressure suddenly applied to the boundary of a cylindrical hole in a limitless, ideal, incompressible fluid is instantly distributed throughout all of the fluid." Sum 1239 ST-EPAMENKO , .1 ..- , (Kit v ) Expansion of cl.rculsr cylindrical pipes subject-d. to dynRrAc londs [with summary In Russianj. Prykl.mokh. 3 ne.2:225-229 '57. (MLRA 10:9) 1. Kiivs'kly derzhavnly universitet. (Blastic plates and shells) PCLOZHIT, Georgiy Nikolayevich; PAKHARETA, Nedezhdo Alekseyevns; STRANINK09--.. -1van ZakhaKQyj'qb; BONMRSBXO, Pavel Stepanovich; YXLIKOITANNEKO. .f-@-a-n-iCaksimovich: ROZEMIOP, T.D., red.; KRYUCHKOTA, T.N., [Mathematical Katematicheskii praktikum. Pod red. G.N.Poloshago. Moskva, Goe.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1960. 512 P. WRA 14:0 (Mathematics) STEPAIZITKO, I.Z., inzil. I M anufacture of flanges out of sti,@al strips by twisting them around cylindrical'surfaces w;,C-,f cold. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 24 no.2:19-20 F 162. (kIIRA 15:6) 1. Batayskiy zavod montazhnykh zagotovok. (Flanges) OSIMAKY Marion Terentlyevich-, STEPANENKO, j.R-.-inzh.p retsenzent; PILIPENKO, Yu.P., inzh.,, red.; GORNOSTAYPOLISKAYA, M.S..9 tekhn. red. [Machines for harvesting and ensilaging green fodder]Mashixq dlia uborki i silosovaniia zelenykh kormov. Moskva, Vashgiz., 1961. 106 p. (KMA 15:12) (Ensilage) (Agricultural machines) STEPANENKO, L., kand.tekhn.nauk; PUSTOVOYTOV, V., inzh. Study of the protracted support of glass-reinforced plastic rods for concrete reinforcement. Bud. mat. i konstr. 4 no.2; 35-37 Mr-Ap '62. (MA 15:9) (Glass reinforced plastics--Testing) (6oncrete reinforcement) KOTSY G.A.; RAZUMNAYA, Ye.G.; R(TZHKOV, V.D.; FAVLENKO, G.G.; ST9AA-MQV,'i L.G.; ROZHKOVA, Ye.V., nauchnyy red.; ANTOKOLISKAYA-, A.M., red. -,zd-va.- BYKGVA,, V.V., tekhn. red. (Methodical guide to the use of ore separation units for the mineralogical analysis of ores and rocks.] Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po primeneniiu malogabaritnykh ustan.0vok dl--a mineralogicheskogo analiza rud i gornykh porod. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. 110 P. (Moscow. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno- issledovatellskii institut mineraltnogo syrtia. Trudy, no.10) (MIRA 17:1) .STEPANENKO, L.)@e., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Observing the flight of the gray grain moth. Zashch. rast. ot - vred. i bol. 4 no-5:57 3-0 159. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy institut zashchity rasteniy. (Moths-Extermination) w 0 0 q o 0 0 03 , I I f '. 4 00 A P.11 - C @k LI g 04P of 09 a go so *41 0 o 0 6 0 6 6 a a a a * 0 -1- - - - - - - - - 0 a 9 w v . - - - - - , A . - : .'1 11A 11 1& 17 Is It A ) J, ZJ D 24 13 16 Z? J,$ 19 39 1. IZ U 11 13 It A M 1C A -1 L L V S, I L V 04 CC M U U.I.JCVXXXnfjV.AMDM.A STVAX- 11krateskii KAww. Zkyr. 4. T@ch. Pt., QW11), --With a nwthM tar the can. proidoctlas d Half and DjOlf by oxidatkm of PhUe with air 412 expla. wen carrw out M a sow No a larr wak, The larger scalc Mop. consisted of a moliv-driven ab pump cvnwctt4 with a Rots lax-racte, lr&4i" throap an Al Ml to a 1 1. Hdrumaya flask MY filled with PhMe. Mh coil and flealt wen placed in a H.0 hatis, The air wA PbMe v&M mixt. pamcd through a depblegamtsw to the Shm rr*ctlon tube. 23 am. in diam. and 40 cm. long. jacketed with a wider Fe tube passing through an asbestait-lined box. The tvaction products entend a fe- ceptahle cmArd by an ice-salt mist. where: the vapon condensed. while the gapeow products after paning tbrough liquid vascline were c@Alrctvd in a gas tank. The ozi- datinn of Mle takes Me as Int1cma: (1) Pb%le + (h ----a, PbC110 + 11110; (2) 11hNic + 30 P Ph It + 11#0" (3) PhUc + 90. ----p 7C(h + 411.0 and in (11 accompanied by the following partial dec pa. reactinm: (4) l1hCH0 ----P CO + C.11t; (5) f1hC(hH io COt + CJ1j. Expl. for tim Joroduct" of Ball.-Tbe follow- ing catWyts were used in the small seek series: (a) basic Zu tnangenate, (b) VA an asbcstu.%; (c) VA on pumice; (d) %lo(h on asbrotog; (r) Hi vanadate (prrpd. according to Ephraim act] 13,rck (C. A. 1185) mi pumice. The hi#hrst yield of AV -9, AS-SLA SETALLURGOCAL LITERA"41 CLAWFICATICH -Ly li-, mw wwv As, I , 4 1 1 - F U TS 1, M3 v -1 It tv It OF 61 Kit Wit it (Ta Irg"Aan I IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o's 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 '00 600 0 =so 3*0 000 so* zoo KID* go* VID 0 00 CIO* WOO : 0 uxisliard PbMr) was obtained vith M,Y(A oil adwstoa under the so kiWb of contact Jay" in cal. jiAm 17, mm. L at air per hr lim of eata KO s" PhIlI the reaction table MI 1 0, enterin + p. c , . y g =n Z= = , 1% Nf.t 4 - Ill C.. duration of capt. 31-&1 1. sk IV. Mule 0-44 win. total ammmt of O"wd Pb.Me was 13,7%. of which 40,1% was H&H. .W.O% BROH mW 310.9% CO mW COr. The expts. with MoOp were mTcsttd with Or the ! : 9 M 0 Met 96 tow K. to t- to Be- at"] 00 at the beginnial of the to 44W, duration I hr. 15 min.. vtdatiliu4 p Ntr 1224 g.. summit of PhMr per cc. ot catalyst ip.0:12 g. lwr hour, amount of air per g. ,%Me 21).2 L, ansomit of the volatilised PhMe which rva"ed 42.3%. of which M 2% was HxH. S%B&OH,noCO,b%l&sKe Col. Coowlission. -The results of the list rapt awfWysaMj*Asry. Esper, fordo predwAiiin of B:011. -For this series a lov exer" at air was used. 44-@-, 1. air per hr. passed through the carburetor and to the resulting 00 PbNle-air mixt. 12-30 1. air per hr. sells added before entering the reaction tube. As * so catalyst Sn(VOs)& wall applied. Ttmp. of catalyst '.W . velocity of air in carburetor 4.8 1. per hr.. velocity of additional ak 12 1. per hr.. amount of air per j@ 11hMv 3.6 L. amount 00 cA PhMe per cc. catalyst 0.19 g. per hr.. duration of reaction I hr.. volstifiwd PhMp ' 00 prri..4.7s. Reselk.-Y kidal BrOH 119.7%. BzH 7%ol the reacted PhMe.anulunt of - me ed PbMc 21.4% of tMi vakfillised. fliguluss as 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1 00 00 lb 00008*0000090000009000000090000*000000000009 0 00060608000 000009000000000000000*00000000000 "'low awe"', 11 0,191 W 11 11 9 1 1 -Oj@- 0 1-6 1-Ir- 19 11 1 11 . 1. .1 11 1 4 'P'v F -14. A. kol4dl and M. A. Stepapeaku. Coke a4d iCkiw, (U. S. $. R.) IM, No. 9@. D-Ift'-A w it of lab. cxpt., semi-pkat UW pbnt tests with prepa. of pitch Wke -lcw-Arq shoot the poibility of P-ducing *A-f- cr)kc suitabk for uic in tkvtmdes at aPProl- CW Of M i0i rubks (S") per ton. Sxrel 60 vv If -00 SAO COO &0 coo We* t:*G lz No* fit xii 0 tw a a 'I V a q u a AV .0 ift on Is e 0 03 *1,4 0 0 0 0 fie 0 0 9 4 0 0 --Mmmmm@ 11 u M It a a Ar a w 7 T tl@ 1- -4 A. A L 11-9 p a K,-i I -1-T M 0 Go u A t _0 1@0 6CIM Which aiiaa the tekbg 4 of inifustvir 32, 310-The coking properties of coal de- P-d -*dy M the stature of its it- i-ucnts, Ond to a ku "ttut an their PrWM(iow. The dLwwtefistk 0 Properties of the constituents, i e., agglutinwbV powT, 9w a hM f i w o s, eve am. contract on. em., permt in an the kwtkRu. Ile pFrmwe of funin (over M)% in the 0j u Dfmqz coal that Ow hmn"intrA) in The highly calrbonized i i h i v lro ll. W ile t frib"I the agirtutinati'm Tpnwr Slishtly. 00 0 ; t., im feast tile 111IT4111r4s 44 tile -kr, The CNIA Shf-wril I flat. (tmtrary t') t"111111"ll Iwhrl, OOJ there 6 it Clow ft-Ifitiombip heter"" the Swelling And 00 thfiditY Of The ted, The former incTrusing with the better. Oa The other hoW, no relationship co4l be evabliiiheil 00 -a between &tWky and agglutivaWn; @& ith vitrain - - and dmvb h v h = 40 n a e e . t ppe x. t POW". (be A Wk f th f i l i - ee7v u ormer y o e s wvvm t mes as Vest as that of the letter. A. P.-C. S 0 . S L ARITALLURGICAL LITERATURE CLASUFKATIOP :7 *0 119 600 =09 4*0 see COO 8*0 troOt ;zoo see 00 age, Igo 0 I p An L % It ad 0 It 0 1 of 0 9 A CI 3 4 V u a AV so Is ZI It III IT 0 11"0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 00000000 009 0*6669649 . - 'a a 0 a :to 0 *Is see 00 4 00 00600111111111106 wV AN 1 r t a I A I I r w 4 If 11 @j w It 14 like "111112 0242% A A X, 11 A A-C a of P 9 1 1 1 y r -.3 L M bo RIC k 1.0 C-GENS -