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"An instrument for using the speed of restoration of the dielectric strength
of discharge gaps", by Doctor of Technical Sciences I. S. Stekollnikov, at
the Power Engr. Inst. im KRZHIZWTOVSKIY of the Acad. Sce. USSR.
SO: Elektrichestvo, No 5. Moscow, 'aY 1947 (U-5533)
At the plenw-y meeting of the conference of the Power Establishments of the Academies
of Sciences of the Union 'Republics and of the Affiliates of the Academy of Science,
USSR, the following paper was presented by Doctor of Technical Sciences I. S. Stekollnikov
GR "Powerful impulse diqchqrpes and lightning".
SO: Elektrichestvo, No. 9 Moscow, Sept. 1947 (U-5534)
STEIJ L 1: 11 t.,) 'I) i.s.
"Electronic Oscillograph." Second edition, completoly revised.
Gosenergoi-clat, 1)119, 146 PP, 3,500 copies.
"Puise Oscillography and Its Applications.@
Academy of Sciences USSR Power Engineering Institute ilmeni Frzilizhanovskiy, AcadeuW of
Sciences USSR, 1949, 200 PP, 3,500 c9ples
f IZd. 2., savers"CrIl'i'D l,--I,v-i Gos.
Eil--lick,raph,y: P. 41C-,U3-
r. --ay osc;llograrlh.
e T e t: i @ U'i.V. 'ilasov in SDvctskaia 1951, no, 1, p, @r-21..
T-1 K7.- '17 C '?17 Sm@ 1'1@4`
,-,l Cl r s and @Dn in the ic-t 'Indon
t i c e --cf, v of
a w T
of if it It it 4 1, a It A h A fy A ?9 1, tj it u a is v w v
4 a b J.-J 6 A@ I-A L a N t 04 k( if) U A 0 1 f ii
A@a,@ TO" N..*. 23" (JW., 1%9) 00
09 IN Amsh--A dvn&d dembdatt wj& a cm&tg .00
aft" d@Wm of a vim* wdw tkm-bm owilk)-
A udwof WA Vp 1pnerate a
00 1" nulbu%b of w1mbronoWN the obolfvpd pmv%M
withilhe2can. wpul"n. of voltAp Uvoin moo
(up to 20ky) wrift OPM& > Jowktwwc wem
00 J!. foActlekk and wa%vfomu Of 10-lAO-sw duralkIll -00
sl A 0
.9.0 t A$ v it A NttALLLffGK&C ilf(RATUNC CtASIIFWAM@
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1 * 000.0 0 000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 #so a a 111 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0*0 * 0
11 ---Z
F,'. 3L4
USM/Electronics Feb 49
110scillographic Analysis of Pulses," I. S.
Stekol,nikov, V. V. Mezhuyeva, Pover EiW Inst imeni
G. M. Krzhiz!,,anovskJAy, Acal Sci USSR, 5 pp
"Iz ia 6,33P, Otdel Takh Nauk" No 2
Gives achamatic diagram a-rd parts or nev
oscilloscope, operating vith an oyer-voltage 5-6
time3 normal. and registering phenomena with
duz-ations of only lo-7 to lo-8 sec. Submitted
by Acal G. It. Krz-hizhanovskiy, 8 Jul 48.
USSR/Electricity - Discharge, Electric Jul 50
"Investigation Into the Initial Stage of Dia-
charge for Very Small Interelectrode Gaps,"
1. S. Stekollnikov, Power Eng Inst imeni Krzhi-
zhanovskiy, Acad Sci USSR
"Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 7,
pp 985-994
Investigation of subject discharge in air or oil
shows that start of discharge is caused by con-
ducting bridges and is governed by conditions in
bridges (impurities on electrode stirfaces or in
USSR/Electricity - Discharge, Electric Jul 50
liquid medium clue to products of pyrolysis and
erosion). Submitted 5 Apr 50 by Acad A. V.
I I I I I i I I
AA f V n 17 u - - - . @ . @ I - . I -
A rft*. MOM. twk a W. A
TM rwAs of ths ok*opvpk* kvwipwo 0(
varybe woftkm wuy tv kv,
md wa 40plembamw to tv *A
ubm 0 b= Wbwao&
by Cbmk PWUUNM be wAlft vm shodaulAft
bw@ ddbmo vdmp wing& @ Us adamd
06 J ,!-, bl@ of a ft domm 46 dm low M& ft *a
ommorm of 's@@ peav FoWb. A wal-
wway mondulm of an #A of ve" I&
ob- 16 appowho somwt-ownw- On a-
W*AG # @n dwomw Aw agpmwmm VWNMM
UW MA bw M@ dr dm do 64*nft of
00 fowpbd bu of VIP. Gpda be on=& Mo gaw
amosw im do "m ftp am dop
ft@ 00 mmokw. h
kwad thm Ox sivat is thk wow dowla ast
the rf**Wft-Y. na of Ow thlaq ot the
inkkd f6aw of on PC -a wm% for tin
ift pmnkWw.,toqw% lavi am
00 &KVW *0 #GhWkM I.V"N*, WAVO 48 6
`sea ollic!.t
Grozozashita Fromyshlennykh Sooruzhenii i Zdanii (Lightning Protection of
Industrial Structures and Buildings), 202 p., Pub. House of the AS USSR, Moscow,
k (2.jDCt@Cj- C
14 t-r,,r, 17@51. 2 DLC VV@?2.-27- P: 131".;
T', 14:3 :-s' Cal ro 1 v d
j I , rin cl T@@ :3 m
i -'a t 0 f I s t a r. -",, Lr 1 c 0 u sr 0 c cs t i I
r ti-U&,; V31" ( LIS lldfl(k of
clrci@[ts A)r var-;-us
oscillo@,ra- @,..-c 7-,,a'iJePi5 . Thic, ll-ook i.-; desiEjil,@d for
-m n e:
-:rs, sc@antists, a, a C- s-Wden's w'-o are i(-,t @;c-@erts
11 tli@: fi,@.ld of radio, U'Se
in @...eir wroit.
(Q. USSR (600)
4. Electric Spark
7. Investigations into the nature of the long spark. Part 1. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.tekh.
nauk, no. 11, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl.
Electric Discharges
Method of regluterlng a high-voltage discharge. Dokl. AN SSSRj, 84, No. 6, 1952.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Gongress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
Stekol'alkay. Translated from DDklady Akad. Nauk B.S.S.R.
L5,1013-116(1952). Sp. CAZC-tr-1732)
A brief abstract of this report appears In Nuclea-r
Science Abstracts as NSA 7-3815.
T 31
USSR/ Electricity - Rupture 1 Nov 52
"Investigation of the Impulse Rupture of Gases and-of
the Velocity or Development of the Electron Shower,"
B.M. Gok-hberd, I.S. Stekollnikov and A.Z. Efendiyev;
Inst of Phys Problems imeni Vavilov, Acad Sci USSR,
and'Pow Enar Inst imeni Krzhizhanovskiy, Acad Sci
DAN SSSRY Vol 87, No 1, pp 29-32
Conclude that this velocity in air and elegas (SF 6)
is an approx linear function of the ratJnn voltage
(kv/cn,.) to pressure (mm/Hg) and also depends on the
nature of --!iL Presented by @@,cad A.F. ioffe
12 Sep 52. 2521!31
STEKOLINIKOV, I.S., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk.
[Recording Instantaneous processes by means of electron beams] Zapis' kratko-
vremennykh protsessov elektronnym luchom. Hoskya, Izd-vo Znanie, 1953. 30 P.
(KLHA 6:9)
(19lectron beams )
; I I
i- f
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, i,C.Y 1953. Unclassified.
2. USZTE (600)
4. Electric J-park
7. investigating the nature of Lhe long spark, Part 2, 1.3. Stekollnikov, K.A. Bagirov,
0 .
Izv. AN Sj3R. Otd.tekh.nauk. no. 2, 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953, Uncl.
STffOL'IIIKOV, I.S. (aitthorl; KAP'-r'jEV. N..&. [reviewerl.
"Electronic oscillor-ILLphy of processes of ahort duration.' Izv.AN =11 Otd.
takii.nimik no.8:1201-120.5 Ae, 153. (KUL& 6:8 )
(0-.@,cillogmph )
STIKOLINIKOV, I.S. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor.
Registration by means of an electron beam. Hauka i zhizn' 20 no.6:15-16
Je '53. (KT-2A 6:6 )
(Cathode ray oscillogra-Dh)
Stekoll'idleav, 1. S., Vysokovolltayl razriad I grozoxashchita. EA high voltage discharge
and'tLu-ncrc;;~t7r~~r~iecticin.] Priwda, Moscow, 42(4):19-30, Aprif 1953. ! figs. DLC-
A detaii ed study of the problem. The gradual development of the dynamics of high voltage
lightning discharges and their consecutive stages-corona, leader, main channel, arc, long
spark; rational application of lightning dischargei in technoltVy; eff,,ctive contr,@) of their
harmful effects on aviation and radio transmi--;@;ion as developed fit various high vchage a5-
oratorici, especially in the Laboratory of High Voltage G-.%,s of tli@ Enercy hoifutc,
of the Academy of Sciences, are described. Descriptions o! nL%y instruments and applintices
such as: recorder of lightning voltage, enabling one toget information on the vature of lirlitning
discharges; electronic oscillograph for the rcp'strntion of various siage, ,f !191itnixig rod@; and
their application conclude the article. Stibied lleadikgs. 1. Lightning dischqrges 2. Ught-ning
recorders 3, Electronic osalogriiiihs 4. Lightning rods.-A.M.11.
STIKMIXIKOV,.j.S., professor; KAM, Tao M., redaktor; VIT , A.Vo, -
I- ak@deiimik, redaktor; XAZAKOVA, V.Te., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Thunder and lightning) Kolnila I grom. 3-6. parer. Izd. Pod red.
A.Y.Vintera. Koekva, Voen. izd-vo Kinisterstva oborony Sotusa, SSR.
1954. 91 po [Kicrofilml (MIRA 8:2)
(Lightning) (ThunderArms)
Card 1/1 Pub. 41-9/13
Author Stekol'nikov, I. S., and Galaktionov, V. I., Moscow
Title A study of the characteristics of a long spark. III. Channel stage
of spark in the "rod -- rod on surface" Lvap.
Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk 5, 105-118, May 1954
Abstract : Presents results of systematic study of various parameters of the
channel stage of a spark discharge in a "rod -- rod on plane gap
from 100 to 400 cm long. Examines speed of the leader heads at the
moment of their approach by using electrooptical shutter. Reveals
transitional stage from leader to main channel by means of oscillo-
grams of current which are synchronous with photos of the leaders.
Photographs, diagrams, graphs. Three references.
Institution :
Submitted : April 19. 1954
Rectric; potentials In long-span cables struck by lightning
and the @election of minimum distances between the supper-
ting cable and the coadmeting wire. Isy. Al BOU Otd. teM
nauk no. 9:34#-34 8 954. (KIM 8:2)
(Ilectric lines-Overhoad)(Lightning)
ry r rk U V, Z@'
USSR/Physics - Spark discharge FD-796
Card i/l Pub. 146-9/21
Author : Stekol'nikov, I. S. and Bagirov, M. A.
Title : Investigation of the velocity of development of the leader of a long
Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 27, 18q-194, Aug 1954
Abstract : Compute the dependence of the velocity of the leader of a long spark
(50 - 400 cm) on damping resistance (Rq, - 0-74 - 100 kilo-ohms) in
the spark chain, on length of discharge gap, and on degree of over-
tension on it (in limits k . 1 - 2). Three references including 1
Institution : Institute of Power Engineering, Acad Sci USSR
Submitted : November 24, 1953
TON I- IV, k-0
USSR/ Electronics Cathode ray tubes
Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 22/L,4
Authors Stekolinikov, I. S.; Inkov, A. Ya.; and Chernushenko., As Mo
Title A new feeZg system for a pulse oscilloLTaph
Periodical Dok. AN SSSR 98/6, 969-972, October 21, 1954
Abstract A ne,..r method for feeding cathode ray tubes of various is
described. The method consists of applying over t7
charged (2th respect
to a normal voltage of a tube), a'short, almost square trave' type,,
neEative pulses to the cathodes of the tubes. The method found a
rreat application in the cathode ray tube industry for it helped to
diminish the dimensions., .,eight, and cost of the tubes. Four Russian
ref erences (19Ldp-1953 . Diagrams.
Institution: Power En@@ncering (Energetic) Institute im. G. M. Krzhanovskiy of the
Ar7.d. of Scs. o'L the USSR
Frozented b-
y: Ac,@.clerdcian A. V. Vintt-x, May 12, 1954
The Committee on Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Wmisters USSR) In the fields of
science and inventions announces that, the foLlcw1mg scientific vorks., popular scien-
tific books, and textbooks have been submitted for competition for Stalin Prizes for
tht ycars 1952 and 1953. (Sove@@a Mdtura. Koscovj No- 22-W, 20 Feb - 3 APr A.954)
I ___I: @
SteV,,@Vnikov. i. :j.
K-FlelIkov V. J.
F. A.
T-Itle of Work
"Light-ln,-, ?rotection of
N=JA&t*d. by
Po--acr -:,n7,_JneerJ.n,;
an"' Tnstituc L_@.O_d G.
Aca@.emy of Sclences
SO: W-30604, 7 JUlY 1954
STEKOLINIKOV 411--- VINTFR.A.V.. akademik, redaktor; KLYAUS.Ye,M.; re-
- &
daktor; ZEMLTAKOVA,T.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Studies in lightning protection] Izuch.enie molnii i grozo-
zashchita. Moak-va, Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1955. 158 P.
(Idghtning protection) (W-RA 9:4)
USSR@Electricity - Sparking F-D-2622
Card 1/1 Pub. 41-8/21
Author Pulavskaya, I. G. and Stekol'nikov, I. S., Moscow
Title Investigation of the nature of a long spark. IV. The power and
energy of a long spark leader
Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 4, 98-109-1fi-s-
Abstract : Measures the power and energy of a leader in a discharge gap of
from 1 to 5 meters, under positive and negative potentials of a
bar electrode. Describes the experimental setup and methods of
registration. Discusses the test results. Criticizes the con-
clusions and recommendations of some past researchers. Formulae,
graphs, table. Four references, 3 USSR.
Submitted December 23, 1954
Model representation of currents In the channel stage of a long
spark. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk no.10:40-47 0155.
(Blectric spark) (HLRA 9:1)
BORISOV, Vladimir Nikolayevich;
ya- Gigor '@y-@vich;"'46MCH1CVA, N.A., rodalctor izdatelletva; XONTA-
SHINA, A.D., tokhnicheskiy redailter.
[Lightning Protection of buildings and equipment In agricult"al
localities] Grozozashchita zdanii I sooruzhenii v mollsket mostnonti.
Koskva, Izd-vo X-va kommun.khox.RSFSR, 1956. 86 p@
(KLRA 10:4)
(Lightning protection)
STIKOLINIKOV, I.S.. professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk.
Benjamin Pranklin. liektrichastvo no.1:75.-78 Ja 156. (M.RA 9:3)
1. Bnergetichookiy institut imeni Krzhizhanovskogo Akadenii Sauk
(Yranklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790)
"Investigation of the Nature of a Long Spark, V," by 1. S.
Stekollnikov and I. G. Pulavskaya, Moscow, Izvestiya
Akademii Nauk SSSR ;Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk,
No 10, Oct 56, pp 64-76
This work represents the latest developments and conclusions of I. S.
Stekol'nikov in his series of eight worksdating back to 1952, which deal.
with the properties of long sparks. The general mechanism characterizing
the leading phase discharge under the conditions of slight retardation
have thereby been determined.
Among other conclusions, it was found that by assuming the same type
of gap, identical wave polarity, and constant overvoltage, the quantita-.
tive characteristics., expressed in relative coordinates, do not depend
(or depend little) on the voltage of the gap, in the type of air gaps
considered. The quantitative characteristics are determined to a signif-
icant degree by the ratio of the total voltage of the capacitor of the
"GIN" pulse generator to the voltage across the gap.
Sum 1219
1*,-*C S., 'prof.
@--On Of* -'ns@lbatior.
to ti-,
12 j
1:25 27
TITLE On the Volt-second Examination of a Linear Insulation (0 voltsokundt#ich
ispytaniyakh lineyney izolyatsii).
PERIODICAL Izvestiia Akad.Nauk SSSR, Otdel.Takhn., 1957, 11r 1, Pp 33-38 (U-SOSSRO)
Received 3/1957 Reviewed 4/1957
ABSTRACT Conditions for the carrying out of volt-second-4xaminations in the labora-
tory, which are equivalent to an insillation-work under the conditions of
a field as well as the standardization (normalization) of tho*conditions
for the carrying out of volt-socond-examinations of inavlation are dealt
with. Ono of the phenomena which complicate the analysis of volt-seconds
(V/s) characteristics and their normalization is the distortion of the
shape of the voltage wave during the forming of the discharge. TOROK's
opinion concerning this distortion by the streamer current was correct,
only the influence of this phenomenon on the time of discharge remained
unclear. Investigations of the long spark showed that the developing
impulse discharge is unseparably connected with the work of the genora-
tor of the impulse-voltages (GIS) and the parameters of its discharge
circuit. Conditions were established which are necessary to compare the
V/s characteristics of various isolation-intermediate degrees with one
Another. Furthermore, the adaptation of insulation under the conditions
of electricity transmi6sion-lines is realized. In order that the work
of lihear insulation in the case of a reductioft of the V/s character-
istics and the work of this insulation at the conditions of the line be
Card 1/2
On the Volt-second Examination of a Linear Insulation.
PA - 2153
adequate, two conditions would have to be satisfied, one of which, how-
ever, practically cannot be satisfied since it has t96 high values of Co
(a parameter of the discharge-circle). It is, however,'shown that it is
possible, on the strength of the experimental material, to obtain
realizable conditions for the experiment if *no of these conditions is
satisfied by approximation. Finally, an approximated method is given in
order to estimate the errors which occur in the VIs characteristics.
(7 illustrations)
SUBMITTED 15. 2. 1956
AVAILABLE Library of Congress.
Card 2/2
I.Sp. (Monkn=-J.
Rechanisn of big@@-,-.-@ItaiCc- discharg,as at induz;trlal -''requeucier,
1xv. 4N SSSR. Ote. tekh. natic nn,@1!189-190 );r 157. (HLRA I C - -A "
CO-ecitric dlacharges in- @-,as,: tL)
A U,i 24-5-21/25
_@'JOR: Stekolinikov, I. S. (MIQUcOw).
THTPU: Gradients in tile cbnal tZ a ion-,
I I.; I - -
gradiyenty kanala dlinnoy iskry).
PERIODICAL:11Izvestiya. Akademii Nauk,Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh -- Nauk-
(Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section),
1959, No-5, pp.133-19'6 (U.S.S.R.)
ABS,11RACT: Recent work of the author (1) and of Norinder, H. and
Salka, 0. (2) indicates that three areas exist in the
leader discharge in long gaps: the canal, branchinGs and
corona. In the case of a positive rod-rod on a plane -ap,
Fig.1, the leader develops from 'both electrodes (3) and the
above mentioned three areas exist both ab the positive and
negative leaders. It is important to determine -the voltages
in the area between the branches of the leader discharges
which depend on the gradients in the canals and in the
branchings and from this point of view it is important to
determine the magnitude o@ the longitudinal gTadientsi
in this paper certain results are described which were
obtained with an improved technique. The experimental s'et-u-o
Card 1/2 is shown diagrammatically in Fig.1 and the obtair-ed results
are summarised in Table 1, P-134. The results have shoim
that the gradients in the canal of a lonG spark depend on
Gradients in the canal of a long spark. (Cont.) 24-5-21/25
the stage of the discharge ana on the instantaneous value
of the current intensity, i.e. the magnitude of the gradient
depeads on the location in -the canal and the $time from the
initial instant of the discharge.
There are 3 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: December 18, 1956.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Stekollnikov, I. S. (Moscow). 24-7-24/28
TITLE: Leader discharge current as a criterion of the effective-
ness of utilisation of insulation. (Lidernyy tok Zak
kriteriy effektivnosti ispollzovaniya izolyatsii).
PERIODICAL:"Izvestiya Akademii Nauk,Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk"
(Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section),
1957, No-7, pp-150-152 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: In earlier work of the author (1-3) it was established
that during the development of an impulse discharge
in various types of gaps a leader current flows in the
circuit which is a variable function of time. On the basis
of earlier results it can be concluded that the leader
current is a criterion of the imperfection of the insulation
gap; the more uniform the field the shorter the relative
duration of the leader current. This criterion enables
evaluation of the operation of metering spheres which are
widely used in high voltage engineering for determining
maximum surge voltage values. To analyse in greater detail
the dependence of the leader current on the character of
tile electric field, experiments were carried out in which
1/2 the discharge was effected between atandard 25 cm dia.
spherical electrodes held in a horizontal position on a
Leader discharge current as a criterion of the effective-
ness of utilisation of insulation. (Cont.) 24-7-24/28
stand with moveable colimns. Variation of the uniformity
of the field was effected by varying the gap width.
It was established that with increasing non-uniformity of
the field in the discharge gap, the relative duration of
the leader process increases and also its role in the
formation of the discharge, thus confirming the above
mentioned criterion. It follows from the obtained
oscillograms that leader current which impedes the develop-
ment of a discharge and delays the discharge will appear
for a gap which is near to the siz e of the radius of the
sphere; this also explains the increase in the scattering
of the measured values when using a discharge,gap between
2/2 two spheres with the gap width larger than the sphere
radius. There are 4 figures and 3 references, all of which
are Slavic.
SUBMITTED: November 26, 1956.
AUTHOR: Stekollnikov, 1. S. (Moscow). 24-8-19/34
TITLE: Increase in the electrical strength of the discharge gap
fbr industrial frequency voltages. (Effekt uprochneniya
razryadnogo promezhutka na napryazhenii promyshlennoy
PERIODICAL: "Izvestiva Akademii Nauk.Otdelenive Tekhnicheskikh Nauk"
(Bull of the Ac.Sc., Technical Sciences Section),
195?, No.8, pp.129-130 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: In studying the mechanism of discharge and the conditions
of flashover of long gaps at voltages of industrial
frequency the phenomenon of a strengthening of the discharge
gap was observed. Some of the results obtained during
these investigations are described in this paper. The test
circuit, as shown in Fig.1, p.129, consists of a transformer
which feeds a discharge gap which is in series with a
resistance; parallel to the discharge gap a circuit consist-
ing of a capacitor in series with a resistance is connected,
the time constant of which is sufficiently, small compared
to a 50 cycle half period. The oscillcgram indicates that
during the discharge the electric strength of the gap tends
Card 1/2 to increase. The published material is of interest in
analysing conditions of operation of the insulation in test
Increase in the electrical strength of the discharge gap
of industrial frequency voltages. (Cont.)
stands and power circuits, the circuit diagram of which
can be reduced to that shown in the previously mentioned
Fig.l. The mechanism bringing about an increase in the
electrical strength of the gap after breakdown is not
There are 2 figures and 2 references, one of which is Slavic.
SUBMITTED: April 30, 1957.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
'UTHOR: FA - 3094
STLKOLINIKOV,1,5. (-03cow)
TITLE @`h-e_P-_fi_eaoEeii@ -of a
High Tension Discharge @iith Yolta4;-e of
Industrial Frequency. (blekhanizm vysokovolltnrogo razrYada zri
napryazhenli promyshlennoy chastoty, Russian).
PERIODICAL: Izvestiia kkad. Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 21, Nr 3, PP 189 - 190
Received: 6 / 1957 Reviewed: 7 / 1957
ABSTRACT: Some results of experiments in the 1haboratory for High Tension
Discharge of the ENIN AN SSSR are given. In order to be able to
investigate the optical appearances with the development of the
discharge in the course of several minutes with sufficient resolving
property after the time a special camera was cons1ructed in which
the drum with the film realized a spiral motion. The objective
gave as a result a picture on the drum which could be registered
on a band of about 7,5 m in length. "ith the uznchanged distance
(attached to the electrode), the damping re-
, the capacity C
SiStance R
and the protective Resistance R
were varied. The discharge
developpcd in the following manner, Firz;t appeared the well-known
corona, 'his corona developped into a streamer corona. Then the
"flares" and "impulse staCell were observed. The flares are S*nining
columns which stretch over the discharge area. hey consist of
thin pale threads analogous to those of the conductive part of the
Card. 1/2
PA - 3094
The Phenomena of a High Tension Discharge with Voltage of
Industrial Prequency,
corons, under impulse voltage. The impulse stage consists of a
conductive part and a main channel. The peculiarities of this
appearance were investigated during discharges under iapulse
voltage. IT ese stages follow those with the flares. Two discharges
which were photographed with the spiral form and quick camera
were described@ The question of whether the described discharge
structure remains the same for greater variations of R B and C0
must still be looked into.
(I illustrations and citation from a Slav publication)
Not given.
Library of Congress
Card 2/2
1@ First Stages of Spark Development."
paper presented at Second All-Union Conference on Gaseous Electronics, Moscow,
2-6 oct '58.
AUTHORS: Brago, Ye. N. and Stekol'nikov. I. S. Noscovi)
TITLE: On the Structure of a Long Spark in the case of Surge
Voltages (0 strukture dlinnoy iskry pri impul'snom
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleni-ye Tekhnicheskikh
liauk, 1958, Nr 4, pp 146-147 @USSR)
ABSTRACT: By means of an instrument, the design of which is
based on an electuron-optic transducer and a 2-beam.
oscillograph with a very fast time scanning, the
possibility was provided for studying the details of
the optical and the electric phenomena of the develop-
ment of a surge discharge in long gaps. A system was
devised of synchronizing the instant of switching on
the instrument relative to the instant of develoT)ment
of the discharge,which enabled recording at high
scanning speeds the various stages of the discharge,
i.e. the corona, leader, canal, spark-are and the
arc stages of the discharge. Figs 1 and 2 show
photographs of time scanned pictures of discharges in
gaps rod (+)-rod on a plane (-) for a 130 cm long gap;
Cardl/4 the same graph also shows an oscillogram of the
On the Structure of a Long Spark in the case of Surge Voltages
discharge current. The time scanning of the image of
the discharge began at the instant to when the length
of the leader reached 113 cm (in view of the Inadequate
sensitivity of the apparatus the surge corona and the
corona of the leader do not appear on the photograrh;
later the authors did manage to make a photo of the
corona) From the instant t the lengthening leader
canal was scanned until its Read came into contact
with the plane. There a vertical band of illumination
is visible which indicates a stepwise development of
-the leader canal. It is necessary to point out that
on a number of other photographs the vertical components
of the illumination were encountered only in the Dart
of the leader which eraitted light.Fffm the timievhen tbe 1md of
the canal of the leader comes into contact with the
plane P, (Fig la) up to the instant t b seven
more or less clearly pronounced bright bands appear
which are separated by dark intervals extending
throughout the entire gap. The time interval t
.3 x -8 'he instant t
15 U
Card2/4 10 After b there is a
On the Structure of a Long Spark in the case of urge Voltua@-es
long pause which is followed by a bright final liglit
component at the instant t (see Fig la). The
oscillogram. of the current 8btained for such a
discharge indicates that the leader current O-a corresponds
to the time interval t _t b- Thus, contrary to the pre-
vailing conception on a main canal of a lon- spark being
a continuous process, it was found that this stage has a
very complicated optical structure. As can be seen from
Fig 1B, the oscillogram of the current does not contain
changes in the current intensity which correspond to the
light co 'onents. This can be explained either by the
specific conditions of measuring the current between the 2
planes P 1 and P2') Fig la, which have a relatively large
mutual capacitance or by the absence of any relation
between the light components and the longitudinal current
flow in the spark canal, In Fig 2 the time scanning be6an
at the instant when the length of the leader from the
lower rod reached 33.3 cm and the length of the leader of
the upper electrode reached 46.5 cm. The fusion of the
leaders occurred at the instant t and in the fusion spot
Ca.rd3/4 a bright emission of light occurr9d with a vertical-layer
structure. The layers extend upwards and downwards to the
On the Structure of a Long Spark in the case of Suroge Voltages
electrodes, After a short pause there was a very intensive
component of light t with a sharp edge at the right side.
b M
Here the- llumination weakened considerably but after
7.3 x 10 4sec a new bright illumination component
occurs, Then, the illumination has a diffusion character
up to the very end of the discharge. Analysis of the
oscillogram of the current flow showed that even here the
canal stage, which sets in-after the instant b - has a
complicated structure. In view of the fact thaFthe
current was measured in the lower rod, a better coordina-
tion was obtained between the picture of the changes in
the current and the picture of the components of light.,
There are 2 figures,
(Note: This is a complete translation)
SUBMITTED: October 9, 1957
Card 4/4
2tUTHORS: Pulavskaya, I. G. and Stekollnikoy I. S. (Moscow)
TITLE. Simple Method of Conversion Calculation of Volt-Second
Characteristics (Prostoy metod perescheta vol"Usekundnykh
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk- SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nauk, 1953, Nr 5, pp 142-143 (U8SR)
ABSTRACT: A simple method is described which, with a minimum of
calculation, permits obtaining Volt-second characteristics
for waves with amplitudes not entirely chopped off (as
shown in Fig la) from Volt-second characteristics
measured for waves vrith a standard characteristic. This
method is based on the assumption that the changes in the
discharge gap during the time t (see Fig 1), i.e. the
time until the instant of choppAg of the wave, consist
primarily in reducing the length of the discharge gap
by the magnitude e ,
2' i.e. by the length of the leader
discharge at the instant t 2. In this case the process
of the development of the discharge can be sub-divided
into two stages: the first consisting of the development
of a discharge in the given gap with a standard wave
Card 1/2 and an amplitude Ul; the second the development of the
'zOV/244- 53-
SL:iDie IM-ethod of Convers-ion U-al c u 1 ar'f '77 -@Z= zc@d
discharge in the reduced gap witt a standard wave shape
and a voltage U The validity of th-is assumption can
be verified by t@e* Imovin approximate evaluation of the
growing of the leader discharge as bein@7- represented by
the movement of a me'allic rod jr'
U Lne gap 1--Iculat-ons
carried out for a wave re-nrodi.,eed in Fig,.la have shown
that the difference between the Volt-secor-,a character-
istics obtained by the conversion calculations differ by
no more than 1.5% than for zhose determined experimentally
and only in one point did this difference amount to 8.N.
There are 3 fig?ures and 3 references, 2 of w-hich are
Soviet, 1 English.
SUBMITTED: January 8, 1958
Card 2/2
S. (Moscov')
AH Phjf@: ellol py 9= -
TITLE: PhotoLraphic Scannini-- of Impulse S'taL-,-e of a Direct
Current Discl.aarge (Fotorazvertka izipul'snoy sta-dii
razryada na postoyannom riaprya--henii)
P@IRIODIC.'*,_L: Izvastiya Akader-Ai Nauk- SSSR, OtdelelAye Tekhnicheshikh.
Nauk , 1S581 y1r 81 D 158 (USSR)
ABSTP In earlier vlor"!-, (Ref 1) the auu'hor detected in
dischar,-es in lon taps at industrial frequercy an
ii,ipulse staUe coi-isist-Jin,- of a leader and of a iiia-in
therefore he cois4dered it of interest
,lisch@:1,.'e U
uc el-acidate ;!hethc.--,, the saLle also occurs in
the case of a direct current discharge. In sDi-ue of the
fact th-at it lias beeii known for so-me time that liE;htning,
t-.ihich develops in -the case of a quasi-stationary electric
field between the clouds and the Earth, contains an
i-MDUlse staiLe, the possible assirn-ption that such a stage
@%,ill also e,-@ist in gaps fed by a d.c. voltage under
laborato,ry conditions required experi4iental verification.
For this purpose a discharge @,.ras photographed by means
of a ca:aera @uith a quartz objective lens and a time
1/3 sc,*@,nninL, with a resolution power of about 10 @Lsec/maum
z;OV/24 -58-8- 311/37
P "I t .3 6 r a P i I i c S (" @2 _-J 11 i rl L, C) f t -1 le I I I In, U 1 s e S U L" i@ o-a D i rC t C, 1, 1 r I " 0 n t
D c 1 @I,,) rL@ e
,.7hich developed in a @;ap rod-plate of a len6th of cm
(Fi:-.1) for 11 = 27.5 cm and vai@ious brakini@ resist@@ces,
T'Ii,@ -.,:are obtailled by t1ie follovins :-.,iethod:
by rei@ulFtllr_.@; 'Gao Volta-6e of the transfor@1_11)er T, a
coil-tinuous rise of the voltaGe laas achieved across the
discharGe _c;ap S ; tha avera,@e speed of voltar,e increase
2 to 3 "-IlseK The breakdDw'n occurred at about
130 kV. 2 to secs before the breakdown the shutter
waS c;Dened _4iad @.,ao shut 1 see after the By
nns of th4 cz -,.--4L. I-
ae a -hod t"li-,_ -DhotoE;raL-Phic plate is
i'.1LliuA;-iated by corona and by inco.-iplete leader phrano-i.-ena
--Aiich ;aa",e it Jinpossibl.@, to reveal the impulse stage of
-Ghe discharSe. This difficulty was overcome by iaeans of
an appropriate li, t filter placed in front of -the
objective lens. In Fic-.2 a photo@@raph, is given of the
development of the spark and on this the im-pulse stage
can be seen wliich consists of a leader and a main
discharge canal. Dhe time intervalbetv-.een the be-inrin6
of the formation of the leader discharge and the instant
of for!nin@,, ot the main canal is approxiRiately 1011 secs.
lari 2/3 The reproduced photograph vias obtained with a braking
Photographic Scanning of the Impulse Stage of a Direct Current
resistance R = 150 kOhm. and circuit parameters as
shown in the Wraph, Fig.l. Variation of R within
the limits of 25 to 250 kOhm have shown thaT the time
of development of the leader discharge decreases with
decreasing RT* Thus, it was confirmed that a spark
inside a gap with a non-uniform d.c. field will also
contain an impulse stage.
There are 2 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
(Note: This is a complete translation with the
exceDtion of the figure captions)
SUDAITTED: January 11, 1958
1. Electric discharges--Photographic analysis
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Irkov, A.. *,a., @tekoilnikov, 1. S., Doctor of Technical
Fe i e no es
TITLE: Electron 0scillograph (Elektronnyy ostsillograf)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik .11,kademij naak SSSR, 1958, Nr 10, pp 67-70 (USSR.)
ABSTRA.CT: In the laboratoriya vysokovolltnogo gazovogo razryada Energeti-
cheskogo instituta im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo Akademii nauk
SSSR (Laboratory for High-Voltage Gas Discharge of the Insti-
tute of Energetics imeni G. M. Krzhi-,,hanovskif of the AS USSR)
a portable ascillograph was developed. (Fig 1). It has a time
resolving property of 5.10-10 see/mm and is intended for in-
vestigations of short-time electric processes in high-voltage
engineering. Its measurements are: length: 580 mm; height:
450 mm; width: 270 W.M; weight: 21,1, kg. It is fed with 220-V
current from the electric-supply line and has a maximum power
absorption of 200 W. The high-vacuum and high-voltage valves
py-wi6m,ly productid by 1,1oviet. lndufltr@f permit a recording spend
of 111ore f1j"In 100 000 Iml /fit-01 vii@j ojimtrio owwtio or wito
ospilloRra'ph is shown in figure 2 and subsequently described in
Card 1112 detail. The electron oscillograph is of greatest importance for
Elq.ctron Oscillograph 9OV/30-58-10-12/'53
modern measuring techniaues. There are 2 figures.
17,1 T, (I -@2
AUTHORS: Brago, Ye. N. and Stekollnikov, I. S. (MoEcow)
TITLE: Investigation of the Nature of a Long Spark
(Issledovaniye prirody dlinnoy iskry)
Part VI. Pre-leader Phenomena of a SurE;e Discharge
(Dolidernyye yavleniya impullslio&o razryada)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nlauk, 19581, Nr 11, pp 50-58 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In earlier work of the authors (Refs 1-8) problevis were
dealt with relating to the development of surge corona,
certain assumptions were made and various hypotheses on
the mechanism of the development of such corona were DUt
forward. In the here described work the authors filmed
the optical pic-.ure and simultaneously recorded the
current and voltage so as to obtain quantitative data on
i.he mechanisfa of sur@;e cororia in long @,aps. Furthermore,
Witty tfiood rt@ tiho orrov@ On the.
of Lmpulse coroxia 0V otAoli oxWi@n!IL factoro, on W(,rokWC_bi(r,
it -,cvocri Into the jrZjr), confij-ur,ition of' the exter,.@@l
Cardl/5 sta6es of the dischar,@@e, The corona studies were carried
Investi,@ation of the Vature of a Lon@; Sparrk SO, V/24- --,S- 1.!- 13/42,
out in plane + sphere Saps of 100, 1505 200 and 265 cm
len,--th; the diameters of the spheres with corona,
discharges were 4.7, 15@ 25 cm. As a voltage source a
surge generator with a nominal voltage of 3.5 MV and a
discharge capacitan-ce of 18 _20,j DF was used. The voltaSe
-lie - : -ere recorded by means of a
ind the current of t . @oron@. iN L
circuit shown in Fig.1 in whICIL the corona emittinS
electrode plus the sphere -.,;er- grounded and the other
electrode a plane of -oD a-
1 3 x 3 m was Dlaced on the U V
a heil6lit of 490 cm from the floor level of the high
voltage hall. The results of the photographic corona
in :1@cipo tip W 061-) em long are in agreement
'Vith eariier Obtflille'i _L'eSU11,P, TOP 010
corona consists of ind4vidual elemen-s each
OU of which c---q
be clearly sub-divided into two parts: rectilinear
discharges emitting a bright light and emanatin6 directly
from thesphere,and long tree-like threads emitting a weak
11f3ht. In Fig.3 the dependence is graphed of the length
of surge corona (determined from the photographs) on the
amplitude of the volta,;@e impulse for a sphere diameter of
Caxd2/5 25 cm, Photo.,raphs reproduced in Fig,L@ show the influence
Investigation of the Nature of a Long Spark SOV/24-58-11-13/42
of screens on the development of surge corona; it was
found that the breakdown of a barrier placed into the
discharge gap proceeds during the corona. stage, which is
not in agreement with the results obtained by Norinder
and Salka (Ref 9). The data obtained for the ignition
potential of the corona differ from those obtained in
earlier work of the authors (Ref 5) which related to
measuring the corona threshold voltage in sphere-plane
gaps up to 150 cm long. This difference is attributed
to a differing distribution of the external electrical
field in the case of an "upside down" arrangement with
a sphere at ground potential,, In Fig,.5 the dependence
,IL; gruphL-d of the time t ()isec) and the voltage U. (kV)
of surge corona oil the stoopjioos h of the applied
voltage impulse (sphere of 4,7 cm dia), In FiS.6 the
dependence is graphed of the a:nDlitude of the current of
Uiu, tiure;u corona i(a) on t;kip i@,Pnition potential TJ (kV)
for a sphare of the saruo diaweLer, Pni-k zaid Coric-i (R(if 7)
pointed out that the striking of corona is appreciably
influenced by the preliminary syphoning of free electrons
Card3/5 from the discharge gap, The here described experiments
Investigation of the Nature of a Long Opark SOV/24-58-11-13/42
have shown that these results are correct only for the
conditions pertaining in the experiments of the authors.,
i.e. relatively short gaps and voltages approaching U01
Such results could not be reproduced under similar
conditions in gaps 100 to 265 cm long, In Fig,7
oscillograms and photographs are reproduced which indicate
the relation between the structure of the corona elements
and the shape of current surges. It is characteristic
that the current of two corona elements (Fig,?B) is twice
as intensive as that of a single element; the current
impulse of two corona elements is exactly equal to the
sum of two impulses from a sin@-le corona. element, It was
found that the corona. current does not change by placing
iA ocrf-on [W'o the (1iric-1ajrp,,e v
,rtp (Fig.4a) and also
it, ov, cutimit, or oot-on,@2@
WiaL Wie (101u,iI,, -5
olement e-xceeds 5,7 m 10 ' iotis/cm-, In the last Part
Card 4/5
Investigation of the Nature of a Long Spark SOV/24-58-11-13/42
of the paper the obtained results are evaluated in detail,
There are 8 fi-ures and 11 references, 6 of which are
Soviet? 4 English, 3. German.
SUBMITTED: Dece,..riber 14, 1957
Card 5/5
SHCHERBAKOVA, N.A., studentka; STEKOL'NIhOV, I.S., prof., doktor
Model study of the channel stage current in a long spark. lzv.
TPI 95:72-79 '58- (MIRA 14:9)
(Electric spark--Electromechanical analogies)
SHKILEV, A-V-, student; STEKOL'NIVOV, I.S., prof., doktor.
Using a photomultiplier in studying long sparks. Izv. TPI 95:
80-87 '58. (Y-TJA 14:9)
(Photoelectric multipliers) (Electric spark)
NAZAROVA, K.S., studentka; STEKOLINIKOV, I,S., prof., doktor
Investigation of gradients in a leader channel. Izv. TPI 95:
88-91 '58. (MIRA 14:9)
(Electric spark) (Dielectrics)
Akedealya naak SSSH. Enargetl cheek ly inatitut
E'I*ktrmnerK*ttka, vy'p. I (Electric Power Engineering. Xr 1) Moscow,
Isd-vo AM SSSR, 1959. 159 p. Errata slip Inserted. 2,800 copies
Us. of Publishing House; P. F. 0garkov and Ye. W. Grigor-yev; Tech.
Id.: ye. V. Zelenkova- Editorial Board: Tu. 0. Tolatov, Doctor
of Technical Sciences [Reap. Ed.) I. R. Markovich, Dontor of
Technical Sciences, 1. S. Stekol-n*lkov. DOctor or Technical Sci-
ences, P. 1. Zubk@. Candidate or Technical Sciences.
0. Vidalkhme Ich. Candidate of Technical Science v'to"
Bol'sa '; '@.
Cand to
Sciences, and V. D.
rot ry)
PURPOSEZ This collection of articles in intended for specialists
In the various fields or electric power eaginsering treated in it.
COVERAGE: The first Issue or the collection or articles,
'WIekt_-VeMrgetik4',^praar.d in April 1959. It In publl had by
SKIN Iment . A. Xrzhichanovskly of the AcaAsmy of Sci:ncaa, USU.
articlas In this Issue are based an research and work by the
authors undor the auspices of ENIN. The articles are on At high
thdOrlsticAl mid technical level and represent original ecntrlbu.
tIona to various present-day problems In electrical engineering.
References are given after most of the articles.
and_.g_K_MJkbnftxIcb_ Equivalent Circuit of
Station Generate" Equipped 41th Strong-Actlon Regulators 96
The author presents a method of representing a group of n
station generators by two Identle:1,gonorators equivalent to
The method Is used
r s
c c
r s
n t
the gromp,
in studyt=S static stability and the nature of transient& of
station generators. There are 4 references, all Soviet.
Gonxahkfn '?,J_ Applies tion or the Method or Successive Approx
iWicas for Calculating Complex Electrical Networks 0
There are 7 rerarences, all Soviet.
QoJ't1UV_1_A_. Transformation of a Single-phase System Into
-three-phase Using Static Daviw4 According to a Scheme Davalopet!
by P. A. Kaianzarov, and L. A. Tacytlin 114
The Method used Consists In employing capacitors in the
circuit. The author derives rorm,laa czpree@lne the trans.
formation. There are 3 references. &11 Sollot.
Aran ron._X__Z___PrOp* rt Lee of a Certain Type of 04cillatory
-Circuit 117
So references are given.
GoI'taov, X. A. Application of a Series or Punctlons for tho
no rivation or Formulas of' Various Numerical F@*thods for Solving
Ordinary DIfferantial Equations 12.
There are ) references, all Soviet.
tte.LkqJ!GJk_0V 1. S. The Mechanism of Discharge In Large Gap
-'1FkL-C-IngX fmr_-KrtWj@R4tIng Current 127
The author. a well-known specialist in problems or lightning
protection, Investigated the machanlea of dInchargo at ln@
dustrial frequency and at various apacinga of the air gap,
al.1 of them having practical applications. On the basis or
::v*rAl eXPOPIMentso using various types of circuits and
rying the Parameters, the author concludes that the also.
trio Qtrwngft Or a given spacing Is not subject to sub.
taUtW obango aften circuit parameters are varied. There
re 6 retonnoenz 2 Soviet, 4 English and 2 German.
2 sov/109-4-8-" 22/N
. G.V. ..d
AVMORS. Gran.v.kiy. V.L.. Luk'y.nov, -To-, SPiva
3irateako, I.G.
TITLB i Report on the All-U.J.. on Gn-
R&dIot.khnik& I slaktronik&, 1959, Val 4, Nr 6.
pp 1339 - 1358 (USSR)
AWTRAcT s The conferencep was arganlmad by the A..S..USSR, th.
tL.n and Moscow State Univ or
Ministry or Higher gdU,
Or co"
It ... Opened by the ch Uman of the orgamis
tp no
A..d..L.i. ..Durt Or
X.A he IA ry
,if Of A---, .par. or. delivered .
A paper on "production of Ultra-high
.;. as.. A.
tical method of measurements was given
f th
A sury.y o
er. by V.A. F.brI1f
: p
S. Br wa of the Ksxs&chu. tt I tL u .f T I.&Y
gaye a survey of the high-frequency methods of the invest%
..tJOA Of stationary ..d ..n-t.ti...ry Plasma (Boo p 12�4 T
in this Lanus of the journal).
. paper enti.tlod 'lonisation And
N.V. JiPedorenkc, r
'rn-eI`-&*-T1'7"catta in Duj@ins Atomic Collision...
d -ZlaaantAry Proc. An
.I with
_ as
I... I. Ga.
._iOi A at . ;
A paper b To. Boderou (Rumania) dealt With *The Role of
_ fFaE&rZrar=n the XLneti
iti. -t or th.
Atika nIkovcon, Id
or .7 rk. r . -1 d, ..l. and the
final channel).
-N I 'rr*l'd A A "', of the i!niti* An
t, ly .rIfI ,16AAn
Th. mechanism Of the br.akdo of a hish-van P
elucidated in a paper by Y.L. Qranovskiy.
Z Took- (U3A) ..p.-d.d . theory of th A motion of
maCnatic trap (&so p 1316 of thin Journal).
.I. trans in a
,crib*d A .,-bar
torn G
Acad-i.i An R. Rompa CEA
of exparicainta on non-st tio ar pi a.. nduct*d by
hi...l f*
*:ry of
M. atenbeak (Z&st*m Germany) gave a renaralI::
conf.r.nce was divided into six I.
Th. rl ti.n ... pt@oilid.d war by L.A. S... And we.
*.".md with the alementary processes In Sam discharge.. I
The following papers were road in
JA-M 0 1'- AT f motion of o5L 'iv IQ A
Ta. N. Fogel- with V.A_M"4_'nkY_&nd D.Y. Ei
loctrons Duri gthe C.1
Captnre and Loss of 9 1,
"t At"' of Carbon and Rydrogen with the M.I..ul.. of
r.d.,.ak, at .1. -I ... ciati
c, of Molocnla@ job.
of Hydrogen DlAr C II.- in Go
Lag .1 I
And Yj_j_S2jC@t!_x&v_- " Cra ...... tLans
of gl.ctr._ I. Multi.hArg. 1.- 1. . In.rt
' At
. - *'!'
S I.- to a- a. n
C%@t I. i.,
.' Ln
metal V.Pour...
O.a. ?Iran, - Qu
litativa Investigation of Inelastic
WI-1-IM-n-ot At"A
fC*c;ive Kxcitation Cross-&*ctions of the
VM _
: R
P;@t_%,@TL Potassium and Argon".
.. A
C.rd3/11 aadj@.M.ILI@hko "Some RaNults of the
Investigation of the OPtichl Functions of the Zxcltatj.,
Bonds of a Negative Systana.
A-A. Vorab_@Yey and A.G. Tianov - "Investigation of the
So atterLng of the B,tatron Chamber".
The second section was pre.Lded over by D.N. Elyarf.114
And was devoted to the problems of the electrical break-
down I. rrifi so.*, In high vacuum. Th. following
A w r
r e
I th,
a r d. .ct I. III
_Xk _Lim
nov and Yu.A,JiqtlA@ "y- "Blectrost4tic
control OC the gnitic. Or Gla--dI..h.r Tub..-(...
P 1274 of the jo-mal).
S.Vv_ Pt itayn. at al. war* concerned with the breakdown
in a high-voltage el.r-y rectirinr (**. p 1270 of tile
.Y. -Ignition or tile Dioctlarga in Son-uniform
r tile Journal).
I At lo: Ann p iLU
S.b.l.v.0. (1 .d- Tile) PI .......
net .. n APoint And i Pinne at Go. PresAurea of
lo-3 - I son Hit-.
AUMORS: Qrano@.kiy, V.L.. L"-y...v. T"" Spi-
.n !he Second All-U".n C.cif-- on Gii-
actr ni.
t.khik I til-kCr-aiktt. 1959, Vol 41 N' a-
pp 133 - 1358 USS10
comfertincep we- orZ4niaed by the AC-SC-U35R, the
AssTigAcr: Th
xi Stry of Higher Nducacton and Moscow State University.
a. th Otis of Reducing the guerSy Lost to ch
L.I. Pi.ovar, and 'L.I. Gctrd@yjLn@Eo - ad
Pro- roik@awo cu@rrtiut. Bat...a Metal Electrodes in High
.Y..A. Siasonov and MKatukov - *InY03tt&AtlGU Of the
r. J-0-i-velopment of a High-woltag*
sson or fal tation an
i .tatirs. in Va..-
.N. 2.ykhrUd&l ad "The Character-
i.ti.8 Of Ignition in HiSh-Y&CU"' in M"gh
Jt.1(__T.rAP2R at Al. dealt with the tIA"f r t.. t rod
e 1,
-t rill du.rInS the pra-britakdo" t.a. 1. v.cuum.
..B. an - *Th
Motion of Micro-particles of
5 ectri Breakdown in Vscuume.
The thJ4-d section dealt with the problems of electric
sparks , corans mind tharpractical applications. It us&
V@ 1. tied -r by I.S. Stokollnikov. The following papers
V_L_J-v1Z*v at .1. - -Probe InwetigatL.. of the a...
-"glemattary Pr ....... in the xoa@satioa
Fa. of Conductors at Atmospheric
-Appear-.. of . Corona DI-chars. in
H ".Sea and Iditrag.n"'
7 *Some P opertios a the Corona
P. it. Chistyakor f
- j-. i__H_o X, C It. .5 tam
-Drz.f"w . yd;tZ:l.ij/C. in 3. dri al Y.
Ajjt_5.bgja:: ad D.U. _XlysrCl,'d tter ---. C Discharge
.... 5Point so pl.;.:App
wtitin at 4: PraC
10-3 - 1.0 cam Hg*. 1. - -Method. of U.iP.I., of
f the JQ@Al).
ro-ionlti.r4 (so. p 1333 11
;."Tt,.*._5p:,tr:.,Cth. Radiation of
tir . . ( . 128 it of the
jourual). and *Production of High
Yr".turs. b 0".h.rZo-",
P; Y " 1' i
fit b I&Scistic V1:1d cf Media..
Discharge no the D v Surf. f Two
-Now Data From the Study of Long
"Propetties of the Dreakdowu of Compressed
gaparAtively valfa= Field in the Presence of
Lociallaed Non-unifortnitias..
A1. - -pu,16. ...d D.till.grephic
T;cA. V."b-y.r at a
hiniqu as for the Measu.rement of tit* Disch"zo Lag.
1. ftelentrtc.- (sae p 1257 of ch.
a Pp- by P.M. ZQjQt kh dealt ith Crth.
be. '* theory of the,. r:. to. P 1330 - the
Ti: Co""th section ... .... id.d -r by S.Yu. Luk'y^nov
.-a concerned with the non-3cationAry and low-
Equavay discharges. Th. foll.-in@: PA par. war. vaadl
@ @G T *cNati4re of the
,.at In =ch and A A L.bud - " h
t.rrupt,. - XT octri gxpl.-Lavi at
;.NA"Tatonow - tiproparatittc, of PI.... Fr.. Local Pulso
Card lit@.Tlii'_Yolylv I*rt.:..d ArcH octroft-optleal"
)(;3.&.1fr. Bid Of
.1 antric FL-14 ----4 Io- M-m..trorttt.
&-1 M.K, aj@jy "Esp.,jettiat. with an
=.tvo. model of '.'th R3L'.tL. atunples..
,.N. Andri now at al. "DintrLbt@tion of Magnetic and alectrL.
Pulse DLec;-rG .s".
@,-X"J111-UardAeg (gugland) - "Spectroscopic Dettit,taloscion
or Pl,,*,: Temp-.aturn in tit, *Z.t. .l9quLpsitit.
,13.6 f th
The paw by Harding Arc,sed A lot oC interest an't
A4:daaiL-l.S._L' A. Artaj_@I.- it,. opinion that
tit tilect'." 4-1 to. tit. -Z.t.. should
be or th. to Herding.
t. t': , ,,
-t '.-r U- titer
24D) SOV/48-23-8-10/25
AUTHOR: Stekollnikov, I. S.
TITLE: Some New Results of the Investigation of Long Sparks
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959,
Vol 23, Nr 8, pp 975-979 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This article discusses result8 obtained from experiments on
spark discharge over a distance of from I to 5 m under various
conditions. These experiments were made by Ye. N. Brago,
A. Ya. Inkov, I. G. Pulavskaya, G. I. Smirnova-, and the au-
thor. Optical and electrical methods were used for an investi-
gation of the discharge corona. The corona is divided into two
different parts. The first part consists of a bright straight
column, the second is of faint shining and possesses woodlike
structure. Figure 1 presents a scheme of the components of a
corona and its development in the course of time. The diagram
of figure 2 represents the length of the corona components in
dependence on voltage amplitudes. The effect of the size of
discharge poles is then discussed. Further, a relation between
the current characteristic and the structure of the corona was
Card 112 found. Experiments on the avalanche-like shape and the pulse
some New Results of the Investigation of Long Sparks SOV/48-23-8-10/25
shape of the corona are described. The last part of the pre-
sent paper deals with discharge in the leader (lider) phase
and the influence exercised by the parameters of the experimen-
tal arrangement on the development of leader processes. The
potential gradient of 0.3 to 0.5 kv/cm in the leader channel
was determined by a special search method. There are
5 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
AS'SOCIATION: Laboratoriya vysokovolltnogo
instituta Akademii nauk SSSR
Discharges of the Intititute
Academy of Sciences, USSR)
gazovogo razryada Energeticheskogo
(Laboratory for High-voltage Gas
of Power Engineering of the
Card 2/2
Stekollnikov, Il'ya Samuilovich
Priroda dlinnoy iskry (Characteristics of the Long Spark) Moscow, Izd-vo AN
SSSR, 1960. 271 p. Errata slip Inserted. 4,000 copies printed,
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Energeticheskiy institut imeni G.M.
Resp. Ed.: B.M. Vul, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ed. of
Publishing House: B.V. Mints; Tech. Ed.: G.A. Astaflyeva.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for readers studying high-voltage discharge and
the utilization of its propwties in scientific research and engineering.
COVERAGE: The author examines the mechanism of a spark in long gaps of various
types with the application of voltages of different characteristics. The
book is based on investigations carried out by the author and his coworkers
and on a considerable number of published reports of other researchers. In-
cluded is information on'apparatus, measurement schemes, and methods used in
the study of spark characteristics. The consecutive stages of a spark in
various discharge gaps (mainly in air gaps) and for various types of voltages
Card 17@8_
Characteristics of the Long Spark
are considered. On the basis of generalized representations of the develop-
ment of impulse discharges, problems having important practical significance
are considered. Methods of calculation are discussed and experimental methods
for determining the voltage-time characteristics of insulations are reviewed.
The author also recommends measures for increasing accuracy. Modern theories
on the formation of lightning are presented together with recently published
experimental results on this subject. A brief treatment of the theory of the
development of the avalanche-streamer mechanism and its modifications is also
given. Chapter II was written in collaboration with Ye.N. Brago; Chapters
III and VI were written with the assistance of I.G. Pulavskaya. A.Ya. Inkov
assisted the author in preparing the book for publication. References ac-
company each chapter. There are 288 references: 155 Soviet, 80 English,
47 German, 4 French, 1 Swedish, and 1 Latin.
SARKISOV, G.A.(Moskva); SMIRNOVA, G.I.(Moakwa); 414@4Q@L'H@KOV, I.S.(Moskva)
Processes in the development of the strengthoning effect in
an arced-over gap with voltage of commercial frequency. Izv.
AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. 3"erg. i avtom. U(3-5-44-50 S-0 160.
(MIRA 13:11)
1. Laborator@ya vysokovalltnogo gazovogo razryada Energetichaskogo
instituts. AN SSSR.
(Electric arc) (Electrodes)
STWOLINIKOV, I.S. (Xoskva), SHISTBR, A.R. (Moskva), SHKILU, A.V., (Moskva)
- - ------ - -
Calculation of Induced overvoltages in electric power transmission
lines. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nmA. Inerg. i avtom. no.6:2-3-27 11-D
16o. (MM 13:12)
(Electric lines-Overhead) (Lightning protection)
13019/BO56 2273
AUTHORS: Bazelyan, E. M., Brago, Ye. N., Stekollnikov, I. S.1-
TITLE: A Considerable Decrease of the Average Breakdown Gradients
in Long Discharge Gaps With an Oblique-angled Voltage Wave
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 133, No. 3,
Pp. 550 - 553
TEXT: The introduction refers to experiments carried out at the
laboratorl@a vysokovolltnogo gazovogo razryada ( 'Laboratory of High-voltage
Gas Discharges) of the Institute mentioned under Association (Refs. 1 -
4). Recently, interesting results have been obtained with respect to the
decrease of the average discharge gradient. The scheme of the experimen-
tal arrangement shown in Fig. 1 is discussed. Recording of voltage was
carried out by means of an oscillograph and a capacitive voltage divider.
Fig. 2 shows the discharge characteristic of the experimental device for
various lengths ofthe discharge gaps between the rods used and the
earthed plate. The voltage minimum occurring for all distances between
100 and 3?5 cm within the range of 150 - 180 /4sec of the time of
Card 1/3
A Considerable Decrease of the Average S/020/60/133/03/02/013
Breakdown Gradients in Long Discharge Gaps B019/B05682273
With an Oblique-angled Voltage 'gave
discharge is pointed out. This characteristic is explained by a dis-
cussion of the processes before the discharge in the discharge gap. The
occurrence of discharge is dealt with, and it is shown that in the left
part of the characteristic a certain inertia of the processes before the
discharge occurs (in the case of short discharge times). This inertia de-
creases with an increase of the times of discharge, and the blocking
action of the space charge formed in the development of the corona grows.
This blocking action was investigated by the authors by means of alternat@
ing current (industrial frequency), The discharge characteristics of the
same discharge gap are shown in Fig. 3. From a discussion of these
results and the dependence of the average discharge gradient on the length
of the discharge gap as shown in Fig. 4, the authors conclude that by the
effect produced by the oblique-angled wave and the alternating current,
the zone of the unipolar volume charge is limited, and that above all
this volume charge does not depend on the length of the discharge gap.
There are 4 figures and 7 references; 6 Soviet and 1 German.
Card 2/3
A Oonsiderable Decrease of the Average S/020/60/133/03/02/013
Breakdown Gradients in Long Discharge Gaps B019/BO56 82273
With an Oblique-angled Voltage Wave
ASSOCIATION: Energeticheskiy institut im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR (Institute of Power Engineering imeni G. M.
- Krzhizhanovskiy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR)
March 26, 1960, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician
March 25, 1960
Card 313
. Samuilovich,, prof.; KADER, Ya.M.., rod.; KiL
A.M., tekhn.-re-d,---'---
[science and religion about lightning and thunderl Nauka i re-
ligiia o molnii i grome. Moskva., Voen.izd-vo 14-va oborony SSSR
1961. 93 P. (MIRA 14:121
(Religion and science) (Lightning)
--- t-@
Fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Pr9fessor A.A.Voroblev.
Elektriches-tvo no.1:93 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:4)
(Voroblev, Aleksandr Akimovich)
1, A.I.; T' GORUSET'l-IF, -1-.; SOVALOV, S.A.;
Sh,:tieth birthday of I.1,11. Markovich. 3lektrichestvo no-5:
87 My 161. (MDbk 14:Q)
(Markovich, Isaak Moiseovich, 1@,01-)
New data on the development of a long-spark channel. Dokl. AN
SSSR 136 no.4:803-806 F 161. (MIRA 14tl)
I* Energeticheskly institut imeni G.M. Krzhizhanovskogo Akademii
nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom L.A. Artsimavichem.
(Electric spark)
G, "r.l.; iliMKOVIC11.1 I.M.; TOSTOV, Yll.G.;
','T; jf,@ YLOV li.l.; DENISM,@j, V.I.; 110SLTITIN, -I.!.;
Verdamin Isaakovich Veits; obituary. Elektrichestv,- --c.4:
91-92 Ap 161 14.::
iveits, Veniamin Isaakavich, 1905-1961)
AUTHOR; Stekollnikov, I. S.
TITLE. New results on the initial stages of sparks
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 5, 1961.. 1076-io77
TEXT: A new electron-optical transformer, Ileopograf", designed at the
Laboratoriya vysokovolltnogo gasovogo razryada Energeticheskogo instituta
im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo (Laboratory for High-voltage Gas Discharge of
the Power Engineering Institute imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiy), was used to 1_@__
study the development of sparks. It permitted to picture the "elements"
of a pulse corona (columns and branches). The mean velocity of the
discharo-e branches (positive spherep negative plate) was found to be with
109 cm @ 108 cm/sec. By fast sz;annin--
/sec, that of the columns was with ni
the eopograph permitted to find out that not only velocities but also
structures of the branches of a corona differed essentially. Furthermore;
a calibrated electron beam oscilloscope revealed that the propagation rate
of the branches was subject to strong changes. In the first stage where
the branches reach about half their length, the velocity is V 1 IR, 5 - 10 9 - Oec,
Card 1/3
B102 61/141/005/008/018
New results on the initial B1 04YB1 '02
in the second stage, it is V 2F-2-10 6- 3-106 cm/sec. Studies of the pulsf
corona in case of the sphere being negative and the plate positive showed
branches and columns to be of analogous structure. Results obtained by
using a discharge gap of 52 cm. a ball diameter of 12.5 cm, and a voltage
of A showed that the branches were propagating at a rate of
U -- 0 kv 0
V1 '@ 5,104 cm/sec in the first stage, and at a rate of V 2 -j 2-108 omlsec i.n,
the second stage. Columns and plasma channels develop long before the
contact between branches and plate becomes visible. The mean velocity
of the Plasma channels is about 9.107 cm
/see. The leader channel is
developing with a bright head of small extension (2-3 cm), which vanishes
after its formation and is regenerated in the neighborhood of its
preceeding position, The channels of the branches are also extended in
this way. Each flash of the leader head results in the formation of beams
of rays moving at a velocity of 4-1 07 cm/sec toward the plate. A special
study has shown that the beams develoD in a similar way as the branches clf
a pulse corona and that they reaah notable lengths, A. V. Shkilev assisted
j.n the exverimen4l OU
-s, Ye. N. Bra-o is mentioned. There are 4 fig res and
3 references: I Soviet and 2 non-Soviet, The reference to the English-
language publicatic-n reads as foll.')ws@. J, H, Fark., F, N, Cones, J. Res-
Card 2/3
'C, 2 0116, 1 /14 1 /CC) 5'/006/018
New re 3 u 'It on th e n it i a-, 04113102
e t i CL, Z? SI I [13 t tu i (3 , Krzhizhanovskogr, lkadem'
j I: SSSf@ ..e 7., 4 r, e ri n-- ins t i u te
1: rz hziii;_, ri ov s Ir- i o- licademy of ScLences USSR)
SUBIELITTED: july 4 , 1 ),61 by
i un e 1 0', , I -I C,@ L A A rtsimovil -h . kcade-mic ian
Sixtieth anniversary of the birth of A.I. Moskvitin. Elektrichestvo
no-4:94 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5)
(Moskvitin, Anatolii Ivanovich, 1902-)
"New Data on Ner-ative Spark Development and its Comparison with Lightning"
International Conference on Gas Di-scharges and the Electricity Supply
Industry", 7-11 @Iay 1962, Leatherhead, UK.
1. Krzhizhanovski Power Institute) Laboratory of' HiCh Voltage Gas
Discharges, Moscow, U. S. S. R.
"The Peculiarities of Oblique 'Wave Front Discharres and their role
in the Estimation of EHV Transmission Line Insulation"
To be submItted at the International Conference on Gas Discharges
and the Electricity Supply Industryj 7-11 May 10,62y Leatherhead, UK.
1. High Voltqge Gas Discharge Laboratory, Moscow, U. S. S. R.
A @ j (..) @ 5, S. k--),
STEKOLINIKOV, I.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; GORIN, B.N., inzh.
Effect of lightning strokes which have bypassed the grounding
wires on high-voltage power transmission lines. Blektrichestvo
no.6:82-84 Je 162. (YJRA 15: 6)
1. Energeticheskiy institut imeni Krzhizbanovskogo.
(Electric lines-Overhead)
(Electric protection)
STEKOLTIKOV, I.S., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; DAZZLYAN, E.M., inzh.
Decreasing of the insulation disruptive voltage in electric
power systems during certain kinds of switching surges*
Blektrichestvo no.7:36-40 n 162. OURA 15:7)
1. Energeticheskiy institut imeni Krzhizhanovskogo.
(Electric insulators and insulation)
(Electric power distribution)
S/058/63/01)0/00- 1/001/12D,
AUTHOR; Stekol nikov,-. 1. -S.
TITLE: The development'Or,the'science of 116tnkg Wd - 'me sparic.'..
IERIODICAL: Referativr47-zhu 1963, 5, abatraot@l.kjT.-
(In collection: opr. Istorit yestentV02nan-1 twft-.,.
AN SSSR, no. 12, 1952,* 75" -.02Y
TEXT-z The history of'the discovery and.tho study.of the nature' of 110t
ning and long spark is illustrated'. Franklins-invest1gations .of -atmaphorto *lea*
tricity and the establishment of lightnP%'Piotection -nothodes- and, the.ritsidta. of.
Lomonosov's and Richmants work on thd study or Unwei-itors. 11AGROMena. .are dozorlbiA :i
The investigations of lightning spark ir w.,atat4id*to I*ve' been started
in the thirties of the 20th century. The resutts:.@i laiebtftatloni of, sparkis WhIch,
can be obtained in high-voltage laboratories,. ide"V'elopommt of $Oil*
discharge, and results of the',, .of'j1OtftU*.'.a0e described. Aahs-
matic diagrams of the shock-type de,~elopment,lof:llah%nb*~:wA.ropeatod lightning
are given. Finally, the results of &-s+@idy of 11ghtn1W'.0%6teatjdn-qethods am'
Card 1/2
,kUTUORSt Stekollnikov, I. S.f Bragop Ye. N., and Bazelyan, E. 14.
TITLEs Reduction of discharge voltage in long-oblique-wave
discharge gaps
PLqIODICALs Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 8, 1962,,993 - 1000.@
TEXT; The characteri@tics of an oblique wave discharge gap rod - surface
(so = 50 - 590 cm) with wave fronts.of 20 to 700.,usec were examined
(Fig. 4a). The voltages were recorded with an oscilloscope 'and a
capacitive voltage diVider. U b (break-down voltage), as a function of
tb the time until the voltage at the discharge the breakdown
voltage), has a minimum at t b . 150 - 250esec. If 5 0 is increased from
50 to 590 cm the field strength decreases from 4.7 kv/cm to 2.25 kv/cm;
for ordinary pulsed waves the field strength for So = 1 - 4-5 m is
5.35 kv/cm. The curve U b(t b) can be explained qualltatively by studying
Card 1/# ---
Reduction of discharge voltage ... 13100102
the volume charge in the zone near the electrode as a function of the
steepness ofAhe wave fronts. When the experiment is made with U b'min
it is possible to get discharges of several meters at voltages much lower
than those needed for d-c or a-c discharges. The dependence of Ub on the
rise time has to be taken into account when determining the.A3R (LEP)
insulation value under the action of commutating overvoltages. There are
6 figures.
ASSOCIATIONs Energeticheskiy institut im. G. M. Krzhizhanovskogo Moskva
(Power Bngineering Institute imeni G. M. Krzhizhanovskiyq
SUBMITTEDs April 2@t,iq6i,(initia14
Card 210
Now data on the development of a negative spark as compared with
lightning. DokI.AN SSSR 145 no.4:782--785 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Energeticheskiy institut im. G.M.KrziLizhanovskogo. Predstavleno
akademikom, L.A.Artsimovichem.
(Electric spark)
OResearch on the long negative spark and the problems of lightning.'
Report submitted to the Third Intl. Confe on Atmospheric and Space
Electricity, Montreaux, Switzerland Nay 1963
Reply of the authors. Elektrichestvo no.7:97-88 J1 163.
(miRA 16:9)
(Electric insulators and insulation)
Development of a long positive spark on an oblique voltage vave.
Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no-4:837-840 Ag 163. (mRA 16:8)
1. Predstavleno akademikom L.A.Artsimovichem.
(Electric spark)
L 15L64-_63 EM! (1) BDS AFFTG/1SD
.ACCESSION NR: AP301 @-7 -s/oo2o/"63/151/005/1085/1088
.AUTHORSt I. S.; Shkilev, A. V. J-Z
:TtTLE: 'Analysis of the mechanism of the Eej-.ative spark
,SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 151, no. 5, 1963, io85-loM
.TOPIC TAGSt spark formation mechanism electrical discharge in gas
.spark sweep photograph, electrical discharge, gas
:ABSTRACT: Authors studied spark development under exponential waves.
.of applied voltage, which is,characterized by an average slope be-
tween time zero and a time equal to 2.3 of the time constant. Fig_
ures 1, 2, and 3 show theswee@ photograph of the spark development,
,With respect to time. Figure shows the processes schematically. A!'.
detailed description of the different stages of the process is givdn-'---.,
The main features leading to spark breakthrough are: (i) polar
Corona; (ii) steRped spark leader- iii) negative leader and Jump-
like leader; (iv) volume lea positive leader; (vi) final
jump; (vii) the main channel. Orig. art. has: 4 figures.
Card 141
1ACCESSION KRs' AP4036693'__ _81002616410WOWWWO060
!AUMORs Stokollnikorp I. S. (Professor)
1TITLRe -Naturs, of a long 61.eatrIo spark
SOURCBs Pr1roda, no* 5, 1964, 42-60
ITOPIC TAGSo electric spark* lightning, electricity, image oonverters atmospherlo
ABSTRACTs The nature ana meahanism of lightning are described brieflys the author
already has described this phenomenon in detail (Priroda' 1953, No* 4# pages 19-30)ol
In that source he noted that many properties of lightni;; can be studied by use or a I
ilong electric spark. Such Investigations since have been made in many countrieso
Ithis paper is limited to discussion of investigations of a long, multimeter spark
in the air. Specifically, the author desoribes the investigations made in the
:,Laboratory of High-Voltage Gas Discharges and Lightning Protection of the Go M.
KrzhizhanGvakiy Electric Power Institute. Creation of the required park requires
a high-voltage generator for creating brief high@potantial discharge: (millioni or
@volta); tho generator used at the institute is described, The spark is recorded I
lphotographioally, using an electronic osoillographo Processes with a duration of a