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STARM - S.J. master sporta (g.Zhukovskiy,, Moskovskaya obl.) Duty of ad-tmnced sportsmen. Za rul. 20 no.7:5 JI 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Education,, Military) SUTMKH~ S. N. STARYKH, S. N. -- "The Ydneral Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Red-Earth and Yellow-Podzolic Soils of the Caucasian Black Sea Coast." Acad Sci TISSR. Soil Inst imeni V. V. Dokuchayev. Laboratory- of Soil Mineralogy. Moscow., 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Geologicomineralogical Sciences.) SO: KnizhWa Letopis', No 5, Moscow, Feb 1956 BLUBMIN, N., kand.veterinarnykh--nauk; STA~~It~t V., inzh. New tba-remodeling of BtajjB forcalves. Sell. stroi. 16 no,.104*4 0 161. dt 14:11) ,(Novosibirsk Province-Barns) (MIF , Z .., V.[:- i dcAt-or seVz-kokhoz.maluk S TkHY FP f nauchnyy LmportanLe c-f' md-croclimate in large-s-4ze poultlr7 houses. Veterirari-ia 41 no-3:86-89 Mr 165. (INIEU 18:4) 1. 14oskovslraya ,reueri-narnaya alkademiya. RADUSIIKEVICH, V.P., prof.;- KOS(XIOGOV, L.F.; BONDAMIKO, V.V.; VASWITSEV, A.A.; SLIVKIN, A.V.; S.TATL=, V.S. Use of new Soviet ganglionic blocking preparations in surgical practice. Khirurgiia 39 no.7t13-19 J1163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.P.Radushke- vich) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. BEREZIN, Sergey Yakavlevich..- STARYNKEVICH, D.S., retsenzent; SHIFRIE, M.Sh., doktor tekhn. naukj, ret,i-en-z-enX-jAFCSfl1N, A.N.JP nauchM7 red.; SACHUK, 19.A., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. (Design of automatic control systems using inverse amplitude- phase characteristies]Raschet sistem. avtomaticheskogo regu- lirovaniia s pozoshchliu obratnykh amplitudno-fazovykh kha- rakteristik. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962. 336 P. (MIRA 15:10) (Automatic control) BMEZIN, Sergey Yakovlevich; .~TAIR~~,IKEVICH, D.S., retsenzent; KOVANTSEV, N.S., nauchn. red.; (Automatic steering of ships; autoratic pilots] Avtomati- cheskoe upravlenie kursom sudov; avtorulevye. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1965. 218 p. (MIRA 19:1) - 5TARMEVICH-BORIMAN, I.D._ Remarks on the article of J.A. Gard, H.F. W. Taylor, H.A. Chalmers "An Investigation of two minerals:rhodesite and mountainite" (from min. mag. 31 no. 239). Zap. Vass. min. ob-va 87 no.4:512-513 '58. (MIRA 12:1) kAfrica, 5outh--Zeolites) STARTUX, V.A. Medical services in a rural medical sector. 2drev.Rosfe1er. I no 2: 9-12 1 057. 1 (MM 10:7) 1. Glavnyy vrach.Grigoripolieskoy uchaetkovoy bollaitay Novo- Alsksandrovskogo rayons (KADICINS, RMIAL) STARIZHISq V. [Starijist M Obsern-tions of ths'birghtness of no'Va Herculis at the Vilnius Observatory. Astron. tsir. no. 214:13-15 S 160* (KMA 14:1) 1. Villnysskaya astronmichoskaya observatoriya. (Staris, Nov) Cou:~ ~ry POLUD E C--,'-eGory: Virology. Viruses of Man and Aniznla. Rickettsias. i%bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 23., 1958, No 103558 :Lixtuyr~ski, R.; Nowick-j., J.; Starzecya, D.; Z--dura, St,; Zienichod, T. Tl-i.tle :"Q" Fever in Kr.-J-cw Ori,,; Pub: Przcgl. lekar, 1957, 1'1:~ 2, 33-38 he first tii-.;e in 1956 among ,,bs,;racL: Cases were observed fer tl persons Vic; ',,,ad boo-i-i ~-n ccntr-ct witA. 21,.cep wool irlported fro-a s-. ortly before ~I,c ou.;breank. The presence of "Q'I fever was confiriied by corTle- i.ienL-.-fixation rcac'v-:.o~i witli rickettsial an,,J-Gcns. Ccrd 1/1 64 STARZICKA, Barbara; TOI-WIK, Witold; ZASOWSKA, Krystyna Certain observation on varicella and herpes zoster. Przegl. epidem., Warez. 12 no.2:177-180 1958. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A. K. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Kostrzewski. (CHICKMIM relation to herpes zoster (Pol)) (Mraw -"OBTXR relation to chickenpox (Pol)) MACH, Bronislaw; STA%UCKA, Barbara Indications for artificial respiration & curare therapy in tetamm. Polskie tygod. lek. 14 no.4:155-157 26 Jan 59. 1. Z Klinild Chorob Zakaznych A.M. w Txakowie; kierowuik: prof. dr .Tozef Kostrzewski. Adres: Krakow, u1. Kopernika 17, Klin. Chorob Zakn.-nych A.K. (TITANUS, t her. artif. resp. I-- curire, indic. (Pol)h- (CURARE# ther. use tetanus, indic. (Pol)) (RESPMTIOIT.- ARTIFICIAL, in various dis. same) STARZECKA, Barbara - ", 14;~- . On-paralysis of the cranial nerves in patients with tetanus. Polski tyr.od. lek. 14 no-33:1523-1525 17 Aug 59. 1. (Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A.M. w Krakowie; kierownik: prof. dr J. Kostrzewgki. (TETANUS, compl.) (CRANIAL NERVES, dis.) (PARALYSIS, atiol.) MACH, Bronislaw; STARZECKA, Barbara; JABLONSKA-JAROSZ, Wladyslawa Unilateral rupture of the diaphragm in tetanus consecutive to d-iffuse myositis. Pat.polska 11 no.3:285-292 160. 1. Z lliniki Chorob Zakasnvch AM w Krakowie, Kierownik: prof.dr Jozef Kostrzewski [deceased.]. Z Zakladu Anatomii. PatologicznF3 AM v Krakx)wieo Kierownik: prof.dr J.Kowalczykowa.- (TETANUS compl) (HERNIA DIAPHRAGMATIC etiol) (KYOSITIS compl) STARZECKA, Barbara Nerve lesions in tetanus patients. Przegl.epidem. 14 no.2:153-156 l6o. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A.M. w Krakowie Kierownik: Prof. dr Jozef Nostrzewski [deceased] (TETANUS compl) (NEUROLOGIC MANIFESTATIONS) M E GH, Bronislaw; STARZEGKA, Bar~gra_ A - Notes on the use of sera in tetanus. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.43: 1650-1652 23 0 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Zakaznych A.M. w Krakowie; kierownik--. doc. dr med. W. Fejkiel. (TETANUS immunol) (SEROTUERAPY)' P 0 L A.N- D $TARZECKA, Barbara,_ Clinic of Infectious Diseases (Klinika Chorob Zakaznych), X-1 [Akadei-,iia ',Iedyczna, Medical Academy] in Kraliow (Director: Prof. Dr. m ed. W. FEJKIEL) "Analysis of the Cases of Hydrophobia in Patients of the Division of Infectious Diseases (Oddzial Zalcazny) of the Sw. Lazarza Hospital .(Now, the Clinic of Infectious Dis- oases of the Medical Academy in Kralcow) During 1910-1950." Warsaw, Prze!-,lad_Epidemiologiczny, Vol 17, No 3, 63, pp 14.5-155 Abstract: [Author' s En-lish summary modified' Author ana- lyzes the cases of human tho'hospitQ1 during the 4o years. All 38 cases proved fatal. With few exceptions, the classical course of the disease has 4 periods: prodor- mal, early symptoms, excitement, and paralysis. Incuba- tion period is on the average 2 months, being, shorter in women and children than in men and adults. No cases occur- red after 1930, when dop, vaccination was introduced. 1his appears the best preventive me.thod, since humAn preventive [_~~md therapeutic vaccination is uncertain and marred with plications. 37 refs: 5 Western, 10 German, others Foli-4--, 1/1 LN1 --------------------------------------------------------------------0--- ST.-';R7FrYI, W. A review of studies on cave flora. p. 101. WIAD(TTfjCI B('TJIT('.ZNF. (Polskie Towarzystwo) Krakow, Poland. Vol. 3, no. 2, 1959. Monthly List of East Euronean Accessions (FEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960. uncl. STARZMK~,_ W- The roles of the palisade and spong7 parench7mas of 2eaves in photosynthesis. Acta soc.botan Pol 31 no.3:1+19-1+30" 162. STARMNSKI, Antoni, (Krakow) -------- - - . - Argentina; country and people. Wazechswiat no.7/8:181-184 JI-Ag 162. STARZENSKI, D. Kukur-jdza i konski zab. Warszawa, Panstwowe ~~dawn. Rolnicze i Lesne, 1951 49 p. (Biblioteka rolnicza gromady). (Maize and dent corn) DA Not in DLC SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 79 JulY 1957, Uncle DEC, Jerzy; RAPACK1, Henryk; STARZEVISKI, Jerzy; STIRONSKI, Ignacy Automatic device for column chromatography. Nukleorjika 7 no.11:734-737 162. 1. Insty.-at Fizyki Jadrowej, Polska Akademia Nauk, Krakow. STARZEWSKI,, Ph.D. Development of bridge construction in Southern Rhodesia. Inz i bud 19 no.5:182-185 My 162. STARZrI-ISKf)S)..;-JCZKO, M. '4!- -- -- - - TFCf-ff10J,0GY Periodicals: PRZBjIAD 11"~CTIIIC 211Y. Vol. 79, no. 19, Oct. 19,58 S'f.A,R2-R;SKI, S.; JOZKO, I-I. Modern air armaments. P. 905. MonthIly List of Fast Euronean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8. No. 2. February 1959, Uncl-ass. ST-UaMKI, Wojcie_chfde ceased] Analysis of perinatal maternal mortality in the Katowice Region. Ginek. pol. 34 no.l*.27-34 263. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiec-ich Sl. AM. w Zabrau Kierownik Kliniki-* prof. dr W. StarzewskJ[deceased]. (MATERNAL MORTALITY) -SITARZEWSKI, Vajoiech[deceaoedly SAMOCHOWINC, Rugeniusz; WAWRYK, Roman Studies on the content of g3,yeoproteins in the blood eerum of pregnant women. Ginek. P01. 34 no.1235-37 163o l. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych S1. AM v Zabrau Kierownik: Prof. dr zed. W. Starzowuki(deceamed]. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (GLYCOPROTRINS) (BLOOD CMWCAL ANALYSIS) STARZUSKI., Wojcieoh(deceaaedj~ WARONSKI, WIodzimiers Histochemical studies on the activity of beta-glueuronidage in cervical cancer. Ginek. pol. 34 no.1839-48 163- 2. Z I Kliniki Polomictwa i Cborob Kobisoych SI. AM w Zabrzu Kierowniks prof. dr sod. W. Starzewski(deeeased]. (GLUGURONIDASE) (GERVIX NEOPLASM) (ENZYME TESTS) (HISTOCHIMISTRY) STARZECKIY W. Summing up the debates of the Collegium. on Key Problem No. 5: "Studies on Photosynthesis." Kosmos biol 12 no. 4:404-406 163. ,0- ~. "0 ti Luve"tigation Of e!cct10zbcmicpI alf;3owinn of low, from dilute soi-aion:; by the -nefliod of MM~ A. . . ......... 511m: H,F'O, tP, 35. and e -1n. of 10-6-10--W nn C from phriml-aidehyd ') froni i,f. Pubir, et ri_ C.A. 43, 6~'o-ia) activatcd at BFA~ Cf-,, ramp The c~pd adr,,rptima a :1oz a F'Mzuorl. 14,10s, and thL' Lict that 1.~ t(_1b:cA I Q.Y (nivre than :I hrs.) was bcst '1~ t~f. as-,(lfjjpfj(qf tj-,~tt duimg, ,7 p: ioti affectcd lite catn~ity J the, elce. double Elvcr ill i- F~ c &Iia wc~re eNpr,~.iwicd 14te%rly by a - kcvl, (fur ill aitil 1/n - 0~5 aild f0r H-Sn, 0.7,; ',()r Mart -j(11X-n1 wand lilnurhlnaic,u M c(ficn*,'s STARZHEVSKIY9 V.V. Using reusable pipes in forcing mixes behir the tunnel lining. Suggested'by M..Starzhavskiio Rats. Predf. no. 43:8 159. (MIRA 14:1) (Tunneling) STARZHINSKAYA, I. - - -- - ------ Everyday activity of the employees. Obshchestv.pit. no.7:42 11 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Direktor restorana "R?imorskiy" g.Sevastopolya. (Sevastopol--Reetaurants, lunchrooms, etc.-Imployees) FEN'VESH, E.; GEMESHI, T.; NEMET, F.; SHANDOR, T.; GASYOROVSKI, L.; STARZHINSKI, A. Semiautomatic measuring instrument for processing pictures obtained in the bubble chamber and the Wilson chamber. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 6 no.2:68-72 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. TSentrallnyy Asledovatel'skiy institut fiziki, Budapesht (for FenIvesh, Gemeshi, "4emet, Shandor). 2. Institut yadernykh issledovaniy, Varshava (for Gasyorovski, Starzhinski). (Photography, Particle track) -STARZHINSKIY, B. M. Ob avtokolebaniiakh slediashchego elektroprivoda. (Prikladnaia matematika i mekhanika, v. 13, P. 41-50, tables, diagrs.) Title tr.: Auto-oscillations of follow-up electric drives. "801.P7 1949 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation.'in the Soviet UnionX Library of Congress, 1955. FOIVAPOV, A.T., inzh.; STARZHINSKIY, S.F., inzh. Rejecting the uoe of drainB in the body of concrete dame. Gidr. i3troi. 30 no-10:17-19 0 ,6o. (MIRA 13:10) (Ukraine--Dame) USSR/ftthewiLtlae - YAChanice LTan/Ireb 49 Electronics- Servomechanisms "Autcmatic Oscillations of an Electric Follower Drive.." V. M. Starzhinakly, Moscow, 10 pp "Priklad Matemat i Mekh" Vol XIII, No I Attempts to calculate inertia of the servomotor and the object, counter emf and self-induction in the armatvxe circuit of the servomotor., friction of the servmotor and the object., and freedom in the gear transmission from the servo- motor to the objeA. Submitted 20 Oct 48. 4W 39/49T58 !7-A USSR/kathematics - Stability of Non- Jul/Aug 52 stationary Motion "Stability of Nonstationary Motion in One Case," V. M. Starzhinskiy, Moscow "Prik Matemat i Mekh" Vol XVI, No 4, PP 500-504 Considers the sufficient conditions governing the sta- bility of nonstationary motion according to Liapounoff for the case where the eqs of excited motion are re- ducted to one linear 3d-order differential eq- x"Iipf f- qxl.-k rx = 0 (where coeffs p, q, r are functions of time t). 225T55~ 2076. !Lt, St&bmty of a certaLa -WechdaW Ustent with one dcgec of freedom (in Russian), P_r_JU73JT4-j. 16,1, 117-122, Jan,-Fc-b_ 1953. Aditur extemN Lpl -miov'a nwthml -Ad aysiiiiv~ 1-vvtl~ eno-_d_ei;' of (medom and con- reo "fant Jissipation, governed by equation V' + ay' + p(zPj "here a > 0, c4 > 0, p(z + w) - p(x) Tilt) sultitionsf(z) and to(z), with initial conditiona, am (04114 by Rican" 4)f till) nwitiple integrals of the difrenint yalues z, of the variable z. Th,:mat are tile mm miables, subjecW to the cou- dition x > x$ ... > ri, > 0. Three values of the coefficient A (flio) + pl(w)II(I +a-")I ate calculat ed. For is - 0, tile :1-mil, coincides ivith Einaudi's u6u)t 1,111i Ist. - Vencto Sci. 9S, 10361. However, Lyapuuov'a inequality A.3 > jnA_,A.4,I/(n - 1). n > 2, is not confinned; for that remn his rntthod in not up- plicablo in this Case. The derived ielations -ire applied to the equatiali y' + ay' + C(I + A caa ;')y - 0. a = wal2r, C . 0/40 JANIR 6. Rev. 3461. The zoiics of the stithility ELM ahown graphically in the eyatem of tho parnmettrs (V, o,-X). 11061wer thinks that tile nuthorla eximple may he retluced, by the change, U - tc-1, to Alathlou'd equatiou A' + CO + A eo~ Z)l 0 IN. IV. hict,achlon, "Throry and tipplicatinis of Mathivis unctlans," Oximi, W171. 1). nagkovif, Yugoslavia T USSR/Mathematics - Stability of Jan/Feb 53 Motion "Stability of a Certain Mechanical System With One Degree of Freedom," V. M. Starzhin- skiy, Moscow "Priklad Matemat i Mekhan" Vol 17, No 1, CV -4 PP 117-122 Investigates stability of nonperturbed motion according to A. M. Lyapunov (see "General -prob- lem of stability of motion" ONTI, 1935) in the case vhere eqs of first approximation of 242T68 perturbed motion are reduceable to second order differential eqs of special type. Re- ceived 20 Oct 52. 242r68 3WFIZIIPIISK=. V. Ii* "Stability of a Trivial Solution of a Second-Order Differential Equation 'With Pericdic Coefficients", InzhenerrWy Sb., Vol 18, 1954, pp 119-138. The author generalizes -everal results of ~I. 1.111. Lyapunov which re- fer to second-order equations with periodic coefficients. In particular, the following system is studied: dxl : P11 Xl ~ P12 dx2 ~ P21 Xl ~ Pp X2, whkare Pij are dt _~~t -2 periodic continuous functions of t, and the functions P12 and P21 are sign-constant. (KH-lat, No 1, 1955). SO: Sum. No. 443, 5 Apr. 55 15 /* s USSR/Mathematic S ability conditions survey FD-847 Card 1/1 Pub. 85 - 12/14 Author Starzhinskiy, V. M. (Moscow) Title 9Z5;;7-of works on conditions governing the stability of the trivial solution to a system of linear differential equations with periodic r .; oe ff f ic ients Periodical Prikl. mat. i mekh., 18, 469-510, Jul/Aug 1954 Abstract Considers in this survey procedures for effectively determining the stability of the trivial solution to a system of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients. One hundred references (11 French, 7 German, 2 Italian, 3 English language, 1 Swedish, and re- mainder Russian and USSR). Notes that the Kreyn function (sewre- cedin abstract) can be approximated by X(t) = t + 2t2/3-1- 19t 5 +236t /945 + ... for sufficiently small t. Institution Submitted March 18, 1954 arow.,F 10 USSIM/Physics Stability of motion FD-1444 Card 1/1 Pub. 85 - 13/15 Author Starzhinskiy, V. M. (Moscow) -"~'rlligation of the stability of periodic motion Title Periodical Prikl. mat. i mekh. 19, I-To 1, 119-120, Jan-Feb 1955 Abstract The author shows that the investigation of the stability of the trivial solution to a system of two linear differential equations of the first order uith periodic coefficients can be reduced to the investigation of -the stability of the trivial solution of a two-term equation with non- negative periodic coefficient. Thus he applies in the indicated case the method for analyzing stability proposed by A. M. Lyapunov (1902). The author acilmowledg-es the Lyapunov reference to V. A. Yakubovich. Two refer- ences: A. M. Lyapunov, Sur une serie dans; la theorie des equations differ- entielles lineaires du second ordre a coefficients periodiques,, Zap. Akad- emii Nauk po fiz-mat. otd, 13, ITo 2, 1902; V. M. Starzhinsk~y, "Survey of works on conditions for the stability of the trivial solution of a system of linear differential equations with periodic coefficients," Prikl. mat. i mekh. 18, I-To 4, 1954. Institution Submitted October 4, 1954 5TWiz-1A 11-4 SK%y, j.:nskil V, 3f. On stability of u 1 - FIN t 2r _ngeady inoUgn~, in a A special case. Prikr.__H_at._Ueh.,19(l955), 471-480. (Russian) 0 The solutions of-j-~PR+*+ry)x=0, with P= const> 0:!~r(l)_tP2+2P-k The method of proof establish the existence of a positive-definite quadratic n which'serves as a L-vabunoyfunctim. -F,V. Alkinsoo (Canberra). IN, AUTHOR: STARZHINSKIY, V.M. (Moscow) 40-5-19/20 TITLE: On the Stability of Periodic Motions in a Special Case (0b ustoychivosti periodicheskikh dvizheniy v odnom spetsiallnom sluchaye) PERIODICALt Prikladnaya Mat. i Mekh.,1957,Vol.21,Nr 5,PP-720-722 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In a preceding paper-the author extended Lyapunov's method IRef.21 for the determination of the stability to the general case of the system of two linear differential equations of first order with periodic, piecewise continuous coefficients. The investigations lea to the determination of the stability, of the undisturbed motion, whereby, however, a certain special case must be excluded from the consideration. This special case consists in the vanishing of the suta of two characteris- tic values. These characteristics themselves are obtained by taking the mean from the coefficient functions of the con- sidered system. In the considered special case the trivial solution of the initial system has no asymptotic character. In the present article the author completes the previous pa- per by proving that the stability criterion for the undisturbed motion - which he formerly set up - can be also transferred to Card 1/2 this special case. The author particularly refers to the work V,,~f:icheslz-..v Co-,"r Tnst of Textile -,ht Ind) awarded sc-i degree of Doc -Physico-l-lath Sci for 11 J'an 57 defense of dissertation: "Certain questions of the p,--rsistence of periodic movements" at the douncil, Inst of 'lechanics, AS, U,*SSH; Prot Jo 6, L-) ,.ar 58. (B,;,V Ul 7-59y2,,.) STARZHINSKIY,_jtM- (Moskva) Stability of trivial solutions for linear systems with periodic coefficients. Prikl.mat. i makh. 22 no-5:646-656 S-0 '58, (HIRA 11: 3.1) (Differential equations) STAIMUNSMY. V.14. Torsional vibrations of crankshafts of looms. Part 1. Nauch, dokl.w,s.shkoly; mash. i prib. no.1:51-57 '59. (MI-RA 12:8) 1. Statlya predetavlena kafedroy "Konstruirovanie mashin i uvtoiiq~tov" Veenoytxznogo zaochnogo instituts, tekstil'noy i legkoy proM,vehlennosti. (Cranks and crankshafts--Vibration) run I BOOK EXPWITATUW SOV/2660 Vossoyuznyy asteviatichtskly o"ytzd. 3rd, Moscow, L956 ?rUdy. t. 4: Kratkoye soderz-haniye sektalonnykh dokladov. Doklady Inostrannykh uchenykh (Tr=33CtiOnS Of the 3rd All-Union Hathema- tIcal Conference in Moscow. vol. 4; Summ.=7 or Sectional Reports. CIN Reports of Poreign Scientists) MOSCOW, 1Zd-vO AN SSSR' 1959. 24T P. 2,200 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akadoelys nauk SSSM- Matematleheekly Inatt tut. Todh. 9d.:. 4.N. Shevchanko; 19ditortaL Board: A.A. Abramoi, V.G. Boltyanakty. A.M. Vasillyev, B.V. Nedvodev, A.D. Myshkis, S.M. stnikov, Tu. V. Prokhorov, K.A. A.a Po MikoL-skly (Rasp. ~d*), U R7bn1kov. P. L. 01 yano , V:A. apenakiy, N.G. Chetayev~ 0. Ye. v ShLlov. and A.Z. Shirshov. for mathematIclans and physicists. PURP=- This bo6k is intended The book to Volume rV or the Transactions or the Third All- COVERAGS . Union Mathematical Conference, held In June and July 1956 main parts. The first part contains u,- marlds of the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con- forenct that more not Included In the first two volumes. The Second part contains the text of reports submitted to the editor scj- by non-Soviet Scientists. In those cases when the non-5ovj:t t It ent Lot did not submit a copy or his paper to the editor, th Is of the paper in cited and, if the paper was printed in a previous per volume, reference Is *ad* to the appropriate volume. The pa both 3oviet and non-Soviet, cover various topics in number thoo algebra, d1frorentLal and Integral equations, function theory, runctional analysis, probability theory, topologyv mathematical probless of mechanics and physics, coWutational mathematics, math*mtlcal logic and the foundatlons of mathem-aticap and the history of mathematics. Boom). On t1W problem of the bounded- IMS 90 u ons of a system or linear d1fferent;I&l aqua- tiOng With periodic Coefficients 37 -- _q_a_ txosc0w)- AsYmPtOtIc solution or linear non- homogeneous differential equations and Its applications to the design Of shells and blades 39 Ohweg~t _V-A- VOrOnAZh)- Singular dLfrorential equations 40 Periodic solution* Or quasilin.a, L-9- 1110 cow). With dela"d argument 41 14jEb-OT10ho V.A. (Leningrad). Rztenmion or certain studio. of A-N-~t7punov-=-& differential equation of the second Order to OAn0nIcSI systems with Periodic coefficients 41 T-Sahm-M-N-IMOSCOW). On d1ocontim, 'ties In Solutions of 49wiffiaisoar equations 42 Card 9134 STARZHIIISKIY, V.M. T_,.,..,__ - - . I - ___: ........ :__ -__ -~ Calculating torsional vibrations of loom crankshafts. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly-; mash. i prib. no.2:44-47 '59. (MIRA 12:L2) (Cranks and crankshafts--Vibration) 16(1) SOV/ 1179-59-4-6/40 AUTIHOR: V. M. C-aracte~istic Constant TITLE: 0:1 Ltapunov's Method E7 ~ a va Akad~m~i r,.--uk 5S:4R. Ot'elen~-.,a +-'-b,-,icheskikh na-ak. PERIODICAL: z-, e S 4 a .7za J-- - 5 t; r~cf y u 9.5 9 , Nkr 4, Pp 46-55 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The rnc-'hod by ~,~-,-aluat-fn,-, the charac- ::4 3 -- 4 C C;.-j, of two terms and a P- n ~2 rj non-negati-ve pc-c-fodic iis extanded hare to the. d-4ffe-ert-'al equat4cns of the Tith co~~fficiants. The stability cf ar- rf Q ~,Ynrmfc sys'em. 4-s fnvestiga-',-v~d -.vhe-, t"Inp, (-quat-`.ons cf f-zr34 )f the di--turbed M 0 1 n. ~,Rv,~ form of (1.1) is trans- 0 m i to ci-Istant A according to Lya pu r -f R ef -d &n :;onve:7gent sezies, formula , 1) -s ~ -dica%c Th,~ (4.2) w-arg proved in the V f..? IKAP~~r (Ruff 3). The.,T a7-3 -',-:rp-nsf'orr-pd tiara to the in- ~.s 0.9 `c::~ th,-- terc,-,o5 ~,-' '11i.- Ba~` ii2; (1.6). To be able (-.v M hod (R. 1 -)j' the charac- t , A., ~ r, --b-'a-* r~L- ' wh-' ch ~-hovvs 'ha&V Car.- 1/2 1 ~- -1 -. I ~ IL - SOVIII 79-59-4-6/40 On Lyapunc~v E3 lie tn,,,,d ,;f C~ n t h glah c n g t e --m s c fh a (1.6) "rc7,~;-;I-.,;.,,)siI3.,-., wi-"h the inczease of n. "I'lle anulys,_s of the z;talbi'._~ty _J~: fu:-,vard, and the applica- bility,vis A of t.-he syr:18m (1-4) 16 shc-a-1- Tile, R and a 21 (rpal funn"ons of a :-eal a c-1 w 0 a fferent Signs, in- Tile for the stability 4 4 ya-re det -mi,iod 'o::- th-46 case. TI-pre are and n s z abi I - 8 S ov 10 t --,3 11 Fj:~ ~: n ~.. 0 -.i . SUBMITTED: 4, "1939 Card ^_-/ 1~ ~-~~SKI~YV-M- (koskva) On the stability of the trivial solution of a system of two linear differrntial equations with periodic coefficients. Prikl.mat.i mekh. 24 no-3-z578-581 My-Je'60. (MIRA 13:10) (Differntial equations, Linear) Snumi-i-'IsKly, V. k-~. "The oscillating chains." Paper presented at the Intl. Symposium on Nonlinear Vibrations, Kiev, USSR, 9-19 Sep 61 All Union bl/tra-Mural Institute of Te%tile and Li.ght Industry, Moscow, USSR STARZHINSKIY, V.M. (Moskva) Free not completely elastic vibrational chains, Izv.A71 SSSR.Otd.- tekh.nauk.Mekh.i mashinostr. no.6:68-73 N-D 61. (MlRA 14:11) (Vibration) S/040/62/026/001/019/023 D237/D304 AUTHM Starzhinskiy, V~M. (Moscow) TITLE, Free, perfectly elastic oscillating chains PERIODICAL,~ Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Pri- kladnaya matematika i mekhanika, v. 26, no., 1, 1962~ 172- 181 TEXT-, Using a generalized coordinate system the author considers a mechanical system with holonomic time independent constraints,; in which work performed by reactions during any possible displacement is negative, i.e. n qlf.11.11, )4L)Z- 0. Equations of motion are qn given and stability of non-perturbed motion in Laypunov's (Ref.. Ob- shchaye zadacha ob ustoychivosti dvizheniya (General Problem of the Stability of Motion), Khar1kov, 1892) sense is investigated by varia- tional metliods. A system of an "oscillating chain" is defined, and the Card 1/2 grAlIZE I "~S`:Y i V - M. ( N.- 0 S C ow) Y-'- 11-.U --, C V ! CH.' ) 'W'. A .(Lerin~-ad) -D - " Contribution to the Lyarunov method of determ-inino, reriodic soluticnst' Report rresented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical ana Aurlied Mechanics, Mloscow 20, -Jan - 5 Feb 64. STARZHINSKIY, V. M. (MOSCOW) "Vereinigung der Methoden von LJapunow und Poincare in der Theorie der nichtlinearen Schwingungen.'.' report submitted for 3rd Conf on Nonlinear Oscillations, E. Berlin, 25-30 may 64. GERTSBERG, Ye.Ya.; STARZHINSKIY, V.M. - [Statics] Siatika. Yoskva,, Vses. zaochi3yi in-t tekstill- noi i legkoi prorqshl., 1964. 163 p. (MIRA 18:4) ACCESSION NR: AR5019350 UR/0124/65/000/007/AOII/AO12 531,36+531.391.3 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 7A97 i AUTHOR: Yakubovich, V.A.; Starzhinskly, V. M. TITLE: A parametric resonance system with multiple degrees of freedom CITED SOURCE: Tr. Mezhvuz. koliferentsli Po prild. teoril ustoychivosti dvizbeniva i analit. meldian*., 1962. Kazan', 1964, 123-134 TOPIC TAGS: canonic equation system, frequency order, forced oscillation stability resonant system, instability area boundary TRANSLATION: The authors analyze the equation system_ (C + cA (01)) x Cis a constant 21c x 2k matrix with pure imaginary elgenvalues~--j~) :L L 00592-66 I ACCESSION NR: AR5019350 while A (s) is a 2 0/~ = periodic matrix. All critical frequencies are given for some classes, (i. e. t-invariant, canonical) of systems of type (1). These assume the form 1,2 A formulation of the M. G. Kroin theorem for canonic systems is presented, employing the concepts of first and second order frequencies. F ormulas are given for canonic equation systems to define boundaries of instability areas in planeMvith an accuracy ranging to small 0 (6) inclusive. The importance of a study of combination resonances in system (1) are emphasized and the feasibility of expanding combination resonance regions by intro'- ducing minor friction 1B indicated. Calculation results are cited to clarify the failure of the Takoms1dy bridge. Formulas are given for first approximations of characteristic ex- ponents of systems similar to canonic. The results derived are applied in a study of the stability of forced periodic oscillations in the quasilinear system MU + Qo~ + POU + eg Y' 0, U. P) (I + T) Y + e) for resonant and nonresonant formulations. X.G. Valeyev SUB CODE: ME, MA Card ENCL: 00 ,TARZHIIIISKTY, Ilyachesiav Mikhay1ovich; GUGLINAI, L.~.. red. C-,~; ta"EtIll. [Dynam-les] Dinamika- Ploskva, Vses. zac -.- (Y,-Ii-tA 18: 12-) i legkoi promyshl-p 1965. 229 p. S/I 17/60/000/0 12101110212 AY)41AGO', AT-'HORS: Belyy, V. A., StarzhIn.,:,kIy, V. Ye., SvIrldenck, A. U. 7"ITILE: Large-Size Polyamide Bearings With Yea' Filler FERITODI:" 'AL -, Mashinostroitell, 1960, No. 12, Dp. 31-32 Polyamide slide bearings have been widely used lately in industry be2ause of their high antifriction proper-ties. However, aan important deficiency of polyamide bearings, their comparatively low heat resistance and poor heat con- ductior, hwre limited their application oonsiderably. The Gomel' Branch of the U Laboratoriya prochnosti i dolgovechnosti detaley mazhin Tnstit-lita mashinovedenlya AN BSSR (Laborator7 of Strenath and Durabilitv o--:' Machine Parts of the institu-le of the Science of Machines at the AS BS8-R) has developed a new centrifugal-va--uum m&thod of manufacturing large-size slide bearings and other parts of' thermonlasti-- possessing the shape of bodies of revolution- The new m7athod Is characterized by hhe fact that the parts are shaped in a vacuum from a melt on accoun-I of centri- fugal forces. The initial material (primary or -Icondary poly_~Lmide) is carefully mixed with a definite quantity of a heat-cond*uct-_TI9 filler and placad in a cyl-'n- drical mold which is then hermetically 21osid tq lids. 'Then the a_Jr is P..',,TTA-d out Card 1A S/117/60/000/012/011/022 A004/AOOI Large-Size Polyamide Bearings With Heat-Conducting Filler tests that even a specific centrifugal pressure of 1 - 1.5 kg/CM2 is sufficient to obtain quality castings. The authors present the following formula which may be used to determine the necessary velocity of rota- tion of the mold depending on the dimensions of the part being cast: n = 16.,5 - 103 R 3_ 3 T(R r where R and r - outer and inner radii of the part being cast in cm;-t-specific gravity of the material in 9,/cm3; n - rated velocity of rotation of the mold Card 3/4 Figure 3: s/n7/6o/boo/bI2/011/022 A004/AOOJ Large-Size Polyamide Bearings With Heat-Conducting Filler in rpm. The graph in Figure 3 shows the graphical dependence of casting specific pressure f upon outer diameter D and thickness (t of the part being cast and number of revolutions n of the mold. There are 3 figures. I i1 Card 4/4..- - - . - BELYY,, V.A.; STAHZHINSKIY, V.Ye. Effect of processing procedures of phyaicomechanical properties of capron. h.i avtom.All BSSR no.2:116-135 161. WIRL 15:3) (Nylon-Testing) L 3307~n66 VdE( _M~~YTOVT -F.Tp(,) n.T /Pi At-t- NK- ju-uu/_41_~z SOURCE CODE: UR/ 020lT6_&_[0_W00_0r/_0O95_/0_1C j-1110R: Balyy, V. A. Starzhinskiy, V. Yo ; Petrokovets, M. I. ORG: Division of Polynor Machanici 9 'k L polimerov AN BSSR) L-B20- (Otdal m6 han: Id TIT12: Question of the geometric calculation of a metallopoltmer transmission with cast plastic gear wheels SOMCE: All BSSR. Vestsi. Seryya fizika-tekhnichrWkh navuk, no. 1, 1966, 95-100 TOPIC TAGS; transmission gear, metallopolymer material, thermoplastic material, die, vacuum casting, centrifugal casting, geometry, mechanical engineering ABSTRACT: The fundamonta principles -for "t-he geometric calculation .- of invo.lute gears with plastic wheolsllkave their basis in the theory of involute gears. 'However, the need to consider certain peculiarities of plastics (shrinkage, ,'high coefficient of linear expansion, susceptibility to absorption of moisture) .complicates the problem of designing and performing the geometric calculation Of matallopol6ymer gears. Gear whoels~lof thermoplastic materials can be made by pressure die-casting, centrifTEa-l-vacuum casting, etc. Since teeth which I do not undorgo subsequent machining are molded in a die, special attention must bo given to the geometry of the die elements forming the teeth, and hence the .geometric calculation of metallopolymor gear will depend on the geometry of the machine-tool engagement of tool with die-or with master wheel. The .article shows the possibility of the existence of a gear, one of whose wheels. Card 1/2 POLUID/Zoopa-rasitology - Ticks mid Insects Vectors of Pesesse G Agelits. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 1, 1959, 1039 Author Starzy, Jan; Zenburowa, Krystym Ilist Title Eradication of Lice by Impre.-.ation of Liiie,.,.s with Azotox Orig Pub : IWch. iimui:ol. i torap.. doswiadcz., 1956 (1957), 4, 461-.472 Abstract : For the extensive dradicatio-il of linen lice the naterials were successfully impregnated with a 4~ 41zotox solution. After 20 weeks of washii~g and wearing the line-w contai- lied 3% of the active preparation and preserved an insec- ticidc property. The preparatioa is nontoxic for him-mis. Card 1/1 - 35 - -~TARZIGKI, KiINL5LAW Upra,da i nasiennictwo koniczyn. (Wyd. 1) Warszawa, Panstwawe li.Tydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne, 1956. 1(8 p. (Clover cultivation and seed. 1st ed.) DA Not in DLC C, t EuroDean Accessions (EI-ALI Lc. Vol. 6 No. 10, October 1957. SO: "onthly List of Eas - j .9 Ll~j,'AAJJ, Kazimnierz, prof. dr.; Aridrzej, ST.A"Z"YCKII. 'Llbigniew Therapeutic failures ir, the treatment c,--' =-Gnor:-hea ri cillin lAsed on cases froln Droriatolol-ic Gli-ri, Or-ac-n-vi 11)62-1963. FT'ze~3'1# der"l- 52 no.'2:105-110 lIT-t'tl!f' '65 Z Klinik-i Der-ratologic-nej lUvadf-in-1-1 llcdyc~~nej w Krakow-','!~ L (Finrowiilkt. prfX. dr. X. U,,jatin). T?,3VT, ~~Ilcirzze i 'r',U;A; i')A z i, A -rr-tical nri.-I clinica-I critf-r-ria U,,~ ne-li he jnrre,tsu, oC penicillin dosacre in the 'ureatment o~' i'.r J-111bliC lIC-idth c3e,--Vlce"; In ilo"ari, 65. o 'i r),,ci i c., -A 1, 1 .,, K ra kie Le ir;Ln ACC AP7003633 quenching temperatures above 1000 C are not recommended due to resultant grain growth (recrystallization) and embrittlement. Orig. art. has: 12 figures, 4 tables, and 2 formulas. [DR) SUB OODEi 11, 13 /SUBM DATE: none/ORIG REF: 003 /0TH REF: 003 GRUSZCZYNSKI, Pawel; KALISZ, Jozef; MAREK, Edward; STAR,7YCZIIY, Jerzy Nev solution of feeding-an Ingersol/Rand turbocompressor. Gosp, pa-Uw 11 Special issue no.(953:59 Ja 163. 1. Kopalnia Debiensko. i(- ;Y Jerzy GRUS'LUDISKI, Pawel; D,LISZ, JOZC-'~; -(~WI_Lr_'v S'i-i-l-, r Elew solution ._~f feedin, an E, E., i,.,: z_ i Gosp paliw ill Sj..ecial isaue Tr STARZYK, A, Combined par&-&rticular arthrodexis of the shoulder. Act& chir. luzoal. 1 no.4:342-353 1954. 1. Ortapedsk& klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu (Predstojnik prof. dr. Fordo Grospic) (SHOULM, Burg, arthr6desis, para-articular technic) STARZYK, A: %,IANDIC, V. ~7 - Surgical treatmentof recurrent shoulder dislocations. Acts, chir. iugoal. 2 no.1:40-50 1955. 1. Ortopedsim klinika Nedicinskog fakultets, u Zagrebm (Predstojnik prof. dr Ferdo Grosple) (SROULDMR, dislocation recur.,surg.(Ser)) STARZYK. A. Ostootor!q of the lumbar vertebra in a case of ankylosing spon- dylitii. Aeta chir.lugool. 2 no.2-3:266-271 '55. 1. OrtopedskL klinika Medicinskog faculteta u Zagrebu (pred- stojnik: prof. dr. Fordo Grospic) (SPONDTLI TIS,ANKTW SING, surg. ost"Otoffly of lumbar vertebra. results (Ser)) (SPI NE, surg. osteotomy of lumbar vertebra in ankylosing spondy- litis, results (Ser)) STARZYK, A. Retrolisthesis of the 5th lumbar vertebra. A,-ta chir. Uigosi. 11 no.2:108-116 164 1. Ortopeds,ka klinika Medicinskog fakulte-ta u Zagraba (Fred- stojnik: prof. dr. r. Grospic). YUGOSUIVLIX ST,'~RZYK, Albert; and DU',,,RIGL, Pavao, Orthopedic Clinic of the Medical Faculty of the University (Ortopedska klinika Nedicinskog fakulteta) Zagreb. "Combined Para-Articular Arthrodesis of the Shoulder Joint" Radovi I'lledicinskog Falculteta u Inarebu, Vol 14, Nlo. 1, 1966; pp 11-19 Absz:ract [German s=.ary modifiedl: Detailed description of the opera- tion in 2 girls aged 13 and 19 an~ having a crippled shoulder joint due to sequelae of poliomyelitis, with follow-up 10 years thereafter and excellent functional result; an additional 16 patients were operated during the last 15 years, all but 4 had good results. 4 roentgenogramss 2 patient photographs, 4 Western and 3 Yugoslav references. Manuscript received 6 'Llfay 1966. HIRNILE, Zbi.gniew; STARZYK, llenryk Pancreatography. Padlo-anatomical study on isolated normal pancreas. Pol. przegl. radiol. 28 no.3:269-278 My-je 164 1. Z Kliniki rtadiologicznej Akademii Medycznej we Wro~:law-lu (Kierotmik: doc. dr. 27. Kubrakiewicz-) i z Zakladu -Ana-Lomii Fatolo~-znej Akademii Medyczriei we i,t-ooixriu (Kierownilk: 'I prof. dr. A. Albert). STARZYK, Henryk A case of alkaptonuric ochronosis. Pat. pol. 14 no.1:143--;149 163- 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM we Wroclawlu Kierownik: prof. dr Z. Albert Ze Szpitala Powiatowego w Krosnie n. Wisl. Dyrektor: dr J. Dubiel. (ALKAPTOIRMA) (OCHRONOSIS) -ind Aarzyk, J., 'rrownn,.,;,(,ze barlania Pilku ncenara,.ari jak strych, F., .1 i.cia, ilyretrun rrzy zwalc?.aniu wszai-;icy ~'Ojysparative studies an !-;C'me (iiBillse(AarIL preo'll'ati.on used "or cop~-batirjg Jousiimss Pre7,eglad -pidemio- (',-.n,,- 191J", 2/3-4 (239-230 6ra,)hs Ij T'~' lcs 11, ,!erc carriedcut or, the e-fficicy of the tollv,--,ing disiris~,vtant pre,mrations user4 in Poland for combating lousiness in case of typhus fever: DDT, + e -emart preparation 'Delicial, and pyrethrup.. Leugpuder destroys lice th J ruch quicker than DDT and also riestroys nits, in contr-nst to MIL i-fhich affects 1 -ethruri upon lice is ce on7y. L!iusEnuder also repels lice. "he etfect of pyx H som-ewhat stronger than that of the delicia powdEr. The rielicia powder effect 17--oi lice is ccnsiderea~ly weaker than that of the other r1isinsectants mentioned. i~ozar - ~'Idansk SO: Ye~ical !.-icrobioloo- &- Hygiene Section IV Vol. 3, No. 7-12 ~TAM~,Y.4 'riplyu, antybiotykow i iperytu na rickettsiae (Doniesienie tymczasowe) _q~n _ Action of antibiotics and yperite (mustard gas) on rickettsiae (preliminary report) Frzeglad Lekarski, Cracow 1949, 5/17 (512-513) Investigations carried out with penicillin, streptonWain, aureomycin and yperite showed that aureozWein is the most effective drug against rickettsiae, killing them within 30 hours; secondly, penicillin; thirdly yperite and fourthly, strepto- rWcin. Kozar - Gdansk (XX, 4p 2j 6) So: Medical Microbiology and !hygiene, Section IV, Vol 3, No 1-6 STARZYK J. plyw penicyliny na rickettsiae, rl-We-tt-6'16e, Przeglad Lekarski, Cracow 1949, The influence)of penicillin upon 5/20 (593-596 Graphs 6 The direct influence of penicillin upon the vitality and virulence of R. pro- wazeki was investigated. The preventive and curative action of penicillin (500 U./ml.) on R. prowazAi in lice was examined. 30,000 lice were used. The results are as follows: (1) Penicillin has a noxious influence upon R. prowazeki. (2) In a penicillin medium R. prowazeki live a shorter time than in a solution of NaCl. (3) Penicillin has a noxious effect upon R prowazeki inoculated into lice. (4) Penicillin is slowly excreted by lice. 0 Penicillin used on infected lice has a noxious influence upon R. prowazeki. Kurylowiez - Warsaw (IV, 6) So: Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Section IV, Vol 3, No 1-6 AWAAZIXr-4- Control of pediculosis by imprega&tion of underpzmnt with asotox. Przagl. lak., bakm 9 no,10:258-262 1953. (CIM 25: 5) 1. Of tho Dwtitute of Microbiology (Head --Prof. S. Ispsymmki, M.%) of Vakew Medima AaadmW. STARZYK, J.; HASTANGER, R.; DOLEZAL, U. (Krakow) Effect of tenzcetin an Toxoplasma gondii. Wiadomosci para2yt., Warsz. P nn.5 Suppl.-51-52.1956. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologit LekarskieJ AM. (TOXOPLASIIA, effect of drugs on, gondii, tenacetin (Pol)) (ARrIBIOTICS, effects. tonacetin on Toxoplaoma gondit (Pol)) L,~~'C;;'-t~FTA YEDICA Sec. 17 Vol- 3/8 Public Health ,, 9- 57 . - I IU 2438. s,rARZYK J., PRZYBYLKICWICZ, Z., DOLEZAL M., LUTYIN'SKI R. and --TUTTJOUP_T_Zakt. Mikrobiol. Lek. A. NI. i Wojewddzka Stacja San. -Epid., Krak6w. *."Badania nad cz9sto6ci4 wystqpowania zakazenia Toxoplasma gondii wAI r6d pracoumik6w rzeini wojew6dztwa krakowskiego. I n v e s t i g a t - ions on the frequency of Toxoplasma gondii infection a- niong slaughter-house workers in the Cracow district WIAD.PARAZYTOL. 1956, 2/5suppl. (53-54) Frenkel's intracutaneous test and Sabin-Feldman's colour test were carried out on slaughterhouse workers in the Tarnftl region. Frenkel's test in 13.1 persons gave 61.56% positive, 9.88% doubtful and 28.5616 negative results. Sabin-Feldman's tes, in 30 persons gave 66.6076 positive and 33.409/6 negative results. Further exam- ination is being carried on. DOLEZAL, M.; STARZYK, J.; SZMIGIEL, Z. (Krakow) Peripheral blood picture in experimental toxorlasmosis in guinea pigs. 'Wiadomosci parazyt., Warsz. 2 no-5 SuPPI:55-56.1956.. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej AM i III Klinika Chorob Wownptrznych AM. (TOXOPLAVOSIS, experimental. leukocyte count in (Pol)) (MAIMOCYTE COUNT, in various diseases, exper. toxoplasmosis (POW STARZYK,..J..; LASKOWNICKA, Z.; TMAJER. W. (Krakow-Wroclaw) Survival of Toxoplasma gondii in various environmor*r. Wiadomonci parazyt., 'Warsz. 2 no.3 SuPPI:57-58 1956. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologit Lekarskiej A.M. I Instytut Immunologii I Terapli Doewiadczalnej im. L. Hlrszfelda. (TOXOPLASILIA, culture, gondii, survival In room temperature (Pol)) STARZYK, J.; PRZYBYLKIFNICZ, Z.; DOLEZAL, M. (Krakow) Morphnlogical effect of largactil on Tozoplasma gondit. Wiadomoact parazyt., Warsz. 2 nov5,B!ippl:59l956. 1. Zaklad Mikroblologil Lekarsklej AM. (CHLORPROMAZINE. effects. on Toxoplasma gondli (Pol)) (TOXOPLAS14A, effect of drugs on. gondli. chlorpromazine (Poi)) STARZTK, J.; DUTKIRWICZ. J. (Krakow) EffAct of DDT nn Toxoplasma Pmndii. Wladomosci parazyt., 'Jarsz. 2 no-5:Suppl:61-62.1956.. 1. Zaklad Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej AM. (TOXOPLAS'!A, effect of drugs on. gondil. DDT (Pol)) (DDT, effects, on Toxoplasia gondli (Pol)) EXCERPTA "EDI-,A 3ec 13 Vol 13/6 Dermatoloa Julie 59 1,500. COMBATING OF PEDICULOSIS BY MEAN'S OF AZOTox-imPItEGNATEI) LINEN. 11 - Zwalczanie wszawicy przez zastosowanie bielizny impregno- wanej azotoxern. 11. - Starzyk J. and Zembu rowa K. Zakf, Mikro- biol. Lek. Akad. Med.. 6-w- NRiCH.IMMUN0L.TERAP.D0SW. (Wruclaw) 1956, 4 (461-472) Graphs 15 Body lice were used for biological tests and the modified Alexandrini method for chemical tests. Experiments performed in the laboratory and in the countryside showed the following: (1) The toxicity of azotox in impregnated linen decreases proportionally to the time of wearing and washing. (2) Linen impregnated with 4% azotox proved 38016 efficient and contained 3% of the substance after 20 weeks of wearing and washing. (3) Linen impregnated with 4% azotox.was suitable for com- bating pediculosis in the countryside. (4) Persons wearing azotox impregnated linen were free from pediculosis. (5) Persons subjected to these experiments ex- hibited neither toxic side effects nor skin lesions induced by azotox. (6) The re- sults point to the possibility of mass campaigns against pediculosis by means of impregnated linen. (7) This method is superior to that of dusting, since it is more economical and readily applicable. (XVII, 13) L- 'T ,t~ EXCERPTA YEDICA See 17 Vol 5/5 Public Health FaY 59 13113- THE' PREQUL-NCY OF APPEARANCE OF 1INFECTION WITH TOXO- PLASMA GONDII ANIONG SLAUGHTER-HOLISE WORKER .7 1 S IN TI-I E CRACOW DISTRICT - Badania ['ad CzVstogci;l wystqpowania zakazeni a Toxopl;1sma gondii wsrod pracownikow rzezzli wojew6dztwa krakowskiego Sta rzyk -J. , 11 rzyby-Pkiewic z Z. , Dolezal M . , Lutynsk i It. 7MU'-La~;-k"nicka Z. Zaki-Miki-obiol. Lek. A. M., Krak6w - PRZLGL. LLK. 1957, 13/11 (335-336 and 352) Tables* I The authors investigated 9 slaughter-houses in the Cracow district, usingtheSabin- Feldman culour reaction and the Frenkel intradermal reaction for toxoplasmosis. Altogether 226 persons were examined, of whom 35% gave a positive reaction to the Sabin-Feldman C01011V Veaction and 39% to the Freakel skin reaction. EXCERPTA MIk"'A Sec 1.7 Vol 5/7 Nblin qealth July -59 1986. STUDIES ON THE FREQUENCY OF INFECTION WITH T(.)XOIILASNIA GONDII IN CATTLE AND COW-SIIED ATTENDANTS - Badania nad czQstofi- cip eakaicd Toxoplasma gondii u bydia i pracownikdw oborowych - Starzyk J. , Przybylkiewicz Z. , Doleial M. , Lankownica _Z. an --Mu t y d a k i It. Zaki. MikrobioI. Akad. Med. I Woj. Stacji San. -Epid., Krak6w - WIAD. IIARAZYT. 1958, 4/5-6 (395-396) Using Sabin-Feldman's dye test, the sera of 400 cattle from 11 herds and several smaller farms in Cracow province were examined. Positive results were recorded in 24.25% of cases. Simultaneously, by the same method, sera of 123 workers en- gaged in cattle breeding were examined, with 10.74% positive results. In some herds, 90% of the animals reacted positively; In others the proportion was consider- ably lower. In the first-mentioned herds the proportion was also sometimes higher in people attending the cattle. "A STAHZYK, Jan; PRMYIKIBWICZ, Zdzislaw; DOLP17AL, Marian; IUMTSKI, Roman Studies on toxoplaoraosis in rural conditions. Wiadomosci parasyt., Warsz. 4 no-5-6:397; Engl. tranal. 397-398 1958. 1. Z !akl. Mil-crobiologii. Ak. Med. i Woj. Stacji San. Bpid. w Krawowis. (N.ICHINOGIS, epidemiology, in Poland, in rural areas (Pol)) STARZYK, Jan; IACHOWICZ, Tudeusz; MAUL, Marian; 1ASKOWNICKA, Zofia Studies on specificity of Sabin-Yeldwau reaction with reference to syphil- is antibodies, Viadomosci parazyt., Warsz. 4 no.5-6:409; Engl. tranal. 409-410 1958. 1. Z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Ak. Med. i Wojsk, Ub. San.-Higieniesnago v Krakowie. (BLOOD PROTEINS, determination, Sabin-Feldman reaction, specificity in Wassermann reaction (Poi)) (WASSFUMNN BXkCTIMI. specificity of Sabin-Feldman test (Pol)) STARZYK, Jan; ITASLINGER, Roman; MAMA, Irena )Ireliminary studies on detection viability of Trichownes vaginalis Donne with the aid of safranine test. Viadomosci parasyt.) Warsz. 4 no-5-6:547; Hngl. tranal. 548 1958. 1. Z Zaklada Mikrobiologii Ak. Med. i III Oddz. Poloan. -Ginekol. PU w Krakowie. (THICHOMOMS VAGINAMS, vitality, determ. with safranine test (Pol)) KHOL, Wladyolaw; STARZYK, Jan Cardiovascular toxoplasmoBis. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.1:13-16 6 Jan 58. 1. (Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrzyqch A. M. w Krakowie; kierownik: prof. dr Icon Tochowicz i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii Lekarskiej A. N.; kierownik: prof. dr Zdzislaw Przbylkiewicz) Adres: Krakow, ul. Ko-Dernika 17. 1 Klinika Chor. Wewn. A. M. (CARDIOVASGUIAR DISWAS toxoplasmosis (Pol)) (TOXOPLASMOS 15 cardiovase. (Poi))