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STARTSEV, I.V. (surgical illnesses and postoperative complications caused by ascarides] Kh1rargleheskie zabolevaniia. i posleoperatsionnye oelozhueniia, vyzyvaemys astaridami. Moskva, 1953. 89 P. (MLRA 6:11) (Worms. Intestinal and parasitic) (Operations, Surgical) GOUSOVA,SHUBENKO. LN. [reviewer]; OVXATANYAN, K.T.; STARTSBY, I.V. [authors]. 'Ascarlasis of the liver and of biliary tract,N X.T.Ovmtanian; 'Smrgical diseases and postoperativa complications caused by ascuridee.,* I.V.Startsev. Reviewed by I.R.Gabnzova-Shabanko. Ked.paraz.1 paras.bol. no.6:566-568 N-D 153. (KLHA 6:12) (Operati Sv ical) (Worms. Intestinal and parasitic) ~Sev,l ~Ovnatanian.X.Tj (Liver-Diseases) (Billary (Starl tract-Disoases) STARTSEV, I.V. Anexthatization of burns. Sov.mad.19 no.7:84 Jl '55.(MLRL 8:10) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey, khtrurgii (dir.-prof. G.F.Zaytaev) pediatricheekogo fakulltata II Hookovskogo maditsiaskogo insti- tuta iment I.Y.Stalina. (LOC&L AN)CSTHBSIA) (BURNS AAD SCALDS) STARTSEV, I.V. Stmagulatioa of the liver in diaphragmatic hernia. Khirurgiia, Moskwa no-89 My '55. (24LRA 8:9) 1. Iz Malauzovskoy ratonsoy bol'uttey Bashkirskoy ASSR. (11R.RNIA, DIAPHRAGRATIC, compl. strangulation of liver) (LIVM, die. strangulation in diaphragmatic hernia) STARTSEW, I. V. Reaction of the salivary gland following gastric resection. wrach. delo supnlement 157:64 (MIRA 11:3) 1. -Klinika obahchey khirurgii (zav.--prof. G.P.Zaytsev) pedintriche- akogo fnkul'tets Vtorogo Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute. (STOMACH--SURGY.RY) USSR / Human and animal Morphology - Digestive Tract S Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur. Biol., No. 22, 1958, No. 101407 Author : Otartsev,-I. V. Inst : - Title : Certain Functional and Morphologic Changes in the Pancreas Following Gastric Resection. Orig Pub : Khlrurglya, 1957, No.,11, 33-37 Abstract : Following gastric resection there is not Infre- quently development in human patients of various disorders of the pancreas (P). Of 100 patients dying following gastric resection, 7 patients died as the result of necrosis of the pancreas, and in eight there were foci of pancreatic nec- rosis. Clinical studies showed that in the per- Iod Immediately after resection of the stomach, the P funations are diminished. Following Card 1/3 USSR / Human and Animal Morphology - Digestive Tract S Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. - Biol., No. 22, 1958, No. 1.01407 in the P following operation are regarded by the author as being the development of the Inflamma- tory reactions of an aseptic or microbial origin, trauma to the P during operation, and disttirbances In the innervation and hemodynamics in the P. -- Ya. Ye. Kheein. Card 3/3 STARTSEV, I.V. (Moskva. u1. Markhlevskogo, d.18, kv,57) - ~ Acute dilatation and rupture of the stonach. Yest.khir. 78 no.2: 118-120 F '57. (NLRA 10:3) 1. 1z kliniki obahchey khirurgii 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo Institute (direktor - professor G.P.Zayteav) (STOUGH. die. acute dilation with & without rupt., etiol. (Rue)) STARTS31V, I.V.. kand. med. nauk. Attemnt to create aseptic pleurisy prior to thoracotomy. Sov. med. 22 no.12:103-104 D 158. (KM 12:1) 1. Is kafedry obahchev khirurgli pediatricheakogo fakulOtsta (zav. - prof. G. P. Zayteev) 11 Hoakovskogo meditainekDgo instituta imeni N. I. Pirogova. (PLMMMT, exper. induction of aseptic pleurisy before thoracotomy In rabbits (Ras)) (TFIDIMI, surg. thoracotonW. preop. induction of aseptic --pleurisy in rabbits (Rue)) ZAYT3RV, G.F., prof.; MIN, Ye. P., kand. med. nauk.; STARMIff, I.Y., kand, med. nauk. late results of surgical treatment of gastroduodenal ulcer. Sovet. med. 23 no.2t34-41 F 159, MM U-0) 'I. 1z )r'IInIkI obshc-4ey khlrurgll 11 Koekovskogo wlitsinakogo in- (GASTRWTOMT, In varlous d1s. peptic ulcer, remote results (Rua)) Surma, I.V. Processes in the anaBtomosiD and Butured upper part of the stump of the stomach after gastrectomy. Khirurgiia 35 no,,8:67.,-71 Ag 159. .1 STORACH-SURGERY) (MIRA 13-212) STARTSZV, I.V. (Mosk7a) Mo7rp hological and functional changes in the liver following gastrectomy [with mmmar7 in English]. 3? no.1:91-94 Ja '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. 1% kliniki obshchV khirurgii (dir. - prof. g.p. Zayteev) 11 Moskovskogo maditainskogo isntituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (GASTRICTOMY postop. morphol. & funct. liver changes (Rus)) (LIM, physiol. morphol. & funct. changes after gastrectoeW (RUB)) ST.ARTSEV, J.V. A probe-tampon. 37 no-11:133-135 N 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgil (direktor - Prof. G.P. Zayteev) II Moskovskogo meditsinsk-ogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (ENWSCOPE equipment and supplies) STARTSa, I.V., (Mos~wa, B.Dorogon.,,ilovskaya, d.4, kv.86) Postgastrectomy pgritonitis and adhosiona in the abdominal cavity. Nov. khir. arkh. no.2:52-55 Mfr-Ap 160. (141RA 14:11) 1. Kafedra obshchey khi-,-wgii (zav. - prof. G.F.Zayteev) 2-go, Moskovskogo(meditsinskogo instituta. STOMACH-SURGERY) (PERITONITIS) (ADHESIONS (AXATOMY)) STARTSEV, I.V., kand,meditsinskikh nauk More about the internal secretory function of the pancreas before and following stomach resection. Kaz. med. zhur, no. 4:19-25 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) Is Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.P. Zaytsev) 9-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. N.I. Pirogova. (PANCREAS-SECRETIONS) (STOMACH --- SURGERY) STARTSEEV, I.V. Detoxicatin-,- function of the liver after acute cholecystitis. Vrach. delo no~11:135-136 N 161. (I-9-RA 14:11) 1. Klinika obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.P.Zaytsev) pedia- tricheskogo fakullteta 2-9o Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. WALL BLADDER-DISEASES) STARTSEV, I.V. Purulent diseases of the fingers and hand. Med-festra 20 no.12:17-22 D 16-1. OURA 150) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii pediatrichookogo fakulltata II Moskovskogo gosudarat-.-annogo meditainokogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (FELON (DSMA )) -STARTSEVp I. V. Dehiscence of the duodenal stump as a cause of death after gastric resection. Xhirurgiia 37 no*3t4l-45 Mr 161* (MIRA 140) 1, Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii (zav..- prof. G.P. Zaytsev) pediatricheskogo fakullteta II Abskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo institute, imeni. N.I. Pirogova. (STC14ACH-,SURGERY) STARTSEV, I.V.; KAZANTSEV, F.N. Morphological changes in the aatm&U and functional disorders in the sympathoadrenal-system following gastric resection. Sov. med. 25 no.2:63-70 F 162. (MIW 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki ,-xof. G.P. Zaythev) pediaTricheskogo fakullteta II Moskov- skogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (STOMACH---SURGERY~ (ADREITAL GLAINDS-DISEASES) STARTSEVP I.V.; LYUKHTIKOVA, R.A. Benign tmors of the gastrointestinal.tract. Nauch.trudy Chety. Mosk.gar.klin.bol9l. no.ls3.83-189 161. MIRA 16.-2) 1, Iz kafedry obehohey khirurgii (zav. prof. G.P. Zaytaer) 2-go Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova i Moskovskoy gorodakoy klinicheskoy bollnitay NO-4 (glavnYY Trach - G.F. Papko). (ALIRMTARY CANAITUMORS) STARTSEV, I.V. TreatmEet of poorly healing wounds with an insulin-vitamin mixture. Nauch.trudy Chetv.Mosk.gor.klin.boll. no.1:190-195 161. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii pediatricheskogo fakulfteta. 2-go Hoskovsko o gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova Mr. kliniki prof. G.P. Shytser) i Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No-4 (glavnyy vrach - G.F. Papko). (WOUNDS--TRFA'3WT) (INSULIN) (VITAMIN TMRAPY) STARTSEV, I,V,; SMUEVI(Irl', M,A,; KAZANTSEV, F.N. Paragaliglioma. Yest.khir. no.6-.98-100 162. (KM 153.1-1) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii (dir. - prof. G.P. Zaytsev) Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta i patologoanatomicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof, Ya,L. Rapoport) 4-y gorodskoy klinich6skoy bollnitsy. (CHRMUFFIll SYSTEM-TUMORS) STARTSF-V. IS.. Stenosis of an ana tomosis following resection of the stomach. Sov. med. 25 no./+:29-32 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.P. Zaytsev) II Moskovokogo meditsinskogo iustituta imeni N.I. Pirogova i iz 1-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (dir. -a deystvitel'W chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.R. Braytsev). (ST014ACH--SURGERY) LIEBEDERV, NAfe. (Yoskva) Clinical as ects and ireatment of complicated hemorrhoida. p Kaz.ined. zhur. 4962 JI-Ag?63 (kMA 17 -.71) STARTSEV., I.V., kand.wd.nauk Fate of ligatures in anastomosis and suturing of the superior segmnt of the stump of the stomach after its resection. Kaz. med. zhur. no.104-35 Ja-F'63. (Iff-RA 16:8) 1. Klinika obshchey khirurgii (direktor - prof. G.P.Zayteev) pediatricheskogo fakulfteta 2-go Mbskovskogo gosudars+.vennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova. (STOMACH-SURGERY) (SUTUMS) I.V., nauk, Pa--,,,esls of the gastric. aiRmp follo,,dng resection. Sovet. mod. 27 no.9*.4*7-53 S'163 (MIRA 17:2) 1. 1z kliniki obGhchey khirargpi ( dir. - zasluz'heianyy de34telt'l 0 nawki prof. G.Maytzer) 'pediatricheakogo fakulltota 11 Mbsko7- Skogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogo STARTSEV, I.V., kand. med. natil- (Moskva) I - -r - Case of Chiarils disease. Klin. med. 41 no.7:130 133 J1163 (MIRA l6tl2) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii pediatricheskogo fakullteta II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.1 Pi oVa (dir. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof. G.P.L~ts T 0 S,*'C_'J','rSEV, -TIir.y kar;d. med. nauk. Data fc.- the st.*udy of disorders of the :~Lznc- -Lion of the stomach in an early period fcllowing resection. of the stomach. lChlr-urgila 40 no.9:64-67 S, 164 (MIPIA 18:2) 1. Klinika obshchey khlrurgii (zar. - Prof. G.F. Zaytsev) pr-- diatricheskago fakul I Leta -1 --: ILloskovskogo gosadurstu'rennogo riedi tsinskogo iris tit'U"UH4 STARTSEV, II.V., kand. med. nauk Pancreatitis follow-Eng gasrric resection. Vest. khar. 92 n0-5: - 30-32 My 164. (MIFRA 18: 1 j 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgil (zav. - prof. G.P. Zaytsev) pe- diatricheskogo fakillteta 2-go 14oskovskogo meditsingskogo instituta Immil N.I. Pirogova. STARTSIV, N. Reserve officers are militant workers in the All-Union Volunteer Societ.v for Assistance to the Army, Air Force, and Navy. Voen. zaan. 35 no.2:16 7 159. (KIRAL 12:6) l.Sekretarl partiyno3r organizataii Stalinskogo rayonnogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodaystviya armii, aviatsii i flotu. (Military, education) 1. STARTSEVS, N. F. 2. USSR (600) 4. Horses 7. 67 colts born and raised from 67 mares, Konevodstvo 23 No. 2,1953 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, "W7 -1953, Uncl. STARTSEV, IT.K. The 5708-type gear-shaving machine. -Biul.tekh.-ekon.inf'orm. no-7:29-30 '58. (MIRA 11:9) (Gear-cutting machines) STAql'S!,'Vt I.I.K. ~ _ ~- I - - T'~o 5155V univqrsal gear-milling macbine. Biul. tekbn.-ekon. inform. no.q:21-122 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Gear-cutting machines) 20157 s/iq3/6o/ooo/0oi/oo3/0o8 DO 29c 9, AOO4/AIOl Xj 'MIP)R: Startsev, N. K. T ! "=. * : The high-precision KY-38A (KU-38A) gear milling machine PERIODICAL: Byulleten' tekhnko-ekcnomicheskoy informatsii, no. 1, 196o, 17-18 -"EXT: The KU-38A high precision milling machine was fabricated by the Kolo- I - menskiy za7vod tyazhelogo stankostroyeniya (Kolomna Heavy Machine Tool Plan' ,) in 1958. The design of this miller is based on the 5342 machine. The KLT-38A milling machine is intended for the milling of precision indexing worms, not lower than the 5th precision class according to FOCT 3675-56 (GOST 3675-56), as well as for the machining of the teeth of cylindrical straight and helical gears of the same degree of precision according to GOST 1643-1556, by thL- generating method with worm cutters. The worm wheels are cut only by the infeed method. The front pillar of the milling carriage is mobile and mounted on the bed depending on the diameter of the blank being milled. The table revolves driver, by a double-worm rigid drive. The indexing worm wheel is made of 0410-0.5 (OF 10-0,5) bronze and has 462 teeth with a 3.6 mm module. To increase the operating smoothness, the gearing angle of the indexing worm couple is adopted to equal to 150 while the total height of the Card 1/2 2C157 S/193/60/000/001/003/008 The high-precision VV-38A (KU-38A) ... A004/AOOI worm tooth amounts to 3.8 modules. All gears of the indexing system and differen- tial as well as all t;.e change wheels are fabricated according to the 1st precisim class. The following technical data are given: Parameters of wheels being milled: maximum diameter of straight and helical wheels: with rear pillar 1,400 mm, without rear pillar - 2,000 mm,& maximum diameter of the worm wheel 1,500 mm; minimum diameter of gears - 280 nin; maximum angle of inclination of the teeth. - �450; maximum module - 10 mm; maximum milling length - 900 mm, maximum diameter and length of milling cutter - 250 and 300 mm respectively; diameter of indexing worm wheel - 1,650 mm; maximum permissible table load - 10 tons; range of cutter rotation speeds (16 stages) - *11.2 - 63 per minute; vertical feed range (13 stag-:4 - 0.35 - 4 mm1rev', radial feed range (13 stages) - 0.29 - 4.24 MM/rev; power of main electromotor - 14 kw; overall dimensions (length x width x height) - 5,87,r, x 2,355 X 3,600 mm; weight, including the weight of the base parts and electrioal equipment -.25.2 tons. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 STARTSKV, N.V.. inzhener. -_la;_.X,el,~,~?~~--~~ %.. .. Improve the organization of manfL--ement in the spinning industry. Tokst.prom.16 no.10-.10-12 0 156. (Kw 10: 1) (Spinning) WYSA KHOV 1CH 9 Ya.A.; RONKIN, V.S.; STARTSEV, N.V. Lu., volume spraying by nozzles with large chamnels. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 9 no.7t27-28 164. (M-MA 18-2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteniy. ARSHINSKIY, V-Maj BAGAUTINOV, G.A.; BESPALOV, M.V.; GASPAROVICH, P.I.; GOLOMIDOV, I.N.; GOLUBOV, G.B.; GRIN, L.T.; ZELISKIY, S.A.; IL'INYKH., A.F.; KOZIN, V.Z.; KRYUKOV, V.P.; KULAKOV, S.N.; LUKAS, V.A.; MINEYEV, V.A.; PETROV, Yu.S.; PIRUSHKO, M.G.; FROKOFIYEV, Ye.V.; REBETS, B.A.; STARTSEV, NL ; TROP, A.Yeo, prof.; KHRAMOV, V.A.; ABRAMOV, V.I., otv. red.; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L.,, tekhn. red.; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. (Handbook on electric equipment for mines] Spravochnik gorno- go elektrotekhnika. Pod obshchei red. A.E.Tropa. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 400 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Electricity in mining) -STARTSEV Pavel Alekseyevich; SHCHEGLOV, V.P., prof., red.UGAROVAp N.A., red. [Outline of the history of astronomy in China] Ocherki istorii astro- nomii v Kitae. Pod red. V.P.Shcheglova. Moskva, Gos. izd-v fiziko- matem. lit-ryp 1961. 153 P. (MIRA 14:6) (Astronomy'p Chinese) G I OUCHAROVA) L.S.; RCMANOVSKAYA, Ye.A.; STARTSEV, S.D. Stereotactic apparatus for dogs. Biul. ekep. biol, i med. 55 no.2:123-126 F163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Iz fiziologicheskoy laboratorii AN SM. Moskva. (SURGICAL IRSTRUMENTS, AND APPARATUS) (BRAINI-SURGMY) ST,',RTS1,11, T. KOSHOV, D. So-iet Central Asia - Irrigation For further improvement in the technical condition and utilization of irrigation systems. Khlopkovodstvo no. 11 (1951.) Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. Unclassified ACCESSION Nfti AP4020397 B/0006/64/000/003/0023/0027' AUTHOR: Startsev, T. P. TITLE: Test of L. A. Kashin's altimeter level model iCjURCE: Geodeziya i kartografiya, no. 3, 1964, 23-27 TOPIC TAGS: altimeter level, surveyingp cartography, level NG, triangulation ABSTRACT! The results of performance tests of the altimeter-level of L. A. Xashin are presented. The aim of the tests was to investigate the accuracy of the modells~; performance, to establish the instrument's suitability for 1Vth class leveling,-and' to establish a basic height curve for topographic relief of scales 1:10 000 and 1:25 COO. Preliminary instrument check-out and calibration were carried out with the aid of an NG-type level. Trials were run over a class IV course 13.3 kilometers in length. Results of the trials are presented in tablesp including mean quadratic.- ;errors, deviations, and altimeter coefficient settings. The author proposes chang- !ing certain features of scale division on the instruments reticle to facilitate greater ease in making readings. Systematic instrument errors are discussed and treated mathematically, as well as conditions influencing the magnitude of errors* For con ucting leveling of class,1V the instrument must.have a 3 angle field of -7 1~2 qard ------ ACGI~SIOU NR: AP4020397 :vision, internal focusing, and variable focal length, according to the author. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 4 equations. ~ASSOCIATION: none SUalITTED. 00 ENCM 00 SUB CODES ES NO REF SOV: 002 OTHERS 000 2/2 Card STAi-PISEV.1 Testing a model of L.A. Kashin's altimeter-level. Geod. i kart. no.3:23-27 Mr 164. (Miltk 17: 9) 3TAI',T~3_ZV,V..~.) UNE-11MUTY, P.V. "Interaction of Metallic Baths and r-m nace Bottom-Dress in Open-Hearth Furnaces," lecture given at the Fourth Conference on Steeelmaking, A.A. Baikov Institute of I I-Letallurgy, 1,loscuv, July 1-6, 1957 18 '(5) AUTHORS: Kleyn, A. L., Umrikhin, P. V., SOV/163-59-2-5/48 Startsev, V. A. TITLE: Assimilation c- ~-,ime -ind Slag-forming IfLixtures by Basic Chromic Slags (Assimilyatsiya izvesti i sh7.akoobrazuyushchikh smesey osnovnym khromsoderzhashchim shlakom) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey ohkoly. ?,,Tetallurgiya, 1959, Nr 2, pp 27-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of ferrous oxide (FeO) on the solubilKtl ,- , &; , . . , lime "uring the melting process of slag in thcoj,:!n-.hearth/ was investigated and the results are given in figure 1. A positive influence was confirmed. At the beginning of-the melting process the basicity in the slag is reduced with the increase of the aluminum oxide content (Fig 2, Curve 1). The aluminum content in the slag rises in the middle and at the end of the melting period from 9-12 %. Thus the solubility of lime li the slag mel", is increased kFig 2, Curves 2 and 3). The basicity is reduced in the case of a further increase of the aluminum oxide content in the slag and the assimilation of chalk in the liquid slag is reduced. The line assimilation Card 1/2 is impro7ed by the increase of the chromium content in the Assimilation o--,' Lime and Slag-'Lormin6 blixtures by SOV/16.31-59-2-5/48 Basic Chromic Slags slag under the formation of scarcely meltable ohromium spinels. The microstzueture of the slag with purest lime and of mixtures w'-h bauxite was taken and is gi-ren in figure 3 (a - g). There are 3 figures, " Lable, and 6 references, 5 of Viich are Soviet-. ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhn-4cheskiy institut (Ura! Polytechnic Instit-ulue) SUBMITTED: September 16, 1958 Card 2/2 KLKY14. A. L.. bizh., STARTSET, V.A., inzh.; UMIIKHIN, P-V., doktor tekhn.nau~ Prof. Certain characteristics of chromium-bearing slags produced durir4gr the melting stage of the open-hearth process. Izv. vys.ucbeb.zav.; chern.met. 2 no.8:45-53 Ag '59. (MRk 13:4) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicbeskiy institut. Rekomendovana Imfedroy metallurgii stalt Ural'skogo politelchnicheskogo instituta. (open-hearth process) (Slag--Analysis) (Chromium--Analysis) 18.3200 771'55 SOV/148-59-9-5/22 AUTHORS: Startsev, V. A. (Engineer), Umrikhin, P. V. (Doctor rt-es, Professor) TITLE: The Interaction of Carbon of Metal Bath With the Hearth of Lhe Basic Open-Ilearth FUrnace PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 9, PP 53-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to find Out the part played by the hearth in the process of decarbonization of metal and also to find out to what extent this provess determines the chemical wear of the hearth or its durability. The possibility of the hearth's participation in metallurgical reactions was previously mentioned by V. A. Dementlyev (Dementlyev, V. A., Increase of Durability of the Hearth in Open-Hearth Furnaces, Metallurgizdat, 1950) and A. M. Levin (Levin, A. M., Collection of Papers of Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgic-al Institute, Nr 28, 1952). The test melts were performed by the scrap process In 100-ton mazut- (residue of petroleum)-fired furnaces and by the scrap- Card 1/8 ore process in a 220-ton furnace fired by blast furnace The Interaction With the Hearth Furnace Card 2/8 of Carbon of Metal Bath of the Basic Open-Heapth 77135 sov/148-59-9-5/22 gas and mazut. The results of 4,500 melts conducted in 100-ton and 220-ton furnaces, covering a period of time during which 200 preventive repairs of the hearth took place, were subject to statistical processing. The results are given In Figures 1 and 2, where each point represents 400-500 melts. I 74 Figure average between 907 aff 46V 4Aq #,V Of 4PW aV 4N 4W 74J V4V el 1. Dependence of life of furnace bb~'M on carbon content in metal during period of time repairs. The Interaction of Carbon of Metal Bath With the Hearth of the Basic Open-Hearth Furnace HI 7/5 SOV/1418-c5-9-)-5/22 A drastic dect,ease of' rA' burned-In bottom sponds to the furnace work when pL-oducing steel either, raised carbon content (Fig. lb), or very carbon content (Fig. la). C/P I C % C16 4.10 covve- with low 0 It 17 9 19 24F 21 ?Z V X LIF-C OF Oorrlo# X-eirn, Fig. 2. Dependence of life of furnace bottom on carbon content in metal during smelting process. Cp = carbon content in metal after melting; CB = carbon content" in Card 3/8 metal before steel tapping. The Interaction of Cavbon of Metal Bath With the Hearth of' the Basic Open-Ilearth Furnace Card 4/8 77135 sov/148-59-9-5/22 Althogether, about 250 samples of burned-in bottom 7'iere tested. It was established that carbon content in metal under the slag and along the depth of "the bath varies. Study of the chemical composition of the bottom showed that, during the period from the end of tapping to the beginning of charging, the concentration of iron oxides in the surface layer of the bottom increases, and during melting it decreases. The petrographic study shows that the surface layer of the burned-in bottom, being subjected to oxidizing action, consists of large and fine grains of' periclase (magnesium oxide), having deep brown or totally black coloring, due to the iron oxides dissolved in them. The cementing phase consists of crystal whiskers of ferrimonticellite (Cao-MgO-SiO,)-FeO, which grew in interspace between the grains of periclase, and the opaque glass. The oxidizing effect of the furnace gass on the surface layer of the burned-in bottom apparently decreased considerably as soon as the bottom was covered by the charge materials. The process of The Interaction of Carbon of Metal Bath With the Hearth of the Basic Open-Hearth Furnace C ard 5/8 77135 SOV/148-59-9-5/22 interaction of iron oxides in the surface layer of the bottom with carbon of the metal bath begins in the second half of the melting period, closer to the complete melting of the bath. This process lowers the wear resistance of the burned-in botton, due to disruption of solidity between the separate grains of periclase, caused by the reduction of iron oxides to the metal. It was established thbLt in the course of melting the content of iron oxides in the surface layer of burned- in bottom decreased. It always happened when carbon content in metal before tapping was over 0.10%. It was also established that the content of iron oxides in the burned-in bottom decrease3 more during melting of high-carbon steel than during smelting of low-carbon steel. A petrographic investigation of the burned-in bottom showed that during finishing of the melt the grains of periclase (toward the end of the period) are refined, and their color changes to light-yellow, indicating the decrease of dissolved iron oxides. It was discovered that metallic beads ..of not more than 1 aLm The Interaction of Carbon of Metal Bath With the Hearth of the Basic 77135 Open-Hearth Furnace SOV/1118-59-9-5/22 in size are formed along the working surface of the hearth; at a depth of 10-15 mm, they are of 0.15 to 0.25 mm in size. These beads are the product of reduction of iron oxides by the carbon of metal. The wear resistance of the hearth, when producing steel with carbon content under 0.10%, decreases mainly at the end of the melt (see Fig. 3). ard 6/8 The Intevaction of Cat,I)ori of' Muta! Bath With the Heat-th of' the Basic YY 1 Open-Hearth Furnace SOV/148-59-9-5/22 FeO d)AITOr IAI &6)XAf'_P-1,V dyi-01, 7, 1A1 tb "v ve A v QL $4 44 A4 :~t Card 7/8 Fig. 3. Relationship between oxygen content in metal and FeO content in slag and the burned-in bottom. The Interaction of Carbon of' Metal Bath With the Hearth of the Basic Open-Hearth Fu!-nance ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: 77111-15 .-r SOV/` " 8 - 59 -9 - 5/22 To minimize the interaction of the surface layer of the hearth with the metal of the bath, the following measures are recominended: (1) a -forced oxidation of carbon in the metal bath in t-he course of the mel"; (2) alternating of high-carbon and low-carbon steel melts; (3) accelerated repairs of the hearth by t-he burned-in bottom of thick layer of magnesite powder with scale (100-300 mm). There are 5 figures; 3 tables; and 5 Soviet references. Ural Polytechnic Institute (Urallskiy politekinnicheskiy institut) June 15, 1959 Card 818 STAi.TS.CV, V.A., inzh. 1-1 _______7To_ntuiffR_TmI 1 1; -'ity of metal bath co:uooition in carbon content during the period of charge maltinr: in the open-liearth furnace. Trudy Ural. I politckh.inst. no.911:5-18 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1 (Open-r-earth procesr-,) (Liquid metals--Analysis) STA"T3EV, V.A., i'lopirant; P.V1, prof., doktor telchn.nauk Investigating the interaction of carbon in the metal with a basic open-hel-rth furnace hearth botton. Trudy Ural.",-. no.91: 12-27 160. (MIRA Jj,: 2) (Steei-,Metallurgy) (Open-hearth furnaces) STARTSEV, V. A. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Reaction of carbon with liquid metallic baths containing a built-up layer underneath in basic open-hearth furnaces." Magnitogorsk, 1961. 20 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Magnitogorsk Mining-Metal- lurgical Inst imeni G. I. Nosov); 120 copies; price not given; (n , 7-61.sup, 246) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5556 Moscow. Institut stall.. Novoye v teorii I praktike proizvodstva martenovskoy stall (Nev [Developments] in the Theory and Practice of Open-Hearth Steelmaldng) Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1961. 439 P. (Series: Trudy Hezhvuzovskogo naachrogo soveshchaniya) 2Y150 copies printed, ponsoring Agency: Mnisterstvo vysshego I arednego spetsiallnogo obrazovardya RSFSR. Monkovskiy inatitut stall imni 1. V. Stalin&. ESds.: M. A. Glirawv, Profeasor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. V. Kondakov, Profeasor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, V. A. Kudrin, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, G. 11. Oyka, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and V. 1. Yavoyskiy, Proreasor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ed., Ye. A. Borko; Ea. of Publishing House- N. D. Gromov; Tech. Ed.% A. I. Karasey. RMPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for raembers of scientific institutions, faculty members of schools of higher education, engineers concerned with metallurgical processes and physical chemistry, and students specializing In these fields. Card 1/14 liew [Developments] in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556 (Central Metallurgical Plant)j Polytechnic Tmatitute) Card 2114 COVERAGE- The collection contains papers revieving the development of open- hearth steelmaking theory and practice. The papers, vritten by staff members of schools of higher education, scientific research institutes, were presented and diocuosed and main laboratories of metallurgical pla at the Scientific Conference of Schools of Higher Education. The following topics am considered: the kinetics and mechanism of carbon oxidation; the process of slag formation In open-hearth furnaces using in the charge either ore-lime briquets or composite flux (the product of calcining the mixture of 1i with bauAite); the behavior of hydrogen in the open-hearth bath; metal desulfarization processes; the control of the open-hearth thermal. melting regime and its automation, beat-engineering problems In large-capacit-y furnaces; aeroaynamic properties of fuel gases and their flow in the furnace combustion chamber; and the improvement of big4-alloy steel quality through the utilization of vacuum and. natural gases. The folloving persons took part in the discussion of the papers at the Conference- S.I. Filippov, V A. Kudrin, M.A. Glinkov, BP. Ham, V.I. Tavoyakiy, G.N. Oyks and Ye. V: Chelishchev (Voecw-r Steel Inatitute)i Ye. A. Kazachkow. an& A. S. Kharitonov (Zhdanov YA-tallurgical Institute); N.S. Mikhaylets(Institute of Chemical Metallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences UWR), A.I. Stroganar. and D. Ya. Povolotakly (CbPlyabinsk Polytechnic Institute); P.V. Umrikhin Ural Polytechnic Institute); I.I. Yozin (the Moscow *Berp I molot" V.A. Yukley Asian New (Developments] in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/5556 and M.I. Beylinov (Night School of the Dneprodzerzhinsk Metallurgical Institute). References follow some of the articles. There am 268 references, mostly Soviet. TABIZ OF CONVENTS- Foreword Yavoyakdy, V. L Noakovskiy institut dMU - Moscow Steel Institute]. Principal Trends in the Development of Scientific Research In Steel Manufacturing T Filippov, S. 1. [Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Moacov Steel Institute]. Regularity Patterns of the Kinetics of Carbon Oxidation 15 in Yetals With Lov Carbon Content JV. 1. Antonenko participated In the experimentej 1,0vin, S. L. (Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dnepropetrovskly metallurgichooldy institut Dnepropetrovsk NL-tallurglcal Institute]. Card 3/14 Nev [Developwnts)in the Theory (Cont.) On the Theory of Carbon Oxidation in the Open-Elearth Bath 22 Chelishchev, Ye. V. (Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow Steel Institute]. Special Features of Carbon Oxidation in the Open-Hearth Bath 31 Mikhaylets, N. S. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, KUmiko- m~eta3aurgicbeskiy institut Sibir3kogo otdalenlys AN SSSR - I TI Institute of Chemical Mtallurgy of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciercee, USSR]. Carbon Oxidation in the Baths of Open-Hearth )Narnaces of Various Sizes 44 Sjt~e J_ A (Engineer], and P. V. Umrikhin [Professor, -Doctor of Technical Sciences, Urallskiy politeldwicheskiy institut Ural Polytechnic Institute]. Interaction Betveen the Metal-Bath Carbon and the Hearth of the Basic Open-Hearth Purnace Diring the Scrap and Ore-Scrap Processes 53 Stroganov, A. I. [Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Cbelyabinakiy politekbnicheakiy Institut - Chelyabinsk PolytscWc lustitutel. Carbon Oxidation In the Open-Bouth Bath Card rew (De7elolm-ents] in the Theory (cont.) SOV/5556 Rybakov, L. S. (bacent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Urall Polytechnic Institute]. Carbon Oxidation During the Melting Period in the Basic OWn-Rearth Scrap and Scrap-Ore Processes Discussion of Papers Rybakov, L. S. Investigating the Slag Formation In the Basic Open-Hearth Scrap and Scrap-Ore Processes Rybakovj L.S. Slag Formation in the Banic Open-Hearth F~arnace D.tring the Introduction of Oxygen Into the Flame Umrikhin, P.V., V.A. Startsev, and A.L. Kleyn (Engineer, Ural Polytechnic Institu -e ~.Sl;~ Formation During the Welting Period in Prccessing the Chrome-Containing Charge (P. Ye. NiZhel'BkiY, Candidate of Technical Scieuces,and V.P. Krysov, Engineer participated in the researcb vork) Card 5/14 69 79 102 lu STARTSEV, V~A. Costs of Pechora cop.1 and economic relations between the Pechora Basin and the Urals'. Izv.Komi fil.Geog.ob-va SSSR no.7t25-30 162. (MA 153-12) (Pechorf Basip-Coal mines and mining-Costs) S/148/62/000/008/007/009 E071/E483 AUTHORS: Butakov, D.K., Pan'shin, I.F., Startsev, V.A., Bershteyn, L.I. TITLE: On the problem of intergranular cracking in steel castings PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, no.8,* 1962, 143-149 TEXT: The object of the present inveitigation was to establish the origin and significance of bright shiny areas observed on dull-grey fracture surfaces of test pieces, examined in the course of routine quality control of Cr-Ni-Mo steel castings. Examination of fracture surfaces of variops test'pieces, metallographic examination of micro- a-nd macro-structure, and magnetic crack-detection tests made it possible to distinguish between two types of shiny zones: one representing the surface of -shrinkage cavities, the other corresponding to regions where microscopic, intergranular cracks were present in the casting. The eff'ect of the casting temperature, pouring rate, rate of cooling (as determined by the time interval during which the Card l/ 2 s/148/62/000/008/007/009 On the problem of intergranular ... E071/E483 casting was left in the mould) and heat treatment on the proneness of castings to develop this particular type of fault was studied. Conclusions: (1) The intergranular cracks are'a result of the formation of sulphide films at the austenitic grain boundaries and setting up of internal stresses caused by (a) temperature gradients in the casting, (b) time-lag between phase transformations occurring in various parts of the casting and (c) mechanical constraint of the shrinkage. (2) The most effective means of preventing intergranular cracking, manifested by the appearance of the shiny zones on 'fracture surfaces, is to reduce the rate of cooling of the casting to the temperature of 6bOOC; no defects of this type were found in a 500 kg casting (with a maximum wall thickness of 50 mm), left in the mould for 12 h. (3) The tendency of a steel to develop this type of defect can be reduced by decreasing the sulphur and increasing the manganese content in the melt. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Kurganskiy mashinostroitelinyy institut Murgan SUBMITTED: January 22, 1962 Machinery Institute) Card 2/2 STA7,1-1~~--,V, I.% ',~. Startcev, V. G. 11-Hef*1exes from the carotid bodies to the digestive tract." Acad Med Sci USSR, Inst of E,~)erimental Modicine. Leningtad, 1956- (Disger- tation for the Degree of Candidate Ln Medical Science) So: Ynizhna,,a letopis, No. 25, 1956 STARTSEV, V.G. Reflexes from the carotid bodies to the dip7estive trnat [with summ,qr.v in English]. Fiziol.zhur. 44 no.*--:2Q-36 Ja 158 (MIRA 11:3) 1. Otdel farmakologii Instituta eks-oerimentnl1noy meditsiny AMN SSSR, Leningrnd. (CAROTID BODY, t)hysiology, off. of stimulation on gnstrointpstinAl motility in decerebrated animals (Rua) (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM, -ohysiology, eff. of carotid body stimulation on motility in decerebrated animals (Rua) (BRAIN, nhysiology, eff. of carotid body stimulation on gastrointestinal motility in decerebrated Animals (Rus) STARTSEV, V.G. ........ . .... Motor function of the intestine on an e=ty stomach [with .-,--a'ry in Engliab-le Biul.eksp.biol, I med. 46 no-7:11-15 Je '58 (MMA 11-:7) 1. Iz InntittitA ek9perimentallnoy pstologii I teraDii (dlr. - kand. biol.nnuk I.A. Utkin), AMN SSSR, Sukhumi. PrAdstavienR daystvitellnys chlenom AW1 SSSR V.N. Chernigovsklm. (INTnSTRIP-1), physiology, motor funct. on empty atomnch (Rus)) (FASTING, effects, on Intestinal motor funct. (Rus)) STARTSIV. V.G. Reflex influences from the carotid body on periodical motor activity of the stomach [with summary In Znglishl. Fisiol.shur. 45 no.1:83-90 Ja 159- (MIRA 12:2) 1. From the department of pharmacology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Leningrad. (STOMACH, physiol. eff. of carotid bocly reflexes on motoricity (Rus)) (CAROTID BODY,physiol. eff. of carotid reflexes on gastric motoricity (Rug)) STARTSEV, V.G. Effect of prolonged dietary regimens on periodical activity of the gastrointestinal tract in dogs. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no.9:1084-1091 S 159. (NIRA 13:1) 1. Smkhumskaya mediko-bialogicheskaya stantsiya AMN SSSR i Otdel farmakologii Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AMN SSSR, Leniugred. (GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM physiol.) (DINTS off.) (PERIODICITY) STARTSEV"-.G,--- Diurnal rhythm of the gastrointestinal tract. Fiziol. zhur. 46 no. A467-475 AP 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. From the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Scienceso Suh,uni. (DIGESTIVE ORGANS) (PERIODIU'ITY) STARTSEV., -V.-G-. Periodic motoractivity of the stomach during digestion. Biul. eksp. biol. i med.-50 no.10:12-16 0 160, (-14I-RA 14: 5) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. Ye.F.Larin) Tomskogo meditsinskogo ihstituta (dir. - prof. S.F.Khodkevich). Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AM SSSR V.N.Chernigovskim. (S':014AGH) --- STARTSEV9 V.G. Further analysis of the motor activity of the digestive tract during a mil diet. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.1:64-70 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) I.-From the Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapyq Academy of Medical Soiencesy Sukhumi, (MILK AS FOOD) (STC1JACH-MOTILITY) (INTESTINES-MOTILITY) I STARTSEV. V.G. Effect of catheterization on the secretory activity of the stomach in monkeys. Fiziol. zhu--. 47 no-11:1391-1396 11 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. From the U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Experimental Pathology and Therapy, Sukhumi. (STOMACH-SECRETIONS) (CATHETERS) Interrelation of the motor activity of the stomach and various.sections of the intestine. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.9:14-18 S 161. (KIRA 15:6) 1. 1z Instituta eksperimental2noy patologii i terapii (direktor - doktor meditsinskikh nauk B.k. Lapin) MDT SSSR, Sukhumi. Predstaviena akademikom. V.N. Chernigovskim. (STOMACH) (INr-STINES) STARTSBV, V.I., Metodist-agronom. Farming outside the exhibition. Nauka i pared. op. v sellkhoz. - 6 no-11M-78 N 056. (Y_UU 10-1) 1. Upravleniye propagandy Vsesoyuznoy Beliskokhozyaystvennoy vystav- ki. (Moscow Province--Collective farms) BELINSKAYA, A.T.; BOGUSLAYSrAYA, S.A.; DUBIN, A.S.; PRUSSa, O.T.; STARTSW, V.I.; DAVIDOTICH, Ya.I., doktor yurid.nauk, red.; KHRUSTALET, B.F., red.;,SHILOY, L.A., red.; TODMAGINA, S.D., [Socialist competition in Leningrad enterprises during the years of the first five-year plan, 1928-19321 Sotsialisticheakoe sorevnovanie na predpriiatiiakh Leningrada v gody pervoi piati- letki, 1928-1932 gg.; abornik dokumentov i materis'lov. Pod red. IA.I.Davidovichn. Leningrad. Iad-vo Lening.univ., 1961. 343 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Leningrad. Gosuclarstvannyy arkhiv Oktyabriskoy revolyntail i satsialistichaskogo stroitelletva. (Leningrad--Socialist competition) AMOSOVP N.N.; DUBIN, A.S.; ZUBKOV, V.A.; STARTSEV,-!,.T.; TOKAREV, Yu.S.; SHKARATAN, 0.1.; KURTYNI9,__M__._87.', red.; ZREREBKINA, D.I., red.; LEVOITEVSKATA, L.G., tekhn. red. (A generation of shock workers; a collection of documents and materials on socialist competition in loningrad Industrial plants in 1928-19611 Pokoleniia udarnikov; sbornik dokumentov I materialov o satsialisticbeskom sorev- novanii na predpriiatiiakh Leningrada v 1928-1961 gg. Le- ningrad, Lenirtizdat, 1963. 454 P. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Leningrad. (Pfovince) Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Oktyabr,skoy revolyutsil I sotsialisticheskogo stroitellstva. (Leningrad-Socialist competititon) START ~',L,,V ) -v , ..I vjn2jj,.j POP'r,(%', 14,),.,, inz-!i. ul~ the Yolzba--i,5'j9Gll t,,ambine trade 292 m of later&I drif"Ing- I'llut, No.5-6 , U~ -shakht. strol. 9 no.lCz22-24' 0 165, [MIRA 181g) it Xombinat Kuzb%3sugoll,, VYZHIGIN, G.V., Inz STARTSEV, V.I., inzh.; OCHERETYANNTY, S.M.p inzh# Standard panels for buildings with suspended equipment. Prom.atroi. 43 no.12.-2/+-27 165. (MIRA IS:12) a a K v it 00 *0 00 OIL PW" ddnno*& N. BRILLIANTOV Atli) EAP. and Thtm Phys. U.S.S. R., 96 8, pp. mn~-M, : USION lux) \-my foctlu*13 the distfibut" uf twim themush the - 'I % 11 O -1 N ,t r 4 1 11" A 4 ty-fah was InveNtiltokf"j. 1( %Aj filt,114f Shot 4 g" 11glif 1hrough thu tfvstAl III 01'r thmAl,"I 411 t1m (Ilo) plane. TwIlts woor alw fifulml firlw1jug ifloille the SI-miluttl Auld With an orientAlkM VAryifig AbUtlg tI%C NiM D s . ASA, -- ---- - 8) Inv ODIL41 COOK ON't Lot % 6 1 1 do 4 3 9 W 0 u 417 a a It u * o ; ; 0 0 : 0 in 0 * * 0 q 0 4 : : 0 0 a 0 4 0:0 0*00990 otte**900*600000000 000000*000411, -00 *00 -00 X*o Goo 609 gee 00 : 00 as* see zoo INVO000849009 90901619 440 u tin A sc DUGM MLON OPO-NS TW"I' IST ..0 PO ttlyff. A 1 0 2-CLETtf- OOX sea go* ilea OOR *Olt 0000000000*0000 '0000*0 31 32 a Id a Is v a w so 41 Q a it Ck T U 1 -1. -1 - - A.D I. r.N*s Sol * ' ww% -01. J.1,1111 vjvjv .0-1~km p, mq1vull"I h.t Ift go "Pull OMP7 PPAQ so p lawn 841 p "Ampsikul so- l ip *0 *o- 00 so 00 Ir :0 r 0 0 it IT It w a It 11 It it a 0 T *0*0*6000*0 2 3 4 s 6 1 1 IF to It 12 N I t L N 00 0 :0 a V 094 00,1 0-3 0 4 : 040 W J. 10 Q4 No up to AND PROPINTISS mail he OWN&M d a cty" lattke durfel . V. 1. sts"My. J. Expl. Thw8j. 10=~l WD~;, J. Pkjrv. (U, S. S. R E jJ1 mWits Obtahwd I i0+40041111101101111ILLS mi. we LWAsuMW by meow of W Tbzw . . Aomt tb6 toristp. ranip thm hm*m rawims of bkmcks cd ='Oj modw. T1. .. .1 bimck. an Unk Vito wkb dw 1=4 lo- bw smingdWatid mid 4=4 oft hnWAIS 4"ALL114ftICAL LITINATIA1 CLAIMMAk"1111111 NHO VIVINSIT" 64"40 -A I floaaw lilt *III age b u a AV so is 9,9 IT- "lfs th COOM -06 is m I I a ad 0 0 0 1 v 81 1 a a 3 6. v We 9811 N'--STf~ -- It Al P a A- iste regions IN Plastically Deforlod crystals of R"k ftlt,, 0 V.L. Start"T (Compt. road. "ad. 301. 9.R-3.S., 1941, 30, 124,L"). The Nature or bonds parallel to the 110 dirwation in a pleatt"lly deformed crystal of roak-selt has b"m InvestIpted by the Laue method. :*a It is concluded that the lattice Is distorted along the bond so that It represents a @wise or intermediate orlentatiom AammelIM at 6000 for 50 hr. had no arract on the bonds. A.J.v. .4TALLVWGK4L UIRRA16fif CLOWICAT 900 4 141cf. t. u 0 19 .1 L-iv so 6 fee '00 too .&Lill go MW' RA AS a*A 6 d 9 1 W a 9 A I 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 a * 0 4 0 0 0 0 Kilect of mostaic structure on the rosistanq to moch-nic-1 twinni R I *Ad=..,;. VA. zalivad- photogrjph~ of tot ill 111, A-ility to 1.- '11-1 J ,.a Il .1 .0 11.1111.1ts"ll ,I dat. tv, still,4 s,'" pail -I i illt~l 1.%- 11 ". kill it tho al 1"~"I f~'tmatioll '-( tile Mike -" ll'ttit" %,sill I'l,wk-fAmut rdmi%v Alliti- ul. to I' ilk [C.'IwCt is) Apvilt SI-Cci- 111.11, do fiam tile ilacri'l.wk- i'lgi-of 11.11 MMV tilml 2 3 . G. NI, T. 3 Twin formation in bisinuth. 1. A. Gisidip and V. 1. starl,cv. 1)ur. Eks-lt7.--reo-rct.-7,7a--M,-7.18 (1/tru" 17clult. 1951, 1, 25.12--Twin formation in Ili single cryst ~Ik m0cr thv hiffitence of compres5h,q! stre- vmducc(I byaknifeedgcisdescribed. Two floxv findt". cm respotidiul, "I 113earing of 140-59) ood 2,15-2.5 g3~Lrl. %vue TNNi'll'i'19 di~-Ippcarcd wheii (lie cr"tak iverP lw.ilvd to 250' or iubjected to merb. stres, cmalilcr to that priollivitig, the Wlemmiction. AnaI,).,0c-q ob-rvul in hvin fmiw,fion in nivialfic crv,tal, and in ionic crystals are poilacd out. G. Moore winuedaystalsofiron. R.I.Garber,l. _-Anneallng t r3indin, M. G. Konstantinovsku, and V. 1. Startseq (rhys.1 Lt. Lisa Acad Set. Mr. B.S.R.. IMMIOL ".a f T kkd Ak,~i Mul S.SIR. 74, 343-4(1950).--ftecimms of 9; ; c steel were annealed at 300' for 3 hra., elongated 2-3%,, ,fre then annealed 8 days, increasing the temp. gradunlly frm' 490 to SW' to give an av. grain size of 1.6-2 mm. The' specyms were Lthen broken under tension at temp I. of liqu NI toming twinned crystals in grainsnear the ftac t,.tre. Twinned Layers began to disappear after 10 ~ hrs.' Annealing at 850*, and all had disappeared after 66 hrs. at '850* followed by 60 lirs, ati?W'.. H. W.Aatimm=. I USSR/themistry Crystallograpby Card 1/1 Pub. ?2 20/51 Authors I Startsev., V. I. and Kosevich., V. M. ?k title t Elastic twinning of metals Periodipal t Dok. AN SSSR lol/5~. 861-864, Apr 11., 1955 Abstract i The twinninf; of Bi Zn and Sb was inyestigated beyond fhe clemiage surface of the crystal at:roon, temperature. It was established that the nature of elastic twinning depends upon temperaturefor., in the case of low-mlting metals, the twinning shmild take place only at low temperatures. The absence of elastic twinning in the case of Bi and Zn was found to be due to their plasticity at room,tempe'ratures, The tirinning process in Sb was seen to be identical to the twinning in calcite. Six USSR references (1938-1950). Illustrations. Institution Institute for E'echanization of Agriculture and the Polytechnicum, Kharkov Fresented by- Acaderi-cian G. V. Kurdyumov, Jarmaj-1 10, 1955 STARTSEV, V.I., WOSXVICH, Y.M. Twin interaction in bismuth, zinc and antimony. Dokl. AN SM 104 ae.3:412-414 3 '55- (MIRA 9:2) 1.Kharlkovokiy ixotitfit dekhanizatoll sel'sksgo khosyaystva. Pred- stawleno akedemiken T.GX)xrdyunsvyuv (Crystallography) (Notallography) STARTSPV, V.I.; KOSEVIGH, V.M.; TOMENKO, Yki.S. _._:, - 11~-fd,,4~-4.,.x~-4~i~A~ lIxamining" the intersections of twinned layers in calcite monocrystals. Kristallografila 1 no.4:425-428 156. (MLRA 10:1) 1. Kharlkovski7 Institut mekbamimtsii sel'skogo khozpqatva, Kharlkovskil politekhnicheakiy institut. (Calcite crystals) STARTSEV, V.I.; KOMICH, V.M.; TOKENKO, Yu.S. Examining the intersections of tvinned layers in monocrystals of anitmony, bismath and zinc. Kristallografiia 1 no.4:429-435 '56. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Kharikovskir institut m~kh&n12&tSii sel'skogo khosyaystval Khar'kovskiy, politekhnicheakiy institute (Antimony crystals) (Bismuth cristals) (Zinc crystals) Category : USSR/Solid State Physics - Morphology of Crystals. Crystallization E-7 Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 2, 1957 No 3897 Author :*Startsev, V.I., ---* nsevich, V.M. 11 ~ov ~st tute of Mechanization of Agriculture; **10=-1kov Poly- Inst :* technic Institute, USSR Title :Concerning the Relief Produced by Twinning layers on tile Cleavage Planes of Bismuth, Antimony, and Zinc. Orig Pub :Fdjt. metallov i metallovedeniye, 1956) 2, No 2, 320-327 Abstract :The wedge-like twALnr_-ir_g layer produces on the cleavage plane, upon its creation, a relief that is characterized by the presence of a wide- distended zone. In zinc this zone is wider than twin by 5-10 times; it is easily detected. in a light-field microscope, so that it is clearly distinguishable from the rem ining pvrtion of the crystal; x-ray photo- graphy shows a simple rotation of the crystalline,lattice to occur in it; the angle of rotation, determined by interferometric means,'is 15-60 minutes. In bismuth anad in antimony" the swelling is obrs6rvl~d only in an interference microscope, since the transition from the fundamental crystal to the swelling is smooth in this case. In bismuth, furthermore, one Card -1/2 Category USSR/Solid State Physics - Morphology of Crystals. Crystallization E-7 Abs Jour Ref Z-hur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3697 observes deformation bands that accompany the twinning and that are covered with minute cracks. When the twinning layers intersect along the bisectrix of the angle between the twins, one observes sharply de- formed regions, in which the crystalline lattice is rotated by 1 -- 40. It is suggested that the character of the distortion determines the teniency of the twinning layer to elasticity: in antimony the smooth relief does not prevent elastic cessation of the twinning layer, but in zinc the sharp swelling exerts a wedging action. Card 2/2 ri T-S EVI T-37=7 Of -find _4 S40 2' Cr i.K,, 4. 1 D. W With Wartm- C-scale lurdness) sar~Fipkj -tm of rolLs. bu, mm. in almim - 'sere Etudicd applying X-my mez-1-w4 and microhffrdne~ tt!;ts. Th4 RifflalInicrestrw i'al-40U.1ted tG 102 Lgdsq. mm, tz.m x to - cm. - The iii~~reA vf im subject to hiddorw und 200' kkJIq-. I rotung,tests Sith dI tubTicatlon, er, LU with Weed ".88 in./see, iii serks..0.5 X 104 eaThE7% tht betinniny, the effects werv.: tfecrc= v( micar.trew-- ~nd of the residual adstinitc, with dic dmul- 1_~acuu.s &pp-_a_rari;;-_ ol free -mrbide Urms, inci-case a' me g,;&ffi slz-- and of , ic miac~ardness. A further increase of :,,ad -_-vcits a--~e' ~a ,f Ink-rc5t;'esics. up io 173 4rai.,. sze a3 a r-,sLL,, ci th, t4=_- aw .1a at !ower spwd:,. After 4 X W crcles, Ot Loaded 6urfa& AUTHORS: Startsev, V.I. and Lavrent';Yev, F.F. 70-3-3-13/36 TITLY: X-ray Investigation of tl-ie Regions of Accommodation in C) the Twinning of Zinc (Rentgenograftcheskcye issledovaniye C=~ oblasti aklcomodatsii pri dvoynikovani-i tsinka) PERIODICAL: Kristallograf iya ., 1058, Vol 3, 1Tr 3, PP 329 - 333 (USSR) ABSTRACT: X-ray investigation of the zones of accommodation shows a latti-:e orientation whic1i is different to that in- neighbouring parts of the crjstl and shows a fine structure in the zones. This result confirms earlier conclusions on the structure of the a~-com-modati,.Dn region based on indirect measurements by means of profilometer and interferometer. A boundary layer with a strongly dist-orted structure has been found between the main crystal and t,he zone of accommod-ation. Annealing leads to '--.he disappearance of both twinned layer and disturbed boundary layer bulu-the zone of accommodation itself does not vanish showing that it has greater thermal stability.. X-ray diffraction pictures were taken using a wide-angle X-ray tube and provided a sophisticated method of measuring the angles between re-ions sli,,,,-h-ly inclined to each other. Angles of about 30' had to be measured. Cardl/2 There are 4 figures and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet 70-3-3-13/36 X-ray Investigation of the Regions of Accommodation in the Twinning of Zinc . and 3 English. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy institut mekhanizatsii sellskogo khozykvstva (Kharkov Institute for the Mechanisation of Agriculture) SUMITTED: July 19, 195? Card 2/2 STARTSEV. V.I.; CIRICHKIN, G.V. Conference for the study of scintillators. Khim. nauka i prom. 3 no.4:528 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Phosphors) _.Z-24/~O n r A TLORS: KoLmik" V. Y'. AIJ! TITD],: The Caesi-.j-r.,. Iodide I.,, y T h,- 11 j- j tailiyem.) r FaiRIGOICAL; 0 .p ka pp (USSR) AB&Tit>: studi~-I tL-- ' (in t. -- --`~ -When the 3C--, ~O C V14 -le ,jx(,i-te al y - ra y A (-.f th J~D.HTJ-S -r- A ;;::~ystal of CSI ,.JTe WqS USed~ 1 0.0411," of T1. of "10 nim digrketer and 6 mi hei~ftt J th i -L - v was placed In a cylindr--",~al in a solid block of Oppe r. This ble,21r waa hr-.a-:;ed and ci-jstal - ---(! -, :':eu S crripo ratu. re was ineacu n c-f a -onstantar. vvjt~' an + 3%. CO C- 0 --ijas used as the sour--~e ,,, f The -inter'S11--y of S "--int- i-I lat. ions was f,--umd b-,, mea-sux-ument c,f the anode -ur:L~-,nt. (~-f I P The expe-T-imentz weru ,~ad~a or- four Card 1/2 dliffereLft T I, -- r e s t, s a:rle shovm in