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.Lnfluence of a magnetic field on ... B163/B138
the absorption begins at the frequency 0 + 22f - QAm/M, and the
frequency dependence of the absorption coefficient for perpendicular
polarization has the shape of a step of width 2Q6 m/Y1. In these
expressions -.j0is the frequency corresponding to the forbidden interval,
)2 j 7
is the cyclotron frequency, f + (AM -Memh
k-M Me+ mh
e - in h' lv' = me + mh; me and mh are the effective masses of
electrons and holes, respectively. There is also a slight anisotropy in
absorp@ion. Radiation, polarized parallel tbt.the-'Lield ip &bsorbed:-:-.J
about twice as strongly as in the case of perpendicular polarization.
SUMINTED: January 30, 1962
Card 2/2
AUT 11011 Starostin, N. V.
TITLE': quadrupole absorption of light in a cuprous oxide crystal.
The man@-electron wave functions of a Frenkel excit.on
PZRIODICAL: Leningrad. Universite 't. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii,
no. 3, 1962, 40-46
TEXT: The wave functions of the ground and excited.states in strong-
coupling approximation are calculated for Cu 0 (symmetry group o4) using
2 h
the results of IIellweGe (Zs. f. Phys. 129, 626, 1"951),. A. G. Zhilich
(Vestnik LGU, 22, 1957 and 22, 1959) and S. A.-Moskalenko (ZhOS, 9, no. 3,
1960). The wave functions
('q,, jq;+ (qb'I jO;'P) I
O'i P,
(q b, jO; (15)
9 0 (q, p
Card 1/4
Quad-rupole absorption of light ... B102[B186
are obtained, where the symbols U are the bases of the even irreducible
representation 25 and of the odd irreducible representation P 15
respectively. + r For the light absorption c -oefficient
25 15'
in the case of a.,quadrupole transition between two states of equal parity
afi= 2r.3e2W3 qr4 erk (16) or'
2r.3e2cd 1 2
2fi== P) q.e, T.,U,@,- d,;
is the unit wave vector, e the polarization vector, v the volume
where q
of the crystal, r k the radius vector of the k-th electron in the
xyz-system; UO . 7 0 + 7 0 is the wave function of the ground state of the
crystal.. Considering the transformation properties of T and U
Card 2/4
Quadrupole absorption of light ... B102/BI86
2n3A.;3 ISAZ (18) and
A TY Uor d@'
(P. 2 0.3 (19)
is obtained, where S is an angula r function-characterizing anisotropy and
polarization. This leads to:
=[ff(T)Xyp, (7 dv - 1]'(2N) (22), V@
Card 3/4
Quad@rupole absorption of light ... B102/Bl8b
r, PI (-r',) dv - 'I
1=8 rh) ra
di xyp, dv.-s
dv pi dv +
p, xayp.. ra Sf(r,,
+ di (-r xy.,@,, (@,) dv - j s (',,) di dv -
T. r
.:j S A x,,y. d,; dv - f (-rj di (-;b) dv] +
For the absorption coefficient in a crystal during the formation of
excitons with small radius
2-082,3 1 f V) xyP. dv - tS (2N). (27)
hC3 V 1 S,,P
is obtained. mLhere is 1 figure.
SUB-"ITTED; kp=il 11, 1962
Card 4/4
Effect of a magnetic field on the shape of the edge of the -in
absorption band in crystals. Vest.WU 17 no.10:17-20 162.
(MM 15:5)
(Magnetic fields) (Wave mechanics) (Crystals)
Quadrupole absorption of light in a copper oxide crystal* ManY6-
electron wave functions of Frenkel'B excitob, Vest. LGU 17 no,16:40-
46 162. (MMA 15:9)
(Copper oxide crystals--Optical properties)
(Wave mechanics)
Comparison of the Moab and Heitler-Lordon methods in their
application to the grourd state of W20 type crystalee Veste
LGU 17 no.22219-22 162. (MM 15:12)
(Copper oxide crystals) (Electrons)
AUTHOR: Starostin, N. V.
MLE; Frenkell excitons in cuprous-'oxide crystals
PERIODICAL.o Leningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii,
no, 1, 1963, 20-33
TEXT., The Frenkell excitons in cuprous oxide are related with an
of one of the outer electrons of -@he 02-ion*(p-shell)o The
"@"exciton states with X 0 ari olassif ied according to the-irreducible.
@representation of the cubic group (Phys.Rov* 936). The absorption-.
tere are calculated for direct optical transitions to other e e
parame X0 it (I
states. It is found that only two quadrupole transitions have considerWole
..intensities, i.e. only two types of Freakell excitons contribute to the
spectrum with greater effect. These'two-types belong to the
P25 symmetry
(1/2) (3/2)).
The results @are in close agreement with the
5 25
e:xperiment. The present paper improvement of a similar-
earlier study (Vestnik LGU, no.16,1962) since here spin-orbital
TITLE: The origin of new lines -iu the spectrum of the cuprous
oxide crystal
'PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya v.14, no./i L963, 585-586
XT: The properties of these so-called new,lines can be
.'explained on the basis of optical transitions from the ground @dtate.`
to the exciton state for crystals at K==O, connected wi th tho,
--excitatioa of one electron froM the full. 3d shell of -the ion t @6 @the
.48 state. In the free Cu"ion ten wave functions of the 3d shell
Fora crystalline
form two rotational groups D:Y, and D 5/2
ained the expansion
field with D3d symmetry is obt
D3 2E + 3E
/I + D 5/2 jS 2g
The lis state wave fun to repreh'ented'--@
ction taking spin in
From considerations of the structure of the face ell
by E,
cubic lattice it can b'e shown that,
r. x E' A + A Ill E x E: 2E
2g 2g lg 2g 2g ig 9
Card 1/3
The origin of new E039/E42O
'Hence from Eq.(l) it follows that it is possible to have three
..exciton states of Alg. type syntizzetry-, three of A2g and seven E
By combining the wave functions the following relations are obtained,.
A P, + A r2 + I' E r. + + r
lg 251 25 151 9 12 15
@Consequently, the mechanism of excitation of Cu ions fov
3dlO - 3d9lis taking into account spin orbital interactions, and tho"
influence of the crystal field leads to the possible-i-xistence of ,
F symmetry, 10 with and
27 exciton states, 7 with
.10 with r 25 - Optical transitions--in the r25 and 12 statea.
rupolar and the absorption of light is anisotropic.
are quad
Magnetic dipole exciton lines (trans-ition r --4 r! are fully
o the propagated
is6tr6pic-!@ both with regard to the direction f
beant and to the state of polarization of the incident light.
All the transitions found have a:small-,probability, which is
In agreement with the small intensity of, the' new lines.
The effect of an electric field is to increase the strength
the natu
of these lines.. For the final elucidation of re
Card 2/3
77 7-
Frankel pxciions in the copper oxide crystal. Vest. LOU 18
no-4:20-33 163. (Zxcitons) (Copper Vdde crystals) (MIRA 1613)
@Orijin'of new lines in the absorption spectrum of co per oxide
.crystals. Vest. LGU. 18 no.16:38-40 163. 5MA 16 -. li)
FREYDOWERG Plallf (Fmuc*nbergs, Mlfjt dWrtor (Gumn.Wan
;;Zlc;;ticb&okmya Recubuka);_2!gg�ZU6.2i..LtranoutiorI
Now pmpamtions for the diagnods and th*rW of must4tto
in catt3a. Votorinarlia 42 noo9s2O76108 S 965.
(MMA lam)
A-CrW,'APS026617 SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/65/049/004/1228/1230
AUTHOR:,.Starostin, N.
ORG: State Optical Institute-(Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy Institut)
TITLE: The problem of the non-orthogonality of atomic orbitals in the
pplication of the Heitler-London method to crystals,
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 492 no.
1965, 1228-1236
OPIC TAGS: atomic spectroscopy, orthogonal function
ABSTRACT: The non-orthogonality of the atomic orbitals in the Heitler-
London method is considered for the case in which the state of the
ystem is described by a linear combination of Slater determinants that
iffer both in their spin and in their orbital configurations. An ap-
roach is developed even in the zero-order approximation which allows
Xplicitly for the most important overlap integrals that cannot be re-.
arded as small. Conditions for the applicability of this approach,
hich are generalizations of the relations found by Y. Mizuno and T.
zuyama (Progr. Theor. Phys. v. 22, 344, 1959) are formulated. The
ithod amounts basically to neglecting in the zeroth approximationthe
L_QLd 1/2
------- ...
F'kC& f4itt":_ AF60185153
IJP(c) @!JD
.AUTHOR: Starostins N. V.
ORG: none
TITLE: Theory of Frenkell excitons in a cuprous ox1dS_CZZSt__&1
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1878-1883
TOPIC TAGS: cuprous oxide., excitons cubic crystals crystal unit cells Coulomb inter-
action, wave function, dielectric constants exciton absorption @/
ABSTRACT: The author constructs a variant of the Frenkell exciton theory for cubic
crystals with complex unit cell such as possessed by cuprous oxide. The igv-e func-
tions used for the calculations were derived by the author earlier (Opt. i spektr.
v.. 20, No. 5, 1966). These are used to calculate the Hamiltonian and to investigate
in detail the properties of the'individual Frenkel" exciton band spectrum in the
vicinity of small values';of K, corresponding to excitation of the external shells of
Oe 02- ions. It Is show'n that allowance for the Coulomb interaction leads in this
type of lattice to the aj@pearance of energy terms proportional to K2, so that as K
a roaches zero the energy limit does not depend on the direction of K. The wave
tions are then used to calculate the dielectric tensor in the region of quadrupoll
ab o ion of the M20 crystal. It is shown that the individual absorbing
the lattice have a sufficiently high local symmetry so that the tensor can be reduced
to two scalar functions of the frequencys and the characteristic anisotropy of the
AC@ NRt AP6018553
lispersion and absorption in the crystal can be determined directly. Inclusion of
A&er-order terms would lead to additional weak anisotropy in the dieWsion and
%Cabsorytion. Orig,, art. has: 25 formulas.
WB CM9: 20/ SM DATIC: ZMov65/ ORIG PJW: 03D/ OTH MW: 004
L 36 433-66 EWT(1)/EWT(m)/T/EWP(e)/&fP(t)/ETI IJP(c) ATAiif/'jD/jG
ACC NRs AP6015424 SOURCE, CODEs UR1005116610201005 0823/0827
AUTHOR: Starostin, N. V.
ORG: none
TITLE9 Wave functions of Frankel excitons_in the Cu2O crystal. Part I
SOURM Optika i spektrookopiya, v. 20, no. 5. 1966p 823-827
TOPIC TAGSS cuprous oxidep exciton, wave function,, Schroedinger equation
ABSTRACTS Wave functions of Frankel excitons are constructed on normalized and non-
orthogonal basesp and are classified in terms of irreducible representations of the
group of local and crystal symmetry. A method is presented for studying the band
structure'of Frankel excitons in Cu20-type crystalsj, taking the overlap of one-elec-
tron functions into account. Exciton bands which correspond to the lowest excitation
energy and can be described by using the concept of a small-radius Frankel exciton
were investigated. The properties of these bands determine the longest-wave structure
of the absorption spectrum in the CV20 crystal. In the latter, the exciton transition
is forbidden in thW dipole approximation and allowed in the quadrupole approximation.
In the derivation of wave functions of local excited states in CM20, only those exci-
ton states are considered which are related to the excitation of oxygen ions CF. The
problem solved in the article consisted in finding solutions of the Schroedinger aqua-,-
UDCs 548.0620.192.001.1
Card 1/2
L 36433-66
tion for the crystal
which correspond to the propagation of excitation waves over the part of the crystal
lattice formed by oxygen ions (F. The wave functions found will later be used for
concrete calculations of exciton bands in the Cu2O crystal. Orig. art. bass 18 for-
SUB COLES 20/ SUBM DATES 09mar6.5/ ORIG PJWt 009/ * OTH PJWs 009
VINOGRADOV, Valentin Ivanovich. dotsent; SIMGNM , M.P., prof.; STAROSTIN,
N.Te.. dataent; BANNIKOV, S.A., red.; PZVZM, V.I., t6 -r''9"- d 0' - " " @ @' - - L --
(Utilization of tractors and machinery] Ikspluatatsiis mashinne-
traktornogo per". Pod red. M.P.Sergeeva. Moskva. GosAzd-v*
sel'khoz.1-Lt-ry,','k195q. 403 p. (MIRA 13:6)
.- (Agricultural machinery)
FUTYATI14, Mikhail Dniitriyevich; STAROSTRI, Nikola:7 Yemellyanovich; ROZIN,
M.A.., red.;
a 9 e a
[Technical maintenance of machines and tractors] Tekhnicheskoe ob-
sluzhivanie mashinno-traktornogo parka. Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhoz.
lit-ry, zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 423 p. (MIRA 14:11)
4gricultural machinery-Maintenance and repair)
PUTYAT1117, M.D.; STAROSTIN 11 Ye - HOZIN, M.A., red.; DEYEVA, V.M.,
-1 11 - - - 1, -.1, @ - @.. - 1 2
tekhn. red.
[Technical maintenance of machines and tractors] Tekhniche-
skoe obsluzhivanie mashinno-traktornogo parka. Izd.2., ispr.
i dop. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 478 p. (14IRA 17:3)
'. -17 .' - ,
[Practical manual on the use of machines and tractors)
Praktikw. po ekspluatatsii mashinno-traktornogo parka.
Izd.2., Perer. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo "Kolos," 1964.
214 p. (NIU 18-3)
@- , 1
, : I . @. I p I
, o .4 t, ma r 2!,. D i g -L,,i f ro n i, . K-YI. rod. " n@j.105-16 Ag 165-
L C) I -
(Y,i-,qA 18.- 8)
-t @, Z-.@---. @ -:- .1 - 1. K @ ,
'' I *, , I I I
. . L 2 ; I . . . , . I ; I . ,
'. . o .. i- 4' - = E: 't f f, @- C r- 1 - i t -5
h,ry-l. rcfi. il na.2:4
. . L - . - @ .3
I t@Z. . (,-mu lg-.?)
LAV1WT1YEVY V.I. Prinimal" uohastiye: POLISHINSKIY, V.V... starshiy
nauchnyy sotrudnik; AKOPOVA, A.A., starshiy nauahnyy sotrudnik:
A.M., preparator; �_TAR(PTB@:@ P.A.., inzh.; BALAKHCIROV'., A.P.',
motorist; ARTE247YEV, V.G., motorist.
Using the hea-v7 residual fractions of Tatar souz- crud& as a
fuel for gas turbines. Refreper. i neftekhim. no.1+227-31+ 163
(MIRA 17:7)
1. Tatarskiy neftyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut.
STAROSTIN, Petr Fedorovich; NOVIKOVp I.I., red.
[Selecting optimum structilres of rubber sealings) Vybor
optimalInykh konstruktsii rezinovykh uplotnenii. Lenin-
grad, 1964. -13 p. (MIRA 18:4)
AUTHOR; Starostin, P.I. Engineer
TITLEs steam-jet compressors
PERIODICAL: Energomashinostroyenlye, 196o, No.10, Pp. 40-47
TEXT: Steam-jet compressors cannot be designed by theory
alonei empirical experience is also required. On the basis of
investigations at the TsKTI (Central Boiler and Turbine Institute)
typical designs have been developed for various compression ratios
and operating conditions and a design procedure has been formulated.
This problem is important because of the difficulties in
standardising steam turbines. The difficulties arise from the
variety of steam conditions required from the industrial steam
pass-outs of pass-out turbines. The notation used in this article
is given in Fig.1, where: p - pressure; t - temperature;
1 - enthalpy; C - speed; f - sectional area; G - flow by weight;
k - compression ratio. The working steam enters the nozzle at a
rate Gl and after adiabatic expansion passes through section f2
at a supersonic speed of co into the mixing chamber. Low-
pressure steam is delivered to the primary chamber and is entrained
Card l/ 12
A method of designing steam-jet .... S/114/60/000/010/011/oli/XX
by the main jet. Nozzles of steam-jetz,'compressors usually operate
with a pressure ratio PO/Pe below the critical and so are made
expanding. Standard formulae are given for the expansion of steam
in the nozzle and for other factors. Calculation of the process of
ejection in the mixing chamber is then considered. On entering the
mixing chamber the low-pressure steam expands adiabatically. Steam-
jet compressors may be made more efficient by using higher inlet
speed c2, as this reduces the difference CO - C2, and also reduces
the impact losses. In the method of calculation proposed, the
optimum speed c2 is determined as a function of the speed of flow
of the working substance, introducing the dimensionless parameter:
C2 (1)
Using well-known furmulae for cr, and c2, the following
expression is obtained: 2 (WjL)2
h Cc - he (2)
2 2
Card 2/12
A method of designing steam-jet s/1l4/6o/ooo/oio/oll/oli/xx
Calculation of the process of mixing of two flows of different
speeds is then considered. Selection of mixing-chamber length
tends to be empirical. Provided that the compression ratio is sub-
critical and that the speed of flow of the mixture is subsonic, it
is permissible to assume that the two flows mix at constant speed
and that the mixing is completed in the nar-r-ow par-t of the mlx�ng
chamber. Then the mixture speed may be determined from the well-
known impulse law. By equating the momentum before and after
mixing,the following expression may be obtained:
cl V OL
I +
c0 1 + M Y2
It is thus shown that on the is-diagram (enthalpy-entropy)
(Fig.2), the condition of the mixture on entering the diffuser
corresponds to the point D. Calculation of the process of
pressure increase in the diffuser is then considered. With
adiabatic conditions compression would take place to point E,
but because of losses the actual point is El. Calculation of
the injection coefficient u = G 2/Gi is then,considered.
Card 3/ 12
A method of designing steam-jet .... s/114/6o/ooo/o1o/o11/o11/xx
The following expression is derived on the basis of the law of
conservation of mass:
c I k !1) 21 2
__7 + a2( + T
0 e Y2 (10)
11 1hk + OL2
2 CL
Y1 1P @P2
If the expression within the root sign in the numerator and
denominator is denoted by w, this becomes%
u C0
W Ct
This is the starting equation for practical calculations on
equipment of this type. To determine the final point of the
compression process, M, the enthalpy of the mixture is determined
Card 4/ 12
A method of designing steam-jet ... S/114/60/000/010/011/011/XX
at the end of the diffuser and the point El on the is-diagram is
established. A theoretical expression is then derived for the
narrowest section of the mixing chamber, and as it is known that
the practical section must be made 30-50% greater, the following
expression is obtained for the sectional area:
FM = (1-3 1-5) FT (16)
This formula does not give satisfactory results for critical and
super-critical compression ratios and Professor A.N. Lozhkin has
proposed the following formula for determining the diameter in such
+ u
D = 1. 92 Al- c mm (17)
m GkvO
V@ch e
The efficiency of a steam-jet compressor is then considered and the
following expression is derived-,
TI uhk (19)
c hCL
Card 5112
A method of designing steam-jet ....
A test rig was built to test steam-jet compressors; the steam
supply arrangements and instrumentation are described. Previous
investigations have shown that losses in the nozzle and diffuser
are generally small and that the mixing chamber governs the
efficiency of the equipment as a whole, As no clear indications
have yet been published about the optimum shape and size of mixing
chambers, the investigations at the TsKTI were undertaken to study
the special features of the process. The influence of alteration
in pressure in the mixing chamber was determined, also the
influence of the flow rate c2 (or a) on the efficiency u (as
defined above) and the compression ratio. The steam-jet
compressors were tested with two types of mixing chamber, and with
various nozzles. Using the notation of Fig.1 the chambers were of'
the following dimensions: Chamber type A: De = 70 mm; Dm =-46 mnf;
Dk = 125 mm; Zk = 290 mm; -ty, = 90 mm; fjX 350 mm; -tk/Dm = 6.3.
For chamber ty e Bs De = 100 nun; D = 41 Dk = 125 mm;
I = 82 mm; -C k/DM = 7.56 The
mm, e
fk = 310 mm, fYz A = .88
diffuser expansion angle was 100, With the various chambers and
nozzles, at the narrowest section of the mixing chamber the speed
of the mixture ranged from subsonic to supersonic, and the
Card 6/12
A method of designing steam-jet .... S/114/6o/000/olo/011/011/XX
compression ratio k from subcritical to supercrlt�cal, depending
upon the nozzle size used. By changing the nozzles it was also
possible to alter the main parameters of the operating process.
The principal results are plotted in Figs. 5 and 6. Fig-5 shows
the relationships between a and the injection coefficient of
Chamber A for various compression ratios k. Fig.6 shows the
efficiency as a function of a for various values of compression
ratio k. In both diagrams the following notation is used:
squares relate to a nozzle of 19.2/29.3 mm diameter; k = 1.93-
2.08; M = 1.24-1.45; triangles relate to a nozzle of 17/23 mm
diameter; k = 1.58-2.01; M = 1.03-1-31; + signsrelate to a
nozzle of 11/19.6 nun diameter; Ik = 1.26-1.4; M =-0.27-0.86.
On these graphs the bold lines are plotted according to Eqs. (11)
and (19) for the following conditions-, Pe = 11 atm; po = 1.2 atm-,
(Pl = 0.97; T2 = 0.92; 1 = 0.75 for various compression ratios.
It will be seen that there is satisfactory agreement between
experimental and calculated values. Pressure distribution curves
over the length of chamber A when mixing two flows at different
speeds are plotted in Fig-7 as functions of the compression ratio
A with the following nozzles: a = 11/19.6 nun diameter;
Card 7/12
A method of designing steam-jet .... S/ll4/6o/ooo/olo/oll/oll/xx
17/23 mm diameter; 6 a 19.2/29.3 mm diameter. In the curves of
Fig.7a critical compression ratio was not achieved and mixing taken
place at constant pressure or with slight pressure increase. The
curves of Fig.76 and 76 show the marked increase in pressure in the
mixing chamber as the compression ratio k is increased and u
is reduced. Further results show that critical and supercritical
compression ratios can be reached only with supersonic mixture
speeds. on the basis of tests carried out at TsKTI and published
data, three classes of mixing of two flows in the chamber may be
distinguished-, 1) when cm