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STAROBWATOV, Ya. I. Structurt of the copulative apparatus of Hippeutis complanatus L. (Gastr'opoda, Planorbidas) [vith sn-r7 in Rnglish]. Zool. zhur. 37 no.11:1743-1744 N 158. (MIRA 1.1:12) l.Kafedra zoologii bespozvonochnrkh Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Gastropods.) (Penis) STAROBCCrATOV. Ta. I. - -, - System and phylogeny of Planorbides, (gastroDoda Palmonata) [with summary in Znglishl. Biu.1,901P. Otd.-biol. 63. noe6:37-53 N-D '58 (KIRA 1231) (PULMONATA) - TIKHOMIROV, V-N.; ZAGOROD"TA, G.Tu.; -STAR-Q!QgApyl, - I.; SHVXDCHIKOVA, N.K. Juncus macer S.F. Gray in MoscoW Province. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; biol.nauki no.2:121-124 160. (MIRA 113W 1. Rekomendovana biologichostoy laboratoriyey Noskovskogo gosudarst- vennogo unlyersiteta Im. N.V. lomonosova. (NDSCOW PROVINCE-SIDGMS) 'IEP , NIKOV, B.M.; STAROI@OGATOV, Ya.l. Randr),,n cel@ for counting small biologic;-nl otlects. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-va 11:426-428 '61. (YmqA 15-1) 1. Kafedra bi-srozvonochnykh Moskovskogo g,-)sudarstvennogo universiteta, Moskva. (Flankton research) MgRINA, V.V.; STAROBOGATOV.--"La.l. Syetematics and zoogeography of priapulidso Trudy Inst.okean. 46:179- 200 361. (Kmk l4j6) (Gepbyrea) DE M TKIN, Ye.V.; STAROBOGATOV, Ya.I. Fauna of fresh-water mollusks in Eopleistocene deposits of the . Gornyy Altai. Dokl. AN SSSR 141 no.5:1179-1182 D 161. (MLRA 14:12) 1. Geologicheskiy institut AN SSSR i 'Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im.M.V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom. V.N. Sukachevym. (Chuya Valley-Paleontology, Stratigraphic) NESISY K.N.; @TAROBOGATOV, Ya.I. "Diving saucer." Priroda 51 no.4slO9 Ap 162. OURA 15:4) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Oceanographic research) LOGVINEIIKO, B.M.; STAROBOGATOV, Ya.I. Mollusk@ of the Caspian Sea and their zoogeographic relations. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 67 noil:153-154 Ja-F t62. (14ITiA 15:3) (CASPIAN SEA--MOLLUSKS) SlIAMBOWiTov, Ya.l. Study ol the mollusks frcm the underg-aund vatera- of the Caucasus. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 67 no..6:42-54 N--DIf--;2 %,@aPA 17:7) STAROBOGATOV, Yal. Conference on the joint studies of fauna and flora. Okeanologiia 3 no.5.-938-940 163. (MMA 16:11) NESISI K.N.; .STAROBOGAMV, Ya.I. Charac-teristir-s-of fiah behavior.. Triroda- 52. no.9:lU-115 163. (KMA 16: 11) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad. G I YFA@ I. GLIKOV, A.N.; ST1*ROB(IGATOV, G Which Rapana has settled in the BLqck Sea? 7ool. zhur. 43 no,9: 1397-1400 164, OAIR@ 17: 11) 1. Zool.ogicheskiy institut AN SSSR, Leningrad, USTAPOBOGATOV, Ya@'I, Zoogeographical regionalization of conLinental bodies of water in the Pa3aearctic region. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 no.5-.222-3-12216. 0 16-4- (MI RA .17: 10) 1. Zoolcgicheskiy institut AN SSE-R. Predstavlano almdemikom Ye.N. FavlcvSkim. STAROBOVA, Marie -I- Heavy minerals of the Magura, Flysch of eastern Slovakia and df the Inner Cliff. Geol prace 63:47-52 162. 1. Ceskoslovenske naftove doly, Hodonin. STAROBOYTOV, A.Ye. Improving the productivity of cooking boilers. Bum.prom. 29 no.10:24 0 '54. (KLR& 7:11) 1. Starsbiy inzhener otdela truda i zarplaty Glavankhalinbum- proza. (Papermaking machinery) STfiMDAIYDVA, L.; ANTUSHEVA. P., bukligalter Our customers are workers of the Ural Electric Apparatus Factory. Obahchestv. pit. no.9:8-9 S 158. (MiRk 11:10) 1. Diraktor stolovoy No.40 Vtorogo Sverdlovskogo tresta (for Starodanova). (Svardlovsk--@-Reataurante, lunchrooms, etc.) GILISRTM, P.M.0 inzhenor *STARODMKIY, D.Z., inshener. New brmsh and bog plows. Sellkhossashima no.4:5-6 Ap 157. (KM 10:4) (Plows) I ) 'r,- GILISHUM, P.M,, inzh,; STARODINSiIY, D.Z.0 inzh, Automatic equipment for mounting mcbines on tractors. Trakt. i sallkhozmash. no.11;13-16 IF '58. (MIRA 1ltlI) (Agricultural mwhinery) GILISIMYN, P,M,,inzh,; SURODINSKIT, D.Zttinzh. The FBS-2@60 mo=ted brush-brss@er and bog plow, Traicto i self- khosmash, no,108-)q J& 139v (XIVA 12;1) (]Plow@) STt,,IlODIv`SlM, D.Z. plow. Trrkt.l S In . r. 0.7:33-3h, Jl 159. Wni-- r:-,A) "Irl-L'i-n zznroda ifi-ni (Plow@- GILIS11TV14. P.M.. innh.: STAROD11MIT, D.Z., inzh. Mounted scarifier for cultivating eoil before deep plow- Ing. Trakt.1 sellkhozmash. no-10:30 0 '59. (MIRK 13:2) 1. Spetsiallnoys konstruktorskaye byuro zavoda In. Okty*Lbrlskoy revolyutsti. (Agricultural machinery) 4-- GILISHTEYN, P.M., [Hillshtein, P.M.]; SViRODINSKIY, [Starodyno'kyi, D.Z.], inzh. Mounted two-bottom brush-breaker plow. Mekh.sill.hosp. 10 no-12:24-25 D 159. (NIRA 13:3) (Flown) V GILISHTM, P.M., STARODINSKIT, DwZ Mounted cultivator wA scarifier for stony soils. Trakt. i aellkhozmash. 30 no.8:37 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) (cultivators) w GILISHTEINq P.M.; STARODIVSKIY D.Z. Increase in the traction indices of a vheol-typetraCtor Operating with a mounted plow, Trakt.i sellkhomsh. 32 no.9sl6-19 3 162 (MM 15;12) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye b7uro zavoda imemi Cktyabrl- skoy revolyutaii. (Tractors) (PlOving) GILISHTEYli, P.M.; STARODINSKIY,, D.Z. Si-nLrle-fr plows for brush and swamp lands. Trakti i sellkhoamah. 31 Ti.e.321 no-11:33@-34 N '162. (NIPA 15:12) 1. Spetaialinoye konstruktorskoye byuro zavoda imeni Oktyabr'Bkoy .1-evolyutsii. (PlWa) GILISHTEYN3, P.M.; STARODIESM, D.Z.; TSDWERM, M.Z.; DOGANOVSKY--k.G... kand. oellkhoz. naukp reteenzent; BUDIKO., V.A.9 inzh.9 red. [Tillage machines for special purposes; their design and calculation] Pochvoobrabatyvaiushchie mashizW Spetsiall- nogo naznacheniia; proektirovanie i raschet. (Moskvap Izd- vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 139 P. MIRA 17:11) 1. Vedushchiy konstruktor Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskago byuro zavoda sellskokhozyaystvennogo, mashinostroyeniya im. Oktyabrlskoy revolyutsii (for Gil'shteyn,, Starodinskiy, TSimmerman). (zA), 137-1958-1-98 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 16 (USSR) AUTHOR: Starodonova, A 0 TITLE: Prepare Greater Skills for the New Washing Season (Kvalifitsirovannyye metody - k novomu promyvachnomu sezonu) PERIODICAL: Kolyrna, 1957, Nr 4, p 39 ABSTRACT: The training of personnel at the Chkalov placer of the Western Mining Administration is described. A.Sh. 1, Mining persennel-Study and teaching 2. Mining induBtr7 -USS Card 1/1 VASILOYEV, L. (g. Tyumenl); CHICHKO (g. Kiyev); STARQDUB.,Y,,_(g. Liyev); &QUZHSKIT, G. (g. Llvov); SMIRMV, T.; AUWSIN.-I.; ORLOV, I.; FZRUK, V. (Kuybyshev); BYCHININ, 1. (Kuybyshev); BASHKO, V.; SHNVKUN, Tu. tKharlkov); ISTYUPSM, V. (laningrad); GATSAHM, 11. (Chernigovskaya obl.); SKMO, L.; SABTUK, M.; GUBANOT, L. (Krasnodar); ITISHCHINKO, V. tipt. V. Sadoyaya); TWIMOV, M.S. tLeningrad); MMROV, V.; SMOV, A.; TIMOSHMO, I. tOmakaya oblast'); KRIVTSUN, B. kKharlkov); BARANTSIV, N. (Yedosiya). Exchange of experience. Radio no-1:31,32,35,39,40. Ja '59-- (MIRA 12:3) (Radio) AUTHOR: Starodub, D. (Kiyev) SOV/107-59-1-26/51 TITLE: The Balancing of the Output Stage of a Transmitter (Simmetrirovaniye vykhodnogo kaskada peredatchika) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1959, Nr 1, P 32 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes a simple method of balancing the output stage of push-pull type ultrashort-wave and short-wave trans- mitters with the use of two coupling coils. There are 4 circuits and one sketch. STARODUB, D., inzh. Time relay for photographic printing. Znan. ta pratsia no* 12:22 D 16o, (MM .14:4) (Photography-Apparatus and suyplies) STARODIJB, D., inzh. Homemade photographic lamps. ZT-n. ta pratsia. no. 4,.23-24 Ap 161. (MIRA 14 @ 5) (Photography, Flash-light) STAMM, D. (Kiyev) Indreasinp the flashlight brightness. Sov.foto 22 no.1:32 da 162. (MIRA 15:1) (Photography, Flashlight) STARODUB, D., inzh. Homemade telephoto lens. Znan. ta-pratsia no-302 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:10) -STARODUB D inzh. -11 @Izai"&Xw Homemade telephoto lens. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.2-62 F '63. (MIRA 16o.4) (Telephotograpby---.Equipment and mVplies) (Lens, Photographic) e... '' y,- f1. ".I. STAFtODf]B_, D.., inzh-. News in photographic chemistry. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no-3:63 bir 163 * (MIRA 16:11) STARODUB. D* .;.i I Signal generator. Radio nool:53-55 Ja 164. (MIRA 17% 8) , I d i NEERASOVA, V.A.; STARODUB., N.P. Chlorination of n-hexane on mixed catalysts and alloys of metal salts. Azarb.khim.zhur. no.2:93-98 160 0 (MIRA 14:8) (Hexane) (Chlorination) (Catalysts) STARODUB, N.P. - Turret head for a bench lathe. 14anhinostro-itell no.1:25 Ja 162,, (NIM 15: 1) (Lathes-Attachments) STARODUB N.P* Universal block for moldoo .*ohiwotroitell noe2325, F 162o (HIPA 1582) (Die casting-Equipment and supplies) STARODUB, _!!_,P,- Universal dividing head. Mashinostroitell no.4:21 Ap 163. (Milling 4 chines-Attacbmeots) ' (MIRA 16:5) , 1@ REZNIK, B-Ya,; BRYUM, R.M.; STARODUBp N.S.; MANOLOVA, E.F*;)IVANGVA, S.S. Schick's reaction in Stalino, children vaccinated against diphtheria; atithorls abstript. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid,i im.=. 31 no.8:W Ag 160, (MM 14:6) 1. Iz Stalinskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (STALINO-DIPITHERIA) UGLOV. F.G.,(Leningrad); MIKMYLOV, S.S.,(Leningrad); STARODUB, V.I.. (Leningrad) -@' @, i '. -, 70th anniversary of the first Russian surgical journalOlhirurgicheskii vestnikO. Vest. khir. 77 no.1:126-138 J& '56 (KUM 9:5) (PMODICALS, hist. Xhirurgichookii vestnik) KIUMTLOT, A.A. (Leningrad); BTUKUT. A.L. (Leningrad); STARODUB, V.I. (Leningrad) - WA" History of the Pirogov Surgical becisty; ?5th anniversary of Its foundation. Vest.1thir. 77 no,,11:9-25 N 156. (KLRA 10:1) (SOCMIAS, NVICAL. blot. Pirogov's surg. see. in Russia) (BURGIRT, hist. same) USSR/Scil Science. Tillage. Land Reclamation. Erosion. J-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 6, 1958, 24814. Author Koshkin, N.A ; Starodubets A-V. Inst Title Experiment on Ploughing Virgin Land Long-Fallow and with Ploughs With Helical Mold-Doards. Crig Pub: Diul. nauchno-issled. i opytn. rabot. Ubinsk. opytn, melior. st., 1957, No 2, 59-61. Abstract: No abstract. Card , 1/1 STARODUBETS, N.A., inzh. Methodologi for determining the tensions and deformations in the sleeves of the SMD-14 diesel engine. Trakt. i sellkho=ash. no.11:9-11 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Moskovskiy avtomekhanicheskiy ims"itut. AUTHORS: TIME: ,S-F/1 R 6 D 619 0 Y Nikonov, B.P. and 1, P, Starodubov, I.P. 109-3-1?/23 Evaporation of Calcium from the Core into the Oxide Layer (Ispareniye kalltsiya iz kerna v oksidnyy sloy) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Blektronika, 1958, Vol.IIII, No-3 pp. 430 - 431 (USSR3. ABSTRACT: The investigation described was carried out by 67_%method analogous to that used by Ptushinskiy (Ref.1). A nickil cathode containing 0.05916 Ca was used in the investigation. The cathode was in the form of a cup whose top wall was coated with the double carbonate to a thickness of 140 - 150 u. The cathodes were de-gassed at a low 0temperature and then kept in vacuum at a temperature of 1 000 C. The experimental tubes were then dismantled and the oxide coating was cut into slices of 10 U thickness. The amount of calcium evaporated intoothe oxide layer as a function of the heating time at 1 000 0 is shown in Fig.l. From this, it is seen that 'the amount of calcium is a logarithmic function of time; this is also confirmed by plot- ting the curve of Fig.1 to the logarithmic scale as shown in Fig.2. The penetration of calcium into the barium layer is illustrated by the curve of Fig.3, from which it follows that nearly all the evaporated calcium is concentrated in the layer uardlfi@earest to the core; this layer has a thickness of about 10 IL. 109-3-17/23 Ev@kporation of Calcium from the Core into the Oxide Layer At a distance of 40 to 50 A from the core, the relative amount 9 of calcium is only 1 to 2106. . There are 3 figures, 1 table and 1 Russian reference. SU13MITTED: May 31, 1957- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress .. Card 2/2 w w w w w w ' * :::w :: T o G e o e * o o P Ij 13 If is to H P, 1. 11 m r, m 1, ' I 1 L 1 11 9 IF v tt 1 4 t A 4 A f tA I't nXkgl Steel, K. P Effect of themal tf#Gh@l 02 bafut" Of cbfgs3e' -6; cf. Mcceling Pom,; 1931. No. 12. M g t =00 to Joe 00 e- as* - *- , F .* * o , o ' F W too @ ICATIC6 .j 410-SLA WALLIOGICAL LITIRAIL41 CLAItSI - ------ lit U AV 10 I'S' 'WT- v ow 0 a p I w of 5 a a u 00000AD 000 0400006000000*00*060s 0 es 0000 too 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 a a 1 0 id it Ij w tj " 11 a tin nidis 11 M It 14 31 16 v N x a 41 41 41 "CO 0 "If I , 4 , , . 1 2 A 1. a h F 0 A I I v I -I A -1- 1. AA 4 9C go a I a f 0 b 00 -00 -OWYbdeavasi Oftel at various Stages of its 00 I..dU~Uuognpbk isvestliplim ad Chromw 1- 0 UCUVAL K. t' V pr@ F. M. GoaxAcnitvA. flumes 19M, No. 3, 44 41); 00 'ne N.@ 4 -5. 47- M- AM00=--c uIvestiatiou was rusile of Cf-.%Jo steel analyzing 7 00 00 C 0,35, Cr*0.9 1. 1, and Mo 0.15 0.25%. 11hotonlicrographs were "Mic of samples @:00 0, 0 cast from a 40-ton basic otwn-hmdh furnace at various stages Of Oper2ticm, &act a' ins steel. in or&r to find the dLstritmtion of iMPuri- 00 -wamless pip" wadc hum the result L MAIMINSItV ties. wx1reatilwm and tAoWh(Acs. ... 00 00 j I =00 00 00 60, 00. too go 0 00 roe 0 0 ::so 00 - ; P6 :J: 00 A S 4 1 k A AtTALIUPGKAL LITERATLAt CLASUPICAUCk K-Z be 81 , -, , ! . . - I- --- - - - - . . Net F C- J.( j I r.( 9*0 P, Is Is U A rpip apit MIX 9151 Plan Itx 3 a 3 a 0;6 606664 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 9 0 ii *Teo 0 9 0 0 4, 0 so 0 41 4, so 0 000 0 090 0 off a 0 0004 o so so 0 0 * so 0 IF w W 9 's W W . W w IF W Is IF WERIF, _W -W@'W_ V W -o 1 5 0 0 it It -g l W 1 1 Di . 1 i 1 T w 4 i d ig A 1 4 l 1 , . L_JL_ji_f_..Q L-l-L-A-VIN I T W 1 - l ft F I .5 ivmTjfxtK41rr. N., arm . 14TAILOIJUIM)rY. nVa M,,NU.. . l - Nvo, pp. ism. " ee e IlluxtraW. DnepropeotmVsk, U.S.S.R., 1911. (111 Humsimn.) Tive dnK pfift of lWfmor Nvotchnikafro book is ilovolM it) W1 investiption of the lita, of iogo4 am" as dq"mimmst on the com. tion ami structure of do im from which they am snmmiat Thia . followAA by a critica ezamiwioa of litmatum on the subi-t 01141 a mvivw of Ow rvmdta of the author's own P* L-rinwnW work Am. . p -luAkA . M , In thp ascusul part alf the Iwkilt Ow author t@v%vm the varunju lylwla of btrakdown 40 which the Walls of tho ingot mould sn' pobift-i Zee 00 in pmctitv; the induvi" of structure aml 4-orupwition in this nlp" m- dnalt with. mul this tifo of dw gnoukl is dimcummad in rehation to 00 coo 0 ""Ps"ins"n"d fumhe obtained on the powth acast icon with mjwmt@j hematin : rnouma f di i 14 0 :o O l g c imu 41" clainwd So yirkI th. Ife. Isnathy Pm A biblioevalihy a" conewmahly go the v&luo of zoo w goo o fee I a I Ives zoo too A I a L A &I TALLUNCKAL LITtRATWE CIAWFKAIi" 10020 -4 0 1# w tv It tv W a4 a a ft a 9 91 It it 09 KID h I is AA L I I N 0 4 9 1 V IN 5 AS 4 3 1 9 09:::::IooooooooeeooooeeoedilooooooooooooegooooeI 00 00 00 0000000000 a a 0 Is &@*_t_o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W- W- A U, *Jt 's, wf I", ly, 34 Is 11 12 11 34 I'S 16 it It All I'l IM 1 J A L 1 t C t 1 4 11 u U A IL I 1$ 1 jw , - - + , - sit"riwAs" on roaWg cubom and awmemm- 49-1 of bvb mvmhmjgw propetties, K. F. Slarimlalwy, - I Vowwr 1M Nil. 5. 14- Its. - 11w t@l wa@ c;im 414,," 11 futnam into 2.5-loll lllxt,t@ 3n,l The Wit'", 2 I I kill'. ul,6 44, N I mill its ji4j,j, ams, vf@ le 14-114fily of OWAinillor With grmle - , l l i h - rwa ic2tv t Wilhou ilk- nm mify 4 a cmilp ! 1.130 re@ulfs were fluile wkfactcxy. Tabl" tivatintnt. zoo givol 'Is"Willig chrin. uIld uIrch. prolviptieq, al@ i,hofurnicroataph@. ,go, zoo 00 1.00 90 CTALL l L TINA AGK 64C CLA%jWfCATbCM It 4 A u L ( *4@ s 1 * T.1 00 . u a Al so 11 i a 0 ad I w a 2 R n 40000 -00 0 T00 Too 0 0 0 0 f it ig 01 21 1. 000*1.900 o 0000 0*0 W I dma. 0000000000000000000004: 1 oo *Ito o o 000 oo 00,00to o oovi2 ---------- @* - 46 i @v v t -A I- Z- m a (9 CA-1 l al all Falls smado from Khmillevsk al"I. K.-- 00 No &W P. V. Tguimlal. Down It". -@rrpd. fr(on Khalilov* sted at thr 3-14- 1 t 40 . Pet sit rolling mill at I)m-propetrovAr were eurn.l. . to st"fictme and mech. Ormorth compa. sit in sim used was 0.47-0.57 C, 0@54).g Un, 0.24-4lr, "s, 0,01 4).()&; S, 0.(YJ4-()(h30 P, 0.13-41.31 Cr and 0.31-- at the ewl Of the roiling Opmticm m T Mi O .j e . p. &twm Off mut WO'. The Khafilmsk rails zoo cc favorably with lkownter or f4"-bmrth rails coo on h. 1"KNIti". S. 11. mad"r*-V - .0* OOS 1 1 W 1 , Sol.- t:99 As. St. .(TALCURGKAL LITE T%AF CLAJSIPICATVCk CS Ant Seado -1 O"INUS a a '> a tfN91 fl 0 0 is In* 0 0 0 0 4 OjO 0 a 0 0 0 00 :0 00** 0 ooe* 0 :0 00 010,31 0 0 @1) : mf i.A@I@I,C.KAL Litt Is (w 0 0 0 a a W 00000 0 a 0 * 6 ol 0 0 0000 'o 0 Ifto 0 060000 0 0 op a 6.0 w w -*r 0 0 @16 Ty J , .. . "' @ . I, 1 11 . 00 1 o rw caallso machio" f itic lLA f f h c rr uc o as kmS as t Few H. W. Rathmanst -00 :00 jz@@ aroo 10i (LAS11FKATIck .1 tt It M S I rw 0" 5 .61 a 3 9 V Ana 100044l*o;f;O;@ioooo*o*ooo*o ,- - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0-00 0004, -6-9-11110- W-111 0-0 v W_ *-,iv --ta @f, 4 m a a a a 0 0 111 0 a - 0 - - - - - - - - - 'I j 4; 11 1. ly 3 If it, p U a .4 13 .4 zy A N 4 11 L. U w 11 'AA -j- at I 1 10 M at i of go 00 11 Prod"tion of wrought iron by treating convvrtaf fittO witk g~ffwgWouG "g. ' . Ishlova. .9,11 k No. N'slislailir and 1 wrl rinals. C lmks, hill 1), Q, -4 It IV- ORM and P 0317,21?1, "1" 141"fed thramall fryttijammlia @hst. 1-@ es and other itti liti- The li df boa t ed t la m n e a r gap m 17 Xha 11 Q27 la Fe comalned C air Si j,plitili an.,u fl - , , g g t).(ijti anti po.miM, and had ack-t na@ll- 11folk, , 00 z i fire. lU W, 1'rathrumm 00 zoo 00 00 g 0 zoo 00 a 0 0 zZagg, 00 9 0 0 ZOO 00 ::oo Zee 3300 f Aj o to S L a effALLUINGK-1, LITIPA Litt CLASSIPK411CM ce* , go @ to I. a -4 It R a as Is as i 0 0 0004 000000 o Z 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0000 0 ~ 1 0 0 0 0@ 00000,0000000 o 000 ooesoooogooo,ogo 00000000 I ooo ol - 00 A 0& :0 00 0 X Id J4 W 4; 61 U110 J. a jx PROV10#6 449 UACROLMCTLU @-F CAST IRON XJ. Starodubov and F.M. Gorbschava. (Metallurrist pp. PO-94). The uuthore have Invostigated the maorostruoture of a cast iron mould by etchir-C with Bsunsu-zts reagent and He@mlv reagent. -041 The first reveals a dendritio structure# orientated tranb7arsely in a 25-mm. thick surface layers and chaotic in the irside. This is the primary structure. Heyn's metliod shows the Clobular soca.,.detry structure. (In. Russian). tM344a "Ll COT ISM( U -0 lt@ 0' It, ; J, 1. .1 , 1., .6 , " r. tit OK Q.- M I aw a 0 W I Ara a a 2 0 11 0 to It u 11 14 is m I? is it m ! 11 a a N b 26 27 28 it Ill P 12 u 34 b 36 0 4 J. v .1 u is 0 a L -F H I R L --A m V 2 It- 1 -1 --- ILA , I v Z kA VQ_ a A % _&@ 41 r 0 0 Nct-0"$ .10 0 0 Tit. Vdt,cc of dillicAligli, (in file jillptel realitimilet, .1 IAO 00 tens. k F. Mait.litimw will 1'. r, 193 1, 4.7c'll. I*- t Iw 1111IIa-1 I ","I all,-,- 'If 11,11 @1-1 bi, I- it III I- vel v- iq ittir. 11,110.1,4111, All 'Iti'mpt A@%,t i,- 1,;s 0 1 1 bv atill, .-Im, al I,.%. W41, 1.4 "'At lut will- I Ill, Iw-ll fleMpurist Kaw %(*,.I re,,iltoll 411114,11j;I1 it OA4 lik-Ir-1V I-mi 0* sted till" slowly aftu amicalim (liv hirlict 00 :'j)jj 111111tllift trilip. wak as%.t thl- longvr If all- 1J."slinx. Ill Or nvixilluallitimi of NMI' 1114' rel 1110 1.1 Iw woo a (Oull r Ili "In-Ird li-mil Vill it fit 4 $If VAA air M-0-M, 0 0 Me cissfing Thr mentiftectur. of a prolvelor fitimp. Vall I J8, 2;.. M(l9litl Ais illo- 0 0 trated dewriptiun of lite llt&kkltlf. of Zn die VaI,lilllgli. A. Nimlicr I.-iois go @c 00 I Xse go 04 00 go A 0 it A IttAitt"rOkAl tillff-IU111 CL.11IFIC4110% :roo u is AV .3 is fV It kv to 9 a a w It It n it" it tv lW n 1 1 s 0 fw 0 0 a I v It a 3 1 101T., b 00 0 e: 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 : 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ore 0 . 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 eiA 04# 6 0 JL 'L 00 00 IL 0110c0i; S @Aaq ;4004 71; woes Fmw w6l Im SWW to be dist F 11. 8,Wh k.ff ni and K. F. @ Starodullov. (Stal, 1938, No. 11, pp. 41-46). (In present a detailed review of the literature from 11131 to 1937 toWher %ith their own experimental results respecting investigations of the quality of iron for making ingot. !noukla, and they find that all invmtkqatinna recommend thi use of Iron with a pearlitie structuir, a fairly high-mrbon content and with not too cow" $MphiW. 7U tem@svatm at whiell the metal in cast othould be about I 1*41WC. The authont corn nA the 1ifL' Of InOUkIS 11184le Of A &Mtie@rlitic type of ireln wi,r,,,,. of moulds made of pearlitic irons two mmritiona, (1) ailicon III I manitanew. i%. anti (2) silicon I-GO/. ant manganew 1-5%, anfl found that the peaditic iron moulds laxic4l two to five timea 40 long depending upon the ortwiling.conditions. In order to detcrutinu the atructure of the irm without n%wrting to a microscopical invimigation, the use of Maurer's diagram with corrections for t Im phosphorus and manganew contents is recommended. (Ser .1ourn. 1. and S.I., 1937. No. IT., p. 0.09 A). S a - I L A@ !!T'uL@.L LMNAYURt CLASSWICATON 19;C80 110 DWV 08C U a AV ;a, 441:W1 a, ICU, so AS t9 Is 0000 000000000"4000000 000 44 0.0.0 0 A-1111. CW An A s a no 06000000000000000 AAA-0 * 000000000000 WID A 100*0000 fee* so 00 11-6- 0 ULM V, IE4 v A- -2 0041 o(agias and of Other fac-10-1-s 110 jllift - - - -- -66 6901 ov IM ofamptlan and of bollor swel. K.V,*-'--------,,--... 00 Staroduboy. Trariyv: Piraki. 1,47-@)(VW)) --- - at WA)' the steel (C VVS 41,12, '.@Jn .00 8 0.011) 11.11-YO, P 0.411-4-0.0527c) cimsioed of of very fine pains. On heating tO I-NXI* arid Ctx)linK in Ow air the Pains grew larger and the strel sciluirrd the Witt. the eltingation itn,l ioiliAct ttrcngili dfvvra@41 by I!10 "r '!.. Steel tkniffIrl Contit. PAP!, if, 111"'. L' wriv firairil in a1mve At,. sapidly i-mils-4 la %0" sn-l ow Y r,,olmt to Vkt' (1); heistmi it- Alo-we cv@oled in a disconnected lab. eltv. oven to %v` And 0 10 4Q couittl to Wkl* (2*%in.l (2); beat"I 1., 740'. 00 J NO' W/min.) and to &A)* (3j. In (1) a (2) the inipact strength arril the clongatiatt =00 I *0 feervased -sharply. in (3 1 the impact strength drereaw,l. 00-3 Init the elongation increased. These rrstilts are attribut"I to change in the structurr of the steel. In (:;@ a consider. 000 ablY greater coagulation of cementite takes I)Lwe thAn in 200 00- (1) and (2). The effect of aging an the tnech. prol"tir, ix 4 boiler steel was inwatipted both after hardening in 4141 00 a water from 7201 and tempering at 1001 for various tone, see of S and after cooling learn 720' untler vvrtdition@ -imilAt to fit shetts and it, a@ j pO&Ction ciyaditims: betiseen 2 vo OW draft followed by tempering. In both cases the haidnu increawd and The impact strength iteenawd- trips, 60 4n4 100 non. wwe' of e cut off frorn the well ft-t steel anif the tension created in the metal will i"- vestiffated. From them strips 411-111111. AAMPIE1 were --oO taken by cutting CA .5 4011 -10 turn- I'mm Cwh %ide of the In both casin the endu-- U96 Mi. and lotl@mm-stl litnit Increased alightly. and the FrIAtivt el"Is6m "t the '111m, 'trip ""ma'sell 114114tLURCKAL L111011ROmple taken f1tiol the N1 -10, W. R71111"17 -L-- 7 1 -Ir--T-T -14" - An i U uAq .01%,* rw 0 0 0 1 K so 0 .0 a 5 1 9 1 a W a IV 0 * of It N W PC a it K . . 000 9 is a 0 0 * 0 a 000 0060 000000, 1 0 1 & 0 0 0 4 0 off 9 * 0 0 0 006000, * 0 0 a 0 a 0 " - W-0 -*-*v -- - - - - 0 A - - "t, *- - -& A 0 0 64699004000*00 T. -@ -?- R-, -- - J, I - If " 11 f, " 11 m @ I . " 1 1. . . I . 11 . *3t @ " I I 1 4 . 0 1 ; I 1 11 - .I I .. - IF .1 #1 11 .1 . F, r.--A-j x J, A m r 4 it i v I- AA ft " Lt- ttiv % - I - 4 . t I k - 7 @ -4 as A A 4 , #kv A DwlW of cM m" made d blast-fumace iron. F. Starodubev, fi. S. Hankli wul I%. Ya. GIIL-m, - J. NO.-9/10. M-5004-7).-Cbein., phys. anti evoutimi, data. Nf. lfa@ch 00 see 00 j il 00 0 i coo =00 f too a 1 4 9 600 - 0 =00 4100 300 goo 1 tgoo coo A;L s OEIALLUgGICAL LITINATURIE CLASSIOrKATICM z 6*0 @Lv Q.. oat it li-I 4i -Cv --Lir ' 0 0 r-q u it AV po Lt! 9, ED tv tp Mi* was, tttct Itil 1 a a I ZA An t s v nd o w v i m so 0 MID n I igm a 4 00000000 0 00006 - 3k 9 v 40* 12 9000000000000000 000 . '60 00 OD Go 0 * a 0 o 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 Goo* 00000000 0 0 q 00 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 171111 gTi-0 0 -a* 0 ;1 1 A : A -C- f--J@ ft I K @L .JL-kj 0 T TeuWw b-demim of embom mM. F. *&M Jubav - Propetr-k metautirgic-al twit. -6iliPl. rxd sr'. Lf-R.S.S. 33, 213-IS(IjM6).-The change ;i I reptrwilled by elvatic, rather thall MlI t tM t h i il d t N 1w av- - m a y. A M1111111 N111VIdUS ClIrt-1 I% t " r4fvftblv at a"t &W. Un the ba,,is W ("tilts of - 1 isotberink hardening at 3SO . ineasurenwnt of clec. re- t i.ti il bi i v t , rar c cunlent, 4tnj C c4une"t, it I% ec"tclulieti I that tile V111VIS Orr Milled to tramfulinatim 44 cathille . ro 0 . . e.g.. f-'sumfit"I (4 ctilivilthe frunt raffbide tit 1111 Tur,fiat zoo " e C01111111 pr@llt In hard u 1 I I I . r e. S M at tm-tenl1wrillit -00 00 It. C. Avuk@-Irn iz go 60 J @00 00 0 00 too 0 0 ITINATtAt CLASSIVICA11(ni C-2- 1 -00 . L IL .11ALLURGIC4 40040 .-9 goo An I I I rw 0 1 Sr IS I All a 3 1 if li-8 - 41111 u 9 AV 03 t, 1. 1; IT 't 0 tg 1, If . 00 49 0 0600 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 *1: a 0 0 66090900: 100064000006000009, 0 0 0 000 _: 0 000_00 00000000600, : I cn- etal 1,117.- j!jetal.Ljj.; -(Lop- t er 0 D 0 i@k 4rub@mg._70@`t Metallu-r- Amdemy tit Nclotttw, of tho gy. U.S.S.R., Moscow. 111-53. M& anical Pr M ell t PX MhAg_' ".4 ^tr@4" IT Y, "nPrehennivo favestigation. 0'. tile tnWhanle:41 givon 0 a cc -41, low-allay properties of, @3'7' C a,". Cb .0-048% 8, 0;0"-90% Cr, Ni, OWO@4 0- 013-0 - 018-,-' , N" 0 @OWOF_O; DGOIqv, If, Oi 02). The main conclusions drawn are; through alloying, the steel is actually less liable to brittlo, fracture, than the, corresponding O.U. steel and has,a, higher yield Point,- the ageing properties "d sensitivity to stress-coneentration in cyclic loading remain relatively,poor. It is suggested that. by uAng other measures in addition to alloying, the properties of Bessomer;iteel can be improved still furtheryJavestigation 'dot Hardened of Processes Occurring during thejOAIWdW Steel. K. F. Starodubov. (442-45 Changes oo=rmg in hardan" pering, mainly at 300-5500 C, am I eZI steer uring tem d"eribed aud oposeL Primam Strnoture of the-logot and its Effect oa, the Properties of Steel. A. P.' Pronov. (4511-456). Unliko the finoly crystaffine Primary r,)- of n'carboh stl@rl in got., a. dendriti c on6 is . cbardc- struetu tnri@;Oc Ofcorp:ct rc-;ulti in good- )otlj at high,and low temperaturt*:.@ proix t ure formed have Factori &overning the type of priwan, strue b@,en partially Main Questions in the Rail Problem. T]w PinLIal'ovieh. problom of rail quafit@ azi it haa lp.@!n dealt with in the L%8.8.11. is reviewed and the r main filetfirs involved nre. discus'ed,=_ @__' Y STARODUB F. On the origin of Dmascue steal patterns. Tructr po ist. tekh. no.5:30-38 154. (IMU 8: 1) (Damasconing) USSR/Transformation in Solid Bodies. E-6 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 11766 Author Starodubov, K.F., Kossaya, I.I. Inst Title @n the Role -of--M-I-es During the Process of Aging of Steel Orig Pub : Nauch. tr. Dnepropetr. metallurg. in-ta, 1955, vyp- 33, 332-344 Abstract : No abstract. STAROD@U@BOV,redaktor; SAMOKHVALOV, Ye.A.redaktor izdatelletva; 0 JJTSV3,1 0 JJTSVEYG, Ye.N., tekhaicheakiy redaktor [Heat treatment of seamless-rolled railroad car wheels] Termicheskaia obrabotka zhelezaoaorozhnykh tsellnokatanykh koles. Pod red. K.Y. Starodubova. Kiev. 1956. 1?9 p. WaA 10:10 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev, Instytut chernoy metalurgii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Starodubov) War wheels) STARODUBOV, X.F.; CEEWYAVSKAYA, S. G. Changing the corrosion resistance of hardened steel during tempering* Dop. UIW UIM no.2-.140-143 1560' WRA 9:12) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR (for Staroaubov).2.1natitut chornoi metalurgii Akademii nauk URSR (for Starodubov and Chernyav- skaya). (Steel-Corrosion) 137-58-5-10014 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5. p 161 (USSR) AUTHOR: -Starodubov, K. F. TITLE: Improving the Resistance to Wear and the Strength of Parts by Heat Treatment (Povysheniye iznosoustoychivosti i prochnosti detaley oborudovaniya putem termicheskoy obrabotki) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn.o-va chernoy metallurgii. Ukr. resp. pravl. 1956, Vol 3, pp 19-23 ABSTRACT: Until recently, most investigators plotted the change occurr- ing in the mechanical properties of carbon steel and of many al- loy steels against the tempering (T) temperature in the form of smooth curves. Tensile and ak testing of Bessemer rail steel of the following percentage content: C 0.58, Mn 0.70, Si 0.20, S 0.032, and P 0.057, showed that after quenching and T a sharp diminution in If and a noticeable reduction in S occurred in the 450-5501C interval in this steel, while there was a very slow rise in ak to 6000. Identical results were obtained by experi- ments with two other melts of analogous chemical composition. Tensile and a tests of spring steel 60S2, containing (in '16) Card 1/3 C 0.61, Si 11, Mn 0.68, S 0.027, Cr 0.06, Ni 0.05, revealed 137-58-5-10014 Improving the Resistance (cont. a sharp dip in the curve and a very slow rise in the E and ak curves. The results were reproduced in their entirety in the testing of four other melts of 55S2 steel. Determination of the properties was performed after T at 25-500 intervals. X-ray analysis showed that the impairment of the plastic proper- ties of the St is induced by breakdown of the ferrite blocks, This breakdown occurs on separation of the carbides from the ferrite, which starts at 4000. The impairment of plastic qualities had not been observed previously because the majority of investigators had determined the changes in properties on T at 100-hour intervals, with the result thbt this effect, which appears between 400 and 500', escaped observation. A new technical process for the heat treatment of wheels is suggested. This process consists of 50-cps induction heating of the wheel rim with hardening to a depth of 60 mm. and cooling in a special quenching machine. In the course of the hardening process, the wheel is rotated in the vertical plane and the lower portion of the rim is immersed to a depth of 60 mm in a quenching tank containing running water. Wheels are T at 450-5000 instead of 550-6000. Advantages of the process are a' saving of heat, reduction in heating time from 2-3 hours to 6-8 min, consistency of heat-treatment results, superior mechanical properties, simplicity of equip- ment, and the possibility of working it into the production process flow. The attention of metallurgical plant personnel is drawn to the need for wide Card 2/3 137-58-5-10014 Improving the Resistance (cont. dissemination of the process of gas carburizing, gas cyaniding, and needling of steel. F.N. 1. S-teels--Mechanical properties 2. Steels--Heat treatment control 3. Steel--Quality Ca rd 3/3 KE Pr 6/ @ -1'e USSR/Transformation in Solid Bodies. E-6 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, li765 Author : Starodubov, K.F., Chernyavslka, S.G. Inst : Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. Title : Change in the Dispersion of Carbides During the Tempering of Quenched Steel. Orig Pub : Dopovidi AN URSR, 1956, No 3, 259-262 Abstract : Using a photocolorimetric procedure, developed by the au- thors, a study is made of the change in the degree of dis- persion of the carbides as a function of the tempering time of quenched steel. A horizontal section in the inter- val from 275 to 4250 and a steeply rising section in the interval of 425 -- 5250 were established on the curves that shov.the dependence of the changs- in the intensity of Card 1/2 WsFt/TransfOrMtion in Solid Bodies. E-6 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, -057, 11765 the color of solutions Of shavings of the specimens in nitric acid on the tempering temperature. To explain the noticed effect, considerations are employed concerning the speed of diffusion during the process of carbon coa- gulation. SOV/137-59- 1- 1821 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1959, Nr 1, p 241 (USSR) AUTHOR: Starodubov, K. F. TITLE@. Induction Heating for Heat Treatment of Products of the Metallurgical Industry (Primeneniye induktsionnogo nagreva dlya teri-nicheskoy obrabotki izdeliy metallurgicheskov promyshlennosti) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prom. primeneniye tokov vysokoy chastoty. Riga, 1957.. pp 47-55 ABSTRACT; A description of separate examples of induction heating (IH). Harden- ing and self-tempering of seamless -rolled railway-car wheels (W) using residual heat left after the rolling operation. The author pro- poses a procedure which would double the service life of W. After being roll-forged the W is cooled to Arl temperature, then heated in a furnace to Ac3, whereupon the rim of the W is water-cooled. This ensures recrystallization and improves the metal structure. After the final machining W is induction-heated with industrial -frequency current. The W rim is heated to a depth of 60 mm in 6 min; the heating is done by a five-coil inductor with a magnetic circuit using Card 1/2 60 kwh. A small portion of the .-@volving W is immersed in water. SOV/137-59-1-1821 Tr .1-iction Heating for Heat Treatment of Products of the Metallurgical Industry The austenite breaks down into troostite with lamellar carbides which are more wear-resistant than the spheroidal ones. The W is then tempered at 5000C_ An automatic machine which works according to the above procedure is built for heat treating 40, 000 W a year. For production of two-flange W for bridge cranes the author proposes a procedure ensuring a 25% economy of metal and better mechan- ical properties. A rotating press-forged blank is heated by an arc inductor to 1200- 1250'. Rollers located at the ends of the inductors roll out the tread and the flanges of the W. At 850-9000 a portion of the rotating W is quenched by immer- sion in a water tank. In order to avoid decarburization rapid IH is recommended for preheating before rolling. Heating of a 105x 105x 1000-mm. piece of ShKhl5 steel to 1130L, can be achieved in 120 sec with IH. Energy consumption is 282 kwh/ /ton. In the drawing of pipes (P) 80% of the time is consumed by repeated recrys- tallization, annealing, and pickling. IH ensures rapid annealing and affords a 5076 increase in the deformation of P in each drawing pass. Normalization of electro- welded P improves their properties. Use of IH in normalizing makes possible inclusion of that operation into the flow sheet. A single-coil inductor heats a P 6-8 m long and 50-70 mm in diameter with walls 2.5 - 3.5 mm thick at a speed of 1.4 meter/min. Energy consumption is 240-550 kwh/ton. G. Z. Card 2/2 137-58-2-3437 611y Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, p 166 (USSR) AUTHORS, Starodubov, K. F. , Uzlov, 1. G. TITLE: Heat Hardening of the Rolling Surfaces of 'Wheels (Termicheskoye uprochneniye poverkhnosti kataniya kolesnykh par) PERIODICAL: Ve5tn. Vses. n.-i. in-ta zh.-d. transp. , 1957, Nr 5, pp 39-41 ABSTRACT: The Institute of Iron and Steel Metallurgy of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Dnepropetrovsk Iron and Steel Mill im. Karl Liebknecht have developed and put into operation a process of heat hardening of the rolling surface of wheels (W) consisting of induction heating of the W rim to the hardening temperature, followed by hardening and tempering. Heating was performed by an induction coil in the form of a 5-turn annular solenoid, the inside diameter of which equaled the outside diameter of the W. Heating was run for 4-6 min until the temperature at the rolling surface attained about 9000C. When heating was completed, the inductors were removed, the rate of rotation-of the W was increased to 80 rpm, and hardening tanks were brought up beneath the W. Hardening Card 1/2 lasted for 120-150 sec, after which tempering followed. An 137-58-2-3437 Heat Hardening of the Rolling Surfaces of Wheels investigation of the microstructure of the W rim after heat treatment revealed finely dispersed pearlite with lamellar carbide throughout its cross section. Hardness at the rolling surface (at 10 mm depth) was H B 318 and at 25 mm depth it was HB 295, adequate to provide high wear resistance to W and ele- vated resistance to crumbling-out due to fatigue. Not only the rolling surface of the rim was subjected to hardening, but its side edges as well, and this created a strengthened layer in the zones adjacent to the side edges which during service of the W would prevent formation of beads. Hardening of the W with intermittent immersion of the rim in water assures very low residual stresses, as awheel rotating in the vertical plane is immersed in the water during hardening for 1/5 of the length of the rim, and 4/5 is in the air. Drawings and a brief description of the installation are provided. A. M. 1. Metals-Hardening 2. Wheels-Rin hardening Card 212 AUTHORS:j4ApTqq,ubov, K. F. and Kolesnik, B. P. 126-5-3-9/31 TITIj,-': X-ray Structure Studies on Metals after Electro-spark Working (Rentgenostrukturnoye issledovaniye metallov posle elektroiskrovoy obrabotki) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol V, Nr 3, pp 434-441 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Data are given on the phase composition and micro- hardnesses of more than 100 combinations of V. Mn. Zr and Nb with graphite, Al, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn. Pb and Bi after electro-spark workin The standard Lazarenko electro-spark hexdener (Ref.151was used, and the surface layers were studied with chromium radiation in a 114.6 mm diameter X-ray camera. The hardness tests were done at 20 g loads on a FMT-3 unit. Table 1 (pp 436-7) gives the worked metal (left column) against electrode metal (top line); the data are the phases found, the Greek letters being solid soluti6ns and the stars denoting supersaturated solutions; the + sign means that a mechanical mixture of the electrode ail base metals is formed. Table 2 (microhardness, ks/mm ) is laid out in Card 1/3 the same way, except that the second column on the left 126-1,-3-9/31 X-ray Structure St-adies on Metals after Electro-spark orking is the microhardness before working. The results are similar to those founT-for other combination. The obtained results indicate that the investigated combinations inter- act during electro-spark hardening in the same way as combinations of other elements investigated earlier by Palatnik (Ref.2). The DOlarity of the electrodes do not influence the direction of transfer of the material, which is determined by the thermal constants and to a lesser extent by the shape of the electrodes. If layers of "coating" are formed on the cathode from an anode material which does not interact YT1th the cathode material, the adhesion of the coating will always be strong. In most cases oxides are produced. It was found that more oxides are formed from the anode than from the cathode which is, attributed to the pointed shape of the anode and is also considered as being a confirmation of the thermal character of the processes between the elect/rodes. Nitrogen containing phases of compounds could not be detected in the surface layer for any of the investigated combinations of elements. Card 2/3 There are two tables and 9 referenceS7 all of which are Soviet. 126-5-3-9/31 X-ray Structure Studies on Metals after Electro-spark Working ASSOCIATION: Institut chernoy metallurgii AN Ukr. SSR (Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, Ac.Sc., Ukr. SSR) SUBMITTED: June 4, 1956 1. Metals--Structural analysis 2. : 3. X-ray diffraction analysis 4. Sparks--Metallurgical effects Card 3/3 ST@RODUDOV, K. F. 129-10-12/12 AUTHOR: Pogodin-AlelkcsseyevG.I., Starodubov, K.F. and Assonov, A.D. TITLE: Scientific and -"U-echnical conference on heat treatment of metals in Leipzig, East Germany. (Nauchino-tekhnicheskaya konferentsiya po termicheskoy obrabotke metallov v leyptsige) PERIODIC,@.L: "Meta llove de ni-ye i Obrabotka Metallov" (Metallurgy ami Metal Treatment), 1957, No.10, pp-53-63 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: 'This conference was held between May 21 and 22, 1957. Over 600 people participated, including some foreign delegates. The conference papers can be classified into 4 groups dealing with heat treatment, induction heating during hardening and Sas hardening, heat treatment of components of various grades of steel and theoretical problems of heat treatment. Summaries a--i--e given of some of the papers read by East German as well as by guest delegates. There are 16 figares and graphs and 5 tables. AVAIIABLE: IAbrary of Congress Card 1/1 32-10-27/32 AUTHOR: Starodubov, X. F. , laember of the JAIS 17krainian SSR TITLE: Comments PERIODICAL: 41 lavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol 23, Nr 10, PP- 1244 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In his report delivered on the occasion ol' t1r- @Oth anriversary of the October revolution, the author i;ives a general view on tfie most important achievements of Soviet science in recent times. One. of the most important achievements, the author states, are the scientific studies in the fields of investigation of metals and alloys in the details of the conversion of phases. The most im- portart results for both sciences and for engineerin6 are those of the separation-processes of the carbide phase, which were obtained by means of spectroscopic analysis. The research work on inner frictions, the application of radioactive indicators and works with electron microscopes may be considered to be of equal importance. The thermokinetic diagrams obtained by the decay of austenite under the conditions of continuous coolina down at.various velocities find application in practice. Soviet manufacture of apparatus has substantielly contributed to the investigation of the conversion Card 112 of phases, viz. by the buil_.Aing of the followirg equipmentst For 32-10-27/32 Caments the analysis of X-ray structure "URS-50-Ill and "URS-2,5-1" with registration of the ionization oi incei;zjity ol: disperse rays. Torsional - pendulum -neter for measurinG inner frictions, mag- notometers for the investiCation of both rapid ard slow conver- sions in ferromagnetic materials, and finally: - the universal electron microscope "Y:)M-100". The next important tasks in the investigation of the conversion of phases, the author states, will be further development of the method for the application of radio- active indicators, studies by using electron microscopes, further development of thermical methods, edition of an atlas of diagrams of isothermic conversions of austenite and thern-okinetic diagrams, at@ viell as thQ increase in production of apparatus for phrsical investiZation of metals. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk USSR (Acadmw of Sciences Ukr SSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Science-USSR-Progress 2. Electron microscopes-Application Card 2/2 SVMHNIKOV, V.H., akademik;_IT akademik; DYMOV, A.M., prof.; YRLIYANOT, A.A.; CMNIXHOT, Tu.A., prof.; SHCHAPOT. N.P., prof.; BLAMM, X.Te.. prof. Isv Samd1ovich Dlugach; obituary. Zav. lab. 23 no.12:1527-1528 '57. 1. AN USSR (for Svechnikov, Starodubov). (KIRA 11:2) (Dlugach, Iev Samuilovicht 1887-1957) o a,,- W vo a 0.4 oo 04 V. A. vv ;I o. S P Jj so q r R Vs.. 1 0 -1"0 0 galls "a o to". OVae., a --4 a a M-i"Moo I 20 W I h gh I- Np. 414-11 .4 .g,i 33 Mill a - 40-013.3 a Ail j u 1. Villas, Is 52 it- it 31 if a .3 i4i lei Is J1 -V 1\2 . so -: - @ I Saa M 1 V 3 M 11 0 H, 13 - 7. 1 . z M I A SOV/137-58-9-19009 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 124 (USSR) AUTHORS: Starodubov, K.F., Tregubenko, A.F., Yudovich, S.Z., KoIii-s-n1R-,'-r.T ',- Lobarev, M.I. TITLE: Combatting Decarburization by Induction Heating of Alloy-steel Billets Before Rolling (Primeneniye induktsionnogo nagreva zagotovok legirovannoy stali pered prokatkoy v tselyakh bor'by s obezuglerozhivaniyem) PERIODICAL: V sb. Metallovedeniye i term. obrabotka. Moscow, Metallur- gizdat, 1958, pp 39-49 ABSTRACT: A description is offered of experiments in induction heating in advance of rolling without decarburization of the billets (105x105x1000 mm) made of 60S2A, ShKh15 and U12A steels. It is established that two-frequency heating (50 cps up to the ._ Curie rn;.;Lgnetic -transformation point and then 500 cps) is op1j.- mal. Because the plant lacked a 500-cycle motor-generator:w@ set, induction heating was performed only at 50 cps, the cur- rent being taken from a 15,000-kva transformer. The design of the inductor is described. The drawings show the changes in Card 1/2 electrical parameters and temperature in accordance with SOV/ 137-58-9-19009 Combatting Decarburization by Induction Heating of Alloy-steel (cont.) heating time. The time required to heat the billet to 10800C for rolling was 170 seconds in the case of 60SZA; 250 seconds were required to heat ShKhl5 steel to 11500. Under these conditions, the temperature drop across the section of the billet came to 200 and 1200, respectively, with 188 and 282 kwh/t of electrical energy consumed. Metallographic investigation showed decarburization and oxidation on the surface of the billet to be lack- ing. The structure of the ShKhl5 steel did not change, but grain growth - oc- curred in the 60SZA steel (by Z or 3 points). A design is being developed for industrial application of induction heating under which the billets will be heated to 700-BQOO in gas furnaces and the rest of the way by 2500-cycle high- f requ enc y,'cu'rrent. F. U. 1. Induction generators--Design 2. Induction generators--PerfOrmance 3. Steel--Induction heating Card 212 .AUTHM Starodubov, K.F. SOV/163--58-1-50/53 TITLE: On the Nature of the Processes Occundmg in the Tempering of Hardened Steel Within the Temperature Range of 350 to 5500 (0 prirode protsessov, protekayushchikh pri otpuske zakelennoy --steli v intervale-temperatur 350 - 5500) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, pp 266 - 268 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The factors influencing the change in the properties of steel in its tempering as-well as the natuie of the tempering process in the production of steel-were discussed. To determine -the nature of the-tempering of atee-l,alloy-s within the -temperature--range of 350 to 5500 radiographic investigations-were carried out. The radiographic investigations were carried out with samples of dis- torted lattice of second type and the o(7phase, of the hardened iron alloys. 0 Within the temperature range of 400 to 500 the sample divides into small pieces. This division in the phase is discussed and is explained as follows: At a temperature of 4000 C the carbide particles increase very Card 1/2 rapidly and thereby the tension in the alloy increases. On this On the Nature of the Processes OccLning in the Tempering SOV/163-58-1-50/53 of Hardened Steel Within the Temperature Range of 350 to 5500 occasion also the binding between the solid die ( OC-phase) and the carbide crystals is disturbed. A further increase in the cC--phase with the increase in the tempering temperature is caus- ed by the increase in the diffusion process. The division of the 0(-phase is probably also dependent on the plastic displacement of the boundary layer between the ferrite and carbide phases, There are 3 figures and 10 references, 10 of which are Soviet@ ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute) SUBMITTED: October 1, 1957 Card 2/2 SOV/137-58-10-21510 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 149 (USSR) AUTHORS: Starodubov, K. F.,-, Babich, V. K. T IT LE: On the Nature of Processes Occurring in the Third Stage of Tempering (0 prirode protsessov, protekayushchikh v Lret' yey stadii otpuska) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Chernaya metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, pp 133-14Z ABSTRACT: The process of tempering of hardened cold-worked steel containing 700/6 C was studied together with the process of tempering of technically pure commercial iron (0. 090/0 C). Deformation of the steel was accomplished by means of drawing. After quench-hardening or deformation, the speci- 0 mens were tempered at temperatures ranging from 20 to 675 C. Type II distortions were determined together with the dimen- sions of blocks, the 0-b and 6 values, and the magnitude of coercive force. It was established that the 6 of tempered steel is reduced and the (rb slightly increased after the steel had been tempered at a temperature of 375-4750. It is Card 1/2 assumed that the increase in tensile strength is attributable SOV/137-58-10-21510 On the Nature of Processes Occurring in the Third Stage of Tempering to the following factors: a) Disintegration of a -phase blocks during disrtp- tion of cohesion in lattices of carbide and a phase; b) relief of elastic stresses through secondary plastic slips; c) occurrence of an initial recrystallization stage during processing of the solid a solution. In order to exclude the effect of cohesion in the carbide and a -phase lattices, the process of tempering of a cold-worked steel wire was studied. It is estab- lished that the elastic stresses occurring during annealing may be relieved by the action of secondary plastic slips under conditions of increased plas- ticity at elevated temperatures. The coercive force is determined from the magnitude of the blocks and is but slightly dependent on the elastic distor- tions of the crystal lattice. 1. Steel--Phase studies 2. Steel--Deformation treatment 4. Steel--Mechani-cal properti-es 3. Steel--Heat Ye. S Card 2/2 SOV/21-58-2-5/28 AUTHORS: Starodubov,__X-Y,,_Member of the AS UkrSSR, and Polyakov9S.N,1 TITLE: Solubility of Carbon in Alpha Iron Alloyed by Manganese and Molybdenum and the Kinetics of Carbon Segregation from the Solution (Rastvorimost, ugleroda v 0( -zheleze, legirovannom margantsem i malibdenom, i kinetika vydeleniya, ugleroda iz rastvora) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrains1koi R$R, 1958, Nr 2, PP 135-138 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors studied the behavior of carbon in alpha iron alloyed by 0.75 % manganese and 0-40% molybdenum by the method of internal friction. The presence of these admixt- ures lowered the solubility of carbon inalpha, iron. Ifq however, manganese alone is present to the amount of 005%, the relative quantity of segregated carbides is three times as great as in pure iron. In the case of the presence of O-4OR Mo, the relative quantity of the segregated phase is, the same as in pure iron. The authors also studied the ki- netics of the segregation process and established that man- ganese delays considerably its beginning, whereas molybde- num hardly changes its kinetics as compared with the case C ard 1/2 of Dure iron. While investigating iron alloyed by moly'b-, SOV/21-58-2-5/20 Solubility of Carbon in Alpha Iron Alloyed by Manganese and Molybdenum and the Kinetics of Carbon Segregation from the Solution denam it was found that on tempering at about 550 - 650 oc a very stable carbide is formed, and tne solubility of car- bon in alpha iron almost vanishes. On the basis of the re- sults obtained, the effect of manganese and molybdenum on the manifestation of reversible high-temperature tempering brittleness is explained. There are 3 graphs, 1 table and 9 references 6 of which are Soviet, 2 English and 1 Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Institut che"rnoy metallurgii AN UkrSSR (Institute of Fer- rous Metallurgy of the AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED; May 6, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation. sTARoDuBov, K.P., akad.; POLYAKOV, S.N., inzh. Temper brittleness in carbon steel. Izve vyse ucheba gav.; cherno met. no.3:131-144 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:5) I.Dnepropetrovokly metallurgicheskly institut. (Steel--Brittleness) AUTHORS: Starodubov, K. F. Tylkin, M. A. SOV/163-58-3-40/49 , ------------------------ TITLE: The Effect of the Hardening Temperature on the Change cf the Propezties of Steele In Tempering (Vliyaniye temperatury zakalki na izmenieniyi, evoystv stali pri otpuske) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyys doklady -uryeshey shkoly, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, pp 242-244 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The effect of the hardening temperature on the change of the properties of the-steel in tempering was investigated. A steel sample of the type U12A with 1,12% C was used for this investi- gation. The results of the mechanical investigations and the determi- -nation of the coercive force of the steel hardened at tempera- tures below 6500 were compared to the results obtained with steel samples hardened above 9200. In samples hardened at temper- atures abo-,re 9200 C in the curve of the coercive force a minimum may be found. In steel samples hardened below 6500C, i.e. in, Zamples in which there db not occur a separation of the carbide phases from the a-solution and a destruction of the a-phase neither a decrease of the plastic properties nor an increase of Card 1/2 the coerai-7,e forces was found. SOV/163-58-3-40/49 The Effect of the Hardening Temperature on the Change of the Properties of Steels in Tempering ASSOCIATION: SUBIJITTED: The results obtained agree with the present concepts on the causes of the decrease of the plastic properties and the in- crease of the coercive force. There are -1, figure and 5 references, ?rhich are Soviet. Dn;;prcpetr._-)-rskiy metallurgif,-heskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk M-_tallurgical Institute) 1195"1 Card 2/2 ,AUTHORS: Star..--dub,.,,.- K. F.; Tylkin, M. A. SOV/163-58-3-41/49 TITLE: The Effec;t of a Low Temperature Cooling of Steels Prior to Hardening i-in the Change of the Mechanical Properties of the Steel at an "Average" Tempering (Vliyaniye glubokogo okhlazhde- niya stall posle zakalk! na izmeneniye yeye mekhanicheskikh svoys@.v pri 11sradnem" ctpuske) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyy-3 doklady -vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 3, pp 245-247 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The effect of the residual austenite and the additional stresses on the change of the properties of hardened steels in tempering was investigated within the temperature range of 350-6500; be- sides,a lower cooling of the steel sample U12A with 1,1 e. C was carried out. The change of the mechanical and physical properties was proved by means of the determination of the hardness and the coercive f or -c e. The -.,hange of the hardness2 the impact viscosity and the coercive force of the samples in the tempering after hardening was in- ,iest2igated. Card The f4gures 1, 2, 3 and 4 show that on the curves of the specific SOV/1 63-58-3-41/49 The Effect of a Low Temperature Cooling of Steels Prior to Hardening on the Change of the Mechani.--aj. Properties of the Steel at an "Average" Tempering hardness the impact viscosity has a minimum, whereas a maximum is formed on the curve of -the coercive force. In the -,ooling of the steel samples in liquid oxygen an in- signif:'Loan'; increase cf the strength as well as a corresponding de-rease r-f 4-h@ L. - properties of the impact viscosity Occurs. After the thermal treatment of the steel samples the absolute valups of the strength, the plastic properties and the impa.A 7is-,Dslty differ only little. The great d@;formaticn :in the crystal lattice of the steel sample in the -.aC. ,01.-!ng @j 1-01_14 d oxygen also influences the diffusion processes. The -insignificant change of the plastic properties in deeper @;@-cling as compared to the tempering immediately after hardening is ex.plained by the increase of stresses in the steel sampie. There aTe 4 figuTes and 3 references, which are Soviet. t ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetr@-,r3k-Ly metallurgi.--heskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk SUEMITMD- OCt-iber 1@ 2-957 Card 2/2 I @ 8 ( 7 IN AUTHORS: Sta:@-odubov, K. F., Tylkin, M. A.- SOV/163-58-4@-41/47 TITLE: Change in the Properties of Normalized Steel in Tempering (Izmeneniye s-vivatv normalizovamnoy stali pri otpuske) L PERIODICAL: Nalachnyye dol-lady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, '1958, Nr 4, pp 232-235 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of tempering temperature on the properties of rormalilzed steel was investigated here. These properties are compared with those obtained after quenching and tempering. A Bessemer rail steel of two melts was .nvestigated ( 0.58 - 0.1@@09/- C, 0.87 - 0-93@lo Mn). The experim;nts showed that in rail steel airccoled from a temDerature above A3 the effect of reduction of plastic-properties, which is present at the t-empering of a hardened steel, is missing. In this case, the properties change monotonously at all tempering temperatures invest-f-gated. Tempering of the normalized steel reduces its prcpert--*es very slightly. Due to the normalization, lamellar 'extures of the perlite type are immediately formed. The stru--tural state of the -normalized steel remains almost Card /2 unchanged in tempering. Elongation tests show that the Change J.r@ the Prr.perties of Normalized Steel in sov/163-58-4-41/47 Temperine stretch4ng - even after tempering at 550-5750 - is much greater Ln, a previous,,-y normalized steel than in a previously hardened steel. There are 4 figures and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Drepropetrovskily metallurgicheskiy institut ,Dne prope @ZOV3k Inst-tute c' Metallurgy) S UBMITTED: 03tober '19 -1957 Card 2 /2' I 18(7) AUTHORS: S- F., Sazor-ova, A. A. SOV/163-56-4-42/47 TITLE: influer-ne of the Method of Heat Treatment on the Damping (Vibration) Toughness of Silicon Spring Steel (Vliyaniye rezhima termcobrabDtki na ts-4klicheskuyu (vibratsionnuyu) vyazkost' kremn--*st,-,y pruzhinnoy sta-li) PERIODICAL; Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 236-239 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The rate of damping toughness of the spring steel 5532 was by va-rious methods of heat treatment. The following heat treatments were provided for obtaining final operation - I properties: quenching with tempering at different temperatures, or an isothermal austenite decomposition at temperatures above the martensite point. The apparatus of the Feppl' - Perts (Ref 2) type was used to investigate the processes taking place 'n the firal heat treatment. The investigation showed that the mest convenient, heat treatment for springs is the quenching with subsequent tempering in the range of 350-4500 in order to influence ,f -."'-Ie Method of Heat Treatment on the SOV/163-58-4-42/47 Damp-ing (Vilbrat-47-7,-) T@:ug-hness of Silicon Spring Steel obtain a high rate of damp-;n- toughness. There are 3 figures 0 ani 2 refere-rCes, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATTON.- D@,a-oropetr;3vskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (PnerrGp,:@t-@vsk Inst-A-ate z)f Metallurgy) SUBMITTED- 0 b 0 19 57