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AUTHOR: tanyukovich, K. P. SOV/56-35-2-37/60
TITLE: @_`ihe loc' @aves @ina @Dnducting Ultrarelativistic
Gas (Udarnyye volny v provodyashchem. ul'trarelyativistakom
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 19551
Vol 35, Nr 1 (7), PP 520-521 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; Pirst, equations are given for the conservation of certain
quantities in the transition of the flow of a conducting
gas through the front of a straight shock wave. These
equations are specialized for the ultrarelativistic case
and the pressure and the specific volume are eliminated
from these equations. First, a trivial solution is obtained
which may be applied to a photon gas which has the same
equation of state as an ultrarelativistic gas. In these
cases there is no shock wave. Also the other possible
solutions (without and with shock waves) are mentioned.
An expression is given for the velocity of the gas behind
the front of the shock wave. There cannot be a shock wave
when the flowing velocity of the gas behind the front of
Card 1/2 this shock wave is equal to the velocity of light for
The Shock Waves in a Conducting Ultrarelativistic SOV56-35-2-37/60
particles with non-zero mass. The velocity of light can
therefore not be attained. At a certain velocity the
amplitude of the shook wave has a maximum. By a further
increase of velocity part of the energy of the particles is
converted into radiation energy, pairs begin to be produced
in the photon gas, and the temperature of the shook wave
will decrease. There are 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION; Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana
(Technical University imeni Bauman)
SUBMITTED: April 19, 1958
Card 2/02
-- @ 11 1
- CIE-v&-Y,es u a conductIng ultrarelativistic gas. Zhur, ekep. i
teor. f1s. 35 no*2:520-521 Ag 156. (MIR& 11:10)
1*V.vasheys takhnichaskoye uchilishche immi Pauuma.
(Shock waves)
1OW, 100) SOV/56-35-3-30/61
AUTHOR: Stanyukovich, K. P.
TITLE: Some Steady Relativistic Motions of a Gas in a Conductive
Medium (Nekotoryye statsionarnyye relyativistskiye dvizheniya'
gaza v provodyashchey srede)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 3, pp 762-765 (USSR )
ABSTRACT: The author of the present paper investigates quasi-onedimensio-
nal relativistic steady gas flows in a medium of infinite con-
ductivity; it is further assumed that a magnetic field H ex-
ists in which Z is supposed to be vertical to the velocity of
flow 7@. For the investigated flows cylinder symmetry and
adiabatic conditions apply. The following basic equations (Ref 1)
serve as a basis; w*/o = w*- = const; Asa/0V =A M* = const;
a 2/c 2))1/2 ; w= PV + QVc 2 + AAH2 V/4n, where w* denotes
the rest enthalpy, p pressure, V the specific volume, Q - the
density of the medium, and LM the rate of flow of the mass of
Card 1/3 gas (per second) through the surface,&s(the size of the sur-
Some Steady Relativistic Motions of a Gas in a Conductive Medium
face through which the constant mass 4;T flows depends on r).
Cylinder symmetry is introduced by: a = 2nr; k - 2nra/9v;
HV = br. Equations are deduced for the total momentum (equal
to the "reactive" force) that an expanding gas can aquire
(both in the presence and in the absence of a field):
2 2 2 2
AF As --2-- (p + Q c + OL + P + gal
IC 202 4n 4R
+ -t (pV + b /2V
or &F a& [10 a2 0
For a nonrelativistic gas (a = 1, q 0Vo = I , P --W 0, V
pV = 0) it holds that 41@, = Aic + kAV 1-k/ (k - 1)c2 +
Io 0
+ b V- 1/c2)2 - 1] 1/2. In the classical limiting case it holds
0 0 -2 1-k
that AF = &Ma 11 + a (AV + b0 /2V)I; with V --w-o:
Card 2/3 A%. = = ail [2kp 0/(k - 1)Q 0 4- 2b0QUj 1/2
'-@ome Steady Relativistic Motions of a Gas in a Conductive Medium
Finally, the ultrarelativistic case is dealt with (a 0,
po (k 1)q0a ): b0 2 - k bo&
,&F AiAc (R + (k - I V + +
c a 0 0 kc2V -Tk- -c-a-VTJ)
and in th case of the absence of a field (b. = 0):
V = Aic (a/c + (k - 1)c/a I QO Vo.
There is 1 reference, @hich is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana
(Moscow Higher Technical School imeni Bauman)
SUBMITTED: April 19, 1958
Cara 3/3
Some Feinarks on the Structure of Shock @Iaves SO V/56 -35-3-61/61
If thermal conductivity is taken into account, it must pass
through a maximum. If the effect of thermal conductivity or
any kind of diffusion predominates, and if viscosity and
Joule heat can be neglected, the aforementioned agreement is
established without difficulty. In the case of a detonation,
the process, by the way, twice passes through the Zhuge-point.
The authors then carry out a qualitative investigation of se-
veral processes of the physical aspect of the structure of a
vertical sh6ck wave in magnetohydrodynamics. Here a new
type of dissipation occurs which is due to Joule heat. For-
mulae for the discontinuity of entropy, for the estimatio-_
of Joule dissipation are written down. By measuring tile
course taken by the field in the shock wave by any inductive
method, it is possible to estimate the conductivity of the
medium. With increasing conductivity a the thickness of the
wave front decreases, but the field gradients increase to.
such an extent that the discontinuity of entropy depends so-
lely on the discontinuity of the field strength. Also for the
absorption coefficient of sound, which propagates Pin a direc-
Card 2/3 tion that is vertical to the field in a medium of sufficiently
Some Remarks on the Structure of Shook 'daves SOV/56-35-3-61/61
good conductivity, an expression is written down. The authors
thank Ya. B. Zelldovich and S. B. Pikellner for useful
discussions There' are 4 references,al.1 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana
(Higher Technical School Imeni Bau=m)
SUBMITTED: June 9, 1958.
AUTHORS: 3tanyukovich, K.P., Professor, Golitsyn, GrS.
TITLE: Shock 'Naves (Udarnyye volny)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 10,58, Nr 12, pp x3-38 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author gives an historical survey on the concept of
shock waves, presents basic mathematical derivations and
equations, and describes the appearance and utilization of
shock wave pbenomena in nature (thunder, novae, supernovse)
and engineering (gun shells, bombs, Dercussion fuseeyatomic
bombs). A team of Soviet researchers under the dirtction
of academicians LA. Artsimovich and M.A. Leontovich found
that magnetic fields, under the conditions of thermonuclear
reactions, can assume the function of a piston in directed
shock wave productiong and thus may be useful for the ma-
terialization of a controlled thermonuclear reaction.
Present scientific and technical progress points at an in-
creasing universal utilization of shock waves for practical
Card 112
@3hock 7,1aves
There are 5 diagrams, 1 graph and A 3'oviet refferances
A')SOCFATION: MoskOV3koye Vy3sheye teklinicheskoye uchilishche im, N,E
BaumanR (The Moscow Higher Technical School imeni N,.E. Bau-
institut fiziki atmosfery Akademii nauk SSSR, Moskva "The
Institute of the Physics of the Atmosphere of zhe AS USSR,
Card 2/2
Some Steady Relativistic Flows 20-119-2-15/60
equation of state (adiabatic equation) w = w(v) can be
determined from the last mentioned equation and from
another given equation of the dependences a = a(r)
and w = w(r). The mediumet r--r min has a critical flow
velocity. Then the properties of the flow at r---NCIIO
are investigated. Here obviously v--.PCPoholds and in the
case of real equations of state the value of w decreases.
The further calculations must then be carried out for a
real adiabatic equation; the author here uses the
equation pv = const. The given dependence r ='r(w)
is put down explicitly. Then the equations for an
ultrarelativistic gas are given. The author shows then
that in a quasidimensional motion of the gas flow with
variable cross section_^9a critical flow is present in
the least cross section. Also the Bernoulli equation
is determined and mentioned. Also the asymptotic
dependences v = v(r) and p - p(r) are put down for an
ultra relativistic gas. Finally the author gives a
Card 2/4
Some Steady Relativistic Flows 20-119-2-15/60
Card 4/4
The Interaction B4tween Two Bodies "Radiating" Gas 2o-119-4-16/6o
effuse the depth of their mutual penetration must be taken
into account.Next, an exprassion for the velocity of effluence
is derived, . ', The interaction force between the bodies will
be a force of attraction because the gas expands in a non-
uniform manner. The case M 1=M2=M is the most interesting and
can be studied with the greatest degree of accuracy. If a cer-
tain secondary condition given here is satisfied, the result
does not depend on the criteria of the equality of pressure
and forces. The surface of the "interaction" of flows is a
plane. A certain difference in the numerical coefficient in
the law of interaction can, in the case of dense flows, be ex-
plained by the lateral flow of the gases. In the case
of not very dense flowsthe depth of mutual penetration must
be taken into account. These two factors may somewhat reduce
the interaction force. After correct investigation of the case
it1=M 2' the case U1 >M2 can be investigated byfthe usual methods
of the potential theory. A formula for the interaction force
Card 2/3 is derived also for this general case. The here derived law
AUTHOR: -Stanyukovich,-K. P. SOV/2o-12o-2-14/63
TITLE: Some Remarks on the High Velocity Motion of Bodies in a
'Weak Gravitation Field (zamechaniya o dvizhenii tel s bol'shi-
mi skorostyami v slabom pole tyazhesti)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 12o, .11r 2,
pp. 277-28o (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The equations 6T iO'k @ fi may be used for an approximate
calculation of the relativistic notion of a solid body in the
weak proper field. Tik denotes the total energy-momentum tensor
of the continuous medium and of the electromaonetic field,
ydenotes the potential of the gravitation field, (in this
paper it is assumed to be a scalar and not a tensor), v - the
specific Volume, - an auxiliary potential)- Neglec.;ing the
electromagnetic field, one may write T ik = (P+E)uiuk + &ikP,
An equation is next given for the potential of the gravitation
fieldc Moreover, it is necessary to know the equation of
state p = p(v,T) or P = P (6,T) of the medium, T denotes 'the
temperature and I the entropy. A system of equations is then
Card 1/3 given for the case of adiabatic flow with central symmetry,
8ome Remarks on the High Velocity Motion of Bodies in a SOV/22o-121o-2-14/63
Weak Gravitation Field
The author investigates the following problem: A certain
volume of a medium with the mass ISO explodes, and as a re-
sult, high energy is liberated; this marks the beginning of
expansion. The energy density may be so high that the
peripheral part of the expandinC S-as may attain velocities
which are near the velodity of light. After a certain time,
when the pressure in the interior of the expanding gas has
decreased, it is possible to investigate the motion which is
performed without influencing the internal pressure in the
proper field of gravitation. The corresponding equations are
Given in an explicit form, after which they are transformed.
It is very interesting to investigate the motion with gherical
symmetry; the corresponding equation is given and analyzed..
Different values of the initial velocity a of the Gas lead
to different trajectories: In the case %. @O (elliptical case)
the particles come to a standstill in a finite distance, In
the case a2 = 0 (parabolic case) the velocity of the particles
becomes zero in an infinite distance, In the hyperbolic case
a2> 0 the particles have a finite velocity in an infinite
Card 2/3 distance, The following caseSare possible: After the exfplosion,
Some Remarks on the Velocity 2.1-otion of Bodies in a SOV/2o-12o-2-14/63
Weak Gravitation Field
the -a5 remains at a finite distance and will fall to the
center, after which the process of expansion beLgins anew,
etc. Some particles may be involved in a pulsation process,
remainin- always witliin a finite di3tance; when the enerCy
yield is extraordinarily hiLh, all the particles may have
the tendency to fly away into infinity. Finally, the authors
investi-ate a concrete problem, the case of a hyperbolic
motion and a vieak field. There are 1 fiL-Lire and 1 Soviet
PIRESZITITED: January 17,10/58,by IT.N. Bo,:@olyubov, Ilember., Academy of Sienceq
SUBMITTED: January 7, 1958
1. Mass-energy relation 2. Solids--Motion 3. Solids--Magnetic
factors 4. Adiabatic gas flow--Analysis 5. Fxplosions--Analysis
6. Mathematics--Applications
C-.;rd 3/3
Untrodden Paths of the Un'Lver3e SOV/4693
-Mer-kulov. 1. [Deputy Chairman of ABtronautics Section
.of the Central Aero Club of t1he USSR). He Showed the
Way to the Stars 7
Pokrovskly, G. 1. (Doctor of Tesb-nloal Sciences), and
P. P. Parenago, [Corresponding Member of the Academy of
Soiences USSR]. A Dream Becomes a. Reality 10
Chernigovskiy, V. N. (Corresponding Member of the Academy
of Sciences USSR). Man Will Conquer Spar;e 11
Stanyukovich, K. P. [Dootor of Tee-,hnioal Sciences]. The
Third Gigantic Step 16
Blagonravov, A. A. [Academio-lan]. A Flight Into-the
F u t- u-- e 20
Vsesoyuznoye astronamo-geodezicheskoye obshchestvo
Byulleteng J. No. 24/31/, 1959 (BuUetin, No. 24/31/,1959) Moscov, Izd-vo AN SUR,
1959@ 7T P- 1,500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiy& Tmjk SSSR.
.Ed. of Publishing House: K.P. Gurov; Tech. Ed.: G.A. Astaflyeva; Editorial
Board: V-V. Fedynskly (Reap. Ed.), M.S. Babrow (Deputy Reap. Ed-)p M.M.
Dagayev.- I.T. Zotkin, A.A. Izatow., P.P. Parensigo, P.I. Popov, V.A. Browhten
(Scientific Secretary).
PURPME: 7his publication is intended for astronomers, geophysicists, geodesists,
and theoretical physicists.
COVKWE; This issue of the Bulletin of the A3.1-Union Astronomical and Giodetic
Society contains articles on lunar and solar eclipses, photographic observation
Card 1/3
Bulletin (Cont.) 80'1/3839
or Jupiteran .d PerseidY noctilucent clouds,, a coLlimating view finder, W
the modeling of lunar cirques. The Kuybyshev Astidbumical Observatory to de-
scribed in a separate article. References acddapany IndivIdi1a3 articlis.
Stanyukovich, K.P. The Problem of the Physical Nature of Gravitation 3
Sharonov, V.V. Nev Method for Evaluating the Brightness of Lunar
Eclipses According to the Visibility of the Details on the Lunar Disc 18
Bugoslavskaya, Ye.Ya. Problem of Determining the Motion of Noctilucent
Clouds 24
Sytinskaya, N.N. Photmetry of Noctilucent Clouds by Means Available
to Amateur Astronmers 28
Fcmenko, B.D. Changer. of Total and Scattered Solar Radiation During
the Solar Exiipse of June 30, 1954, According to Observationsin Tikhoretsk
and Sallsk 3T
Card 2/3
builetin (cc. t-it.'; SOV/3839
Farpov, A.N. C hanges of Some Geophysical Factors -in Stalingrad During
the Par ,tial Solar Eclipse of-December 2, 1956 41
Vlasov.9 Yu.P.J. and I.T. Zotldn. Taking. Photographs of Jupiter With
Ocular Magnification 45
Saban6yev, P.F. Results of Modellng the Lunar Cirques an a Spherical
Surface 53
Astavin-Razumin, D.L. Results of Photographic Observations of Perseid
Through Folaroids 57
@Unin, A.S. Construction and Application of Collimating View Finders 61
Chronicle (Matveyev, IN., K%*Vshev Astronartical Observatory of the All-
Union Astronomical and Geodetic Society)
Popov, P.I. Aleksey Andreyevich Ignatov (Deceased) 77
AVAILkBLE: Library of Congress
wi P
Card 3/3 7-@-60
3oveshchanLye po voproa= koamogonli. 6th, n3scow, 1957
Vnegalaktiche5kaya. a3tronoolya I ko5saologlya; trudy soveshchsnlya
(Ixtragalacllc Astronomy and Cosmology; Tr=sactlona of the 6th
r. . Prtlems of Cosmogony, June 5_7,
Confe no can 1957) Moscow. AN
SUR. 1959. 273 P. Errata slip Inserted. 1,500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency- Akadamiya, nauk SSSR.
Ed. of Publishing House: L.V. Samsonenko; Tech. Ed.: O.M. Shevch-
anko, Editorial Board: D.A. Frank-xa.-enetskly (Reap. Ed.) Pro-
lessor; B.A. Vorontsov-Vellyuunov, CorresparAing-Member.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for astronomers " physicists studying
problems of general cosmology.
COVERAGE: The book in a collection or papers an cosmogony read by
scientists parti6ipating In a conference hold In Moscow on June
5-T, 1957. The pipers review recent observational and theoraticel
work In extMEalactic astronom7, giravitatior.a.1 theor7o theox-f or
'__rolatilty, red hilt, radio astronomy, for.Tition or chezical
tho=(>dyr&mlcs of the universe, entropy, *to. So
personalAties are mentioned. There are references following
most of
the reports.
Splr&2 am2wW X 201
ov Me. Rellabillty of Observationaa Dxta In F-Vtra-
FWitronomy 70
XrAsov3kly, V.I. end P.V. Shcheglov. Application or Electronic-
WdtTrod3 to XxEiw
6jE1 89
Vltkevleh, V.V. Discrete Sources of Radio Emission (Radlo Stare)
aKepraapwm for their Study 94
Werimental verification or the General
Theory of Relativity (Stn=ary of Report) Ilk
Vlaao@rALA. Spat,W, Won-homogeneous Distributions of the- " . .
gy-&E-&-m of Oravitatlng ?articles
3 Sad I isotropic Models of the-Univerve 131
Lifshltm.-Ye.X-- Gravitational Stability In the General Theory
-,if-Re.lativity (summary or Report) - 141j
v_A@L, Relativistic Theory of an Anixotrople Non-
70onoganeous Universe
3hLrq.ko,v_M-_E._ Theory of Red Shift in Spectra or Distant
Mlay"17, 1J, Radio Astronomy and Cosmology (Summery of Report) 166
Conditions of Foz--atlan of Atomic Nuclei
to Data on Their Distribution 192
tranlr_-ramenctakly, D.A. Origin of Che=Llcal Elements Fr= the
tW* Theory or Intbrnal Structure and Stal ),
rInC6"reiFof ar
Evolution 200
T-l&tekIr;-Ya,--P. Problems or Statisti,,jtj P13yolon and That=-
dynamics of Gravitating Systems 214
, 0
Structural Infinity of the Milverse and the
eueaii as a Typical Populated Cos=ic System (3=-
ary of 9@ort)
1.1t, Some Remark, on the Growth or Entropy 22.a
St"yuKqvichp K,P. On the Thermodynamics of the Universa 219
ARan-0.4- General Probli;a of Cosmolo
243 17
Vassoyuznyy matematicheakly slyezd. 3rd, Moscow, 1956
Trudy. t. 4% Kratkoye soderzhanlye sektaionnykh dokladov. Doklady
inostrannykh uchenykh (Transactions of the 3rd All-Union Mathema-
tical Conference in Moscow. vol. 4: Summary of Sectional Reports.
"ports 0f F reign Scientists) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959.
24T P. 2,200 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency- Akademiya nauic SSSR. Natematichaskiy tnatitut.
?Wdh. 94.:. G.W. Shavchanko, Editorial Board: A.A. Abramov, V.G.
Noltyanakly, A.M. Vasillyev, B.V. Madvedev# A.D. Myahklav S.M.
Mikollskly (Reap. Ed.). A.a. Postnlkov, Ya. V. Prokhorov, K.A.
Sybn1kov, P. L. Ullyanov, V.A. Uaponakiyo N.G. Chatayev, 0. Ye.
Shilov, and A.I. ShIrshov.
PURPOSE: This bobk is intended for mathematicians and physicists.
COVERAGE. The book Is Volume rV of the Transactions or the Third All-
Union Nathawatical Conferv@hej held in June and July 1.956. The
- ---------
book main parts. Th rIrat part contains aum-
wartse, of the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con-
ference that were not Included In the first two volumes. The
second part contains the text of reports submitted to the editor
by non-SovIet scientists. In those cases when the non-Soviet sci-
entist did not submit a copy or his paper to the editor, the title
of the paper In cited andp if the paper wan printed in a previous
walume# reference Is made to the appropriate volume. The papers$
both Soviet and non-Soviets cover various topics In number theory'
algebra, differential and Integral equations, function theoryt
functional analyalas probability theoryl topologyo mathematical
problems or mechanics and physics, computational mathematics,
mathematical logic and the foundations of mathematical And the
hiotory-or mathematics.
Nsrchonko@ V.t(. (Moscow). The elongation and torsion of
nAturally twisted rods 108
NICIrent o, U.S. (Leningrad). Elastic vibrations of' hj@low
-sUrtipty-ammected beam 110
Komsomol I sk-na-pusurs). Application of com-
am.LLN -d generalized functions In problems of a
din with all-cular croon section ill
Sve@.(Pstrozavodsk). Contact problems of the theory
-or- blaeticity under dynamic-action of compression force 112
Stanyukovich. K.P. (Moscow). Certain nonsteady plane San
Shaskind (Odeasa). The flow around thin hotline In a
-three-Umens onai flow
Section on the MathematIcal Problems of Physics
Card .21/34
VWSGYuzrqy satematicheakly soyezd. 3rd, Noncoms 1956 7r
TTudy. t. 4. Xratkoye vaderxhaniye sektaiannykh dokladov. Doklady
inostrannykh uchenykh (Transactions of the 3rd All-Union Mathema-
t1cal Conference In Moscow. vol. 41 Summary or Sectional Reports.
Reports of Foreign Scientists) Moscow, lzd.vo AN SSSR, 1959.
247 p. 2,200 copies printed.
SpaneorIng Agency. Akedemiya nauk SSSR. Mattastichenkly inatItut.
?Ddb. Zd.*., G.P. Shevchanko; Iditorial Board: A.A. Abramov, V.4.
boltYanshdy A N Vaslityev, B.V. Medvadev, A.D. 14yahkin, S.M.
p. Z4.), A.G. Poatnikov. Yu. V. Prokhorov, K.A.
HIkollakly [Res
Rybn3korr, P. Z. Ullysmov, V.A. Uspenakly, N.O. Chet&YOV, 0. Ye.
Shilove and A.I. Shirshov.
PURPOWt This bo@:rk In Intended for mathematlclana and physicists.
COVZMAON: The book Is Volume W of the Transactions or the Third All-
Union Mathematical Conference, hold In June and July 1956. The
'6Wk 1-0 4iivided Into two main parts. The first part contains sum.
series or the papers presented by Soviet scientists at the Con-
forence that were not Included in the first two volumes. The
second part contains the text or reports submitted to the editor
by rum-Soviet scientists. In than* cases when the non-SoViot &cL-
entLst did not submit a copy of his paper to the editor, the title
of the paper Is cited and, If the paper was printed In a previous
volume, reference is made to the appropriate volume. The papers,
both Soviet and non-3oviet, cover various topics In number theory,
algebra, d1frarentlal and integral ations, runction theory,
functional analysis# probability th:o
uy. topology, Mathematical
problems or mechanics and ph7s , -omputational mathematics,
mathematical logic and the round I
a or matheratics, and the
history or mathematics.
%&karcur.-*.X,4L9ningrad)v V.S. Ruldy"v (L4ft1nTradL_1.jL_
ngra ) QUAn
nen (
the nonzVaMonary diffraction of waves from
spherical and cylindrical regions 120
The burning to cars of renor-
mallzod charges In theories with point Interaction 120
Rmar, Yu.b. ANovostbirsk). FLVW-di%*n~lon&l Option 120
Sku cam). On the theory or the reflection
a curvilinear boundary 122
@lloocow). Relativistic mechanics and
sm 51W-r3cL_-G* or continuous media 122
@Sh. (StalLnabad). Singular function~ of quen-
PWjh _
us Mid cry In -1-1.nal pseudo-Itualldean space 124
Card 23/14
Bm=.. Filipp Abramovich, Kirill Petrovich Stanyukovich,, and Boris Isaakovich
Fizika vzryva, (Physics of Explosion) Moscow., Fizmatgiz, 1959. 8W p,
6.,500 copies printed.
Eds.; LYA. Petrov kiy and Ye.B. Kuzuetsova; Tech. Ed.: N.Ya. 1krashova.
PURPOSE: This monograph is intended for specialists in the tbeory and use of
explosives., and may proy useful to students and aspirants specializIM In
Ub field.
COVMM: The authors Present a systematic up-to-date examination of the con3ey
of problems concerning regularities of the transformations of explosives and
explosive effect in various media. The overall properties of explosives and
the conditions of their transformation as a function of various p"ical and
chemical factors, detonation, and combustion processes am discussed.
Problems of brisanee am treated, and the theory of cumulation is examined In
detail. Great attention is given to applied gas dynamics of unsteady flows.
Physics of Explosion
The present work is intended to fill a lacuna, -in the literature on explosion
physics and processes taking place in the ambient nedium. during an explosion.
The authors point out that the only authoritative textbooks on the subject.,
those"of K.K. Snitko (1934 and 1936) and N.A. Sekol6v, am out of date.
Problems of nuclear explosions axe not treated at all. , Chapters Ij, Ils IV, V,,
VI, VII., VM were written by P.A. P--; chapters XIII and X17 were written by
K.P. Stanydkavich; chapters III, IX an& 17 vere written by B.I. Shekhter.
Chapters XI and XII were written jointly by Bsum-and Stanyukovich,, section 46
by Shekhter., section 86 by Baum and Stanyukovich., and sections 98 and 87 by
Baum and Shekhter. The supplement was vritten by Stanyqkovich. The authors ex-
presL, thanks to M.A.Sadovskiy.. A.S. Kompaneyto., and G.I.. POkrovskiy.
References for each chapter appear at the end of the book.
Ch. 1. Overall Characteristics of ZbEplosives,
1. Phenomenon of the explosion
2. Classification of explosive processes
3o Classification of explosives
Shock waves in solids* Izv*vys.ucheb.zav.; fiz. no.6:14-24 '59-
(MIRA 12:4)
1. KOBkovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana.
(Shock waves)
STAITMOVEH, K.P., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk
Look out for the astronauts, moon! Wn. nat. no.12:13-1@ D '59
(Space flight to the moon) (MIRA 13:3)
The physical nature of gravitation. Biul.VAGO no.24 159.
(MIRL 13:4)
STAI=OVICH, K... Prof.
Who is really right? On. tekh. 4 no.10:47-48 0 159.
(MIRA 13:1)
(Cosmogozw) Otare-Spectra)
AUTHORS: Sta nyukovich, K.P., Fedynekiy, V.V, SOV/33-36-2-26/27
TITLE: Review of the Book I. Yevgenlyev, L. Kuznetsova "After the
Firestone" (Editor S. Prokhodtseva) M., Geografgiz,1958,
pp 214, Edition 50 000
PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1959,vol 36,Nr 29pp 380-381 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; The book deals with the history of the investigation of the
gigantic meteorite which fell on June 300908 into the basin
of the river Podkamennaya Tunguska. The reviewers stress high-
ly the dispassionate scientific description of the circum-
stances, especially the faithful report on the efforts of the
Soviet scientist L.A. Kulik (follower of V.I. Vernadskiy).
SUBMITTED: January 20, 1959
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Stanyukovich, K. P. SOV56-36-5-69/76
TITLE: On the Problem of the Impact of Solid Bodies With
High Velocities (IC voprosu ob udare tverdykh tel s
bollshimi skorostyami)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 36, Nr .-, pp 1605-16o6 (ussR)
ABSTRACT: In the present "Letter to the Editor" the author discusses
the destruction of material when a solid obstacle is hit
with great velocity by a solid body, and the propagation of
the shock wave. At velocities of more than several km/sec
a strong shock wave occurs in both the body mentioned and
in the solid obstacle, on the front of which the crystal
lattice structure of the material is destroyed; at a
relative speed of u 0 :.::"10 km/sec (e. g. when a meteorite
hits the surface of the moon) matter evaporates on the
shock wave front. With an increase of the distance from the
shock center pressure decreases rapidly, evaporation is
substituted by melting, and, finally matter is simply
Card 1/3 fragmentated; the latter effect no lon.-er occurs if mass
On the Problem of the Impact of Solid Bodies With SOY/56-36-5-69/76
High Velocities
density at the shock wave front becomes less than the
so-called "material strength" (,. In this respect such a
shock process may be dealt with like an explosion of a
high-explosive substance (e. g. troryl); the equivalent
mass of such an explosive may be given as amounting to
m rhE! 2
expl. -@Vo/q = Vou 0/2Q , where E0 denotes the primary
energy, M0 the mass of the impinging body, -(L- the degree
of efficacy, and Q the caloric equivalent of I g of
exploding substance. If uo > V-6 , it holds for the
momentum projected on to the normal, that J. = M 0 u0Cos
(6 denotes the angle of coincidence measured in the
direction of the normal)and, as experiments and calculations
show, the mass of the materiallalung away is Xv-,@EA
i. e. J cz%6 V'E-' , and further J - BEO/V-F, . The
proportionality factor B is a material constant. The ratio
J /J = 2cosE) V-F_ /Bu is low (if u > VF-
Card 2/3 0 0 0 . ). and therefore
On the Problem of the Impact of Solid Bodies With SOV/56-36-5-69/76
High Telocities
the influence on the angle of incidence in the case of
large u. is practically negligible. At cosmic velocities
(30 - 40 km/sec) J exceeds J0 by several orders of magnitude.
Only in the case of very large 9 (i. e. in the case of a
,-lancin6 hit) these considerations do not hold. There are
3 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED. February 17, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Stanyukovich, K. P. SOV/56-36-6-23/66
TITLE: Cylindrical and Plane Magnetohydrodynamic Waves (Tailindri-
cheskiye i ploskiye magnitogidrodinamicheskiye yolny)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fizikii 19599
Vol 36y Nr 6, PP 1782-1787 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An investigation of plane and especially of cylindrical
magnetohydrodynamic waves is of great interest both from the
physical and from the analytical point of view. In the present
paper the author deals with several problems relating to this
subject and confines himself to the case of infinite conduc-
tivity and isentropic motion in a magnetic field which is
perpendicular to the direction of motion. The investigations
are first carried out in generally relativistic form (strong
fields and high energy densities), after which "classical"
and relatively weak fields are dealt with. Analysis is carried
out for two cases, viz when the field direction coincides with
the z-axis, and when it forms an angle with the latter. In
part 1 the fundamental relations are established. Part 2 deals
with the special case of a steady flow, and part 3 deals with
Card 1/2 the non-steady case. The fundamental equations of isentropic
Cylindrical and Plane Magnetohydrodynamic Waves SOV/56-36-6-23/66
cylindrical waves in relativistically invariant form as
formulated in part 1 in each case serve as a basis. In part 3
intense "sound" waves ultrarelativistic gas are inves-
tigated at flow velocitie's that are near the velocity of light
(1 - a/c