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C3 81907 S/126/6o/oio/ol/012/019 eU_0 0 Elll/E335 AUTHORS-, Stanyukovich. A.V. and Pivnik, Ye.M. TITLE, Devc,__1,m,_nt of Intercrystalline Fracturepat High Temperatures and the Plasticity of Steel PERIODICAL- Fizlka metallov 1 metallove@kiye, 1960, Vol.10, No. 1, pp lo6 - n6 TEXT: The authors describe their work on different metals tested under conditions where intercrystalline fracture predom- inates. An attempt has been made to differentiate between its various forms and establish a relation between the extent to which it occurs and plasticity. Tests were made at constant deformation speeds. as describedpreviously by Stanyukovichand N.D. Zaytser (Ref 6). Type EI164pearlitic and two aus tenitic steels were used. The latter were E161211(iron-chromiUm-nickel, with tungsten and titaniuln) and alloy A (high-strength nickel- chromium base, with molybdenum, tungsten, aluminium and titanium). All specimens were subjected to standard heat treatment (Table 1). Test tempeEatures were 450-8oo Oc. speeds 180, 3.6, 0.4 and 4 x 10- %/hour. Polished sections of fracture regxons were prepared and etched. The number and Card 1/3 81907 Development of Intererystalline and the Plasticity of Steel S/126/6o/oio/01/012/019 EIII/E335 Fracture at High Temperatures overall length of cracks per unit surface were determined and relative elongation and true resistance -to fracture were also found. Microstructuresltbtained under various conditions are shoim in Figs. 1, 3 and-6. Relative elong&tion and number and extent of microcracks as functions of temperature for types E110 and B1612 are shown in Figs. 3 and 5, respectively, for various deformation speeds while Fig. 4 gives the number and &xtent of microcracks as a function of cbformation speed for EIlO steel. For alloy A the me-shanical-property results for a constant deformation speed are tabulated (Table 2). Fig. 7 shows the ratio of true resistance to fractuxe.,-tensile strength as a function of temperature for various deformation speeds. In all alloys formation of Intercrystalline cracks at h1gh deformation speeds begins at 450-500 C. The damage from this cause increases with rising temperature and decreasing defor- mation speeds. The number, length and shape of cracks depend on the particular conditions. At maximum test speeds and Card 2/3 1@ De-velopment of IntercrystallIne and the Plasticity of Steel 81907 S/136/60/010/01/012/019 EIII/E335 Fracture at High Temperatures relatively low temperatures pore cracks are formed: when conditions lead to maximum reduction in plastic properties thin and long-sharp-ended cracks are formed. High-temperature plastic properties are directly linked with the extent of damage by intercrystalline disruption. The length of the average crack rises, with decreasing speed and increasing temperature, to a value close to the steel-grain diameter. The IncrSase In plastic properties at test temperatures over 600 - 0 650 C (for pearliti.c) and 650-700 C (for austenitic) is due to reduction in the intensity with which intercrystalline cracks develop. Intercrystall�ne disruption under these conditions is characterised by the formation of comparatively small thick blunt-ended cracks. There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 11 references: 4 Soviet, 5 English, I French and I German. ASSOCIATION- Tsentrallnyy kotloturbinnyy institut-im. I.I. Polzunova (Central Boiler-Turbine I im. I. I. Polzunov) SUBMITTED,@ November 25, 1959 Card 3/3 titute LIBERMAN, L.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; STANYUKOVICH, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk,, red.; LEBEDEVA, N.I., rer.-,--PUDMMF=VA, S.I., red.; GROSMAN, L.A., red.; KOVALISKAYA, I.F., tekha@, red. (Materials used in the manufacture of power machinery]Mate- rialy, primeniaemye v energomashirlbstAtoenii. Moskva, TsINTIMASh. 1961. 181 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Electric machinery Industry-Equipment and supplies) (Electric engineering-Materials) 2708 3/1-125/0 /000/007/005/01'.5 D040/DI12 AUTHORSi '47 a iil S t -a p_v71kcv-' c _ril, A.V@ TIT LE T4n,4_--r@-v o@' welded Jotati :Ln aus-.1enitic steel to loca-1 '@- ' I I I I I YL t . I- _'T a @- tbe seam a, fi--g 'empera4:ures PERIODI"AL- Av-1-ocnat'ichf1sKaya 3varka, n,:)., 79 19619 46--53 TEXT, @4. ne.-r L-.Ptiiod for eval-uating the tendency of auStenitic-3teei welded joint.@s -I,.,:. lo:-ai_ tilrle @,@am at high temperatures is desc;ribed. The -Tethod _-hojon lir,-@itigati:;ns for the reason that- conver- ';as`5@ d:j .17'ev-eal the dargezo-as -ten- t: u rr,@, ipmmen@- (particularly austenikic powex, @qu.. -b jr w@Len tri-ey ar@ su ,acted to high temperatluxas for -Dzisisi-q _-Lr) rewiiTig with a constant deformation ra4..,. were out from joirts with wel 'ir, @i --eeve:rser in@Vih-5 11 T@ 'if (TaIM-5) j4:Z;C'7 @R='@. A@V. S+,ar-yuko-qich and N.D. 9) 1-959). Tb.e plasticity of -the iv- of the externaA. fibers in the t;3. r thz- !h-%qier. -ippparan,3e. Experiments were 22949 S/125/61/000/007/005/013 Tand -2-toy @-,f -i@Idvd j,-;_-'%-IS z DOAO/D112 -I a, -;00-1100-@@ w---- i I. def c,:: m. tion rates of 20, 0.60 and 0.067% pe:[ ho-ir. al-ng -he grai-n bourdar-Les in thp ba@@e metal, at. di-@ia--e of a n s- f@!nm th-i- __'Ane; the charactel: of the '-@raJtv- vua4 exact3y the aamsa.- ir. of w;@Id3 in austenitic@ steel steam pipz?lir4;@s. Ti.- varied wiqEll.y ac--ord-ing to the grade of 9 an 0, t@i@_ -b-m- (JI.e. acnording to whether they had been weldpl s @) t,.') @ cdt,- haat traa@-.ment), Fo-:@ aYi6WqT' (!KhlBN9T) at-eel the mo@t. dangr-;o@ioi range appeared -tc; be 500-70000; similax or-asks f':'zm'@d4 Ln_@3'0405 (E'. 405 ), 914 -25'7 (E12.57) (E1612) stsels, but at dif- v fer@:,-,' temperatixr;_,.3 and afilsr vazying degrees of elongation of the outer flbe-rs Thm-, apparqnt cai)sp of cracks axe onsets of failvxe-- ihr- gra.'Ln !-andaric- -211 +hs at the seam affected 'by the I-at @ Mn@ n OL, j-_JZA;3 lost their deformatio-yi capacitv when the @es"- empc-::,aturl@ was raissed, but al '-ready after 700-750 0 0 the plasti- -y AP@.airl in m-:,-st j.,ints. Ar abrupt d:rop of the intercrystalline k -I aL t-rip Soam ijp;*,@@ _'ieatirig dii-LInIg the vielding had been stated in other In- v.-:- a a t i o ri s @o The r;bser,rc---! benell-c-.ial effect of austenization may be a p v-a r -11,;,a f znib m i o s @ o PI - d ef e c, t s and re d.4 s tri I but on of the gr a r. boindar-lez. But, aus'enizat:ion Caz.A 21/'_@ 34521 s/659/61/007/000/008/044 D217/D303 AUTHOR: S.1 TITLE: Estimating the deformability of high temperature ma- terials SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Issledova- niya po zharoprochnym splavamg v. 7. 19619 78 - 96 TEXT: A method for estimating the deformability of heat-resistant materials by constant-rate deformation tests is suggested. It was found that the temperature-dependence of plasticity characteristics at constant rates of'deformation when plotted within semi-logarith- mic coordinatesp is described by a V-shaped curve. Decreasing the rate of deformation displaces this curve in the direction of lower temperatures. With the help of a family of V-shaped curves, obtain- ing by testing a series of specimens and using several constants, the dependence of the minimum deformability of steel on temperature can be found. The minimum deformability increases with increase ir temperature. The relationship between percentage elongation and ra- Card 1/3 S/659/61/007/000/008/044 Estimating the deformability of D217/D303 te of deformation at constant temperature follows a discontinuous function until the minimum deformation is attained. Having reached the level of minimum plasticity, a further decrease in the rate of deformation raises the percentage elongation. The degree of decrea- se in plasticity on fracturingg with a decrease in the rate of de- formation, increases with rise in temperature up to a certain limit and then decreases again. Deformability increases at the maximum testing temperatures. Increase in temperature displaces the brittle range in the direction of high rates of deformation. The decrease in plasticity of steels at high temperatures is due to intercrystal- line destruction. The total number of cracks per unit surface area of the section and the length of these cracks increases with a rise in temperature or a decrease in the rate of deformation. At a con- stant rate of deformation, the proportion of intercrystalline de- struction increasest and the plastic properties decrease up to a certain temperature limit, the critical temperature. The latter is higher for greater rates of deformation. At temperatures above the critical, the proportion of intercrystalline destruction decreases simultaneously with the increase in plastic properties, and the cracks change their appearanceg their sharp ends becoming blunt. Rie Card 2/31 STANYUKOVICH, A.V., kand.tekhn.naukj LEVIN, Ye.Ye.,, kand.tekhn.nauk Causes of the deterioration of steam superheaters made from 1MN12t steel. Energomashinostroenie 7 no.10:27-30 0 !61. (IURA 1440) (Steel, Heat resistant-Brittleness) (Steampipes-Testizig) -ZEAZIN, V.N.; STANYUKOVICH, AN. Tendency of welded joints in austenite steels toward local rupture under the effect of high temperatures. Avtom.avar. 14 no.746"53 J1 161. (KMA 14:7) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kotloturbinnyy institut im. I.I.Polzunova. (Steel-Welding) (Welding-Defects) A,,11, lcand.teklin.llaUk Anisotropy of t*@-e plasticity of KILU8119Tt s',eel at high temp-oratureo. Metalloved. i taira. obr. mot. nc.7:57-63 Jl t62. (MIkk 15:6) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatel!,@,kiy kotloturbinnyy institut imeni. I.I. Polzunova. (Chromium-nickel steel.--Testing) (Metals at high temperatures) S/650/62/008/000/024/028 1048/1248 rlO-.-?: "Stanyulcovich, A.V. AUT' TITLE: Examples of the application of constant-strain-rate tests for the evaluation of the performance of refractory materials SOURCE: tkademiyp. nauk SSSR. 'Institut metallurgit, Issledovaniya po zzharoprochnyn splavam. v.S..1962. 184-192 TEXT! Tests at R constant strain rate combined with microstructural examination of the fracture surfaca, related the plasticity of re- frnetory materials with temperature to evaluate their performanee under working conditions. 7/el-ded austenitic steel tubes were sub- jected to bend tests at 500-90000 the strain rates being 6.7xlo-2 6.7xlO-l, and 20%/hr. In most cases the first cracks appeared with- in the arcs adjacent to the weld. The plasticityof steels DIA 612 @Ei 612) and _-) ',,114 (,, 4 @ -(EI 405) decreased sharply with Increasing temperature within the range studied; the plasticity of steel Card 1/3 S/659/62/008/000/024/028 1048/1248 ExamplGs of the applieRtion... depth of thread; the elongation decreased with strain rate, due to intercrystalline failure rat the lower strain rates. The threads are meakened by defects at the grain boundaries, and by the generat- ion of local 3tresses during the threading. There are 4 figuresi Card 3/3 S/032/62/028/011/010/015 B104/B102 AUTHORSt Stanyukovich, A. V., and Chizhik, A. A. TITLE: Test of specimens with spiral grooves at high temperatures PERIODICALz Zavodskaya laboratoriyal Y. 28, z1o. 11, 1962, 1361 - 1367 TEXT: It is suggested that the s@naitivity of h@eat-resisting C-r-Ni-Mo alloys to stress concentrators may be estimated by determining and com- paring the relative elongations 6 T of smooth specimens and of specimens having two spiral grooves (Fig. 1), stretched at constant rates (313, 0-8t and 8-10 -2 @;/hr) until cracics appear, and Vy det ermining the elongation up to the moment when fracture occurs under constant load. With this p in view, experiments were carried out at iemperatures between 500 and 10000C. It was found that, when the rate of deformation is reduced? the reduction in deformability attributable to the presence of a spiral groove, is similar to the reduction occasioned in smooth specimens by variations in the plasticity of the material under test: i.e., cracking is hastened as deformation is slowed. Plasticity diagrams (Fig. 5) reveal Card 1/0 -7, STANYUKOVICH, A.V. Investigating the effect of stress concentration on the deformability of heat-resistant alloys. Issl. po zharoproch. splav. 10:93-102 16j. (MIRA 17:2) ST,UJYUKOVICH, A.V., kand. tekhn. nauk Collection of papers No.9 of the Leningrad Yletalworking Plant (22d Congress of the CJPSU) "Properties of ma-terial# used in turbine manufacture and methods for testing them" published by the State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Machinery. Energomashinostroenie 10 no.2:48 F 164. (MIRA 17:6) 0 2-56 i-MV 2IL,-IP I! V'_-, '&g(tjy&T --Lc) a, @___!j ACC NRI AR6oww(3o SOURCE CODE; UR/O124/65/0OO/009/VO78/V0P .P AUT'HOPS: S@tanyukovich, A. V.; Nikitin, V. 1. 41 TITLE: Evaluation of fl&igue resistance of steels .n elastic-plastic regions at high temperature SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 9V664 REP SOURCE: Sb. Vopr. mekhan. ustalosti. It., )iTashinostroyeniye, 1964, 220-225 TOPIC TAGS: austenitic steel, fatigue test, fatigue strength, plastic deformation 0 SrR-995., '0W19e-rVR6 I I .A3STRACT: The results of experiments are presented on fatigue at high temperature (7000) and symmetric periodic changes in deformation with low frequencies (20 min in the elastic-plastic region. Tests were made with rings of uniform deflection resistance, prepared from three austenitic nickel-chromium steels with differing yield stresses. The dependence of the logarithm of the numberli3f cycles up to frac- ture on the logarithm of deformation after a cycle for the various steels is represented by parallel straight lines. 'With identical amplitudes the general deforma- tion of the steel with the higher yield stress sustained a larger number of cycles without fracture. For equal amplitudes plastic deformation of fatigue resistance is higher for the steels having the lower limit in yield stress. The experiments show that the longer the material remains unfractured the larger the general plastic Card 1/2 STANYUKOVICH, A.V. -, " , - @ Regularities of Ulu-, manifestation of a tendency toward brittle failure in steel at high and low temperatures. Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.7:2-7 Jl 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. TSentrallnri nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-konstruktorsk:Ly kotloturbinnyy institut imeni I.I. Polzunova. L 21819-66 EPF(n)-2/aiA(h)/z-W(m)/T/~-!,WA(d)/94P(w)/3'IP(t) IJ'-P(e) ACC NR: AT6008658 " ( rv) SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0147/0156, GS 'AUTHORS: Stanyukovich, A. V. (Leningrad); Chizhik, A. A. (Leningrad) If ORG: --onb-ne & IA ;TITLE: The effect of various factors on the sensitivity of refractory materials to istress concentration at high temperatures SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po voprosam staticheskoy i dinamicheskoy IpKqc4yLqsti materialov i konstruktsionnykh elementov pri vysokikh --T temperaturakh, 3d. Termoprochnostr iWi-erialoi-i konstruktsionnykh ef6ie'n'-i&-(Tfi4iiii1 iitiiRiffi -- of -materials and construction elements); materialy soveehchaniya. Kiev, Naukova dumkaq 19651 147-156 TOPIC TAGS: stress concentration, high temperature metal, steeli alloy, pearlite steel, austenite steelq chromium steel/ B1602 chromium steel, 1Kh18NqT chromium 1 steel i ABSTRACT: The effect of the cut geometry, temperature, and rigidity of stressed state on the sensitivity of refractory materia s to stress concentration is studiedoll !Specimens with a spiral cut were tested (see Fig. 1). e testing method and ISard . 1/3 L 21819-66 ------- ACC NR: AT6008658 rad Fig. 1. Specimen with a spiral cut. r WO - x I#j4W _.V the auth d k certain similar results were published earlier b3T( (z 81a laboratoriya, 1962, No. 11). Samples of 12'KhlMF, 1Kh18NqTI EIiomm 2@and EI604 steels and Cr-Ni-Co and Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn lloys were tested at temperatures to 12001 (see Pig. 2T--i'rI-,,1 -VI Fig. 2. Change of the coefficient of sensitivity to spiral cut with respect 4 to plasticity IqP as a function of 42 temperature: 1 Z 12KhIMF; 2 - 1KhI8NqT; 3 - Cr-Ni-Co; 4 - EIIO; 5 - E1612; 6 EI802; 7 - Fe-Cr-Ni-Mn; 8 - lKhl8N-gT- 18@ cold-hardened. AW 9 V L 21819-66 AC(; NR: AT6oo8658 @The pearlite steels showed high deformability at 823K. Chromium steel E1802 has greater workability than 1Kh18NqTf which is less plastic at high temperatures, The high-strength austenite steels showed an especially sharp reduction in plasticity .with intercrystalline breakdown and the action of a concentrator. Orig. art. hsss@ i4 formulas, 5 graphs, 1 diagram, and 1 table. @SUB CODE: 20, 11/ MM DATE. 19Aug65/ ORIG REF: 006 -card-3/3- ACC M AT7006337- 66DEj 11 AUTHOR: Stanyukovich, A. V. (Dootor of technical soiences) ORG: non'e TITLE: The influence of grain size on the deformation abi?.ity of pearlite steel 25KUW (EI10) SOURCE: Leningrad. Tsentral'W nauch-no-iseledovatellskiy i proyaktno-konstruktorskiy kotloturbinnyy 4natitut. Trudy, no. 69, 1966. Iseledovaniye materialov dlya energeticheskikh ustanovok (Investigation of materials for power plants), 109-118 TOPIC TAGS; metallurgic research, steel, pearlite steel, metal teat/ 25KhW steelt ',',110 ateel ABSTRACT: The effect of grain size on the long-term stability and deformability of steel 2 V @Will& (EI10) was investigated. The 'Mvestigation was undertaken to determine the cause for the failure of a number of steel boiler collars used in the Pridenprovsk GRES. The investigation supplements the results obtained by A. M. Parshin and Yu. V. Kolosov (Trudy LPI im It. I. Kalinina, Mashinostroyeniye, Yashgizp 1961). The mechanical proper-ties and microstructure were investigated for collars -ff;,'.h diameters of 36 mm, length of 770-1600 mm, and curvature radius of 185-210 Tho experimental results are summarized In graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). it was found that plastlic deformation suffered by the outer fibers of the collar may be Card ACC .1"' Ri Ar,170063 37 140 @@x h C"JI /00 Fig. 1. Change in the true str ength i 649 06 of steel 25XhI (EI10) with coarse- grained structure as a function of 40 4. %lemperatureo V.- %..deformation per how 20 0, L X0 -,go 5W WO 7XI represented by the eqi@ation Card P A ACC NRt AT7006337 where A is the diameter of the rod, and R and R are the raditts-of curvature before 1 2 and after uset respectively. It is concluded that the presence of coarse-grained structure lowers the impact viscosity of the steel and leads to a sharp increase in the tendenoy to brittleness. Orig. art. has, 3 tablest 7 graphs, and 1 equation* SUB CODEz 11/ SUBU,D&M none/ ORIG REP: 008/ OM REFt 001 Card 3/3 t STAIFYUKOVICH, K. P. "Application of Certain Empirical Relations to the Study of Meteors." Astronomicheskiy zhurnal Vol 10, No. 4, 1933, pages 457-463. Translation 563974 -r I'T 7 Astron. Zhur-j Vol. Fesults of tkhe Fhotographic Stludy of a Bright l4eteor 12, No. 5(1935), pp. 44,C-41i(i STIVITMOVICHY K. P. and Pokrovskiy, G, 1, "Elements of a Direcyed Blast-," report given at the General Assemblies of the CFWi in 10,44. Iz. ARad. Nauk-, STer. Pit., Vol. IX, No. 3, 1945 I I 1 14 It u 11 u is w I? " I ot 1, igI IL L Ak oom F so 00.t 00 a and P. St"Fl U.8-T.S. W2- wbm do emm cd raft =@Ajft &W kxw main. womium eat 16 ra lmwtwn we thmns of kbe byllrmd@mm The rqualko p - 0 + p i1w pm of sbe polow a C%Wmdm I hwsdum. T or=- m low 41111111 VA&LOGICA1, UVER, 1119 111110 wli= 4q $Dow %1vjil&iw- 4. U, r, etc. .1. @. C&C rt 4 91 19 u OF 4 1 1 . it it a. 0 0- 0 go%. 0000 *00000*0 SO : e 0 0 a 0 0 4 v a 11 V a a 44 asia -00 di*Ci1dm. .2 y .00 C=- lr i k- Om .00 cf Iftle w -00 -,go 60mkdu& tbw call. roo s d me dwomps. b# W*M u m m It oo moo Soo tbb mw d d b u d b t o n w o o v 6 do pl@v. W)i wkm I @- A Opo" w T 6 d*ao h" fba two he adMin v - 1) a tb& 4d ft. 1 1 PON 1111111FUldlil Ill 0 0 0 0 0 GA '; 4,0009 100 0 641: 000000,0.0 00000 0 A set 00 A It Is a DorloomMatim of tM OW-Valoothy of Ow oliMatedw L. D. Landau and K. P, AWyubavr& (InsL of Pbys. Woblettem, Aced. of Scl:,- V7,3A.R.) (Eng. Conem. of the Red Anny). Compt. teoWriaced. see. LI.R.S.S. 47, No. 3. IW3DI; Do"y -7(IM).-Famulm Xwok S.S.S.R. 47, No. 3, 2M -=-vefoped for the vtkocity of particko both with and witimme correctiom for cleange in specific heats with temp. rhe results Of Lompost4fiqu are summearimed fur Pwom mi-ts. of'.' inuirsof He. one of Os. anif 0. 1. 3. S nooks of No. Deftermi"amedthadowevoloogUyaltM ademe product; of 47. .4. 1-4; Dablady,ikod.,VamkS.S~V.R.47,.VO. i 41(i945); cf. aWw abstr.-The dow wkwity of (be i1vit"IsIkets ptuduct.-o 1% devek.Vwd frogn she Rivittann who. d Ilk- hydrWynnotiks rqU&tkM, diatp,rding dependence of p. favats on (coup. The rtmolts are given for composts- tioms on trotyl. picric acid. and tetryl. 11. G. McCann L A 5 L A adfAwiltGoCAL Lifemi&TURE CtAIINICATICk (Pw M 6 it U 19 It I oil ;o, o o 1 @ : 108 0 0 0 0 0 0 - J %Iaw *O.Snv 1111131 ow ON- 1111 L10 r 7 a ad 0 a 9 1 ff a 0 A a 3 0 v A I a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 16@16 I 0 0 0 e 6-9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 or . , If..: ; - -- . '- ,, I -."- ,@ . 1:. ill,jr, AT-o@:.odel "' -I:ition@ of Cc-ua-lions of iydrod-nariicr, Posse-,sirc Central -1 @ i , 1, -) -'@ 1 c i., 5 . ;-.- Y-@,f .." , 11 ! '. 't @ - " , -,@ Ilk p." 1.1 iqfooG6*4ooo*#&* 0 - 0.0 *of*$*** 0 goO e 40 :0 04 04 1 1 1 s 1 4 1 0 1 No HVISMIS16 IA8,.L-b I f a 21 t a go A 00 so 1" 0 APOU" Of PwdIdw A"m 41 ps 4--- go wMan I* lotp.-.** d AdWAN No 111111111 '7) SrAmmo AtAL Sd. V= 00 a whaim 11I- Fmioudy go Acat Xd- umd to mudy the (ma, I. ---. 00 priceum 41111111" MIII ...... WNW, tim a Ick I G"Oft zzw- or twm a NCT&LLUROSCAL LITCOAV461 CLASIVOCAVION DO U ON A V As 00 0000 00 000 0 0 e 0 '00 -Of 1-00 .00 .00 see L eel 'A 411 as 46 oil W-T--Sv ado 0 *-IV asne :. i';', - -'r. " :;,@ : - - I j... - , - .., 1, . rl. III-,".- ti-le i@eflection of a Det-juati Lave ironlu-,," Com-Aes Aendus (Dolalady), Jol 52, I@o C -9 6 . -L 4 if if 1, It ta tj a It a 4 JI A a J7 a -1, --k- W. A I-T- --i- -L -A --fur !@m7 .... ...- P"PINTIEW 00 Determinatim of the exponent in the retationsbip de. ibi th f d d '00 scr is ststos o eema ng ect products. G. 1. Pokrov- skit atilt K. P. Is. Compt. FfXj. arad. J'i. WRU-C - U.R.S.S 11 V 93 Landau C A 4 W 00 ' . . . - . , , . Pfw Products fwmed by a detmation of local-action ex. 1 i ffi f i d 4)% vt:s o su c ent j? .. the law of adiabatic expansion is ** A ft*-conit. The exponent was detti. by tucamring the 00 # angle insute by the direction of max. ti. of the energy flux aii-I nimuentum flust its the explosion products, with the di l h h i C '00 cu Perpen ar to t e c s. arge ax urvtd charges were ct oft a At plates, and x was found to be 2.85 a 0.13 *0 for a Use with tdryl eme. and 3.D - 0.5 for TNT charjrc@,. 0 The intemal radius of curvature of the charge was vaded between 2.5 and I I cut. without effect on the distance. Ern-t Af. Cohn @ Z of J*C r m q 2X age see ass 1,171MAURE CLASSIFICAVOR St A FTALLUAMOCAL --7 ---flilil --AK-.---T%t tv 0 IF a 9 a a :P T I . I F I i IA U U Im 43 is' I't go Is X 4 19 W 't it tt is Ot KW P '14 000000000 so 0 0 1,00 * 0 0 000 so so* so 0 0 a 0 0 000000 66 000 0 0 0 0-0-9-- 0 SAAMIA -0 Ob egg* di 48 Imcumd, 40044" ww*" (in IAalffth), V. R. 'jM4..Vri, URSS. F44-. 10, 1647, Vol. &I, W1, 4, pit. all. 3M Ttv p%m froat eta de4ameAm wave Is ommml to wAv Aw4g oo plam bamAmy of a abarr. the ON* a betwom Own two I J-4 C 4/07 pbwo I ' &@ ownwaL TW wAbw wpwndy ovAmw a 'Wr burshms of St go @ n" m the wave in a q4m w4vft with an wove, 110 I%w d as 4ANWIM predwis ojotanvom tdV of the dwoW IMb " is euvied mA mWw tho Wo"-fitiou oat C, - Dolto + 1). when C@ IN the Initial volve- Ity of ""Ime, 1) Is mppwmuy do %leAvounn vTlmty, 04 a I'/- Curvm Aawks the amoder diAdbutiou of the #new of On *60416aft p -1 we I , for so @ * - 45" go* teb. pthe with m 3.4. &Q. SmA of dom *Awe a dorp pmah, at a &rtmin amoo of bwA-v=Uoft w" I -, I on a and oL (;Wd - - W ewnwa oft expWisma" wmeb "m nab tnwWlyforthopurpow. 7W&pmpwk&NkmftIorrAdl - i ftMAtk" we not WORGIMOY fqA%hWIi in.Kur4fJ,ITI4A ' ie 0 0 0 0 0 * a a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 W-W 6 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 IN a 6 a * 0 I Oct, f l . a m a k m x It a 44- I i "" @-A! A A L a -1 11 v a a r a a .1 -1 l m 0 - i I 0 00 @-00 -00 00 -00 00 c - 00 0* 00 00 00 04, IWO. an 110@ -00 vwK ) 9, AM I " e4 asee w tok URM 112@1 Ot low =00 ba ellilk" d W aid do VdIft do 71 see 00 an dWhW see o 00 G-T- . VIDIS 00 ;;99 40* Moil asm@SLA NtTALL.4111141CAL LITINATUIllf CIASSWKATIOU No* 1143M 44WIRW 4I&LA71 amw Aft ' b u a IT vo t F q 11 rFA a It a a a 3 4 111, 11, .f It w "a Is 0 Owe* 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 * o a 0 a 0 a- 0 a e s a '3 T IPovio' IAYOV BORI-SOVICH, and K. P. SWJIjLIK(;.TCfj. IYU --. .. -- Ob otra7henii ploskoi dr-tonatsionnoi volny. (Akademiia Nauk SSSR. Poklady. "ovaia seriia, 19147, v-55, no. 7, p. 591-594, diafrrs.@ Title tr.: On the reflect",m of a plane detonation wave. Also Dublished in English in Comptes rendus de l'Acad&nie des Sciences de 11i7RSS. Noi:.velle s,@rie, 1947, v.55, no-7, P. 567-590 (Qu'O.A52i AS262-S3663 v-55 SO: Aerorautical -Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Li1brary of r, Cf von,@-ress, 1.0-115. T-t-i iq J I Jul 1947 Astronomy "Destructive Action of Meteorite Blove, K. P. Stan- ;@4qy@qh,, V. V. FedynBkiy, 4 pp "Dok AJm& Nauk SSSRS, Nova Ser" Vol LVIII No 2 larger planets of the solar system are subjected to constant bombardment by meteorites that hit planets at terrifiC speeds and result in a slight destructive action. Presents formulas for calculating destructive action of meteorites hitting earth. Sulaitted by Academician N. N. Semenov., 14 may 1947. 60T102 Ast 30T aim rum Gas Pressim w2woI-%* Discharge or a Qku frcs Cylindrical a Uto Pipe K. P. Stanyukorloh, kpp. 036k Akad Awk OMP Nova OWN Val LVIU, So 2 D"evisses me oUnwe froquent-ly Ifts In the, flex of gas dynamic w: vhva@,& pw is disowe"'trem orlIzArical container or Isnaft I into pipe InAoft dimtlans, fty is itthat theAlsokargo does.act teglul'-sisultanscusly?, IM PrIMU7 state'the vis'le pissive, but'its @ prosev"i wA denaltr constant Pr*- showum reasons for this phMassaft. at @M/ftaics (Coutd) "I"T @vsu flow of gas rroa acutaluer to. pipe. ftbdtted 'by'Aaadvaiclan K.,V. X614yeb, 5.Apr 1947. rA SrfwfuKoVic@fl *movement of a Particli of the Products of a Linear Charge." K. P. Atw9mi-C-40 ."Dok Ak Naukm V01 LVIII, No 5 of Detonation Wch intereat ia shovn In the stxWj of particles of the products of detonation of any charge after':the 00- currenoe in it of detonation waves as well as during Its dispersion. Author discusses methods whereby it is possible to determine simply and with a fair de&ee of accuracy the movement of partioles of products of detonation In cloaa proximity to the actual explo Ision. Submitted by Acedemiclan N. N. Semano#, 4 *Y-119 38T100 Chargeill- . ..... Detonation Wrects 0;0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 0 0 0 e 6 , * , P z @ -1 4 6 G 0 ez; t r 4 1 so if u Ij u is m it so " A it a, n b a IS 11 b M JO 11 U U 14 U M 9 N 419 At At U A f F r IS I L-J--A-X-?- 9 R .1 A-IL 1: 11 QD U b 533A011 - 533.7 so a 2Y". %vW MkOM af So Sm*4%vmdr 00 a OVWdSM fW OMW VJMMWk 009M SWVAMVKC?-, vK". K. P. DML AmL MM, 11414OW hr Akuhulf-The ft fm danges or crAnW. Aftr mmA oWim Wvs- 0* Fm ti@ da symm PI '10 1*' sm* Whole. fur"Ming Wkwoms of a MW dm at "Mmemliw, zoo Oe nwfivm of Ow ps wbkb we I g p Ibr swo- 044 physic** I Al - 'Seff-doft ar"Iftemb we Akfmed a WAvemnib the - 0 of Am Wn O"T F -- in OW L In dim. TV* 'we dom to bc 00 &1 FRbsev-skmilar Note" skew? F, - I - in specud caw& by odier mg1bods. AmomS the ev=Wk$ UCUW is the mas arms manxim of pl@ 9mck wava of varlabb WWW. 'I$ V a OwAmt W10city. IL F. K. bee ALSIP.$ A G&TALLURSICAL LITINATURf CLASSWICATIOM -77 .Alt $4j;O ,vjWgIj 9 1 11 1 0 0 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 USSR/Physics-.. Jill 48 Astronon*r Mathematics, Applied "The Problem of Angular Moment of Momentum of Planets in the Solar Syi;tem,:.L @- St@a @4@ 3 3/4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol IXI, No 2 Explains significance of subject for cosmogony theories. Obtains equatio n for nass of gas thrown, from a cylinder of uniform section. Eraluates this equation and applies result to case of gas thrown out from a star. Submitted 10 May 48. 11/49T98 ", - It 'f, lact-@cs), Staj,rrukovich rK. anA FedynsldY, V. - "!;-I tile spaces Of tile UnIverse.1 k -12 m y bDilshevJLk, 1-14L.9, N0. 7, p.62-69, - i@i-)Iiog: 6 itepis - .0 So: U-3736, 21 i@!a,-,, 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal nyidi Statev, L--'io. 17, 1949)- steady Wpt@An Cf a za Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSRI@* fi of- The author- t eats fami tes of, steady 6 a t@rii del specifi sible fl.uid which fall, under his automc A flow, is tei med "autoftxle)" it ihe solution depends esien tially upon 'a suitably cl@mcn single independ ent parameter which'is it-,;elf a funct:on of the originally specified inde@ pendent viriables@. In tlc cases investigated the restdctiaf@,., -i-syrnrriet;ic fl %v is made at the outset- No to plane or u 0 :a priori specification i5 made asA1-1 irrotationality or Isim- tropy. Prandt]@Meyerflowand the conical flow of Busemannt [Z; Angew. INIath. 111c.01. 9,49"98 (1929)] are obtained[ -ne riore general solutions are obtainedl., as, special cases., So. in the form of unsolv(d differential equations. Fi all it In 19 Ows r the most general case of steady spatial (I noted that fo o find a-it6modelsolutions h d it is impossible t -whic ern on only one parameter. W. D. Maya (Priividence@,.P_ 1.)._: 4 10'. Souici@s 'Mathematical-Reviews, 'Vol 0. STAII@KGYF@ ]p d Me c A I c- -1 gas (its RivAim), Mh-littlyll kad. Nauk .14'.4hilt 111, 467 A70 (Feb.. 71 _15) riv, viluitumit forepherit!al waveli W a coisilimr4blL poll&,'rabl" me'llitiol lift) %klittelf In the form r" I rl(u, + it if, + pr1p I, + 4-m(op (tog p), + if (lug p), + it, + 2u/r - 0, (log p), + lf(log p), + Of, + 2,t/),) - 0, wbeto p k lift, pr(-n,-mrv, if iltmhity, it radial "locity, 6 lift, gravi- tatioluil cowdnnt, find k file mtW of.-ipocilit; bvituj. Tho I'vilow-, big of "Ittilliniollul 11i'viums" (correspontling to &-dult vAllvil "Imgiv.4.@itig wnw,)" its C"11111fil. 111141 Friedrich'zi Stept r- isoltic Poll; find Shock Il'ifu-1, New York, 191S) im, inviNtigilvil: x r1l; p - up rill% artial Eliffercidial vimatiou. P, s fire obtained for x, y and p; them are trajisformed III(,) ordillarv flif- ferefitial eijtmtiom@ byassuaiting thid r, y aml il - p12 life functions 'if the @Suvlc varitible z - rt -1. The alm-eial vivei z - r nm considered. (2) it = r1t. It Li found that p mid A litcome of [lie form A r-10, svilli certain rdatium, bkAWETR OW k@Xjlllllellts Alld the factors A. (3) u - 0. It follows that p and p are funtAitmi of r only. This leads to no equation of Eitideits type for ga@vous, plivi ej. (4) xr; p - ypri'. A solution 14 smight III which r, yand p Lire function.' of the 1.411gle variftIAL z - re-,,. Al. 11 nrgvr@?, Ifullaiscl 'A - !, --J I K. - r JK USM/Physics Feb 49 Gas Flow Mathematics, Applied "Conformal Motion of Gas In a Gravitational Field," K. P. Stanyukovich, 4 pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSSH" Vol IXIV, No 4 Mathematical treatment of various types of Conformal mWon In gases with allowance for its own inner gravitational field. Sabmitted 6 Dec 48. 27/49T101,1 'A V USSR/Physics - Jon 49 Gas Flov MatherAtica, Applied "Conformal Surfaces and Axisymmetricil Steady- State Flow of Gas.," K. P. Stanyukovlch, 3 PP -Dok Ak Nauk SSSR- Vol LXIV., No 2 Strict mathematical treatment of subject. Sub- mitted 10 Nov 48. 25A9w STAITYUKOVICH., K. P. "Elements of the Physical Theory of Meteors and Crater-Forming Meteorites," Ak. Nauk SSSR Meteoritika, No.7, 195o Translation 56340--- USSR/Astroacm Cowcanw, 601W Systdo YAW1Jv& 52 "Problem of Origin of the Solar System," C. P. Stanyukovich "As tron Zhur" Vol XXIX, No 3, pp 288-306 Author above in his computations that the solar 1=59 should have been 5-15 times greater and also its angular velocity 5-1@ times higher in order to erupt,gemes in sufficient quantity for further formtIon of planets. In the case, of such initial conditions, only 1/100 of the escaping gases 217T49 exVanding in the direction of solar rotation will revolve m elliptic orbits, the remainder necessarily falling back on the sun. Received li Doc @1. 217T49 USEPR/Astronomy Astronomers Jul/Aug 52: "Fourth Plenum of the Commission on Comets ard Meteors and the Commission on Planetoids of the Antrorr7mical Council of the Academy of Sci- ences USSh.11 K. Stanuykovich, V. Fedzynskiy "Astron Zhur" Vol 29, No 4, PP 505-508 A meeting of the Commission on Comets and Me- teors and the Commission on Asteroids was held 6 - 8 Dee. -51 in Kiev. Thirty representatives of astronomical observatories attended. Prof V. V. Fedynskiy, Pres, Commission on Comets and 226T48 Meteors, opened the session. The main subject was S. K. Vsekhsvyatskiy Is theory on the orig# of comets as eruptions from planets. Ilia theory met strong criticism. 226T48 2. USSR (600) 4. Astronomy - Congresses 7. Fourth plenum of the Committee on Comets and Meteors and of a committee on minor planets. Astron. tsir. no. 127, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified, STAWIUKOVIO, K. T Among the papers presented by tht) First All-Union Conference on Aerohydro@lyna,nics (8-13 Dec 19c@2) ccnv;!r-ed by th,_@ Institu'V,@ of Machanics, Acadf.,rny of U3,M, waF@l 11132sic Mechanism of the Motion of a Gas in the Field of Gravity" by Stanyukovich,K. P. (Institute of Physical Problems, Academy of Sciences USSR) SO: Izvestiya AN USSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, No. 6, Moscow, June Z53, kw-juboe, J_e dulY IY54) STANYUKOVICH, K.P. "R Nov method of approximtion for the integration of certain equations of the hyperbolic type. JDA1. AN SSSR 93 no.6:979-962 D 153, (NLRA 6:12) I.Tredstavleno akadealkon X.VeXeldvahes. (Integrals) (Differential equations, Partial) STANYUKOVICH., K.F. Prof. Dr. Tech. Sci. "E'roblemy m-ezhq:1anetnyI--r1 polet" (Problems of' interilanetary fl�ghts), Krasnaya Zvezda, August 10, lq.@4 .p p. For translation, see Appendia VII, OOL 5 -V ('A STAITYUKOVICH, K.P. 'Taketa i ee budushchea" (7he rocket and its future), Krasnay;u Zvezda, December 19, 1954, P. 3. A review of the book Raketa by B. V. Iya-Dunov. STANYUKOVICH, Kirill* P. Dr. Tech. Set. "Trip to the Moon: Fantasy and Reality," A Soviet Review of World Events, No.n. pp. 28-290 1 Jun 1954 In English Problem of the origin of meteorites (thesas of a report). Ketec- ritika no.1-1:63 154. (MLRA 8:3) (Meteorites) STANYUKOVICH, I.P.. doktor taklmicheakikh uauk. IThe nature of gravity. Nauka i shisn' 21 no.l."21-23 Ja 154. (ML" 7.'1) (Gravity) 8TM1VLtKOVTC;T@ X,P, VARVAROV, N.A.; DOBRONRAVOV, V.V.. professor, doktor fisiko-matematichs- *ikh nauk; )VMUW14V, I.A., inzher,*t-konstruktor; SARTAPIN, A.D., laureat Stalinakoy premii; STANYUKOVICH X.P.. professor, doktor takkinichaskikh nauk-, KHLZVTdWM':"'!iu. didat takhnichookikh nauk; SHTERNMID, A.A., laureat mazhdunarodnoy pooshchritollnoy premii po astronavtike. &route to the stars. Tekh.mol. 22 no.7:1-7 JI 54. 1. Predsedatell maktaii astronavtiki pri TSentrallnon aeroklube SSSR imeni Chkaloya (for V4rvarov). 2. Zamstitell predsedat-slia nauchno- tekhnicheskogo komiteta po koemichask6y navigatsii, sektaiis-astro- navtiki (for Dobroaravov). 3. Predsedatel' nauchno-tekhnichemkogo ko- miteta po raketnoy takhnike, saktotia astronaytiki (for Nerkulov). 4. Predsedatell nauchno-takhnichaskogo komiteta po biologli kossidws- kogo poleta, sektaiia astronaytiki (for Seryapin). 5. Chlen nauchno- tekhnichaskogo komiteta po astronomicheskim i fixicheskim probls@ (for Stanyukovich), sektaiia, astronnytiki.6. Predsedstell nauchno-takh- nicheskogo komiteta po radio-teleupravleniyu (for Kh1ebteevIch), ask- taiia antronavtiki. 7. Predsedatell nauchno-tekhnicheakago komitets po kosmicheskoy navigataii (for Shternfel'd), sekt9iia astronaytiki. (Interplanetary voyages) (Space ships) (MLRA 7:6) STANTUIOVICH, K.Pdoktor tekhnichoskikh nsuk. 1---, -1-1--. - The nature af gravity. Tekh.mol. 22 no.12:3-7 D 154.(K6U 8:1) (Gravity) STAIMMOVICH, K. P. "Silov-je polya" (Fields of Force), Tekhnika-Molodezhi Vol. 222., No. 12, December, 1954, p. d. 2425. Stanyukovich, K,.P., (kneral solutions of tha@ eq4jL- tioua of giti'@am 4Wr one-dimensional motions for a cwtils Clion. equation of Otsta'ar procesi (In Russian), Dakk4i Akad. U S S R jv--h 3M Ovs.) 96,441-"4,1054. Cozialder ant-dimenfilonal nanateady f1o* With And lot (r + -ra) (h + Aq) (v + vi)pj whero It premMej V speciflo volume. A - h(a) otam of the I" buluinn. from x to M, a entropy, ILY, an arbitrary functfun of h, while k, A. 4 and ra ara constants. Side& the Lagrangian lbtrn of the equatlant of Imotion irnpli.en alz/br' deflu to by bio"al + -0, btv/ar + .4 HPAbz/al i.. 1) ("1 If J - 6(W, A)ligl, 7) 0 0, traneforat t *165- thwaitig tD 9 Indopentlent, t, r is w re a U/(k - 1), and let k - (2n + 3)/(2A4- 0 11er n- b e Then t(8, W) eat4fies'a Wel-DdAdtix equa- tion whoee general solution in terms of derlvatl*i of LWD arbi- t rary funcUona of 0 zl-- to is k nown, and r cin be fauhd bY a q, tada- ture. Mier iuversion to obtain Z(1, Tit the putliclt' jjy can also be folind by a qwArature. The (6mplo waje) " e -0 in molved in a form involving an vbitmty flinction xr(z)- The author suygests that by proper vhoir;i of A, )% aid ort(h). flows of this t@p-i rittky be iv@ed to approxinuito flowzi with shookf'- J. n. mew, Usk BRONSHTJW, V.A; STANYUKOVICH K.P. doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, redaktor; ' - 0 GOLUBKOVA@-T.wj'., ';e d@akto'r. [The universe; a collection] Vselennsia; sbornik. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo kuliturno-prosvetitellnoi lit-ry. 1955. 404 p. (KM 9:4) (Cosmology) ST"THOVICH) Kirill Petrovich Unsteady Notion of Continuous I'ledia. 745 p. Translated from the original Russian: ZI Sploshnoy Sredy. Moscmz, 1955. Bibliography: p. 738-710. New York, London, Perg-amon Press, 1960. Neustanoviv sl-!,Yesya Dvizheniya VKOYIC Motion of a a conthwom irwillum.) Gosudarstv, lid t 4$4 -Teor. 1, t., lffo,,@ o t1955 804 pp. 26.35 rubles: IJ I of a @njisi is an exhaw;the trcati@e on unsteady motior ;atJgis witb particular application to the theory 'al R @losions and tointernal 'ballistics. Much maten is assenibled which has pieviously been widely scattered in reWarch publications and, in ti-an-lated form, would be: of gre@t value to Workers in't h, explosivei fi6ld; Sibce, at present, ther#,_ is no-.equiv-dent book written in Englisb.. Th * f' t hapt@rs- deal with -Ahermodynami e 114 wo c _jranzep&1mid the* fundanienW equations of motion, in- T' cluding jw uccoimt- of the method of characteristics. -of CliapW III is conceravd. @k4tll self 'similAr motions i media and cotitains much new material due to Sedov and his. group, Chapter III &scribes special solutions for isantr6pic -flow. corresponding to y=3 and other simple... 6nal'isentropic gas kws. Chaptex V treats ane dimensi motion, especially probleqLc of intemction of rarefaction waves. The three faflowing chapters deal very tfibroughl@ -With-th detonation waves. i C -Ae_ ecount-, -pro aga.,o x md SOV/124-57-5-5264 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 22 (USSR). AUTHORS: Baum. F. A., Vsekhsvyatslkiy, S. K., Stanyukovich, K. P. TITLE: On the Explosive Processes of Power1_u1_V`oT_c_an-i-c-ZYUpttM (0 vzryvnykh protsessakh pri moshchnykh@ vulkanicheskikh izverzheni- yakh) in Ukrainian PERIODICAL: Nauk. zap. Kiyvslk. un-t, 1955, Vol 13, Nr 7, pp IZ3-130 ABSTRACT: The paper analyzes the question of the sources of energy of the gigantic explosive processes observed on numerous occasions during extremely powerful volcanic eruptions (Vesuvil.s, Fujiyama, I'Sangayll,"Papandayang", Osamayama, Tamboro, "Gunung- Gelungung", "Kazegvinall, Krakatau). It is shown that'utider condi- tions which exist at extreme depths of the earth there are accumu- lated tremendous quantities of H2, CO, CH4, etc. At elevated pres- sures and temperatures these are explosive mixtures high in energy and readily detonated.'" Various r"r-MMI-Are analyzed and an evalu- ation of the energy released is made.-The total amount of the energy of the explosion is calculated which is required to eject solid rocks Card 112 of several scores of cubic kilometers in size (Krakatau, August 27, SOV/124-57-5-5264 On the Explosive Processes of Powerful Volcanic Eruptions 1883). It is also shown that the velocities attained by some individual rocks may exceed 8 km/sec. From the resumf Card 2/2 STANMOVIGH, K.P. I......... ......... DetermInIng,zeteor trojectories in the earth's atmosphere. BluLTAGO no.16:7-14 '55. WaA 8:6 ) 1. Noskovalwye otdolonlye VAGO. (meteors) --T@O,,uw I f-G 3 3 @ q STANr W VIGH, K.P. @: Principles of relativistic gas dynanics in magnstic fields. JzV.AN SSSR Ser.fiz.19 ne.6:639-65o N-D 155. (MM 9:4) 1.Koskavskoa vyssheyo tekhnichooksye uchilishche imeni N.I.Baumana. (Cosmic rays)(Nuclear physics) STANYUKOVIGH, X.P., doktor fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk, professor. A few problems in the elementary theory of gas mixing. [Trudy] KVTU no.32:5-25 155. (MM 9:8) (Gas flow) (Diffusion) (J*t propulsion) -SWYUKOVICH, K.P.. doktor fisiko-matematteheskikh nauk, profwssor. Calculating the thrust of various jet propulsion engine.s. [Trudy) KM no.32:26-46 133. (NLRL 9:8) (Jet propulsion) (Airplanes--Jet propulsion) SMYUKOVICH, X.P., doktor fislko-matematicheskM vauk, professor. ."-DM4.1 Problems In the tboory of pulse air-jet engines. [2@mArl MM no-32: 143-156 '55. (KM 9:8) (Jet propulsion) (Airplanse-Jet propulsion) TA At V K L/ I C, j USSRI Physics Card 1/1 Pub. 2.2 - 19A6 Authors S. Stanyukovich, K.. Title Some results in the domain of relativistic magneto-aerodynamic's Igas) Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 10311, 73-76, Jul 1, 1955 Abstract t A mathematical analysis of the.aerodynamic expressions for gas movement and the energy cm@servation in. amagnetic, field, of relativistic domain (4-dimensional space). -Cases of'one-dimensio 'moVemen are .@wndidqred@ Four USSR references (1947-1954). Institution The Higher Technical School imeni.Bauman Presented by: Academician N. N. Bogolyubov, February 16, 1955 OTAITYLEOVICII., K. F, 2'7 K L L Roc' e@s for interplanctory Tru,.rel, " a chapter fron the book Problens in -'Ube Uti-lization -of Atomic Enerig, t;ae second revised edition of a collection of 3rticlles, published in 1956, Moscow, USSR ZIGSLI, Yeliks YurIyevich;.�WjWjQXLQ#aj4ZU nauchW redaktor, GOIJJBILOYA. V.A., redaktor; YUSFINA, N.L., tekhnicheokly redaktor [Can stones fall from the sky?] Mogut li a nebm padatt kamni? Moskva. Gookulotproevatizdat. 1956. 10 p. and 6 Illue.l. (He te o ri tee ) (MLRA 10:2) STANYUKOVICH, Xirill..Petrovich@.doktor takhaichiskikh nauk; MANIYXVA. M.. -1-1-- 'Al -1- -111:--.1,!-, - redak of; MIMnOVGUTA, K., tekhnichaskly redaktor [Cosmic flights] 0 koemichaskikh poletakh. [Moskva] 1zd-vo TS1 TIM OKolodaia gverdita," 1956. 30 P. (MM 9:11) (Interplanetary voyages) STANYUKOVICH, K.F. S79tem of air shock waves during the fall and explosion of meteorites. Meteoritike no.14:62-69 156o (MIJU 10: 1) (Meteorites) (Shock waves) ST.@ UKOVI-CHI T .nt@-r 5 no. 12, D'ec. 2' - - D T : I- .1of, 56. 3C: Yoathl@, li-st of -,-ast :-1-uropean :@ccessions, OEEAI.), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6 IT-re 1956, Uncl. I SOV/1 24-57- 7 - 7596 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Niekhanika, 1957, Nr 7, p 18 (USSR) AUTHOR: StanyUIV)Vidl, K. P. TITLE: Some Laws Governing the Motion of a Gas Within Its Own Gravita- tional Field ( Nekotoryye zakonomernosti dvizheniya gaza v sobst-- vennom pole tyazhesti) PERIODICAL: V@ sb.: Mckhanika (MVTU, Vol 50). Moscow, Oboronciz, 1956, pp 101-119 ABSTRACT: The first part ("The Motion of Highly Rarified Gases@') is dedicated to the study of the motion of a particulate of gaseous medium in a high- ly rarified state wherein the fundamental equations of gasdynamics may be employed, taking into consideration the gravitational fields of the particles and assuming that the pressure of the medium is zero, To- tally disregarding the pressure, the author solves the one-dimensional problem of the focusina of the particulate (or cold claseous) cloud under the action of its own gravitational force. The one-dimensional motion of a cylindrically symmetrical twisted mass of gas is studied. The Card 1/3 pressures are disregarded and the gravitational force is taken as I SON@/l 24-57- 7- 7596 Some Laws Governing the Motion of a Gas Within Its Own Gravitational Field 'speeds greater than the parabolical and may escape from the star. For a pre- scribed density distribution of the scattering gas, the portion of mass that escapes to infinity is determined. In the last part, the process of the propaDation of the shock wave within the rotating gaseous mass is qualitatively discussed. The author tentatively suggests that the process of the compression of a gaseous cloud and the eruption of rotating gass masses under consideration could explain the formation of the solar system. The work contains typographical errors. M. L. Lidov Card 3/3 Gas Dynamic Principles of Interior Ballistics (Cont.) 238 Calculation of the effect of the burn-out of de- composition products 345 Period of gas expansion 348 Numerical examples 348 Method for the solution of the inverse problem 351 Particular cases 353 Numerical example 354 Supplement. Tables for Ch. VIII. 35T AVAILABLE: Library of Congress BK/1sb Card 10/10 27 May 1958 5 TA IV bi t@-O V 56-6-15/47 3tanyukovich, K. P- @AUTHORS: Golitsyn, G. S. I TITLE. Some Problems concerning Magneto-Gas-Dynathics in Consideration o@ Finite Conductivity (Nekotoryye voprosy magnitogazodinamiki s uche- tom konechnoy provodimosti) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, ITr 6, pp. 1417 - 1427 (USSR) ABSTRACT. The above subject is dealt with by the following 5 chapterst 1: The equations used 2 @ The general properties of the systems of equations 3.@ Steady motion 4. Sliirht disturbances 5. Other methods for the investigation of slight disturbarces. It is shown that the system of equations of magnet-gas-dynamics, by taking account of finite conductivity, is a parabolic system. If an approximated solution is introduced, which, of course, be- longs already to the hyperbolic type, the characteristica herefore are derived. It is shown that the equation of a steady homogeneous current pro- Card 1/2 cesses a certain critical point, at which the current velocity of AUTHOR: STANYUKOVICH,K.P. PA 2232 TITLE: Some Unsteady Wo- and three-dimensional Gas Flows. (Nekotoryye neustanovivshiye ploskiye i prostranstvennyye techenyya gaza# Russian). - PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 112, Nr 4, pp 595 - 598, (U.S.S.R ) Received; 4 / 1957 Reviewed: 4 / 1957 ABSTRACTs The present work investigates some types of isentropic gas flows of the above-mentioned-kind. At first the system of equations for plane gas flows is written down. Potential flows with U .@WLX' v -WV are examined, and the following BERNOULLI equation is obtainedi (@?/at) (q2/2) + i w 0, where t f'lpq 2 1 ien Thus "tions is oxamined found in different prolz@.Tzaw -zut_e'1jw- af W*-As- or the flow round some olanes. 2he ab*Te meaticz*1 iy3t--@vz of equations is here specialined for tliis case. The 3333%-Yj *q7Lzt'!cxL is several times transformed, on whic:hh occaslcz, the independent and the dependent variables aze In this wky a quasilirear equation of second order with rospect Card 1/3 PA - 2232 Some Unsteady two- and three-dimensional Gas Flows. another special case the generalized solution by PRANDTL-MAIER for the flow round any profile or angle is obtained by a steady gas flow. The here discussed solutions are suitable, among other things, for the study of the flying apart of detonation products in the case of detonations of figure charges. ASSOCIATIONt Not given PRESENTED BYs Member of the Academy BOGOLJUBOV,N.N. SUBMITTED: 5-9-1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 GOLDOVPKIY, Yevse3r Mikbaylovicb, zagluzbenniy deyatel I nauki i tekhniki, doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.-,8TAb*YWTIGH' Kirill Petrovich. doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; LTAFUNOV, Boris Val-e-r-fa-n-6VTch-,-i=h.; DOSTUPOV, Boris Grigorlyevich, kand.tekbn.nauk; MAGAZANKIN, D.N., red.; LANINA, L.I., red.; BFJWV, A.P., (News of science and technology; from the materials of Sunday lectures delivered at the Polytechnical Kuseum]@Xovoeti nai2ki i tekhniki-, po materialam voskresnykh'chtenit Politekhaicbeskogo muzeta. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1958. 53 P@- (Vaesoiarnoe obsbehestvo po rasprnstraneniiu politicheskikh t nEiuc1knVkh snanii. Ser.4, nos.32/33) (MIR& 11:12) OAntion pictures, Tbree-dimensional) (Calcalating machines) (Interplanetary voyages) 5-rAN@VK0V)C,\-1 Y,-. 0- 10 (2); 28 (1) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sOV11603 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana Nekotoryye voprosy mekhaniki; sbornik statey (Some Problems in Mechanics; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1958. 197 p. (Series: Its [Trudy] vyp. 88) Number of copies printed not given. Ed. (Title page): V.I. Feodoslyev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed* (Inside book): A.S. Ginevskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: L. Ye Serebrennik; Tech. Ed.: L.A. Garnukhina; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This collection is intended for scientific workers, Aspirants and students of advanced courses who are interested In problems of aero- and gas dynamics and in the theory of directional control of aircraft. COVERAGE: The collection contains reports on various problems in lied mechanics. A large portion of the articles is Card 178P Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV11603 devoted to aerodynamic and gas dynamic investigations. in the first article of the collection, the author, Professor K.P. StanYukovich, considers the laws of motion of a gas-drop- let medium- in particular, the laws of motion of a mechanical mixture of a liquid and a gas with liberation of energy. His conclusions are applicable to the investigation of the motion of a burning fluid jet. The two reports by N.F. Krasnov deal with the aerodynamics of bodies of revolution. In the first, he develops briefly the method of characteristics as applied to the calculation of nonsymmetrical flow about bodies of revolution. In his second report, which treats the base drag of bodies of revolution moving at both subsonic and supersonic speeds, he presents an approximate formula derived for the calculation of the base-drag coefficient in the case of turbulent flow about a body at supersonic speed. V, F. Mikhaylina presents in her report the approximate formulas she obtained for determining the distance between an isolated compression shook and the vertex of a blunt-nosed body of arbitrary form in supersonic flow, and also for determining the velocity and pressure near the critical point. Professor Panichkin presents in his report the partial and general so- lutions of the differential equation used in the investigation Card 2/8 Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV11603 Mlm4avlev investigates the motion characteristics of one of the automatic control systems used, especially in air- craft and in ship's steering gears. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface Stanyukovich, K.P., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sere_n_c_es_,_7r_6Te_ssor. Some Problems of the Aerodynamics of a Fluid Jet in Free Flight 1. Motion of a jet in a vacuum 2. Some remarks on the motion of a jet in a re- sisting medium 3. Basic laws of motion of a gas in the presence of intexmal energy sources 4. Basic laws of motion of a mechanical mixture of a liquid and a gas 5. Basic laws of motion of a mechanical mixture of a liquid and a gas with liberation of energy Card 4/8 Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) say/1603 Krasnov, N.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. On the Method of Characteristics and Its Aplication to the Calculation of the Pressure Distribution About Pointed Bodies of Revolution Moving at Supersonic Speed at an Angle of Attack 55 1. Accepted symbols 55 2. Characteristic equation 56 3. Conditions of conformity 60 4. Calculation of the flow about a body of revolution at an angle of attack 67 Mikhaylina, V.F., Engineer. A Blunt-nosed Body of Revolution With an Arbitrary Generatrix in Supersonic Flow 76 1. Determination of the distance between the compression shock and the body in a flow 76 2. Velocity and pressure distribution along the aurface of the body of revolution near the critical point 90 Card 5/8 3 5 5 12 21 35 47 Some Problems in Mechanics (Cont.) SOV/1603 yesiyev, M.K., Engineer. On the Problem of Determining the Gas Dynamic Damping Moment 121 1. Description of the test setup 123 2. Sequence of the test procedure 135 Pobedonostsev, Yu. A., Doctor of Technical Sciencesp and K. P. Stanyukovich, Doctor of Physical and Mathe- matical Sciences, Professor. On the Calculation of the Optimum Ratio of the Stages of a Multistage Rocket 144 Stanyukovich, K.P., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sc1en__ce-s_,_T_r-o-fe-ss6r. Relativistic Generalization of Tsiollkovskly's Formula 156 Shumilov, I.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Un- sealed Pneumatic Control Mechanism With Cam Distri- bution 162 1. Basic system of differential equations 162 2. Initial conditions 165 Card 7/8 29(l) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1235 Baum, Fillipp Abramovich, Kaplan, Samuil Aronovich, Stanyukovich, Kirill Petrovich Vvedeniye v kosmicheskuyu gazodinamiku (Introduction to Space Gas IDynamics) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1958. 424 p. 4,000 copies printed. Ed.: Fridman, V.Ya.; Tech. Ed.: Gavrilov, S.S. PURPOSE: The purpose of this book is to present to astronomers and physicists the most advanced methods of gas dynamics, to be used for solving various astrophyzical and physical problems. COVERAGE: The book is divided into three parts, each of which is essentially complete within itself. The first part presents the fundamentals of gas dynamics as applied to the motions of cosmic. gaseous masses in the absence of magnetic fields. Included In this part are the theory of shock waves and the theory of unsteady motions of a gas, the main emphasis being on the motions of a gas in a gravitational field. The applications of theoretidal methods to nonstationary stars and to various geophysical problems are given. Card 1/ 9 Introduction to Space (Cont.) SOV/1235 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 7 PART I.,, SPACE GAS DYNAMICS 11 Ch. I. Equations of Space Gas Dynamics 11 1- Equations of motion in space gas dynamics 11 Ch. II. S4bck Waves 15 2. Elementary theory of shock waves i5 3. Two-dimensional straight shock waves and their properties 22 4. Structure of shock waves 31 5. Straight reflection of shock waves 34 Ch. III. Oblique Shock Waves 36 6. Derivation of the basic relationships 36 7. Reflection of oblique shock waves 45 Ch. IV. Collisions Of Gaseous Masses And Solid Bodies 57 Card 3/9 Introduction to Space (Cont.) SOV/1235 16. Reflection of a rarefaction wave. Two-sided dispersion' 102 17. Redistribution of the energy and impulse'in a non- stationary flow 18. Dispereion of a gas in the case of resistance of the external, medium 19. Three-dimensional motions. Problem of a strong explosion 117 Ch. VII. Motion Of A Gas In A Gravitational Field 130 20. Steady-state motions of a gas in the gravitational field 130 .21. Dynamically similar motions in a characteristic gravitational field 137 22. Unsteady one-dimensional motions in a gravitational field 1 , 141 Ch. VIII. Some Problems In The Gas Dynamics Of Nonstationary Stars 150 23. Several methods for solving the problems of the Inotion of gas in stars 150 24. Various cases of motion of the gas in stars 157 C.,ard 5/ 9 Introduction to Space (Cont.) SOV/1235 Ch. IX. -Geophysical Supplements To Gas Dynamics Methods 176 25. Motion of meteoritic bodies in the atmosphere 176 26'. Impact of meteorites on the surface of a planet i9l 27. on the nature of the earth's volcanism 201 References 20a PART II. MAGNETOGASDYNAMICS Introduction 209 Ch. t. Equations Of Magnetogasdynamics 212 1. Equations of motion. Change in the intensity of a magnetic field during motion of the gas 212 2. Solution of the equations of magnetogasdynamics in the case of unsteady one-dimensional motion 219 3. Motion of a gas in an electromagnetic field. Char- acteris, Ucs of the'equations for a medium with finite conductivity 222 3a@ Dynamically similar motions in a medium with finite conductivity 235 Card 6/ 9 Introduction to Space (Cont.) SOV/1235 12. In@roductory remarks 278 13. Correlational equations of the statistical theory of isotropic hydromagnetic turbulence 287 14. On the solution of the c orrelational equations 291 15. Lbytsyariskiyls invariant j297 16. Relationship between the pressures, temperatures, and other parameters in the case of isotropic hydromagnetic turbulence 300 Ch. V. Statistical Theory Of Isotropic Gas Magnetip Turbulence. Spectral Method 305 17- Spectral functions 305 18. Spectral equations 308 19. Solution of the spectral equations of isotropic gaB magnetic turbulence for the stationary case 315 20. Solution of the spectral equations of nonstationary isotropic gas magnetic turbulence 32'2 21. Spectral functions of isotropic gasmagnetic turbulence 331 22. 'Chandrase kar's theory for hydromagnetic turbulence 337 23r Turbulenc e under interstellar conditions 340 References 346 Card 8/ 9 or a conaucTing-m6cuum-- ---387 6. Elements of the shock-wave theory 396 Ch. III. Problems Of Motion Of A Medium In The Relativistic Casp 1 1 410 7. Dispersion of a gas 410 8. Sound waves 421 References 424 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress - IS/nah Card 9/9 2-25-59 SO"494 PUS3 I BOOK EXPLOrrATION Vasil 0yov, )Ukhail Vasiltyevioh, and Sargey ZakhiLrovich OashchOv Reportazh iz XXI voka; my zapisall rasokeZy dviulteati devyati scvetakikh uchanykh a naake I takhnike baduahcheec (Reports From the Twenty-First Century; Storie3 or r."Onty-111ne Soviet Scientists an Science and Engineering or the FXturo) (140000WI lzd-vo Sovat5kaya Roamiya, 19 50,000 copies printed. 58. 243 P. Ed.: V. A. Oolubkova; Tech. Ed.: '0, 1. laayav&. ?URPOS3 z This book In Intended for the gentral reader, COVERMS; The book contains 27 articles (told reporters by Soviet scidntlat3) dealing with probable rutura proZro33 In physics, chemistry, electricity, r@atallurgy, en,7inadrinc-, mining, medicine, biolcZy, a4,ricultu", zoolo@,,y I transportation, exploration Of space, and phatorraphy. Attention 13 given to automation, .1to:43tie underground gasification Of coal, use of now matala,modarnization of oil fields, stoulc electric stations, production or motal parts by the process of explosion, explo*ions card-III Reports From the Twenty-First (Cont.) SOV/5494 in dam Construction, cancer, internal longevity reserves, machine dISZnaaes of illnezace, surZery vs. treatm3nt by, ultra- Sonic vibrations, =OchwLical heart au@)3tltutog, bu:--')n body b,-%!@, '010diOaa OngiAtOrIna.11' enriched fod,11r, lsuporfartilizor3*, ficial. Anouralle, agriculturc Va. -M-l,ultr,.. radjoah@7-ist- y, POWOP b6La VS. wire, machines dolnS Into.11octuAl work, :Lil auto_ Mobil*4" (with 'radio zotc,W), 'artifiGI3.1 Sun* (Oleotromag- OOtIO r , focused above a citr which 0a"o basted molecules to n eT Shl , future OCOan Ships rallWay dre2dnoaZhts1, 1,ioscow of the ratux1a, movins pavomtni., Wh*Ollesm And driverless auto- mobiles, electric cc,,c,3r&3, the Inductrialtzgtion of Sibaria,. use Of underground beat, Climate controlglivina on the moon, antimatter, and photon jet. 11=01 If the interviewed oc@antist3 are given. There are no references. TABLE OF COInTh'TS, IMMODUCTION Plopion Into the Future 5 ROPOrts Prom the Twentyy1rat (Cont.) 3OV/5494 Learn to D&-am (A. W- NGMOYanov, Academician) 10 THE YUXDAM=AL'AND MOST XMpCaTpXT ?M,33 Transforsation Of 2 Bard1n, Ac&damiaj&nlS`0O t9 -- t2le Pature of Metalurg, n 'y M P. V160-Prooldont, As iussRl 25 FAnaf Are BrOlthIng Their Last [I. S. Q&rkasha, Director of vffiOOOyu=YY nauchno-lool dovatel-skly Inatitut opod,cameax" I I Al -Union Scientific ROO arch natituto of Undergro=a Gasirl. eatiOn Or CORI -- and 31. A. 7adaroys DftPut7 DIrOator *rQr, the 841411tIfic Section) 34 WAUtaftatic Oil Pield IS. 1. Mironov, Aca4emlaLaa, and K4 Al .amber, AS VSSRj 45 ft*m the SwAr"s (A- VIUt4r Academician 1 51 Caft 3/7 C7 XD "OV/139-58-6-3/29 AUTHORS: Orlenko, L.P. and 'Stanyukovich, K,,P. TIIPM : Shock Waves in Solids (Udarnyye volny v tverdykh telakh) PEttIODICAL:Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizikaa, 19581 Nr 6$ pp 14-24 (USSR) ABO'J'TRACT: A theory is presented of the propagation of shock waves in solids; a relation between instantaneous pressure and deformation is deduced and -the corresponding wave and particle velocities computed,, The basic equation of propagation in one dimension is au + -@k 0, ou, av (1) @_t ah Zh Z@t Here u aenotes the particle velocity, v = specific volume (v = 1/p, where p = density) and h the lia-g-rangian -0-oidinate; t and p denote time and pressure respectively. Writing a for tension and s for volume strain (i.e. change in volume per unit initial volume) the following relations are obtained: a = -b, v - 70 = 'R 0 1. (2) Card 1/4 vo P SOV/'---'39--8-6,.-z 420 Shock Waves in Solias 11 -@/ 4@2 Here vo si&uifies the initial value of v, while P and Po sill, fy the densities associated with v and vo by v = 1/j-@ and vo=1/@'o respectively. Substitution of Eq (2) into Eq (1) yields the fo'Llowing relations 4u, D a d, a ;5 F, 3 U @'e at - Z#h VO -5-F, If the relation between a and. e is Imown in functional form, these last equations enable the shock-wa:ve velocity te be deduced. A relation which gi-ves good agreement with experiment is: a - 00 = -A(s - eo)--3 (4) where 1901 6. are initial values of a9 E; and A is related to the elastic propertuies of the medium. The shock-wave velocity c, associated with this relationship bet'Ween a and- e I is readily shown to be given by: + (6) rep + e.0 2 Card 2/4 1 P Shock Waves in Solids SOV/139-58-6-3/29 and the corresponding particle velocity w is gi-ven by: W 7@A 1 2. (?) J00 (1 + 60 The theory is used to discuss the case in which the initial disturbance lies outside the medium, the example chosen be g that of an explosive charge detonated at a height. t above a plane boundary of the medium. The pressure, p, at any time t after the explosion in this case follows a power law given by P - Po 3n (29) PH - Po Here pTT is the value of p at h = 0 and t = 0 respectively; an7e n are empirical constants and T is a po characteristic time t/1), where D is the detonation velocity [no numerioal results are given j-n co,, etion Card 3/4 with this example but it would presumably be applicable Shock 1,11aves in Solids SOV/139-58-6-3/29 to a "nuclear device" detonated above the earrIals su-rfacej. The theory is then applied, to a plate of thickness d and waves reflected from the rear surface of the plate are discussed, There. is 1 figu-re and 1 Soviet reference.. A'-O'SOCIA.TlOl,l:l,~toskovskoye Vyssheye Tekbniclaeskoye Uchi.1-'shche imeni Baumana (Moscow Higher Technical imeni Bauman) SUB14ITTIED: 16th April 1958 Card 4/4 VASILIYEV, i-M.;GUSHCHEV, S.,-NNSMLTANOV, A.N.. almdemik; SHCHKRBAKOV, D.L.akademik; ENGELIGARDT, V.A., akiidemik; ZHEREBAK. A.R.. prof.; UB=V. S.A.. akader--'@--; ZINKEVICH, L.A.;.GRAIDOV, A.S.; GOLODOVSKITi N.G.. prof.; STO", i ;!Sv I @ pro f Ahead with the dream! Znah.sila 33 no.12:24-25 D '58. (MIRA li.-12) 1. Chlen-korrespondept AN SSSR (for Zendevich). 2. Direktor Ysuchws. Issledovatellskogo Instituta proyektirovantya obishchestvenafth Zdanly i sooruzheniy (for Gradov). (science)