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AUX N& AP5027039 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/65/000/00510220/0221
94, S_
AUTHOR: Zhernovoy, A. 1. - Stakhov 0 V Fedorov, X.D. 1? 7
1 - @_ - /36
ORG. Institute of Nuclear Physics, AN KazSSR, Alma-Ata (Institut yadernoy fiziki AN '7,/_
TITLE: The measurement of strong magnetic fields by means of an MAR flow sensor
SOURCE: Pribory I teldiWka ekspetrimenta, no. 5, 1965, 220-221
TOPIC TAGS: NMR, strong magnetic field, magnetic field M_ easurement, flow research,
ABSTRACT: NMR detectors with fixed probes are often used for the recording and stabili-
zation of strong magnetic=e ds. However, In addition to the need for various exchangeable
sensors, it is often necessary to either place a part of the electronic circuitry into the
magnetic gap or Increase the length of the HF cable. Since both approaches are far from
satisfactory, the authors introduce a flow of liquid'which is subsequently used for the NMR
measurement of the field of a $ 1.5 m pole piece electromagnet. The measurements are
based on the nutation method applied to the nuclei of the liquid; these nuclei are polarized
within the magnetic field under investigation, while the recording of the resonance Is carried
out by the NMR sensor located outside the field under study within an auxiliary field of a
permanent magnet. The article presents a description of the device and outlines the charac-
teristics; of the strong magnetic field measurements. The minimum value of the recorded field
UDC: 539.283.078
gA,21 _hh
ACC NRs AP5027039 '5-
(limited basically by the signal-to-noise ratio at the exit of the NMR indicator) is in the 300 -
500 Oe region, the maximum (depending on the RF power supply circuit) can be exteuded above
25 kOo (f > 100 Me) provided powerful generators or specially matched coff-HF generator
pairs are used. The theoretical recording accuracy does not exceed 1- 10-5 In practice, it
was no better than 5- 10-5 since the frequency tuning of theIG4-7A g&nerato did not allow
sufficiently accurate frequency adjustments. Authors thm& A.A. Skakodub-for Us help.
Orig. Eu,*t. has: 1 formula and 1 figure. I/W
r rjs@5'
SUB CODE: NP, EM / MM DATE: 27Jun64 / ORIG REF: 001
AUTHOR: Stakhov, Ye.A. E140/E335
TITLE: Gas- isc
harge Microwave Attenuators4?
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Radiotekhnika,
1960, Nr 1, pp 112 - 115 (USSR)
ABSTRACT:. Gas-discharge Plasmakhas variable dielectric constant. Its
propertieswhichirdeit suitable for microwave devices are
briefly reviewed. An analysis is made for the case where a
constant magnetic field is not applied to the plasma. It is
further assumed that the electrons have equal energies and
equal mean free paths, i.e. constant collision frequency.
Experimental investigations of attenuation were carried out
with neon gas-discharge tubes type T-0,4. The experiments
were carried out in the 3 cm band. Three alternative
attenuators were tested and their attenuation and SWR measured
as functions of dis I rge current. These tubes have sub-
stantial scatter of Ym".3a-crowave characteristics and samples can
be selected with very good characteristics (for example.
Figure 4). Experiments were also carried out using the'
attenuator as an amplitude modulator for microwave energy,
Cardl/-2 With sinusoldal, pulse and sawtooth modulation. These
Gas-discharge Microwave Attenuators E140/E335
modulators do not introduce frequency modulation into the
microwave signal, a defect of many other systems.
There are 6 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
SUBMITTED: June 23, 1959
Card 2/2
9(6) S/146/60/003/01/007/016
6W D002/DO06
AUTHOR: Stakhov Ye.A., Senior Teacher
TITLE: Device for Tuning SHF Filters
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priborostroyeniye,
1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, PP 49-53 (USSR)
AB8TRACT: The author proposes a new unit (Figure 1) for tuning SHF
filters, consisting of devices used in laboratories and
plants instead of specialized instruments. The components
are; a klystron centimeter-range generator connected to a
gas-discharge amplitude modulator (Figure 2) through a de-
coupling attenuator and impedance matching transformer.
The "28-Ihl" standard amplifier is used for measuring the
transparent or opaque filter bands in the dynamic range of
40 decibels. The installation is reliable and can be used
for tuning almost all wave-guide filter types. The article
was recommended by the Kafedra "Raschet i konstruirovaniye
Card 1/2 radioapparatury" (Chair "Calculation and Design of Radio
Device for Tuning SHF Filters
Equipment). There are 2 graphs, 1 diagram, 2 photographs a
and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Ryazanskiy radiotekhniches'LI-iy institut (Ryazan' Institute of
Radio Enaineering)
SUBMITTED: December 6, 1959
Card 2/2
Gas discharge super-high frequency attenuators. Izv.vys.ucbeb.
zav.; radiotekh. 3 no.l:lli-115 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Rekomeadovano kafedroy ranchota I konstuirovantya
radioapparatury Ryazaaskogo radiotekhaicheekogo instituta.
(Pulse techniques (.3lectronics))
Attachment for the reception of FM shortwave. Radio no.9:49 s l6o.
(MIRA 13:10)
(Radio, Shortwave)
, -7 V3
S/.1 60/000/011/010/013
BOi 9YB058
AUTHOR: Stakhov, Ye. A.
TITLE: Device for Oscillographic Observation of the Traveling-
wave Ratio in Super-high Frequency Tracts
PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, No. 11, PP-@ 47 - 49
TEXT: For oscillographic observation of the traveling-wave ratio, the
use of a reflector scheme with two directional couplers seems most
suitable to the author. Compared with a four-probe reflector, it permits
to obtain a lower inhomogeneity of the tract@ and furthermore it re-
quires two detectors onlyi A formula for the maximum and minimum voltage
in the indicator is given, and the block scheme shown in Fig.1 is dealt
with subsequently. It consists of two equal directional couplers and a
klystron generator which is modulated by rectangular pulses produced by
the modulator, The detector voltage is amplified and fed to the oscillo-
scope input, When a modulated super-high frequenoy is present, two
luminous spots may be observed on the oscillcrscope. The slope of the
line connecting these two spots determines the reflection coefficient.
Card 1/2
Device for Oscillographic Observation of the S/115 0100010',110101013
Traveling-wave Ratio in Super-high Frequency B019YBI058
Since the latter is clearly related to the traveling-wave ratio, the
entire device can be calibrated from the start into traveling-wave
ratio units. There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet references,
Card 2/2
AUTHOR Stakhov, Ye-A.
TITLE7 Application of UHF techniques for electronic measure.
ment of angular velocity
PERIODICAL.,. Izmeritellnaya toklinika, no. 1, 1902, 2-7
TEXT@ The Doppler effect can be used for measurement of a
number of parameters of moving mechanisms. The frequency
changes in the electromagnetic waves reflected from a moving
surface can be employed for this purpose, By assuming that the
reflection conditions for electromagnetic waves are invariable.
and that the change in the phase is dependent on the distance
L from the reflecting element, the phase can be written as-,
It can be assumed that the distance changes are described byr
Card -1/p V L(t) = L 0 - t V Cos Y (2)
Application of E192/E382
wh er e L is the distance at the instant t = 0
V is -the velocity of the reflecting element A n d
V i,zj the angle betwoon tho velocity vector of Lhe
direction o the wave propagation.
If a sinusoidal si- @requency f is employed, the reflecttod
Signal can be written as!
E Ecos(wt E Cos wt (L Vt Cos
E cos' VU V Cos t L
L -Y)
,.,T,Iere the term 4',-'@Lo/'K is the initial phase, T1-i e i r equ i--jlc
of the received signal is-
Card 21X Y
Application of E192/E382
f f - V Cos Y
and the frequency shift due to the Doppler effect is given by-@-
I dy 2
fd - = - V Cos Y (41)
dt X
In practice, the Doppler effect can be produced only -if the rotatan@;
shaft contains some kind of irregularity (such as a helix or a
toothed wheel) i-irbich produces a reflected signal containing a
continuous spectrum. It is seen from the above equations (in
particular, Eq. 4) that at fixed X and y , the beat frequency
is proportional to the linear velocity of the moving mechanism
Consequently, if the dimensions of the moving part are kno-wn,
its linear velocity and the angular velocity can be determined.
An instrument based on this principle was constructed,. Tile
Card 3/0)
Application of E192/E382
device is illustrated in the diagram of Fig. 2@ It consists
of, I - klystron generatori 2 .- decoupling attenuator,
3 double T-junctioni 4 a matched load-, 5 detector,
6 oscilloscope and 7 audi-o-generator, The signal
from the klystron is fed through the decoupling attenuator onto
the T-junction separator, where it is equally divided between
ttle output to the matched load and the vibrating or rotating
object@ The energy reflected from the rotating component is
-2ceived by the crystal detector and tae matched load. This
llwsteni has the disadvantage that the inatching of the T-bridge
is V@ry critical. Consequently, a different instrument was
devised 2--1 uAic'n a directional decoupler was used as a
It is concluded fro.-a Vie experiments with t1hese itistru!,-ient@ illot
ti'--,e above UHF method can be employed successfully for designii.@g
corr3larati-ely simple instruments for reliable measurement of 111-le
ansular welocities of rotating components.
There are 3 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc references.. t-,-ro of wh2c'ii
are translated fro;n,, En-lish@
Carc! 4/1@
--- STAKHOV, Ye. L.
Study of the modulation characteristics of gas-dischowpe
micrmiave attenikators. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 k@,440W ..
no.12:2007-2012 D 162. (MIRA 15:11)
(Plasma (Ionized gases))
E~IT(d)/FcFCh)/Eil.T(I)/Ell,'G(k)/EPA p)-2/EEC(~k),-2/EEC-4/EPA(w)-2/EEC(:t)/T/I
EEC( b@@2/EWA(hy)EVIA(m)-2 Pr,-4/Pz-;6/'Po-.4/Pal>-2~/Po-4/Pac-4/Pg-4/Pe~/Pi-4/Pk-4/Pl-4
iACCESSION NR: AP4043558. S/0146/b4/007@10084%PWAPA 8
AUTHM', Stakhov. Ye. A.
iTITLE: instrument for measuring electron concentration in plasma
SOURCEt IVUZ. Priborostroyentyet v. 7, no. 4, 1964# 3-8
ITOPIC 'rAGS: plasmal lectron concentration measurementAMouper high
;frequetacy interferometer, gas discharge modulator, interferometer
ABSTRACT: A saper-high-frequency interferometer for the measurement.
of electron concentration in plasma,which contains a gas discharge
tube modulator, is described. The modulator makes it possible to
obtain a considerable frequency shift, which effectiveiy improves theli
time resolution of the interferometer. The block-diagram of the
instrument is shown in Fig. 1. of the Enclosure, The signal from the,,-.--.
shf generator is applied to -the measurinp and reference channels. Thel
investigated plasma device, which introduces art instantaneous phase
shift, is switched in the measuring channel. This shift is determined7
by the dimensions of the measuring channel waveguide. The signal at I
the r-eference-channel output to shaped by the balanced gas-dischargd-!
Card 1 4
Imodulator. The use of a balanced circuit makes possible the suppres-;
sion of the carrier frequency by 20-25 db, in relation to the maximum
level of sideband frequenciesi so that the signal at the output of the
reference channel consists of only two sidebands. Modulation frequency
Al, defining the time resolution of the device, is determined by the
itime of plasma decay in the modulator discharge tube. From the meas-,
juring and reference channels the signals are transmitted to the bal-
manced converter where the Q frequency oscillations, which are phase
modulated by the investigated plasma device, are separated. After
',amplification of these n signals, their phase is compared to the phasd
:of the voltage from an auxiliar7 frequency generator in a synchronous:
idetector. Interference processes are observed on the oscillograph.
!The time resolution'is determined by.the value of Q. The device was
ioperated at a frequency of 37.4 Ge and the measured electron concen-:
@tration was of the order of 1013 e/CM3.@ OrLg, art, hast 4 figures
and 6 formulas.
!;ASSOCIATION; Ryazanokiy radiotekhnicheakLy inatitut (kyatan' Instituti
!of Radio Engineering)
Card W4
L 8832-65
Fig. 1. Block-diagram of an instru-
ment for the measurement of electron
concentration in plasma
1 - Super-high-frequency generator,*-.,
2 - wavemeter; 3 - ferrite isolator;
4 - investigated plasma device; 5 -
balanced: gas-discharge modulator;
6.- balanced detector; 7 - i-f
amplifier; 8 - synchronous detector;-,
9 - Q-freauency generator; 10_- source
or stabilizad firing-current; kl -
oscillograph; 12 - trigger terminal.
Card @/4
Card 4/4
BOCHAROV, M.D., otvetstvennyy red.; GRIURT, A.G., red.; KOZLOV, K.I., red.;
KOSTMKO, N.G., red.; KOCHMN, I.P.. red.; @TAVI"&.,A @.j ... red.;
TADTYFiV, P.Te.. red.; SHEVTSOV. H.L. red.; TEKHTMKOV, M.I.,
[In the mountains of the Altai] V gorakh Altaia. [Gorno-Altaisk]
Gorno-Altaiskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. Vol.l. 1957. 72 p. (MIRA 11:6)
(Altai Territory--Description and travel)
50) SOV156-59-1-30/54
AUTHORS: Stakhovichq V., Nesmeyanavy An@ ff.
TITLE: The Investigation of the Interaction of Ethyl Bromide With
Bromine in the Field of X--rays by the Radioactive Indicator
Method (Issledovaniye vzaimodeystviya bromistogo etila a bromom
v pole rentgenovykh luchey metodom radioaktivnykh indikatorov)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. IChimiya i khimichaskaya
tekhnolog:@ya, 1959, Nr 1, pp 120-122 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Ethyl bromide with bromine, which 4ad been disiolved therein
in various concentrations (0-4.10" to 2.0 .10- g/mole) and
to which Br82 had been added, was irTadiated in the TRTs-3A
apparatus at an X-ray dosage of 2.10 ' ev/sec. The time of
_rradiation was varied between 24 minutes and 2 hours. After
the irradiation nonactive bromine compounds, which corresponded
in composition to the reaction products to be expected, and
bromoform were added to the sample as carrier substances in
a separating funnel and@an aqueous solution of sodium bromide
and sodium sulphate was admixed. After shaking, the water
was separated and the organic fraction dried over
calcium chloride was rectified. The radioactivity was measured
Card 1/ 3 with a scintillometer. According to the tabulated results the
The Investigation of the Interaction of Ethyl Bromide With Bromine in the
Field of X-rays by the Radioactive Indicator Method
82 82
reaction products consist mainly of C 2H5Br and U2H4BrBr
A break of the C-C bond takes place only to a small extent.
Higher boiling products are also formed. The contents of
C 2H5 Br 82 , CH2BrBr 82 and CH3CHBrBr 82 increase with the concentra-
tion of bromine whereas the contents of higher boiling 2prod-
ucts decreases. A decrease in the yield of CH 2 BrCt2Rr is
explained by secondary reactions between the starting product
and primary radicals formed during the irradiation:
CH3CH 2Br + R* - CH 2CH2Br* + RH. There are 1 figure and
3 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii gosudarstvennogo universiteta
im. M. V. Lomonosova
(Chair of Inorranic Chemistry of State University imeni
Card 2/3 M. V. Lomonosov)
The Investigation of the Interaction of Ethyl Bromide With Bromine in the
Pield of X-rays by the Radioactive Indicator Method
SUBMITTED: July 21, 1956
Card 3/3
L 15592-66 EPF(n)-2/tWP(J)/rAM-(h)/tM(1) WdAGIM
ACC NR: AP6008236 SOURCE CODE: 1@/OQ46/65/010/006/0375/0380
AUrHOR: Czarnodola, Helena --Charnodol ? ya, Kh.; Stachowicz, Waclaw-4--aww"k-IL.
ORG; Institute of Nuclear Research, saw (0 to
TITLE: Homopolymerization of agme alkyl maleates and diethyl-fumarate unde.r
influence of gamma irradiation4b II. Infra-red study oh the structural trans- 6
formations in gamma irradiate diethyl maleate and diethyl fumarate
SOURCE: Nukleonika, v. 10, no. 6, 1965, 375-380
TOPIC TAGS: gamma irradiation, polymerization, IR spectrum, radiation,
monomer, polymerization, ester, molecular structure, radiation chemistry
ABSTRACT: Infrared spectra of separated radiopolymerization1products of
diethyl maleate and diethyl fumarate were compared wiLh those of monomers.
On the basis of the analysis of C = 0, G - 0, C - C, = G -H absorption on
bands, the disappearance of carbowatrn double bond in polyesters was found.
The structure of both polyesters@ ggested. The authors thank Prof.
S, Mine for hie guidance and encouragement and Docent Z. Keeki for helpful
disc@ussions and critical comments. Thanks Ars also due t3llfr.. Fac
.,,,for technical assistance. Orig. art. has$ 4 figures. (NAI
SUB CODE1 07 / SUBM DATE: none / our, mwi 002 OrH Rffi o06
L 50184--
ACCESSION NR: AMM336 PO/0046/65/010/002/0089/0094
iAuTHOR: Stachowlez Waclaw (Stakhovich, V.); Kecki, Zbigniew (Kentski, Z.); Hinc,
TIM : Effect of protection in radiolysiotf deaerated UEDA, HEM and naphtha".
leae mixturea
SOURCE: Mukleonika) v. 10, no. 21 1965@ 89-94
TOPIC TAGS: gama ray, radiation chemistzy.. hydrocarbon
ABSTRACT: Variations ofthe G(Hq.) values with the compo#tion of deaerated two and
three component mixtures of 'MEDA, NETA, and Naphthalene ere determined. In all
cases the deviation from the mixture-law considered her@:s energy transfer pro cessi
was fcand."The authors wish to thank Mrs. D. Kbrytkawska and Mr. B. zrarbutt for their
technical assistancei Orig. art. has 5 graphs.
ASSOCIATIM: Institute of-Nuclear Research, Waraw_-
smr,=D: i&un64 ENCL: 00 so COE96. GC, NP
NO M? SOV: WO OnW to 022 NA
-card- I I
Saw at glycis* on Me dew@Wpmnt at luvas 4&d (WM4-
tiao of aft in ArAtraise pomyi. S. Va. DVIUVAn"WAil
4111, V. 1. Uniu State lWasus. Wit-
.111. d. Nank 78. -,j;j #;
,lit-111. I'll*! adda'affl-55o(bir -t-tolorlyciur to the frtll
wk-fraf diet of thi: c2"Tj)iLE%;9 front the I.It day Of lift Untit
pup'.1ion sharply fetard, growth and 41tvvioinlitut 4nd
1"41, l" greater *cusisivity to disease. The ilpinning of
twwni is retarded and Mmuctimes prevented and the Quality
of Wk ii aNo poom (in mcch. index"jl. (Ilycine content
in tile lXKliv4 is increased; thus norml Illetabolisnt is dk-
lurtKil; however. no chAnge in carbohydrate mciabolirn
i. obwrvetll. The citric " ICTCI 9*M&iU% RONTUAI. WE the
(at content increato slightly. The synthr,&% of autino N
remains normal and the L4)scrvtd disturixtut-es prolubly
orcur at the ~ of protein syntbeab from the amino acids.
Ataninecontent in the tiisuesdouline.4. G.M.Kt"1141M)a
-tEeTw-io-g-y-of -th'i-oa-k -sflk
XThieffeit fs@rnevi an
)fworm. S. Yn. Dernyunovskil,' V. A. Rozhdt5tvenska)a,
13. K. ftakhovslm3na, V. KI Koadrai'ev a, and A. N. UsGva.
Ucli-cit-ye Zc:pivT; -Gosudarst. Pedagog. Inst. 77, No. 7, 81-91
(1953); ReArral. Zhur. Khim., Biol. Kh."
16316-A study of the effect of nicotinic acit its.,..i oi
vitarnitt Bt (1), p-aminobenzoic acid (11) and of folic (111)
and ascorbic (IV) afids on the oak silL worm was Illade. I
and 11 stimulate the development of silk- worm caterpillars,
hasten the exudAtiati and the winding of the sill: threads,
increase the Yn. ot the caterpillars, and enhance thtir rd-
sistance to the jaundice infection. B. S. L i
U act rf ycin'6 eea:ng on the development andiie-
producla function of oak silkworms. 'i'E. K. Stakhovskaya.
Ve snyo apijki Vojkvv. Gos"@jrst. A-Majo-g.-TO: 77. 1;o.,
T. -1 (1953); Refefat. Z,6 up., Whim. 1954. No. 18ZOO.-I
The study was carried out on caterpillars of A nihmea Ptmyi.
(1). The glycine (11) feeding started with the Ist day of the,
4th growth period of 1. The oak leaves prior to bang fed'
were, sprayed with a soin. of It contg. 0.5% of wt. of the@
leaves. Leaves fell to the control group were sprayeA -vith
water. While feeding of 11 hwl no clTect an the wt. of I'
nor on the amt. of silk produced, It halt a deleterious effect;
on the development of I and the qAality of the sill, th.-rad.
I receiving 11 prolonged their period of molting and cwoon-
Ing, the strength and elouptiatt of the silk threitil WO lower
than In the control 1. The Ifpa5sed wlthrjutdhange through
the Ivalts of the intestines Into fjlf- Iternolymph ILTO %va., ab-
6orbedbythitissue. Partof tbe Ilwaq found in theexcreta
and part transformed Inside the org-anizint, The 11 conteut
in the hcmol@"ph anti t6me returned t(j norniqlafter 2 days
of dormancy in the 5th period. The botliex of I m-celving 11
have all increased fat content butilib was not at the expense
of carbohydratt-i sinc.-- Um quantity of gtums-@.. I)yruvate and
SlYCOKeiirLmai,.i~,duiie.lim-iMt. Nordidfeedingofrfc@@;gel
t1le quantity of IM10 wljlch is a metabolism product of If
in the hemoly, 'i,)h. In die litmolymph, tissuc. an:l intes.
titles of I there was found a quantity- of citric acid appre-
clably larger than its content in "ac of %-t:l teb. --Los. Its a
concri. ivai not. affected Ly 11. Feedlo!, of 11 1mvered the
alanine content in tLssne but did nor aflr(Tt its concn. in the
hettiolymph. 11 did not affect t1w syutlw@,N of amilto acids
front oxalacetiz- acirl, pyravic a6l, and (NILLM.-
It is concluded that t1it.- deprc@5iag effect of It on the organ-
isin of I is nrr caustA by the toxicit-v vi itsv;t:,abli-@ products
but rathur by tl,,: t--l-l@ct of e@o2:@@ 11 t@!i il;-, of pro-
teirls @11"d;l ir, tl@- r: rrn--:1 rf:rnir,,, @tt:!&
in tissue.,
4 4 4
I a I IQ 11 U 0 W H 1. 1? Is 3) ZI D 14 a 16 V a 17 javullunkusplo &1 41 41 41.&S
e A F F F : ' ' a
--L-LL I L L_ x_ x F la A -1-L-N, QZ VD, A
dissiffoat. 2-HydroxydLiantkent di"Mo. V. V. Kaz-
loy and N. 1. Moscow Chan. Tech. Imit.).
cf. C.A. 35, llr.@)O-\4 2-thianthrenesullonate 5,10-di-
1131folle 11) 11 27 X.), 8 g. Njolf, 0,645 K. NaXo" and 21)
I he CM) re,ketion may be pa"Wly extd. with Kt,0 ClIC11.
t or xylenc frosu the original reaction mixt., but. d
ue to its
Se greit soly. in water. the mother liquors still Sive the &bow- 00
mentioned dye. It was po"Mc to isolate only 25-3Dc,' .
Z-hydrarythiswAre" 5.10-44148" (U). a. 180
coulp".) (from Mill), in a state ad comparative PWUY*.
": n
it gives a brown color with FeCle. a black ppl. oft
h C
te ppt. w
Ag.Wo, a w
h. an
a gas" ppe. with
Br water. It was accitylated ottly with ddkWty an brac- @160
ing to 12W with Ac.0 in the presence of a little 11.504:
' zoo
Ac krip. m. above WO
(from F1011). trestnWat with
64 1 BF in AcOll gave a dikoxidr, CnHe"Brg. m. 159.5'
cc. wAter wcre licit"I iii An autocLAvc 5 iis. to I9U-. (ftomAcOHorEtOH).
the mixt. ocidifivl to Congo red with HCI. evapd. to
with EtOll to
ive 0
I be obWned in 17% yield by condocting the antodavt
ith 1
d 2D
ryzx@., an
AffeVikidooAreme 5,10-diiadlow, a deep-yeilow mass. m. reac
n w
a su
, an
cc. water 5 hn. at 180-90', with isolation of the product by CO
197 di-Na salt, yellow needles (from dil. Mill); Pbwk, Et0fl cita. of the evapd., scidiiied reactim asixt.
yellow graim (frotn HtOll); the K. Ca,-Za. Co. Ni. wW G. U. KONA&POff
Co 341JI are readily Sol, in water and MOH, the AS sak
rKx)rly so]. in water. The above expt. was repeated_
using 2 X. Na safe and 2 C. CaO in 20 cc. water 3.5 hrs. at
to)-isil, followed by "ification with HCI toCongored;
the "n -was then condensed with diazo-*-nittownifine in
%Z. to yield a red-oranse dye. The product of
7:@ -:777
10.1 __777@
C.' "C
U It it, @Tj 1
1. . " . . ; '4' ;i a %, it it
0 Wo 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
All L 9 a ado AN'TWO12"4 301
0 0 ts 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * a a 0 0 0
Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1,
p 180 (USSRT
AUTHOR: Stakhovskaya, Z. I.
TITLE: Investigation of Yung's Modulus in Rock Samples 2
Under the Surrounding Pressures up to 5000kglcm
by Applying the Method of Bending (Issledovaniye
modulya Yunga obraztsov gornykh porod pri
vsestoronnikh davleniyakh do 5000 kg/sm@@ metodom
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry of the author's dissertation
for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science,
presented to the Geophysical Institute of the AS
USSR (Geofiz. in-t AN SSSR), Moscow, 1956.
ASSdCiATION: Geofiz. In-t AN SSSR (Geophysical Institute of
the AS USSR)
Card 1/1
W) -1166)
Akolaklyo bank am. , roaltat pe swisau i soon.Lan.
TORINY dakledow an 11 GOWMI.,w w"I". ".."Ams'.'soc.
I vorlalchakoc. 0.7=6.
assoula"Ija 0.7majoall I
ftalkl sedr swell tustruato of "Peru dohnitted to us xx amoral
As@Mbly of Us International voice of 0.0" an& Coop, Im Us
ASTArEffitlanal Association of ad-Lou -a Ratio* at tm "-a
lato"or) *--, IM. is
1,5w cooden printec
so fiddiumal. eastribatore negrumna
101POOZZ This bookies is laosafte for fookyislabor aspeolaw uses
Islas In oatmobw.
COVERAMI kl- oolleause or oruel- aesu milk 00 etawtaa an& cowposition,
Of t" "M Mal *- -I&"& t1awsto. no onjority at %be Mucles, wo@
Cato atoll" or earthwok" a". selow" waves. atbor articles ou"T vow sump.
W@M of us Sam's -t -A sawats" routes the simue proverum at Mft
at kIA pressures; the visicalowtvic arm"t at rooks "a un, notboa at - - ;
00,01uns In t"tampkist". be sallostlas sue motain articles an tial ,
Card 1/5 Isift's Maud history, me alwenlmme nothm at Imelft stw= gnp
Modelling Is toctohophy"ce. Us munsuall due maw= "USIM a as
thwool bi am,, tbe, luormalmas wood at UTAISG "=mad sams.
so rorwronew am @IV=.
?Aux OF cav@:
Belconow, V-T- Tnm "A OW141a at POUIN
Solossov, W.V. Dowlavoint or Owsyssubm
304MV84", 5-11@ftd a.& 1001"afte. Stsurbare, at Im Nara's C.rmt.
a George Detenalood Pron Goombrat"I am" J3
VMw, W-1- Maps. ewe Is galas ImM ChavestarLaUss is as #%wV st
Tudaklklotm S"Ndddty ID
r"Go-kors. A.T.,awl T.H. DejokLm, s@ Posillwitles or a Koplaw
seat rl*IA of P. In an Mulh!o Nestle
at 11"Us pvc6ortue at sown me usk P. III C-B-"
@Mth Gooshroisax Probum
STAMOVSKAYA, Z. I. , 11-1. F. VOLAROVII-11 anid D. B. E-LI-.L,,-,7HCV
"Investigation of Elastic Properties of Rocks Under High Pressure" P. 137
,Wyntbeeie and att-MM94-1-we ef % fteek"S G&Wke md -0
. Conference on FX- 4=tal Aud ApAled @Waftrvlogy
TTansactionin of the nftb Mr
=d Fatroc;raptV, TnWy - - - Moscow, 1zd-Vo AN WO, 1958, 516VP -
reprints of reports presented at conf. beld in Ianirgradj 26-31 Mar 1956. The
purpoae of the conf. was to excbange infornation aiA coordinate the activities
in the fields of experimental and applied mineralocy and patrormIdrij, aud to
stress the increasing complexity of practical problems.
AUTHORS:Volarovich, M.P. and _Stakho*,rskaya, Z_ I-
TITLE: Investigation by the Method of Bending of the Young Modulus
of Rock Specimens in the Case of Applying from All Sides
Pressures of up to 5000 kg/cm (Issledovaniye modulya yunga
obraztsovEorn,7kh porod pri vsestoronnikh davleniyakh do
5000 kg/sm metodom izgiba)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizi-cheskaya,
19581 Nr 5, PP 582-593 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Apparatus is described which has been developed for pro-
ducing a high gas pressure from a@i sides, enabling obtaining
,gas pressures of up to 5000 kg/cm and carrying out in such
3 0
gaseous media bending tests on rock specimens. The pressure
was produced by compressing nitrogen in a high pressure com-
pressor described by L. F. Vereshchagin and V. E. Ivanov
(Ref.14, quoting largely the work of Bridgeman) and feeding
it into a bomb through a hole (2, Fig.1, P 583). The entire
test apparatus was fitted inside a cabin of 1.4 x 1.8 x 2.3 m.
made of 8 mm thick sheet steel. The authors succeeded in
measuring the stresses and strains with a higher accuracy
than is possible by using equipment earlier described in
literature, by placing the dynamometer and the deformation
metering gauge (elastic elements with wire strain gauges)
Card 1/4 C@
Investi-a'ion by the Method of Bending of the Young MLdulus of Roo!@:
0 " C) 0
Specimens the Case of Applying from All Sides Pressures of ;c
5000 kg/cmj@
inside the high pressure space. The Young modu us was mea-
0 1
sured at gas pressures between 1 and 5000 kg/cm by the static
method for a niziber of igneous and sedimentary rocks (basalt,
,sabbro'diorite, labradoroite, cyenite, marble quartz,
andstOnc). ?
z The rock specimens were tested both in copper
foil shells a n d - without such shells. The exi)eriments
without copper shells nave shown that the Young modulus2'n-
creases on applying a pressure of u3 to about 500 kg/cm and,
following that (at higher pressures it decreases sharply.
This is attributed to the fact that the -as penetrates into
the pores of the rock and compresses not the entire specimen
but individual grains and does not bring about a compression
of the substance but, on the contrary, disturbs the coherence
of the material. For rock specimens inside a copper shell
the Young modulus inc 5eases appreciably for the pressure
range 1 to 1000 kg/,.;m (by 30 to 70% depending on the rock)
and this is attributed to the greater degree of compressing
the -pores. The speed of increase of the Young modulus de-
@Dends on the -Porosity of the rock as well as on the mineralo-
Card 2/4
Investigation by bhe IiIethod of Ber.Ldin- of the Young Modulus of
Specimens @n the Case of Applying from All Sides Pressures of up t@@
5000 kg/cm
gical composition, the str@cture, etc. For pressures from all
sides exceeding 1000 kg/cm . the speed of increase of the
Young modulus drops sharply; the increase in the modulus in
this case is due to compression of the rock substance, The
obtained data on the Young modulus of rocks under conPtions
of applying from all sides pressures up to 5000 kg/cm
corres]@6nd with the conditions pertaining at a depth of about
20 km below the surface. Therefore, the results of the ex-
periments are of interest from the point of view of seismic
methods of prospecting and also from the point of view of
physics of earthquakes, since the foci of the most destruct-
ive earthquakes are located at depths of 10 to 40 km.
Acknowledgements are expressed to V. A. Pavlogradskiy, A. T@
Bondarenko and 11. P. Semenova for their assistance in carry-
ing out the experimental work. There are 3 tables, 10
fig-ures and 2b references, of which 15 are Soviet, 1 German
and 4 En-lish.
Card 3/4
InvestiCation by the Method of Bending of the Young Pilodulus of Rok;k
0 0
Specimens @'n the Case of AD-Olying fron, All Sides Pressures of iin
5000 kg/cm
ASSOCIATION; Alkademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fizil,7i Zemli (Academy
of Sciences USSR. Institute of Physics of the Earth)
SUBMITTED: April 22) 1C
1. Gases--Press-ore 2. Rock--Stresses
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Stakhovskaya, Z.I.- E032/E314
'W@_S'Istance train Gauges to the Measurement
TITLE: Application of S
of Str-ssns and Deformations at High Pressures
PERIODICAL: Pribory i telchnika eksperimenta, 196o, Nr 1,
pp 122 - 125 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to develop a method for
measuring the stresses and deformations produced in rocks
under hydrostatic pressure (Ref 5) with the aid of elastic
elements having resistance strain gauges attached to
them. The strain gauges have been described by Rayevsk-ty
in Ref 6. Figures 1 and 2 show a schematic drawing of the
devices employed. The elastic elements were in the form of
elliptic rings and plates, as shown. The dotted lines
indicate the gauges. The dynamometers were placed inside
the high-pressure chamber between the specimen and the
piston producing the stress so that the piston pressed
against the plane A (Figure 1) while the specimen received
the stress through the plane B . In the measurement of
Cardi/4 deformation (Figure 2) one end was fixed (A) and V/
Application of Resistance Strain Gauges to T_ e su ement of
Stresses and Deformations at High Pressures
deformation of the specimen was transmitted at (B)
The resistance strain gauges were included in the usual
Wheatstone-bridge arrangement and the off-balance
current was measured with a nli5ror galvanometer having
a sensitivity of about 2 x 10 A/nun at 1 m. The elastle
rings and plates were prepared from 40 Kh steel and were
thermally hardened (R. = 48 - 52) . The rings and plates
used to measure deformation were made from phosphor bronze
ribbons. Two methods were used. In one, all the four
arms of the bridge were placed in a high pressure chamber
and the gauges were connected so that R I and R4
(extension) were in opposite arms of the bridge, and
similarly for the gauges subjected to compression. In
the second method, only two adjacent arms of the bridge
were placed inside the high-pressure chamber so that one
of them was compressed and the other extended. In another
method employed, R 1 and R 4 were connected in series
Application of Resistance Strain Gauges to 14'eksurement of
Stresses and Deformations at High Pressures
in one arm and the elements R,, and R_ in another
arm. This excluded the error due to non-central application
of the load. Figures 3 and 4 show typical calibration
Curves for the readings of the instruments as a function
of deformation. The first of these figures refers to
the dynamometer shown in Figure 14 and the second refers
to the arrangement shown in Figure 2a. As may be seen,
the relations are linear. These calibration curves were
plotted in air. They were then repeated with the probes
subjected to a large hydrostatic pressure (up to
200 kg/cm2). In the latter case the devices were placed
inside a high-pressure chamber in an unloaded state and
their indications were noted as a function of pressure. A
constant stress was then applied to one of the arrangements
in Figure 1 and a constant deformation to one of the
arrangements in Figure 2. The corresponding curves are
shown in Figures 5 and 6. In these figures the pressure
Card3/4 V/
Application of Resistance
Stresses and Deformations
(in kg/cm2) is
indications of
Figure 5 refers
and Figure 6 to
that this method
0.05 and 50 kg
There are 6 figures
Soviet (1 translation
Strain Gauges elAeasurement of
at High Pressures
plotted along the vertical axis and the
the instrument along the horizontal axis.
to the dynamometer shown in Figure la
that shown in Figure 2a. It is concluded
can be used to determine stresses between
and deformations between 0.005 and 3 mm.
and 6 references, 3 of which are
from English) and 3 English.
ASSOCIATION: Instltut fizikl Zemli AN SSSR (Institute of
Physics of the Earth of the Ac,Sc., U66")
-\11- -
SUBMITTED: December 20, 1958
9.2 0 0 E021/E435
AUTHORS: -Stakhovskaya, Z.I and Tomashevskaya, I S
Investigation of the Modulus of ElasticlTy
TITLE: @kf Metals
Under Hydrostatic Pressures up to 4000 kg/cm2 by
Static Methods
PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 4,
pp 589-592 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Young's modulus and the shear modulus of several metals
was tested in a high pressure chamber. Bend and torsion
tests were employed. Fig 3 shows the relation between
Young's modulus and pressure for steel U10 (curve 1),
Armco iron (2), copper (3), brass (4) and duralumin (5
and 6). With increase in pressure to 1000 kg/CM2, there
is an increase in Young's modulus by 5% for the steel and
for Armco iron, 7.5% for brass and 1.2%.for copper.
With increasein pressure from 1000 to 4000 kg/CM2,
Young's modulus is constant within the limits of accuracy
of the measurements 0%). Duralumin gave unexpected
results with an initial increase of 20 to 25% in Young's
modulus and then a decrease. Results on duralumin did-
lard 1/2 not agree with one another. The shear modulus, with
Investigation of the Modulus of Elasticity of Metals Under
Hydrostatic Pressures up to 4000 kg/cm2 by Static Methods
increase in pressure up to 1000 kg/cm2, increased by
3 to 6% for brass and duralumin and changes with further
increase in pressure were within the limits of accuracy
of the ineasurements. The shear modulus for Armco iron
remained constant. These results are shown in Fig 4
where curve I is Armco iron, 2 is L-6 brass,
3 is L-3 brass, 4 is D-2 duralumin, 5 is D-4
duralumin. Thus the results show that with increase
in pressure, Young's modulus increases more than the
shear modulus. There are 4 figures and 11 references,
7 of which are Soviet and 4 English.
ASSOCIATION:Institut fiziki zemli AN SSSR
(Institute of Terrestrial Physics AS USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 9. 1959 (initially)
December 7, 1959 (after revision)
Card 2/2
Study of elastic and strength properties of rocks by the fold
method under high confined pressure. Trudy Inst. fiz, Zem.
no.23:25-35 162. (KMA 161ll)
J D'yov. Univeraytot
Materim1y X Vaeoryumogo %37ashthmiya po spaktrotkopm.. t. It
XolekulyarnayA spoktrooknpiya (Papers of the 10th All-Unloa
Conroron" on Spectroscopy. Vol. Is Molecular Spectroscopy)
[Llvov) lad-vo L-voybkogo unly-ts, 195T. 499 p. 4 ON copies
s Vlz
nyy z
, vyp.
hdditional SponsorJav; Agoncjq Akadoodym nauk 333H. Komisslya po
apektroakopil. Ed..- laxer, S.L:j Tech. Ed.: Saranyuk, T.V.j
or , La: Academician (Re
Editorial Do @d ndoterg, 0.5 , op. Ed., Deceased).
Neporent, 3 Doctor of "ital and Mathmatical Sciences,
@i Fabolinakly, I.L., Doator of Ph731cal and Mathematical Sciences,
Fabrikant, V.A.. Doctor of ft#1431 and gathemAtioal Sciences,
Korn1tPAJX, V.0., Candidate of Too@mioal Sciences, Rayakly, 3,N,,
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sola=es. Klimovskiy. L.K.,
Candidate of Phyalcal aml Mathematical Sciences, Mlllyanchuk, V.3..
Candidate of Phjrai,)qa a:A MaWhematical Sciences# " QlaWwrmn,
A. Yo.* Candidate of Physical and Mathaimatical Sciences,
Card 1/30
V.I., A&"UkhqvakLy. YAgistorl"
Device for infrared S
Parkav. N.M. The Spectral 3ansitivity of a Coated
Low-laortla Bolowter 403
XsIgnow. A.F. Nickel Balmoterm 405
X11monkc, P.L., " O.V. Pialkovska7a. infrared
P-Mation Polarizers 407
valitrim. I.A. AzalYzor Based on the Wm4 SpootrD.
mter 409
Nlkitln, V.4,, B.Z. Voichak. and N.V. Vollkenshte7n.
Being Infr&md Polarized Uot In Daternlrdmg
the Orientation Of Polymrs 411
Pokrovskayat To. 1, Variations in the Infrarq4 w"aws
or crystallam Folymers Durim maltims 416
Amplifier input units for bolometers and thermocouples. Ism. tekh.
no.2:37-41 Mr-AP 957, (KMA 10:6)
(Boloseter) (Amplifiers, Blectron-tube) (Thermocouples)
AUTHOR: Dianov-Mokov, V.I. and Stakhovskiy, A.D.
TITLE: A Double-beam Recording Apparatus for an Infra-red
Spectrometer (Dvukhluchevoye registriruyushcheye ustroystvo,
k infrakrasnomu snektrometru)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Teled-inika Eksperimenta, 1957, No.4,
pp. 82 - 84 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The so-called "phase" method of measurement of relative
intensities, which has been Sreviously used for ultra-violet
and visible light (Refs. 4-6 is used in this equipment.
Thr- method has been used for the infra-red region by Golay
(Ref.?), but his apparatus is very complicated. The block
diagram is given in kig.l. A diSC-Derforato@, rotated by a
synchronous motor, interrupts two beams of light (the working
and the reference beang) a! a freauency of 20 c.p.s. with a
phase difference of 90 Both beams fall onto a ni-ckeliferous
bolometer (impedance 10 20 Q, sensitivity 0.3 - 0.5 V/Watt,
0.02 see.) and the phase of the resulting signal voltage
Yepends on their relative intensities. This voltage, after
amplification in a pre-amplifier, passes through the main
amplifier to a phase detector to which is also applied a
reference voltage from the inductiong-nerator directly coupled
Cardl/2 Uo the perforator. The output voltage of the phase detector
A Doible-beam Recording Apparatus for an Infra-red Spectrometer
depends only on the phase difference between the signal
voltage and the reference voltage, and thus indicates the
relative intensities. Because the output signal is related
to the transparency of the sample in a non-linear manner, a
simple linearising circuit follows the detector. The linearised
output signal is passed to a valve voltmeter and to a pen
recorder. The signal and references voltages are also dis-
played on a miniature oscillograph. The circuit is given in
Fig. 2. A sample spectrogram. obtained with a prism of BaCl
at the highest sweep speed is given in FiS.4.
There are 4 figures and 9 references, 5 of which are Slavic.
AS-00CIATION: Institute of Elementalr-organic Compounds Ac.Sc. USSR
(Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR)
SUBMITTED: February 23, 195?
AvAILABLE: Library of conCress
Card 2/2
PAL! T SYNZ"@y it.,
device foor thr ra-rige
cps. Frib. i tuekh. eksp. 8 no.6.z89-9- N-j- '63.
(Mn, A. 17 61
1. In."Ur'Ut fizilki atmoofery @'-Jl --Jl-
L 3978-66
'AUTHOR: Dianov-Klokov, V. I.; Stakhovskiv,.,.A. D-z Palitsyna, I. A.
TITLE: Designing the input transformer of an amplifier for a thermocouple and
bolamete:n (operating frequency, dimensions, inherent noise)
SOURCE: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika,, no. 7, 1965, 35-39
JOPIC TAGS: circuit design, electric transformer, amplifier design, bolometer
,ABSTRACT: The authors derive formulas for calculating the equivalent resistivities
:of losses. in the core and wire, inductance per turn and number of turns in the sec-1
,ondary as functions of frequency and core parameters in the input transformer of anj
.amplifier for a thermocouple and bolometer. These formulas are then used for find-;
jng the maximum amplification of the transformer as a function of frequency"and di-I
;mensions. A formula is given for the passband at optimum tuning. The design for-
imulas were tested by making three transformers with cores of various sizes made of'
!various -types of permalloy. The results are tabulated. The cuives based on experi-I
mental data are compared with theoretical curves. There is 9 noticeable deviation I_-
L 397&-66
'from the theoretical curves only at higher frequencies due to the fact that the de-
:,,sign curves do not account for losses from eddy currents nor for self-capacitance.
Tormulas are also given for determining inherent noise in the transformer. These
;formulas were experimentally verified on the noisiest transformers and found to
!agree satisfactorily with-empirical data. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 19 formulas,@
11 table.
Card 2 [2.---
!@@ @ P@ \ C @i -, V. @ '/' T-\ - @
TROVIMCHUK, Vyacheslav Dmitriyevich; redaktor;
GOLYATKINA, A.G., redaktor; ATTOPOViCH, M.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor.
[Defects in rolled steel and measures of overcoming them] Defekty
prokatnoi stali i mery bor'by a nimi. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-
vo lit-ry po chernoi i tBvetnoi metallurgil, 1954. 631 P-(MIaA 8:1)
(Steel) (Rolling(Metalwork))
__ - _1@1
-,- -V, - - -- @ @
[Venezuelan diary] Z venesuellolkoho shchodennyka. Buenos-Aires,
Vyd-vo Mykoly Denysiuka, 1953. 86 p, (MIRA 10:12)
(Venezuela--Description and travel)
"A scientific session dedicated to the 300-year unification of the Ukraine with Russia."
Vestnik Vvs3l@ev 3hkoly, Vol. 12, No 4, PP ';)9, 1954.
SO: D-81919, 25 Aug 1954.
Stakbovskiy, R. I. -- "A Method of Diminishing the Error of Electrical
Automatic Control Apparatus via Periodic Checking." Acad Sci USSR,
Inst cf Automatics and Telemechanics., Moscow, 1955 (Dissertation
for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences)
SO: Knizbnaya Letopist, No. 23, Moscowj, Jun 55, PP 87-104
. ICLIIS-- __ -- -'-T.; - S i @ 1 i@ * " 0 "" K I',' "' ';. ( rof. )
. T;%.K 1 ;1, 1; , , @ 'J ').' 0 , L 4 . "
"Automatic "ras- anal: -s ers of the Mass-spectrometric Type'It
narer read at the Session of the Acad. Sci. USSR, on Scientific Problems of Automatic
I@roduction, 15-20 October 1956.
Avtoratika i telenekhanika, No. 2, p. 182-192, 1957.
--uso cf I'i@- 'C@d -ci. USSR7
Akademlya nauk 33SR. Institut avtomat1ki I 'eltfl1ekr'&nikI
Avtomatika I tolemekhanika; abornik (Automat-= arid Talemechanics;
Collection or Articles) Moscow, 1958. 144 P. 5,000 copies
Reap. Id.i Ya.Z. Toypkin; Ed. of Publishing House: V.A. Kotov;
Tech. Edi I.N. Ouseva
PURPOSEi This collection of a.-tiolea is Intended for specialists
in automation and remote control.
COVERAGEi The book contains fl:teen papers presented at the rourth
and fifth scientifit and technical confe"nces, neld In 1955
and 1956,by @unlor membera Of the staf: Of the Itstitut autouatikr
I tol"ekhamiki (Institute of Automatl @n and Toleme-hanics),
Academy of Solon-.02, USSR. The are ba*e- on the Indl-
@ 3>11)
n consists or
vidual reasarch or their authors. ---a call-lt-
five partal Automatic Control, Compongnta of Automatic and
Remote Con trol Systems, Automated ElactrI3 Drive, kutomati c
Checking, and Remote Control.
D ii Tr.n a S,
lin M@C@;iTft sitnt Processes
ot & Ynchronous
or Frequency Control
The author investigates the qualitative and quantitative
cha.racteristics Of mechanical transient& in synchronous motors
with frequency control for conditions Of starting, braking
and speed regulation. In analyzing the proce sea of starting
synchronous motors by means or changing the r
r.quency or the
&-c Supply from zero, the process of 4t4Lr`tInZ at reduced rro-
quenoles and the process of motor acceleration by & smooth
change or frequency were investigated sop&.-a-gly. It who found
that synchronous acceleration and braking depend on the rate of
frequency change. The author forms equation* an@ makes an
of the free transient process of a synchronous generator-
synchronous motor- system. There are 11 rtforencsst63oviot, 4
English and I Geranan. No personalities or* mentioned.
Mej_L@@. Selection of Operating Conditions of a Phase
"o igatLon Flowneter 86
The author compares two kinds or Ionization flowneters, a pulse
riowmeter and a phase flowmeter, both of which he describe*
In detall. Me finds the latter to be more sensitive to current
than the first because or the uso or narrow-band amplifiers.
In addition, a longer radiation -m3p (trad) Is Usually selected
ror the phase flowmeter than for th ulne flowmeter, which
contributes to better utilization of radiation. There or* 5
reforencesi 4 Soviet and 1 English. No personalities are
$takA9vXLy.A,j, causes or Instability of Gas Currents in an
-'7JfrrFErcWT'11`as Spectrometer and a Method or Periodic Automatic
Calibration 91
The author presents experimental results of the practical
application or periodic calibration In an experimental mass-
spectrometer gas analyzer developed jointly by ZAT and the
nau I-
Toonoyuznyy ohh I ledovatellaklY 4. proyektnyy inatitut pGd-
azIfIka g: MInIsterstva uglavoy procCrahlonnostj
us"S'RojAg1l Union So ntific Research ana Design Institute ror
the Underground Gasification of Coal, Ministry of the Coal
industry. USSR). Work on automatic calibration was begun at
IAT in 1951 and In now being conducted In the USSR with good
results but on a limited scale. The autnor also describes
experiments on thw quantitative determination of the affect
of secondary electron emmission In the Ionization chamber.on
gas current. The method of automatic periodic calibration
Is me of the measures used to Increase the accuracy or mass.
spectrometer gas analyzers, and the author recommend* Ito
application for Industrial gas analyzers of thin type. There
are 8 rof*rencest 4 Soviet, 3 English and 1 German,
-,UTFOR: Itakhovskiy, R. I. (moscow) SOV/103-19-8-4/11
T 1T LE: Optimizer (Dvukhkanal'n
cheskiy optimizator)
-iIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1958, Vol 19, Nr 8, p.r. 744-796
U S-:-' R
ABoTRACT: The purpose of the present paper was to construct an auto-
matic device destined for the determination of the extrezum
of a function of many variables on the basis of the circuits
proposed in reference 1. A number of results from thin work
are given. The creation of the device made necesnary theoreti_-
Cal (hef 2) as well as experimental investigations. A two-
-channel optimizer is described which permits to 2olve the
following problems: 1) A practical checking of the mode of
operation of finder systems given in reference 1. 2 ex-
perimental checking of the various algorithms of determination
and the selection of the best algorithm for thehveration of
the apparatus- 3) The development of variants of simple and
reliable circuits-of individual. blocks of the anparatus and
the tracing of new ways for the further simplification and
Pard 1/4 for the further increase of operational safetY. 4) The ex-
T-i;o-Chunriel Automatic Optimizer 11"WIVI/1 cl -1-1 9-a-4/ 1 1
perimental investigation of the characteristics of the tl-Liec-
retical dependences of the determination process ani of the
time recuired on the data of the apparatus -for various methods
o-P determination. 5) An eXDerimental determination of 'he
CharacterlAics of the optimizer, when it is operated lith
an object having a characteristic of the form 1). rz A 1x I+ A 2X2*
Objects with conatant and variable coefficients and vith
additional limitations are investigated. A mode of operation
was also investigated in which the object was subjected to
the effects of arbitrary disturbances. A general de!-cription
of the equipment and a chort description of the individual
elements is given. On the basis of the investigation the fol-
lowing in stated: 1) The device described in this paper (built-
-up according to the principle proposed in reference 4) is
capable of determining the extremum point of a function of
several variables, the shape of which may beudwwn. The re-
strictions imposed on the object, the extremum oV which ie
wanted, consists only of the demand, that this extremum - a
real one, or one subject to conditions (taking into account
the limitations) - must exist. 2) A combination of the method
of fasteet triggering and of the gradient method must be con-
"ard 2. sidered to be the better suitable algorithmfbr such an appa-
Tgo-Channel Automatic Optimizer SOV/103-101-8-4/11
ratus. It was experimentally shown that an accuracy of a
few tenths of a per cent can be attained 4-n the determination
of Q .n comparison to the maximum. noosible value of Q.
) e eveloped variants of the circuits for the elements
of the device were satisfactory from the viewpoint of simplici-
ty and oPerational safety. Still farther possibilities eyist,
however, for the improvement of the structure of the appara-
tus as a whole as well as of the circuits of the separate
blocks- 4) The experimental checking of the theoretical
deDendences (where it vas possible) showed a satJsf,-vtory
11greement of the experimental results with the forriul& ob-
tained in reference 2. 5) The experir--ental investigation of
the characteristic of the apparatus showed th&t the greate:@t
influence upon the process of determination is exerted by
the data of the optimizer, the amplification factor of the
input differentiator and the magnitude of the computation
sten 6x as well as the product of these, which is proportional
to the comDutation steD scale. The investigation of the stabili
ty with respect to distarbances showed that disturbances are
Oard .3/4 suppressed more successfully in an operation with objects
Two-Channel Automatic ODtimizer '_;()V/1o_"'-1?-8-4/11
continuous with respect to time. A. A. Felldbaum supervised
the rork. A. V. Yalinina took part in the experiments.
The-re are 18 figures and 4 references, which are Soviet.
*;UBMITTED: December 12, 1357
1. Mathematical computers--Design 2, Mathematical computers
--Performance 3, Mathematical computers--Test results
k.ard 4/4
To4rl taenimiyv 41,1ratnylsh &wt-titheskikli sist"mitrul y kcf.r-.t.It
gol pr
ry anI Applicat on of Discrete AU-tic Sylt-O r-Lotiona Of the
C..f-w.) M.-ow, AN SS41t, Ilit,), 572 p. 5.0CO opi .3 prt.t.,i.
Spin oring A,: ... y, LWOiy. -.k aS.2. N%%,-oj.I1zyT konjt.t. 55SR p.
choskoau uprovIstarA. 1@3titut avtc-tiki I tol-khaniki.
Mit-I I &isrdt 4.A. Cnvrllcv, Doitor of T-Itnt-l S.-iencsa, u
D@to, or T..hic.l Set.n-.s. V.A. Lots' C-1-dot. So i, ea,
A I.. Im.r "'or ' CT@ 1'@%' I.L F.r.asn.- ($.@I.vtlflo Searot.,A ,
G:S P%-tor'. ht@ .1 A.A. D ct- or T-hniil
St-;-*:1",AT Ehrossly, C..Iid-'.- Of T @htlo-I snd T..Z. T:YPk-ln
Do.tor of T;@Lli.j Ed*, ...Z. T.T-,klz, '-%o, of 7
Scla."3; &I. of Ptbllahl.j H-as. H.L. --th. Ed., 3.0. 111.rk@,I,th.
PUIL"OSZ, Ttsa. troxasuttlonj are intended for the seater. of the onferenco "4
other .;ocia1.3ta in autcnatic c-trol.
COMUG41 Th* Confotmt on the ?rcbl- if 'litory and App'icalicn of Dt3crat:,,
AUttrUttio Jyoto@ tC,)x plain in )1-- frao Sept-bor Z2 to 2@, 19@5. It w
the first -tiffrel:* lo-tei to di-asiot., of Me priA-1. 3t@t,ts Or the th-f
@I ta---tzlq@.3 .., woosti. syst.- -4 '. pl@-Inq fit 11.tux. d-1.p-
gc.t. 1-4 Pop- d!3:u33*d at tha corrur-io have I.- Uvi-ei Into f-r gr-ps.
Ia Iftr,1 gr-p optW;%tItr, x44tchInj c-rouiti jLri diA:usoe4 as ..1,. .3
or .I., i .. -1 sf.t:w.,-.n paniiul@ P@@tol.g coit-losi.tan5 In vhl@h are
r I it.1 zpti.sual ;,oc .. .2 1o qLizk r.,7,. 4. rL. ... N gr@,p of p.p- 1.
t') the ".Iysta wA *;rnthostl of pLl- sy3tm: with varitblo p&r-@,.-
If PUI 3S dYoter@ With 3--al F@IRM Ct--t$, to th# At'@IY Of 661f-iluOtQ.
'he %-- In z-.nIAna,r pulse clat-, ar.14 tr the methcds Of' calt-istlir Iix-,r
Pao* Orst, to.l. Problems of p-a ay.tems a@,! @f i-i
I.. t..i :to th--- C--@P of ;@7-. 1-11i it%
'j, Pail- of -Ir, -4 A!"ttl
ro'"r the t. :1 ill-- flt;@12
or @tn or
.p -.1 .-d t.- I= this grOup. .
grt'.'? rr In-lud,! tb&orct4.:s.1 ol-@oto a@l @ortalz pro-tical applirstic-
of !Iptj or salf- J.@wtlng ctotrol syst-,
whI@1 :a rnlsj,, &ri t.:tt%l lovices. Hors are also f-I
;7.F.-O .t'-.s Or tr,,,tt@@tlnt @--Ay 31W.* I.Onlitic., In
Irti-It'l.d 3j.zzr-, ofo.4-ljltg tbn tfr-t4 @f fst tOrj on tho
Izt w! .-4t 't-rzilz, 421 4-z-,113 of -Isting -at-1
of t@. -r. 10-Itt.m. -1. Par-
"11. -ne, a
7hl @tl .1 1 s.
-!i;n with OL'OT.t. C.Irez.. 'Lzg 37@t-- Of A tl.
u -,oatj,
Th. wtf- two Los,
Isis. T!i- fire, _Plub.'-. if -utt.,tlq oy.-
"Isoti- tf a traunsfar fuji.-tico of th" dl,
"o" @-rl-ttlng derricsIor 4 Ila- rec@4
4J,3t.. wl-,
Of It- Od th, - Its
if . --ooOd ;:,,
@Y@tn- u@.
.nw .3 0 it.
`14tit 4dju3L-.t Of the discrete' sao-.@c an auto-
or both the objoot and the .,,io-zating d*vice whan the hr.ct-ft.tjo,
"NA fuggests certain 111sts P-rtain.,zg"` isa.s -a chancinp- The author also
1-9 -hj the a-nre.ti., d1o"Isa or the or-
4 traoil.-jo,,. I- are k ref.rowe 0
.7. R.I. Coaq, riaon of Certain Soanuting ttathot!s for art Autonatin
b@ Alithar adopts the accuraiy or nomming arA Ita d@urat-zn a criteria for
su@h :J.p%flacn. H4 cozp@oma the follo@ind zetho,14 or finAine the optigal
,.41 - of " f-'ti-A or n variables, %) the Gauss-Zei-4.1 stathol (or altimOts,
ihan, In, Ir i,.ach ta finds arplicabla Only hen deviations frotu
,he po 1,fGur - 11; b) the r-liant methndi c) to. Othta of
th, trigger, ng* Th- last two -4thd. -bind 0,. the beat result.
ti,,. M aocuraiy. Them are 2 Werewss, both Smi.t.
'Cow - c-mint-principle or Optinalizing Control 523
R.Y.11'1@4' --1!.3 CMIesta connected with the solaotion or frequencies of
oslillstion of Input q-titiss with an aval"tion of the accurOcy Of de,er-
i saming partial derivatives of thet
r:a queuo, ities, and with the selection of
th noont. Iler's structure. Th. am 7 Wsmcoa.s 6 sovut (I.Oluding I
1:aMion) amIInglish.
0 91
lu MU t.
0 0
S/1.2 000
3/e117 /007/013/026
AUTHOR: Stakhovskiy, R.I.
TITLE: Comparing some searching methods for the automatic optimizer(opti-
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 7, 1961, 2-3, abstract
7D25 (V sb. "Teoriya I primenenlye diskretn. av-tomat. sistem", Mos-
cow, AN SSSR, 1960, 505 - 522)
TEXT-, The author compares processes of searching the function extremum of
some variables by the Gauss-SaLdel method, the gradient method and the method of
the fastest fall-off. The searching accuracy and the time spent on the searching
of the extremum, i.e. the searching time are takeh as comparison criteria. It Is
pointed out that for the equality of the steady motions of the automatic optimizer,
characterizing tne accuracy of determining the extremum (minimum) during the search-
Ing by the mentioned methods, it is necessary that the step of searching by the
Gauss-SaLdel method is approximately half the trial step of the search by the
gradient method of the method of the fastest fall-off. The mean searching time by
the Gauss-SaLde' method is proportional to the sum of the maximum coordinate values,
Card 112
Comparing some searching methods
while the mean searching time by the gradient method is proportional to the loga-
rithm of the maximum coordinate value and depends on the step scale. Because of
the inaccuracy of determining the point of the partial extremum during the search
by the method of the fastest fall-off the search is delayed. As a result of this
the approach to the minimum point by the method of the fastest fall-off is not
taking place smoothly but with re-adjustments, while with the searching by the
gradient method a very smooth approach to the minimum point can be observed. The
total searching time with both methods is practically the- same. Besides, the
steady value during the searching by the method of the fastest fall-off is practi-
cally greater than with the gradient method, since the minimum detection circuit
has a functioning threshold which isstipulated by the noiseproof feature. The
author concludes, that the optimum searching algorithm for the step system of mo-
tion is a combination of the gradient method and the method of the fastest fall-off.
With great deviations from the minimum it is necessary to carry out the search by
the method of the fastest fall-off which makes it possible to approach the extremam
vicinity. Near the point of extremum the search should be effected by the gradient
method. The utilization of the Gauss-Saidel method is only expedient in those casas
if the magnitude being minimized is the sum of the addendz- depending on separate
variables and if the distance from the minimum point is not large. There are 7
figures and 2 references. V. Genishta
Card 2/2 [Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
AUTHOR: Stakhovskiy, R. I.
TITLE: Automatic Optimizers
Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, No. 8, PP. 74-80
TEXT: Optimization tasks can be solved by automatic optimizers, special
computing machines developed by the Institut avtomatiki i telemekhaniki
Akadeinii nauk SSSR (Institute of Automation and Telemechanics of the
Academy of Sciences USSR1. The optimization task consists in the searching
of tne exFr-emum -of "unctions yith several variabl
IV es Q1 (xl .... xn)'
where the field of investigation is limited by boundary conditions. These
boundary conditions have the form of the inequality Rj(xi .... xn)