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27570 S /1 00/61/003/009/005/016 1 Synthesis of new types ... Bf 0/3101 (m) of 10,000-900,000P depending on the molar ratio. 2.18-10-3 0.328. M The following reactions take place: (C~ 3)3 COOC(CH3) 3 ----> 2(CH 3)3C0. (R-); (CII 03 CO* -> (CH 3)2CO + CH3(R-). Th e radicals react with the hydrocarbons:-. R' (Calla)2 G112 + R - - (1). 1 1-I (C4116)2 - if IC ted,14211 H'- lic (Calls), (QUISMCll,)2 it .ebe resultant polydiphenyl methylene (PDP,','L) (I) does not decompose to free radicals in the presence of diphenyl picryl hydrazine, and is stable to oxidants (111103), since the structure of tetraphenyl ethane (TRE) which is probably formed initially does not permit the formation of stable radicals. Rearrangements might take place according to C C C u Card-2/7. S/196/61/003/009/005/016 Synthesio.of new types ... Bi 1 Q/B1 01 and He (Q51161.1 CH (C4116)1 T~ 11C (C#114)1~ (P41164 7 HC (C,Hs),C (Clis) (C6116)$ AHOI CC111 + (C4115), C11j; (CO115),C C111 C A dah- C11S. C (C$11j)1- C112 - The'repeating unit in I and II is: d H- in III- C When - H 12 0 f 14 13 compgring the IR spectra of the polymers from DPM, TPE, tetraphenyl StiC ethylene, and 1,1-diphenyl ethylene, the absorption maximum characteri' 7 0f-1 -1) wasjound to be absent in PDPM. ,4-s.ubstituted benzene (833-940 cm . -Structure Il is therefore not possible, III was also excluded since the maximum (760. cm-1) characteristic of,the 0 H a-CH configuration was .6 5- 2 absent as well. The PDPM structure according to I is thus confirmed. The dependence of the yield on the molar ratio of PO 'to hydrocarbon indicated an almost complete consumption of the first peroxide mole for the dimerization (A). of the total DPM,to TPE (90~Vyield). At a ratio of 2 ; 1 the polymer yield (B) is constant (50%).- This accounts for the C rd 3/_7 . .... .. ------ a Ij- 27570 S/190 61/003/009/005/016 Synthesis of new types 0-1 Bi I 01bi 01 change in viscosity. In A, TPE is formed (melting point,209-2110C, i.e.0 higher than the reaction temperat~ie),-and' viscosity Considerably increases. In,B, however, it,decreases since.the-low-,molecular-polymers melt already at 180-1900C. The reaction of TPE 2which is firstaocelera'ted~ is then retarded by the formation of high-molecular pol*ymers (melting 0 educed toward the end of the read- point 200 0). The viscosity will be r 'Peroxide tion by adding a DPM-PO mixture -to IiPM; thb'yield increase.e. admixture of > 2 moles/mole of DPM g;,aphically results in a steep ascent of the molecular weight which asymptotically approaches the ordinate. er), the Assuming that'ihe'ahain grows by doubling (dimer, tetramer, octam following holds: if - 2 - 2/n, where*N' '= number of free radicals/moles R R n - polymerization coefficient. I mole of free radicals is formed on decomposition of TBPO. Maximum M is-thus obtained for a PO consumption of 2 moles/Mole of hydrocarbon. 0.68 mole tert-butoxyl radicals result from I mole PC (in the form of tert-butyl alcohol). 1.32 mole of radicals decomposes to give 1.32,mole acetone and 0.66 mole methane, as' follows: 0 1 90-2000C kCH CO* (CH 34 CO* 140 C 3)2C0 + CHj, and (B) (CH 3 3 0, (CH 3)2C0 (A) . + CH -0-C-(CH According to Yu. A. Aleksandrova, Huan YU-1i, A. P. 3 3 3 d C ar 4/ V 27570 S/190/61/003/009/005/016 Synthesis of new types ... B140/B101 Pravednikov, S. B. Medvedev (DQkl. AN BSBRo 1231 1029, 1958)j'no methyl (j radicals are formed in (B) which takes place at higher temperatures. Isobutylene oxide reEults on initiation of. the peroxide decomposition Th't; 51-5300: isobutyl-methyl ether and authors separated the fraction isobutylene oxide. In the name way, they obtained polymers which dissolve in benzene. When using ditolyl methane instead of DPM a olymer (melting point 180-2400 ith cross-: insoluble in benzene and p-oresol C w linked structure is obtained in addition to linear polymers (melting point = 150-1800C, molecular weight = 2500). The elemental- organic polymers obtained from diisopropyl ferrocene, ferrocene, and triphenyl_,t'ik N-isopropyl borazol (TPNI) by means of polyrecombination showed IR absorption maxima at 820, 1000, and 1100 cm-1 , and, accordingly, structV (A CF Fe are dark-red powders soluble in benzerie (softening.. M 1000-7000; they point /v300oC) (line wid. The electron paramagnetic resonance signs, U Card 5/7 's "~6 27`70 S/1.90/61/003/009/005/016 synthesis of new types ... B1 I 01B1 01 120 oe, 2000) confirmed the existence of unpaired electr.ons (concenttati.o"'n.4''.-"'~p;~,* 21/g 10 polymer). Treatment of TPXI with TBPO yielded only a soluble-f* low-molecular polymer.. Polyrecombination gives also. polymers with. aromatic rings in.side and principal.ohains. A soluble copolymer was obtained by treating a mixture of DPM (0.1 mole) and DIPB (0-1 mole) 0.25 mole TBPO; DIPB alone gave a nearly insolizble polymer. 26-dichloro-41 P-xylene gives a chlorinated analog of poly-p-xylene soluble in benzene..,-.,. Cl in ortho-position to the CH3 groups blocks them and prevents their participation in the formation of linear chains. Polyre combination thus_....Ii:~~-%'~'.~',~:. results in carbon chain polymers with aromatic rings in the principal chain, whose production is difficult. Gas chromatography of DPM was made on the X -2 (Kh-2) apparatus. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 18 refer'- ences: 6 Soviet and 12 non-Soviet. The three most recent references to' English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 7; G. A. Russel, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 74, 1047, 1,056; Ref. 9: J. H.. Brook, Trans. Faraday Soo., 52, 327t 1957; Ref. 10: K. M. Johnston, G,'H. Williams, Chem.and Chem. Ins. 1958, No- 11, 328. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh Boyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) Card 6/7 2-2-0c) 1 2400j, III L e 080 S/1 9016110031009110 15/016 16-.8 Doc) B 12 4/B 101 AUTHORSt Korshak, V. V., Sosin, S. L., Chou Jun-p'ei TITLE: Production of polymers by thermal dehydropolymerization of hydrocarbons PERIODICALi Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 9, 19061, 1427 TEXT: Heat-treated hydrocarbons are cracked and dehydrogenated, and yield, besides low-molecular decomposition products, resins which are low-molecular condensation products with a complex structure which greatly differs from that of the initial products. Such resins are formed both by gaseOUB-phase pyrolysis and liquid-phase cracking. High-molecular polymers cannot form under these conditions due to the inevitable 4ecom- position in the high-temperature zone, High polymers may be also ~jtained, however, when the hydrocarbons are thermally dehydrogenated under con- ditions preventing thermal degradation of the polymer. The method devel- oped by the authors is based on the liquid-phase dehydropolymerization in a flow of nitrogen on a platinum or tungsten coil electrically heated to 650 - 7000C and immersed in the liquid hydrocarbon. The hydrocarbon Card 1/3 27~80 S/190/61/003/009/015/016 Production of polymers- B120101 is dehydrogenated on the coil, and simultaneously forms polymer products which are immediately carried along from the heated surface by the liquid hydrocarbon. The condensation products obtained are led from the high- temperature zone to a heated container where the drops of the condensation products are collected, and the unreacted hydrocarbon is distilled off and -recycled to the reactor (see Fig.). A number of alkyl and hydroaromatic hydrocarbons was treated in this way. Tetralin is converted to naphthalene .jR4~X..th4,9dAdLtjQns described, whereas polymers are recovered from p -xylene, ..cumene, ethyl benzene, and p-diisopropyl benzene; the molecular weight of thelpo'I rs*o1Aained from p-diisopropyl benzene is about 10,000. The yield in polymer is 10 - 15% related to the hydrocarbon used, and 70 - 80% related to the reacted hydrocarbon. There is 1 figure. ibstracterts note: Essentially complete translation SUBMITTED: January 12, 1961 Card 2/3 SOSINY S.L,P kand.khim.nauk Gaa-liquid chromatography. Friroda 50 no.7:101-104 Jl 161. (MML 14:6) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedizkeniy AN SSSR, Moskva. .(Chromatographic analysis) 5102 eiftIO0610131020 B1030YB217 AUTHORS: Nesmeyanov, A. 17., Academician, Korshak, V. V.,Corresponding Member AS USSRp Voyevodakiy, V. V., Corresponding Member .1 AS USSR, Kochatkovaj-.11, B., Soein, S. L., Mate;ik.v., R. B., Bolotnikovat T. N., ChiTriki_n,-7.-9--_,&nd Bazhin, Y. 9. TITLE: Synthesis and some optical-magnetic properti*u of poly- forrocenes PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 6, 1361, 1370-1373 TEXT: The authors studied the magnetic properties of ferrocene derivativees-/ 1) of the polyferrocanylones (Table 1, nos. 1-6). 2) the polydiisopropyl- ferrocene (Table 1, nos. 7-6), 3) the polymethano- and 4) the polyethano- polyferrocenes (Table 1, nos. 9-13). They were synthetized by. A) Poly- recombination- To 1), and 2). 1 ipole ferrocene (or of its diisopropyl homolog) was treated with 1 mole tertiary butyl peroxide In nitrogen atmosphere at 20OPC.111) and 2) are assumed to be formed as follows; the Butoxyl and methyl radicals formed during peroxide decomposition separate the hydrogen from ferroaene (or the cc-hydrogen). The radicals thus formed Cari 1/6.5- 0. f S/0201jOP/-,J?37/006/P13/020 Synthesis and some ... B103/B217 recombine and form linear 1) or 2), easily soluble in benzene. An in- soluble polymer (Table 1, nos- 5-6) with a two- or tridimensional network structure is formed simultaneously. The conversion of ferrocene to high- molecular products amounted to 25~- Nos. 1-3 have a softening temperature of 290-3000C and are a dark-red powderp whereas nos. 5-6 had their softening temperature at about 4000C and were light-yellow. B) Polyalkylenation of ferrocene by methylene chloride and tt2-dichloroethane in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Aluminum chloride solution in 50 ml of di- halogen alkane was added gradually to 40 gferrocene dissolved in 250 ml dry dihalogen alkane. The mixture was stirred for 6 hr at the boiling tempera- ture of the solvent. The next day, 10 g aluminum chloride in 25 ml dihalo- gen alkane were added and treated "or 6 hr as above. The mixture-was decomposed by ice and EICI and treated with sodium sulfite. The obtained 3) and 4) were well soluble In benzene, differed, however, by their solubility in other. Table I shows the molecular weights, the always equal g-factor and the magnetic characteristics of all substances produced. The decomposi- tion temperature of 9-13 was 115-12000. All substances are amorphous powders, nos. 9 and 10 light-yellow, no. 11 grey-brown. Nos. 10 and 11 are of a chemical composition similar to that of no. 9 (pentaethanodifferrocons). Card 2/-(,,s-- ------------ 6 2385h 8/020J61/13'1/006/013/020 Synthesis and some ... B103/D217 They consist possibly of 2 and 4 molecules similar to the latter, connected by ethane bridges. 4-5 methylensa in the molecule of nos. 12 and 13 belong to 2 ferrocene radicals. They do'not contain halogen. The infrared spectra of nos. 9-13 have frequencies within the range 1000-t100 cm-1. To 1). Derivatives 1) having a n-conjugation between the ferrocena links give a signal the electron paramagnetic resonance (e-p-r), similarly to the poly- aromatic hydrocarbons. This cannot be explained by the presence of a rresponding quantity of the oxidized form of the ferricinium*cation. cc Table I shows that also polymers in which the ferrocene links are separated by the -CH2-GE27 group give an a. p4 r. signal. It is known that the delocalization of the unpaired electrons between the two phenyl ringa'is not prevented by this group. In the substances described here, which give an e. p. r. signal, this signal is the smaller, the smaller the number of ferrocene links is. This signal vanishes in 2). Polymers with a low .molecular weight give no e. p. r. signal in the solution (benzene), but in solid state. This is explained by the fact that the Intramolecular interactions cause in solid state a conjugation of the adjacent polymer molecules. This causes for its part an s. p. r. signal. All polymers Card 3/i,5- 23"54 S/02 61/137/co6/013/020 B1 03Y3217 Synthesis and some a neutral-901vent (n-octane), j. e. under conditions t~ that of ferrocene in the authors point out. under which the charge i3 not transferred. Finally, -spectra apparentlr confirm the that their results concerning.the UV of the polYnucleotides and of the polyaromatiC "pseudoferromagnetism" nd 8). There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 8 references: h drocarbons (Refs. 5 a erence to _~ngljajj-language y t-bloc. The only ref 7 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-SOvif! - 7: Trans. Farad. Soc-t n reads as follows: J- C. D. Brand, Ref publicatiO 53, 894, 1957. 'icheskikh soyedineniY Akademii nauk SSSR ASSOCIATION': Institut elementoorgan do of the Academy of (Institute or zlemental-organic Compoun scl6nceo, USSR) SUB1,1ITTED'. December 20j 1960 ene 1-4) linear polyfarrocenyln t Legend to Table-1. I) current number r rrocenylene, 7) ~olydiisopropylferrocenej li aa Y )luble polyfe ucts of ferrocene with Di-1 2- 5-6) iftsc )Juble,19-11) condensation prod li;,e 7, ino( -ide, 14) ferricinium cation ith methylene chlox r's chloroeth-, 19-13) tor, V Vi) line widih, oe 8, IIIII'mdecular weighto Iv) g-fac 11) Substaw Card 5/(k!;- /062/62/000/009/00 .8/009 B1 19/B1,16- aT'O'v 1 r ic from itriles of al Ye of ()tdejelli Iq rjtae5jS .ZreStiYa' C - , , & a&lpll 1650 all Oc J'-a T IT US SSSR 1644 -le 20 .k1K1,,,,je1ajLV' 1962, tri to ,.aa.erVerlt, TIO. lojac dAill *. heating. 11 & by . Jg O:IymerS ,RIODI 0 ter (1), Tas. combille t e es ,lyre res'cLItl arA eldea ti, 1,jetlly r tlaeRl .(je Tjje -1 1 St'adL3.e 1 13- 0 *ere t,,inecl - Br O~Yflnoace e ELCII ero-j~l ectra 50 Ob ,,oleGjal L. Vere 6. S P -ae-ta e (-III) 'rtiary bUtYl 9 -je .'aaV1119 f telling 0 r0l 'JUEJ (linitr1l Of t -Le3.r I'a ,all tj Ui&e 7 t ut'ea) so ,5ej,,(,.e 3.S. Tj ,,OtteCl e thy" '01 amoull tt,e Pre aylalys sclaeMe Was t .rl (13.M r 0 -'~r tarj tio lxiblO 1 tyle 9e -&e elemell re~Lc 11 olymer so nding OrL OlEtr "tjo perOY-1 ,OrobeLb e %id e r _P 00 (&epe t ELM 8, ~: 00 00 - 13 blac 0 jiell vjelgh~ t of 4 000 C " ratIlre temi)e C'rielne re klotioll Ge.rd 1/4 S/062/62/000/009/008/009 Synthesis of polymers from B119/B186 CN CN CN CN I I R1 C R1 C CN CN R It L; R C R, R2 (CH -C- C R C R C 1 2 4 1 -, I i I, 1 1 2 GN (CH 2 'C C C C~~N C LCN 31n n = 104; R1 = (CH 2) 3CN;R2 CH I. OC'(CH33] CH .2-)2N III too ga.'Ve a black powder soluble in dimethyl formamide; molecular. weight 5500 (maximum 6200 after.fractionation); softening temperature 5000c; 75 ~, a molar ratio peroxide -- III = 0-4 -' 1; reaction scheme CIT CN CN CN I "R I CH CH (CH3)3CO4 CIH HCIOC(CH 2 1 2 ji ] 4 1 2 1 3 3 C'1.1 C n Card 3/4 KORSHAK, V.V.; SOSIN. S.L., kand.khim.nauk New method of the synthesis of polymers. Priroda 51 no.4:98-101 Ap 62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy, Moskva. 2. Chlan-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Korshak). (Polymerization) KORSAK, V.V., VTNOGRAWVA, S.V., SOSIN, S.L., SIADMV, A.M. Synthesis and electrophysical proportion of the polymers with the conjugated system of bonds and the polycoordination po2ywrs. Report submitted for the International Symposium of Macromolecular chemistry Paris -3.-6 juV 63 L 11Q82-6 Envzwp(j)/EPF(c)/W(I-)/W(m)/BDS-,!ASD/PJ~-3--Ps-4/ S/0190/63/0051005/0663/0669 AdCESSION NR:. AP3000691 AUTHOR: Korshak, V.; Sosing S. L.; A_Iekseyeva V. P.; Morozova, Y6. H. TITLE: Investigation of the structure ofla Polymer prepared by,the polyrec=..::. bination of benzy! -trifluorciaditate ulyarnyye so dineniyet' v-. 5, 1963i 663-669, SOURCE: Vysokomolek yo J1 TOPIC TAGS.-. polyrecombination,'polymer, b4nzyl,tiifluoroace~ate' electron paramagnetic resonance ABSTRAM The structure properties of a polymer prepared by the polyrecombination., Tn s t i t noelemental. of benzyl tr4fluoroacetate have been studied:at the ute of Orga Compounds, M SSSR by IR and EPR'the method of the=o- . mechanical curves. The polymer 170C in:the presence of tert- butyl peroxide by a previously discribed-method.(V. T. Korshak S. L..Sosin, M. V.'Chistyakov, Uspekhi Lkhimii L tekhno'logii polimerov, Goskhimizdat, 1960 P. 45), and theLreaction.products were isolated and ainalqzed. Study of the S L thermomechanical curves indicate that the polymer exhibits elastic.propertie at 220 to 550C. As the peroxide/monomer ratio1s varied from-2.15 to 3.05/1, the polymer yield varies from 7.05 to 31.47. on.the reacted monomer, the.mol. wt. from~~ 1020 to 22,000, and the softening.point from lWt6 580C. LThe,EPR.spe trum of: C .1/3 VASEEV, V.A.; SOSIII, S.L.; KORSIIAK, V.V. Study of the reaction of fatty and aromatic acid nitri-les with tertiary butyl peroxide. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.khim. no.7*.1312- 1319 JI 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut elamentoor anicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Intriles5 (Butyl peroxide) VALIKOVSKIY, D.G.; SOSIN, S.L.; KUHSHAK, V.V. Study of tart-butyl. peroxide decomposition and the reactions of rad- icals formed in the synthesis of polydiphanylmethylene. Izv. All S,')O-*R. Ser.khim. ho.?.-1319-1327 JI 163. 0,11RA 16:9) 1. Institut elementearganicheskikh soyedineniy Al, SSSR. (butyl peroxide) (Polymers) (Radicals (Chemistry)) VASNEV, V.A.;.SOSIN, S.L.; KORSHAK, V.V. Syntre-sl`sof-Vo-lymers from diphenylmethane derivatives by means of polyrecombination reaction. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.8: 1487-1496 Ag 163. . (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut, elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Pplymers) (MBthane) 3/190/63/005/004/004/00 MI/B220 AUTHORS. Sosin, S. L., Korshaks V.-V. TITLE: Polybenzylidene- benzoate and,polybenzy-l.idenealcohol PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyar'nyye soyedinehiya, v- 5, no -499-505:: 4,' 1963,, TEXT-. Previously (Dokle AN-SSSRO 132P;360t 1960) polybenzylidene benzoatd," COO-C-C was.obtained by bringing benzyl benzoate into reaction IC6H5- I 6H51n with tert-butyl peroxide. In ~tms paper the. conditions of tlie synthesis were studied mor thoroughly- and the 'polymer was converted to polybenzy3jidew alcohol.. The dependence of~.yield and molecular weight on the initiator/ monomer ratio was determined:-and a-maximum m.w, of o a 5409000 was bt ined with 2.35 pole peroxide per mole-benzyl benzoate.. Compounds~obtainedfrom~ the low-molecular reaction,products by treatment.with acetic.acid-and pre-,~_-. cipitation with methanol: diphenyl ethylene - glycol.. dibenzoate W. , ah is An in-termediary.polymerization produotv,.a:low-molecular polymer fraction (Mew. 6oo - 8oo), and a mixture of methyl-phenyl carbinol benzoate and a-methyl hydro benzoin dibenzoate. Therefrom it is concluded that a small number of side reactions also occur,with the methyigroups formed on:de- Card 1/4 5/190/63/005/064/004/020 Polybenzylidene benzoate and BIOI/B220 QlfI -L - L -0 o, o H OH:. C., CH .4 0 ff OH ~ c,41 CSHCOCGIC H Card 3/4 KORSIIAK, V.V.; SOSIN, S.L.; ALEKSEYEVA.. V.P.; MOROZOVA.. Ye.M. Structure of the polymer obtained by polyrecombination. of beazyl trifluoroacetate. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.5:663-669 My '63-(MIRA 17:3) 1. Institut elementoorganicheski-kh soyedinep-iy AN SSSR. --OOSIN, S.L.; KORSHAK, V.V.; ALEKSEYEVA, V.P. Polymers and copolymers of derivatives of ferrocene obtained by the polyrecombination method. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.2:327-329 Mr 163. (KRA 16:3) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. 2, Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Korshak). - (Ferrocene) (Polymerization) KORSHAK, S.L.; VA.SNEV, V.A. Synthesis of polymers from the nitriles of aromatic and fatty acids by polyrecombination reaction* Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4t 872-874 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Instl~ut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Korshak)j - AGGMION NR: APL005~163 S/0190/6h/006/001/0180/0181 AUTHORSs Korshaks V..V.; Sosins S. L.~ TITU: Production of high-molecular polymer by p-di-isopropylbenzene reaction with tret.,butyl peroxide [retter to the editor] SOURCE: Vy*sokoiwleku1yarnMe Boyedinenlya, ve 6, no. 1,, 1964$ 180-181 and. lower half of insert following page 86 TOPIC TACS: polymers cr73tal3ine structures quinoids isomer, chromatography, oligomer, isopropylbenzene ABSTRACT: It has been shown that chromatographically pure' p-di-isopropylbenzone .4solecular weight polymer reacts with trot,butyl eroxide it 200C to form a hieh rX > - 5.1 in. (mol wt 4-10 1 ) of cr7stalline structure. This is apparently due to CM -izetion of the diradicals in the quinoid forms given by polymer CHI ell, CHI CHO CHI Cue C-1 2H 4.-H- Card 1/2 AccEssioN NR: Ap4oo9l63 The m-isamer gives ca3y the olUcmar under the some cagoms, "The authors are grateful to V. B. Bondarev and S. V. Vitt for the gas-liquid chromatography analysis." -Orig, art. has: 2 figures and 2 formulas. ASSOCINrION:- none eb64 ECL: 00- sumarrED: losep63 DATE AGQs 3.0F SUB CODE: PH NO REF SOVI 001 QTHER: 003 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019011 8/0062/64/000/002/0347"/1)353 AUTHOR: Sosin, So Vo; Korshak, V. V. TITLE: Synthesis of polymers from phenole and their caters by polyrecombLustion. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv, SerLya khtaLcheskaya, no. 2, 1964, 347-353 TOPIC TAGS: phenol polyrecombinatLon,.cresol, phenol, hidroquinone, cross recombination ABSTRACT: As a development from their previous work, the authors investigated the'polyrecombination reactions of p-cresol, phenol, hydroquLnone, dimechyl ether and hydroquinonedLacetateo Polymers with mol, weights ranging from 7000 to 10000 were prepared by.treating them with di-tert,brutyl peroxide at a temper&- ture.of 200C. Their properties were investigated. The authors propose a probable formation mechanism of such polymer, taking Into account, In the case of phenols with free hydroxy groups, a preliminary cross-recombinatiou of phenoxy radicals with the active free radicals# The polymer of hydroquinone has a chain of alternating hydroquinons and benzoquinone rinp and shows superior thermal C.rd 1/2 ACCESSION Y.R: A24019012 S/0062/64/000/002/0354/0357 AUTHORS: .Sosin. S.L.; Korshak, V.V. TITiLE: Polymer synthesis from aromatic amines by polyreoombination SOURCE: All SSSR. Izv. Seriya khimioheskaya, no.2, 1964, 354-351' TOPIC TAGS: polymer semiconductor, aromatic amine polyrecombination, amine, aromatic amine, polymer,*semiconductor ABSTRACT: High melting points and possible application of these poly- mers as semiconductors prompted this work. This is a continuation of o-'cher work by the authors showing that polymers with regularly repeat- ed azo-group in the chain (i.e., polyazobenzenes and their analojues) can be readily prepared by polyrecombination of aromatic amines (p- phenylenediamine, benzidine) when treated with tertiary butyl peroxide at 2000. ADDarently, polymers are formed by recombination, active bu.- toxyl and methyl radicgls formed in the decomposition of the peroxide tear off hydrogen atoms from the amino-groups while the radicals which are formed recombine with the unpaired hydrogen at the nitrogen atom. .1 further growth of the chain on behalf of the amino end-groups Is Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019012 apparently accompanied by the eous dehydrogenation of the see- ondary amino-groupp resulting Znimuo+~yaxa'zobenzene. Along with the graw1h ol" the chain, ther6 is the possibility of an attack of the benzene rings by active radicals and conden�ations as a result of homolytio substitution of hy4rog'n atoms. To'prove these preases, the authors heated initial comp"oun.s; benzidinep p-phenylenediamine and a mixture of the latter wlth*:hyd~oquinone in q nitrogen atmosphere until they melted (but below 200C)' and introduped into the melt tertiary butyl peroxide dropwise until the mixture chickened. The reaction product was leached with methanol or dimethylformamide and the solid residue was analyzed and its characteristics determined and described. The molecular weight of the polymers amounted to 7000. 11SSOCIATION; institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute Of Organoelemental Oompounds, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 22Aug62 DATE ACQ: -.27Mar64 EXCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH WR REP SOV: ;006 OTHER: 005 Cord 2/2 ~ACCESSION NRi AP4032577 S/0190/64/006/004/0745/070 AUTHORSt Korshak,, V. V.; Alekseyeva, V. P. TI'17,E: A study of the possibility of synthesizing high molecular coupounds from idiplianyisilane under conditions of the polyrecombination reaction iSOURCE: Vy*solcomolelc, soyedin., v. 6.. no. 4. 1964) 745-750 'TOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compound, diphenylsilane, triphonylsilane,, tetraphorql- isilane, phenylsilane polyrecombination) phonylsilane, heter-ochain polymer., 1'etraphenylsi-lane polymer, diphenylsilane disproportionation, UR 3.0 spectroscopep ,iTrub Tauber spectrometer i 'ABSTRACT: The polyrecombination of diphenylsilane was conducted in the presence 'of tort.butyl peroxide in a special apparatus at 170 and 2000. The reaction ~products were treated with benzene, and the soluble polymer was precipitated with imathanol. The obtained compounds were fractionated, analyzed chemically,, and .examined by i-nfrared spectroscopy on a UR-10 apparatus and on a nuclear magnetic oresonance TAb Tauber spectrometer. The main polymer isolated by the authors :'ACCESSION NR: AP4032577 is ascribed the formula r C113 -4116- ilts formation may have proceeded through the intermediate product tatraphenyl- silane, which has been isolated from the reaction' products together with triphonylsilane and hydrosil icon. Since at a 1:U.1 molar ratio of the issuing diphenylsilane and peroxide only 4% of diphenylsilane could be recovered, it is lassumod that a disproportionation reaction takes place in which some of the 1products become involved in the building of the polymer chain. This assumption 11s supported by the fact that increased concentrations of the peroxide result in la higher yield of tetraplionylsilane. Heating of the obtained polydiphenylsilane !of molecular weight 1530 to 9000 in a quartz tube yielded a polymer with a*molecu~- ilar weight of 810. The benzene-insoluble fraction of the diphenylailane'poly- 1rocombination reaction products yielded a polymer of 190 500 molecular weight. iOrig* arte hass 5 formulas and I charte ;AGCF,SSION NR: AP4032577 ASSOCLITION: Institut alementoorganicheskilch soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of ;Oreanoelemental Compounds/AN SM) SUB121"TED: OlJun63 DATE ACQ3 1L%iay64 EWI,: 00 'SUB CODE; CH NO REF SOV: 005 OTIMR 1 009 13/3 AGCMSIdN NR: AP4037279 S/0190/64/006/005/0827/0831 ATYMORS: Sosin) S. L.; Korshak, V. V.; Alekseyeva, Ve P. TITLE: A study of the possibility of obtaining high molecular compounds from 4iphenylgermanium under conditions of the polyrecombination reaction SOURCE: Vy*sokomolakuly;,3rny*ye sdyedinaniya, v. 6, no. 5, 1964, 827-831 TOPIC TAGS: diphonylgermanium pol'Yrecombination,, diphenylgermanium high molecular compound, dipherkylgermanium disproportionation reaction, diphenylgermanium dispro-, portionation nroduct, tatraphenylgermanium) diphenylgermanium, germanium hydride ABSTRACT: The polyrecombination of diphenylgermanium was conducted at 200C (in them presence of tert.butyl peroxide) by a technique described by the authors in an earlier publication (Vy*sokomolek. soyed. 3., 1332., 1961), The reaction product was treated with benzene,, and the soluble fraction was precipitated with mothariolt It was found that the disproportionation of diphenylgermanium produced 50% of apoipw Card 1/2 ACCESSION Nit: AP4037279 (with a maximum molecular wei ht of 1840) and also tetraphenylgermaniums tripherwi germaniumo and germanium hydNde., the presence of~which was confirmed by infrared spectroscopy. The thermai Wiproportionation of diphenylgermanium also took place without tert.butyl peroxide it 200C and at i4OC. :~A copolymer of diphenylgermanium -with diphenylmethane in equimolar ratio was synthbsized in the presence of teks- butyl peroxide, yielding an amorphous brown product with a molecular weight of WO Prig. art. has:. 4 formulase ,ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of.. Compounds, AN SSSR) 'Organoelemental 'SUBMITTED: OlJun63 DATE AOQs 09Jun64 WCLI. 00 SUB CODEt MT NO RZFSOVs. 004 OTHER$ 008,il C,,d 2/2 kCCESSION NRt AP4037282 S/0190/641096/005/0843/0549~1 AUTHOR: Vasnov,',V, A.; Somin,- S. L.1 Korehak, V. V. TITLE: Preparation of polymer@ by r'ee*WubLnation from aromatic,' and aliphatic nitriles J., SOURCE: Vy*sokom~lekulyarny*ye 96yedinaniyat ve 6, no. 5j 1964, 843-849 TOPIC TAGS: organic semiconductor, semiconducting polymer, polynitrile, recombination, nLtriles aromatic nitrLle, aliphatic nitrile ABSTRACT: A study has been made of 1) the polyrecombination of an aromatic nitrLle having no substituents such as methyl or athy'''.1 lene, and 2) the syntheaLs of aliphatic nitr1le copolymers showing:-,,."' both high thermal stability and solubility in organic solvents and softening without decomprooLtiona. In case 10 banxonitrLIG was.. V. 113 ACCESSION NRs AP4037282 i treated with tert-butyl peroxide to form a polymers CN. CN 1.CN CIN 7J OR + R H `H F1 The above polymer structure was confirmed by IR and elemental analysis. In case 2, a mixture of two nitriles was treated with tert-butyl peroxide:, malonitrile and adiponitrile, a-tolunitrile."..-11- or diphenylmethane; methyl 2-cyanoacetate and a-tolunitrile or malonitrile. All the copolymers produced contained a system of conjugated C-N bonds in the backbone, gave an EPR signal, and I had high decomposition temperatures (300-600C)g- but showed no elasticity* As a rule# they were soluble in dimethylfornamide and croool only, and exhLb-Lted semic nd cting propertiamo The 0 U V temperature dependence of. conductivity obe ad an exponential law. JCard 2/3 -ACCESSION NRs AP4037282 Conductivity measured in vacuum (about 10-3 mm Hg) at 293K ranged from 3.354~10-22 to 9.33 010-17 ohm-1 cm-1, but at 225-300C it reache d 10-l'ohm cm-1. This research was done at t Institute of Organoelenental Compounds of the Academy of Sciences. -...USSR. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 tables, and 6 formulas, ,ASSOCIATION: InstitU t a!gmentoorganichaskikh soya dLneniy AN 'SSSR (Institute of*.Organ elemental.3 Compounds,AX SSSR) i tUBMITTED: 05Jun63 .-DATE ACQt, 09jun64'.., ZNCLt 00 SUB CODE: xz NO REIF SOVs. .0017 OTHER s 109 Cad 3 3 SOSINI S. L.; KORSHAK, V. V.; VALIKOVSKIY, D. G. Reactivity of hydrocarbons and their derivatives in the polyre- combination reaction. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:376-378 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SAR (for Korshak). SOSINY S.L.; KORSHAK, V.V.; VASNEV, V.A. Effect of polar factors in the polyrecombination reaction. Dokl. AN SSSR 156 no. 5:1124-1126 Je 164. (min 17-6) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Korshak). L 19798-65 ACCESSION NR: AP59030.0 ASSOCIATION :.Institut eleme,htoorg haq)cikh --ao-' liiiifl* W SASSR ~lUstitute' Heteroorganic Compounds, AN "SWR) -.SUBMITTED: i0_ EML: ~~00,-_~,-; -SUB CODE: 194TU~ ::.. ,GC OC , , .-NO REF SOV: 008 d ,ev ;Card 2/2 tertLar - bikt. p. y aromide a the'source- of 79ree radMis.~ A, ioi a Vow was :Card 47 V~ I if 'TIM'- a fa rati I se:,. macr.omo ocu ar..:,packL id, .. Ither'nicue chanical,-. curve:,-'--'-,,,-,'.,'.---,, 7A CCES~ - 1; 10 AP404 7 2 1 5 71 showing th a 1 cry$ ta IIivL an d h L Sh-c I a aiid do f 0 jVAa t i ojr,.' absenc.6 ri g art . 3,f 'I u r1i t ab a has 1 4- 1 LIS 8 1 1 1& fl drou A s S~O CAT t OR -4heekik - h -'soyed poul* AN 't I stitut- is otmen oprSakpi S S (Instltuts-~ Orsinoslolkestal: OMPOUS 8-i--AW-AsSIO Of . - ' ' 0 SUBHITTEDt: 3119 0 1 RIO 8 t UB,- CODEt,- 0.~ RAF,_ OTIIII R l SOV j, 00 a 0 6 0 a4 r I. Z~; cot" KF)l 3 , V. _V. ; SOS III, S. L. --,, S5-nthesis of polymers from 1,2-ditolylethane and p-diisopro- pylbenzene. Vysokom. soed. i no.2:232-238 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. ACC NR: AP6Oi5615 SOURCE CODEt UR/0020/66/168/002/0357/0359 AUTHORt Sosin, S. L.; Chikishevp Yu. G. Offirt Institute of Organometallic Compounds.AcaderW of Sciencesq SSSR (Ihstitut 010- mentoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR) phanyleyelosilanes TITLES Synthesis and study of polymers frorij SOURCEt AN SSSR. Dokladyp v. 168, noi 2, 1966, 357-359 TOPIC TAGS1 radiation polymerization, organosilicon compoundl polymer,"dogradations silane ABSTRACD In a synthesis of the high molecular polydiphenylsilYlone ((C6H5)2si)nt which had not yet been described, the monomers used were four- and five-membered cy- closilanes obtained from diphanylchlorosilane by reaction with sodium or lithium in tetrahydrofuran. The cyclosilanes w9re octaphenyloyclotetrasilane (A), decaphenyl- cyclopentasilaii-3 (B)j, and an amorphous vitreous modification of octapheryleyelotetra-I silane (C). Polymers of substantial molecular weights were obtained by irradiating I melts of these monomers with fast 1 MeV electrons in evacuated ampoules* AsAndicate4 by IR spectra, the polymer formation is apparently due to the opening of rings of the initial compounds under the influence of irradiation, follorwed by the formation of polydiphenylsilylene. Judging from the molecular 'weights, the number of silicon atoms, UDCS 2333 SOSIN, V.V., mayor moditsinskoy sluzhby Clinical manifestations of pressure injuries of the lungs. Voen.- med.zhur. no.8:46-48 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) (LUNG DISFASES) (I)ECO)eRISSION SIMESS) MKSIMOV., A.V.t kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhbp SOSIN, V.V., mayor meditsin- okoy sluzhby Provision of submarines with sterile surgical linen and material during cruises without contaot with shore bases. Voen.-med. zhur. no.3:38-39 Mr 160. (MIRA 14: 1) (SU34ARIM MEDICINE) (SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS) SOSIN, V.V., mayor med. sluzhby Special training of physicians and instructiors - chemist - sanitary personnel of submarines. Vben.--md.zhur. no,10:76- 78 0 f61. (MIRA 15:5) (SUMYMNE MEDICINE) 41~ -Zult-"fe. le. Dlst)ortatiom "Aii Nvostigation of the Efficiency of High-Spead Machining of Metals an Universal Lathes." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Engineering Economics Inst imeni Sergo Ordzho- nikidze, IS Jun 54. (Vachernyaya Moskval Moscow, 9 Jun 54) SO: SMI 318, 23 Dee 1954 I , - ~Z:5 / it --y I I i. i-I SOSIN, Ye.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk Wear of cutting tools caused by cutting conditions. Trudy MIZI no.7:36-46 157. (MIRA 10:12) (Cutting tools) (Mechanical wear) LIVOIT, Dmitriy Semenovich- SOSIN Yeremey Yefimovich THUS S.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; RUZIN, V.A., inzh., retsenzent; SALYAN- SKIY, A.A., red. izd-va; DOBRITSYNA, R.I., tekhn. red. [Technological fundamentals and economic calculations of the mechani- zation and automation of small-lot manufacture of machinery) Tekbnolo- gicheskie osnovy i ekonordcheskie raschety mekhanizatsii i avtomatiza- tsii melkoseriinogo mashinostroeniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd- vo mashinostroit.lit-r-y, 1961. 21+6 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Automation) (Industrial management) 7 144 z - ' - min mot-ts'- V Photocolon metric deterad"flotC a, a Ute ~A ~- n in c f td r Awifid d otli i i t 1411 Sg! n e i m ryo a 6 rq- Ow ng s 0 O solin N nst. 4 o y g _Chem- G 11,- aw) 19, atIO,-- w e , N 13(1957)(English and Russian summanes).-~~A phot4kolort- * ' metric method is given for detk. sm"A arnts. of St (frouz 0.02 6u&as,N&r to 1 0% Siol) in fluorides slightly Sol. In HIO, C A. 50,8383i; - - _ i - ji, -W- d Craig, CA.' 48~40M'I- -Bra S. an liso 4i j C T: 42;~~ 5707e - Shell C.A ' The uorlde- il by ~ ton, In an alk. "Oies-can-be oissolied fus . mcdium~ For AlV,j'freshlj,pptd.'-ordrIe&&t n fusion may be replaced by dissolving the issdaple i - * pptd. or dzied iLt- 200 e of 'NH4F- Oi:NaF- CaPs pr= is Ived W IIN% without adding NE4P be N&F. - T AIF3~ only alk. fasion*. possible.--- This fnetlzod Is simplifi. ' Iiaeifid exact~thau vimetric.ones.- and more The dni~ VM to dissolve samples in HNO~ was about 30 suln the time of fusion was 14to 2,0 hro.7 -The, ' - - ' tolling pro.~ mat In Ued 2 to 12%. The raethodc0a bc App b . ..... .... -- SOSTH) -- Z.I; ZAREMB-1, J.; ALCUSTYU, W. Analysis of fluorine compounds. p. 871. CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA. (Komisja Analityczma Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna) Vlarszawa3 Poland, Vol. 3Y No- 5/6, 1958 Montay List of East European Accessions (BFAI) LC,, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959 UNCL. SOSIN, Z.; ZARIWA, J. Methods of analyzing potassium salts. p. 883. CHEMIA ANALITYCZNA. (Komisja Analityczma Polskiej Akademii Nauk J Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 3, No- 516, 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8,, No. 8,, August 1959 UNCL. 05//V 0 Determination of calclum, hyrosence of magnesium and atninonluin salts by jh-eihs o versehaW(BDTA). Nlearga q Zaklad Anal. Inst. Chcmll iqW.-GlIWICC. L ' 'Chint A nal. 3 1013-IS(IM ZlInglish sum- Oi . . , Friary).-Make alk. with KOH a sample contg. Ca and boil for 10-15 min. Acidify the solo. with HCl, cool, neutralize with 4 ml. 4N KOJI for each 50 ml. of solm, and titrate with ' versen ate in presence of tnurexide. the method was proved by detg. Ca and Mg In siderites. The results were repro- thicible and in agreement with those obtained by the gmvi- f i Ca w metric method. Dem. o thout removal of N 1 salts: to a soln. contg. Ca and Ift add 4N KOH to pH 1- . then add 2 mt. in excess and titrate the soln' with versenate. - The method was proved by detg. Ca and iig in standard con tg. vrariable anits. of NH4Ct and in minerals 0.05M sollis f8 standard solos. were prcpd, contg. Ca. Mg. Fe, and At in ratios approaching those in siderites and clays, namely j CaO 2-W. NIgO 2.5-10, Fej0j 14-57, and Alt0s Z-15%).' Z. , dT& 2 A", 4'r 7 t ~ CHETKOWSKAJ, Maria; SOSIN, ZoLi ~-,STRZESZEWSKA, Ir Complexometric determination of zinc in analytical control of zinc compounds. Application of complexometric methods for zino ash analysis. Determination of lead, iron aluminum and zinc. Chem anal 6 no-3:309- 316 161. 1. Analytical Department, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, G2iwice. CHETKOWSKA, Maria; SOSIN, Zofia; STRZESZLWKA, Irena Simultaneous determination of zinc and magnesium by complexometric titration. Chem anal 6 no.3:317-322 161. 1. Analytical Department, Institute of Inorganic Chemistr7, Gliwice. sosilih, A.M. i ~., Clinical and radiographic data on kyPerplasia of the thyrms gland. Zdrav.Belor- 5 no.7:14-15 JI '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Iz Instituta okhrany materinstva i detstva BSSR (direktor A.L.Rapoport, nauchnyy rakovoditell - prof. G.L.Dozortseva). (THMS GLAND7-DISFASES) SOSINA, A.M.; LAZTUX, I.I. Itcomplete osteogenesis. Z.drav. Belor. 6 no.3r59-60 Nr 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz Belorueskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta okhrany materinetva i detstva. (OSTEOPSATHYROSIS) (PJWMNIA) PAM$ A.I.; SIILYBLK, M.I.; LOSIILAI__A,11- Subcutaneous emphysema in pneumonia. 7drav. Bel. 9 no.l: 86 J163. (14IRA 16o8) (EMPHYSEMA, PUUIONARY) (MUMONIA) SOSIIqA, Docent B. M. Sosina, Docent B. M. and 3. M. Mayzel' "X-Ray Treatment of Xenapause,' Akasuer. i Ginekol., No. 3, 1949. Xbr., Belorussian Sci. Res. Inst. Physical Methods Treatment, -clg4g-. Mbr., X-Ray Dept., Ed., .3rd Clinical Hosp., -c1949-. !30SINA, D. Z.1. IIX-Ray TreatmFnt of 'Venopeause" Akusher. i Ginekol., No. 3, 1949. Belorussian Sci. Res. Inst. of P':Iysical Methods of Treatment~ -rl949-. 11-r., X-Ray Dept. 3d Clinical flosp., -c1949.- SCSINA. B.M. Motor evacuation of the humian stomach from the viewpoint of Pavlovian theory; roentgenologic investigation. Klin. med., Koskva 29 no.9:64-70 Sept 1951. (CLKL 21:2) 1. Doctor Medical Sciences. 2. Of the Roentgenological Division (Scientific Supervisor -- B. M. Sosina), Third Glinical Hospital and of the laboratory of General Physiology (Read -- Prof. A. A. Znbiov), Institute of Theoretical Medicine-of the Academy of-Sbiencee Belorussian SSA. SOSINA, B.M., professor (Minsk)) __a~ Roentgenodiagaosin of benign tumors of the esophagus. 34 no.3:54-56 Mr 156* (MLRA 10:1) 1. It kafedry rentganologii (zav. - prof. B.N.Sosina) Belornsakogo institute usovershoustvoyantya vrachey (dir. - prof. M.N.Zhukova) (EBOPHAGUS. neoplasms, diag., x-ray of benign tumors (Run)) over ,he P, EXCERPTA MEDICA SeC 9/vol 13/5 SURGMY MaY 59 an halv( .9) 25113. '011-l' 1111013LrM 0V HOENTCEN DIAGNOSIS OF 13RONCIIIAL CYSTS (Hu3sian text) - Soo ina 0. M,-, Soafna A. M. and Volodko M. F. ZDRAVOOKHR. BELOR. 1957. 4 (42-47) It is admissible to designate as pulmonary cyst any thin-walled cavity filled with air. fluid or both simultaneously. Uncomplicated bronchial cysts do not present a well defined clinical picture. Roentgenological findings depend on the patency of the bronchus. The clinico- roentgenological manifestations associated with com- plicated bronchial cysts depend on the character of the complications. In order to prevent the occurrence of severe complications bronchial cysts should be removed Dy operation, '(S) J SOSIRA, B.M., prof Development of roentgenolog7 and radiology in White Russia under the Soviet regime. i rad. 32 no.5:9-13 S-0 '57- (MIRA 11:2) (RADIOLOGY in Byelorussia (Rus)) CHL'MSOVA, ]~.S.; SOSIa. B.M..,R]IMPMUR, Y.G. Metabolism of labile phosphorus compounds in brain tissue in connection with radiation sickness. Dokl. AN 3SSR 3 no.1:26-2� -Ta '59. (MIRA 12:3) l.Predstavlons akeAemikom AN BSSR T.N. Godnovym. (PHOSPHORCS) (BRAIN) (RADIATIOif SICKHRSS) SOSIN&, B.M., prof.; PROKHOROVA, Te.P. Clinical and radiological diagnosis of an --ortic arch located on the right side. Zdrav. Belor. 5 no.1:6u JEL 159. (KIRA 12:7) 1. Iz kafedry rpntgenologii Belorusskogo instituta usavershenstvovanlyn vrachey na baze oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach G.i. TSgoyev) i ResTniblikanskoy bolinitsy lechsampravleniya (glavrjyy vrach V.I. Khimnkova). (AORTA--ABITORMITIES 1 ~-,,D DEFOMAITUS) SOSINAO B.M., prof.; GORUICHIK, K.I. of hernias of the esophageal hi~Ltus of the diaphragm. 7-drav. Bel. 7 no.30-14 Mr '6i,L.- (MIRA 14:3) 1. Iz kafedry rentgonologii - radi4logii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. B.M.Sosina) Beloruiskogo inatituta usavershonstvovaniya:vrachey (direktor - dobpent N.Ye.SoLvchenko). (U.RM) SOSIVA, B.M., professor; REZIM, A.Ya., dotsent Causes for a late diagnosis of palmonary cancer. Mrav.Bel. no.3:20-25 162. (MM111 15:5) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy - professor B.M. Sosina) i kafedry terapii (zaveduyushchiy kafedroy - profesoor A.D. Adenskiy) Beloru;skogo instituta. (LUNGS-CANCER) SOSI-NA) M._ T.; YELTISEILVA,-V. K. Geology, Strati-graphic - Permian; Paleontology - Permian New data on the upper Permian period of the*Sikhote Alin chain. Dokl. AN SSSR 82 no. 6, 1952. Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy Geologicheskiy Institut rcd. 27 July 1951 Monthly A-.tst of "ussian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. SIMINA, K.I.; POLYAKOVA, A.A.; SOSINA, H.S. --Q I ~- - - ~;~ - ~-- Analysis of hydrocarbon systems from their mass spectra. Zhur. neorg.khim.1 no.6:1264-1270 Je 156. (MLIA 9:10) I.Vassoyuznyy nnuchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut neftyanDy promynhlennosti (VWInW). - (Hydroonrbons-Spectra) L ~5~615,65 LIIISHIEYN, R.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; MIKMISON. A.Ya, inzh.j ZTMINA. K.I., kand. tekhn.nauk; SOSIUA N.S. inzh. p Possibility for regenerating oils inhibited by an additive, Elek. sta. 36 no.110:34-36 0 165, (MRA 18a*110) M so q 11 it It Ij to 111 11 11 to 41 W III a is 41 to 41 44 11 11 I-W It & A. 11, 4 A o.b jtI. ~Vtoj Awhdww lad" I" too anatojins. I. G. 1. 00 Rakhmanckik. S-zRuAbfiV,=,' -114#01=1AIj- 00.1 f-Ick. (U. S. S. R.) 1041, No. 1. 19-20(in German. W-7). ji -Expts.-mme mude to det. whether scids can be used for Slon :~ I mod conclu. of taxi= and austaxins. to 040 A ZPII*.I=t Litatole acids for this gourpose oW to det. optimum conditions for purifying the toxins and snattoxins 004 with a max. preservation of their antigenic ProPetties. of lie). AcOH and CCi.CWH were used. Vnderproduction SIX oil conditkins IICI produced togothatain results. The optimum 2 see I purification and I'- doo of antipuic Properties 4e- :0 Pend on the PH value mW there Is a defirtite PH vabse for a I!z vach acid. With HCI the optimum PH is 3.8 both for a puri6cation and for !!=of the antiagnic propff- coo, prevema 'g, ties for both toxin -ad With CCUCOOH the W 0 optimum for toxin is PH 3.5 and for anatoxin P"..S. Soo -a Toxins and WMECIIIIIS were freed hom inactive prvtcinv~tto- the extent of 95,4% and PI-6% of the antixenic Power .6 S was preserved. W. R. Ifenn 60 moo Noe ts it-L A AFTALLURCKAL LITINATUIRE CLASSIFICATION 410 ONV adc 431131 did Ov $%I U It AV 00 It I ; I TA 1A I 1 8 ad 0 0 R.I.W a 2 A 0 2 a V , ; UP It to it OP K It a Z161, Villa 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 *-& * ft, I Of I Ow I 1 .01 9. ?1 0, nA U, a I Y Z -AA M of 7 ;WIXI-lits AMC' -0400-1-11.9 00 00 of *0 60 b "Ic 00 dZi -..0 P~ Ae globulin ems L~- tt~l ii~ mi addid. Int.c,lure salu7r the altitir ~mt, to give An uddlil. W-5% prul~ill telliuval. G. N1 AALI mil !:.!I ^S..5L. *ITALLLPRGICAL LITIMIAIUME CLASSIF)CA710M go, 1. ad.. .11 ORE 41413 T I I I --V u if 0 is; 11 EV IkIWOOM Kit KU K U It it= n I 41 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 Z. .1111 ;W A f a w a -1 .1 w Im 0 Al a 3 a r 10* '00 see Oro 0 t:se to* 0 0 a 466 0-0-0 ww ;w 31 32 $3 U 35 It V It X 1; 11 4 -1 A- 43 t-L - I A k -.T f. 0--t- -L' lee I**, SOBINA. S.M.-.CHAIMKA. D.K.; LYSUKHA, L.K.;KRASOUSKAYA, A.A. . q . Local cold-resistant vmria"'ee ofyeasts for making fruit and berry wine in White Russia. Vestsi AN BSSR 156r, (KIRA 10:1) (White Russia--Yeast) (Fruit wines) USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their 1-12 Application. Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhiz-, - Xhimiya, No 1, 19,58, 2830 Author : Sosina, S.M., Lysukho, L.N.m Krasovskaya, A.A. Inst : Belorussian Scientific Research Institute of the Food Indus-try. Title : Preparation of Fungus Malt on a Barley Medium for the Brewing Industry. Orig Pub : Tr. Belorussk. n.-i. in-ta pishch. prom-sti, 1957, No 1, 67-73 Abstract : The production technology has been worked out for a fungus malt with the use of barley: crushed barley is stirred with an equal volume of water, and sterilized in an auto- clave at a pressure of 1 atmosphere for I hour. The steri- le slurry is mixed with a well sporulated culture of Card 1/3 was 11)rTT__1 =7~_ ation from Aspergd1lus ovyzae lei, of en,,:,Tbatic prepar e finist-ned beer Fe-vealed strain P~1, De3ustation of th- j 'USSR/Chemical ~~echnolo a. - Chemical Products and Their 1-12 Application. FermentatLon Industry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya-, IN) 1, 1958, 2830 that. the beer prepared iirith the enzymatic preparation Lroduced with a barley medium, has better 6astatory ~'_naracterlstics; being free from extraneous bitterness s,nd oJ" milder flavor. It, is noted that both specirlierls of beer shov poor frothing and lo,,r froth stability, SOSINA, S.M. W- ...... -11', ~ . Growing mold fungi on waste mterials from starch manufacture. Spirt. prom. 24 no.1:11-13 '58. (MIRA 11:3) (Aepergillus oryzae) SOSINA, S.M. Method for a comparative determination of the assimilability of proteins in canned vegetables. KonsA ov.prom. 15 no.8:38-39 Ag 16o. (MI-RA 13:8) 1. Belorrusk-i7 nauchno-iosledovateliskiy institut pishchevoy promy- shlennoeti. (Food, Canned) Mrothins) SOSINA) S.M.; ?ASHYOVSKAYA, M.T.,- Prinimall uchastiyet SUPRA11OVICH, V.A., mladshiy nauch. so-,.rudnik; NOVIK, V.G,, mladfkiy nauch. sotrudnik; TSYGla,AQVA,, R.I., tekhnik-tekhnolog - Methods for the disinfectibn of mclasses for the production of baker's yeaut. Trudy BNIlPPT no-41113-126 161. (MIRA 172.10) I SOSINAY S.M. Campar'Lson method for determining the digestibility of proteins in canned vegetables. Trudy BNIIPFT no.4:127-128 161. (MIRA 17:10) V. V.; T. N. i-111--,:~~Tlc)f'-~,:o,.~o-)"-.o~~;-)"-,.,-)~-il..-; Co.-Cm"Dund Alkylamiides of ~ci7-i*!-Lio,,,oorz;;io,-),-.oo-),-ii-n~-c acids r. 36, n-o o27z~iic cc,;;~:Dound, orran-Lc nhosp.'-..o--= f "r.; ",-Oro- are 6 lly des 0 di Y~u On Or 0 - Z~ sulb~;-~z-,nccz th,a~~ bond hydro,~-Or, fluoride or Good yiolds of the f_nal productw5 -,.are "iccep'C'Or. Re-ardloss o--' oricinal rori~ma-. only -,onoamLides -,.ere formed; di Y L .=.d t-l:,.3T.,a, 6cs CZ~U." 00 Isolated. Sever, sy-nthrisized and c*, L,~d T *,-, 3aliv-Lami-ide of acid added bromLine c.z, ~,no doublo bond, tuln.o 2,3-dilbromaopropylamnido of nothylturifluoro- al.4- haL;: 1 t able . lJP2,5: 38,9701 .--UD.C: 547.2"!_ 905INA, Ye. I. V- -acteristics and Regional Dis4,.ri- SOSINA, Ye. I. -- "Agrobiological Cha" 10 bution of Types of Grapes in Kirgizia.'? Min Higher Educetion USSR. Kazakh State Agricultural Inst. Frunze, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of AgriculLural Sciences.) SO: Knlzhnava letoots', No. 4, Moscow, 1956