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Intracellular recording of muscle fiber potentials; rhythmic activity.
Biofizika, 4 no.3:310-319 159 (MBA 12:7)
1. Institut fiziologii zhivotnykh pri Kiyevskom gosunivarsitate.
(MUSCLW, physiol.
rhythm1oity of musc. fiber potential, intracellular
recording (Ibis ))
SOROKIIIA, Z.A. [Sorokina, Z.O.]
Relation between the rest potential of striated miBele fibers
and the external concentration of K'~, Ma* and Cl- ions. Fiziol.
shur. [Ukr.J 5 no.4:451-460 Jl-Ag '59. (RDA 12:11)
1. Institut fiziologii AN USSR, laboratoriya obahchey fiziologii.
-- S LI~A,_Z.A. .
Role of metabolism in rest potential maintenance of striated
wascle fibers. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no.11:1359-1366 N 159.
(KM 13:5)
1. From the ]Bogomolate Institnte of Physiology, Ukrainian S.S.R.
Academy of Sciences, Iliev.
(MUSCIES physiol.)
"On the Mechanism of Hydrogen Ion Distribution between Cell Protoplasm and
report submitted for the Symposium on Membrane Transport and Metabolism, Prague,
Czech., 22-26 August 1960.
Inst. of Physiology, Acad of Sci of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev.
The nature of healing in asteoarticular tuberculosis in a M too
Frobl.tub. 38 no.601-36 160. (KMA l3tll)
1. Iz kostnotuberkuleznogo otdeleniya dlya v;roslykh (zare ZeAm
Xebedeva) Instituta tuberkulese AMN SSSR (dir. - chlen-korreo-
pondent AMN SSSR prof. N.A. Shmelev)*
Late results of treating tuberculosis of the bones and vimrtqv
in adults. Probl.tub. 38 no.7&60-64 160. = 14:1)
1. Iz Instituta tuberkuleza (diro - chlen-korrespondent M SWR
prof. W.Ao Sbmeleva, zav. otdeleniyan - Z.A. Iebedeva)
Third Al~-Union Conference on the Electrophysioi.ogy of the Nervous
System. Fiziol. zhur. 46 no.ll:W3--W5 N 160. (M.PA 1--.11)
Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "Problem of physico-chemical and meta-
bolic mechanisms of the formation--.of the dormancy potential of
cross-striated muscle fiber." Kiev, 1061. 14 pp; (Ministry
of Higher and becondary Specialist Education Ukrainian SSR,
Kiev Order of Lenin State Univ imeni T. G. Shevchenko); 150
copies; price not given; list of author's works on p 14 (12
entries); (KL, 7-61 sun, 228)
Relationship betw-en intrd"cellu2ar and extracellular pH, the rest
potential and potaolium.-.4' ~.n concentration in the striated m~uscle
fiber of a frog. TSi'--'logiia 3 no. 1:48-75P Ja-F 161,
(KM 14-2)
1. Laboratoriyu obshchey fj;jojop;F4-1 Instituta fiziologii AN
uw Kiyev
SOROKM, Z.A. (Sorokina, Z.O.]; LIMABSKIYV Yu.P. [I.Jnmns.Ikyjv JU.p.]
Third Conference on Problems of Electrophysiology. Fiziol. shur.
[Ukr.l.? no.ltl5l-153 4-F 161. ' (MIU 14; 1)
NIKITEMOP V.F. (Xi4taako, V,,Foj; PYATIGORSKIYO B.Ya. (Plaityboroilkyt. B.,IA.1;
SCROKINA, Z.A. (Sorokina, Z,0#1
Electrometric amplifier iu uoing high-ohm glaos microoleatrodes.
Fiziol. zhur. (Ukr.] 10 no,3t4O7-409 My,-Je 164* (MMA 18..9)
1, Laboratoriyu obshchey fiziologii Instituta fiziologii im. A.Bogomolitsa
AN UkrSSR, Kiyev,
poj,~ of calciu_n ion,,,, in maintaining the rest, potentilai -,f' striated
mu:,cie fibers. Fizi0i. zhur. 50 no.3:34U-347 mr 164. 18:1)
~iojogj:j A.A. Bogomol'tsa All Ukrz
TT13t-I'.Ut f- -L
; -bill-
Method for measuring the activity of potassium and sodium ions
within cells. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 58 no.10:119-122 0 t64.
(MIRA 18:12)
1. Laboratoriya obshchey fiziologii (zav. - prof. P.G.Kostyuk)
Instituta fiziologii imeni Bogomolltsa (dir, - akademik AN
UkrSSR A.F.Makarchenko) AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. Submitted February 24,
-~ I.
Measuring the hydrogen ion activIty outside and inside ganglial
nerve cells in mollusks. Zhur. evol. biokbim. i fiziol. I
no.4:343-350 Jl-Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8)
1. I-aboratoriya obshchey fiziologli Instituta fiziologii
imeni A.k. Dogomolltsa AN UkrSSR, Kiyev.
RYBOI]INSKAYAf Ye.M., kand.meditsinskikh nauk (Odessa); SOROKINA, Z.N.,
nauchnyy sotrudnik (Odessa)
Dynamic investigations of the unconditioned salivation reaction in
hyperfension patients following prescribed walking as part of the
total complex of health resort treatment. Vrach. delo nd*9:127-129
S 160. (MIRA -13--9)
1. 'Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel,skiy institut kurortologii.
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products
and Their Application
Wood chemistry products. Cellulose and its
manufacture. Paper.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32657
Author Sorokina Z. Ye.
Inst Khabarovsk State Pedagogical Institute
Title Turpentine and Rosin from Exudates of Branches
of Common Pine
Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Khabarov. gos. ped. in-t, 1956, 1, 109-
Abstract: The content of rosin and turpentine in resinous
exudates ("bumps") formed on branches of common
Pine (in the Amur Oblast') by the action of the
Card 112
USSR /themical Technology. Chemical Products 1-27
and Their Application
Wood chemistry products. Cellulose and its
manufacture. Paper.
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 32657
fungus Cronartium quercus (Brand) Schroet, is
of 34.3 and 5.4%, respectively. The turpentine
had dj2II 0.8645, n~OD 1.4695, ( OL )"OD *18.2,
boilin starts at 1560/r61 mm Hg, 97% distil up
to 182 indices of the rosin: acid value 160,
saponification value 166, softening point accord-
ing to the method of Kremer-Sarnov 64', content
of unsaponifiables 8.5%.
Card 2/12
ciple of the Water n'Wv-" -.
(1) frw from RW4--.d halides " Pc4
CT.Aw.jde. which vm
Utim I vFgsag%~StOfr.Ad:p[
atu. br-, :I ~ its to3dc RV
,.. . ._.II . aft- p did not dc5,twY_ -_., . - I-
... drolysl~ . : ~~ . .." ~' . -.- -;-
SOROKM, 2. Ye.
Turpentine and colophony from burls on the branches of the
.%otch pine. SOOb.DVFAH SSSR no-9:130-133 - '58- (RU 12.4)
(Armir Province-Scotch pine) (Turpentine) (Oms and resins)
A case of contralateral pneumothorat following intr&cavitar7
administration of Isoniazid in patistits'with mediastinal
hernia. Gruzlica 23 no.12:889-891 Doe 55.
1. Z Panstwowego Sanatorium Przeciwgruzliczego v Tuezynku.
Dyrektor: dr. M. Czkwianianc. I z Zakladu Medycyny S&dowej
A.M. w Lodzi. Kierownik: prof. dr. B. Puchowski, Sanatorium
Tuezynek k. Lodzi.
mediastinal hernia, isoniazid ther. by intracavitary
admin. causing fatal contralateral pneumotborax)
medtastinal, In pulm. tuberc., isoniasid ther. by,
intracavitary admin., causing fatal contralateral
.isoniazid, In pulm. tuberc. with mediastinal hernia.
causing fatal contralateral pneumothorax by intracavitary
admin. of isoniazi&.)
contralateral, fatal, caused by intracavitary admin. of
isoniazid In ther. of pulm. tuberc. with mediastinal
SMIMT, Illyszard; SOROKO, Jan; T%IASZa-lSKA, Ludwika
Clostridima butulinum type E causing botuli&m. Pol. -tlyg. lek.
20 no.9:312-314 1 14r,65.
1. Z Kliniki Chcrob Zaka,iych A-kaderaii 14edycznej w Lodzi (kierow-
nik: prof. dr. med. Jan Chrzanowski) i z Zakladu Medycyny Sadowej
Akademii Wdycznej w Lodzi (kierownik: prof. dr. med. Bronislaw
-,,SOROK09 K.B.9 inzh.
-- - -.-- ~
Automatic water dosimeter for batching plants. Bet. i zhelo-bet.
no.2:85-86 F 161. (MBA 24:2)
(Automatic control) (Mixing machinery-FAluipmeirt and supplies)
SOROKO, Loch, Tomaszow Mazowiecki
A case of surgical injury of the urinary tract. Prxegl. lek.
Krakow 10 no.12:318-319 Dee 54.
1. Ze szpitala miejskiego w Tomaszowie Kazowieckim, dyrektor-
Dr. H.Glombik.
(URINARI TRACT, wounds and injuries
surg. inj.)
urinary tract, surg. Inj.)
62d5. - REACTIO
400-600 ko.
MeV. . L.M.Sorb
Zh. Asper. te&-- No. 2_296 3
779"-07- ~40 (1956). 14
Analysis similar to Rosentel~is ~.Abstr. 11451/1954)
shows that the T'-- 3/2,
J :_~ 3/2 nucleon Isobar cannot take an
overwholm ing part+in th fatly since the
Is - espec
nucleon cannot come off In an S-state relative tothe isobar,but
must have in angulhr momentum of at least one. Hence, one..
might expecta. modotonicArise'with en6rgy
of the cross-section.
p Wong slowed down by polythiene blocks.:'Ginima-rays from
ir -mesons are rc
the demy of qlateredWasystemofa4ele-
scope of three "tillatidn counters with a lead converto
ov counter, Measure-
before the second counter, and a herenk
ments of the cross-section at W in- the rq4on of I < 17 < 1.9;
where if = pnVjLc and Pm,~ maxinium'meson momentum, 11
as, show a monotonic rise wit
ng an isotropic
17; _
0 -bectlon~,- the results are
distribution so as+ to get a, t tal cr&ss
a V
-~ C71a whe re a ot 4. (Thii dePindencel mucif
fitted by pp a
weaker than that predicted by,Rosenfeld). A rough evaluation
of the al~solute, value at full enern eaveffie cross-section at
900 for x-rays as (4.6 4. 1.8) x to- em'/sterati.. several
resultafrom. therworkpu
0 plished only in Internal reports ari
given In table. and h ra'af this article.: G.S.Br
9a owl
's C) 9 4, k C') IL . "Al -
TITLE -Re ~ffa_s;~Ic (p - p) Scattering and the Peculiarities of the
Interaction between a Pion and a Nucleon.
PERIODICAL Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,.~1,fasc-4, 699-701 (1956)
Issued: 1 / 1957
The strong interaction between a pion and a nucleon which exercises consider-
able influence upon the production process of the pion on the occasion of a
collision with a n..oleon may make itself felt also on the occasion of elastic
(P - P) scattering. Of the two mechanisms which are possible in this case one
of them is the following: p + p 4 (n + N + p)* _.~ pi + p'. This mechanism
corresponds to resonance scattering. The second mechanism follows naturally
from the known optical coupling between.elastic and nonelastic processes.
The elastic and the nonelastic cross section is of the same order because of
this interaction, and the cross section of the nonelastic processes
N + N -i~ x + N + NO is comparatively large at energies of more than 400 MeV.
The influence exercised by the second factor can therefore be considerable.
The particular features of elastic (p - p) scattering are apparently charac-
terized properly by the second mechanism. Elastic (p - p) scattering can be
compared with the interaction processes between a pion and a nucleon if these
Drocesses are investigated in the case of equal values of the total energy
in the center of mass system of the colliding particles. On this occasion also
the energy which corresponds to the rest mass of the pion must be taken into
Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fase.4,699-701 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1767
account. The probability of scattering into a given angle is characterized by
k2dcf(Q)/dC0 - a(@), Here k denotes the wave vector of the colliding particles
in the center of mass system, and da/d W - the differential cross section
of scattering into the angle 9 in the center.of mass system. Two diagrams
illustrate the results of measurements of the differential cross sections of
elastic (p - P) scattering into the angle 900 within the energy domain of from
160 MeV to 4,4 Bev, and the dependence of a(900) on the energy of the inciding
proton. The curve for a(900) has a maximum at the energy of 280 MeV (in the
center of mass system). It is at these values of total energy that the known
peculiarities of the process p + p -> n+ + d as well as the more simple pro-
cesses ~ +p --)-n++p and n+ + P --.> 7E++ p are investigated. The occurrence
of this maximum is usually brought into connection with the peculiarities of
interaction between a pion and a nucleon in the states with isotopic spin
T = A/2. Besides, another maximum for the states of the pion and the nucleon
with'isotopic spin T = 1/2 at an energy of -v- 600 MeV is known in the center
of mass system. The curve which corresponds to the states of two nucleons with
T = 0 must differ from the curve with T - 1. However, above an energy of
(0,8 - 1'0) Bev the curves of the dependence of a(900) for the states of two
nucleons with T = 0 and T = 1 are probably nearly equal to each other.
F s'~~ e~#m
4PEPIMENTis F=ypio fgE
-0 CESus.
- "
* bmitift.
uo OMW
, --t ,n
menods itzita"
agy;a*b -IA
FO B~Ioax of th
eft paruchis
Vii deta
offects Wimed
"'!~b #~qIoppd toe tM tr=s
11~0( N+
,i. a
RR: XRRWOf~~ m-'4-
U L~-7-' -7 1
-Tp 4. MAY-
7". 7~7-7
TITLE The hesonanoo interaction of a Pion With Nucleons, and
the Prodrotion of Pions by Nucleons.
(nezonans.-loye vzp-imodeystviye n-mezona a nuklonami i
obrazova,,iye n-mezonov nuklonami.- Russian)
PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret. Fiziki 1957, Vol 32, Nr 5,
PP 1136-1142 (USSR)
ABSTRACT The paper under review attempts to take into.'account
by approximation the strong interaction of a pion with
nucleons at the processes of production of a pion by
nucleons. References is made to some relevant previously
published papers. In addition to these computations, it
is possible to compare phenomenologically these two
processes, if we start out from the following assumption;
The matrix element determining the probability of the
process K + N -> u + N + N' depends only on the energy
of the pion with respect to one of the nucleons; the
character of this energy dependence as well as the
numerical values can be determined from the experimental
data on the total cross sections of the interaction of
a pion with a nucleon. The only necessary conditions for
the occurrence of such a strong interaction reads as
follows: In its initial state, the isotopic spin of the
CARD 1/2
The Resonance Interaction of a Pion With Nucleorib, aild
the Production of Pions by Nucleont.
two nucleons must be T = 1. Fir3t of all, the matrix
element of the interaction between pion and nucleon in
tl~e states with T = 3/2 is computed. Then the spectra
of" the plons and nucleons resulting from the process
H t N ----;~n + Nt + N are computed and represented in
diagrams. The curve of the mean value of the matrix
element H (p ) intersects the axis of 6rdinates above
the origin o~ coordinates. Incidentally, H(p
) has no
maximum. But the nucleonic spectra have maxima at 280
. 300 MeV/c. The last chapter of the paper under review
computes the angular correlation at the emission of a
pion and of a nucleon. The H corresponding to the
Tesonance is in good agreement with the experimental
results, even better than H - const. (7 reproductions)
ASSOCIATION: not given.
AVAILABLE; Lib3ary of Congress.
CARD 21/7-
I "Investigation of the Reaction pt- p--3Pd+;(* With Polarized Protons of High Ere rgy"
Nuclear Physics, Vol. 8, No 6, November 1958, pp 637.
Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Lab of Nuclear ProblMes.
Abstract: 7-he angular dependence of the asymmetry in the emission ofj-(~*-mescns in the
reaction p+p--.t-j'C-~d was measured on a polarized proton beam at energies 536, 616 and 654
MeV. Direct proof of the existence of the d-state of the mesons in the reaction p-r-p
4d has been obtained. The results of the experiment are in agreement with the assi;mption
that the amplitudes of the s- and d-transitions are considerable less than the amplitude of
the transition, lD2--*(3SI, p)2. The limitin& values of some partial cross sections have
been estimated.
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Elementary Particles. C-3
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 365
Author Soroko, L.M.
Title Resonant Pion-Nucleon Interaction and Production of Pions
by Nucleons.
Orig Pub Zg- eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1957, 32, No 5, il.36-n42
Abstract The experimental data on the scattering of pions by
nucleons in the energy region from 30 to 4W Mev are ana-
lyzed by the author, who calculates the average matrix
element of the pion-nucleon interaction. With the aid
of this matrix element, the energy dependence of the to-
tal pion photoproduction cross section is calculated,
along with the spectra of the mesons and nucleons that
are formed during pion production in the nucleon-nucleon
collision, and also the angular correlation in the emis-
sion of the pion and nucleon in the same process.
Card 1/2
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Elemegiary Particles. C-3
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 365
Comparison is made with experimental data on the meson
production processes.
Card P-/P
"Some Possible Experiments for the Investigation of Inelqstic Scattering of
Nucleons." Nuclear sics, Vol. 7, No. 6, p. 573-578 1958.
(No. Holland Publ. Co.)
Abstract: Ziome possible experiments are considered which can be used to study
inelastic collisions of nucleons of the ty
.pe N + N-2rt + N + N1. Processes of
this type are Most frequent in the 650 HeV energy region. Some non-trivial
experiments on the meson-nucleon angular correlation are indicated which
are based on 'the existence of azimuthal asymmetry in the emission of these two
particles. Similar effects for a polarized nucleon beam are considered. the
calculations are performed in terms of ten inelastic transition amplitudes,
it being assumed that these transitions yield the main contribution to the
total cross section ofthe N +N--~-I-r +N + N1 process at 650 bleV.
Joint Inst. of Nuclear Research, Lab. of Nuclear Problems, Dubna, USSR
AUTHORs Soroko, L. M.
TITLE# Possible Experiments for Investigation ofN=qjwMe Scattering
of NucleonsI(Vozmozhnyye op*po issledovaniyu protsessov
neuprugogo rasseyaniya nuklonov. I.)
PERIODICALs Zhurnal Eksperimentalinoy i Teoretioheskoy Fiziki# 1958,
Vol. 34, Nr 1, P-0--87 - 96 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The processes of inelastic collisions of nucleons investigat-
ed here take place according to the scheme N + N .6.1r+ N + NO.
They are the most intensive inelastic processes at energies
of - 650 MeV. The purpoee of the present work is to find
out whether such reactions can be observed at all* At the be-
ginning of this paper general remarks on this problem are made.
In the case of the computations discussed here the formalism
of the investigation of polarization effects on the occasion
of inelastic collisions of electrons by Berestetskiy (reference
6) was used. First the initial function of two protons (the
Card 1/3 one of whichcontained in the fargett is unpolarized) are writ-
Possible Experimento for Investigation of XMI"tic Scattering of Nualeons.l.
ten down. Here the possibilities of different independent ex-
periments are investigated only for the special case in whiah
the limited number of amplitudes of inelastic transitions are
taken into consideration. On the basis of this special com-
putation some qualitative generalizations are then made. The
amplitude of each transition is a function of the momentum of
the pion and of the energy of the incident proton. The angular
proportion and the proportion of momentum in the expressions
for the cross sections are completely separated. Then the auth-
or computes the mean values of the spin tensors, which are
in immediate connection with quantities which can be observed
on the occasion of experiments. E. g. the mean value of the
spin tensor of the zeroth degree the differential
cross section of the emission of a p on in the direction
(Qjr if the nucleons fly away into certain directions
described here in detail. For the wave function in the termi-
nal state an expression is also given. The results of the com-
putations can be written down in the form - non-
polarized P polarized* In thi A de-
Card 2/3 notes the degree of polarization of the incident proton bundle.
Possible Experiments for Investigation of XM]"tje Scattering of Nucleons.I.
For both terms of the just mentioned sum explic expressions
are given. As an example the reaction p + p 40 P + p + p
can be investigated to which only -transitions may con-
iions f~
tribute. In a supplement explicit express _x the coeffi-
cients corresponding to the processes p + p -P ir + n + p
and p + p -b V + p + p are given. There are 2 figures, I
table, and 8 references, 4 of which are Slavic*
ASSOCIATION# United Institute for Nuclear Research (Ob"yedinennyy institut
yadernykh issledovaniy)
SUBMITTEDs June 18, 1957
AVAILABLEs Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHO:-S: Akimov, Yu. K. , Savchenko, 0. V. , SOV/56-351-1-12/59
Soroko, L. M.
TITLE: --rn-v-estigation of the Reaction p+p 4 d+n in a Polarized
Proton Beam (Issledovaniye reaktsii p+p 4 d+n+ na poly-
arizovannom puchke protonov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurn-al eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 1, pp 89 - 96 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors first discuss various earlier papers dealing
with the reaction p+p 4 d+n+(l), as e.g. the investigation
of N at Ep = 46o to 66o MeV (Ref 1), of n++d --~ p+p at
Elc+ =174 - 307 MeV (Ref 2); investigation of (1) at
E = 314 MeV with a polarized proton beam, observation of
aRymmetry as a result of interference between s- and p-state
(Ref 3), analogous investigations at 415 MeV (Ref 4),
11+-scattering on protons in 'the d-state (Refs 5,06) etc. The
present paper contains a repr,rt on the investigation of
the angular dependence of th-) asymmetry of the Tc + of (1),
Card 1/4 viz. for EP = 536, 616 and 654 MeV; the primarily ur.-
Investigation of the Reaction p+Q --~ d+7+ in a SOV'56-35-1-12/59
Polarized Proton Beam
polarized proton beam of 637 MeV was supplied by the synchro-,
cyclotron of the Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issle-
dovaniy (United Institute of Nuclear Research).-The
experimental arrangement is given in figure 1; the manner
in rhich experiments are carried out is described. The
polari,.-,ed proton5beam had the following intensities:
530' MeV : o,9.1o , 616 MeV:5,5.1054-t 654 MeV:2,8.lo5
protons /cm2sec. For the two first energies the g---phite
2 2-
scatterer had 22,9 g1cm , and for 654 MeV 7 3 g/cM . The
- -)resented
results obtained by measuring asymmetry are re.
by figure 3. For the 3 E -values the following cross
sections were obtained: P
2 2
dcr/d.Q-0,24 + COS29;,v 0,22 + cos Gi-J0,27 + cos 9;
27 2, -27 2 -27 cm2
Ctotal~ 2,42.10 cm 3,14-10 CM and 3,1.10
(9 is Eiven in c.m.s.). The results obtained by these ex-
periments prove the existence of a d-state of the n+
from reaction (1) and agree with the assumption that
the amplitudes of s- and d-transitions are conoiderably
Caz,d 2/4 smaller than those of the (ID 2 4 2S.1 P2 )-transition. For
investigation of the Reaction P~D 4 d+n in a SOV/56-35-1-12/59
Polarized Proton Beam
the differential cross sections the fol--owing limiting
values were obtained:
'5('s 4 3S p -3.
0 1 0 10 ajpp-~ dn+)
a(s + d):>~,;-5,4-10 -2 . C1t(pp --), dn+)
D 4 3S p -r.0,945-at(PP 4 dn+)
2 1 2)-4
In conclusion,the authors thank M.G.Meshcheryakov, V.S.
Neganov, and L.I.Lapidus for discussing the problem and
N.P.Klepikov and S.N.Sokolov for working out experimental
results. There are 5 figuresj 3 tables, and 16 references,
10 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy ( United
Institute of Nuclear Research)
Card 3/4
AUTHOR: Soroko, L. M. SOV/56-35-1-38/59
TITLE: On the Scattering of a Proton by a Proton in the State
at the Energy 616 MeV (0 rasseyanii protona na protone v
sostoyanii 'D2 pri energii 616 MeV)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnot i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol. 35, Nr 1,q pp. 276 - 277 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The processes of pion production in (p-p) collisions
complicate the character of the elastic scattering con-
siderably The correlation between the elastic and the
inelastic collisions is investigated by means of the
unitary S-matrix. If the proton energies are higher than
,-,j600 MeV, the inelastic collisions which start from the
state of both protons play the most important part. If
only processes with the production of one pion are in-
vestigated (and if the d-state of the pion is neglected),
Card 1/4 the following processes may start from the state 1D
On the Scattering of a Proton by a Proton in the SOY/56-35-1-38/59
State 1D2 at the Energy 616 MeV
1) an elastic (p-p) scattering; 2) the transition
1D2 --),(3S 1p)2 in the reaction p + p 4 d + n+; 3) the +
transition 1D2 -4 (3s 1P)2 in the reaction p + p 4 n+p+n
4) the transition 1D 2-4 (3p 2s)2 in the reaction
p + p 4 no + p + p. The fourth process may be neglected
in the energy domain investigated. In this case the S
matrix for the initial 1D2 state (T = 1; J 2; +
may be given in the form
Sil iS12 is 13
S = -iS12 S22 S23
(is 13 S23 S33) +
Index 1 denotes the (p-p) system, in ex 2 the (n d)system,
Card 2/4 and index 3 - the (n+np) system. Using the results of some
On the Scattering of a Proton by a Proton in the SOV/56-35-1-38/59
State D2 at the Energy 616 MeV
previous papers the following values are obtained for the
energies Ep = 654 MeV:
IS12 12 = 0,31, IS13 12 = 0,41 and ISJJ12 = 0,28. A diagram
shows the results for the energy interval from Ep = 400
to EP = 800 MeV. All the 3 curves have the tendency to
intersect at a point that corresponds to the proton energy
Ep = 616 MeV. For this value the total energy in the system
connected with the center of inertia of the two colliding
protons is equal to the resonance energy of meson nucleon
scattering when the rest mass of the pion is taken into
account. If all these assumptions are true, there are 2
additional unitarity conditions
IS22 12 =IS 3X;IS22 12 +IS23 12 = 2/3. These results may be
used for the phase analysis of the (p - p) scattering and of
Card 3/4 the scattering of a positive pion by a deuteron. The author
On the Scattering of a Proton by a Proton in the SOV/56-35-1-38/59
State ID 2 at the Energy 616 MeV
thanks RJI.Ryndin for his. useful advice. There are 4 references,
3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (United In-
stitute of Nuclear Research)
SUBMITTED: March 28, 1958
Card 4/4
SQROKOj L. M., Candidate Phys-Math Sol (diss) -- "Investigation of the polariza-
tion effects in the reaction p+ p --# a +Tt+with proton energies of 53o-67o mcir,.
Dubna, 1959. 15 pp (joint Inst of Nuclear Investigations, Lab of Nuclear Problems),
170 copies (KLI No 22, 19592 108)
AUTHORS: Akimov, Yu. K., Marish, K. S.9, SOV/56-37-1-8/64
Savchenko, 0. V., Soroko
TITLE: Measurement of Deuteron Polarization in the Reaction
p+ p ---* d+ x* at a Proton Energy of 670 Mev (Izmereniye polya-
rizatsii deytronov v reaktaii p +p --0-d +n+ pri energii proto-
nov 670 MeV)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
vol 37t Nr 1, pp 46-53 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors give a report about results obtained by measure-
ments of the vector polarization of deuterons originating from
the reaction p +p ---> d +%+ carried out at, angles of 1210,
1400 30', and 1620 in the oms. In the introduction some theore-
tical discussions, basing upon the approximation method by
Tripp (Ref 1) are gi:ven. The experimental device is shown by
figure 1 and is, like the measuring apparatus (block scheme)
(Fig 2) discussed in the following.-The proton beam used had
an average energy of 670 Mey and an,intensity of 5.1010/19ec-
ondB. Figures 3 and 4 show the measuring results; figure 3:
i< T > figure 4: N(94). Measurements of the vector
11 dn+ d
Card 1/3 polarization of deuterons, and the data on the angular
Measurement of Deuteron Polarization in the Reaction SOV/56-37-1-8/64
p + p ----> d + n+ at a Proton Energy of 6-70 Mev
distributicn of the reaction in the case of a non-polarized
proton beam make it poesibie to determine the amplitude of the
nouresonance p-ttansition S __
0 j. 3S 1po. The contribution of
this transition to the total reaction cross section is about
1 exactly: (1.0+0 6 ).j0-2 d The transition amplitude
Is -.,. 3S 0:45 tot*
O-W-1 1po grows somewhat 1-7) if E P increases from
340 to 670 Mev, but its complex phase varies with respect to
the amplitude of the transition 1D 2 -.*.- 3S 1P2 by 200. The.
measured angular dependence of the deuteron vector polarizatim
is not in contradiction to the assum tion that the ampl4tudes
of the transitions 31? 2 ,. 3 S1d2 and 3F 3-.V.. 3 S1d3are equal to
zero. The authors finally thank V. I. Komarov for his assAst-
ance in carrying out measurements, and L. I. Lapidus, M. G.
Meshcheryakov, and R. M. Ryndin for discussions. There are 5
figures and 15 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
hTeaeurement of Deuteron Polarization in the Reaction SOV/56-37-1-8/64
p+ p - d+ n+ at a Proton Energy of 670 Mev
ASSOCIATION: Ob"Yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute
of Nuclear Research)
SUBMITTED: February 17, 1959
Card 3/3
SPROKOJ --- j MARTS11, K.S.,
"On the Complete Set of Experiments on the Determination of the Amplitude
Ratios of Pion Production in Nucleon Collision with Different Isotopic Spin States"
paper presented at the International Conference on High Energy Physics, Rocheater,N.Y.
aniVor Berkly California, 25 Aug - 16 Sep 196o.
AKimov, Yu.K.; Komaov, V.I.; SAVCHENKO, O.V.;~SOROKO. L.M.
Separation of particles according to the ionization value in
some scintillation counters. Prib.i tekh.eksp. no.4:71-77
Jl-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy.
(Scintillation counters)
Measurement of the deuteron polarization in the p+p--*d 77-freaction
in the proton energy of 670 MeV. Studii ^.ere fiz 11 no-3t489-500
96o. (EEAI 10:2)
(Deuterons) (Protons) (Polarization)
(Nuclear reactions)
d -t- He4 Reaction at a deuteron energy of 400 Mev. Zhur.
eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no-1:304-306 Jan 160. (MIRA 14-9)
1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy.
(Nuclear reaction5)
AUTHORS% Aklmov, Yu. K., ~avchenko. 0. V.. Soroko. '. M.
TITLE: The Re ction p + d -9-t + i~ at a Proton Energy of 670 Mev
PERIODICALs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy ilteoretichoskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 643-644
TEXTs The cross sections of the reactions p + d t + M+ (1) and
p + d--* He3 + X0 (2) have been compared earlier, and a ratio of 20 has
been obtained. The cross sections were measured at 340, 450, and 600 Mev
(Refs. 1-6). In the present "Letter to the Editor" the writers report on
a comparison of these two reaction modes at B - 670 Mev. The proton beam
11 p
used had an intensity of 10 protons/see. The secondaries produced in
targets of heavy polyethylene and carbon were identified with regard to
momentum, specific ionization, and range. The yield of low-energy
tritium nuclei was measured in the laboratory system under the angles
5-40 and 110. The absolute cross sections were ctlibrated according to
the deuteron yield of the reaction p + p - d + m whose angular
Card 1/2
AUTHORS. Marish, K. S., Sorokog L.
TITLE: A complete set of experiments for determining the relations
between the amplitudes of pion production by nucleons with
various isotopic spins
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimental~noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,
Y. 40, no. 2, 1961, 605-612
TEXT: A number of experiments is required to be conducted under different
conditions for setting up a oomplete phenomenological theory of pion
prodlaction by nucleons. The problem consist-9 in that the complete system
of required experiments be determined. Studies of this kind have been
repeatedly made, but divergences between theory and experiments have
always resulted at high energies (40o-6oo Mev). This concerns particular-
ly S. Mandelstam (Proc. Roy. Soc., A224, 49-1, 1958), who has tried to
extend the phenomenological theory to he high-energy range, and who
worked out a resonance theory; the most recent experiments on pion
production in no interactions showed that the predictions of the
Card 1. /9
A complete set of experiments B102/B201
resonance theory give no agreement with experiments. To check the
usability of Mandelstam's resonance model it is first neiessary to
decide whether the rN Literaction should be taken into account only for
the isotopic spin T = 3/2, or also for T = -1/2. It is a known fact that
experiments oonducted so far are not sufficient to obtain the amplitude
relations for a complete theory. The authors of the present paper
wanted to determine the complete system of the required experiments for
checking the resonance model by Mandelstam~ The phenomenological descrip-
tion of the pion production processes in the isotopic spin space requires
the introduction of three independent amplitudes; the probability of
a pion production in any nucleon-nucleon interaction can be expressed by
these three amplitudes. It is found, when taking account of the charge
symmetry, that there are seven different NN-interaction processes in
which pione are produced; their differential cross sections are given by:
Card 2/ 9
r11 02 /'RP01
A complete set of -experiments ... jAi312,
pp 2 1/ 1/2 1 F,, IIF..1cos'll,g,,~
1. do (pp pria") Flo + F 1112-]/T/2 I Fli I I Flo I Cos (big, 11
I A,, 12 AllICOS(Pl31
-L21A,,r_j12IAl3I I
a 4
Y~IA,31 JA
111. da (pp - PPno) Fli A,, All It + COS (Pl3j
IV. do (pn iina+) Foi 12 + _L 1 1,2 /6 1 Fol Fit Cos
[-LIA.,I% +1A,, 11 +1A01 It +Jlr~ IA,,l IAI,ICOST13-
-21AIII IAojIcos(pol--jf_2IAl3I IAglICOS(P03j
V. do (tip nna+) I Fol 12+ Fli 12 , )/~_161 F0, F~, I Cos 001.11
[-LIAI:,12 -LIA,,12 +A0112 +1/'-21A,31 IAllIcos(pl3 +
+2 IAl I lAo,jeos(po, +Y~IAj IA011COST031 I
Vt. du (lip npno) = --' I Fol 12+11ploj! - 2 Y~_/3 IFol I IFlo I Cos (Do,,,,
-1121A1311 Aollcos(pa., +JAIIIIA011COST011
VII' da(np Flo 12 +2 YT13-1 Fol Flo I Cos (Do, X,
pnzt~ *2 1 Fol 12 -'r
[1A,.12 +-'. IAljr +-!-IA 1~ -j/'_2IAl31 JAIlIcOsTi;
3/9 2 0 1
A complete set of experiments ...
Here, Fi~ are the three amplitudes if in the end state the subsystem
consists of two nucleons (i - isotopic spin of the two nucleons in the
initial state; j - in the end state), and A are the amplitudes if the
final subsystem consists of pion and nucleon (1 2 TTs, TnN - isotopic
,spin of the nN subsystem). The processes I and II, IV and V and VI
and VII differ by the interference between two amplitudes. Methods Of
establishing these differences experimentally are discussed. A
comparison between the reactions pn --vnn7E+
and pn -~ ppn- at equal pion
emission angles will be sufLcient for the difference between IV and V.
For I and II as well 4s VI and VII the differentfal cross sections in
Card 4/9
A complete set of experiments ... B102/3201
- and pp ---~npn must be measured in the angular
the processes pp 01 pnTc+ +
ranges 0 < rv < x/2 and 0 < 0 < n/2. The differences of the total
TE 12
cross sections for I and II are given by
Aalo,st 4 fdanppa+ (0,., 0~2) dUPtpln+ (0., O..))d-Q (6.)dQ (0,2), (4) (4),
for VI and VII by
Aa0l.104 fdar:pp~- (0,., O-n) d(yn 162 (0.,) dQ (0,2). (5)
'0 0
for IV and V by
2 1da.Pn--+ (0,) dunp,+ (0,-) dQ (L)
~2 (du" (0 dd' ,fn+ (0,,) 1 dQ (0,,). (6)
A complete set of experiments B102/B201
-The amplitudes P can be obtained with
a (PP it") I Flo 12 +1 IF111 1, a (np Fo~ + F~o 12,
2 a 2
a (PP -a') F" 1" a (np Foi 1' 4- Fil (7)
3 (7)
ACFIO.11 J/-2 910,11, Aaol, 11 V013 901,11, A001,10 1/1-/3 Qox,io,
Qj/. 1h F11 FAI COS (DI/. ki -
from he experimentally observed quantities with the aid of relations
/2 AU10.111
F~. 12 a (PP (PP
I F11 12 = 2a (pp no), Q11,01= J/-3/2 ACQ1,919 (8) (8)
F., 11 3 [cr OP.- It+) +(r OP (PP - -no) 910.11 1/-3-AUIO.01.
. . . ........
once the F have been determined, the A can bd determined as well with,
ij j
Card 6/ 9
3 10
A complete set of experiments ... 3102/3201
A P 10 + +-L FI, + -L ]/-2 910.11
2 1 F120 + 2 Fill_
An -'/,Flo + Tu, AIL 3 Jr2- 010,11
A0, = Fol, A%
U1 (9)
p-10 +
3 3 3 10.11.
(J)01 010.01 +1/2/3 Q11.01, (003 11rflS Q~,.ol + 1"'F1, P.11,01
or explicitly by the observation quantities
Card 7/9
S/05 61/040/002/032/047
A complete set of experiments ... B1 02YB201
A13 11, a (pp _;X+) + 2A(jl,. 11,
All cr (pp all + (pp Aalo, 11,
3 [a (np :t+) +a (np n-) - cr (pp - no) (10)
G)13 =Y-2 [3a (pp nO) - a (pp + -L 1/-1/; Aalo, 11,
3 3
(I)a = Acrii, oi - Acrio,oi, (uO3 j/-2 Aa10,01 +11fl-l-Aall,01,
O)J/ jAul JA/,1cos (pl/.
A study of the reactions np ppn- and np nnn with 600-Mev neutrons,
has shown that IF011 0 and that 6-cTO1,11 in this energy range is~
almost vanishing. From cr(pp -0 7E and a(pp --~-no) measurements with
600-Mev protons one obtains IF andiF,11.' It was found to be necessary
and sufficient to measure Act for checking the resonance theory of
pion production by nuoleon interaction; this difference is a function
Card 8/9
A complete ijer, of experimento
of the asymmetry in the proton- and neutron emission with respect to the
angle of departure of the n-+ meson. L. 1. Lapidus is thanked for his
interes-c arid for discussions. There are 2 figures and 13 references:
7 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy inatitut yadexnykh isaledovaniy (joint
Institute of Nuclear Research)
SUBTUITTED; August 16, 1960
Card 919
Search for.akomalies-in the energy dePeodetnee of the crOsls
section of the'reaction p + p4d + the'threshold
region of the f ormation of lr-~mesovk paitspZInij~. sksp. i teor.
fix. -40. no. 5: 1530-1132 i,4y. ~61. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Obuyedinenr47 instituit radernykh imeledovaniY.
(Nuclear reactions) (Protons) (HOOODBY
AKE"W, Yu.1,.; 11WNAROV, V.I.; INARISH, K.S.; SAiCIr-"'NlrOy O.V.; SOROKO, L.M.
~iqark;h for Jn the :;pecL-i!::1 of 7-13 nuclei emitted
_ _ n. i 6.+ 11,3 + o at a protan energy
~.n the react;,
of 670 liav. -,'h.,L, e.' c%-.sp. i teor. fiz. 40 no. 5:1532-1535' MY
t61. 1 (MIU 14:7)
1. Ob"Yed-inennyy institut, yadernylich issledovaniy.
O'hiclear reactions) (Mesons) (Protons)
6 100 3125/3102
AUTORS: Akimov, Yu. K., Savchenko, 0. V., Soroko, L. V.
TITLE: Experimental verification of the principle of charge
4 0
invariance in the reaction d +d --OHe +X at a deuteron
energy of 400 Nev
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41,
no. 3(9), 1961, 708-724
TEXT: The reaction d +d -,He4 +7co (11), which is forbidden according to
the law of invariance of the total isotopic spin, has been studied on a
400-Nev deuteron beam. L. I. Lapidus (ZhETF, ~1, 865, 1956) suggested
this reaction for verifying the charge invariance. This reaction is only
associated with one charge state of particles so that the perturbation
due to the difference between neighboring charge states is automatically
excluded. This reaction has already been dealt with in the proceedings
of the Kiyev and Rochester Conferences on High-energy Physics in 1959 and
1960. This article presents new results on the reaction (11) and on the
Card 1/4
28752 S/056/61/041/003/005/020
Experimental verification of the... B125/BI02
cross sections of the reactions d + d -OHe4 +I (E d m400 Nev) (12) and
p +He3 --"He4 +W+ (13) at Ed .674 Nev. The authors restrict themselves to
a class of phenomena, for which the principle of charge invarianoe leads
to the production of pions by nucleons and light nuclei. A two-aection
magnetic quadrupole lens with an aperture of 80 mm focused the deuteron
or proton beam to the target. The secondary charged particles produced in
the target were sorted out by a brass collimator, were magnetically
deflected, passed through a steel collimator, and were finally recorded in
the concrete shield by scintillation counters. The deuteron beam emerging
from the synchrocyclotron had an average energy of 405-3 �0.5 Nev. The
charged particles were sorted out according to their effective momentum,
their specific ionization, their range, and their time of flight. They
were recorded by scintillators, a six-ocunter telescope, etc.
A. N. Gorbunov and V. N. Spirodonov analyzed the energy dependence of the
electric quadrupole transition in the reaction y +He4 --9-H3 +P.
Conclusions: 1) The total cross section of the reaction d +d --*-He4 +7( 0 at
E ,0^)80 Mev in the oenter-of-mass system does not exceed the cross section
Card 2/4
EXDerimental verification of the... B125/BlO2
of the electromagnetic process d +d --.,-He 4 +y, whereas the expected ratio
between the cross sections of these processes must be about 102 if they
are -not forbidden. 2) The total cross section of the reaction
p +He3 --?--He4+R+at the same pion energy in the center-of-mass system is
7-10 3 times greater than the upper limit of the cross section of the
reaction d +d --OHe4 +n 0. This difference cannot be explained only by the
structure of the colliding nuclei. 3) The upper limit of the total cross
section of the reaction d +d --*-He4 +R0 amounts to -3% of t ,he cross
section calculated for the "allowed" process. 4) All the facts discussed
here are indicative of a rigorous forbiddenness in the reaction
d +d --jo-He4 +7E0, and, thus, confirms the law of invariance of the total
isotopic spin in the production of pions 0by nucleons and light nuclei.
5) There exists no isotopically scalar no meson with a rest mass of
100-150 Mev. The authors thank L. I. Lapidus for discussing the experi-
mental program, V. P. Dzhelepov for in-terest and assistance,
R. M. Sulyayev and B. S. Neganov for assistance in experiments with
Card 3/4
Experimental verification of the ... B125/B102
gaseous He3, and also Kim r' Ze Pkhe and I. V. Puzynin, co-workers of the
OIYaI computer center, fo computations. There are 11 figures, 1 table,
and 26 references: 12 Soviet and 13 non-Soviet. The three most recent
references to English-language publications read as follows:
H. S. K6hler, Phys. Rev., 118, 1345, ig6o; A. V. Creve, B. Ledley,
E. Lillethan, S. M. Marcowitz, C. Rey. Phys. Rev., 118, 1091, 1960;
D. Harting, J. C. Kluyver, A. Kusumegi, R. Rigopoulos, A. X. Sacks,
G. Tibell, G. Vanderhaeghe, G. Weber. Phys. Rev., 119, 1716, 196o.
ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (joint
Institute of Nuclear Research)
SUBMITTED: April 21, 1961
Card 4/4
AYMMY, Yu. X., SVCI0,K0, 0. V. and SOROM, L. M.
"S--arqh for Anomalies In the Energy Depcndence of the Cr~oas Section
of the --v%j , )fReaction Rear the Theahold of Tvo Plan Productionx)
report presented at the Intl. Conference on High EnerV Physics, Geneva,
4-u juty L962
Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research
Lab. of Nuclear Problem=
W-Annm~lles of the kj3 -Spectrkm in the Reaction p + d n3+ j(' t 7'
at the Proton Energy or 670 M--v'J"
report presented at the Intl. Conference an High Energy Phj-sics, Geneva,
4 ~li. jay 1962.
Lab. of Nuclear Problems r 101
'ExperimentaL Verification of the Charge Invariance Principle in the
d + d - 71,z + He4 P4action for 400 Y4-v IeutLrons
report presented at the Iht1. Conference on High Energy Phyuica, Geneva,
);-11 July 19G2
Joint Institute for Nuclear Fesearch
Laboratory of Nuclear Froblemn
-2- 1/ D
AUTHORSt Akimov, Yu. K., Butslov, M. M., Savchenko, 0. V.,
Soroko, L. M.
TITLE; Controllable luminescence chamber with a scintillator of a
working volume of 2500 cm3
PERIODICAL.* Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 5, 1962, 413-415
TEXT: An apparatus working with a controllable scintillation chamber
(Fig. 1) which can be used to,photograph charged cosmic particles is
described. The scintillator measures 130-150-150 mm. and is composed
of 20,000 filaments, packed in layers as ABAB.. with A44B. The layers
are separated by black paper sheets to absorb scattered light. The
filaments, 1 mm in diameter, are made of a polymer on basis of
polystyrene + 1% tetraphenyl butadiene or 2A terphenyl and 0.02% ROROR.
Since the de-excitation times are (3-5)*10- 9sec and the delay times in th Ie
control circuits are less than 0.1 lisec, the chamber can be controlled
by an image memory with a very short storage time.. The image from any
card 1/3
Controllable luminescence chamber with ... B102/B104
element is stored in the single chamber electron-optical converter (EOP)
which contains a luminoplior~- of constant de-excitation time (-- 0-7 -sec)
for the fast component; its conversion efficiency is 10A-*of that of ZnS(Ag).
The control system consists of three scintillition counters connected
in coincidencei the passage of a chargod particle through the coincidence
pulse starts -Wwo contprol schemes, In the first a square pult;e of 1 ,,see
duration is formed; this opens the electron-optical shutter; in the
second, a square pulse of negative polarity is formed;-,this is retarded
by 25,.itsec to reach maximum brightness. The track projection of a
particle passinp, through the scintillator is thus obta-ined as a sequence
of light spots (for a photoelectron about 10, which is the seventh part
of the number of filament layers joined with the photocathode). The
auparatus is suitable, e. g., for investigating such reactions as
+ 0 +
+e +i' or t,
-`~e There are 3 figures.
SUBMTED: July 22, 1961
FiE. 1. Complete di"-ram of apparatus with luminescence chamber.
Legend- (1) Scintillation counters, (2) scinti'Llator of the chamber,
Card 2/...
Con-.rollable lumirescence chamber with ... 3102/B104
coi;-.cidence circuit-, (.4) block fo.:, control pulse delay, (5) Pulse
6,~nerdtuor, (6) hi,--h-volta~e pulse generator, (7) EOP, (8) objective,
(9) defleczing plate of electron-optical shutter, (10), multi-sta.-e EOP,
01) coil, photographic apparatus.
Card 3/3
4.- 0 4" 7 2 A- /*
G,,:.~~ i a v I n , V
V. T.; P.;
a c -Droton
X 1 ie rG 3 1 " o I q W .
a, ov,.
o0l-~ "u.
:,Ius n, Pro%
I ~~o I uT,
sca'-er~ng a-- 650 :.:o-V
V Z L,::- d c
c"snerimentalnov i tcore~;c-- eskoy 'fiziki, v. -c`7,
-4, 0 - -
4, 111,6 122'-12jl
G S proton proton scattering, elastic scattering, angui---I
Scattering cross section, differential cross section
-L) TJU~C'I': A total of 1767 events of elastic p-p scattering at 650
.L,.-.-;V was regi-stered with the liquid-bubble
niaced in the beam of protons with energy
mezt and -orocedure were described bv the
v. -46, 1243, 1964); the proton scattering
ChaTber of the, 1TEF,
650 + 5 !,IeV. The emaip-
aut"--ors elsewhere (Z-n-ETF
angles were measured with
L 1-,1-'
NR: AP4047888
4-ae LVa? -r -;ro-lector I
(A. T. Vasilenko et al. PTE, 6, 34, 1957).
s t a IL i s i-- i c a Ico!;,.-)arison o:-'-' the present data with earlier results
a.s made. _:~ncjulzir denendence o'L the differential cross sec"Lion,
av,z!racjc2d ovc,: angle intervals of 3*, is deduced from the results and
M-_~ans of- an empirical polynomial. "In conclusion
for help w`th the measurements on the reprojector
L..Lnk 2.
-iiicroscop~_~, a-d L. I. Lapidus-for a discussion of the results."
Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 2 formulas, and 1 table.
'r1SSOCIA'1!02T:: 1-b"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*1kh issledovaniy
(Joint of Iluclear Research)
S U_-: T'-,' E D30t~in_-64 ENCL: 00
CODE: F111? NR REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 001
Card 2 /22
TSUY VA-CHUAN (Tslui Wa-chluang]
Elastic scatt4,-ring of 6-5550 ive-z. Proto~ms. 2-mr. ekspp. ZE -Zaoz. fis.
()(-,I -, .-t~
47 no.4:1226-1231 0 '61.
1. Ob".vedinernyy institut yad-erm7,kh
sed...ow., lneAiclz~v.', qp~.'
esen c
3-rx:: an: exP
ii1dula xons-.~--fdr- --pr&Eons -
ola'r3,za 6n. c
resu- ts-of
tkori~., were ---made- --on:,t-he ---basis--:: 4
d.,-&t-,-~dete!riiiihi~#cj;-'the,-:re '3.rements'.,~ok-sbinmm-og.-_-,'~f-~.
field, and-were.aime qu,
G.E.Knzarnovskii; obituary. Stall 15 rio.8:757 Ag'55. (MLRA 8:11)
(Kazarnovskii, Grigorii Efimovich, 1887-1955)
KUCHKO, I.I., inzhener; SKRKIN, K.G., inzhener; SOROKO L.M. inzhener.
_~~ I
Ifficient method of rail grooving. Stall 16 no-5:438-445 Ky '56.
(K= 9:8)
1. Xuzzletskly metallurgichookiy kombinat.
(Rolling (Metalwork))
Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 94, (USSR)
AUTHOR: Soroko, L. N.
TITLE: Operating Experience with the Blooming Mill of the Kuznetsk
Iron and Steel Mill (Opyt raboty na Blyuminge Kuznetskogo
metallurgicheskogo kombinata)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva chernoy metallur-
gii, 1956, Vol 10, pp 314-325
ABSTRACT: An analysis of the operation of the blooming shop of the KMK
is presented. Particular attention is given to the procedures for
soaking the blooms (in regenerator type pits), rolling procedures,
repair to equipment, and maintenance thereof. Practical indices
of the functioning of various portions of the shop are provided,
as are recommendations for improving individual operations.
Measures that have to be carried out to provide further increase
in the capacity of the blooming shop are indicated (in 1954 it at-
tained 220 percent of the design level). See RzhMet, 1957, Nr
12, 22805.
Card I/ 1 1. Rolling nins-Operation 2, Bloating milla -operation
KAFRANOVim.p. p,& - 2396
SOROKO.L.N*, zkYKOVtM-A-g Siberian Metallurgical
AUT CHzLYSHEV,N of Kuznetsk (SibirskYY
a. atallurgical "Komb'natl# llurgioheokiy kombinat)
Institute an itut :L.Kuznetakiy Met& [ill (Silovyye
metallurgicheskiy 'Inst,dioes of Rolling on Blooming N saisn
TITLE: The Stress and power Ir teli prokatki na bluming*1 Ru
J energeticheskiye pokaft S.R.)
PERJOI)ICAL: Stal't 1957, Val 17, Nr 2, pp 141 - 146 (U-S Reviewed: 5 / 1957
Reoeiveds 5 / 1957 ried out when blooming railateel and alloyed
L]35TP.kCT i investigations were car with a diameter of 1206 mm and
teal for ingots by means of rolls The motor of
ve length of the pieces of 2500 mm-
:ith an effecti ly - 100 t.m with a nominal armature current
5150 kW and Md nominal . The idling Of
ermitted a three treble sudden re-charge.
f 7050 A, P of blooming, quick rollingi -the traction
the track, the proceB a rolling? the Stress Of the track-
forces and moments occurring with LS well as the stress
motor, and. the specific energy consumption a ~ The checking
on the essential parts of the main track are describei. g the
ess while blooming showed the possibility of reducin
of the proo 'qualizing the
a of edging forAhe purpose of a
number of tappings an ienstands. kn ample T6-
ad the stress of the I
stress on the motor az is formed by
serve for the increase of the efficiency of the track
tappings by means Of acceleration and
the reduction of idling between pings by lowering of the OPOOd
card 1/2 retardation in the-case Of all tap
~Gafe8`ty fact,
ations). rations h regard to fatigue at
6 tables and 2 r
citations renth
A'So"AT'ON'S'be-rian Metallu_tgical
PRESEnTED Kuznetsk.
SUBMITTED. BY: Institute and Metallurgical Kombinat of
AVAILABLE : Library of Congress
Card 212
SOV/137- 59-1-814
The Desi n of a Wido--3ath Cutting Blowpi-3e for Flame Cleaning of Meral
9 0
Smooth transition from the throat to the slot of the blowpipe is an essential con-
sideration in the desian of the nozzle.
G. K.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Sorpko, -L. N. , t4ef edov, A. A. , Yexshov , V. N. , Masyukov,
T.'Y.-'(D'ec eased), Frolov, N.P. and Braunshtejn, R.A.
TITIE: Rolling of Lightened Nr 19 Beam from Low Alloy Steel 09G2D
(1~rokatka oble-chennoy balki j~o 19 iz nizkolegirovannol
stali 09G2D)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1958, Nr 6, pp 532 - 537 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An experimental rolling of a lightened Nr 19 beam
from low-alloy steel 09G2D (composition,,. 0 -4 0.12;
Mn 1.4-1.7; Si 0.2-0.4; Cu 0.22-0.44; Cr < 0.30; 7,i 0.01-
0.03; S and P 40.04) is described. Lightened Nr 19 beam
(Figure 1) (TuTrO8-124-57) weighs 19-50/6 less per m than normal
Nr 19 beam (GOST-5267-50) which is usually rolled from steel
St3. For experimental rolling, four heats of steel 09G2D were'
made. Rolling was done on the mill 500 from shaped semis
(Figure 2). The calibration of rolls is shown in Figure 3.
The metal was heated ;rom cold charging to an average
temperature of 1 170 0. The decrease of temerature in the
individual passes - FiguEe 4. The final temperature of the
neck of the beam was 60 C lower than that of normal beam.
Frequency distribution of deviations of dimensions from the
nominal ones - rigure 5. The comparison of the loads on the
Uardl/3 individual stands during rolling of normal and lightened iir 19
Rolling of Lightened Br 19 Beam from Low Alloy Steel 09G2D
beams together with the maximum permissible loads and rpm of
motors - Table 1. The comparison of the mill throughput per
hour during rolling normal and lightened Vr 19 beams - Table 2.
Mechanical properties of specimens cut from variousl~laces of
the beam - enables 3 and 4. It is concluded that: rolling
of light hr 19 beams on bhe mill 500 is possible with the
existing equipment; 2) dimensions of the profile obtained
were situated mainly in the range of minus tolerances; 3)o
the temp8rature of the neck at the end of rolling was 790 C7
i.e. 60 C below the tem-oerature obtained during rolling normal
beam Dr 19; 4) loads on' motors of roughing stands was
22-230% higher than during rolling of normal Nr 19 beam. Loads
on the finishing stand either do not exceed or only slightly
exceed permissible ones; 5) specific power consumption was
3?0/6 higher than during rolling normal nr 19 beam from St.3
steel; 6) the output of the mill during rolling of the light
beam -decreases by 1716. It is expected that with mastering of
the process, this decrease can be reduced to 856; 7) the
chemical composition and mechanical properties of OqG2D steel
Card 2/3
Rolling of Lightened Pr 19 Beam from Low Alloy Steel 09G2D
satisfy the requirements of standard ChMTU-5688-56 for low-
alloy steels. The following engineers participated in the
work: N.I. Khoroshev, I.M. Sharapov and F.A. Firsakov.
There are 5 figures and 4 tables.
ASSOCIATIOVS: Kuznetskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Kuznetsk
Metallurgical Combine) and Ural'skiy institut
chernykh metallov (~Urals Institute of -, Ftrrous
Card 3/3 1. Beams--Production 2. Rolling mills--Applications
A,*.ITHU?S. Chekmarev, A.P., Member of Academy of Sciences USSR; Saflyan,
M.M., Candidate of Technical Science5~ Meleshko, V.M., Candidate of
Technical Sciences; SoroXo, L.N., Engineer; Kholodnyy, V.P., Engi-
ne e r
T'TT Heating the Finishing Stand Rolls of Wide Strip Mil3B
P E R'10 D It,-7 Stall, 1961, No. i, pp. 43 - 46
TEXT: 'I'he frequent breakdowns of rolls in continuous and semi-continuous
miliS are a ser-ious drawback for the Increasing productivity.of these ma-
Chlnps. Breakdowns are mainly due to thermal stresses caused by the non-uniform
he?-t'Lrg of ;~hf, ralls. Tests carried out to investigate this problem showed that
-~he heat stres"s depend largely on the degree of reduchon, the temperature and
.ne length of Une strip and the speed of rolling. The thin surface layer of the
rivals sudderly be_-~omee heated to up to 1020C, when the strip enter's and suddenly
"s down when the strip leaves the roll. To eliminate the thermal stresses due
_~,udden temperature changes, t1he rate of rolling on the finishing stand in the
.1 ZiLpDrozhsrall (Zaporozhztal' Plant) Jn the beginning of the working period
H-aling 4'he Finishing Stand Rolls of Wide Strip Mills
A015 033
decreased, e.g., the 1,680 mm stand of this ~;lant pre--juces 200 tons in the
t_-ur after the rolls have been changed in*tead cf 40.) tons. In Craer 'I(.
_-3a stresses in the rolls and thus zo eliminate production losses, th.&
pref,~-nt article -,-jggests the rolls to be preheated befcre operation to the tem-
P~ratu~e which corresponds to the normal rolling temperature c,n the particular
stand. For this purpose an inductor has been designed, comp-.6ed of three colled
coresi two of which are mounted under the roll, the third abz've it. The induatc-r
is _~-2 fed (50 cps, 380 v). The rolls, the ball bearings and supports are con-
nected with this device. In the working rolls of the finish.Ing stand holes were
drilled in which thermocouples (three pairs per roll) were fitted. The test re-
sul-,.3 are plotted in Figures 4, 5, 6 and 7, and it was established that six pairs
r,f t"-- ~_ontinuous finishing stand rolls could be preheated effectively, according
t) the following scheme. Four h before they are mounted on the.stand the rolls
cf stands VIII - IX, then the rolls of stand VI and VII and finally those cf
s-,and V and X should be preheated by the induator described. The heated r-olls
have to be wrapped in flannel and stored on shelves, so that the temperature will
be distributed In them evenly, before they are mounted on the stand. The tim-.
avaliablle Is 3 h for the ro2ls of stand VIIII - IX, 2 h for those of stand VI -
V11 ~Lnd' I h tcr rolls of stand V. The rolls of stand X, whose workirg tem-
Card '2/~
s/1 3o/6 I/Ooo/oo6/0o3/`Oo4
AUTHORS: Trishevskiy, I. S., Soroko, L. N., Naydenov, A. A.
TITLE: The production of cold-bent economical sections
PERIODICAL: Metallurg. no. 6, 1961, 20 - 23
TEXT: Information is given on experiences gathered in the manufacture
of shaped sections at the "Zaporozhstal"' Plant. Two fully mechanized profile-
bending units are now operating at the Plant, consisting of a set of machines for
the preparation of blanks, shaping of bent sections, transportation and packing
of finished products. The blanks are supplied in rolls to a defoldei, straighten-
ed and cut with flying shears to gauged length. They are shaped between the rolls
of the profile-bending machines, greased and packed. The sections a--e shaped by
cold defor4nation in roll grooves, by gradual bending. The bent sercions are pro-
duced-from etched and non-etched hot and cold rolled strips with trimmed edges of
the following steel grades: CT (St.) 0. 3, 08, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, (rimming and
killed steels) ogr2 (OqG2) 101-2 (10G2) 14)(rc (14KhGs) 15X (15Kh) 2oxrC (2OKhQs)
HJ7 -1 (NL-1) and HA -2 (NL,2). One of the profile bending machines is intended
for the manufacture of diverse shaped sections from-2 - 8 mm thick and 80 - 500
Card 1/4
T:ie pi
I oduction of cold-bent economical sections
S/130/6 1/000/M6!-,~03p,-, 4
Aoo6/A lo 1
the strips, so entaiiing deviations 1'rom prescribed dimensions. z3pecia-, guide
fixtures have now been designed (Figure 1) to prevent sidl displacement of the
strips during shaping process. A difference in the width'of section shelves will
be eliminated by the use of new guide fixtures, which sobn will be'come operative.
Production by the piece of shaped sections is less efficient andqualified than
continuous production. flowover, the latter method can presently not be employed
on the described profile-bending machines due to the.laok of devices whioh cut the
finished sections in the line at a rate of 3 m/sec. In manufacturing by the piece,
best results will be obtained by using small angles of bending the section compo-
nents during the initial passes, which will -then be increased and decrease again
during the subsequent passes. Composite working rolls are employed at the Plant
consisting of a shaft, bearing disks whose surfaces form the grooves (Figure 2)'.
'This design will make it possible to develop grooves for the manufacture of sever&.
groups of sections with one set of rolls. Irnis is achieved by placing backing p
rings In the Joints of disks of the upper and lower rolls. The use of multi-pur-
pose groove system3 Is however, only possiblo at an equal transition radius of
section dimensions of the same group. Presently, 17 types of sections are being
manufactured at Zaporozhstal'. There are 3 figures-.
ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy institut metallov (Ukrainian Institute of Metals) zavod
"Zaporozhstal"' (Zaporozhstal' Plant).
Card 3/4
27930 3/13Y61/000/009/004/011
AWHORS: Trishevskiy, I. S., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Soroko, L. N.P
Klepanda., V. V., Naydenov., A. A.,,,Skokov, F. I., Gamershtiyn, V. A.,
Kaluzhskiy, V. B., Engineers
TITLE; Grooving of rodls for the shaping of-corrugated 'sheets
PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 9, 1961, 817 - 824
TEXT: According to the authors the best way of producing corrugated sheets
is rolling them from sheet metal on shaping mills instead of producing them by
stamping. The groove designs of the rolls for this process were made to suit the
pilot industrial-scale shaping mill of the Ukrainskiy institut metallov (Ukrainian
Institute of Metals). The tests were carri.ed out with O8Kn (08kp) steel-on 15
stands (scale-1:0., To.ensure strip stability and a good quality_corrugation, the
design provides for the successive profiling of sectors, startifig from the central
rib towards strip edges. The ribs are shaped by the work rolls; before the first
and second stand vertical auxiliary rolls are used as guides. One of the features
of the new grooving system is the application of varying radii with a constant
distance between the bending are centers. The shaping radii are determined in suti
Card 1/3 J
27930 S/133/61/000/009/004/01,
Grooving of rolls for the shaping of corrugated 'sheets A054/A127
of the "Zaporozhstall" Plant under the following conditions: I -.feeding stand
with cylindrical rolls; .11-VII - stands: shaping the central r1b with bending
angles of 120-280-460-620-72030'-72030'; VIII-XI - stands: shaping the internal
lateral edges of the small outer ribs with"bendipg angles of 180-400-600-72030t;
XII-XV - stands: shaping the lateral edges of the small outer ribs with bending
angles of 180-4oO-600-730;. XVI-XVII - stands: shaping the longitudinal nick with
bending angles of 350-710; X~TII_7.stand: doubling stand XVII. The authors con-
clude by stating that the grooy~~ of shaping mill rolls for.the production of
corrugated sheets, based on a constant distance between the bending arc centers
and on a variable magnitude of radii makes it possible to obtain shapes without
cracks in the bending spots and without surface defects. There are 4 figIlres.
ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut metallov (Ukrainian
Scientific Research Institute of Metals) and "Zaporozhstall" Plant
Card 3/3
AUTHORS,. Sorokoj,,N.. Filonov, V.A.; Ksenzuk, F.A.; Tsirlin, B.M.; Pav-
Ti-shchev, V.B.; - Engineers
TITLE: Test rolling of stainless steel slabs on the "1200" mill with
reelers In the furnace
PERIODICAL: Stal', no. 12, 1961, 1,092 - i,o96
TEXT; The possibility and the advantages of hot rolling stainless steel
slabs with double-phase structure on the "1200" reversing mill of the NovolipetEk
Plant were studied. The quality of surface and edges and the thickness differ-
ences (longitudinally and laterally) of the stainless steel slabs were compared
for the "1200" mill and a hot-rolling continuous sheet mill. 22 slabs made of
three heats of 1X18H9T (lKhl8N9T) and 2 stEel grades of austenite-ferrite struc-
ture (A, 18 and B, 6 slabs), totalling 82 tons were rolled during the tests.
The slabs were heated in a pusher-type furnace, fuelled by blast-furnace gas.
The required heating time was originally fixed at 2 h 40 min, but actually this
period varied within wide limits, due to delays in rolling the strip on the f1rr-
inhing stand. The required rolling temperaturo and heating quality could be en-
Card 1/3
'7651, rolling of stainless steel slabs on .... A054/A127
the c-_~ntinucus mill (0-05 - 0.19 mm and 0.07 - 0.17 an, respectively), Due to
the considerable fluctuations in thickness and temperature along the strip it
ii iv~t. redused uniformly over its entire length and this results-in waviness
and warning. It was possible to eliminate these defects at the expense of the
roLiling speed, and, therefore, of the output. The quality of theedges and the
surf aL.-e was be t ter f or strips rolled on the " 1200" reversing mi'41.1 with the coils
hea~led in the furnace. There were no cracks at the edges and surface defects
cf mechanical origin (scratches, grooves) were fewer than In the conventional
al,rips. Hydraulic scale removal was not applied as it was feared to reduce the
temperature of the strip ends. Due to this, however, the mill scale on the
strip was rolled into the surface and, therefore, it was found more expedient
not ti., use this measure. There are 3 tables.
ASSOCIATION-~ Zavod "Zaporozhstalll' ("Zaporozhstal"' Plant)
Card 3/3
CHEKKARMT, A.P., akademik; SAFIYAN, M.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; MELESHKOp
V.M., L-and.tekhn.mauk; SOROKO, L.N., inzh.; KHOLODNYY, T.P., inzh.