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4. Irrigation 7. Experience with sprJng flood irrigation of meadows and aruble lands beyond the Volga. Gidr. i rel. 5 no.2, 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. 1. 3OLCV I YEV 0 V. A. 2. USSR (600) 4* Irrigation - Caspian Depression 7. Irrigation cycle for natural madows in local storage basins of the Caspian Depression, Gidr. 1. mel., 5. no. 3. 1953, 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1953, Uncl. PXTROV, Yevgenir GrigorlyeTich; aQjQ*AUVV,4.&.jjCH9RNYKH. A.A.; ORLOVA. V.P., redaktor; GURIVICH, M.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. LSnov water irrigation and the accumulation of zoistureJ Liummos oroshenie i vlagonakoplanis, Moskva, Goe.izd-vo selikhos.lit-r.V, 1956. 165 p. (irrigation) (MMA losO 50101PYEV, V.A.., _,kand. sel't~oPiozyay5tvennykh nauk Increased production by urinf, irrippation in tl)e trans-Volga ref-ion. Zemledelle 23 no.11:1(--19 N' ' 61 - (KIRA 34-11) (Volga Valley--Irrigation farming) SrT,OV,YEV 11ari. na)lk (Saratf),/) p P. . . A Irrigate,J Ian-Is am ar- irucrtant nource fcr increasing, meat prr,div!tion In the Volga rmg1on. (Adr. i mel. 14 n,~~;7:62-63 J1 162.(MIRA 1712) ACC NR' AM018526 SOURCE CODE: UR/O1f3l/66/OOV/0.)6/1683/* AMOR: Lyubov, B. Ya.; Solcrytyeyj V. A. ORG: Central Scientific-Research institute of Ferrous Metallurgy im. 1. P. BardIng Moscow TTsenGillnyy nauchno-issiedovatel'okly Institut oernoy met allurgii) TITLE: Kinetics of disintegration of dislocation cracks on the polygonal walls of edge dislocations 6 SOLJRCE: Mika tverdogo tela, yo 8. not 6, 1966p 3683-1689 TOPIC TAGS: crystal dislocation phenomenonp crystal defect, crack propagation, meta- stable state, surface property, relaxation process, brittlenessy hardening ABSTRACT; The authors analyze the decay of metastable dislocation cracks on poly- gonal walls of edge dislocations, the decay being the result of diffusion orver the surface of the crack. It Is pointed out In the Introduction that formation of dis- locations along one side of a crack is energetically favored and that the diffusion on the surface of the crack is the mor6 l1kely mechanism of disappearance of disloca'- tion cracks at low temperatures. The time evolution of the diffusion of the atoms over the surface of the crack from the base of the crackp which is under compressionp into the mouth of the crack, which is under tension, is described and the dislocation distribution produced during such an evolution is calculated. The decrease in volum accumpanying the crack disintegration Is also calculated an well an the relaxation times characterizing the process. It Is concluded that dislocation cracks should SOWV 'TV, V. A. Method of determination of the resistance of Mycobacterium tubercu- losis to antibiotics. Probl. tubork., Kookv& no. 3:31-33 NW-Jww 1952. (CLHL 22:4) 1. Of the bacteriological Laboratory (Scleatific Supavisor - Prof# P. N. Kashkin). Lezdagrad Institute for Surgical ftberculoste (Direc- tor -- Prof. P. G. Kornev, Active Meniber AN U831). 1 y SOW',"wV, V.A., Ved ZS4i -- (diss) ninturcostal :Mbple-iral ~-!vastr.esi--, in lung, operations." 1/.,n, I,) iA- It) pp ("First Lon ','td Im-A.- im Acad f, i~-.iar I.F. ?nvlov) 2(Y,) cro (?I, I..j>) - 12,11 - SOL'UVIYEV. V.A. Uperimental data on the use of Intercostal anesthesia in surgery of organs of the thoracic cavity* Vest,khiro 82 no.4:85-90 Ap 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Is gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (say. - prof.F.G. Up,lov) I kafedry operativnoy khtrurgit I topograficheskoy anatomit (say. - prof.M.A.Srosell) 1-go Leningradskogo medit- sinskogo Inst. im.I.F.ftylova (Leningrad, ul,L*Tolutogot 6/8)o (LOCAL ANEbTHNSIA) (CWT-SURGERT) SOLOVITXV, V.A. Operation on the lungs vith the application of intercostal subpleural anesthesia. Vest.khir. 83 no.8tll5-121 Ag '59. (mm Ila) 1. Is gospital'noy khtrurgichookoy kliniki (sav. - prof. F.O. uglor) I-go Leningradskogo maditainskogo instituta Im. almd. I.P. Favlova). Adres avtorat LenInKrad, ul. L. Tolstogo, d.6/8, goopitaltnayn khirur- gicbeekaya klinika 1-go Leningradskogo weditainakogo Institute. it. 1.P. Favlova. (LUNGS surg.) (ANESTHISIA, LOCAL) SOLOVIYEV, V. A. Drug resistance of mycobacteria tuberculosis !n osteoarticular tuberculosis. Probl. tub. no.2:91-93 W. (MM 15:2) 1. ZZ Loningradekogo nauchno-isoledovatel Iskago instituta khirur- gicheskogo tuberkuleza (dir. - deyetvitelln7y chlen AKU SLSR prof. P. G. Kornev) (DRUGS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOS15) SOLOVIrEv, V. A., k&nd. biologicheakikh nauk SIgnificance of specific allergy in the pathogoneele of tubercu- lools. Probl. tub. 40 no.4:65-71 162. (MM 15:6) 1. Is Laningradekogo nauchno-issledovatellakogo inatituta khirur- gichaskogo tubarkulaza Wir. - prof. D. K. Khokhlov, nauch"y rukovoditell - deystritelOW chlen AM SSSR prof. P. G. Korney) (TUBERCULORIS) (ALLERGY) U)V, -?-TY T% SO v IrAl v n. um/metemologicea iResearch Jkr 191q, *Contencrary Viewpoints m the Formation of Rain,, V. A. S*lovlyev, 5 pp *Prirode No 2 Discusses the formation of.preolp Itat1ca an a result of the formatice of Ice putioles In clouds and sup- plants Xens~ls theory that raln Is caused primrily ty means of water-bearIng clouds. Soloylyev discusses both Findelasnstheory of the formtIm of rain out at Cumilo-ninbus and Beriherms theory of the forms- Man of rain " a result of clouds generated at the d1vislan ot two air masees. 3VI& Sam-fiv, 'I. A . Meteorology - Biography Nikolay Nikolayevich Kalitino Met. i gidrolt No. 3. 1949. MDnthl List of RussilmWeegsionap Library of Congress,, November 1952, UNMASSIFIED. SOWVtTL'V, V,A, MMWMUMIAF~ -I A.I.Voeikoy and current problems of climatology; material$ of the meeting of the scientific council of the gain Geophysical Observa- tory devoted to the memory of A.I.Voolkov. Izv.A?I SSSR Seregeofize no.6:739-743 Je 156. WRA 9:9) (Toeikov, Aleksandr Ivanovich, 1842-1016) 36-58-5/12 ALY00R., Soloylyev, V. A. TITLE: A Method for Measuring the Sizes and Charges of Fog Droplets (0b odnom metode imereniy zaryadov I ramnerov kapell tumanov) PERIODICAL~ Trud Glavnoy geofiziebeekoy observatorii, 1956, nr 58, a pp 31-41 (USSZ ABSTRACT: The author describes a device, essentially an ultramicroscope, developed by a group of Soviet scientists for measuring the sizes and charges of fog droplets. The instrument operates on the principle that a freely falling charged fog droplet moves along a zigzag-shaped path within an electrical field, constant in size but varying In direction, The vertical and horizontal components of the speed of the moving droplet may be determined by the length, amplitude, and period of the zigzag, and its radius and charge, respectively, by the magnitudes of the vertical and horizontal components of Its rate of speed. The instrument de3cribed is a model perfected by the author and his asso- ciates In 19514, and to based on an instrument built in the workshops of the Main Geophysical Observatory in 1948. Its design was developed Card 112 NINANDROY, V.Ta., kand.fizo-mtonauk, red*; SHISHKIII, U.S., doktor fis.-Mat. nauk, red.; SHMIN, K.S., doktor fiz.-mat,nauk, red.; SOUNITRY, V.A. kand,fite-matenauk, red.; PISARNYSXhTA, V.I., red.; 1=73YOHIK, A.A., (Investigations of clouds, precipitation, and thudnerstorm nloctricity] Inoledovanie oblakov, osadkov t grozovogo elektri- chestva; sbornik dokladov Y Mezhvedometvennot konferentsit po voprosam iseledovaniia oblakov, osadkov i grozovogo elektrichostvae leningrad, Gidrometeor, izd-vo, 1957* 214 Ps (MIRA 11:6) 1. Ruasia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glaynoye upravlaniye Cidro- mateorologicbeekoy eluzhby. (Clouds) (Atmogpherie electricity) (Precipitatiou (Meteorology)) GANDIN, L.S.; DUBOV, A.S.; 50 'YxV- T, . In the Toelkov Main Geophysical Observatory. Meteor. I g1drol. no.8:70-72 Ag 157. (Meteorology) (KLRA 100) SOLOVIUV, V.A., kitadidat fi-siko-mtemAtichookikh nouk. What Is *loctroolinate? Ppirods 46 no.6:73-76 Jo 157. (RUA ln:7) 1. GlAwneya goofixichoskmyA obserratorlyA im. A.1. Voyoftows.Loal.-od (.1.6.iosphorle eloctricity) (Air, lonlood) VIKHOTY.B. L.G.; 501DVtv.ZV, V.A. I Role of electric charge In the coagulation of fog Aroplets. Trudy GN no.73:116-122 158. MU 11:9) (Atmospheric slactricitr) (Yog) XMH(YrXIM, I.G., S-OLOVITXV, T-A, XlectrIcal characteristics of th4 atmooptaro during fo so Trudy Goo no.97:63-86 160. (NLRA 13Z (Atmospheric electricity) (Yoe) s/196/62/000/022/005/007 E194/EI55 AUTklullb: Makhotkin, L.G., and bolovlyev, V.A. TITLEi ChArACtpristics oV the atmosphere during Fog FERIODICALs 1(e1*#-rntivnyy zhurnal, ElektratekhnikA i energetika, iio.22, 1902, 29, abstract 22 E 199. (In collection: '11.4sled. oblakov, osadkov i grozovogo elektrichestvall (linvestigations of cloudst-precipitation and ntmospheric electricity'), Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961, ,219-Z24). TEXT: In fog, when the electrical properties of the atmosphere are significantly Jifferent from normal# the potential gradient Ls greater, the air conductivity in much reduced and the concentration ot light ions is lower. Until rocently, few detailed results of observations made during fog have been available. The --ilgnii',icance of' theoretical calculations made in the Labo.,storiya nerozoley (Aerosol Laboratory) of the riziko- khimicheskiy iiistitut imeni Karpova (Physicochemical. Institute iment Knrl)uv) twenty years ago was recently evaluated and the Card 1/2 Electrical characteri-stics ot the ... S/190/b2/000/022/005/007 E 194./E 135 conclusions previotisly obtained were repeated lit a number of works. The impo*rtniice ot the formulae is not tkint they replace measurements by calculations, I)ut that they serve to check the correctness and completeness o! (Iv.,4crJption u1 inicro-processes in fog, and establish general aisemmukenta and relationghipb between the various characteristics. The meteorological characteri.-otic of" visibility rang,e may be associated with the atmospheric electrical character- istic of' light ion concentration. Experimental data concerning the chargeti on fitie drt~.pb of' tog are in good agreement with experimental resiilta ineastired in cloudn on the mountain Elbruss by a completely dit"rerent method. 9 references. TAbstractor's note; Complete translation. Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4030534 AUTHOR: Solovyov, V. A. 5/0000/63/000/000/0115/0122 TITLE: On the possibility and perspective of providing storm activity Information to operational service for aviation SOURCE: Nauchnayo konferentelya po aviatoionnoy matearologil. Moscow 1960. Naterialy*. Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat, 1963, 115-122 TOPIC TAGS; storm center, lightning, cathode direction finder, air temperature, meteorological observatory, upper atmosphere, cloud AIMMACT: 71tis paper Is one of 13 previously unpublished reports of the 40 papers given at the Nauchnaya konferentsiya po voprosam aviatsionnoy meteorologii (scien- tific conference on problems of aviation meteorology) that was held In June and July of 1960 in Moscow at the Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby* SSSR. 'nie author stated that danger to aircraft from storm activity still exists. A graph was presented showing the number of aircraft destroyed by lightning. Of those catastrophes, more than half occurred at altitudes of 3-4 km with air temperatures of about 00. Maps were presented showing storm center locations at particular times, in Europe, the Middle East, and the Far Seat. Stom activity data from various Cardl/2 SOIXIYEV, V.A. *The significance of atmospheric electricity wasurement.0 Report submitted to the Third Intl. Confe on Atmos heric and Space Electricity,, Montreauxt Switserland ;Z 1963 SKLY AAOV, V.M., otv. red.; GhIBANOV, h.N., red.; EURCIATSEV, A.M., red.; POGOSYAN, Kh.P., red.; PROTOPOFOV, V.S., red.; HUHN, G.V., red.; SOKOLOV, A.A., red.; SOLOVIME V.A., red.; USNUOV, I.F., red.; ZhDAII'OVA, L. red.; RUMOVA, G.Ya., red.; CHEFELKINA, L.A., red.; KOLESOVA, Z.H., [Man and the elements; hydrometeorologic desk cnlendar for 1964] Chelovek i otikhIla; nastol'rWi gidroineteorologicheakii kalandnrl 1961,. Leningrad, Gidroreteorologichookoe Izd-vo, 1903. 154 1). (MIHA 17t2) AP5025706 SOURCE COLES UR/0286/65/000/018/0057/0057 AUTHORSs Konovalov,, Yo. A.; PlosbehansgZ* L, M,j Solcylyev, V, As W ORGs none TITUS A device for checking radiation motors, Class 22t No, 17,4729 SOURCES Byulletent isobroteniy i tovarrykh smkovs no. Is# 1965# 57 TOPIC TAWS radiation monitor,, radiometryj, radiowtorp filter, mercury ABSTRACTS This 1uthor Certificate presents a device for checking radiationboterso It contains a radiation source, a shielded housing vith a collimated channel, an attenuating filter mochani me for moving and fixing the position of the source, and an effective area (see Fig. 1). To siWlify the design, increase the measurement range,, and reduce the checking timej a liquid metal (osg,o Rg) is used as the attenuating filter. The radiation source in placed directly inside the filter and can be moved, Cord 1/12 M 621,03945 Fit, 1, 1 - Radiation source; 2 - shielded houmiftl 3 - l1quid-ontal. attonmting filterl J# - mechamisa for wring source; 5 - mocham"a for fixing source; 6 - effective arsa; 7 - sensing 92amA of radiation meters Orig. art, hass 1 figure, SUB COMs IS/ SUBM DAM Mipr64 1, lzu-(X-00 . r'WT t 11 / lr,t;u UW NR, AT5028-6-65 SOURCE COM UVi6-A_/6_576bo/oiq/C_1 _I/Ifi 9 5 AMORt $olov'Yev# V, As ORGt Far Vastern Soiantific w_ch_Aydrmdeoro1ojri6i1 (DallnevostochMy nauohno-iseledovatellskiy gidrometeorologlobookiy institut) TITLEs Thund2retors a2tky-ity in the Par Fast %M%0 SOURCEs Vladivostok. Dallnevostochnyy naucbno-tooledovatellskiy gidroustooralogicho- skiy inatitut. Trudyp no. 19, 1965. Toprosy acrologii I sinoptichookoy notoorologii (Problems in aerology and synoptic neteorology)p 191-195 TOPIC TAM diurnal variationg -thunderstorme storm# climatology, atmospheric disturbance# marine meteorology ABSTRACTs Thunderstorm activity was characterized on the basis of direction finding observations, The study covered the period 1961-1962 for the area 30--55 N, li5-150 El and was an extension of similar studios conducted in European Russia. The thunder- storm activity was studied for its annual and daily variations. Over land there wart no thunderstorms from December through Februaz7q and 84% of the storm occurred from June through September. At seag atom occurred each month@ with the maximum of a Ion axtrane variation in the fs,11-winter. A maximam daily &otivity was observed over the land In the evening. The observition region was divided lato four seations for etud$- in# the duration of the storm period and the number of dare with thumderstormse une CAWd NRI AT5M8665 area# entirely over landq showed a typical continental pattern and gave good agrooment between the direction-finding oboar, time and weather station roportse 14m arms had a mixed land-sea surface pattern and showed an intermediate thunderstorm pattern* Here correlation between the two "a of data was poor due to the limited weather reporting system. The fourth artat entirely over waterp showed a typical marine thunderstorm pattern and sooomnted for half of the stom-Uvedift oesters, of the, entire region. This moth" in equally valid over land md sea. Ortgo arte hase I fi6we and 4 tables. ago OOIAI 04/ SM DAM noms/ CRIG Wo 002 Eli', T ACC NR, AP60IB660 SOURCE COIZe UR/0D0/65/CV0/O3D/0O32;66j AUTTIORt Solovo (Candidate of physicomathematical sciences) ORGs Main Geophysical Observatory(alavnaya geoflzichaskaya obsopyatorJLya) TITIZt Diurnal and annual variation of thunderstorm activi in the ljorth 03,antic and the seas.of Western Europa and the Far East =RCES Motcarologiyaj gidr*logIM nos 30# 2965,# 32-34 TOPIC TAGSt d:btrnal variationp storm AD the basis of an analysi 19 of __ data from the network of stations .15'rlela(t"Britain and the Soviet Union for direction-finding of atmos- .pherics, for the years 1961-1963 this article gives the distribution (diurnal and annual) of thunderstorms for the region from 350 to 700 11 and from 301 W to 300 E, the Norwegian Sea. North Sea, Baltic Sea and -Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic, and 250 to 600 N from 1201 to 1530 E, the Sea of Okliptak, Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea and East China Sea and part of the Pacific Ocean. For the different seas of western ,Europe there is a different annual variation of thunderstorm activity.' Tor example, for the Norwegian Sea and the Northeastern Atlantic the maximum thunderstorm activity occurs In the cold half of the year, In the Norwegian Sea area 85% of all thunderstorms occur from October through March, and In the Northeastern Atlantic -- 70%. The mean an- r.,A' 1/2 UDOt 55le5h,21 ACC NR, WwWo egian Sea is 7 per 100,000 km2' nual number of thunderstorms for the Norw whereas for the some area of the Northeastern Atlantic there are 100, over the North Sea -- 170, and over the Mediterranean -- 600. In the 4editerranean area the distribution of thunderstorms is almost uniform throughout the year. Over the Sea of Okhotsk, on the other hand, thun- derstorm activity is confined to the warm months of the year; thunder- storm activity is 25 leas frequent than over the North Sea, which can be attributed to the presence of the cold Kurile Current. Although that Sea of Japan in at the same latitude as the Mediterranean its thunder- storm activity Is different: the distribution Is not uniform and thun- derstorms occur almost four times less frequently. In the Pacific area .the activity resembles that of the Atlantic, probably due to accumula- tion of hent by Lhe world ocean and the same mechanism of its distribu-, tion during the year at!the same latitudes. Similar comparisons are made for the diurnal distribution. For those seas where the surround-A ing land exerts a great-influence there to a diurnal variation of thun- derstorms. Seas that adjoin the ocean feel no such Influence. Or1g, ajrto hafis 4 tables*- rJPRS7 SUB 0=& 04 8UBHtl1kT31 02Feb65 OriM MW 1 002 OM MWI 004 2/2 SOLOVIYEV, V.I. Flastle InterseLion ot vananclop witb #dge dimlocatleas In the onntinuil theor VY r. Fli. met, i motalloved. 20 n0-0634- 636 0 165, ( ma RA 3. 8 g *" j ) 1, Ingtitut wtalloyedarilp t fifiki. motallov i 'M;"ntrall- ny-y inortitut c1mmay mat-aDvriv! imeni %Peilirdin%. 7. 1%. solol:,ly-y '! A. "on tf--,~ r-o"nier of the causns of castration of rares (sic)", TruJly Zhitomirsk. s. -kh. in-tq , Vol. 111, 1949, p. 91-06. 1 SN IT-4630, V lppt. 51t (1ptorir Inurnal Inykh Rnt-y, N'O. 23, 1949). a CAT jOUR. I RZhPlol, No. 3. 1959~ ao.12061 T I T ~.Ill nc,., r,i, j;r,.,)t,Jn llw-,n the liter.-anp of -,.'arly I*rt~urity In ~igsa 0 R I G PU J. ltli-ut:hn. 11-r. lr,-t, lr)57,, 1-2 "T; -,11,'T -vt on 3 f~rnla, ct* t-, I-rj-~I loc-,il browl_~ rl F' of nvotein,, cnn ,,I tut,,, --j ()o porpent, wria juicy feedis 'I?- por- the rvion's nutritive. valua; 'rhn plg- the _(I rx-tu-) vmvp~- corro s pondl. nj~ly 2n U - 7 3 76 of' tin' 20 arid ).6 it ,-,rour-, 39., 784, 311 bald 6.;~. At tho nZe of ono m` SOLOVIYKV, V. A. ~~ Doe Agr Sci -- (dies) "Biology of the early maturing methods of hogs and of modifying it." Moo, 1959* 33 pp (Min of Agr RSFSR. Mos Vat Aced), 160 copies (KL, 46-59, 138) YS -46- . :. ~ I I . I . I .~!* ~ 'I I . I - - I - I . , ; 1: i " . . I I -. . I I I I ~ I , . I - i - i , ,~ i; : , ~- 1, ~~ 1. 1, , Z, : - .1 1 ~ 11 i 'A', ~ : , I : I I a" -, ",-, -, -v ) Vlktol. Aleki-yeov i ch "The Bioloey or the F.-irly 1-flatu ration or Pirs and Methods of Alterin.- It"; dissort4ktion for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences (aw&rdsd b7 the TimirYasev ASAWItural AcadaVj, 1962) (IwO9tlYa Tiftdr~"MkOY $01OAWdwlM$tvftvW Akadedip MO"Owjv No. 2p 1963p pp 232-236, L 24486-65 E~IT(-l)/EWG('f)/FEC(t)/EEC(b)-2/FCC ACCESSION NR: AT5002954 Pe-5 RB/aW/WS S/2531/64/000/163/O(Y76/0086 4 AUMOR: Soloy'vey. V.A. TITLE: Thunderstorm a6tivity over the European part of the SSSR SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavnayj -gbofizicheakaya observatoriya. Trudy, no. 163, 1964. Voprosy klimatografil (ProbleTs In -climatography), 76-86 TOPIC TAGS: thunderstorm, climatography, lightning, atmospheric turbulence, meteoroloxical radar ABSTRACT: For the purposeof obtaining data on thunderstorms- in areas without meteorological stations a network of stations has been established for the radio direction finding pf atmospherics\ ociated with thunderstorm activity. This network covers virtuall the entire area of the Soviet Union and certain parts of foreign couzitries adjacent to the SR. Such observations have been made since 1957. This work has yielded a o mass fdata on thunderstorm distribution and Intensity (observations are made eight times daily). -Tho study was based on st;~tjons located in the European SSSR and Central Asia, supplemonted by data from similar stations In Great Britain, and tht-i compared with data from meteorological stations. All observations were averaged for 5-degree grid squares. Tables were prepared for the number of thunderstorms, number of days Card 1/4 '.7 T., L 24486-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5002954 with thunderstorms and duration of thunderstorms for each grid square. Data were analyzed for the Juno-August period for the area from 45 to 65*N and from 25 to GVE. There was good agreement with available data from the British s stem. Figures I and 2 y of the Enclosure show the maps of thunderstorm activity for the summers of 1960 and 1961; these differ greatly. The regional differences and change in pattern between the two years are discussed, although no generalization's can be drawn from such limited data. However, such maps are superior to those compiled from meteorological data because data are used for areas where no meteorological Infor7nation Is available. Diurnal variation of thunderstorm activity was also analyzed. Orig. art. has: I formula, 4 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Glavnaya, geofizicheakaya observatoriya,' Leningrad (Main geophysical observato SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 02 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOVt 003 OTHER: 004 Card 2/4 L 24486-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5002954 0 ovo~ p 00 02 00 091 02 r? ICA* ors nV. l.--Thunders Card 3/4 L 24486-65 ACCESMON NR: AT5002954 Fig. 2. lbunderstorm distribution over gu-ra;,~ Card 4/4 ('450 ISO, '-ISO no-August 1901. SOLMIYE'4', V.A. Causes of the discrolan-,y between attoal;herl-os and wiather ,.-cmditions. Trudy GGO no.157.*73-75 164 (HIPA 1728) L 217 99-65 i~~ITT(D/FCC AGD(a)-5/AFWL/SSD/AFETR/RAEH(&)/RASK(i)/RALN(J)/ BSD(c)/63D(gs)/r,SD(t) GW !.R: ~?5 GC1815 SIC,03016510001CO210301C~35 0115;r Soloviyov, (Candidato of.pbycico-='-.ha=tIcal sciencoc) V. -4 Dotorrin in~! O;orr, activity fron direction -;f inding data on atzotphorics 'M=': Motooroloeiya I gidrololiya, no. 1, 1965j. 30-35 '-'TIC TAGSs atmospherics, direction findin,,; data from European stations for 1960 and 1961. Anot-hor r-ap showing atorm cor-to.-D can: 1/2 tatal land curface, and those aro insufficiant tor\"prodic' r ato- I -) dic--o Vin yg, -~or -re Z~cn~z at son thoy are uneloss. The nothod of dotor"--)Inr' diroction of 4nUrosphor- 41 ics is uniquo and nay bo used for distancoz up to covoral thowanj kil=ators, Tho SSS U R has 15 stations for atrosphorles observation, arranrcd in throc rrourc: Zuropc3n,-Contral ~;ian, and Far Eastern. Tho direction of atr4aphcrico Is deter- r..'nod by sinultaneouz obscrvation at thro6 or four points. Thur. far, irXor=tion on stmosphorics has boon usod only for refining, the position of fronts, for zainini; somo idea of atom conditionc in re,- & ,ions without imathar stations, and tho lil-c. Tho author attempts to uso such data for dollneating tho charactoriz- tics of storn, activity. Maps of atom activity vero prepared on tho basis of IM -1 PA 4 vort sman CT.- Tho data from synoptic charts reprozent, porcont-i,-,o o!' L 21799-65 ACC-~'c'ZION MR: AP5001815 0- the basis of AUk)spherics- vms alno'preparrod. Thi3 =p shoix that t~:a daily - behavior of different centers distributed along lines of latitude v_-ioc, Ivat !x almost identical along moridians. It can bo observed that storm cj"xi:nuro nirr!.vo earlior toward tho cast. On continents, in ganoral, the storxr,-aativiV~ zx%i_-.urj arrive in 12-15 hours. This is apparently duo to earlier heating of -a land. 1ho larger the number of water bodies in a region, the later the arriv-al 0., t~-.o r.axir.xr,a, coming as late as 18-21 hours. The author concludas that eata on direc- tion of atrosphorics may more completely describo storm activity than data of weather stations. It in oanecialiy important to note that these dafa por-t,.1'. foro- ---casting -for- the--ocean and tablei. A.SSOCIATION: Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observateriya (qh1ef Geophys cal g1morva- tory) 31"IM,17TED3 04Fob64 ZNCL: 00 5UB GODE't ES 1110 RL? SOV: 003 O'Mra: 000 Card 2/2 20~ w mew -10- -AM --W. i- Aiii.T"A PO ISS.A. Ilk a " MP I In MA a " The PAM, MW the lnteo*y of The nhm Ed bfto b 11M.M ad a livitak callet ms wh m a rmdwwtgf 'W. *W*j. The tbi. Law&* 1 .4 l1w Olmajobilis '*'7*,'ZT IN, Larw all intavAll 40 ale med bum is .%JAM, - C at dw am. wd the abwtmkm reiril, -1 all to% at a with a mut .X 2A. C . 4.11, 40.1 UM. 0.43. 901, TOM. 40.91; #`QlY- ul, 7117IRL O.Mll' 0'3:k. QJ3; bi"N" IN (adleni"a leap. - "*) JA 2.4. 3.1. -. 3,9. PWS of klg a - A fum o1 Ng , on V~ 1w ra4m &W bituimn. Iml Or dimime*m- ed CMVO* toTho Tisisof IP lw thrl PATVW- V. A. USSR/Physics - Ultrasonic in Liquids May 53 "Absorption of Ultrasonics Waves in Liquids and the Molecular Mechanism of Volume Viscosity," I.G. Mikhailov and.A.A. SolovIyev Usp Fiz Nauk, Vol 50, No 1, PP 3-50 S Study of theory of "-T)er-Strokes" absorption coeff ultrasonic waves in liq-uil- inlli::ates tfi4t moic~.-ular mechanism of vol viscosity is not yet clarified. Further development of theory of structural relaxation would be very useful (see J.J. Markham et al. Rev Mod Phys. 23, 353 (1951)). 261T100 MIKHATLOV, I.G.; SOLOVIYXV, V.A. Use of compound piezoelectric vibrators for studying the mechanical properties of polymers. Mmst.zhur.l n0-4:3103-347 O-D 155.(KLAA qs2) I.Lentngradskiy ordona Lonins, gesudarstvannyy univorsitot Imeni A.A.Zhdaneva. (Oscillators, Crystal) (Polymers and polymerization) A'sc nE rdEORT OF IME Ul"MMU Irk] Val. 2, No. 3, 2'-p540 (1054). In Russian, The ultraswic intc-r1tvroetcr is widely u~," for ttm measure. ment of use ctn be extended to the meaiurd- went (d the aboorptlon coaft-Watx, praNtd- ipg absorption to not great. The author puts forward a new compu- lational formula to be applied to the interfarometer mozirArtments in order to obtalri the absorption coefficients. C.R.S.Manders USSR/Acoustics - ultrasonics.. J-4 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35565 Author: Solov'yev., V. A., MikbAylov., I. G. Institution: Lentngrad University, Leningrad, USSR Title: On the Theory of the Composite Piezoelectric Vibrator Original Periodical: Izv. AN SSSRJ, ser. fiz., 1956, 20, No 2, 261-267 Abstract: Description of a method df investigating the mechanictl prc er- ties of high polymers ovir a wide frequency rang( (10 10T cycles) with the aid of a composite piezoelectric vibrator. A bar made of the investigated material is glued to the piezoelec- tric bar in which oscillations of the required type are excited. The resonant frequency and the Q of the composite vibrator are then measured. The contribution of the piezoerystal to the pLra- meters of the composite vibrator can be readily elimimted. The theory of the composite-vibrator is analyzed and equations are derived for calculating the complex modulus of elasticity of the Card 1/2 US84/AcouBtice - Ultrasonics, j_4 Abst J(xirnalt Referat Zhur - %?'UikaP No 12) 1956t 35565 Abstract: investigated substance for the following 3 types Qf load of the Piezocrystal: load on one sidej the lengths of the piezocrystal and of the specimen are chosen &ribtrarily. 2 equal *Pecimens of arbitrary lengths, L*ad symmetrical Load on one side the length of the specimen is so chosen that its resonant . but quencY is approximately the Game as the frequency of t fre- A comparison is made of the 3 variants he crystal. $ principally from the Point Of view Of their use for the investigation of mechanical properties (modulus of elasticity and absorption coefficient) of high polymers. Card 2/2 StOd" P(Aymers," ,qlte vlbrW. prei,.nite,3 a", thF-~ Semirar On MYS'", Al~p1l.catirn ~jf Ultras, -,.-.n,l '21-26 cic t en.! ngrad - L JL 6, U'- .1 iii, o L,-,e propeities of polyetiAyiene and ol paraffin by a composite vibrator method. (Issle- dovaniye izekhanichoskikh svoystv polietilens. i parafina miet-odom sostavnogo vibratora.) P!~IdOLDICAL: "A kuuticheskiy Zhurnal" (Journal of Acoustics) 1957 l , 0 Vol. III, No. 1, pp- 65 - 73, (U.S.S.R.) AB,-~'~iLl.(;T: Meauurument of the dynamic Young modulus E = El + iE" (where El represents elasticity and the imaginary part I" represents the energy loss) in polymers by the composite vibiutor method has been described in their earlier works by the authors 1), 2). The sample of material umder test in the foiti of a rod, is attached to the surface of an axially vibrating rod of piezo-electric material, The self-resonant frequency and mechanical losses in the sample an then deteivilned from the change in the resonant frequoney of the uquivalent resistance of tile vibrator. If resonant frequencias both of the piozo-clectric rod and of the sample are nearly equal, a sample rod of a smaller dianter than that of quartz uLay be used 1), which permits wider application of the mothoa, namely, for testing materials with low sound speed and high ~otjoos. In the present article, the method is applied to the Card 1/3 hivestigation of mechanical properties of polyethylene and i~araffin (used for condGnsers filling, mean molecular, Oryo- sopic in benzole weight 490) in a wide temperature rango, Lnvu-,ti -utioi, iiiLUo Ltie- mechanical properties of polyethylene and of parafLn by a composite vib*r"Icitor method, (cont.) o" 46-1-8/20 -165 to + 90 ,, in- ;-*,~,ic.-4 the 3uund velocity drops to the ordur of 250 ra/sec- Ueazur~-;zents were made at 40 Ot W-5t .. s in a thormostatically-contro led (to 75.0 and 100.3 i within 0.1 0 .3 0~ arabience, The self-resonant frequencies of sainplus wer-,- within 10,~~ of the frequency of the quartz. Results are u~; graphs of Ell S" and of the loo-Arithnic. as functions of the temperature. C) A peculiarity of Lila curves of temperature dependence of the sound veloci%,, both o-f polythene and paraffin is a very ra-.)id fall of tha velocity with temperature. Curves for E'. (enei-,~;y losse;;-t) shew 2 distinct broad maxima. Although their positicnin, is riot accurately determined and the temperature interval rath~ar narro-;., it can be reasonably firmly established 11-hat t!jQE;U maxima, -.r4rhan frequency is inci-aased, tend to shift towa:L'd-, the Iiiji temteratuie re6ion, which implies that they are of rulaxation oiltdn. 1,;omlyarison with dielectric m-uasuru.L-.,eiAs zho-vs- that the form of rulaxation spectra in both cases, differs, thou~;h the positioning regions coincide very well. I-To dispei,sion can be observed, which cannot be explained from t1l.-c I)oinU of view of relaxation theorj. The results for Card 2/3 polD~ethylene are lart;ely in accordance with results obtained by others. Proia t-;~--oretical considerations, a third maximum sho-old be expected for E" in the investigated temperature 111 v,; ;t i-ItAOn i1'60 Wiv lacci"anical propeities of poiyt~'-h lane and of' jitraffin by a compoelte vibrator Laethod46ii2g ranUe, but it ik; pi:obably Lnasked by the too small vu~u2e of the Investigated moduli. 5 graphs aie included. There aie 1C references, of which 7 are Russian. ASSOCIATION: Deningrad State University (leningradskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet. ) SUBMIYLO: Mlay 10, 1956. AVAIIABIX: Card 3/3 r771 V cn nd Sci t 0d of Of C; t7,-,,,, 011 n, c z oe r; r I c v b r o r. e: n 9 ton C-rdcr of z 1'. in. t t Uldv -nov. Plivric:,- AUTHOR;3: Mikhaylov, I.G., Sn.11011ro'l- Syrnikov, Y,.,. P. TITIZ- T~~- Main Probl- C "a 1 r A c o u Zhurnal, 1953, Vol 14, Jr U-3), "R AB3TRA'_'T: V-do is a roview of the Pr~-,-zent utat,.~ of ._~C3. Both We~A~~-cr, atid Ru~'I_Aan wor'.: is In vicw of tll-~ r,7A,-..,tivc 3i~aAiciUy of uItrasonic Lho vclo~Atj of :3_)j,-,d h,,.,.s b-,~cn g.-.ej.~;-ured in a v,~!rj lar,'e of Z-,f! vel)city lv,s been correlated with variou3 ;iicro~;c,:)pic pro-.,e_rti,2-o of liquids and varir,)w~ e-.-,.Arico.1 !,,-.v~~ `,r!en ~,u ;--~_ted. kaong thre -e rulf,-, i-,i tlv~ _)nc U.) Rau, Ti~.e -gint Dat that; in their opini:)n rule doc-~; not sum:.iarise any special nolecialar LiezhiMion. Tjhis is ~,h6vvn above ull bj the apiroxim-nte nature of thia I-esult and.'its limited ramp of ap-Aicability. The correct vIraj of devc1opin- tI:cor:_-IU-ica-l acou:;tico would be r;a1culate zho coit:,rcsjibi!itj anC~ lienec the volocity of u!" r A. .11:-ut h~~r than t-o try and find a thoorotical foundation f3r Rao'o 11:)viever? a.; is well tInia ij-. verj -i-Llicult --nd kv-,3 r.,ot -is pit b,-,cn dot-,c. ottc~:ints havo 1/3 11 ~o calculate tllr~ velocit.7 of sound dire-tiy from )V-11 G-1; -l/ I I c -.-, rl -I ~,-, ra (it :!f'.; ar, 7 ) but 1 nattc---lptn L,1(2 v,Aoc~Yty obtain;~6 not- a 3olutlon of tho r;quat;on b)AL by ailnj.: vur-/ ul,, t, -Dnf, give the riF:ht ord -,r tho C al U v,-,iocit.7 of s~)Lmd but, they are quit-1- ur.',,~Ieos in ~llrovidinj; iii1L"rjr-.aa~Q-ic)n !xi t1v! act;i~,,l ~;truczure j,L' th,:., Part1,:izlar liquid. R,A Llv~orj poirl.-s to a --orinc-etiur b'~tvUc"i volume procej.~e.,, .1-o F--j,.,*L1ibri.,aT.. irrevercibie 11 Some -)n this been done bj 3thevs (R.-,,f~-15 rmd l?). In th---, author!.~' opinim, t1heory i;-;vcj lmq :,D"At cnrre~,-t ~Ivsical pictur(, of th-) --~~r~uctura of i i UnfDrt-anitely, at tha pral-eiit, ';he anthem-atical UJ ~~f thi-,, "heory is n3tt .;ufJ.'icie,)1:1j d,,--r~Aoped. Tale ai~vAovm--~nt of ill 3 )l 27,1 to t;. of i t iin Wo-ld be :,f A-,ij3r valw,, in the Lhe revie-vt t,-l as to, are T i r Ac 0, !,-!tic,; Lho ~n I., Cw- L'I~ e )l 11 U A'2 6L .)Ut 11-hat ill :_l~iny on '.;0(; .1;ound, in liquids tho iAersit"r of i.-u'-on into accr;owat. 01. V,.r~ Dth~"r xamq(~. it h been Lh'Lt tlit~ coeffici' ent ,)f ab3arpt., uo-,; ue~venu' -.)n '0io i.-tensitj ,~vcrk P)r rolati.vL~'L,/ low L ud Al 0 "IX'.) 'I'll 2. 2 -, n t a 11 n Llh .3 ~: a in 'w Z;f of altras,-??i5a 1L,2 lj':~ carriod out in .1 ,Aul r .7 ranro. Zi-o =t) n') fii-urus 57 26 av,) ".)vieto tot (Lcnini;ra,~i ';~'atc univc-'rsity) 1~:t.~-nbor lit, 11 " ") 57 - 1. Acoustico 2. Smmd--VelociLy 3. Liquils-Acoustic properties It UT"70 H o I T T"'L Tiv., Dyn-~-,ic Vfscoo.-lnotic Pronort;-,~i,-.- if of 2r,1 -~,ure ;:!v 1958, Nr 4, In n.-Pition to pr~~vlou.- ..V"l A"rlft:',on ar,7 or the lynrv;!lc Younj7ls mnliilw-, !,-n! intoi. wit in on,~, 7.iorr~ of a-H thr,:?o liff,~rornt of 'h Tho -r.~tho-l of co,i-o:3ite piczoiilqctri,~ ri I --k t o [.!I ;v, m z7 I o ye Th u rv o r t h t 4) r, i -P u re of jowil volocity c, !-~ccurtic X rm 5 Ic c Io e n, r o i v ,n witliin tht) t-,r-iner-!ttru~ of fro7 C iin to rv~nrl-- --iOllinz- -,hg wilu-.~o of c in I , :)ont aro "lrtn ~,l The ~nrif~ctinyi on v-lo,~lty -h Thn D-.-n.-!.iic 7i:-.coelastic Pro,p~rti;.1-3 of Polyothylr~nv? of 5 - -1 -4/17 L --v :1 r7, 11 r -:~ curve3 1% th ! rc,,,:,ion or ths! law-te -r)-?rallirr~ loi i fa rior~, pronount-c-! excopt in one, 'br: ' f I c ) oa.lI he poak t it:-'Af is Thp ,3o~~onl lo3- '-Oilcll, 1.,i no!tr roo-1 to--):)eratur-~, i -i sh ;~f tn.,' to.vrtrl ; 11 lj~h t,~ i:, !ra- i i r s ( u x ce 1) t it n th-i c no c o f p b r i t t 1. -) :-a npl o';' Ic nqu r - -1 r?-,l to ci~vrl,~rl , iit rit d, M.,rQnt frequencl~::.s ~,Jo to loo kc/aec) Ath a O'l-In!') of PE how tho2 f roqi.~Tincv I t o f the I n-a- tp'ip- . 1~ y ! :-, or ll;ho o !or '-' r;itur.., 1c,os pca'~ ~act~vation (.,n.:?ri- ! r I but no lisperzion of c is ob-ierv--A. Lo-r-prassura liffer.-, from -.,ulyethyl-le by th,? Inv of rn-,-zificatlon of chaino ~th-! nunVir of !7roup:7 CH3 por loo -'roup!) C"12 ir. lo-,~,,(!r by - ti-niroii ;n iow - r-n,l by th~-? correspo-t!ini7lv A e -r -o of qr:,,~,t,illinlty !7o-~')o J n,-,nin3t 5o-ro ' If cry3t,11li- -lity to accorlinj to lonnity). In this o~()-,n,~,ction to co-npoirf.- Vv? 'ynn-i'c -irop-~rtl,?3 of lo-.-,,- ure poly~3tliylonc!. I ut by ntvn,~roun author:3 nt o G~irl 2 2), 150-1500 c 'R,~ fn - 1-5 In 0 ~To-1 54-1-4/17 '"he Dynrimic Visco,)1-;ttir of Polyot,)~yl ,!'a ' , works the resonanco -.1ethod -,v~n onployei *n 1. frequency .7ns x) f i(~-l tor-other with ti-,ipqratur~2). In the work ~!Ref.,-,) ,!.-.rrto1 out nt 2 kc, alio thoi dielectric losn-7-,; on thry rr,~,pv.micy of' foria 1,5 TLIO lo Po -ro lnvo~ittf-!,' -A. Tho low-tirrmour!'! polyethylnn,~ invociti,rrnto(I ).(-iro wn.., proitweel tiy :jairp and '~121. The author thanks tknlreyovn for tho -n-1 valu2s pInced r,t hii ft3pooal (thf.1 latter ar,p-arin.1- Ln tho 4 f-'rat coltrina of the table). The vvipln of low-7)res3ure pol:.~,ethylene - 2 ani low- Pressure poly~vly- ind been previously m-ozifD7atel, (Rif.1) is nn inlu-itri!O. proluct of th~_) Cfvr%~.c-il Kombinnt in Okhta. Tho author '.h-n"-,i Yc. Kh. GolIC-r-M for t1v,, mrinnlos in-i for bein- to!,,. th-_~ir molec-al-~r ani he also thvnks 1. G. '.Aknailov for vRluibl(, r~elv;cq !7'v,m. 71v3ro j,.ri I I table, anJ ~, r~f,~r 2 of .7hich nre SInvIc. 15, 1957 VA ILA 7-1 T. 1,11irary of Conf-rens C-,r,! 3/5 1. Polyethylene-Properties-Analysis 4`4 ( 1 ) 86/46-5-3-28/32 AUTHORs Soloviyev, V.A. TITIEs On the Allowance for Reflection at the Radiator In the Theory of an Ultrasonic Interforomotor (0b uchoto otraihonlys nA isluebatel* v toorii ul'trezvukovogo, intorformotra) PERIODICALs Akustichoskiy shurnal, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 3, p 382 (USSR) ABSTRACTs V. 11gunas and 3. Jaronis (Rof 1) state that Ibbbard's intorfermotor theory (Ref 2) is in error since Hubbard asamme that the secondary maves are totally reflected from the radiator surface. The author points out that when secondary waves are reflected froa a radiating surface its vibrational velocity V is altered. Consequently either a now expression for this velocity should be used or additional pressure, wMch would need to be applioi to the radiating surface to keep its vibrational velocity equal to Ila original value V, shimmU. be Includod In the expression for the totAl pressure on the radiating surface. Both Ga rd 1 these alternatives Are O%iv&l~at to An &sSmption that the secondary waves are totally reflected fron the radiating surface, Hubbardes for=l& is also confirmed by an exact solution of the interf9ranoter probleis given by Mason (Rof 3) And S010v'Y*T And MikbAylov (Rof 4). There are 5 references, 2 of ihich are Soviet, 2 English And I other. ASSOGIATIONsLoningradakiy gosudarstvannyy universitot (Leningrad State University) S/081/60/000/007/012/C)12 AOO6/AOO1 Translation from: Referatlvr,.yy zhurnall, KnImilya, 19050, No. 7. P. 623, # 29428 AUTHOR: Solovtyev, V. A. TITLEs The Use of a Composite Fiezo^-lootrIc VIbrator for Invest1gating the Me~hanlcal Properties of Polymers 1 PERIODICAL- Tr. Seminara pa f iz. I priment-miyu, ul I trazyuka, rlsvjasheh. paWati prof. S. Ya. Sokolova, Leningrad, 1958, pp. 10- ? 1,472 TEXT: Sound velo-zity &,.d the reactive portion of the speo~fi~~ ar';"Stic Impedance (depo~nding on t,,~mperatuire) in polynAthy-'-met:-AC-Vlat81(I) wo~re mpasured for the purposi of zhecking the appl!:-abl-11ty of lln'jar approximat-'on wl,en analyzing a composilte piezoelsotrlc vibrator of variable o.ross sectIM.Ceses wi-e studied when the seotions of the rod of I and of the plezi-quartz rcd we.ra equal and when they were diffirent.. Tli-e mtbthod of meazur~-=ent and lh,,~ lu -1 1 A )lei 4 Z' ,~al~-ulatlonal formulae were d,~s,,rlbed 'In ar. ar'.L,'-& p t 'i RF-M1 1956 No. 8, # 22 568. !t. Is shown that when the natural frAqu^.11i!t-s of I a:-'kd Lhe piazo-quartz rod ar-i 4-hq samq, th,:~ lln-~ar apprix!matlon is just1fled wlth the Card 112 81/60/000/007/012/0 12 A004-IAOOI The Use of a Composit~! PInoq1eotrIc Vibrator fmr 1rvestIlgating the Mechanical Prcpsrtles of Polymwrs d& leg 4' boundary cndltlon.- th-~ equality cf tvctal for:es actirg on the bown r th-? rcids. LLnear approximation dot3 riot. provIdq for a suffIcient aocuracy In t ,he case of a t~ompcsite vlbrat- with rcAs of mrlablo cr,~-sp seAlons, 11f ti-,q rf,sonance fr4quencIA3 of thi dn not apprca.-*h th4 )p,?ratl-ng fraqwtncy of 4 A. I ~he Nlbrator. It is ~on.~-udo~d *.hat tt.4 method ~&n bA usal ford thq stjdZ,r of polvme-r-s !" tte Patnral fr4qijqro~ix,*s ar~! Aqua! wid * ~4 ,iat It is practl,-;ally th~-. only mql.hod In a tr-ij*utm~~y rw,,ge of I - 0 cycles. T. Khazanc,.ri--h Translator's note.- This is tt~4 full of t)-,~- orfglnea thA'selan abatra:~t. Ca.--I 2/2 26396 B/046/61/007/003/002/004 3104/B201 AUTHURi Solov'YOV, V. 'k. TITI,'"": Relaxation of exoitaticn of molecular vibration levels FERIODICALs Akusticherk-U zhurnal, v. 79 no* 3. 1961, 337 - 344 TEXT: The establishment of energy equilibrium between the degrees of freedom of translation and tho degreon of freedom of inner -4lecular vibrations When taking an excitation of higher lcvols into account ie dascribed by a large ntLmber of relaxation ti=es. I Tb calculats tham, it is nocassary to introduce lfg,-Aneralizod coordinates" in %hich the oyatem of oquatiens of excitation reactions is split into independant equations. If the probability of trans- itions betv,~en the levels has the same 41'orm as that of dipole tranjitions with e=ission, this problem can be solved. 'The preseat papar offers an exact solution for isothermal relaxation and a solution in acoustic approximation for relaxation at a variable temperature. If n II ne n 39 0660 MolecU700 Of a gas or a liquid are in vibrational states with the energy levels Op big 2bV, 3hVj **of the equation of excitation raaction can be written as Card 1/4 26396 8/046J61/007/003/002/004 Relaxation of excitation 060 B104/B201 DO CIO 0 3, .... n a a,,nk kao kao k4.j k+j To solve the problemg the "geno.-alized coordinates" zust than be found as i M lin'ear combinations of the "natural coordinates" ne all of which obey the x - Se) (m ~ 19 21 39 ... ) by Mantiollshtam and Loontovich. Here# denotes the equilibriuz value of displace2ent I being tho fm Im rolaxation. time of aucix displacement. 7his equation can be oasily solved if extornal conditions (such as temperature) aro constent* In this cormeetion, the number of "generalized coordinates" equals the number of indepenlent variables which describe the eyatem, 7hia number Is irdnitely large in the present caae# and so is the number of relaxation times* If only exoitatic.--s of the first vibration level are taken into account in the simplified theoryby Kneser (Ann- PhYs-, 19339 L6P 5t 337) and Rutgers (Anne Physep 19339 -169 5t Card 2/4 26396 S/046/61/007/003/002/004 Relaxation of excitation ... B-404/B201 350), only one relaxation time will be found in the experiment. These circumstances are examined more closely, and the coefficients ajk derived by L. Landau and Ye. Teller (Phys. Z. Bowietunion, 1936, '0, 1, 34) and by R. N. Schwartz et al. (J. Chem. Phys., 1952s 20, 10, 1591 - 1599) are shown to deviate appreciably. The author's calculations are based upon the model by Landau and Teller. For (1), equation f1j ~jB-&(J*1)AJ n +Jkn,_,+(J+I)Bnj+l (J-1s2,3; ... ) (5) is formulatedt j 0 . which obtains In generalized coordinateal the form m oc~ Z ml -A _5~ ji n , and, in natural m k-1 k1(m-k)1 J-k k1(j-R11 j coordinates the form C~O k n . 2- (_,)J4k k1 2 )(1 A k-m ~., From these j k-,j M-~ mi (K-M) 13-A 37 k--j I! equatione, equations of the form (2) with relaxation timee'r m a 1/m(B-A) Card 3/4 26396 S/046/61/007/003/002/004 Relaxation of excitation ... B104/B2011 are obtained for each ~M* The equations obtained here allow problems of isothermal reiazation to bo solved. The Boltzmann distribution Is dis- cussed for an example. The application of results to the solution of arountic problems in dealt with next. The coefficients A and B In (5) are not constant In this case. The sound-wave amplitudes are assumed to be "mall, which permits (5) to be linearized. The representation of the relaxation equation in diagonal form is given in the appendix. 1. G. Mikhaylor is thanked for his advice, and A. G. Vlasov for a consultation. There are 6 references; 2 Soviet-bloc, and 4 non-Soviet.-bloc~ The references to Englli3h-language publications read as followst R, N. Schnartz et al., Calculation of vibrational relaxation times in gases. J. Chem- PnYs-, 195?, ?20, 10, 1591 - 1599; E. W. Motrollg K. E* Shuler. Stud- lea in nonequilibrium rate processes. 1, The relaxation of a system of harmcni-, oscillators. J. Chem. Phys., 1957# 26, 3, 454 - 464. ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED~ November 17t 1960 Card 414 SOLOVIYEV, V.A. "Absorption and dispersion of ultrasonic waveB" by K. F. Herzfeld, T. A. Litovitz. Reviewed by V. A. SolovIev. Akust, zhur, 7 no.1:120-121 161. (MIM 1,414) (Ultrasonic waves) (Herzfeld, X.F.) (Litovitz,, T. A.) S/043/62/000/000/005/010 D207fD300 ;O*L-I.i ), 1AI.Ya. , Iali'.-.Iiov, !,.I:. .~nd ~;olov'ycv, V.A. of the absor-ption of ultrasound in polymer soll. L 2. Olis -AroyetAy'! i lizicheskiye svoy~-tva veshchestva v L ..L.idl:on :;or-toyanii; naterialy IV soveshch. ljo.probl. so.,.t. -eshchesiva, v Kiyeve 1959 g. Kiev, ;.icv. Univ., 1962, 85-91. -~x.-~erincixtal results for the absorption oZ ultrn- :-,owit, in soLitiont; in benzenc (3 - 3.51; conc.) are accuunt(itl ~-oz- by tl-%-''ollowing model. -Pol er molecules are repre- yn ';CnL'ed ')y elastic innersed in continuous viscous nedium. .~Lc Tilat-.1cill.-s c-:-.cciitc ; cments and assurv- various bent- rownian riov ,tiha,jcs. Van dcr Wa,~J.s interactions (and dipole interactions in Volar iolyucro) ixtween the filaments make them behave as a network joined 'by Van der Waaln bonds. -riction with the solvent and betueen. the individual segincutS o.7- the neighboring polymer filaments are Card 1/2 S/B43/61/Ooo/ooo/oos/oia- Theory of the t~)sorption ... D207/J308 '111ollod A-or. of the viscosity is included 6y assutiing ;I II(ItIrly cowAivious of reliwation tinen. This Tiodel ac- cowAL.,; or (1) the lacl~ o," correlation ~~twecn the viscosity and tiw absor,,tiozi con'icirnt of ultrasound in a polymer nolution, 2) thn re(biction of tlv~ ratio (YIV2 (oL, is the absorption coeffi- cicnt and, 'v i3 tho ~-rnqUICIUCY) vith increase of the ultrasound frcquency, awl 3) th ,rcwersibIc changes of structure appearing at high sound intensitios. Thr~ theory is presented as a physical des- cri-,ition of tae vic-ch-luiLmn, i-,volv(,d, vith a minimum of mathematical trcatra(,-at. Tliere are 2 figu~cs and 1 table. Institut w1sol:onolelculyarny1ch soyedineniy AM SbSR Unstitiitc o~: High Molecular Compounds, AS USSR) Card 2/2 SOLOV I YEV, V. ~A. Relaxation of intermolecular oscillations in gases and 11 ulds. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 7 no.8:854-M S 162. = 16s1) 1. Leningradakiy universitet. (Molecules) (Oscillations) (Quantum theory) MIKHAYLOVj, I.G.; SAVINA.. L.I.; SOLOVIYEV V#A*j SYROVA, M.N. ~ P Absorption of ultrasonic waves in t.~diokols. Akust. zhuro 9 no#4: 460-465 Y639 ("IRA 17:3) 1. Leningradskly gosudarstvennyy universitet. S/04 63/009/001/013/026 B104YB186 AUT111ORi Solovlyev, V. A. TITLF; Adiabatic relaxation in a system of harmonic oscillatcre Ak-,j3ticheakiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 1, 1963, 72 - 75 A. M-AT: flaking use of formulas and results of previous papers (V. A. solov~evt Akust. zh., 1961, 7, 5, 337 - 344; A. I. Osipov, Dokl. AN SSSR, 1960, 130, 3. 523 - 525) the Osipov equation is solved without restrictions. The spectrum of relaxation time for the adiabatic process of establishin6 an equilibrium in the energy distribution on the molecule vibration levels is calculated. In this calculation, energy transfer between the oscillating a.-,.d the progressive degrees of freedom and between the excited states (resonance transfer) of different molecules are assumed. The transformation to nor.-.;al coordinates defined in the previous papers has the same form as is obtained with isothermal relaxation in a system without resonance trans- fc.r. The natural acoustically active coordinate is the number of vibrational quanta in the system. ASSOCIATIONt Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Leningrad State University) (WENT (OVEPT (c )/Epp (n) -21vdp( jvvi6 (b.) _q ~_46v, E4T -4f ,ru-4 (c) w/M4 ACCESSION la AM5001446 BMK EXPID rrATXaf S/ Syrut M~Khjtylov I or' 01.ggInvich; qo ~Vlld A a ot kov. luri Pavlov,ich, ,-,u3Ar acoustical -v0 Principles of,moler L0m%cr,7.m6lekuly;&rnor akustiki)# Moscow# Izd "Nauka". 1964, 514 p. illus.0 biblio.p index. 4g5OQ copies printed, iTOPIC TAGSs acousticap sound vavep thermodynamicap relaxation process,, polyrors sound - absorption,,- acoustic- TABLE OF CONTEWS (abridged)s Fbreiord -- 9 Introduction-n Part 1. Use, of acoustic methods to study equIlibrium propeAies of aul~dtnnoeg Cho I* 'Th=7 of sound propagation, Cho 11. Speed of sound and struotvve of &.aubst4=*.v Gaseli Cho Me Speed of sound and structure of *abstanceso Liquids and aolide"-,69 Cho IV. Soood of sound in mixtures and solutions - 121 Part 2. U311 'Of acoustic rethods to study nov-oquiUbritm properties of a Substance Card AC=1011, NR AM50MIM 1Ch* V, Sound ways absorption '163 Ch. VI. Fhenominological roUntion theory 202 Ch, V11. Jonaral thermodynamic thoory of relaxation proceflaes In a sound inve (the theory of L. 1. Mandollshtan and Me A* Loontoovich) - 236 C*h, V111* Chemical relaxation - 283 Che IX, Exoitation of oscillatory degrees of freed= of molecules 3U Ch., X, Relmtion processes in gases - 330 Ch. X1. Relaxation processes in liquid -0 365 Ch. XII, Relaxation In vol. meas and low-molecule solids Bibllographr - L83 Subjeot index . 511 S*JBKrr=s 22jul64 SM Cam I OP NO RU SM 1 215 OTHMI W Card' 2/2 L 5o67-66-~W(m)/EFF,(o)/EWP(J)/T/E*oiA(h)/V;IA(l) , lm~d/Mt WC7,r-9R--AP5O22645 UR/0089/65/019/002/OP01/0203 539ol6.07 AUTTIOR: Konovalov, Ye A.; Ploshchanskiy# L. ~ff;-Llovljavt V, A. TITLE: The Use Of polyethylene pipes in pipelines of dosimetrio air sampling system W-,!r Y ZZ5 SOURGS: Atomnaya energiya, vs 19, no* 2, 19659 201-203 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, atomic energy plant equipment, air pollution control ABSTRACT: The radioaotive-air samplers are usually equipped with pipe4ft lines made of aluminum or stainlos tool pipes. The possibility or their replacement by non-corrosivekolyethylone pipes is discussed. The authors describe their exper ents with the polyethyline pipes bav- ,ing a 20 mm diameter and 4 mm wall thickness. The results of their i tests showed that the polyethylene pipes could be used at temperatures up to 60 C. pressures up to 3 kg/sq cm and rarefactions of 600 mm 11ge At the beginning of 1962t the air sampling pipelines of the VVR-M reactor were equipped with polyethylene pipes and tubes, Their total length was about 3000 m, No trouble wee experienced during two years Cord 1/2 4 t.3, v9 6 16 -L-5067-66 AP" NR- AP5022645 of operation of this stetionary dosimeter system at tha,ph-valcotechni--l oal Institute im. A. F. loffe of the $33H Academy of Golenoes, Orige art@ has: 1 photo showing the.mounted pipes, ASSOCIATION: none m A- CC) DE: UR/0126/66/0'-12/006/0665/0870 AUT11011: 11. Y.-L.; Soluv'Ycv, V. A. M F ORG: TsN11ChEM T im. 1. P. Bardin TITLE: Calculating the diffusion growth rate of a pore under the action of applied stresses SOURCE.: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 6, 1966, 865-870 TOPIC TAGS: diffusion, porosity, polycrystal, crystal vacancy, plastic deformation, metal grain structure ABSTRACT: It is experimentally knowii (Rozenbcrg, V. M.,et al. FMM, 19G6, 22, 438) that the application of relatively small stresses at high temperatures causes the growth of macros- copic pores at the grain boundaries of Cu polycryst;ils, chiefly owing, to the diffusion of vacan- cies from the material to the pore. Two possible interpretations of this process are analyzed: 1) diffusion of vacancies into the pore because they attaln their equilibrium concentration ear- lier at the surface of the pore than in the material; and 2) vacancy supersaturaUon of the ma- terial owing to plastic deformation. The kinetics of pore growth in the presence of applied stresses is analyzed and it is shown that changes in equilibri= concentraUou owing to elastic ACC NRt AP7002737 stresses alone are not enough to assure the observed gromh rate of the pore. PlasUc d 0.0 formation, on the other hand, leads to an increase in the concentration of vacancies in the material, thus leading to an excess concentration of vacancies and hence interpretation appears to be more probable: supersaturation with vacancies of the material owing to plastic deformation is responsible for pore grow-th. It Is worth noting that even a small increase in the diffusion coefficient D can markedly reduce the extent of vacancy supersaturation needed to cause pore groN%th. At the same time, plastic deformation can markedly affect D. Thus the 1, above interpretation accounts for the experimenta.Uy observed growth rates in the presence of a reasonably moderate degree of supersaturation. In the general case, parUcularly during the initial stage of the process (small pores), allowance must also be made for the additional transport of vacancies along the grain boundaries of the polycrystal. Orig. art. has: 27 for- mulas. SUB CODE: 11 20/ SUBM DATE: 07Apr66/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF. 001 L_qp_rd_2/2 V.A. Ictural. position of the Chirkovskaya Dopreszion in the Cenortl oyatem of dopresnions or the Iiinusinak intemontano trough. Geol. i geofiz. no.]-1:49-56 160. (KII-I 14:2) 1. Imstitut goologii i !;eofiziki Sibirskogo otd-oleniya All SWR9 Novo- sibirsk. (Minusinsk Basin-Geologyp Structural) PARFENOV, L.M.; SOLOV'YEV, V.A.; BOROVINOV, A.M. TecLonic terminalopy. Geol. I geofiz. no-9:118-123 '61. (MIRA 14tll) 1. Institut Fcolofii i gpofizlki Sibirskogo 3tJelenlya xN SSSR, Novosibirsk. (Geology, Struct.;ral--Terminolory) . "I-,V ' "' ~ - %F 9V . A. Genetic relationship between ~Jle Cnnazcic and Mesozoic troughs in westerr Transbaikalia and the fault systems of different &fee. Gaol. i geofiz. no.409-87 163. OURA 16:10) 1, Institut geologii I geofizlkl. 031birskogo otdeleniya AN SM, Novosibirsk. KOSYGIN, Yu.A.; VAN.IYAN, A.L.; SOLOVIYEV, V.A.; KURIN, Ye.P. Recent data on the deep-seated structure of the Lake Baikal region. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.5tll62-1163 Ag 163. (MIRA 109) 1. Institut geologii i geoflaiki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kosygin). (Baikal Lake region-Electromagnetic prospecting) ~, 11; V' Yt-z,., V.A. ;, , I..; A , ij. . . v Reviews and discwssions. Izv. AN SSSII. Ser. geol. 30 no.!*~: - 11P-126 Je 165. (1,41M 18:61; 1. Tnstitut geologil i geofizlki Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSS.R, Novonibirsk (for Solovlvtv). 2. Klyevskiy gosudarstvennyy uni- versitet, Klyev (for E~nor). ".,i Th!.,rderstorm activlt,7 In ti-c-, rt-glcn of the northeastern Atlantic and iestern F.Lrope ~,:i data on atre--apherl.-as Trudy GGGO nri.177:31-36 165. (YJRA 18 18) KIKHNOp N.P.; SULWYEV, V.A. Tectonle conditiore goveming the assoclatlon of Mceotole formations In western Tranabalkalla. Geol, I goofla, no.10! 45-54 165. (MIRA l8il2) 1. rnstitut geoiogii i geofialki Slbdrokogo otdoleniya, AN SWR, Novosibirsk. Submitted March 16, 1964. SPUY"ITEV, II.A. Diunderstorm activity of the Far Eeat. Trudy Dallnevont. ItITG?!l no. l9rI91-195 165 (1417A 191l) I" A F V i AS I 'ff- I, Y~- I. r I i~ASIH A REN , A, 4K, 1, 1JASHARI NAt N.P. -, VC., )TH. C:.A, YEVY V.,i.; K!lASll,lYlKOV. B.N., cta. n3d.: L.M.p Otv. red. on toctoniq ternlqolngy. Part 3..Tec4.,onlc3 and its ilvision. Ire-i3 -..n qtructtwal goalogy.) Materialy ro taktcnicheakoi terminologil. Novon.lbirsk. Yt. 3. Tektonika i eo rul-icly. Terminy strukturnol gr-)10- gLi. 1964. 255 P. (its Tridy, no.34) (MIRA 19t4) . if% SOLOV-11zv,-Viktor-Andj~e~eyichI tokar-rastochnik; BASTOV~ Viktor Fedorovich~ inzh.; KOVALIZZIN, F.F.j red.; WANOVA, N.N., tokhn. red. (Manufacture and introduction of multiparrose attachments for machining compound parts] Izgotovlenie i vnedrenie universall- nykh prisposoblenii dlia obrabotki slozhrqkb detalei. Mosk%aj ProftekhIzdat,, 1961. 47 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Machine tools.-Attachments) V.Yo.; PA' A.11.j SOLOV"?,`V, V.A*; ; -'jOV A*Ie PAOSHKOV Selection of the optimum magnitude of the prea,.,-,,re area In NSh-,32 and ITSh-46 gear pumps. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 32 no.6sl4-15 Je 162. (MIRA 15.6) 1. Moskovskiy zavod gidroagregatave (Tractors-Equipment and supplies) OSNAS. Ytt,v.; SOLOVIMY - i _ig~ Repairing plane-parallel and measurtne rods. Ise. takh. w.4:39-42 jl-j~g 137. (XM 10:8) (Ideights and =^sure a-Rapairt ng) SOWTITLT. V.A. I&PPIDg-lu of plane-wallel and seasures. Ismetekhe no.4:1-4 Ap 160. (Kim 13: 8) (I*Wb masuroment) 25(6) S/028/60/000/03/020/029 D041/Doo6 AUTHOR: Solov'Yev. V.A. bwfioww"- W, ~dr*WP*r4Y"~-_ TITLEj Devices forAheckin;Nart Dimensions During the Machining Process on Surface-Grindi Machines 1-f PERIODICALi Standartizatsiyao l960pNNr 3t pp 48-49 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Komitet standartov, mer i izaeritellnykh priborov (Committee of Standards, Measures, and Measuring Instru- -ments) has approved the "GOST 9376-60" standard for devices checking the dimensions of parts being machined on surfsev grinding machines. The standard fixes 3 types of device: for automatic, semi-automatic, and visual checking. For automatic and semi-automatic checking, the use of in- ductive electric contact or pneumatic pickups is foreseen. In the case of visual checking the devices m&y be equipped with tooth-lover measuring heads, dial indicators, or special built-in meters. The new standard obliges machine Card 112 building plants to raise the accuracy of surfaco-grinding S/028/60/000/03/020/029 D041/DO06 Devicea for Checking Part Dimensions During the Machining Process on Surface Grinding Machines machineaq and instrument plants to supply the metal working industry with high-stability devices* Card 2/2 SOLOVIMj V,.A,o _ Rulerfor accurate measurement of external angles, Standartizataiia 25 no. 5:55-56 My 161. - (KLRA 14 t 5) (Rulers (Instruments)) SOLOV'YF,V, V. A. Cand Biol Sci - (diss) "Fffect of Cl- and S04-- ions on the nitrogen metabolism of glycophytes and halophytes." Rostov- na-Don, 1961. 16 pp; (Rostov State Univ); Ir.-O copies; price not given; (XLI 6-61 sup, 209) BARYSIINIKOV, F.A.j SOIDVITEVJ,-,V.A.j KOVRIZMYKH, Tu,P, Interrelation between the petrographic and mineral ccuposition and the germanium content of some kinds of coal. Trudy last. gor. dola. Sib. otd. AN SM no.3:252-265 160. (Nnu 14:4) (Coal-Inalysis) (Germanium-Analysis) USM/Biology - Botany Card 1/1 1 Pub. 22 - 44A6 Authors I Solovyev, V. A. Title I Effect of volatile phytoncides on the germination of pollen Periodical Dok. AN SSSR 97/4,, 741 - 744, Aug 1,, 1954 Abstract I The effect of volatile phytoncides on the germination of alfalfa pollen, is explained. Four USSR references (1946-1951). Tables. Institution t The A. M. Gorkiy State Universityx Molotov Presented by: Academician A. L. Kursanov, March 22j 1954