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WHITAKER, T.;._SOLOVIYIIV, S.N. [translator]; SORMR, V.I., doktor tekhaichs- skikh nauk. r~daktoi-O-AMUGLOV. S.A.. redaktor; GIADKIKH. U.N.Otekhrodaktor I [Lightweight concrete in the United States. Translated from the Naglishl Legkis batony Y 3ShAo Persvod a angl1iskogo 8.11.3olovieva, pod red. V.I.Sorokerao Moskva* Goo* izd-vo lit-ry po stroit, materialamo 1956. 147 p. (MLRA 10:3) (United States-Lightweight concrete) SOIA)VIYU1, S.H., inth. Precast reinforced concrete In the Novosibirsk Economic Region. Bitil. strol. tekh. 16 no#4:35-36 Ap 159. (MIRA 1216) l.Mauchno-lealedovateltakiy'institut Stroyinformatoli Akademil, stroitelletva I architaktW SSSR, (Novosibirsk Provizee-P~recast concrete) IYVIISAU, Alaknoy Grigorlyevich; Mli, N.J.; MEPM, Ye.M.; HYDIN, N.G.; ROZEITMSSER, X.A.; SOLDV'X&Y,_,$_,LI,j_FILIYAX;OVp V.P.; SWCYK0, V.V.; IMEZ-Abp V.G.,, retsenzent; 'USMIKO) L.A,) tekhn. red. (On the road of great initiative] Po puti velikogo pochina. Y,oekva, Tranozheldorizdat, 1961. 75 p. 01IM 3-5:2) 1. Zarestitell nachallnika Glavnogo uprarleriya lokorotivnogo khozyaystva Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya (for Merezhko). Nailroads-&ployees-Labor productivity) SOLOWIEV, '16YAULOI A.G. ContX,einer for feeding electrode rods into the bunker of an electrode-.coating press. Sbor.rats,predlovnedr.v proisv. no.5s4O 160. (MIM 14:8) 1. Zavod "Yrasnyy Profintern*. (Feed mechanism) SOLOVITEV, SIN,, inthener. Working out speelfications for parts of centrifugal overhung-type pumps on the basis of elements of the theory of dimension disgrasts. Trudy TION no-13:62-87 151. (XLRA 100) (Centrifugal pumps--Specifications) UM/Mi a eel lane ous Industrial processes Cold 1/1 Pub- 104 - 6/20 Authors s Solovyev, S. X. Title 6 The accuracy balance of diametral dimensions of objects machined by the fine grinding method ' Periodical i Stan. I instr. 26/3, 20-21, Mar 1955 Abstract I The error in cutting-tool adjustment is considered to be-the wain factor cnuslnfi: errors in the Umensions of the 00jects machined inmdiately after tool adjustZent. The most serious errors were found to be caused by the displacements and deformations in the machine-tool -object system occurring under the effect of the cutting force8. Uther factors resultine in errors of objects machined on grindinC lath&z are listed. Table; dravinCsj graphs. Instituti-n ....... 00. SubmLtted .......... SOLOVITRY, SIX. Using hard alloy drills. Itan. I Instr. 28 no.10t)8-39 0 157.. (Drilling and boring machinery) (KM 10111) 1-3 A"s Jour: 16, 25 AuS, 1.057, 69041 Author Solov-v S.N. Inst Title Liming of Acid Soils in Some Countries of the British Empire. Orig Pub: Udobrenle i urozilai, 1956, 5, 511-61. Abatract: 'No abstract Onrl 1/1 - 35 S01OVIM, S.N., kand.yurid.nauk Capital investments in the chemical industry of the United States. Op7t stroi. no.30:104-130 160. (HIRA 13:11) (United States-Chemical industries) I II --VI Q TI _.-L CIT all-~ OTL '_INIDI cout-O.t-Lud in J9`;6. Anon Perechun nauchno-issledovatel- s i ru s I~J -abot I sborni4ob t dov 11 IDI zakonchennykh.v ~956 godu) P;~iIIO ".-,rie.L-t-,Omasiiinost~roeriie", (Po~,.'or Machinei-j GonstMction 195'/t No. 32, A WT i lu (,T Lolovlov, "".N. Investigations into the parameters of JjuLe-ins-nr ~)ari-rzjin~j, peat and wood gonei-ator gaa Olo. 282). An inv,_;stigation waz made into the influence of a numbex of factors on the purification ancd coolinL; of the gas (the type of nozzle, the density of sprin,::ling, the water consuLiption, etc.) in application to a gas generator type OG-16 workin6 on peat or wood. Nosov, S.S. Invostigation of stresses in parts of the crankshaft/connecting rod mechanism of heavily loaded engines. (No. 293). The work is devoted to the development and introduction of a procedure for measurin,- stresses in parts of the crankshaft/ L; connectin;- rod mechanism and results of measurements of dynam-ic dresses in those parts are given. Levin, LI.I. Investigition of a system of remote control for the oi)eration of diesel installations (No. 239). An investiCation vats made into systems based on available eniuip-.i,-nt of Soviet =nufacture; spccial devices and systems were developed and investigated Which can be used to solve problems of rUL',Ote control in combination with other tasks in.the automato -Jon of diesel en[;ines. Durin[; the course of the T-k -j CY-- 319 Y oC data 1 11; 10 liollulLin: ko, o. flD Pam on Wiu, vA:ar of i:,lovint; par,,L; in diusol cn;_;1noo ty,)o,- U10.5/13; D6; D,)0; Ch36/45; D and Dr30/5O and 8-DR43/61. (No. 249). Nikitin, L.D. and Kalinovskiy, O.E. Investigation of wear of piston rings and cylinder linings when running diesel en-ines at hitfher -than normal speed and pressure (No. 24?). The work demon S4- rates the possibility of using small relative activIty in investigatin.6 wear of diesel parts by a radio-active mQthod usinG a scintillation counter. A method was developed for determining the wear of a diesel engine cylinder liner by a method using radio-active isotopes. A relationship is established between wear of the upper piston rings and the cylinder liner and the r.D.m, and maximua pressure of th,: cycle for a small four-stroke diesel engine. "'Ymposium No. 29. "Internal Combustion Engines", The E",jriposium contain-s articles describing investigations into thu combustion chauber and pistons of engine lChlO.5/13; results are r-iven of tests on an e3Terimental engine lChl3/16 with a chamber in the piston when viorkdnE; with supercharging. Thu question of corrosion properties of oils with addities is consideied t:,nd recommendations are made about oils to be used in diesel en6ines with lead-bronze bearings. Oymposium No. 30. "Internal Combustion Ut'ngines and Gas Gene,iutor Installat ions". The svayosium contains articles describing investigations 3-19 Ijist of L;ciozitL ic i -:4;earch workp, an siyi:~.Lo-id of r~s of TsNI)I completed in 1956. Anon. (Cont.) work a system of telemeasurements of the conditions of a diesel installation suitable for operation over very E;reat distances was made and investigated. Volchok, L-Ya. Development of a procedure and apparatus for measurinG the speed of pulsating flows of gas (No. 291). A thermo-anemometer was developed for isometric flows usinL-; a tunCsten wire 11 microns in diameter and experimental, pick-ups were made. A special rig was designed and made for calibrating the thermo-anemometer and investigatinC, the thermal inertia of fine wires. An investigation was made of the the:Lmal inertia of fine wires from 11 to 50 microns in diameter with air flow speeds of 25 - 325 metres/second. Frolov, F.A. Heat transfer and the hydraulic resistance of oil coolers with wire type turbulators within the tubes (No- 309). An investigation was made of heat transfer in an oil cooler working on a circuit with oil inside a pipe with a wire turbulator and water outside the pipe. Formulae are given for the rulationship between heat transfer and hydraulic resistance in tiie oil section of the cooler. An outline is given of the design of a new efficient and small oil cooler and resultz are given of tests on a cooler connected to a J,la, supercharged engine for purposes of comparison with desigm rm- SOLMITEV, S..11.,, kand. tekhn.naukp dotsent Using the rpecifications of -technological systems in developing the processes of part manufactiwe. Vesto mashinostr. 45 noolO:46-51 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) HAZHBZUK-HELIKOVA.Z., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; SOWVIM,S. Glass blocks--efficient material for use in window apertures. Stroi.mat.. izdel. i konstr. 1 no.7:17-19 Jl'55. (MIRA 8:11) 1. Starshii nsuchnyy sotrudnik VNIIS (for Bashbouk-Kelikova) 2. Nauchnyy sotrudnik TSentrallnogo nsuchno-issledovatelOskogo institute, promyshlennykh sooruzheniy (for SolovIyev) (Glass construction) SOIDVITIVI S., arkhItektor. Using rippled glass for covering light openings In roofs* Strol, mat. 2 no.11:24-25 N 156~ (MMA 10: 2) (Glass) (FLoofing) SOWVIYEV, S.P. Cand ',,L'ech Sci -- (diss) "Tran3parent guards made of hollow Flass blocks and corrugated glass". j%los,1957. 10 pp 22 cm. (Acau of Construction and Architecture USSR. tA 141AV~f,', V,4,r I./ ici fies Iniit of Azchit*etwpe~l Physics and Saf-e-", Structures) 110 copies (KL, 9-57, 101) C~ L GUaV, H.K., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk, professor: SOLOVITIT, S.F., imndld&t takhnichoskikh nauk. 0K.- Using glass and reinforced concrete elements. Stroi, pros. 35 no,5: 27-32 My '57. (K= IOW (Glass construction) SKOBLOV, D.A., Inzh., red.; ANDRIYEVSKrY, V.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SOLOVIYEV, S.P., kand. tekhn. nauk (Construction specifications and regulations] Stroitelinye nornW i pravila. Moskva, Gosstroilzdat. Pt.l. Sec.V. ch.20. [Articles for filling openings and skylights) Izdelila dlia zapolneniia proemov I fonarei (SIV I-V. 20-62). 1963. 6 p. (MIRA 17: )) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy koritet po delar. atroltellstva. 2. Goastroy SSSH (for Skoblov). 3. Mezhvedom- stvennaya kon,issiya po peresmotru Stroitelinykh nom i pravil (for Andriyevskiy). 4. Tsentralinyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut eksperimentallnogo proyektirovaniya zhilishcha Aka- der.ii stroitelistva i arkhitektury SS&i (for Solov'yev). SOLOVIYEVt S.P.p kand.tokhn.nauk; DUBOV, E.M.j, inzh.; KOIAMOVSKOY, A.A,, Inzhe Hermetic industrial buildings with exterior valls of glass rein,,breed concrete* Prom& stroie 41 no*20-12 F '64o (MIRA 1713) ?0-3-2-&jP AVTHORS: Verbitskaya, T.N., Zhdanov, G.S., Venevtsev, and ov'yev, S.P. _Q0 TITLE: Electrical and X-ray Investigations of the System BaTiO 3 -BaZ_-O3 (Elektricheskiye i rentgenograficheskiye Issledovaniya sistemy BaTiO 3 - BaZrO3) PERIODICAL: KristalloGrafiya, 1958, Vol. 3, Hr 2, pp 186 - 196 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Various of BaTiO 3 - BaZrO3 were prepared, having up to 30 mo1% of the latter, by heatigg 0 appropriate mixtures of BaCO 31 T102 and Zr02 at 1 400 + 10 C. The resulting materials were examined by the Debye-Scherrer method with a camera cf diameter 11.4 cm, and Cr or Cu radiation. With Cr radiation the lines 310 and 222 occur at a sufficiently h1gh angle to give accurate cell dimensions. (For Cu radiation the appropriate lines are 501 and 431) The significance of the splitting of the lines under the distortions observed is explained. Dimensional measurements were made to + 0.001 A, monoclinic angle to + 1.5', rhombohedral angle to 7 l' and axial ratio to + 0.0?5b5. Cardl/3 For the pure coEpounds the cell dimensions were found to be:- 70-3-2-9/26 Electrical and X-ray Investigations of the System BaTiO 3 - BaZrO 3 BaTiO 3 a= 3.990, c = 4.027, c/a = 1.0093, V - 64.12; and BaZ_rO3 a = 4.186 and V = 73-35 . From 0 to 2 mol% of zirconate the dimensions of the tetragonal phase approached each cther slightly. From 2 to 6.5% the solid solution was pseudo- mono,-lilo-ic with a c and the monoclinic angle decreasing L 0 frcm 90 M5' to 90 04.01 From 6.5 to 20 mol%, the s8lution was rhombohedral with the rhombohedral angle equal to 89 57' and increasing from 4.01?? to 4.0440. Above 20% the solut4on t was cub.1c with an increasing from 4.044? to 4.0616 at 30%. Over the whole range the -volUM3 of the unit cell increased linearly from 64.12 to 6?.00 A with no breaks at the phase transitions. In pure BaTiO 3 three phase transitions (all with hysteresiag are sbserved on changing its temperatures They are at 120 , 0-5 and -70 to -80 C. These transition points were measured for a range of compositions. Below 10% zirconate all four phases occur at appropriate temperatures, between 10 and 15% there is a confused region and above 15% only the cubic and rhombohedral phases occur. Measurements were also made of the dielectric constant of the material at various temperatures Card 2/3 70-3-2-9/26 Electrical and X-ray Investigations of the System BaTiO 3 -BaZrO3 and compositions. The phase diagram constructed is like that found for BaTiO BaSnO by Smolenskiy and Isupov (DAN, 1954, Vol 96, 53) and not like that drawn up by Kell and Hellicar (Akustika, 1956, Vol 6, Nr 2, p 232). There are 8 figures, 2 tables and 26 references, 10 of which are Soviet, 2 German and 14 English. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya. Karpova. (Karpov Physico-chemical InStitute) and NII MRTP SUBMITTED: July 183 1957 Card 3/3 SOV/70-3-4-11/26 A6THORS: ifenevtsev, Yu.ii-, Zhdanov, G.S., Solov'yeY, S.P. and 4ubov, Yu.A. TITLE; The Internal Fields in Certain Fakro-electrice with Structures of the Perovskite Type (Vnutrenniye polya v nekotorykh segnetoelektrikakh so strukturoy tipa perovskita) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, or 4, pp 4?3-4?9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: An analysis of the methods of calculating the internal field in ferro-electrics of the perovskite type is made. The internal fields and the spontaneous polarisation in the tetragonal modifications of BaTiO 3 and PbTiO 3 are calculated and the influence of certain cation parameters on these quantities is estimated. The structure was assumed, as a first approximation, to be built up of point charges and point dipoles. Kozlovskiy's method kZh.Tekh. iriz., 'rol 21, r 11, p 1388, 1951) where the five differLnt ions'are attached to five separate sub-lattices was used. In BaTiO 3 the Ba ion was taken as the origin but in the PbTiO 3 the Ti in view of the reported displace- cardl/3 yenta (Shirane, Pepinsky and Danner, Act&-Crystall, 1956, ;01 9, P 131). Published polarisabilities were used. SOV/70-3-4-11/26 The Internal Fields in Certain Ferro-electrics with Structures of the Perovskite Type As the effective ionic charges were not known, a coefficient of charging y(O fore, be expected to show peculiarities where these two effects interact. The variation in structure. dielectric and piezo- e1c,cirl(; properties is not contintiolis from one end-member to thin other. Experimentally. solid solutions with 7, 9, 11, 111 and 2`4 wt. I,;- PbTiO3 showed anomalies not explicable as due to Jo_~..4 of PbO. NaNbO 3 undergoes several phase transitions in a - -ic -v and optical observations ,;1 rt temperature inter al. Dielectric 0 give tranzAttions at 56o, 470, 520 and 640 C. X-ray data contra- di,_r all but the first of these. Polycrystaltine material was Catd 1/11 82509 5/070/60/005/004/009/012 E132/E36o Crystal Chemical Investigations of Substances With the Perov- -qkit-~ Type of Structure Which Ha_,, Special Dielectric F t Ild L ed by X-ray atettiodr. up to ?000C and transitions at 360, 4W, 470~'520 and 640 C were found. Below 360 0C NaNbNO, is 0 1 rno nf~ C I 1 0 L,~ W.1 t~-l b and 0 900C. Above 360 C It is Monoc I Inic Witt] a b and a > 90 0 C (true symmetry ort ftorhcmbi:~ ). The tran.,;jtton from ortborhombic to tetragonal is not at 360 blit at 430 0C. The X-ray method is no legs Zensitive than (lie optical. and dielectric triethods. From an examination of solid solutiong BaTiO 3 (Ca,Sr)(Zr,Sn)o.,, ii, tq conc luded that . other things being equal the Curie tt-mperaturr- of perovskite- type ferroelertrics Is higher, the smallvr is th(! periou of the lattice and tile higher Is the pciarisability of the artive cation. L3 i T i G3With added Bi,,O,.Cr,,o3 and Bi2o 3 At2o 5 has been ~Ynthesi.,.,~d -ind pe,.impns r-li(K-d prnpc-rt-&v_z Itke those found in B~,TiO C"t"tatiling, 81 Ti 0 2 19 2 5-09 S/0-flo/60/005/004/009/012 E Crystal Investigat ions OP949MOnces with the Perov- skite Type of Structure Which Has Special Dielectric properties BiFeO and specimens in the system PbTiO--.BiFeO have been 3 3 synthesise-d. The former has a rhomboliedral distortion (a .~ 3.g63 I , u = 890210) and a susceptibility about 80. At 200 C the susceptibility has a maximum of about 1200. In the solid solution up to 700P, by wt. of BiFeO3there is also a tetragonal modif.ication. The Curie point of BiFeO3 appears to be higher than that of PbTiO-. Ueneral methods forcnIculating the Internal field have been developed for structure5 of any dipole configurations. These have been applied to the orthorhombic structure of CaTIO 3* Ifere, the internal electric field is zero at the T1 si-tes. There are 29 references. 2 Japanese (in English). d English. 2 international. I Swiss, I German and 15 Soviet. C a r d -5 / ") 62509 S/070/60/005/004/009/012 E132/E36o Crystal Chemical. Investigations of Substances with the Perov-- 6kite Type of Strurture Whirh Has Special Die-lecArlc Propet ( I e5 ASSOCIATION. Fizi.ko-khmi.cheolkiy Institut Im. L. Ya. Karpova (PlIvsico-Chemical Institute imeni L.Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED February 23. 1960 Card 4/4 S/07060/005/005/oo6/oI7 E132/E36o AUTHORS: Solovlyev,--S.P., Venevtsev, Yu.N. and Midanov, G,S, TITLE- On a Method of Calculating the Internal Fields in Complex Dipole Structures PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1960, Vol. 5, No. 5, Pp- 718 - 725 TEXT: A method is proposed for calculating the internal field in complex dipole structure. In general, the problem comes down to the solution of a system of linear equations with 3m unknowns, where m is the number of atoms in the elementary cell. If the symmetry of the structure is taken into account the number can be decreased to 3n where n is the number of complexes and where n is less than m . Ewald's method can be successfully applied to calculating all the structure sums necessary for estimating the fields. The method Is generally applicable in all cases where the structure has been determined. The calculation of the structure sums enables the idealisation of the structure to be avoided as these sums can be calculated in any case. Sometimes, however, in spite of the methods Card 1/21 A- S/070/60/005/005/006/017 E132/Z36o On a Method of Calculating the Internal Fields in Complex Dipole Structures available for reducing the tediousness of the calculation of the fields in real structures, the number of unknowns may be too big to enable the system of equations obtained to be solved by hand methods. This raises no difficulty as modern computing machines can deal with such systems of equations with extreme speed In fact, the systematic calculation of the fields in real tiantiferroelectric crystals and in other structures is best done by a machine appropriately progranuned. There are 1 figure and 14 references; 5 Soviet. I Swiss, 5 English and 3 German. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-kbimicheskiy institut imeni L.Ya. Karpova (Physics-chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED- March i, ig6o Card 2/2 e 84996 LA 7 P0 M V2 / 11 S/048/60/024/010/005/033 B013/BO63 AUTHORS: -splovIyev, S' P.. Venevtsev, Yu. 11 , Zhdanov, 0. S.# and Ivanoval V. TITLE: Method of Calculating Inner Electric Fields in Complicated Dipole Structures and Their Application to.CaTiO ; ill PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1960, Vol. 24, No. 10, pp. 1191 - 1194 TEXT; A general method is suggested for calculating the inner ele--tric fields in complicated structures, in which there may take place both parallel and antiparallel ionic displacements in an arbitrary direction. This method, wLich was applied to the calculation of fields in CaTiO type crystals, constitutes a generalization of the methods that are used for calculating the fields in Riezoelectric substance#Df an ABO 3- type structure, and proceeds from the respective structure model of the compound concerned. A total of six different cases were examined. The calculation was made at the vjchislitellnyy teentr MGU (Computer Card 114 84996 Method of Calculating Inner Electris Fiells in S/048/60/024/010/005/033 Complicated Dipole Structures and Their 30131B063 Application to CaTiO 3 Center of MGU) with the computer (Strela). The calculation of the fields in CaTiO 3 shows that the distribution of fields in this com- pound depends only little on the polarizability of Ca Ions. It is all the more dependent, however, on the effective ion charge. up to the change of the signs of the fields acting upon the oxygen ions, although the qualitative picture remains unchanged. The fields acting upon Ca ions are only little varied in this connection. In all of the six cases examined the fields are considerably smaller than is the case with the piezoelectric ABO 3 compounds. In this case, as may be seen from the structure symmetry, the field acting upon the Ti ions is exactly vanish- ing. In BaTiO 3 and PbTiO3 (Refs. 8 and 9), on the contrary, fields of maximum strength act upon the Ti ions. The basic difference between the fields in CaTiO 3 and in the piezoelectric ABO3 compounds related to it, is connected with the fact that in the latter the octahedra are greatly deformed, while they are nearly ideal In CaTiO 3* The relationship Card 2/4 Method of Calculating Inner Electric Fields in 0/048/60/024/010/005/033,1~~ Complicited Dipole Structures and Their BOWN63 Applica CaTi 03 betweewthe anomaly of dielectric proportion and the deformation of edra can be also observed in the case of such ABO compounds B06 cot 3 as are, e.g.j PbZrO PPbHfO,, r*&NbO ~t can be stated that the presence 3 3- 0f a deFormation of B - 0 is an indispensable prerequisite for an anti-' aj piezoelectric phase transition. The authors thank N. Pq Trifanoyl coil borator1of the computer center of MOU for his assistance in the comput&_~, ta- tions. ~he present paper was read at the Third Conference on Plesbal t-ricityL which took place in Moscow from January 25 f0- 30t 1960. Ther's are I f Cure and 12 references: 4 Soviets' ASSOCIA~ION: Piziko-khimicheskiy inst~tut ins, L, Yaa~ Krpova~~ a (Physicochemical InstituNe imeni Li7ya* Karpoy t 77- Card 3/ 0,~ 3 (22 0 3 ., P VV) 141., 13.15; //.3 6) 5/070/6l/Oo6/(jol/002/011 E032/E314 AUTHORS~, Solovlyev, S.P., Venevtsev, Yu.N., Zhdanov, G.S. and Ivanova, V.Y. TITLEj Calculation of Internal Electric Fields in Perovskite Crystals (CaTiO 3) PERIODICALi Kristallografiya, 1961, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp- 78 - 85 TEXT. In a previous paper (Ref. 13) the present authors gave an account of a general method for the calculation of internal fields in structures having an arbitrary dispostion of dipoles, The aim of the present paper is to apply this method to the calculation of fields in the antiferro-electric dipole structure of CaTiO 39 using a model based on the real structure reported by Kay and Baily in Ref. 14. In the method described by the present authors in Ref. 13, it is assumed that the polarizabilities and effective ion charges are known, The polarizabilities of Ca and 0 ion:_Igre,taken from the book by Kittell (Ref. 15) (%Ca ' 1.10 1 Card 1/5 20024 S/070/61/006/001/002/011 E032/E314 Calculation of Internal Electric Fields Q0 = 2.4 x 10"' 24 CM3) ~ It is further assumed that the effective charges of the ions in BaTiO3 are approximately equal to one-half of the total ion charges. In order to estimate the effect of the assumed magnitude of the charges and polarisabilities on the field distribution jix different variants of the calculation were tarried out, in which the charges and polarizabilities were varied within reasonable limits. The results obtained are summarized in Table 3, which gives the internal fields in CaTiOY The first five Variants are based on the real structure of CaTiO 31 shown in Fig. 2. For comparison, variant 6 is based on values of the f and h sums calculated for undispersed positions of the ions, All the calculations were carried out on the electronic computer "Strela" at the Computation Centre of MGU. Card 2/5 -';/()7(;/6 1/00()/OUI/O();!/Ol I Calculation of Internal Electric Fields .... Acknowledgments are expressed to N. 1-. Trifonov and A. Telljiova of the Computation Ceritre of ~;GU, who carried out LIw nim"et-Ical calculation on t`w "Strela" computer. Tiiere are 1: figures, 3 tables and '17 reforencesl 7 Soviet and 10 non-Sovict. A5~;UClATIUN: Fiziko-khijiticheskiy institut im. L.Ya.l.arpova (Physicochemical Instittite im. L.Ya. Karpov) 61JUNITTED i March 11 1960 Card 3/5 20024 s/v7o/6l/oo6/ool/0U2/0l1 KU32/E314 Calculation o f* Internal Electri c .... Table 32 1 - Var iants; 2 E- 10- V/cm; 3 Projection Axis; CGSE esu Or, b pop- 'It mev a. 4C3; a 1 00 0 MCS; s *CA 2 #CA W 110 #C& 1 : ~' 1 9.3 :5 C.4; o - - - - - ST, . 1 2 1 T 40 1.0 0 Was; 00 --1.0 60-1.0 to-1.0 - - 2.0 CGSK; to X -0.M108 -0. UM -0.0972 --o, (r, 2o -o.osm '-:.0.0072' /,"CA 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 z 0.494 0,751 1 0.51, 601 0 . 0,537 0,422 X 0 0 4) 0 0 0 0 0 I T 0 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 E X 0, 767' 0,876* 2,053-. -0,477 0,79r O.BW* 01 y 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 y 0.0215 O.Y)2 -0 ,499* U.680 O,OwG -0.0714- Card 4/5 X 0 4706 9) 511G0 0.91294 * 0,0578 0.49q- 0,544- y 0.873 0,892 -1,887 1 0.134* -0880 -0 942 z -0.("6 -0,()85 -0,5-,0 0,519 0:0= --0:520 20024 Calculation of Internal Electric Fields ..... 2: z y ~04 CA Pxc. 2. Osemenapnam wiefixa CMOs. Ci%rd 5/5 "OLOVIYEVI.~,P.l V21IRMP'.1", .1 ZHDAJOV, G.S. X-ray diffraction study of phase transitions in NaNbO3. kr13- tallografiia 6 no.2:218-224 Mr-Ap t61. (Mliu lo: 9) 1. Fiziko-khimiche3kiy institut im* L*Yaoharpovao (Sodium niobate) (X rays--Diffraction) VE,,,zVTSzv~, Yu,.N.j SOLOVIYFW, S.P.; ZHDANOVp G.S. Methods for the X-ray diffraction study of &mall deformations of cubic primary calls. Zav.lab. 27 no.9:1112-1115 161. (MIRA 34:9) 1. flauchno-io:31odovateliskiy fiziko-khimichaskiy institut imoni L.Ya. Karpova. (Electric batteries) U Iray-Diffraction) 5/181/62/004/012/027/052 BI 2 5/B1 02 AUTHORS: Lyubimov, V, N., Venevtsevg Yu, N.1 Solo s-'EtJ Zhdanov, G. S.,and Bakushinakiyt A. 0 TITLE: The dipole structure and the Internal electric fields in PbZrO3 PERIODICAL: Fizika, tverdogo tela, v. 41 no. 12, 1962g 3543-3550 TEXT: The most probable values of the internal electric fields and field- induced electron dipoles are calculated for a PbZrO3 crystal on the basis of the model of point dipole structure. Using the method developed by S. P. Solov'yev, Yu. N. Venevtsev, G. S. Zhdanov (KristallografiYa 3, 473, 1958), the determination of the 28 different projections of the electron dipole moments was reduced to the solution of a system of 26 linear algebraic equations for 28 unknowns. The structural sums which are necessary for the eet-up of these equations describe the fields of the infinite sublattices of the unit charges and unit dipoles# the number of which exceeds by far 1000. Both the structural sums and the system of Card 113 S/181/62/004/012/027/052 The dipole structure and the ... B125/B102 equations itself were calculated in various modifications using the electronic computer "Strela". The effect of all structure sublattices on each of the 40 atoms incorporated in the elementary cell was taken into account. The variant P 5 was determined by extrapolation for the parameters e Pb ' 1.270 eZr ' 1-73t e 0 - -it aPb w 4-32-10- 24 CM5 -24 3 24 3 aZr " 0.00-10 cm t a0 - 2.26-10- Cm . 0 1 denotes the effective charges and ai denotes the electron polarizabilities of the ions. The mall value of PS within a certain temperature interval makes it possible : 0 establish a correlation between the data obtained from structure and those from dielectric studies. At room temperature, the ion polarization for the above-mentioned values of the parameters is compensated by electron polarization, Hence, the PbZrO 3 crystal in antipolarized and very similar to an anti-electret. Results, similar in principle, are obtain:d for any of the ten crystallographic polar classes of pyroolectrics (ole trots). It is assumed that at least the direction of most of the projections of the electron dipole moments and of the internal fields corresponds to the Card 2/3 S/181/62/004/012/027/052 The dipole structure and the B125/B102 real structures of PbZrO 3 at room temperature. The displacement of the atoms may be attributed to nonelectrostatic forces. The highest field 11 tren6th acts on the Zr ion. In general the internal field strength increases with decreasing ion polarizability. The rules found for PbZrO 3 resemble those governing the ferroelectric crystals BaTiO and PbTiO It would be useful to investigate PbZrO 3under pressure# 3There.are 39 7 tables. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut in. L. Ya. Karpova, Uoskvs, (Physicochemical Institute inani it Yao Karpov# Moscow) SUBMITTED: July 99 1962 Card 3/3 SOLOVYEVj S. 11,; UfUBIMDV, V. N.; VROMEII., Yu, N.; aiDILNOV, G. S. "The calculations of the internal electric fields and electric-field gradients in the perovskite-type compounds with special dielectric properties." report submitted for 6th Gen Assembly, Intl Union of Crystallography) Rome, 9 Sep 63- Karpov Inst of Physical Chemistry, Moscow. -LV, V. N. , SOWWIV, S. P., Vis ov, U. zi. Yu. N., LYU31. v k AJS Id "Calculation of Internal Electric Fields and Field Gradients in Perovskito Conpounds -with Special Dielectric Properties." renort presentod at the SyVosium on Forroelectricity and Ferromagnetism, Leningrad, 30 May - 5 June 1963- -OLOVYrV1 S. P. "The calculations of the internal electric fields and electric-field f-radients In the perovskite-type compounds with special dielectric proper-ties." report prerented at the Symposium on Phase Transitions in Solids, 6th General ASsembly, Intl. Union of Crystallography, Rome, Italy, 16-18 Sept 1963. (Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow, USSR) ACCESSION NM AP403OG34 5/0048/64/028/004/0630/0635 AUMIOR: Venovtsov,Yu.N.; Lyubimov,V.N.; Solov'yevjS.P.; Zhdanov,0.8. TITLE: Calculation of the internal electric fields and their gradients in p*rov skito compounds with distinctive dielectric properties 11sport, symposium on Fer;o. magnetism and Forrooloctricity hold in Leningrad 30 May to 5 June 19627 SOURCE, AN SSSR. Izv.Ser.liz., v.28, no.4, 1964, 630-635 TOPIC TAGS: Internal field , crystal Internal field , porovskito structure, forro- electricity, ionic forroolectricity model, ferroslectric compound ABSTRACT! For a number of years the outhors have been engaged In calculatfog the internal electric fields in compounds having the perovskito structure and peculiar dielectric properties. The methods of calculation And the results have been reported in a series of papers appearing in Kristallografty (CrystAllography) and Fiziks tvardogo tola (Solid State Physics) from 1958 to 19G2. The results of those calculs.- tions are discussed in the present paper. The calculations were based on the Ionic model of a crystal with known or assumed structure. The charges and polarizabilWas of the point ions were treated as given quantities, but the induced dipole moments Card 1/3 ACCESSION NT.: AP4030634 wore calculated. Calculations were performed for several values of the chan-,o, pola- rizability, and radius of the ions; reasonable variations of those pararw-ters (I'd not alter the qualitative picture of the fields in the six compounds Investigated (lead, barium, calcium and cadmium titanates, sodium tantalato, and lead zire Good agreement was obtained between obnorved and calculated values of the spontall- cous polarization with the value 0.5 for the ionic charge factor. The results of the calculations indicate that XaTaO3 and CdTiO.3 are forrielectric materials and that PbZrO3 is a forrielectric material with nearly antiferroolectric properties. The internal field at the position of the Ti Ion was found to vanish in CaTLO3 but to be large in DaTiO3 and PbTiO3. This difference in the fields accounts for the different dielectric behavior of these materials. Doczuse of the strong field at the T1 Ion, the conclusion of H.D.Regaw (Acta crystallogr.,5,739,1952; lbid.,7,187.1954) that the principal factor In forroolectric transitions of AD03 type materials must be a sharp increase In the covalent character of the D-0 bond is regarded as inado- quately grounded. It is concluded that further theoretical " experimental investi- gation of the possibilities of the ionic model is desirable, and Improved calcula- tions of field gradients are promised for the near future. OrIg#&rt.hast I table. C,rj 2/3 KAJPY3!EV, A.G., ',;,EM*,:'.,E";, SCLOPYEV, 3.1'.; GCRBATINC~V, L.A.; "J.3. X-ray ctamibers for high-tAmperaturo stadies. Zav. lab. 3C no.lf)z 1274-1276 fi~4. (KIRA 1314) 1. fiziko-khimic~eskly Institut Imen! Karpova. SOI.OV'YFVI J01.IVO-I),OBROVOL'SXIY, V.V. haport on the activity of the Mineralogical society or the U.S.S.R. for 1964, Zap. Vses. min. ob-va. 94 no.0486-495 '65, (MIRA 18: 9) 1. Vltse-prezident Vaesoyuznogo mineralogicheakogo ob3htheatva (for lojolovlyev). 2. Uchenyy sekreterl Vsesoyuznogo wineralogi- cheskogo obshchestva (for Dolivo-Dobrovollekly). i ~q We k~.,i"- 1 ch K-j tskii., I WM-I-i 5 V3es, Of'R.I 2~ y3- 1. 1 vi t---] Iiyye chfl!:ll f.bah,,hostva. ~; 11) LCO? I y ~741,.P., prof. Main &Pm1cal characterlstles of basJc Igneous rocks in the U.S.S.F. Zap. Vaes. min. ob-va 91, nn.6:625-641 165. OURA l9sl2) 1. boystvitellrVy chlen Vses~)yuznogo mirin-ralogicheskogo, ,)bahchestva. !-A.; 1Ei1,'-7FYKV, N.A.; MIKHAYD71. b.A., SOLOVOYEV, S.P' VFLIKWJJ~A'1111N~~XITP Vlad,m!rov!ch Cbruchev, 1891-1965; o~.!t-aary. Zap. if fses. min. ob-va 94 nn.64735-716 165, (MIRA 18112) I It 11A 46 "? 06 66, 00 A 00 0e 0 a' 00 J7 00 4 4 v Ot -4 0 1 a I b It 4 get 00 00 00 00 1 r, -u 49 44#4#4*4#44, 0 0 0 0 a to 0 0 f GeV-# 41#41141 11iec- 0 " 4 , ~ 4 W A- 0: a a a 16 V 4 A' a of a; it 0 b if a W 6 0 1 1. 1-it a, 9 4 1 1 AS It YL W 14 0 0 6 Of 0 *A* "o so so Pw&Wo& Woody W Naas Rtm grailmorm mcipeft (in Noreen commmitati) Is CONSOMM iva its n4im con. 1*49. S. P. 34wev. rw. inst. AW r4diam W. it. S, R) r.-M'4 M-'X#SbA 344 nwk sampin Mass dA pwU ad The pa"Otirtic I..Iv 0 It li ~# a cs Rjv" (4 b=. Omits at 're Itm Tim Ra. Chem. amilyAs of The rtiork lifirec VVI, (a fit- 4.40, TANO.12 0.31. AlAlb jimi FtO 1.04 I.M. MEO 019-IMS. COO a firs-1.01. IQ so o OAA 41,AP, NO) 4.134,410, KvO2.M 6,01. Poliq0.1641.1ol- ', as* Fact 0,In 41,41) awl Itio a IM41jW tu". It *I. a's O * h m i r M *o 1FO RM a om That This nv retrwall latnil" u b its 1 cruffull rowin" ift in low milk* W Ibst "1 "0 tit (u h l l 1 t 4,00 l- la idi 40 om-lifol fight fribularbit W mallim Rivrr. Tlw &nsr ofThe lwvvMb evvembils of metamorphir es g Whimts. ltirl"Wook and Chem. flown. Wsral" Thai see the ranch belover to the - m1finit typar. A fir ( rZi coma. G as in The row The him th (.1nits, n. tharki than in other partti is Oborrved. 11tar" tr"Upla uld ago misnarrulatarrolipilattvAlted- t*Ptitir. mulsvirite awl kutv- r r l with R t Was f o 2 r8 m a "in ent$ o - 2,0 x . . V > X 10 01 and