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The Analytic Nature of the Semi-Group Generated by BOV/20-127-1-9/65
an Elliptic Operator in Lp Spaces
(in T u the derivatives of lower order are united). Let u(x) be
complex valued, the coefficients of (3) be real, the coefficients
of the highest derivatives m-times continuously differentiable,
the others bounded. Let
ot I -In 2 2)m
a., .,Cn(X) n >--@'o(ll+ + 1n
be for all x
Theorem i The elliptic operator (3)-(2) (in the case of a system
strongly elliptis) is assumed to be selfadjoint and positive-de-
finite (in the sense of L2) . Then (l)-(2) possesses for all
f(x) G Lp(5-2), p >1 and all A which do not lie on the semiaxis
A > 0 a unique generalized solution u(x) F_ W 2m whereby
W 2m C f 11
P p
Card 2/3
The Analytic Nature of the Semi-Group Generated SOV/20-127-1-9/65
by an Elliptic Operator in L p Spaces
holds uniformly with respect to A in every f3ector -0y:
LP :!@@ arg A 4!5@ 2 7( ' - Y ( Y _> 0)
Theorem : Let A satisfy the c;nditions of the preceding theorem.
Then A is the generating operator of a senigroup which is ana-
lytic in a certain sector of the complex plane.
The author gives five further theorems of similar contents.
Ile mentions O.V. Guseva, S.G. Mikhlin, A.I. Koahelev.
There are 16 references, 13 of which are Soviet, I English,
1 Japanese, and 1 American.
PRESENTED: March 30, 1959, by V.I. Smirnov, Academician
SUBMITTEDi March 279 1959
Card 3/3
Differential equations in Bazach spaces. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mat.
no. 1: 19P,-2 09 160. (MUU 13:6)
1. leningradekly korablestroitellny7 institut.
(Differential equations)
GELIFAND, I*M. (Moskva); DYUDWI, N.Ye. (SShA); KIRILLOV, A.A. (Moskva);
(Moskva); V=', G. (SShA); 7A]ID37W, D.K. (Leningrad); ARHOLID,
V.I. (Moskva); IVAKOV, Y.F. (San-larlos, Kalifornlya, SShA);
GRAYEV, M.I. (Moskva); LEBIDEV, N.A. (Leningrad); IDMITS, A.M.
Z.A. (Taroslavll); FUNWE, A. (Frantsiya); GAVEL, V.V. (Brno,
Chakhoslovakiya); jOjpMYAKf M.Z. (Leningrad); LEVIN, V.I. (Hoskva);
BARBAIT' M.B. (Tashke;_tT; FRIDUN, L.M. (Bila)
Problems. Mat. pros. no-5:253-260 160. (MIRA 13:12)
(Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc.)
L S.
ltDt-c2.,,,--nt of ell4itic c..-,
- --- - , - - -------I
Elliptical operators on two-dimensional man-.1folds. Dokl. All SZSR
139 rio.1:37-39 J:L 161. (MIRA 14:7)
1. PrGdstz.vleno akademikom V.I. Smirnovym.
Conjugate spaces of S. L. Sobolev's Wl spaces. Dokl. AN SSSR
143 no.6:1289-1292 Ap '62. p (MIRA 15:4)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im.
A.I.Gertsena. Predstavleno akademikom V.I.Smirnovym.
(Banach spaces) (Functional analysis)
-:: Is OLOMYAK 9-M. z .
SolvabiU-ty of certain integral identities. Uch.zap.Pedinst.
Gerts. 238i
@.- -41-148 162. (Integrals) (MIRA 1634)
L 10796-63
T5=-iaf NR: AP3=29o 8/0020/63/150/0011OD48/00.%
AVMOR; P.01ccyak, M. Z.
TXT t Linear first-order elliptic sys
SQMCEi AN SSSR9 Dok]Ady,, v. 150, noe 1, 1963t 4&51
TOPIC TAGS: first-order elliptic system, simplest system structure, integrom.
differential boundary condition.
ABSTRACT: The structure of first-order elliptic systems with real coefficients
in a k-dimensional Euclidean i3pace R is analyzed. It is shown that to any
kZ2 correspoads a nunber n(k) such t;t 1) in Rj; elliptic systems of n(k)
first-order equations exist and that 2) whatever-thefirst-order elliptic systamp
the number of its equations Is a multiple of n(k). From the systems of n(k)
first-order equations are singled out those systems with the so-called simplest
structure (those for which solutions of corresponding honagensous systems an
represented by harmonic vectors). The boundary-value problems,are studied fort
first-order elliptic systems with a simplest structure i%R with integro- I
differential boundary conditionse It Is sbubm that for a systems no correct
Card 1/2
L 10796-63
integro-differentia.1 boundary probl= exists in wW-bounded donain and that no
integro-differential boundary prcblem for aimplest-structure system can be a:-
0 problm (see 1. To* Gokhberg and Ms 0, Xreyn,, W,, 12l 2,, 43 (1937)).
Origo art. has: 4 fomWAw.
ASSOCIATICH: Leningradekly gosudarstvenny*y pedagagicheskiy institute*.im.
A. 1. Gerbsena, (Leningrad State ieftgogical Institute)
SUBMITrED; 030ct62_ DATE AM: 101=63 ESCLe.' 00
SEIB CCM: MR NO MW SOV.0 008 nau 006
Card 2/2
17 f17
e, r-,jua , - -I
[Linear arid quRSi-I )skv,,,,
e1_jij)tjcj1,eckoj@c1 YLC
i j.Y+1 ul
19 538 P.
.3o'ublllity of bound -, .
VI.B. LO;-ht;r,@ij Is zondition fur t%@. , - ip -*;
I . - -
- " ;i -,- @ I:) I= MS - V eat - U." 20 no.l! 1,,3-L-L4 165.
@ 0-111PA 1.8-.2 '1
@J- A i*
AUTIJORt: BIEM@Mm@.M-; - Solomyuko M. Z,
OFM Leningrad State University imo A.A. Zhdanov(Lening-radskiy gosudaraftemyy
TITLE# Stieltjes double operator integrala
S(XJRCEt AN SSSR* Doklady., v., 165.9 nos 6., 1965,9 1223-1226
TOPIC TAGSt: Hilbert space, pertarbationgimathematics operatorjo complex function
ABSTRACT& The article investigates operators in. a,HUbert qpace@,Vgiven by integrals
E `6
of the forms I Q (p (%, IQ dPILT d '), --14 - a bounded
where F B X dti any two orthogonal 'it .6.xpanshftb; T is
fi. p is a complex function. Integrals of form
.apparently first appeared in the work of Yu. L. Daletskiy and S. G- Krayn
in connection with caktain quedtians of analytic perturbation theory. The
purpose of the present article is a systematic stud:r of the properties of
operator Q in relationship to the behavior of function T (A .9 /4 and the
'@properbies'of -o@erator T.- Thd-@&uthors elucidate the jiie-sti6ii--of thii-sense
.in which integrals (1) ought to be widerntooti. and establish interrelation-
shipps between various.possible definitions of the-integrale"This p6per was pro-
sented byAcade ian V, I Smirnov on 3 M*a'Y-"-1965-
t Orig2 art* hass 6 formulas. /-jM7
SUB CODEs 3.2 ?10SUBM DA@i: O9APr65 7 ORIG REN 03b
AUTItUd', Solomya?,T.B, SOV/140-59-5-20/25
TITLE, Boundary Value Problems for a Class of quasilinear Equations
and @ystems of Elliptin, Type
FERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh ucti(,,b nykh zavedeaiy. Matemattika, 1959,
Nr S, 'L)P 184-196 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author considers the first, second and third boundary value
problem for quasilinear elliptic equati ons of tfie type
N Lu = - i
z -a + b = f(x,)
x i
ft a,(xlou,pl), b = b(xl,u,pl), 'bu
*3 u
Lu = - T
i (a ij + b =
j f
f EL2
aij @ aij(xlpuypl)v b -
The author lefines generalized solutions of the bounaary value
problems the existence and uniqueness of which are proved under
certain conditions and the norms of which are estimated.
@ard 1/2
Boundary Value Problems for a Class of Ciuasilinear SOV140-59-5-20/2r,
Eq--,ations and Systems of Elliptic Type
The results are applied to problems of the theory of plasticity.
Six theorems are formulated altogether.
The a-athor mentions I.I.Vorovich, Yu.P.Krasovskiy, and O.A.
There are 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION;Leningrad3MLY sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (Leningrad
Agric-altural ins t4 tute)
SUMiIT7ED: Junt? 7t 1956
Card 212
AUTHOR: Solomyak T.B. SOV/20-127-2-1 I AO
;=L= .,
TITLE: A Solution of the First Boundary Value Problem for Quasilinear
Elliptic Equations Containing Power Non-Linearities
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,Vol 127,Nr 2,pp 274-277 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In the finite domain A which in the m-dimensional space is
bounded by the smooth bounded boundary r, the author considers
the quasilinear equation of elliptic type
(1) LU - a (ai(xiouppd) + b(xi,U,Pi) - f(xi)
-r7 -6xi
(pi = Du/"dxit ai(xi Polo) 9-- b(xi Polo) @ 0) -
Under numerous assumptions on the coefficients for fFEL n (,a),
n >
.,2, the existence and uniqueness of a generalized solution
uP- 91(Z) of the problem Lu = f, u 0 is proved. There holds
the estimation n
11 uh < C 11 f 11 n-1
Card 112 Wn(U-L)--- 4 L n (di)
A Solution of the First Boundary Value Problem SOV/20-127-2-11/@O
for Quasilinear 31liptic Equations Containing
Power Non-Linearities
Under further assumptions and f EL 2(a-b) in every inner domainAl
it holds: n
(T n-2+1.ln-2+1) f,2 Calf In-1
C711 L L 1W
i'j xi xjlddlt T (TS) 71 :)1
2) 2@@'Ijtj > 0.
> 0;'T'
3)' < C,T
2 T 2
4.) 'JI(T )T a continuous nondecreasing function and M(T) S If(t )t dt
defines a certain Orlicz space L M* By continuation with respect to a
parainetct, und successive approximation it is proved that a unique
-eneralized solu t i n u(x) eL,, exists for every f(x) G L which satisfies
1 2
the iolentity a dSL - @f @d-Q
S x
for every (1) with I grad t@ I rs LM9 0. If th,@ ;:;..,;uality
Card 2/3
The solvability ,;f the f:ri3t
c 2,
c I/c
'>, > 0
is satisf!ed instead Of The cordl-.ions and .,her the estimation
Ip (T
S'@-# -
holds fr.,r the generali?-,31 w-id the equa!I'@-n I.-.1 = f ja satis-
fied almost everywnere in -P, ,
[Abstrac*erls n.)Is; n-,Tplete ranslattor,
Card 5/3
SOLOMYAK, T. B,O Cand Phys-Math Scl -- "Generalized solutions
of marginal .-..____ -for quIsilinear equations of ti@e elliptic
type." Len, 1961. (LenII4 State Ped Inst Im A. I. Gertsen)
(KL, 8-61, (8-61, 228)
- 47 -
S/0 '0/':/ - 39/004/00:,@/02:..@
c ..'./C.'133
TITLE,, problIew5 for qua:iill Inear ellipti,
ri -1 rl.' , !te a r,. I i, e s nt e y, ng a powe r 1. aw
PER! CDF' Al .4 -1 e SSSR, D,,kiadyo '39/. ro, 4.
T EX '17 IA Froblems for quasillnear
e of whi@-h :ri,_@reaqe
T, x i s tc r I !w, i ju@:rt-tis of the general i zed sn' u i 9
f t f r:" 3 PC, znd a r! .1 011 problem are proved;
te Eic.11dean qp-,1-_,e w-th
14-"'-I@'@ry F. Fir 'he eaua*ir@[%
x 0. 0 0
S/0 ? 5 9 o 0 @4'/ 0 0lo
h e exaapl e n the a IAa t -)n
-3sume that
t k@;l a .,.j .4 1-.t f feren I 4-abl e fun@l t i cr f
n' I n -,ns -are -Ra @is f le4i
258 45
Boundary value problems for . . . CIII/C333
Y. alp, > VT4 (T grad u n > 2;,
M dal M
I Eli, >,r, (T-1 + 1) E";
C, (TA-2 + 1).
In (4) the author introduces a. parameter C-G '0 04, < O@ 1@
M + C1
-L ( a, (J-P, U11 (XI),
ax, + C1Q) (I T C-Q),
Card 3/
2514". 1
Boundary value problems for C11I/C33.;
where Q - Q(p is-an auxiliary function whic@ iE@! chosen so that (5)
is elliptic, and the ellipticity coefficient does'not depend on
and -L ; furthermore, (5) is assumed to have only.@ounded non-
linearities for fixed eLl . (5) will be elliptic wiilli bounded non-
linearities if
T-2 < Q.- (,r.T2111-1 - C4) Yj 4-,.
"' Q -a,jpT
are satisfied.
Theorem 1;' The generalized solutions u-of the first an0second boundary
value problem for (5) for arbitraryc@, 0 Te*>6.8 ev. By introducing
into the solution the additions for which the first level of
excitation is lower than for the molecule of solvent, the in-
hibition of positronlum. can be achieved. In the pr9sent worko
the effect of additions of NO31, CrO*-, Cr$O; and MnO 4 to aqueous
olutions'and C H Jto C H has been investigated, using the
8 5 a
equipment similar to theat used by R. G. Green et al,(Nuol.
Experiments with aqueous solutions have
Instrum. 3, 1958, 127
shown that Cr0j. Cr and ?4no4'*are -moderators and N03 is an
inhibitor. C H J also turned out to be an inhibitor. A further
experimental Dr8of about the correctness 'of Ore's postulation is
desirable, since it can be used to evaluate the energy of first
level excitation of large amount of.molecules. Orig. art. has:
3 figures.
Ir C1 AIA-Ul
Cc d Mev
o I o g y Aug 48
"Pro-Cambrian Strata in the Ussuri River Regioup"
V. P. Solonenko, 4 pp
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXII No 5
Discusses stratigraphy and tectonics of the
Archean and Proterozoic divisions of the Pre-
Cambrian in the Ussurt River region.
OW 2kAqT37
*]Iffusion of Traprocks and the Peculiarities of the Siberian Platform's Tectonics.'
67, No. 6, 1949;
11. P.
USSR/Geology - Tectonics Jul/Aug 50
"Problems of the Tectonics of the Pre-Cambrian
Foundation of the Folded Zone (Ussuri Region),"
V. P. Solonenko,
"Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 4, pp 147-152
Describes tectonics of Precambrian foundation in
central part of'Ussuri graphite-bearing region.
This region is in zone of transition from Ussuri
depression to mountainous country of Sikhote-
Alin and is made up of Pre-Cambrian and Proter-
ozoic metamorphic strata broken through by many
granitoid intrusions and effusive veins.
PA 1
USSR/Geophysics - Graphite Nov/Dec 50
"Genesis of the Alkaline Rocks and Graphite of the
Botogol Massif," V, P. Solonenko
"Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geol" No 6, pp 108-3-18
Describes conditions surrounding formation of alk
and nephelinic syenites-of the Botogol massif. Con-
siders nephelinic syenites of Botogol arose because
of syenitization of limestones under action of high-
temp alk hydrothermal soln.
(00,Q121ML.6of thhe 11 r suing attats, in tie TWer,
. ;b"
Sol "Y veirkekno
SEA 0'. CkOL 1, 39-M
'(19H)i-An exam. of the geology of the strata Omm that
igraphithatiou at coal owirred OmdomimLntty in the kmm
i1sym. This Is explained by the rapid cooling of the intru-
am the mnsItaut lack of
27 'une
.U I? of Srl'r,c`r@
Fuld i shed by e uJil Aca,
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki zemli
Voprosy inzhenernoy seysmologii, Vyp. 1 (ProblemB in Engineering Seismology, Nr 1)
Moscow, Izd-vo-AN SSSR, 1958. 129 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, no. 111681) 1,6oo
copies printed.
Eds.: S.V. Medvedev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and A.Z. Kats, Candidate of
Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: N.V. Shebalin;
Tech. Ed.: N.D. Novichkova.
PURPOSE: The book is intended primarily 14"or 3eismologirts; it may also be of inter-
est to construction engineers.
COVERAGE: This issue of the Transactions of the Institutte of Earth Physics treat$
questions in seismology and the effect of seismic tremors on man-made structures.
S.V. Medvedev describes a multi-channel method of measuring vibrations in a rigid
structure on an elastic foundation. Ine %Lge of the vibrograph VEGIK, ascillograph
POB-12, anO galvanometers GB - III end GB - IV in the method is described. The
author thanks Ye.S. Borisevich end D.P. Kir-nos. References accompany each
Card 1/3
Problems in Engineering Seismology, Nr 1) SOV,2456
Medvedev., S.V. Seismic Zoning Map of the USSR (1957) 3
Solonenko, V.P. A.A. Treskov N.A. Florensov, and S.V. Puchkov. The
Muyskoye Eaithquake of June 27, 1957 29
Gorshkov, G.P., and G.A. Sheakareva. Correlation ;)-f* Seisuiic Scales 44
Medvedev, S.V. Experimental Study of the Vibrations of Rigid St@-,Ictti@-es
During Seismic Activity 65
Ch. 1. Equipment Used in Fxperiments 66
Ch. 2. Vibrations of a 14assive Reinforced Concrete Structure 75
Ch- 3- Vibrations of a Box-like Reinforced Concrete Structure 91
Card 2/3
Problems in Engineering Seismology, Nr 1) SOV/24ii
Ch. 4. Vibrations of a Brick Belfry 98
Ch. 5: Vibrations of a Two-Story Brick School Building During an
Earthquake 123
Concluding Remarks 128
AVAILABLEi Library of Congress
Card 3/3 10-22-59
Aiya earthquake, Jme ?7. 1957. Trudy Inst.fiz.ven. no.1:29-43
15f3. (MIRA 12:9)
(Huya Valley-2arthqual-es)
A recent powerful earthquake in Eastern Siberia. Izv. Sib.
otd. AN SSSR no.3:42-51 158. (MIRA 11:8)
I.Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial AN SSSR i Institut fiziki Zemli
(Siberia, Zas.tern-4arthquakes)
Origin and classification of graphite deposits. Izv. Sib. otd. AN
SSSR no.5:12-18 158. (MIRA 11:9)
I.Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial AN SSSR.
Genetic classification of graphite deposits, Trudy Irk, un,
14:57-82 158. (MIRA .16:7)
Research carried out by the Department of Geology, 1951-1956.
Trudy Irk. un. 14:191-199 '58. (MIRA 1637)
(Siberia,, East@rn-Geology, Economic)
(Soviet Par East-Geology, Economic)
300) SOV/30-59-6-14/40
AUTHOR: Solonenko, V. P.
TITLE: The Activation of Seismic Activity in Central Asia
(Aktivizatsiya seysmicheskoy deyatellnosti v Teentrallnoy Azii)
PERIODICAL: Veetnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 6, pp 98-102 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi The catastrophic earthquake in Gobi k1tay m December 4P 1957 was
felt on a territory of approximately 5,OOOPOO km 2, and in 2
Mongolia, the USSR, and China on an area of about 1
000 km
as may be seen from figure 1. Following an invitation of the
President of the Komitet nauk i vyeshego obrazovaniya pri
Sovete Ministrov MNR (Committee of Sciences and Higher Edu-
cation at the Council of Ministers of the MNR) Professor
Tsevegmid@A. A. Treskov, N. A. Florensov, and V. P. Solosenki?A
together with Ba1zhinnyam, Namnandorzh, and Tsebek carried out
an introductory investigation of the pleistoseistic area of
this earthquake (see Fig 2). On the basis of the investigation
results the Committee of Sciences of the XNR and the Academy of
Sciences USSR decided to carry out an intensive investigation
d 1
2 of this area. A Soviet-Mongolian Gobi-Altay expedition was
The Activation of Seismic Activity in Central Asia SOV/30-59-6-14/40
organized. On behalf of the Soviet Union the Institut geologii
Vostochno-Sibirskogo filiala Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii
nauk SSSH (Institute of Geology of the East Siberiai Branch of
the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)-took
part in this expedition. From June to August 1958,,an areal
photograph at a scale of 1 : 25000 was made of the
pleistoseistic territory on an area of '14, 000 km2. At the@
beginning of September the Soviet and Mongolian expedition
groups met at the shores of lake Orog-Nur. 15 types of seismic
displacements as well as residual deformations of the surface
of the earth of an extent hitherto unknown were observed. The
geophysical observations carried out showed an exceptionally
striking non-uniformity of the tectonic blocks of Gobi-Altay
which also in future will be an especially dangerous area of
the Mongolian-Baykal seismic zone. There are 2 figures. Ll@
Card 2/2
3(5) SOV/11-59-7-5/17
AUTHOR: Solonenko, V.P.
1HTLE: The Earthquake in the Gobi Altay on December 4, 1957.
FERIODMIL; Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya,
1959, Nr 7, pp 32-39 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author considers the earthquake which occurred in
the Gobi Altay (The biongolian People's Republic) on
December 4, 1957, as ohe of the most violent earth-
quakes of the last 50 years. It caused the collapse
of the Ikhe-Bogdo mountains, the formation of a graben
between the Bakhar-Ula and Tsetsen-Ula mountains, a
complicated up-and overthrust between the Ikhe-Bogdo
and BaCa-Bogdo mountains, the elevation and 2.8 m to
3.5 m displacement to the east of a 250 km long part of
the Gobi Altay mountain chain. In some places the
fault amplitude reached 10 m. The total length of
large fissures was 683 km, and 170-175 km for small
Card 1/3 ones. The epicentral zone of earthquake, as deter-
The Earthquake in the Gobi Altay on December 4, 1957
mined by V.V.Pshennikov at the Irkutsk seismic station,
was situated between two big orographic elements of
the Gobi Altay - the Bayan-Tsagan-Ula and Ikhe-Ula
mountains. The region has been subjected to uninter-
rupted tectonic activity during the late I.:esozoic and
the whole Cenozoic eras. The earthquake was felt in
a huge area: its force in Irkutsk was of 5 balls and
in Chita - 4 balls, the distance of the epicenter
beinE respectively 900 and 1300 km. At the epicenter
the force of the earthquake reached 12 balls, accord,
:Lng to the international scale. The author names the
followinC scientists that took part in the ensuing
expedition: I. Balzhinnyam (the seismologist of the
Ulan-Bator Seismic Station), C..',Iamn2.ndorzh (the geo--
Crapher) and the GeoloCtists Sh.Tzebek, A.A. Treskov
alyid N.1".Florensov. There are 4 photographs, I sche-
Card 2/3 matic map and 1 Sc@viet reference.
The Earthquake in the Gobi Altay on December 4, 1957
schematic map.
A'O@SOCTATIOTJ: Institut geologii Vostochno-Sibirskogo fillala Sibirs-
kogo otdoleniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk (the Institute of
Geolo,--y of the East-Siberian Branch of the Siberian
Section of the AS USSR, Irkutsk)
SUBMITTED: October 22, 1958
Card 3/3
Method for plottinp maps for purposes of engineering geolop,?.
Trudy Vost.-Sib.fil.All SSSR no-10:225-229 '59. (MIRA 13:4)
(Engineering geology-Ma-ps)
AUTUOR: Solo@%"v. S. -
5483ion on '@f th. pr.-BaL@Cgl l
mod ZbA =ja,*,z Seeiool (7)
MRIODICAL: ZzwstI.Ta LA3de='.l --auk &7ZR Sez@',.
li5io. Nr W, pp l5d7-15@-' CUL-@R@
:0 '=t It
AzSTWIT - Th. so-lioz on 9
-I-vene'l !- - A:;. Sz.
.a: t ca".
:t. @4@' Jr@rl.n Iz--@lt,l., Ac. So.
tl_* ll@*U'Jk- 15@-t-' U--t--city, 1: .12
':@A ch@@r@.n of t:.* @;-t S-"r@- L.
Ac. Scl
3z I. t@ 'L @'4 "er va: A.
st-t-Q-1 @r;=nk)
41-C slt..
@urta' .4. SC.
la so,tl. S@t@rtl.
A-rc o v Ana
-1 of
or lEjfij:u of the zerth. At. s":
C-rd 1/4, :@a@Ltuta of
LAJQk!A= Stt.rin
Tacr4L;l'-".otioor. c.'
_t.01 or 1;111: Proval I
ot, ersov. (i.,.t Slt@rv
of :;0 a 1, V
r-,ov'r.a;' @"!Alcs 0. "". 4art..' kc. J_
't, of the P:L BallkaIvZ,----.z
S L So!.iv*v"v (CoLmcll e. Sz. U.ZR)
C.44rt f t-
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Unll;@rsit.';, V. Ta. Ragov.
Activation of seismic activity in Uentral Asia. Vast. AN SSSR
29 no.6:98-102 Je '59. (MIRA 12:5)
(Soviet Central Asia--Earthquakes)
AUTHOR: So SO-7/120-1 27-2-5 -2/70
TITLE: On the Seismic Regional Subdivision of the Territory of the
Mongolian Peoplets Republic -
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii na,.)I-, SSSR, 1959, Vol 127, Ur 2, ill) 419-422
ABSTRACT: No map ex'sts dealing with the problem mentioned in the title.
An at least approximate estimation of the 3eismic da!ioi@r for
individual districts of the Republir,, became, howe,@or, vary
necessary in connection with the building activ:'.ty. This became
apparently possible for the author on*the strength of visit
to the Republic at the turn of the year 1957/58 in order to
investigate the consequences of the catastrophic Gobi-Altay
earth quake and the material collected there. 11a compiled a
provisional scheme of the topic mentioned in the t-Itle (Fig IN
under exploitation of the publications i ;17- 6 1.
(Pefs 1,4,5,81 0 1 1
It must not be regarded as an official one. This scheme takes;
however, into account the characteristic foatlires c-f the
Mongol i an-B aikal ian seismic zone and the 4;e..-.Iogy of enginepre
Card 1/4 of the Republic as far as possible besides the Eon@-ra'. fac"-.@rs.
On the Seismic Regional Subdivision of the SOV/20-127-2-52/70
Territory of the MonZolian People's Republic
The author succeeded in entering 107 earth quake epicenters
into th 'e mentioned schematic Tl,@-ir distribution agrees
perfectly the total character of the neotectonic
structures (zores) of the coup-try a_-cna which the following
ones may be separated: W Mon"olo-Altay zone (II) Central
Mongolian zone (III "Prikosogollskaya 7=e'!V) North-Yongolian zone
(Pef 3) (V) Khantey-Chikoyskiy dorv! (VI) Plain-like weakly
differentiated elovations with a lo-a intcnsity of movements-
eastern and south-eastern Longolitt. (VII) Voicanocenir '-dead'(?)
region of DariGanga - a structure rithout volcanic movements.
These neotectonic structures indicate the nootectonic depth
structures. The natur(.- of the latter iz of course completely
unclear, but they obviously influence the neostructures.
A depression reduction depth structure is ospecially diatinct
which proccods in ncrthern direct-cn, approximately at 105 0
of eastern lo,.igitude and turns off som-.what eastwards in the
south, It forms the eastern boundary of the distinctly marked
neostructures of the upper tectonic formation and divides at
the same time Mongolic.. into 'V,-io rarts which differ considerably
Card 2/4 with respect to their saisimic activity. The zones, (I), (II),
On the Seismic Regional Subdivision of the SOV/20-127-2-52/70
Territory of the Mongolian Peoplets Republic
and (IV) are the seismically most active neostructures in the
west of the Republic. In zone (II) tlip fracturep play a less
important role than in (I). Here (II) are seismc-voloar-ic
lines around which thq Parth quake epioanters, extinct volcanos,
and distinct traces of fissure eruptlons of basalt are
concentrated. Data on lava orut)tions in the XIIIth century
exist for this zone (upper cou@se of the Orkhor, river) which
are confirmed by recent observat@.ors. Zoyt,,7 (I) has the highest
seismic activity. Thr? epicenters of the most intensive earth
quakG6 are bound to thQ abrupt-ly ele-vating tentonio wedge.
Although the movements of the depressions are not s-@ intensive,
an intensity of 7 and 8 of the quakes is assumed. Th-3 zone (IV)
is extremely seismically a,@tfv,- (intenoity up to 1@)p although
it does not differ morphologically from the other zones as
abruptly as (I) and (II). This is caused more by a tangential
development of the structures than a radial one; the most
important of them is the active North-Moneolian fracture, more
than 1100 km long. Several geoloGists assume that it forms the
Card 3/4 boundary between the Caledonian (in the north) and 'Ile
On. the Seismic Regional Subdivision of the SOV/20_127-2-52/70
Territory of the Monoolian Peoplets Republic
Hercynian folded structures. The development energy of the
neostructures decreases in the zone (IV) eastwards (the
intensity is reduced from 11 to 7). The enumerated structures
extend along the visible geological structures, in general in
the west-eastern direction, but the most active zone crosses
them all almost transversal to their extension. East- and
south-eastern Moneolia are practically not saismic. There are
I'fi&-ure, 1 tablet and 16 references, 12 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii Vostoohno-Sibirskogo filiala Sibirskog.0
otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of the Geology of the East-Siberian Branch of the
Siberian Department of the Academy of Solences, USSR)
PRESENTED: March 8, 1959v by N. S. Shatskiyj Aoademician
SUDMITTED: August, 11, 1958
Card 4/4
- nL- -- I
va; BYKOVA, V.V.p tekbn. red.
[The catastrophic Gobi-Altai earthquake of December 4j, 1957; a
seismological survey] Katastroficheskoe Gobi-Altaiskoe zemle-
triasenie 4 dekabria 1957 gods; seismogeologicheskii ocherk. Mo-
skva, Gos eoltekhizdat, 1960. 45 P. (MIRA 34: 10)
@Gobi-Altai District-Farthquake, 1957)
[Studies of Bastern Siberia from the point of view of
engineering geology] Ocherki pa Inzhenernoi geologii Tostoch-
noi Sibiri. Irkutsk, Irkutakoe '-Uizknoo izd-vo, 1960* 86 p.
(MIRA 14:4)
(SiberiB, Restern-Ingineering geology)
Gobi Altai eartbquake. Geol. i geofiz. no.2:3-27 16o.
WRA 13-9)
1. Vostocbno-Sibirakiy geologicbeskiy institut Sibirskogo
otdelaniya AN SSSR, g. Irkurtsk.
(Gobi Altai-Barthquakes)
Uneven distribution of the intensity of tremors on the earth Surface
in earthquakes. Geol. i geofiz. no-3:122-126 l6o. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheakiy institut, Sibirskogo otdeleniya
(larthquakes )
AUTHORSs Florensov, N. A.; Treakov, A. A*; Soloneukog Ve P.
TITLEs On the seismic zoning of East Siberia
SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR* Sovet po seysmologiis Byulleten', no. 8,
Moscow, 1960. Voprosy seysmicheskogo rayouiroyaniya, 175-178
TEXT: A brief analysis of seismic zoning problems in East Siberia is
given, The authors emphasize the special importance of geological criterial
pointing out tbL&t their assumption of a 900 km zone of high seismicity
stretching from thQ South Balk&l DePresslou towaras'the north-east,was justi-
fied by the Nuya earthquake of June 27, 1957, and other seismic events which 'Y_
subsequently occurred in the same area. This assumptiont basically founded
on geological criteria, comparative data and a few individual facts, re-
futed previously held theories on the aseismicity of the Vitiso-Oleksinskaya
Oblast, and thus proved the unsuitability of the eeismostatistical method
for uninhabited or sparsely populated places* In order to help complete the
insufficient seismostatistical data, the authors draw attention to two seis-
Card 1/2
1-nLON=O' V. P. ; FLORKUSOV, N. A.
The Gobi Altai earthquake of December 4, 1957. Blul. Sov. po seism.
no.10:85-89 160@ WRA 13311)
1. Yontochno-3ibirskiy geologicehakiy institut Sibirskogo otdolenip
AN SSSR, Irkutsk.
(Gobi Altai-Earthquake, 1957)
- SOLC*-'11KO@ V.P.; TIC'SKOV, A.A.; FLULd'""Ll, N.A.
Seismic regionalization of Eastern Siberia. Gcol. i -Cofiz. 10.*10/,-
114 160. .(MITA 14:2)
1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy gcolo.gicheskiy institut Sibirs'cogo otdoloniya
All SSSI-,6, Irkutsk.
(Siberiag Eastern--Seismology)
Some characteristics of earthquakes occurring in the Mongolo-
]Baikal seismic zone. Biul. Sov. po seiss. no.10-.141-148 16o.
(Kim 131-12)
1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geo logicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdele-
niya AN SSSR, Irkutsko
(Mongolia Seismology)
(Baikal region-Seismoloa)
-SOID-HENK0. V.P.. professor; FIDRINSOV. N.A.
Ancient cemetar7 in the Gobi Altai Mountains. Priroda 49
no-7:107-109 Jl 160. (XIA 13:7)
1. Yostoohnosibirskiy geologicheekly institut Sibirskogo
otdoleniya AN SSSR, Irkutsk. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Ali
SSSR (for Solonenko).
(Gobi Altai Mountains-Hounds)
Professor XLkhai.1 Ollehailovich Odintsov; on his 50th birthday.
GeolA geofiz. no.12:]M-138 161. (KMA 15:5)
(Odintsov,, Mikhail*,JWchailovich,, 1932-)
Flash flood near lake Baikal. Priroda 50 no-5.6-1-64 W 161.
(KRA 14:5)
1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut Sibirskogo otdoleniya
AN SSSR (Irkutsk).
S/16 63/000/002/053/127
AUTHOR; Solonenko, V. P.'
TITLE; Some problems ofcontemporary seismic division into
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no.-2, 1963, 17, ab-
stract 2G119 (Geologiya i geofizika, 1962, no. 9,
69-82 (summary in Eng.))
TEXT: The shortcomings of the existing methods of seismic division@
into microregions, particularly as applied to the conditions of
permafrost regions, are shown on the examples of destructive and
catastrophic earthquakes of the Mongolia-Balkans seismic zone. For
division into microregions.-i '-4 appears necessary to have a knowledge
not only of surface sediments and their water supplies but also of
deep (not less than 400 - 500 m) horizons of the areas conaide@:edo
39 references. Abstracter',e note: Complete translation._7
Card 1/1
Determining epicentral zones of earUquake an the bases of
geological evidence. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 27 no.11:58-74
N 62. (MIRA 15-12)
1. Inatitut zemzioy kory Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR,
SOLONENKO, V.P.-, otv. red.; SHOKHET, B.S., red.izd-va; GRIGORIYEI,
Ye. I. . tekhn. red.
(Mudflow in Slyudyanka in the Lake Baikal region, June 20,
1960]Selevoi pavodok v g.Sliudianke na Wkale 20 iiumia
1960 g. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1963. 70 p
(MIRA i6:3)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeigniye. Institut zem-
noy kory.
KRILIKO, S.D.; SHMOTOV, A.P.; ARSENIYEV, A.A., red.fzd-va;
DOROKHINA, I.K., tekhn. red.
(Gobi Altai earthquake) Gobi-Altaiskoe zemletrit@menie. Mo-
skva, Izd-v4 Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 390 p. (MRA 16:5)
1. Akademi3ra nauk SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye. Vostochno-
Sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent
Akademii nauk SSSR (for Florensov).
(Gobi Altai--Earthquakes)
ftwmwmmm@ ZALA
Mudflow activity in the pleistoaeist regions of catastrophic
eartbquakts. Biul.MDIP.Otd.geol.38 no.2sl33-140 Mr-Ap 163.
(KIRA 1625)
(AltmA Mountains--Erosion) (Altai Mountalso-Earthquakes)
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.(residual deformations.of the earth's crusti'Jissure 'wV4-lins uplifts, atid
Investigation,of the Vitimo-Olelcminsk mountelp-reglon hei r@onf I rined Its extra-.
-ordinary hlgh,selsmicity and It Is nowconsld0r'ed to be'one of the molt active lh4
-tercontinental seismic iregions of the -Earth. iThe Udokan miountaln range vas found
to be the most Important volcanic region In,gjbarla (about I-5,volcanos were 1.0ca-1,
ted In an area 60 I= In Jength). Some-of t!14@-volcanos of: this region @are describ-,
Orig. ar@.khas:-,9'fl4ures.
.ASSOCIATION: 'Inst1tut.,ze'wwW-k0ry* Slblri"' _.GtdeIenIyG-'AR'SSS;R, Irkutsk
stitute of the - FArthl s /Cnjfl,. jIberlawy9mefit
SUBMITTED: 00 _@,'i---ENCL: -00 'SWCOCE: -ES
No REF SOV: 002. OT'E"..,
Card 2/2
Seismicity in the southern part of the Lake Baikal region
and practice In the microregionalization of the alluvial
cone in Lake Baikal. Trudy Inst. zem. kory SO AN SSSR
no.18:169-203 164. (MIRA 18%11)
(Seismogeology of the scuthern pai-t of the Lake Baikal.
region] Seism-ogeologiia Nz@mo@:@ PriLeikallia. Poskva,
Nauka: 1965. 120 p. (MIRA 18:12)
WIGUHISKI'i - German runteleylllcrl@--;Ilch;
Fedor Nikolayevich; SOLONENKO, V,F., (Aicktor
nauk, ctv. red.; FALIS1111N, G.B., karid.
geol.-rdrier. nauk, otv. red.
[Engineering-geological characlerlstics of the Arigan
illdll.Stria-l ureB and their importance in buildinF, fracture
teict-'Inic,s, kar-st and sea.:onal freezirw of @;roundl Inzhc-nc.--.-,-
geolovizileskie osobennosti Priangarskc--:-,@ prj,;myshlennogO
ralona i ikh machenie d1ja stroitell--tva; razi-ymaja tekl,--
nika, karst i sezonnaia merzloLa. Moskva, Nauk-ii, 1965. '211.5 1-,.
(11-1111A 18:1C',