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SOKOIA)WSKA, M. ; KROLIKOWSKA, M.; NOFXR, J. Certain -orobleme of wo--qnls health protection in indnStry; report of the Polish delegation. Pracovni lek. 11 no.1-2:61-67 Feb 59. (INDUSTRIAL HYGIENIC, in Poland, gyn. serv. (Cz)) (GYMOLOGT, in indust. hyg. in Poland (Cz)) DZIEDZIUSZKO, Anna; SOKOLOWSKA, ~Iaria .1 Unusually severe lesion in a newborn infant resulting from iso- immunization. Pediat. pol. 37 no,9:943-91+8 S f62. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecyqh AM w Gdansku Kierownik: doc. dr med. S. Metler Konsultant, naukowy: prof. dr med. K. Erecinski. (ERYrMOBLASTOSIS FETAt) ROISKI, Stani&laq; ZDLJNSKA,--AIln,&+-SOKOLOWSKA, ~Iaria I New method of isolation of L-leucine and L-arginine from keratin hydrolisatea, Acta Polpharm. 22 nov2sI23-127 16-5. 1. Z.Zhlcladu Chemii Farmaceutycznej Akademii Medycznej v War- szawie (Kierowniki prof. dr. S. Rolski). SOKOLOWSKA7 R. IIDGtermination of nitrogen by the Kjeldahl method without distillation" by M.H.Hashmi, Ehsan Ali, Muhammad Umar. Reviewed by R.Sokolowska. Roczn panstiq zakl hig 14 no.1:48 163. "Solubility of polystyrene and polyethylene in fat" by W.Pfab. Reviewed by R.Sokolowska. Ibid.:56 "Analysis of softeners b1 microad3orption chromatography" by J.W.C.P. Peerboom. Reviewed by R.Sokolowska. Ibid.:92 "Toxicity of plastics" by S.F.Chancellor. Reviewed by R.Sokolowska. Ibid.:96 0. ; T. Liew method for the enterifiCRtion of a-mino acidE;. Acta biochim. polon. 4 nc.?:85-92 1957. 1. Z KFtedrv, Chemll Ogolviej Politechniki Gdanskiej Kierownik Katedry: Prof. dr 3. Taschner. (AMINO ACIDS esterification, new method (Pol)) A70 L, 0 W A.-,4~ new ~othod for the prepiuatioa of jj!~,h,14 2~~ _I 1011'ate Rmil Taschrer and TLr,--~t ~11;zr~",Av ~Z- -------------------- ,.Vc c -a, COO I 1057) 'rigish smumary).-Ifigh gradi! ili-Eit, -acett am,,Ma lonalt (1), m. 94-6', was prcpd'by naiun of If .(or XaN3) soln, in CHC4 oil Et acetylill-alunate ill pres- encc of 92% H~SO,. The yidd was 60%' The mothei- liqu4 'r-after cry~tn-of I contained N-tuwthyldicarbethuxy- ucetamide, ill. fkl'. SOKOLOWSKA,T.; KUPRYSZEWSKI,G.; TASCHNER,E. .... .. - - I - New method of synthesis of peptides via N-protected symmetrical anhydrides of aminoacide. Bul Ac Pol chim 6 no.2:89-91 158 (EEAI 9:6) 1. Department of General Chemistry. Institute of Technology, Gdansk. Communicated by T.Urbanski. (Peptides) (Anhydrides) (Amino acids) F - "Dr ii"At itlc ir'. Pub. p-, La nd olov,ska Not N~_m Method for- .7,jnmetric- Anhy,iride3 Ro,~;zri-ilki Giem, G-3 45977 ',upryt;zev;~,ki, G, and ra6chnrr, E. thf. of Peptldez Via of N-Six~jvtiturf-~.i Axij,no Acid,,3 321. Nn 4, ~!0-819 (1)5E) A Os t ra Elie authors lercribe a nev ia,~Lhod Eor the syntac- -~ie- 11 _1 o!' dippptiees tosyl- -ir Lathalylamino ac ds and Livi hydrochi-oricies (~C~ of amino "l) in -;e pre3ence of benzene-ulfc- -2stevr, k, - nyl chlori.`e (111). - miyture of I riniol I ;~knd 1-2 m-mols -1 1 in 1-~ -2- aiihYdrolis C5 H5 N is 4--reatpd with 'L mmo.1 Til with cooiing and left to, starid I-PC, ars at 20'j the reactior product ij pre- cir-itated with water. The pri-mary and secondary comyorients, the -=aunts lised (in mmoic), the i 7 Ce-rd: 1/4 Coi~-ritry Polanu catlgory ' I 'Jour 4' 9 7, Au t i-io r Titlo Grif& 1~ub. Abstract of DL-p*henylalanine 'U11o), 2.5, 2-5, 5, ME of pli-tii,-t.lylp,lycyl-DL-pher,yialar,ine, 80'. phthalyl-DL-phenvialarine, Ila, 5,5,5,14E of 90, 1~j5-136; N, O-ditosyl-L-tdrosine Ub), Ila, 2,4,6, mE of Y , ?6 (from N,O-ditosyl-L-th rocylglycine, 95, 7.,,- C OH' '2*D -16c (c = 0.6; alcohol). n3 The .3yntiiesis probably procneds by the forma- t-~on of symmetrical I anhydrides since the authors succeeded in isolat~Jnfi; phthalylglycine- C rd 314 LEDOCHOWSKI, Zygmunt; LEDOCHOWSKI, Andrzej; CHIMIAK, Andrzej; Barbara; BOGUCKA, Maria; WYSOCKA, Barbara; SCKOLOWSKA, WASIELEWSKI, Czeslaw; STEFANIAK, Lech Research on tumor-inhibiting compounds. I. Synthesis of some N,N-dimethyl-1, n-diaminoalkanes. Rocz chemil 33 no.6:1291-1298 159. (EEAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Technologii Srodkow Leczniczych Politechniki, Gdansk i Pracownia Nr 8 Zakladu Syntezy Organicznej Po?_skiej Akademii Nauk Gdansk. (Tumors) (Amino group) (Paraffins) (Methyl group) DUTKIEWICZ, Teresa; SOKOLOWSKA, T.- Regularities of sequence of amino acids in globular proteins. Wlad chem 15 no.10:663-664 161. (ProteinB) (Amino acid) TASCHNER., E.; CHIMIAK, A.; BATOR, B.; SOKOLRKM-.-T- Preparation of t-butyl esters from free amino acids. Coll Cz Chem 27 no.9;2234 S 162. 1. Department of Gemral Chemistry, Institute of Technology, GdanskY Poland (for Taschner). TASCHNER, E. ; SOKOLOWSKA, T.; BIERNAT, J.F. I -- ------- - - -, Synthesis of ophthalmic and norophthqlmic acids. Coll Gz Chem 27 no.9:2~37-2238 S 162. 1. Department of General Chemistry, Institute of Technology, Gdansk, Poland (for Tachner). - , -4 , !.- ~ ti -:541-542 S '63. f-*,-,n, of &~rl . ,; a , -7 r,,o.c, -~ I - , - - - i_ - -.1 SOKOLOWSKAJ, Teresa, dr. inz., adiunkt Protein biosynthesis. Wiad chem 18 no.3:159-171 lfr'64 1. Katedra Chemii Ogolnej, Politechnika, Gdanzk . SOKOLOWSKA, T. Synthesis of peptides in the solid phase. Wiad chem 18 no.4:237-238 Ap 164. Participation of neighboring groups in the hyarolysis of acetonyl es- ters. Ibid.:238-239 SOKOLOWSKA, T. Method of studies on chemical simila-ritV. Wiad chem 13 no. 7:415 i1 164. ke POL X10 SOOLOWSU Teresa, Dr inz.; WASIKXWSU, Czeslav, Dr inz. Lept. of General Chemistry, Gdansk Poly-technic ("tedxa Chemii Ogolnej Politechnild Gdanskiej) (for both - both are %Aiunkt") Wroclaw, Wiadomosci chmmiczne, No 12, Dee 1965, pp 787-802 "Natural compounds of sugars with amino acids, peptides, and proteins." L 36892-66 m ACC NRiAP6027110 sCuau-E COD-L.: PO/0099/66/040/001/0133/0134 AUTHOR: Sokolowska, TeEa2~~i Bi jan F. f5 WtG: Department of General Chemistry, P Gdansk Clat~_-~--ra Chemii Ogolneu Politechniki) TITLE: Stereoselec~ivity in 2qptide'lsyntheues SOURGE: Roczniki chemii - annales societatis chimicae poloncrum, v. 40, no. 1, 1966, 133-134 TOPIC TAGS: chemical.synthesis, solvent action, temperature effect, chemical reaction 'BSTRACT: It has been found that the substitution reaction of peptides From racmic substrates Fiv s rls6 to unequal amounts of diastlereoi3~=_Ciz`- e and L D / DL. Process temperature and the solvent racenates L - L / D - D used exert an effect on stereoselectivity. Orig. art. has: 1 table.9PRS: 35,397-7 SP GODE: 07/6UBM DATE: 05Apr65/ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 002 ACC NRt AP7000209 C/0--SOURCE CODE: PO/0099/66/040/002/0199/0203 SOKOLOWSUP T., of the Dopartmait of Ganeral Chemistry,, Institute of V6661b~~j_'(ICAedra Chemii 090blej Politechniki) Gdansk. Datermination of the Confibniration of Both the Asymmetric Carbon IA'toms in N-(a-Bromoacyl)-Amino-acidall Varsaw, Roc7niki Chemii, Vol 40,, No 2, 1966,,pp 199 - 203 !Abstract (Author's English abstract modified): YdAuras of stereoisomers ofl N-(a-bFomoacy1)-aminoacids were resolved by crystallization into two race mates: L-L/D-D and L-D/D-L. The relative configuration of the -two asymmet;ic! carbon- atoms was determined in these racemic compounds*.-.----- DPHS: 36,0021 Orig. art. bass I table, TOPIC TAGSt amino acidg, crystallizationt Isomer I SUB CODE: 07,20 / SUBM aATEs 02 Fab 65 / ORIG REFS 002 / OTH REFS 007 SOKOLOWSKA, W. Mechanization of certain activities in the documentation center of the Atomic Enorgy Gonmiissariat in France. Akt probl inf dok 8 no.1:26-27.., 28 Ja-F 1631. DOBR2AhNjKI. Tudoilez; JELINEK, Aleksandra; SOKOLOWSKA, Wiaslawa Selected problems concerning U wave according to observations on 1046 electrocardiograms. Polskie 29 no-5: 603-612 '59. 1. 2 11 Oddzialu Wewnetrznego Warazawskiego Sspitals, Wojewodzkiego w Zyrardowie Ordynator: dr med. T-Dobrzanski i z Oddzial-u Wewnetrznego Szpitala Miejskiego w Frusz.kowie Ordyuator:~ dr mad. E. Steffen. (RUCTROCARDIOGRAPHT) SOKOWVISYJI-DEKOWA, A. 'I Effect of dibydroergotamine on CarbohYdrate metabolism. Acta physiol. -Dolon- 3 no.2:209-222 1952. (CIXL 23:4) 1. Of the Second Pediatric Clinic (Prof. M. Michalowiez, M.D.) and of the Institnte of Experimental Pharmacology (Head-Prof. Piotr Xubikowski, M.D.), Warsaw Medical Academy. SOKOLOWSKA-IDEKOWA, Antonins, Attenpted therapy of initial stages of hydrocephalus in infants with nitrogranulogen. Pediat. polsks. 29 no.8:819-822 Aug 54. 1. Z Il Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademii Medycznej w Warszawie. ]Eierownik: prof. dr med. X.Michalowicz. Zatepea kierownika: prof. cir med. T.Lewenfiez-Vojnarowska. (NITROGEN MUSTARDS, therapeutic use, hydrocephalue in inf.) (HYDROCEPHALUS, therapy. nitrogen mustards) SOKOLOWSKA-IEKOWA, Antonina Role of eosinophila in allergic diaoaaes and effect of antiotine on circulating eoBinophils. Pediat. polska 29 no.9-853-862 sept 54. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademli Med,,rcznej w Warozawie. Kierownik: prof. dr med. M.Michalowicz. Z-ca kierownika: prof. dr med. T.Lewenf isz-Wojnarowska i z Zakladu Farmakologil Ikepery-mentalnej Akademl--" Medycznej w Warazawie. Kierownik: prof. dr med. P.Kubikovski. (ANTIHISTAMINICS, effects, antasoline, on eosinophil count in allergy) (ALLERGY, blood in, oosinophil count, eff. of antazoline) (EOSIITPHIL COUNT, affect of drugs on, antazoline, in allergy) GETNI,R, Mi-tria; SOKOLUdSKA-DEKOWA, Antonina - - -- 1. CaEe of generalized m7elofibrosis (panmyelophthisis). Pediat. polska 30 no.6:569-5?2 Je 155. 1. Z II Kliniki Chcrob Dzlecl A.M. w Warszawle, Kierownik: prof. d-r med. M.Michalowicz. Warg2awa,Litewaka 16. (113ONE MARROW, diseases, panmyelophthisis) SOKO:,OWSKA-;DEKOWA. Antonina ase of intoxication with antistine in a 6-week-old infant. Pediat.polska 30 no.6:573-574 Je '55. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. w Warszavie. Kierownik: prof. dr med. It. Micbalowicz Z-ca kierownika: prof. dr med. T Lewenfiez-Wojnarowska. Warszawa,Litewska 16. (ANTIHISTAMINICS. injurious effects. antazoline, in newborn) (ITUAITT, NEWBORN. diseases. antazoline pois) SOKOLOWSKA-DEKOWA, Antonina Role of the sympathetic nervous system in pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. Polski ty-god. lek. 11 no.21:921-924 21 May 56. 1. Z III Kliniki Pediatrycznej A.M. w Warezawie: kierownik prof. dr. med. M. Michalowicz; zastepca kierownika; prof. dr. mod. T. Lowenfisz-Wojnarowska i z Zakladu Farmakologii ,ksperymentalnej A.M. w Warazawie: kierownik: prof. dr. med. Piotr Kubikowski. Warszawa, u1. Litewska 16, 11 Klinika Pediatryczna A.M. (DIABETES MELLITUS, etiology and pathogenesis, sympathetic NS in (Pol)) (SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM, in various diseases, diabetes mellitus, pathogen. role (Pol)) SOKOLOWSKA-DEKOWA, Antonim; PYTFIL, Aleksy - -----AV, Casa of gargmIlisn in a 16-month-old boy. Pedlat. polska 31 no.9:1025-1030 Sept 56. 1. Z II Kliniki Dzieciecej A.M. w Warstawie, Kierownik: prof. dr. med. M. Michalowicz. Z-ca kisrownika: prof. dr. med. T. Lewonfisz-Wojnarowska, Adres: Warszawa, ul. Litewska 16. (LIPOCHONDRODYSTROPHY, case reports, (Poi)) SOK014)WSKA-DKKOWA, Antonina (Warszawa, Klinilm Dziec. A.M. ul. Litewska 16.) hosnhorus metabolism of blood serum in dysthrepsia states in infants. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.52:2014-2019 30 Dec 57. 1. (Z III Kliniki Pediatrycznej A. N. w Warazawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. M. Michalowicz.) (INFANT NUTRITION DISOREWS, blood in calcium & phos-ohorus in athrepsia (Pol)) (CALCIUM, in blood in athrepsia (Pol)) (PHOSPHORUS, in blood same) SOKOWWSKk-D?ffOWA, Antonina; GINSIAK, Helena .............. in cases of intestinal lambliasis in infant & young children. Pediat. T)olska 33 no.8:925-933 Aug 58. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej A. M. w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr mod. M. Michalowicz. Adres Warszawa, u1. Litews1m 16. (GIARDIASIS, in inf. & child intestinal. with liver manifest., ther. (Poi)) (INTESTUTM, die. giardiasis in child., with liver manifest. (Pol)) (LIVER, in various dis. intestinal giardiaais in child. (P01)) MURBURG, Stanislaw; SZYSZKO, Janusz; SOKOLOWSKA-DEKOWA, Antonina; PIECHM, Jerzy; Joachim; FAMS-CMDMA, Elzbieta Histopathological changes in Waldeyer's ring in bronchial asthma in children. OtolarYng. Pol. 17 )o.4:428-432 163. 1. Z Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Lublinie (kierownik: doc.dr. med. A.Sokolowska-Dekowa) i a Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Lublinie (kierownik: prof. dr. med. S.Iblrburg). 4-- SOKOLCY.4SKA-..DXKO'JA, A.; JUMJKE,J.; DYLWKA.,K.; PIECHOTA..J.; PACZOS.,E. The level of adreralir oxidase in the blood in cases of bronchi.-I asthma in children. Otolaryng. pol. 17 no.4t433-434 163. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej AIA w Lubli-nie. Kierownik: doc. dr. med. A.Sokolowska-Dekowa. SCHOLO"VISK A An Lr;.i in~a; GL lPKfj ","A, Krys f -;n a - K~',, Ed; far I-, GOZDALS~K A, Bozena; Jan-Lna Tran5f'erl'IT., In, 9~-.,~2ndarv anemias in chilu-ral.Pol. tyg~ lek. 19 1. Z t Ak;~_d~r_ii Zo!ed-p~znsj 1.1 Lubli-lil,i (Kiero,4nl'k.!,, do,.,. dr. mpd. A. Sok-,"ov:,,ka-Deko-~a)l z Labo-ratcrium Cl:~jdtalla PKF w Lublirde (Kievo.;wn1k; lek. med. F. Kot). I - SOKOLOWSKA-PITUCHOWA, Janina Vascularization of the muscles of the upper extremity in man. Fol. morph., Warsz- 5 no-3:157-172 1954. 1. Z Zakladu anatomii Opisovej I Topografii Akademii Madycznej w Krakowie. Kierownik: prof. dr T.Rogalski. (ARM, blood supply,) SOKOIA)WSKA-PITUCHOWA, JAnina Tascularization o0 the muscles of the upper extremities In man. Fol. morph.. Warns. 5 no.4:241-256 1954. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomil Opisowej J:Topografit Akademil Madycznej v Krakowis. rierownik: prof. dr T.Rogalski. (ARM. blood supply.) 4 :-.,XCERPTA MEMICA See 7 Vol 10/8 Pediatrics Aug 56 QWA J. and POLANSKA B. Kli 1657. GEBALA A., -IQKOL WSKA-EIT n. char. Dzicci i Zakl. Anal. patol. i Min. radiol. WINI, Krak6w. *W sprawie osteo. genesis imperfecta typu Vrolika a typu Lobsteina. The question of osteogenesis imperfecta PATOL.POL. 1955, 6/3 (189-196)Rlus.8 A critical review of the question of osteogenesis imperfecta (fragilitas Ossium) as a morbid entity. On the basis of careful clinical, radiological, and histopathologic. Ij at analyses of a personal case, it is concluded that there exist transitional forms -j between the Vrolik type and the Lobstein (Tarda) type so that both these diseases f-.;i are different forms of one morbid entity with different quantitative intensity of symptoms and different times of appearance. GVbala - Cracow (VU,5,9,14) KROPACZEK. Zofia, SOKOLOWSKA-PITUCHOWA, Janina Cerebral aligodendroglioms with a clinical picture of tuberculous oncephalomeningitts. Grazlica 23 no.11:821- 823 Nov. '55. 1. Z KlinikiFtyzjatryczuej A.M. w Krakowie. Klerowniks prof. dr St. Hornung. t z Zakladu Anatomit Patologicznej A.M. w Krakowle Kierownik: prof.dr J. Kowalczykowa. Krakow, u1. Krowoderska 19. (BRAIN, neoplasms. oligodandroma, diffar.diag. from tuberc. encepha- lomeningitis) (OLIGOMRMROKA, brain, differ. diag. from tuberc.encephaloseningitis) (TUBERCULOSIS. MANINGIL , differential diagnosis, aligodendroma of brain) C- -Pitucbowa Folia morph- War"- wa, 1956.7.53-V- I 74411.40."m injection or wax and subsequent corrosion three typc,; of,pelvis were recognised: (a) the " bubble " type (minor cilyces arising directly from pelvis of ureter). (b) the transitio4l the ureter is (e) the brauching,type-in which the pelvis of 2Vg'~.',';d d as branching into two,or. three compartments (not hem Called major calyces Into which the cakyces. open. - (Polish Eng. suninlarv) "Z KOWALCZYKOWA, Janina; SOKOI4DWSKA-PITUCHDWA, Janina Kidney neoplasms. Urol. poloka 10:31-46 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej A. M. v Krakowie. Kierownik: prof. dr J. Kowalazyk0wa- (KIDNEYS, neoplasms classif. (Pol)) POLITOWSKI, MieczYslaw; SOKOIA)WSKA-PITUCHOWA, Janina Giant paramamal of the breast. Polski przegl. chir. 29 ao-3: 239-242 Mar 57. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Jasienpki i z Zak-ladu Anatomli Patologicznej Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Xowalczykowa Akademii Medycznej w Krakowie. Adres autora: Krakow. u1. Pradnicka 37. (BREAST NEOPLASMS, came report paramammal lipoma (Pol)) (LIP011A,, case report giant. paramamrml (Pol)) .S OKOIAf S KA-P ITUCHOWA, -Janina; KOWALSKI, Edward; KAMIENSKI, Roman; -MIEC SKA. Maria Thoraco-ventrapagus femininuB. Pat.polske 10 no.4:495-506 O-D 159. 1. Z Zakladu Anat.Pat. Kierownik: prof.dr. J. Kowslo2ykowa. Z II Klinild Polozn.i Chor. Kobiec. Kierownik: prof.dr. M. Seidler. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej. Kierovnik: prof.dr. J. Jasienski. (Twills) IASKOWNICKI, Andrzej; SOKOIOWSXk-PITUCHOWA, Janina Biork-Thrsents syndrome. Polski przegl. chir. 31 no.1:89-95 Jan 59. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr K. MicheJda Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Kowalczykowa. Adres autora: Krakow. iil. Kopernika 21. (MALIGNANT GARCINOID SYNDROME, case reports, (Pol)) SOKOLOWSKA-PITUCHOWA, Janina Cases of the so-called "myositis ossificans Drogressiva". Pat. Polska 11 no.3:265-273 '60. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Krakowie, Kierownik: prof.dr J.Kowalczykowa. (MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS case renorts) KOBIELOWA, Z.; KUCHARSU, K,; POPCZYNSKA-MARKOWA, M.; SOKOLOWSKA-PITUCHOWA, J. Diagnosis and an-atorao-pathelogic picture of the bland-white-garland syndrome. Acta medics. polons 2 no-4:391-396 161. 1. 1 Pediatric Clinic Medical Academy, Cracow Director: Prof. Dr. T. Giza Department of Pathological Anatomy Medical AcadenV, Cracow Director: Prof. Dr. J. Kowalczykowa. (HEART DEFECTS CONGENITAL pathol) jarira Report on a stay in the German Democratic Reptfulic dur-'IP-f- the period november 23, to December 21, 1959. Folia Tacrpholo;-ica 12 no.1:1;9-()5 161. 1. Zalclad Anatom-ii Patologicznej, Akademia Medyczna, Kraicow. iuerownlx~ prof dr.J. Ko-walcz,lrl.-,,wa. SOXOLOWSKA-PITUCHOWA, Janina; NOWAK, Jan On the problem of developmental Pulmonary disorders. Pat. Fol. 12 no.5:327-336 '61. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Krakowie Klerownik Zakladu: Prof. dr J. Kawalczykowa. (LUNGS abnom) GEBALA, Antoni; SOKOLOWSKA-PITUCHOWA.-Janina Salt-loosing syndrome in infants with conggenital adrenal hyperplasia. Ann. Univ., Lublin sect.D 16:347-374 161. 1. Z Katedry i II Kliniki Chorob, Dzieci Wydzial~ Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie Kierownik: doe. dr Antoni Gebala i z Katedry i Zakladu Anatomi-I Patologiczn4j Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr Janina Kowalazykwa. (ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME) (BODIMI) Anozomy, Bt-ad J. lip" ca I "'orialurl v!rnior. ncit given K-alto,4. --r. t: it tier v IL.-a . 11 F I ia V-D I I C, "r, 3 -4, l9ix` P', 212- 2 1 Sz.!itisti.--al 4ata on 3' cr 2:.