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L 11370-67 wwr(l) scTB DD/oD _606- .- - / \1 , F ACC NRt AT6036493 ~R/ 06/6/006/000/_QO~8/0056 AUTHOR: kij~tkinat T. S.; Zarllbaylo T. T.; 14tyushov, M. L; Panov. A._N.; Rakitskaya, V. V.; 5okolova, Ye. V. ORG: none TITLE: Characteristics of the activity of the adrenal cortex, the thyroid, and higher nervous activity under conditions of prolonged exposure jLs~'[Papcr to_Ao presented at the Conference on Problems of Space Medicine hold in Moscow from 24 to 27 may 19663 SOURCE: Konfercntsiya pe-,problemam koemicheskoy meditsinyi 1966. Problemy kosmicheskoy meditainy. (Problems of apdce medicine); materialy konferentsii, Moscow, 1966, 58 TOPIC TAGS: acoustic biologic effect, biologic secretion, endocrinology, thyroid, gland, blood chemistry ABSTRACT: The adaptive reaction of the.humn organism to spaceflight stimuli in- .cludes change in the function of the pituitary-adrenal system,' change in the thyroid gland, and in other endocrine glands. Study of spaceflight stress -factors* will enable explanation of the nature of the neuroendocrine .which determine the organisid.6 adaptation to unfavorable conditions. Ex-- periments were conducted to determine the effect of constant noise (one of ;'the.-above -mentioned stress factors) on the animal organism. White rats L 1137o_67~ ACC NRt AT6036493 were exposed to noise with a frequency of 650 cps and intensity of 70 db for periods ranging from I hr to 14 days. The sound was turned on 17 see in every 30 sec. The functional activity of the adrenal cortex, determined by the de- crease in ascorbic acid and cholesterol concentrations, increased depend-': ing on the time of the noise effect, reaching a maximum after 6-12 hr. After eight days of noise the condition of the adrenal cortex in experimental 1 animals was the same as its initial condition. Introduction of ACTH pro.-L I voked a normal adrenal reaction, indicating adaptation of the organism to the effect of the stimulus. The functional condition of the- thyroid gland was estimated using the protein-bound iodine blood test (PBI) and histological study. Increase in thyroid activity was observed only after one day of noise. Deviations from .the norm were not observed in the remaining periods. Higher nervous activity imas studied using the motor electric defense method (Fedorov and Glebovskiy -- 19541. Under the influence of noise (lasting seven days) the latent p eiriod of the *reaction increased and a tendency Jo lengthening of the time of the animal's gait was observed. ' On the first :day after cessation of noise, the number of errors increased for some of the' animals, which can be..considered adaptation to the noise effe~Q EW.A. No. 22; ATD Report 66-3.161 SUB CODEt 06 / SUBM DA731 OOK&y" SOKOWVA, Ye.V. 1, Mechanism and location of Seebanov's inhibition of spinal reflexes. Vest. Len. un. 11 no.15:117-125 '56. Offia 9:10) (REFLEXES) (SPINAL CORD) (INHIBITION) OcHKIN, v.y.; vmxov, v.1.; GORODKOV, N.I.: LOVTSOV, A.P.; VIKTOROVA, A.G.; SOKOLOVA, Te.ya.; KOZLOV, A.N.; DRYUCIInT, A.P., obahchiy red. (Economy of Saratov Province; statistical collection] Ifarodnoe khozinistvo Saratovskoi oblasti; statisticheskii abornik. Saratov, Gos.statisticheskoe izd-vo, 1959. 205 P. (MIRA, 12:11) 1. Saratov (Province) Statisticheskoye upravleniye. 2. Nachallnik Statisticheskogo -apravlaniya Saratovskoy oblasti (for Dryuchin). (Saratov Province--Statistics) ACCESSION NR AT3013129 8/2589/6.3/000/072/0094/0100 AUTHOR Vitkovskiy, V. F.,, Sokolova, Ye. Ya. TITLE Electron~c type Eg-1 gaussmeter based on the use of the Halli, effect SOURCE USSR. Komitet standartov, mer I izmpriteltny*kh priborov. Trudy* institutov Komiteta, no. 72, 1963, 94-loo TOPIC TAGS gaussmeter, fluxmeter, electronic fluxmeter, Hall effect:, fluxmeter, Hall effect pickup, n type germanium ABSTRACT The new fluxmeter was developed in connection with the creation of new permanent-magnet alloys of high coercivity (to 400 koe/m). The instrument combines a Hall-effect pickup (in the form uf a movable probe) with electronic circuitry, and is capable o~ measuring magnetic induction in the range from 0.01 to 2.0 Wb/M in small gaps (down to 3 mm), and to plot the magnetic configurati6n.. The advantages claimed for the method are direct reading and the usei of a phase discriminator which permits measurements to be made at arb1trary polarity. New circuits are used in the instrument to com-:* Card ACCESSION NR AT3013129 pensate for the temperature instability of the pickup balance and for'equalization of the pickup characteristics in strong magnetic X fields. The pickup material is n-type germanium measuring 3 x 5 0.4 mm. The various possible errors are analyzed. Orig. art. has i 6 figures, and 3 fomulas. ASSOCIATION VNIIM SUBMITTED 23jun62 DATE ACQ 28Oct63 ENCL 01 SUB CODE MA, ML NO/REP SOV 001 OTHER 0011 41 C-,d OTI :~njheat,4 0 1 95t set. L 24130 EV4G(s)-2/E1.NP(J)/MT(M)/T PC 4/Pw-4 RM, ACCESSION NR: AP5001782 S/0097/64/000/012/0541/0543 AUTHORS; Voskresenskiy, -V. A. (Candidate of technical sciences); Sokolova, Yu, (Engineer) TITLE: Properties of plastoco Irete based on epoxy resins d monomer FA SOURCE: Beton i zhelezobeto~ -!fi; 112 1964., 541-543 ~koconcrete epo~W resin FA monomer, ED6 epoxy resin TOPIC TAGS., concrete, pla ABSTRACT: Experimental results of tests conducted on plastoconcretes with "purell GpoV. resins and with the addition of monomer FA (furfurol-acetone) are pre- sented. Compressive st:~ength limit3, were measured versus hardening tire for plastoconcretes having the above ingredients and various aggregates. For the case of using norrRal quartz sand as a filler, the ratio of FA to epox-f resin which yields the highest 7-dayi.corpressive strength was found experimentally (see Fig.~! on the Enclosures). Using the optimal ratio thus found, the authors meas- 'J ured and plotted the compres~ivWstrength versus cure time for two cases (see Figures12 and 3 on the Enclosures). Tests were also conducted to determine the resistance of this type of plastoconcrete to various aggressive substances, in- eluding sulfuric acid, caustic soda, benzine B-70, -hydrogen peroxide, soap Card 1/5 A ----------------- L24130-65 ACCESSIOU NIZ: AP5001782 solution, and distilled water. Changes of specimen weight and strength coeffLi-. cients were measured for various durations of exposure to the corrosive agents. The authors noted fair stability with regard to corrosion resistance. The use of Write cinders and zonolite as aggregates yielded high strength and corrosion stability. Orig. art. has: 4 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONz none SUBMITTED: 00 ENGL: 03 SUB CODE: Mr Y40 REF SM 010 OTHER: 004 Card 2/5 I I - - ? t-i -- I / I I A I I I -1 1/1 1 A - =i H 7 . - S/ 166162 /000/006/00-1/016 B104/B186 AUTHORS: Starodubtsev, S. V., Ablyayev, Sh. A,, Alimova, L. Ya., -Sok-olova,-. Yu. B. TITLE: An investi-gation of the molecular transformations in natural gas occurring under the action of electrodeleBs high-frequency discharges. IV. Study of the kinetics of transformation and destruction of some free radicals PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko- matematicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 19629 61-65 TEXT: An investigation with the MCD-51 (ISP-51) spectrograph is made to elucidate the formation and destruction of,the radicals H, C , and CH 2 which are formed in natural gas, containing 96% methane, at 0.2 3-0 mm R9 under electrodeless high-frequency discharges. Results: The CH radical is formed principally from the methane molecule by electron bombardment. The acetylene molecule is formed from this radical. The C radical 2 results from the HC radical by splitting off the H atom. The acetylene 2 Card 1/2 S,/166/62/'000/006/007/016 An investigation of the molecular ... B104/Bla6 molecule is formed also from the C radical. There are 3 figures. 2 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN U-.SSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS UzSSR) V SUBMITTED: July 13, 1962 T Card 2/2 1. SOICOLOVAT, YU. D. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Mechanics, Celestial 7. Certain inntanc5s of switial movoment In the generalized Problem of 1, bodies. Sbor trud Inst mat AN USSR No 12 1949 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Anril 1-953, Uncl. SoYOLOIIA, Yu. I. SOKOLOVA, Yu. I. -- "The State of Liver Functions in Tuberculosis and Changes in Them Following Treatment with PAS." Min Health Ukrainian SSR. KharIkov Medical Inst. KharIkov, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 5, Moscow, Feb 1956 --- - - - - - - :-. - - -,. -.-7 r - . . .- : . : - - L~ 1; . L - I ~ . izi , .- ~ . I I "I ro6uction Of A""t .1:-, fll;c- I f, in ',-I e : vo I notsy v c z 1 - S i- - lo : -i : - 'L. ~. -. ol -- t 11 k - u,-- S- t i .-- i Is c f L ~~ - ~k I r o u t- . 1, c-7-107, ',~,47/ I I -.,~ -1 KLEMOV, M.A.9 prof. (Kiyev); Prinimali gphastiye: BEREZITSKIYq A.V,' (Kiyev); NMI PEKARI, P.P.; SAVFIIKOV, D.I.i TARAIIENKO, M I-- .9 . Py I Khar BORSHCHEVSKIY, M.L. (Odessa); VILINYANSKIY, L.I. Ikov); .0-MUOVA, u (KharIkov) - ABERWI. A A- - KULAKOVAq S.A. tSimoferopoll.); FUKS, R.A. (D-n--epropetroirskt'- BEZNOSOVA* Z'h'.A, (Vinnitsa); PT-LINA, 1 0 N.P. *(Zhitomir); SIDORENKO, G.P. (Chernovitsly YA HENK ); DI C 0, N.S. (Stanislav). Reduction in the periods of therapeutic*pneumothorax following its use,in combination with antibacterial theppy. 11rach. delo no.U: 36-40 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1~ Ukrainskiy institut tuberkuleza imeni F-G * Y ovskogo (for Klebanov). 2. Dispanser Yugo-Zapadnykh zheleznykh dorog (1ir A~ermgn). (PNMOTHORU) (TUBERCULOS ) SOFOLOVA, Zoya Aleksandrovna; I-10"OZOVA, Ye.I., red.; F~ZSNOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Artificial insemination of cattle]Iskusotvennoe osemenenie krupnogo rogatogo skota. Leningrado Lenizdat 1962. 44 p. 64DA 15-10) 1. Direktor Lesnovskoy stantsii po plemennoy rabote i ishis- stvennomu osemeneniyu sellskokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh (for Sokolovs). (Leningrad Province-Artificial insemination) 3- S/076/62/036/006/006/011 -V 2 C B117/3138 -T7-' C)v n 1.11, _,:~_A"); _--ov, G. G. , a. d io'~,olova, Z. A. I - - 7 :_~utron diffraction study of highly refractory beryllium oxide Zlhurnri~ fj_:~icheskloy khimii, V. 36, no. 06, 1962, 136a~ - 1371 The e f ~'c -1 1 v -ct h`ch lem:,eratures on the crvstal lattice of beryllium ozide studiet'. by neutron dif fr.-ction on polycrystalline beryllium oxide sample in vacuo 2,0000C (11. P. 0-,erov, j. V. Kiselev et al. ~(ristallo;-ra- fiya, 5, 317, 1)6~)) in the TZT-1000 (LIT-1000) reactor. HexaConal lattice ,const-ints determi.ned from the neutron diffraction pattern recorded with a n1l, -09 (:,,,F-09) electron potentiometer, af-reed with data deteril,ined radi -W 10 .Eraphically for sa-mie kind of s~,..~,-)le 2.G95 ~, c = 4.39 j~). The -presumable position of ber3llium ator'ns in the crystal lattice of the com- ;)OUnd studied vas examined 1by comparing experimental and theoretical re- I-lexion intensities. 7he diverFence bet,.-,een theoretical and experi~mental 1. data vias assumed to be due to the Debye heat factor B. B - 0.92 + 0.02 vias calculated from experimental results and the characteristic temperature 9 = 601~ + 130K -;.as obtained from it. The quite high characteristic tempera- Card 1/2 j107616210;~16100610081011 ::eutron diffraction ... B117/B158 ture is consistent %,,,ith "-o che..Acal, inf-chanicarl, and thermial properties of beryllium oxide. Tfiere are 2 firures and 1 table. f AS.300--, LT7,C', nauk 566R Inst-itut fizicheskoy kh-,irii (Academy of Sciences Uj;R, Institute of Physical Chemistry) SU31-*ITTi-!:D. October 18, 1961 C,ard 2/2 -, SOKOLOVA, -L_A. Postembryonic development of the common shrew Sorex aranaus L. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.3:60-62 '62. (MIRA. 15:7) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy embriologii Moskovskogo gosudarst- vennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova. (SHRE4S) POPOVY V. V.; VSEVOLODOV, E. B.; SOKOLOVA,- Z.-A. Experiments in the tTailmatization of the crystalline lena following the sectim of the optic nerve in adult frogs. Dokl. AN SSSR 147 no.6t1503-1506 D '62. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A. N. Belozerskim.' (Crystalline lens) (Dptic nerve) (Frogs) V 1-980 jo NtErHODS OF WORK rN JUnPLYING RADTOArTVVE 130TOPES. , V. 1. SpItain, E. N. Kodoohif Golutvina. N. V. Kuzinu and Z. A. Sokolova. M030W. _ Ak,-dctniya -Nauk R. S. S. R., -lR5 .--2S7P.-(&RUsaiAn) (Book on display at Geneva Con!crcnco) A manual for workers in research lnstJtuUons and In Industry having to deal with radloac:ivc Isotopes. A do- acriptiou of the proporties of radicactIve idotopes. methods of measuring a, P. / radiations and rules tor work with radioactive isotopes. Practical tasks in the application of ritdicactive Isotopes In chemistry. A brief theoratloal surnmary precadas each task, (publiabinr'd not4) SOKOLOVA,. Z.A. Reduction of the eye in vole; comparison between the development of the eye of Talpa eurapea L. an~ Sorex araneus L. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 48 no-5:13-17 My 165. (MIPIAL 19: 1) 1. Fafedra em~briologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Popov) lloskovskogo gosu- darsLvennogo universiteta Imeni M.V. Lomonosova. Sub,-Atted December 12, 1963. SOKOLOVA, Z.A. StrucLure of the eye in Uie uubWrranjun vole EllobiuB talpinuo Pallas 1770. Zoo. zhur. 40 no. 2:269-274 F 161. (KIRA 14:2) 1. Department of Embryology, Moscow State University. (Field injee) (Eye) SOKOLOVA, Z.A, Development of the eye of the mo-le (Talpa europeae L.) during the intrauterine period. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser 6: Biol. pochv. 17 no./+:24-36 Jl-Ag 62. ~MIRA 15:91 1. Kafedra embriologii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Eye) (Moles (Ani-1s)) (Rabryology"41ammals) SOKOLOVA., Z.A. Adaptive characteristics of the ocular structure of insectivorous animals in connection with their dIgging form of life. Zhir. ob. biol. 23 no.2:135-144 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Department of Embryology, State University of Moscow. (EYE) (INSECTIVORA) (ADAPTATION (BIOLOGY)) OKO'L-G V!: qu'~1.'Ay POPOVI V.V.; GOLICIOIKOV, V.A.; FARBEROV, A.I.; qOKOLCIVA Z.A. 3_ Mechanism of the accelerated development of radiation cataracts caused by puncturing the irradiated crystalline lens. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 4:940-943 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Belozerskim. f prc-te~rt :,f hoa -t cu~,cla ill atherosclerosis. c A (MIR-ti 17: 7) 'N -743 Jl ~,4- J y nFv.,,,irz,;)- i,~,gledovat~:I"AAy instltut kurortr,!(;tri.i jfiziotv,ravil. Predstavlono a~.ademikom A.N. Bakularjr-. ve, e ,men te Ek- -p a r I m e I rr" c as i, t a rd. mtod, rc,;.k s k v -a -A ra vo k. SOKOIDVA ~*~,' - OUT, S.Kh. - ---?___,-' -' P. Some indices of the oxidation-reduction processes in the blood In dogs with experimental atherosclerosis under the effect of n8gative aeroionization. Vop. kur., Nzioter, i lech. fiz. kill't. 30 no,4-297-300 JI-Ag 10K, (MIRA 1819) 1. 'I'SentralInyy institut kurortologii i fizioterapil, Moskva. FAFB~E;R(~V, A . I ~ ~ SOFOLOVA, Z A.-. POPOV, V. V. Ff'fect of Y-ray irradiat,-~on on the ret-ina of gra--s frog. flldiobiulcgiia 5 no,.2.,,319~-320 "r (MIRA, 1&22) r,., . 1. Moskovskiy gcsudal-sllvenn~y universitet imeni Lomonosjvf.L. 8/081/62/000/006/098/117 B162IB101 AUTHORS: Parfenova, D. S., Sokolova, Z. F., Finkel', E. E., Chmutovo K. V. 10 TITLE: Study of the effect of ionizing radiation on the moisture i. penetrability of polyethylene PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 6p 19629 614, abstract .15 6P31, (Tr. Taahkentek. konferentsii po mirn. ispolizovaniyu atomn. energiip v. IIf 1959, Tashkent, UzssR, 1961.1 389-395): TEXT: An investiggtion is made of the moisture penetrability of polyethyl" irradiated with Co 0 gamma-rays in a dose range of 46 to 299 Mrad. It 1 20 established that the diffusion coefficient after irradiation in air drop: slightly, while the coefficients of penetrability and solubility increase. The drop in the diffusion coefficient is associated with the increase in densit.~ of polyethylene through cross-linking as a result of irradiation. The rise in polarity, i.e., the development of carbonyl, carboxyl, and .25 hydroxyl groups in the polymer, and its conversion from a hydrophobic material into a hydrophilic one. The increase in the coefficient of Card 1/2 30 3U S/08IJ62/000/006/098/117 Study of the effect of ionizing ... B162/BIOI moisture penetrability is connected with the rise in solubility. The substantial increase in polarity of polyethylene irradiated in air is io confirmed by measurements of the dielectric properties. [Ilbstracter's note: Complete translation.1 50 Card 2/2 SOKOLOVA, Z.G. Diagnostic errors in bronchial foreign bodies. Sovet. mod. 16 no. 7:29 Jnly 1952. (GLWt'212:4) 1. Of the Clinic for Diseases of the Bar. Throat. and Nose of Molotov Medical Institute and qf the Bar Division of Holotov Oblast Clinical Hospital (Head of Clinic and Of Division -- Honored Worker In Science Prof. B. N. Lobadevskiy). I SOKOLOVA., Z.I.; FEDCHENKO, V.S. Conference on the problems involved in the coloring of plastics. Plast.massy no.4:1-2 f61. (MIRA 14:4) (Dyes and dyeing-Plastics) SOKOLOVA, Z.I& , Exhibitions on timely aubjecte in 1960. Flast.masay no.7:1-~2 161. i (MIRA 140j) (Plastics-Exhibitions) I I SOKOLOVA, Z,.I. ConFerence on the prozessing oil polyeth-denc, no.2:80 '62. (Polyethylene) Pla~5t.massy ( MIRA 15 -. 2 ) S11911621000100610161016 B117/B138 Y."I 1 OR Sokolova, Z. 1. TITL-2: Semainar on new polymer materials _~L: PlastJcheskiye massy, no. 0', 19062, 76 78 TE'.'T: is a razort on the short seminar or, new polymer miaterials, proner-Jes and uses, hold in December, 1961. It was arranged by the dom nauchno-tekhnicheskoy propagandy (Leningrad House of :3 c J_ n t i ' i c a nd Technical Propaganda), Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye Lengor- sovnarkhoza (Technical Administration of the Lengorsovnarkhoz), Lanin~-_,adskoye otdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo khimicheskogo obshchestva im. the All-Union Chemical Society- imeni ;_eleYeva (Ieningrad Department of ~;,endele~rev)' and Leniingradskoye otdeleniye Vsesoyuznogo obshchestva po rasr,rostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znan-Ly RSFSR (Leningrad Department of the All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political an%'- _`scientific 'Knovileage RSPSR). 25 lectures were delivered at tiiis well- attended seminar. T. P. Trunev, who opened the seminar, mentioned the. ra7pid development of the chemical industry following the Plenary Yeeting Card 1/4 S/191/62/000/006/ol6/016 Sa::.inar on ncw polymer materials 3117/3138 c-f '.:ay, 1956 and the XXI Party Congress of the C PS U. In his review "Some trc:nds in the chemistry and technology of polymers", A. A. Berlin pointed out the follo,,,;ing promising subjects requiring research by all concerned; stereore~ular poly--erization including biologically active pol...,,-,.ars; m.ater.4-als o-f t-e poly-mermetal type, obtainable by polycondensation; polvmers obtainable by polyrecombination; graft polymerization in bulk; elemental-organic compoundsi obtainiz-_ polymers with given properties by chemical conversion of macroirolecular structures. Trunev devoted part-icu- lar attention. to the synthesis and investigation of polymers with chains conJu,sated in different ways. V. N. Kotrelev reported on "Polycarbonates-1-/ -h U (-eir properties and processing methods", S. A. Vollfson reported on ".Polyformz-ldchyde, its properties and uses". A supplement to this lecture .-ias (jelivere4j loy T. :-. Kanavets on "Optimum conditions of pro- cessing pollyformaldehyde to flnished products". Further lectures: P '1 41 - - Li, "Unsaturated polyester resins"; L. I. Chudina, "New types of -o!5-amidesll; 7. Rod-vilova, "Pol~?,arylates, new heat-resistant polymers"; G. 3. 3rodskiy, "Industrial polymer products based on furfurol and furyl alcohol"; N. F. Kupfar reported on pentaplast a new, chemically stable polymerization material; T. V. Paramonkova reported on methods of pro- ~Iard 2/4 -/191/62/00o/006/016/016 `J'~:.dinar on new polymer materials 3 117/5 131 8 cess-ing `mpact-resistant -jolystyrene of the (01-2 (SNTP-2) and `~"_11-5 (SNP-5) +_.-I)es; T. P. Davedova, "Pourable types of polymethyl methacry"atell; 'I'a"zovlev, "Pronel-ties and use of foam polystyrene"; V. Yuzhin, 11:13--ol~fins, thoir ,)roperties anc. processing methods"; !. 1,11. Firiz-auz, 11_:Iolyvin~-l alcGhol and its use"; D. D. Chagodayev, "Fluoroplas'-4? (4D) and 4,2usell; 0. 1. Sheydin, "Properties and-use of wood plastics"; V. Jl~.. S,,nir- nov, its z)ropert-ies and uses"; A. A. Vasillyev, "Properties and ~ndustri_--.! .uses of ion-exchange resins"; V. '11. 21eykh, "Properties and uses 0' n,,w ~-c~neral-ourpose rubbers"; 11. U. Fomicheva, "Properties and uses of N. P. Xh_~ritonov, "Heat, humidity, and electric insulation Mazerials based on or3anosilicon polymers"; A. A. Zhdanov reported on ?olyo_"Sanometallic siloxanes, synthetic materials based on metal siloxane; V. 1. ?ak.homov, "Plaztics based on organosilicon compounds"; in 11. ?. Fere-.)elk. renorted on isotactic -polypropylene, one of the most .1 LI pro:r.4s~nff materials for instr,,Lments, machinery, and consumer goods; I. ?okrovs'r.-iy reported on the state of production and long-term develooment of Gas-filled -ilastics. M. Koton reported on I'Pros'6ects and trends o-f development of synthetic materials", mentioning the function of t a~~c.-Inyy SOV ,,;-,e N- e-~ po vysokomolekulyarnym soyedineniyam (Scientific Council Card 3/4 S/ i gy0'-2/000/006/016/016 -inar on na--u z;olymer materials 3117 138 on -~-i'7h-molecu-'- Cominounds), established at The Gosudarstvennyy komitet Hoveta ~.--,-inistrov SSSR po koordinatsii nauchno-issledovatel'skikh rabot 'State Committee of the Council of Ministers USSR for the Coordination of iesearch Lctivities). He also dealt wilth problems associated with the su-pply of raw Lzaterials and the purity of production materials, and described some basic trends in the development of polymer chemistry, such as the synthe3is of new ~polymers with given properties, modification of zhe iroz)erties of exisuing polymers, copolymerization, etc. Finally, he .)oin~ed out the necessity oi cooperatio'n bet,.,.,een scientific research institutes. Card 4/4 L_15300-6~ EWT(m)/EWPQ)/!j! Pc-4 ASD(m)-3/AFETR RY, ACCESSION NR: AP048213 S/0191/64/000/01110072/0073 AUTHOR: Sokolova. Z. 1. TITLE: Plastics in machine-buildL9 SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. i1, 1964, 72-73 TOPIC TAGS: plastic, machine building, industrial polymer ABSTRACT: On June q,-12, 1964, the second All-Union scientific and technical conference on the use of pol meric mater-1; ine buildin was field In Riga,, Lq_ organized by the Gosudarstvenny-*y komitet po koordinatsii nauchno-issiedovatell skikh rabot SSSR (State Committee for the coordination of scientific research works in the SSSR)in cooperation with a similar Committee for the Latvian SSR and other organizations. Guests from Bulgaria, Poland, Hungary and the German Demo- cratic Republic also took part. Four synoptic lectures were presented, and the conference was divided into three sections: 1) Polymeric materials, their pro- perties and methods for their investigation; 2) Construction with plastics; 3) Technology of the processing of plastics, machines and equipment. More than 70 reports,and lectures were presented; more than 700 persons took part in the work of the conference and more than 1100 attended the separate sections. The Polish speaker reported that in Poland more than 25% of the plastics produced Card 1/3 L 15300-65 ACCESSION NR: Ap4o48213 are used by the machine building Industry. other lecturers reported on the cur-.- rent use of plastics in the Soviet machine-building industry, their prospects and the necessity of training expert staff for using plastics in this field. The in- creased effectiveness of plastics in the machine building industry will make it possible to introduce new prices by January of 1966 in the Soviet Union which will, be 35% )ower than the current prices. Methodological problems, such as methods for evaluating polymeric materials and the products made from them, the calcula- tion of'production figures, the coordination of the expenses for making and for operating machines, the development of standards for synthetic materials, the .study of the relative effectiveness of the use of I ton of plastics and plastic products in different machine-building industries, etc. were discussed. It was established that the scientific research institutes must provide the necessary initial data for developing a five-year plan concerning the extensive use of chemistry in the machine-building industry. According to one of the speakers, plastics should be used where they are most effective and technically progressive 't because, in the near future, the demand for them will not be satisfied completely. I Machine manufacturers are sometimes using th 'em'incorrectly and the level of the scientific research work is not always high in this respect. The importance of good equipment and molds was emphasized. it was pointed out by A. N. Levin, who reported on new plastics used in machine building and on machines Tor-m-a-ring plastics, that with the decreasing role of phenol-formaidehy4e and carbamide U~ Card 2/3 L 1:5300-65 ACCESSION NR: AW48213 plastics,ithe productign of therm .oplastics, such as polyolefins, polyvinx-I chloride,Vpolystyrene\*And especially copolymers, block polymers and graft polymers, based on thes~e_~astics will increase by 1970. The conference decided to eliminate the shortcomings which are delaying the introduction of these new progressive. polymeric materials into the machine-building industry. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 NO REF SOV: 000 Card 3/3 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 L 3358-66 0-IT (m)/N.4T (w)/R,!P W /EPF (n)-2/T/0.,J1P (t)/N.-IP(b) 1,111(c) ACC NR AP5025604 UR/0129/65/000/010/0056/0057 669.295.621.9-419 AUTHOR: Suchkov, A. B.* Tubyshkina, Z. A.; Sokolov&, Z. 1. TITLE: Certain properties of titanium coatings SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 10, 1965, 56-57, and bottom half of insert facing p. 41 TOPIC TAGS: metal coating, titanium, electrolytic deposition, corrosion resistance, protective coating ABSTRACT: In view of the high cost of titanium, this lightweight and corrosion- resistant metal can be most economically used in the form of coatings, chiefly on steels. quality Ti coatings can be obtained only through the electrolysis of fused chloride and fluoride-chloride media. The Ti from these electrolytes settles in the, form of a compact fine-crystalline residue and gets uniformly distributed over the cathode surface. The coating thickne a d:penjs on the cathode current density. A cathode current density exceeding 071 Am leads to the formation of coarse crystals, sludge and slag crusts on the cathode. The electrolysis may be as long as. 60 min; any longer electrolysis leads to.growth of the diffusion layer rather than of the coating itself. The porosity of the coating is a function of its thickness. Pore-free coatings are obtained when the case thickness is 50 )1 and higher. If Ti Card 1/2 31729 0 0 S/1061/61/000/021/030/094 B101/B147 AUTHORS: Fedorov, A. A., Ozerskaya, F. A., Malinina, R. D., Sokolova, Z. M., Linkova, F. V. TITLE: Determination of inanganese, iron, nickel, and lead contents in pure electrolytic chromium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no, 21, 1961j 112, abstract 21D113 (Sb. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t chernoy metallurgii, no. 19, 1960, 7 - 21) TEXT: Methods for determining Mn, Fe, Ni, and Pb in highly pure electro- lytic chromium have been developed. Mn determination is based on removing Cr from perchloro acid solution as CrO 2C1 2 and photometrically determining the violet color of MnO lorming after oxidation of manganese 4 by means of periodate. 0.5 g (0.02 0.04% Mn) or 1g (0.001 - 0.02% Mn) of chromium is dissolved in 30 milliliter3 (ml) of concentrated HC1 and 30 ml of HC10 4 (specific gravity 1.67). The solution is evaporated, concentrated ECI is added, and the substance is heated until the Card 1/3 3131 729 S/081/61/000/021/030/094 Determination of manganese ... B101/B147 liberation of CrO2Cl2 vapors has stopped. This process is repeated. The dry residue is dissolved in 5 ml of concentrated HC1, 15 ml of H 2so4 (1:4) is added, and the substance is heated until white H 2so4 fume has been formed. After cooling, the salt derosits are dissolved in a minimum amount of water, the solution is filtered, and evaporated to 15 - 20 ml. The residue is mixed with 1 ml of concentrated H 3 PO4, 20 ml of 2.5% KIO4 solution, boiled for 5 - 8 min, moderately heated for another '15 - 20 min, cooled, diluted with water to 50 ml, and photo- metrically measured with a green light filter in a 5-cm euvette, a standard solution serving for comparison. For determining Fe (0 '002 - 0.1fl, 0.5 - 2 g of the sample is dissolved in H SO (1:4), the Cr3+ 2 4 b+ is oxidized with ammonium persulfate to Cr , and iron and aluminum (as collector) are precipitated with Yi,. The precipitate is dissolved, and Fe photometrically determined with o-phenanthroline. Determination of Ni (0.001 - 0.1~) includes its separation from Cr by extracting the Card 213 31729 S/081/61/000/021/030/094 Determination of manganese ... B101/B147 nickel dimethyl glyoximate with chloroform from weakly ammoniacal solution, re-extraction of Ni, and photometric determination with dimethyl glyoxime in alkaline medium in the presence of an oxidizing agent. For determining Pb, the latter is coprecipitated by,means of 112S with Cu (as collector). After separation from Cu by precipitation (together with Fe) by means of NH4OH solution, polarographic determination is performed in hydrochloric acid solution containing NaCl. The effect of atmospheric oxygen, Sb, Bi, Cu, and Fe3+ is eliminated by metallic iron reduced with hydrogen. Abstracter's note: Complete translation. Card 3/3 -.;-S,IaTYKOY G,Ye,p priningli uchastiye. KULESHOVA, A.A.; SHESTAKOVA, N.A,. SOKOLOVA. Z.,X.; BOBROVY V.V. Increase of the toxicity of shale tar collected in a compartment oven main with the purpose of using it for antisepting treating of wood. Zhur.priklekhim. -34 no.10:2362-2364 0 161. (M~ 1401) 1. Leningradskiy inatitut, inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. (wood preservatives) (coal tar) FRIDRIKHSEN., V.K., inzh,; 4Q%OL --Z imall uchastiye: QYA, ~ , inzh.; Prin SOKOLOV, Ye.V., inzh,; BULAT, S.I., JLnzh.; TANIN, R.V., inzh.; KURBATOV, G.A,, tek!~nikj 3UF'-',.0'.1A, T,D,, tekhnik; LADYKA, M.A., laborant Rolls on a semicont-inuous hot rolling strip mill. Stall 22 no.9t817-821 S 162, (MIRA 15:11) (Rolls (Iron mills)) ZELENIN, N.I.; SHALTYKO, G.Ye.; CHERNYSHEVA, K.B.; TATARKINA, G.V.; FAYNBERG, V, S.; YANFOITSKAYA, T.A.; Prinimali uchastiye: SOKOLOVA,,ZV.,.; KUIESHOVA, A.A.; KIESTENKO, M.N.; BOBROV, V.V.; PIMEENCIIji, F.G. Developing methods for the cold fractionation of shale tar, Part 5. Using light tar as wood impre-anting oil. Khim. i tekh.gor.slan. i prod. ikh perer. no.12:278-284 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy inzhenerno-ekonomicheskiy institut i Leningradskiy in- stitut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. L 614M-65- IJP T Ff" ACCESSION XR' AP5ol76qo M"0133165/0001007106 T/064" 669.W AUTHOR: Belorusov, S.. X., Ivanov, F. D., Kelekhmev., V. Ya.; Lashko 11 $2~212va, Z. N.; Fridrikhsen, V. K. TITLE- Exper ta.1 ufacture of composite structural-steel sheets with'a duc- tile inner layer. SOURCE: Stall, no. 7, 1965, 647-649 TOPIC TAGS: structural steel, highstrength steel, steel plate, steel sheet coirl.. posite plate, composite sheet, composite steel strength, composite steel ductility 3VK composite steel, 5VK steel ABSTRACT: Composite three-layer sheets of 3VK structural steel were made by hots rollin packs assembled from IOD-120 x 650 x 2-500 mm slabs of Cr-Ni-Mo structural Stef 4'hinner slabs (25-45 x 650 x 2360 mm) of the same steel with 02: wh at m. lEqer oXro wder lower ontent of carbon and alloying elements, and an 8-10 m between the slabs. The assembled packs heLd under a pressure of 16ot (f7-5T were! tack welded, and then welded along the entire'perimeter. The welded packs, 125, 145, or.175 mm thick, were hot rolled to a thickness of 19-20 mm in the roughing* train and then to a thickness of 2.5-4.0 mm in'the finiAhing train. The thick- nesms of individual layers in the pack were 120, 8, and 40 mm and in the finished ''17. L~--Ild 1/2 _-77 L 61488-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5617690 sheets(4.10 mn thick) 3.o6, o.M, and 0. 98- mm, Thus the reductions of the heavy and,-,,..,,.., the light slabs were almost the same: 39.2 and 41.0, respectively. The tensile strength of composite 3VK sheets cold rolled to a thickness of 2-5 mm, austenitized at 880, quenched and tempered at 190C, was 162 kg/mm2, i.e., about-95% of the ten- sile strength of heat-treated steel of the heavy layer. However, composite 3VK steel had a true strength 25% higher, a reduction in area 60% higher, and a"notch toughness 3-4 times higher (15-20 ihstead of 4-6 kg.m/cm2). Higher resistance to brittle fracture of composite structural steels was especially pronounced in static and kynamic low-temperature tests. For example, the a (where aT T/OB ratio is the tensile strength of specimenswith an artificial sharp crack and aB is the tensile strength of smooth specimens equal to 165-170 kg/mmz) for 3VK steel was 0.84 and 0.52 at 20 and -196C, respectively.' The corresponding figures for 3MGSA~ cast steel heat treated to the saw aB were 0.72 and 0.20.' Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 3 tables. A metals, Cladding 1z 1ASSOCIATION: none- SUBMITTEW 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEOPY2 NO REF SOV: 000 BOTHER- 000 ATD PRESS: 4052 Card 2 /2 r AKHMEROV, A.Kh., k-and.biol.nauk; BATENKO. A.1., ksnd.ssl'ekokhoz.mik; BRUDASTOVA, M.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; GOLOVINSKATA, K.A., kand.biolog. nauk; GCRDON. L.M.. kand.ek-on.nauk; DOROKHOV, S.M.. rybovod-biolog; TEROKHINA, L.V., rybovod-biolog; WIN, V.M., rybovod-biolog; ISATKV, A.I., rybovod-biolog; KADZEVICH, G.V., rybovod-biolog; KOKAROVA, I.V., kand.biol.nauk; KRTMOVA, R.V., rybovod-biolog; KMAKOVA, A.K., rybovod-biolog; KAKONTOVA, L.K.. kand.biol.nauk; KETSIER, Te.V., kand.biol.nauk; MILMINW, P.T., kand.biol.nauk: MUKHINA, R.I., kand.biol.nauk; PAKHOMOV, S.P.. kand.biol.nauk; SMOVERKHOV, F.M., kand.biol.nauk; SOKOLOV.A, Z.P., rybovod-bio- log; T311RICIUK, R.I.. rybovod-biolog; R BMIKO, .1'., red.; KOSOVA, O.N., red.; SOKOLOV.A, L.A., [Handbook on Dond fish culturel Spravochnik po prudovomu rybovodstvu. Red.kollegiia: A.I.Isaev i dr. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1959. 374 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Moscow. Vaerossiyakly nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut prudo- vogo rybnogo khozyaystva. (Fish culture) IL'INA, A.F.; SOKOLOVAq Z.P. Improving the sanitation of a reservoir in the center of the city. Gig. i san. 25 no. 6:55 Je 160. (MIRA 14:2) 1, Iz parazitologicheakogo i dezinfektsionnogo otdelov Basseynovoy sanitarno-opidemiologichookoy stantaii Nizhno-Volzhskogo vodzdravotdela Astrakhani. (WATER SUPPLY) USSR/Nuclear Physics - Mesons, Beryllium 11 Oct 51 "Concerning the Fission of Beryllium by Mesons," A. P Zhdanov, Acad P. 1. Lukirskiy, Z. S. Sokolova, Radium Inst imeni V. G. Kh-opin, Acad Sci 'u`SSR "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXX, No 5, PP 729, 730 Dicusses certain cases of the fission of beryllium which has been reduced to the form of a suspension. Previous discussions have been on certain fissions of boron nuclei under the action of cosmic rays (ZhdELnov and K. I. Yermakova," Dok Ak Nauk SSSR," Vol LXX, 2111, 1950), in the unusual case where the boron .18 introduced jy1to a t1hick- layered emulsion in the 221T80 form of a granular Suspension. The suspension method proved successful also in the case of beryllium in establishing without doubt the nature of beryllium fisslon. Gives photographs of 3 examples where beryl- lium suffered fission under the action of mesons, showing the outward flight of just one strongly ioniz- ing particle. Givez the reaction eqs showing fission products Lit~ and n1 and energy (140 mev) . Cf. Aamodt, 0 Hadley and ~anofsky, Phys Rev~ 8j, 282, 1950. Sub- mitted 16 Jun 51. 221T80 to AUTHORS3 TITL-Es PERIODICALg 2~401 S/080/61/034/002/023/025 A057/AI29 Yako-.rley.. A.D., S,-ko--,.cva, Z.S. Concerning the question of hydrolysis of polymethaorylic e s ta r a Zhurnal P-,"ikladnoy Kh.-ImiiI, v 34, no 2, 1961, 464-466 TEM Re--,a*;:L-;-e s~&bjjjty aga4nez hydrolyais 4n alkali solu-.Jons of various methacryl-ic estera and resins with different- molecular weight was investigased and 1".- was orbaerved that the stability of poly-n-alky1metha- orylates increases with the length c~~f thp alkyl group and the molecular weight of the polymer. No detailed inves`.-Igations ~~On--,erning the effe-,t of strue-,-.uze and weigh,,- )P. stabLiity to hydrolysis have been carried ye.,P- In the F-:7esentl- woz-k me'1;hy`-(PMMA), ethyl-(PEMA), b-atyl- (PBMA), a.-Id cc'.-yl-(FGMA) polymethacrylio asterz of normal. alcohols were investigatad. The polymers were prepared from the corresponding monomers Ix Card !/ 5 2 5 40 1" S/0,90/611/0'34/002/023/025 Concerning the qizesr-lor. -~f hydrolyslLr; ... A 0 5 7,/A 12 9 by pclymeriz&z-Jcn in (meth.y-2 ., ethyi-ester' Or white spirit. (higher e3ters) at 9jo-36C"'. AS 1n-',-t1a1-r benzoyl paroxide was usei in the amount of 0.3% cf' the z..xomer we'-ght. The obta~.ned polymers were transparent and. in the asual gol-,rents. Experiments concerning hydrolysis of the pclymer3 deminsl~rated that the best results were obtained in an ampo,..,.le with apj:,rLx-4ma-,e1y 2 N KOH 9.*lution,3 in alcohol-benze-ne (ratio 11/2 to -3/4'~. Thu~i PMMA was q;%ntitatively saponified at 1800C in . i 2 hrs. Us-11ing thJs me-,hoa it was o1..oL;r,7ed (Tab. 1) that stability to hydrc- lysis in alka'.2E. solution- i,- --reaaa3 with the length of the alkyl gzoup. Hyd.rolysfs was easirsl, in PMMA, z~xd the most resistant was POMA. The authors assime that sub-st-l"utes, like CH-, with r = 12-4 A zomparIng to CH with r ~ 1.09, form a 11nique shielding effect hindering the approach of th~ molecules of chemical agents. The effect of molecular weight on hydrolysis of polyal.kylmethaerylates can be seen from Tab. 2 indicating that with increasing molecular weight stability to hydrolysis increases. It was observed that even with good solvents the reaction of hydrolysis of these polymers ocours in a homogeneous medium cnly in the beginning. With advanced substituT.-ion of the alky! groups by the alkali metal the polymers Card 2/5 2 5401 S/080/61/034/002/023/025 Concerning the quest,_~:;:-. of hydiolysis A057/AI29 precipitate, becoming lesa soluble in the solvent. The period prior to precipitation depends on zhe stability of the polymer and the conditions of the process. The polymer precipitates before substitution is c=pleted, i.e., hydrolysis p-roceeds in a heterogenc-as medium and is inhibited. There is 1 figure, 1 t-able and 12 references' 4 Soviet-bloc and 8 non- Soviet-blo3. Three of the English-language publi,~atilons read as followss A. Katchalsky, H. Eisenberg, J.Pol.Sni., 69 2j 145 (1951); C.E. Schild- knecht, Vinyl and Related P:Iymers, N.Y., 217 (19r2); J.C. Bevingtor, et al., J.Pol.Soi., :,12. 1,25~ ~5j-, '1958)- ASSOCIATIONs Ls.-1_'=gzad9k4_y ~,eklincl;;gi,~heskiy inatitut imeni Lensoveta Leningra6d Inst-itute imen-4 Lensnvet) SUBMITTEDs February 22, 1960 Card 3/;; 1 S.ti, (do-wimA ";OKOLOVA , 4v6- ; "iflu'J'aA, I..V. r of the maR"ni, ri~:jiess cheesel Osobemiosti tekhno--ogii proizv(ASIva bes'.-(f-.-kc)vy1K1i ,yrov. Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauclmto-tekhn. -3 t*-shchevci p r-(,ni-j'S Ill. , 1964. 38 (VARA 18-611 SEMICH, A.I.; BMWIlLh, Ye.K.; SOKOLOVA, Z.Y. Chemotherapeutic stuAies on nyatatin in experimental candidiasis in white mice. Antibiotiki 4 no.4:71-75 Jl-Ag '59. k (MIU 12: 11)- 1. Otdel eksperimentaltnoy terapii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent A1411 SSSR prof Z.V. Termol'yeva) Vaesoruznogo nauchno-issledovatel'- skogo instituta antibiotikov. (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol) (MONILIASIS exper) KHOROSHATA, Te.S.., kELnd.tekhn.nauk; LYKOVA, A.N., nauchnyy sotrudnik; KOVRIGINA, G.I., nauchnyy sotrudnik; GORDONOVA, R.D., nauchriyy sotrudnik; SHUVAIDVA, L.S., ii~zh.; OBUWVS4YA, Tu.M., in2h.; .'_~"K Z-&-V,, inzh,,* IW&UUWVA, V.I., inzh, New drop method of determining the resistance to heat of polyvinyl resins. Nauch.-issl.trj~dy VNIIFIX-no.22UM409 060. (MIRA 16s2) (Leather, Artificial) (Resins, Synthetic-Testing) pr~i a i, -ic..,, SO 1,~; .'i ~ - . -. ~~: ' ~~ - , I ~' . 6, . ; j.':- I I -,' KS',H ~ Yl;,'.T IE . A . I I r~ r ~ c Li i em o f a n t _i L,-,r om b o c y t e an t I b c d il e s I , ~ I -- -G, e,--- a in c h i I , dren, I,op. gemat. v ped3at. n0-3:294-29-9 I, i 18:7) 19IRMUIOVSKIY, V.G., doktor biologicheskj-l:h nauk., Prof.; SOKOLOVA-LO'.,"k!;SKAU,, IT.F." kand.biologicheskiL-h nauk Studying the patholenesis of deform6d shoots in ap,:Ie trees [with summary in English . Izv. TSMI no.l.-222-229 162, (11,11IRA 15~-6) (Volga Hill.s--Appl&,-Diseases and 'i"sts) SIIF,SA:-ZV, Pavel Yevgenlyevich, zasl. deyatell nauki, prof.; MEE, A.P., prof., otv. red.; RADJ4OV, L.I., prof., red. tdeceased); AIZKSJ6-T1DRkOV- SKAYA, M.M., red --TSIVILIKO, V.S., red.; GERGZ-?, E.T.., r .; ITtT, - ed L.I., red.; KAZAKOVA, P.B., red.; KUZ':-ETSOVA, V.I., red.;--SOKQ1,Q i -IA- IEVKOVICHY A.P., red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. [Selected works] lzbrannye trudy. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry Medgiz, 1961. 462 p. (MLU 14:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR (for Smirnov) (IiEUROLOC;Y) ALI, G.E., knnd. med. nauk.; SOK010'VA-NATANSCU, Ye. P., kand. biol. nauk. Some clinical statistical results of an analysis of tuberculosis mor- ttility In 1954 in Leningrad. Probl. tub. 35 no.6:10-14 '57. (KIM 12:1) 1, 1z otde2a (za7. M.L. 59114farb) LeningradBkogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkaleza (dir. - prof. A.D. Semenov). (TUBIRCUUXIS, statist. in Russia, mortal. (Ras)) SOKOLOVA,POKROVSKAYA, Z.I.; M&RIYENBM. I.A. Outstanding Russian architect. Izv.ASIA no.4:175-176 '59. (MIRA 13:6) (Bove, Osip Ivanovich, 1784-1834) a,I ro o s "'hur: tc 0. D. Prakticheskoe nakovodstvo po farmekoterapii dlia datsko-.o vracha L?mctical manual - 0 1, .7- N SSSR, 1952. 2.~S p. of ~haxi-zco 11", f r ~ediztrician ~,Ioskva, A~L - - i v - SO: :-Ionthlv LL~t of Fuz;sia-n Acces:31:;ns. Vol. 6 N'o. 7 Oct-o"Der 10,53 non Zna,r ~- nd t I J Review o-v V.F. Inarienskii's book "Techniques of diagnosis and therap7 of children's diseases.11 Pediatriia No. 4, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 2 1954, Uncl. SOKOIOVA-POIIORAREVA, O.D., professor; BISYARINA, V.P. Lauthors]; SOKOLOVA, T. "Practical manual on pharmacotherapy for the pediatrician." O.D.Sokolova- Ponomareva. V.P.Bisiarina. Reviewed by T.Sokolova. Pediatriia no.3:76-77 MY-Je 153. (MLEUL 6:8 (Therapeutics) (Pediatrics) (Sokolova-Ponomareva, O.D.) (Bisiarina, V.P.) DAUTOVA, K.V., assistent; SOKOIOVA-PONOKAJWA 0 D., chlen-korres-Dondent Ake- demii meditainakikh saveduyushchaya. Blood pressure in hPalthy children of school age; preliminary- report. Vo-D.pediat. 21 no,2:29-35 Mr-Ap 153, (MLRA 6:6) 1. Kafedra detskikh bolesney Omakogo meditainskogo inatituta imeni X.I. Xalinina. 2. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Sakolova-Ponomareva). (Blood pressure) KASLOV, Mikhail Stepanovich [authorl ; SOKOLOVA-PONOMAREVA, O.D., professor, chlen- korrespondent Akademii meditsinskclkh-ft&M-Stt4~ "Textbook of children's diseases.' M.S.Maslov. Reviewed by O.D.Sokolova- Pononareva. Vop.pediat. 21 no.4:59-61 J1-Ag 153. (!.ffPA 6:10) 1. Akademiya meditainakikh nauk SSSR (for Sokolova-Ponomareva). (Children-Diseases) Nuslov, Mikhail Stepanovich, 1885- g JWOIDYA--L'049K~~~ Dmitriyev-na, professor; BISYARINA, Valentina Pavlovna. doteontT4~~~A.A.. rodakto-r; SHCRIN. V.A., roidaktor; GLUKIIOYNWVA, G.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Pediatrician's concise prescription manual] Kratkii retsepturrqi spravochnik detakogo vracha. 3-e izd., perer. I dop. Moskva, Medgiz, 1954. 310 P. [Kicrofilml (MLRA 8:3) (Medicine-Formulae, receipts, prescriptions) (Childran-DIseases) SOKOLOVA-PONOMAREVA. O.D., professor,-, BISYARINA. V.P., dotsent Vascular permeability in Thaiwatiam in children. Pediatriia no.5: 3-6 S-0 154. (KI-RA 7:12) 1. Iz kafedry detakikh bolesney Onskogo meditainskogo tastituta imeni M.I.Kalinina (zav. kafedroy chlen-korrespondent AM3 SSSR prof. O.D.Sokolova-Ponomarava) 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for %-,*oloTa-PonoTnA eva) (CAPILLART PARMIABILITY, in various diseases, rheum. Ii child.) (RHBUW ISM, in inf ant and child. capillary permeability in) SVKO),C1-J8-- PO a Fe\l V Vessel permeability in th'.10ren with rhel4matiSM. It. 0. D..&)ko!ov;%-Ponottutrcva mid V. P. l3iyarimA (It. 1. 1954, NO. (), 17-w21. -fit (lic uctive phase of rlicton-tism in childreit there ig obLryed a decliac ot tntal b1ml pritt,in. incremse of clatia- lin, and ticcrmsc rif albuinin. flic changes gencrattv Tc- main even after chulcal cotivaleweticc, although to a degree, These r6tilm parallel the alteration of blood ve~j jxrTenbility In this dL-,cn.;t-. G. M. KoioIap2ffJ m SOKOLOVA-PONOMAREVA, O.D., professor (Omsk) Pneumonia in infancy and charactnrisits of its therapy. Med. sestra no.11:12-18 N 154. (MLPA 7:12) (PIEUMONIA, in infant and child pathol., diag. & ther.) SOKOLOVA- PONMMVA, 0. D. [Brucellosis in chilciren] Brutsellez u detei. 2. izd., perer. i dop. Moakra, Medgiz, 1955. 228 -o. (MLRA 8:6) (Bmeeliosis) SOKOLOVA-POHOMAREVA, O.D.,professor Rheumatic fever in children. Zdorovie I no.10:18-19 0 '55 (XLRA 9:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii maditsinakik-h nauk SSM. Wgmnc Frm) (CHILDREU-DISMAS ) GYRSHENDVICH, R.S. "Pediatrician's concise prescription mamial.0 (Professor) O.D. Sokolova-Ponomareva, [dotsentl V.P.131siarina. Reviewed byT.-�-., 4WFIWWIbWW--'Mfatril& no.3:86-87 My-Je '55(KLRA 8:10) (IOMICIW-FOWULAS, RIMPTS, PRWRIMONS) (PEDIATRICS) (SDKOWVA-POIIOHAMA, O.D.) (BISIARINA, V.P.) SOKOLOVA-PONOMARETA G.D professor ORheumatism in children and its control". Reviewed by 0. D. Sokolova-Ponamareva. Pediatriia, no.5:88-89 S-0 '55. (MLRA 9:2) (RHXUHATIC FZM) (CHILDREN-DISMA MIKUILOVA, G.S. 'Short prescription manual for the pediatrician'. 0.D. Sokolova Ponomareva, V.P. Bisiarina. Reviewed by G.S. Mikhailova;-'-~'- - manual in pharmacotheropy for the pediatrician" O.D. Sokolova-Ponomareva, V.P. Bisiarina. Reviewed by G.S. Mikhailova "Pharmacotherapy." S.I. Ignatov. Reviewed by G.S. Mikhailova. Pediatriia. no.6:79-81 N-D 155. (MIBA 9:6) (PH&MUCOLOGY--BOOK REVIEW) SOXOLOVA-PONOIARRVA Oll gp evua professor; GOLIDFELID, A.Ta., .Dmitriyi #A '. "~- 4~ r RoK '- 9"a" redaktor; GABBRIAND, M.I., teldmichaskiy radaktor [How to protect children from contagious diseases] Xak uberachl datei ot zaraznykh bolaznal. Izd. 2-oe. dop. Moskva, gos. izd-vo med. lit-ry. 1956. 19 p. (MM 10:1) 1. Chlon-korreopondent Akademii maditainskikh nauk SSSR (for Sokolova-Ponomareve) (COMMUNICABIS DISSASES-PREUNTION) (CHILDIM-DISEASES AND HYGIIIIIE) SOKOLOVA-PONOKARICVA,O.D., professor I-- '.. -f.'', ----~_-. , "How to prevent brucallosis infections* by A.A.Golubava. Reviewed by O.D.Sokolove-Ponomareva. Pediatrita 39 no.1:82 Ja-F '56. (BRUCELLOSIS) (MURA 10:1) (GOLUBIVA, A.A.) U D. profeasor Imuedinte tasks in pediatrics In connection with the resolulon Of all-Union active public health workers. ?edilatriia nc,.2~3-8 2 '57. lo: 10) ' Ghler-korrespondent AMN 6Z~SR -, V 1) "~'~~!:.T.LLICS) SOKOLOVA-PONOMARNVA, O.D., prof. Seventh All-Union Gongress of Pediatricians. Vest. AM SSSR 12 no.6: 79-87 '57- (MIRA 11:2) 1. Chlea-korrespondent AMN SSSR (MIATRIGS) SOKOLnVA-POI,'Ol,t~JiEVA,.Olti;a-ppitriyevna, prof.; USP-,'!NSKjffL, N.V., red.; BERLOV, A.P., rRheumatic fever in childron] Revmatizm u detei. I-Soslnra. Izd-vo "Znanie," 1958. 103 p. (Vsenoiuznoo obshchestvo po rasprostraileniiu politiclieskikh i nauchnykh znetnii. Ser. 8. vTp. 1, no.16) (14ipj, lza) 1. Chlon-korronpnndent A141 SSSR (for Sokolova-Ponomareva). (RIERUMATIC FEVER) SOKOLOVA-PONOWUMA, 011ga Dmitriyevna, prof.; BISYARINA, Valentina Pavlovna, dotsent; KTAZMIKOVA, Ye.I., red.; BELICHIKOV-A, Tu.S., (Prescri-otion manual for the pediatrician] Retsopturnyi spravochnik detsko.oo vrachs. lzd.4., Darer. i dop. Mosk7a, Gos.izd-vo med-lit-ry Medgiz, 1958. 339 P. (MIU 13:1) (K9DICIT-C--FORMUL,U, R-IRG-MPTS, PlC5,SCRIPT IONS) (IISDIATRICS) SOKOLOVA-P0110JUMBYA, O.Ds, prof* Somo roaulta nnd prospectn in Rtudyirv, clinicnl aspeatC or rhounotic I 'A a fever In children. Vop.okh.mnt. I det, 3 n0.3:3-8 Jl-Ag 1.59 (MIP 11: ) 1. Chlen-korresnondent AMR SSSR. (RHMIATIC FEVER) SOKOIA)VA-P0110HAMA, O.D. , prof . Development and achievements Of *IOViet pediatrics in the last 40 years 1917-1957. Vest. AMN SSSR 13 no.1:3-12 '58. (PIRA 11:2) 1. Ghlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (MIATRICS in RuFisia SOKOLOVA-~ prof. Basic measures for the prevention and treatment of rheumatic fever in children. Vest.AMN SSSR 13 no.11:3-11 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Calen-korrespondent AMN SSSR. (FIMURATISM, in inf. & child&' prove & there (Rua)) . prof. SOKOLOVA-POITOMARNVA,,-9,~R--- ffIectures for an elective course in advanced pediatrics*. Pediatriia. Moskva 36 no.8.-86-88 Ag 158. (MIRA IZ:I) (CHILDM-DISF,ASES) SOKOLOVAyPONOMAREVA, 0. D. "The Organlzation and Development of Behavior Patterns In Connection with the Upbringing of Children." report presentedat the gth Intl. Congress of Pediatrios, Montreal, Candde, Jul 1959. S0K0L0VA-P0N0!NjR,FtVA, O.D. , prof. Disorders of growth and development in children. Zdorovle 5 no.11:20~21 N '59. (Ma 13:3) 1. CbIon-Irorrespondent -kI-M SSSR. (GHILUM-DISBASICS) (GROWTH)