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AKISHIII, P.A.;'VILKOV, L.V.;_ ElectronoC~raphic analysis of the structure of molecules of monochloro and monobromodimethyl ethers. Izv.Sib.otd.AN SSSR no.5:59-65 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Iomonosova i Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Methyl ether) (Electron diffraction examination) BAIARDIN, A.A.; SOMMOVA, N.P. Catalytic properties of sodiim-tungsten bronzes, which are defective structures. Probl. kin. i kat. 10:363-368 160. 04MA 14: 5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. (Bronzes) (Catalysts) 20937 1:2 o S/062/61/000/003/003/013 B117/B208 AUTHORS: Balandin, A. A.,,S.okolova, N..P., and Simanov, Yu~ P. TITLE: Niobium and tantalum pentoxides as dehydration catalysts PERIODICAL- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 3, 1961, 415-424 TEXT: The authors studied the dehydration kinetics of isopropyl alcohol on niobium and tantalum pentoxides. The experiments with Nb 20 5 samples were carried out in a catalytic continuous-flow device (Ref. 3.- A. A. Balandin and A. A. Tolstopyatova, Zh. fiz. khimii 30, 1367i 1956) in a temperature range of 3600-4000C and at a flow rate of the alcohol of 0.15 ml/min. The volume of the catalyst was 2 ml, and the volume rate of the alcohol 4.5 hr-1. The activity of Nb20 5 was found to depend on (lemperature and calcination time of the oxide during its formation from metal. Experiments disclosed that the most active Nb20 samples are obtained by calcination of metallic niobium at 5300 witkin 1-2 hr. Although the formation rate of the oxide depends on the form (powder, Card 1/4 2093? S/062/61/000/003/003/013 Niobium and tantalum pentoxides... B117/B208 filings, larger parts) of the metal used, and the individual experiments with Nb205 provide no comparable results, the catalyst is active in any case. Activity is maintained for some time, e.g., for ten hours without regeneration. X-ray phase analyses carried out with a "tS)IVIKV (Feniks) tube of the 6CB (BSV) type with an iron anode at a voltage of 25 kv and a charge of 8 ma disclosed that the catalytically most active form of Nb205 is a low-temperature r-modification. The high-temperature modification of Nb2o5 is less active. The Nb205 modification remains unchanged during catalytic dehydration of alcohol. To study the dehydration kinetics of isopropyl alcohol on Ta.2051 the same continuous-flow system was used~ The experiments were conducted in the temperature range of 3360-3820C at a flow rate of the alcohol of 0.2 ml/min. The volume of the catalyst was 1 2 ml, and the volume rate of the alcohol 6.0 hr- A comparison of the catalytic activity of Nb205 and Ta2051 prepared at equal temperatures, suggests that Ts,205 is more active than Nb205 under otherwise equal experimental conditions, particularly in the same temperature range, A lower activation energy corresponds to the higher activity of Ta20 51 as Card 2/4 20937 S/062/61/000/003/003/013 Niobium and tantalum pentoxides ... B117/B208 compared with Nb205. Nb205' on the other hand, remains active for a longer time and is better regenerable. The catalysts obtained from pure Nb,,C~ and Ta2C2 may be regenerated by air. The conditions of such a regeneration were studied. At present, the investigations of the effects of temperature and calcination time of Ta205 on its catalytic activity, and of the effect of these factors on the activity of Nb205 and Ta205 with respect to other reactions, especially condensation, are continued. A. Ye. Agronomov is thanked for determining the catalyst surface by the BET method, and V. M. Akimov for X-ray analysis of Ta205' The laboratory assistant Z. M. Skullskaya took part in the experimental work. R. A. Zvinchuk and A. V. Topchiyev are mentioned. There are 3 figures, 9 tables, and 10 referencess 8 Soviet-bloc..and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy ~himii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of' Organic Chemistry imeni N.D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Science ;VSSR). Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. . V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Card 3/4 BAIANDDN, A.A.; SOKOLOVA, N.P. Catalytic properties of niobium pentoxide in the vapor phase aminatinn of ethyl alcohol with aniline. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk n.-).9:150-1548 S '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut organicheskoy kbimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Niobium oxide) (Ethyl alcohol) (Aniline) BALANDIN, A.A.; ISAGULYANTS, G.V.; SOKOLOVA, N.F.; ZA1,14ARYCFEVA, I.I. Mechanism of propane formation in the decomposition of isopropyl alcobol on vanadium trioxide. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.9:1549-1.5,41 5 '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Isopropyl alcohol) (Propane) 8/192/62/003/003/004/006 D228/D307 r1;-()pS; Batsanov, S. S., Grigor'yeva, G. N. and Sokolova,N. P. -L U 111 14 Optical properties of rare-earth metal oxides. 1. Re- _Lractions and infrared spectra PE'111IODICAL: Zhurnal strulk.turnoy khimii, v.3, no. 3, 1962, 339-342 U Da'a are cited about the refractive indices he density 4ndices and the I__-s~jectra ol" 15 rare-earth oxides: La, 'e, Pr, ~";7d, Stm, ---'U1 Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tu, Yb, Lu, and Y. All specimens 11.'ere prepared 'E'rom powdered oxides, calcined at 8000C. The indices cannot be used to identify individual rare-earths, since they vary _Ln relation to a sample's mode olf preparation and temperature of roastin's. The IR-spectra were taken on a UR-10 spectrometer in the 1 re,gion 400 - 800 cm- . It is concluded that further research on the !R-siectra of rare-earth oxides, maintained at different-tem- peratures, is necessary before the spectroscopic data can be cor- rectly processed. r.11here are 3 figures and 2 tables. 0 Card 1/2 S/192/62/003/003/004/006 Optical properties of D228/D307 ASSOCIATION: Instiltut neorganicheskoy khimii CO AN SSSR (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Division, Academy of Sciences I us SUB!,'k-ITTED: October 30, 1961 Card 2/2 KAVTARADZE, N.N.; SOKOLOVA, N.P.; LUKIYANOVlCH, V.M.; YEVKO, E.l. Propiration and structure of solid finely dispersed metals for apoctral studies. rdn.i kat, 5 no.6tlO95-1099 N-D 164. (MIRA 1813) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. ACCESSIMN NR: AP4034588 S/0076/64/038/004/1004/1005 AUTHOR: Kavtaradze, N. N.; Sokolova, N. P. .LITLE: Infrared spectra of CO chemisorbed oncobalt. SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy kbimii, v- 38, no. 4, 1964, loo4-1005 TOPIC TAGS: chemiaorption, infrared spectroscopy, carbon monoxide, carbonyl bond, cobalt ABSTRACT: In this investigation study was made of the surface compounds of CO, on cobalt at 20, -78 and -5 mm. -195C. The CO pressure was chanGed from 1-3 to 10 In the spectrum of chemisorbed CO absorption bonds were found in 214o, 2070, 1950 and 1820 cm-1 regions. In accordance with the adsorption data and in analogy to 1mown cavlonyls, the 2070 cm-1 band belongs to linear structure and 1950 and 1820 cm- to the bridge structures of strongly sorbed CO. It is postulated on the basis of experimental data than on Ni and Fe at pressure of CO of the oxder of 1 - 10 mm one should also observe bands which are characteristic of reversible chemisorption. Orig. arte has: 1 table and 1 figure. 1/2 Card ACCESSION NR: Ap4o34588 ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Inatitute.of ',Physical Chemistry of the Acadewl of Sciences SSSR) SUMUTTED: laftY63 ENCL: 00 MM CODE: NP, OC NO PZF Sov; 005 OZM'- 003 2/2. Card KAVTARADa;, N.N.; SOKOLOVA, N.P. Infrared spectra of carbon monoxide adsorbed on ruthenium, rhodium, and palladium within a wide temperature range. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no-4:b47-850 Je 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. fnstitut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. Submitted November 20, 1964. L 22071-66- EWT(m)/EPF(n)..2/T/EWP(t) IJP(c) JDIWNIJG ACC NR: AP6008050 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/66/166/004/0880/GS82 :AUTHOR: Kuleshov, I. M.; Shishakov, N. A.; Kavtardze, N. .;-!o 0 V~j N. P. ORG:_ Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences SSSR (In titut fizi- _,cheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR) :TITLE: Study of the structural transformations of UO2 under the influence of :high temperature and zirconium or thorium dioxide admixtures.- SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 166, no. 4, 1966, 880-882 !'TOPIC TAGS: zirconium compound, thorium compound, uranium compound ;ABSTRACT: The effect of"ZIrO2. and %0 *and thermal pretreatm nt on.the-' 2 admixtures properties and structure &f_ uranium di studied on samples piNZared by co- ,Qxi e was .precipitating the hydroxides, reducin Ito U02, grinding into a p6wderl d pressin into pellets, then hardening and quenching. The transformations talffng place were observed by chemical and spectral (x-ray and infrared), methods. It is shown that* tthermal hardening of pressed U02 in the presence of small amounts 6 f Zr02 or ThO 2 iat high temperatures (160012C) causes an increase in its crystal lattice rameters UDC: 541.66 Card-- 1/2 GAIGH11K. H.P.; SOKOLOVj~, II.S. Ifew data on the Quaternary development of nature in southern Salchalin. IIaucr:.doIcl.vys.9hkoly; geol.-geog.nauki no.2:95- 100 '59. (I'LLU 12:8) 1. 14oskovaldy universitet, geograficheskiy fakulltet, kafedra ol),311chogo zeillevedeniya. (Sakhalin-Palynology) DOII~LITOV,, Yu.U.; PrinImM.a ucbaqtiyez SOKOLOVA, N~S~ Determining free acid content in the 5alt solutinw of titanilu-l and iron by means of potentiometric titration. ip~~Dkwas.mat.i ikh prim.. no.2-57-58 162. OUTZA 15-5) 1. Chelyabinskiy Mial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-IssledovatellAogo i proyektnogo instituta lak-okrasochnoy proqrsblennosti. (Acids, Organic) (SaIts) (Potentiometriz analysis) DOLMATOV, Yu.D.; Prinimala uchastiye: SOKOLOVA, N.S. Uking tho turbidimetric method for the dispersion analysis of titanium dioxide. Lakokras.mat.i ikh pr:im. no.5:52-55 162. (KRA 16:1) 1. Chelyabinskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo i proyektnogo instituta lakokrasochnoy promyshlennosti. (Particle size determination) (Titanium oxides-Analysis) SOKOLOVA, N. S. History of the vegetatiori crf the Greater CaucaBus. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5: Geog. 17 no-5:40-44 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kafedra obshchego zemlevedeniya MoBkovskogo universiteta. (Caucasus-Palaobotany) SOKOLOVA, N.S. Treatment of herpetic and dystrophic keratitis with subcon- junctival autohemoinjections. Vest. oft.. 76 no.5232 35 S-0 163. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Klinika glaznykh bolezney (zav. kafedroy - chlen-korres- pondent AMN SSER prof. V.N. Arkhangellskiy) I ?Aoskavskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni Sechenova. "The organization of clinical medical aid to the adiil~ oonulation of rurpl c ormini ties." First Lenim-rad nedical inqt imeni Academician I. ?. ?a-,rlov. ~;hair of the Oruanization of ~'ulj -ic Heaith. `!,enin,--rad, 1956- (D-I;s-er,ation~z for jeZree of cr-ndidate in I'edic.-?! :--)ciences.) ~,~nizl-n-:,,2 le-touis' No 22, 1,?'~b SOKOWYA. N.S.. (Leningrad) Standard hospital requirements for theadult population in rural areas. Sov.zdrav. 19 no.1:12-14 160. (MIRA 13:4) 1. 1z kafedry organizatsii zdravookhraneniya (zaveduyushchiy - prof. S.Ta. lPreydlin) I Leningradskogo mediteinskogo inatituta imeni I.P. Pavlova (direktor A.I. Ivanov). (LENINGRAD PROVING11-HOSPITALS, RURAL) SOKOLOVA, N~S.,; PROTSEK, Ye.G. "Methodology .and system for analyzing the work of the city hospital" by G.L.Gomellskai4v' Reviewed by N.S.Sokolovaj E*G.Protsek. Sav.. zdrav. 19 n~o,;12:73 160. NIRk 14:3) (HOSPITAIS) (GUEATJISKAIA, G.L.) SOKOLOVA, N.S., Some pToblems in the organization of surgical ear,& in rural areas. 24 no.99123-125 S 160. (MDU 13811) 1. Is kafedry organizatsii zdravookhranemiya. (zav. - prof. S-Ya. Freyc1lin) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta, ime-A I.P. Pavlova (d ir. - A. 1. IvanoN-) . (SbRGERY) (MEDIGM, MJRAL) SOKOUIVA, II.S. R(3cenL spore and poll(m spectra of the alluvium of the ObI River in the region of the village oil Berezovo. Vest. Mook. un. Ser. 5:Gaog. 20 no.6:0'5-68 N-D 165. (MM4 19:1) GAVANIN, V.A.; PEREL'MUTER, V.S.; RYBKINA, E.I.; SOKOLOVA, N.S. Indicators of a glow-discharge. (Review). Prib. i tekh. eksp. 10 no.5:12-20 S-0 165. (MIRA 19tl) 1. Moskovskiy elektrolampovyy zavod. Submitted November 20, 1964. SHCHERBINAY V. V. ; NAUPOVP G. B.; MAKAROV, Ye.S. ; GEWIMOVSKIY, V. I. ; YEWOLAYEV, N.P.; TARASOV, L.S., TUGARINOV, A.I.; BARSUKOV, Vik.L.; SOKGWVAILN.T.; KOCHENOV, A.V.; G&WANOV, A.I.; tf- -- ' '- $ WAENSK . V5 rea~izd-va~ VINQGRLDQV, A.P.,akademik- red4 MLYAKOVA,f.v. - []J~sential features of uranium geocheXietry]-,Osnovnye cherty geokhimii urana. Pod red. k.P.Vinogradova. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 350 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii. (Uranium) L 46m o-66 FV (I _ACC NR, A115029454 W S,OURC-E. .CODE:- UR-/01- 69/-6-1 6/-000005/DO17/DO17 A UTHOR: &i2drey!~yq,__q. j. ; qqaje_vs_kqy4,_:Ts. M. ; L ~sitsk~aya,__Xfj,_~. Klitochenko F.; Sokolova N. T. 1. ;'Mar~;~enko. A. P. Ra?~~rRenko, G. q~i,~yka, V. G. TITLE- Compilation of composite seismic'maps of the southeastern part of the Dnepr-Donets basin SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 5D115 REF SOURCE: Tr. Ukr. n. -i._ geolovorazved._in---t, vyp. 14, 1965, 132-139 TOPIC TAGS: Dnepr basin seismic map, Donets basin seismic map ABSTRACT: A second interpretation is made of seismic data obtained for the southeastern part of the Dnepr-Donets basin, using supplementary data obtained in drillings. Structural maps to'the scale of 1:50, 000 and 1:100, 000 are plotted for four horizons, from the Cenomanian to the Lower Permian. Iso-pachous line maps, piotted on the basis of data obtained in seismic exploration, are also discussed. A detailed analysis is made of the tectonic structure of the Upper Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic stages on the basis of the above-mentioned d 1/2 UDC- 550.834 L 46f)jo-66 ACC NR: ARG029454 maps. A regional subdivision is made of the territory from the point of view of natural gas and petroleum deposits. A. Titkov. [Translation of abstract] [BPI SUB CODE: 081 C.,d 2 / 2 - wl . "I 11.1.13V-1, I - .; ~, ~, ~ I ~ P. *-. 9 1., - :! r-"W~ ~j gill rgi - 81; - 2 UM I ~ ii I% d A 9L 3 l . o u 21 gig ISM 9" 3 gWb J ..v .- ~ 21 Ig kv S S ta: .9 31: 114 ;A?d :if fill 9 9 VP 4 A i1a 1 2 Zi att P N o a ills SO If" 0 TrlI .,L.D. Krasillnikov and IT.G. Kurganov's observation Journal of the of' Venus across the solar disk on May 26, 0 t ~-, 1761. Trudy Inst. Ist. est. i takh. 19:619-641 157. OURA 11:2) (Venus (Planet), Transit of----I-/O'l) 'b 9,; 2 S/ -I --c'16210041/003/0-1 2/02 44 U,-7 -C R S, r VG1'- Lora, 1, 0 V .,oval uv!m V. and -ool% mier; zat4 or. o~ a- and -cyano Y! V- sokomoljek~.lyarny- e soyedineniya, v. no. 'C,'~- 'OF, 2: 2n e ro 'i_,; si s of b ifunc ti oral ~%c i I s con6ucted in an cl a M e cI__ UZI (CH.,)2SjCl~ + RCII.SiCl. + (- + A) 1120 - j(GH3)2Si0)~ICH3RSi0jn + 2 (m + n) '7 ; CH"-CH CN. Th,~: echydrolysis of dimeth-11 dichlic.,ro silane 2 4 C', '~ Oro it h u-cc ano-e th'-'I thy I silane yielded" heptam--ezpy!-a-cianc- " y -~' . I 'el( L C,--cl o -~e t-ras-, -oxane that of t1hyl di c- loro si I an. e lets-" dic'- ioro s4 ane eld ed heDs amethyl -cyano- ethyl cy-ci o + et ra- 0 .", an a(I I ) arn d a c om i~ 1 4- ca t e d c ~ cl i c c o m i a u a dI I H'-: d r o 1 -Y s i s productlo are transpa--ent li~-,uids distillable without decommositicr. ant_'- Cand 1/3 u S i S 0 :,1 S I," I 311-0/3144 in tolu&ne-, and CC1 -2 r s t ruc t il r r. 1;, ~~.rrz4 ncd e' analysJ s them ~ molecu- -as u Lar S.-C r;- ta,~e ~.Zscr,:,Lion bands at 1073/-lC81E cm-' s*,,D-.-.,ed vi5ra-~i~,ns of tho S`i-C liond in t', 2-Me".1bered rinn- ~-ands ~--t 600 and 191--0 c---l showed t'~ c s e o h e S' i - CH bond, --lnd band's at ~'32 cm sh owed t ,, o S 0 t'- e Sf -0 1 cn-i s n 'he C b cnd. Pe,--'.s at I C 0. c; "d 1080 cm 3 r--l'::Zsj '1:1c, -urthtz:i- a.~-,alytical lr~:sults the --follov;in-- CN CN CN CN CN C112 CfJ2 C112 c 1-1, CH2 CH2 C112 ('112 CHS 113C-Si 0 - Si - CH3 H~C-Si-O -Si-CH3 0 0 0 0 Si Si - 0 - Si - v - Si-O -Si (L;Iil)- 613 UL13 C H3 C113 (CE13)2 L 9 6 AO SOL' OMO IT A allTj -0 02-IqTI~3U7 A -:'.T q nq 0 u 0 YC A C S C,,,: 7 1 0 177;~7 1 U-Oljr) 0 C :~do L L Crj_C;~a GUCT;r-C-L7qnc. Oq ;~Z)-, J, C) T 2 -&TAO--110, 7~N7 j,?-[AO(7 p 1) 1 -dno.::.,, T T o -,Z0- -.7- I TT 70 ~~z 'Inl;7- < TT7 + 7- a 0 '.7 0 T -E.-, c ',!1 0 11 LT 0 T T o.T (7 T'7r T t)(7 C. 9 3.j [T T~7 ~:~T ~~l I.To CHENAKAT , V.L.; ANDREYEVA, G.A.; PAVLOVA, G.Ye.;--PO-KQLQVA-$,-I-,-V. - TOPCHIXEV, I A.V., red.; FIGb -ROVSKIY, N.A., red.; SHCHERBAKOVA, G.A., red. #d-va; VINOGRADOVA, N.F., tekbn. red. [Chemicle of the life and works of N.V.Lomonosov] Letopis' zhizni i tvorchestVa M.V.Lomonosova. Pod red.A.V.Topchieva, N.A.Figurovskogo i V.L.Chenakala. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1961. 435 P. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut istorii yestestvoznaniya i tekhniki. (Bibliograpby-Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765) SOKOLOVA, 14,V. Stardardizing the pre---ision requiremento for machine tools. Standardizatsiia 26 no.9:3-6 S 162. (KDA 15:9) (1,1achine tools-Standards) SOKOLOVA, N.V. Restoration -)f thr- Ac,,adaTvy',.q great g1c,)be, Vest~ A-N` SSSR 33 no.12.?M-4G4 D '63. (1-1,11RA 17. 1) t CHI,~ ~j . -YAL, *,;.I,.; GICRODIN~I:UYA, JOKOLOVA, 11,71,1.; P-VLtJV,;, G.Ye.; [Thle 1.'.V.I-om-orosov ll,.u~3etma in Lening-rad) Muzei N'.V.LomoncSova v Leningrade. 1.;',oskva, Izd-vo "llauka," 1964. 83 P. (MIRA 17-8) 1. Akademiya muk SS.,-kR. Institut Istorii yestestvoznani,,,,a i tekhnikl. -- - - ". , ;;. ~, 37642. Roll khronicheskogo gnoynogo vospalendya v bechenii tuberkuleza. Trudy '13 Tansko-o med. . n- a in. olotova, T. xr, l9,' , S. 9' I t - 49 0-99 SO: Le'UoT)is' ZhurnalInyl-ah Statey, Vol. 37, 19L 49 TOROPTSEV, I.Y.; SOKOLOVA N.V.(Tomsk) Characteristics of morphological manifestationa of modified reactivity In cases of depression and excitation of the central nervous system. Arkh. pat. 17 no.4:14-19 O-D '55. (KRA 9:2) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheekoy anatomii (zav.-prof. 1. V. Toroptsev) Tomakogo maditainakogo inatituta. (BLOOD YASSMLS' physiology, eff. of anapbylactic shock after irritation & inhib. Of CHS) (AIdMGY, experimental. anaphylatic shock, eff. on blood vessels after irritation & inhib. of CNS.) (CIUMRAL NARYOUS SYSTA4, physiology, eff. of irritation & inhib. on vase. reactions to anaphylatic shock) TOROPTSEV, I.V., professor; SOKOLOVA, N.V., dotsent Morphological characteristics of radiation sicknOBS induced b7 a single irradiation with a 10 MeV betatron. Jl-Ag 156. Kejd"rad. 1 uo.4: 41- 7 Jl-Ag 156. (MIRA 9:12) 1. Iz Tomskogo politekhinichaskogo instituta Voroblyev) i kafedry patologicheskoy akademii Toroptsev) Tomskogo meditainakogo instituta. (RADIATIONS, inj. eff. pathol. of gulnon ptA tionue after betatron) (dir. - prof. A.A. (zav. - prof. I.V. irradiation with 5 -7 -5- Al SOKOLOVA, N.V. Biological effect and use of the betatron in medici ne; review of foreign literature. Ked.rad. 2 no.4:84-93 J1-Ag 157. (MIRA 10!11) 1. 1z kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. I.V.Toroptsev) Tomskogo meditainskogo Instituta. (NUCLUR PHYSICS, betatron. biol. eff. & med.use. review (Rus)) USSR/Human and Animal I-bysiology (Normal and Pathological). T-13 Effect of Physical Factors. Ionizing Radiations Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1958, 75270 Author Toroptsev, I.v., sokolova, N.V. Inst Tonsk rolytechnical L-Istitutc. Title Pathological Anatomy of Acute Radiation Sickness in Experinents (General Effect of Rays Generated by a Betatron). Orig Pub : Izv. Tomskogo politeldiii. in-ta, 1957, 87, 17-27- Abstract : Tests were conducted on guinea pigs. In cases of their death in the course of 12 hours after radiation there were observed in the blood and lymph vessels necrobiotic changes of the endotheliim and an increase"permidbility of the walls, broadening of vessels; tinctural properties of the blood were changed. hematoxilineosin dyed the plasm a Card 1/3 100 - - - --- --~J; Yvuts- 5 of necrosis were observed, but the cer Ys'uem larGe locat-i-o-n--s----- ned preserved. ebral cortex rcmi- Necrotic chanGes were observed in the sex Glandsy and in the the lunGs and gastr cortical layer of the adrenals. In o-intestinal tract - vascular infections with PhenOLlem Of diapedesis were rioted. In the lYMPhoid tissues impoverishment of the follicles by lymphoid ele_ r ~icnts was notedy a i--rGat quantitY of large cells with baso- Phil Granulation in the cytoplasm which were macr.phases were observed. In all cases with acute radiation sickness, universal Change was observeO. of the structure of para- plastic substation: Protein saturation and homGeneity of the ~ressej walls, illtcrrlcdiate tissue of the kidneys, heart I stOmch.* cOursening and lur]Py decay of the reticlar network of the lyr'PhOiO'- tissue and bone marrow. Card 2/3 EXCERPTA MEDI7,A Sec 16 Vol 7/2 Cancer Feb 59 6, The poi ~ibilil ~f diffierentintinn andfornintion of rrlls of a "ietastalizilkq ostensnrco~na .j.j. Y in the pleivalexudate (Rusiian lext) SOKOLOVA N. \~. and \"ORONOVA A. M. Arkh. Patol. 1958, 2014 GHAO) lilus- 3 After rrsection of an osteosarcoma of the fibula in a man aged 25 a local recurrence and pulmonarv metastascs with hacrnothorax developed, from which the patient died. Microscopical examination of the loose blood-containing masses in the pleural space showed that these were turnour elements which also manifested pha ocytic, fibroplastic and angioplastic qualities. Consequent]),, in this 'tissuc explaniate, turnour cells manifested properties which they usually do not possess. Brandt - Berlin TOROPTSEV, I.V.; SOEDLOVA, N.V. Pathological anatomy of death in animals during exposure to 25 Mev betatron irradiation [with summary in English]. Med.rad. 4 no-2:50-55 F 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Iz kafedx7 patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. I.V. Torop- tsev) Tomskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (RADIATIONS, effects, pathol. of death in animals during exposure to betatron (Rus)) SOKOLOVA, N.V.; GORSBENIXA, T.I. Relation of the localization of radiation injur7 to the fanctional state of the organ. Biul.eksp.biol. i mad. 48 no.9:29-34 S 159. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Iz kEtfedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zaveduyushchi7 - prof. I.V. Toroptsev) Tbmskogo, meditsinskogo instituta (direktor - prof. I.V. Toroptsev). Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AMY SSSR V.N. Chernigovskim. (RADIAT ION INJURY exper. (KIDNEYS radiation eff.) NEBOLYUBOVA, G.Ye.; SOKOIDVA, N.V. Bacteriological and pathoanatomical characteristics of acute radiation sickness caused by the action of a 25 Rev betatron. Trudy TomFIIVS 11:304-310 160., (MIRA 16*.2) 1, Tomskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vaktsin i sy7orotok i Tomskiy meditpifiskiy institut. (RADIATION SICKNESS) SOKOLOVA, N.V.; GORSHENTNAp T.I. Relation of the localiz-ati on of raddiLtion injury to the funciional conditions of the organ. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 50 no. 11:33-37 N 16o. (MIRA 13 02) 1, Iz kafedry patologicheakoy anatomii (zave - prof. I.V. Toroptaev) Tomskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. I.V. Toroptsev) (RADIATION SICKNESS) (DIURETICS AM DIURESIS) NEBOLYUBOVA, G.Ye.;_S-OKCLOVA.,.N.V. Means of the distribution of intestinal autoflora in acute radiation sickness caused by the action of a 25 Ifev betatron Trudy Tom NIIVS 12:285-291 160 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Tomskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut v-aktsi-n i sy~ vorotok i Tomskiy meditsinskiy institut. ISOKOLOVA,, N.V.; KAMNEVA, T.G.; BORISOVA, G.V.; ZVEREV, S.M.; -IWA*3ffffAJq N.M. Neoplastic diseases according to autopsy data in TomBk for the past 20 years (1938-1956). Vop.onk. 7 no.3:80-83 161. (MIRA 14:5) (TOM-TUMORS) SOKOLOVA, V.V. Biological activity and the use of fast electrons in medicina. Med.rad. no.6:83-87 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomi-i Tonskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (MCTROVS) (RADIOLOGY, ME-DICAL) . SOKOLOVA,, Natal Iya Viktorovna, GOLIDBERG, D. I. , zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof., red.; MORDOVINA, L.G., tekhn. red. [Significance of functional stress in the localization of radiation sickness] Roll funktsionallnoi nagruzki v lokalizatsii luchevogo porazheniia. Tomsk, Izd-vo Tomskogo univ., 1962. 144 p. (MIRA l4s6) (RADIATION SICKNESS) (STRESS (PHYSIOIDWI)) SOKOLOVA, N.V.; GORSHENINA, T.I. Dependence of the localization of radiation injury on the -functional state of the organ. Report No.3: Morphological changes in the uterus in white mice irradiated at various phases of the estrus cycle. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 3[iie-53) no.3:112-116 Mr 162. (MLIA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatcmii (zav. - prof. I.V.Toroptsev) Tomskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. I.V.Toroptsev) Predstavlens, deystvitellnym chlenom P24N SSSIR N.A.Krayevskim. (ESTRUS) (UTERUS-RADIOGRAPHY) (RADIATION SIGOESS) SOKOLOVA, -N. _ V.;- GORSHENINA, T. I. (Towk) Morphological characteristics of the liver in relation to its functional state at the time of irradiation. Arkh. pat. no.4: 50-55 '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. I. V. Torcpteev) Tomskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - prof. I. V. Tmvptaev) (LIVER) (ROIATION SICKMS) (CHOLAGOGUES) L .281~q-65 -;"WGQ)/EMT(m) AM5006605 BOM EULOITATICN UR/ Sokolom Natal' m Viktorowna The role of functional stress in the localization of radiation sickness (Roll funktoionallnoy nagruzki ir lokalizataii luchavogo porathenlya) Tonsk, Tzd-vo Tomsk, univ,, 1962, 1" p, b1blio I plateso 1500 copies printed, (At head of title: Tomiskiy maditainskiy inslut) Editor: Professor D. T. Colldbargi Technical editort L.,G. Mordovinar Proofreaderst H. L Svarovskaya,, T. A, Nikiforma. TOPIE TAGSt heart, kidney, liver,, radiation sIckness., spinal cord,, uterus, skeletal muscle eMat JC inveat1ga PURPME AND COVERAGE: The withor felt compelled to conduct eyst tiona of the possible dependence of theIccalization and the degree of expression of radiation sickness an the statq of functIonal streau of an organ at the time of Ionizing :irradiation, especially In view of the clear disagreerent in almilar 1 observations in published work, The purpose was to present %*ter:Lal that would be directly or even indirect3y relative to the problem posed and, on an experl- mental model of deep radiation sickness., to hhow the peculfariti4s of the patho- C c rd 1/3 L 3815o-65 AM5006605 morphology of the organs and tissues of animals depending on the state of their functional stress at the moment of Ionizing irradiation. Functional stress of the' organs at the moment of irradiation (kidneys., liver) was achieved pharmacological-,. lyj by physical stress,~mg of the organism (skeletal,musculature, heai-t), b7 the physiologic condition of the organ -(utsrus)., and -by contractlcn~.of ~-tha muscles ord) This work -was perforaed:&V.the -Cha,lr_6U~1. with an,induction-currani.-~,spinal---(- Patholo -4c AnatoaT of the T646k![~,-_ged; 9 1, V. Toroptsev, CorrespondtTeed-bir -of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the TABLE OF CONTENTS: to Thtreduction - - 3 Ch. L. Modern concept of the pathomorphology of radiation sickness of certain or ns and the Saluence ef physical stress on the course and morphol ga ogy of ridiation sickness6 Ch. IL Material and astbodolegy of fundamental observations 22 Ch. M Morphologic characteristics of radiation sickness of the kidneys depe;ding on the functional state of the organ at the moment of irradiation- 27 Card 2/~ Ot action of' Jonaz:ng i-adivil~,n zma'-l close-i, I-V~, 27 no.&!l',-,17 I f.!i O-IRA 18',10) 1. f~iffjdra blolcgii Tmiskcgo medits~n2krw!., N&5ME10VA, Z,,t'.:; i,;G.~L[NA, Ye.A.; SOKOLOVA. N,,YaL. Gas plLast3 cf the organic m--Lt.--r cf bituminous arizi-211tes in tlr~~ ~Neijt S,:,-'barian .,~Iain. Trudy VNIIGRI no.2,27 Geokhi,-,.sbc--. nr-.~J~9-5- (MJR.~, 18-.-,) 100 1-64. -1 SOKOLOVA, N.Yu. Nutrition of sturgeons in the northern Caspian after the introduction of Nersis succinea. Kat. k pozn. fauny i flory SSSR. Otd. zool. n0.33: 145-232 '52. (KLRA 10:9) (Caspian Sea--Strugeons) (Folychasta) (Fishes--Food) SOKOLOU, 'N.Yu. Highest and lowest temperature fatal to the bedbug (Cimex lectularius L.) Mat. k pozn.fanny i flory SSSR. '56. (MIRA 10.1) (Bedbugs) (Temperature--Physiological effect) ZENIEVICH, L.A. (Moskva); SOKOLOVA. N.Yu. (Moskva) "Ifi 7 - Presil-water medusa.& in the Uchinsk Reservoir. Priroda 45 no.4:102-104 Ap '56. - -1 - . - I (MLEA 9;7) l.Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nam SSSR (for Zenkevich) (Uchinak Rqservoir-Nedusae) Sm-OLOViL, N.Yu. ~ I Littoral fauna, of islands of the Kandalaksha State Preserve. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-va 8:100-118 157. OURA 11--3) 1. Kafedra zoologii bespozvonochnykh Koskovskogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta imeni N.Y. Lomonosava. (Kandalaksha Preserve--Marine fauna) SOKOLOVA'. N.YU.- Benthos In the Shekena spur of Rybinsk Reservoir. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-va 8:2464-268 157. (MM& 1123) 1. Kafedra zoologil beepozvonochnykh Moskovskogo goeudarstva;mcgo, universiteta iment. N.V. Tiomonosova i Darvinakiy gosudarstvennyy sapovednik. (Rybinsk Reservoir--Fresh-water fauna) SOKOInVA, N.Yu. Some observations on the overgrowth fauna of water pipes. Nauctr. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.2:14-17 '58. (YaTu 11:10) J.Predstavlens, kafedroy zoologii bespozvonochnykh Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universitets, imeni M.V. Lononosova. (Ucha Reservoir--Fresh-watgr fauna) (Water pipes) SOKOLOVAJI ii. -fu. (ussiij, ti "Die Entwicklung der Bodenfauna des Utscha-Wasserbeck-ens . report submitted for the 14th Intl. Limnological Congress, Vienn , 20 Aug - 8 Sept 1959. SOKOLOVA, N.Yti. Recent data on the benthos of Ucha Rooorvoir; roaults of renearch carried out in 1950-1951. Trud7 Gidrobiol. ob-va 9:53-73 '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1 Kafedra zoologii bespozvonochnykh Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo ~;iversiteta. (Ucha Reservoir--Freah-water fauna) .. -_. qqjkq~~V~A. ~I. Yj, OUNEVA, T.A. Biological cycle and seasonal dynamics of larval populations of some tendipedids occurring in large 7passes in Ucha Reservoir. Biul. I-TOIP. Otd. biol. 64 no.2:67-78 Mr-Ap '59. (14IRA 12:10) (Ucha Resorvoir-Chironomidae) SOKOLDVA, 'I.Yu. Formation of benthic fauna in IIcz~,aysk Reservoir, Trijv ob-va 11-132-13'r '61. 1,5:1) I. Kafedra zoologii bespozvonocbnyVb I'laskovskogo gozudar~~tvenr~ogo u universiteta, Mloskva~ (Mozhaysk Reservoir-Denthos) SOKOLOVA, N.Yu. First stages in the formation of fauna in Mozhaysk Reservoir VoD. ekol. 5:203-204 162. (m~ 16:~) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Mozhaysk Reaervoir-Freshwater fauna) .-SOKOLOVA, UYx4_, otv. red.; KOWNEVA, T.A., red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.I., tekhn. red. (Ucha and Mozhaysk Reservoirs; hydrobiological and ichthyologi- cal studiev]UcUnskoe i Mozhaiskoe vodekhranilishcha; gidro- biologicheskie i ikhtiologicheskie issledovaniia. Moskva, Iz& - vo Mosk. univ.,, 1963. 422 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Moscow. Universitet. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet. (Ucha Reservoir-Freshwater biology) (Mozhayak Reservoir--Freshwater biology) SOKOLOVA, N.Yu. Fauna of two streams - a water-supply canal and a river. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-va 14:201-227 163. (M-MA 17:6) SOKOLOVA, N.Yu. J. 'I.- - S I , ! Exy.erimienta2 study oC t'-- consumpzlor, b-ent'l-ov by 4P - h-n -Tc ha I - - Reservoir. Gdri,,*ol. zhlu~-. 1 no.1:52-61 165, (~!7ftA 18.r) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy lun-*.versitet. ACC NRI AP7004144 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/67/022/001/ol5g/ol6o AUTHOR: Bortkevich, A. V.; Sokolova, 0. G.; Tsenter, M. Ya.; Bobovich, Ya. S. ORG: none TITLE: Influence of solvents on the generation threshold of the 992 cm--1 line In thel stimulated Raman scattering of benzene SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 22, no. 1, 1967, 159-16o TOPIC TAGS: a%&uwFMJN* Raman scattering, stimulated emission, benzene, laser . i~c- application, organic solvent, or k- f4t-IJ(S-f? -11 J~-.k 4-- ABSTRACT: To eliminate the effects of the reaction of the investigated radiation on the operation of the master generator, the aiithors have investigated the generation thresholds of the 992 cm-1 of the stimulated emission of benzene in different binary mixtures inside the resonator under the assumption that this reaction can be neglecte4 at low conversion coefficients of the scattered radiation. The spectra were excited with a Q-switched ruby laser having a power of approximately 5 MW and a pulse dura- tion of 75 nsec. The optical shutter was a filter of KS-19 glass. The spectra were recorded photographically with a diffraction grating. The chosen measure of the generation threshold of the 992 cm7l Idne was the effective thickness of the benzene layer in the tested solution at fixed laser operation mode and fixed cell length. This thickness was 15 mm for pure benzene, increasing to 25 mm for benzene dissolved in toluol and carbon tetrachloridep to 30 mm for solutions in hexane)" cyclohexane) Card -1/2 UDC: 535-375 + 532-73.0 ACC NR: AY(004144 chloroform, acetone, and nitromethane, and to 35 mm for doddecane, bromoform, and methylcyclollexanon. The results are interpreted as meaning that in all solvents the generation threshold is nearly double compared with pure benzene, and that the thresh. old is approximately the same (within �15%) for almost all solvents. Ho explicit connection could be discerned between the observed quantities and the intermolecular interaction. The difference between the pure benzene and its solutions may be due to the interaction between modes or to resonant parametric interaction. Additional ex- periments are necessary for a full clarification. Orig. art. has: 1 table. I (WA-141 (021 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22JuI65/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH REF: 005 Card_ 2 2 J 7~ J o thc ',"VOC EOf~'~ Or lC UM C, T. 11 -,rec f,; r-,at-L . ri c, f o 7 Ca i 4 Leml m7rad -rder Of T al-r i,,St amenf D_~-fn--rad Sovdet. -en---rac~,, 1`~55. Ranner c-.nolcrical T~ (D.Jssertation 'or +ae '-)-.Free of Candidate in "echnical Eciences) SOU~CE Kni_zhna,-,Ta Letonis' '~;o 6 1-56 MAKSIMOV, V.P.; SOEDLOVA, 0.1.; MODULEVSKAYA, Z.P.; ISAYEVA, N.M. qsing a froth-type apparatus for the decontamination of waste gases from the manufacture of sulfate pulp. Bum. prom. 34 no.5:14-16 My ,59. (miRA 12:6) l.Leningradski7 tekhnologicheaki7 institut- tsellyulozno-bumzhnO7 promy-shlennosti. (Woodpulp) (Gas purification) ~AKSIMOV, V.F., kand. tekhn. nauk; MODZEM SUYA, Z.P., inzh.; SOKOL-OVA, 0.1., inzh. Interaction of sulfur-containing gases with the black liquor and its components. Trudy LTITSBF no.10:40-48 162, (MIRA 16:8) (Gases-Purification) (Woodpulp induatry) SH ALINA, M.A.; SOKOLOVA, 0.1. [How to g9t high yields of root crops] Kak poluchit' vysokii urozhai kormovykh korneplodov. Leningrad, 1955. 50 P. (MIRA 1):4) (Root crops) MAKSIMOV, Vladirair Fedorovich; NIVESTNIKOV, Igor' Vasillyevich; SOKOLOVA,-Dl.!ga-Iv&povna; FOPILOV, L.Ya., red.; YdIGTIKOVA, izd-va; BACM.'LINA, A.M., tek-hn. red. [Methods of inspecting working conditions in the enterprises of the woodpulp, paper, and woodworking industries]Metody kontrolia uslovii truda na predpriiatiiakh tselliulozno- bumazhnoi i derevoobrabatyvaiushchei promyshlennosti. lb- skva, Goslesbumizdat, 1962. 214 P. (MA 15:10) (Woodworking indlustries-F7gienic aspects) jOKOLOVA, 0.1. (Odessa) Case of association testicular seminoma with cystic degeneration of the kddney. JLrkh. pat. 16 no-3:76-77 JI-S 154. (MIRA 7:10) 1. IT kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. prof. D.M.Khayutin) Odesekogo maditainskogo institnta. (DISGERMINOML, testis, with cystic degen. of kidney) (TESTIS. neoplasms. diagerminoma, with cystic degen. of kidney) (KIDNETS, cysts, cystic degen. with testicular diagerminoma) (CYSTS, kidneys, with testicular disgerminoma) 3(2), 3W sov/6-cn-7-4/25 AUTHOR: Sokolova, 0. 1. TITLE: Results of the Competition for the Best Improving Suggestion (Itogi konkursa na luchsheye ratsionalizatorskoye predlozheniye) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Tir 7, PP 17-21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In flay 1959, the ordinary competition for the best improv- ing suggestion in the field of topographic-geodetic and cartoGraphic production was concluded at the Glavnoye uprav- leniye geodezii i kartografii MVD SSSR (Main Administration of Geodesy and Cartography of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR). 7 aerogeodetic services, 8 cartographic institutes and NRKCh took Dart. A total of 30 topographic-geodetic, and 31 cartographic, suggestions were submitted. The 1st prize of 1,000 rubles was awarded to V. A. Morozov and V. V. Urusov (.'Winskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Minsk Cartographic Plant for the Flo eamless Fastening of Atlas Blocks". The 2nd prizes of 750 rubles were awarded to: 1) Ya. L. Bratslavskiy, V. M. Varzugin, Yu. N. Galitskiy, 0. F. Shetler and V. P. Stepanov (NRKCh) for "Technology of the Use of Standard Card 116 Bases (tipovaya oonova)". 2) 1. V. Gurevich, V. H. Varzugin, SOV/6-59-7-4/25 Results of the Competition for the Bcut Improv-11IG Suggestion Card 2/6 E. 0. Radovillskaya, 0. D. Jhetker, L. I. Zmeykova for "Technolo, of the 1--lanufacture of Combined Diapositives" (NRKCh). 3 D. A. Larin (Iloskovskoye AGP (!.Ioscow AGP)) for "Reduction of Work in Evaluating the Accuracy of Symmetric Geodetic Nets Formed by Fiz-,ures of Regular Shape". 4) N. V. Shreyber (Novosibirskoye AGP ('Novosibirsk AGP)) for "Light Collapsible Ladder of Dural for Prospecting". - The 3rd prizes of 500 rubles each were awarded to : 1) 1. F. Shevaldin (Yakutskoye AGP (Yakutsk AGP)) for "Establishment of Fixed Points by the tlethod of Thawing by Means of Vapor". 2) V. D. OlIshanskiy (Yakutskoye AGP (Yakutsk AGP)) for "Construction of an Overhead Trolley for Timber Transport". 3) 1. A. Kyzin (Iloskovsko~,eAGP (IJoscow AGP)) for "Variation in the 'Ittachment of Photographs on the STD-211- 4) V. F. Zarubin oskovskoye AGP (Koscow AGP)) for "Raqsi-qg of Geodetic Signs by 5-7 Meters". 5) D. I. Smirnov ' I. V. Gurevich, Z. I. Aleksandrova, V. b1. Varzugin, V. K. Kirillov and I. Ye. Kislyakoy (NRKChI for "Technology of the Completion and Edition of Topographic Maps by the Photorelief 1,"ethod". 6) 1H. F. Glushanin (1-11inskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Minsk Cartographic institute)) for "Vertical Piling IfIlachine for Brochures". 7) A. A. Vnukov SOV/6-5~- 7 -1/25 Results of the Competition for the Beat Improving auggestion (Tashkentskaya kartograficlieskaya fabrika (Tashkent Carto- graphic Institute)) for "Mechanism for the Loading of Trucks With raper Rolls". 8) A. N. Tsokolenko (Ukrainskoye AGP (UkraihianAGP)) for "Replacement of the Arc Lamp for the Helio- graphic-printing Machine KP-1 by an Illuminating Device With Luminescent Lamps DS-40". 9) G. ~'. Gri 'gorlyev (Sverdlovskoye AGP (Sverdlovsk AGP)) for "Ruler for Drawing in the Prepara- tion of 1.1ap Compilations and Final Compilations". 10) L. G. Izrailev (Severo-Zapadnoye AGP (Iforth-west AGP)) for "In- provement of the Contact Mechanism in the Micrometer by Vodar". 11) S. ~',% Vdreyev (;Moskovskoye AGP (11oscow AGP)) for "Formulas and Form for a More Rational Computation of Supe.eelevations From the Trigonometric Leveling". 12) D. G. Villner (Sverdlovskoye AGr (Sverdlovsk AGP)) for "New Number- in.- and Painting of Leveling Staffs". 13) G. Grinberg Poskovskoye AGP ("Joscow AGP)) for "Formulas and Table for Extreme Diver-ences Between the Free Teri-is of Polar and 0 Base Conditions Computed on a Plane and on a Ball". - Besides, the followin,-; suggestions were approved by the jury: 1) V. T. 'Irykov (Sverdlo-.,skoye AGr (Sverdlovsk AGP)), "Underframe for Card 3A Observations From the Telescopic Tower". 2') :3. '1% Clsinskiy SOV/6-59-7-4/25 Results of the Competition for the Best Imprc-r~-~g Suggestion (Sever o-Zapadnoye AGP (North-west AGP))M3mpLate(pUetka)fb_-6D e tarzirdng the Corrections of Centering and Reducing With an ",.uxiliary Scale for Determining the Corrections of the Curvature of the Image of the Geodetic Line and of the Spheric Excess". 3) V. G. Hauyerer (,~._~oskovskoye AGP (!,:oscow AGP)) "Variation of the Construction of the Heliotrope". 4) G. Shlefendorf (mos- kovakoye AGP (,Moscow AGP)), "Zero Thermostat for the Gravi- meters of the GAK-ZY.-typel'. 5) 1". 1. 11opov (11olkovskoye AGP (M,oscow AGP)), "Device for Cutting Aluminum". 6) A. I. Fikhrian and G. '.1. Grinberl, ("oskovskoye AGP (Moscow AGP)), "Prospecting Mast". 7) Ya. I. lfe,,,)nevitskiy, N. A. Pashukevich and "J.. F. Glushanin (Minskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Yinsk Carto- graphic Institute)), " A Workbench Device for 1-lixing Offset Colors". S)I. L. Gintsberg (T'ashkentskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Tashkent Cartographic Institute)), "Device for Grind- ing the Edges of Plate Glass". 9) A. A. Vnukov (Tashkentskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Tashkent Cartopraphic Institute)), a) "Mechanism for Inclining the Grinding Case". b)"Mechanism for Lifting the Trough With the Balls". 10)V. I. Yurchenko and S. A. Lonshteyn (Tashlcentskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika Card 4/ 6 (Tashkent Cartographic Institute)), "Automatic Switch-off of SOV/6-501-7-4/25 Results of the Competition for the Best Improving Sitggestion Arc Lamps". 11) 1. V. Vasillyeva (Tashkentskaya kartografiche- skaya fabrika (Tashkent Cartographic Plant), "Increase in the Durability of Light-sensitive Rubber Solution (Adhesives'. 12) V. IA. Sher (Kiyevskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Kiyev Cartographic Plant),, "Correspondence of the Stroke-ele- ments on Topographic 'Maps With the Letters on the Machine Printing Forms". 13) 11. V. Bozrikov, S. F. Yakunin (Rizliskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Riga Cartographic Plant), "On the Improvement in the Construction of Mechanisms for Pressing-on the Inking Rollers and Friction Drums on the Off- set Machines 'Planeta-Super-Kvintal". 14) A. Ya. Simanovskiy (Rizhskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Riga Cartographic plant), , I "A Rational Method of Making Positives of Print- ing Forms of Relief Printing on Tracing Paper for Printing Books on Offset 11;chinesll. 15)0. 1111. Yankovskiy (Rizhskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Riga Cartographic Plant), "Synchronization and Automatization of the Switching on and off of Arc Lamps and of the Suction Fan in the Copying De- partment". 16) V. F. Alampiyev (Rizhskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Riga Cartographic Pla'_t), . , "Variation in the Card 5/6 Technology of Making Sets of Outline Maps of the Fifth ClassU SOV/6-59-7-4/25 Resulto of the ComDetition for the Best Improving Suggestion 17) V- V. Illyushin (Rizhskaya kartograficheskaya fabrika (Riga cartographic Plazat) , "Preparation of Collecting- and Correspordina- Positives by the Method of the Washed-out Relief on Iviniproz". 18) V. M. Dudochkin (Tbilisskaya karto- qraficheskaya fabrika (Tbilisi Cartographic Plafit), "Switching off the Notor of the Compressor on the Copying Frame by Means of the Change Lever for Lifting the Glass and by Means of the Vacuum". 19) D. I. !,-;atkava (Tbilisskaya karto- graficheskaya fabrika (Tbilisi Cartographic Plant), "Device for Laying on the Negatives in Coloying". 20) 11. ?J. Serbin (Tbilisskaya kartograficheskaya. fabrika (Tbilisi Cartographic Plant.) , "Device for Drying Paper on Offset 'Jachines". 21) S. M. Konstantinova (Tbilisskaya kartograficheska.Ya fabrika (Tbilisi Cartographic Pikht), , "Progressive Method and Procedure for the Preparatory Work in Calculating and Plotting the Geographic Network on Maps to Be Compiled". 22) K. I. -mironov (NRKCh) "A Workbench for Repairing the Guides of the Offset Machine". 23) Yu. P. Tarasov (NRYCh) "Device for Regulating the "taler" of the Offset Machine". 24) Ye. H. Klyuchanskaya and S. V. Yesterova (NRKCh) "Improving the I.-lethod of Precipitat- Card 616 ing the Silver Nitrate in Used Solutions". SOKOLOVAI 0.1.1 MAKIIJIMOV, V,L,'i Partial elao--icit;y of W-(Irogen sulfide over the Hquors of sulfite pulp production. Trud, LTITSBP no.12:272-277 Ib4. (M-I, ItA 18:8) SDKOLOWI, O.K. Method lot determination of the oxidizability of water. A. Alukin ..fill 0~ K. Sokoluva. VPprtt3y Gidrokki"i. 6- "d, 6,4,4. Ind.) 1046, No. 321. S1 -41. --A report ": It ittat ton I lit- purlmw of which to ~t till y con - .4 all ill, ,filmm d, tit. tit, ot,idicibility of naturally colored in-ater, fly flit, K1041YA-Tolmll oirthoil, and to itupfave the ar. tutmy lit this owthiNt I)v itilrolitring vorrvetinu%. The extrill of millital Color (if .1 Waur %Jjl)l)ir WW~ Measured if) 11cgreri, on the N-Co teale. then KNInO, soln. was added to oxidirc the org. responsible for the initial color. It was found by e%pt. that n - 0.211, C*. where x i, the no. of tilt. of O.Of N KNI"O' ~0111. and C* is the extent of color on the I't-Co wale. lit a 54-riv, of water %amplt~ there i% tin"itirely lyr.quotiOnal FVWj0H%hipjMOngC%tCllt t,f color, aint. of oric. inatcrLil, and nwiptitude of oxidizu- Wlitv, to--,;%uw ,f io '%t'-ot of kirbing atill cuoilin, (if the org, roinplew% ill the wmcr. The Ltrger the cNvt-ss of K%tuO,. the greater is the oxidirability. Itc- -attsc by boiling in the presence of org. inatr6al, KNIng), (10COUlptisri SpOlit.LTICOUlly forming MnOL.. which cito- further decompti., unit thu% sonic of i's rfluctivene- a~ ;&it oxidizing agetil i, lost. The "o%idizability" of Ji,til. water 6 negligible. Tables tit il.oa illustrated the rrLi. llotishil's found. Glady% S, %Uvv 41 USSR/Geophysics - Ionic Flow, 1 Dec 51 Afforestation "The Influence of the Afforestation of Water- sheds on the Magnitude of Ionic Flow," P. P. Voronkov, 0. K. Sokolova., State Hydrol Inst, Leningrad "Dok Ak Nauk.SSSR" Vol LXXXI, No 4, PP 561-564 Natural waters flowing on Earth's surface con- tain mineral and organic matter vhose deg of disintegration differ ~teatly. Coarsest par- ticles are found in suspended state, and fin- est - in true solns - are in ionic mol state. Intermediate positions are assumed by inorganic USSR)teophysics - Ionic Flow, I Dec 51 Afforestation (Contd) and organic substances dissolved in water, in colloidal state. Authors investigated monthly and yearly quantity of flow (m3.lo3/1m2), ionic flow (t/km2) for taiga (forest) and cultivated land, and relation betvee-n particle type, erosion, etc. Submitted by Acad D. S. Belyan- kin 28 Sep 51. 202T65 ~4 C b4 C U, 0, E "i". 1J: It 'V-ttersl-eds on U,.P, Yinerali7atirn of the In fl tioncn of* I 1,ator and on tle !-'Ignitude of thr~ Ion Runoff," Tr. Gos Gldroloa. In-ta, FO 3-1 (q ~-1-93, 1P 5 3 In the Valday Scientific Research F. Vdrologiaal Station of the St--ite I'vdrological Institute, hydroloaists bave investi-ited tl-e rineraliz-ition of the viater rlovin,(7 of,' forested and nonforested watersheds. The objects of the olserva-tions were the Tayezhnyy (forested), Us-adlyevskiv (nonforested), .vy (nonf' rested) sites, -ind tl-e 1r]-hiverevskiv brool,. The -and I ri iisadebn ~o total. ion runoff fror. the forested watersled on the ave~..,.~~e over I -years ar-ounts to 6.4 in/km, hut fron nonforested watersWs it is 16.0 m/!,m. The vCneralizition of t~e .nter o;' fcrested vatershe~s for 4 years ar,,,7unt!- to 4' rm:,/Iliter; fr,.rr. ncnforested ,,;-Ltirs1-eds for ti-e sire len-tv, o~' tire it is m~--Aiter. (R. ~hCe r,1, ~ r 1, 1955) VORONKOV. P.P.; SCKOLOVA. 0.K. Hydrochemical characteristic of the coloring of surface water. Trudy GGI no,'37,-95-137 153. (KIRA 11:6) (water) (Color) ACC MR: 6 (,):i SOURCE CODE: UR/3186/66/000/137/0058/0124 AU'1'1101-',: Voronliov, P. P. (Professor; Doctor of geographical sciences); Sokolova, 0. K. ORG: none TITLE: Formation of the chemical composition of local run-off waters SOU13,CE: Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 137, 1966. Formirovaniye khimicheskogo sostava vod mestnogo stoka (Formation of the 0 chemical composition of local runoff), 58-124 TOPIC TAGS: water, chemical composition, surface '~~rater, underground water, organic chemical, soil chemical ABSTRACT: On the basis of hydrochemical observations made during expeditions repeated over a number of years, the conditions of organic substances dissolved in local run-off waters in Northern Xazakhstan and the Altay tableland is examined. The principal characteristics of the quantity and quality of these substances in waters of different origin are given: atmospheric waters, water discharged by rivulets along mountain slopes, and river water collected in small catchment iLC a.r d1/2 ACC NR: AT6035249 basins. The latter are examined as waters forming the composition of organic substances dissclved in the various thicknesses of soil material during discharge into river bed systems during the principal hydrological periods. The wealth of data accumulated makes it possible to include in the article some discussion pertaining to the origin and transformation of organic substances dissolved in natural waters. The text includes 7 maps of the ar(-,i. Orig. art. has: 15 figures and 19 tables. [GCI SUB CODE: 07, 08, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 008/ Cari 2/2 PICHUX, L.M., kandidat meditainakikh nauk; KOSKACHEVA, K.A. kandidat meditainskikh nauk Iffect of roentgen rays on tuberculin allergy in children. Prob., tub. no.~:28-32 S-0 654. (MLPA'7.-12) 1. 1z detskoy tuberkulemoy bol9nitoy XraBnogvardeyakogo rayona Koakvy (Glavnyy vrach Ye.S.Lebodeva) (RONTON RAYS, effects, on tuberculin allergy in child.) (MERCULIN, 9allergy in child., eff. of x-rays) SOKOLOVA, 0. M. Gh-nical Abst. 1. 48 No. 5 Vo Mur. 10, 1954 Organic Chemistry - - ----------- Anne. Swan W, an n 0111- was and. MeMST with C' -17 M with HAN, MeC1400 (cf. C.A. YkIded am Im o A7 017114) 1 For better dkkwy. a Memal = 'lied r(x was Used and tbt DaC b2 d was dild. with norud SaMs. 'I% bddM AcOH was bo.;: fated trestma of the wk. with A&W,, evapn. of tiot adds. of cmiew HwWw, and, stemn-distn. of liber- ' T ated he distillate was assitralized with NaOH. oned in secup to 6-10 ml., tmted with H190j, extd. with EtA the ext. covic treated iwkh HA% and a.1-fold excess .of HtOH, bested on a stmm bath, allowed to stand 3 days; wW O r lti kb ll d Rt0A dbtd d h d t d 1461 n esa n ova Cu-Cr astal e . an e c rogena e y y-st at 445 atm. and 350' over 29 brs. Tbi resofthig MeC'4 1j,0H was distd. in secus from the auto-A ellave Into a ckUbd trap; yield, 30-". Ib activity was estd. after coutbutin and conwei to BaWs. The level r of ISIWU obtedmA Is not gated. G. M. Komialpoff. ACCESSION NR: AP4027966 S/02o5/64/004/002/0197/0202 AUTHOR: Grayevskiy, E. Ya.; Zherebehenko, P. G.; Konstantinova, M. M.; Sokolova, 0. M,; Shevehonko, A. N, TITLE: Relation of radioprotective activity of indolylalkylamines to t-issuo hypoxia and the role of vascular changes in its development SOURCE; Radiobiologiya, v- 4, no. 2. 1964P-197-202 TOPIC TAGS: radioprotective action mechanism, indolylalkylamine --adioprotective action, tissue hypoxia, vessel spasm, tryptomine radioprotective preparation derivative,, If 4-,5-chlortryptamine, 4-,5-metoxytryptamine, serotonine, alpha-methyltryptamine, LSD, eystamine, oxygen intensity, cystamine radioprotective action ABSTRACT: Literature studies have established that indolylalkylamine radioprotective action is related to tissue hypoxia. This work investigates 'he mechanism of this action by determining 1) V ether ' U V 'i-11's he position of a substitute in a tryptamine molecule affects capacity to produce tissue hypoxia, 2) how the introduction o.' alph a-methyltrypt amino and LSD affectathe hypoxic* and vasoconstrictive Cordl/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4027966 action of the preparations, and 3) how the combined use of 5-Metoxytryptamine and cystamine affectsoxygen level and vessel reaction in tissues. The following preparations were administered - t intraperitoneally to experimental white mice: 4-chlortryptamine (60 mp,/Ic,,-,), 5-chlortry e (60 mrj1%)i 4-metoxytryptamine .ptamin (,~JO (60-m./kg),' wid serotonine (50 mg/kg) i hr' after administering alpha-mothyltryptamineo cystamine (150 m kg) combined with matoxytryptamine (50 and LSD (10 mk/kgY conbinod with serotonine. Oxygen intensity in the liver and spleen of the cmimalz iras measured by a polarographic method. Vessel tone was determined by the accumulation of neutral red in the organs 30 min after being introduced (65 mg/kg in a0.5 ral physiological solution). Findinas show that tryptamine derivatives with substitutes in the fifth position (5-metoxy-, 5-chlortryptamine) are highly effective radioprotectors because of their capacity to produce hypoxia in radiosensitive organs by vessel spasms Tryptamine derivatives with substitutes in the fourth position (4-;hlor-, 4-metoxytrypt-paminel do not produce hypoxia or vessel spasms and are ineffective radioprotee- Uors. Alpha-z-aethyltryptamine and LSD remove the radioprotective effect of indolylalkylamines, by preventing the development of vessel spasm. and subsequent tissue hypoxia. Cystamine enhances the Card 2/3