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SAOLOVIT V.S.; MEDVEDEV, P.F. New silage plants and the prospects of their introduction into agricultural practice. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.53; 95-99 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Dotanicheskiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova Akademli nauk SSSR. Sil,11,0111SKIII'l N.V. [Siiiollsld, N.V.1; SOKOU)V, V.S. [Sokolaii, V.S.I;GHURILoV, A.K. [Cliulylau, ~.K.] - Soecond seminar-conference on new enodlage plants. Vestsi AN BSSR Ser. biial. nav. no.3.-140-141 164. (MIRA 18tl) 7a- r. =-7 n;7 r a 2 1 n J u 'i-C IN r n on aot. zhur, 49 n0,9-`F2- RA 17 : 12 SSR BctanizhEskly "-nstitutu im, V.L. Komarova AN S' , Leningrad, .)n ar t~ LJ n, ob Bc,:- eskl-.v ln,5~it.llz eni V~L.~ Botanicheskiy SY,OL'-qKry N.Vl- SOKGLOVY lf.S.~ C"IFURKLOV, ;,..K. L ~ I Cecond Seminar-Con-farence on Ne.; Silage Plents. Fast. res. I no.1~154-157 1615 . (MIRA 18;6) j botanichesk3y sad AN FOSR, Minsk. 1. rientraliny- I 3C,KC;LuV, V.S. In the Botanical Institute of '-he Acader~*r of Sciences of the Armienian S.S.R. Bot. zhur. 90 no.4:595-598 Ap 165. (MIFU 18:5)' 1. Bota.-icheskiy institut. imeni Komarora All SSSR, Leningrad. WALANAS, G.M.; 107fro, P..A.; 1~jiASHG1DVKCjV, A.Ye.; SATSATIMOV4, 1.F.; 3M.,DINA, I.B.; SINITAIY, V.S.; [Introduction of medicinal, aromatic, and tecimical plants; results of the work of the introduction nursery of the Botanical Institute of the AcaderV of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. for 250 years] Introduktsiia lekarstvennykh, aro- maticheskikh i tekhnicheskikh rastenii; itogi rabot intro- duktsiormogo pitomnika, B111 AN SSSR za 250 let. Mloskva, Nauka, 1965. 424 p. (MIRA .18:9) 1. Akademiya nauk .1;SSF. Botanicheskiy institut. L C.T cu e Sa d- tion Po r an Ls. and a.-3iTat3c: P and i-Mj-rOVejjenL 0C tl!J W (111RA 18: 101' PaoL.res. 1 no-3*!,S3-,,-"'-'. 1'. .90tallic, eS 11;S-11, Lc~nin~;rad. 1-1 r--.y "listiLtut MURAVIYEV, I.A.; SOKOLOV, V.S. State and prospects of the study and utilizatron of licorica in the national economy of the U.S.S.R. Rast. re-q. 1 no.2M7- 185 (MIRA 18:11) 1. Pyatigorskiy farmatse-vItIcheakiy institut J' Botanichaskiy institut imun'- Komirova AN SSS112 Leningrad. L 2229o-66 E7dA(h'i/E-WP(k) /FWT(d) ACC W., ~P600-3b8 'AUTHOR: Karpin, Ye.B.(Candidate of technical sciences); KosVuk, A.G. nical sciences ri ruyev -, L. V4, (Candidate of tech ); Zuyeva, G.K. (-B~ngineer a i(Engineer); qqkolov,, V.S. kEngineer I - I ORG: MEI-KTZ f ~TITLE: Calculation of unsteady state temperature fields In plates and shells using a computer SOURCE: Teploenergetika, no.3, 1966, 53-57 ~TOPIC TAG-- temperature distribution, computer program, C-0-11W +,,, 0e4,,,, -Lro-v- JABSTRACT: The article proposes approximate methods for calculating un- I isteady state temperature fields,which greatly simplify tlid-cd culation Y, an Yrhich give results which are satisfactory in accuracy for practical ,purposes. The mathematical development of the method considers a shell ,of arbitrary chape and variable thickness, with respect to a curvilinear orthogonal coordinate system. The remainder of the arl1cle co32zlats of the working out of a detailed computer program for the giveu problem. The method and 'the program were used to investigate the effect of differs.", ent factors on the temperature field and the stresses in turbine vanes band disks. Calculated results are shown in a figure. The solution of S3(V.j.Z.C,qj. IAI_1.3S; 001. a Y L 222go-66 ACC NRr J 0 the above problem (for heating for a period of 300 seconds) required i about 0.75 hours of machine time. In addition, about 0.75 hours are ! spent In.preparing the perforated tape from the starting data. Solutions of an analogous problem by hand methods would take about 200 hours. Orig. art. has: 22 formulas and 6 figures. SUB CODE: 20,0q/SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 007/ OTH REP; 001 9(4) SOV/112-59-1-1525 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 1, p 213 (USSR) AUTHOR: Korolev, A. A., Volfson, N. M., Levina, A. S., and ~okoLoy , __V TITLE: Remodeling Gas Rotary-Hearth Furnaces for Annealling the Press Mounts of Receiving Tubes PERIODICAL: Radiotekhn. proiz-vo, 1957, Nr 10, p 55 ABSTRACT: A rotary-hearth furnace has been designed for high-quality annealling of tube mounts. The furnace has 90 cast-iron "Pockets;" 6 of them are heated by three pairs of opposing flat-flame burners, 72 pockets are in a tunnel (with- out heating), and 12 pockets are open on the top. The annealling time is 14 inin, and output temperature, 140-1500C. The process consists of holding the mount at the highest temperature, gradually reducing th-e temperature in the annealling zone, and cooling. One of the pockets is eqLipped with a thermo- couple that moves along with the mounts. To facilitate repairs, the tun-nel is detachable. 0. K. R. Card I I I SOKOLOV, V.S.; GUKHKAN, A.A., prof., red.; TZSJUINA, A., red.; KALHKp Z., (Non-stationary heat exchange in construction] Nestatsionarnyi teploobmea v stroitel'stva. Pod red. A.A.Gukhmana. Moskva, Izd-vo YTsSP6 Profizdat. 1953. 335 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Heat--Transmission) SOKOLOV) V.S-.-- Simulating pressure charging of a gas turbine with a variable pressure of exhaust gases. TRUDY TSNIDI no.39:416-65 160. (MIRA 15:8) (Gas turbines) ZAPIRUDITOVA, Varvara Favlovna; KRYLOV, Aloksandr Dinitriyevich; SOKOLOV, Vladimir Sergeyevich; DUVANKOV, G.S., redaktor; XL'KINA, R.M. , tokhnicheskiy radaktor. [Safety engineering in the textile industry] Tekhniks bezo- pasnosti na predpriiatiiakb tokatillnoi promyshlennosti. Moskva,Gos.n&ucbno-tekhuA%d-vo Ministerstva promyshl. tovarov shirokogo potreblenita SSSR, 1955. 269 p.(MLRA 9:1) (Textile industry--Safety measures) SOKOLOV, V.S., doktor biolog.nauk; WDVEDEV, P.F., kand~sellskokhoz.nauk Sominar-conference on new ensilage crops held in Leningrad. Vast. AN SSSR 33 no.0':121-122 Ja 163. (PaRA 16:7) (Ensilage) KANAVETS, P.I.; GESS, B.A.; SFORIUS, A.E.; CHERNYSHEV, A.M.; MELENTIYEV, P.N.; CHMIM, V.I.; KHROMYAK, R.P.; KHAYLOV, B.S.; BORISOV, Yu.I.; TSYLEV, L.M,j SOKOLOV,, V.S.; Prinimali uchastlyet MARKIN, A.A.; GORLOV, M.Ya.; VORONOV, Yu.G.; BULAKHOV, K.A.; KROffANSKIY, V.L.; ARSHINOV, G,.P,; MAZUN, A.1w; PISARNITSKIY, IA; BOKUCHAVA, O.A.; KIRILLOV, M.V.; TSELUYXO, P.I.; POLYAKOV, G.O.; REZKOV,, A.S.; ZHUCHKOVI M.I.; ROMASHRIN, A.S.; ZUBKOV, A.S.; K0ZL07, N.N. Pilot plant for the nodulizing of finely ground charge mix- tures by the method of chemical catalysis. Trudy IGI 22: 93-109 163. (MIRA 16:11) ACCESSIM NR: AR4015142 S/0124/63/000/012./VOW/VO81 SOURCE: RZh. MeWhanika, Abs. 12V&W AUTHOR: Sokolov, Y.S. TITLE. A study of thermal fatigue of EX-61Z steel in a single-axLs stressed state V"Y*P* 4VP 1963* 225-233 CITED SOURCE. Tr" Mosk. energ. in-ta, TOPIC TAGS. EI-6!2 steel, steel thermal fatigue, thermal fatigue,, stressed stat*,~ single axis stress Card TMNSLATION. The author studied the repeated plastic deformation of pipe samplese, To obtain comparable results, the average temperiture of-tho cycle was kept con- staat in the various tests. Experimental depencimcos were obtained for the nuaw bor of cycles up to the destruction point on the change in plastic defor=ati--n per cycle. as wall as the stress drop per cycle as a function of the number of cycles. It was found that considerable weakening occurs during therzal fatiguing of the materiale To-evaluate the resistance to the appearance of cracks in metal Card 1/2 ~,:OKGT Oil - , , , , , dckt;,--.- blol og. nauk,l NA D-Hii-I tl~ ,, 7,, 1,, k a rid ~-',- , - .71 --x I --k , w An econom,- c ally prorr-4 sIng plar, t~ - -or-f er en,-~ e ir, ~ VE;St~ APT '355P. 314 no,8,103-104 Ag 164. 1 ? - 'L 2~ ), YFGOROV, Ivan Timofeyevich; SOKOLOV, Vitaliy Timofeyevich; V91TKUNSKIY , Ya. I., kand. teklui. nauk, rotsenzent; SELYUZHONOK, Ye.F., kand. tekhr. nauk, retsonzent; RUSETSKIYJ, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; OSVENSKAYA, A.A., red. [Hydrodynamics of high-speed vessels] Gidrodinamika bystrokhodnykh sudov. Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1965. 383 P. (MIRA 18:6) GRMERG, V.Kh.,, kapitan 3-go ranga; SOKOLOV, V.T., kapitan-leyteriant Accuracy of ship sailing during mine sweeping operations. Wr. sbor. 48 no.1106-63 N 164. (VIRA 18il) L61861-765 Pd-l/N-4 AM5016673 BOOK EXPLOITATION UR/ ~629 124.8.-502: Ivan Tim lov, Vitaliv Timofqy%yL,qh Soko YEgorov, Hydrodynamics of high-speed vessels (Gidrodinamika bystrokhodnykh sudov) Leriingrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroyentya", 1965* 383 ps illual biblio. 2100 copies.printed. TOPIC TAGSt hydrofoil, equilibrium-flow,-unateady flow, lifting surface force, hydrofoil r2s'istance, hydrofoil lateral stabilfty$, air cushion vessel PURPOSE: This book is intended for use by scientific workers, design engineers, and those specializing in. sh -hyd,romechanLca, Lp -This eports 't e,'-resu ts.'- -Lea nvesti I id COYERAGE: book _-r iheoiit- g 'hyd o n c a ot-gliding vessels, ydr of the r dy atif" h ofoil vessetes and ACV1s. Hain attention hasleenIevot.ed to methods of calculating 1_ydr_;~_dynamic characteristics 'of -the lifting surfaces of these shil as well as methoasjor determining their seaworthiness@, d I 'Cor _____/3 Ln L 61861-65 .: AH50 16673 TABLE OF CONTENTSt Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Equilibrium hydrodynamic characteristics of a hydrof oil Bibliography -- 102 Ch. 11. Unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics of hydrofoils 04- of,an unsteady moving thin A. Some results of the theory . foil -- 104 --motion y-. B, Hydrodynamic forces on a hydrofoil in unstead 30 . , Bibliography 197 4 Ch,-III. Unsteady hydrody amii~-forcea u a be tveelv~',_ n , A' the lifting.surfaces,of ships--and the free; surface, lof water 19-9 a lih wa t r t 9 9 A. Hydrodynamic.4 rces during -t-v e &.0 _imp n swelling" 11. Gliding i Bibliography --i-248 _j:or4 ;U3 L o037-.)_C)7 _ACC NR: ju'6025407 ~;OURCE CODE: ITti/ol3g/66/oc)o/003/000'(t~W13, 'Auylioll: ZXXYCv' V. Ye.; Sokolov, V, V.; Tvorogov, S. D, 'ORG: Siberian Physicotechnical institute im. V. D. Kuznetsov (Sibirskiy fiziko- iteldinicheskiy institut) iTITLEE: Aerosolt'component of spectral transparency of atmospheric haze in the 0.5 14 Imicron wavelerLmth range V SOURCE: 1WZ. Fizika., no- 3, 1966, 7-13 TOPIC Tj%GS: ,acrosol, atmospheric transparencyp particle distribution, atmospheric optics, atmospheric water vapor ~ ABSTRACT: The author analyzes the behavior of the relative aerosol attenuation coef- ficient as a function of the wavelength, the meteorological diL.ance, the propagation distance of the radiation, the particle-dimension distribution function, and the ~minimum and maximum radii of the particles. Both horizontal and oblique propagation of radiation in haze are considered. The various factors entering in the expression for the attenuation coefficient are gathered from the literature and tables of the U I attenuation coefficient and of its spectral components are presented. The dw-.a ob- tained are sufficient to calculate the spectral transparency of the aerosol component of attenuation of radiation by atmospheric haze in the lower 5-km layer of the atmo- sphere for different relative placements of the receiver and of the source. Some practical plots of the spectral transparency variations are presented. Although the Card " L G?372-67 ACC NR: A~66234o calculations are made for homogeneous spherical droplets, the results are applicable to two-layer particles ot irregular shape. It is pointed out in the conclusion that a rigorous theoretical solution of the problem of attenuation of particles of ir- regular form cannot be obtained at present because of lack of data on the shape and chemical __ composition of particles of the atmospheric aerosol. Orig. art. has: 6 figures,__l5 formulas, and 2 tables. SUB CODE. 20, 04/ sum DATE: 15,Tul64/ ORIG PEF: 002/ OTH REF: 005 SOKOLOV2 V.V.3-_GRIBOVA9 I.A. Bone marrow hematopoieais under the chronic effect of small doses of ionizing radiations. Med.rad. 5 no.7:10-14 160. (MIRA 13:12) (0MATOPOIXTIC SYSTEM) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL MPMT) FATLYEVA, M.N.; KLIMOV, V.S.; PONIZOVSKAYA, A.I.; GORBARENKO, N.I.; SOKOLOV, V.V.; SMIRWOVAp M.I. Effect of GS137 on the human organism. Med.rad. 5 no.7:14-19 l6o. (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (CESIUM-ISOTOPES.) (MIRA 13:12) FATEYEVA, M.N.; PENIZOVSKAA, A.I.; SOKOLOV, V.V.-- GORBARENKOt N.I.; BENI80VA, Ye.A.; OSTAPKOVICH, Initial reactions of the hmman prganism to the action of ionizing radiations. Med. tad. 5 n9.80-4 160. (MIRA 13:12) (RADIATION-~-FHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) SOKOLOV) V~V. i?,estoration of hemopoiesis in rabbits under the influence of radiations. Med. rad. 6 no.2:27-32 'Ll. (MBA 14-3) (RADIATION SICKNESS) (HEMOPOIESIS) SOKOWV, V.V.; SOLOVIYEVA, V.A.; SIBOVA, I.A. (Mmk-va) Comparative characteristics of Weloid hemopolesis in the initial forms of the chronic action X-rays and benzene intwdcation. Mode rad. 7 no.7t92-93 Jl 162. (141RA 15:11) (MARRM) (BEBZMM--70XICOWGY) (Z RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL WMT) (HEMOPOIETIC SYSTME) 7 Y- 2 1" z ZO-63 ACCESSION NRi AP3003i 41 and also if all produced mesons" are registered# regact Oless, of', tboslr~ "In conclusion the author expregaes.his gratit6de to : V.- the problem and to S. A4 Khe eta and I. B. KhriRj!~~. discus on. Orig. art. has: I figure and,19 formal" ASSOCIATION: Inatitut.yadernoy fiziki Sibirsk6go otdeleniya Aksdemii nauk:. , .:,.. 'R encess SSE) (Institute of Nuclear ftsics, Siberian Department, Academy of ci SSSR) .00 SU34ITM: 17Jan63 DAM AM: 23JV163 ENCL 00 -NO FZF SM'. 005 MB CODE: )0 _7 Lpqrd 2/2 77 777 J7 ~i.-;RA 18:10) r-~ 7,f, ri -i lnc or n r, t "far! y Cj(. '-st roya SOKOLOV, V.V. Some problems in improvin.a effectiveneso in t1jr, live of electronic computers. Vych. i org.tekh. v stroi. i proekt. no.3:37-41 '64. ~ (IULLMA 18:10) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut tipovogo i eksperimentallnogo 0 .a I tekhnicheskikh issiedova-niy Gosstroya SS7R. proyektirovaniv L JAW665 DXAAPAJX )/AJF5r1fW-, 8) SDft) iW46420, ACW8810K 6/00se/6 tdO3/1003/ 4/047 . .. 4, '. AUTBORSt '18401,64, W_ V0. I&k plav. invar TITLEs Gauge Lance and photon mass SOURCEs Xhurnal skoperimentallnoy: L tearetichaskay fizLkL, v. 47, no. 3, 1964, 1003-1006 TOPIC TMGs vo,~ctor meson, photon, photon mass,.gauge invarigincee gRantum electrodynamics-nx T ABSTRAM This paper was stimulated by.the report of Ogievetskiy and.Polubarinov (ZhEW v. 410 247, 1961), in which the possibility was noted of a ga e ihvariant formulation of the the of 4L neu-~-_.. ory t tral vector meson f nonvanishing mass., Since this canto out an the theoretical justification for the vanishiitq..df the physLcaL is' of the photon, the author shows briefly.. -that. the i4quirement of does lead to the'vanishing of the polarizatk6n gauge invariance 1/2 ------- jil' T)l L U064-65 ACCESSION NRt AP4046420 01perator R (0) 0, and.ascertains under which conditions this re quires that the physical mansof the~photons must be equal to zero**,."., -Although this is a natural consequence the photon massjo-of-Puroxy-Aynimi-L L. 60941-65 EwT(.-L) ACCESSION NR: AP501432_1 UR/067/65/001/005/0908/01.1 _ AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, A. I.; Sokolov, V. V.;-- Khriplovich, I B TITLE: The Lehmann representation and the photon mass -A SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 1, no. 5 l965,.9o8-9ll ~44 T,OPIC TAGS: spectral representation, photon mass, meson mass,.bare- I Green's function, scalar meson, vector meson .Passjp ABSTRACT: It, i's shown, by making U86 of the analogy between pseudo- scalar meson theory and quantum electrodynamics, and particularly by N considering the difficulty arising in the latter in connection with the Landau pole, that If the bare mass of the meson is zero, then the-1 ' spectral representation can yield no information*on the photon mass. the most important result of this deduction is that the transverse 1 part of a vector field is uniquely determined only for nonvanishing p bare masses. 'The authors thank V 1. 0 iy 1y 'JE c' 9KI " e~vetski who called their a 7_a_erta_Tn quaWtum ttention to the essential role of a ce electrodynamic _C9rd. 1/2 ---- -- t.7 . ~i - -* 1, , - L , [" I -~ , f- '. - .. : 1 . !, . , : f I .: " : o' ~, .- ~ - ~ , , - . . I , f. : ~- - " ~.- L - - .-. 1 $. 1 .. I , ' I : , r ~' , , r. r rj:~ . e. - - " . j Z.- " . - I --- 1,y ral -, ,:- : : !i. F'- a' ;. r r--" - n I I r . --, I i ~, !i . .19~ 51 MISMOHEUKOY K.P,,.! W."NIK(Yfy I~L.; KLYUYEVA, M.L.!,: SOKOLQV., V~V.; POLYAKOV, Yu,,.A. Thermachemistry of carnallite debydraticn,~ Zhur,prik-I.Im-him. 18 no.9-,1939-1944 3 C69: (MIRt. 18-.1-1) -,0 L 18957-65 ACCESSION. NR: AP4041648 S/0146/64/007/003/003910044 AUTHOR: Sokolov, V. TITLE, D-c parameters of nonlinear resistors SOURCE- IVUZ. Priborostroyeniyeo.vw 7p no. 3, 1964, 39-44 TOPIC TAGS: resistor, nonlinear resistor, nonlinear resistor, parameters ABSTRACT: The parameters of simple, nonlinear resistors whos'e- VA charac- teristic traverses the origin of coordihates,_.-Le, --the no in terna emf source, are considered. Nonlinear resistors, including those possessing negative resi-stance (tunnel diodes)., have a continuous, single-valued VA charac- teristic. A special parameter, "resi,--tance response, is introduced for evaluating the- static resistance inertia: (Ra - p),(a - R I Card 1/2 L 18957-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4041648 where Ro is the static resistance, is the dynainic resistance., is the "argumental" resistance, and- r is the time constant. Another special parametex, "resistance trend, 11 is defined as: Y, these parameters are 4sed for setting up differential equations describing various circuits that contain LC, nonlinear, and linear resistances. Orig art. has: 2 figures'and 17 formulas. ASSOCIATION: L~mingradskiy institut tochnoy mekbaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics) SUBMITTE71): 25Jan63 ENCL: 00 S TJB CODB- ~C NO REF.SOV: 005 OTHER: 000 Card 212. 552 2 ~4, -4 Pa-4/pp-4/Fac-4 k5 7_ ACCESSI(3N NR: APS009815 UR/0106/65/000/06310023/0031 62L396.235s62L.391.17 AUTHOR: Sokolov, V. V..' Pelekhatyy, M. 1. TITLEt Effect o' -the noiv -fintnunity of coherent reception-in of noise c rrelation on -a 1-3 PM telegraphy SOURCE: ^Elektrosv-yaz', no. 3, 1965, 23-31:, ITOPIC TAGS: 'noise immunit PM telegrap!!j, radio telegrap~nr,-eoherent --receptio N in ng the noise ABSTRACT: The possibility is theoretically considered of creasi immunity of coherent receptione in phase -modulation telegraphy, by increasing the correlation of noise at the synchronous detector inputs; this is acbieved by equaliza1ion of the transmission factors of the received and reference signals; t 4- in this -case i-_-Formulas -correlation -factor -tendo -to- approach- are-deriv6d which~:- characterize the noise imrnunity of the, coherent method under various conditions; `-W! ,:.LCard 1/2 295- 1 -9 /0 3/106/6!/000/01!/001/006 A055/A127 AUTHORz Sokolg~~~ TITLE. peculiarities of the passage of phase-telegraphy signals through the nelective channel of a receiver, PERIODTCAL, r!,!-~~ktrosvyaz', no. 11, 1961, 3 - 12 1 TEXT In this article, dealing with the passage of phase-keyed signals r.1-roxigh th,~, selective channel of a receiver, the author examines the transients in t~ie g~nerai cas=, i.e., when the frequency of the incoming signal does not ~-Din--ide with -he mean frequency of the receiver passband. The selective channel aS supposed. to be an n-stage resonance amplifier with single tuned circuits (ano~!-7, circuits .). If -the phase jump in the input signal is A 0 = @'I - G1, the com- pound signal at the receiver output can be considered as the sum of the decay- -inw oscillations that arise when the input voltage with phase @,is switched off, an! of the growing oscillations that arise at the output when a volt-ge with the _zame amplitude and frequency, but with phase Ot, is applied to the input. The derives the gentirai formulae giving the growth and the droop of amplitude Ca r,,, 7 2 ),:-,) t'/' 3/1o6/6i/0oo/oii/oo1/oo6 I I,:rit I I it I I i(~ or f,he jja~,sajze of phase-telegraphy ... A055/AI27 t~j - 1, J V" d on or off'. 1.), - ;,hasin-~ I oulput wh,~n the Input signal 1,. swltch~ avp.,ifi.~a~.ion of th4~ n-stage amplifier is. n ~.n E)n W d + KC) is the cine-sLage amplifier amplitude characteristic, _jz, is the phase characteristic, K is the amplification factor with reso- 0 P. .2f,_- WO - W .1= the relative detuning, and d = I/Q is the circuit at- Osnovy teorii usilitel'nykh skhem (Fundamentals A, A.- Rizkin [Ref, 2: 14fier shows that the amp-- circuit theory) Izd, Sovetskoye Radio, 19581 arrip!.A'Iud,.~ in the amplifier described by Is (for KO = 1); 0, C n- I -/I+ An.71=j dt'. Ca, 1 2/7 29549 s/106/61/000/011/001/IjO6 of the passage of pha2e-felography A055/AI27 After :Lnt~-gration, and in the general i2ase, the -amplitude of the amplifier out- put vc:.tag~ (wilen a voltage with amplitude Um inp is applied to the input) can be expr~:_:~Z~j as follows, U Koa I + -)ct d [(I + L) OL t m inD d Tj (4,) -_ ~)I - e PM + ic),11 K.' -d' ,- A-0 A,- ~~:~_.-.illating volta-ges, taking into account that E 2Q/co, .nd d 2c(lLur, ~tu'nor ~,btains; n 11 U K_ d m inp 0 r+*) - . .- - t - nT - ~sin (cut - nY D (t) e sin fuj~ + T (OIJ (2) n- n n d2)n t k + d D W) n K' Mhen -- xrernal voltage is switz~hed eff, the decaying cs_~illations at the out- Ix C_~ra 3/7 2)~10 s/ic)6/6i/Ooo/o1I/00i/O06 of thr~ passage of phase-telegraphy.- A055/AI27 u I't.) m inp 0 D (t) e sin [wot - n f +~n(t)]` (3) n t + j~n n author examines now the transient proce!3s a- a 1800 phas~_-jump-. Decaying a-z- --ons U -(t) with Dhase 0,= 00 and growing oscillations u n2(t) with phase a~, ni. !8()' tak_- place in this case, Omitting the initial phase ny, assuming that W a h- wrl, t (:n (t ) as follOws ~ an 4 U n2 (t) = cn(t ) s i n Ecu t + 9 n C is t.he amolitude and n(t) the Dhase of the resulting oscillations. T'- a-uthcr ~,bt5inz finally the following formulae (where c7k'= rk F~2(t) n cnA/ 1 - 4 Dn(t) e cos (n t n t)] - 4 n* (9) 2 D s Ln (t) n n. C( /7 1 Dn (. t e s n (7. 29r~49 s/io6/61/ooo/oi1/oo1/oo6 Pez,uliarities of the passage of phase-telegraphy .,. A055/A127 In th(!se forraulaei 2 )mp2m n-i K D 4- n (:J'nt) K2m + W n _(2m) K LO 2m + 't)K 21, + 2 (Pn n K + 72 . ", _; (~ K. m 2m r' 1 t K (ctn0 2m + 1 K (2m + 1)! ~n (t) arctg n-1 I)m 2m (CL' t)K n n _2m ---(-2-MT7 4...W A M=O K=1 Card 5/7 29549 s/1o6/6i/0oo/0n/0o1/oo6 Peculiarities of the passage of phase-telegraphy ... A055/A127 Tlh~ then writes formulae (9) to (12) such as they are when: 1) the signal passes through the amplifier channel without detuning; 2) the signal passes through the. amplifier channel with a detuning corresponding to the amplifier pass- band itmit-, calculated at level 0.707 Cm, In both these cases the author consi- d,?rs separately the particular cases of one-stage, two-stage and three-tage am- plifiers, and draws the following conclusions; 1) When the signal passes through .~he zel~ctiva channel of a receiver, the sudden or jump-like nature of the phase variat.J.-~n is preserved only when there is no detuning. The signal amplitude at -!,he morlignt. of the phase change-over is equal to zero. 2) In the presence of a .,i-_tuning, th_= phase of the signal varies evenly; as the detuning increa-ses, the Fj-L~z_~ va.riaticn rate decreases. Th.~ "valleys" in the signal amplitude decrea-se alsr,: Oit great detunings, "overshoots" take place, exceeding the steady value. 3) An increaSe in the number of stages n, the passband remaining constantIcauses ,~;niy a v=-ry slight variation irl the features of the transients; the magnitude of 0-_ "vallevs" and "overshoots" does not vary. 4) Changing the sign of the de- !.unlng does not affect the variation features of the amplitude and phase of the _~ign:ti, while the Sign of phase change is inversed, There are 7 figures and 2 Ix c;~,(,~ 6 `7 C/1 2954Q V106/61/000/0n/boi/W6 Pecul,larities of the r)assage of phase-telegraphy - A055/AI27 Sov--1c-'.-b--,c- references SUBMITTED. November ~0, i9I--IO no-- Subs~-ript 'bX" i-s charig-ed itito subs~~riW~I'inp" in formulae an-! r.-xl-. 1, .A Cari 7/7 BAY-KER, V.N.; SOKOLOV, V.V. Presence of 77-6-mesons in electromagnetic i teor. fiz. 40 no.4:1233-1234 AP '61. (Meson,q) (Electromagnetic processes. theory) Zhur. eksp. (MIRA 14:7) SOKOLOV, V.V. Stability of the conditions of electric circuits with negative re- sistance element. Izvevysoucheb,zav.; prib. 6 no-3:63-67 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Lening.-L-adskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki. I-Rekomendovana kafedroy av-tomatiki i telemekhaniki. q~ (2) S/O-,6/60/005/0~2/001/045 AUTHORS; Korneyeva,, 1. B004/B016 Sokolov, V. V.. Novoselova, A. V. 1 41 TITLE- Pressure of Saturated Vapor of Solid Zinc- and Cadmium Selen'-da PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neor's-,anicheakoy khimii, 1960, Val ~', Nr 2, pp 241-245, J (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was the purpose of this paper to obtain data on the behavior of ZnSe and CdSe since they are not available in publications. These subsTances might ir. future play a part in th~- trans- forji,ation of nucle--r enerf-Y into elec-tric energy, as photo- multiplieis,etc. The authors des~rile the preparation of the selenides from Ts-0 zinc; (GOST.-3640-47), Kg-O cadmi-an (GOST- 1467-42), and selenium~ especially used for rectifiers (GOST- 6738-53) by fusing them together in quartz vials in a stoichio- metric ratio. Since the raolten components do not mix, and the sti.ongly exothermal reaction takes place only in the gaseous phase, and on the interface at temperatures near th~ nelting poin", explosions of 'he vials occur-red frequently so that was necessary to ope-rate witch small qua--.rit-.t-,'es. Tables 1 an Card 112 give the ar-aly5es of the resultant selenides. ZnSe was ob- Pressure of Saturated Vapor of Solid Zinc- and S/078/60/()05/02/001/045 Cadmium Selenide B004/BO16 tained only in the cubic modification of the sphalerJte ttyp'-, CdSe only -In the hexaGonal modification of the wurtzit'? type. L Analysis and radiograms confirmed that the sublimaticr. takes place without decomposition. The vapor pressure was determnined accordinc to the method described in ieference 8, and accord-'ng to Knudsen (Tables 4?5).. Table 3 gives the calibration cf the effusion chamber by means of KCI vapor. FiT.Ire I shows Lth-E~ line,~,,r dependence of log p on -1,103.. The following sublimation T heats were determined: 8H subl SnSe = 65,0 kcal/zol; AX subl CdSe ~ 50-11 kcal'/raol. The authors quote a paler by N. A. Goryunova (Ref 4), and express their gratitude to Yu. P. Simanov for advice in evaluating the radiograms. There are " figure; 5 tables, and 10 references., 6 of which are Sr~viet. ASSOCIATION; Dlookovskiy Cosudarstvennyy univeroitet im. M. V. L;,n (Moscow State University limeni M. V. Lomonc-3ov) SUB11ITTED: October 6, "!9~'S Card 2/2 MISHCHENKO, K.F.; SOKOLOVO V,V, ThermodynAmics and structure of nonaqueous solutions of electrolytes. Part 3: Co6parison of the structures of solutions of sodium perchlorat6 in acqtone and water. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.2:184-188 Mr-Ap 163. (K.MA 163 5) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheokiy inititut tsellyulozno-bumazhnoy promyshlennosti. (Sodium P'eraiforat;e) (Acetone) (Elect-olyte solutl6*4hermodynamic properties) SOKCLOV, V.V,,-. ZHILINA. L.P.~ MISHCMMKO, K~P. Thermodyna=.cs of the vaporization of acetone at various u J.emperatures. Zhur,, prikl. khim, 36 no.4z750-754 AD 163o (IMU 16:7) (Acetone) (E.raporation) MISHCH"INKO, K.P.; SAP1,0J, V.V. Thermodynamics and structure of nonaqueou2 electroly-te Solutions, .Y Part 5: Solutions of sodium iodide and perchlorate in acetone and water at various temperatures. Zhur. strukt. khim. 5 no.6:819-828 N-D 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheakiy institut tsellyulonow-biriozhnny promyshlennosti. S 106/63/000/004/005/008 'j / A055/A126 AUTHORSs --9QkQI2L -V-V:, Pelekhatyy, M.I*. !ITLE:, On transient processes in resonant-systems with phape keying t PFRIODICAL: Elektrosvyaz no. 4, 1963, 33~- 38 TEXT: Formulae are derived for the transient amplitude and phase at the output of Em n-stage resonant amplifier in the general case, i.e,, in the case of arbitrary phase jumps and in the presence of a detuning of the resonant sys- tem with respect to the incoming signal. The authors examine an n-stage ampli- fier with single-tuned anode circuits and with the amplification factor Kn 0 8)n ='kne-in(p , + KO d where K is the amplitude characteristic of a single-stage amplifi- 2 :7e + d2 er, Etrctg 6 is the phase characteristic, 6 -- 2 LQ is the relative detuning d Card 1/4 S/106/63/0()0/004/005/008 On transient processes in resonant systems .... A055/A126 and d is the attenuation of the circuit. The resultant sirnal at the amplifier output (when the input signal phase jump is A 0 = 02 - 01) is considered as the sum of the residual oscillations (after the switching out of the input volt- age with phase e1) and the rising oscillations (after the switching in of an input voltage with the sameamplitude and frequency, but with phase 02)- Omit- ting the initial phase ny and assuming that the detuning is positive, the am- plitude of the resultant.oscillations is C" (t) PAZ$- x 0/ 1124-d2) (3) 2 251 12t 0).+ 2 1+,ID.(i)e- sIn2- X I 4D, (1) e-*t sinT sin and the phase of the resultant oscillations is sin 02 - 2D,, W C-O Sin Cos 6401 2 +n W - 2 :0 arc ig (4) 81+62 cos 02 - 2 D., (1) e-' sin Le sin !21W 2 2 Card 2/4 S11061631000100410051008 on transient processes in resonant systems A055/A126 awhere Dr.L (t) and !(t) are coefficients determined earlier work (So n; kolov, FI.ektrosvyaz no. 11, 1-961) and depending on the number of stages, on ~,~he quali.ty of the circuits and on the detuning: (-eIr ir + + A V MY M--O J +1 2m+) K + [�.(2,n + I)[ A W=O 2M41 X2,n+l (2m + [)I KI --M=O N=1 SOKOLOV, V.V. Condition stability of electric circuits with active elements having two nonlinear resistances. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; prib. 6 no.5:27-33 163. (MIRA 16:21) 1. Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optikI. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtomatiki i telemekhaniki. SOKOLOV) V.V. Inspection of bridge piers. -Put' i put. khoz. 5 no. 1:23 Ja 161. (MDI.-*- 14:5) 1. Starshiy inzhener vodolaznoy stantsii Glavnogo upravleniya puti i sooruzheniy. (Railroad bridges-Foundations and piers) SOI-.OIk)V, V.V. First results of repair work on GT-12-3 gas turbines at the Shatskil "Podzpngaz" Plant. Podzem.gaz.ugl. no.2:66-69 '59. 1 (MIRA 12:9) 1. Glavpodzamgaz. (14oscow Basin--Goal gasification. Underground--Equipment and supplies) (Gas turbines--Maintenance and repair) V AUTJHORS: Sokolov, V. V., and Aliyev, D. A. TITLE: Brief Communications - about Furnaces (Korotkiye soobshcheniya) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, No. 1, p. 115 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Sokolov suggests that worn-out rods from small hiE~-temperature furnaces be reconditioned and used. Aliyev constructed and used new supports for work with a number of dividing hoppers and settling trays of furnaces. There are no tables, figures or references. ASSOCIATION- PRESENTED BY- SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Card 1/1 r.ei SOKOLOV, V. V., Gaptain-Engineer Gand. Tech. Sci. DisserUition: "Investigation of the Fluidity of Lubricant Oils at Low TeMDeratures." 31 Cct. 49 Militery Order of Lenin Academy of Armored and Mechanized troops of the Soviet Army imeni j'. V. Stalin SC) Mo-I)kva Sum 71 I T, - SIELUSHEV. V-H.; SOKOLOV, V.V- Effective type of eaterprise for the primary processing of wool. Tekst.prom. 16 no-7:10-11 J1- '56. MaA 9:8) (Woolen and worsted manufacture) IVj2x,'KL)V, Pavel Alekseyevich Ox i i V k 01~~h- .: ?C:I)CB.9DOV, N.S., redektor; bHAMARUVA, ~=akt!r 11~~ D r z a Stva; RUU"Civil, V.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [I;terral snow and its representation on topographical maus] Vechaye 3nega i ikh izobrashenie no topog-aficheskikh kartakh. Mos'e-va. Izd-vo geod@2. lit-ry, 1957. 61 Pa (ADIA 10: 10) (snow) Wartogm)kiy) ANUCHU1, Vaevolod Alak-eandrovich,_�QKOLQX,_T,)!~,. kand.filo5of.asuk,; YOIKOV, G.V., red.; BELICHENKO, R.K., mladshiy red.; GUYKH, D.A., LThaoretical problems in geographyj Teoreticheskie problemy geogrefii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo goo.-r.lit-ry, 1960. 264 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Geography) SOKOLOV, Vladimir Vladjmivo'viL~h; KAL1N'OV.'jKkYA,. 'YO, i1viliclul. red,~ LAGUTINA, Ya.V., red,; i'AMIN, 1,T,, [Mlutals and plastics khirurgii, Mloqkva, universitet kulltur ,y: (SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS in surgery] Metally i Izd-vo "Znani(-,," 1963. Fakulltet zdorqvlia, .1 i AND APPARATUS) plastmassy v 31 P. (Narodnyi no.9) (MIRA 16:12) CHUHROV, 14.V., VYATKIN, I.P.; SOKOLOV, V.V. Continuous horizontal cooting of, magnesima. TSvet. met. 36 no.1216O-64 D 163. 4 (KRA 1722) SOKOLOV, V.V. Clinical observations on the manifestations of the vibration disease in riveters and locksmiths working with leaA an6 z-inc dies. Trudy Vor. med. inst. 47:92-93 162 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Profpatologicheskoye otdeleni7e 3-y klinicheskoy bollnitsy g. Voronezha. I. SOKOLOV, V.V., sttirshiy nwvA!ny-,, ii'l. ~1.55, kv.6); OROV, Yu.11., fillatt'shiy nallclln.ry soixudillk .1 - - 1, Treatment of habitual F;Iloul er ;.-inlonatiori!i. Ortop. travm. i protez. 25 no.1:1.9-21 Ja 'b4. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz Gor,kovskago Institata travmfitologii i ortopedii (dir. - doLsent M.G.GrLgrorlyov). SOKOLOV, V.V.; ARIYEVICH, M.N. Changes in the blood under the effect of SHF on the organism. Trudy Inst. gig. truda i prof. AMII SSSR no.1:43-45 160. (HERA 16:12) SOKOLOV, V.V. Underwater repair of the facing 2eams of bridge footings. Put' I pul..khoz. 8 no.6t27-28 F64. (~C RA 1'7 z 9) SOKOLOV, V.V. (MOSIEva) Study of the problem of hewpolesis in occupational dissaues. Gig.truda i prof.azb. 3 no.6:29-33 N-D '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Institut giglyany truda i profzabolevaniy AMN SsSR (OCCUPATIONAL DI M SMS) (EINKOPOI]VIC STSMi -L 3197-66 EWT(m) :ACCESSION NR: AP5009205 S/024lA5;'010/003/0088/0089 :AUTHOR: Sokolovp, V, V.; Guslkovaj A. K. ! . '.TITLE: Blood System CbangqE I d S Ruo( lacet 2Z Cbronle host~o Los- !DQa ~,UofaA 1964 k V \1 p \- Ye. D ~ G.cV1Fbe:t&g, 071iiia 3, 1965, 88-89 Meditsinska7a radiologi-ya, v. 10p no TOPIC TAGS: ionizing radiations radiation effects blood, doses biological effects hematology ABSTRACT: The book is a generalization of literature experimental data on hematology of 7.ersons affected by chronic radiation sicknesss, blood system reactions at later dates of persons who survived acute. radiation siolmess in Japans and the authorts data on blood indices of roentgenologists and healthy persons. The author attempts to systematize the data on the basis of biological effect dependence on total radiation dose and radiation intensity. Evaluation of various groups of data and the conclusions as well as the effective use of tables to summarize data are outstanding features of the book. Its shortcomings include the absence of certain important literature .-L 3197-66'. ACCESSION NR: AP5009205 isources, inadequate explanations of contradictory data,, and the lack :of sufficient data on hematological investigation methods and indices, !Biologists and doctors engaged in radiation pathology should find the book of particular intereat. Orig. art. has: None, SSOCIATION: None, ,A SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS REP SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 A C C AT6033195 SOURCE, CODE: UR/322G/GG/0001024/0001/0008 AUTHOR: So,'jolov, V. V. ; Khriplovicil, I. B. ORG: none 71T LE: Com-,-nuzation relations for current density components SOURCE. ANT SSSR. Sibirsilloye otdeleniye. Institut yadernoy fizilci. Preprint, no. 24, 1566. Perestanovoclinyye sootnosheniya dlya komponent plotnosti toka, 1-3 TOPIC TAAGS: nucleon, current densiLy, nucleon current, meson theory, SOUdoscaar meson theory, pscudovectoral bonding, meson field, commutation relation ABSTRACT: The density of a nucleonic current, as determined within the frame- xvo;:iI, of the symmetrical p.- cudoscalar meson theory, characterized by pseudo- vccLoral bondinr, does not commutato with the canonic pulse of a meson field. Some aspects of this theory are discussed. Orig. art. has: 19 formulas. r [Authors' abstract] SUP, CODE: 20/ SUBIVI DA-LE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 005/ Cc. rd 1 /1 MASMHOV, D~i-! . L;'.: ' -- '.. -1.~OKC.'-9'I" I.T.YLa. ; i:- ... - i 7:- : - --- -. -- -, : - -. ~ -. -n-- ss-c sed-im-e-' i . . , - ~. I ga- - ;I-, a ~ - "ll ~ 11 ".. 1e 1. -'.. 2*' --~! ;~ ~ ~ . iz-. AN Turk.SS~!. Ser. . j .-;. -.: I ',: no-: 79-87 163. - I . :'. 1. - C:., (MILA 17: P) :."T%TFSF,TY, G.I.; SOKOLOV, %T.Ya,; SlErM:--SOV A.F.; VCLCVIK, V.-I I 7,ecent data on the tectcnics and -,~-e oil --d ~~as poten-'fal c--:' the fractured zones of southeastern Turimenistan. lleftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no,6:3-6 164. (MIPA 17:9) 1. TsKTF Upravleni-ya geologii i okhrary nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Turlmensko.v SSR i Trest ",TurlmenrefTerazvedka". -SO-KO-LOV, V.Ya. Bay-ran-Aii, a new 'gas f:- 'eld in easern Tarkmenia. Geol. nefti (MI, 4 15:12) 4 gaza 6 no.11.31-34 14 '620 L 1. Trest Turlmiennef-~erazve,:Lka. SOKOLOV. V-Ya. Using the natural potential for determining the point at which the drill pipe is frozen. Izv.vys.uchebezav.; neft , i gaz 1 no.1i:59-6o '58. (MIM 12:4) 1. Geologopoiskovaya kontora "Turkmennefti." (Oil well drilling) BARASH, B.I.; SOKOLOV, V.Ya. Geology and prospects for finding oil and gas in the Farab structure, Trudy YNIGNI no.35:105-113 161. (MIRA 16S7) (Chardzhou region-Petroleum geology) (Chardzhou region-Gas, Natural-Geology) BALASHOV, Ye.V.; BARASH, B.I.; GRACHEV, G.I.; SOKOLOV, V.Ya. Geology of the Farab anticline. Trudy VNIGNI no.30:88-96 161. (YdRA 14:9) (Farab region (Turkmenistan)--Petroleum ge:71ogy) BARASHY B.I.; GRACHEV, G.I. [decoaaed]; SOKOLOV, V.1a. Stratigraphic boundary between the Jurassic and Cretaceous in the middle Amu Darya. Trudy VNIG"I no.35:114-120 161. (MI*4U 16:7) (Amu Darya Valley-Geology, Stratigraphic) KLASSEN, Villi Ivanovich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; SOKOLOV, V.Ye., otv. red.; OKUNI, R.M., red. izd-va; DERGILEV--ATT-.Ya-.-,-- tekhn. red. (Flotation of coals] Flotatsiia uglei. Moskva, Gosgcrtekh- izd#-, 1963. 378 p. (Coal preparation) (MIRA 16:7) SOKOLOV , V.Ya. Core recovery from deep wells in prospectInIg for oil and gas. Gaz. pro:i.. 9 no.9-.7-12 26.~. (I-MILk 171.10) SOKOLGVJ, V,Ya.; PILIP, Ya.k.'~ Prospects for finding oil and gas in sediments overlying trIe salt bed in eastern Turkmenistan. Neftegaz. geol. i geofiz. no.11: 22-25 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Trest "T-urkmenneftegazrazvedkan. 1 . SOKOLOV, V. Y-.T-',. 2. USSR (600) 4. Mammals s- Kuril Islands 7. Mammals of Sh-panberg (Shikoten) Island (Kuril Islands). Biul MOIP Otd biol. No. 6 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ADril -1953, Uncl. SOKOLOV, V. E. "The Structure of Sea Mammal Integument." Cand Biol Sci, MOScOw Fur and Pelt Inst, Moscow, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 6, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55