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"MOLOV, V.A.; doktor kbim.nauk Third Symposium on Gas Chromatography. Vest.AN SSSR 30 no.12:80 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Gas cbromatography-Coz),-resses) SOKOLOV, Vasiliy Andreyevich; YIEFIM40U, T.D.,, ved. red.; YENISHERLOVA, ------- -vea-.r-eE-.,- TRDODOVA, I. G. , tekhn. red. [New methods for separating light hydrocarbons] Novye metody razdeleniia legkikh uglevodorodov. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 329 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Hydrocarbons) SOKOLOV, Vasiliy Andreyevich; YUROVSKIY, Yuriy M-Ahaylovich;KUZIMINA9 NON., I veduyushchiy red.; FWOTOVA, I.G., tekhn. red. [Theory and practice of mud logging) Teoriia i praktika gazovogo karotazha. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i goriio- toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 337 p. (MIRA 14:6) (Drillibg fluids-Analysis) (prospecting) YAM-EV, Boris Petrovich; -SQKQLGLV-,-I'-A.._,dOktor khim. nauk., red. SHOROKHOVA) L.I., ved. red.; 13ASIU.IAKOV., G.M., tekhn. red. Pr- (Direct geochemical mothods of oil and gas pro-o ecting; methodologycal instructions for sampling, senling, and degas.@ing of rocks]PrianTe geokhimicheskie metody poiskov nefti i gaza; metodicheskie ukaz-aniia po otboru. prob gor- nykh porod, ikh germetizatsii i degazatsii. Pod red. V.A. Sokolova. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 57 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Gases in rocks) - Andreyevich; GRIGORIYEV, Georgiy Georgiy-e*ich; DOGACHEVA, ved. red.; STAROSTINA, L.D., tekhn.ied. (Methods and results of gas geochemical prospecting for oil and gas]Metodika i resulltaty gazovykh geokhimicheskikh nefte- gazopoiskovykh rabot. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 402 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Oil fields) (Geochemical prospecting) SaMLOV, T..A.j_ T. P.j VASS07MCH, X- B-1 ANTOMV, P. L.; C211200YET, G. 0- &,A vozbw, V. P. "Migmt1cla pa smses of G" wist OLL, Q91r Intowity and Dimaticleallity.s Abstract. The article gives a description of the processes Gas anomalies observed on various levels of a section and of migration of oil and gas, their intensity and direction in surface layers above oil and gas pools lestify to The in various stages of the existence of sedj*menf6ry rocks. vertical migration of gases and to continuous processes of In the early stages of the formation of sedimentary rocks dissemination of oil and gas pools. the processes of migration cause a removal of excess gases Diffusion coefficients D, for various types of rocks' studied into aqueous medium and into the atmosphere as well vary between 10" - 10-9 cmllsec. In some cases one can as a primary accumulation of free gases in sediments and observe the dying of diffusion of the low values of D. their solutions in underground waters. At '*D' equal to 10-s - IV cmIlsoc. the dissemination of During oil and gas accumulation and the formation of gas pools by stationary diffusion alone is so great that their deposits the following processes play the main parti their preservation within geologic time can be explained transfer of oil in a dissolved stale both in compressed go by the unsteadiness of the process and by the phisnomeno ses and in the water, a removal of dissolved gas and oil of the dying out of the diffusion reducing gas losses as components from the water, condensation of liquid hydro. well as by the recent, in a geologic sense, forrnafion of carbons from gases at d6creosing temperature and pressu- these pools or by a continuous replacement of the gas to and then oil and gas buoyancy in porous -oaterbearing due to its inflow from deeper beds. beds and rock mass. Considering the problem of the time of the formation of The oil and gas pool formed undergo dissemination due gas accumulations cine, should take into account not only to The processes of filtration, diffusion as well as du to the go of a trals but also the amounts of possible gas the solution and removal of gas and oil by the water suit. rounding their pools. The processes of filtration are found to be most intensive during tectonic shifts and they can cause the clegatsing of a pool within a short period of lime. W"t QKWW alfurt ft r*pwt to be submItUd fOr Willis CM wi ' C=00W, , 19-26 jow 2,963 SOKOLOV, V. A. "Migration processes of hydrocarbons, their intensity and directivity" report to be submitted for the 6th World Petroleum Congress, Frankfurt am Main, W. Germany, 19-26 j-un 63. L 4740':-66 E WT (m ',,/E '7Pt/E T IIJP(c) ',VB/JD ACC NR. AR6025712 SOURCE CODE: UR/OO58/66/OOO/OO4/DC)62/D()6C' AUITHOR: Zhdanova, L. V. Sokolov, V. A. TIT18: Investigation of the electron-vibrational and line structure of the aluminum /oxidation spectrum SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4Vft REF SOURCE: Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, v. 138, 1965p 255-258 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum, spectral line, oxidation kinetics, flame spectroscopy, vibra- tion spectrum, electron spectrum, Boltzmann distribution ABSTTACT: To investigate the excitation of A10 molecules and the conditions under which equi4brium is obtained In the flame, a study was made of the oxidation spec- trum of Al'in the flame of aluminum powder burning in oxygen. It is established that the distribution of the A10 molecules, which are in the gaseous phase in the flame and produce in the 5400 - 44W A region bands of electron-vibrational structure against the continuous background, obeys the Boltzmann law with respect to the vibra, tional states. The relative intensities of the aluminum lines in a flame and in an are mre compared, and it is shown that the intensity distribution is the same. The relatively low temperature obtained from the vibrational structure of the A10 mole- cules is attributed to the fact that these molecules exist only in the colder zones.: of the flame. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 3/1 ha ,SOKOLOV, V.A.; @711DMAN, D.Ya. Parametron with ferromagnetic films. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiotekh. 7 no. 3:350-357 My--Je 164. (MA 17:9) SOKOLOV, V.A.; KOLLISNIKOVA, L.P. Separation of alcohols by gas-liquid chromatography. Nefte- .L khimiia 1 no-4:564-566 Jl_Ag 161. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. SELIYANOVA, G.N.; SOKOLOV, V.A. Separation of h7drocarbon gases by diffusion through porous materials. Neftekhimiia 2 no-3:398-404 My-Je 162. (KRA lr,:8) 1. Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbons) (Diffusion) SOKOLOV,V.A., prof., doktor khir.. nauk, otv. red.; VLASOIJ, L.G., red.; RYLTJJ@., YU.V., tek@n. red. [Separation and analysis of hydrocarbon gases) Razdelenie i analiz uglevodorodrrjkh gazov; sbornik staluei. Moskva Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 231 p. (MIRA 16:12@ 1. Akadeniya nauk SSSR@ Institut neftekhimicheskogo sinteza. (Hydro6ar-Dons) (Gases--Analysis) ..- f, , _-, @ @@ V -. t . SOKOLOV; V.A. - @ .. i-i 3J , ) J. ". ; - . Findi-rig the mc-3-., --al way to @- f ields j @-S COnUll.3atue with a Yi-z;h condan3a7@-a conzant. Gaz. delc :-.o-1-9:43-46 163 i,,a-P.A 17:10) y iiaichnc-issl9dovatel'i'.ir instit-ut rirodnw,,o gaza. 1. Vseso@ya7m@r - F SOKOLOV, Vasiliy Andreyevich [Processes of the fomation and migration of o4-L and gas] Protsessy obrazovaniia i migratsii nefti i gaza. Jjoskvaj Nedra, 1965. 275 P. (MIRA 18:4) IYUMBO, A.V., inzh.; PRITYKIN, D.P., inzh.; SOKOLOV, V.B., inzh. Testing of a redesigned D-3500-13 sintering furnace exhauster. Stall 22 no.2:110 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Zaporozhskiy sovnarkhoz, zavod "Zaporozhstal@p i TSentroenergochermet. % (Sintering-Equipment and supplies) SOKOL40V y V.B.g arkhitektor; KUCHINSKAYA, I.A., inzh. Using lightweight stu-mo-turea for chemical plants. Prom. stroi. 41 no.7222-24 JI 164, (MIRA -17:8) i. T-Sentrallnyy Dnuchno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-oksperi- mentallr,7y institut promyshlennykh zdaniy i sooruzheniy. SOXOLOV, V.B. Nerves of the denticulate ligaments of the spinal cord. Doklad@r Akad. nauk SSSR 77 no.4:745-748 AP-r 1951. (GILL 20:7) 1. Molotov State Medical Institute. 2. Presented by Academician A.D. Speranskiy 27 January 1951. USSR/1-fedicine Histology Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 37A5 Authors Sokolov, V. B. Title Lymphatic capillaries of denticulatum ligamentum of a human spinal cord Periodical : Dok. AN SSSR 99A, 629-631, Doe 1, 1954 Abstract : Histological and physiological data regarding the lymphatic capillaries supplying the ligamentum, denticulatum of a human spinal cord are presented. Six USSR references: (1927-1952). Illustrations. Institution : The I. V. Stalin Second State Medical Institute, Moscow Presented, by: Academician A. I. Abrikosov, September 16, 1954 SOKOIWV, V.B. Receptors of the ligamentux denticulatum In a=. Blul.eksp.btol. I mod. 39 no.2:69-73 F 055. (MLRA 8:5) 1. Iz kafedry normallnoy anatomit (zav. doystvitellmTy chlen AM9 SSSR V.N.Ternovokly) 11 Mookovskogo zeditsinskago instituta imeni I.V.Stalina. (SPINAL CORD, ligamentum denticulatum, neural receptors in man) SOKOLOV, V.B. (lAoskva, D-57, Leningradskiy pr., 75-a, kv.33) Problems in eloctron microscopy tit the Suventh International Congress of Ahatomists. Arkh. mat. gist. i embr. 40 no.5: 1LI-117 Mr 161. (Mk 15:4) 1. Kafedra normaltnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.V.Kupriranov) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institut-a imeni I.I.I.Firogova. (ANATOMY-GONGBESSES) (ELECTRON MICROSCOPE) SOKOLOV, V.B. (Moskva, D-57, LenIngradskiy prospekt, ?#a, kv.33) ------ --__ Functional significance of nerves of the dentatee ligaments of 0 the spinal cord. Arkh. anat., gist. i embr. 43 no.8:35-4-9 kg 262. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. V.V. Kupriyanov) 2-go Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogova. I,IIMVMEV, V.A..-, YUNGMAN, V.S.; VOROBIYEVr A@F.; GURVICH, L.V.; i3&q(R,Ui1, G,A.7 REZHTSKIY, L.A.; KOLESOV, V.P.; GAL'CHENKO, G.L.,., KPOIDE'YEV, Yu.S.,- KHACHKURUZOV, G.A.; .SQ40LOV,, V.B.; GOROKHOV, L,N,,; MONAYENKOVA, A.S.3 KOVIAROVA, A.F.; VEYTS,. i.V.; YURKOV, G.N.; MALENKOV, G.G.; S-IIRNOVA, 11,L.7, GLUSHKO, V.P., akademik, otv. red.; KIKHAYLOV, V.V., red.,- KARAPETIYANTS, M.Kh., red. (Thermal constants )f substances-. reference book in ten numbers] Termictheskie konstanty veshchestva; spravochn:PA v desiati vypuskakh. Moskva, No.!. 1965. 1" p. (MIRA 18:7) 2. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy insti-W-11 nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy informatsii. I @T 7@ ,-- 1, 1 . ;-. V. ID. 30',"OLOV vill defend his thesis on "High-frequency Telepletric Channels on Y 19.53 f or a degree of candidate Wires 3f Elcctric Tranmission Lines" on 2 Jul of tec'n-ni-cal sciences; at the instit-ute of Au+.r-pt---ics and Telem-echanics, USS7 Acad. :)f Sci. Vechernyaya Moskva, @To. 14-6, 23 June 19153, p. 4 SOKOLOV, V. B. "The Transmission of Signals of Remote Control Through High-Frequency Channels in Power Systems" from the book Remote Control of Power Systems published by the AS USSR, 19,54. BARKOV, V.Ye.; BYKHOVSKIY, Ya.l.; GRZHIBOVSKIY, V.V.; PAVLYCHET, L.Ye.; RABOTNOVA, K.I.;_SOKCLOT V.B., SOLOVIYEV, P.N.; KHMSONSKIY, D.S.; ZV3IiIGCR0DSKIY, I.S., red.; SHMIYEV, T.I., red.; BORUNOT, N.I., [Savety rules in the construction and use of cormunication structures and equipment] Pravilm tekhniki bezopasnosti pri ekepluetataii i stroitel'stve sooruzhenii i ustroistv aviazi. Moskva, Goo.energ. izd-vo, 1959. 103 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) HinisterBtvo stroitel'stva elektro- atantsiy. Tekhnicheskoye upravleniye. 2. Tekhupravleniye K:k- nisterstva elektrostantsly (RES) (for Berkov). 3. Vsasoyuznyv nauchno-issledovatel'Bldy inatitut energetiki (VNIIN) (for Bvkhovskiy. Favlychev, Sokolov). 4. Gosudarstvennyy trest po orgenizatsii i ratsio- nalizatsii elektrnqtantBiy (CROSS) (for Grzhibovskly)..5. Leningrad- skoye rayonnoye.upravleniye energokh02yAyGtV& (Lonenergo) (for Rabot- nova). 6. Moskovskoyo rayonnoye upravleniye energokhozyaystva (for Solov'yev, Khernonakiy). (Electric engineering--Safety measures) (First aid in illness and injury) BYKHOVSKIY. Ta.L., kand. tekhn, nauk; RATI@MS, R.L., inzh.; SOKOIA)V, V.B., inzh. Selection of telemetering equipment. Illek at&, 30 no.2:76-77 7 159. (MIRk 12:3) (Telemetering--Zquipmeat and supplies) - SCtKOWV, V.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOV, V.N., inzb.; KULIKOV, V.V., inxb. Protective shielding of lines carrying weak currents from dangerous effects of 110 kilovolt lines. Felek.sta. 31 no.4:92-93 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Eleckric lines) (Shielding Plectricity)) 4. ?Sao (10,3j //,Yz) S/10' 10 12/CO2'.()" 41015 39 130 0 1-9 AUTHOR,3: Bykhovskiy, Ya. L., lzrailev, R. -A., 1,1il-utskiy, G. V., .51-ital'tsev, V. &., Sokolov, V. B. (Moscai) rITM: @@cw studies on high-frequency channels in telemechanics i-@@510DICJIL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, Vol. 22, no. 2, 1961, 263-2-(0 TEYT: report is made here on studies conducted at the TIME an high- C, @reqtien c--=els in t@@iemechanics. The first part describes -an acoustic - 1! device of the tyFe This apparatus m:@Ices use of semiconductors and is intended for the multiplexing of conductor circuits 6f high-frequency c,-nneis of vnu-ious transmission systems. The rei-@'U-ion fn 450+180(n-1) (n = 1,...,16) holds for the 16 transmission frequencies. norrm-band frc!auency modullation '-ias been made use of to obtain a good noise-=.cof fc--@.ture. I-lie tyt--e described here differs from its predecessor by the use of semiconductors and in that emitter and receiver each have their o@m current feed. Figs. I and 2 shui circuit diagrams of emitte.- and receiver. 'Llir! second -,-,i-t of the present paper is devoted to high-frequency tele- Card 1/12 c 9 !,3 3 3111.0,) /6110 -21002/014/015 New studies on high-frequency B019/B060 phone sy--tems. Phe high-frequency systems for telephone and telemechanical cornminications are made of new elements and intended for information transmission over hiah- or niedium voltage lin3s. They are also suited for rela.1, nrotection and automation systems. The units are made of semi- conductors and miniature resistors, capacitors, and inductors, and require thE: use of out7)ut i)(ver tubes. The third part of the paper deals with reriotle switch systems. The nurcose of such remote switch systems in power tr,insmission systems is firsi ex"plained, and it is stated that the transmission lines themselves can in most cases be used for the transmis- sion of the switching signal. A two-frequency sig-nal, a control frequen- cy, and a signal frecuency are regarded as the best suited. A diagram of th,a system concerned is discussed and shawn to feature a filter for the su:)pr,:?ssion of noises having the frequency of the remote switch system.. .4 -,)ower @enerating and transmission systerr is most conveniently control-led by conturol2ing the Dhase in a central point of the whole system. The part of the paper is devoted to the discussion of channels for the transmission of "he phase relation,within such a syster., to the control unit. 'I"he system. discussed is operated with a seonrate high-frequency channel over the @renSMj33--lon lines. The emitter consists of a crrs',al- controlled Lor, a two-staRe amplifier, a nc7,zer arr@nlifi@_r, a_n, an out-.-ut filter. Card 2/ DEMUN, V.B.,, Inzh.; MUSNOV, F.S.p Inzh.; PC)BFALI'-ZHSKAYA, R.D., inzli.; $GKOL"OV, V.B., kand. teldm. nauk Nev THrP apparatus for remote control system- chan- Is. Elek. stA* 34 no.5,.69-72 My 163. OERL 16:7) (Remote control) SOKOLOV, V.B., kand. tekhn. nauk Line-service communication equipMant Using the wims of high-voltage power transmission lines. Trudy VNIIE no.12:38@-46 161. (WRA 18W 1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut elektroenergetiki. SOKOLOV, V.D.; SHAFER, Yu.G. Effect of seasons on the Intensity of the hard component of cosoic rays. Trudy lAk.fil. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. no.1:5-10 '55. (MLRA 9:10) (Cosmic rays) SGKOLOV, V.X Temperature corrections for measuring the intensity, of cosmic- ray hard components; these corrections are based on teoperatures of the atmosphere cross section up to an altitude of 5-6 km. Trudy IFAN SSSR Ser. fiz. so 2:78-80 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Cosmic rays) (A;mospheric temperature) 83805 C, ? 7 S/035/59/000/003/018/039 Igo el 16'1@ AOO1/AOO1 I Translation from-, Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1959, No, 3, P. 49, it 1991 AUTHOR- Sokolov, V. D. TITLE? On the Nature of 27-day Variations of Cosmic Ray Intensity PERIODICAL. Tr. Yakutskogo fil. AN SSSR,- 1958, No. 2, pp. 123-1.28 TEXT-, 27-day variations of cosmic rays are investigated on the basis of measurement results at Yakutsk performed with C-2 (S-2) and kk-i (ASK-1) ionization chambers during April 1951 - June 1952 and :in 1954-1955. In distinc- tion from the previous investigations of 27-day variations, in the present study were calculated temperature correotions according to the scheme of Feinberg-* Dorman on the basis of data of twofold atmosphere probing over Yakutsk up to a level having 200-mm pressure. It is shown that the introduction of temperature corrections, generally speaking, decreases the 27-day wave, and during the years of solar activity minimum, 1954-1955, the 27-day variation observed was almost entirely caused by the temperature effect. There are 18 references. LJ.Dorman Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract, Card 1/1 (3 9ooo SOVA609-4-.4061 @ranslation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 4, p 126 (USSR) AU-THORS, Sokolov. V-D. S rIDIn. CU. TITLE, In the Yakut Laboratory of Cosmic Radiation PERIODICAL- Mezhdunar. geofiz. god. Inform. byul., 1958, Nr 5, pp 40 - 42 ABSTRACT: The collaboration of the Yakutskiy filial AN SSSR (ykkut Branch of the AS USSR) in the investigation of cosmic ravggMn accordance with the IGY program is described, The sta-ui=5 of the world- wide network were supplied with standard equipment of two types in accordance with recommendations of the Central Committee for t@e IGY: a teleicope counter of charged particles and a neutron monitor. The observation of the cosmic radiation in the stratosphere permits the investigation of the stratosphere variations of cosmic rays, their variation with the altitude of the atmosphere, the connection between the variations in the stratosphere and the variations at great altitudes, and the obtaining of information on the transformation mechanism of Card 1/ 2 primary particles in proportion to their penetration into the 41" ft404 In the Yakut Laboratory of Cosmic Radiation SOV/169-59-4-4061 atmosphere. The equipment for stratosphere investigations comprises a telescope counter for measuring the intensity of the cosmic rays and a set for measuring the temperature and the pressure in the flight altitude. The equipment is carried to the stratosphere by sounding balloons, For in- vestigating the intensity variations of cosmic rays beneath the earthts surface, a counter equipment of crossed telescopes has been developed, Con- sisting of a device placed on the earth's surface and d(ivices placed below the earth's surface in depths of 7, 20, and 60 m of water equivalent. The main purpose of this work is the investigation of the energy spectrum varia:tion of the primary particles on the basis of the observations at various levels below the earth's surface, and the study of the alteration of the intensity variations of the /A--meson component in dependence on the thickness variation of the absorber, The time frequency variations of extensive atmospheric showers of cosmic pys were also investigated in the range of the ultra-high energies (1013 - 101 ev), which has been studied relatively little. Bv means of a standard neutron -monitor placed on the earth9s surface, the intensity of the neutron component of the cosmic rays is recorded, which it most sensitive to variations in the low energy range of the primary spectrum. Card 2/2 LN. Teren-ttyeva VK .3, / 0 3@9669 3, 1 go 0 16@/61/000/005/032/049 A005/A13Q 01 AUTHORS: Kuzlmin, A.I., Sokolov, V.D., Shafer, G.V. TITLEs On the 27-day variations of cosmic ray intensity PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 5, 1961, 13, abstract 5 G 102. (Tr. Yakutskogo fil. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz., 1960, no.3, 111-115) TEXT: The authors studied the nature of the 27-day variations of cosmic ray intensity on the basis of data from recordings at Yakutsk in 1957-1958, Using the epoch superposition method, they determined the amplitudes of the 27-day variations in intensity of the neutron component at the earth's surface and the hard component at depths of 0-7p 20 and 60 m of w..e.. They show that the results obtained do not agree with the as- sumption that 27-day variations are meteorological in nature. In view of the fact that the minima of the 27-day variations coincide with effective magnetic storms and that the ratios of the amplitudes of the 27-day varia- tions of the-different components are close to the ratios of the amplitudes Card 1/2 29669 S/169/61/000/005/032/049 On the 27-day variations of cosmic ray intensity A605A130 of the Forbush effect of these componentai the aathors assume that these two types of variation are of common nature. They 3alculated the spectrum of the primary variations of intensity that satisfies the experimental results. In high energy regions the spectrum has the form: &D a (0- 5 # 0. 7) D N.K. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 S/058/62/000/006/018/136 A061/A101 AUTHORS Kuz' min, A. I., Ye-f Krasil'nikov, D. D., Skripin, G. V., Sokolov, V. D., afer, G. V., Shafer, Yu, G. TITLE, A study of the variations with -time of --lifferent cosmic ray compo- nents by one-point observations PFFIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 11.)62, 53, abstract 6B371 (In collection: "Kosmicheskiye luchi", no. 3, Moscow.. AN SSSR, 1961, 64 - 79, English summary) T- A recording apparatus of the Yakutsk cosmic radiation post is de- V/11 @@cribed, and the principal results of a study on variations of intei@sity are pre@@ented. The following instruments are laid out on the surface of the Earth: a neutron monitor, two shielded ionization chambers, and counter telescopes recc,rding vertical and oblique cosmic ray components. In addition, counter t-lescopes placed at depths of 7.20 arid 60 m water equivalent record the muonic co.m!Donent in the energy range of 2 - 109 1011 ev, while the continuous frequene 13 101L rec.)rding on latitudinal atmospheric showevs yields information on 5- 10 Card 112 stidy of the ... S/058/62/000/006/0!8/136 A061/A101 Tho values of the barometric coef h of diffgrent components dr- OOL@,,Aed, as well as -the prinlApal ot av IniinstAgation of 27-day and day variations of intensity. PhenDm,@Ina obstr%.,-.@! Iur@,ng magnetic storms arr@:,'Zi d@-srribed. The interrelation factors ut--f.wa-en variations of intensity --r and :3econdary cosmic ray COITIDone-n4- up t-o @rergiew-@ c,f - 700 Bev -1 &t -:-P 11 wJ .'Frtes@! faet,,rs are utilized 'Lor the analy,-Is of :,ome types of varia- of inten5lty, IN. Kaminer CAc@-+ra@A-@rls note: Complete translation L 3728,; 2,0 e B/169/62/000/004/068/103 _0 D218/D302 Shafer, Yu.G., and Sokolov, V.D. TITLE: Some results of stratospheric studies of the intensity of cosmic rays at Yakutsk PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 4, 1962, 13, ab- stract 4G67 (V sb. Xosmicheskiye luchi, no. 3, M., AN SSSR, 1961, 143-148) TEXT: A report is given of the results of measuring cosmic-ray in- Uensity in the stratosphere above Yakutsk in 1958 - 1959. The ra- di@Ltion was recorded with the aid of a double-coincidence counter telescope. During one of the flights of the sounding balloon,,-the stc..tistical accuracy of the measurements at the maximum of Ithe alti- tude curve was at least 2 %. In many cases a major reduction in the intensity was recorded in the intensity while the Forbush effect was taking place at the earth's surface. Over 20 daytime and night fliehts were made in 1958 in order to determine the diurnal cosmic- ray effect in the stratosphere. On the average the intensity at night is higher than in daytime by approximateiy 1 0,fo at the 500 mb Card 1/2 1001/ 0()0 /004 Oil se 010'4 OV.OjO tC 'a 0%4 0 of 0.09 tv, f e. .1e 0 ,;c SeO ae Its In C) @.@ec Xt if r, %4 1-ti CN-t C e s 1. e?l a OVA of e k5 lix t-kie- CA3 tS e @, 5 e OVV ec ex C f Of NN .0 C, C, 6 -%4kN Ce 0 to 7,E% C-C S 05 11 CV e* OVV tbe-,r com te to rNN Of all 9 , 11,Y, a c 0 0 c Nil c1l, tb "'t t the k4 0 fW'r ef te 115 't I, d to Of .0 ev, x . ,I- t C-N ce t%le 3. CX c 3- tec Pr 5 .1, C, . , C'- 0 f t 00; rker, ob e S t -3, C"kly, . (N ef t, no oll 0'r, a C,.k 'r C Y% 2% e 0 If% 0 C. c "!, ( - t%4f e G ,-% e ex tjN C c .7. 5 ,L0- tv, C - OTO- t e. C of ..%,ef 0 to , @; . -,_0 3- oe r_ e N"e f ec roll ft 4LE01 Vne c Olt j-j Of AA. 6 3-1e e OL 0, tof c?, - te er, :3, 0 ty, e tea 3j 1 "it 12, 'a c C, to e ell, a Omv 0,1 ;S c el:l - C5 Oa C@c tf el, ele C),Le 0 ?Lc s/845/62/000/004/001/013 Mea.@urement of ... E192/R182 instilated and volta@,Ps of opposite signs are applied to them. A certain charge proaiicea by the nputron-ionizing current is stored on the collecting electrode of the chambers during- a unit time A t; the magnitude of this charge is proportional to the intensity of the neutrons and the charge on be measured by the method described by N.L. Grigorov (TJFN, 8. no. 4. 1956). In this method the charge on tl,e collector electrode is-converted into a voltige pillse of definite magnitude. The pulses so obtained are applied to the input or acnthode-follower tube-, the pulse is negative and if@ of about 850 us duration. This pulse is applied to an amplifier and then to a nonlinear amplifying stage, where it is lenrthened to about 4o msec but where its amplitude is still proportional to that of the input pulse, It is then fed to a switching audio circuit. whose output signal is in the form of an audio i-11se of 3 kc/s; the duration of this audio pulse is proportions]. to the chargestored on the collector electrodes of the chambers. The audio pulse is applied to a counter which records the number of cycles. The circuit for measuring the charge is based on directly-heated tubes. The equipment was used between August 24 - 29. 1959, in flying Card 2/3 L; @@ 2 5' 9 S/845/62/000/004/002/013 E192/E382 AUTHORS: �.pkolov, V.D. and Kapustin, I.N. TITLL: Counter equipment for investigating the neutron component of cosmic rays in thelatmosphere SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya fizichoskaya. no. 4. 1962. Variatsii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchey, 10 - 12 TPXT: The equipment is intended for measuring the density of the slow neutrons of cosmic rays at high altitudes (for instance, in artificial satellites). The neutron-detector is in the form of a proportional counter, type CHM-5 (gnl-5), filled with gaseous BP- The amplitude of the ionization pulse in such a counter is muL higher than that produced 'Y16 elativis@!c particles; the pulse is due to the reaction of B (n, a)Li 18s a result of the capture of a slow neutron by the nucleus of B . The concept adopted by W.P. Staker (Phys-Rev., 80, 52, 1950) and W.O.Davis .Phys.Rev. I 1 2 80, 150, 1950) was utilized to eliminate the pulses due to other effects. Thus, a second channel with its own detector wasiprovided. One of the channels utilized a counter Card 1/2 176i s/845/62/OOO/Oo4/oo4/ol3 E032/E314 AUTHORS: Shafer, Yu.G. and,Sokolov, V.D. TITLE: Seasonal effect in the cosmic-ray intensity deduced from measurements in the stratosphere SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya fizicheskaya. no. k. 1962. Variatsi! intensivnosti kosmicheskilch luchey, 119 - 50 T The cosmic-ray intensity was measured by the counter telescope described previously (V.A. Belomestnylch, Yu.G. Shafer, Tr.YaFAN SSSR, ser. fizich., no. 2, 47, 1958). The figure shows the results of an analysis of the 1958 daia in the form of mean monthly variations at different pressure levels. As can be seen, the amplitude of the seasonal variation reaches 8% at the 300.mb level and decreases with altitude, reaching approximately 61,16' at the 60 mb level. This indicates a considerable contribution due to Low- energy ji.-mesons and shower proc ess es due to changes in 'the atmospheric density. Both effects act in the same direction. In summer, the probability of decay of low- energy it-mesons Is increased owing to the increase in the geometrical height of the Card 1/2 S/845/62/000/004/oo4/ol3 Seasonal effect in .... F,032/E314 atmosphere and this process removes both the ii-mesons themselves and their decay products (low-energy electrons) which were not recorded by the device. At the same time, the density of shower particles is reduced owing to the reduction in the atmospheric dens,ity and hence the probability of spurious coincidences in the telescope is also reduced. The opposite picture is obs *erved in wint or. If this interpretation is correct, it is to be expected that the seasonal effect will not be observed with a single counter or will be small owing to a considerable general radiation back- ground in the atmosphere. This is a preliminary report; data for 1959-1960 are being analyzed. There are 2 figures. Card 2/2 1122 7o s/845/62/ooo/oo4/013/013 e o E032/E314 AUTHORS: Shafer, Yu.G. and Sokolov, V.D. TITLE: The effect of magnetic storms on the intensity of cosmic rays as deduced from measurements in the stratosphere SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR.. Yakutskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya fizicheskaya. no. 4. 1962. Variataii intens*lvnosti kosmicheskikh luchey, 139 -*141 TEXT: The results of a preliminary analysis of experimental data obtained during intense and very intense magnetic storms are reported. The cosmic-ray intensity was measured with the aid of the counter-telescope d@3scribed previously (Belomestnykh and Shafer, Tr. YaFAN SSSR, ser. fizich., no. 2, 4@7, 1958). The intensity was, in fact, measured in 1959 at the 100 mb level. In order to compare the effect of a magnetic storm in the stratosphere with its effects 'at sea-level, use was made of data obtained with a neutron monitor, corrected for barometric pressure, and the intensity of the hard component of cosmic rays corrected for bursts and barometric pressure. The effect of a magnetic storm on the intensity of Card 1/3 SOKOLOV, V.D.; SHAMI Yu.G. Albego of slow neutrons in the atmosphere at a depth of 30 9/cm-2. Geomag. i aer. 2 no.5:836-838 S-0 162. (MMA 15:10) 1. Yak--ttskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR. (Atmosphere) (Neutrons) - - , --- - - - - ---A-- - - - - - - - @,- SIA-FER, V. D. SOKOLOV, N. G. SKFYABIN, V. F. LUTENKO D-'---clbution of Cobmic Bay Intensity in the Atmosphere upto the Altitude 500 km. repcrt submitted for the 8th Intl. Conf. on Cosmic Rays (IUPAP), Jaipur India, -@-i4 D-c 1,-,63 PALIY, Georgiy Yakovlevich, polkovnik v otstavke; SOKOLOV, V.D.@ podpolko,mik, red.; MIKHAYLIK, V.F., kapitan.. red. (The Sixth Heroic Battery] Shestaia geroicheskaia. I,-!oskva, Voenizdat, 196-4. 89 p. (MIRA 18:3) BADISHOV) A.P.; BEBRIS, K.D.; VERESOTSKAYA, N.V.; DANOVICH, L.Ye.; DRIGUN, V.N.; KABICHKINAJI S.I.; NOVIKOV, M.I.; SOKOLOV, V.D. Improvement of the methods for the preparation of tread rubber compounds based on BR under the conditions of Dne- propetrovsk Tire Factory. Kauch. i rez. 23 no. 3:5-9 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti i Dnepropetrovskiy shinnyy zavod. .L :Lr)691_6@, YSF(h) IF S8_2/EWT (1) /EEC(m) /F.G(O -i/E1101 (0 -2/&WG(v)/FCC/EWA W) Pi -4/Pl-4/PP e -"/I)v b/Fb - 1, AEDC/-*:@. ci t /SWA (h) ro_4/Pe-5/Pq_4/Pg-4/ A FFT C /A FM DC /S S D - 31RA. D C /A PG CIE S D ( t ) /E S Di ) /A E DC Oa IS S D/BS D/A F-ft/A FMD Alt, FE 11 R/ AFTC (b)/AFTO (-a)/ASD-3 ACCESSION NR: AP5000175 S/02,93/64/002/006/0928/0932 TTIGwAis AM'HOR.* Shafer. 1u. G.; Sokolov V. D.- Skry bin, G.; L)MtLt@nko V. F.; Yary*g" A. V.-, Salimzibatov, R. B TITIZ: Intensity distribution of cosmic rays in the atmosphere to a height of 500 km SOME: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 2, no. 6, 1964, 928-932 TOPIC TAGS: solar activity cycle, cosmic ray, geophysical rocket, single counter,@,- ionization camera, Kosmos satellite, cosmic ray albedo, magnetic storm ABSTRACT: In the period from 1958 to 1963, during a decrease in solar activit cosmic ray measurements have been carried out by means of &go h sical rockets and sat-11ites of the Kosmos _@_Me.,,,Geophysical rockets were equipped with single counters and ionization camera!@. Satellites of the Cosmos type were equipped with-- 1.5- nting telegcop 4@"for measuring the @@,ionlzation cameras single counters, and cou -cosmic ray albedo. Rocket and satellite launchings were scheduled for days with-@.:- out magnetic storms and quiet sun. Primary cosmic rays were measured at heights of :100-500 km. The cosmic ray albedo measured by rockets equipped with special Card 1/2 L 1.56gi-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5000175 dev ices was found to be insignificant. Numerical values of measurement data show a slight increase in particle count with height. No indications were found which would associate systematic variations in the intensity of primary cosmic rays.with the eleven-year cycle of solar activity. Orig. art. has: I figure and.3 tables*, ASSOCIATION: none SUBHITTED: Dtlay64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AA, SV NO IEF SOV: 003 OTRER: 008 ATD PRESS: 3144 card '2/2 L 2_175L6@ EdG(J)IFS~-21S.IT(l)lr-,WT(m)IEWG( )/FCC/T/El,;C-4/EEC(t)/E-IIA(h) Po-4/. _Fe-5/Pq-4/Pae_2/Peb/Pi_4/Pb_4 IJP(,)/,Sb/,v,,,L/,SD(,) AFM(a)/AF4-fR/FSD(t) ACCESSIONNR: A.P5000176 GW-21WS S/0293VC64 006/0933/0935 AUTHOR: P@@er Sokolov, V.D. Yu. G. , krX2!j1n, N.G. Dergeym, K Salhymibarov, R TITLE: cot @aupper atmosphere, primary cosmic radiation, cosmic ray appara 30MIle r tus cosmic ray asymmetry, cosmic ray albedo particle 'SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovaniya, v. 2, no. 6, 1964, 933-935 TOPIC TAGS: Some results of measurements of east-west asymmetry in the Intensity of pK!Mgry cosmic radiation A.BSM?.ACT: Measurements of the east-west asymmetry of primary cosmic radiation were made to heights of 500 km in 1962. The measuring apparatus was placed in the upper. compaxtment of the rocket directly under thenose cone. The latter. was separated at a L height of 70-80 km. The apparatus (shown schematically in.Fig. I of the Enclosure) con sisted of a system of many counters,- collected Into three groups of triple-coincidence telescopes with 3 to 5 telescopes in each group. One' of these groups sampled particles in @avertlbal direction. The two other groups of telesc9ges were mounted in the "east-west!'. Plane at an angle of 600 to the vertical. The rocketsNI(Yere stabilized in space with respect to azirauth and relative to the zenith with an accuracy of @--20. These measurements made Card 1/4 L 21757-65 ACCESSSION NR: A-P5000176 it possible to estimate both the cosmic ray-intensity in-iks vertical - east and west direc- tions and the number of cases oi local showerso. The experimental value of the effect of east-;west asymmetry (Key) on the basis of the expression west east Kex 2 .100% west 'east had a inean value of 26+ 2%. However, the value Ke determined in this way will be masked by albedo particles. If the particle energy spectrum Ts assumed to have the form AE-K and if the earth's magnetic field Is considered a dipole, beyond the limits of the atmosphere the intensif;y in a vertical direction will have an average value of the intensities in the slanting directions + west east IVert' 2 Card '2/4 MEE= .L 21757,-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5000176 The enierimental value of the mean intensity obtained from the data of the inclined tele- scopes was -greater than the int6nsity measured by the vertical telescope. This difference Is not mdom and,can be interpreted as the absence of a contribution of a significant quan- tity of albedo particles to the intensities recorded by the vertical telescope. By knowing .the intensity of the albedo particles it Is possible to find the mean value of the effect of eastm- @west as.,Mimetry of primary cosmic radiation (K), using the expression West east K 100% vert 'it was equal to 34% 1 3%. The predicted value K, determined from,the theory of geomag- netic effects using the integral energy spectrum of primary cosmic. radiation, is 35-37%. .Thus, two indapendent methods for determination of K give values in agreement within the limits oj-' error. Orig. art. has., 3 formulas, 2 figures and 1 table;,1., 'ASSOCVLTION: None SUBWr'rED-- 12May64 ENCL: 01 BUD CODE: ES NO REF SM. 001 OTHER: 002 Card @/4 L 21757-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5000176 ENCLOSURE: 01 G 2) @ Figure 1. Sketch of place- ' 0 Oinstru- %'!". ment of measuring instrum@ s ..0, ment . , ents in the upper instrument,"%.. _ Compartment,,,,- comp;irtment of a rocket. 1. apparatus for measurl ng east - west asymmetry , D-group of vertical and H-gi.,oup of inclined triple coincidence counter tele- cope; 2. shielded single Geiger counter; 3. doxible-coincidence. couqter telescope; 4. ionization chamber; ' B. single unBhielded Geiger cotLater. Main body of Rocket Card 4/4 5-JA(h) Po- /F /Fe- e /@CWG (v) /EEC (t) /EEG -2/Pab/ 11 32218-65 DMI)IFC0 14 q-4 75/Pa M--7- -GS7GW/V;3-2 ACCESSION NR: AT5006964 S/0000/64/000/000/0029/0036 AUTHOR: Shafer, Yu. G. of physico-mathematical s (Candidate qiences); Sokolov, V. D.; Krymskiy, G. Skryabin, 14, G, TITLE: Seasonal variations in the intensity of cosmic r in the stratosphere SOURCE: AN SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Institut kosmofizicheskikh issledovani-Y i aeroiaomii. Geo- i geliofizicheskiye effekty-v kosmicheskikh luchakh i polyaray" siyaniyakh-(Geo- and heliophysical effects in cosmic rays and auroras). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964, 29-36 j TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray, stratosphere, standard level, ionizing component, mu.., mescm, temperature coefficient, ozone layer S"RACT: The intensity of cosmic rays in the jtratosphere was measured in Yakuts A B d@r'ing the period 1958-1961. 'Temperatures on standard levels were taken into consideration. in processing the observation data obtained. The-numbers obtained by means of instrument counting relate strongly to the presence of mesons a The main ionizing component in the stratosphere. r--onsists of the* electron-photoft com-,@- ponent and disintegration particles; therefore, seasonal, variations of the goeral Ionizing component of cosmic rays depend upon p meson disintegration under the -,c SOKOLOV, V,.D. I -Measixabilit.17 of alb@--dc neutrons and some experi=eental resultq. Izv. Ali SSS'R.Ser.fiz. 29 no.10:1913-1915 0 165. (IMIRA 18: 10) i @ DX.- W L ACC Nil: AT6027218 SOURCE CODE, UW606076610061000106wflolol 43 AUTHOR: Shafer, Yu. G.; Sokolov, V. D.; Skryabin, N. G.; Salimzibarov, R. B. ORG: none bt TITLE: Cosmic ray intensity In the stratosphere over Yakutsk during the period from 1958 to 1962 SOURCE: AN SSSR.. SihjLi@,qk9yt_qtdeleniye. SIbIrskiy institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosf rasprostraneni@g I ra vol . Issledovaniya po geomagnettzmu I aeronomli (Studies in geo- magnetism and aeronomy). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 97-101 605wj'r- t-ay lescere, TOPIC TAGS: cosmic ray intensity, A-9ka pfe---- , graphic data processing/y,9/