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3OLOTIN, V.V., prof.; DARKOV, Aj., prof.; KRYUKOVSKIY, S.S., prof.; SOKOLOV, S.N., prof. (Program for the course in strength of materials for students not--specializing in mechanics in higher technical schools] Programma kursa soprotivleniis materialov dlia nemakhaniche8kikh spetsiallnostei vtuzov. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo "Sovetakeia nauka.* 1959. 14 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniia. (Strength of materials-Study and teaching) PONOMAREV, S.D., prof.; TIKfIT.LtOV, Ye.N.., prof.; SEM;SEN, S.V., prof.; I,IALBIN, H.N., prof.; POPOV, A.A., prof.; KRYUKOVSKIY, S.S., prof.. v"OKOLOV'S.11.9prof. Pro am of the course "Strength of materials" for departments of mechaniced engineering in technical institutes] Prograrma kursa I'Soprotivlenie materialov" dlia mashinostroitellnykh i mekhaniche- skikh spetsiallnostei vyssbikh tekhnicheskikh uchebnykh zavedenii. 14oskva, Izd-vo "Vyshaia shkola,n 1959. 15 P. (MRA 15:1) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Miristerstvo vyssbego i srednego, spe- tsiallnogo obrazovaniya. (Strength of materials-Study and teaching) P. i Nil a ge V'. E lu 3 VO Is oc 3.3 al ol Z3 1H au 4 14 SHORIN, S.N., doktor teklm. nauk, prof., red.; SHCHEPKIN, S.I., zasl. de7atel? nauki i tekhhiki, prof., iDtv. red.; LASTOVTSEV, A.M., prof. red.; KARAVM-EV, N.Ma, prof., red.; KOKOREV, D.T., prof., red.; PETROKAS, L.V., prof., red.; RESHC HIK CV1 P.M., dots., red.;,SOKOLOV, S.N., prof., red.; SOKOLOV' A.M. --r -ed-.,- S.I,', Drof.. red.; KHODZHAYEV, LEBEDEV,.K.I., kand. tekbn. nauk,'-dbts. red.; TAIROVA, A.L., red. -izdr va; UVAROVA, A.F.,,tekhn. red. (Investigation mid calculation of heat engineering and power generating processes) Issledovaniia i raschety teploenergeticheskikh i energo- khimicheskikh protsessov; sbornik statei. Pod red. S.N.Shorina. Mo- skva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 137 po (MIRA 1J,: 10) 1. Moscow. Institut khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya. (Heat engineering) (Power engineering) AIAOM MAWMAWKIM V216084-65 M(11/gWr(m)/EPP(cl/EPP(n)-2/gPR/W(jl/gWA-(h) N-4/Pr-4/ps-4/Pi-@/:, Pu-4 WE Vn1/*RM ACCESSION NR: AP5001524 S/0152/64/000/011/0069/0070 AUTHOR:, Sokolov,_S. N. TITLE:, New equation for calculating the heat c@'..l of certain liquid 3 hydrOWLrbons at various temperatures SOURCE: IVUZ. Neft' i gaz, no. 11, 1964, 69-70 TOPIC MGS: heat capacity, liquid hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon heat capacity, aromattc hydrocarbon, aliphatic hydrocarbon ABSTRACT: A new equation is pro osed for calculating the heat capacity of li- quid hydrocarbons of the methanel eries and of certain aromatic hydrocarbons over the entire experimental temperatu e range: 3 (T-015T.) T =C,+M4 CP- fit I T(r- 7)] ere 11 is the molecular weight of the liquid; Cp is the heat capacity of the hydrocarbon at constant pressure and temperature T (OK), in cal/moleodeg; Cl is Card EMMAM @--- L 2760CI-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001524 the hect capacity of the hydrocarbon at constant pressure and temperature 0.5 Tc (T bel.,it the critical temperature). For hydrocarbons of the methane series, vahes of Cl were obtained f roin the - equation C,=-8,318+2,6 it, where IL is the number of atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule. Values of Cp obtain-, ed from equation (1) for e tane n-hexaneAn-heptane, n-octane,, n-nonane, .1toluet lene at virious temperatures are tabulated. n-decane, benzene s: 1 tabl@ aa Orig. art. ha 2 formulas. ASSOCUTION: Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moscoir aeronautical institute) SUBMITMD: 23Jun64 gNCL: 00 SUB CODE; OC' TD NO REF SOV: 001 OMER: 001 Card 2JI2 T-4 6, ]PI AP6032488 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/017/0029/0029 INVENTOR: Sokolov, S. N. ORG: none TITLE: Optical memo nit. Class 21, No. 185367 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 17, 1966, 29 TOPIC TAGS: computer memory, laser optics ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces an optical memory unit consisting of controlled light sources., a write information register, a photodisk, and light sensors (see Fig. 1). The coherent monochromatic light sources are placed in front Fig. 1. Optical memory 1 - Register; 2, 3, 4 - coherent inono- chromatic light sources; 5 - reference source; 6 - photodisk; 7 - photo- sensors; 8 - etched glass. 2 UDC: 681.142.07 ACC NR:' AP6032488 of the photodisk and are coupled to the register containing the infomation t,, be stared. The ccherent reference source is placed in front of an etched glass while the light sensors are located at the focal points of the system behind the photo- di9k. The advantages of this memory are its reliability and the increased write information density permitted by saperimposing the stored information. Orig. art. has: l.figure. [BDI I SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 22Apr65/. ATD PRESS: 5o94 CqrcL 2/2- SCKOLOV' S.N. Prevention of acute empyome following pneumonectomy [with summary in English]. Vest.khir. 80 no-3:4?-52 Hr '58. (HIM 11:4) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (nach. - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lonina skademii im. S.M. Kirova. Adres avtora: Leningrad, Botkinskaya ul'o 23, gospitall- naya khirurgichesksya klinikst Voyenno-meditsinakoy ordene Lenina akademii im. S.M.Kirova. (PNEUM01MGTOMY, compl. acute empyems, prev. (YhWERA. PLEURAL, etiol. & pathogen. pneumonectonW, prov. (Rua)) KOLESNIKOV, I.S.; SOKOIDV, S&N. Prevention of pleural empyema following partial resection of the lung. Grad. khir. 1. no.2:71-78,- Mr-Ap 159. (MIn 16:7) 1. Iz-gospitallnoy Ichirurgichaskoy kliniki Voyenno-meditainakoy ordens. IAmina akidamii imeni Kirova (nachallnik-general-mayor meditsihskoy sluzhby prof. I.S.Kolesnikov) AdreB avtora: Lenin- grad, Botkinskaya ul.,J.23; Gospitaltnaya khirurgicheskaya klini- ka. (DIFYDIA) (PLEURA-ABSCESS) (IMIGS-4URGERY) KCLESNIKOV, Ivan Stepanovich;_SOKOLOV, Sergey Nikolayevich [Prophylaxis and treatment of empyems after resection of the lung] Profilaktike i lechenie ampiem plevry posle rezektail legkogo. Leningrad, Nedgiz, 1960. 110 p. WRA 14:2) (LUNGS-SURGERY) (EMPYNKA) KCIES141KUVI I.S.; SOKOLOV, S.N. T.roatment of postoperative empyema of the pJeura following pneumonectomy a-rid particul resection of the lungs. Grud. khir. 2 no.1,67--72 Ja-F @6b. (RDU 15:3) 1. Iz gospit-,dinoy khirurgicheskoy klinikil Voyemo-madi- tsinskoy ordena. Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova. Adres avtora: Leningrad, Botkinskaya, 23, Khirurgicheskaya klinika Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni Kirova. (ElffUMA) (PIZURA--A-BSCESS) (LbUGS-SURGERY) KOLESNIKOV., I. S.;-SOKOLOV, S. 1'%; MHEVIKIN, N. 1. Basic variations in the segmental arteries of the upper lobe of the right lung as applied to segmentectomies. Grad. khir. no.4:61-65 161, (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (nach. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A. N. Maksimenkov)Vciyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S. M. Kirova. (PULMONARY ARTERY-SURGERY) (LUNGS.-BLOOD SUPPLY) KOLESNIKOV., I.S.; SOKOLOV, S.U.; I-IEZEEVIKIII, P.I. Basic variants of the veins in the superior lobe of the right lung and some problems in segmental resections of the lung in connection with disorders of the venous outflow. Ch-ud.k-hir. 3 no.6:62-69 1-1-D 161. (MIRA 150) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii Voyenno-morskoy ordena Lenita tdcndomii (VMOLA) imeni S.M. Kina (nach. - prof. I.S. Kolesnikov) i Icafedry oporativnoy Ichirurgii oyenno-morskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova (nach. - chlen-Icorrespondent 494 SSSR prof. A.Y. Neksiommko). (TUNGS-SURGERY) (PUWONARY VEIN) PUITOV, V.V.; SOKOIA)V, S.E. "Segmental and subsegmental pulmonary resection in tuberculos4n patients"'by N.I. Gerasimenko. Reviewed by N.Y. Putov, S.F. Sokolov. V'est.khir. 87 no.11:127-129 N 161. (MIRA 15:1-1) (TUBERCUWSIS) (GERASDOMO, W.I.) KOLESNIKOV, 1.6, prof-,@ PUOV, N,,V.,,, prof,,; YE1-d40LAYEVi V.R.J. %.; K'a naukj 60kOLOV, 11 nd-med,aawk Acute blood circu1ation disorders in the residual lung part followu-n.v patrial ;'@ese@@tions* Veit-khi-".90 no.2-.128-135 F163. (MIRA 16:7) 1, 1z -ocipitalinoy khLrargicheskoy kliniki (nachallnik prof. I.S. Kole snikov) Voyenac--Tr.,edits1h.9koy ordena Lenina akademii imni 5.1-I.Eirova. Adreb avtorov.- Leningrad, Botkinskaya ul., d,23,, Gospitalsnaya khirurgichoskaya klinik-a Voyenno-medistin- skr,y ordem Lenina akaderrmi imeni Kirova. (LUGS-SURGERY) (BLOOD-CII-CUUTION, DISORDERS OF) MF E!W,"Z I N, N. Re :ie c i on rf the lbaaa of 'y C,rdleri-_ Imeni F k 17 c@ n n --- m 2 1 7@ s: i. v r d e n a T@@n:na YEPI-fiDtYLTI, 1I.R.; kand. med. nauk; bOKOLOV 3 N. r nauk Durlfficuj. and rechnique of resect-ior of the 1!nlcralar r@' @.he left lung. Vest, lalir, 91 no.12:2?-32 D f63@ (',',.IRA 17:9) L. !@, I-y @2ost:itallnoy ?11'@-rurCilcheskoy kliniki (naCILA-L'rik.. r0f 7ciesnikov) i kafed y operativrioy k1drurgii (nachal'- p@of% :,.". Maksltn'@nkov) Vo-yenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lonina -kn;jv.mij@ 4-mcni Kirove., Ares avtorov: Leningrnd, K-9, Dotkinskaya ulitsa, 23) k-linika gospi@@allnoy khirurgii Voyenno-meditsitiskpy ,)rdr--r.a Lenina akadem-ii imeni Airova, es c@n o mc - Lv-sal om---ent :D t iie lixig. Test. ki,.r. J- 13 1 -ar., c,-r r i c @T a or-icrl.-i 4ir rl, I -dr ad El!;7 1 1 BY AUTHORS: Klepikov, N. P. and __Sokolo TITIE: Non-Linear Confluence Analysis. flyuyentnyy analiz.) PERIODIOAL: Teoriya Veroyatnostey i yeye V01.1ij Nr.L@, pp.473-475. (USSR) SUV/52-2-4-5/7 __Z___-(-9oscoW) (Nelineynyyy kon- Primeneni-ya, 1957, ABSTRACT: In the treatment of experimental results there frequently arises the problem of finding a curve with a finite number of degrees of freedom which best approydmates to the set of experimental points, and also of determining the optimum number of degrees of freedom of such a curve. If the points in a space 1 of variables obtained from experiment have errors in fe%,er than 1 directions, then the problem is reduced to regression analysis. If experimental errors are also present in the measurements of all the co- ordinates of the points the problem becomes considerably more complicated. Problems of such a nature are related to confluence analysis. There are possibly ca,ses when a quantity free from error is not an independent variable, and then regression analysis Card 1/3 can conveniently replace confluence analysis. In the Yon-Linear Confluence Analysis. BOV/52-2-4-5/7 literature up to the present time only the methods of linear confluence analysis are described (Refs.l,,2,3). Non-linear confluenoe analysis is considered from the standpoint of the maximum likelihood method@ The likelihood function is a product of curvilinear integrals of the respective distribution densities of each point, of the curve. For a sufficientuly small curvature and a normal error distribution, these integrals are evaluated approximately, resulting in distribution functions of the normal type but with modified weights and shifted experimental points. Thus, a confluent problem is redured to an ordinary regressional one. J@leip_,L,Lt modifications and point shifts may be found by means of successive ap-Orw"--in, tions. There are 4 references, of which 3 are English and 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: ObNjedinennyy Institut Yadernykh issledovaniy Card 2/3 (United Institute of Nuclear Resear'c.h)a The Green's F-nction of the Photon with an Accuracy u- 56-5-5V55 to e4. (Ito reproduction). ASSOCIATH'OF Unified Institute for Nuclear Research PRESEFTED BY SUBMITTED 1-3.1957 AVAILABLE, Library of Congress. Card 2/2 SOKOLOV, S. H., SILIN, 1. U., AMAGLOBELI, 111. S., MATI-NOV, YU. M., "Determination of the Coupling Constant of Pion-Nucleon Interaction by Differential Cross Section for Elastic (NP)- Scattering at 90, 380 - 500, 63o movit paper prissented at the Intl Conference on High Energy Physics, Rochester, N. yo and/or %rkly California., 25 Aug - l6 sep 196o. 82810 0// 0 0 r) I/ f, C) 8,1 -V 0 3/1 r) 0,4 G B 0 61 AMOR TIT-','g. The First. AntihyDsrons PERIODICAL: TokhxLika molodpzhis, 1960., No. 8, pp. ic-%-i TEXT: The autiiio-r reportn on a discovery made rtt Duhn ear Mcse@,ctv i.n Mare.;h 1960. It I-q the discovery of a new elemen;sry particle, the an--Ii- g 3 1 T'P@-i -a-?ae particle has. as !-Is s ?q-aal to "540 e masses. It.3 1 i f--2 "0 _ Tn13 N-is the of ea,Llabora@ior, cf -- grCue cf sci,@!itlv%s un-dez- h wh@ iicn of Prc@fessor Valn Gan-ohan (Otlirga) and A-@@ademir,-ian V.@. The falloving beloaged to this group: N. M. Ye. N. Kladnitskaya A. A. Kuzn-3i9o%r ' A. V. Nikiting ar4l Scloviyet,of the USSR9 1. Vrana f Czechoslovakia, Van Ta%L-iszen and Dit-t3so ol Chinag Kin Xhl In of the Korean People's Repu'hlieg A. Mikb- Rcu.@%ais, and Nguyen Din Ty of he People's Rep bl-'* of Vismam. A new elemen-;axy particle, the ariti-slgma-plus hyparc@n, wa.5 diis,-over@ after by thfee Ttalian scientists. I-, is sim."ar tr @r@ 1/2 82810 Thk, ;--n% Antihyp,-ron& S/029/60/000/008/003/004 B013/B06'7 dis;irrv-ed at Dubna but it some*hat lightgr amd a negati@'rv ele,,t,ric c. These two particles did not surprise physicists for they had baen Ptadicted thouea not practically obie-rvido At Dxb,@P;6, 40,000 had to loe taken and examined unNil soi-antists sunco!@ded In the above partiole (Fig* po '7. center)a The of the pt-tio.9 furthe: -,-ompletes the concept of 'the straoture of mattsr and f,@r.)qoo It is a-,fmx*.hsr eontribation to the sstabli3hm-in-@ of a mcT!@, @,-mrlete .heory of elementary partic"les. There axe 3 ASSOCIATION: OW'y--inenny-y 'InL-.ii-@ut. yadar-nykh lsiledovanly@ Diona (Jt7int Nu-2-,)Par Rpuzazcl- nubma) S/056/60/0 z; 9/004/0`07 /048 B004/BO7O AUTHORS: Amaglobeli,_N.__S., Kazarinov, Yu. M. Sokolov, S. N.. TTI-in@ I. N. TITLE: Determination of the Constant of the jE-Meson - Nucleon Interactior/fon the Basis of the Differential Cross Section of Elastic np-Scatteri-ng PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskay fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 4(10), PP. 948-953 TEXT: In the introduction, the authors discuss the determination of the pion - nucleon interaction constant f suggested by G. F. Chew (Ref. 1). They discuss the different values obtained for f, which can not be explained as being due to experimental errors. In order to clarify this problem, they evaluate all the available data on np scattering for 90, 380-400, and 630 Mev (Refs. 20) for determining the constant f taking acccunt of both the poles of the real part of the np scattering amplitude. They start out from the equation (1).- Card 1/3 84389 Deternination of the Constant of 'the n-Meson - S/056/60/039i/0041/007/040 Nucleon Interaction on the Basis of the B004/BO70 Differential Cross Section of Elastic np-Scattering C-1 -rip (-@) = a,b2F1 /(x 0 -X)2+ 4AX0+ x)2 + a 2/(xo - x) + a 3Ax 0 + X) nmax n 2 2, x cos,@ 42 21 + @ anX where x 0 = 1 + p /2k b /2k aV a 21 n=C -a r. are coefficients which are calculated by the method of least squai-es. The results are given in Tables 1 - 4. The authors come to the conclusion that the experimental data in the energy range studied do not contradict a constant value for f2 = 0.08. However, foroa more rigorous demonstration of the validity of equation (1). a further accuracy is required. The regions of 4 in which a greater accuracy is particularly required are shown in a diagram. The authors thank Professor Ya. A. Smorodinskiy, and Professor B. M. Pontekorvo for discussions, and 1. N. Ku7khtina for collaboration in the work. There are I figure, 4 tables, and ? relerences: 2 Soviet, 5 US, 1 German, and I Italian. 'Card 2/71 SOKOLOV, S.N.; TOLSTOV, K.D.; SARANTSEVA, V.R., tekhn. red. [Verification of counting efficiency and estimating the true number of events)Kontroll effektivnosti. nabliudenii i otsenka istinnogo chisla sobytii. Dubna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iaderrykh issledovanii., 1962. 10 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Nuclear counters) (Mathematical statistics) SOM.OIA)VO S.N. S-matrix for the one-dimensional SchrSdinger equation. Dubna, Izdatel'skii otdel Ob"edinannogo in-ta iadernykh issledovanii, 1961. 18 p. (No subject heading) KJJARINOV, Yu.M.; K15ELEV., V.S.; SILIM, I.N.; SOKOLOV, S.N. Determination of ths v---1c1pnn.Interar-tion constant from the differential cross sections of elastic pp-scattering. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 41 no.1:197-199 JI 161. (MIFA 14:7) 1. 0b"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. (Protons--Scattering) (Mesons) (Nucleons) SOKOLOV, S.N.; SARANTSEVA, V.H., tekhn. red. [S-matrix for the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation and its asymptotic behavior in the quasi-classical region) S-matritea dlia odnomernogo uravneniia Shredingera i es asimp- totika v kvaziklassiooaskoi oblasti. Dubna, ObIledinennyi in-t iadernykh issl., 1962. 15 p. (IMU 15:4) (Differential equations) (Quantum theory) SOKOLOV, S.N.; SILRI, I.N. Dete=riination of the coordinates of the minima of functionals by the linearization rethod. Dubna, Ob"- edinennyi in-t iadernykh issledovanii, 1962. 19 p. (No subjert heading) SOKOLOV* S.N. (Dubna) Continuous planning of regression experiments. Part 1. Teor, veroiat. ee prim.8 no.1:95-201 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Information theory) (Mathematical statistics) SOKOLOV, S.N. Continuous planning of regression experiments, Part 2. Teor. veroiatp i ee prim. 8 no-3:318-324 163. (MIRA 16:8) ZAKIM IYEV, B. N.; SOKOLOV, S. N. "Effect of Enhanced Barrier Penetrability for Complex Particles." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. OIYaI (Join-L.Inst NucleEx Physics) ZAKIIARIYEV, B.N.; SOKOLOV, S.N.; SARANTSEVA, V.R., teklin. red. [virtual excitations of a composite particle] 0 virtual'- nykh vozbuzhdeniiakh slozhnoi chastitsy. Dubna, Oblledinenr*ri in-t iadernykh issl., 1964. 17 p. (MURA 17:4) SOKOLOV, S.N. .. [Nonlocal potLentials and the possible upsezti--.g of -Zose and Fermi statistics] Nelokallnye potentsialy i vomozh- noe narushenie D'ose i Fermi statistik. Dubna, Ob"edinen- nyi in-t iadernykh issl., 1964. 3 P. (MIRA 17:5) L 3372@-66 T ACC NRz AF6025173 SOUR AUTHOR: Zakbariev, B. N.;.Sokolov, S. N. ORG: I.,,.boratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint InstAtute for Nuclear Research, Dubna TITIE: Virtual excitation of a compound particle SOURCE: Annalen der Physik, v. 15, no. 3-4, 1965, 183-191 TOPIC TAGS: particle physics, excitation energy, nuclear particle ABSTRAer: The one-dimensional motion of three interacting es..was considered in the case where two formed a compound particle. The effect of tbe infinite number of virtaal excitationswas investigated for the case where the excitation energy of the compound particle grew quadratically. The population of the higher states was found to be in an inverse relation to the cube of the excitation energy. The system of equations ta)dng Into account all virtual excitations of the compound_particle cou b2 so, ved by the Fredholm method. Orig. art. has: 61 formulas. /2rig. aft. in E SUB OUDE% 20 / SUBM DATEs 03sep64 / ORM Wt 001 / MV MWs 00 ACC NR: Jul-100:_'89" SOURCE CODE: UR/0419/66/000/004/012G!0123' AUTHOR: Gol'tzov, V. P.; Nekrasov) V. N.; Sokolovj S. N. ORG: Instituto of Nuclear Power, AN BSSR (Institut yadornoy energotiki AN B35R) TITLE: Electron microscopic study of lanthanum hexaboride I&% S(XJRCE: AN ESSR. Vostsi. Seryya khimichnykh navukq no. 4, 19660 120-123 TOPIC TAGS: lanthanum compound, boride, lanthanum oxide, boron ABSTRACT; Lanthanum borid& ,@owder was prepared by reacting La2G3 and B Dowdersq and studied-with an EU-5 electron microscope (@agnification 5000 to 140000).- 7he inter- planar spacings of the compound LaP6 were determined by electron and x-ray diffrac- tion, ani the data obtained are in satisfactory agreement with the calculated data. A small-portion of the lines (3-5%) corresponds to a phase different from LaB69 appar- ently, La203. The study of the shape, size and crystal structure of the synthesized powder confirned that the product of borothermic reduction of lanthanum oxide is lan- thanum hexaboride. Authors thank V. I. Lisovets for providing the -IAP6 pmrder for the stu07. Orig. art. has& 3 figures, 2 tables and 1 formula. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM, DATE; none/ ORIG REF: 005 Cc d - I S:`i-.-ILCVJ -1. N1. ) "Study of Thermodynamic Properties of the Vapors of Certain Polyatomic Fluids." rtat4 (Disse on for DeCree of Candidat--@ for Technical .'3cicnces) I-Tin Higher Education U35R, i-loscow Order of Laain AriaLion Inst :Dneni Scr,-I-o Ordzhonikidze, Moscow, 1255 SO' 1-1-1036 23 Har 56 @O j properties d 7M@ Cal rc .P()rs. S. N Sokolr@v 7 A Mawya. Ur, KY. io, .34 the vapor press=e of the Satd.: vapors P - Al of vaporization of the b raliched silicones j(CH&):SiOJs._j, b.p. 292', congcaling temp. -mol. wt 360, kinematic vls@_,Wty at 20* - 10 C-,ntipoise, dj3- g./cc,, vmre &W.- expcriment - - detd, In an adiabatic calorimeter can be expressed by C, -Ir - (2229/P), witb the vari- -0.2Z45 + 0,151 X, 10 atlwts not exceeding 0.20%. The temp.-vapor pressure. retatlo@ is w0l expressed by log 7.185'- [2198/(T@ - where T is the absolute temp. T -it of vapor-,.' he he; Wfi@@ In the temp. interval df 100@1w* L - -10,0407-/. A W-M-S s SOZ.OLOV, S.IT. Experimental stud7 of the specific heat of certain hydrocarbon vapors. Izv. v7s. ucheb. %av.; neft' i gaz 2 no.4:79-84 '59. (MIRA 12:10) 1.Mookovskiy aviatsionn7y institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. (Hydrocarbons--Thermal properties) AUTHORS.- Sokolov, S. 11., Erastov, L. N. S/053J60/070/02/012/016 B006/BO07 TITLE:. An Experiment During a Lecture for the Determination of the Specific Heat of a Gas at Constant Pressure PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol 70, Nr 2, PP 379-380 (USSR) kBSM@CT: A schematically represented device for the purpoee of determin- ing the specific heat of a gas, which is shown in a figure, is described. The cp -determination is carried out according to the formula cp = Q/GAt, where G denotes the gas quantity, Q, the quantity of heat supplied, and At, the temperature in- crease of the gas. A c p- determination by means of the device described takes 7 to 10 minuteso There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 864174 .17(30 2 Z09 ahkj S/096/61/000/001/012/014 E19VE184 AUTHORS: Sokolov, S.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Lapushkin, b.A.FCandidate of Technical Sciences, and Kopylov, N.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: The Thermal-Physical Properties of Silicone in the Liquid Phase PERIODICAL; Teploenergetika, 1961@ No. 11 pp@ 79-81 TEXT: Although silicones are of considerable technological interest, very little published data exist about their thermal- physical properties, The silicone investigated in the present work was diethyl.polysiloxane liquid of the following characteristics: molecular weight 400; density 956 kg/m3 at 20 OC5 boiling point, 282 OC at 7@O mm'mercury5 freezin@ point, - 70 OC; dynamic viscosity a- 20 OC, 9.9 x 10-4 kg.sec/m2; and ' the corresponding kinematic v:Ljcosity, 10.1 cS. The experimental procedures used to measure specific heat density, thermal conductivity and other properties are described. The experimental data are given in Table 1. Table 2 gives smoothed data for Card. 1/2 The Thermal-Physical Properties temperature, pressure, density, pressure, thermal conductivity, vapourisation and Prandtl's number. 665 S/096/61/000/00@7)012/01@ E194/El8'+ of Silicone in the Liquid Phase speciftc heat at constant -viscosity, latent heat of There are 2 tables and 7 references,. 6 Soviet and 1 French. ASSOCIATIONa Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Moscow Aviation Institute) Card. 21;@' o 17856 3/535/61/000/132/002/012 E030/E484 AUTHOFS: Sokolov 2 S.N., Candidate of Tecnnical Sciences - Yu- ineer Tarlakov, V., Eng TITLE: Experimental investigation of the specifiz; heat at constant pressure of the vapours of aviation fuels, gasoline G-70 (B-70), kerosene T-1 and fuel T-5 SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy Institut. Trudy, no.132.1961.15-30. Teplofizichesklye svoyst-va nekotorykh aviatsionnykh topliv v zhidkom i gazoobraznom sostoyanii. TEXT: An apparatus has been d-a-el@aped'fcr measuring specific heat of vapours at constant pressure equal to or below atmospheric pressure at temper-atur--s up `--@ 400-500*C@ It is a continuous flow system with an experim-en-al" volume of 100 -m3 enclosed in a jacket evacuated to a pressure of lo-5 mm HS, the outer surface of the tube and inner surfa.--e of the ja,--ket are silvared, the tube is mounted inside a thermastati:. ova-rx, The volume is temperature controlled to + 0.10C and heat loss c,-:)rreztions are made experimentally by recording tempezatures with and without electric current in the heaters, The heat is estimated, both theoretically and gZaphi--ally, @.o be 0.5%. The specif-i--- hea Card 1/3 I _; 8 56 S/535/61/000/132/002/012 Experimental investiga-:-on cf E03o/E484 results are accurats -@o ab-ou--. 0.3%. Ea-ch fuel was distilled into separate frac_t!On3, whosc spe_-_'iL:; heat,3 ware determ:Lned, to minimize the erro:rs involVEd in :.onaldezing multi-zomponent mixtures. Fra@c%ions were, gaaollfns@ 45 t-c 90., 90 to 120, above 120OC; T--:1 @ 117, ta 6o, 1.60 to 1709 170 to 200, above 2000CI T-5: 210 to 222, '_22 to 250, 230 to 284, above 284,1c. Specific heats decreased, linsarly, with molecular welght by about 5% total for eazl. fuel. Thu6, the da-:.a :.ould be used to predict specific heats fk any part_':-t_,1a_- sys-cam Involving those; fractions with appropriate -eighting fa.-tors, The temperature ranges covered for each fuel fra:-.-Ion - gasoline: 125 to 185, 133 to 2370C for 'he 'Lizat @wa fra@.,Jons@ T-l@ 12'7 to -4-76, 170 to 200% ftar 'he se@_-ond and T-5: 147 to 230, 201 to 273*C faz- -he s,aLond and "hi@d fra---ions. Thera are 10 figures, 11 @.t.)Ies and'14 rsf-rences@., 5 Soviet and 9 non-.Soviet. The three refere:-;es to English -'anguage publications r,ead as follows: Ref.9: Reynolds 1, and Vrlas T.. American Chemical Society, v.72, no.12, 1950; Re*.11: Still D.F, and Mayfield F.D., Industrial Engineering Chew_@zr--, nc.35t, 43, p.639@ Ref.14: Waddington G., Card -2/3 r7856 S/535/61/000/132/002/012 Experimental investigation of . . E030/E484 Todd S. and Huffman H., American ChemIcal Society, v.69, 1947. 1Abstracter's note: No experimental values quoted-] f Card 3/3 p (0/00 t 7864 S/535/61/000/132/010/012 Eo'to/E484 Candidate of Technical Sciences, AUTHORS: �ok?]-ov,_S N. L. -Ta.rlakov, Yu.V., Engineer TITLE: Experimental determination of the saturated vapour pressure of some liquid aviation fuels and calculation of their heat of vaporization SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy. no-132. 1961. 116-122. Teplofizicheskiye svoystva nekotorykh aviatsionnykh topliv v zhidkom i gazoobraznom sostoyanii. TEXT: A simple manometric apparatus was used with an adjustable limb of mercury to enable the vapour:11quid ratio to be kept constant. The system was tested-with carbon tetrachloride and agreed to 2% with the tables of Kaye and Laby over the range 21 to 640c. For gasoline and T-1, the vapour:liquid*ratio was held at 4:1,and data obtained for the fuel and-for the three cuts into which it was fra@_tlonated-2- the data cover 20 to 150*c (gasoline) and-20 to 230*C (T-1). For T-5, two ratios were used, 2:1 and 4:1, and data cover 20 to 2700C. Latent heats of vaporization were obtained from the Clausius.-Clapeyron relation, Card 1/2 87864 S/535/61/000/132/010/012 Experimental determination of E03o/E484 ignoring the small correction for specific volume of liquid, and determining the specific volume vvap of vapour from-the relation RT vap p The values, of the order of 7200 kcal/mole are listed for each fraction and for intervals in the range 20 to 200*C. There are 1 figure and 6 tables. Card; 2/2 SOKOLOV, S,N,,; PYATIBRATOV, S.N. Thermal capacity of liquid hydrocax-bons of the methane series. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; neft-I i gaz 5 no.7483-88 762. (MIRA 1637) 1. Moskovskiy aviat-sionnyy institut imeni Ordzhon-lkidze. (Hydrocarbons-Thermal properties) S/152/63 000/003/004/005 B117/318@ AUTTMHS: Vargaftik, N. 3., Xopyiov, N. I., Lapushkin, S. A., Pyatibratov, S. N., Sokolov, S. N. TITLE: Thermophysical properties of monoisopropyl diphenyl PEIZIO-DICAL: Izvcs,.'-iya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy., Neft' i gaz, no. 3, 1963, 75-78 -harmo- TEXT: Results are given of detailed investigations into the t physical properties of monoisopropyl diphenyl in the liquid phase and the pressure of its saturated va-por. Properties of the sample investigated: 25 0 3 molecular 197, n. = 1.5696,der-si-ty at, 20 C 0.969 u/cm boiling point 286'C 1760 mm Hg'. Conventional measuring methods were used. ( ) and the dens'ty (@) were measured with a calorimeter The sDecific heat c - k) 0 . p z;t 20-398 C and 10 atm with a maximum error of 0-3@of for the density and 1.5@a' for the specific heat. The hea I conductivity (,A) was measured with a `,eated .vire at 30-2090C, under atmospheric pressure, with an accuracy of 11p. The viscosity under the gressuce of saturated monoisopropyl Card 1/7, S/152/63/000/003/004/005 Thermophysical properties of... B117/31ab- diphenyl vapor was measured at 20-340 0Cwith a maximum error of 170. The nr@ssure of the saturated vapor (p .) waj measured at 96-3090C. Theerror was 0.200. for 'the temperature determination and 2 mm for the pressure. To determine the thermo-physical proper t4eS of monoisopropyl di-phenyl, the experimental amounts were -eneralized for smoothed temperature values,as Uabulated (Table 2). The table also gives calculated values of the heatof vaporization H and the Prandtl number:3 required for calculating the h2at exchange. There are 2 tables. a ASSOCIATION: 'Moskovskiy aviatsionny@, institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze (IMoscow Aviation institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) SUBLUTTED: January 17, 1963 Table 2. Smoothed values for the thermophysical properties of monoisopropyl diphenyl. Card 2/3 s /1521"63/000,1003/004/005 l T@-----rmonhysical pr operties of... C 0 C t, M3 :o al/z c I ai cm z M-M Hri ca 1/j pr 03, 20 0,969 0,412 303 14.1 - 10 40 0.962 G,4432 297 6.9-9 - 91,5 60 0.933 0,446 289 1,47 - 53,4 so 0.943 0.462 283 2.22 - 36,2 100 0.932. 0,478 278 1.57 1.5 77,0 27.0 120 0,920 0,494 272 1,17 3.5 75.8 21,3 140 0.0 07 0,510 266 0,890 SA 75,0 17,1 160 0,893 0,526 261 0,690 19 74,2 1 3,@) ISO 0,878 0,542 255 0,555 39 73,3 11.8 200 0,861 o,5EO 247 0.456 77 72,5 10.3 220 0,845 0,578 2-11 0,384 142 71,6 9,22 240 0,827 0,597 236 0.330 249 70,3 8,35 2CO 0,809 0,616 230 0,289 413 60.2 7,74 9SO I 07GI 0,637 22.5 0.254 671 67.7 7,19 ;00 0:7i3 0,658 216 0,224 1042 65,7 6,76 120 0.753 0,631 211 0,198 1570 635 6,39 340 0.734 0,705 205 0,175 2291 60:9 6.02 360 0,714 0,730 200 0,155 3266 57,9 S,66 380 0,694 0,758 192 0.137 4539 54,5 5,41 sloo 0,674 0,788 .183 0, I'M 6194 50,9 5,34 Card 3/3 ACCa;SION NR: A?4002283 AUTH015: Sokolovp S. N.; Nikhamina, G. Ya. S10139163100010051017910180 TITLE: Laboratory ap aratus for determination of-specific heat of gases at cons*@ant pressure (Cp5 by a continuous f2.ow method SCUPCE: IVM. Fizika, no.-5, 1963, 179-100 j: TOPIC TAGS: specific heat of air, air at constant pressure, continuous flow method, specific heat of gas, specific heat isobaric measurement., adiabatic flow calorimeter, calorimetry, thermocouple pyrometer, constant pressure specific heat ABSTPACT: A laboratory apparatus using a continuous flow method for determination of the specific heat of air at constant pressure (cp) is described. The basic -@ atures are shown in Fig. I on the Enclosure. An air blower (1) and a 10-liter i e L. cylinder (2) to smooth out pressure variations supply a steady flow of air at a constant pressure p, to the calorimeter (3). The volume V of air passing through .the calorimeter in @,time"J*is measured by a gas counter (5). An electric heater (4) heats the gas, causing a temperature differenceatto exist between the entrance C.rd :ACCE3SION NR: AP4009P83 !and axit of the calor'imetei. This temperature difference is determined by copper- constantan thermocouples (9) and (10), thb emf of which is measured by a potentiom-; ;eter (11). Tables are available for determiningat from the omf. The current I 1.3nd -voltage V supplied to the heater are measured by the ammqter (6) and voltmeter (7) respectively and.can be varied by the,rhoostat (8). To reduce heat losil the .calorimeter is enclosed bya vacuum Dewar,-Jacket. From the definition of specific heat and using the equation of sta".-e of ah ideal gas, 0,24 IU- R r P @whare R is the universal gas constant. is the molecular weight of air and T is the average absolute@temperature of the gas in the calorimeter. Here T is roOM tlemparature plus !-Lt. Good results over the course of two years have been obtain-' 2 ed vith this apparatus by students. Orig. art. has: 9 equations and 2 diagrams. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatsionniy institut iraeni S. Ordzhonikidze (Moscow Institute) SUMITTIED: 13Aug62 DATE AOQ-. 02Dec63 ENCL: 01 Card'. - 2/)(- 7.- SOKOLOVP S.N. New equation for calculating the heat capacity of certain liquid hydrocarbons at different temperatures. Izv vys. ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 7 no.11:69-70 164. iMIRA 18-11) 1. Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze. USSR/Oil Drills Jan-Feb 1947 "The ftxk ZIV-75 drill of the Vcrovskiy Factory at Sverdlovsk," S N Sokolov, 3 PP "ftzvedka Nedr" Vol 30, NO 1 Description and operating data of a mmal I oil-drill Capable of drilling to a depth of 75 meters 2TI4 HVANOVA, G.A., Inzhener; SOKOLOV, S.N., in2hener. 1-1-1- -.'' - I - - Use of the method of statistical analysis for the evaluation of the quality of equipment repair. Vest.mash- 33 no.10.'95-99 0 '53. (KIRA 6:10) (Quality control) (Machinery-Maintenance and repair) Sol(-,-I 71T, S. tf. 6680. SM:)TOV, S. N. Statisticheskiye metody analiza kachestvp produktsii v inekhanicheskikh tsekhakh. pod obshch. red. s. 1. ananlyeva. m., :)borongiz, 1955. 47 s. s graf. 23 sm. (materialy po obmenu proizvod. - tekhn. opytom). *bespl. -- bibliogr: s. 41 (12 nazv.) - (55-2994) p 621.7/9:658-562.t658. .562:519.2+(016.3) SO: Knizhaya Letopis, Vol. 6, 1955 SOKOLOV, S.N., kandidat takhnicheakikh xauk; IVANOVA, G.A., kandidat tekhni- ches@ikh imuk. Degree of dependability of quality control in continuous production. Standartizatoiia no.3.*58-62 M.T-Je '56. (miju 9:9) (Machinery industry-4mlit7 control) so-mov. 81 N, "Possible Errors in Determining Temperature by Means of the Cioub-Type Radiosonde," Trudy NIU G1JGM Z Proceedings of the Scientific Research Institute of the Fain Administration of Hydrometeorological Service-/, NO 19, 1946. AGATQV, Sergey Vasillyevich; SOKOLOV, Sergey Rl --- .- _@olgyevich: TIKHOMIROV, Dmitriy I@-,A-rjo@vc ;@,J-SHCHEVAP T.V., red.; BORISKII,A) V.I., red.kart; MiNEYEVA, V.I., tek-hn. red. (Geographical dictionary] Geograficheskii slovar'. Mo- skva, Gos. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo M-va prosv. R5FSR, 1961. 155 P. (GeograplV--Dictionaries) (14IRA 15:4) - - - - - - - - - . I I'll,- SOP-MOV, ").P. DEGMED 1962/6 Of 1959 PATKANOV,N.M.; YATSTJ14,11.F.; DVOTMTSKIY,I.V., inzhener; SOKOLOV,S.P., inzhener Determining the shape of shuttle tips for the picking mechanism of type-H automatic looms. Tekst.prom.15 no.8:30-32 Ag '55. (KLRA 8:11) 1. Glxivnyy Inzhener fabriki Imeni Dzerzhinakogo Glavlenkhlopproma (for Patkanov) 2. Nachallnik tkatskogo taekha fabriki imeni Dzer- zhinskogo Glavleukhlooproma (for Yatsun)- (Pickers (Weaving)) 3USLOVICH, G.Ya.; SOKOLOV, S.F.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. New abrasive tools used in honing. Vest.mash-36 no.12:49-51 D '56. (AbrasiTes) (Grinding and polishing) (KM 10:2) SMOLOV., Sergey-Paylovich; SMEYDER, Yu.G., kand. ftkhn. naukj retsenzent; KUDASOV . G.F., kand. tekhn. nauk, rod.@ GLYASS, V.D., inzh.,red.1 BORODULINA, I.A., red. izd--va; NIKOLAYEVA, I.D., tekhn. red. [Fine grinding and lapping] Tonkoe shlifovanie i dovodka. Pod ob- shchei red. G.F.Kudasova. Moskva3 Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashi- nostroit. lit-ryy 1961. 85 P. (Bibliotechka shlifovshchika., no.9) (Grinding and polishing) (MIRA .14:10) PESHKOVA, VJI.; SILLLNZ.&AYA, V.I.. SOKUIA)V, B.S. Photometric determination of palladium with I.-fury1dioxine. Trudy kom. anal. kbim. 11:328-338 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstveniVy universitet im. H.V-Lomonosova. (Palladium-Analysia) (Furaldehyde) VASINT, L.V.., inzh.; AMM, B.N., inzh.; IVANLCHENKO, N.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOLLEROV, L.K., kand. tekhn.nauk; NIKITINAI N.V.., inzh.; SOKOLGV_,__.S.S.j kand. tekhn. nauk; FODIN, A.A., red.; YURKEVICH, M.P.., red. izd-va; PETERSON, M.M., tekhn. red.; SPEROSKAYA, O.V., teklm. red. [Diesel and gas engines; catalog-handbook] Dizeli i gazovye dvigateli; katalog-spravochnik. Pod red. A.A.Fadina. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 279 p. (MIRA 14:12) 1, Loningrad. TSentrallnyy nauchno-isalodovatollnkiy dizellnyy in- stitut. (Gas and oil engines) XAVALEROV, G.I.; KAVERKIN, I.Ya - SOKOLOV S.S. Definition of the concept of mensuration. Izm.tekh. no.8:1-3 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:10 (Mensuration) SOKOLOVY S.P. Honing holes in aluminum alloy parts. Stan. i instru. 36 no.1:6 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4) MUSHEGYANP A.M., prof., doktor biolog. nauk;_@@ prof., doktor biol. nauk, otva red.; KOROLI, A.Ya., red.; NAGIBINY N., tekhn. red. (Wild and intro"a" trees and shrubs of Kazakhstan) DerevIia i kustarniki KazakhBtana, dikorastushchie i introdutsirovannye. Alma-AtaP Kazsellkhozgiz. Vol.l.[Gymnospem families: Pinaceae- Ephedraceae. Angiosperm families: Salicaceae - Saxifragaceae] Golosemennye someistva: Soanovye-efedrovye. Pokrytosemennye se- meistva; Ivovye-kamnelomkovye. 1962. 362 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Kazakhstan--Woody plants) SOKOLOV, S.S. Healing of wounds In radiation sickness. I rad. 31 no-1: 30-41 J&-Y 156. (NLRA 9:7) 1. Iz 3-y 1rhirurgichaskoy kliniki (mr. - prof. N.I.Blinov) i k&fedry meditsinskoy radiologii (zav. - prof. M.N.Pobadinskiy) Leningradskogo ordena Lenins, instituta usovershenstwovanly& vrachey imeni S.M.Kirov&. (ROENTGEN RAYS. off. exper. wde.. he&ling) SOKOLOV. S..S. Sliding iaguinal heria of the colon. Khirurgiia 32 no.2:46-48 F `56. 1 MIA 9:7) 1. Iz 3-y khirurgicheakoy kliniki (zav. prof. N.L.Blinov) Lenin- gradekogo gosudarstvennogo inatituta usoversheastvovaniva vrachay. (HER IA. INGUIMLL sliding of colon) J. ,Concerning Certain Peculiarities of the Clinical Course of Surgically Treated Wounds After a Preliminary Total Irradia- tioa of Experimental Animals," by.S. S. Sokolov, Third Sur- gical Clinic (head, Prof 11. 1. B11-nov-T-ana-M-ir of Medical Radiology (head, Prof M. N. Pobedinskiy), State Order of Lenin Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians imeni S. M. Kirov, Vestnik Khirurgii Vol 77, No 6, Jun 56, pp 42-47 Studies on the course of wounds in irradiated guinea pigs suffering ,rom acute radiation sickness nroved that the most characteristic syn- dromes were leukopenia with t'.-ie white count diminishing down to 2,000 GMd 11000 white cells per cubic millimeter, and excessive hemorrhage at the periphery of the wounds. Typical signs of general wound inflammation were absent and hemorrhages fr,@quently complicated the postoperative jeriod. (U) -.1 . - . I I c" 'N'-) --- , ( !,-) @,i@ LI SCKOLOV, S.S. It- Dermoid c7sts of the sacrococcygeal region. 21 Supplement: 28 '57. (MIRA. 11:2) 1. Iz tret'7ey khirurgicheBkov kliniki leningradskogo In8tituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova. (CYSTS) (SAGROCOGGYGYAL RIdGION--TUMORS) BYSTROVA, V.V., SOKOWV, S.S. morphowfe-W-ciaracteristics of wound healing processes in raclis- tion sickness. Med.rad. 3 no.5:71-77 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Iz kafedry Patologicheskoy anatomii (zave' - prof. P.V. Stpovskly) i 3-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - profo N.J. ]Blinqv) Leningradskogo instituta dlya usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova.' (ROENTGEN RAYS, eff.- on exper. wds. healing (Rua)) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES, exper. eff. of x-rays on healing (Rus)) SOKOLOV, S.S. (Leningrad, Khersonskaya ul.. d.2/9, kv-17) Resection of the rectum and sigmoid flazure using invagination methods [with siuamary In Br4glish] .Vop.onk. 4 no-35329-332 '58 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Iz 3-Y Ithirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. IT.J. Blimo7) Goeudarstvennogo Instituta dlya usovershonstvovaniya vrachey Ime S.M. Kirova (dir. - prof. N-1- Blinov). (IVESTM1, URGE, neoplasms, surg.. recto-sigmoid resect. with Invagination method (Rua)) SOKOLOV, S.S., Extra-articular ostoomyelitis of the femur neck. Xhirurgila 35 no.4:121-123 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:8) 1 Iz goo italenoy khtrurgichaskoy kliniki (sav. - prof. F:G.UP'1ov5 I Loningradekogo meditsinskogo instituta Imeni akad. I.F.Pavlova. (OSTM*YMLITIS, case reports femur neck, extra-articular, surg. (Rue)) (YMM NICZ, die. osteomyslitte, extra@articular. surg. (Rue)) UGLOV, F.G., prof.; SOKOLOV, S.S. (Lening--ad) Nevention of complications encountered in operationar on the open heart under conditions of hypothermia. Xhirurgiia 36 no.lOs6l-68 0 160. Wn 13,13.3 (EMT-SURGERY) (HY1WHMIA) UGLOVP F. G.;_�O@OLOV, S. S. Clinical aspects, diagnosis and surgical treatment of defects of the interatrial septum. Grad. khir. no.4:3-10 261. (MIRA 14--1Z) 1. Iz gospitallnoy khirargicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. F. G. Uglor) i kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. M. A. Sreaeli) I Lenin- gradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akad. I. P. Pavlova. (HEART-ABNORMITIES AND DEFORMITIES) U@LOVY F.G.; KUEBANGALEYEEV, S.M.; BOFAREV, Yu.N.; VORONOV, A.A.; DEGTYAFEYA, Z.Ya.; KRASNOSHCHEKOVA" L.I.; MURSALOVA, F.A.; POTASHEV, L.V.; FASSVETAYEV, I.L.; SIMBIRITSEV, S.A.; SOKOLOV, 3.S. Use of the artificial blood circulation apparatus built by the Research Institute for Experimental Surgical Apparatus and Instru- ments in an experiment. Trudy NIIEKHAI no-5:132-137 '61. (MIRA 15:8) (PERFUSION PW (HEART)) UGLOVp F.G. (Leningrad, Ordinarnaya, d.20, kv-5); SOKOLOV, S.S. Anatomical surgical characteristics of congenital defects of theinterauricular septum. Grud. khir. 2 no-4:6-14 Jl-Ag 160. (I-Em 15:6) 1. Iz katedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. F.G. Uglov) i kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. M.A. Sreseli) I Leningradskogo Aeditsinskogo instituta imeni I.P. Favlova. (HURT-ABNOWITIES AIM DEFORMITIES) UCILOV., F.G., prof.; SOKOW.V, S.S. Inideations for the surgical treatment of a defect of the interauricular septum under hypothermia. Khirurgiia no.9:22-30 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. F.G.Uglov) I Leni-igradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akad. I.P.Pavlova. (HEART-ZURGERY) (HYPOTHMM) Fk'ITAVOIIA, V..%,@ SOKCI.C',111. 3entrast lnves--ilga,@--'cn of neai@, la:--:--@- method of di- @*. pinctures@ AN Gruz, SSF 8i5?7 ig" ?63@ 1. KI -i nika gospi tall I nay khi irg-, i i r. I - g r5 ir. r)ao meditsinskogo institutp. SOKOUN2 S.S. (Leningrad, Khersonskaya ul.-,d,2/9,kv-,37); TSAKADZE, L.O.; KARATGVA, V. A. Transcutaneous catheterization of the heart cavities and aorta by the Seldinger technique. Vest.khir.90 no.2:52-57 F163. (KIRA 16-7) 1. Iz gospit4l'noy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav.- prof. F.G. Uglov) 1-go Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pavlova. (CARDIAC CATHETEiLIZATION) SOKOLOVY S.S. Interauricular septal defect and its surgical treatment under experimental conditions. Eksper. khir. i anest. 7 no.5:13-18 S-0 162. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav.- prof. F.G. Uglov) i kafedry operativnoy khirurgii (zav.- prof. M.A. Sreseli) I Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni akademika Pavlova. SOKOLOV, S.S. (Leningrad, Khersonskaya ul., d.2/9, kv.37); KARTAVOVA, V.A. I Significance of the catheterization of the heart and major vessels in the diagnosis of an abnormal emptying of the pulmonary veins into the venous stream. Grud. khir. 6 no.2:37-44 Mr-Ap 164. (MMA 18--4) 1. GospitalInaya khirurgicheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. F.G. Uglov) i kafedra rentgenologii (zav. - prof. D.G. Rokhlin) T. Leningradskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pavlova. UGLOll F.G. 'Leningrad, Ordinarnaya ul., d.20, kv.5)-,_@OKOLOV S.S.- I k - - @ y KARTjjVOVA, V.A. Study, using a contrast medium, of the left chambers of the heart by the method of puncture of the interauricular septum. Grud. khir. 6 no.1:57-61 Ja-F 164. (MIRA 18-111) 1. Klinikii gospitallnoy khirurgli (znv. - prof, F.C. Uglov) I Leningradskogo meditsinakogo Instituta, Submitted Mxf 259 1963. USSR/tnglneering mar 48 -Earth - Analysis "Handbook on the Characteristics of the Soil of the USSR," S. Sokolov, MW, 1 p "Ttskh Zhel Dor" No 3 Book for the use of planning organizations, compiled under direction of Prof M. F. Makarooh- kin, Engr L. A. Isakovskaya, and Ehgr M. I. Sakharo-,,raya. Review is unfavorable. Main defects: (1) methods by which data was obtained are not given, and (2) vaguenessilin-presenting characteristics. - 2/49T32 I-r'.T,rT @, I ljue-k-W't I @. - Soil Mechanics. 7 ,Tho is right in the controversy on fiming of earth masses? Gidr. stori. 2-1 no. 2, 1952. Monthly List 2f aussian Accessions, Library of Con-ress, July 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. REBINDEM, L A.; 30KOLOV, S.S., KOSTI@,'@,NXO,- G. I., En,-s. Rocks - Cleavage Discussing Professor N. YA. Denisov's book "On the nature of clay rock deformation." Gidr.stroi. 22, no. 1, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, jL= 1953. Unclassified. GOLIDSHTE", M-N.[author]; SOKOLOV, S.S., inshener LreviewarJ. "Mechanical properties of soils." M.N.Golldshtein. Reviewed by S.S. Sokolov. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.8-.47-48 Ag '53. (XT-HA 6:8) (Soil mechanics) (Golldshtein, M.N.) SOKOLOV. S.S., inzhener. Calculating the strength of rockless foundations. Gidr.stroi. 23 no.7:44 154. (MLRA 7:11) (Foundations) SOKOLOV. S.S. Building railroad lines on loess-type argillaceous soils in water-flooded zones. Transp. stroi. 5 no. 10:22 D '55. (MLRA 9:3) 1. Glavnyy geolog Tranamostproyekta. (Boil mechaniCB) (Railroad engineering) SOKULUVY S. S. "Decreasing Duration of Freeze-Up as Aelated to the Warrdng of the Climate," Priroda, No.7, pp y6-58., 1955 Translation DSIS, T 197 R, 26 Aug 55 SOKOLOV, S.S., knnd.geol.-mineral. nauk. Morms and regulations on calculations for foundations in fripble soils. Stroi.prom. 35 no-7:35-37 -Tl '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Foundations) SOV// 13 -2-59--l- 15)117 AUTHORS: Sokolov, S.S. and Churinov, !@,%V. TITLE': On Foreimn Methods of Research into the Sheanr Strenrpth CD of Argillaceous Soils PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, Nr 7, PP 59-62 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Different methods of research on the shear strength of argillaceous soils in USA, Germany and in Scandi- navian countries are described in this article. There are 2 tables 2md 5 gravhs. ASSOCIATION:VSEGITTGEO Card 1/1 iiYAXIIE.NIK0Vj A.S.; ANTON'--VIKO, K.I.; TITOV, N.A.; CHAPOI.,'ZAKIY, Yo.'r.; GIIURII:OV, II.V.; KOPOPLYA14TSEV, A.Z.; VIRTOROV, S.V.; VOSrYOKOVATA, Ye.A.; SADOVSrM, II.D.; MiDEEMIT, B.I.; OGILIVI, N.A.; LUNGMSGAUM, G.F.;B?,ODSM, ',-.A.; SHICIMELMY, A.V.; KFW, V.N.;YMEL'YAfIOVA, -@j.P.; SOKOI!q@S --;,BMSM-,'EV, I.I.; GROSHIN, S.I.; MAKIUVEYEV, A.A N.A.; YEFMOV, A.I.; ASSOVSKIY, G.N.; VLADDIIROV, A.G:tdIe'-c'-e7Mas-0eVdi; PROKHMOV, S.P.; FILIPFOVA, B.S., red. izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. [Methodological manual on hydrogeological sunreying at the scales 0f 1:1,000,000 - 1:500,000 and 1:200,000 - 1:100,000]Metodiche- skoe rukovodstvo po gidrogeologicheskoi stleriLke masshtabov 1:1000 COO - L;5000 000 i 1;200 000 - 1:100000. Pod obshchei red. A.A.Ma'7kaveeva i A.S.Riabchenkova. Foskva, Gos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po -eol. i okhrane nedr, 1961. 318 p. (MLU 15:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Niristerstvo geologii i okh-rany nedr. (Water, Underground) (Geological surveys) . - SIOKOLOVY S.S.; CHURRIOG, M.V. Foreign practice of coring monoliths of soils. Razved. i okh. nedr 26 no.6:55-58 Je 1666' NIRA 15:7) 1. Vsesoyaznyj, nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrogeologii i inzhenernoy geologii. (Core drilling)