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Production of Heavy FGrglngs; (Cont.) sov/6162 COITRV:E,* The book reviews teQhnological problems of forging large steel ingots. The effeot of reduction and conditions of deforma- tion on quality of forgings is discussed on the basis of re- work done at heavy-manhinery plants of the MR. The book oft"ers suggestions on improving the quality of large forgings and reducirig the amount of labor required to produce them. J-1. Ya. Chernikhova, V. 1. Tarnovskiy, and.V. P. Bakharev tc.ok pavt In prepa'rl ng th,@, 3*py for publication. There ai-e-193 ref- er_en!@ea, moz-bly 'Ellovlet. TABLE OF COMIMM., Fora@,Tor-i Ch. 1. Effectl of Tef@hnological Parameters of Forging 3 on the Quality of Forgings 5 Deformations and stresses during drawing and up- Settj'11- Operations (-rarnovskiy, 1. Ya., and V. N. Trubirl 5 Ca.rd 2/* Produ@,tion of Heavy Forgings; (Cont. SOV/6 16 2 Mechanism of "welding" of internal defects in metal (Trubin, V. N., and I. Ya. Tarnovskiy) 26 WeldIng-Of int"ernal defects during forging (@okol&4 ---------- 45 Eff ect@-ofl forging on the density of metal((Sokolo@ r,-I. G. 49 EfT&i@f---of forging on the shape of nonmetallic in- clusions and anisotropy of-me-chaniza2 properties In large steel parts W16-iov, I. G* __1 54 dlti-oz -_, e Effect of heat-treatmentcon 7s--on th anisotropy of me,@.banlcal properties of forged steel (Trubin, V. N., and 1. Ya. Chernikhova) 64 Ch. II. Changes in Metal Quality Caused by Drawing of Carbon-Steel Ingots 72 Basic principles 72 Forging of 5-ton Ingot-s (Trubin, V. N., and I. I. Grigor v yev) 75 Forging of 6-ton ard 10-ton ingots (Nedosekin, L. I., and V. M. Korovina) 81 Card 3/0, SOICOLOV,I.G., dotsent. kandidat fiziko-matematicheakikh &auk Approximntion of functions satisfying -I'Apshits' conditions by S.N. Bernshtein's polynomials. Nauk.zap. LIviv. un. no-5:1('-15 147. (Bernstein polynomials) (Functions) (MLRA 8:11) SOVOLOV,I.G., doteent, kandidRt fiziko-matematichnikh nauk Fourier coefficients for certain clnsses of continuous functions. Nauk.zap. Llviv. un.,no.5:16-21 147. (MLRA 6:11) (Fourier's series) (Functions) SOIKOLOV, i.G. Conver.--ance Conver,sonce of functions a given modulus of cont-anuity by 7;-,2rF'ttUeyn"s polyr-o-nialls. I NO Nauk.zap. L'v:LV5 12, 1 - 3 19h9. ,Xonthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of GonVess, Novem-iber 195?. UNCLASSIFIED. Sokolov 1. 0 The remainder term in the FAUEJU-Vjk@Lor -U :'r-e' "alc functions. Lvov. Gos. Univ. Ud. Zap, ie n 29, Ser, Meh,-Mat. no. 6 (1954), 82-B7. (Rus5ian) The alithor transfovins the Ubtl@oie conitanO L' gmund, Trigonometrical scrie ;s, Warsaw-Lvie3w, 935, [Zy, p. 172] into a form suitable for numerical calculation and tabulates L,, for n - 1 (1) 10,-SD,-He calculates nuint6cdly- the coefficients in the asymptotic formula Ln=al log (2)j+ 1) +az+aa(2n+ I)-2+0(n-3). Let 111, be the.class of functions of period 2x with rth derivative bounded by M; let H,,'"=su E,(j)forj.cfV,-, p where EA denoves best approximation by trigonometric polynomials. Then [Ahiezer, Lectures on the theory of. approximation, OGIZ, Aloscow-Leningrad, 1947, p. 207; AM 10, 331 H,(r)=4jz-1K,(n+l)-rjII, where Kr is e-x- pressed in ternis Of Bernoulli and E'uler numbers, The author tabulates 4,-r-lKr "or Y @ 1 (1) 10, 4D auston, Ill.y R. P .Boas, Jr. (Ev. SOKOLOV, USSIM Mathematics Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 6/46 Authors I Sokolov, I. G. Title The residual term of the Fourier series of differentiable functions Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 103/l,'23-26) Jul 1, 1955 Abstract t A simpler and more restricted (the upper limit is established) residual term is dqr@ved for the Fourier series of the 2;T- periodical functions of the Kvikri class. Three USSR references '1935-1949). Instituticz - LIvov State University imeni Iv. Franko Prea-,nk'o(I by: Anademician A. N. Kholmogorov, March 19, 1955 "all Nr: AF 110E'@",25 Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress, Moscow, Jun-Jul 15c), Trudy '506., V. 1, Sect, Rpts., Izdatel'stvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237 Pp. -Sokolov, .1. G. (Lvov). The Residue of Fourier Serves for Differen i-able Functions, 102 KOVAN'TKO, Aleksandr Sergeyevich;SOKOI/W -@-Ivan Georgiyevich; KOSTOVSKIY, A.14., otv. red. ; FELLER, M.D. , RWAUCATKO, te-Uh. red. [Theory of the function of a real variable and fundamentals of functional analysis] Teoriia funktsii deistvitellnogo peremen- nogo i osnovy funktsionallnogo analiza. LIvov, Izd-vo LIvovskogo univ., 1961. 401 p. (MIRA 14-12) (Functions of real variables) (Functional analysis) LYANTSE, V.E,; SOKOLOV, I @". A11-city mathematical seminary at Lvov. Usp. pat. nauk 18 no.3t253 Itr-Je 163. (MIRA 16-.10) LYAME', SCF01PIV, A J.1 I ty e-,atical _-,@,,,n "rift r tit I. I v ,r in 1963. mat. na'Qk 19 nc.4:,'@34 164, (MINL4 17: 10) I I , .7- - -." 0 lv::@,l Tv.--211(o@.l ::, I -, -3 -1 Fetro@-Ifl -kl-d 11. V.A. - " i-,e lia 19 1 1 P", . (5 -& %39) I 0 -6 *l) L-3 3 1, . 3E 11 ,l)'C,,'C-:.@,"k.,', Dirm Ivancvich Ccurse in i-l-h,.,sics; textbook for the Eth, 10th gr-,Aes of school. 'Ibsk"a, Cos. uchelonc- pela.-cE. iEc-vo, 11?38-1941- 3 v. -@-Ul s6lu %, U - --- - I i ., I,= I I Course -.'Ln T-.iysics; textbcok foc the Sth, luth gr-lies of hith school. Mosliva, Cos. i,-d-vo., 1947. 3 V. SOKOLOV, I.I., professor; RASOV, G-V., redaktor; TSIRULIIIITSKIY, II.P., -"t-eI&!:-dheskiy radaktor. [Course in physics3 Kurs 'Liziki. Izd. U-e. Moak7a. Gos.ucl-.-bnc- pedagog.izd-vo Ministerst7a proeveshcheniia RSFSR. Pt. 1.[Mechanirs. Text book for class 8 of the secondary school] Makhanika. Uchebnik dlia 8-go klassa arednei shkoly. 1950. 263 P. (MA 8:4) (Mechanicz) SOKOLOV, Ivan Ivnnovich. Methods of teachinr- physics in secondary schools Izd. A. perer Dopushcheno v kachest-ve ucheb. posobiia diia studentov fiziko-matematicheskikh fakul'tetov pedagog. in-tov, Moskva, Gos. uchabno-pedagoc. izd-vo 1951. 589 p. (55-16354) 1. Physics - Study and teaching. QC30.S63 1951 30KOD3V, I.I., CHORNIY Ye.P., redaktor; NIALYAVKO, AS, tekhaicheskiy -- @ @ - @redgkto`r. [Method of teaching physics in the secondary school. Translated from the revised third Russian edition] Metodyka vykladannia fizyky v seredati shkoli. Pereklad z pereroblenogo tretloho roslislkoho vidannia. Kyiv, Derzhavne uchbovo-pedagogichne vyd- vo"Radian'ska ahkola," 1952. 526 p. (MLRA 8:9) (Physics-Study and teaching) MESHKOV, Vasiliy VaBillyevich. 1893- ; SOKOLOV, I.I. [Illwaination technology course] Kure osvetitel'noi tekhaiki. Izd. 4., ispr. i dop. Moskva. Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1953. 248 p. (MIJU 6:8) (lighting) 30-1-1-GLOV, 1. 1. 4912. Kurs fiziki. '-'cilebnik dlya sred. shkoly. I'lulcus-saaarkand, karakalpalcgiz, 1954. 23 sm.--!Ia karakalpak. yaz. Ch. 2. Kolebaniya i voln3r. Teplota. Dlya 9-yo klassa. 41-y-- IZD., 3 12-go Rus. 204s. s Ill. 3.000 EKZ. 3r. 5k. V per.--(54-5784105) 53(075) SO. KriLzImaya Letopis', Vol. 1, 1955 SOKOLOV, X.I., prof.; P.NRYSHKIN. A.Y., dots., red.; PON0191WA, A.A., tekhn. red. [Programs of pedagogicial institutes; methods of teachiz)g physics; major: mathematics; requiremento for the title of Teacher of Mathematics and Physical Progriammy pedagogicheskikh institiitov; metodika propodovanlia fi2iki. Spetsialinosti - matema*tika, kvalifikataiia - uchitell matematiki i fiz'iki. Xbsk7a, Gbs. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo H-va prosv. RSFSR, 1956. 12 p.(MIU 11;9) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye -upravleniye vysshikh i srednikh pedagogichookikh nchebnykh zavedeniy. (Physics--Study and teaching) SOKOLOV I.I. professor (Moskva) .1 , -1 m:l----,U -1 On a new textbook on pedagogy( "Pedagogy". P.N.Shimbirev, I.T. Ogorod- nik3v. Reviewed by I.I.Sokolov). Fiz. v shkole 16 no-3:76-77 My-Je 156. (HLRA 9:7) l.GosudarstveaW pedagogicheskiy institut imeni V.I.Lenina. (11ducation-Stady and teaching) (Shimbirev, P.N.) (Ogorodnikov, I.T.) .*BEIDGORSKAYA, N.I.; GALION, D.D.; GORYACHK@N, Ye.N.; GLAZYRIN, A.I.; DUBOV, A.G.; YEVROPIN, Yu.P.; YENDIWVICH, A.S.; ZVORYKIN, B.S.; IVANOV, S.I.; KRAUKLIS, V.V.; LAVRDVSKIY, K.F.; KUSHLITIN, N.F.; MINCHEMV, Te.Ya.; NABONDV, M.Ye.; PERYSHKIN, A.V.; R)FOV, P.I.; POKWVSKIY, A.A.; REZNIEDV, L.I.; SAKHAROV, D.I.; SOKOLOV, I.I.; SOKOLDVA, U.N.; WENCHIK, E.Ye.; YU@IKDVICH, V.F. Sergai Nikolaevich Zharkov. [Obituaryl.Fiz.v shkole 16 no-3:94-95 MY-Js '56. (Zharkov, Sergai Nikolaevich, 1883-1956) (MIRA 9:7) AUTHOR: Sokolov, I.I. (Moscow) 47-4-9/20 TITLEi It is Necessary to Define More Accurately the Concept "Found- ations of Physical' (Neobkhodimo utochnit' ponyatiye 110snovy Fiziki") PERIODICAL: Fiziki v shkole, 1957, pp 57-58 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This and the following article are printed in consequence of the discussion on the contents of the course in physics and the problems of polytechnical instruction in No 2, 1957, of this periodical. The author expresses the opinion that with- out a preliminary determination as to what the foundations of physics represent, a proper program in physics cannot be built up. Even in the book of N.K. Goncharov "Foundations of Pedagogy" (09novy pedagogiki) this question is not included, and the author shares the opinion of V.P. Yus1kovich that the notion "foundation of science" is not an absolute idea, but a historical one which changes with the development of science itself. Thus, for instance, one cannot but include into the foundations of science the data on atomic physics or Bemicon- ductors although both are recent achievements. The author quotes the concept of V.F. Yus1kovich in regard to what should Card 1/2 be understood by "foundations of physics" and suggests that the I @ 47-4-9/20 It is Necessary to Define More Accurately the Concept "Foundations of Physics" question be placed before public opinion. The author also speaks for a graduated distribution of the school course in physica considering it a great progressive achievement of the Soviet method. ASSOCI'ATION: State Pedagogical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin, Moscow (Gosudar- stvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut imeni V.I. Lenina, Moskva) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 T AUTHOR: Sokolov, I.I., Professor 47-4-4/20 TITLE; The Development of the Method of Teaching Physics in the USSR (Razvitiye metodiki prepodavaniya fiziki v SSSR) PERIODICAL: Fizika v shkole, 19579 No 4, PP 31-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article sets forth briefly the backward conditions pre- vailing in Tsarist Russia as to physics instruction at the end of the l9th and beginning of 20th century. It enumerates the then existing pedagogical societies and circles and the con- gresses of teachers of physics and chemistry which took place at that time. It mentions 3 veteran teachers, the Professors P.A. Znamenakiy, Leningrad, N.V. Kashin, Moscow, and S.P. Slyusarevskiy, Kiyev, who are still alive. It quotes a number of textbooks and their authors, which were then in use, and handbooks on the method of teaching physics. The author then gives a detailed review of the development of Soviei methods of instruction in physics to the present time. Two since - dissolved institutes of school work methods built the found- ation for the methodical section for physics of the Institute of Instruction Methods, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences (Labors- toriya metodiki fiziki instituta metodov obucheniya akademii Card 1/4 podagogiehaskikh nauk), which was founded in 1943. The Section The Development of the Method of Teaching Physics in the USSR 47-4-4/20 continues to organize regular meetings of physic teachers. In the course of years, institutes for the improvement of teacher qualifications were established in Oblast' centers; their Chairs of Physics assist teachers in systematizing the program material, working out methods of instruction for the different subjects and conducting laboratory work. In addition to the universities (about 40), where physic teachers are trained, there are more than 100 pedagogical institutes pursuing the same object. The author refers to another work of his about to be printed in the "Scientific Transactions" of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin (Uchenyye zapiskill Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo institut imeni V.I. Lenina) dealing more closely with the physico-mathematical faculties of these institutes. The measures introduced for the teaching of physics repeatedly failed and had to be abandoned. Thus, f.i. the so-called "method of projects" was copied from the elementary schools of the USA and introduced in all schools beginning with the elementary up to the Vuz, but it proved to be detrimental and hampered the development of the methods of instruction. At last, for the scholastic year 1954/55, a pro- gram for physics was approved which had been prepared by the Card 2/4 Main Administration for Schools of the RSFSR Ministry of The Development of the Method of Teaching Physics in the USSR 47-4-4/20 Education (Glavnoye upravleniye shkol ministerstva prosve- shcheniya RSFSR) and the Institute for Kethods of Instruction of the APN (Institut metodov abucheniya APN). The article enumerates the positive sides of the program. Among others it states that the practical training in mechanical and electrical engineering at the secondary schools should extend the knowledge conveyed to the students during the course in physics. All the schools of the Russian Federation work ac- cording to the 1955/56 plan except 500 at which a new school plan has been introduced as a trial-The directives of the 20th Party Congress provide for the realization of general secondary education and a development of polytechnical train- ing at the schools of general education during the Sixth 5- Year Plan. From the new experimental school plan, which was approved on 3 August 19560 a table shows the number of hours in physics and other newly introduced subjects which aim at the increase of polytechnioal training given in each of the years of a 10-year secondary school. For practical training, 216 hours are provided for city schools, and 288 for country schools. The duration of the school year is increased to 34 weeks. The article contains more particulars of the experiment- Card 3/4 al plan for the 500 schools and deals closely with the results USSR/General Section Problems of Teaching. A-5 Abs Jow- : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 67 Author : __S@Cqpv, - I. I. Inst Title It is Necessary to Refine the Concept "Fundamentals of Physics." Orig Pub Fizika v shkole, 1957, No 4, 57-58 Abstract Discussion of the contents of a course in pnysics, in con- nection with the article by V.P. Yus'kovich (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 9, 21651), See also Referat Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 11, 26920 -- 26922. Card 1/., Development of the Method of Teaching Physics in the USSR 47-5-4/16 justified expectations, it has been introduced into a con- siderable number of schools. The plan covers industrial and agricultural production, mechanical engineering and electro- technics. In the course of studying physics, the students be- come convinced of the materiality of the world, the objectiv- ity of the laws of nature and the possibility of their per- ception thru science. Thus, the foundations for a dialectic- materialistic concept ond an atheistic conviction are formed within the student. Endeavors have constantly been made to strengthen the experimental method of instruction by demonstrat- ions and home experiments. Much attention has also been paid to the supply of required equipment by the Ministry and by several school-patronizing industrial enterprises. Mention is made of a technical-teaching industry of the RSFSR Ministry of Education producing hundreds of millions of rubles worth of apparatusses, but yet there is a lack in school laboratory equipment. The next section is entitled "Textbooks on Physics for Secondary Schools" and contains a chronological review of the textbooks published during the last 40 years giving the authors' names and an evaluation of their usefulness. The author admits that the schools have no modern textbooks on Card 2/14 physics which completely satisfy the needs. Reference, how- Development of the Method of Teaching Physics in the USSR 47-5-4/16 ever, is made to the "Elementary Textbook on Physics", publish- ed 1948-1952 in 3 volumes under the editorship of Academician G.S. Landsberg, which helped many students in their studies. For the teachers it is very valuable, as it gives them a deep- er explanation of various physical phenomena, laws and theories. This applies also to the "Course in Physics" by N.P. Tretlyakov published in 1952 by the Uchpedgiz (Goeudarstevnnoye izdatell- stvo uchebnoy i pedagogicheskoy literatury) which is an aid to secondary school teachers. In connection with the new teach- ing plan, textbooks are being revised and new ones issued. At the end of 1955, an All-Union Conference on textbooks in Moskva discussed the problem of a textbook on physics for the 8 - 10th class's as to the teaching method, system of exposit- ion etc. A section of the article deals with the textbooks on physical problems published during the Soviet regime, and gives an opinion of their merits. Emphasis is also laid on the technical character of these problems in conne6tion with poly- technical instruction, The next paragraph enumerates and evaluates a number of hand-booke issued on the method of teach- ing physicat giving the authorsf names, year of publication and an evaluation of them. Another section handles the extra Card 3/4 curricular studies in physics in student circles as the main SOKOLOV, I.I., prof. -------- -, --- - - - -- - Methodological periodicals on physics. 118:143-174 '5'f - - (14IRA 13:5) (Physics-PeriodicalB) SOKOIA)V, Ivan Ivanovich; DROZH2MN, Yu.N., red.; MAKHOV.A, N.H., [Methods of teaching physics in the secondary school] Metodika prepodavaniia fiziki v srednei shkole. Izd.4., perer. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-pedagog.izd-vo H-va proav.RSM, 1959. 373 P. (MIRA 13:2) (Ph.vsics--;Stndy and teaching) 24(0) AUTHO'R: Sokolov. I. I.. SOV/53-68-4-9/12 TITLE: Nikolay Vladimirovich Kashin (Deceased) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol 68, Wr 4v PP 735-736 (USSR) ABSTR.kCT: On January 10, 1959, N. V. Kashin, one of the oldest Professors of Physics of Russia, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, a sdielitist of great merit, Holder of the Chair of Physics at the Moskovskiy gornyy institut (Moscow Institute of Mining) died at the age of 87. His scientific traininq is first briefly described, and in the following his pedagogical activities are dealt with. From 1925 - 1939 he was in charge of the Chair for the Methodkio.- of Physics at the 2. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (2nd Moscow State University), after which he worked at the Chair for Physics at the Moscow Mining Institute. Besides his scientific and pedagogical activities he devoted 1:1;-f attention to scientific societies. Already in 1899 he became a member of the Pedagogical Society of Moscow University (Physics Departmentq Director Professor N. A. Umov). In this society he was head of the laboratory Card 1/1 committee. MARGOLIS, Aron Abramovich; PARFENTIYEVA. Natallya Yefimovna;__�Q4QL0Y.,. ,,-Ivan Ivanovich. Prinimali uchqatiye: MUR, D.M.; IVANOVA, L.A.; UG-L)I-IOV-.-A.-L.-M,~EKSEYEV.A, N.V., red.; SVITKOV, L.P., red.; KOVALMO, V.L., [Laboratory manual for experiments in physics; for students in pedagogical institutes] Prektikam po metodike fiziki; posobie dlia studentov pedagogicheBkikh iastitutov. Moskva, Goo. uchabno-pedagog.izd-vo M-va proov.RSFSR, 1960. 341 p. (MIRa 14:2) (Physics--Laboratory manuals) SANDL7R, TI.A.; STRELFTS, Kh.L.; GARMATA, V.A.; RODYAKIN, V.V.; ARUTYUNOV, E.A., PET-RMIIKO, A.N.; SOKOLOV, I.I.; Prin-Imali uchastiye: USTINOV, V.S.; KISELFV, O.G.; PEREPICHAY, A.G.; MARICFF7, A.A.; Y-1-MISEE-17-W", 1.B.- SMPLISKIY, I.Ya.; GOT,OV, A.G. Effect of the rate of feeding titanium tetrachloride into the reactor on the indices of the magnesium thermic reduction process. TSvet. met. 37 no.lOt58-60 0 164. (MrRA 18:7) BOBRIIISKIY, Nikolay Alekseyevich; KUZN-ETSOV, Boris Aleksandrovich; KUZYAKIN, Aleksaridr Petrovich, prof.; likTALTI, V.F., doktor biol. nauk, retsenzent; SOKOLOV, I.I., doktor biol. nauk, retsenzent; CHAPSKIY, K.K., doktor biol. naulk, retsenzent; GROMOV, I.M.., kand. biol. nauk, retsenzent; KITUNTSKARIYA, Ye.N., red. [Guide to thE mammals of the U.S.S.R.; a manual for students of pedagogical institutes and teachers] ODredelitell m1eko- pita-iushchikh SSER; posobie dlia studentov pedagogicheskikh instituto7 i uchitelei. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Frosve- shchenie, 196-5. 381 p. (MIRA 18:5) SOKOLCV, 1.1 . Some principles and i-.ethods of ta7.ono,-.,y. Trudy Eooi. inst. 3 5: 16-42' 165. 19: 11 1. Zoologichesk-iy institut All' SSSR. 1. MROV, B. A. Prof.: SOKOLOV, 1. 1* 2. U55R (600) )j. Fe,rftir - Frqcture 7. Su:@gical treatment of femral fractures. KhLrurgiia No. 8, 1952. 0 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January 1953. Unclassified. Cr, C4 crrt?:; in tl irr.-s 'Ins, lc,57. Jc r of oni, n ' 'c,-d nst tute mnv) GOLOSOV, A.V:; USFRNSKAYA, A.N.; TSVICTKOV, N.G.; SUMAROKOVA, 6,- - M-11 - M Ya. rt w AVSKIT, M.N., redaktor, LYLTDKOVSKAYA, N.I., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Textbook of the Latin language for secondary medical schools] Uchebnik latinskogo iazyka dlia arednikh meditslnskikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Pod obehchei red. R.IA.Sumarokovoi. Moskva, Gos.izd-To med.lit-ry, 1957.'157 P. (Latin language) (MM 10:11) SOKOLOV# I.I., doktor med.nauk Intramedullary nailing in compound fractures of long bones [with summary in English]. Xhirurgiia 34 no-7:8Q6-87 JI '58 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Iz MoskOgskogo gorodskogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo Instituta, skoroy pomoshchi imeni N.V. Sklifosovskogo (dire - saslyzhenyy vrach USSR M.M. Tarasov, glavu.V khtrurg - prof. B.A. Petrov). (FRACTMOS, surger7 intraoseeous metal rod fixation of compomd fract, of long bones (Rua)) SOKOLOV, I.I.v doktor meditsinskikh. nauk ( Moskva, Novo-peschanaya ul., korp.62, kv.157) Intramedullary nailing in pathological fractures of the femur and humerus. Test.khir. 83 no.11:32-36 N 159. (MIRA 13:4) (HIP fract. & disloc.) (SHOUMER fract. & disloc.) S OKOLOV,, Ij. ITitraosseous fixation with a metal nail in fractures of the neck of the humerus. Khirurgiia 36 no.6:50-55 Je 160. (MIRA 13:12) (MIERUS--FRACTURE) (INTERNAL FIXATION-A-N FRACTURE) SDKOLOVY I.I.; RASIEK V.L. ---- 1 .9 Developr;ent of teeth and the skull as age indices in the saiga (Saiga tatarica L.). Biul. 1-101P. Otd. biol. 66 no.6:77-98 F-D 161. (MIL,@ J-4:12) (SAIGA) (TEIETH) (SKULL) T t SOKC,-Ov an I L thesla DIFnara ion 9 nfBthe3la an,l @n@ surg-a! treatrij.-it Of Osseous ;-,rauqa ..qtne@,ja pe jj i@rj I apa a r, ts "--.:,Iy ln:jt. N.V. Skllf-9@, i i@ 8 -roy pomc@sh-21,.:, --,er,',- SOFOLN, I.I., prc,!'. ftlooktm A.252, ul. d.16, korp,,is 621 ATAYEVp Z.M., kand. med. nauk; KEKSHIN, A.I. Folle of exerm-se therapy in the Nru!tional outccrne of Lhe treatu.. men'. of dislocations of the elbow joint in adolescents. Ortop., tra-mm. i prot--z. 26 no.9,.2/--30 S 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. 1z Moskc@vsk-.,)go instituta skor-cy pumoshch.' N.I. Sk1ifcsofskz;go ".1ir. zus-11,mhennyy v.-aah Uls:@SSR M@.m. Ta-rasa-7). 62, S OKOI i 20V i I I I K A Y V @ V @a@-at,p. of .hg noazulation s,@yjten the femcral ne-CY In elderly' perscrI3, Ort-op,', triivm, i prf.@Iez. 2h nD,!1-;49-@;" pro vf,- -. T@ C@ 0 C:.::e c-k,, v r.Bentr-Allnoy klin@cheEi..nv laborator" (mkc-..,odj tell- Novose-, I-qkayj@', -nstituta !meri Skllfcs,@','BkoRc rvy v -a @ h lilkr' _R III, -X,, T. ra SOKOLOV, I - rom Dadzhi--iqlaanill in sympoc-il-IM: S. A. Sokolov, I. ::. - IIH@.-_Irp_'aieIIa f - V zerro@ra :-'or(, 1948, f-. 242-52 - 3*,blio6: 94 ; tems - I I I -ow-Leninj _. Z; - - - I so- u-,7@6oo, 1,) -iiay (L@tto-)is I-Td-au-nal ln@ikh Statcy, 'No. 6 1@@,q). 27011 Ob Cs,;atlca:@h Poloro.,ilch (Bovidae, lamumlia) Iz Sredne,,@o ll-'Jotsena Sevemo.go Kaviaza. D,ol.:la,iy Ak,-d. flauk Sssr. Novaya Seriya. T. LXVII, No. 0', 1949, S. 1101-04 - Bil-li,)rgil: 12 f-Tazv. B. Cbshchaya Siologiya. Tsitologiya, Gistologiya (LM. T,%kzhe- XXII.Z) '0: L:7,TCPIS "10. 34 Anokidn. P. K. 0 Reinshayushchey Roli 11-neshnikli Faktorov V IEtoricheskom %Izvitii Nerwnoy Deyatellnosti-sm. 27320 I . T. Karskul Chancres in the morohological characteristics of karsku-1 sheeo raised in the forest steppe zone. Doll. AN SSSR Na. 2, 1952. I 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nowmlber 1952 /L@�@I, Uncl. S @) i."I ' ' ) @," ,i .L . Sheep "Mountain sheen in :Europe and Asia." It. 1. Tcalkin. Reviewed by 1. 1. Sr)ko!ov, Zool. zhur., 31., To. J, 11952. 9. MONTHLY LIST 0:-' ' JTTSSIANT AC=-.';SII)';S, Library of Congress. Uctober 1952. Uncl. M SOKOLOV, i. i. Oxen - Asia New species of wild oull from southeast Asia, Zool. zhur., 31, No. *.3, 1952. 9. 1-PNTFLY LIST OF RUSSIAIT ACCESSIO;','S-, Library of Congress, Uctober 1952. Uncl. T 7 T"i -1 ;u: 4. Discovery of remains of* E vidae (I im.-,alia' in fower -ioc-ie Jejo@;its of tihe .Iestcrn @obi. 'rut, 1'-aleont.inEt. 41 no. 1, 1912. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953. Unclassified. SOKOI,OV, T. I. Biology Outline history of Russian Biology ("Russian bioloEist-evolutionists prior to Darwin." B. Ye. Jbiykov. Reviewed by V. A. Dogell, I. I. Sokolov). Priroda J, No. 7, July 1952. 9. Llo_nUaly Russian Accessions List, Library of Gongress, November 1952. UNCIASSIFIED. SOKOLOV. I.I. Natural classification of hollow-horned ruminants (Bovidae). Trudy Zool.inst. 14 '53- (KMA 7:4) (Bovidae) SOKOLOV, I.I. RHask deer ana reindeer.* K.K.Florov. Reviewed by I.I.Sokolov. JIL-Ae-154-- (MM 7:8) (Mask deer) (Reindeer) (Ilorov. K.K.) SOKOLOV, 1. 1. ` .'-@ -'- New gpecies of Tertia.17 antelope in the southern U.S.S.R. Trudy Zool.inst. no.17:217-223 '55. (MMA 8:10) (AntelODeS, Fossil) SUKULOV, I.I. Morphological principles of conformation types of Y-,rakul sheep in Kara Kum. Trudy Zool.inst. 21-425-451 '55. OSRA 9:5) (Kara Kum-Karakul sheep) L _0 TJSSR/ Biology Zoology Pub. 86 - 5/39 Authors. Sokolov,, I. I., Dr. Biol. Se. Title Biological peculiarities of domestic animals and their wild ancestors Periodical Priroda MW3, 48 - 55, Mar 1955 Abstract Radical differences between domestic animals and their wild ancestors are attributed to the speeding up of evolutionary processes through artificial selection. Although the use- fulness of certain animals apparently played a role in their selection for domestication the author finds that certain ani- mals by nature are more amenable to domestication than others. Certain wild animals which are useful to mankind, but which have never been domesticated, are discussed and traits are pointed out in them which are the apparent causes of failure to domesticate them. Nine references; 8 Soviet, 1 German, (1934 - 1953). Illustrations. Institution : ..... - SOKOWV,- 1. 1. Littoral zoobenthos of the southern part of Lake Jedoga. Trudy Kar.fil. AN SSSR no.5:76-87 '56, (KIRA 10:7) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR. (badoga, Lake--Fresh-water fauna) S(ZOLOV, 1. 1. ^VA.- Metaods for determining the age of [with Snglish au in insert]. 1.Zoologicheakly inatitut AN SSSR. (Roe doer) roe doer (Capreolus caprealus L.) Zool.shur.35 ne.8:1238-1249 Ag '56. O(T-RA 9:10) p SOKOLOV, I.I. woo. Certain trends in the morphological study of domestic animals [with English summary in insert]. Zool.zhur. 36 no-1:39-48 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1.Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSR. (Anatomy, Comparative) (Adaptation (Biology)) (Sheep--Anatomy) SOKOLOV, I.I. Rven-toed ungulates (Artiodactyla) in the southern part of Yunnan Province (China) [with summary in Bnglishj. Zool. zhur. 36 no.11: 1750-1760 9 157. (MLRA 1O.-il) 1. Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSR (Leningrad) (Yunnan Pf ovince--Ungulata) iiOKOLOV. Ivan Ivanovich; PAVLOYSICIT, Te.N.. akademik, glavnyy red.; STR OV, A.A.,'profe, red*; VAKHTIN, Tu.B., red.izd-va; 9,;RND 1, R.Ye., [Morphology of domestic sheep breeds in relation to environ- mental conditions and the character of productivity] Morfologiia porod domashnikh ovets; v avia21 a usloviiami. sredy i kharakterom produktivnosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 202 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo inatituta AN SSSR (for Pavlovskiy). (Soviet Central Asia--Sheep breeds) SOKOLOV, I.I., doktor biolog.nank Morphological characteristics of the zootechnical types of Askaniya fine-i-rool sheep. Trudy "Ask.-Nov." 8.84-9-22 160. (14IRA 14:4) (Sheep breeds) SOKOLOV, I.I. A new Cavicornia species from the Hipparion fauna of the Crimea. Paleont. zhur. no.2:112-118 61. MRA 14.6) 1. Zcologicheskii, institut AN SSSR. (Cri-mea--Goats, Fossil) SOKOLOVI I.I. Spiral-horned antelopes of the genus Spirocerus Boule et Teilhard de Chardin. Trudy Zool. inst. 29:156-182 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Antelopes, Fossil) SOKOLOV, I.I.; RAFALOVIGH, I.A. I- Bison in Moldavia. Biul. MOIP. Gtd. biol. 66 no.3sl."-146 My-Je 161. (KODRY,--BISON, FOSSIL) (MERA 14:6) SOKOIOOVI I.I.; YANKOVSKAYA, A.I. A survey of water mites (Acariformes, Hydracarina) in Leningrad Province and Karelia. Ti-udy Zool.inst. 3li389-428 162. 4ningrad Province-Hydracarina) (MIRA 16:1) 1 (Karelia-Hydracarina) GROMOV, I.M.; GUREYEV, A.A.; NOVIKOV, G.A.; 4Q@QLOV, I.I.; STRELKOV, P.P.; CHAFSKIY, K.K.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik, glay. red.; BY)MVSKIY, B.Ye., red., MONCHADSKIY, A.S., red.; SKARLATO, O.A., red.; SHTAKELIBERG, A.A., red.; SMIRNOVA, N.V., red.; SMIRNOVA, A.V., tekhn. red. (Mauimals of the U.S.S.R.] Mlekopitaiushchie fauny- SSSR. Sost. I.M.Gromov i dr. Moskva,, Izd-To AN SSSR. Pts.1-2. 1963. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Zoologicheskiy institut. (Mammals) - , -1 1. 1.; KLEBANO'lik, Yo. A.; SOK01,OV, A. S. I - Morphological and functional chaxaneristi--@.,3 of the locamotorium in saiga and goitered gazelle. Trudy Zool inst. 33Z319-348 !64. (MIRA 17, -11) 11% SmOLOV, I. I. Effect of colchicine on different st&&s of spemstogenesis and chreaosomes in Orthoptera. Trudy est. 69 no.4:169-195 047. OffjU 9: 3) 1. Laboratoriya ekoperimenallnoy soologil i gnentiki shivotnykh Leningradekogo gesudaretvannogo universiteta. (spermategenesis) (Colc@lcine) Ins t _,-@zt . E" ol. -ci . , lcn -7 .-ci Lab :.-, 0 Lenin; -r-q I@@ate Univ., -cIQ4,3; r., L@nrimvrrarl St-ate Uriv., tI. 1;0010, o.' "'ol--` .,,-_on tle -p "itos-s in C?`hou, Do`.. 24, t.ilon of 3-aicalacaras @ 7, @@l on -d 3@ololov 3nd it s t 60, "o. 1, I-Pl!"; st al, --,7,a4 Poloror-s' -2 o,,,i -;.a -,i alla) from, the 1:docme of -;o2th Cauc@ibus (:Zollcs o@ 'Hoinn ;?.n-' Tooth aj Sol-'OLOY' I.I. Contributions to the water,.mite fauna of Teletakoye Lake. Tz-udy Zool.inst. 7 no.4:132-138 '49. (KLRA 7:5) (Teletskoye Lake-Mites) (Kites-Teletakoye Lake) T T Ticks The Urd tick, Revie-,..:-d 1'. 1. 1. Sokolov, zzhur., 31, :-) 1, 1952 .4 9. Manthl List of Russian Accessions, Librarj of Congress, 'arch 1952 M][XXX, Uncl. - - V7 2 1. 1. %@ites Observations on the embryonic development of granar- No. 4, 1952/ y mites. Trudy Len.ob-va est 71, .i 111onth1v List of Russian Accessions, Librar-y of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. SOKOLOV) I. I. Ticks Detectio-a of fungous organisms in generative elements of ornithodorus papillipes. Dokl. AN SSM. 85., No. 1, 1952. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. ,;OKOLOV. I. I. Chromosome complexes of ticks and their importance for classification and phylogeny. Trudy Len. ob-va est. 72 no.4:124-159 '54. (MIRA 8:11) 1. Leningradskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet (Chromosomes) (Ticks) AKLf'4USITIN, I.I.-, BARAWVA, Z.I.-, BRODEXIT, K.A.; VIRKETIS, M.A.; VOLODCHTWO, N.I.; GALKIII, Tu.I..; GUR'YAHOVA, Te.F.; DOGELI V.A.; DIYAKOIX)V, A.M., ZEVINA, G.B.,- IVANDV, A.T.; KIRIYAWYA, Ye S.; KOBYAKOVA, Z T.; KOLTUN, V.M.; KONZHUKOVii,Te.D.; KOROTKEVICH, V.S.;KLYUGS, G.A.; LOZINA-LOZINSKIY, L.K.: LONAKINA, N.B.; TI&Mt(37, D.V.; PERGAMBW, T.S.; RESHITNYAK. V.V.; SAVr-L'YEVA, T.S.; SKARLATO, O.A.; SOKOLOV.. I.I.; STRFIKOV, A.A.; TARASOV, N.I.; USHAKOV, P.T.;'9092-MMA.Z.G. YAKOVLEVA, A.4.; USHAKOV, P.V., obshcbiy rukovcditall; PAVLOVSKIT, Ye.N., akademik, redaktor; STRICKOV, A.A. redaktor; BMDSKIY, K.A., radaktor; AFIONS, R.A., takhnichaskiy redaktor. [Atlas of invertebrates of the Far East seas of the U.S.S.R.] Atlas bespozvonochnykh clalinevostochrqkh morei SSSR. Moskva. Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1955, 240 p., 66 plates. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Akadeni3ra na7,k SSSR- Zoologicheskly Institut, (Soviet Far East-Invertebrates) SOEDLOV. I.I. *-Oft Water mites of Rybinsk Reservoir. Trudy Biol.sta."Borok" no.2: 125-135 '55. (MLRA 9:6) (Rybinsk Reservoir--Kites) USSR/General Biology Cytology B-2 Abs Jou:r : Ref Zhur Biol.,, No 3, 1958, No 9425 Author : Sokolov, I.I. Inst Not Given Title On Phenomena of Cell Nuclei Fusion Orig Put Arkhiv m1nottomii, gistol. i embriologii, 1955, 32, No 4, 54-62 Abstract A colchicine solution, distilled water, ammonium Z)7-nitronaph- thalene and other substances were injected into body cavities of locusts Omocestus viridulus L., Chorthippus alboma natus D.C., Ch. paral-lelus Zett.,, after which the seminal vesicles were examined. In individual spermatocysts single gigantic cells (GC) were observed. Fusion of cells may involve dif- ferent stages of spermatogenesis, from young spermatocytes to spermatids, inclusive. Gigantic nuclei (GN) are encountered especially frequently at the pachytene stage. The fusion process begins with a gradual disappearance of cell borders and fusion of plasmatic bodies in adjacent cells, as a Card 1/2 1 USSR/Ger.eral Biology - Cytology B-2 Abs Joui- Ref Zhur - Biol., 140 3, 1958, No 9425 result of which multinucleate spermatocysts are formed. Finally GN are formed at different polyploid stages. Sper- matid fusions are also encountered in the prosperm stage when different polyploid stages are observed which are expres- sed in a number of centrioles (noted here are spermatids with 14 centrioles). After existence for some time the GC degen- erate. The author points out that the presence of GC is the result of local changes in physiological conditions. The non-specific action of the chemical substance used is emphasized. The author believes that taxis plays a part in the process of nuclei fusion. He considers the phenomenon of nuclei fusion as a regulatory process, as a result of which there is a dim- inution of mutual interchange between the nucleus and cytoplasm, also as a protective reaction, manifested under unfavorable conditions. Card 2/2 r ij 3 7);-Z t I .1_ T.:)Il Rc-f zhur, 7)",01., -0 19, 1c),;C, ;@-,o '@5511,5 .,)S "11.1 t b. 0 - 1 L s, fit l--; Dr:LS Pub T. T S 0 !,-- o 1 o -Ot 7 o r.ia t i ozz of sions in Oriii-thodoros .r. 4 1 46-51 DurinL, @Rloductioin Divi- Bir. (Ixodoidc@a s L vo i 3z)yt . , 19 57 , 7 3, Ho - t';Ir. claro:Toso.-.,,@@s of 0. A,bstrOct At t!i,,, md of ana-Pllc@,q@@ -1-1 P @11,13os locrtod -n'u ccnsidorablc@ distancos UL tln,.; cy Llam Onc; mlotll3r, @lc -7, r@ 'wil) "Ttoolasm, Ira'Giicr !@.rcw cystus !--.rc -Corii,.cd of (,iffcronu di- mc-nsions in ta--, h,---.ploid nu,-,ibor a cloar -Llem- or-a-- @nd 'filllcd wil"a t',I- O-CL@ U Tq r-r om.,@r,-@s (X) Chromosoi cs arc Card 113 USSR / C'Irtolo-,@- B Abs Jou-, Dllol., 0 1,:, d i st r--'- bu'U -,.d on thc ii@ sul-fc@c but, do not, as yctb c;tra-bo t' co, T h a n o. w c a v r c. f o r i i,, @@ d oi7.cft chromo,3o,--@, .-a.-d,@ruld b-,r a thin -)ran,@; -- ba@@ "sucondary" 'Gly, th.,@ 11-orim,ar-," and ",gocoadarj" fus--@ wit'i on,.@ alio- til@,r, foi@nriixr, c. dcfini=tiv@a X, and the corro-s- poadlivp cliroi@ao,;oiic plun.-,,:@c i-.,-ito it's cav4L*c,,--. -t'k t first, thc; claro.-aosoi--I@Ds show practically no chan@@j, but in timo tulio int,::rlkin,-@sis is alv-.o-. lizod, lon@lio-,lcd, and Zorrls a chro-momoric strue- turo . Tridividual us:; in q dif2orant @,iari- i'Wll. -Pl-l:; d.--tta of tiiin ob-s-z@-rv,"tion. indicatc; coLi-- parativo autonomy in tli,) b,;'.-ilvior of such nu- cl-'r LIS cilroaloso@.-IQS on -th-- o-,i--. hand --id kl -r-.11pas o--,i tric othr. T:-lz, kariolymaphs Car@,. 2/j, SOKOLOV, I.I. (Leningrad) Formetion of kar7o meres during bhe reduction division in Ornithodoros papillipes Bir. (Ixodoidea) [with summn 7 in English]. Trudy Lon. ob-va est. 73 no.4:46-51 157. Wu 11:6) I.Institut tsitologii AN SSSR. (Ticks) (Chromosomes) SOKOLcri, I.I. Cytolol-Ical study of the development of male regroductive elements in OrnithodorOS DOpillipas Bir. (Acari. Ixodoiden L th sunmary in English]. Ent. oboz. 17 no. 2:260-281 15'@% (HIRA 11:7) 1. Kafadra embriologii Laniagrads',cogo go-sucLarstvennogo universiteta i Institut tsitologii Ali SSSR, Le'ningrad. (Ticks) (Generative organe, Male) POLYAN:XIY, Yu.I.,; ALMMINDROV, V.Yn., red.; GINETSINSKIY, A.G., rod.; ZHUKOT, Ye.K., red.; MIRMNSKIY, A.V., red.; KARASIE, V.M., red.; KIRO, M.B., red.; LOZTIIA-LOZIITSKIY, L.K., red.; HIKOLISKIY. N.N., red.; PARIBCK, V.P., red.; ROMANOV, S.H., red.; SMY". P.G., red.; TROSIUN, A.S., red.; USHA OV, B.P., red.; SHMSTOBITOV, O.Ye., red.izd-va; PEV2MR, R.S., [Problems in cytology and general physiology] Voprosy' teitologii i obshchei fiziologii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 398 P. (mm 14:1) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR. Institut tsitologii. 2. Institut evo- lyutsionnoy fiziologii im. I.M.Sechenova AN SSSR, Leningrad (for Ginetainskiy). 3. Fiziologicheakiy institut im. A.A.Ukhtomskogo pri Leningradekom universitete im. A'A*Zhdanova (for Zhakov). 4. Insti- tut eksperimentallnoy meditsiny ;;ademii meditsinskikh n'auk SSSR, Leningrad (for Yarasik). 5. Institut tsitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad (for Kiro, Faribok, Sokolov). 6. Institut fiziologii im. I.P.Pavlovs @Uf SSSR, Leningrad (foi-To-maniov). 7. Laborstoriya embriologii Instituta eksperimentallnoy moditsiny AMN SSSR, Leningrad (for Svetlov). 8. Laboratoriya fiziologii kletki Institute taitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad (for Trashiu). 9. Laboratoriya aravnitellnoy tsitologii Instituta tsitologii AN SSSR, Leningrad (for Ushakov). (WIMMOGY) (PMIOLOGY) SCKOLOV, I.I. "Larvae ol Hydrachnellae, their parasitic development and syste 11 (in German] by Ingrid Sparing. Reviewed by I.I. Iv. Zool zhur. 40 no.8:1263-1264 Ag 161, (MIP1,11. 14:8) (ktes) Unsects-Development) (9paring, Ingrid) so"MOV) 1. 1. Fazanii-natian of f@e nuAesL7 st-ra--tuves hi spiders. Report No.2t Sex chromosomes. Tsitologii-a 4 no.6:617-625 N-D'62 (MDU 170) -1. labcwatorlya mortoloeii kle-ai InstiWta tsitologii AN SSSRO Leningra& 30KOLOV, I.I. New species of marine md'es (Halacar:dae) frorr, -he Antarctic. ISS1, _u _L fauny mor. 1:190-195 162. (MRA 17:9) 1. Inst;-LU'U All SSSR. BALLSHINSKIY. B.I.; SOKOIGV, I.I.; NILENIMR, R..K., redaktor; WILOFZYEV, V.A., tekhnicheek-13r redaktor. [Electric incandescent lamps; a catalog] Elektricheakie lampy Rakali- vaniia; katalog, Moskva, Biuro tekhn. informataii, 1952. 108 p. (MLRL 8:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo promyshlennosti sredstT svyazi. (Zlectric lamps, Incandesce-at) "I SOKOW kmtdidat takhnichmakikh nauk. New photoelectric cell#. Svetotakhnika 3 no.1:24 Ja 157- (WRA 10:2) 1. Moskovskiy slaktrolampavyy za*od. (Photoelectric cello) SOKOLOV, I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Utilization of superhigh-pressure mercury lamps. Svetotekhnika 4 no.12:28-30 D '58- (WRA 11: 12) (Electric lighting, Mercury vapor) MILIEKOV, Vladimir Vasil' yevich;,,SQKC . -WV,__jvakjyanovich; -Prinimal ucbastiye RTABOV, M.S., kand.tokhn.nauk. ASHK@-I, inzh.. red.; VORONIN, X.P., ECourse in lighting engineering] Kure oavetitellnoi tekhniki. Izd.5.. ispr. i dop. Moskva. Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 262 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Electric lighting) MESHKOV, V.V.; LOKOLOV, I.!. Concerning the terminolo@-@r, de5ignations, and cDntent of' manuals on the general course in lighting engineering. Svetotekhnika 7 no.12: 29-30 D 161. (MIRA JL@:12) (Electric lighting) I I'll -1111,lsr@ll, I.G.; I.-SHAK, I.S.; I LYU:311111, @';. V. ; 11'."TOVA, 7 @S. 1. ; !,J) I if Art"; I.W." I-).;. At:-,'-ilL.j UVil V.V,; ) I.' . it. Y(.,.S.., "OvOl " @,. I. I L. - , . .., - .1 . 1) -.-EY. SOU ST I I i I V . F. ; TSIVI@,TKCIV I Cl .;Y@'l I , ..*. . 7. Viktor lTjj@olaevich Pomin, 1904- ; on Jids 60th birthday. Svetotekhnika 10 no.11:30 IN 164. 17: 12) AeC Nit- -AP60OL979 SOURCE CODE: AU'rHOR: Veshenevskiy, S. N.; Voronetskiyi B. B.; Gus1kov, P. S.; Klimovs D. Yu.; Z4aslennikov, L.. V.; Pashkov M. V. , Petrov, I. I.; Sogkonio jt I.; Stepanov, Yu. V.; Tumiskaya, P. G.; Khech@@In -S e -ff. A. Tsein, V. S.; eyn, I. ORG: none (3 TITLF: Professor K. V. Urnov SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no. 3, 1965, 91 TOPIC TAGS: scientific personnel, academic personnel ABSTRACT: !Konstantin Vasilevich Urnovidied on 11 December 1964 after a serious illnEss. ftT-V8@6-a--U-dCfiTg-uished scl&iftst and one of the oldest electro- polyr:r.iphists. He was born in 1907 and graduated from the Ivanovskiy Polytechnic InstituLe in 1929, after which he continued to work on the Board of Electric Installations for the next 25 years. His outstanding contribution was to relate successfully the activities of industry with those of the higher educational institutions. His name is closely linked to the development of domestic polygraphic machinery. He was imaginative, creative and bold. Since 1935 he was also engaged in teaching and scientific research work at the Moscow Power Institute and the Mosc,)w PolygTaphic Institute where he set up a course.on "Electric Drives and Automation of Polygraphic Machines". He is the author of over 30 inventions and blished works, including one book.' He was a scientist-cccmumistj a man of great. = wledge, a gobd colleague arA friwA. Orig. art . hast 1 figure. .D'pR-s7 SUB 0ODE----Q5 / SUSK DkTZI none Cold UDCt 621-313-1/3 VESHENEVSKIY) S.N.; VOROIZETSKIY, B.B.; GUSIKOV, P.S.; KLIMOV., D.Yu.; MASLEITNIKOV, L.V.; PASHKOV, M.V.; PETROV, STEPANOV., Yu.V.; TUROVSKAYA, P.G.; KHFCHUI,ViN, A.P.; TSETN, V.S.; SHTE)GI ) I. M. Prcfesso@- Konstantin Ifasillevich Urnov.. 1907-1964; obituary. Elektrichestvo no.3:c)l. Mr 165. (IAIRA 18:6) 0 @' C'Ov ,j,,7,jn;- the !ins-ar proornmT.-nu metholl f-cr rianning the- 1-cadil'19 ,)f' papermaking mpchir.,@-ry. Trudy i,-F-l (MI.-41, 18: 8) 8OTOLOV, jgor' Iosifov@ch; FRODMITOV, V.Ta., red.; 1POMIGEMV, A.G., -- red.lzd-ya; BILOGUROVA) I.A., [Determining the economic effectiveness of now machinery in the enterprises of the food industry] Opredelenis ekonomicheskoi effektivnosti novoi tekhnikI na prodprilatiiakh pishchev*i promyshlonnesti. Leningrad, Leningr.Dom tauchno-takhn.propagandy. 1961. 28 p. (NIIRA l4t12) (7ood Industry-lquipment and supplies) .-14 In the land of tropical f creBts 43JO Je 16o. f o (Ghana--Iif,Diripti@n and and savanxi4s. Priroda no.6: (MIRk 13:6) travel) NIKOLAYEV, L.K.; SOKOLOV, I.I. Technical and economic efficiency of fat cooling in a cooler with knife rolls. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.5:7-9 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Leningradskly tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti, kafedra tekhnologicheskogo oborudovaniya pishchevykh proizvodstv i kafedra ekonomiki promyshlennosti i organizatsii pro'-zvodstva.