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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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Detonation in gas inixtureS. Ill. MCI Of le"
trsethyl ou`tbe formation Of the detonation -&v- IV-
0* a 'OD the initia -410
influence of the-chemical presensitization
tion of the detonation wave. ind A.
A,la Phy
114 1,
L..' I.-A %
it, .00
Int'l, .."ll
PhIA. Alt. by "I-1 III 1--o
11 31`1 101111111 '11111114
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A --C-JL L I r_Q al~l--L-~.-L~4---i-~-,~-."~lcx~~-A+C-"b-c--A-~~~A--R~.-
12". Lftnift of DetamOm of Mixtum of "ftmfb~ md
Air. M. Rivto smd A. Seksillk. -.4cle Pkssi-hionica. 7. S. P1,0. 8W
836, 1937. Ix Frtmek.-ExpeTiments in a 30'm. tube reveal the irnpomai-
bility of producing an explosion wave spontaneously in mixtures G( ethyl :09
00 ether. pentane anti petroleum ether with air at normal pressures and 1190
0 0 temperatures and with Ignition by powerful condenser dischArge. In all =00
00 a cases the dame is extinguished within 10 in. from the spark. In hydro-
us to mixtures in a petrol engine, the explosive r04
carbon-air mixtures. analago
wave Is only prorAknted within narrow limits of concentration near the =00
99 4 staichiometric mixture but a " paeudo-detonative" wavle Is observed goo
within wide limits of concentration. Detonation is not obtalised In hydro- 0
6041 casban-air mixtures containing 4 to 500 COj which am closely similar to
009 actual motor mixtures: it appears thierefore that detonation In an Internal
combUstiOn Mine I% entirely determined by the " chemical ornsitination " Ice*
of the gas mixture during compression. TtwlintitsottlettinatirmoiC-,H,- NO*
air mixtures are defined and the impossibility of ignition o(ethane-air mix-
A lures by an explosive wave is demonstrated. For the first time a detmat-
Ing wave is produced in CO.-air mixtures in the presence of insignificant fit**
quantities of If, or C111s. E. K.
to s,4. 3
a Pt 19 ft It 0011149[st K19n Ile[ W10 n All A I a aw 0 a 0 1 W a 5 'a a a -T
109;4', . I t &no;
00 000 so 0009 0 0 0 * * * * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 goo 0 0 0 000, -4
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A 2 C D 97 C M M L 8 N 0 ft 4 S T LN
a id is 36 v If it a m a a AS. 17 CM AT 9 Ts
--as 1 117 A%V 31D L[Ttt* :I~VUTTE.j ]RD ..v T. cRof.s
0 ex .of
1"t-pp m P UMWPoaap 01
1101111110a4 t"
sag 0% NOW" A(pl--q IS. SMPM
00% sap =qj lavM "m 9 po 14 iRil ap
00, qmwm -epw I "Fawfumm MR
0 *--
-WiMN V?-Mmw"n Ag
'PAWT Ul "%A
tionvu(nap Qqi jo mmi m UO 13W, QOU
W(ml-au M. atp
Pulqa% QWX uoqvuDppm ow
U! NUM-W tionupao SM1jjd go U*wvjj 40 qmade 00
a m
o I
l 11
lql j
p 00
to -da" me"pmixii,pu -1p vp joj
puodgmw mp t4 awl w jw"mv!eAm aU
4111" Mg %R
ISM& It wsaqw" -sm~p
wartleW d
OW-10"t 10 14 ~Wrw" p lira 00
)o sumam in I# 'P(Had vw"u0m)-4A ap 10 qmm
OU 111-18911 we! 'a"Lt '01 'Lot, 1-nd 00
le"Us"m nil 91 "M MW 10 WO"v 00
-"Woo P SWM AM
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-A-A-A-0-Ab-" SAO 0 p
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ilL 1 6 It L h k r .4i
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In InTrinal Cil"IbIllit'"n
lletonatiq)n in g4ptS And knOCh
on in 8 .1%, ~Niknilk. 4, ., 7. lGis
. h,
va, .
.. ....
I I'M" lots. I "Ills
40 0
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u A, Aw Is p b 4 1 o
1 'A L 1 8 OW G 4 a I w IN 0 as It
N n w I, I, ~,a n 1 4
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Z AA M (X 191
I I,
on ..I, r. 1-so
Peroxides and detonation in interaml combustion on.
00 fines I'm X : ~v ,;. 9,
Ki - 1)
;c(. C. .1. 33, 51o7,. - I
1111clear Idea ul tht- Iteimid, thriny I% It.) lonjg~r tVtIAIIIV. -00
'rimi'les, willch laic 11111it'll 04o I 're"I. .11. aft- Int.
MMY -XitlAti(Ill JIMIUCtl Anti furnkh a.-tivr crutcrs I,w tile
!! mibscquctit oxidation of the hydi--uttIon bv a chain-re-
8 action inechani,ni. D~tonatu
t i, t-uucd I
S, the suddell
1. %wutiun of tile kinetic protwr
i" 4 the mi
%t . dwing the
very Ahtwt dcLay periixi anti mth-qu, nt ellph~iotl wavc
F.w det"fultivil a crital" ""wtv 4 F~qvm,j_ o',"I N,
fra. '11.1 ioluo'llairly isallwo ..I tit, I'I't 1,,nimo
of MF hairr. I hIr om,. com.n. --l I~ V, IV 11.1.0v
00". ctuwklt~ Wit III he 0I)IK'JI.1Hk~ III IIC 4111d IIalHV; 111--till4o.
00 of ahlehydelf iacrt-a-, fm ~noc little t1turraficr. rmiwiding
with tile dis,;&wn. of Iwto%itIc%. HAptI. r-uhi %how that
60 detonation tliLmpjwal~ om I)IIIV tI) IIII'lugh the'lowing
00 A own 4 the iijilLki -idAt-it r~Actiml. hat t2~ I-v it~ I----
` ,
ature developul,lit And cullf-pi'llf depadmion of th'.
00 j
0 ~ 'Ictotuting properfics of the inixt. a, a rciult of prenta-
9 Sure dissocn. of peruxitlm The ~i%id itiou of diisuprolivi
Mire is di%cu,ised as a" v%aimple of tha lattur tylw anti the ::0 0
. effret 4 tit tnehrat ins if till I)( vat hat wo tit I Ite ml. Ill rrvolu -
; 0.41. of tile it h" aw forallim"'I sm" 1141,1111I.-o" atilt
8 61111,4 111m. I.,
liquid I all't Iluv will, I.hi.114 Ille 1,
title, vmckM tra.,lut- Qmw It-,, antOrwoollog Aldo.
--tune if,,. R"Itiction oll tit, tow Ill' "brin. 00
141211" is a facuff fa%qwalllr tit 'Irtmulion. 0. Av",
we r2u AV ma
S _,7
An I I
p III AT Is Is AT a
1 T
w 0
9 1 w IN
to it tf if I ;1A
9000 0 00 09 ei- 0 0 000
OT ;
0 0 0 0 0,0
^ . . . . . . . v a -6 a 0 a 9 a 0 a at I I -4T&;9
-O-T- 0-6 -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 06000 -
OG 5 1 1 1 9 V 11 It U 14 is to U w 19 a It V a M 15 a 3
AA .9 1 1 r M I
00 A
00 A
GOA M-Rphdan-nag" a' g~ zuixkwu. Vi.
lanni~ 41111 HEINS 4111 detemooft
A. SozouN (Acta
239-4M); cC A,,
I zb,
Rw boom H" of explosion in H
00-3 air Miytents inkisled by the doolonatialm of 282 +
000 the
of M
w m
etwom 2
sell 150
00.3 the limit i-
mm- - H20 forroed
OOV in the initial hinden the formation of the
losion IF&Te~"C
GOA as
on wave
s weakened by
-passage doom a temp. gradient, but only if the colt~-
position of the mixture in near the limiting val.
P tv am Wilmot Plot, .1;
r-7 - t
All I $ I (w 0 0 a 1 IF It 9 a a 3 1 1
1;0 0
0 1. --
It 32 13 it 35 b V A )t 4 41 Q IJ 61 4
-&--A-jL- 1- A . ~ L ~ 0 -a
Jac- "OM
00 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 W 9, 0 0,4111 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 W_ ill-
it a n N Is is H A M 39 11
10 W " X 41119
It u M 0 16 It it 0 6 it Ij &1 41
L G L_ 1 1, A J 1 6 8 0 1 11
A Temperature coefflklent of pritflarral reactions and the
w f
l 00
ue a
!. SAUllk. A(1'1
00 P
: R. .
i. S. 11. 3'9-1
It. ~11-
911-KII igill(i(Itt I( VAfiuu% hythwailion-atir
00 ,
'.1.1ionof little fax w1rinp. Hilivrnity Ir-7 r
60 ", :ill. "". nil lly C for I lie Ill). -09
00 Ii lie lall"I - 1* - ifill. -1100
INMIhIll, It - Mile# '4 Ivai'114,11), Immilt. 'I'll
.14 w llww' plolvane, pli.joil, liv, 114-11tolli., lklAtt" I-
twtaur alld thl"ropyl Vill,, il, WV11 A' SIAIIV .)tllVf ftjel~.
00 S.11ind,that the lerwriecticy of a fuel to kniwk is greater I lie 400
gfr2lCY the leinp. Loeff. of the preflitne reaction, or oil,
the low-ternp. yAmV) the higher the ljrt~%urv. Tile tw-
f 0o
00 av
or o
uel can be predicted front -y t I - (I /,_, 0.= I) z
- A. The cak-d. and exiAl. crit. compmnion ratio% =01111
00 1-". illyr. re.p.: ~j.rie 2.2. < 2-N: heplane 2.11, 2.N:
7 coo
00 .
; pentane (m
m.) LU,
; propane
12.3, 12; propykne %0.6. 8.4; rthyl ether 3.3. < 3.9;
00 al
6 Z?
C.S 5.3, > Tile tenip. emIT.-. drid. &* above are 4 1.06
00 02 tile av. vjIluc4 for tile Loinplete "%idation prokv~s rathirp/
te rvac
ate a ineasu
on. an
or any s
nK 1600
0 1 of the avcutnulation or deTtruction of tile ititertnediate
00 1: active lirwhicts. For (ko-12010. -y i~ negative at !V)%
o j
0 0 3,
a., 00
1`1 (101POK Kit Kit I't it it it C(
Kw n I L An I I a 0 0 w I sir of 5 10 13 3
0 0 40 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4. 4
0 0 4 0
I i I mo it It 11 14 J.. 14 It 4 11 11 is m 13 1. n . to 1, Od 1. V. m u a P I, it It III r0
_j f. A__j IL L a so so Q a I I v v to I f I AA N EV Et b A a 4
Of ------- -.00
The spontaneous ignition of hes4ne air nuttur" A
Vaot.-kil. 11. A. ks.tvvI14 lmd A. !1. -00
ilk U. R. S '~. 11.
_Ph'W,"~'hpre`ssur ninirna- W
' -00
410 a .
2,111-) on the low-terup
lossundary zone elimapl~ar whets ilu
00 app. is clean isM the gases are quickly h3tY0,11,14-col .113-1
A_ illCtVa~% 17011111itIMOUSly With telilp. 'File suits. Ate a',-
sts ir; -III" I-l rvWUA16 911-111"MI tilt
,I CO,un she WAllstau."A mtardati,41"I 25 ~ml
in the 1,,w.tetnp. range imilAr to that pro,luctd by Ph.
Eti. f,uthaii.eff,,ctinth.,Iiigli-t~ISIP.rang~. Th,,up-
wt lu"Itt for the IOW-tCluj). ttgiOcl of %111`14IU~ IlVdr-MI-11%
snvtvaw~ with tile null. wt.
The -4hortening of tilt-
Ilig- foutul fly Nrunsann and Kane wj% title w coulAutin.t-
l =0 9
. .
ucts o
1e proI
le prev
fIni exp
y t ZOO
33. 411)(V,", #V,75-. F. If. R.Ounam,
1: zoo
00 0 0
ee _-*0
- -
K) I
U ,s i. 1 0 W 0 Is 14
to j, u, ow a it R ;r of If it tt tv tMID Is I I&
00000000000000000 000000-00000040000000e.
a 0 0 So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 So 040 0 & a 0 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9~ 'A
f: - -,,aL Fe
S -:0.
193'/1 -
ort 3 Jan. "39.
ul t
narl ins t, C:I
rt :~-1615,
'izic 11
if c7azkh.
p.2051-250) jot, III- uction o~ gases.
SO: keronmitical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Libravy Of
Congress, 1955.
"r~, Co~ c L t of r 3
L C, C i,-,: i ad
c t i1'- n--) c 1:
9. VW 'D r t 15 3L-i, 25 ---'c t 1 5 1.
0 q 0 0
00000 00 0 0 00Oce 0 400
L. ~j if 11 P; is t& It M "11 4' aIt a 14 A it
A fi-IL-1-A ff-J.-A.-L a A P 4It, J - itIAA-l - 1, M.. at cc If, CLI
jo o it At Wa is u m P a 41 u 0 m
t- k -,". i-&-L-A~ a -1- Jk-
&IW combamom In p"s. A. S.
so tical
critic-al Ivyiew of the litemurr, both expil. anti 'htorv
S. con*Mtrs the tWeg)& Of in& ~ Uwe prolAcadmi.
aftergWw, fiante-Vibmthm, detonation awl the law,
go%~Wmfnp tlwm. 71 trilt. K It. Rathin2nn
00 Ell
*0 J!,
Do a
1 A I a . s
v, O'll.
uss AT -0 ls~i I I
i art a if Cc K 't of it ,t tg tt it of
0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a
9 a 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 a
uJI010-1 III&II am c". M
MW ft AAn Ia ndaff Im 9 AA a 3 itv
0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0
0 * *1* 0 * 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 *
I coo
g 0 0 4' 0 - 0 0
00000000000 414 go go
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 do 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole -* 0,*: dof-# .-G-414690690000000
0 0
J 1 4 1 A I I L. 11 1, 1 11 t. 1, It Lt , 21 a 1) N a h .11 is Is L it Lo it M It M v It to 0 41 u Is 44 a C
A 41- AA N -CC up U
r P-1 Co lips 1~1) ..'.I :I L '.1 1
innuence of temperature an the 4etolonation limits ill
hytitagen-air mixtures. M A. Milli. J. Ph", I hr- ~
09 15. couditionl imilcr
vvr ititf) A 41VtOllAtitIll WaVC
00 which a statiotistry wavc pj-c~ it
through a temp. droll troll' Ille 111111littS illttl the "Old I'lixt .00
00 all
are disetti-441 oil ill%- I%-t%i% (it c%p1l- flata for a 15 22f!v It,-
air tilixt. w 20 141'. 11111alitation he C%plo,ioll will" soti't
Ic firt'l. (Io( Mlly toy their litaxilituldr but 411", fly Ilwi, -00
ln,~",Jng III, ittiti.&I temp. lo.e- lite 1-vt e%.
plinititilijuit. I I I VlLU
I.- Itiade elplo~ivv The wave Irarliolt 11,1, a Ill., Iritil, MOO
00 3:"
-.4- It"s follitAli-ol if till explo'sols tlmr its a "I"Im
00 vylilides oilly 1111. inilimllix VAI'l-ioll ",I%r i, ,, "I",
I'lli, vwl tor folilml olily l.v coo
...... ~l by.,%~fmv, It*. .1. tile delolmlloll %,&%r
theory 4 .1. JJ. PAW) i, I-fill.-il"t 'I'llivoll.
IIIVIw 101 file o1 Ille 1111r.11V Ill coo
goo o1vtor."fioll, Flivillet 4.11"t, its SIkolik'~ air
vlaimrof Answer to M. A. Rivin. .14,kollk. /b"/.
00 x X COO
0 jai
if* 0
An I S
-111 00
N 0 1 IN j a a
if jor a it of
4 1 M
0 0 o o 0 0 o a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0!
* 0 0
0 1
00000010 .
04 90606060
90090000006 0 0 0
, -0001,00 0 0 Goo o 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 600
0 to 0
let! r6or?i -00 1*1 IOU Ut.
A r IT "` "
V. v v F-1. _T IL AA N (x I U 4. d _t__J -1 1 1-k-g.
I.L- A.0 11.
O:j oxidstim d We the take aptem of motor. It
c7atse jei. Mch. 11082, -lilpts.4milialmid
ol' a ir"ille Inotor showcd tile
of file. intake s"mcni
leason for -sensitivity 'of mcked gasoline to the iucrrw~
U1111 . of intake manifold. The quantity of tx-wxid~
a lis the liquid Win (up to 701) mg. free 0 per 1.) i,
I, o, I
millis-4 lit %Iklf.~taluiAlly to lower tile alit hirtolusting pu%%Cf
imo tile itilak, Ili mwh
.4 the flirl, It i"olvi%mble Ind,
.... .....I sual. 1.11".1 vas-14'stio.,
of tile fairl tit cholillAtc tile likilli'l F1111 M tile uall, of th,
iiwkv Xt.
.4"Jla-li .4.431 4. 4.. M
U It AT PO Is In 1*1 619 In a, IS 9 N -5a
a it ut x
0 00019too4ooooooooesooooso
0 4
Zia 0
v 0
ff A f- Ot 15 Ll IN A 2 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *-4~-Oww-
a 1 6 r I to 11 11 Is u n 14 U 4 to 2
P Q R-1-1 _Jj_,MJ~ 14--b J' 27 104
A_L-AL. 1 -1 ri N A I L a M
__J_ AA 0 CC U A? saisic at Qalua!!o
" -11 &' u -u
-s- k L 1 t _ 0 .1 k .-. - `~
004 ,
it -, J~q L110t.1 ,.1
11 -1t.1
N-$ I Kinetic conditions of knock and PrW61111110112 13 i2t&ml' All the fud~ ctcrp.- C.1i, 41o * "i the 1-Irrup 0.1-
combustion engines. A. !lokolik and S. YantoyWl-
- flamecambuit~lrosystern. Sofar.theresultsasowedcom- I
410 Igr,,32"(1944).-ALr-(utI
Ada PAysictAcktut. U.R.S. plete qual. (though not euwt quant.) agreement with 0 0
0 0 ir mixts. % ere let into a heated steel reaction vessel; the time
e diff
f filli
t 0
Th tho-ccofN[ac~vrni=an~iTownenti(C.A.32.43110). AsP
ng was a
e pressur
o increascd beyond Ps, 1, showed little change, but h de-
tween the reaction vessel and the admission vessel was creased rapidly, apparently showing an asymptotic ap-
followed by means of an tical sisting of a thin
Z pruach to 0. At high pressures. Is beL&tnc too small to
ted --
een t
steel mcnibmat betsr wo fill register oil the app.. but the character of the P - 1, curve
brines. that there k no essential change in the reaction -00
of the thus so thAt A P C01114 1v trail to - 15 inecluLnisni. which presumably tensains 2-slage at all -0*
, nini. Jig; at .1 11 lc" than 11.2 atm. the thin membrane prcVMM - Ab re 171. anew phenomenon woo; found. A%
0 0 it .4 istc-ed again,t the thicker, and a P could then be rrad 11 was incrests-sett, first hot-ilause combustion set in, then a**
wit blew sensitivity up to several atm. Thisaffaugerneut at higher prmures the 2-slage mechanism reappeared, a 040
allowed the small pressure pulses from -cuol Unres" to he cool-Aame pule occurring Imfor-C the hot dame. Thu- at
registered as well as the large pulses front explO.11011%. H1tCF1UCdiAtf 111"C"Al"M 41111Y Cool flames are found I)tl,iw QO 0
4040 Furls ~tudictl were beplatle, isxlclalur. nti%ts. of th-c. I's stud only hot flamm al,oYr T,, but at sufficiently high COO
C4114. Anti iso-prjo; its all La,cs the air excess coeff. ".1, pr&~urr% [fie conibublion always oicuti in 2 slag.". The
0 0 os. 'rise tensp. range of and the range of ini- curves of P, and I's ri. tesup. cross at T, and ostatinue ZOO
0 0 tial pressurm, P, of 0-8 atm. were covered completely. without d6contitsuity to higher temps. The r-_%;O-dame
At tallp, below about 500% as P was increased from 0. time tags follow the law JNPI - const., where a ` creases
0 9 jr at first only slow reaction was observed: then beginning with temp. but is always less than I for parnifins. At
0 0 at. a pressure P. a cossil-flame pulse ocrunrcil after a time ~
const. p, ,,-
- count. The hot-dame time Lag,; at t =00
lag is. Above a higher pressure P, the cool flame %va,i coust. temp. obey the ~asue taw hl`~ - const., but a may
040 followed After a further time lag it with a hot flame. Yield- be as large as 4. With incrmsing temp. at const. P, 4 81110
040 ing complete cosubmition. The height of the cool-dame psu-CS through a miss. at about 350' for the paraffinic 400
pulse increased with increasing P. anti tire limit P, was ill fuels (Z7,o* for ether). Attains a ma't. about 1011' higher.
' defined. The decree*ing value of P, in successive exists. and falls again at still hi4her temps. The roul-thime 11918
00 showed that ixcurrencrofontsbuition sensitized the vmiel pul-w beconics le"intcrise with rkiag temr. in thi4rexion.
Z walli for hot-flassic combuition. Wit's incrratsing temp.. The conen. of peroxid", vhich provide active crnt"4 for
11. stid 11tant,rouched ench ollirr. tninciding at a temp. I's the branching -ch-Lus reaction which leads to hot-dAme
aa 0. F
U IS AV 00 is
M POP Coo( ran IC99 Kan trot
MW a 0 rw 0 0 1 It of 13 a a 3 9
I Iff An L7 s
0 ,
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 efe 0 00009 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0', 0 0 e 0 0 0 00000 000 0000
ins". Chem Physics, Acad. Sci., (1946)
"Kinetic Cenditicns of Detonation and Preignition in Internal Combustion Engines,"
Zhur. Fiz. Khim., No. 1, 1946.
SOKOLIK' A. S., and others.
,lektroal-ust,icheskii metod registratsii detonatsii v aviatsioTuwkh dvigateliakh.
(Tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, lGh7, no. 5, P. 11-17, illus., diagrs.)
Title tr.: Electro-acoustical method of recording detonations in aircraft
TL5oL.Th 190
SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, LibrarT of
Congress, 1955.
USM/ 108 Apr." 417
In''"' Alivreft --Detmations
"ZLectro-acoustic Method of Recording1hocks In PIWO
P~ ~ , .
to Eagi:aes," A. 'S. Sokolik, Dr of'Chemical Sciences, A.
"S. Sokolik, B. K. Shapiro, Candidates in Technical
i~, Sciences, M. I. Rodman, 7 pp
"Takh Voz Flota" No 5 (230)
In the process of testing plane engines and fuel, In
comnection with a knock, It Is most Important to have
objective registration of the knock to determine the
critical point of cylinders and to be able to record
the data on a scale. This article e3gUlns a new
BS 28T9
USSR/Aeronautics (Contd) Apr 1947
zuethod of recording the knock by acoustic means and
is meant to familiarize specialists vith the new do-
velopment. The author presents apparatus lVout
diagram and also photographs of oscillograph record-
Ing of an engine under normal operation and when
there is a knock.
A U 4 A It r- JL
it 4, APIP 0440faffit f"tf
U014 Owc Md -AzN'W4pWw la bms".ak
stove" mW A. A. Yonfav-
will )) dat COM
(10 %v WIS310 L
WON r4f
00 1 .
16'w 'WTdt ti=. Now,
v- a too-ft
tbw sislit v" qHt-* WzU. coati. bes'
i; air t n mohm . TWk alsom
that Tbww is so 111", W. detmatim is possible
for any Ond it 0% ala wat.. imp., aft., we favomble.
Se"Moso-ow SAM. ceatg. ak exceseas eq"w to OM am
j 0.65 Warts Malec aw jbi p"Mme'alf Ow gas Was re.
,of antessatio4y. ?IN Priam first a" coss".
441 (led period). then "a rapidly (COW Name), re-
maind cow. Oad induction ), and row "WTI.
00 (et. gild Towmend,C.A. 30.
00. The rise of proware is so smsit tw -begass
cansot bt hip.
0 5 atm. to 8.8
appeats'. am wbro tM Issitial Pressoure Is S.V atm.. hot
detmadmi talkies place. TMs It valid at 561'. At dal*
delms" ovews at 8.4 atm. The region of coid fiarAc
cmM " be deW. afth proclaim, as it is affected by the
ZnAftivity of Ow saaamsew and by the previous hlstwy~
tise wactian vowl. Tk apparent activaticsts
I and NO*
of the ciald Sow Is about 20CM) -'. "M
and about N.OW cal. bet.
Isom III, too.
sn4wo -A 1834100 -4. O"v Clic
'V~ 0, 'Low's
VO 0
I d-
U Is JLV 0 a ou 1 7-4 v I a F -V Ev
0 P . Is K It Is a 19 aAMR a R a 1 14 An I S v ad a a v I IF a a as 4 :1 9
41 9i& 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 9t 0 OLO a 0 9 0 0 4D * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 f 4
_7 zr,
USSR/Physics - combustion Dec 49
Engines, Combustion
"Influence of Chemical and Turbulent Factors on
the Combustion Process Under Engine Conditions,"
A. S. Sokolik, A. N. Voinov, Yu. B. Sviridov,
Inst of Chem Phys, Acad Sci USSR, 26 pp
"1z Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 12
Attempts to eliminate errors of all previous in-
vestigations on subject and endeavors to conduct
investigation of combustion speed at various
stages of process under strictly constant physi-
cochemical and dynamic conditions. Combustion
Am 157T61
USSR/Physics - Combustion Dec 49
process in an engine is not uniform and must be
divided into three basic stages. Both factors,
turbulent and physicochemical, affect every
phase of combustion, but their mechanisms of af-
fect are different. Therefore, different factors
must be used for regulating speed'in various
stages of combustion. Submitted by Acaa N. N.
7 S.1h J-b
USSR/Physics, Shook Wave Oct.51
Mechanism of Pre-Detonation Acceleration of Flame,'
A. S. Sokolik, Inst of Chft'Phys, Acad Sci USSR
ti Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI, No 10, pp
Studies mechanism of origin of shock 'and detonation
waves in pipes. Finds that formation of -shock
waves depends on relative temp increase during
burning and on ratio of basic flame velocity to
sound's velocity in fresh air. Compared measured
flame velocities with computed shock wave velocities
LC 197Tlo6-.,
USSR/Physics -Shock Wave (Contd) Oct-51
of a number of eXplOBive mixts and found to be in
complete agreement. Sokolik thanks Ya. K. Tro-
shin for expti work. Submitted 29 Apr 50.
LC 197Tlo6
4742. PHAL42 OY C 1-.BUST101 IN AN ENL;INE Sokolik'A,�,, Voinov,A.N.
ftnd SbIridov, Yu.B. (Izv. And. Nauk -T-ekh, Nauk
(Bull. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.d. Sect. Tech. Sci.) Apr. 1952, 629-634).
The authors' three phase theory (Fuel Abetr. June 1950, n.s.7, 5055)
is defended against the criticism of Sergel (Fuel Abstr., July 1952,
n.s.12, 663).
GI'm OL Tj~
Chemical Abst. Nasi JOS3
Mal , 783-6; d. CA. 47,
Vol. 48 No. 3 natIon of a?OleWcO d6cu&,d,,
-darificatIon 0 vadous po ts am e-11- paw with
Feb. 103 1954 Contributors to th6 tog " 'n "ght -1 &-allion by other:
Fuels and Carbonization roducts Ic. NJ. Kosolpoff
Editorial. Discussing ji.S.Bokolik'B, A.N.Voinov's and Yu.B.Sviridov's
article 'Tffect of chemical factor and of the factor of turbulence on the
combustion process in an engine." Izv.AN SSSR Otd.tekh.nauk no-5:786-
787 my 153. (~UaL 6:8)
(Gas and oil enL-,ine) (Sokolik, A.S.) (Voinov, A.W.)
(Sviridov, lu.B.)
%.)G1 IA
' IU-
US,SW/ C heT,11-1 s try
Physic,11 chemis-tr-j
Card 1/1 ' Put). 147 - 1()/;)-2
Authors : SokoIJ-1c, A. S., and V. ycl.
Title : Aboi~t lie I~i ic n.
RU of FjDonUm.-,~mm in Dj
c-c,~l c,),.
PerimUcal Zhur. IlAm. 2"-/J1, Jqj~-1949
ITO'vef-,"b,v 1954
Abstract The two-phase nature of spontaineous co,-~I)us-'Uion of (Ljffjjsc~~d f
l i
con(litiono, with co.-Apulsory pre-1-iminary- cold-flore 'LO--j-,Lruion
, '..111~s e~;tablish-
ed t-hrou.,,h direct invc;31ULation oil coministion proccssos in Diesel en
j -
The reLAIlion bot-.,,E;,m the two pha3rs of s-
mcous combu~,tion procc-ss
and the Icinc-tuic and ':Ac-o "nvolved is clucii"ated.
- rs
The 6el-,onr'once 0l h.c. hot on-in&ICZ.1-On Tl~-ri-,Ori. Itron the cold f',:--rnc-
Th~-, cozm'iLionnli~~- o' t'- -e 1,mi-ber is
d, ha~ cct~:l
c,--!)!~.incd. Tho res-LOI-tj of t,.--o-phase Sr
,,row.-,'ion of Iar' -i!,-r,4- fron!-.- ~1-e c-c- e
I ., -1 :,,~ ---. , - - - -,P ud, Four re r-
1-U,'jA -nd (101~0-1952). Tableo;
Ins~ituuion o,- -ic-i-ces Institute of
Role of flame propagation In the combustion process of a
diesel engino (with Baglish summary in fnaert'Y. Zbur.fiz.khim.
30 no.4:729-734 Apr. 156. (MLRA 9:9)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Init-itut Almicbeskoy fiziki. Moskva.
(Flame) (Diesel engine)
Se.:~~r-v Ye 3' wnd Sol-oli!-, (~~osc w)
T IT 1: of tile Turbule_!~ce in tile o-P a
Pi Er_~~ina (Issl,~dov--_--ni-ye tl.Lrbulentunosbi v
ni:~.d,re T,,ors_1u-ievo-o dvi--~atelva)
Otdel_eiadye Tekhnicheski1ch
!,1v3s!;i::a A,~-adamii Elaukr
S, )T) 130-154 (USSR)
of co abustio.n in ~he c~,linder of piston.
pl'.~C;e ul)i_.~t?r Co,_,ditions of
iiifl-aences spreadir,_,~ of the
iin_ iriJedtion:.:~n- if-ie 6t1'_,e atoui~~ation of the
I Ue 1. Drie rreseilt investii'Dation _hi3,d as the object -the
J r.Lo~ C)nj_- 4-1-1',:~ arear, velocity
y C., f
.1 - - v (Re f s 1 and. 2) but
lloi.iii cha:t_~ac-eristics of the t~;rbul,:~nce. root
c, 7
c f t." fluctuatir- velocity Jv and the
of :Gla.~ fluctuations F(f) at differemt -Ohases of
t1w- cycle in different points of the combustion chamber,
The readin.:'s --ere takeii by aeeno of an electro-therfto-
o:aeter 'ETA-5A) (Ref 3) desi--ned for ex_ialysis of
k L)
Unsteadily flolis '--ith ..,-hirls. Full descriDtion of the
a-.'i,,aratus for measurin'-' the turbulez-i-ce is -,,iven in Ref 4
n' f rou r-hich the foraulae (3), (4)
~nd ,also in Refs 5 at
Card 1/6 ~lnd (5) are t a1,'- a n. The coefficientu of the heat loss fro7a
investi6ation of tile Turbule pCe 4 n t1ne Cylinder of a Piston EnSino
t-he -olaced of 11_
flo-- is ~,,iven by:
";Aid th.-- ciu-rer~t in ETA beinr a function of
(V, t) li'~I'~d X ~~wd 1L boin6 functions of t, ,_,here C -and m
,'u.~e Lire therl,,,_-~l
:,ome conctants, X, Ii, e
conductivity, visccc,.Ity ~3nrl dansity of the ~D-as
respectiv-'~I,y, v is clae velocity of the flow .,.,nd d is -the
'.Vi_ eter of in. 1,~TA.
Fut t in~tD Reti (2)
i'z; reK f(t) is the coefficient of adduction vie et
0 = - does not depend on (:, and t, from
J-(v) only, i.e. iu
-v.'hich t-'r-,e velocity acay be obtained. The apparatus RTD
(re,istr%tion of turbulence in en6ines) producin, a. stress,
10~7 _'UeLins of a resistance theriaometer of suall inertia,
proportion--'1 to K ~:hen placed in the combustion chamber,
c';'Dable of T)er?dtrminL; the multiplication in conformityr
Car6 2/6
,it.',: Eq.(2), annd of tlie linearization of dependence of the
Inve2~tl`.L-:,ation the 'Tu~rb~ilem_e in 'the Cylinder of a Piston Engine
I ~:treSS U I i,
on the velocl-Y. Fro,-:, the sinnals
in 0 L)
of vi selected tile crank :uiut.le of 24 of each cycle
Coiie by Lieailq of a cut-out operated by -the
tuem*.,-~,,)rE~l me,:m value :~ and ~1,10 fluctuatinL;
V' -iere J~jtel.!_An_21d by avera--inj~ 25 to 50 cycles.
valu-,:~,,, welle reou_ directl,-,~, fro~a suitably cn-librated
VO-1-ti-flete-rs. of -the turbulence fluctuations
betviea~n ~00 and EO-.'O hertz.
11i'MiCed to fr-
-1he iiie-e carri
ed out oii the sin6le cylinder
SFR of variable coi;ipres,~.ion ratio, the combustion
.;u,z~x.lber beir,.~ a cl..,121.1~:der of dia~aeter 82.6 ma. FiE.1
o,. _- t;-,e la-rout of the measurin, stations: I - inlet
V,-1ve, 2~ - ex_h~!..,st valve, 4-a-rice th-rao:aeter 7
4 hlead-Diece o.E the hot .-,-iree aiiemozieter. The r-:!sults of
U-.*e e:_--pe-Tiffients are --ho%in on the -raphs 2., 6, 7 and
8 as follows: Fio-.2 shows the chan-e in v versus the
crank an-le durinj, the stro]ke of suction at various
dista~nces from -'(.he of the cylinder .-Ath cocipression
ralAo e = 6 and n = 900 r.D.m. It is seen that there are
striking; differejaces in _v at different points in the
c., 'th Ref 2; lar-a
Card 3/ vlinderl this result be-in6 at variance wi 0
Jnvcst~!~atioil of the Turbulet.-,ce in Lhe Cylinder of a Piston Engine
differences even at the point close to each othc:r
(r = 10-13, 171-15 ma) indicate that the flo,;,, is in a
form of a concentrated jet durinS suction and not a widel-,.-
pread one. FiG.3 shows the profiles of the mean
Vel 8c'ty ~ across 8ho chamber for three crank anbles
(60 1 120 and 180 ) duriia6 the suction stroke and for
three different rpeeds: C-007 900 and 1200 r.p.m.
ConpresEion ratio 6. Volumetric efficiency 71 v = 0,71
is shown as the curve 11 and il = 0.24 as
Ulle curve c':,-,. FiS.4a shows t~Y variation of the iaean
velocitv and the fluctuatinj~~ velocity vith the speed of
tile en:,Ine, %-,ihile 4b shows hm-., these velocities chan6e
,,,.ith the voltmetric. efficiency (i.e as a result of
throttling) at the crank position oi 120 The presence
of intensive turbuleilt fluctuations is visible from Fi6.5
upper curve); the lower curve Eepresents pressure
chE;zi es. The notches are at 30 intervals. Fiss.6,7
cl~_nd G refer tuc, tile stroke of co-mpression. Fig.6 sho-.,,.Fs
the varii:~,'~-ion of the -aear- velocity as well as of the
fluctuatinL~ co..-I-13onent %,;ith the crank anJe at the crank
Card' 4/6 speed of C)OO r.-D. u. -9v = 0.717 r = 23 m-ra. The
of t'l-e Turbul,,;Tice in L',ie C.,ilinder of a Piston Engine
coefficlen. K 0 is col~_-Jction factor necessaa-y to
U - >
compeilsate for he fact that v >vl was not satisfied in
t'hese tu,_Id therefore -the effect of the wire had -to be -Uz~dCen izritc account. Fip~.? shovis the
Meal! aIIJ flUCtuatin, valo~;ities at O.D.C. (4.e.
U_ ~~ - _L at the
~;it6 ef cc,-iipression stroke) for e = 'a and n = 0,,00 r.p.m.
as follo.., ',,s: a) across ~he cylinder,b) at a distai_,ce 10 mill
f_-oin ;he axis as a function of the variable co~.ipression
ratio E:7 c) ditto as a function of the volunetric
.3Mcienc- and d) ditto as a function of the cre-ii-k speed n.
f L 1)
Fi:-.8 shov.1s the variation of tLie ?nerj~y of the turbulence,
+ v is -he ~,,ner,-y of the hi-:-h
_L-ere W, = ( 0 b
fre,-juency i)ulsation and of tiu-e swirl motion per unit mass,
77 -T
ld l
VI al vi (v' + v Generally speaking
"'2 = 7 r-=WT-
dJ u r i. n Gthe stroke of sucti Vv'" increases ever.TAiere
vvhere grad v increases, e.~!-. v.-ith increase in n and
0 v
There are, hov,rever some points where J7 is large
Carci 5/6 thou.-h r-'rad :~ is S.aall at those points. This may be due
Investi6ation of the Turbulence in the Cylinder of a Piston Engine
to the fact that only the components of i: and grad V-
perpendicular to the wire can be measured experimentally
with this apparatus, not their total values. It
appears further that neither
F77V-,2 -
during compression stroke nor grad v during the suction
stroke do depend upon the compression ratio, leading to
the conclusion that the real cause of pulsation during
the compression stroke is the 'turbulence produced in the
stroke of suction.
There are 8 figures and 7 references 7 2 of which are
Soviet, 4 English, 1 German.
SUBMITTED: May 22$ 19/57
1. Com~ustion--Turbulence 2. Fuels--Atomization 3. Combustion
chpiribers-Perforp-mce 4, internal combustion engines
Card 6/6
wLth 0. A. Machalickly (Czechoslovakian scientist) "Physico-chemi-cal basis of
the so called M-process in Diesel engines"
'th Ye. S. Semenov "Dealt with the itnrestiGation of the workinE cycle in the
cyclinder of' the engine by means of a compensated thermo -anemometer"
with V. P. Karpov " Dealt with the antechamber torch ignition as basis of a
new type of enrines"
report presented at U0 cOnfereDee On COMbustiOa =d FOrm"On Of the MXture
in Diesel Ehgines, convened by the Motor Laborstoryp Pead. Sci. USSR, Mosem
10-12 June 1958-
(vest. Ak nm& SSSR, 1958~, Wo. 9,. 115-2-17)
17(1); 10(2)~ PHASE 1 BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2541
Akademiya riauk SSSR. E,riergeticheskiy inatitut
Gorenlye v turbiLleatnoza potoke; diskussiya aa obshchemoskovskom seminare po
gorviniyu pri energetteheakom institute AN SSSR (Combustion in Turbulent
Flow; a Dls(~usslofi In the All-Moscow Semtaar at the Power Engineering
InstiLLIte, 117)BR Acarti-my of' Sciencen) Moscow', Izd--vo AN SSSR, 1959. 167 P.
Erx-at,q, slip in*erte(j.. 2.000 copies printed.
Ed.: L. ti. Khitrin, C6rresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences; Eds. of
Publishin.- House. R. 1. Yosykh and M. M. Knoroz; Tech. Ed.: P. S. Kashina.
PURPOSE: 'Mis collection is intended for research scientists in the fields
of thermodynamic5and fluid mechanics.
COVERAGE. The (-,,)liection contains six papers which present the results of
experlmeW~9-1 and theoretical research on combustion plwuomena under conditions
of' turbulent flow.
card i,-6
CombusUon In TurbuLent Flow (Cout.) SOV/2541
Vlasov, K. P. Experimental Investigation of the Combustion Zone of a Turbulent
Flame (Supplement to Ye-S. Shchetinicovls Report)
This paper gives details of the test setup arid some results of an experi-
mental study of the combustion zone In a turbulent flame. The test method
was based on 4mall-lag measurements of the ionized current and the temp-
erature. Experimental. data on the distributions of the ionized current and
the temperature are given and the measured statistiqal. 9haracteristics of
these quantities are presented as functions of the depth of the combustion
zone and the flow velocity.
Kogarko, S. M. On the Model for Combustion iq a Turbulent Plow 58
On the basis of the Damkoehler-Shchelkin bypothegis, this papep
considers the mechanism of the combustion of a homogeneous mixture
in turbulerit motion in the cross section of a tube. The stabiTiz-
ation of the flatue tongue is achieved with the aid of a pilot,flame.
The author q).Lestioas the validity of the model of combustion proposed
by 9-richetinkov in the first paper in this collection.
Card 3/6
SON p"-
b,13,evLt 6~
of Ta
Of of
f0 f tale t -floo
Zen 1 &e1 0 %1~11 a
VtI.OVL -F,-Y:pe r~L %,I VLO
ely,~~' 14
bbe t,re
,ao ) ea
LIerUe 'bal3t4'OtL- P IBA is tyle
'0V coul OVL tioa 0 ,, 8.101 &ere-
-03 a, - StAll & g~'S) 2 '01, covial-
V "t%Uotl assw qrovo~5* coo, 5
'OjabxI 0 -qaqertabXa0II 4's is
T~~ Ly Of elas ip"'e 0a,01 I omoistio" 5out
01 -CO(' O*r 0as 9A4 04_vor in a ~eLoq
t1ae "Orgo;L Ile
cova te ~101 ' eet~ tile 10 i'a Tj!Y18 j%e0%---
5e e - Vne' e e
TePTe' r ' ~be ce. 1"aaeose L, er~c 8;~'
.1 Vface 0 of eA c%le -tU)P',bxI$ttOr'- 40 .
rVo. V 111~ 'j~e 00T~ tyo -ploy 4,VL
PLO "tjo I
k1 e. of 00-1~6 t -~1016
Sep ase CO I-01- ? ~�W a tu'~
,je ~~Stpp J.()1~17,&
-le OSS act"Ou 5 OV,&
_D~~ a-eel
ty-'eat tile -~bx'3-eUee & to ce
t',O et, teU -eu
.V'a, -r-4
V Oe , 5 -ted. IQU OX e.,ferl. obo
Og a .9 resevL c.'j.Sj3 S 0.150 -t'
seVte&- VX ~ae~ _Seute& tjon *%Ae
-pre, -tilrbille S 'F- 0,03,10 014.
G'rie I~arr ',b~er"t c vi V 01.0
61,01L roe t1 ~ts O-CL ~ 8A&
S ~o 0
0.1C Voc j~ase'Ac
r 6
Coml - Tafoulent Flow (Cont SOV/2541
Prudaikov, A. G. bleasuxement of the Turbulence of Air Fl0VG and FlAves
by the optical Diffusion Method
This paper presents a new method for studying the turbulence of air
flows and flames. The method is a modification of the diffusion
method which combines the simplicity of the diffusion method with
the speed of the thermodynamic method. 111he basic Telatiouships are
given, the accuracy of the method is analyzed, the experimental set-
up is described, and a wide -variety of experimental results ale
presented. Tncluded are data for flows in tubes, submerged jets,
and open flows with and without the presence of grids. A variety of
results are also given for turbulence in flames, including the ef-
fects of grids and the scale of the turbulence.
Semenov, Ye.S. Investigation of the Turbulent Motion of a Gas'Under
Piston Engine Conditions
This paper investigates several turbulence characteristics of
the motion of a gas. Tncluded are studies of the characteristics
of the gas motion during intake and compression in the presence
of a source of turbulence, the variation of turbulence character-
Card 5/6
s,/o8 i /16o/ooo/o 17/001/016
Ref~-r~--:-i-,:~vv zha7T-,a-;., KhimiYa, 19~!C,, N,--, 17, ~P. 59-6o,
kr.- Ik A~S~
n Da-z~-- cf 17,e -Yhe-ry of T-arb-'Ilent Combustion
v potoke, Mszs,--w, AN SSSR, 1959,
pp. 6~;~ .80, D:-tk--,is- pr,, 81-82
EX e -t-a-e cf. -~h~ *rr-:-,~- - - zw T. -!:rvb~~t�,~n is characterized,
,- -1-,r. on
ha,:-.d '--,r unf--un.-4--d zxrerlmen-all .4a~a on th~ 3ombus'isn rate in tur-
--i~-Itlng f,~rm ~:h~- of the pripciples
-lying to T-hc
fDn ~th- hand, Ii marked by contradictions in
f t he ar m--del ;--.f --n-, f"'lame by various
ia-a. --i -h= s-nr-u~-,ture of turoul-ent. fla.-rew and lamlr_ar flame do not
~.--7her a lazminar or a v--~1u:m4tnar mcdel of turbulent
sl'081160100010 1*7,1001/016
e--rf f Irn-ir's. lant C r E~icn
int ~s Terrez=n~ing intermitten,:~
z -1- Tr-:~~s ir-'x.l.niz -n- n-, gases
A ~ 3 kr~'~ I k
-.1- c, Ruzziar ab-
CarJl -:/2,
Turbulent Combustion in a Closed Space
the lud, which amounted to p2)1/2 with respect to the tur-
bulent diffusion. For the entire turbulence Ul therefore
Us 2 + ~12jl/l.
2 It is shown in figure 4 that the rate UT
of turbulent combustion increases linearly with the intensity
of the turbulence: U a.U1 + b, where coefficient a lies be-
T = z
tween 1 and 2 for low temperatures. There are 4 figures and
5 references, 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Chemicophysics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
PRESENTED: June 11, 1959, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician
SUBMITTED. June 5, 1959
Card 2/2
444- //-/000 SOV/20-129-1-46/64
AUTHORS: Sokolik, A. S., Karpov, V. P.
TITLE: The Dependence of the Rate of Turbulent Burning on the Laminar
Rate and Temperature of Burning
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 1, pp 168-171
ABSTRACT: The two concepts of the mechanism of turbulent burning are
analyzed: the model of laminar surface burning, and the concept
of the turbulent flame as the propagation of a pulsating three-
dimensional reaction (Refs 5-7). By reason o-P experiments with
hydrogen - air mixtures it is proved that there is no direct ,
connection between the rate U T of turbulent and the rate U L of
laminar burning, and that U increases with rising temperature.
The fundamental difference Wetween the propagation of the flame
in the range of constant values of U T and at decreasing U T is
shown by means of moving-picture filming of the flames (Fig 3).
When UT decreases propagation becomes nonuniform. The latter is
Card 1/2 caused by a decrease in the reaction rate due to a change in the
S-kclik, Jkbram Solomonovich
plamya i detonatsiya v gazakh (Autoigaition, Flame, and
niton-ation iq Gases) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 427 p. Errata slip
nzerted. 5,000 copies printed.
Sponsoz-Lig Ageucy: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut khImich skoy fiziki.
R~~5p. EA-: V. N. Kondratlyev,. A,:~ademician; Ed. of Pablishing House: V. M.
Chererhilehenkn; Tech. Ed.: P. S. Kashina.
RTRKSE: ThIs book is intended for scientific and engineering personn I engaged
4 r-)iabuitlon research.
GOTERAGE: rhe book discusses kinetic problems related to the three basic types
cf ccrrfou-ation phenomena - autoignition, flame propagation, and detonation.
With but. ~%-te exception the work is restricted to investigations of premixed
gases. The studies are based on recent finding on the rates of chemical
.9.c.Mona embodied in the development of the chain theory of oxidation processes
,;F-ses. The Diesel process is briefly examined to illustrate the manner in
-~o q
AaflolgnVlion, Flr-x.,, and Detonation (cont. ) sav/4669
wb--*r;-h tbn kinetic lwds of multistage autoignition manifest themselves against
a batk-round of simultaneous liquid fuel evaporation and air-vapor mixing.
Ole~~:Ejftr,Ei~tjon of combustion phenomena is suggested on the basis of the role
p by tile mixing of fresh and burned gases in the development of the re-
a.,7~4, No personalities are mentioned. References accompany individual
P_)raword [A. S. Sokolikj
Gh. 1~ Thnr_nal amd Thermal Chain Explosion 5
exDlosion 5
Au.tcis~ition and fle propagation. Ignition temperature - Theory
ef tb-~ronv%l explosion. Stationary theory of a thermal explosion.
explosion- for autbeataly-tic reactions 15
(-;"-~n explosion 18
Basif~ connepts of chain reactions. Development of a chain
reRction w-ith respect to time. Chain ignition limits.
chain explosion 26
prof., doktor khim-nauk
Flame. Znan.ta pratsia no-6:2-3 Je 1606 (MIRA 13:8)
AMOR: Sokolik, A.S., Professor
TITLE- Flame fA
PERIODICAL,- Priroda, 1960, No. 7, PP. 39 - 45
TEXT: The author examines the processes which take place in the flame of
a n9rmal gas burner and uses this as a basis to explain the process of combustionkk
generally. Since heat is the random movement of molecules, the collis n of mol-
ecules in the gas flame leads to the hot gas giving up its surplus movement ener-
gy to the cold gas, i.e., heat transfer. The random movement of the gas mole-
cules also leads to diffusion of fresh and burnt gases within the flame. Heat
transfer together with diffusion combine to produce flame spread. The great bar-
rier to such chemical reactions as combustion is the strength of the intramoleau-
lar bonds. According to the chain theory of chemical reactions, direct reaction
between the molecules is necessary only as a primer to produce a few chemically
active particles with a free chemical bond, i.e.v f~jee radicals,1which will rea,;t
readily with the molecules to develop a chain reaction. This also has a snowbal-
ling effect in producing additional free radicals as active centers, so that the
Card 1/2
reaction rapidly gains momentum. This in turn liberates heat which heats the
gases and further accelerates the reaction. Catalysts break down readily into
free radicals and are used,therefore, to speed up technological processes by act-
ing as primers. The glow of a flame is also connected with the reaction of free
radicals. Energy is consumed in shifting the electrons of the gas molecules from
a normal level to an excited level so that they orbit farther from the nucleus.
When the electrons revert to their normal level they surrender this conversion
energy in the form of incandescence. There are 3 photos and 5 diagrams.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: ov, V. P. Sokolikq A. S.
TITLE: The Influence of Pressure on the Rate of LaminErand Turbulent
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 1329 No. 6,
pp. 1341-1343
TEXT: For the rate of laminar burning, the authors write down equation (1):
u - p n/2-1 (n - order of the gross reaction in the flame)9 and discuss
lam 0
the deviating values for k = n/2 - 1 indicated in Refs.,2-6. The experimen-
tal results represented in Fig. I show that combustjLn~does not follow
equations (2) and (3) at P. < 0.5 atm abs. At reduced pressure, the temper-
ature of combustion also decreases due to strong dissociation. The reduc-
tion of the rate of laminar burning in the pressure range investigated
(0-4 - 1.76 atm. abs) is assumed to be due to pressure reduction. The value
1.4 - 1.6 is indicated for n of equation (1). The resultB obtained in
Refs. 4, 8-10, including papers by Doroshenko and Nikitskiyare discussed
Card 1/2
The Influence of Pressure on the Rate of Laminar S102016011321061331068
and Turbulent Burning B004/BO05
in a similar way. The authors' experimental results for the range of
0.5 - 1.76 atm. abs give the equation u turb rV PO.3; but the combustion
rates at low pressure deviate from this equation. This is explained by an
increase in the induction period T i of inflammation, and the reduction of
the diffusion time t 0 at low pressure. Therefore9 the aaa_U2U~eAr_
regularly as is shown by the photographs in Fig. 2. Under experimental con-
ditions, a turbulent inflammation is impossible at T i > to. There are
2 figures and 11 references: 6 Soviet and 5 English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciencesq
PRESENTED: February 25, 19609 by Vo N. Kondratlyev, Academician
SUBMITTED: February 24, 1960
Card 2/2
-SOKOLIK, A.S., doktor khim.nauk
New clasa of internal combustion enaines. Vest. AN SSSR 31
no.10:785-90 0 161. (14IRA 14: 9)
(Gas and oil engines--Ignition)
IJ, 7.2 0 Q S102 19 38/004/0'-9/023
// 4.9- 0 B 10 3~B2M
AUTHORS: Karpov, V. P. and Sokolik, A. S.
TITLE; Relationship between self-ignition and rate of laminar and
turbulent combustion of paraffin hydrocarbons
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 138, no, 4, 1961, 874-876
TEXT: The authors compare the change cf the laminar and turbulent burning
rate of a mixture of methane, propane, or butane with air, with the delay
of self-ignition as a function of mixture composition. For this purpose,
they use a bomb of constant volume. In the case of methane, the delay
decreases at 700-7500C in mixtures poor in methane, in the case of propane
and butane, however, in mixtures rich in alkane (Ref. 3: A.S.Sokolik,
Samovosplameneniye, plamya i detonatsiya v gazakh,Izd. AN SSSR,19060
(Self-ignition ', flame and detonation in gases)). This difference
deTected 30 years ago (Ref. 2: C. A. Naylor, R. W. Wheeler,Chem.Soc.,
1931j2456; 1933, 1240) has so far not been studied closely. In a new
model of the turbulent flame, the burning rate is directly determined by
the delay of ignition during the mixing of fresh and burning gas. The
Card 1/4
aelationship between self-ignition and B103/B203
method of determining the turbulent burning rate was described earlier
(by the authc-.-s and Ye. S. Semenov, DAN,128,no.6,1220 (1959)(Ref. 4)).
The laminar burning was determined on the basis of the recorded visible
flame velocity uvis ~ dr/dt from the equation u burn 3 uVis /E . The
propagation degree F- can be determined as T /T by replacing the real
t~ ad C.
temperature of the flame Tf by the calculated adiabatic temperature and
neglecting the change of the molar ratio n/n . The resulting error does
not exceed the error of measurement. For me?hane and higher alkanes, the
authors find a great difference for mixtures rich in alkane: methane
shows much lower normal burning rates and a lower upper limit of flame
propagation than higher alkAnes. The authors explain this difference only
with the differing reaction rate in the flame which in propane and butane
is much higher than in methane. The same difference is even greater at
the rate of turbulent burning. In the authors' opinion, this parallelism
must not be taken as a proof that turbulent burning proceeds in laminar
flames. For mixtures poor in alkane, the rate of turbulent burning of
methane is higher than that of the twc higher alkanes. Besides, the
Card 2/4
Relationship between self-ignition and B103,/3-203
authors state that for mixtures rich in alkane the rate of turbulent
burning is much lower in methane than in propane and butane, although the
burning temperature of methane is higher than that of the higher alkanes.
For these reasons, it is assumed that 'there are certain kinetic
differences between methane and the higher alkanes which effect the above
discrepancies. These kinetic differences are neither related to the
stage of chain generation nor to the stage of chain branching. Therefore,
it is assumed that the differing characteristics of self-ignition of
methane and C3- and C4 alkanes as a functicn of mixture composition are
due to differences between these two alkane types in the stage of chain
generation: the reaction rate rises in this stage with the impoverishment
of the mixture in alkane in the case of methane, and with the enrichment
of the mixture in the case of C 3- and CA alkane-s. Therefore, the authors
recommend an investigation of the mechanism of this stage in self-ignition
at higher temperatures and in the development of the reaction in flames.
Besides, they con~tlude from the above results that the reaction in
laminar and turbulent flames develops under similar conditions of the
mLxing of burning and fresh gas, i.e. according to a similar mechanism.
Card 3/4
Relationship between self-ignit.ion and B103/B203
The.propagation mechanism of the re-action. however, is different-in
principle; in laminar flaMes, it proceeds by uninterrupted molecular heat
and substance transfer, in turbuiert flames,Ihowever, by turbulerit miiing.
There are 3 figures and 5 references: 3 Solfiet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.
One of the references to English-language publications is cited above,
the other reads: Ref. 5: K.Wohl, L.Shore, Ind, and End,Chem., 47,828
ASSOCIATION: Institut kiiiinicheskoy fizik-4.Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute
of Chemical Physics of The Academy of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED: January 23, 1961, by V. N. Kondrat:yev, Academician
SUB14ITTED: January 17, 1961
Card 4/4
3 0 7 05'
S,/020/6" /141/002/01 r`/027
AUTHORS: Karpov, V. P., and
TITLE: Limits of ignition in turbul.~c.. caseous mixtures
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. ~-. 141i1, no. 2, 1961, 393-396
TEXT: The difference between laminar and -,;.~bulent combustion, and the de-
pendence of ignition on the degree of turbjl'~_noe are discussed, and present
a quantitative value for the probability of -?xtinction of a turbulent flame.
The paper is based on a study by A. S. Sokollk (Samovosplaneniye, plamya i
detonatsiya v gazakh (Self-ignition, flame and detonation in gases) Izd.
AN SSSR, 196o). Excitation of constant turbulence in a closed space has
already been described (DAN, 129, no. 1, "168 (1959)). Results: 1) At
constant energy of the capacitor spark, the concentration ranges of igni-
tion are narrowed with increasing intensity (U or the lower limit of
ignition rises with increasing pressure. D~,-ieasing spark energy also nar-
rows the concentration range of ignition. In contrast to laminar
:;ombustion, the combustion rate in turbulen,~e does not depend on the heat
conductivity of the mixture. In a wide range, .4t is proportional to the
Card 1/0
Limits of ij~,nition in turbulent ... B101/B147
intensity of turbulence- 3) Propane-oxygen aiid hydrogen-oxygen mixtures
diluted with helium or argon showed that, --n the presence of He, igni.-,'on
occurs, at a turbulence lower than in th~L- p_-asance of Ar (Fig. 2). Also
on increasin- the spark energy by a fa--+,r,- -,f 20, the ignition limit for
L air mix-
mixtures with He was lower than for mixtures w-'+h Ar. In H2
tures (Fig. 4) with an excess Of H2 i1o-n_J,.ion occurred at a lower
intensity of turbulence, although mixtures r--ch in air have a higher
burning temperature (ratio *a = 0.17, burnan- -~-~mperature 1300OK; ratio
a = 5.6, burning temperature 8600C). 4) The na--ire of flame propagation is
changed by turbulence. This was observed i-Ii -~,chlieren cinematography.
5) The ratio between the real flame volume Vf- and the volume Vm of the
sphere, the radius of which is the longest flame 'longue, is set up and
vf/Vm',VO.35 is found to be the limit of for all mixtures
investigated. This value is a quantitative r_'-,aracteristic for the
probability for extinction of a turbulent f me. 6) Therefrom it is
concluded that pulsating combustion is as soon as the time of
mixing becomes shorter than the induction 7~~_:-J__.d of Jgnition:
to = 11/ut < '[i .'With increasin- root-mean .=qz~ara value o' the 4n-ens` t-.- U;_
Card 2/6,,
Limits of ignition in turbulent _:-101/B147
of turbulence, the probahility iricreasi inequality becomes Alid.
There are 4 figures and 6 references; S-1-% a d I non-Soviet. The
reference to the English-language pub1_'--a-._-.r_ --,eads as follows: Kimura
Itsuro, Kumagai Seiichiro, J. Phys. So,.,. no. 5, 599 (1956).
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute
of Chemical Physics of tt,~! A-:a-d-3my of Soiences USSR)
PRESENTED: June 20, 1961, by V. N~ Kcnd.-at'yev, Academician
SUBMITTED: June 20, 1961
Card 3/f
AUTLIORS: Semenov, Ye. S., and Sokolik, A. S.
TITLE: Study of ionization in spherical flames by the method of
probe characteristics
PERIODICAL: Zburnal tekhnicheskoj fiziki, v. 32, no. 9, 1962, 1074-1083
TEXT: The ion concentration distribution N(x) over the cross section of
the flame zone in a centrally ignited spherical steel bomb (with two
plane-.parallel windows and two ignition electrodes) was measured by
Langmuir's method of probe characteristics. The'measurements were made with
propane-air mixtures at pre,ssures of 0.15 - 2*atm. When the flame passed
the fixed probe an oscillogram was taken v;ith a double-trace electron
oscilloscope. The ionization current profile along the x-coordinate was
determined from these oacillograms., using the equation x = u via t' uvia
being the visible flame velocity. The maximum concentrations of ions in
the flame measured by two different methods are greater, by three or four
orders of magnitude, than the thermodynamic equilibrium concentration
-calculated from the Saba equation. This fact indicates that the ions in
Card 1/4
Study of ionization in ... B125/B186
the flames are immediately generated at the expense of the energy from the
chemical elementary processes, and not by thermal ionization of the
combustion products. The descending part of the concentration curve
~-ives 10-7 CM3/sec for the recombination coefficient. The diffusion
coefficient D for the combustion products of hydrocarbons with ambipolar
electron diffusion is D z- 20 cm2'/sec at p.= 1-mm Hg and 00C. The highest
importance attaches to the convective term of the steady-state equation,
followed by the recombination term, and lastly by the diffusion term. The
boundary of the region in which ions are produced coincides almost with
xmax in the current o3cillogram. Here, the probe has zero potential with
respect to the plasma. At subatmospheric pressures, the pressure
deuendences read 6 _p - 0.8 for the flame zone width, i r `~'P_0-7 for
1.7 eact
the reaction time, W _p for the mean reaction rate, and u -p-0-15 for
the flame velocity. V. P. Karpov assisted in designing the experimental
apparatus. There are 8 figures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of
Chemical Physics AS USSR, Moscow)
Card 2/4
Study of ionization in... B125/BI86
SUT,!ITTED: April a, 1961 initially)
June 25, 1961 rafter revision)
Fig. 7. Structure of the flame rea .ction zone. -Mixture containing 4.16%
propane. Probe diameter 0.2 mm, p - 1 atm. N = ion concentration.
Legend: q = ionization rates; T -temperature; J* current density in
the probe at U U
3 30
Card 3/4
Study of ionization in ... B125/BI86
JI.r) Nix)
qm V/f/
Fig. 7 _j
I jo
.-T L 1. B im I.Tz rj
Card 4/4
3 95
S/02 62/145/002/015/018
-'-.UT,,O'RS Semenov, Ye. S., and -Sokolik, A. S.
r'--TLE: Characteristics of spherical flames in the state of formation
?--2~TODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 145, no. 2, 1962, 369-372
ITEXT: The characteristics of a flame in the state of formation were
studied with a propane - air mixture (4.16~6 C3 Ha) at 250 mm H9 in a
si'ierical bomb of 180 mm in diameter and ignition in the center. The
velocity of flame propagation was measured by schlieren photography, the
4-onic current i was measured oscilloscopically with a s7ingle electrode
P"Oba (potential: 2 v) described earlier (ZhTF, 32, no. 9 (1962)) at the
distance r = 10-30 mr, from the point of ignition. The time dependence
of the ion concentration IN was obtained from the oscillographs of i at
various r values. From this, the concentration at the distance x from
the beEinning of the ion formation zone was calculated by the apparent
Vielocity'U of flame propagation. The rate q of ion formation and thus
also the profile q(x) were calculated from the equilibrium equation for.
Card 1/3
Characteristics of spherical flames ... B145/B101 -
the ions, since 8N/bt proved to be sufficiently small and could be put
equal to zero even at small r values. The width 5 of the reaction zone
7ias calculated directly by means of Uv. 6 increases as the point of
.Llgrnition is approached, and exceeds the stationary value (1.2 mm at
r Zt33 mm) by almost 'he tenfold at r = 10 mm. At the same time,
q *s reduced to 20-25% at r mm. Conclusions: In the state of
m. a x
_11ormation the radius of the spherical flame has the same order of magnitude
s -6 U
'he radius of 'he reaction zone. As soon as the radius of the V~
reaction zone can be compared with the radius of curvation of'the flame,
the volume of the reacting gas is smaller than that of the heat-absorb-
in, -as and the temDerature is lover than the adiabatic tem erature of
the plane flame (vita r - 10 mm, the difference is 250-3000C5. Thus, the
rate of combustion decreasda. The values of the plane flame are reached
but 6radually. There are 4 figures. The English -lanrage references are:
~, . r. Piock, Oh. F. i1artin, Jr. I Chem. Rev. , 21 , 3671937)j S. V. Viock,
Ch.. _7 . 1,'~art in i Jr. et al. , Nat . adv. 'comm. f or aeronautic s, Rep. no. 682
Card 2/3
Characteristics of sDherical flames... B145/BlOl
Y.SSOCIATIO,",; Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR
(Instituto of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Saiencen
'P 1962, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician
March 15,
SITB','.ITTED: January 16, 19062
Card 3/3
ACCESSION NR: AP4041761 S/0076164/038/006/1660/1662
AUTHOR: Karpovo V. P.; Sokolik, A. S.
TITLE: Laminar and turbulent flames from hydrazine decompositfon
SOURCE*#- Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 38, no. 6, 1964, 1660-1662
TOPIC TAGS: hydrazine decomposition, rocket fuel$ laminar flame,
turbulent flame
ABSTRACT: The burning velocities of laminar and turbulent flame:
from hydrazine decomposition were determined as a function of pr a- .1
sure and temperature (1500-1900K) by Schlieren photography and os-
cillographic pressure recording in a duraluminum bomb equipped with
mixing propellers and sight windows. The reaction rates of the
laminar and turbulent flames were calculated oh the basis of the
thermal combustion theory and the pulsating combustion model,
respectively. It was found that the kinetic characteristics are
identical for both types of flame. The res -Ulta provide evidence
supporting the correctness of the pulsating model for turbulent
combustion. Orig. art. hast 4 figures and 8 formulas,
rc0fd 2____
ASSOCIATION: AkademLya nauk SSSR, InstLtut khLmLcheskoy fL&LkL
(Academy -of Sciences SSSR, Institute of Chemical Physics) J
SUB CODE.i PP---. -NO REV SOV: 005 OTHER: 005
2 2
L 13809-65 P
E F(c .),/EPR/ E PA (w) -2/ET.-,TP (j) /EEC (t) /T/ Cwhl (m)--2
Pe-4/Paa-4/Pab-IO/Pr-lPi'?S-l~/Pt-"O. 1,110(c) /S5D(a)/,%FETR/ A:ET)C(b)/AE DO (a) /11S (mp)-2/
jW/ J. J
ACCESSION NR: AP4042597 S/0076/64/0361007/1784/1790
AUTHOR: Sokolik, A. S,, (Moscow); Samenov, Ye, S. (Moscow)
TITLE: The nature of the chemical ionization of flames
SOURCE: Zhurnal fizichaskoy khimii, v. 38, no. 7, 1964# 1784-1790
TOPIC TAGS: hydrocarbon flame, ionization I chemical ionization,
flame reactiont turbulent flame, laminar flame, detonation wave,
combustion mechanism, thermal ionization, combustion
ABSTRACT: The most probable ionization mechanism in the reaction
zone of hydrocarbon flames, CH + 0 -CRO + e, is based on the trans-
port of active centers, mainly H atoms, within the reaction zone*
The.subsequent transfer of the proton to water: CHO+ + 1120-0-CO +U30
is favored by small activation energy for the reaction,the short life
of the CHO+ iont and the abundance of H30+ in ihe system. The origi-
nal CH radical had been formed by the reactionICC + OH. CH + CO.
The role played by diffusion exchan ge .-i-n-ZR-ereac t Lon zone is confirm__
by results.of the present investigation of the ionization in tur-
Card 1/3
L 138o9-65
bulent flames$ which showed that.the velocity pulsations are acco
panied by fluctuations in the Lanization:current, and the maximum am-
plitude of the turbulent ionization current considerably exceeds (by
10-20 times) that of a laminar flame at the same temperature and in-
creases with inqFeased turbulence, Analysis of the available data on
ionization in al~~etonation wave of hydrocarbon-oxygen mi,*tures leads
to two alternative concept.s of the combustion mechanismWin a detona-
ition wave: (1) in which chemical Ionization is absent, or (2) where
at a high level of thermal ionization the weaker chemical ionization-
is masked. The choice of one of these is possible from results obtaLir
ed from LonLzation.studies in the reactlon xone of high temperature
hydrocarbon-oxygen flames; if detonative combustionla a homogeneous.:
reaction developed throughout the entire volume of the compressed &a
chemical ionization is~not possible, Ifthe process Includes the
formation of one or more reaction sites and the remaining volume of
the compressed gas in the detonation wave is enclos'ed bythe flame
either laminar or turbulent, then chemical tonLzatiouccan originate
in the reaction zone of the detonation waves Orige arto'hass 7
figures and, 4 equations,
tCard 2/3
oFt :;CV Ye S.
-',at_-,ire of the cal of flames. ~,hur. T-iz. 3
ro.7:1784-117'10 il 164. 18:3)
1. Akademiya nauk SSR, Institut klAmicheskoy -fizild.
L 1715-66 EPA/E~V7(rn)/r--PF(c)ATC/Fi~-'P(f )/F-WG(m)/E'.IP(j )/T/E'v"A(c )/ETC(m) RPL
AC"ESS101 IM: AP50P3687 UR/0076/65/039/009/2202/2207
AI.TI'IIOR: Soko_Uk, A. S. S-in-vinv, Ye. S.
'rITLE: Study of rtiacrokLrj,0 fe chni-neteri sties of tiii-bulent propane flames by Ioniza-
I,fon current tr;~risuromt~nf.s
SOURCE: Zhili-tint khImil, -,,. 39, iv). 9, 190r,,, 2202-22ur
TOPIC TVIS: I,jirblilenl -t ousVion, (-trib~lstion, propulsion, combustion theory, ion
ABSTRACT: tirbul-griL corill of homogeneo-tis gas mixtures was stu(Ii ed tbeoretica-Ily
and by experimoill.,; in whii:h the i;:~nization clirrents of propane-air flnmes were re- '
cc rdet I US1nE-, ~An OSCi I I Or I") TA I. The menn pulsation periods 01 were found to be fully,
independent of tire naturp of the fuel, the air-fuel ratio, arid the combus-.
Lion teMperature. This provet] that 01 is controlled I~v turbulence characteristics
'-111.1y. The oscillograms algo stinwerl lonffer intervals O~ between tile iiqtants when
Uie loilization current dpcreases to zero, i.e. , the periods of combustion between
flame extinctions at the given measuring point. The mean reaction time Tr can be
- C + I
calnuiRted from th,~ mpsan value of e2 by the formula T. = 02 - 2 where c is the
Card 1-12
L 1715-66
il f 'CE S S T 0 11 NP: AP5023687
vrdwyief-,ric expansion of the combustion mole. By comparing T r at various tempera-
tures --ind pressures, the macrokinetic characteris tics, i.e., the effective reaction:
ord-rz; ~tnd activation energies, can lie calculated. Therefore, the macrokinetic
chara,.-.Leristics can be obtained by two completply independent methods: ionization
,nwrent measurements as discusse(I 01L-r- !~-nd 10irbulent burning velocity measurements
bas~,J on the pulsating ignition model. Orig. nrt. has: 9 formulas and 6 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki, Akademiya nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemi--
cal Fhysics, Academy of Sciences SSSR)
NO REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 001 ATD PRESS: '1017,6 i
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Optleu - Mysical Optics. K
Abs Jour Ref Z:iur Fizika,-,Ilo 12, 1~57~9, 2`491,01
Aut!-.-)r Sokolik, Bz)huslav
Title Elec 67 al Measureitents of Distances
Orig Pub Slaboprouay obzor, 1958, 19, uo 10, 678-681
Abstract The author describes an electron optical ra:,ge fincler
wit!' a Karr cell-, which permits measuring distinces
from 20 z.,~eters to 20 llu.~~ wit"i am- accuracy of ~�_ I and
1-20 czi respectivelzi. Tlae receiving device compares
the Vhases of -,he modulanted directu and reflected rays.
The modulation frequiency is 5 -- 10 Mcs; the length of
the li/,7"t Pu-Ise is 0.3 microsecor s approximtely.
Yu. IM. Kutev
Card 1/1
3.~Jlo 0
-3, 0 0
AUTHORS. Delong, Bohvoj, Candidate of Techical Sciences, Engineer; Sokollk,
Bohuslav, Engineer; Neuman, P~emek, Engineer.
TITEE~ Electro-optical geodimeter of the VUGTK
PERTODT_AL: GeodetickSr a kartografick,~ obzor, no. 5, 1960, 83 - 86
TEXT. The article describes the principle, design and performance of a new
Czechoslovak geodimeter developed and built in 1959 jointly by the Vkzkumnk 6stav
geodetick~, topografick~ a kartografic* (Geodetic, Topographic and Cartographic
Research Institute) in Prague, and the 73stav radiotechniky elektrotechnicke'
fakulty MT (Institute for Radio Engineering, Department for Electrical Engineer
ing, 6VUT) in Prague. The theoretical basis of the instrument has been described
in the 2-nd oollective volume of the Edice VOGTK under the title "Research on the
electro-optical geodime-11-er of the V&TK". ~he operating principle of the instru-
ment is shown in Figure 1. The light source L emits isotropic light. waves which
are focused by the condenser K into the center of the annulus formed by the elec-
trodes of the quartz cryotal Kr, which acts as a light modulator in addition to
its stabilization function. As a result, the quartz modulator Kr, together with
Wo polarization foils P and A, of which the former acts as the polarizer and
Card 1/9
P Z/024/60/006/005/001/001
Electro-optical geodimeter of the VUGTK A201/A126
the latter as the analyzer, produce the amplitude modulation of the light waves.
The modulated li.ght is sent to the terminal point of the measured distance by the
transmi,ting lens 0 1' At the terminal point, the light is reflected by the mtrror
R and returns to the initial point of the measured distance. The reflected light
~~,rikes the receiving lens 02 which focuses it onto the cathode of the photomulti-
pll---r F, The receiving system photoelectrically determines the phase difference
between the transmitted and the reflected modula ted light-waves on a low frequen-
--v. Therefore, the instrument is equipped with two oscillators: The main oscil-
lator 0 operating on the 5 Me frequency, and the auxiliary oscillator Po operating
on a frequ.=__Ioy differing from that of the main oscillator by 10 kc. The signal
from 'the auxiliary oscillator is mixed in the mixer Sm with the signal from the
main os~Allator and with the signal from the last dynode of the photowultiplier.
this manner two low-frequency signals of the same frequency and of an un,:hanged
phase relation are obtained which are fed to the synchronous detector Sd. Connect-
ed to the detet~tor is the galvanometer G whose hand indicates the magnitude of the
phase difference. When the galvanometer hand is set to zero, the measured dletazice
D is given by the relation
2D = N - L + 1 (1)
viti~re N Is the integral amount of modulated ligbt-wave lengths, L is the modulatican
Ca7d 2/9
Electro-optical geodiMeter of the V&TK A201/A126
wave length, and 1 is the increment which is a function of the phase difference
1 = ? . L. (2)
2 ?-1
Ehe zeroing of the galvanometer hand is done by the phase shift of the signals
from the main oscillator and from the mixer in relation to the signal from the
photomultiplier. This phase shift Is made possible by the phasing element which
in turn has two elements: The rough-phasing element, Fh, by which the phase is
shifted over the range of 0-1800 in ten steps of 180, each step representing a
change in distance of 1.5 m; and the fine-phasing element Fj, by which the
phase is shifted continuously over 200 providing for sufficient overlapping of
the adjacent steps. At zero position of the galvanometer hand, the value can
be determined from the readings of the rough and the fine-phsing element scales
using equation (2). The value N in equation (1) can be determined from the re-
sults of the distance measurements with two different modulation frequencies
according to the relation 1 1
N 12 L21
Card 3/ 9
"Z 0/006/005/001/001
Z702 /6
Electro-optical geodimeter of the VdGTK A20i/Ai26
where LI, L2 are the respective modulation wavelengths pertaining to the modula-
tion frequencies FI and F2 respectively, and l,., 12are the respective increments.
The modulation wavelength L is calculated from the modulation frequency of the
oscillator F using the relation
where v is the light velocity in the atmosphere. The polarization foils are the
only foreign components used in the instrument. The metacrylate-base foils, de-
veloped by the Meopta Bratislava n. p. (Meopta Bratislava, National Enterprise)
in cooperation with the n6Lrodn:r podnik Meopta Praha.(Meopta Praha-, National En-
terprise) have proved to be unsatisfactory since they were ineffective for the
marginal -i-lues of the spectrum and, corisequently, could not be employed with
t1he. high-performance photomultiplier, developed by the V~zkumnk 6stav vakuove'
techniky (Research Institute of Vacuum Engineering), which is u'sed in the receiv-
ing part of the instrument and which has its best spectral sensitivity in the
region of the lower boundary of the visible spectrum. The quartz modulator of
the instrument consists of a polished quartz plate of the BT crystal section and
of annular contact electrodes which are pressed against the crystal by two steel
springs. The entire assembly is mounted in a modified "Telefunken" crystal holder.
(Previous models prepared by the Vkzkumny. 6stav elektrotechnick6 keramiky (Research
Card 4/ 9
Electro-optical geodimeter of the VUGTK A201/Ai26 -
Insiitute of Electrotechnical Ceramics) in Hradec Kr~lov6, and subsequently by
the V~zkumn~ -Gstav pro elektrotechnickou fysiku (Research Institute of Electro-
technical Physics) in Prague, using vapor-deposited electrodes (silver, gold,
aluminum, and silver-aluminum) were found inadequate due to their instability).
The optinum modulation effect of the modulator is in the vicinity of the parallel
resonance of the crystal. A modulation depth of about 0.4 was obtained at about
70 V. This depth is sufficient for the measurement of short distances. For the
mzd.n oscillator a connection was chosen in which the modulating crystal is the
element which determines the oscillator fre uency. This arrangement secures a
frequency stability in the order of 5 x 10_~ which is adequate for 'the testing
stage of the instrument and for measurements of short distances. For the auxili-
ary oscillator a connection w1th crystal control was used since the stability
of this oscillator determines the stability of the differential frequency. For
the rough phasing element a delay chain, shown in Figure 2, was used. Fine phas-
ing Is done by the element the wiring diagram of which is shown in Figure 3. By
a simultaneous, continuous va~7iW on of the resistors R and R , the phase differ-
1 2
ence between the voltages E 1 and E2 can continuously be varied. The scale of the
element is graduated in 100 parts permitting a reading of the measured distance
with an accuracy within 1.5 cm. The synchronous detector is formed by two 6H3i
Card 5/ 9
Electro-opticall geodimeter of the VUGTK
vaf,uum tubes in bridge connection, with the galvanometer connected between their
anodes. The signal from the photomultiplier is fed to the first two grids in
phase, the signal from the main oscillator is fed, after mixing, to the third
grids in the opposite phase. The optical system is of temporary nature, as readi-
ly available components had to be used in its construction. Normal camera lenses.
with a focus distance of 100 mm and an F-number of 1-2.8 were used for the trans-
mlt~ing and the receiving lenses. A point tungsten bulb of 30 watt (6v, 5a) serves
as the light source. Tests with this instrument showed that this optical system
has a range of about 2_50 m which is rather little. For geodimeters with longer
ranges optical systems consisting of lenses and mirrors, such as one used in the
NASM-2A geodimeter, will have to be used. It Is planned to replace the temporary
optical system with a new one, specially designed for the specific uses of this
Seodimieter. The new optical system will extend the range of the instrument to 2-3
k_yn, The geodimeter has been tested under laboratory conditions only. It was found
that the instrument wa5 capable of indicating distance changes above 5 cm. This
value represents the inherent error of the phasing element which is independent
o' the di-stance measured. Also there is the error due to the instability of the
trequency. Consequently, the mean error in each measurement can be determined from
the relation
m = + (5 , 10-5 ~ D + 5 9m)
Card 6/9
Electro-optical geodimeter ~f"ihe VUGTK
where D is..the distance measured. The accuracy of the instrument can be improved
by improving the frequency stability of both oscillators and by & more precise
execution of some of the electronic components. The geodimeter weighs little
over 5 kg and is mounted on a tripod. The power supply has about the same weight.
Laboratory tests have confirmed the soundness of the original design conception
and the capability of the instrument of measuring geodetic distances.. Pukher
development will be aimed at the improvement of the optical system and of the
stability of the crystal frequency. There are 5 figures and 3 Soviet-bloo,refer-
ASSOCIATION: V&TK, Praha (VOGTK, Prague) (B. 6elong);' trstav radiotechniky,, Praha
(Institute of Radio Engineering, Prague) (B. Sokollk and'P.-Neu'man).
Card 7/9
3.11ooo A121/AO26
AUTHORS~- Neuman, F.j Sokolik, B.; Delong, B.; - Engineers
TITLE: Electro-Optical Range Finder With Quartz Modulator
PERIODICAL- Jemnb. Mechanika a Optika, 1960, No. 11, PP. 336 - 342
TEXT., The prototy
.pe of an electro-optical range finder with quartz modu-
lator, range up to 3 km, mounted on a tripod (Fig. 8), has been developed in co-
operation of the Vkzkumnk 6stav geodeticki, topograficki a kartograficki (Geodeb-
ic, Topographic and Cartographic Research in-stitute) in Prague and the Ustav ra-
diotechniky elecktrotechii1cM fakulty ~7XTL (Radlotechnical Institute at the OLec-
trotechnical Faculty of ;,VUT) in Prag,,e, and was constructed by the V~zkumnk fis-
tav elektrotechni~~.k6 keramiky (Ele:trcteshnical Ceramics Research Institute) in
Hradec Kr~.lov&. Figure I shows its block-diagram; the upper part is the trans-
mitting system, the lower part the receiving system. A description of the main
component parts is given. Equation (1) is the basic equation of the measured
distarce D at the Initial galvanometer adjustment: Equation (2) serves for the
precise computation. The author develop the quartz modulator theory, d15~u5stkx--
maximum modulation effect arising In case of rectangular angle adjustment of +-'nc-
Card 1/4
Electro-Optical Range Finder With Quartz Modulator A121/AO26
polarizer and analyzer oscillation direction, whereby this angle 1E parted by the
plane formed by the optical axis of the crystal and the direction of the trans-
mitted light (Equations 3, 43 Figs. 2, 4). Equation (5) expresses the relative
electro-optical transmission faotor of the mcdula~lcr, the graphic representation
of which is called the electro-optical phenomenon characteristic (Equation 6 and
Fij-z. 3). Equations (V to (14) serve for the computation of the quartz modula~-x-
characteristic. Applying Equations (13), (14) (Refs. 1, 21 3 and 5), (15), (W
and using a 125 v biassing modulatcr, the Equations ( '17) and (18) are cbtained,
showing the effective voltage Ve and, by comparison of Equations (18) and (6).
the constant k1 = 6.28 - io-3. The maximum electro-optical transmissiDn at a
modulating voltage v = 125, achieved by double refracticn of light in the quartz
crystal (Vp = 125 v) is according -to Figure 3 tcc~ high and will cause defrirma-
'ions; therefore, the amplitude cf up t~ 100 v 12 b~_Ing ch;.sen c:.,r:-c-_pond_1nS to
a mcdulation depth of 0.90. A Comparison with ~~he Kerr mcdula~,-_r, -3~ d~-_-;z~.ripti.-'n
:~f t~ quar-.z modulator current, ~apa~21ty ~Pig. 5) amounting to 1.8 w at 100 v
- I I e
m2duLating voltage, and a of _ann-s-ruc-ticra~i eiementa Is g v.1n
Czechoslovak pcdarizing foils (.Me,~-pta Branslava), at the Mec-,pta Labora-
tz~ry In Pragu,~~, were rct found SUI~,ab_.-_' m-ixim~w Zpe,1ttrzpn-_t-,-1,~~:tr!c sen-
leotro-Optica]- Range Finder Wi --h Quartz Modulat,:~r A 121 /A,) -~~6
nk 6ztav vakuovb technik-y (Va-zuum Engineering -Reaearch Ins tl tu te ~, -, .-~ in -zhe Icu-
er region of the visible spectrum (blue zc,'~or therefors, foils from abroad
were used. A detailed descripUon of the prototype quartz =dulator follows. A
modulation depth of about 0.4 has been obtained at a mc.-dulation voltage of 70 V.
A phase comparison between emitted and reflectled modulated light waves may be
photoelectrically performed at low frequency,. -herefore, .he apparatus is
equipped with two oscillators, i.e., ihe main ') Scillator 0 and the auxiliary os-
cillator Po ( 'Fig. 1). The low-frequency signal of about 10 kc/sec oscillation
frequency arising by transfcrmation of mcdu-1--ted light in the photomultiplier
cathode, the arrangement. of synchronized dete~2--,ors (Sd), the phase adjustment ard
phase change, whereby eaeh phase difference ~af 180 is equ-al -t;o a change z,.-" abcut
1.5 M in distance, total phase range 0 - 180C, are described. A reciprocal func-
tional replacement of' both oscillators, described in detall, is ensured. Figure
6 shows the phasing element (Fh) diagram consisting zf a pnase-shiftfng section
ending with its charasteristic resistance. Figure 7 snows the diagram of the
fine phasing element (Fj)~ 1~w,-: 6~931 electrcne tubes in bridge connectiom servi~-
as synchronized detectors (Sd.i witti attached galvanome-,er)- A common 100 mm
lens, I , 2.8, is used as conden-ser and ".rEu%-=mItting-re2eIv1ng obje,~--ive.~ a 30
W~ 6 v. 5 amp tungsten !amp serves a-- 3.1ght-scurce. -Tne ccmputed range amoun--
Card 3/4
Z / D 3 0, /6CODGO/O 10011002
Electro-Optical Range Finder Wi,~h Quartz Modulat.,_~r AI21/AID216
to 250 m, the laboratory tests were p~-rf~7rmed at a dlBrance Cf 55 m. A lens-re-
flector system as used at -ne NASM-::-A 7_.ype geodimeter should be applied to ob-
tain a range-finder of lonizer mea-suring range. The mean error in range-finding
is 6xpressed by Equation on Pa95 342) (D = measured distance), The range finder
and the feeding apparELtu:~ weigh 5 kg each. Fig~ure_ 8 chows the I~sntrcl panel
Figure 9 the inner arrangement f 'tie emitt-ing Fisar!~- 10 Ole quartz mcd-
U.Lator of light, and Figure 11 the coarse-phasing Furt~:er develop-
ment requi-res an accemplishment of t e range finder'S optical, system and stabil-
lty-in2reass~ of the crystal- frequency. There are 8 references. I Swedish, 2
English, 3 Ozeehoslov~;_Lk amd 2 German.
ASSOCIAITIONS~ Ostav radlote~lnnil.,y :W-T (Fad, Tnstitute of Pragie
1%1~umar and 3;b,lik.- V~,'*-I,
I, z.-r,,n,-, 'i-tav g=-detick~ .G~cdetio Re-
~_ear,h inst-Itute Prague. I n g.
SUBMITTED. FF-bruary 29, 1960
Card 41/4
AUTHORS: Delong, Bofivoj; Sokolik, Bohuslav, and Neumann, P~emek
TITLE: Electrooptical distance meter with quartz modulator
PERIODICAL: Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, no. 5, 1961, 8 - 20
TEXT: In 1959, an electrooptical distance meter - the first instru-
ment of its kind in Czechoslovakia - was developed for measuring geodetic
distances, by the Research Institute of Geodesy, in co-operation 'Kith the
Institute of Radio Engineering. The distance meter can determine the phase
difference of the emitted and reflected modulated light waves on a low fre-
quency by an electronic method. It has 2 oscillators: a primary one 0,
with a frequency of 5 Mc/s, and a.secondary one Po, with a frequency differ-
ing from that of the former by about 10 kc/s, (Fig. 1). The upper part of
the scheme represents the transmitting system, the lower part the receiving
system. The source L emits a beam of white light conducted by the condenser
K to the center of the spherical ring, formed by electrodes of the quartzite
modulator Kr- The latter, together with 2 thin polarized plates P and A,
the first of which acts as a polarizer and the second as an analyser, per-
Card 1/8
Electrooptical distance meter with... A207/A126
form the li-ht modulation depending on the amplitude. The modulated light
passes through the transmission lense 01 and is passed on to the reflector
R located at the cther end of the measured line. The light beam emanating
from the latter is returned to the initial point of the measured line. If
instrument and reflector are properly located as to direction, the reflected
light passes through the receiving lense 02 which then directs it to the
photomultiplier P cathode. The signal from the auxiliary oscillator is mix-
ed with the signal from the main oscillator in the mixer Sm and also with
the signal from the photomultiplier F on it's last emission electrode. Two
low-frequency signals are thus produced havin,- the same frequency with un-
changed phase ratios, which are led to the synchronous detector Sd. A gal-
vanometer G is connected to the synchronous detector and indicates the phase
dMerence.. When the dial of the galvanometer is on zero, the following re-
lation is valid for the measured distance D:
2D = NL + 1
where N is the whole number of modulation wave lengths, L - the wavelength
of modulation and 1 - the residual which is a function of the phase differ-
ence ~. 1 (2)~
Card 2/8
Electrooptical distance meter with... A207,A126
the phase shift of the signal
The galvanometer indicator is set to zero by 4
from the main oscillator and from the mixer with regard to the signal from
the photomultiplier. This, in turn, is done by the phase shifter which has
2 parts: One for roug phasing Ph, by which the phase position is changed
by jumps, and one for fine phasing Ph, by which the phase of the signal be-
~ween the neighbouring rough phase position is changed smoothly. The scales
of the rough and fine phase shifters provide data at the zero position of
the galvanometer from which the measured length is determined. The mean
error of one measurement of length is expressed by the relation
mD ~ �(5 x lo-5D+5 cm).
The wavelength of the modulation L is obtained from the modulation frequen-
cy of the oscillator F from the relation L = v/F, where v is the speed-. of
light distribution in-the atmosphere. The eletro-optical effects used in
the electro-optical distance meters described are linear in the quartzite
modulator. The latter is based on the validity of Hook's law. The authors
have attempted to determine the conditions for the design of a modulator
where a maximum modulation effect is achived. This maximum effect is reach-
ed at maximum chan-es in the ratio of the light beam emanating from the mod-
Card 3/8
Z/O 2 3/61/000/001/002/00 6
Electrooptical distance meter with... A207/A126
ulator to the light beam entering it. It is assumed that the relative per-
moability of both polarization plates and that of the artificial anisotropic
mediUM Or the modulator is equal to 1 The amplitudes of the light oscilla-
tion are determined from Lhe relation.
Ao = a sina sinp , Ae a cosol cos. (3),
where a is the amplitude measured. Since the light beam is directly pro-
portional to the square of the amplitude of the light oscillations, the ex-
pression F = FO(COS2(a_p) - sin 2o6 sin 2~ sin2 1,_1 (4)
is derived, where Fo is the light beam entering the modulator and F - the
light beam coming out of the modulator. It is concluded that the maximum
modulation effect in the quartzite modulator takes place when the directions
of oscillations of the polarizer and the analyser form an angle of 900, and
when this angle divides the plane in two, formed by the optical axes of the
crystal and the direction of the passing light. The relative electro-opti-
cal pe-meability of the modulator is determined from the ratio of the light
beams F and FO: TM = FIFO = sin2 1 (5),
Card 418
Electrooptical distance meter with... A207/A126
where L is the phase difference. Equation
Tm = sin2 kIV (6),
derived from equation (5), givesthe characteristics of the linear electro-
optical phenomenon. An equation characterizing the quartzite modulator is
derived by replacing the phase difference E of the usual and unusual beams
by their refractive index:
&t = te - to = 1(1/ve-1/vo) (7))
where the speed of the ordinary beam in an anisotropic medium is the v0 and
the speed of the unusual beam - ve; to - time needed by the usual beain to
pass in the anisotropic medium; 1 and te - the time needed by the unusual
beam to pass the same distance. The final equation representing the char-
acteristics of the quartzite modulator is given as
Tm = sin2[,r, (Cl an o V )1 (14).
T - a= =37L
The phase difference of the usual and unusual beams of the giartzite crystal
is found to be, according to
c = 2,,r1/1/. (ne-no) (8),
where ne and no are the refractive indices:
Card 5/8
Blectrooptical distance meter with... A207/A126
2 qC! -6no V (13)-
T` AE 30OX
From the latter formula it is concluded further that, with a change in volt-
aGe, the thickness of the crystal will also change within small limits, and
that the change in this thickness will effect only the constant element -
the phase difference C - and will not affect the element, altered with the
voltage. It is pointed out that distance meters working with qualtzite mod-
ulators consume much less power, they are lighter and more easily transport-
able, as compared to distance meters with Capp's modulators. The modulation
voltage was estimated at being as high as 100 v, and it is also pointed out
chat, if the quartzite modulator works accurately according to the resonance
frequency, the modulation voltage should not come even close to the value of
100 v,, The greatest range of the distance meter is found to be limited to
250 m for the time being, due to the optical system used. However, the au-U--
ors note that if the present optical system is replaced by a system especial-
ly developed for the given purpose, distances up to 2 or 3 km may be obtain-
ed without difficulty. The distance measuring unit of the instrument rests
on a normal tripod and weighs over kg. The power block has approximately
Card 6/8
/cco /0,0 1 a~ I~jO6
lectrocptical cii~: tancc, er 2 C -I /L 12 6
'he same -,,.ei--~ht but some,,-ihatl smaller dimensions. in conclusion th-~ a-u-t-11crS
s ta t c tha '1 1 a-borat- ory uests b 'L the aloc trooptical cli -, tance meter mode!
~14 t J a 1 a s s um. 1) o., nd
a ,quartzite j.,iodulat.qr shovrcd the validity of the j-
,6-a--I-so tho ~~:oedlienc- of the a-.);?I-icd ulethod for
ouL~;-stcd princii)le, an
dist-~nces. Furth~-I- of the instrument -.,ould
-Ivolvc an mprovc- iDnt o-F' the op t` cal s Ys t or-, and an incre --. s ~- in the s tabi I
t'y o f, 'L-"Ii 0crystal frecuency. These -measures would load to an --incrcase of
.1ic, and of the acc=:acy of the instrumentu. There anre 7 fiL-Uros and
refer1~21ilc-'3: 5 Sovict-bloc und 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The -rcf~-runcc to the
-,lblication reads as follows: E. J. Post: 1.1-Tote on Safe Re-i
ocnator Current of,:Piezo6lectric ~-`lcments- P-roc- 40 (1952), 7, 335. 1
,IS' Or'I'TTC'T: Isal4ovatel I skiy insti "'Ut, r-oode-i,' , Praja (aeseaarcl- Inst~ tuti
of Gc'pdcsy-, Praj~;ue) , (pclon~7) Kafedra rad--;otcI,:'i--ii':i
-1 4 ' ck, 7~, --'j~-,Lt,
tck-I,nIcIIeoI-,oC;o fa'zul't-atua ltma~~hsl:oy ~?o~-v -Iniki
~I.adioj Enjineerin~ of tho cal Do-ocrtm,".
POI-,!,-IbcII~,--,-ic), (Sokolik ai,.d -,Tc-,d=nn)
`U=!T~PED: :-:crc` 1, 1060
Card 7/8
SOKOLIK, E. 1w, .
ligament of severe cases of ocular burns. Cesk. ofth. 9 no.3:222-
225 June 1953. (CLML 25-4)
Considerations on the theory of vision on the principle of
television. Cesk. ofth. 13 no.2:95-98 Apr 57.
1. Ocny lekar, Ruzomberok.
(VISION, physiol.
comparison with principle of television (Cz))
principle, comparison with theory of vision (CZ))
PEThUNIA.1 S. P. ,; SOKOLIK, E. Ye. , ordina toil
Cornea transplantation in children. Oft. zhur. 16 no.5:276-281
161. (1-aPA 14-10)
1. Iz Luganskoy GbIastnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy.
.)D^u fIll'i Lr-. ".
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Fusion
Card V-I Pu1b. 14r"'-3/21
Author :Sokolik, G. A.
Title :Remarks on the theory of fusion
Periodical ;Zhur. eksp. i tear. fiz. 26, 13-16, 1955
Abstract :Generalizes the theory of de Broglie (Theorie generale des particles a
spin, Paris 1943) in adaptinG it to equations of infinite dimensions.
Four USSR and four foreign references.
Institution: Moscow State University
Submitted : February 25, 1955
USSR1 Pbysic,. - Bose -EinBtein field
Card 1/i Pab, 22 - 9151
Authors I Sokolik, G. A.
Title I Regarding the theory of relativistically invariant non-linear
Periodical I Dok. AN SSSR 10115, 817-820, Apr. 11, 1955
Abstraot I There is a description of a method by which all relativistical3,v
invariant non-linear equations, used for the presentation of the
Bose-Einstein field can be found. By this method., non-linearity
can be interpreted as some p!Wsical property of the Lorentz'
space group and it is analogous to the spin of a particle in,
ordinary space. Seven references: 6 USSR and I French (1943-1955).
Institution ; M. V. Lomonosov's State University, Moscow
Presented by . Academician N. N. Bogolyubov,, December 28, 1954
USSR/Theoretica', Fhysicz,
Abs Juour Ref, Z!iux '4c
Author,-,a, 'EU, Eok-j)AKI,
Inst Phyaic& A~,ad~~-Ty of USSR.
Title P-p.;,ation a~nd Representat ions
of the Gro%al., I-Iiixz.-Z. Moi~Ic-ms.
Orig Pub a . (-. k s p T Y- i n. - i 'r, Efl I-, i_ k 1' , 16; q,-); No ~R, )4-3,0 - 43 1
-Abst:~act Lureducible of tr.-- group of pla-
.ne motiaa are an infinite number of
-umbers. and are realized
dimeas`oas: alle
by 15 n - ,
M tne spa::s c-f' -r.=Dresentations do
not.. contalln, tt~- vLyu,7i~ a(A cc::1s:-~ actly all the
repres ot' of plan-~, M,:ition out to
is pa;,Aicalexly advantageolaz to clas-
Sify th,~~ ~I + system, given
by t-11'e i-,1 accord--ne:e with the abo--
System Given
by tll~~.- ra-v ~c be -0~.u-e in this
Card 1/1 case.
-TTHOR: Sokolik, G. A. 56-6-34/47
TITLE: Interpretation of the "Anomalous" Representation of the Inversion
Groups (Interpretatsiya "anomallnogoll predestavleniya gruppy in-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33,
11r 6, pp. 1515 - 1516 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The operators of "anomalous" representation satisfy the condition:
[Tilk' Tillk"] + W 0; i, k - 0, 1; i ~ k.
For the case of a scalar representation of the entire Lorentz
group the "anomalous" representation is equivalent to the expres-
sion of a parity doublet.
It is shown that the interpretation of the "anomalous" represen-
tation of inversion groups of the four-dimensional space is pos-
sible by means of terms of a five-dimensional orthogonal eigen-
-group with a pseudoeuclidian metric. There are 4 references, 3
Card 1/2 of which are Slavic.