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SOKOLY P.F.9 dokt--r sel'Bkokhoz, naukl POTAPENKO, M.T., kand. seed potatoes iii #,I:f, dnd PoleE,-;t, 'T-i- Agrobiologiia -..-.3S'3'(4--3w 165. k-,-a -is3laduvatel'Aly in3titt,t hiskly nauchno va LU-L 4. helvabinsk -',oal '.Iinez and Ilining 7. Lutstanding accomplishment of the Cheliabinsk mane workers. Completing 9h.2 r;eters of shaft in one month. Mast. ual. no. 10. 1P 2. 1 55 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. 92-2-26/37 AUTHORS: Yevgenide, K., Sokol, S., Staff Members TITLE: Protective Collars in Oil-producing Directional Wells (Primeneniye protektorov pri ekspluatatsli naklonnykh skvazhin) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1958, Nr 2, pp 28-30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To prevent excessive wear of the pump piston rods, pump tubings, and drill stem in directional drilling, Rumanian drill- ers started to use various protective devices. Of these the ICHEP type protective collar proved to be the most effic~ent- Two types of protective collars have been devised in Rumania: one for pump piston rods, and the other for pump tubings. The principle on which their use is based is the transfer of the mechanical wear of rods and tubes to protective collars. To maintain normal operating conditions of a deep piston rod pump used in directional wells, the protective collar has to be built of durable material, which, however, should not be as hard as steel. Textolite., semi-textolite and plastic materials serve the purpose. In designing this type.of collar the results of the study of M.A. Rudyk of the Institut Mashinovedeniya (Ma- Card 1/3 92-2-26/37 Protective Collars in Oil-producing Directional Wells (Cont.) angle of the well. Since the described collars are not yet manufactured in series it has not been possible to determine the economy of their use. It is clear, however, that a sub- stantial saving will be achieved by using this device. When the drill stem is 6 5/8-in. In diameter, the outside diameter of the protective collar for 2 1/2-in. pump tubing is 125 mm. The desip of textolite protective collars is simple and the cost is low. They are easy to operate and can protect various underground too*ls of a directional well. Moreover, they may replace the wooden insulators used in the electrical deparaf- finization of oil wells. They are of partictilar advantage in directional drilling. There are three sketches showing the protective collar and the Profile of a directional oil well. ASSOCIATION: Rumanian Petroleum Scientific Research Institute AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 SOKOL, S. Po3to,pexstive gnastrl.a drainage. Pol3lci tygod. lek. 5:3-1., 13 Mar. ro. .0 p. 415-( ) 1,, Of the Second t-t,_r_r7ical Clirtic of the Medice- Academy in Gdansk Olead-Prof. K, De,-",,,ki., 'wr. D,,). CLiff, 19, 5, llov.s, - )50 SOKOL, S. , MIGGIM, T. Novocaine treatnent Polsid tyi,,od. lek. of diseases of the peripheral arteries. 5:13j. 27 "-far. 50. p. 491-2 L, Of the Seeond Surgical Clinic of the 14stdcal Acadeny in Gdansk Olead-Prof. Kazimierz Debleld., lie Do)o GUIL 19v 5. Novo, 19"0 MAGIERA, T.; SOKOL, S. Effects of intravenously administered novocaine in peripheral arterial diseases. Polski tygod. lek. 6 no.27-28:840-855 9 July 51. (CIML 21:5) .Jcal Clinic (Diroca. 1. Of tho Second Stir,- 4or--Prof. Kazimierz Debicki, M.D.) of Gdansk Medical Academy. ko L S-F&Y; S L "q w DIBICKI, Kazimierz-, SOKOL. Stanislaw Problem of gastric cancer according to observations of the Second Surgical Clinic of the AcadeaV of Medicine in Gdansk. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.14:432-438 5 Apr 54. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirargicznej Akademii.Redycznej w Gdansku; kisrownik: prof. dr IF.Debtaki (STOMACH, neoplasms.) SOKOL, Stanislaw (Gdansk. ul. Dabinki, 7. 11 Klinika Chirarg. A.M.) Contemporary Polish medical ex libris. Polski tygod. lek, 9 no-36: 1180-1182; contd. 6 Sept 54. (BOOKS, ned, ex libris In Poland) (MIDICINE, med. ex libris in Poland) SOKOL, Stanislaw (Gdansk-WrxeszczQ u1, Degni-Dabinski ?, 11 Klinika Chir. A.M.) Contemporary- Polish medical ex libris. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.37: 1213-1214,- concl. 13 Sept 54. (]BOOKS, mad. ex libris in Poland) (MEDIGINED mad. ex libris in Poland) SOKOL,.Stanislaw-, JUNGOWSKA, Anna, Gdansk-Wrzeazcz, ul. Debinki 7. 11 Dorsal pharyngeal diverticula. Polaki przegl. chir. 26 no.10: 871-883 Oct 54. 1. Z 11 kliniki chirurgiaznej Akad. Medyernej w Gdansku-, kierownik prof. Dr. K.Debicki. Z Zakladu radiologil Akad. Med. w Gdansku; kierownik: prof. dr. W.Grabowski (P W TNX. diverticula dorso-phar7ngeal. surg.) SOKOL# S. Effect of liver injury on its function. Polski pr-zegl.chir. 26 no.11 Suppl.A89-192 1954 0 (LIVER, wounds a-ad injuries, junct. tests in) (LIVER ?UNCTION TESTS. in various diseases, liver inj.) (WMOS AND INJURIES, liver, funct. tests in) DEBICKT, Kazimierz; CYORSKI, Marian- PO.KOL.L p, _~k__plslaw -,- Observations on surgical results in the treatment of constrictive pericarditis. Kardiol. polska I no-3-4: 85-87 1955. 1. Z II Klin. Cblrurg. AM w Gdanskii, Kier. prof. dr. K. Debicki i z I Klin. Chorob Wewn. AM w Gdansku Kier. prof. dr. M. Gorski. (PERICARDITIS, ADHESIVE, surgery, results (Pol)) SOKOL, Stanislaw Changes in peripheral venous pressure during intrathoracic surgery. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.15:457-462 12 Apr 55. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Gdansku: kierownik: prof. dr K. Debicki Gdano k-Wrzeszcz, ul. Debinki 7. 11 Klinika Chirurg. A.M. (THCRAX surge'7, pert;heral venous presoure changes) (BIM PMSURR, venous, peripheral. changes in thorax surg.) SOKOL, Stanislaw; KOVALSKI,Janusz. Utility of azygography in diagnosis of pulraonarr t=ors. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.29:947-953 18 JulY '55- 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej, kierownik: prof.dr K. Debicki i z Zakladu Radiologii. kierownik: prof.dr W. Grabowski; A.M. w Gdansku. Gdansk-Wrzenzcz, ul. Debinki 7. (LUNGS, neoplasms. diag.,angiography of azygos vein) (ANGI0GRkPHY,. axygos vein, diag. of pulm.tumors) (VEINS, AZYGOS, radiograpby, in-cancer of lungs) SOKOL, Stanislaw Treatment of retroperitoneal rupture of the urinary bladder. Polski przegl.chir. 27 no.2:165-167 Feb 55. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Gdansku. Kierownik: prof. dr Debtaki. (BIADD31R, rupture, rotroperitoneal, surg., method) 30KOL Stanimlaw; ZYROMSXA, Monika; MORZYCKA, Maria. Brain abscess in a 15-month-old child. Polski tygod.lek. 11 no.2: 74-78 9 -Tan 56. 1. Z' II Kliniki Chirurgicznej: kier: prof. dr K.Debicki, s Kliniki Nourologicznej; kier: prof. dr S.Majewsks, i z Instytut Kedycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej A.M. w Gdansku; kier: prof. dr J.Horsycki. Gdansk-Wrzeszcz, ul. Debinki 7. 11 Xlinika Chirargicma A.M. (BRAIN, abscess in child) (ABSCXSS brain, in child.) SOKOL, Stanislaw Diverticulum of the duodenum and acute pancreatisis. Polski przegl. chir. 27 no.1:11-17 Jan 55- 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. v Gdansku. Kierownik: prof. dr K.Dabicki. (DUODENUM, diverticula, causing acute pancreatitis, ther.) (PANCREATITIS, etiology and pathogenesis, duodenitl diverticulum) -ery -,ril 57 Sur Soc.~ V01.11/4 1858. SOKOL S. and KOWALSKI J. 2e Clin. de Chir. de l'Acad. de N16d., Inst. cFe -Radiol., Gdansk. *L'azygographie dans les tumeurs pulmonaires. Azygography in pulmonary tumours LYONCHIR. 1956, 51/2 (151-156, Illus. 6 The flow of contrast medium to the vena cava inferior shows an existing barrage, produced by new growth at the level of the arch of the azygos vein. This Is one of the early signs of venous obstruction. The azygography through the spinal pro- cesses of the dorsal vertebrae ought to be used when the operability of the right lung tumourfl Is studied. (IX, 5,15, 16) J ZIELINSYI, Anna; SOKOL, Stanislaw; YRYdRYCH, Kazimiera Pleuroperienrdial cysts. Polski przegl. radiol. 21 no.2:97-107 Mar-Apr 57. 1.1.. Zakladu Radiologii it. M. w Gdonska Kierownik. prof, dr mad. W. Grabowski. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej it. M. w Gdansku Kierownik: vrof dr mad. X. Debicki. 2 11 Kliniki Ghorob Wewnetrznych A. M. w Gdansku Kierownik: prof dr. mad. St. Wszvlaki. (PIZURk, cysts pleuropericardial (Pol)) (PIRICARDUM, cysts pleuroperic,qrdW (Pol)) SOKOL, Staniulnw In memorininto Dr. J.Pe Lukowicz. Polski przegl. chir. 30 no.1:1-2 Jan 58 1. Gdansk, -Akad. Medyczna - II. KI. Chirurgicznas (OBITUARIES, Lukowicz, Jan P. (Pol)) SOKOL, S. Annstomools of the intraheT)atic bile ducts to the stomach (hepato- gastrostomia). Polski -Drzegl. chir. 30 no.4:369-373 APr 58. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Gdansk-d Kierownik: prof. dr 1. Debicki Gdansk-Wrzeszcz, II Klinika Chirurgiczna A. M. u1. Debniki 7. (BILE DUCTS, surgery I intrahepatic duct anastomosis to stomach, indic. & Technic (Pol)) (STOKAGH, surgery anastomosis of intrahepatic bile ducts ~o stomach, indic. & technic (Pol)) (LIVXR, surgery anastomosis of intrahepatic bile ducts to stomach, indic. & Technic (Pol)) SOKOL,-Stan-k~law,* JUNGOWSKA, Anna; WRZOLKOWA, Teresa Bronchial adenoma. Polski przegl.chir. 32 no.8/9:901-917 160. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. k Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr X.Debicki z Zakladu Radiologii A.M. w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr W.Grabowski z Zakladu Anatomii Patologiamej A,Mu w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr W.Gzarnocki. (ADENOMA surg) (BRONCHI neopl) SOKOL, Stanislaw; 37-'I-:-'CifQWSiC4,, Wanda; ZEGARSKA~, ZGfia Histoche--.,ical peroperative liver exam-ination in diseases of the digestive system and 1.1-iliary trac-U. Polski crzp-gl, chJr- 33 no-2a; 1327-1328 ;61~ 1, Z 11 Klinik-i C,Ilirurgicznej AM w Gdansku Kierownik: prof~ dr 1'. Debick! i z Zakdadu Ilistologii i Enibriologii AM Kiarownik: prof~ S, Hiller. (LIVER pathol) (GASTROINTESTRUL ZYSTSM sLlrt,,) (BILIARf TRACT surg) SOKOL, Stanis Law; IIALECKA-DDINICKA, Stanislawa Attempted surgical therapy of endocardial fibroelastosis. Fol. tyg. lek. 17 no.41; 1598-1601 8 0 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej; kierownik: Prof. dr K. DebAki Vz I Kliniki Chorob Dzieci; kierownik: prof. dr K. Krecinski AM w', Gdansku. (ENDOCARDIAL FIBROELASTOSIS) (HEART SURGERY) SOKOL~ Stanislaw; SNIECHOWSKA, Wanda; ZEGARSKA, Zofia ...... -- Effect of surgical injury on the liver in the light of histochemical studies. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 no.7:67,1-680 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Gdansku Kierownik:,prof. dr K. Debicki i z Zakladu Histologii i Embriologii AM w Gdanska Kierownik: prof. dr S. Hiller. (LIVER) (BIOPSY) (SURGERY OPERATIVE) (ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE) (LIPID METABOLISM) (LIVER GLYCOGEN) SOKOL, Stanislaw; ZIELINSKA, Anna Lipoma of the anterior mediastinum. Pol. przegl. chir. 34 no.9: 909-913 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr K. Debicki i z Zakladu Radiologii AM w Gcknsku Kierownik: prof. dr W. Grabowski. (MEDIASTINAL NEOPLASMS) (LIPOMA) SOKOL, Stanislaw; NAZARM4ICZ) Teresa Remote results of the intrahepatic anastmosis of the bile ducts with the digestive system. Pbl. przeal. chir. 35 no.7/8:827-829 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Gdansku KieraTnik: prof. dr K. Debicki i z Zakladu Anatonii Patologicznej AM w Gdansku Kierownik% rof, dr W. Czarnecki. MUNDICE, OBSTRUCTIVE) (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) (BILE DUCTS, INTRAHEPATIC) (STC14ACH (INTESTINE, SMALL) (GALLBLADDFR NEOPLASMS) (PANCREATIC NEOPLASMS) SOKOL, Stanislaw Indications for unilateral adrenolectomy in arteritis obliterans of the lower extremities. Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.9:983-984 163. Adrenal surgery. 973-979. 1. Z II Kliniki Chivurgiczrej AM w Gdansku. Kiero,~mik: prof.dr. K,Debidki, IA- SOKOL, Stanislaw; KEDZIA, Ile.-Iona ydrogenase aotivIty in the calf Studies on the succjrjj(, acid dfz)r muscle of patients with.circulatory disordi~rs of the lower extremitigs. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.10/11:113�-1142 163, 1, Z II Kliniki Chirurgioznaj al w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr Kv DebickiJ z Zakladu Histologii AM w Gdansku Kierownik: prof. dr S. Hiller. (ISCHaIIA) (SUCCINATEF DEHYDROGENASE) (MUSCLES ) (LEG) (M'I'ABOLISM) DEBICKI, Hazimierz; SOKOL, Stanislaw Splenopleuropex3r in the treatment of portal hypertension. Polski przegl. chin. 35 no.6.*563-567 163. 1. Z II Kliniki ChirLirgicznej AM w Gdansku Kierowaik: prof. dr K. Debicki. (HYPERTENSIONY PORTAL) (SPLEEN) (SURGERY, OPFMTIVE) DEBICKI, Kazimierz; SOKOL, Stanislaw; PRYCZKOWSKI, T. Radiography after transplantation o-17 the spleen into the pleural cavity. Pol, tyg. lek. 20 no.24:695 14 Je 16,5i. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Gdansku (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. K. Debicki). SOKOL, Stanislaw Tumors of Vater's papilla. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no-4:316-321 Ap'65. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademil Medyc--nej w Gdansku (rierownik: prof. dr. K. Debicki). DEBICKI, Kazlmierz; SCROL, Stan'-:31aw; JCNAS, Zygmunt AnalyBis of cardiosurgical activity of the 2d Surgical C!iTi-4,-. of the Medical Acadomy in Gdansk. Pol. przegl.. ctir, 37 no. 12^ 3227-1231 D 1 65. 1. Z 13 Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Gdanskv (Kierownik". prof. dr. K. Vebicki). 1 , ZM A,~.` Mar A, ar., I - S-)KC I touly ii. lx-. L e r e t S c f ar, a L E- a EA Tl a1e c b I i r -i~ e r i t i s o f x-L r &in 1 s P r r 37 n o. 2 272 D 65. I., Z 11 Kliniki ANG 'i Gdariol-!,, ACC FR: AP6011265 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/OD6/0109/0109 .AUTHORS: Gurvich Yu. A.; S4~~unqvq 11L . R.; Besko vwt_~N-N-~ Gladikof L# ~ _1__ ,Ya.; Sokolp S. I.; Lyashenkop A. A. iORG-. none ~TITLE. Four-pivot Cardan. transmission. Class 47, No- 180023 SOURCE- Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 109 :TOPIC TAGS: mechanical power transmission device, motion mechanics 'ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a four-pivot Cardan transmission consisting of rollers~~Iand hinges. To produce a uniform revolution of a given .znachine shaft at any angle of the Cardan bend, the transmission is placed in three irigid casings (see Fig. 1). These casings are hinged to one anothert and the two !outside casings are rigidly connected to circular ratchet sectors in mesh. These !sectors move the hinges through equal angles while the machine is working. To ;compensate for the excessive length of the rollers as compared with the length of :the casings while the transmission undergoes bending, the roller in the middle leasing is made to carry a bearing coil with prongs which enter the guides of the caamags. A Card 1/2- _UDQu_621.-83.t162!,e825.~ ,ACC NR: AP6011265 N, Fig. 1. 1 rigid casings; 2 toothed sectors; 3 coil; 4 - ;Orig. art. has: I figure. 'SUB GOM 13/ SUBM DATEs -Card 2/2 GOLOVNYA, V.A.; SOKOL, S.K. Formamidinesulfinic comDounds of bivnlent Dlatinum. Zhur.neorg. khim. 2 no-7:1528-1534 J1 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (Platinum compounds) 5(2) AUTHORS: Golovnya, V. A. Sokol, S. K. SOV/78-4-3-18/34 TITLE: Method for the Quantitative Precipitation of Platinum From Solutions (1ifetod kolichestvennogo vydeleniya platiny iz rastvorov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 596-598 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The quantitative precipitation of plati4um with thiourea dioxide (NH 2)2 CSO2was investigated. In connection with the interaction of thiourea dioxide with platinum compounds black or brown sulfidic precipitations are formed in a variable composition. A quantitative precipitation of platinum is only possible from sulfuric acid solutions. The precipitation of platinum by means of thiourea dioxide from solutions containing nitrites, chlorides, amines, iodide ions, and other platinum compounds lead in the case of acidification with sulfuric acid to a auantitative separation. In the presence of palladium, rhodium, gold, ruthenium, and silver the above-mentioned elements are also coDrecipitated. A Card 1/2 separation of platinum from iridium by thiourea dioxide is Method for the Quantitative Precipitation of SOV./78-4-3-18/34 Platinum From Solutions possible as iridium does not precipitate. There are I table and 4 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey neorJanicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnak- ova Akademii nPaik SSSR (Institute of General Inorganic Chemistry imeni ff. S. Kurnnkov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SWJITTED: December 23, 1957 Card 2/2 5(2) SOV/80-32~4-42/47 AUTHORS. Rubinshteyn, A~M. and Sokol, S.K. TITLE-, The Preparation of Spectr6J.1y.-Pure Palladium (Polucheniye spektrallno- chisto.-o palladiya PERIODICAL! Zhurnal prikladnoy khimi", 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, -PP 93,0-931. (M~.;.H)_ ABSTRACT-. The authors developed a method for obtaininL spectra.Uy-pare.g3 _ _ _radium metal, At first, gold traces are removed by treating the H2LPdCl47 wit hydrogen sulfide which reduces gold compounds to gold metal. Then the solution is treated with the gaseous chlorine, and a 25%-solution of NH4C1 is added. After removal of metal chlorides the solution is treated with ammonia and subsequently with hydrochloric acid to settle out palladous ammine. The spectral investigation of palladous ammine obtained in this way did not detect any impurities. Then this compoun is roasted, pressed, smelted in a high-frequency furnace and is subjected to mechanical treatment. About 200 g of spectral-pure palla Card 1/2 dium metal was prepared by -this method. The Preparation o~ ~~-,Jaadium SOV/80-32-4-42/47 ASSOCIATIONt Institut obshchey i neorgani-cheskoy kh-imi-i imeni P.S- Kurnakova AN SSSR (Institute cf General and Incrganic Chemistry imeni P.S, Kurnakov of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED- November 19, 19~1-8 Card 2/2 GOLOVNYA, V.A..-. KOIUIY L.A.; SOKOLP S.K. Some reau-tions in [Ook'C2 0 ) ]3- ion de-a-vage, Zhur, neorgo khim. 6 no.7.*1552-1558 il 46T .(MIRA 14:7) (Cobalt compounds) GOLOVNYA V.A.; KOKH, L.A.- SOKOL,, S.K. Synth6'ib of cobalt (III) trans-diaminodicarbonates. Zhur.neorg. P , kh4im. 7 no.12.-2693-2698 D 162. (MMA 16:2) 1. Institut, obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii imeni N.S. Kurnakova AN SSSR. (Cobalt compounds) WLO'A,'YA, V.A.; KOH, S.K. Carbonate ring break-11-rig In a pirldelly h-irolyzed tricarbonatc- cobaltate. Zhur.,),scr,g.!~b�r. 1-0 rO.4,-8-l&839 Ap 165. Four-membvrei carbonate ring-.bre&X#g in tricarbonstacobaltate. lbid.1829-834, (KRA 18:6) 1. Institut obshchey I neorganichaskoy khJM41 imeni Kurnakovs AN SSSR. L 15676-63 MVP(q)/~WT(m)/M AP72 JD S/0032/63/029/008/0956/0959 5 ACCESSION NR. AP30014 68 AUTHORS: ..Sokol, V. A.; Brq#iberg, A. 'V. K"atkina~ A.: G.'; Rif Ye TITIE: Application of electron microscopy Id-- solving 1~pioble~s :of chem'icaV- technology v..., 29,~ no, 8 959 SOURCE, Zavodskaya-laboratoriya, 10 63 -9~ 6. TOPIC TAGS: elect-ton microscopy, chemical techiialogy, precipitation,! dispersion precipitate structure, AI(OH) - Ca solu6ion Mg(OH) -BaC 3. 2! 03 ~7 d ABSTRACT. Electron microscopy of precip tates of Al'(OH)j, MS(OH) 2,.BaCO3, an to establish'a*-'relati il We c CaF2 made it possible o ship bet en.-the stru ture.of sedi-,- ments and the conditions under whichJthey were*obtained, ~Microphotographs at 1 7500 magnification were taken of driea dilute suspensions.of,specimens ~n a film. c d from An aluminate solution by treatment hydroxide i ro Aluminum s lly-p du e with ammonium carbo o:Tcarbon dioxide. .Rapid decomposition by ammonium carbonate of a 10% al inate.solution at 20C develops a voluminous precipitate which settles-and drains very slowly on filters and6which is difficult to separate [Card,_ 1/1, 'L 15676-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3004568 low 3iLfio'ur decomposition of from admixtures. On the other hand, during.a's aluminate solution, there forms acompact sediment of fairly large hexagonal prisms or concretions. Hydrated alumina isobtained with almost no admixture of, aluminum hydroxide modifications. As to,magnesium hydroxide, it is obtained in a highly dispersed state by alkali precipitation from 6-7% solutions of magnesium Salts, but its handling is extremely difficult, The addition of a solution of' odium carbonate to that of *barium chloride results in a finely d'ispersed.precipi s tate.of barium carbonate which is also difficult to process technically. However' large concretions of prismatic rystals are formed when 2-normal solutions of both issuing materials are poured together aim an is essenti that U't eou"Y -9.2 range. On mixinS alkali7k a'tI fXuoride *th the pH be kept within a 8.8 I solutions of calcium salts, there-usually occurs the formation of an extremely fine, practically nonsettling suspension of calcium fluoride. Asatisfactory compact precipitate composed of regularly shaped microcrystals is formed by simul. taneous addition of 3-6-normal solutions of ammonium fluoride and calcium nitrate. This precipitate settles rapidly and is easy to filter and wash. The sedimenta- tion of calcium chloride crystals can be further enhanced by the addition of polyacrylamide. Thus, the use of electron-microscope control of the process of Card 2/3 I 0 L 1Z&7A-�3 EPF(c)jtU(J)NfiT(m)/BDS AMC/ASD Pc-4/P .r-4 R ACCESSSIMT NRs AP3004772 S/0391/t3/000/608/0024/0026 AUTHORSs Grinevich, K. P.; 'Nessonovat, G. D.1 Sokol, V. A.; Tabunchenko, V. Nit-, Bromberg, E V. 619 T IT LE': emulsions. P_olyorganosil SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*9 no. 8, 1963, 24-26 TOPIC TAGS: F-9 emulsion, polyorganosiloxane emulsiont phenylethoxyailane, c asein, aZar-agar ABSTRACT: The dispersion characteristics of F-9 emulsions (resin obtained by hydrolysis of mixtures of phenylethoxysi-l-ane-s7-were studied with an electron microscope. Distribution curves of aqueous F;-9 emulsions stabilized with caseinp. agar-agnar, Sul-fanol, and polyvinyl alcohol'iVIA) were drawn. PVA (6VIo toluene solution of F -9, aqueous FVA),gilves almost a moradispersionwith 6elo of the drops being less than 0-5 micron, and all of them lesr than 1 micron. Each application- waterproofing, adhesion, or material strengthening - requires special treatment for maintaining emulsion stability.- With caseirL, resistance to mparation fro m fabric is increased if Cat* Ba or KH salts are used with PVA~j thermal treatment 4 is suitable for binding fabrics. Orig. art. has; 7 figures, 2 formulas. ASSOCIATION- none -UF MITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 28Aug63 ENCL: 00 SUB..C.ODE: MA NO REF SOV-. 000 OTHEM 000 C died 1/1 SOKOL, V.G. Treatment of a patient with a grave form of hypochromic anemia. Zdravookhranenie 3 no. 5:63-64 S-0 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. - z,d,n, prof, N.Ts Starostenko) Kishinevskogo meditsinakogo inatituta. (AMMIA) SOMCE CODE: UR/0080/056/039/011 1/21~Z[~451 ACC NR- ArYOOJU1~) AIQ12 -H OR: Sokol, V.A Fif, Yo. A. ; Bromberg, A. V. Raarants and High-Plarity Chomicals (VNII khimichoskikh roakti- ,17 of Chemical vov i osobo chistyk,h khimichoskilch yoshchostv) Use of electron microscop in solving certain Droblems of chemical technologj kZ4rconiur, dioxide) S0U-.;,C'_--: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 11, 1966, 24~46-245i TOPIC TAGS: zirconium compound, chemical precipitation, hydroxide, electron micro- scopy, titaniwn dioxide A33TRAICT: -1he electron microscope was used to study the structure of precir)itates obtained at 80-901 under various conditions of decomposition of aqueous K2ZrFol solu- tions ;,rith a=,ionia and sodium hydroxide. Th.e folloving factors were varied during t'-e ex-perimants: concentration of K2ZrF6 solutions (10-100 g/1), molar ratio of base to complax (from I to 24), and order and duration of mixing of the reagents (from I ~o-o' hours). De-janding upon the reaction conditions, finely crystalline or fibrous I- - crystalline precipitates of basic zirconium fluoride are formed. The latter are pro- uced by adding. ammonia or NaOH to hot solutions containina about 100 g K2ZrF6 per liter. .dditional alkaline treatment o 'L' the fibrous crystalline -oreci Ji' ate of basic zirconi-wm fluoride converts the latter into roentgenoamorp,hous zirconium hydroxide 1/2 ----Tj'DC: 537-533-35-661+546.31-31 ACC jNR: AP7000015 i---it'- a fibrous sti-acture. -Iho fibrous zirconi-,zi hydrox aa can be filtare'd readi'ly, is eas4ly senarated From alkali fluoride 4nourities, and c,hanc-es into nicrofib iDrous zirconium dioxide -When sintered. T~:-eatment of titanyl sulfate with ammonia produced fibrous praparations of titanic acid and titanium dioxide. Orig. art. has; 5 'i as gur azd 3 tables. -SUB C=-; 07/ SUBYI DATE: 25Dac64/ OUG REF: 007 2/2 Card LTP(a) W/jT)Mr. A-- INTI-AP tOURCE QObE: Uh/0413/66/000/001/0024/0024 6005~82 INVENTOR: Sokol, V. A.; Bromberg, A. V.; Rif, Ye. A. ORC: none TITLE: Preparative method for reactive zirconium dioxide. Class 12, No. 177417 [announced by All-Union Scientific Reseg-rc-R -Institut-e-o-r-Chemical Reagents and HiRh Purity Chemical Substances (Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut khimiche- sKlKn reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv) 9OURCE: ii6bietein'iya, promyihienriyye_obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 24 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium compound, zirconium dioxide ABSTRACA: An Author Certi /ficate has been issued for a preparative method for a re- active"ttir.cR ,a*Lm dioxide4 ~The method involves the decomposition of potassium fluorozirconate solutions with a sodium hydroxide solution and heating. To simplify in the process and to produce a zirconium dioxide haV4 g a fibrillar structure, the po- tassium fluorozirconate solutions are pre-treated with an ammonium hydroxide solution. SUB CODE: 07, l1/ SUBM DATE: 29Jan64/ ATD PRESS: 3 UDC: 661.883.1 C.,d 1/1 il~' e-P SOKOL V, G.,; BU IdACHII~KOI, 1-1 ~ A. Some Droblems in cont-roiing tuberzuloai- in the Moldavian .3sR. Zdrwroc'kr.-raner:4~~ 4 no.3,1-5-9 (IfIRA I C -6 Iz el ' skoCo instituta tubeT- OIDAVIA, .. Ti!BT-,iCULOSIc;,--.P'.IEVI-21TIOI', DRAG:q.I, V.S.; SOKOL, V.G. Respiratory and blood circulation Amctions in disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. Zdravookbranenie 6 no.5:44-48 S-0163 (MIRA 16:12) 1. 1z kafedry ftiziatrii (zav. - dotsent V.G. Sokol) Kishi- nevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. LUKIYANOVA, Ye.l.; SOKOL, V.I.; SOKOIDVA, G.N. Solubility, in the quaternary rediprocal system (2KC1 + MgSO'-Z'-'K SO MgC1 H20 at 75'. 14 2 4 2) Zhur.neorg.khim. I no-2:298-307 F 56. (MLRA 9:10) 1. lastitut ibshchey i neorganicheakoy khimii imeni N.S. Kurnakova. (Sulfates) (Chlorides) 5(%4) SOV/78-4-1 - 15/48 AUTHORS: Bokiy, G. B., Sokol, V. I. T I TL E: flie of tho Structure f Complex Compounds of Bivalent Palladium by a Crystallo-optical Method (Oprodolen-iye stroyeniya komplekonykh soyedineniy dvukhvalontnogo palladiyu kristalloopti-cheskim metodom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorgan-icheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, Pp 74-78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The connection of the crystallo-optical properties with the inner structure of the bivalent palladium complexes was in- vestligated. For -the first time the dispersion of the index of bivalent palladium complex compounds was measured. From the data on the dispersion of the refraction index and the density the molecular and coordinative refraction forX.0 was calculated and is shown in table 2. The method of de- termining the geometrical structure of the trans-compounds Pd(NH 3)2 Ci2 and Pd(NH 3)2(1TO 2)2 was investigated by the co- ordinative refraction. The geometrical structure of the com- Card 112 pound [Pd(NH 3)4] [Pd(N 02)2Cld 'as yet unkno-,r, was also de- SOV/78-4-1-15/48 The Determ-inati. on of the Structure of Complex Compounds of Bivalent Palladium by a Crystallk:i-optical Met~od termined by cooTdinative refraction. The comparison of the coordinative refractions of bivalent and tetra-valent platinum with palladium is shown in "able 6. In complex palladium com- pounds '.he amine group is connected less steadily to palladium than the nit-Tito g--oq. The complex compounds of bivalent palladium, which contain nitrito groups as addendum, are similar to "he comDlex compounds of bivalent platinum. The trans- effect in bivalv-nt platinum. complex compounds is as strong as in bivalent palladium complex compounds. There are 7 tables and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: October 2, 19517 Card 2/2 S/078/61/006/008/002/018 B121/B203 AUTHORS: Bokiy, G. B., Tsurinov, G. G., Sokol, V. I.~ Kolodyazhnyy, V. Z. TITLEs Immersion liquids for crystallo-oDtical studies at low temperatures (-1000C) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, v. 6, no. 8, 1961, 1754-1758 TEXTs This study concerns the determination of optical constants of crystals in wide temperature ranges from +250 to -1000C using the immer- sion method by means of a thermostat installed in a Vr_-10 (GS-10) goniom- eter. The method worked out permits a determination of refractive indices at temperatures to -150 'OC with an accuracy of 0,500. The temperpture con- stance was controled with an 111IN-01 (EPV-01) or MP~ffp-54 (MRShchPr-54) electron potentiometer. Several immersion liquids with refractive indices of 1,378 - 1.705 were used for determining the refractive indices of crystals at a temperature below -1000C. The refractive index of crystals sin (A+f ) is calculated from the formulas N - sin A2 N is the refractive Card 1/2 2 Immersion liquids for... 5/078/61/006/008/002/018 3121/B203 index and A the prismatic angle. 'The dependence of refractive indices the temperature of the respective liquids is expressed by a line whose angle of inclination depends on the refractive indices of the liquids. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 12 references; 1 Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Soviet-bloc. The two most recent references to English-language publications read as follows; Ref. 7s R. Meysowitz, Amer. miner. 37, 853 (1952); Ref. 8: R. Meysowitz, Amer. min. 40.. 398 (1955)- ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: on Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry imeni N. S. Kurnakov of the Academy of Sciences USSR) July 19, 1960 Card 2/2 BOXIY, G.B.; SOKOL, V.I. me Id of deter4ation of the density of crystalline compounds t neorg.khim. 8 no stab a at low temperature. zhur.' -5:1041-1044 J* 163. (Crystals-Density) (Liquids-Density) I(MM 16:5) -T, 16111-65 EWG(j)/E'.qT(m)/EPT(c)/EPR/EIJP(t)/EWP(b) Pr-4/Ps-4/ ESD(t),/ AEDC(b)/SSD/AFT,TL/RAEM(a)/IJP(c) JD ACCESSION NR: AP4045837 S/0062/63/000/01212220/2221 AUTHOR: Sokol, V. I.; Tokareva, S. A.; Sokovnin, Ye. 1. TITLE: Determination of density and refractive index of sodium and potassium ozonides ;SOURCE: ~iN &R. Izv. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 12, 1963, 2220- 2221 7 TOPIC TAGS: sodium ozonide, potassium ozonide, density, refractive index, monoaxial crystal, pleachroism, double refraction, crystallographic property t ABSTRACT: No such data exist hi the literature. Both density and certain crystallographic properties were investigated. The sodiLm ozonide contained about 83% NaO out 9616 K03. The polycrystals were immersed in acetone'. 3, the other ab hexane or a mixture of both, and crystallographic measurements taken at -70 to 100C for the Na, -20 to -50 for the K compound. The density was measured by hydrostatic weighing of the crystal. The Na03 crystals were monoaxial and posi-: tive, showed pleochroism under polarized light, and had the refractive indices NP = 1. 405, Ng 1. 49. The K03 polycrystals showed no macroscopic uniformity, C.,d 1/2 ,L i6n:L-6,5 ACCESSION NR- AP4045837 were monoaxial, negative, with strong double refraction; their indices were N = 1. 391, N = 1. 670. The densities were found at about 1. 56-1. 60 glee 9 Ar the Na and at 1. 990.,giec for the K ozonide., These ozonides have lesser den sity than the pero cidej--67-/r superoxides of these same or other alkali or alkali- earth metals. "We wish to thank G. D. Bokiy for his help with this work. ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova. Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Acad. of Sciences,SSSR) SUBMITTED: 20Jun63 SUB CODE: GC, IC, GP 2/ 2 ENC~: 00 NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 003 SOKOL~ cr-la- 'raC L IOMG Z L t-14 and qs~j--un,. I. r d e s s rux 0'-s' ey neorgan ~lc'-, es kcy Kh ficin I mc~v Kurnakc.,a A N SSSR. 0 SOUM E CODS: UIR/0062/66/000/012122V/2237 1 A-X MR: t--P~()O- C A17-HORI Sokol, V*, N'.; "LatVayov, V. V.; Vollnov, !. I. ORG: Institute of General- and Inorganic Chemistry im. 1111. S. Kurnakov, Acadervy of Scionces, SSSR (I~stitut obshchoy i noorganichaskoy khirUi Akademii nauk SSSR) TITIE1 Determination of the density and refractive indices of cesium ozonide SWMCEI AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 12, 1966, 2235-2237 TOPIC TAGS: cesium compound, ozonide, refractive index A3STRACT: The refractive indices of cesium ozonide crystals were measured by an ir,- nersion method (described previously) in a stream of dry nitrogen at 0 to -100C, using' a goniometer in monochromatic light. 11he density was measured in the same temperature: range by hydrostatic weighing. A special dosing apparatus was constructed for hand- ling the microsamples of cesium ozonide, which is very sensitive to the action of, moisture and carbon dioxide and is thermally unstable. Like sodium and potassium ozonides, cesium ozonide has the lowest density as compared to the peroxide and super-i oxide: Cg.O., QSO,, CS0, d42' 4.47 3.80 3.19 and has the highest density in the series of alkali metal ozonides: Card 1/2 UDC: 531.75+535.32+546.2 s'46.36 Cc,d 2/2 BROVMAN, M.Ya.; GERTSEV, A.I.; ZELICHENOK, B.Yu.; KRIVONOSOV, Yu.I.; RIMETI.? V,Kh.; SOKOL, V,N.; MELINIKOV, A.F. Investigating the electric drive parameters of the 2800 mill in the Orsk-Khalilovo Metallurgioal Combine. Stall 22 no.1:45-48 ja s62. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Y-uzlmoural3skiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod i Orsko-Khalilovskiy metallurgichoskiy kombinat. (Ural Mauntaim,3-RoI7,ing mills-.-Electric driving) L SOKOL, T. T. -in" in-teAsting article. Zhivotnovodstvo 20 no.2:88 7 158. (MIRA lirl) 1. GlavTtvv zootekhnik plemkhoza "Vasillyevka," Sumskaya oblasts. (Swine) 130-9-1/21 AUTHORS: Inozemtsev, N.P., Sokoll,YA. I,, Rysev, I.F.,ftrasenkav,. D.,A.. and Zamyatin, S.I. TITLE: Organisation of Production Quality Control (Ob organizatsii kontrol~ !~:achestva produktsii) PERIODICAL: Metallurp.,, 1957, Nr 9, pp.1-2 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a contribution to discussions on the present short- comings and desirable changes in quality control organisation in the Soviet iron and steel industry. The present organisat- ion according to which a special department is responsible for seeing that instructions have-been correctly carried out at each stage of the production process is considered harmful since it encourages an irresponsible attitude on the part of the operators and requires a very large control organisation. As an example the number of reports of various types of in- correct procedure at the "Berp i Molot" works are given. A further criticism is that the present organisation is on a shop basis, thus sometimes operating contrary to the interests of the enterprise as a whole. A two-stage reorganisation is recommended: review of the activity of each control worker and preparatior-, for his work to be undertaken by a production Card /,,worker, the few remaining control workers to be assembled 130-9-1/21 Organisation of Production Quality Control. into a group for inspection of the quality of the final pro- duct; th-is group to be removed from the control of the direct- or of the enterprise. Pay-system revision to encourage better quality is also recommended. Some measures to improve quality-control work at ttie "Serp i Molot" works are enumera- ted. ASSOCIATION: "Serp i Molot" Works. (Zavod "Serp i Molot") AVAILABLE: Library of Con gress. Card ACC NR, AT6036616 SOURCE CODEs UR/0000/66/000/000/0300/0302 AUT1110ft: Parin, V. V.; Agadzhanyan, N. A.; Ruznotsov, A. G.; 'Barer, A. S. Isabayeva,V. A.; I-firrakhtmov, Ff. Ft.; Davydov, G. A.; Kelinichenko, 1. R.; hirobova, A. A.; Karpova, L. I.; Nikulina, G. A.; Tikhomirov, Yo. P.; Sokol, Ye. A.; i Gavrilov, B. A. 0&G: none TITLE: Establishing the possibility of using alpine acclimatization for the gr,2aration and training of cosmonauts [!Paqer presented at the Conference on PMbl6m& pace. Medicine held in tjoscow from. 2 -2 May 196�7 :SOURCE: Nonferentsiya po, problemam kosmichookoy moditsiny, 1966. Froblemy !kosmicheskoy meditsiny. (Problem of space medicine); materisly konferentsit, J;Dscow, 1966, 300-302 TOPIC TAGS: hypoxia, high altitude physiology, alpine acclimatization, cosmo naut training ABSTMCT: Task's of the present study were to: 1. Conduct complex physiological and clinical investigations during the process of ac climatization at altitudes of 3 1300-to 4100 m. Card 1/4 ACC-NOT-j~T6036616 I Study the influence of alpine acclimafization on human tolerance to extremal spaceflight factors. 3. Study the comparative resistance of alpine inhabitants, valley inhabi- tants, and alpinists to extremal factors. 4. Develop a system of alpine acclimatization for cosmonauts and issue :recommendations on the application of aIjine acclimatization for the prepara-: .tion and training of cosmonauts and on the creation of alpine camps for cosmonauts. Acclimatization was conducted at the alpine station of the Kirgiz State Medical Institute (Tuya-Ashu mountain pass, altitude, 3300 to 4100 m) * A I'total of 28 male subjects were studied of whom: 11 were indigenorus to-al'- !'pine conditions as farmers of the Tien -Shan- -Pamir region (2000 to 2500 m), 11 were valley inhabitants, and 6 were accomplished alpinists. The follow-- ing indices were studied under alpine conditions and using test stands: Functional condition of the central nervous system; external respiratory and cardiovascular system function; some biochemical indices; the state of the' blood coagulation and anticoagulation capacity; and in separate ex- lperiments; cerebral eircuiikoon_Wjng.$Aele~qtrqplpthymmographi-c method. Card 2/4 AQC NRs ATS036616 The experiments showed that after 45 days of alpine acclimatization, human tolerance to prolon~gd, back-chest accelerations (0 to 10 G) was improved. This was reflected in a relative increase in the amplitude of Arheoencephalograms.for all subjects and.consequently, improved cerebral Circulation and lowered pulse rate. EKG changes indicated that the heart was undergoing less strain after alpine acclimatization. After residence 'in alpine conditions, a decrease in basic metabolic indices and a slight in- crease in arterial blood oxygen saturation was noted in alpine inhabitants during accelerations. A study of heat tolerance showed that there was a drop in basic physio~ I -logical parameters (heat accumulation and basal metabolism) after alpine acclimatization in all three groups. These changes were more pronounced in' indizenous alDind inhabitants and less pronounced in alpinists. The resistance of.the organism to hypoxia before and after acciimati- I'zation was studied using two approaches, exposurelo a certain "altitude ' ceiling" in a pressure chamber and a method of reverse respira:tion using a spirograph first filled with atmospheric air. In the latter case as a meas-: -ure of oxygen consumption, oxygen content under the bell jar of the spiro- graph decreased and exhaled carbon dioxide was chemically Oso!-Oed. I Card ............ ......... . ----- - soy'OL, Z, . Influence of the pourerEmployed by collective farms on their economic results. P. rq. Praha. (,eskosiovenska akadetaie zemedelskych ved. Sb-Ot;UdK ZLEDEL--KA Fraha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 5. no. 10, 1959 Alonthly list of East EuroDean Accessions (EEA1) LC Vol. 9, no. 2 Feb. 1960, Uncl. 7 0/4-Sk 5 SD - - ;ACCESSION NR: AP4049738 Z /0038/64/0101008/0291/0291 J.- 'AUTHOR: Sakola, K.; Klatil, K.; Rotrekl, B. (Rotrekll, B. Exn i(Eksner, )Y(:. ile white TITLE: Adsorption of, napthenates and fatty acids on litanium rut t 1e et ermined by means of radioactive Isotopes P19men :SOURCE: Jaderna energie, v. 10, no, 8, 1964, 291 TOPIC TAGS: napthenate, fatty acid, rutile titanium, lacquer, radioactive~ isotope, toluene, rutile, pigment, flocculation P.JAbstract: A method for the study of the adsorption of important- .3?6W- -Materials for the production of 3acquorsWon the surface of "I"Utile titanium white pigment is described. The method is based Ion radio active isotopes; the pigment is precipit:-ted from toluene' solutionst and may contain some high molecular'i-reight components for pigments. The method al -bows accurate investigation of the processes of stabili-zation Of PifMont* the form a SOKOLAY K.; KIATIL, K.; EXNER, J. Study of the adsorption on the surface of pigment particles. Pt. 1. Chem prum 14 no.1:30-33 Ja'64. 1. Vyzkumny ustav syntetickych pryskyric a laku, Pardubice (for Sokola and Exner). 2 .C. Spolek pro chemickou a hutni vyrobu, n.p., Usti nad Lebem (for Klatil). h e, f Y a 4 fio 1 5 9 yr- s i c C, u 1, L 1848-4-66- -NifP(t) -7- A CC -NR, __ A-P6010244 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0038/65/000/C)05/0184/0185 AUTHOR: -Exner, Josef; Klatil, Karel; Sokola, Karel -V_ ORG; -Research ln.stitute for ~3Mthetic Resins and Lacauers,_.Pardubice (Vyzkumny ustav syntetickych pryskyric a laku); Vlatilj Enter rise for Chemick a~d -Metallurgical Production, Usti (Spolek pro chemickou a hutni vyrobu, n. p.) TITLE: Preparation of-cobalt and calcium naphtenates tagged with'Co sup 60 and Ca sup 45 SOURCE: Jaderna energie, no- 5) 1965) 184-185 TOPIC TkCS; cobalt, calcium, tracer study, chemical precipitation, solvent extractio organic solvent, radiation chemistry, remote hafidling equipment, titrimetry, polarimeter ABSTRACT: The naphtenates are prepared by precipitation and extraction of the pre- cipitate by a suitable hydrocarbon solvent.* The authors describe an apparatus of their design that allows distant manipulation and* eliminates hazards to operators. Detailed process descriptions are given. A polarometric and a complexometric titpation method for the determination of metals in siccatives are described. This paper was presented by M. Komurka.. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [JPRS) SUB CODE: 07,, 18 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 001 /. 0TH REF: -005 SOV REF: 002 Card UDC: 546.73.02i~ 546-41.03 L/ CZEU'H0ISjICI'v"d%'Ii' / C.Lumical Tuchnology. Food induscry. H Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Eliimiya, No 22, 1958, 75679. Author : oLk2j~~Gerner. Inst :Not given. Title :The Synthetic Oil Soluble Dyes and Their Deter- mination in Food Products. Orig Pub: Ceskosl. hyg., 1958, 3, No 2-3, 92-95. Abstraot: The problems connected with tho use of oil sol- uble synthetic dyes are discussed. t, method was worked out for their separation from food prod- ucts by paper chromatography, and their identi- fication by means of the Kar-Preis reaction and fluorescence. Card 1/1 70 SOKjiAJ, Vladislav, inz. (Zagreb, Ratkajev prolaz 10) Testing thermal contactors for quality approval. Elektrotehnika Hrv 5 no.4:155-156 162. e~ -1, /41 -- r~'UGOSSLAVIA Nt. '-zO;,',OLAj-TARAKQ,.VXC. Department of Social Medi-ine, Health Institute 7-avoe ZT-zas-lillu zdraviia, Odjel za sociJalnu medicinu) Pula. "Medlical Care of Stt:eletits in Industrv and of Trad2 Students in the .,ontleut of School Dispensaries.'~ Vol 14,. Fo 2-3-14, 1962; pp 208-217. Abstr:lc-': Oucratient examinationst data from five occupational high discussion of nutritional and dietary habits; adequacy of dental care; sociological factors of morbidity such as image of alcohol as sometbing that "strengthens" children; planned correCLiVe messurc.q that should decrease present problcms. Table, 6 graphn. DMIILOV, 11,., zasl. zootekhnik RSF.S; SEREGIN, A.; SOKOIAN, A., otv. za vypusk; GORYACn'NKO, F., tekhn. red. [Five poods of meat from one duck] Piat' pudov miasa ot odnoi utki. Kishinev, Izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry MSKh MSSR 1962. 10 p. ~MIRA 15:6) (Moldavia-Ducks) NITSMMIY, S.G.., kand. biol.nuiuk; SOKOLAI,,'.,-k.,-red,;.-GORYACI,-U.IKO F., tekhn. red. - [Use of cybernetics in natural sciences]Primenenie kibernetiki v estestvoznanii. Kishinev, Izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1962. 4.0 p. WIRA 15:9) (Cybernetics) (Science) FOMICHEV, G., inzh.; SOKOLAN, T., Inzh. Five times faster. Mast. ugl. 8 no.5:13 My '59. (Mine haulage) (Coal mines and mining) (MIRA 12:8) 30000 S/17 61/004/012/010/011 B1 04%138 AUTHORS: Yermakov, V. S., Sokollchik, V. A, . .. ....... TITLE: The experimental organic loop of the MPT-2000 (IRT-2000) reactor of the Academy of Sciences Belorusskaya SSR PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fiziclieskiy zhurnal, v. 4, 110. 12, 1961, 109 - 117 TEXT: This is a report delivered at the Mezhdunarodnoye soveshchaniye po eksperimentallnym petlyam. yadernykh reaktorov (International Conference on Experimental Loops of Nuclear Reactors) at Dubna on the OPT-2000 (IRT-200d, research reactor of the Institut energetiki Akalemii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (Institute of Power Engineering of the Academy of Sciences Belorusskaya SSR), recently put in operation. An experimental loop with an organic coolant was installed in the reactor. The loop is designed for studying organic compounds as to their applicability as coolants. Polyphenyls are also to be examined for their resistance to temperature effects and radia- tion, and also for their heat-transfer properties. An experimental chamlel 60 mm in diameter and having a maximum neutron flux was installed in the core center for this purpose. The fuel assembly, which can be exchanged at any time, is shown in Fig. 1 . The seven fuel elements Ca-d 1/40 1-10000 S/170/o /004/012/010/01'- The exDerimental organic loop of ... B104/B138 (10 mm in diameter) are housed in stainless steel tubes (40 mm in diameter, wall thickness 0,5 mm). The coolant passes along the gap bel6ween tube 1 rods, cooling the latter. Neutron absorption is highest in the core center, The reactivity of the reactor was computed with the aid of the two-group theory, using the digital computer of the Institut atomnoy energii imeni I. V, Kurchatova AN SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy imeni I, V. Kurchatov AS USSR) and allowing for modifications of design. Results are presented in Fijk. 2. The computations were performed by Yu. G. Nikolayev, A. A. Chervyatsov (IAE AN SSSR), and 0. I~ Yaroshevich (IE AN BSSR) following a program worked out by V. A. Khodakov. Details of the design (Fig, 4) are finally discussed. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut energetiki AN BSSR ', g. Minsk (Institute of Power Engineering AS'BSSR, Minsk) SUBMITTED: August 12, 1961 Fig~ 1, Center of the core assembly, 235 Fig, 2. Neutron distribution along the reactor radius (burnup of U 20`,~). Legend: (a) fast neutrons; (b) thermal neutrons; (1) with loop; Card 214) --:7 31FI81, S/170,/62/005/001/013/013 1,100 Z`MHOR Sokol I ch1k,-V.,.--A. TITLE: Exnerimental looDs of nuclear reactors (international congress at Dubna) PERIODICAL: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 1~ 1962, 132 - 135 TEXT: An international congress on experimental loops of equipment installed in nuclear reactors, held at the Obl'yedinennyy institut yadern-kh issledovaniy (g. Dubna) (Joint institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna), was attended by scientists from Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany, China, North Corea, Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, and from the Soviet Union. 21 reports were made. The main items of the agenda were the design, installation, and operation of loop equipment in nuclear reactors, and a discussion on loop research. The delegates were welcomed by Professor Barwick (East Germany), Vice President of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. The following reports were delivered: V. V. Goncharov and Ye. P. Ryazantsev, in their report "Experimental loon eouiDment in nuclear reactors", spoke about.experimental material Card 1/4 S'/1371808~62/005/001/013/013 Experimental loops of... B125/B104 collected in the Soviet Union where reactors of the types PZT (RFT), cH-2 (SM-2), andf3BP-2 (VVR-2) were equipped with experimental loops. Ye, P. Ryazantsev, "The water loop, the boiling water loop, and the gas !~)o'j of the RFT reactor (trial run)"; Yu. N. Aleksenko and N. V. Zvonov, "Investigations of an organic coolant (monoisonropyl diphenyl).in an experimental loon and in organic reactor of type OP(OR)"; A. M. Brodskiy, N. V. Zvonov, and V. B. Titov, "The resistance of several low-melting organic coolants to radiation and heat"; V. Ya. Koz1ov, L. A. Kochetkov, O~ A. Sudnitsyn, and G. 11. Ushakov, "The double loop operating with superheated steam in the reactor of the first atomic power plant"; V, P. Bobkov 7 L. A. Kochetkov, Ye. Ya. Simonov, and G. N. Ushakov, "The oneration of the natural circulation loop at the first atomic Dower plant". Ye. P. Ryazantsev, in his report "Projects of new loons at the RFT reactor", SDoke about four newly developed loops: 1) boiling water loon of 200 kg/C2 onerating pressure and 365 OC operating temperature; 2) water loon of 200 kg/cm2 and 3600 C; no boiling; 3) carbonic acid loon (60 kg/ Icm2); 4) organic loop (50 kg/cm2, 40000). These new loops reach a Dower of 500 - 2500 kw, Berger's renort "Reactor loons at the Institute of Nuclear Research of the ChSSR'1 dealt with a CO2 loon which will soon be put in qpept~'~n at a VVR-2 reactor (35 kw and 2 kg/cm 2) in Czechoslovakia. X 2. 31884 3/170/62/005/001/013/013 Experimental loops of ... B125/B104 V. A. Bronnikov et al. spoke about "The experimental gas (CO 2) loop at a VVR-2 reactor". K. Shomadi (Hungary) reported on an oruanic loon operating at a VVR-2 reactor (30 kg/cm2, coolant temperature up to 550 1)~ V.~ S. Yermakov's report "The experimental organic loop at theMPT-2000 (IRT-2000) reactor of the Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSSR (Acaciemy of Sciences of the Belorusskaya SSR) 11 was published in "Inzhenerno-fizichesrdy ZhUrrial", no. 12, 1961. K. Schwarz (East Germany), "A simple natural- circulation loop for corrosion tests"; Yu. G. Nikolayev and A. B. "MIethods and results of calculation of the neutron-field distribution at 'the places of looo channels in a reactor"; Yu. G. Nikolayev and Yu. S. Biryukov, "Physical equipment with a neutron source, designed for exoerimental studies of the neutron-field distribution at the places of loop channels in a reactor and also for other studies"; L. A. Goncharov, "Experiments on the distribution of nonuniform heat release in fuel assemblies of looD channels of an RFT reactor (experimental methods and results)"; Yu. ML. Bulkin and In. P. Bovin, "Design principles of exr,-erimental channels used to study the properties of materials and the con,7umption of new fuel elements". This is a Droject of a helium- cooled loop channel (pressure up to 50 kg/cm2, temperatures up to 6oo 0C, Card 3/4 28734 S/170?61 0(05/001/013/013 Experimental loops of... B125/B104 5 kw). The congress devoted particular attention to loops emitting gamma Yu. S. Ryabukhin, "Radiatina looDs as radiation sources"; the gamma rays : 0 sources proDer are chiefl.-i short-lived isotopes of Na, Ain, Br, and In; An ro d nikashvili, B. G. Bud, G. 1. Kiknadze, L. I. Felldman, and i at C n -,tUriy, "A model of the radiating loop of the IRT-2000 reactrr".. T!,r, dose rate of this loop, equipped by the Institut fiziki AN Gruzinsk-0y 5SH (Institute of Physics of the AS Gruzinskaya SSR), at the center of tiie cylinder is 1,300 r/min. After the reports were finished the delegates i;isz~ected the accelerators of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Researc_~i a!-.,d IRT. -VVID-2, and RFT reactors equipped %ith loops by the Institut ,i t om 71 oy energii im. I. V. Kurchatova AN SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy I., V. K~archatov AS USSR). Institut energetiki AN BSSR (Institute of Power Engine eri nlg of the AS BSSR) Card 4/4, X KULIMEV, V.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; SOKOLENKO, A.A., inzh. White cement made of local raw material. Stroi.mat. 8 no.10:29-30 b 162. (114IRA 15:11) (Cement) ORLOVA, M.A.; SOKOLENKO, E.A. Land reclamation in the lower valley of the Chu River. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk'no.2832-37 263. (MIRA l7slO) SOKOLENKO, E.A. Land improvement and hydrobiologicall condil-cns of the Tash-J-~kzall U~ I irrIcation massif. Izv. 0 Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk 2 rlo.1:35-43 Ja - F 164. I'.6) 1 SOKOLMOY F. K. Construction of mazut storage reservoirs. Sakh. prom. 36 no.10: 65 0 '62. (MM 15:10) 1. Yanvarskiy aakharnyv zavod. (Petroleum products-Storage) MULIGIULOVA, G.A.; LQ~q 14KO,_G.S.; VOLOVA, P.I. Work in eliminating favus. Zdrav. kazakh. 21 no.12:27-29 161. (MIR;; 15:3) 1. Iz kazakhskogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo instituta (direktor - M.O. Omarov). (FAVUS) SOKOLENKO G S Fractional X-ray therapy for trichomycoses of the hairy portion of the head. Zdrav.Kazakh. 22 no.1.1:65-66 1620 (MIRA 16:2) 1. Iz Kazakhskogo kozhno-venerologicheskogo instituta. (X RAYS-THERAPEUTIC USE) (MYCOSIS) (HAIR-DISEASES) 85950 S/020/60/134/005/C26/035xx 0 0 C111/C222 AUTHOR: Sokolenko, I.A. TITLE:--Yr-i-a-ngles in Riemannian Spaces Having a Pole PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1960, Vol.134, No.5, pp.1021-1023 \'k TEXT: A point 0 having the property that all geodesic lines starting from 0 intersect in no other point is denoted as a pole of a metrically complete, three times continuously differentiable Riemannian space Rm. The author investigates Rm with the properties: I In the Rm there exists a pole 0, II Rm has a positive curvature. Theorem 1: In every triangleWconsisting of shortest lines the one vertex of which coincides with the pole, the sum of the angles at the other vertices is < -Jr. Theorem 2: In every triangle of the Rm the vertex of which coincides with the pole, the excess of the angular sum is.smaller than.the angle at the pole. Theorem 3: Let 11.12 be geodesic rays originating in 1. the pole; 9(s) be the Card 1/2 1 85950 S/020/60/134/005/C26/035XX C111/C222 Triangles in Riemannian Spaces Having a Pole distance between the points of these rays having the distance a from the pole 0. Then 3(s) is a strongly increasing function of s (O-_zs