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2438 S1 lit 2/ 6o/ oo3/ Q/o14/015 Selective Characteristics .... E192/r.,382 of geometrical parameters of a disc-loaded waveguide. This formula is: + f,, - 2f f=4'.- f.-fo cosE)+ T COO), _2 2 2 where kD/P is the phase mrhift in an element or call oi the waveguide, is the phase velocity of the wave in light velocity units, k is the wave ntunber, D is the period of the waveguide, and f 0 1'@r/ 2, fare the oscillatlon frequencies of the 0, T1_ W/2 and -r-,- modes, respectively. The frequencies. fol f and f can be best determined @fr/ 2 from the paranietr�c curves which are considered in this paper. It i-jas shoi&% by W. lfalkinskai.,r (Ref. 2) that the scattering Card 92/10 -4 z S/142/60/00 @005/014/015 Selective Characteristics .... E192/E532 equation for the oscillations of tae In /2-mode can be represente(I in a parai,.ictric form as: sIn I.d I F,(ka) jIn --;2 .d (2) T -a- T. -(ka) wh er e: F, (ka) = I (ka) N, (kb) - N,-(ka) 1, (kb); F. (ka) = 10 (ka) No (kb) - N. (ka) 1, (kb); (2a) -;,.-Ii er e ais tie radius of the az)erture in the discs of the waveguide, b is t1le internal radius of t!ie waveguide, CD is tlie thichness of a disc, I is a Desscl function of ',@'-ic n-th order of the first', n %ind, INnis a Bessel furict-ion of tlic n-th order of the second Card5/10 IzInd, and: 2,1 ,-7 S/142/60/003/005/ol4/ol5 Selective Characteristics E192/E382 2tm k2 @-- 2 U - To + To Xm Tm. (2b) Si@-Ice for tl,-le 'M/2-mode D PV4 ' wnd yin k/p(i + 4m) Eq. (21) can be written as: ,_(1+4m F, (ka) + ka 0_)2 -- V x (k.) @ Y@-- (_I_+ 4- "I=-IT1pI-(1+4m)I 1. 1ka (3) 14 (1 +,1.) (1 - C) sin (1+4m)(I - Q X, 1 (I+ 4m) 4 From the above it is seen that the scattering curves, calculated by ta!-@:* bitrary number of the ten-iis in 'lie ri-lithand- =g an ar side portion of Eq. (3) , depend on tI-ie combInatIon of the quantity '@::a, Icb and p Consequently, it is seen that the Card 11/10 24337 Selective Charactc--irtics .... scattering equation can 1)c represcatc-d in tlc for-.11 ka = f(1cb) i :-i t-11 i1,3 as a para.-..,oter ox- (p(b) as a paran, ar. For tlie zero YO.= et. L lode, 0 '111dyM In this casse, scatterin;.- equation. iz: 1, k,a k. F k ,( .a). V F.(k.a) 2 2 nj (4) L k a I/ _ _ k. -.M ) 1.711 er c 11- is the -...-ave iiu.-,-,Dcr fo-" thc zero mode. For @he 0 -:-.iode, 11-:io scattex---;,x(@ equat-ior, bc co,.:-.cs: Card 5/10 2)4387 S/142/60/003/005/014/015 S el ec ive I or 4 S@irS -12/ E5 " 2 E 1 C, O_ F. (k-*a) V. x F, (k, a) 2 m _12 (1+ 2m) kr 20 2m) 2 aln (I +2m r (I + 2-) (1 0 _Q L VI k@a 2 (1 2m) (I + 2m) to k, -9 k. Froa, tiie a:)ove it is seen that -for tlc 0- and T@-modas the scatterin- e-uation can also be rcpr,@sentcd in a parmaetric f orm. Goillsequently, @--f "",le 3eometric dii-aensions of a cell of t:ie t@@ic -pI,_ase velocity of the wave and the vrave nuuub@r --,:'or the 7.%'/2-mode are -*-t is possible to determine -Z C@@rfa G/10 6_\ 24-18 7 60/003/005/014/015 t I v I z-: I J 1 E i 9 2/ E5 2 tile fr-e,l I - -1 c-11C y 0 L ii 0 - and o*-c, Th e .,:;c illation modes, ' parzia,etx 1C. c orvc-3 0 L1 a I n ed c r / 2 - and im (! it t a I I Y f o r 0 - , *7 UI-odfs are -@ilowll -1 ; I P @1-t I e Z-i p e (-- t I v 0.1 y The curves were obtai.ned by L@le tre(p.,e lic I C. @ of 0-- 2 - and Tr'-- oscj,iation !.,ode@ in a reZ:011z@tol, rol-i,,ied by a s-Lngle cell and two seirii-cel '- o@- a disc-loaded waveguide (Ref. 5), From the c Ur v e@3 of F i S - t i ossj bl e to de-Lerinino the frequency at whicli the oscii Lations of the n/2-mode occur in a cell. S.1 i,@, 1 1 ar I v 2 --ui,! - -it t1- e i-s posstbl.e to f ind I f r o-qu t@--nf- 1C_- i--4 ol 0- Iliatit-11 modes, The maximum er Tor i a freqtien. L r,i i I n, ".,modes does @@-tes of 0 - and I , JIG L C- Cqj I e 0 r --i I I- U I- el I tabie and 6 references4, I, : So v I @ I ti Sc-@- I c 1', , c;,'1--Lan;,uagc- references . - a are oko.,ted i r: lio.. C j 0 -'h;- @37 6/14'-/()0/005/005/oi4/015 Sel eC tJ Ve CI@L,j LIC t @.I E192/E=,8" AS,SOCJ.AFIL)DJ CIi-noye 1,1prav] f,,ti iye po jipol@zovanl.yu atomnoy !I pr L Sou ct e IH ill 1.,@I t-rov, SSSR Conu4usz@icm c)n UL.Lj 1-gat ion of Atomir, Cuert--v At iied t., iio Ct)unr:i I of 14)-n-Lsters of Iu SUBMITIP-1) V I-) 'a 5 t y Api t 'I P)60 (al'tc--r rcv.L@101:1) S/759/62/000/003/020/021 AUrHOR: Sobenin, N. P. TITLE: Estimate of the accuracy of the resonance meihod SO@RCE: @bscow, Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut.' Uskoriteli. no.3.1962. 198-206 TEXT: The resonance method for determining those frequencies of the acceler- a-Lop generator, at which an integral num ber of half-waves fits in the shorted iris waveguide, was verified on the basis of experience gathered by the Micro- wave Laboratory of the Moscow Engineering-physics Institut, with an aim tmiard improving the accuracy of the method. The entire analysis is confined to one specific iris-waveguide configuration with inside diameter 2b,=.90.73 mm, iris h@le diameter 2a = 42.64 mm, period of structure D = 22.31 mm, iris thickness D-d = 4 min, and phase velocity at w/2 mode a N 0.9. -The incluence of the technology of iris-waveguidi manufacture was,Ftudied and it is concluded that closer tolerances on the dimensions and assembly are needed.* The effects of various dimensional and assembly deviations are illustrated by curves. Errors due to the construction and location of the exciting and receiving devices are Card 1/2 S/759/62/000/003/018/021 AUIHORS: Val c1ner, 0. A. , Sinitsyna. E. A. , _@pbm@@@chedrin, I. S. TITLE: Parametrization of group velocity Source: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizich6skiy institut. Uskoriteli. no.3.1962. 185-191 TEXT: It is shown that the dependence,of the-group velocity in-a,linear el- ectron-accelerator on the geometric dimensions and phase velocity of the wave-. can be- represented for an - iris waveguide in parametric form- Parametric -curves, .are plotted for ri/2 modes--from the results of experimental data. The parameters involved are k a (where k = WX is the wave number of the n-th mode with n . tn wavelength Xn and.2a is e dixneier of the iris opening), k b (where 2b is the inside diameter. of the-waveguide proper), a- (the phase velogity), and n (the relative thickness of the diaphragm). The Pxperim@ntal curves are plotted for the following parameter renges:B -,from 0.4 to 1, A- from 10 to 11 an, a/b.- from 0.2 to O.S. a/X - fran-0.08 to 0.2, and iris thickness 0.4 an. The group velocity is then readily obtainable frm an approximate formula. The errors of the method are analyzed. There are two figures and two tables. Card 1/1 3/759/62/000/004/003/016 D207/D308 AUThOR6: G--,Ivrilova, R. K., Milovanov, 0. S. and Sobenin, N. TITLE: Experimental data on the frequency response character- istic of a circular diaphragm-type waveguide with a constant phase velocity SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 4, 1962, 12-19 , Moscow TEXT: A method is given for the assembly of sections of a circu- lar wavez@,uide which ensures the best frequency characteristic in a linear electron accelerator. The waveguide used in this work had t1he following parameters: a/X = 0.155, a/b = 0.383, 2 = 0.998; here a is the radius of the apertures in the diaphragms (corruga- tions), b is the inner radius of the waveguide itself, 2 is the phase velocity and /t is the wavelength. The sections consisted each of one ring (internal diameter tolerances of -20 to +50/u, thicxness tolerances of -10 to -156/u) and one annular diaphragm 0 __(aperture diameter tolerances of -10 to -40/u). It is shown that Card 1/2 S/759/62/'000/004/003/016 Experimental data on ... D207/D308 the best frequency characteristic is obtained by assembling these sections accordjjl@r to increasing or decreasing frequency g of 'i,-12 0 C) modes in them. The frequency f need not be knoim: only the devia- tions z@f from tile calculated value of f must be measured. In this way a good frequency characteristic can be obtained for 1 or 2 m long waveguides working at 3 cm or less. For example, the energies of electrons obtained from an accelerator Y--I)-(U-12) were altered by less than 2@o for Af = 2 Mc/s of the sections assembled according to increasing or decreasing f. There are 7 figures. Card 2/2 S/759/62/000/003/021/021 AUTHORS Sinitsyna, E. A., Sobenin, N. P. TITLE: Phase-measuringar circuit with twin-tee as mixer SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhinerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli. no.3.1962. 207-214 Tt=,: The'errors introducdd'in a phase-m-easuring circuit used to determine the variation of the phase velocity along a round iris waveguide were investi- gated as functions of the parameters characteriz' the twintee used in the Im circuitand as functions of the variation of the amplitude of the signal extract- ed fram the investigated waveguide. While a twin-tee mixer is superior to the custanarily. employed coaxial equipment, it must satisfy more stringent recuire- merts with respect to matching and symmetry of ifs arms. The test setup is described and ihe test procedure detailed. A formula is derived for the max- imum error due to the phase variation. The systematic erTors introduced by various phase-measuring circuits-are analyzed. It is concluded that the twin- tee mixer T,-ermits difference measurements to be made with a lower systematic error than ihe previously considered circuits. 'There are 4 figures and 1 table. Card 1/1 S/759/62/000/004/004/016 D207/D308 AUTHORS: Gavrilova, R. K., Milovanov, 0. S., S and Shchedrin, I. S. TITLE: Frequency response characteristic of a waveguide buncher for a linear electron accelerator 60-ORGE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Moscow. Uskoriteli, no. 4, 1962, 20-28 TEXT: It is shown that a 120 cm long buncher for a 3 MeV accelera- tor of y-40 (U-10) tyde must have a microwave reflection coeffi- cient not greater than 0.07 at + (6-8) Mc/s from the working fre- quency. The buncher considered is of the corrugated (diaphragm) type and suffers from (1) relatively high wave admittance in the first sections producing considerable reflections, and (2) inaccu- racie@i in the section dimensions giving rise to further reflections. The effect (1) can be reduced by using thinner diaphragms. This does not alter the electron-beam parameters since the accelerating field intensity does not vary strongly with the diaphragm thick- Card 112 0 S/759/62/000/004/004/016 Frequency response characteristic D207/D308 ness and the resultant phase velocity changes can be compensated by varying the inner diameter of the waveguide itself in the first sections. The effect (2) can be reduced by a suitable selection of rings and diaphragms forming the buncher sections: three iden- tical rings, two half-rings and two pairs of diaphragms are used. The success of this arrangement is demonstrated by almost complete similarity of the -transmission band of the input-waveguide trans- former and the same transformer coudled to the buncher, indicat- ing a transformer/buncher reflection coefficient of 0.1 in the + 15 Mc/s range on both sides of the working frequency. There are' 7 figures. Card 2/2 8/759/62/000/004/007/016 D207/D308 AUThOR6: Zverev, B. V., 39 and Shchedrin, I. J. TITLE: Parametric representation of the dispersion curve of a circular diaphragm-type waveguide. I SOURCE: Hoscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 4, 1962, 52-069 TEXT; It is difficult to calculate or measure the dispersion cur- ve of a diaphragm-type waveguide, i.e. the dependence of the phase velocity in the waveguide on the frequency of the power SUPply. It is more convenient to use parametric curves for determination of the frequency of a particular wave mode in a wide range of waveguide dimensions, wavelengths and phase velocities. The authors first derived the dispersion equation in a form convenient for parametric representation. Then they measured the resonance fre- quencies of the 0, -,1/4, /1-/3, 1-129 213-r, 314-11, 'it' modes using an oscillator PC_--f6,(GS-10) consisting of several rings and dia- phragms held in a pressJIPA-_@ (PGL-5) in order to avoid any change Card 1/2 S/'159/62/000/004/007/016 Parametric representation of ... D207/D308 in dimensions. Parametric curves are given for the wave modes 72-1f4, ?-/3, 2/37-, 3/4@,-, derived from these resonance frequencies. From these CUrVeS one can plot parametric nomograms for calculationo of the group velocilyt derivativea of the phaue velocity and of the frequency with respect to the waveguide dimensions, derivatives of the phase velocity with respect to the frequency, etc. The re- sults used to plot the parametric curves may also be employed for the determination of the coefficients occurring in the series ex- pansion of the dispersion curve (see Part I!). There are 5 fi- gures and 8 tables. Card 2/2 S/75 62/000/004/013/016 D2 07YI)3 08 AUTHORS: Sobenin, N. P. and Shallnov, A. V. TITLE: Dependence of the electron output energy on the dimen- sional tolerances of a linear accelerator wave-uide 0 SOURCE: Hoscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 4, 19620 103-110 TEM: To determine the dependence referred to in the title the authors plotted first parametric curves of the derivatives of the phase velocity 3 in a corrugated waveguide with respect to the following geometrical dimensions: the radius of the apertures in the diaphragms (corrugations), a; the inner "radius of the wave- guide itself, b; the distance between the diaphragms, d; the thick- ness of the diaphragnis, t. The ratio a/b was used as the parameter and the curves were derived from the experimental partial deriva- tives of the 7/-/2-mode frequency with respect to the waveguide di- mensions and from group velocity values. It was found that the di- mension b had the greatest effect on the phase velocity 2, and Card 1/2 SOBENINY N.P.; SHCHEDRET, I.S.; GRYZLOV, A.V.; ZVwEUV, B.V. Representation of the principal high-frequenc7 charac- teristics of a round 'septate waveguide in graphical form. Radiotekh. i elektron. 8 no.11:1945-191,9 Df 163. (MIRA 17:1) L 2209-65 an(WEEC-h/EVA(h) Peb, E5P(gs)/ESD(t) XCCESSIO-H NR: Moo1492 AUTHOR: Zverev, B. V.: Sobenin. N. P.. Tragovi A. G.; Shch4drinj..'s. TITLE: Determination of attenuation::in round diaphragmed waveguides Uskoriteli,, no. SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerho-fizicheskiy institut. 6,@ 1964, 21-28 TOPIC TAGS: periodic wavegUide, diaphragmed waveguidel-attenuation., quality factor, ABSTRACT: The authors present calcui@ted-.dita'.for the plotting of-theoretical attenuation curves for a diaphragmed4aveguide with diaphragm thickness 4.w,um and for several wavelengths. They point,out, however, that calculations do not always yield the actual values of the attenuation, since the formulas have been obtained under several assumptiong and since.. they -involve the evaluation of double', series. The propose therefore a method for refining the theoretical attenuation curves of diaphragmed waveguides,@by measuring the Q of a segment of:such a wave- guide,, using the installation shown in Fig. 1 of the enclosure. An analysis of the results and a comparison with the theoretrical data -shows that the accuracy with which the attenuation is determined.can be reduced to less then 12%$ which Card 1/3. 'L 22489-65 ACCESSION HR: AT5ooi492 is a much lower error than results frcm thepurelytheoretical curves., Orig. art. has; 6 figures, 3.1 for=las and I table ASSOCIATION: Inihenerno-fizicheskiy institut,'Moscow (RpgAneering-_p j&SJCS SUBMITM: 00 ENCL; 01 SUB COM. Ea QP"'' NU PM SOV: 003 0=: 000 L 22hgo-65 h-,4T (j)/FEC-h/-E%k (h) Peb AUGESS10 NR: AT5001494 S /27 9/64/ooo/oo6/0036/(@@2 AUTHOR: Milovanov, 0. S.; Sobenin, 11. P.; Shchedrin, 1. S.* 10 TITLE:, Engineering calculation of reflections in diaphramed wave ides SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli,, no. 6t 19641 36-42- TOPIC TAGS: periodic waveguide, diaphragned waveguide, scattering Imatrix,' inter- nal reflection, tran6MiSSiOn matrix ABSTRACT: This is a companion theoretical,,paper to a preceding experimental pap4r in this collection (by O.-A. Val'dner:and 1. S. Shchedrin, p. 29,-Accessionl1@1,'...1- Nr- AT5oo1493)., in which diaphragned w .avegaide a are considered with constant dimensions and without losses'in the walls,, an assumTtion justified for@ the S-band. The waveguidewith reflecting inhomogeneities is represented by parallel admittances located at different -electrical distances from one anotherj, and the scattering matrix is determined from the transmission matrix of the system. The reflections are .assumed to be independent of the frequency, so that the band-pass characteristics depend only on the variation of the electric dis- Co!rd 1/2 i L 22490-65 ACCESSION UR: AT5ool,494 tances from the input terminals to the -existing inhomogeneities. A procedure. for. determining the reflections from the experimental rea-alts obtained by the method of the companion paper and a Smith chart is described, The method employed can also be used for waveguides with variable parameters (bunching sections), for other microwave bands and for arbitrary long lines if the frequency variation of the electrical distance of the inhomogeneities is known as a function of the' 1 number of cells in the periodic line. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 21 formulas&' ASSOCIATION; Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy-'inatitutp Moscow (Engineering-Physics 11- Institute) L '4226 Q.-6 IJkc 05 10 1@i&T -&2-- joll@ ACC NR-- AP5027002 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/65/01 0 9 AUTHOR- Zverer. B. V.-. Sobenin. N. P. ORG: Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute (Moskovskly lnzhenerno-4izicheskly institut) TITLE: Adjustment of circular Iris waveguldes of linear accelerators tly the resonance methW SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1965, 26-29 TOPIC TAGS: wavegulde Iris, circular waveguide, linear accelerator ABSTRACT: The accuracy of measuring the frequency in circular Iris wavegulde resonators Is estimated In this article. A method is described which permits adjusting such waveguldes with smoothly chianging dimensions even with tolerances of +50p. The bandwidth characteristic of!( the wavegulde after adjustment Is satisfactory from the point of view of stable operation of th HF oscillator, and the law of change of the phase of velocity Is maintained with an error of- less than 1%. The examined method of adjusting the units of the Iris wavegulde has obvious advantages over other methods In that the components of the wavegulde are adjusted directly, which precludes errors associated with tolerances for the size of the waveguide. The effect of the holes In the rings Is taken Into account and the errors associated with the imperfection of the silencing devices and the effect of the coupling loops are eliminated. The possibilities of 372.8 z L 41138-66 9-7 (1) ACC NR% AT6017508 SOURCE CODE: UR/2759/65/000/007/0054/0065 AUTHOR: Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin, N. P. T ORG: none TITLE: Graphical representation of basic high frequency characteristics of a cyli.n- drical waveguide with diaphragms and with 2-.r/3 type of oscillations SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 7, 1965, 54-65 -@,TOPIC TAGS: electron accelerator, circular waveguide, particle accelerator component ABSTRACT: Ten families of curves and data are presented which were obtained From re- sonance measurements on a cylindrical waveguide with diaphragms. All curves and data are related to the basic high frequency oscillations of the 2Tr/3 type. The curves are sufficiently accurate over, a large interval of variation in the waveguide design para-1 meters. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 7 formulas, 10 figures. SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF; 005/ OTH REF: 004 SUB CODE: 04 ACC NRj AT6017516 SOURCE CODE: UR/2759/65@000/007/0167/0175@ AUITHOR: Zverev, B. V. Sobenin, 11, P. .ORG: none TITIX: Experimental investigation of the waveguide properties for a particle separator with a crossed field @SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. Uskoriteli, no. 7, 1965, 167-175 ,TOPIC TAGS: particle accelerator component, relativistic particle, waveguide 'ABSTRACT: The authors describe the experimental rpethods and results of a study of waveguides as high-frequency particle separators.11 They found that in the high-pass i !band the mode Ell and Hll pro for a perpendicular electric field in a cylindricall 1waveguide with diaphragms. In this mode, with perpendicular electric field, the dis- 1persion is negative. The errors of measurement are less than 1 Mc (around 1/2%). The iusual method of resonance measurement with a perturbing probe was employed. A graph of e 7r-type os, -he change in frequency along the waveguide axis shows that at 2818.5 Mc th j nce !cillations dominate whereas the 0-type dominate at 3048 Mc. This proves the prese lof negative dispersion. Resonant frequency variations as a function of the displace- @ment of-the dielectric needle shaped probe along the z-axis, at r=15 mm are graphed. (The authors conclude that the investigated wave is polarized and has a radial compo- Card 1/2 L 40081-66 ACC NR. AT6017516 nent of the electric field; at r=O and Y-b (radius of the guide) E and E vanish. Eris maximum at r=O and 11ris maximum near the opening of the diaphragm and is perpen dicular on the plane through the z-axis and the coupling loop. Such a waveguide. can then be used as an ultrahigh frequency separator for relativistic particles. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20,09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 003 Crd 2/ 2 llb L 40079-66 EWTl) ACC -1 NR.I AT16017 ---SOURCE--C-ODE-:-----UR-/275-9/6-5'/-0-0-0-/-00-7/-0176/0183' .,.AUTHOR: Zverev, B. V.; Sobenin, N, P. ORG: none TITLE: Graphical representation of the high frequency characteristics of the hybrid modes Ell and III, in a c __H@@@@oaded with a diaphragm SOURCE:" Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut. U.*-oriteii, no. 7, 1965, 176-183 TOPIC TAGS: particle accelerator component, relativistic particle, waveguide ABSTRACT: Experim-ontal curve-, "I'Verl it" to ed as a high frequency partlicie separator. The curves are based oir rvsonanlc measurements. The high frequency characteristics were determined iis functions of alb where 2b is the inner diameter of the diaphragm waveguide and 2a in the diameter in the diaphragm opening. Figure I shows the group velocity curve as a "!;nctioR of alb. The;! dispersion can be calculated, knowing the group velocity, and is g:,aphed in figure 2. Since the partial derivatives of the frequency relative to the de,.ign parameters a and, D (where D is the period) are necessary for the final design of h 'gh frequency parti- cle separators,-the essential curves in figures 3 and 4 are the e.3sentiai features or this paper. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 2 tables, 12 fomulas. Card l/ 3 L 40079-66 F-ACC M., AT6017517 N@! @11'1,-,o U75 0,30 Vjs O.Zp al.@ Fig. 1 2 Card 2/3 L 40079-66 ACC NR: AT6017517 V0 V4 Vd Mi IAX VIj 1/1 Fig. 3. Graph of the derivative of the frequency of n/2-type oscillations with respect to the diameter of the diaphragm opening. SUB CODE: 20,09/ SUBM DATE: none/ OR 0,2 q2O qZ4 iV3 V2 6@X 0,4fl Q10 Fig. 4. Graph of the derivative of thei frequency of n/2-type oscillations with! respect to the period. ORIG REF: 005 C."d 3/3 llb. SODENIII, Ya, A. Cand Tech 6ci *4, (diss) "Calculation of polyndmial. filters for operatioml attenuation." Lon, 1967. 16 pp (Y[in of Corranunicat ions USSR. Lon al Electric Engineering Inst of Communications im Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruyevich), 100 copies M, 43-57, 89) -37- SOBENIN., Yakov Andreyevi-ch3 KOCHANOV, N.S., otv. red.; VIZIROVA, -V.-T-,--r-eU-.;CHURAKOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. (Design of multinomial filters] Raschet polinomiallnykh filltrov. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 207 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Electric filters) (Radio filters) SOUNNINOV, P..-Vneral-leytenant- ".- -@ I %. I Forty years of courses given by "Vystrel." Voen-vest. 38 no.11:27-37 N 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Military education) SOBENNIKOV, Te.Y., aspirant. Gorn variety tests on the Kalinin Training Ifarr in Tambov Province. Dokl. TSDA no.28:242-ZU7 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Tambov Province-Corn (Maize )--Varietie ff ) S0BENNIK0-V,,-Ye.I--V. Cand Agr Sci -- "Agrobiologic&l study of corn under conditions of northwestern Tambovskaya Oblast." Perm,, 1960 (Min of Agr RSFSR. Perm' Agr Inst im Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov). (KL, 1-61, 202) -316- X '-T!. r0j, 1C.) 1@7 SOBERAYSKIY, U.S. 11 - - Improving the stability of phototelegraphic radio communication. Vest.sviazi 14 no.4:12-13 Ap 154. (MIRA 7:6) 1. Nachal'nik takhnicheskogo, otdela Moskovakcy direktaii radioavyazi. (Phototelegraphy) SOEFRAYSKIY, K. S. "Polygonometry in Conjunctior With Lateral Directions and Triangulation." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Inst of Engineers for the Organization of Land Exploitation, Moscow, 10,53. Dissertation ( Referativnyy Zhurnal-Astronomiya Ybscow, Feb 54) SO: SUM 186, 10, Aug 1954 SCBER&YSKIY, K.S., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk. Using conditional measurements for adjusting gead-no-10:39-48 '55. (Sume,ring) multiple resection. (MI-RA 10:2) AIAKSANDROV. Nikolay Nikolayevich; VZNrTJZDjIYBV. Bergey Vasillyovich; DVORYANKOV. Bergey Mikhaylovich- KWNITS, YurV Vladimirovich; MASLOV, Aleksey Vasillyevich; MURiSHIff.'Sergey Iustinovich; 3 ORKRA YSKIY. . Kane tant i.n.,4,t.anixl#.vovich;.KURASIST, S.A., reclaktor; KHROMCHINKO. F.I., recb-ktor izdatellstva; KU%'MIN, G.M.. takhui- cheskly redaktor [Precise calculations in topographical surveys of irrigation districts] Rascliety tochnosti topografichookikh smemok v raionakh oroshenila. Moskva, Izd-vo goodazichaskoi lit-ry. 1956. 48 p. (Topographical surveying) (MIRA 10:1) (Irrigation) UTHOR: Candidate of Technical 6-5C,-3-2/,6 Sciences TITLE: On Increasing the Accuracy of Poly@Soilomatry (0 -povyshenii: tochnosti poligonometrii) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i Kartografiyas 1958. Nr 3, pp. B-14 (USSR) ABSTRACT: When from the interpeaks of a polygonal course the directions were measured toward the side-points the accuracy in the determination of all elements of the polygonal course can be increased by solving the equation set up for this course together with the equations obtained in connection with the measured directions to the side-points. The equations obtained in the measurement of the direction to the side- -points are investigated. On the basis of this investigation it is shown that from the interpeaks of the polygonal course the directions of triangulation-poinbs lying on one or the other side of the course are to be measured. The conditions forming on that occasion are to be included in the genera]. balance of the course. It is most favorable when the side points lie about opposite the middle of the course. When t-1:e Card 1/2 distance to the side point is more than 10 km the accuracy On Increasing the Accuracy of Polyjonometry 6-58-3-2/10' is only insignificantly increased. The peaks of the course at which the side directions are measured shall be equally distributed along the entire course. No large number of directions to the side point shall be included into the common balance, as this only increases the exten+, of woTk without increasing the necessary accuracy. There are 7 figures, 1 table, and 1 reference, which is Soviet. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress I- Mathema,tics...--Appli2ati-oris Card 2/2 MASLOV. Aleksey Vasillyevich. Prinimali uchaBtiye: PANFILOV, A.T.; ALYRKSANDROV, N.N., dotsent; SOBERAYSKIY, K.S., dotsent; YAUSHEV. F.M., starshiy prepodavatell; SAKOVTSEV, B.-P., starshiy prepodava- tell; YUNUSOVA, T.A., inzh.. VASILITEVA, V.I., red.izd-va; RCMA_ NOVA, V.V., [Directions for surveys with plane-table and theodolite at a scale of 1:10,0001 Nastavlenie po proizvodstvu menzullnykh i teodolitnykh s"emok v masshtabe 1:10000. Moskva, Izd-vo good.lit-ry. 1960. 322 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Orosudarstvannaya inapektaiya po zemle- pollzovaniyu i zemleustroyatvu. 2. ZaveduyuBhchi kafedroy geodezii Moskovskogo instituta inzhenerov zemleustroystva ffor Kaslov). 3. Ka- challnik gosudarstvennoy inBpekt3ii po zemleustroystvu i zemlepollzo- vaniyu Ministerstva sellskogo khoZy2yBtVa SSSR (for Panfilov). (Surveying) SOz;E.--AY-'7KF-,', Konstantin Stanislavovich; SEROTA, Ivan Fedorovich; 13AIRARMT, Yuriy Grigorlyevich, VZHZDAYE7, Ser.gey Vasil',;evich; DVCRVJ'11KO1v, Sergey Mikhaylovich; IM-@SLO74T, A.V.) @ed.; WtSILIYM, V.I., red.izr.-va; PLOI-AEOVA, V.V., toldin. red. f(loo,k)-tir urork.,i for tho construction of irrigation and dr;A11;:f"(' "'Yot'0171s] Goodo:11chooldo 1-allot'y killa 'Aroitckllstv.@ ol-ositellrwkh 1 osu.-'hitc,1111Y1,11 @dstcrl. [byj K..'3)..W)cra1vA-JJ i di-. 1.1orkwi, Gosgeoltel-IdaiA, 1963. 203 P. (I-ILIA 16:12) (Surveying) (Irrieation) (Drainage) I ACC NR, A@60o839 SOURCE CODE: RU/OO23A6/Oll/OOl/OO8l/OO83 AUTHOR: Sefer. M. (Doctor); Yerenca CorneL,.a (Technician); Sobescianschi, Constanta (Technician) ORG: Second Department of Microbiology/headed by Professor, Doctor N. Nestorescu Medical Pharmaceutical Institute, Bucharest (Institutul de Medicina si Farmacie, Catedra de Microbiologie II) TITIE : New method for the study of the chemical constitution and antigenic structure of bacteriaL SOURCE: Microbiologia, parazitologia 3i epidemiologia, v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 81-83 TOPIC-TAGS: bacteriology, freezing, antigen, protein, biochemistry ABSTRACT: The authors describe a process for the study of the chemical constitution of bacteria which consists, essentially, of subjecting a washed concentrate suspension of the bacteria to repeated cycles of freezing and thawing, followed by the separation through centrifuging of a nucleoprotein chemical complex and the later extraction of another chemical complex from the digested cellular residues. 1JPRS: 35,8141 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE: OqAug65 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 010 Card 1/1 UDC: 576.85-097.29 107-57-1-47Ao AUTHOR: Sob and Vlasov, M. TITLE: Semiconductor Converter for Supplying an A-8 Radio Receiver (Preobrazavatell na poluprovodnikovykh priborakh dlya priyerrmik.- A-8) PEHIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 1, p 46 and inside page, back cover (USSR) ABSTRACT: The converter has been developed from the "Radio" journal specificationB. Normally, the A-8 car radio is supplied by the VP-8 vibrapack, in which a VA-12 vibra- tor is used for DC-to-AC conversion and a 6Ts4P kenotron is used for rectification. Use of semiconductor devices in the vibrapack permits increasing its efficiency and reliability and decreasing its weight and dimensions 5-10,*imes because the transfor- mation frequency is selected at 4-5 kc instead of 100 cps. A new Soviet converter is described in which two high-power P-4 transistors in a blocking-oscillator circuit and four DG-Ts25 semiconductor diodes in a bridge circuit ai@e used. A circuit diagram, parts data, characteristics, and c6nstruction details of the semiconductor converter are supplied. There are 5 figures in the article. AVAILABLO; Library of Congress Card 1/1 UUTSHY .j . , L. F. L. F. Sobeshchanskiy, "IMethods of designing dc converters using semiconducting instruments." Scientific Session Devoted to "Padio Day", May 1958, T ezervizdat, Moscow, 9 SeP 58. Impulse characteristics of power triodes, methods of designing the electrical characteristics of converters using semiconducting instruments and certain questions of the structural design of converter elements are analyzed. . Given comtry: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: not given A,ffiliatiant Stomatology Clinicp Head-Docent A. Fdlanp_(Stomatologicka klinikap prednosta docent dr. A. Edlan ) Plzen, First Surgical clinicp Head-Docent K. Domansky I. chIrwgicka k retnosta docent dr.. opinnalci fon, 14nikal P@ 944041 ProO*# takwaalfivahmis OX.AtolOALO, Vol BO F, 80f) IU- pp 3674)72. Data: Dental Treatment of some Men-tally Altered Persons under General An.aesthaesia. PISLOVAp Ruzenap KOURIK,, jindrich., SOBESKYp Ivo, GFO 981643 C,"Ec"tool` I 10VI'd ",L@ I -,tTD; :TEE I'd SLV@JD; - S' tj 30= T., A-nestesiolo--7ical Complex SF'7 (-knesteziolo-icrl-,a slozka SFI.7), Pilsen (for ',.Iinar); 2. First Sur::-ical Clinic o-.':' the IMedical Faculty o--.- Charles University, 1`@ilsen Branch (I. chi-rur.Sicka klinika lekars'r_-e fakulty KU se sidlem v Flzni), Pilsen (for all) -Pra--Ue, Prall.,ticky lek-ar, No 5, 1963, -,)D 168-169 11TI'l-'Le Dan,-:-er of Ether Anesthesia in Old Patients." C7ECHG@;LOV-1.L" / Laboratory Equiprjont. Instrumonts, 'Ehoory, F Construction and Uso. .',bs Jour Rof Zhur - Khirl-, No 15, 1958, No 501,11 .Iuthor Dudok, Jaroslav; Soboslavsky, Cyril; Bicui, Favol, inst Not givon t Simplo Stabilizor for I-Ilectrophorosis un Pcpor, Cosk,-)sl. farnme., 1957, 6, No. 9, 526-527 3 t 1-a ct Tho stabilizcr cor-qists of a usual roctifior stabilizod by gas-discharCo stibilizors of voltago, Tho do-@ico is as- smblod of standard radio parts. -- V. Sviridov. Card 1/1 H N D '--Lowk C7; DUDEK, J.;.TEPIA, R. Determination of blood calcium & magnesium with a new chislatometric indicator. Cas. lek. cedr. 98 no.9:279-282 27 Feb 59. 1. C. S., Praha 2, U nemocnice 1. (GAICIUM, in blood determ.. new chelatometric indicator method (0s)) (MAGNISIUM. in blood same) RASKA, K.; SYRUCEK, L.; SOBESLAVSKY, 0.; POKORNY, J.; PRIVORA, M.; HATLIK, 0.; LIM, D. ; ZASTEiA'.-T.---w--K Rodents of epizootology of Q rickettsiosis. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. imun. 5 no.5:246-250 Sept 56, 1. Ustav epidemiologia a mikrobiologie. Praha, red. prof. Dr. K. Raska. (Q FEVER, opidemiol. In Czech.. role of rodents in epizontology (Cz)) (RODENTS role in epizootology of Q fever in Czech. (Cz)) SYRUCEK, L.; IRBINSIES-11. -0. -- Experimental infection of rat, Rattus norvegicus with G. burneti. Cesk. spidem. mikrob. imun. 5 no.5:251-254 Sept 56. 1. Ustav mpldeiiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha, red. prof. Dr. K. Raska. (q YWER, exper. in rat (Cz)) SO 9' 0 --It , :,@rimental infection of Galluo Imllun domeaticiin with G. Inrnetii. -102 1957. Praha 1 no.1:101 1. Institut fur Ebidemiologie und 141krobiologie, 11-ral',. Dire'r-tor: -or'@f. Dr. Karel '-Raska. @IOEVEEII. experimental, in domestic fowl (Ger)) DOKFSTIC. diseases, exper. (I fever (Ger)) SOBESLAVSKY, 0. Experimental infection of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) with Rickettsia burneti. Cesk. epidem. mikrob,. irTun. 6 no-3:146-151 MaY 57. 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, reditel prof. MUDr. K. Raaka. (Q FEVER, exper. In chickens (Cz)) SYRUCEK, L.; SOBMIAVKY, 0 -.; HAVLIK, 0. Isolation of Coxiella burnetii in shrew mouse Sorex minutus in the focus of q fever in northwestern Czechoslovakia. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. imun. 6 no.6:392-395 Nov 57. 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha, reditel Karel RRska. (q FEIM, epidemiolog7, in Czech, isolation of Coxiella burnetii. in shrew mouse in focus of infect. (Cz)) (MICB, isolation or Coxiella burnetii in shrew mouse in focus of Q, fever in Czech (Cz)) SVTTCF,K, L@ , SOTIISIAVS-17, 0.; rArIVIRTH, 1. 1@;t)-Lation of Coxiella burneti from human placentas. J. H.Vg. Epidem., DrO@ 2 no. 1:29-35 1958. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Prague, and Maternity Dpnartment, Kraslice, District Hospital. 2. Institute of Epidemiology and '!icrobiolop@:, Prague 12, Srobarova 48 (for Syrucek). (COXIELL-k BUITTETII, isolation from placentas of women infected many years ,)reviously) (PIACEOTA, microbiology Coxiella burnetii isolation from placentas of women in- fected many years previously) (P`@rlf.A,NGY, complications Goxiella burnetii isolation from placentas of women in- L lected nany years previously) SOBESLAVSKY, 0.; SYRUChX, L. Transovular transmission of C. Burneti in the domestic fowl (Gallus Gallus Domesticus). J.hyg.eDidem.,Praha 3 no.4:458-464 1959. 1. Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Prague. (Q FEVER transm.) (EGGS microbiol.) (POULTRY dis.) SOBESIAVSV,O.; -UMI, P.; FISCHER.J. Isolation of tick-borne encephalitis virus from moor hen (Fulica atra)-. Cesk. epidem. mikrob. irmin. 9 no.4:250'-261 Je 6o. 1. Vojensky lekarsky vyzlwmny a doskolovaci ustav J. Xv. Purkyne v Hradci Kralove; II. patologicko-anatomicky ustav lekarske fakulty KU v Praze. (ANCEPHALITIS XPIDRAIC virol.) (POULTRY virol. ) SOBESLAVSKI, C;. Conglutinating complement absorption test in the diamos-13 of adenovirus infection. Cesk. epidem. mik ob. imun. 10 no.3:206-21-1 ,61. 1. Ustav opidemiologie a mikrobiologie Praha. (ADFIIOVIRUS IINFECTIODIS imniunol.1 (CONPUILITIT) SOBESLAVSKT, 0.; SYRUCEK, L.; DANESOVA, J. Identification of Eatonts agent (M@rcoplasma pneumoniae) as the pathogen in primary atypical pneumonia in Czechoslovakia. Cesk. epidem. 12 no.5:257-261 s 163. 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie v Praze - Detska klinika lekarske fakulty hygienicke KU v Praze. (NYCOPLASMA) (PNEUMONIA., VIRAL) (CWLEMENT FIXATION TESTS) (ANTIBODY FOMATION) I:! PT E Ov FS. 7 1'. 1-:T!, LA V;'. J A E Y. "E', Z. A cc)ntributfon on the e@.ology of 11 c-)piasma pneumoniae infections. .y J. liv @cern. I rrolrm) 9 , i@. el,,@ I.. Tmstilutc: of Td Microbi,;Iogy, 1`ravve, ;a@nd and L _11' yl. -r r ' Preven U ve It'll Fedlatrl:3 ("11n.1".3 of the Nedical F&(-1 Favdi 'n,)-' aryngologic- of' Facult- a! --.--.d Fedleal M"r1ra of -the Medicad Hygy-lene 1@.@,,,_dty, (larles Url-vor-s-Ity, SOBESLAIISKY, 0.; BRUCKOVA, M.; SYRUCEK,L.; ZOLETAL, A. Recurrent Imeumonia caused by Ifycoplasna pneumoniae. Gesk. epidem. 14 no.2t8l-87 Hr '65 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha; II. detska klinika fakulty detskeho lekarstvi Karlovy University, Prahai, BEUGEOVA, H.; SYIRUC -a, L.; SOBESLAVSKY,O.; SAMAINFOVA, L. Cc.-ntr-ibutiom to the ecology of the respiratory syncytlal i-- in Czec@hoslovakia. Cesk. epidem. 14 nc.,.3-.136-1.12 7-ly 1, Us-tav eTddemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha, a Katelra pr-.--- ventivni pediatrie fa"lty detakeho lekarstv--' Karlovy Unii-r- s, ity, Pralia. ZAPLit"TAL, A.; VANECEK, K.,- BRUCKOVA, M.; SYRUCEK, L.; SOBESLAVSKY, 0. Etiology of acute bronchiolitis and related severe acute res- piratory diseases in children. Cesk. pediat. 20 no.2:97-105 F 165 1. 11 detska klinika (prednosta: prof. dr. J. Houste1c, DrSc.); Ustav vyzkwm vyvoje ditete faluty detskeho lekarAtvi Karlovy University v Praze (reditelt prof. dr. J. Houstel', DrSc,)- Ustav epidemiologie v Praze (reditel: prof. dr. K. Raska, IYrScJ. SOBESLAVSKI, G.; 8'-,'RIJGEK, L.; BRUCKOVA,M. Primar,j atypical pneumonia and respiratory tract infection caused by Mycoplasma. pneumoniae (Eaton's agent). Cas. lek. cesk. 104 no.4:89-95 29 Ja 165 1. Ustav epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, P-raha (zast. reditel: dr.L. Syrucek, CSc.). KUWtNOVA, P.'*,.; LARIONOVA, To.S.: Plk)TIIIYOV, P.M.; PWIPYANSKIT, A.Ta.-, SOUTS, L.P.: S01101XV, A.T.; ILII%KIT. N.A., npotarod.; St-TTKIRBAKOWL, G.V., red.; T.A-R(',V, E.M., FMochanized asseribly-line production of sweet rusk; a-marience of thn Leningrad Port Mechanical Bakery] Makhanizirovannoe -Dotochnoe proizvodstvo sdobnykh sukharei; opyt Loningradskogo Portovogn khlnbozavoda. Moskva, PishcbeDromizdat, 1956. 31 P- (MIRR 11:12) 1. Moscov. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut khlnbopekarnoy promyshlennosti. (Leningrad--Bakers and bakeries--Equipment and supplies) SGBiMKAYAq G.S,- Pancreatoduodenal resection in cancer of the head or the pancreas. Vest. k1dr. 84 no. 2:121,-125 F 160. (14IRA 14:1) (PAPGREAS-CANCER) (DUODEI-P,11.1--SURGERY) 5- V- I -cit-fliunt rnltlpq,:;Uqtl of CC11:110se, V111. V. 1. J. 17-21( P@ Vl@@ CA . 43, Vi V,!, of a varwtv of mmimwt true @Irittliirc; vmimimls ill vmiml; cmilp"w:10, Ilk" fl".-; v-st'li'l Illort. 11cut'-.11 ; thatl do th". C-tifcfq btl mw n " I I I iml .,f Iijg 1111 t ( ml!.- it t V. ill 141 be (1, 1 r; W, I - t 'ww-tall % , i'l If" -, I " 111 g t 11, jwtl 1--i'l :1 ?1,) 111-11.- :w 1, 1 Ir- 1-t atr 114:11,j thall ill the milmill:r. Siltilir lisllill coll(Alln Illure WO tirm -mmmur Iiwiin@ Ali oak- specilrarn gubmergeff fnr .11-111 5000 Nvar@ ill Witter gave, oilly -.1 @Iightly higher tball 1@11 1011 -flowfl.1t hiRlwl rolltellt of Ilot-lValer 11110 duco-ow of )?vIll irelill lost! co"Ient. Sped- of 11ce.; ta4lt from U.S-S.R. give tile fultinwilig ilv. vahw-; ( I,.%,vd mt tht- lotal drv %vt. I of pvtito @:Ms, KDeilig jig- :!1,:?. 22.49, I-R.34, :V1.7S, 21.01, and 0,211; @7 -55. 20 2.1. 40.41). 38.06, 2.53, nild 0.11); So? bu T 29-o:l. 22.42, 16.4-1, 33. IA, 4.03, and O.M; JulliPe'." 15,45. 21.72, T9.27, 29.11, LPI, and 0.22; Cv- All- 1 -,!(: ',iT -I! ."'1, 21.'.:39, 4-1.32, -12.97, 1,51), nud 0.43; 11,2. 53.8, 20.5, 2.0, lAnd 0.23; Ulmlij .11.@05, :)1..';7. 25,51, 3.56, and 0.7-1; U.falirrceae 18.55, 26--@ 1, -17.155, 2-1-14, 2.71, mirl 1. 11; Araxinus excel- si@r 2,5.:49, 25,2t, -11.12, 31.26, IRJ, all(( 0.51; Cratnegrif @11.m, 22,411. .1,2.r's, 1.0, and 0.4-1; Aur pha"Incart Vt T@, 7, 4. t7. 1,R 2S.K3. 2.713. q'itld 0.35, Silix al-14 21.7, 28.42, G .1. 21-27, 1.1. and ORS; Arybir anfllana 2Q.T9, 2t.97. -17 - 1'-'. XIM. 3.82, wid QA2; ()w@ru! jrmlifwra 22.7S. 7A. -13 50. 2,95, and 0'%; rwa,\mi '-11 - M. ii)"fl, W22, alld 1, 11; 10)'1`13! qml?-,7@he 2 ,, 7 : I 2:1.85, 37-57, ;33,41, 1.41), alld OXI; 11cderis helix 28,85, 2 1. FA ), :19.31. 35.43. 0.49, will O.M: Tansarix pflica 20.M , 18.29, 3 1. 5 1. 33.8-1. 1.49, and 5AN; Leutrus nobilir 28. 53, 20.85. -112:1. 35.12, 2.67. alld 0.73; Celtic a-u-iPiaca 211 - 5 1 , -10,7?, 1 t,85, TIM13, 21.05, alld 1,26; Puui,@a gnmalmil 24A. 2 1 .07, 30.26, 37.77, 0.111, aml 1.*@'I: Lariv sibIrka 0.3, -9,4r 1, 1.0; liellifis tianseMnicis 32.35, 43,00, -11.19, 0.8fl, and 0.32; Prijitut wmeniara 2:1 N, 18.2.9, 38.35. 13.68, 2.03, and 0-51: Pirut inalus 213.2-3, 19.46,4D.S-t,37.23,3.43,aiitlO.41; lliceasehrepzkiws,.@ 12.1*4, 32.51. 41.4, 27.35, 2-43, azid 0.55; Ckimalrnpi '219.07 206.1 4 1.4.1. .15.95, 2.47. acid 2.03, Aleuribes 27M, al.45: -16'84: 32.15), 2.76, @.6; Parlmnia Inmentila 273.522, 19 69, -15,07. 31.81. 0, 0.29; Sambricus nigra 25.43, 30.0-1, 47.70, 25.55, 4.3, and 0.61; Prurus laurocerasus 25.56, '6.03, 44.83, 37.27, IX3, nnd 041; Phododendror ponticum 25.12, Z8.81, 41.66, 33.9.3, 2.67, and 0.33. Koiuhmoff --- -- V SOBE'l-Ony, V.J@. Systematics of upper Cretaceous pectinids from the =-Idiile Dniester Valley. Paloent.zhur. no.2:063-71 16o. OURA 13: 7) 1. Paleontologichaskiy institut jVlmdemii nauk SSSR. (Dniester Valley--Lamellibranchiata. Fossil) a r, d, ol i d 4 fss ' 7:p-e!, @;ret a cecus ;@ect in ace a of t--- C,-@r- t I-I a! 7-rJess--,er River :-ec@icn, i r S,- S t e:l: a'UCco,--nosJ ar-.2 ecolo--*Lcal c',,rt-acteri@-- tics." Mo s c o v: 2-, uu; "Acalem-v of 0 c e n L, t. i v,,@L n ,L:"l', Paleontolocrv Inst) ; 210 coT,--' es P r-L --.ces ' . z@ , I SOBETSKIYP V.A.; CHAINSKAYA, V,G.., red.) VARKOVIC11;, G.L.., tekhn. red. [Upper Cretaceous Pectinacea in the middle Dniester Valley their taxonomic composition and ecological characteristicsi Verlr-hnemelovye rectinacea Sred-nego Pridnestrovlia. ikh sistematicheskii, sostav i ekologicheskie osobennosti. Ki- shinev., Izd-vo "Shtiintsa," JOA1. 015 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Dniester Valley-Pectinacea , Fossil) sc-B?IUKTI@; V.% Materials rm the rirmal characterristics of Jura-=sicc sedimen@s Im the western part. .f' the U-)bviiji- trough. izv, AN Mold. SSR@ no.4rl-',-I? 1620 WiRd. IQ@ -"*; I BOM I tl:;KIY ) V . M. ; 13U KATCH K;, 1'. 1). -, JURGE LY A , N , K.*; DRIlt-IYA, A.V.; KAPTSAN, V.Kh.; EAKA:RESKU, V,S-; lNLVRYj;JiSKIY, D.G.; l'.EGADAYEV-IIIK0lL;0l,,', PERES, F.S.; WX.ANOV, L.IF.; itOSHKA, V.Kh.: SAFAROV, E.I.:: SAYRIOV.., V.S.; SOBETSKIY, V.A.; TKACHUK, V.A.; KHU13KA., A.N,,-- IMEMSHTE)@,-I,-r.-Ta-.4- LftbKIIIIIII, I., red. [Paleogeography of MoldpvIla] Pale@,geografiia Moidavii. Kartia, moldoveniaske, 1965, 145 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Otdel palenotologii i sLratigra-fii AN Moldavskoy Ssil (for Negadayev-Nilr-lonov, Roslika, l,Lcmanov, Sobetskiy, Khubka). 2. Institut geologii J.' polezrrykh iskopayewykh Gosudarstvernogo geologicheskogo komiteta SSSR (for Babrinskiy, Burgelya, Nevi-yanskiy, Tkachuk, Edellshtsyn). 3. 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Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov .4oldavskoy SSR (for Bukatchuk, Kaptsan, Safarov). TOSHKOV, A.; SOBEVA, V. [Sobieva, V.1 Effect of aqueous distiUat66 of Ranunculaceae on the fJged virus in.vitro and in vivo. 1-likrobiol. zhur. 22 no.4:24-26 160. (@IRA 13:11) 1. Iz Instituts. P@idemiologii i mikrobiologii, Sofiya Bolgariya. (RABI@,,B) (PHYTONCIDES) (CROWFOOT) SOIEVA V -@ NMXA@ K. (Noeva., Kj; GANCIVIA, Ts,,5 SIAVCHEV, R. - zd@. I @ - Experiments in preparing the specific gmuna globulin against smallpox. Trudy epidemiol raikrobiol 8.153-155 )61 [Publ-'621- T0611KOV) As.; IVANOV, V.; N@4VA'--V--; GAIIGHEVAI TSV.; IRANG LOVA, St.; TOREVA, V. Antibacterial, antiviral, antitoxic and cytopathogenic prope-r-u-ies of protoanemonin and aneraonin. Antibiotiki 6 no.10:918--P-Jf 0 161. 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii, Sofiya, Bolgarlya. (AHEMONIN) (PROTOANEI-1014111) KAPIPAROV, A.; 30fLVA, V.; GANCHEVA, Ts. I=aunity in rabies. Trudy epidem-iol milcrobiol 8:143-145 161 [publ.162]. POLAND / ForQstry. Forcst Crops K-4 Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 132 1958) 58420 ;tuthor : Howakovski, A., Sobozak, R. inst :Not given Tit1c :Aldur in Soil Protective Plantings Orig Pub: Las polski, 1-957, 31, No 12, 3-4 Abstract: The achiovementS of Czech forosters, in the field of afforestation of fallow lands, utilizin-a bio- groups of alder in crops along iAth other genera, ar,@ describcd. In the opinion of Czech foresters, the best soil protective plantings are those con- sisting of biogroups of alder with oak, or with maplo planted in clusters. The plantings of Dine with birch and aspen also yield fine results. The Card 1/2 SOBIANIECKI, Wlodzimierz Giant cell tumors of the raoxilla. Otolar polska 12 no-1:59-65 1958. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej A. M. Gdansk Kierownik: prof. dr J. lwai;zklewicz. (LIPORk. case reports giant cell tumors of inn illa (Pol)) (MAXILIA, neoplasms giant cell tumors, case reports (.Pol)) of our 21, G-ndt-t-lf@, Re-)@-LblPre. srblu-, Vol. no. 1, J@aai..-,,-Juno, !"@52. Li!-t. of Cz-,,,rr,,-,,-, V(@-'. 1, @io. 1L, GOLAND --1 DUDZEK, Zygmunt, KLOSOWSKI, Seweryn. LUDWICKI H k d Department of Lokow Galenowyc Drug Institute (Instytut Lekow) in War- saw (Diroctori Dr. H. LUDWICKI) "Determination of Camphor In Some Pharmaceutical Propara- tions." Warsaw, Farmacja Polska, Vol 19. No 6, 23 Mar 63. pp 110-111. Ahs trac tj Authors describe a calorimetric method (using Ehrlich's solution and a Fulfrich photocolorimetor (filter S 53)) to determine the amount of camphor In galonioals. Mey find the method reproducible, suitable for analytical laboratory, sufficiently accurate, and less cumbersome than the method recommended in Farmakopela Polska III. There are 16 references. of which one is Polish. two are Russian, four German. and the others Western. mostly English. SOB!CZE7WS-Y,A, Maria Determinption o-f alka2oids in plants by means of' the non- aqueous titration with p-t.olu--iesulfonic acid. Acta Pol. pharm. 21 no.6.-1,85-,188 16-1+ 1. Z Zakladu Lekov Cialenovy-3h Insty-tutu Lekow v Uarszawie (kierowniR. dr. If. [Aidwicki). SOBICZEWSKA, Maria Determination of small amounts of alkaloids in injection fluids in an anhydrous mediwa. Farmacja Pol 20-no.1/2.- 35-36 25 Ja164. 1. Zaklad Ghemii FarmacautycaneJ i Zaklad Lekov Galenovrych, Ins ty-tut Lekow, Warszawa. 21721 P/045/6i/020/003/003/004 boo 0 B133/B228 AUTHORS: Dabrowski, Janusz and Sobiczewski, Adam TITLE: Optical model for nucleon-nucleus scattering PERIODICAL: Acts. Physica Polonica, v. 20, no- 3, 1961, 243-255 TEXT: The present paper deals with the derivation of the parameters of the optical potential for nucleon-nucleus scattering. The optical po- tentialVfor a nucleus with high mass number A is given by: A V opoltoilvo> The transition ODerator toi describing the scattering between the particle "o" and "i" in the presence of the other target nucleons satisfies-the integral equation: t'i = Voi+ VoA toil (2) e Card 1/9 Optical model for... 21721 P/045/61/020/003/003/004 B133/B228 where the operator q excludes all the states occupied by the target nucleons, and e = E - H - T - V + il-1. V is the nucleon-nucleon inter- A 0 oi action, E is the ground-state energy of the target nucleus plus the energy of the projectile, HA the Hamiltonian of the target nucleus, and T 0 the' kinetic energy of the projectile. The approximationscontained already in (1) were discussed by Sawicki (see references). An exceptional case for which one can easily solve Eq. (2) for the t matrix is the case of the separable potential: 'fdr12e-W-vIIeiP- A2 TW7 g(A g(P) (10) Depending on the form of the g function it is called "Yamaguchi potential" 2 2 1 (Y) when g(p) = (p + or "effective range potential" (ER) when Card 2/9 'Optical model for... 21721 F/045/61/020/003/003/004 B133/B228 2 2 1/2 g(p) = (P + 0 )_ . One of the disadvantages of potential (10) is, that it acts in the S state only. The authors now want to improve the results for the optical potential obtained with the separable potential (10) by adding the contribution from higher (than S) partial waves in phase-shift approximation. To get the phase-shift approximation for the t matrix, they put the operator q - 1 in Eq. (2) and replace V by an energy-independent real potential. To calculate the optical potential V(k0), the following coordinates are introduced: P Mi U- + ki (17) 2 2 In these coordinates (k. + AF)/2 JF(k +k@)12-11 16.-r ,11., dp p du u (18) f 7._ f f k,