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L 31275-66 EWT(m)/EWP(_J) Rm /djb; ACC NR SOURCE CODE: UR/0079/66/6@6/662J'6296 - AP6022799 ,4./ AUTHOR: Khayrullino V. K.; Sobchuk, T. I.; 11@dovik. A. M._ 13 ORG: 1 stitute of Or anic Cl@e_@iBt Kazant (Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR) TITLE: Reaction of eth dichlorophosphino with alpha,beta-unsaturated acids _____Y_l SOURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v- 36, no-. 2, 1966, 296-302 TOPIC TAGS: reaction mechanism, chlorinated organic compound, IR spectrum, esterification, chemical synthesiso alkylphosphine, diene synthesis ABSTRACT: The addition of ethy1dichlorophosphine to propiolic acid proceeds in the 1,4-position with the formation of 4-oxo-4-chloro-4-phospha-2-hexenoyI chloride. In the reaction of 4-oxo-4-chloro-4-phospha-2-hexenoy1 chloride with alcohols and d4ethyl-amine, esters and the diethylamide of 4-oxo-4-alkoxy-4-phospha-2-hexeonic acid were obtained. Esters of 4-oxo-4-alkoxY-4-phospha-2-hexenoic acid, containing an electrophilic bond, readily add nucleophilic reagents and are extremely active in diene synthesis. The nucleophilic reagent is directed to the beta-carbon atom with respect to the carbometho.?W group. Infrared spectra are cited for seven reaction products. The authors thank R. R. Shagidullin for producing and interpreting the IR spectrum. Orig. art. has77- -1figure and 1 table. [JPRS) SUB CODE, 07 SUBM DATE: 15Mar65 / ORIG REF: 006 / OTH REF: 002 Card 1/1 j@4 UDC: 547-468.1 BUGAY, S.M. [Buhai, S.M.]; SOBCHUK, V.V. Determination of the surface area of corn leaves. 16 no.5:69-72 '59. (MUta 13:4) 1. Umanskiy sel'skokh02yaystvennyy inatitut. (Leavesi BUROVOY, I.A.; SOBCM, Yu.1. Steam generation in the evaporation cooling of boiler-layer roasters. TSvet.met.29 no.12:42-47 D '56. (MA 10:2) (Notallurgical furnaces) (Heat regenerators) Trafij I'll loll f rom @ Itcfc r'll i vil @-i Zhil.-ftri I - Mvt:: I I urg-, ya, 1959; N r 1 ,35 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sveshnikov, N1. A.. Sobchuk, Yu. I., Vasil;yev, B. T TITLE-. Placing Into Operation the First FI uidized- solids FUrnace for the Waslility of Pyrite (Opyt PLISk@_ pervoy pechi dl@,a obzhiga kolchedana PERIODICAL, V sb@ - Vopr poluchewya sernist gaza izj@olcheclaiia i sery. Lomm,@rad. Goskhimizdat 19D-7.. op 58-68 ABSTRACT A furnace for roasting of pvrIte by the flUtdized-bed niethod was de- siL,!ied in 19,53 and placed -@(ito operation in 1955 at the Voskresenskiy CnClAilcal The fUrnaCC ;L5 designed for maximuiri utilization of h-at Of the fluidized layer fin-imersed coils) as well as of furnace ,,as,,s Oieat-recove-v A diaoram and a detailed descrintion nted. The fur- of the furnace and its aFsociat@_-ex equipment are prese, nace is rectangular in cross scctioi (.'..@x6x_145 ni) and is equipped %vith autornatic controls for rUc'Lliation Of fuel and draft; the rated out-),ut of the furnace CO!l5tltLltC5 90 tons of pyrite Der day, the height Of the fluidized-solids lavc!r bem,2 0 7 m. The roastino out.)ut at- Ca rd taincd anlounted to '5)5 tons oer dav: tne S content in cinders and in -1 i,-., , - i - S 0 3 5 9 - I - 2 8 1 G@j,-! -tion tl@ F:r@i Flhliciized-ol,ds Furnace (cont. E;",. (!Iil:t al"IOLull'--u to U z - 0 9'@o and 0 o l'us")@:ct@'vely (-12% S in the pyritc); S 0 '@-IIL '1112 Colistituted 10 I P@`o. Sigiiificant advantaocs offered by @111:' tilt-1:1od V-ith roastill" i'@ il:lfllc;il furivices, art, f)OillLed OLIt. A - P. Card 2 "1-! SOBCHUK, YU.I. Controlling dust deposits from cooling screw conveyors for the removal of cinders. Sbor. mat. po obm. opyt. NIUIF no.12t24-27 159. (MIRA-16:12) L 56492-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5017000 UR/0286/65/000/011/0031/0031 631.859.12.002.2 AUTHOR: Karatayev, 1. 1.; Mellnik, B. D.; Repenkova, T. G.; Sviridova, A. G.; _DoktorQY_ N- I.; Mazarov, G. N. Raygorodskiy. 1. M.; Vasil'yev, B. T.; Bystrov, M. V.; Babaryka, 1. r.; Kuzyakt F. A.; Fel'dman, M. V.; Soverchenko, D. A.; Buslakova, L. P.;* Toroptseva, N. P.; Lyubimov, S. V., Ullyanov, A. T.; Andres, V. V.; S-abchuk Yu, I.; Tsetl1nal M. M.; Andreyev, V. V.; Kramer, G. L. TITLE: A method for producing phosphera-potassium fertilizers. Class 16, No. 171- 409 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 11, 1965, 31 TOPIC TAGS: fertilizert phosphate, potassium ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for producing phosphoro- potassium fertilizers using cement dust (waste from cement production) as the potas- sium raw material. The process of adding potassium to the product is simplified and evaporation is prevented by using a 20%.excess of an acia which directly neutra- the cement dust for breaking down the phosphate raw material. Card 1/2 L 56492-65 ,ACCESSION HR: APS017600 1 ASSOCIATION:- none ;SUBMITIED: 29Mar62 NO REF SOV': 000 ENCL: 00 0771ERt 000 2/2 0 SUB CODEt GC, LS 674,031.632.22-416 PW2.11.@,@ M, SGbczak J.'Use of Fdrms In Pressing Machine Lignufal. .,Praso,,@ajj!e lignotolu maszynowego przy ulyclu form". Pr-, Drzewny. No. 10, 1955, p@. 25--26, 3 figs., 2 tabs. t of This, paper discusses experimenti* edrried out at the D4artmen Wood Raw Materials of the Institute of Timber '1'Qrj)no).ogy (ITD) with a view to saving time In pressing IlgnofoI block% 120-inni thick. Beech- vencer, 0.53 nim. Lhick, and d phenol-formaWhyde-resin aqueous solu-, experiments. The temp ag-plates Lion were used In the crature of preEs4 '11nd form was -the lfg-notoT, USL%.d in the experiments Varied from 1.9 to, 1.25. The pressing of llgno@. fo) In forms took Considerably less time th;in pressing without forms. SOBCZAK$ Jan A progrwa of modernizing thermall treatment in Polish industr.@. Problemy proj hut masun 13 no.1;24,-29 Ja 165- 1. Prozamet, Lodz Branch. ADAMCZAK, Jerzy; SOBCZAK,_Jerzy M. 2 cases of vanishing pulmonary lobes. Pol. przegl. radiol. 26 no.l: 47-57 '62. 1. Z Kliniki Radiologiazej AM we Wroclawiu Kierownik: doc. dr med. Z. Kubrakiewicz i z Pracowni Radiologicznej Szpitala im. K. Swierczewskiego w Klodzku Kierownik: lek. J. M. Sobczak. (LUNGS radiog) ins", ;.ov M, Vol. L, 17o. 1hy 73- "tructurc. ol. 12) 1" Po nc "C: Id,'L Of n 701. "D. SORCaKi K. The Influence of seasoning and plasticizing by steaming on lasting changes in the mechanical and physical Droperties of beechwood. P. 5 SYLIA'.AN (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych Polskiej Akadenui Nauk i Polskie .Lowarzystwo Lesne) liarnawa, ?oland. Vol. 103, no. 4, Apr 1959 Plonthly List of East k-uropean Accessions (MAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, September 1959. Uncl. SOBC ZAK p - Kaz-imi-erz----, "Hydrothermic treatment of timber" by Prof. Dr. P.S.Siergowski. Reviewed by Kazimierz Sobczak. Sylwan 104 no.4:79-80 Ap ,6o. Hydrf---ob,-,n7,,---, @n SOBCZAK, Nikodem Determination of phenol in the presence of resorcinol. Ft. 1. Chem anal 8 no.2:261-266 163. 1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Politechnika, Warsaw. SODC " A V, , I 7i I-(.( lem Determinatica of phenal in the pre,-,;@nce cI resorcinol. ilt.2. Chem anal 8 no.4:613--619 163. 1. bepartirier,@. ci' Ch-adstry, Polytechnic Collegel@ T. SODOZAK, Ni-kodem Determination of" Dhenol ir. the Dresence of resorcin. Chem apal 8 no-5:801-966 163. 1. Katedra Chemii kialitycmej, Politechn!Ra, Wea-szavu. SOBGM, R., mgr inz. Farnborough 1962; gyroscopic irstruments and systems. Techn lotn 18 no.12t338-345 D163. SOBCZAK, R., mfTr Lnz. Farnborough 1962; gyroscopy iristriments and SyStOM3. Techn 1(;tn 18 no.10:278-282 0 163. D_. 701 170. 6 -e-, "ooden -'eam. for Eri .@es." p. 1',,, ( -OC June I Q '.-.arszaT-;a, i:@ola@d.) SO: Lift of EaSt Eurooean -.ccessions, (-E-7.@L 1@", '101. 3, :10. 12, Dec. 111?54, Uncl. SOBCZAK) S. Light and cheap abuntments of snall reinforced-concrete bridges. P. 193. (ITIZYNIIRIA I FITU101ICIM), Vol. U, No. 5. May 1957, Warszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly Llst of East huropean Accessirns (EEAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. SOBO-Z-AK, Wojciech Evaluation of reduced noise resistance of radiolocation and radio telegraphic systems due to the lack of synchronization. Lacznosc Gdansk no.12:3-16 164. 1. Department of Basic Problems of Telecommunication of the Gdansk Technical University. Submitted September 4, 1963. SOJCZUKI Effect of xanthopterin on tumor metabolism. Postp,-py biochem. 4 no.l: 107-119 1958 (;CAIrL 11011TER III, effects. on exper. neoplasms matab. (Pol) (PEOPLASMS. e.,q)primentAl. eff. of xantho-oterin on mRtab. (P,.)!) SOBCZYK, A. Reaction of--the decomposition and isomerization of tetrahydrofurfyryl acetate in the presence of zinc chloride. Wiad chem 16 no.5:331-332 My 162, SOBCZYK,, A. Studies on the diuretic activity of certain thiophene derivatives. Wiad chem 16 no.5:332 My 162. BOBRXISKI, Boguslaw@ GIELDAINNSKI, Jerzy-, PELGZARSKA Alicja; SEDZII@IIRSYJ, Bozena.; SOBCZYK, Anna; WILIMOWSKI, Marian On some aliphatic and alicyclic amines with hypotensive activity Arch, immun. ther. exp@ 10 no,4-.818-833 t62. 1. Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Medicine, Wroclaw; Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw. (AMIUES) (POITIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS) (PHARMACOLOGY.) n65 w) Pq-4 I-JP(c) -EM, L-.6174.L - ___SjT.(d)/VPL ACCESSIM NR: AP5016903 @PO/009T/65/006/001/0099/oioq AUTHORs SoboVk, K. (Warsaw) TITLE: Scattering of a plane 61astiolwave at a random surface SOURCEt Proceedings of vibration problems, v. 6t,no. it 1965v 99-109 TOPIC TAGSs differential equationt probability, wave propagationp elastic wave ABSTRAM Using various partial differential ep@tionsofrom elasticity such as -d V'u+(A+,y)graddiY u =L3-u, (21 (20.. - Vf. + Ylxx) n a homog-e-- and the theo of-second order (vector equations of motion neous medium 17 random processes developed by Lo6ve, the author-determine's the second order characteristics of the random procesa which-represents the scattering of an elastic wave from a surface whose second order statistical characteristics are given. In- partioularp the second order characteristics of.the-potentials are found. The Card Card 2/24(ilo ACC NRi AP7003457 SOURCE CODE: PO/0097/66/007/004/0363/0374 AUTHOR: Sobczyk, K. (Warsaw) ORG: Department of Vibrations, IBTP, Polish Academy of Sciences TITLE: Rayleigh wave scattering at a random boundary of an elastic body SOURCE: Proceedings of vibration problems, v. 7, no. 4, 1966, 363-374 TOPIC TAGS: surface roughness, Rayleigh wave, elastic body, Rayleigh wave scattering, Rayleigh wave.damping, small perturbation method, correlEition theory ABSTRACT: The problem of Rayleigh wave scattering along a statistically homoge- neous random surface was investigated. Using the method of small perturbations, it was found that the probatilistic characteristics of random stresses in the mean plane are the cause of scattered wave generation. The average value and the mean square of fluctuation of the scattered wave amplitude ratio in proportion to the fundamental Rayleigh wave ratio was determined. The damping coefficient was discussed from a probabilistic point of view. A method leading to an approximate I / 2 ACC NRt AP7003,157 evaluation of Rayleigh wave velocity variability, caused by surface roughness, was also given. The investigation was conducted within the framework of the theory of random functions of the second order (correlation theory). Orig. art. has: 52 formulas. (Author's abstract] [DR] SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: l6May66/ORIG REF: 0031SOV REF: 004/ OTH REF: 003/ 2/2 -, I - . .. I.,-I yv, 0, 4-, -ogen I on,' (77 refel-2nees) News, Poland, Inc 1, 'j- @ .1 L. cl@-,--,zC'-,-7 , y - I . I @ I June V Actual r blems -about the hvAroreft I;ad- J'jjcjjn _k 6 * = . P.1", "h'-I. A.M.- - RN MW 955); cf.C- . No.7526a. Theory, interat. distances in H bridges. the spectroscopy of if bond (1), dielec. polarization of systerns with 1, potential- j 77" energy curves. and cLassification of I are reviewed. qMki Adam kpol:, - - - ----------- F POLAPID/i@hy@;Icrtl. Ch,?T.,iz)tty I'll el, U Viella @d..30r')T' 1011 oD jj> ChromaEoe,:,aphy. 1--ri Exchangi2 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiyaj No 2'y l9c'7.j hol.3 Author : Sobczyk L. Titlp : ion EO-na_nge in Non-Snueous Solutions Orig Pub : Przem. ahem,, 1956, 12, No 7, 389-3922 Abstract : By means of determination of electric conductivity a study has been made-df the kinetics and eTallibrium constants have been determined of the exchange of N,a+ and K-@-catiors in cathionite samplea under utatic con- ditions in water, acetone, methyl. alcohol and a zrlixtu- re of tile latter and nitrobenzene. Wi-.h sufficiently efficient stirring the velocity constants in different .Luite similar fron vhIc-h the solvents are found to be c author dyaws the conclusica that velocity of the exchan- Se reaction is determined by the diffusion of ione through the interface of resin and solution. The equili- brium constants in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions are Card 1/1 - 231. - very different. Chemistry - Mclocule. Clieniic--l Bov.1 B. Ab s Jo ur Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1958, 27665 Author Sobczyk, L. and Syrkim, J.K. Inst Title Dielectric Polarization of Systems ContaininG HydroL;en 33nds. II. Complexes of OrLunic Acids with Quinolinc, Acridine, and Triethylaipine. Orig Eub : Roczniki Chem. 30, No 3, 393-399 (1956) (in Polish with a Russian summa@:-Y) Abstrrict ; The dielectric polarization of three-component systems (indifferent solvent, acid, and base) was measured. Thc2 effect, @)f the properties of the base (dipole mori-,ent ,A@.and ionization constant) and of the valence state of the proton acceptor on the polarizatijn of the hychoL;en bond k is aiscussed. Conplexes (K) formed by pyri- dine (I), quinoline (II), acridine (III), and triethy- lamine (11V) with propi-onic (V), chloroacetic (VI), Card 1/3 Ton exchanze' in novaqueous solutions. Sobczyk (KGNT(m-Tfii@u. Fizyczue4. Politech., Wroc an :Pmemys till. , 389-!j2IkHIW)(Hughsh and Russian sum- maries)@-The reacdon RNa q-, K+ ;-- RK + Na+ 'was in- Vestigated, the following solvents being used: H:O, MeOH, ftlesCO. and MeOH + PhNO2. The following values for I. were found: 1.6. 1.9. 3.4. anti 1.1. This indicates that the rate -:)I exchange depends an iou diffusion through the 0(d phase, boundary. L. G. Manitiur- "vIZ'Nnv0 ei W k ith'h'd bon 04, Mal 09M@ 1110 IrIV, Jul- M& TIC,- 9YT V, , -@fl "'t - osculy S -;y Ma 4 PO Z"n of pi&M2 10 :-i@. COMP -th Mrthoolia@kc .* I ' .! ' T- Ads (H) betaole; I iL es W1 @trkhfomcctlc; and picdc, respj-la gomp!exei formed by kith I momeu biedifferenctsbetween their dipole thosO dZ sm Independent of the acids under coftsi=lt -T co'ndu'si s am- drawii that - (1) two H-bon ion ds e d betNiceA-1 and 11, and (2) the H*Aoms in, the N-11 oil ii @wmm"ples.of thespia-vulence distribution @:'Thp' Vou _,a ipofes ment.. of OiOeridine plcrate@ (111) is 12.4. D.j, th jair t:yitlCnoViO, -M-inCgliosolns.isstrouglyassocct. @7 19. z5" 6z, C @4 ' i i Diefechic Itrization of syii m d - ,@Oud wi 6 ...... akor I - AMR as in. @ 4 R t @ -7: i s )n Q, 9 -! @ t - - _ ! cf. CA, 51, 14347i@-Studfes of the @.(Russian summary), Distr: 4E4j interlictions:betwcen coinjads. posses.,mn -donor and- proton proton-acceptor properties in C.1-1.7.0 as. are contin f. ued. ariiation at-inn-alte diln. and of dipole The values of pal, mommts p, resp-am. KC142.5, HtjO '52, 118 O-HOC4H4NO2 (1) 235, 3, 10; m-HOW11NOS (11) 353, '13:9 1,@ afltipyrhie (V) M, 6.47; L naphthaleud (VI) 44.1, 0.0, The differencesV'@ -@P. - 11. lwtiveerl the gifectiveand udditivi (caled.) pol,trization for binar@. mixts, in Cills Sala. aze'as, follows- 1-pyridine (Vll)- 0, 11-111 '220; IR-VI1 490- V- chlorodectic dchl (VIII).310; -VHI-49@4uinofinal 34; HC1- Et.0 .35: ifCl-IV '13; 11CI-PhNO. -11;, HCl-VI -4-- , Et.0-picricadd4; tlieviluvof;,fri~Hcll wolVedini3t,6. wa-i 2.54 D;, w1kreal the surit of A 01 ka:,Cous ncland'Etio hi 2.'-10 D The .' difference . is attributed - to induced ot i n -,(Calcd- 6M D.).: The results indicate thatja) there exi5ts a troog,intramol H-I)oudiiii,aiidi~litadjitpoleiiitera~tidnin z I hu I I cl-111 [Noi Rystern aud M the I I b6m Is Play an jwppr@- Ait in-coupling-m elect rons of C-CawlN.Olinkage,nntl p3r, of the fIl-el,-k-dron pair itt,011 group. A. krqglvi t ToTents of nitro derivatives of Wroclaw, Vo am lokuMp. 050)( tw@Aiall lummury).-The fobwiog values of dipole moments P Were dad.: (in parentlicscs are given p calcd, for IN02 attached to aliphatic and aromatic radicals, resp.): 4-nitro- 1.7(l.2, 1.8), 3-nitro- 3.3 (3.1, 3.5), 2-uhm- 6.1 (4.8, 5.6), 3,5-diiiltro- 1.1 (1.1. I.7)j and 2,8-dinitro-3- chloropyridinell,"(5.8,M)D. The results are contraryto the modd of aromatic behavior of and 5, and the aliphatic one of 2 and S. ThL Influence in pyridinp ring oti-the given substiruent cannot be due to external resonance r coupling. The results prove the extraordinary stability of the electronic structure of the pyr4dine ring, The chem. pOropertits of a given 5uhstituent are tiot tletd. by Its structure in this case, The reactivity of pyridine deriva. is dlicussed. A. Krqgle%"14- IYr f3c TAN T" O@b@ of ammiedw of @Qlftwum d romad@. Ream" :AN#. NMI W-atim I wary).-h order to prm the lonwhesis of Cl= -01 an latennol. U boudin 11 a,., C.A. 08, i. dim= (B AM Su E I -Af 3 s a fund of conell. 'proved that the effect of U did not In the am* of 1. The hypothesis is thus not con- RATAJCZAK, Henryk., SOBCZYK, Lucjan influence of self-ionization on the dielectric polarization of dimers of carboxylic acids. Rocz chemii 33 no.6:1397-1405 '59. MAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Chemil Fizycznej Uniwersytetu, Wroclaw i Katedra Chemii Fizycznej Politechniki, Wroclaw. (Carboxylic acids) (Polymers and polymerization) (Dielectrics) (Polarization) SOBCZYK,_Luejan Dipole moments of some phenyl derivatives of prfridine. Rocz chemii 34 no.2s56?-5?2 '60. (EW 10:1) 1. Katedra chemii Fizycznej Politechniki, Wroclaw I Katedra ChemiJ Fizycznej Uniwersytetu, Wroclaw. (Elef-tric moment) (Diphenylpyridine) (Triphenylpyridine) (Phenylpyridine) SOBGZYK, L. U-V absorption spectra of pheny-Isubst'tuted pyridines and quinolines. Bul chim PAN 9 no.4!237-244 161. 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, University, Wroclaw and Depart- ment of Ph7sical Chemistry, Technical University, Wroclaw. Presented by T. Urbanski, (Adsorption and absorption) (Phenyl) (Pyridine) (Quinoline) I -I Y-1 I KOLLY A. '- ?LATAJGZAK, H@ Dielectric polarization and the interaction of phenols and piperidine in hydrogen bonded complexes. Biul chim P10.1 11 no.2:85-89 163. 1. Department of Physical dheraistry, University, Wroclaw, Presented by W. Trzebiatowski. JI Luejan by the caubc-xyl- c ca-.4,-.p @,=7canger Crom rionaqueous solvents. Rocz chemii 37 no. Ieiarlui,-' ot' IlLysical Cl.emioLry, Univorsity, 1.4roclaw. I . U I ne rrA Ay, ar@ ,ies and 5 -L,11.1 chIM PAN 12 no,12:83!-83 1 Chemistry of Wl,oclaw Urdvevsity@ !)epartinent ol physica -@.,eft October 3, 1964. I- SOBCZYK, PIOTR "Rice growing" P. 38 (Warszawa, Panstwowe Idydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne, 1952, Warsaw, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 59. SOBGZYK, Piotr A case of psychic disorders of the pellagroid type. Neu--.&c. polska 7 no-5:739-745 SePt-Oct 57. 1. Klinik-, Psychiatrycznq Slaskiej A. M. bibliniec. Irierownik: doc. S. Cvr.vnnr. Oddzial Mlodziezowy. Ordynator: J. Krasowska. (PFLTAGRA, manifest. ment. disord. (Pol)) (MEWAL DISOTMERS, etiol. & pathogen. pellagra (Pol)) S013CZYK, Piotr On insulin eanvulsions. Heur.&c.polska 10 no.5:681-689 160. 1. Klinika Psychiatrycana S1. A.M. - Lubliniec, Kierownik Z-ca prof. dr mod. S.Swierczek. Oddsial Psychiatrii Rozwojowej, Ordynator: dr med. J.Krasovska. (HYPERINSULINISM) SOBCZYK, Piotr Experiment with a simultaneous administration of ATF and berolase in insulin treatment. Neurologia etc. polska 11 no.2:215-220 Mr-Ap t6l. 1. Klinika Psychiatryczna Sl.A.M. w Lublincu Kierownikg doe. dr med. S. Swierczek. (SHOCK THERAPY INSULIN) (ADENOSINE PHOSPHATES ther) (COCARBOXYLASE ther) SOBCZYK, Piotr Attempted establishment of the relationship between insulin seizures and symptomatic schizophreniA. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no. 2:297-302 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Klinika Psych-iatryczna Sl. AM w Lublincu (Kierownik: doe. dr med. S.Swierczek). 'r t@l ev, I fit- !"ol. IL no.4,1611-@,14 J.".-Ag Slaskilej Akaderi Medycznel w &w. d r. med ? . '7w.' 5 r,- i-A 3701 627.30 :629.124.72 Sobczyk W. Con.,druciing the Under-Water Part of Slips without Using .Budawa podwadncj.czq4c' sllpti bez zastosnwanta gradzy". Technika I Gospodarka Morska. No. 8, 1954, pp. 249. Description of a slip design evolved by the author. The design provides, ior preCa5t elements in the form of reinforced concrete fr m s supp rted with precast elements, be constructi Z . . -, on plies. Slips can, d th.ut Ing darng. This Is likely to result In savings otnounting w roughly 2 rulTilon Miles and In cutting 64ionths off the time required for construction. I SOBCZYK, 'I. Osrwjckils Telefoniczne sieci migiscow (Local TeleRijaae Systems); a book review. p.2S7. (WIADC-TIGSCI TELEKONUNIKACYRTEE., Warszawa, Vol. 24 (i.e.23), No. 12, Dec. 1954) SO: Monthly I-is" of Fast European Accessions, (&SAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl. SOBGZYK ". W., lngr.,, inz. Concrete chamber-girder quay construction in the Danzig port. Tech gosp morska 10 no.10:318-3-19 0 160. 1. Biuro Projektow Budownictwa Morskiego, Gdansk. SOBCZYK, Wladyslaw, inz. Testing lead-acid accumulator lates with the cadmium electrode. Przegl telekom 35 No. 36) no.3:90-9@ mr 163. SOBCZYK, Zbigniew,, mgr inz. Zinc plating of bands with the Sedzimir method, Wiad hut 16 no.1%22-23 Ja '60. 3405OS/123/62/000/003/003/018 AOO4/AI0I AUTHOR, Sobczyk,___7,en0n--- T'ITLEI Using cermets as heat-resistant structural materials PERIODICAL@ Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 3, 1962, 25, abstract 3A153 (Cermetale-nowe iaroodporne materLa@y konstrukcyjne 1 ich zastosowanie. "Mechanik", 1961, v. 34, no. 7, 360-361, Polish) TEXT; The author presents the mechanical properties of cermets of the A1203-Fe and A1203-Cr type which are used as heat-resistant materials, The maximum bending strength cermet has at a Fe-content of up to 6%, and an average A1203 grain size not exceeding 5/4. Cermets are sintered in a h;drogen atmosphere at temperatures in the range of 1,400 - 1,500 and 1,800 - 1,900 C. Specimens made of very fine Fe and A120 powders (85% A1203), after sintering at 1,700 - Vi 1,7500C have 6b bend = 20 k@@mm,2. The electric and heat conductivity of cermet is determined by its composition, sintering temperature and pressing method. Depending on the A1203 and Fe-content, it is possible to obtain cermets of different structures: 1) The A1203 grains form a skeleton in which the metal grains (insulators) are placed; 2) The A1203 grains are located in a metallic Card 0) 3ho5o S/123/62/000/001,/003/018 Using cermets as heat-resistant ... A004^101 skeleton (electroconductive ceramics). 3) Metal and ceramics have Interpene- trating skeletons. Instead of Fe-powders, also steel powders are used, contain- ing up to 0.5% C, which makes it possible to heat-treat cermets, e.g. to harden them. Powders from alloyed Cr and Cr-NI steels are used for corrosion-resistant cermets. Cr-powder of some 101A, grain size with Fe Q - 5%), WC (2 - 3%), Co (0.7% additions and very fine-grained A1203 powder (approximately 0.8p) is used for the manufacture of A1203-Cr cermet. Cermet, sintered in a CO and N2-atmosphere possesses superior properties in comparison with specimens sintered in a hydrogen atmosphere6 The final sintering temperature for cermets with 50% Cr attains 1,600 - 1,650 C. Cermets which have been manufactured in such a way, have a high oxidation resistance up to 1,5000C. At a tenfold heating up to 1,3500C and cooling in the air, the specimen strength rises by 15 - 50%, which can be explained by the oxidation of the metal surface, owing to which urface cracks are closed. The specific gravity of cermet amounts to 4.6; g/cml; ffir 1,100 - 1,200 k&/mm2 6,b - 38.7 at 20 C and 17.2 at 6 compr - 225, 6b beng 11316'C, @b - 24.6 at 24 C and 2.2 kg/mm2 at 1,316 C. The maximum 6b bend - 30 - 35 kg/mm2 is shown by cermet of a composition of 10 - 30% A1203 and 70-80% Cr. During tests in the temperature range of 400 - 8000c, specimens from cermiet Card 2/_3 *Go**** go 4 AA-C I V I- T V at !--Ilu. 7al k T I -AL N CC GV tt w -W - b I SUL Min.. 19SI, sy%tk. low. a UI Rusmian W@rk. 4am Fowls Abiar, N". 00 A. It. Pattawm, q--r N @FL 4n 0 u a -0 at It 99 It cs Ic a mw a 1 94 to OR 44 a It w *if 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 * 0 A 0 o 0 00000 0 060000 0-6-C le 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 & 0 coo SO 0 I d age ;go* Nee 440 0 0 0 04 OsA 0 0 0 0 a 0 - )IQ 32 u )d is 36 17 is 0 #2 43 41 j2 -L-J--t- I S-- A @ 41 4( - '"' @'In 1!!4 - Ollociltis AND picii allis"DiT 1_1jillre,jew nFol Z. 80 itfut 7 1 442 vol. 17. pp. 4-2 , 1. [lit tsjS6riWx for rolix MAWle fr-In Woods ' LUComton - luld Lign- 00 j -1( k re ol *tIeveloped ill the U.S.S.R., uwthods of their manuf All -00 lti)ect)nstructionA%)ftlicbearinonzvdewribL4. Properties ~iii ' f h@w lunceriaM cm. cvnlp&rM with brunte and gynthetir- :, t l i 00 m--v. 0 fa w coo coo K I GAh'Awh O ld@ AS.. L4 AETALLIJRGKAL UYERATLAI CLAIMPKATIOM as( b u SS &V a "I ", 00 K K d N 9 K CK Is tt N 0 0 0 :io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 4 lee see 4100 tie* be* - - -. I " An I & V IV 0 M N IV IN9 UD n Xh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 a I . I o I d 7 @ - , .1@ (@ . . . I . . . : @-. 1, - :lj @ @!@ , I , - * * - - . I 1 11 . .: . - .- - - - - .- . - . -1 . - *, I . I . L '. - I P@@ .- 3@- 1 @- I -,. 'IT-he Princirles of Heatin- Inaots in Soakinc, Pits in Steel Mills" D. 19 (Wiadamosci HutLiicze, Vol. 9, No. 3, March, 1953, Stalinogrod) SO: Mon&blv Lja@j.2f East EurQpean Acceselong, V@l- 3, No. 2, Library of Congress, February, 1954, Uncl. SCECZYR, Z. "Regaining Chimney Heat" p. 2? Mad9mosci Hutricze, Vol. 9, No. 6, June, 1953, Stalinogrod) SO: Monthly List Qf East Eurovean Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Congress, February, 10,54, Uncl. SOBCZYK, Z. "Pit Furnaces in Steel Mills" P. 35 (Wigdamoscl Hutnicze, Vol. 9, No. 7/8, July/ Aug., 1953, Stalinagrod) SO: Monthlv List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Con-gress, February, 1954, Uncl. SnRCZYK, Z. "Furnaces with grates in rolling mills." (p.23) 'JIADO,'-'03GI HUTNUUP" (Centralny Zarzad Przernyslu Futnicaego) Stalinograod. Vol @, no. 9, Sept. 1953 SO: EIST European Accessions List Vol 4, No 8, Aug. 1914 SO3Cz)FK' ;I?. "Sone Directives Concerning the Construction of Plastic Rolling Mill Bearings." D.10 (WIADOMOSCI HMNICZE, Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1954 Stalinogrod, Poland) SO: Month! List of East EuroDean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1954/Uncl, is 040 The Role of tial Course Ito IIn the Devc!@P- mert of Delmtyu no'.1cu KRUMUCES. &"as lenic w)-brakow W-walcowalesych na r4niatuezu. (Follxhj@ Zhignivw Sobezvk.; 111110 hutnkze, v. 11. no.'S. May Types of defectWe roUtni mill Products traceable to tho first ov. rough-rolling tolls. Thu ect o overheating or unclerhesting,' twldfnS, ancl overroUing at unequal roUing. Graphs. SOBCZYK, Migniew (Plock) Construction of the dwelling developments "Kolegialna" and "Dobrzynska" and the building trade school for the "Petrobudowa" Project. Przegl budowl I bud mieszk 34 no.4/5:246-21+9 Ap-My 162. - .. .. . .... . I .. Z/056/62/019/002/002/014 1037/1242 AI)THOR: Sobezyk,. Z. TITLE: Ceraraic-mctals new fireproof construction materials and their use PERIODICAL: Prehled teclu-iicke' ahospoda'7"A-4 Literaturv, HuL.nictvl a su .1 if I trojlrcnstvl, *'.'19, no.2, 1D62, 87, abstract RS62-1103 (Mechainik,.Warazava, V.34, no.7, 1961, 360-361 T,-!,XT*. Definition af cercVnic-metall-ic materials, production .:'.,review, composition, division. ' The substances A1203-Fe A12CO3-Cr. Develop ment prospe ct@ 11 reference6. .[Abstracter's note.: Com..letc-'translation.] Card 1/1. So-'IG2'.YK, Zbigniew, mgr inz. Little Imown use of certaln Metals, 7"jad- h-ut :L-'-- I - I i, '. 212-215 Jl/Ag 163. SOBCZYK, Zbigmiev (Zabrze) Carpenter finishing and aluminum in the Hutnik sanatorium in Szczawnica. Przegl budowl i bud miesz-k 35 no-10:524-527 0163. SOBC"YK, Zbigniew, mgr inz. Rolling mill of the steel works in Dunkirk. Wiad hut lr, iri.e. 20] no.5:141-145 IMy 164. SOBCZYKY Zbignlew (Zabrz6) Experiments in foundations of Kigh structures in mountainous areas. Przegl budowl i bud mJeszk 36 no. 5-247-251 W 164. I ACC NR: AT6ool 5c)6 SOURCE CODE! AUVIOR: Sobczak, W..' ORG: Danzig Polytechnical Institute (Politechnika Gdanska) TITLE: Estimating the decrease in the noiseproof feature in radar and radiotelegra hy systems due to the absence of slynchronization TOPIC TAGS: radar, radiotelegraphy., radar signal, radar signal analynis, signal to noise ratio, signal processing ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to determine the effectu of the pas,,;-1 etera on the qualit- _L i ive param, u ; of the op-;.i:iu7,. decislo-i rule and to consider the effect of the ab3ence of synchronization on the optimum decision rule. The mean probabIlity'of error is taken as the criterion of quality of the decision rule in maldng the comparison between systems using signals with passive parameters and synchronous systems. High frequency signals of which the phase, or the phase and amplitude are not krAown are considered and also signals dependent, on the discrete passive parameter which can be used in radar and radio- tele-g-raphy. For synchronous as well as non-synchronous systems an the optimum decision rule, the mean probability of error is @aed r ng L.3 tends to zero for large signal-to-noise ratio, but tendi 11 1.112 1'011 L 9653-66 ACC NR; A-.6ooi5o small sicgnal-to-no-ioe ratios. Only the Cirst of the; asymptotir expansions are taken into account which limitbs the treatment to lar-e signal-to-noise ratios. The speed of convergence of the curves of mean probability of error and of signal-to-noise ratios is compared. The results obtained make it possible to est-imate to what extuent, the quality of optimum decision rules In non-synchronous systems A.s "LV- ferior to the quality of optimum decision rules in synchronous sysbtn,,S@* Orig. art. has 1 figure and 41 formulas. SUB CODE: 17, 091 SUBM DATEI 04Sep63/ ORIG REFt 004/ SOV REF: 0,01/ OTH REF: 002 Card 2 L -38414-:66 ------- ACC_Mr1_AT6oi833l SOURCE CODE: PO/2507/65/015/49-/0017/0927 AUTHOR: Sobczak, W.--Sobchak, V. T ORG: Gdansk Polytecnic, Department of Control and Information Theory (Politechnika Gdanska, katedra teorii sterowania i Informacji) TITI,E: Accuracy evaluation in systems with multiple signal modulation SOURCE: Warsaw. Przemyslowy Instytut Telekomunikacji. Prace, v, 15P no. 49/50, 1965, 17-27 TOPIC TAGS: signal modulation, ulse positioji modulation, mean square error) - ABSTRAM A methoq of calculating the quadratic error in the systems of transmitting several continuous communications simultaneously is described. The existence of small Gauss noises (error of the first mode) is accepted, which premitted the use of the power-expansion method. Decisions are taken according to the highest probability rule. UDC: 621.191.01 GODLEWSKI, Zbigntew, Dr med; SOBCZYIfSKt,, Barbara, lek. Therapeutic significance Of ultrasonics in rhe=atic diseases. Postepy reumat. no.1:180-184 1954. 1. Z Panstwowego Inst,@@tutu Reumatologicznego Dyrektcr: Prof. dr E.Rmicher. (ULTRASONICS, thara eutic use, rheum. arthritiss (ARTHRITIS, RMIUMATOID, therapy, ultrasonics) ". The determination of iron by the color-1,netric metUriod. (Conclusion) P. lb, (Przegl::,d Skorariv. Vol. 11, fio. 9, Sept. 1956, Lodz, T'oland) Monthly index oE Eant Eurovean Accessions (FFAI ,' EL. Vol. 7, no. 2. .-,.bru:?xy '--958 PAWIVSkl, Slawomif, S013CZYNSEA-CZECHOWSKA, Zof ia Early result of myleran therapy of chronic myeloid leukemias. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.43:1650-1654 28 Oct 57. 1. Z Kliniki Hematologicznej Instytutu Hematologii;Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr ined. W. Lawkowicz; dyrektor Instytutu: doc. dr med. A. Trojanowski. Adres: Warszawa, Chocimaka 5; Inst. Hematologii. (BUSULFAN, therapeutic use, leukemia, myelocytic (Pol)) (MUKMIA, MT19WCYTIC, therapy@ bulsulfan (Pol)) PAWELSKI, SInwomir; SOBCZYNSKA Zofia-, WROCZrNSKA. Krystyna; ZABOKRZYCKI, Juliusz Prolonged hemato-radiological observations on aVelosclerosis. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 29 no.2:243-250 1959. IL. Z Oddzialu Hematologicznego Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. lawkowicz z Zakladu -Radiologii Kierownik: doe. med. J. Zabokrzycki Instytutu Hem- atologii k/rektor doe. dr med. A. Trojanowski. Adres: Lodz. ul. Armil Ludowej 27 m. 7. (AMANIA, IMEDERTMIOBLASTIG, case reports, follow--p (Pol)) PAWELSKI, Slawomir-, LESZKO, Bozena; SOFCZYNSKA-GZEGIIOWSKA, Zofia; WOLOSEIdTr.'Z-ZDZIECHOWSKA, Hailria- - --- -- --- - - - Results of the treatment of 210 cases of various forms of leukemia. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.33:1279-1284 ],j Ag 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Hematologicznego, kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Lawkowicz i z Oddzialu IvIewnetrznego, kierownik: dr med. S. Pawelski, Instytutu Hematologii w Warszawie: dyrektor: doc. dr med. A. Trojanowski. (LEUM4IA ther) Maria; KA1:I'FMFA, /,Olia; Slawomir rin.-,@ary auto-imm-une hemo,ytic anemias. 'on d ini 1, h mat -ge C1 Ca ei 0 logical and serological observation. Therapeutic results. I?ol- arch. merl. wevmet. 34 no.8:1065-1(Y72 ' 61, . 1. ',-" ";,idzialu (",nurob We-anetrziveh inst-ytutu fiematologii (Kierowpik: (i(j(-. d1r. med. S. Pawulski) ; z (`ddzialu Hematologicmego (Kierownik: [;VL),". dr. m@?d. La-akowlez) i z '@aklad@i Srologii (Kierownlk: doe. d:@. med. H. Seyfriedowa) . SOBUYNSKI, ,@j 7j@ r - _f Ii - 6 U I @sUeo--is tuberosities of the skull in the caurse o' collia at4ve tuberculosis and luetic inf"ection. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.31: 11691-1170 2 Ag 165. 1. Z OddzIalu Chorob Wewnetrznych Szpitala Wojewodzkipgo w Warozawie (Ordynator: doe. dv. mod. Franciszek Litwin (doceaved]). tfi-e for m-adlora a subc-om-110unds a if POL d. emulsions. Zljittie%~-Sobczv&4d(Pol-.tecli.(,-tii~k Chem. No. 1, 07-81 invim-tigattil nuclear eosm;c hinary-tarsof almormalgerimetrical figures, especially those (it double centers with 5 arms each lessAhait 52 p. Ilford C2, hatocraplift: plates with nit emulsion IM-st thick (and 50J I of the sudane covered with a layer of piraffin 2-cra. thick) were exposed for 100 days on top of the hiphest Polish mountains; they were then developed with ID 19 developer. Out of many stam nit tire photagmirldr: plates S. selected same anti enlargeil them 11410 to 2WO-fold. Cosmic stars were distinguished front rittliation ones; tire cosmic shus were formed partly by protons, or fitily by a-partirles with at I the 'in . -'ast 1 arm of r lying outside tht range of tr-jrar- t icles of nolioactive @lements, or were made ftj)ly hy ".par- tiele-i with 2 arms tatiger than 27 it. A total of 17,24 @@titrg waskitiadon a photogt-ar,hic plate of 83sq. cm_@Etrface, (fie majority Of these-aan; was on the parallin-covered surface. Someof sitiall .;tar% were charalAtrized by utt abnorriud gin- - metric 111yure. S. rutined thent bin2ry stars becume of the pi-miclict. t.)f 2 ceriters in tach of the stars. Bodi centers wcr -ctedarnt)tcoincrtedtat:achattier I I eitherconnt -Ated analysis S. catichtfles that ItZ investit; nate front a"tis!tion of a highly cxei(Ll and itrevetily livated lizthk nuclett" 4111d a Mibserturilt evapa. of v.-,Icfci ohWiacd f iom the abnve it. of far-ndvance.1 photrwii.4utegration. S. found it ;ar-nd- varit-c-il unt-kar di!Ja1rAm1i,,n of C", N", and Q1 dbly datmed, by the action o a p oton of an energy apr . p 80,p:e.v. T'hus, fisslon takes place as follows: C12 @ 131-Z + le..; N'11 - Be " -I- Le% and 019 - Be' + Be*. The f"ion cncrgy wa.-i fo;ind to be 11-27 m.e.v. The sub- sequent Lv!iptt. *Vrme@ds according to: He4@ - 2111 + 2n; M@* - He' 4-H' + n; and 130' - He' + 2HI + 2n. 24 referenmi. F. J. Headcl P/526/61/001/000/002/UO7 D207/D308 AUTHOR: Sobczynski, Zbigniew TITLE: Design of a helical 'time of flight' mass spectroneter for the range 20-300 atomic mass units SCURCE": Darzie;. Wy2sza SzkoXa Pedagoeiczna. Zeszyty naukowe. riatematyka', fizyka, chemia, v. 1, 45 - The author deals with the design of an omegatrozi-type mass spectrometer in which ions are focussed at*ter .traversizie, a sini@le 'turn, of the helical path. A theore- tical treatment of the ion motion in a constant magnetic field shows that-the dependence of-the'time o 'f flight along the heli- cal path on t@e ion mass is a suitable basis fortthe spectro- me-ter action. It is proposed to inject Ions in 0.8 txsec pulses at ari anole of about 60 to the lines of force of.a magnetic field of 400 G provided by a 1UO cm lono coreless solenoid. Card 1/2 SoBr;CKA, 7., ed. z, Slo@mik cherrd-czny niomieckorolsid z indekSaM Lermillow polsk-iCh. '.,Ia.rszawa, Poland. Panstwowe ',-I@rdawn. Naulkowe IOKF, F,30p- Yonthly List of European Accessions LC, Vol. P, no. ?, JtLL%, 1CI-59 '--ncl. c R I,- kj I ) C=- CilOSLOVAKIA SOBEK, B., DVi,!. Prague; Pral-,ue,.Veter-inarstvi, NO 4, 19063, PP 145-147 "Some Basic Questions Concerninl-,- -Heproduction in Farm Animals. 11 SOEEK, Frantisek Importance of curing-periods in the conventional method of thermnl treatment of concrete. Poz stavby 11 no.5--245 63. 1. Vyzkumny ustav styebni,, Gottwaldov. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Berries. m-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Bioli, No 7, 1958, 30051 Author : Bobek, J. Inst Title The Selection of Walnuts. Orig Pub Sbor. Ceskosl. akad. zemcd. veO. Rostl. vyroba, 1956, 29, 11o 8, 717-728 (Czech; res. Russ*, Enge, Gere)e Abstract There were 700 seed trees selected in all. In selectinG the seed trees were listed in 1, 2, 3, 4 classes, each of -which has specific characteristics, a description of -which is included. In the first class the size of the nut is 40 x 35 mm, the weiCht 10.5 6., the ratio between the weir;ht of the kernel and that of the entire nut is 48d HiGliest quality nuts were picked out in the districts of Bratislava, Kralova, Gradtsa, Ostrava, Brno. GoinG from the West to the East in Czechoslovakia, the nut oil con- tent increases with the sirwltaneous rise in the heaviness Card 1/2 @L 21.44-74-6 TJP(c) Jn ACC NR: Ar6011971. SOURCE CODE: CZ/0057/65/000/003/0133/0135@; AUT11OR:--Vrtek, Jaromir (Engineer); Sobek,'Van ORG: NIIKG) Ostr1liva TITLE: Experience in construction and during first years of operation of the oxygen plant at the Klement Gottviald Nova H.ut Iron Works SOURCE: Hutnik., no- 3, 1965, 133-135 TOPIC TAGS: furnace, krypton, xenon, oxygen ABSTRACT: The oxygen is produced as technical-grade product, and used for increasing production rate in existing furnaces. A kr pton conce @ t 1 t is also in productiong yielding a 40- I X %ra e p an 80/o Kr an@ e -y volume The oxygen plant is of Russian manu,, facture, and produces 4,@Oo d3/ho- 95% o '2, 280 m3/hof 99.e/' 02 and 20 0/@no, a Kr - Xe concentrat-e*wit 0.1 to 0.2@ of Kr and' Xe. The coriDressors are of Brown-Boveri manufacture; units have a 32,000 Nm3/hcapacity at 6.5 atp pressure. SItart-up difficultieg, Of the plant are discussed. Shortcomings of the design of the oxygen plant are described. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. [jPRS1 SUB CODE: 13 SUBIX DATE: none qteel i'-akin@; Card 1/1 SOMK, 1. "A new nitrogen fertili2er." P. .201. (Chemi . Vol. 6, no. 7/8, July/Aqg. 1953. YjqtoI'dce. ) SO: 1,11onthly List of 'Enst EtxoDean Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Iz.*brqry of Congress, Feb. 1954, Uncl. no. no. iSurcpean tccession5, irr-c! SOBrK, V. ; TRASKOVA, H. "Effect of a typhoid toxin on the transfer of excitation in ganglia." p. 27h. CESKOSLOVENSKA FYSIOLOGIF. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7. no. 3, May 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, August, 1959. Uncl.