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-J - - - fzd ( 5m (i K Izo I RUZICKA, Vlastimil; KALAL, Jaroslav;-MM, Zdenek Contribution to the study of catalysts prepared by the decomposition of mixed salts. V.Catalytic hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline in vapor phase at normal pressure. Sbor chem tech 4 no.2:473-489 16o. (EEAI lo: 9/10) 1. Katedra organicke technologie, Vysoka skola chemicko-techno- logicka, Praha. (Catalysts) (Salts) (Nitrobenzene) (Aniline) Jarl -woen sand mold casting of laLhe beds frcm JinoculaLed cast y 164. iron. Przegl odlew 14 no.5@149_150 M- f ,4111 1 0 @qv 1111 0 0 0 111 1 0 0 0 0 APUBMISMI; A _ I 1 11 1 1 1 L 2_5_ Ong __6.p 00 4 _Eap!@k_ -00 - .6_11.Mt -00 J F-11 with Pro 11-1. 1. Pt-n'"An. hk And,nu,hk"j,h. @%Atd -*0 Ak.d. IWAik. S.S.S.R. 64. 499-30209410jin R-iAnl. 0-111m,mr. 1@1% eun prt,t.ui,, -11 nv@lr,,-, At high rrWfi%,- 0* velovilles, rrstill In IngulAr distrilikillinix A @rajlglrvd nou t-o-hict, Are e-vnIIALIV diffrrent Ili And ,, IhM ,1 - hAng, 1--- In It,,- lor - I v-v the w-vallerltir figit's ar, %,ery small, in Ilie Wier Ih ,VArvi.IIlqlut 11111A lot)'. Furthermore, the AArIA11-1.11 it%,- : 1,,r.And. the erlin Or -4 thr-1114ing X I.. ........ 1.1-Ahly greater In the -,r d et, h.n,Vv ve : I 'l-v A Ar...'ler .,, iAII.... In III,- teli., liv An d th t d M 06 Me , A greA er IiArwion e erivative the In- mvnt during the time uf the collksion. the resulting rAttiilion 09 his A greater intensity. It seems probbIv thjt the er-s =00 e,11,tn if the scattering with radlAtion @houhl Iw r-siderAbly 09 -.let In the A,e ol rxvhAuKr fi,rcr. thAn tit IhAt ol! ordi 00 v ... The Al,ulalt confirm, thi. . ...... I", I..., It ApItears. nloreoeer. that this ern.- @vctlon mu.@t grim with the energy. The very rin-riielic prunAry Iir,,Ioh-f the c-mle ravs. by ctilliding with the N Anti 1) Allvnl@ W thi- ul-1wr Aln-, phere, Initht 11-JUVe All Al)ntkfnlAlly hilth nunktoes of ptwl,uls thAt Im tit, lprrhap@, the eiiSrutial PArt tit the solt compment. -.66 a tTALLURCK.I. Llyt&ATV*f -4:141110,14CAUCINI lie 0 j. I.Iij T- 3.. cat Illilli GK G" Ill. r I *At L S 0 rM ON-1WO134,13) 9 U It Al -43 &S . . III . pf V . ty to It of a 19 4 I 00 0 00 0 0 000000 j- -5 rTU @@ E Hili@ . i_. ; -,, I" --"'SR- P4YSIC3 CARD 1 // 2 PA - 1782 AUTHOR 51.1u9KEVIC, I. .:. TITLE On Momentum Approximation. PERIODICAL @urn.eksp.i teor.fis,31,fasc-4, 725-726 (1956) Issued: 1 / 1957 K.A.BRUECKNER, Phys.Rev.89, 834 (1953) investigated the scattering of particles by a system with two centers with vanishing effective radius of forces. (Scat- tering of each of these centers is spherical-Symmetric and is characterized by the amplitude 71 = (1/k) sin 6e i6). Here 6 denotes the phase of the S-wave in infinity. The expression resulting for the scattering amplitude of this problem is explicitly given. Proceeding herefrom BRUECKNER finds the following by con- necting the imaginary part of the amplitude of scattering in a forward direction with the total cross section: The difference between the expression for the to- tal cross section and the corresponding expression obtained by momentum approx- imation becomes immaterial not at R - Oo, but at 6 4 0. (Here @ is assumed to be equal for both centers). Herefrom he draws the conclusion that it is correct to use momentum approximation without taking multiple scattering into account only in those cases in which also BORN'S approximation is applicable. In reality, however, this conclusion refers to the total cross section.(Also this applies only with the reservations made in the following). However, compu- tation of i,he differential cross section of scattering into small angles by means of momentum approximation leads to correct results. Physically, this is apparently connected with the fact that, in the case of small scattering angles, V a P" - Zurn.eksp.i teor.fis,_31,fasc-4,725-726 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 the interference of the waves scattered at each of these centers plays a part. This interference is taken into account in momentum approximation. The exact expression for the differential cross section da/dE@ resulting from the aforementioned scattering aMDlitude is explicitly given (referred to the unit of the space angle and averaged over all directions of the vector R). In momen- tum approximation the following i$ found without difficulty: dcr/d 2(da0/d + sin (1k - k 0 -k@ R.1 In the case of a high R)/1 k energy of the/im inging particles NR >;,1) and in the case of small scattering angles 1 kR5 the approximated expression differs from the exact expression only b small amounts of the order x-2. Consequently, under these conditions ( '@ /R@ 4 1 1, 1 1. .0 1- 4 0 I C 0--n W 'o..o X 3--4 9.0.0 0. rco 1. guo: c E) 00 c 1 .4 � 9 9 21 g N1 0 l 00 0 c c A , IS I. 41 , @ 0, 14 -1 zc -S M Y 7T K, M, SMUT&K, M. 11@@-; I -, I;i I! -. t I - Kinetics of electr--ade processes. Part 2. Slow electrode processes [in JCngliBh with summary in Russianj. Sbor.Chekh.khim.rab. 18 no.2: 171-182 AP '53. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Urxovy zavody, Ostrava. (Electrodes) (Laplace transformation) 6 14 tj 7,41f, /A - SKUTI;K, M. _,_ _, '. . I : @- 1, Kinetics of electrode processes. Part 5. Two-step electrode reactions [abstract; in FngliBhJ. Sbor.Chakh.khim.rab. 18 no.6:885 D 153. (MLRA 7:6) 1. Urkhovy zavody, Ostrava. (Niectrodes) NIT Or, ftedca of fiffirtrada --imes, @M- tek @n dTfi m le va an 0 U c 1 . joi L' Chm chemle duNr CS) V(tstav oft . . , .-The theory o a_ 47, 953--02 1953) Try ern Ektrode process formulated, the rate of which Is controlled by the rates of the follo i g 3 elementary procesw: diffusion. prcper electrode reaction (1), and the chern. reaction (M in the soln. by which an electrode-active form of the depolarizer can be formed. The problem 6 solved for one-dimensional -diffusion and a plane immobile electrode. Tht final expression for the c.d. results for 2 limiting cases In equa- tions previously published: when I is fast (Kouteckjr and Brditka, CA. 43, 48h) or when U is last (S., Ch@. Lirly t4S, 241(1951)). X. Potarographle behaviors of systems Involving any giTen number of substances Interepnected '_)iy rapid chemical reactions in solution. jaroslav'Routeck@. Obemical Abst. V Ili=. Czcch.l. Ibid. 1293- Vol. 48 8@ExpresWsi n r the total instantaneous and av. current are derived for system, the substances of which may be 1pr. 10, 1954 interconnected by electrode reactions according to any given scheme. The electrode reactions may be slow Electrodiemistry eventuall . The reactions of the substances inALt-salia. are assumed to be of first order, consecutive reactions being' excluded. The derived formulas can be expressed as a linear combination of time functions known from more simple Problems. The soln. is thus reduced to an alge- braic problem. rrom the soln. for the phinc immobile electrode, the soln. for the dropping electrode follous at. once. XI. The golarographic current due to an electrode ' process preceded v P. cherniol reaction In solution between . in OW diffusion coefficients. Rid, ngTor the av. current are derived for 2 depolarization schemes: in the first case. only one suba stance is electrode-active In the given Potential range, In the second case, both substances are active. The chem. reac- Lion in the soln. is supposed to be very rapid and of the first order. Eid6s 2 obadema Abet. V01. As Apr- 10, 1954 zuetroobadaUT 0 not& on 21 Constant current density MUM ,S"ift 11 -,=X). Che;". MOY I .,17p 9"19m). work of Gorbachev (C A. 45. &54&; 47, 4767s) concerning the polarization or elWrO& diffing ekCtr()IY36 at const. cd. The formulation of the problem and Its soln. given by C are coffected. . E. ETT Q itk4, of ifie vi. ..Ktnetk4 rivation -d or pt th" .1a electro& lAyer. All Sm ILI-k (um,w ostmm Czech. . ..Couedids URW or @ e - W1934Xhi- JR119W.-Se -CA-.47@2020*-- ,5 A) TFX1 M f SKUTEK, M@ Xle,trolysie at constant current density (in Russian with summary in English]. Sbor.Chakh.khin.rab. 19 no.1:31-38 P 154. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Zavody Im. Urkaa, Ostrava. (Blectrolysts) 01 -,F- K, M - PlIVA, J.,, SMUTEK, M@ Kinetics of electrode proceBees. Part 9. Electrolysis with an antecedent chemical reaction Lin English with summary in Russian]. Sbor.(;hekh.khim. rab. 19 no.2:210-220 Ap 054. (NI-RA 7:6) 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Cze&oalovak Academy of Science, ]Prague, and Urxovy zavody, Ostrava. i,Electrolysis) -7 T"' Fl=-ctrode " rocesses, XIII. Theory of S-"o,,,, Electro@1,7-- 1"Occ Fif @Psll 1, /,,,1 (cFE'ICTC L7::)" 'Vol. /X, "cl. 3, lar. 1954, Pral-a SC-: ont',1:1, LIqt -f -"a Eiirw ean Access, i.ons, (E! AQ 7 LC 1 17-cl. C-f@wve/\-j A@ CZECUO-LOVAKIA KMWKI, U.; Ross-arch Institute 9*r the Clw4stry of Tar (Forachungain"Itut At TOOSVItemi*), Uzzovy Savody. 08twora Mragua, Collection of Cxechaslavak Chemical Cgw@icstiqps, So 2, Fab L466o pr 515-550 Opy"" _UZ-Golveat systow. part Is TerUary systems in vater-bons".- E@-nslllty currents. 2 TCGY F@-a'ia, (-zechoslcv---kia Sc: East 'Icl 5, -19-56 --,".71. 7 Flow o' fluid 1:'Yers of different te,,!,pel,aLures. P.1 "eskcs-levensk-, "IcrAemie ved. T.',DU Fraha I,.* (A. no. 'j, 1955 East !@Urc@.:can z-cces.A,-,ns QLst Vol. 5 No. 1 jE-n. 1956 Di.stributi-m -)f sheqr- stress In --i rectpingiilf3r channel. in -@'ngiish. p. 29'r, I 1, "7: -o. 1?1;", Frahn, 'zecnoslovakia) 11) LC, Vol. 4J, 1-o. 12, .,-Dn-thly 'ist )p -ast uronean ccpssion5 ('@@ 1. Dec 1957. Uncl. SMUTER, R. Measurement of turbulent-water flow by man* of thermistors. p. 300. VODOHOSPODARSKY CASOPIS. (Slovensks, akadeaU vied) Bra t1slava, Czechailovakiao Vol. 7, no. 4, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accession (BUI), LC Vol. go no. 29 Feb. 1960 Uncl. SMU7 .1. The,:@retical ba5es of the fl3w throuj-- rectan-ular sectionsl P. 3. Z@ RO@PVITY @@ADA TECIIINICKYCH TED. (Transactions on technical sciences issued by the @ - I , Czechoolovak Academy of Sc-11-inces; with English and Rusjian stmiaries) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 069, no. 5, 1959. Yonthly Llst oL' East European Accessions, (EEAI), W, Vol. 8, No. 12, Dec. 1959. !Jncl. SMUTEK, Rados, inz., CSc.; RUDIS, Miroslav, inz., CSc. Somu experiences with the measurement of water turbulence. Vadollosp cas 11 no.2:197-206 163. 1. Ustav pro hydrodynamiku, Caskosloveaska akademie ved, Praha. 'T' L. m n m@ f, 4. n ". ----rics 4 1, vActa te-':n @z-L'u -no. 113 6 5 @ 1@ Imititutp of @ivtjl-odynna@.i of the Czec,,,@;!31ovak Ac@aiclo-ny -@f Sc."nra@e3, Fn;7ae 41, Fodbabska 'I'l. Submittee 13, l9b4,