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KAZANSKIY, Vladimir Yevgenlyevic SMORCHKOV, A.D., Inzh., red.; BORUNOV. H. I. , tekhn. red. -11-1-t'c-*~'-- ~- [Electric current transformers in relay protection systems) Transformatory toka v akhemakh releinoi zashchity. Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-vo, 1958. 157 P. ;(MIRI 12:3) (Electric relays) (Electric transformers) :r' H ~- - smorchkov A , D. En -ine e r Sov-0 S--! - 2,9 /~)q TITLE The Lowerin6, of the Power Consumption in the Cutoff' Cz~_Jlsq of Loadin~ Switch Drives (Umen'sheniye pot-reblar-ya moshchnosti otkiyuchayushch--imi g - uo vyk h. zrivo- dov vyklvuchate_1 ey) PERIODICAL: Ener.getik, 1958, Nr 41, PP 306-39 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The power consumption of the cutoff coils of' loading switr-h drives manufactL&d by the Soviet industry ("FG-10", "Plull-, 10" and "UGP-51" types) attain 100 va. Coils fed by :,ur- rent transformers are widely used and the problem of lower- ing their power consumption is acute because of the limited power of the current transformers. Coils fed by volta.-e transformers are mainly used in automation devices ("AVR" ; "APV" and other types). The cutoff coils are solenoid electromagnets, and their power consumption dezends on the :position of their armature. The article dives tl'e Z' tions between the maximum and minimum power consumption for coils operating either with constant voltage or with con- stant current. If the coils are fed by a 'ITKB" type trans- Card 1'.4 former, the proportion between the maximum and Minimum power consumption is reduced, but the absolute value of the SOV- 91 -'5 8-4- 28/ 2)'Q The Lowering of the Power Consumption in the Cutoff Coils of Loading Switch Drives power consumption remains 100 va because of the low ef'fi- ciency of this transformer. For the a.c. cutoff coile, there is a t'uriction between their power consumption with released armature and the work they can perform. Thig function isshown by graphs in figure 1 and the correspond- ing formulae are given. The author states that the arma-- L cure used at present in the cutoff coils of loading switch drives is too heavy and that a reliable operation can be guaranteed only if the weight of this armature is reduced by three times. This would result at the same time in a reduction of the power consumption by 50 %. The stopp-ar and its position also influences the value of the power consumption (Figure 2), as well as the air gap (Figure The air gap commonly used is 15 mm, and it, is advisable that it be reduced to 10-12 mm; which would reduce the power consumption by 25 to 30 %. The hysteresis and eddy current loss can also attain 20 to 30 1;.1 If the uower con- su,mption, if the cutoff coil is not desiznea with care, C 'lard The article Eives data on a cutoff coil, which has been SOV-91-58-A-28129 The Lo-,,,,erin,- of the Power Consumption in the Cutoff Coils of Loading Switch Drives manufactured and teited. on the "PG-10" type loading switch drive. It has a hollow armature with spring (Fi.-ure 4). Tests have shown that such a cutoff coil has a power ccn- sumption riot exceeding 25 va. Its power factor is 0-3 to 0 0.4. Therefore, its power consumption can also be lowered either by compensating the reactive power consumption by a capacitance or by feeding it with a rectified current. The latter method is more efficient. A table contained in the article gives the results oil tests carried out with sinusoidal, rectified and direct current. -4 bridge circuit with selenium rectifiers of the "VS-35" type has been uti- lized for these tests. Futher reduction of the Dower con- sumption can be obtained by utilizing a coneshaped hollow armature with conical stopper and spring (Figure 5). Tests carvied out with such a cutoff coil on the "PG--10" type drive showed that 10 va would be sufficient for reliable operation. The author, making a comparison between a.c. 0 Li nd d.c. cutoff coils , and comes to 'the conclusion that Card .1/4 SO V-91 -5 6-4-28/12-11 The Lowering oil the Power Consumption in the Cutoff' Coils of Loading Switch Drives the rectified current is the most advisable. There are 4 graphs, 4 diagrams and I table. 1. Solenoids--Performance 2. Solenoids--Design 3. Switches --Equipment Card zJ14 SMOqCIMOV, A.D., inzh. .... Saturating transformers in protection arrangements using operational a.c. Elek. -Qta. 29 no.7:46-47 Jl 15P. (IfITLA 11:10) (Electric transformers) BARZAY, Anatoliy Bentsionovich; ZNTUNIKOhr, Ye.D., retienzent; SIROTINSKIY, Ye.L., retzenzen~; SMORGWOV, A.D., inzh.. red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., (Automatic control of power s t.-ms] Sistemnaia avtomatika. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, V,.' . 255 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Automatic control) k,;:--tric engineering) tf SMORGHKOV A.P.; ' Internation of pneumonts nnd rickF)tB Lwith wiwns-ry in 2ru),Iinh] PediAtriia 36 no-5:64-72 MY '58 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy pediatrii (zav. - prof. P.A. Ponomnreva) II Moskovskogo meditisnskogo instituta. (PNEUMONIA) (RICKETS) 0 'a 0 0 a a 00~ ate a V V-~ Id Is 11 " Is it it a Jlf a Bull ho 1011 LIU W 2f: C L ll A 2 V t, 9A I I Ii I I I AA U a 0 , . 00 The alkaline rocks of the Zeraviihan River in Turkestan, 414, ,; -Itkuy. T, -I. I.$.1 . K..". 'I. 11i-.morl I ,iv. I it 4. 1,, - Vo* 14, Khm,. 1939-N- '. ~m-fhc 2 new alk. rock furnkAtom, in I Ill: Wt b, ALO-Turk"tan Ridge are de-wril-d. Tbl nrph,luli: S)'Lu - Ite (mul Hilk'llif and -Illy Withiglinkil'-saluthavv mam 00 1; -oll ollm. [Ile plesI-lill. In th"Ill Ill ... I, t'k-linvi. I I Ito, z alld .1bli" III.. %141C devrl'.1,111l fit 01 ill,- "411, 1 milto.m.- In-mv- I acphelile, the C-1.1. III- I j hydrulbermal and partly of u Litt, ' 111. v~djtlf, I-baravirristic Ill tht: ni,pbelni, %V"tut-, 111110111CHIS played all intim-rtant f"JU In till. "I ago j I C Iteplichte 5venitrs in the h,A-tfl,t-d lmmaiwn,, Ali zoo m Zoe a 00 go* 'a a ~ ' 'a a** 04 A woo f A%.-ILA 4CTALLLRCKAL LMMAT(Af CLAsSIFICATICs. til t:oo WO S xv-- Li. ' l ------ b. 9All 43 3 O 40 0 P V, IV LP 90 K Is tt it a III It 11 0 41 0 0 a 0 0 0 S lOT IR go. 4 0 *If *100 ~4 0 eoaiotlfoooo ooo~ Z Map: ZERAVEHAY, River ~OSU-Am2288 Sm-o-rchlov,,,I. Ye.: Shchelochn-pye Forody Reki Zeravshana v Turkestane. Trudy Petrografichesk-ogo Instituta, Vyp- 14) p. 128, Moskva-Leningrad, 1939. Izdaniye Akademii Nauk SSSR. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. QE420-A6 Sketch of the upper part of the Zeravshan River region. Scale (approx.) 1:300,000. Area - 39'201 - 40'20' N; 70000' 72015' E. S-336,S-328 SMORCHKOV, I.Ye. Certain regularities in the distribution of accessory minerals along verticals of a granodiorite massif. (In: Akademiia. nauk SSSR. Voprosy petrografii i mineralogii. Moskva, 1953. P.179-183) (miaA 7:4) (Granodiorite) (Mineralogy) SMORCHKOV-, I.Ye., kandidat goologo-miiieralogicheakikh naiik. Petrographic conference on the problems of "Regalarities of the develop- ment of magmatic differentiation in connection with mineral resources." Vest. AN SSSR 23 no.5:103-107 Vq '53. (MLRA 6:7) (Magma) (Ore deposits) " " -~~ SMORCHKOT, I.Ye. Granitoids of the western part of the Borshchovochnyy Range. Trudy Inlit. geol.nauk.148:156-189 '53. (MLHA 6:12) (Borshchovochnyy range--Granite) (Granite-Borahchovo- chn" range) USSR/ Geology Granits Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 46/62 Authors 3 Smorchkov, I. Ye.; Bespalova, I. D.; and Batyreva, N. 1q. Title : About the Mesozoic age of alaskite granits of the Kuraminsk mountain rang .e Periodical Dok. M1 SSSR 102/3, 595 - 597, May 21) 1955 Abstract I Geological data are presented regarding the Mesozoic age of alaskite (rock of the granite clan) prevalent in the Kuraminsk mountain range of Central Asia. Two USSR references (1952). Institution : Acad. of Sc., USSR, Inst. of Geol. Sc. Presented by: Academician D. I. Shcherbakov, December 14) 1954 SW)RCHKOV, I.Ye.; PAVLC)VA, G.A. Lode rocks from the Gavasay River region (Kurana Ridge) and some characteristics of the distribution of accessnx7 minerals in them. Trudy 101,14 nn.21:186-197 ' 58. (MIRA 12:1) (Kurarui, Ridgo-Rocks. Igneous) S_MORCHKOV, I.Ye., OMEL'YANMO. B-1- Contact effect of alask-ite granites of the Xuramp- Range (Central Asia) on the surrounding granodiorites and effusive rocks. Trudy TGICM no.27 160. (MIRA 13:7) ( Rarge-Rocks, Igneous) (Metasonatism) VOLIFSONJI F.I.; I.P.; LUKIN, SOMM"SHKIII, Ye.P.; TISM~IN, A.I. Some problems of tile formation of hydrothermal uranium deposits. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;geol.i razv. 4 no.9:12-24 S 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut tsvetnykh metallov i zolota imeni M.I. Kalinina i Institut geologii rudnykJi mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogii i ireokhimii AN SSSR. (Uranium ores) G-O'biZHEVSFAYi~, S.A.; SIDOMENYO, SMORCHEOV, I-ye. . te-rferg-usonite. ?-'e,,, modification of ferF-usoni YT. . RA. 14:0 no.9:28-29 "'I. ( I I, ) (Ferg7usonite) I MCLUMOV, V.I.; Aj,jS,:jj..ISKjY, Jjj.T.; I-IR111CH, I.V.; GORB, A.M.; KUTITSOV, itauchn. red.; SMORC,,KOV, K_~ F I.Ye., nauchn. red.; vc d . -re d . [,!(;ceL;sories of the rranitoids for --tudying theml Akt-pssorii tocii-ka Ah inchenila l*:oskva, 1. CKLep~korrespondent A14 SSSR of rhe Altai aryl methods granitoidov Alt-aia i me- 14'edr,,., 1964. 175 P. 17:10) (for Kuznetsov). ,-) Q . , , jHcT'HBAK0V, i)-!-; yI, V.I.; T Nj - 6 1 y p V L GIENIKI 11, AD, r~V , A . 1- - ', I VI), I N! JG; AD q1 A.T.; R:-:FI4AFSKIY, -;! F.K. LTJTKIIN, L.-I 7 ANIC T.N.; Y,.: "t A:," L 1902 --U-?64 obitll'~Iy- rud. mestorozh. ,klej-,~an,ir A!,,"--sa-ndrovj--h Sal IkOv (MIRk 18-4) 7 ia-F 165. Ip . , - $ ~ * . : ,I ,., i~ SMORCHKOV, V. 1-;~ Transformer for the "Dorozhayi" receiver. Radio no lo:1610 '57. ( iIRA 10:10) (Electric transformers) 1L i 111-ad4a 4cn -rope--,Iui es c' a rfov ci7rs-all laser." U-L The kirteti cs of f.-eilerati on at room tcriperat~,--re ane. low Ivermerature (dovm -uo and proporties of radia~-i~~r conevence in a rub.,- lager rvesti,-raltcd. v J. -.- I u I L, Re-mit -,,rcscnLc(` 'c. t!,,,-- 11th (n Lum-ii-nescence (Volecill-ril- ,Llli-.:Lr4lDSce!-C.3 tMr, --I -r.. ence aral.ysis) Eirisk lc--il 3ept. '3962. I C S C .1 - SWRCHKOV, V.N.; NIKITINA, A.N. Simplified photoelectric fluorimeter. Prib. -4 tekh. eksp. 8 no.3-192 My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut organicheskoy khinti AN SSSR. (Fluori,meter) GALANIN, M.D., KOREKIN, V.V., LEONTOVICH, A.M., SMC.4CHXOV, V.M. AND CHIZHIKOVA, L.A. k'-~ Coherence, spectra tizae scanning and pulsations of the ruby laser epLission. Report submitted to the Third Intl. Symp. on Quantum Electronics. Paris, France, 11-15 Feb 1963 GALANINI, M.D.; LEONTOVICH, A.M.; SVEMENKOV, Z.A.,~ W-I~qH~KOV, ~V.N.; CHIZHIKOVA, Z.A. Pulsations in the radiation from an optical ruby maser. Opt. i spektr. 14 no.l-.165-166 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) Olasers) (Quantum electronics) L 60877-65 EVIA (k)/FBD/EWG (r)/EVIT (I )/PIIP EVvT(m)/EEC(k P(k)/ (h)/EVIA(m)-2 S( ACCESSION NR:1 AP5019769 UR/0051/65/019/002/0296/0298 535-34+535-37:553-824 iAUTHOR: Smorchkov, V. N.; Chizhikova,. Z. A. Galanin, M. D.. TITLE: Luminescenceand absorption of exc ited ruby ISOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 19, no. 2, 1965, 296-298 TOPIC TAGS: ruby, ruby crystal, optical pumping, Dopulation -inversion, laser, solid state laser, ruby laser ABSTRACT: An investigation was made of the absorption and luminescence of optically[, excited ruby crystals in order to determine whether absorption from the metastable 2E levels decreases the lifetime of excited chromium ions and the effect of ab- sorption on the degree.of population inversion that can be achieved. The -experl- ments were conducted under conditions which made it possible to neglect stimulated emission. Within the limit of the experimental error (IvlO%) it was established that excitation from the 2E level is followed by a quick nonradiative transition to the same level and that the probability of,;transition to the ground state is smali.,r Therefore,, the effects responsible for a decrease in the Inverted population .are-. most, likely limited to spontaneous and stimulated emission. Orig. art. has:- 3t formulas and 2 figures. CS] L 25283-65 DM (J)~EVAM/FBDAWT (1)/FWP(e)/M, n(m)/Fr,,C (k)-2/PTTG (t)/T/EEC(b)-2/._ /Ml A (m)- UP DIMT 2/PWA (h)- Pn-h/Po-jj/Pf-h/Pi-h/PI-Ij/Peb wbqf ACCESSION NR: AP5oo4378 slo056165 648/m/oo87/009 AUTHOR: Veduta, A. P.; Ls =tovi~chA.~M. Smorchkov, V. N. TITLE: Changes in a ruby lape resonator due to heating by the pumping source _tallnoy i teoreticheskoj fiziki, v. 46, no. 1, 1965 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimen -93 87 TOPIC,TAGS: ruby Iasyeesonator distortion, gas laser interferometer, thermal distorti6n, gas laser, ruby laserbeating ABSTRACT: An interferometric method was used to istuo the changes in the resonator of a ruby laser caused by heating by the p ing source., An He-Ne gas' laser with UMP 6328 K was used as a coherent light source for the interferometer emission at X * The gas laser beam, transformed into a parallel beam by means of lenses, was allowed to pass through a semitransparent plate,and to strike a pumped ruby at right angles.,-,:..; The front end of the ruby was 65-85% transparent, the.rear end silver coated. The pattern set up by the interference of two beams reflected in the resonator was 0 photographed by means of an SFR-2~fcameraNuring the p of the ruby. The emis- UMPI s 10 n from the ruby laser and the scattered pumping radiation were eliminated by filters for X = 6328 X. The ruby rods were 50and (approximately),74 mm long and their lateral surfaces 'were polished. The pumping was by an IFK-15,00 The Cord 1/2 L 25283-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5oo4378 distribution, number, and shape of the interference bands variedduring pumping, which indicates that tire total optical length and shape of the resonator undergo considerable changes due to heating. The-nonuniform heating is due to the focusing of the pumping light by the lateral surfaces of the ruby and the generation of in- ternal modes in the ruby. Heating of the ruby rods was proportional to the con- centration of chromium in the ruby. The energy absorbed by various ruby rods durihg~~.,.,'.' umping and the efficiency of the pumping sourcevere calculated. The theoretical.:'?` P 6nd experimental results-varied by a factoi of 1;5-2. The discrepancy has not yet been investigated, but it is suggested that It might be due to the absorption of light in the metastable state.'or to excitation of internal modes which reduce, I the laser power output and decrease the lifetim6s,.in the.excited state. Orig.. art. has: 4'figures and I table. a a ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im, Pi-No L&bedev Ak'd6mii nauk SSSR (institute f Physics, Academy of Sciences SSSR) SUBMITTED: o6jun,64 EXCLs~ 00 SUB CODE: OTHERV*.OO ATD Ppsss: NO REF SOV; 009. 3184 ~li:): i. (, ~ , Y; )! , . . , Ma - t,:~ .np, -.1.- re~ -,E-J a -I il- -! Cf~ ~- ~e tdead c.*' t,,-.rnc . -) , Ag "SLY . ( mul T. 1! 1 - ~- Ic ~ . .0.1 .-,al! lio.] trt=~,ta ' 1. i"L, -ha j, I :~ ~ 'k sha~hty "SILK.,icei, I t ~ - 71,;- - SMORCHKOVA, G.A. Immediate and late results of treating children with tuberculous meningitis. Pat.,klin.1 terap,tub. no.8:96-99 158. (MIRA. 13:7) (MINGES--TUBERCULOSIS) 'S K, Y" I y -,i Total Productiozi'Costs in Communication A, s e be s c, i L p I rl T1- CA L V A S -YP R A 'T - e f I- n,,- C) r n.- ~l ll:~3~'x ISI 2 C) "I t rO J'A L f' ~he m::;- e ta A ri I:; e rl Z, 3 1~ i h - r., r: n - v f :--ne Zi !.37T ~:I~- p T 1-- z n r e-:5 r z~ b o e n r n w a p 4, t r., E,,r iJ e 1-,; i un ex -.e J i tu ---c s ~~er ~ r~i pe - c e!id f ti re S ri--' Z ~3 t - c- s Total Production Costs in Communication ns in ce rcen -e 1 Q 25 0V A MPHORS Do zSra-pi cn o-.- .2"';f Pod!-orode t si- i~r 1. A. , , and Smo-rchkova, Ve.F. Senior S:7-i-entifir Worker TITLE? Determination of tile Income of Com_m=ications Enter-. prises on Cost Accounting PERIODICAL: , Nr 8, pp 17--1q (USSIR) Vestnik svyazi, 191;9 , _ 13STRACT! in this article the autho--3 -deal with '~-he problem oil determ.ining the income of enterprises operating on -the cost accountinIg system, based on a stj.-;'7 of -~he problem by the Laboratoriya ekonomik~ s-.-az_; T:-!N!Ilj (Laboratory of Communications Economics of the T--NIIS) in search of a single principle for inco-Te. The problem is presenited generally in terms c: income sources for compninioationa enterp-r- L s e Se, na! and value o.i. -production by the enterprise ~,ir. "-erm of -the L-onetary expression for zhe amount of _:,cciaily necessai-y 1~~bor consumed in -orod1:,ction_,, and the theo- laid. BaZ41call v reti~_a_L bas~.s for the scitltlo d 4,f' the in-Gm, ler2--.-ed from mafte Card 1.14 the fc-- serviCes eq,,-sal s'he mon;.'ar.y expressi-_,_. S C V/ 1~ 11 T" Determination o-" the of Cor-nmiunica-fons 1~n-e~--ori on. C c s se. Accounting value of production, thi~3 income ciay be con_,4iderel that income which belorg,3 to the enterprise. The authors propose a means cf determ4ning the in,--ome of an e-l+erpri8e on the basio of' the cor-I-elation exist.- ing bet,;,reen in-ome from tail-f-If's and ~he iroome be- lorging tc the en'erprise whIch Is e3-'-abl-i-~hed -..n +~h= plan, and ouTline this method. Re corre' de- scribed is found to be slabl- "or mos. ccn-un~ca- tions ent erprises cver a pericd of sever-al years. Several questions relat4ncf t,-- th& i-j&rat-*Lon of an enterprise on this method are dealt with, particular- ly with regard to fulf4LI.1ment: olf plans. The proble-M of enterprises with incomes fron, t,ariff-~ lower than the value cf product-ion is dealt with; acz!ordinc- the T~3NIIS oLit of L19 commun.4-Cations cff~-~-s (kon-c- ra s,ryazi) only are operati-ng in tKiS Nay. Treat- ed also is the question ~f enterprises 'h~ LTU) without income fron, -'-ar4!ffs. an-- 4-he aues'ion Card -3/4 of "rofi-I formatio-Ti in =%uch enterT~riz-:-S, The au-Inors Determination of ltile Income of Z cn, 10:3~ Accounting then out-lin-e the sys'uem of rl,~~term-i acc ord- - ning n 2 om 4 ing to their method for L-fferent ty--s of -nterpri- CD ses. This system is tased on computat-ionz done 'he Laboratory o-f Comm,,-n-1-caTiens E,--cnomicQ TzATT-IS V[1t.h the aid of mat.erials frlm 92C "A'is-triC. (ray6n! c G-minunica t ions offi.-es, 20 conoolida~-:)d muni--,A.Pal enterDrfses, 20 post offices., 19 TITS , 26 ~ 9-9 DRTS , 16 telegraph offices, 1,7 radio erterp-is-s, 36 LTU , and 17 OPP . A check o4~' effe.---t,-veness of the pro-posed method was made using data from the Kiyev, 11insk, and Gorlkiy Connunil-ations A-,3ministra- tions; detailei comparative suits of plan and ciynnamics c' crc..,I~In iade by proposed and nxic-t-f- cf were i- 1 -1 -11, -1 determini-a . C o i i f -- r e r, c e s c'. c, -,,- ~- + - rl, t 1-ia r- ~ w syste-m, in, vth: oh, peop-11 c- from c-cmmuni-c-atInns Les and admi nistl,ati r-ns ected c-n1.,-.erT), and. o-, office-3 4.--~~:k n3r',, were-- h~?'-,- Card 71/1 a ait`tud,-,~," to the 7,,ethcd Th e na-, ion o f tll~- In. of Communicc- t, i on=2t On U-03 Accounting editors of "Vestnik svyazill ask for commertts -from. readers on the subject-+ ma-,~er of thils article. 'illere ~L,:z --- +~nbl-~. ASSOCIA'JIOI,T-, Labo-fatcriya ellconomiki svyq---- T sY, Eccnom~:-.-:, cf t1n,-, T T A r T Z-~- IT Card 4/1,~ MALKIN, Sergey Aleksandrovich; WORCHKOVA, Ye.P., otv. red.; KAZININA, R.A., red.; SLUTSKIN, A.A., tekhn. red. [Analysis of the administrative operations of co=mnication enterprises] Analiz khoziaistvennoi deiaUllnosti pred- priiatii sviazi. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1961. 104 p. (MIRA 14-9) (Communication and traffic-Accounting) MALKIN, Sergey Aleksandrovich;-SMORq1WqV#, Ye.P-.,-otv. red.; KAZIMINA, R.A., red.; SLUTSKIff, A.A., tekhn.---i~&da (Analysis of the economic acti-vity of communication enterprises] Analiz khoziai:stvannoi deiatellnosti predpriiatii sviazi. Mo- skva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam s-viazi i radio, 1961. 106 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Telecomminication) SRAPIONOV, Onik Sergeyevich; SMQRCHKaU,Iekaterina--Pavlovna; YESIKOVY S.FL, atv. red.; EYDELIMAII, B.I., red.; ROMANOVAJ, S.F., tek" red. [Business accounting in communication enterprises] Khoziai- stvennyi raschet v khoziaistve sviazi. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 159 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Telecommunication-Finance) GOL%',13, Goroon Emiiianuilovich; KOLICHITSKIY, Mikhail L"Vovich; S~ORGHOVA, Yekaterina Favlovna; .31DOROVA, T.S., red.; TRISHINA, L.A.Y tekb--. red. [Finance of the communication system] Finansy khoziaistva sviazi. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 269 p. (MIRA 17:2) S.!i. ,.hund.ekwiom.riauk; SMORGHKOVA, Ye..P., New nomencla-Lure and mcn--tary evaluation of' telecomMunication services. Vest. sviazi 45 no.8:2&-30 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Nachallniki laboratoriy TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskoao iristituta svyazi Ministerstva svVazi S-SSR, Moskva. KRESELKOV, A.P.; MIKKAYLENKO, Yu.Ya. ; SMORENKITTA, I.P. Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of naphthalene, 0( -and (6-chloronaphthalone [with summary in English]. Zhur.anal. khim. 13 no.2:242-245 Mr-JAp '58. NiRA 11: 4) l.Moskovskiy Ichimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut Im. D.1. Mende- leyeva. (Naphthalene--Spectra) LEVINAY A.S.) SMORGENSHhAW, I. - -- Organizing the detoxication of sewage from dwellings by means of cblorinat-ion plants. Med. zhur, Uzb. no.7:2CD-22 Jl 161. ("IMU I r: 1) 1. Iz Kokandskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantaii. (SEWAGIL-PUIUFICATION) (WATI!!L-PUIUFICATION--CHLORI,'iATION) EY--,If TIJ NIG, A, r v e, s r..a n c e c fsa-,js wriLfl bils~ Trudy KIHPILesdrev rio.10:27- 104. (MTP4 l8alO) lla,.~iiallriik ;abcrator-i.1 stankov i instrumentov V.-.)--tochno- i proyektnogo instituta prOmy,9hlenrosti (fa-~- T'I( i ~1-' )# K.A.; U 0- if, L.'S., natwhnyy t3otrudnik 1,1,- Expertmital arratr4,,ovont for clxcular awur, vilth, bits, 'jL'nxly 'illIallLoodrev no.8s22-26 16-3. ('kUPA 18:2.1) SMORGONSUYA-HYSS, V.L. Methods of chemistry teaching in the achoole of Great Britain. Xhin. v shkole 14 no.2:57-63 Mr-AP '59. (MIRA 12:4) (Great Britain-Chemistry-Study and teaching) SMORGONSXATA-RYSS, V.-L. Problem of training chemistry teachers in the United States. JraiM, v shkole 15 no.5i92-95 3-0 160. (MIRA 13;10) 1. Pedagogicheakly institut im.Lenina, Moskva. (United States-Chemistrr--Study and teaching) (United States--Teachers, Training of) S14ORGODISKAYA-RYSS, V.L. New in the teaching of chemistry in Uniti4 States secondary schools. Khim. v shkole 18 no-5:72-74 S-0 163- (MIRA 17.1) SMORGONSM, B.N. A two-way telephone amplifier without differential systems for rural communication networks. Avbom~, talem. i sv-*Lazl 6 no.6:39-41 JO 162. (I-M~A 15-7) 1. Machallnik laboratorii svyazi Moskovskoy dorogi. (Telephone) SIAORGONSKIY. B.N. Transformers for duplex amplifiers without differenti&I systems. Avtom., telem. i sviaz' 7 no.106 Ja 163. (14I--,tA 16:2) 1. Nachallnik laboratorii avyazi Moskovskoy dorogi. (Electric transformers,) (Telephone-Equipment and supplies) SMORGONSKIYY V.I., inzh. Use of semiconductor power rectifiers in the national economy. Vest. elektroprom. 31 no.8:15-16 Ag 160. (MIRA 15:5) (Electric current rectifiers) (Semiconductors) BORISOV, M.A.) inzh.; SMORGONSKIY-,,.-,11.-I-.,,--inzh. Awarding of the participants of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy of the U.S.S.R. Vest. elektroprom. 34 no.1:36-38 Ja 163. (KRA 16:1) (Moscow-Exhibitio*) (Electric equipment industries) BOROVITSKIY, V.N.;,_�MQKQPPKIY V.I-,-inzhener-metodist The~atic display 'Low-voltage commutation apparatus units.' Vast. elektrow. am. 34 no.2;77 F 163. (MMA 16:2) 1. Direktor pavi.-Itona "Elektrifikatsiya SSSR" na Vystavke dostizheniy narodnogo khozyaystva (for Borovitskiy). (Electric switchgear) (Commutation (Alectricity)) i L I Tj' C_ T-'ub. ;,,D 4/12 L*-Iiy, V. Y-., VfM-b----, MORKE Gi-oui, V-io-'iti-- C-Acuia"iOn ot :!I~,Ulc~d L3 _X~zUr.~d L'o., _-on_--n,uct-ing th.-, p.'1,~_.,;-_--v._--locity fr e C 1 in cy The obtaim_.d 'UnctionZ . which ilcula 'he makes it _o6L;ibli; to c~ t- u~-, to obtain a--t- on 'b: z n- ion , na U T -2c, I 7~y on . - n A, 9(9) PIFLALSE I BOOK EXMITATION SOV/2739 .9morgonskiy, Vladimir Yakovlevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences Osnovy tekhniki ul'trakorotkikh voln; kurs lektsiy (Fundam ntals of Ultrashort Wave Engineering; Course of Lectures) [Gorlkiy) GorIkovskoye knizhnoye izd-vo, 1957. 88 p. Errata slip inserted. 500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Gorlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Ed.: A. D. Ponomarenko; Tech. Ed.: L. 1. Nemchenko. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for senior students of radio-engineering departments of vuzes. (IOVERAGE: The author discusses methods of calculating waveguide excitation and Presents exam-oles of calculating input impedance of antennas placed in a waveguide. He also calculates equivalent parameters of some waveguide ir- regularitie.s and discusses free and forced oscillations in hollow resonators. Card 113 H. Expressions for field components and natural frequencies or hollow resonators M. D~--terrnininlclr the Q of resonators Lv. Iorcidal resunators ~O V. Excitation cf~ hc,`]n,..; -sonators Appendixe s Abliography AVAILABLE: Library of Congress NX,7-972-W3 S51) C~-, rd ~;j 89 Xpl, tai 12 1-5/59 rg!,.)r~, tr jy Effect Its Astmet 'pon cirrm.,"Ir V, J.J~yaniy-:! malykil 4e~,crmnts-y M r:~ b c, t,,,,~ v c -! n c 1; (-, d a Nr L,.,; IQLE~ V~,- I I The p-irform.-ance of P. ;!ava guide is detel-m-i!1-2c 1,Y its Peum-~---Irical ,Men~iions and by -ne ruantiry p Js Fvt~C4-` b- I viat4ons fr,,tm triese aimerlin: .Lcn-,~ are a l1!(- 6 if 1, -- a il ion e c e c na a iia u wr-m I t -2a 1 f 1,.OT-ue~~rmea we-ve E-ide t J is ncssible to I -i r; at n P c r i a v., a v e r."Q in o e rs 4e~, -,Vmed ~',Dr ~r.-2 xm; o r t n i- a -, t enua t, r AF wav:-7, in ~i -actung! ~ar wave guide are wrJten dmin. From -.hese fcrmulae , h e a u a c. ns specifying The relat and tite at,~-?nua. i ~, n n be deuuced for the fa~~e Tr;a~ ael'ormaticns ar~- rcr .,'c , mu ue.-Ill ~o r, ti Abstract. Effect of Small Li!e Cro~~s .dive Guides viations of the cro3s section. that is ,,u sav tnta deviat-iono. u -~-ks = h-here 63, denr,-,-uF o-o w 2l ~--equency and K th--~ crilt,;Cal J,-~Mn,~r by !,he dimensions and thf- :!~hz~.Pe o,- -;.re a figures and I re~,Ferenc-e, of whice, i--.I ~;s or's a L, t r ac 06360 9 (2, 9) SOV/142-2-4-13/26 AUTHOR: Smorgonskiy, V.Ya. TITLE: The Calculation of the Input Impedance of a Vibrator Placed Along an Elliptical Waveguide PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 4, pp 480-485 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author presents formulas and graphs calculating the input impedance of a vibrator placed along an ellipti- cai waveguide. They may be used for determining the change of the input impedance when a round waveguide is deformed to an elliptical one, which is of great im- Dortance for determining eccentricity tolerances. The calculation method is based on a general expression sug- gested by L.A. Vaynshteyn fRef 17 for the input impedan- ce of a vibrator placed into a waveguide, The author presents the following formula for the active component of the input impedance of a thin vibrator placed along Card 1/3 a semi-in~inite waveguide 06360 SOV/142-2-4-13/26 The Calculation of the Inpijt Tmpedance of a Vibrator Placed Along an Elliptical 71aveguide are 8 graphs, 1 diagram, 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 English, SUMILITTED: December 17, 1958 (November 22, 1958) Card 3/3 ..'-'0V/109-59-4-2-23/27 AJ'2HC)R: Smorgonskiy, V.Ya. TITlu~: The Field Structure of the eEol-Wave in an Elliptical Waveguide (K voprosu o strukture polya volny eEC)j v ellipticheskom volnovode) ]VER1QDIC.AL:Radiof-ekhnika i Elektron1ka, 1959, Vol 4, '-)Tr 2, I)p 3,;'5-337 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a number of text-books dealing with the theory of the U.H.F., the structure of the waves of the types eEoj and eHo, in the transverse cross-sections of an elliptical waveguide is represented by the figures tak-en from a work by L.Chu (see Ref 6). The field structures are as shown in Fig 1. By examining the eigen-functions of the waves, as expressed by the first two equations on P 335, it is shown that the figures given by L.Ch-u are incorrect. In particular, it is found that the structure- of the magnetic field for eE. -wave, for the eccentricity e = 0.74, is in the form shown in Fig 4. Card 1/2 SO-V/109-59-4-2-23/27 'The Field Structure of the eEol--fiave in an Elliptical 1,7avegaide There are 4 figures and 11 references of vfhich 7 are Soviet and 4 1~*nglish; three of the Soviet references being translated from English. C, SUBMITTED: 28th 1958 Caiyd 2/2 29312 S/10 61/006/010/010/027 D266YD302 AUTHOR: Smorgonskiyj V-Ya. TITLE: Determining the cut-off frequency of higher order modes in waveguides of elliptic cross-section PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 69 no. 10, 1961, 1665 - 1666 TEXT: The author's purpose is to calculate the influence of eccen- tricity on the 6ut-off frequency of higher order modes. The corr ess: ponding solution of Maxwell's equation in confocal elliptic coord j naies is known, the eigf&function consists of certain linear combi- nations of Math%eu functions of the first and second kind. The au- thor takes the expression of the eigenfunction from the work of J. Wong (F,3f. 3: Canad. J. PhYB.9 1956, 34, 4, 354) and writes up wi-Lho any derivation the characteristic equations both for TM and TE modes. The cut-off frequencies of arbitrary modes can be calcu- lat-2d from these implicit relationships but the author restricts the numerical solution to the H H and E modes. The actual Card 113 e 11, o 11 0l 29312 S/109/61/006/010/010/027 Determining the cut-off ... D266/D302 solution is obtained by expanding the radial MathVu functions into a quiSly converging series of cylindrical functions. The results are presented in a Figurev where the cut-off frequency of the abo- ve-mentioned modes is plotted against e 2 = al/a 2 (2a1 and 2a2 are the large and small axes of the ellipse comprising the outer Con- ductor) for three values of the parameter k (specifying the inner conductor), It is shown that if e 2" 0.1 the change in cut-off fre- quency is less than 1 %. There is, howeverp considerablie change if e ~:- 0.2, There are 1 &guo and 6 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 ngn-Soviet-bloc. The raferences to the English-1-3rguage publica- tions read as follows: S. Mahaparta, Electronic and Radio Engr., 1958, 35, 2, 63; J. Wong, Canad. J. Phys., 1956, 34, 4, 354; Tab- les relating to Mathieu functions, Cambridge University Press, IT.Y. -.951. SUBMITTED; December 1, 1960 Card 2/,3, S/108/61/016/004/005/006 9, 13 0 0 (4 /-ca //3 0) B107/3212 AUTHOR:. Smorgonskiy, V. Ya., Member of the Society ~see TITLE: Tranamissivity of an elliptic waveguide for an E wave PERIODICALt Radiotekhnika, v. 16, no. 4, 1961, 67-69 2 TEXTt Here, C . P /E is called the transmissivity of a waveguide, p x m where P x is the power transferred, and B m the electric field strength. Introducing an elliptic coordinate system (Fig. 1) and if the x-axis coincides with that of the waveguide, the following e:.Pression is obtainedl E2 - E2 + E 2 + E 2 where E E E denote the maximum values of the 7m) 1 1 m xm -rl m xm rM, ;m correspondinA compbnentB of the electric field. ~~'he longitudinal com- iJE:;F -2 ponent E and the transverse component E m + E: are shifted xm trans m ~M by 90 0 with respect to time, and besides, E.r and 'are s,epara,ted in /M fm space (Ref. 1); therefore, it is sufficient 4for the calculation of the Card 1A S//106/6!,',,) 6 004/005/006 Transmissivity of an ... 3 107/3212 electric strength to find the relations Y,, E M/E and Y--.= E. /E . If 4 Xm ~m Xm nd yt< 1, then it is assumed that E a In Xm but if yr, band y I > 1, then it is as'sumed for y.. > y.,,. that E - Ee ; for Y, > Y-, , howeiier, E E M M m Now, the equations 'for the components of the electric field in an elliptic waveguide for a wave E may be written as follows: 01 E, AxTro (1, q) coo (I. q) where A denotes an arbitrary constant, .A4 -?C = 2n/ler the critical wave number,- EE "k C'~O (~. q)ceo (-q, q) /,, 1- ~_; P - 2TE -h h = w Cr /,,~ is the phase EI=A 0 Ce.(','q)ce;(-q,q) constant; ce (-L,q) and Ceo(5,q) are a P 0 trigonometric function and the modified Mathieu functions. The notation of the Mathieu functions are those commonly used in literature; 2 2 P - ae"Ich Cos denotes the Lam6 coefficient for the elliDtic coordinate Jsystem, a the semimajor axis, e the eccentr4city of the wave- guide cross section, q a parameter determined by the following boundary conditionst The coordinate of the ellipse, which the Card 2/6 S/106- Tranamissivity of an... B107/B212 -Ar-ch 1/e, has to be the first root of the modifled waveguide surface Mathieu function of zero order. Thus, the author obtained the following ! 2 0 expr.essioni E XM a Ax Ce 0 (0,q)ce 0(90 q). Calculating and 8E -m yields: .9001, and determining E TI m and E., b I Yn = Elf 1,32 (A, + 4A,) (4a) E-x,, cea (90', q) v 0,65thc,,, [-,4,j,(V!jcht,j+ Ex, Ce') (0, 0) (46) where 'r is th6-value of corresponding to the first maximum of ~cr Cle Diagrams are given for the computation of q, Ce (0,q), 0 0 ce (900,q), y' Y- , and 6 Since for e JFM (ho Card 1/2 Cap. ACCESSION NR:. AP4009981 s/0109/64/009100110108/0113 AUTHOR: Smorgonskiy, V. Ya. TITLE: Determination of modes in a coaxial cable with elliptic conductors SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i e' ektronika, v. 9, no. 1, 1964, 108-113 TOPIC TAGS: cable, coaxial Cable, elliptic c6ndut:tor coaxial cable, coaxial cable mode, coaxial cable wave propagation ABSTRACT:; T~ " effect of the paiameter h - 9, e,-~,),, N/-E- e upon the first root of a transcendental'equation describing the natural frequencies of an elliptic- conductor coaxial 'Cable is considered. Here, a, is the eUipse'major serniaxis, e, = I/ch ~, where Z, is an ellipse coordinate. see author's article in Radiotekhnika i elektronika, i'961, 6, 10, 1665'. Itis proven that the mode deter-, mination will be unambiguous with any h if the mode is determined by the field structure corresponding ~o the ordinal number of the root of the transcendental Card. 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4009981 level at 0 h !L-:-h The method ensures a continuous *transition to the circular- cylin.dei case. Orig' art. has: 5 figures, 14 formulas, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: hone SUBMITTED: ZZDec62 DATE ACQ: ioreb64 ENCL: 00 SUBCODE: CO NO REF SOY: 001 MUR: qO3 Card L 362oo-66 ACC NR: AP6011457 SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/66/011/004/0752/0754 AUTHOR: Smorgonskiy, V. Ya ; Kovshov, A. I. ORG: none TITLE: Critical conditions in a circular waveguide with dielectric bushing SOURCE., Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 11, no. 4, 1966, 752-754 TOPIC TAGS: waveguide, circular waveguide, dielectric waveguide ABSTRACT: Several papers have been devoted to the analysis of critical conditions in a circular waveguide with dielectric bushing; they have considered either symmetrical modes or thin bushings (e. a. , H. Unger, BSTJ, 1962). The present article analyses the critical conditions with asymmetrical modes and arbitrary bushing thickness. A dispersion equation is set up, and critical frequencies (calculated on a "Minsk-l" digital computer) for three principal Card 1/2 UDC: 621.372.853.1.09 L 362oo-66 ACC NR: AP6011457 6 modes are shown as curves for different values of dielectric constant. The results are compared with those obtained (e.g. , by R. Waldron, J. Brit. IRE, 1963, v. 25, no. 6, 547)-for a waveguide with a dielectric rod. It is found that the critical conditions in the bushing-type waveguide are similar to those in an ordinary or slightly-loaded waveguide. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 28Jun65 / ORIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 007 Card 2/Z I-'AZTJW,iOVIC.f:, 3.1'., otv. red.; bOSHKO, G.V., red.; G.I., -E!d.; S--,Gr-lZl,'EVs'KAYA, L.A., rad.; FEDOFF~`KC, I.A., red.; AND.-ill!"'EUK, Y.D... red.; KASIiA~., -'-*.~'., rEai. [Parasites and parasitoses in man and anima-ls] Parazity chelwieka i zi-,i-votrykh. Kiev, Naukova durd-a, I -- i 196,~~. ILl P. (VIL A 18-9) 1. kka:;en,,ivH muk Uil'SR, KAev, ~Yosuda--Itvemvy universitet (for ~Juzurmovich). 31. Institut zoologii AIN Ukr.-S6H (for BosUo). MASLOV.? V.Ye.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; SKLIKOV, P.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; FROISAYLO, 14.Ya., inzh.; SMORGUNOV, M.P., inzh.; KROTOV, V.I., -inzh.; OSTROMOV, A-M., :Lnzh.; SHESTAKOV, VJC, -inzh. F-xperience in burning brown coals in wet,-bgttom furnaces with shaf~-type impact mills. Teploenergetika 10 no.2:15-19 F 163. (iau 16:2) 1. Vostochnyy filial Vsesoyuznogo teplotekhaicheskogo instituta, ChelfiLhinsk, Krasnoyarskenergo i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Boilers) (Furnaces) (Lignite) N.Yu. IL S mo rCO.- t f~ Evc~li~atjrjg th~:~ effect of aalti-rig~-Ou' 1e r -1~ 'tP-5- ucheb. zav~; khim. i khim. tellyk. b no-3,4015-40? 103, (~9RA 16,83 sell skokhozyaystvennny-a itkademiyq, kafedra khIr-12i. (Salting-out) E F"r rb "A' Zhu SMORIGAYTE, N.Yu., dotsent Symposium on the problem of salting-out - salting-in of liquids from solutions. Zhur. VKHO 8 no.5:573-574 163. (MIRA 17:1) I LIGAYTE N.Yu.[Smorigaite, Nj; TSIPARIS I.N.[Ciparis, I.J; �MQP BRAZAUSKENE, D.I.[Brazausldene, 6.1 Physicochemical invegtigation of saturated solutions of salts in mixtures of water and carboxylic acids. Ukr. khim. zhur. 29 no.2:142-149 '63. (MIRA 16-.6) 1. Litovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya-akademiya. (Salts) (Solution(Chemistry)) RUMINIA/Cheraical Technology - Cell u1 ose and Its Derivatives. H-33 Paper. Abs Jour Ref Zhur -, 10iimiya, No 24, 1958P 63836 Author Bodeanu, M., Srorjev6ChiA,,!-. Inst Jbi. Inst. cercetari. Title 1W Investigation on the Aprlication of Pest in the Produc- tion of Grey Cardboard. Orig Pub An. Inst. cercetari si experim, ind. lenin. si hirt., 1953, No 13, 225-239- Abstract The results are given of the experiments carried out in connection with the production of grey cardboard from waste paper pulp and peat used in various ratios. The fiber yield from peat was 'Lron 66-73%. A cardboard sari- ple prepared from a blend of 70% of waste paper pulp and Card 1/2 '141nufacture of a] b--~;itulytic-dehy'dro '9' enation of secondary Al,,ftu )d--Smad=-sM, aut R-CrUtm 417n. xics. I U N G front cracking cases were deltydro6enattri 1.1 a NuAsior lined steel reactor to give 06-7% yields of %,fc2CO and MeCOBt; a pelletized, dried, and culclsed mixt. of ZnO crintg. 10% aq. NaSiO3 ---rvcs as cat~lvs*. Tbenuo- dymunic data, kinetics, and a fl(m sheet oi an indus',rial iti;mIllatina are given. Ccrard AtOnger pr LUTHORi SMORKLCHEVlE.T. P& - 3038 TITLEt On Local Nomography. (0 lokallnom nomografirovanii, Russian) PERIODICALt Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR, 195T9 Vol 113, Nr 4, Pp T62-765 (U.S.S.R.) Rea,sivedt 6 / 1957 Reviewed: 7 / 1957 ABSTUCTs The present paper is Intended to adapt the local theory of nolzo- graphy to the Investigations concerning the possibility of re- presenting a fuAction by a nomograph. The author achieves this &in by formulating the theorems by M.k.KREYNM and H.D.AYZFJSTAT, First,0 the nomograpbio Invariant of the function which is sufficiently, smooth in the domain 0 of the plans xOy is defined. (The partial derivatives f and f are not to vanish in G). Four of the lama0s, and 6 theoreml are g4ven and proved. There follow some theoremso Theorem It The function z a f(XIY)F which is investigated here, Is differentistable, in the seighborhood of any point of the domain G down to small values of the 6th order* It can be represented nomo- graphyoally in the neighborhood of any non-singular.point of this domain down to the lowest values of the 7th order. Theorem. 21 deals with the nomographic invariance of the coefficients q, of -acertain fusation which is given in this paper. ik a ~z The development coefficients in the columns of the losal T.h*or* , XLSSO (?) determinant are expressed in a nomographically invariant Card 1/2 AUTHOR: Zm-Qrkachev, E.T. 20-119-5-10/59 TITLE- Some Kinds of Local Nomograms (Nekotoryye vidy lokallnykh nomogramm) SSSR PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk/, 1958, Vol 119, Nr 5, pp 880-883 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper continues the earlier investigations of the author /Ref 3j. The author considers nomograms with a straight- line scale and nomograms of Clark for the function z - f(X~Y) for an exaGtne3S Up t0 terms of sixth order. Four theorems are proved, Theorem: Let the function s m f(xgy) be sufficiently smooth in the point (Xoiyo)l let f;(xo0y0) 1 0, fy'(X'~Y') / O~ P(Xo~YOW 0, where P(XY) is the nomographic invariant of Saint-Robert. Then z - f(X,Y) in the neighborhood of (x opyo ) can be represented with an exactness up to terms of sixth order by a nomogram with a straight-line x- or y-scale. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Khabarovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedWgicheakiy institut (Khabarovsk State Pedagogic Institute) PRESENTED: November 30, 1957, by A.N.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: November 29, 1957 Card 1/1 66446 The Plotting of Local Nomogra-phs Without Recalibration SOV/20-129-3-11/70 coefficients of the terms up to the 5-th order inclusively are put equal to zero. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:Armavirskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Armavir State Pedagogical Institute) PRESENTED: May 18, 1959, by A.N.Kolmogorov, Academician SUBMITTED: MkIl 18, 1959 Card 2/2 8 14 9 14 AUTHOR: Smorkachev, Ye.T. SOV/20- 129-6-1 2116c,j TITLE: The Ploi~in cal Nomographs Without Permissible Trans- formations \1-1 PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 129,,Nr 6,pp 1242-1245(USSI) ABSTRACT: The paper is a completion to the preceding publication of the author Z Ref 1-7 . He gives very long fo rmulas for the last grbup of the coefficients of the local determinant .41(x,y,z) by which the plotting of local nomographs of the function z = f(X,Y) up to the magnitudes of 6th order can be carried out. There ia I Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Armavirskiy -osudarstvennyy peda_-Ogicheskiy institut (Armavir State Pedagogical Institute) PRESENTED: May 18, 1959, by A.N. Kolmogorov, Acaclemician SUBMITTED: May 18, 1959 r~ard 1/1 SKORIUWV, A.F. , inzhener. Possible ways of w-king hydraulic transportation of Boil by pressure cheaper. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.7:42-43 Jl 153. (HLU 6:7) (iVdraulic engineering) Sl-~'OFEALCT, A. F. USSR/Epgineering - Damps Card 1/1 j Pub. 71 - 7/17 Authors I Smorkalov, A. F. Title 1 Reinforcing dam banks of:ground works withaAuvium Forlodical Mech. trud. rab. 5, 24-25, July 1951+ Abstract I A report zoncerning methods adopted in 1952-1953i by the GroznO Directorate of "Gidromekhaniztsiya!l Combine, for reinforcing dam banks with alluvial soil,.is presented. The thickness of the alluvial layer is calculated, and the rate of soil deposition is given. Drawings. Institution ...... Submitted FEURTUR, A. I., inzh.; SWRKA1k)V, A.F.. inzh. Constructing hydraulic fill dams without reinforcing slopes. Ylov.tekh. mont. i opets.rab. v stroi. 21 no-3:19--23 Mr '59- (MIR& 12:3) 1. Glavspetspror-istroy-Minii3terstva stroitel'stva RSFSR, UNR-319 tresta G! dromekhan lzat s iya. (Dams) -24OWULOV A.F. izizh. . -Y Hydraulic fill on one side of a dam. Gidr. stroi. 33 no.5z 16-19 My t63- (Dams-Design. and construction) (IURA 16-5) 1- - KORSMSKIY, 1,9.- Sr.OR20_~ - ~d~- ~ Rolling thin gtool strips without Intermediate anaealing. -Pron. ener.g. 12 no.7-..22-23 J1 '57. (XI3A 10:8) (Steel--Heat treatment) KABURSKIY, I.S.; DEGTYAREVA, E.V.; P11DRIK, B. Ye.; KUKHT"Z%KO, V.A.; KULAKOV, N.I.; BELICMIKO, B.I.; IVNITS7AYA, N.S.;-aMQgPA, T.M.; SHAROV, M.F.; KOZIN, L.M.; KVASHA, A.S.;PELESHCHUK, M.I.; PRYAKHIN, L.G.; LEVINA, L.I.; DAY-TIWV, V.I.; DID91KO, S.Yu. PROTS12,11KO, G.A. Reducing dust formation from dinas bricks and dinas mortar. Ogneupory 29 no.3:109-112 1*64 (MIRA 17:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ogneuporov- (for Kaynarskiy, Degtyareva, Pindrik, Kukhtenko). 2. Gosudar- stvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy koksokh-J- micheskoy promyshlennosti (for Kulakov,Bellehenko, Ivnitskaya). 3. Vsesoyuznyy trest po stroiteltstvu i montazhu koksokhimi- cheskikh zavodov-(for Peleshchuk, Pryakhin, Levina). 4. Ukrain- skiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gigiyeny truda i pro- fessionallnykh zabolevaniy (for Dani-lov, Didenko, Protsenko). SV(MKALOV, V.T- re,4 red., KJUTA~~'P, F.G., ~~t. 5-1 D J-' i-'!,V A a . , r e d . . I , I u re~7 [Flant of miraculous trnnsforma.-Licrls; everyday work of the employees of the Tavda on C~ni-- I I I , j 'AV de:-rK;kh prevr~.ishchenl.i~ llrrudiovye cix.Lni II-,o) lektiva Tcivdin- --avodla. 'S;-,~e knizhnoe iza;-vo p J T- n -1 fn r 1. Dirpktor Tavdins,",-)~-.-, Kardash). -), Pre&g-,4~ zavodakogo komiteta Tavdimkogo gidroliznogo zavoda, Ural (for Ivanova), .3. Sekretar? Vaesoyumnogo Leninskago Kormunisticheakogo soyuza molodezhi (foT Sudakova). 4. Nachallnik planovogo otdela Tavdinskog.-, gi-droliznogo zavoda, Ural (for Vasillkovich). SMORODA, I.M., inzhanar. ~ - L-1, .~! New camatruction of coke oveas. Koko i khim. no.4:59-61 '56. ()QRA 9:9) l.Kok9*khimmont&zh. (Coke evens) SHORODA,.,I.M., ishener. Kschanizing the masonry vork in building coke furnaces. Stroi.prom. 34 no.4-.12-15 Ap '56. (NLRA 9:8) (Coke OVenS)