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SMOLYAKOV, B., kand.tekhn.nauk Selecting a grade of shipbuilding steel considering weight indices and bu;L1 costs. Rech. transp. 21 no.12:31-32 D 62. (MIRA 15:12) (Shipbuilding materials) (Plates, Iron and steel) 314OLYAKOV,, B.N.I-kand.tekhn.nauk Designing lake craft h:ulls of light alloys. Sudostroenle 28 no.8:8-11 Ag 162. OMIRA 15:8) (Halls (Navaa architecture)) (Shipbuilding materials) DORMIDONTOV, Hikolay Konstantinovich, doktor telchn. nailk, prof.; LYSENKO, Lav.- Georgiyevich, kaixl. tokhn. nauk; PAVLOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich, dots., kand. tekhri. nauk; TEREM"YEV, Georgiy borisovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SM4UYLOV, Nikolay Loonidovich, st. Propod. inzh.;; Prinimal uchastiye KUZNETSOVV.P., kand,tekhn.naukidots.; &,dIZAKbV.B.Nojdots.,retsonsent;GRINBAUM,k.F., inzh.retsenzent;V~RENOVIP,T.,inz~h.,retsenzent;ASM.,V.V.,red.;VOLCHOK, K.M., [Design and arrangement of ships for inland navigation3Yon- struktsiia i ustroistvo sudov vnutrennego plavmiia. Pod ob- shchei red. N.K.Dormidontova. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," Pt.2. [Metal ships I M ;etallic he skie suda. 1962. 271 p. (19RA 15:12) 1. Kafedra arkhitektury i proyektirovaniya korablya Lenin- r-radskogo instituta vcdnogo transporta (for Dormidontov, g Lysenko, Pavlov, Terentlyev, Shmuylov, Kuznetsov). (Naval architecture) (Ships, Iron and steel) LUSNIKOV, Vladiriir Fed,)rovich--ISMOLYAKOV B.N., retsenzent; LOPATIN, I - .9 N.I., retsenzent, iii-R'EMOV, G-.V.1 red.; SKOBELING, L.F., red. izd-va; KALMYKOVA, V.M., tekhn. red. [Use of light alloys in shipb4lding] Primenenie legkikh splavov v sudostroenii. Moskva, Izd-vo "Rachnoi transport," 1963. 1-13 P. (~ff RA 16:8) (Light metals) (Shipbuilding) AZ C -WR AR6016287 SOURCE CODE., UR10269166100010011004610046! AUTHORS: Sidorov, V. V.; Andrianov, N. S.; Mikhaylov, B. K.; Pokrovskiy, G. B.; Smolyakov, B. P. TITLE: Combined meteor station KGU-112~~' SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 1-51-374 REF SOURCE: Sb. Meteorn. rasprostr. radiovoln. No. 2. Kazan', Kazansk. un-t, 1964* 3-19 TOPIC TAGS: meteor observation, meteor tracking, radio echo, upper atmosphere ol ABSTRACT: A general discussion of the combined meteor station KGU-M2 developed at the Radio Astronomical Problems LaboratoDr KGJU (Problemnaya radioastronomicheskW,&~ laboratoriya KGU) is presented. The station is intended for studying the properties, of the uppeLr__atmosphere"by radio reflections from meteor tracks, the physics of meteoric ionization, and some problems of meteor astronouq. The main consideration is given to a description and analysis of noise prevention and station operation 9,ynchronization devices. Recommendations for its further improvement are given. R - l esume Oranslation of abstract7 SUB CODE: 03 car'd J./i UDCt 523-164-8 PA" C if I-I'VFK I Y. li . V , . ~~IWILYAKOV - Change In the elentron absorpUon spectrum. of the 2-hydroxy.. 1.4,napht.hoqu.inone due to the addition c,' tndllffez-ent substar.,~,es to the solution. Opt. I spektr, 17 nc.4,515- 521- 0 !64. (M,-TRA PALI CHEWSKIY, V.V.; ISWLYAKOV, B.S. Change of electronic absorption spectra urder the effect of some indifferent substances added. Part 1. Spectra of solvated anions. Vest. LGIJ. 18 no.16-.110-114 '63. (14IRA 16:11) SHEVCHLIN-09 A.I.; AM11~11-TGj L.G.; SMOLIYAKOVp !.K.; LEYZMOV2 I.M. 0 plenishment of the operating solution of sulfur-removing units F with liquid potassium hydroxide. Koko i khim. no./+:42-43 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Yasinovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Shevchenkoj kyzenbergp Smollyakov). 2. Makeyevskiy koksokbimicheskiy zovod (for Leyzerov). (Coke industry-By6Troducts) (Sulfur) ZHOLNEROVICH, B.G., red.; ~~OLYAKOV, M.I., red.; USHAKOVA, A.F., ved. red.; VORDNOVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Unified time norms for bench repairing of boring machinery] Edinye normy vremeni n& slesarnyi remont burov'ogo oborudovaniis. MoskvaI Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 178 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po, vopr6- sam truda i zarabotnoy platy. (Boring machinery-Maintenance and repair) NIKIFOROV, I.; MAKAROV, A.; SMOLYAKOV, N.; SIPER, E.; MOGILA, V.; LARIN, M.; FILIPPOVY K.; TOKMAKOV, V.; BARANOVSKIY, V.; GHETVERIKOV, K.; PO&IANSKIY, A.; SHUTOV, M.; ROZENFELT, L.; RUDI, A. Mechanization of waterproofing operations. Stroitell 8 no.11: 15-20 N 164 (MIRA 16:1) (Waterproofing-Equipment and supplies) Sov/68--59-10-13/24 R3 Favi-I.c-o-I'd, S.G. , Candidate. of T-echialcal Sciences. and Smol'yakoy N.K. TITLE: O-raeration of the SuliDhur Purification Plant or, the Yas-ino-,r~k% Coking Works PERIODICAL: Koks i khim-,ya, 1959, Nr 10.. pp 411-44 (USSR) -43 STRA.01 T PurIfication of the coke oven ga.,3 f_:-om J'iydrogen sulphide on the Yasinovke, Works is done by the vac_uo-potash method. A c;omT)arison of the design on the aetual average operating indices of the deaulphurisation, plant indicated that the required deGree of dejulp-hurisation (851/6) was not obtained. ~n3UMO,~Ielat spraying density in the This was due to an - - 4 0 , Eorubber (21 litre/m of tile gash, aad on increasing the -ate of spraying to k.q !itre/mO the de8UlphUTi3ation pi,ooess was sharply improved. Further defiCiencies in the plant design. were: J-) lack ot provision for the rp'M-Glval of sal-ts whir;h a~--. -I-,- umt,.latzedl in the regenerated absorption solution (the 2omposit-ion and Quant-ities are given in table 2). Foil this pu:-Do3e an evaporator Ga 11, d IP folloxed by two ~~rystal'ising ;--,n L _; --u-17.hs (externally water Sov/68-1509-10-13/24 Operation of t-Irle -)u-,L,-Dhur Purification Plant on the YasirLovka Coking VIC r 11: S cooled) were added (fig 1), which cured this defect of the original design. 2) Electrostatic precipitators of the 1,r.VT-3.5 type of a rectangular cross section. It was found that when the acid penetrated between the lining and the cone, a deformation of the precipitator's body takes Dlace due to the formation of ferrous sulphate. Replacement of these precipitators by ones of a circular n.ross section is recommended. There isl figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Yasinovskiy koksokhimicheski-y zavod (Yasinovka Coking Ifforks) Card 2/2 tAll't ducuoll ol cluilings wIthout Illsers. N. 8molynkov. 0 (Lit Mao ProizmIM., 111.5 p.), ;1' waste or tntt4ti in rkwj o, mom om,4 i nit, t ways cir pswucing- eflatillp wilhotit F601" fin) SMOLYAKOV,P.T. [Climate of Tartary] Klimat Tatarii. KazaRf, Tatgosizdat. 1947. 107 P. (KLRA 9:3) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Glizate) Y- 0 V.10 Smolyakov, P. T. On the reduction of the equations of motion in the atmosphere to ones integrable by quadra- tures. Izvcstiya Kazan. Filial. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. '. Fiz.-Mat. Tehn. Nauk 1, 75-78 (1948). (Russian) 11 s'agit de r6soudre les 6quations du mouvement dans 1e plan d'une particule d'air sournise aux forces de Coriolis et de viscosit6, les acc6l6rations 6tant stippos6es nulles. En introduisant une variable cornplexe s=v-iu (u etv6tant les composantes de la vitesse du vent), on est rarnen6 ~L une 6quation diff6rentielle lin6aire du second ordre: d 2s ds -+A-+Bs=C, de dz s ktant Valtitude; A et B sont fonctions du coefficient de viscosit6 cin6matique p et de ]a densit& p; C est fonction de # et p et du gradient de pression. L'auteur introduit un changernent des variables 4-4,(z) de fa~on & rendre les coefficients A et B constants. On trouve ais6ment que 4, -If (plit)"Ids avec [a condi- doit satisfaire A ['6quation ~=nr tion d(,u#121ds=n1m (m, n des constantes rkelles). L'auteur 6tudie diff6rents cas particuliers- (a) p=cte; (b) p=cte--, et (c) P=P06-'a'. M. Kiveliovitch (Paris). Smolyakov, P. T. On the stationarity of a baric fieW. Izvestiya Kazan. Filial. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. Fiz.-, Mat. Tehn. Nauk 2, 93-99 (1950). (Russian) Vauteur 6tudie 1e mouvement d'une particule d'air en nkgligeant ]a composante verticale et dans 1'hypotHse du vent g6ostrophique. En utilisant 1'~quation de 1. A. Kibel', on voit que le mouvement est dans ce cas stationnaire et non divergent (voir au suiet des 6quations de Kibel' notre m6noire [J. Sci. MWorologie 1, 72-74 (1949); ces Rev. It, 280]). L'auteur 6tudie en d6tail ce mouvement. Af. KiveliotQch (Paris). -- ------- ig jed) 5'. -'A 38 1953) pp 341 1'1~ 1.0 4, Xpri 3 an IZI,u so: SIMOLYAKOV, P. T. Smolyakov, P. T., and Hovanskil, A. N. On the solution of algebraic equations of the 3rd degree. Izvestiya Kazan. Filial. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Tehn. Nauk 1, 85-92 (1948). (Russian) The general cubic is reduced to the form ,,3+Py+ 1 - 0, and stuall table to two decimals gives one real root y as a function of P with IPI:510. Besides the table one may use truncated developments of y as a function of P. These are illustrated by examples. D. H. Lehmer. IWI:kT -,CAL. PL. 121.232 rob 1953 PP SMOLYAKCV, F.T, 36364 Polezashchitnyye lesonasazh-deniya v borlbe s zamukhoy. Los ItStep,l 1949, No. 6, S. 20-31 30; Letopirl Zhurnall zWkh Statey, No. 49, 1949 SVOLYAKOV, P. T. TI-jo-Dimen.-ijonal Problem of the StatiOnarY Movement in the Atmosphere for (I lomplete or Partinl Independence From Viscosity B~r investigafinc'- t.h(, equations of fhe two-dimensional movernent of a compressible fl1iid in the field of a 'oriolis force, t'he 5;utnor finds that +Prms taking into account the viscosity in the indicated eauations are converted to zero if the movement is executed along certain second- order curves. Further, on the basis of the fact that the nressure field in the atmosphere can be represented by isobaric curves of the second order, thp author asserts that the role of viscosity is not large in atmosDheric movements. (RZhGeol, No. 4. 1~-55) Izv. Kazanskogo fil. .'-N SSSR, ser. Piz. -M'Item. i tekhn. n., No. 3, 1953, 54-q8. So: Sum. No. 7Wf, 8 Dec ~5 - Supplementary Survey of Soviet Scientific Abstracts (l?) SMDLIYAKOV, R. - --, 11 Plans for poultry farms. Sel'.stroi. 11 no.10:28-30 0 '56. (MLRA 9:12) 1. Zamestitell glavnogo inshenera "Rosgiprosovkhozatroya." (Poultry houses and equipment) 4t- / " , / ---v, 1--) (~ /C ~', . 1 6 1 t, ') / - SMOL'YAKOV, R. Remodeling swine houses to increase their capacity. Sell.stroi. 12 no.12:12-14 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera instituta "Rosgiprosovkhosetroy." (Swine houses and equipment) VASSMAN, Zus' Natanavich; IYAKOV Rimma Timof eviah; SOKOLOVAv R~ "7 1 Go S a 9 redo ; BALAM t %Vf-~Mt -~~ MAE' L. ~G. p14* I red, ~BA9 L.G.9* [Economical and simple livestock buildings] Prosteishie i ekonomichWe zhivotnovodcheskie postroiki. Moskvaq Izd-vo M-va sell. khoz.RSFSR9 1961. 86 p. (MIRA 10-7) (Farm buildings) SHABALIN, A.A.; GANZFA, V.Ya, inzh.,- NIKOL'SKJ.Y) V.A. [deceased); D _L-'j-bZQV~, R.T. ; LAPPISKIY, L.G.,, inzh.; IVAIIKOV, A.G.-,�LJO TURYAl-ISKly.9 G.M.; SINIDT, N.E.; &,MSOVj F.P., red.; MAKHOVA, N.N.,, takhn. red.; BALLOD., A.I., Ukhn. red. (Handbook for the state faim construction worker]Spravoch~- nik sovkhoznogo stroitelia. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1962. 598 p. (MIRA 15:9) (State farms) (Construction industry) 61,'OLYAKOV, R. _. inzh. Vew specifications for the desi,cz~ c-i" enterprises. SeI2. stroi. 17 no.4x29 Ap 163. (MIMA' 16:7) (Farm buildings--Design and construction) ~'alc-c~r v al"C"lif c r, ed E;vic- bui I i te I i :I K'UZAF.OV, V.D., inzh., red.; BOLKHOVITINOV, L.A., irzh., rod.; IVOLIYAKOV, H.T., inzh., red. [Construction specifications and reg-ulatiors] Stroizellnye normy i pravila. Moskva, Stroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec. 'N. ch.l. [General plans for agricultural enterprises; design specifica- tions) GeneralInye plany sel's'Kokhoziaist7iennykh predpriiatii; noriq proektirovan'ia (SITiP II-N. 1-62). 1964. 14 p. (IURA 17:9) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.:.) Gosuda--stvennyy komitet po delar; stroitel'stva. 2. Gosstro~r SSSR (for Kuzahov). 3. G-lavnoye upravleni-, po proyektirovaniyu sel'skik-h zdaniy i sooruzheniy pri Gosudarstvennom kt:mitete po delar. stroitellstva(for Bolkhovitinov). 4. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirova- niyu sellskokho,-iaystvep-nykh sooruzheniy (for Snollyakov). the J:~s 1-ation of a Cooling '0, no.3:8-0 Mr 065. (MIFLA 18:5) 1. Klznutf-,kJv k-nhinaf,. !-L-28522-66 ~'ACC NR: AP6012 SOURCE CODE: UR/0317/65/000/006/0094/0056 AUTHOR: (Engineer, Captain) Omplyakov ve ORG: None TITLE: Mobile desalination Ld~istlllat Ion] unit SOURCE: Tekhnika i vooruzheniye, no. 6, 1965, 54-56 TOPIC TAGS: desalination, electric generator unit, motor vehiclej* 6esalting equipment, electric power plant/FjiAZ~214 motor vehicle, ESK-75-vs-230 electric power plant ABSTRKCT: A mobile desalination station consisting of a water de- salting unit and an electric power plant is described. The waterI desalting equipment was mounted on the kMAZ-214 motor vehicle haulingi, a trailer with the ESD-75-VS/230 power plant. The plant can be re-' placed by any 220-v,*50-ops source of a minimum 75-kw capacity. A two-stage (evaporation and condensation) distillation system was employed. Its flow diagram was presented incluaing the main pump cloth and magnetic filters, heat exchangers, evaporator, condenser, - L -2852Zm66, ACC NR: AP6012331 feed water tank, etc. The circulation of the water in the system and the desalination process were described. The maintenance, cleaning, and removal of salt deposits were also outlined. The equipment must be cleaned every 200 hours in case of sea water and every 400 hours if ordinary water is purified. A Photo shows a motor vehicle carry- ing the desalting equipment. Orig. art. has: 2*figures. SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: None T POTAFOV, V.P. Sj!,OLYAKOV, V.F. KP-.LITTiIYOV7 -.1 contn-mir"atic"', J)y ,Irjr,;, 'a, j _Be, Of coqlrlositloj-~ lectlirC 6 Jul%, -C 7 Potlacov V. D. -ontaainaoion of 3all Bearin~~ Sreel b, (_Z-a,.ryazneniye ~S'harikopodshipnikovoy Stali i"afinirovocluKlm Shlakom). 'it,-11) lc)'37, 893-898 W~38E)- G, ifsin,; ~h(~ Pietilod of tag:~.ed atoms, an atLempt was made to establis-'a iche in-~~ensity of coiit-I-tzii_natiion of steel Wxi5 by refininL; slao and to deterLine the influence of exo,-en ic inclusions foriiied b-7 the eL~lulsification of Sla6 in :.ietal on -L*-Ihe metual cualituy. 3teel LUX15 was produced in basic are furnaces oper~_41U-i-_rifi wit'In solid cl%_,ar~:,e of 55-57 tons. Durin-, the oxidation Per-iod from 0.,26 to 0-52~-p of carbon was usuall7l removed with a velocity o'L 11-1he inetal mas- deoxidised zrith U ground 75c' ferrosilicon. Before coj.~-e and I en xith t '~t less tharn 2~-, of calcium deoxidation sla(,- contained n 0 ,j-bide 2.-3 inin before -aDnin-- aluminium -was added (0.4 1:1-1ton). 11.'Cle metal was tapped with sla~,S contain- jr:- not 111,ore O.SL of calcium carbide. After retention in ladle, steel v-;as bot-(I-ora noured in-to 8 ton Pee,.,in- conditions are - .ven in "'able 1. Ll ~,j 'a ' ".1. Z_~ ,'a.i-d 1/4 _~~dl ol,_,.c~~ -ive in e f o rm o f :,a 0 wa sintroduced into 153-10-7/26 1_.onta-a.Lna-uion o~-' Eall 11,earin~ 'Steel by Refinin~,, Slag, 4 5 2;1a.:- 50-65 iviin bef ore tappin;4. The consu7 ption of Ca -4 )er heat. I'lie L~,ni-Pormity o-' the u UiSLI-ib"It-ion of (,'a in slab,- was tested and found I-Io be saLii;f,'_Lcto1-y (T~Lble 2). Before Lappinpl, slag sar.,iples were La,4~t;n for che-rdcal analysis (.1'able 3) und deturwina- tion of viscosit-v usinb- a IT"Ieldiedzi-Saw-arin viscosimeter ol' 'Oene-Uration of Slag into a narrovj channel U c"iec'. J_ on the possibility of u~uri'~ic.-~tion of steel durin,~ bottom pourin,~, Samples of" pouriaE; 1.~,fractories frou heats viere taken for radiompetric measurements. Durin,..: of metual o-'L' some heats samoles from the si_irf,-tc,_~ of the metal in -moull-i were frozen on to L~. --teel rod. AJL't-_--r rollin--- 0~ 7-he rle-al `ronm e_=,erimen- tcal Iieuts in to 12&am roundS or 140 x 140mm. scouares, _pleas viere cu-~- ou- corres.pondin; to 80, 60 40 -and 2"' ', U of the in:'-ot I-Lei~,,ht- (countuin,-,- fron, t1ae bottoms. '-emolets weru~ ifor-ed -U'-o squares 90 x 90= from vAi1c'-11 well-, GUZ oUU (a-'s SI-10'=_ in Fic-ure 1) for met all ographic S investi~;ation, electrolytic senparation of non-metuallic inclusions and determinatilon of con.-~-_nt of o=Ljr,,:,en. L';Xperil!"en'Gul results assembled Ln tables 4-6 and fiz_-ares Indicated thL,0- the method use," 'or 'he '3ett~rmi-nation --ormi nr, I ii,:~i nnp (Pynii I --i -Pi np ti n-n Contamination of TlearinL; Steel b.7 ReJE-inin..f., -Slag. of refinin- slaw during, tapping) confirzred the possibil- Cj 0 ity of contamination of steel by slaE; during tapping from un electric furnace. The content of sla,-, inclusions in the rolled product reached in the indivi- dual cases 0.001r," or about 1C~,'.d of the total content of stable inclusions in steel WXJS. A di~--_ct relation- slair, between -Uhe content of exogennic inclusions and IUS4 Ghe total content of oxide inc Lons was esta'u'-lished. CU tappinG with a basic slain, of incre(ased viscosity the c on-c amination of steel by non-metallic inclusions is loi&,er than with a fluid slag of similar composition. A part of sla., inclusions is removed darinp teeming in casting; Yefractories and durin;~7 the fillinr, of ini-:ot moulds. 11"o differences 1,r,'ere ft~und in the oxide inclusions in steel either from different mould seats or on difi`erent levels of the in--ot height. The participated in tale ivork: V.V. Kurganov, V. A. hamardin, A. 'IT. Porada, E. P. ~.,.Toskalenko, L. B. I.-issina, L. I. 1,211-istoforova --?md V. !. K~rsanova. There _U _L - ai-e 6 tables, 3 fi-;7 res and 6 references, 4 of which C'~-lr~! 3/4 are 133-10--el26 Contamination of Ball Pearin.--, Steel b,~, Ref ilnin.E, Slaf7. One-prospet--call ',,~Iorks and the Institut uz u e o -f .;.etaliLLr.--,y of tlie Academy of Sciences of the TTS Z _R Oneprospetsz-tall i Instit-ut TietallurEi- A'- AVAILt~i~i.L,-: Library of Congress (lard Z11LI, r Ele 0: -a --,~2 a I N e T;-,,! Lz e n, - un; 3 of' Ball DparlriLrs 'Lu(I Stv,wtu~-aL Ciuvomiiwi- SOV/`133 - 60 - 1 - 111/3 0 Nickel-Tarigsten SteelL; it ~7r L7 40 40 t. j 7 Cf A12TA4 PORO Ylr-I ?AnA)C, Card 418 Fig. 3. Fre~-Juency diagram of distributIon of melts accordinz to the rating of central porosity. (a) Initial steel ShKhl5; (b) ditto, electroslag steel; 'z~ (c) Initial steel ShK~115SG; (d) ditto, electroslau steel. M U 711153 SOV/'133-' 0-1-14/30 Card 6/8 7Z Ad U-26 ?4 -qj (a IS 0 2,J .70 RNW~ 6X 74 ~j k4 ,-2!, Z_ V, -,z 1 ~A Ci PA-11416- V 5-OFI,04s- Frequenc-y curves of by oxides (A) and aulCides (B) of electro- sla-T and ordinary melts of ShKhl5 Steel. (a) Electro- sla.-; (b) ordinary melts in one group of furnaces; (C) ditto, In the other 6rOUP Of f a rna c e L; . Ele(A rortiet a lh, L,n,. Electru6la,; Rouieltin:;- 7'-(3 D -D of Ball Bearln,-,s and StructUral Clirojillum- SOV/133-6o-i-14/30 Nickel -Tunrxs ten Steels ASSOCIATION: reconmienjed to continue the stully of the basic para:rie,tevs of the proce,3.,:-, reLrarcllng the improvement of' -:rjL;taIll,llatloti (,onlitic)rv~ of' In.-...rots, an-I the cle vf-- lopnw tit of optImum composItIon of rlux,-, fol, addi'l.orvil Incvea:3c of metal girity. The ve ave 7 Sovle ices; 4 tables; and " t references. Zaporozill'ye Machine a.tlldlnL~; institute and "Dneptospets.stall " Plant (Zaporozzhskly, mashin- ostroyitellnyy institut i zavod "Di-ieprospetsstall") Card 8/8 22315 " '61/000/004/004/015 Nature of flews in ot-l in6otz proj,.,~-A by. 2? the Ineot. Am -t:,rda :he -el tln6 t:~e it h~ fir thmt t jt tho last pvr-,ol~ p-,!-v,4 f Atud;( of fault; 144 "'u-na, 'if "!r-,: "I~- .. t.mpl., t~~- u844 tou-3 it th"'. Ln t cta P, . , 01, ,x r-, -lu t t fl a. the -3ti.9 .7 st .h f r, 1: r :.d Q"nt,-.n r"n t~, ;r4 -.I~, n in -4, w4re C-~- n, n the of th~ -.t~ 'n, z, 111"; 413. ..A!. h~ Zc.,-r t~;, -lCr :or: 1v cooIine t4l. th~ -Dtl~-i '..'e the test. with -,he A-550 qulp-nt th~ f t Card 4/8 22315 Ildtur. of f1..3 In steel Ingo. pro".41 by . . . iz 54" 1127 bot-.02 part cf _h" '.n.Z*t -.4 dofi-..d' -.4 &"sc ;- 4~itl. to P~-,,nt th~ a 16 .a' -1~ I- rmat af in th a. b- -'r. - 10im a top o. ho r.,; ~7 r. poratlonal cardi-teino on Lifthe did ~fjh. ;o* Ith 55 , -~r --4 040 a-'I even st r c par ... on'. yield fl..,.a a-stin. 7r"' 'et t~.. ;Q,D- ao- t 1 7 , v 3 -ro-' PlY 'e -h e~- n-1 sr ory Ir -, , thro gh 't tnd n*. d '. r. . _ tr p rto th impurities aoul! b~ Croz to :r. ,.,l a L some tests Ta. 1. Spol--tor took part. Card 5/f3 S/O 3,,,"61102 7/004/00610 2a 31 10i 52 15 A"": H OR S Shu'llto, Tu. L., G,r*vsktkh, L. A., Ultalmen'go, V. D_ T. P.. S.~Iya~ .. ~L. F.. and Stetsento. S. 1. TI-LE, Scalia for estimating nonmetallic lncl~ tons in el*ctfo- scorlaccous steel ?--R:O:)ICAL, Z-d.k.y. 1. 27, --. 4. 1961, 422-424 TZATe I 'zigh-parity metal in obtained by the *Iectroecorlaceous method -ti.. of =a. -. ...... I. Ioctroscoriac*oua ats,l differ from those In ordl.-rX &toe! In kind and character of their distribu.ion. Traditional therefore, cannot 'as ~ ad 'or the correct estimation of izpurit-es. especially oxidic inclus tons. The examinaton of nonmetallic inclus lons in a large -bar of colts of el-troncorlaceaus steel .11o..d the d.,el.p ... t of . ... ...I. (Fig.) I. hi.. the -.1 or.. f d- oriented 1-1-I..., their .-t.r .1thi. the -1.14 of and the .4.i!:ibl. dl....I.n, o.C.1h,*d1,4,1,Id-l.1.,c!- I:,, or* 1.1:.Pinto account (T b~ 1 0.1dIa ..d lf Ia .I" i . r. h... in I h ho 5/052/61/027/0041GOO/028 Scale ,or of the net acsit. Lsr~;o Sloaular. oxidic Int-slon. are measured with an The degree of - in* ground face I. 'he 'it'd of Tialon with the largest -bar of Impurities. The w-ho to -d 6~1 of ta:1,:: ri. . I I 200 1.. _ri ...... I f b . g I yp . WX .5 S Kh 15) and UIX15CP (Shichi5sz;) .;6t the III*. th. . -1 .. ... . --t.d by n 7OCT60 47 G -4 1. ?, 2). I .11 both -co1-- Ilff.r.d but slightly, although th. oa I or I . in d ., 1,1-1 melts differ d 1 the coo. 1. E m n&- f b I - t o t' Onoafno nze I IIIa ,n01usino .h0 1.can .I.. be -,.ad f0r other ,tool: o. 11~41 .11m: .... .. th.d and for . ti-tizi ..It. 1. t .I ._ r the a..- Zlp- of -1-1- 7:*1..Boyko:a coll 'bor:tl.. 1. [Abotraget:ra notst Co xpl-to tr...l III.] There or . figure, 2 table., and 2 1-bI.C -f- note. :5501CIAT-ONs 2sporozh.kiy -hInctroit*I1njy inatitut (Z:Poro-hlyo Hoohl.:.b.ildl.g Ina ILtut.), ... od *D..;,,..p (D. p P. t..t.l.. Plant) C..Az204- KHITRIK, S.I., dWtor tekhn-. nauk; KADINOV, Ye.I., inzh.,- BORODULIN, G.M., inzh.; TREGUBENKO, A.F., inzh.; YATSKMCH, I.S., inzh.; DEMIDOV, P.V.,, inzh.; FFWITSOV., V.P., inz.h.; SMOLYAKOV V.F. P I I P --Oih~lfp G.P. inzb.-- DOVGIY M.M'- inz inzh.; MALIKOV *~ nzh.- Ye.I., inzh.; RABIROVICH, A.V., inzh. Reducing chrmium losses in the manufacture of acid-resistant and stainless steels in electric arc furnaces. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:17-20 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 16:6) (Steel, Stainiess-Electrometallurgy) s/l48/62/000/002/Oo2/oo8 Elll/E435 AUTHORS: Smolyakov,-V_.F., Potapov, V.D. TITLE: _&~luence of working flux on the contamination of ball-bearing steel in electro-slag remelting PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Cheriiaya metallurgiya, no.2, 1962, 56-64 -1 ~'T In electro-slag remelting developed by. the Institut elektroswirki ii;i. Ye.O.Patona (Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O.Paton) a consumable electrode of the material is melted in a bath of slag in a water-cooled mould. The electrode is lot-.,ered automatically to keep pace with the melting process, the slag acting as a liquid resistance heater through which fine droplets of the metal fall. Although much reduced, non-metallic inclusions are still present in the remelted material. The' function of the slag in this process has not been sufficiently studied. In the present work the authors give the results of their investigations on the influence of the type AHO-6 (ANF-6) working flux and of other process factors on the contamination of types 'LljXl5C[- (ShKhl5SG) and WX15 (ShKhl5) steels with Card l/ 5 s/i48/6n./OGO/002/002/008 Infittence of working flux ... Elll/E435 ' of 50 to 56 V. The corresponding currents were 6.0 and 6.0 to 6.9 I~A; durations were 185 "'in to 1.95 min and flux quantity 21.0 lcg. FILIN composition was varied over the f o 11 ow i ri E, r a i z,~, e s0 to 3-0 Si02, 19.2 to 37.250' jX1203, 0.14 LQ 0-17',~ FCO, 0.03 to 0.211 FeriO- 1.23 to 5.590 CaO, 0-3 to 0-97"o 11-190 O.Oll,to o.o4M~?: 57.4 to 76.oc-' CaF,. A rakiioacLive Ca45o preparation in a glass capsule was introduced when the process had reached a steady state. Slag sa.m,ples for radiometric analysis were taken at intervals in two experiments and always at the conclusion of the process. Metal szA:-,-.!)Ies for checking the macrostructure and for microstructural, electrochei-Acal and radiometric investigation of the amount and composition of non-metallic inclusions were taken for the initial electrodes and during forging of the experimental ingots. T-fetal quali.ty was assessed using the I-OCT8ol-47 (GOST 801-47) scale. The residues from electrolytic solution of specimens were treated by a published method. Measurements of the activity of the te*t preparations were periodically checked with a cobalt standard. Errors were calculated using a published equation, Card 3/ 5 Influence of working flux ... s/148/62/000/002/002/008 EIII/E435 ukeasuret-zients with over + 505.0 error being rejected. The activity of each residue was compared with that of the same aii,iount of slag taken from the level in the mould corresponding to 1 litre of the sample, or at the end of the remelting. The weight P (in g) of working slag present in the metal as inclusions was found from the equation P = 21020-5 B + aCaO B as Me203 a. CaO where 'CaOi as are the specific activities of a precipitated calciui-~i and the work-ing slag (imp/min); aMe203 is tIla t of ~rivalent-element hydroxides which on precipitation sorbed V, part of the mother liquor with its calcium ions; B~j e20 and BCaO are the weights of the "sesquioxide" precipitate a~ld the precipitated calcium, respectively. For the 250 mm diameter ingots of ShK1115SG steel, flux inclusions were found to be riot over 4.8 x lo-5Vo of the weight of metal or 1% of the total quantity of the inclusions determined by the electrochemical r,.iethod. The 300 mm diameter ingots of ShKh15 steel contained no Card 4/5 S/148/62/000/002/002/008 7nfluence of working flux ... Elll/E435 'Llux inclusions although their total non-metallic inclusions content w-as double that of the 250 mm ingot. As the mould diameter an:-~ specific energy consumption rise, contamination of metal bv non-metallic inclusions increases appreciably. Flux contamination of ball-bearing steel remelted in ANF'-6 flux can be ignored, the main factors in contamination being the content and natUre of non-metallic inclusions in the electrode, electrical ' conditions of the remelting process and composition and physico- chemical properties of the flux. The authors recommend that research should be concentrated on the study and improvement of these factors. There are 4 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Zaporozhskiy zavod "Dneprospetsstall" Im. A.N.Kyzlmina (Zaporozhe "Dneprospetsstall" Works imeni A.N.KuzImin) SUBMITTED: May 22, 1961 Card 5/5 S/133/62/000/009/002/009 A054/A127 AUTHORS: Frantsov, F.P., Moshkevich, Ye.M., Smglyakov, V.F. TITLC: At the Elektrometallurgicheskiy zavod "DneprcspAsstal"' Im. A.N. Kuzimina (tlectrometallurgical Plant "Dneprospet.9stal"' imeni A.N. KuZ f Iflin) PERIODICAL! Stal', no. 9, 1962, 8o8. TEXT: Two versions oil the smelting technology for stainless maximum 0.03% carbon-containing steel have been developed; a) by smelting zoft i1ron (0-03% C) or vacuum-tz--ated soft iron (0.01% C) with special highly refined fer- rochrome and nickel in an acid 8-ton induction furkiace;. b1 in a mqdium-capaci- ty basic arc furnace on pure carbon charge with the application of oxygen. In the second version the metal is oxidized by oxygen in 25 - 35 minutes, until a 0.02% carbon content is obtained; the slag is then tapped, the metal Is reduced by the sedimenting process with the addition of 0.35% Si, 0.5% 14n and 0.10% Al and 0.2% calcium silicate is added to the slag. Then highly refined ferrochrome and an iricreased amount of slag (4 - 5%) are added. Titanium metal is fed into Card 1/2 S/i)3/62/0Oo/oO9/Oo4/Oo9 A054/A12-t AUTHORS: Frantsov, V.P., Moshkevich, Ye.I., Smolyakov, V.F._ 'FIT!-",: At the Elektrometallurgicheskiy zavod "Dneprospetsstal"' im. A.N. Kuz'mina,(Electrometallurgical Plant Dneprospetsstal'" im. A.N. Kuz'min) PERIODICAL: Stal' , rio. 0, 1962, .812 - 81_3 '1EXT: I) Studies of industrial-scale heats of DH962 (EI962) [ 10 X 12 11B~1,MIA (1OKh12rNFMA)] grades showed that the cracks in slabs depend on the chemical composition and mainly on the C-content. Heats containing O.U) - 0.1% carbon could be given an index of 2.85 as to surface condition, but ()n',Y 1.8 at a 0.13 - 0.18r~ C-content. the chemical.composiiion affects the phase sLructure, If the C-content is increased ibeyond 0.13% the amount of ferrite Phase decreases to 5 - 7% at rolling temperature. The metal then shows satis- factory ductility. Reducing the temperature in the ladle to 1,570 -'1,5900C and 1'aising the temperature of slabs during placing them in the furnace have favorable effects. Blowing argon into the furnace did not change the metal ductility. The optimum C'content is 0.13 - 0.16%. 2) The use of single rotameters during the pouring of the H 437 S (E1437B) grade alloy and the determination of the Card 1/5 S/ 13316 2tj_f~ 1 4/'-1 At LhQ .... A054/A127 t;ry:e zf argon bloi%,ing into the mold improved the surface of ingo"s arid reduced the margrinal defects on the fracture surface from 6.8 to 3.8%. 3) 7ne application of precipitation reduction of the metal by means of the AMC (AMS) alluy ().-) ri'glton) and -45-,1,4 ferrosilicon lumps (to obtain a 0.1% Si-content), and 'Uhe addition of ferrochrome before the formation of the refining slag were studded. The r3laiz was reduced by coke and ferrosilicon powder. Refining time -v:as shcrtened by Yj minutes, the slag composition was improved and the service !Lfe of flirriace lining was prolonged. The ductility of the .-fetal improved slightly. The quality of the metal at the fracture surface of hardened samples and in samples studied for gradual machining was also beTter. There was no change in the amount of nonmetallic inclusions. 4) Lacquers with various degrees of viscosity and containing diverse amounts of volatile matter were tested with the addition of 5 - 15% lacquer oil and 5 - 15% resin separately and with the addition 5 - 10%, of both lacquer oil and resin. The larger amount-of volatile matter, when coating at 1300C, promoted the edge formation of the metal. The lacquer used for coating ingot molds for structural steels should contain 0.5 - 1.0%, volatile matter at 500, 1.5 - 2.5% at 70(), 3 - 5% at 900 and 6 - 15% at 1000C; its viscosity Ahould be 2.8 - 3.20E at 700C. 5) To improve the macro- structure of stainless steel ingots under the riser-head, dozzles with a widened -- _~ ~ 1~ -1/004/6o9 S/133/62/60&/'~ A', the Elektrometallurgicheskiy .... .21 0 5 4 /A 12 7 avt~ra.-e rate of decarburization fo-- the 1EX15 (Shl~1115) and CT.) (S-u.3) grades wms 0.1,14 and 0.96% per hour. Upon obtaining the required C-content, the conven- tional technology was applied. When liquid charge is used the P-(0.015%) and S-coritent are lower than with solid charge. Moreover, The new technology require:, less electric power (by 23.5%) and a shorter smelting time, ~t increases slightly the costs of the metal, however. 8) A new technology for casting stainless steel haz !)cen developed in cooperation with the Dneprope-trovskiy metaliurgicheskiy institut.(Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute). The new miethod restricts the fet -,n lag is reduced in ad- --d of oxy,rk- to a minimum during the smelting period; s- A powder, the basicity of slag is r~iised to 1.5 vance by coke and. silicon 1.6 by adding '00 - 7 kg/ton 1~rrie. The metal is reduced by The precipitation process 1% 1 after the bath has been blown through by oxygen; mixed reducing agents are used to obtain 0.55',' [01n, 0.3 - 0-35% Si and 0.15% Al. The slag is reduced after addi- tion of ferrochrome by 45- and 75-% pulverous ferrosilicon. Vrhen casting 1 X 18 H 9 T steel the new method saves 20 - 25 kg/ton ferrochrome. 9) in smelting l1Cn18N9T stainless steel, ferrotitanium is replaced by titanium metal zcraps, pro- cessed in the form oil briquetted powder and chips. Prior to feeding titanium into the furnace, the slag has to be removed completely. Aft6r addition of fresh slag (11m~e + spar), it is reduced by 3 - 4 kg/ton aluminum powder. When titanium Is Card 111", AQ54/Ai27 AINI:OWi: Frantsov, V. P., Moslikevich, Ye J., Smolyakov V F. T] TLE: Az; ti~,a Ele 1`r: t., -ome ta 11 i--gi c lies k iy zavod ",Dneprospatsstal"' Ku~; na (Electrometallurglc4i Plant "Dneprospetsstal'" KODICAL: Sta 1' , rio. ,~~;62, E61 FET TEXT: Tests of i-educing the cropping at the top by 114 and aT the bo-~toml. o_- iliots by O.j% showed that for the 20 - 53 steels -,lopping can be de- cvt~as_-d tij -'or the 12- l,,_) X IT 4 C_ 13A (12-2JKnfl3A), 12-2JX2H4A (12~20~:ri_-,,` A) arid -;.j XFCA(*--,,,!-::-.GSA) Frades to !6,,4 and Cor tne 18-XHBA grade to 18%. Bot-'o;!1 C--opi)-Ing can i-xe redueed for the 20-DO" grades to A, ror T'he 50 XFCA XC EX11- 12-2oxh-n4i,, 12-201Ul- _~,A and ~01C,IGSA j,-;-aci.2s to L) For 1x3tter utilization of the heating elem.-anTS, t,-e S-11Kh'-, g:,ad--_- steel blabs are cut into pieces ~.8 r1i in length instead of -3.5 m; CuTting to tl-.e standard size [ POCT 8oi-47 (GOST 801-47)] takes place be-o-ze 7 bec6rie white -,ot. This treasure increased the output of the heat treat..-.ent C a ~. d i /_-~ LiK.- 11, L:'Ome La urgilch~asl i KI I.Y . . . . /A 127 0 t~ie "ervite lattice. These changes are caused by the special condi- -,ion.s of oi' tale ex-ce.-mal metal layers at the water-cooled ingot was -ourid in thie skin of electro-remel~ed steel. zvl_in during t1h" cooling o~ some parts of the molten metal due to CaFo pa-, 'b_--Inj entrained the rretal passes through the slag layer. 6) TI-.e o:.' d~carb-,irization and carburization of steels has been considerably !el' i), application of the Ionizing effecT. The new method uses YPG-~)5 typ'-'- x-ray apparatus, a special cameraJ.- aii- MCTP -4 (r4sTR-4) type counter, a SAMSYK (BAMBLJIO type computer and-an OrM-09 (EPP-09) type poteri- ome te I,.- Card j /3 8/128/63/000/oWool/002 Ao54/A126 AUTHORS: Smolyakov~ V. F., Moshkevich,.Ye. I. TITLE: Producing high quality I X 18119 T (1Kh18N�T) steel castings PIMIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 2. 19631 7 - 8 TOM Tests proved.-that,,a more stablIe titanium content of the M18149T grade Is ensured if,' instead4f adding titanium to the furnace, it is introduced as spongy titanium (5 - 30 aua in size) into each ladle 20 - 30 see prior to its being filled with metal from the furnace. Adding titanium to the ladle, however, affected the Censity and surface quality of the castings which displayed flaws, scales, slog ino~lusions, etc. Therefore, if titanium is added to the ladle, its amount must be.decre'ased to obtain the required liquidity of,the metal and a dense casting. The optimum casting corulitions are ensured by lowering the metal's Ti-content to 0 0.4% and, proportionally, its C-content to 0.06 0.071,1,'. As the use of Ti in the ladle depends to *a great extent on the tempera- ture of the metal poured from the furnace, It must be carefully controlled be- fore tapping with the aid of imm ersion-type platinum-platinorhodium thermocouples. Card 1/2 PY&Y. AID 93 -11 11 HOT D-IT-TILITY Or, 1:1--18 STAINLIF.'S'S ST EELS (USSITO J pa. nc vi. F. oroki- 1~ R;.. D. V'Zi i i -, z o n, V. F. S proizvodstvo, no. 1, Apr S 82 116 ej /1000 / 00 4 /001/ 004 in -0 w sw.~l 0. 10 li~~ C in ax L L 1. 0 si r--. 2 ~,ij -~vll la. C---, a-idl of steel b 0', s L. 'T'a 3 0 d L~ c-, - --' -in, a-ve been 4-eEued. y a nd ru f n. Tho besT resul-s vv, vv; tia a~-"dit-ion of 0. 5 kc~jton- alumi-um and .005,o L - t1i I boron z-diu:. 4-0 11) :-nin before tapping. 'ne-tcn ingr-ais o" st-c-l so tilc~a-'ICC2 co"Ild !~rf to 122~0-14230,'C (furnace temperaturr.) and forged into ballets, 1,0") to 1~0 W, Z'aai~ r-,~h c-ating. lngots o' conventional. arc! otaer exnerimental be-~~s vihic"i-I Lc~~- -'a lerxiQeratures over (furnz:,ce temperature) cr,-,.---keLf wh~--n IND] Card 1/1 MOSHKEVIC119 Ye.l.,,, ~ffNINZON, R.D.;_~MGWKOV, V.F., SOROKINA, M.F. Increasing the plasticity of OM3N18 and W3N18 steel ingots by hot deformation. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 5 no.4.-18-19 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Steel ingots) (Plasticity) BORODULINY G.i%L2 inzh:; SMOLYAKOV, V.F.,, inzh.; MOSHKEVICH, Ye.l., inz4; SHAWLI, YM6,P , 1--nz ~. Ts4lmology of the production of chromium-nickel stainless steel with a-carbofi-content of not more than 0.03%. Stall 23 no.1:27-29 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. UkrNIISpetastall i Dnepropetrovskiy staleplavillnyy zavod, vysokokachestvennyk~ i spetsiallnykh staley. (Chromium-nickel steel-Electrometallurgy) S1,11C)LYAKOT, V.F.; SHULITE, Yu.A, ; B.I.; GARL%"3hIKH, !.A..; .. -TAASH, YU.V.; '~-SIVIRIIMJ, E.I.; "'ADIUTIEV, Yu.I.; TOPCHY, S.F. Nonmetallic irICIU3JJ-OnS in electric slag refined 12Yh2N4A strucLural steel. Mlet. i gornorud. prom. r-o.,1:3'1-37 JI-Ag 164. D ( "'I I -PA I s : -f ') BAGAKOV) A.A.; G I flElf-l'KAS H I NA , I% SHAMI L I, Yu .1' Slkll,','~LYA N01i' F. ""(- EOS11KE'VICTI ' Ye . 1 . A.!,.; Td-TES, I ~.,IIIKSEYLIITO, WROMO, !4.1.; K07.013KC-, Llj', -EGUTSKIT, L.T, I -TOV, A.A.; 7 Inventions. ~let. i gornorud. protil. no.4:(8) 1 -1 g ( :,: I 11 7 ACCLSSION NR: AP4043489 S/0133/64/000/008/0738/0740 AUTHOR: Moshkevich, Ye. 1. (Engineer); Mininzon, R. D.. (Engineer); Smolyakov, V. F. (Engineer); Sorokina, M. F. (Engineer) TITLE: Improving ductility-of OKh23NI8 and Kh23,118 steels SOURCE., Stal', no. 8, 1964, 738-740 TOPIC TAGS: oxidation resistant steel, OKh23N18 steel, Kh23NI8 steel, OKh23Nl8 steel ductility, boron, boron modified steel, boron modified Kh23N18 steel ABSTRACT: The hot ductility of oxidation-resistant OKh23N18 and KhZ31418 steels can be improved by the addition of boron (0.005%) in the arc furnace shortly before tapping, followed by the addition of aluminum. The positive effect of boron is based on Its ability to promote the precipitation of carbides in the form of coagulated particles on grain boundaries, instead of a continuous network. The improved ductility made it possible to forge ingots without reheating, which increased the efficiency of forging facilities by 40% and raised the yield by 1.75-4%. The forged billets had a clean surface without -cracks. Orig. art. hast 1 figure. Card I ty) I "i jye. I.; SMOl,y,,,KoV, 11. F ja.? K j) A --- ---- CHI) YKO- N. 11A. j PEREk, n', of J qu~ he ad- or Fou m treatz Vacui, 2 vys. uchelb. zav.; chern, met. (!-~l IRA rcvskiy J.nst-itut i zavO-l SUPLYAKOV, V.F.; '-,OSHKE'VICII, Ye.I. 1 -1 - luse of ferroalloys in 8teel EMelt"rg in electric furnaces. Metallurg 10 no.8:15-17 Ag 164. (KIRA 17: 11 ) 1. 'Mvod "Dneprospatsatal 111. L 63975-45 F~_Irr ~ACCESSION NR: AP5014242 UR/0383/65/000/002/0024/002r, 669.187.6 !AUTHOR: ZabaluVev, Yu. I!~, Smolyakov V. F. Vullfovich, M. S. ~-Xaganovsk G. P. ;i_ :Stetsenko, N. A.; Yerfiellyanen 0, U. _n,;_-?re-d`ovar, B. I. (Dodtor-of -technical Y//,,.r S_f :sciences); LatYW,' Yu. V. (CandidatP,6P tec 9~4s) ;TITLE: Improving the macrostructure of 6lectroslag steels ~SOURCE: Metallurgicheskaya i gornorudnaya promyshlennost', no. 2, 1965, 24-26 1 1TOPIC TAGS: electroslag-melting steel .iABSTRACT: Crystallization bands (layers)--regions-.which are more resistant to etch-',:.' j ~Iing than the base metal--are observed in the macrostruct.ure of ball bearing-and ,structuval steels melted by the electroslag method using ANF-6 flux.: :In the ingoti:, ithese layers reproduce the contour of theabottom of 'the metal-bath, and in rolled ;products they appear as rings. These crystallizat-lon layers are caused by sharp :changes in the rate at which the crystallization front advances due to disturbance. iof the thermal balance between the metaland slag baths. The authors studied the 1-:::- !effect of substituting AN-2131 flux for ANF-6. 12Kh2N4A, 18MMA, ShKhlS, ShKhl5SG jCard 1/2 L 1ACCESSION NR:, AP5014242 .and 30KhGSNA steels were melted. The working.current was reduced by 15-20% and irate of flux consumption was increased by i5-25% over-that of ANF-6. The macro- Istructure of forged and rolled specimens (circular and square, 100-150 mm) was densd- ;-_A and'uniform without traces of layered crystallization. Contamination by nonmetallic inclusions is about the same with both fluxes. The elimination of the crystalliza-[ tion layers when AN-291 flux is,used is,du.e tothehigher electrical-resistance of ~ 'this flux whi ch makes hotter smelting,possible, increasing the heat content (enthal-,....1-.*~: 1py) and consequently the thermal inertia of the me Ilting zone. This effect acts as," !a "choke" which smooths out fluctuations in electrica'l conditions and results in a Imore uniform ingot. Orig., art. has: 2 figures,. 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL- 00 SUB:.CODE: MM NO REF SOV.: 002 OTHER. 000 Card 2/2 -r IN NIKIT 2 B.4.; SMDJYAKOV,, V.P.; MALINOVSKIT, Yaj.j AK1JLOV, Improv-.*ng the quality of stainl-3ss stael ingcit surfaces made by elsat-ia slag remelting. Mbt. i gornarad. prom. no.3231-32 My-je 1650 (MIRA I&II) L 63561-65 EWT(m)/EhT -(-q)/EwA(d-)/T/Ewp-(-t)/B'IP,(Ic)/DJP~-Z)/EWP(b)/Et4A(c) fACCESSION HR: AP5013229 HW UR/0133/65/000/005/042010422 60.187.2 Yui_f. AUTHOR: Moshkevich, Ye. I.; smolYg2Y. Y.J.; Dabkon.T. M. Shamill TITLE: Production of DI-6 I'Khl3Gl4N3) steel SOURCE: Stall, no.-5, 1965$ 420-422 jTOPIC TAGS: stainless steelz steel sheet. chromium-manganese-nickel steel .ABSTRACT: A new low-nickel stainless steel, DI-6, to replace Khl8NlOT steel in iequipment operating in moderately corrosive media is described. A ferrite content !of 1-3% was found in samples at room temperature -and also in samples heated to. 112500C, held for 2 hours and quenched. Basic. mechanical properties -41ich meet :specifications, are shown. Although the metal consumption coeffici~hq for DI-6 is 1' ;higher than that for Kbl8N10T, it is believed that this will be corrected by future ed demand~for the product. Two methods, the new !4 iproduction improvements and increas icliarge method and the remelt method, were used.- Preference was given to the remelt,1, method as it is more economical and.requires less time. This method involves the use of stainless sttel ScrapgDI-G 8drap, carbono silicon and ferrochrome scrap, 11 i Card 1/2 L 2364-66 ZJ'T(m)/EWA(d)/EWF( (k)/ t A~T ~j 1jD/ a4 ACCESSION NR: AP5019947 7JR 7C~FOC6/0752/6j~& 669.187.26 AUTHORS: r V P V V.;,GabuYev, G. Kh.;-Yrantsoill S. Z.; Abramov _A Travini~ I Potapovd,V. P. Smolyakov V F S,-vpKo-L 77 TITLE: Effects of sj~ Fiji and working methods on the properties of heat resista4t %stainless steel DI-1 SOURCE: Stall, no. 8) 1965Y 752-753 TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel property, stainless steel smelting, hot rolling 'forging/ DI 1 steel alloy, 20Khl5N3Mk steel alloy tIABSTR&CT: The effec sof smeltin~and hot working methods on the properties of stainless steel DI-1%(20Kh15N3MA ere investigated. The metal was melted in M-ton arc furnaces, po-iir~e into 2a50 and 1000 kg ingots, part of which were hot rolled and part forged into 170- to 180-mm diameter rods. Part of the smelt was electroslag remelted and also forged or hot rolled into rods. Dur f the ingots were 0 ',heated to 1160-1180C, reduced to 200 x 200 mm blanks (=50-9~ ~C, islowly cooled t in o r .100-1500 reheated to 1160-1160C for final forgine t ods (final temperatures 850-900C~, and axmealed at 660C. For hot rojIlRe 'the blanks were placed at 750-. 800C in a recovery furnace. It was found that after remelting the oxide and e Card L 2364-& "ic , S - __ :_ -_ ____ - ___ ___ --* , __ __ ____ -- --,*--- CES ION NR AP5019947 ;content in DI-1 dropped from ball 4 and 2 (coarse scale) to ball 1.0-1.5 and 0- 5 :res ectively. The % -phase content also decreased as did the 0 i 2 (by a factor of ;2T and 11, (factor of 2) contents. The properties of -the arc smelted (DI-1) and 'resmelted tpels after beat treatment were 6 B = 102 - 5 k V~ma2, 8 = 1 (!)1- 1 Sh) a gm/c 2 ~s.K = 6.0 k m and 107, 16-5, and.6.2 respectively. The type of hot yking method (forging or hot rolling) had no appreciable effect on any of the(propert but in both cases plasticity dropped sharply for workingtemperatures above 1200g .(because of-increased 0(-phase formation). Orig. art. has: 2 figures# ASSOCIATION.- none SUBMITTED- 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE1 MW NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 (6 V 1< r-A J L 27254-66 EPF(n)-2/EWT(m)/EWP(t) JJP(c) VRi/JD/JG SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/004/0027/0028 AUTHOR: Kovalenko, A. Ho; IkKin.,, F* 'V.; Borodulin, GoM Yelftsoy. K, S#; I Smolyakov V* Fe ORG: none TITLE: Method for vacuum degassing ofliquid metals with simx1taneoud treatment 'With slag. jClass 18, No. 178843 SOURCE: Izobreterdya, proqrshlenr*rye obraztsy, tovarro-je 'znaki, no. 4, 1966, 27-28 TOPIC TAGS: metal, liquid metal, metal degassing, vacuum degassing ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for vacuum degassing and simu.1- taneous refining of liquid metals by a slag treaimnnt in a two-tube chamber, The metal is sucked into the chamber through one tube and, after vacuum degassing, is discharged through the other tube containing liquid slag which refines the metal. SUB CODE: 11 SUEM DATE: O5Sep64 -6~6 /51 P ft W T T.-,P(r,) ---PZL/-T-r - - ACC NR, AP602905b 14/0082/0082 SOOCE CODE: uR/o4l3/66/000/0 !NVENTOR: Averchenko, P. A.; Alekseyenko, M. F.; Babakov, A. A., Babitskaya, A. Batrakov V -P--L Bonda-renko, A, L. ; Gabuyev G. Kh. -, Yellts ov, K. S.; Kulygin, G. V.; V. ~1.; Orekhov, G. N., Pridantsev, M. V.; Sklyarov, P. I Smoly L-J- M- ~gv;g -V. F -1 ~;ff Soroko, L. N-., Solov'y6v, L. 1,.; Frantsov, V. P.; Shamil I, Yu. P.; OSER-evi7c e.-. Natanov, B. S. ORG; none TITLE: Stainless steel. Class 40, No. 1,83947. SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 11s, 1966, 82 TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, chromium titanium steel, molybdenum containing steelq nitrogen containing steel, titanium containing steel ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a stainless steel containing chrom ium, molybdenum, and nitrogen, In orde- to improrve weldability, the steel has the following composition: 0.08% C, up to 0.8% Mr, up to 0 *.8% Si, 15-18% Cr, 0.2-0.6% Mo, m4-o.15 N, 0.14-1.2% Ti, up to 0.035 S, and up to 0.030 P. [WWI SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 3ojan65119rA ACC NRt AP6022506- SOURCE CODE: UR/0133 V /66/000/004/0323/0326 AUTHORS: Moshkevich, Ye. L (Candidate of technical scienceo)j Ga Go IM sov, V. P.; Grayfer. Ye Smo~akov, V Frant Z.; SRAtore, ra. It; M. I.- jEfigin'" eer4l' Yelinson, G. L. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLEi Manufacture of high-alloy steels with normalized phase composition SOURCE: Stall, no. 4. 1966~, 323~326 TOPIC TAGS: alloy steel, chromium steel alloy, high alloy.steol / Khl6N9W- oy steel, OKhl8NlO alloy steel, Khl8Nq lloy steel, 04Khl7NlO?42 alloy steel ABSTRACT: The possibility of obtaining stginless steelsiand Intermediate type steels having a normalized phase composition (1 - 5% ferrite) under industrial c4ob- ditions was studied. The experiments were carried out in electrical furnaces of 5-50 tons capacity, on charges consisting of fresh steel and scrap metal respoc- tively.- The cX -phase content in the steels was maintained by chromium, nickel, and carbon additions. The phase composition was determined after the method of A. lodkovskiy and N. N. Sashchin (Trudy TsNIMIASha No. 13 (Vyplavka stall i~ proizvodstvo stalinvkh otlivok),, 0flTI TsNIITMAShj 1960). The experimental results'-- are presented in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). It was found that alioying vith Card 113 UDG& .669,187.2 wwiiikil~ ACC NR, AP6022506 Fig. I* Distribution of ferrite (9-) In 2.8-ton ingots a and b of steel CKh16N9H2, Initial composition -rof ingot (a) and (b) respec- tive3,v: C ;- 0-06, O~07%; Mn 1.0v 1.24%;.Si - 0.40p 0.18%; Cr - 15.46p'15.60%; HI. 9.0,, 9.04% P W1 13A 91 W1 10 UJA a0:K 0 !9 iEv- 4 Sol iz~j 1A V UP I A I L 1o453-67 ACC NRt AP6022504, _Pqygrinoya, i dr. (Stall# 19641 No- 4) Al-Ni as recommended by E. 1. Ifelikhov, A. & was unnecessary. All specimens smelted had satisfactory mechanical and technologima properties. N. N. Sashchinp-V. S. Dub, P. M. Grashchenkovp I* Ae Barmotinp and others"took ja~ in the experiments'. Orig. art. has$ 2 tables,and 1 SUB GOIE:' ll/ SUBM DffEs none/ ORIG REF: 004 31i ACCESSION NR: AP4041869 S/0133/64/000/007/0640/0642 AUTHORI Gabuyev, G. Kh.; Yel'tsovs K. S.; Shul'te. Yu. A.; Vkh&ylovo P. A.; G.~.v.kikh. 1. A., Leybenzon, S. A.; ToLvLrko, 9. 1.; Madover, B. I.; Latash, Yu. V.1 Frantsov, V. P.; Pakhorsov. A. 1.1 KaganovskLy,: G. P.; Voinov, S. Ga; Shallmov, A. G.1 K&ILnnikov, Yet 541 V. P.1 Kosoy. L. F.' TITLEs Improvement of the quality of alectroolaX-molted ball-bearing! steel SOURCEt Stal'. no. 7. 1964, 640-642 TOPIC TAGSi ball bearing steel, electroslaR malted steels high purity steel, steel eloctroslag malting .ABSTRACT: Several variants of electroslan moltinR have been tested in an attempt to improve the quality of ball-boarinX steel. The analysis of alectroolog-malted steel showed that nitrides and car- lbonLtrLdes constitute the greatest part (up to 75%) of the nonaetall1i inclusions present in the stool. These nitrides dative from the initial material. The aloctroolog process elimis:t:;,large nitrides ;over 20u in dianstere but does not eliminate the a 4r cases Card 1 /.3 ACCESSION NR: AP4041869 ;Therefore, the nitrogen and titanium contents of the initial metal Imust be reduced to aminimum, This can be done, for example, by :refining the metal in the ladle with synthetic slag. ElectroslaK !meltinp of open-hearth steel refined with synthetic slag eliminated ball the inclusions larger titan 10tj and reduced the number of smaller ;inclusions by more than 5OZ and the nitrogen and oxygen contents Ito 0.0053 and 0.0020%, respectively. To produce ultra-hiRb purity .ball-bearing stual.the double electroslaR melting wnx appli d with The use of ANF-6-ANF-6 fle ;a combination of various fluxes. uxes in ~double electrGslag melting or of AN-29-ANY-6 fluxes produced best :resuLt.q. Ultra-high purity steel. fully matisfyinp requirements Ifor critical ball bearings, was obtained. Ortsi. art. hams 2 ASSOCIATfONt Dueprospetestall (Dueprospatmetall plant)g Zaporoshm skiy mashinostroitiallay,fty InstLtut (Zaporosh Machine-Building Insti-I tute); Insticus: slaktreavarki Is Ye. 0. Paton& (Electric Welding Institute); TsHllChM Card a/ 3 31630 S/207/61/000/006/005/025 -,:OR is resistance, R* Js differential arc - I I In 3.3 614 S/025/62/000/001/001/004 D254/D302 AUTHOR Smolyakov~ V.Ya. TITLE Plasma generator PERIODICAL, Nauka i zhiznl., no. 1, 1962T 19 TEXT The authors Institute has been engaged since 1959 in studying plasma and the design and construction of "plasmatrons' (plasma generators) operated either by direct current or alternating (one-and three-phase) current. The author gives a short description of the working principle and the construction of a plasmatron. When the plasmatron is switched on an electric arc appears in a channel inside cylindrical copper electrodes. A gas chamber is situated between the electrodes. The gas which is the work.-'-ng substance is fed into the chamber at an angle. The gas flows around the electric are, is heated and transformed into plasma which emerges through a cavity in the anode. Rotation of the ends of the arc, due to the gas flow prevents the concentration of heat at any particular spvt of the electrodes.. This rotation, combined with water and gas C'-d -~~LE'3 3 3 t 14 S./025/62/000/001/001/004 Plasma generator D254/D302 cooling of the chamber, also prevents the melting or burn-out of the elec- trodes. In some casesi rotation of the are ends is achieved by supple- mentary magnetic fields produced by solenoids. This method permits grea- ter velocity of rotation than by gas eddies and improves operational con-, ditions~ Burn-out of the electrodes which does occur despite the pre- wentive measures does not, however, stop the use of plasmatrons. In- vestigat-iLons have shown that when d.c. is usedo the burn-out of electrodes is negligible and that the contamination of the gas flow by impurities dqes not exceed 0.2% (by weight). Contamination of the gas flow is even less when high voltage a.c. is used. The efficiency of converting elec- tric energy into heat in a plasmatron does not exceed 50%. If air is us,-d as the worki'ng, gasl ~ts temperature reaches 7000 0C; for argon it ~an bt -.nereased to 12)000 C. The Institute is trying to increase the ,-~fic.lsucy of plasmatrone by utilizing the heat carried away by the coo17-ng 141quld of the eleetrodes. The efficiency can be substantially in- ~:reased ~_f the gaz,: flow is first passed over the electrode liners. There is 1 figure., ASSOCIATION Institut. teoreticheskoy i prikladnoyme-Uhaniki SO AIN SSSR C ax d 2,,,:3 33614 S/025/62/000/001/001/004 Plasma generator ~ D254/D302 (Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Siberian Branch of AS USSR) Card 3/3 -k j SMOLYAKOV, V.,Ya. (Novosibirsk) Some characteristics of the burning of an ele,:'-ric arc in a d-c plasmatron. P14rF no, 6-148-153 N-D 163. (MIRA 17-7) i I A, na .1 4 b-4 n !z t c, c L 62547-65 EPF(n) -2/EED(b) -3/F-,]G(V)/EPA(w)-2/5n(l)/F~iA(c)/Dr,(m~/T/94A(d)/~S84 e~~57i-WFO-4/pz-6- IJP(c) ACCESSION NRt AP5018198 UR/0207/65/000/003/0080/0081+ AUTHORSs Kolonina, L. I. -(Novosibirsk); Smolyakov, V. Ya. (Novosibirsk) TITIE I Rotary motion and distribution characteristics 'of an arc~column near the::, electrodes in a plasmatr6n with a gas vortex stabilization SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladno/mekhaniki i tekhnicheakoy fiziki, no. 3P 1965, 8044-_~~ TOPIC TAGS: plasma are, electrode, vortexj gas flow, electric are, high speed hotography / SKS 314 motion picture camera., SFR 314 motion picture camerat ZhS 17:.~ p light filter, SZS 22 light filter ,4J: ABSTRACTt The motion and distribution ofan arc column in avortex stabilized ~arc jet at constant current were investigated experimentally by means of high speed cameras. The details of the two arc jets used are shown in Fig. 1 on the~".z.,~ Enclosure where la is a water-cooled electrode arc and 1b shows an uncooled are Motion pictures were taken 10-15 sea after striking the are at a speed of 5000 and 125 000 frames per second through the transparent window 5 (see Fig. 14)*.,~~, The photographs ofthe are resemble a comma with the bulge towards the gas flow.." directions These results show that in the pressure range.2-6 bar there is a' jerky motion of the ara spot near the inside electrode vith the radial part of Y -65 ACOFMION NRt AP5018198 LPNGL4DSURE r 0l'..'. 41 Fig. It Card S14OLYAKOVA, G. K. 166T51 USSR/Medicine - Horses, Diseases Sep 50 Antigens "Immunogenic Properties of Salmonella Abortus Equi," G. K. Smolyakova, Cand Vet Sci, Kostroma Agr Inst "Veterinariya" No 9, P 39 Reports production of whole antigen from causal agents of infectious abortion in mares which has well-expressed immunizing properties on ex- perimental animals in the laboratory. Suggests possibility of creating immunity in horses by use of vaccines prepared from subject antigen. 166T5i SROLYAKOVA, G.K. Effect of different doses of chlorine upon the viability of dysentery bacteria in water. Gig.i AP '54. (MLRA 7:4) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii YaroslavBkogo meditsinakogo instituta. (Chlorine) (Dysentery) TomsK Order ol' S/148/61/000/006/009/013 26585 Elll/E480 ~U_CHORS. Tushinskiy, L.I., Tusiun!z:kaya, K.I., Smoly.akova__,_. L.G f I'TLE Reducing the heterog-eneity of eutectic alloys by modifying treatment i,:1 0 D I C A L tlzvestiya vysshilch uch(Ihnykh zavedeniv, Chernava metcIllurSiYa, 1961. NoA-~ ~)T-A_25-127 T,. The mechanical properties o-f -ZUL-~-_tic aiicys may affected by the Dreserice of i-arce. zrains of xhe c_~mronert erse1v -s In the zase of the Al-Si itS UTS can bo .:~_duced Lj 14 k'g/mr.'t !:. bv the formatica of 1.-:r,-e grains of brittle con, The forma~cion of fine An--I --he absence of large lzon grains can be ensured by the ivitroduztlon of sodium or combined) in the mei-1. A:- a re.3ult of thiz, vio-iifying '.'..--ment, the UTS of the alloy ;_nzr--t~ses t-, 1-7 k.Q:/izwi2_ a modified aiioy of the noi-ri-itLally euect-1c ..-.omPosit_,or_ .t:Ai_ns large primary grains of til Olase %S4-rich. Al-base solid pear, ther2iore., thx-. the rio-Alifying It would apt n t i oL the alloy, does not in this case ensurt~ hono-zeniz.-ilio; the eliminati-an of coarse sili'_-t-.1 is artained at the 265 5 tize heterogenei-ty 3/148/61/000/006/()09/013 appearance of the :_t the object of tile of the estication described in the J~reS-Z!Ilt TII~'.per was to explore the d Al alloy with a :-Ibili-cies of Producing a modifis - 5 i t ru ly ;...ect-Le scructure and to study the effe,_t of structure on the Properties of the alloy, In nreliminary experiments, structure of allovs containing "!,.7 to 16% Si and 0.125~. Fe, wxth Na. and cast into z!-aphite or metal moulds under ten.Derature conditions was eXc%IdlLr_d. The results indicated -t, irrespective of the exper-imen-al ~cnditions employed, the t_,ij,ectxc Point of the modified AI-Si 3y~5t~,,m is at 14% Si. In the (AL2) -t series of experiments, the industrial Al-Si alloy AJ1 2 __)ntaining 11.71~ ~-L was used as tile basis of preparing a series of The alloys were -;erimental alloys with varying Si content, :-eLted in an electric crucible furnaze of 80 kg capacity, in the _7'oiiowing manner., a predetermined quantity of the AL2 alloy was ~J~_d to a molten Si-rich master the melt was allowc-d to Jf ied by introduc ing 0.25L. zinc. ::hloride and to 700'C. pur_~_ :'i.:~Ji,fied with 0,1'/'~' Na, after holding for 10 nianutr=_~ at 700"-, the was cast -nto zand and metallic moulos, --Nie results can be 2/3 S/128/63/000/001/002/008 A004/A127 AUTHORS: Tushinskiy~, L.I., Tushinskaya, K.I., Smolyakova, L.G. TTTLE: Modifying silumin in pressure casting kRIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1963, 5 6 TEXT: Tests were carried out with the standard AJI 2 (AL2) alloy to find out whether the fine-grained structure obtained in pressure crystallization can- nd-t be refined by modification with surface-active elements. The castings were produced on a type 512 machine at an operating pressure of 150 atm and a mold temperature of 195 C. The following modifiers were used: metallic sodium, its salts, 20% lithium alloy with calcium, aluminum-titantium foundry alloy with 12,16 T1. The modifiers we re fed into the distributing furnace at a constant tempera- ture of 650 *C. An Investigation: of the casting microstructure revealed'the-ef-- fectiveness of modifying silumin with various addition. agents. Surface-active modifiers such as sodium,,sodium salts, lithium, change the interrelation between aluminum and silicon. Aspecial structure characterized by the spheroidal shape of crystals was obtained in modifying the alloy with a 0.05% Li-Ca foundry alloy. Card 1/2 GJUO/60'/V~61 V, Q Q-i~' 'IT C, sc%-,~shc!.an4ve Po forr`ani. ILth, Minsk. Fizicheskiya .'.~_-V- f ritov pi-,ysicochemical proport4e of C ,auk-a i ~ekiinikaa, 1966, lhi-310 3-meab~jj~y, !iystarasjs loop, magnosium compound, svs.cmiatic rzudy ol' 'C p-roperbies of ferr4teS G.' L Lhm e LySt-e-.71 ',-iaving stoicll.-Lo~netx-lc composition) is descr'Lbcd. word'- !':~s urkdor'.Lkon as acontinuat.-Lon of, '~arj earlier inveotic,ation of triple b.-Ir Siro~a and IN. 1. Dani-11kev'cia (So. Forrity i bcs'-ontaktryycj e-, r, u lemc"Ity. S 3 t" :-,.inscr 196-1 ~;"r. !Y6-11611). usir.'7 kar"'m Cerwaic t'eC:-"qIqUGG' spocir"Cris u 'D of ;'o 0 wore prepared, with x ana y vary-ing C 2 L4 0 ballis-viC 1'113' suirou on a 117 3 5 Lies were meas -coo -,-,a- mi-as,_L~-uzi in a 'ield of 20 curve of initia' in olds up t"o '10 oeritc-d. Variation of maxi:nal magnetic pormoaluility as a fuinctior, of Carc! Sr4OLYAKOVA, N.I.f. [Smaliakova~ A conbine and its worhers. Rab.i sial 37 no.11:2-3 1! 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Sekretarl partiynogo komiteta orahansl.-ogo llnolombinata. (Orsha-Flom industry) BUR-jTSlRj')V, S.I.; SMOLYAK,--)VA, N.P. A-71k1lation of aminophenols. Farm, 2,1 Synthesis of haxylphenol. 1 no.2:286--s'88 F 165. (MIRA 18-.4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko.-tekhnologicheskiy inst-itut. GERSHKOVICH, G.M.; SMOLYAKOVA, O.A. Some data on the detection of toxoplasmosis in women. Akush.i gin. 35 no.4:71-74 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 12:11) 1. Iz Krasnovodskogo gorodskogo rodillnogo doma (glavuyy vrach G.M. Gershkovich, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. A.B. Preysman). (TOXOPLASMOSIS in pregn.) (FREGNIANCT, coupl. ) SYCLYAKOTA, V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik. -Converting hayland into pasture. Zhivotnovodstyo 20 no,5:52-55 My 158- (KIRA 11;5) 1. Batonekly nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut zemledeliya i malio- rataii. (Estonia--Pastures and meadows) W)SHMICII, -1,.T.; SMIOLYAKOVA, V.F.-, BABKOV, T~M.; SHAMILt, Yu.P. I fA;as',;--,Lrig the pr3iulctlon of DI-6 (Kh:L3GW13) stfiel. Stall 25 no.5,420-422 t/-.,r 10'5. (24DIA 'LE. 5) SMOLYAKOVA, Ye.v. A case of dissecting the aneurysm of the aorta. Zd-,avookhra- 0 neniye 6 no.2:58-59 ML--Ap'63. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Iz ra-yonnoy bolt-n-itSy C. Ka7-la (E:lav-,--~-y irraoh P.A. Mellviclierl-,o. )k SMOLYAKOVA, Z. A. DMITRITEVA, L. V. - laborant i, KELLER, I. K. - kand. tekhn. nauk, SHOLTAKOVA, Z. A. - lnzh. CHERTKOVA, A. N. - laborant, TROLLE, G. A. - laborant Respublikanskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut mestnykh stroltellnykh materialoy (ROBNIIMS) Razrabotka Metodiki Bybora Optimallnogo Rezhima Sushkikirpicha Page 103 SO: CoUection of ~raptatlpn,~ 9f Pp-.gpnrb 1!=I- on ConsIm-ctioll, =- apj~ro- JZ Yosccw, 19.53- YA KOV~' 0. 1976 A ethiculs of sele"Ins optimum conditions In the drying of bricks.- ' 11 I Nil XJK~ LI:M wil Z, A. Swt,LyAxuv,% (SIA, Kiram-, 8, No, 1. R 1.451). Cracks Alo Cau'rtl ly)~ Ow now uit &iiiW'iI6frTbut 4in it[ moisture-. thi, catisrs wes,ais and. defornmomi whidi can cured ibc luniting valuc~ Strrse. arii-W t"lly 14~ a tv3ult "f tlic "'t-tance t,, Airitika*~: the phytkal prtilwtty of a moixt uuttvfial to shrink 'an," Act Cracks Cracki arc. cau,~" by the lirv%-ented acturniatuin )I Awar but not by Ibe preNesited linear dclorination (c~ixnpreiiion artJ expan,,ion). The limiting the '.11rat s strrw~ icool, tre,~ in, much greater than It is verv dillicult to rvach such stir- during drying. 31ofrover. an%- VNItAnii-41 (WOMIA131111 IM In lit., tio~ 1,v hear dvionnatii,n. and it i,* thut lattvr that call"" MACkS. since the uniforritly d6iributed tenWe strcs,%m cannut gt%~ rise ti, crack-A. T lic-Se main principles 0 elx4tic-pUstic deformations have twen dutinol by A. V. Lyk.,v, who suggtsted thc following formula for calculating the max. perniLtsible sutfa" where U-the initial moi%ture nicii,itiate gradi-nt: Q, 'C 1 3 colitclit (".1. T--,coeff. of linear shrinkitge (%), P.-max. permb~iible shear streise. in kg .1 Cat . E, , nl'.fulus of 3hrar deformation. j ~ a conit. having the dimension, ,J ir')Rlb and 'friv"'11116: nil IIIP R(4)MVtYiCaj dhnvn~Jnn~ if Efic litiek. For a normal h ,k .1 ' 1 27. 1 is the length of the brkit. I lit, forniul.i. baA N-vii checlicil and -I~ bmi of ;; Russian clAv during: drying w= meastin4f. Th~ rclati""Ahip 1A,t"een M011tur'. content Anil shrinkage was lincar: 1-1,() ~-xlfj. here 1$'~-a%cragc rnniiturt- oantent fi%,). 1,~the intercept on the ordinate. It follows front this ,quatwu that the 4opo of the lino is 2-hr The. coett. can be deter- inin"I froin 2 valu-.-s 1, and 1, which currespand to the mnistutt% 11', Anil 11' according to the f"It'n*inK For the Russian cl;y tc.'tM th~ cord. of linvar expansion x=0-006. From the valum of I'm. Ej and a, the ctitiLat Burfate nloMure gradirmt wits calculated according, to the hrit ( nation; the valur~ obtaintsi merv then chec'kett by determining thi% gradient (;1_;') by expt, 1he n~uit, Awvied that the moittwire dwributi-in approximatet In a J%~Mbcila. Thr calculatid ~iirfici- intaiturr contt-nt awrevA cl-iv with the mcagumd value 136M; taltulatj.'n' 'hoiinf that the max. I.-riniasible im-isture gradit-nt depends on the surface fleoistem Of the bridt. At the beginning of drying On KmkWg gr-u--t is at a nasisson. but cm be hKremd danna later stages of drying, After detensuntag from direct *apt& the Mclature, grediesit and On inteseity ad Oy the Moisture conductivity covill. can 6- colculated. The mWslum conductinify cum. hKIca"a with the Weep. Cd dm clay WaterialL Minovich's relatiewslilpt the 2 factors is quoted and confins=L It is possible to determi" do of the surface moisture gradient on the temp. of the medium. if the drying in known. by cal tho.toseL of the umisture cooductivity., To determine the relatiosu&ip between the surface moisture gradient and the paranerterv of the best carrier, Uw reiatkambip betWee the intensity of the evaporation ham the free surface and the intensity of drying the material mu3t be vetabbehed. Tho sity of water evaporation from the free surface can be approximately cal"Isted. inten A comparison of the intensity of drying (m) in the early stages with the intemsky of evaporation (m.) gives a ratio (ale%) of b44 for itzge size briclo and I-W Our Una Mins. Tleem we various iorssaw log OW e tion am; nevertheless, the drying intensity is always unequal to the ev=vtru intensity so that even G=Ct ionswee need a correction factor for the " of the eva"tion mue. The dip- crepancy between me aind as is due to the feet that the brick surface darwit drwimff is not equal to the geometrical open surface. but is a certain sou.- (6 AFL. I