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Electronetric studies on perapirttion in mnnic-depressive patients*
Vop.paik.h. i nevr. no.1:161-167 157 (MMA 11:8)
1. Iz poil-hintrichaskoy kliniki I-go IpningrAdskogo meditainskogo
ifintitlItA iM. Rked. I.P. Pavlova.
Cr n--' !-'ed Sci -- Oli "on t'or--s Of M !'n"
!@ _r,_, @, , --.-N @ i" 11 , r . I -
. . Len, 19-55- ji3 pr, (]!in of @lealth R@;F-R. lst Len 7'.ed
dej;rcr,sive psy@-,hosis - - I
hi.,;t iT- Ac,@@-e-@iciftn 1. P. Pr',VlOv), 200 CdFAOS (j@'L, 36-5a, 116)
6 -
ZEIIEVICII, Goorgly VJktorovich; @;I.UGIIEVSKIY, F.I.,, red.; LE8EDEVA,
G.T., tekhn. red.
[Remissions in schizophrenia] Remissii pri shizofrenii.
Leningrad, lzd-vo "MeditEinn.* 1964. 214 P. (MIRA 170)
GJJ.nif@.jj statInt,'ral inulysts of pi?,ient-s regl5tered in a
ilr,t.rict naUT'Oj,2YChAatr.*c d@pensury with the diagriosis of
organic brain lesions. Vop. palkh. nevr. no.10:410-438 164.
(MIRA 18-.12)
I I! Y V Y)I Ino! d i v i i i k Y. I iy; o., -,r ryy
SABANSTRV, lootild Aivlovich, ikhtiolog; SUJCE3VSKIT, G,I., red.;
MSMN. N.K.,,
(Fishing calendar] itybolovW Imlendar'. Kaliningrad, Kalinin-
gradskoe knizhnos isd-vo# 1960. 93 P. (MIRA 14:4)
U.-iShfiledicine - c tx i c i ty
,edic@nu - le e
Jun LE,
"Die Problem of Slaep, Narcosis and Letargy Induced by Electricity," Prof V. A.
Gilyarovskiy, Prof 1. F. Sluchevskiy, M. Liventsev, -'. A. Kirillova, Inst
Psychiatry, Acad ;-llad Sci, 5 3A pp
"Elin Led" Vol "Vi, N-j 6
Describes l7rldueLion of' wircosis and lethar:-y in dovs and human bein@7s by alternating
cLu-rpnt.-,. flives details of survical operations erfozued under such conditions,
PA 31/11915p
, I. IF. , PT@C F .
Certain actual prrl-,Iqm3 o!' psychiatry. Zhur. nerv. I psikh., 52, no. 8, 1952.
Monthly List of liussis Accessions. Library of Commess, 'lo---ember 1952. Unclassified.
VWW-- ----
*Clinical lectures In child psychiatry.0 G.B.Sukhoreva. Reviewed by
M.f.Timofeev, I.Jr.Sj%oh&vskIio.Zhur.nevr. I poikh. 56 no,9:763-764
156. (NLIU 9111)
USSR/Human and Animal nlysiology - The Nervous System. T
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1959, 1320
Author : Sluchevskiy, I.F.
Inst :
Title : Psycho-Pathological Syndromes and Their Patho-Physio-
logical Basis
Orig Pub : v sb.: Psikhiatr. klinika i probl. patol. vyssh.
nervn. deyat-sti. Vyp. 2. L.; 1957, 12-24
Abstract : Individual psycho-pathological syndromes were subjec-
ted to defense inhibition of the secondary signaling
system in its highest instances (maniac), diffuse in-
hibition on a background of weakness of the basic pro-
cesses @amentive), manifestations of inductive stimu-
1 delirious), or inhibition (melancholy) exten-
ding to the underlying levels of the CKS. In other
syndromes there was observed general inhibition of the
cortex (depersonalized) and a focus of pathological
card 1/2
- 129 -
USSR/Human and Animal PhysioloKy - The Nervous System. T
Abs J.)ur Ref 21.ur Blol., No 3, 1959, 13269
inertia in the secondary signaling system (paranoid,
paranoic) in either one of the analysors (the Cleram-
bault-Kandinakiy syndrome, catatonic, hallucinative,
paraphrenic). -- K.S. Rat.ner
Card 2/2
"0 Voprosakh Teorll I Pra@tikf Paikhiatrli TrebuyuBhchikh Svoe6o, Ratreshenlya" P-3.
"Palkliopatologicheakiye Sindromy i lkh Patofiziologicheakaya Oenova." p 12.
with Ye. Ye. Zotova) V. A. Nikitina "K voprosu ob Immunitete Fri Faikh1cheakikh
Zabolevanlyakh." p. 220
with K. N. Tokarevich, 0 Faikhozakh, Voznikayushchl-kh v Svyazl a Raney PereneBemym
Sypn@m Tifom v Svete Predstavlonly o Vozmoohnosti Fozdnikh PetOldivov etoy
Infektaii."* p. 236.
Paikhiatricheakeya klinike i problemq_pA@q@ogLi_v
-d&ornik t-r--u-d---o,-v-- -M- fe _-yqphey, ner qju V -40A
pELIS@Liatrli., Leningrad. 1957. vol. 2.
reap. ed. I. F. SLUCHEVSKIY.
'Chair of Psychiatry.
lLeningred State Inst. Advanced Training of Physicians.
*Dolozheno 29/V-1956 g. na ob"edinennom Zaaedenli L eningradakogo ot&elenlyn V
obahchestva Nevropatologov i Psikhl8trOv i Uningradskogo Otdelenlya, 'lees. Obshch.
Vdkcrobiolo8ov, Epidemioloeov i Infektojonistov.
PEREL',XAll, A.A. (Tomsk)- MOLOOOV, A.N. (Flshlw,,v),, IVAU07, N.V. (Gorlkiy);
KUTANIN M.P. (Sarutovl; MHTEYN, A,L. (Brieprop.,frovsk); CHALLSOV
I I f
M.A, (Min-9k); SBIWIOV, S.F, (l-bqkva);-SLUCJJ-t'VjKJY, I.F.
Dl3cwsloy). Probl.!!ud.prlkb. 9:1162-1.103 '61. (,'.ITiiA 15:2)
SLUCRE;VSKIY,-,- Lj,@Jeningrad)
Concerning the Inadequate baals of the clinical concept of
pathological intoxication. Probl.Bud.paikh. 9:453-466 161.
(MA 15:2)
(Drunkenness (Criainal law)) (Forensic psychiatry)
Some public nealth problems in zngland; a survey. 4clrav.Hos.Yeder.
2 no.1:32-35 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:1)
"Facts on the major killing and crippling d;ifieusem in the United
States today". Reviewed by F.F. Talyzin, I.I. Sluchevakii.
Sov. zdrav. 19 no. 4:83-85 160. (MM 13:10)
SLUCHEVSKIYI 1.1.JP kand.inod.nauk (Mo8kva)
Epidemic of traumatism abroad and Its causes. Sov.zdrav. 22
no.2t69-7.4 163. (KMA 1612)
SLUCHENSM , I.I., nauk
World Health Organization, Felld. i akush. 28 no.3;56-59 MrI63.
(MMA 16:7)
1. Iz otdola zarubezhnogo zdravookhraneniya Instituta imeni
1 . -,LTT(,-IfFVSV.JY, V.
)!. A.-r-Icul+ural Machinery
7. Hay and str-w stac'Ker, !nS 13 no. 5, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953. Unclassified.
ACC NR: AP6002542
SOURd C W0266/65/000/02
AUTHORS3 Kolot# Is If; Gladkiyp Vs I I Sdro Yes KS1 nwrainovskiyt G@ if, I
k Slucheve To A.; Gullkot.A* 14-; Zuro
A, 09
ORGI none
,wlth variable extension boom. Class @5, No. 176"7
SOURM Iyulleten' lsobroteniy i tov&Mkh znakov, no. 23t 1965t 43
TOPIC MIGSt aranet loading mchineryt transport equipment
ABMACTo This Author Cartifloato presents a orans, with variable extension boom
which ha* a pinned supporting struts The and of the strut is connected through a
pulley system to the orane boom. To increase the lifting oapsaitr with
extended boom by eliminating compressive loads and to dooreas* arms height during
transportt-the pinned supporting strut in mounted at the base of the boom and is
equipped with a diverting pulley mounted on the bottom part of this pulley so that
the pulley forces are directed Uplardt 0 )sing the forces resulting in the* strut
due to ten
oom pu
see pigs-I)*
ey Sys
Uard- 1/2. UBC 1 621*6734
L 224 8-6
Ali' Il
rg Y'.
OCU art
CILrd 2
Serova, Irina Aleksandrovna, Vladimir Stepanovich Sluchevskiy,, and Porfirly
Luklyanovich Strelets
Proizvodstvo keramicheskikh p 'yezoelementov; oanory tekhnologii (Production of
Ceramic Piezoids; Fundamentals of the Process) fleningrad) Sudprongizp 1959- '98 P-
2,700 copies printed.
Reap. Ed.: V.A. Isupov; Ed.: A.G. Fomichev; Tech. Ed.: L.I. levochkina.
PURPM; This booklet is intended for laboratory personnel and specialists engaged
in the production of ferroelectric ceramic piezoids,
COVERAGE: The booklet revievs basic principles of the process of manufacturing
ceramic piezoids from ferroelectric ceramic materials and briefly describes the
most important equipment used. Designs of various apparatus and the flov sheet
of the process are presented. The properties of certain ceramic ferroelectric
materials and other solid solutions am presented and their chemical composition
and characteristics analyzed. The preparation of ceramic material from barium
and calcium titanate is described. Methods of forming ceramic piezoids under
Card 1/5
Production of Ceramic Piezoids (Cont.) SOV/3532
high presoureo plasticizers,, dry pressing and hot casting am discussed along
with methods of firing,, Whining and glazing formed ceramic piezolds. Nethols
of polarizing, soldering and impregnating parts made of barium titanste am also
discussed and problems of straight-flow production of ceramic piezoids and the
labor and equipment required are reviewed. Appendixes indicate the principal
requirements for piezoelectric parts as vel.1 as their specifications and describe
methods for the complete chemical analysis of ceramic material prepared from
barium and calcium titanate. Chapters I and II were written by I.A. Serova,m
to VII by P.L. Streletasand VIII by V.S. Sluchevskiy. The authors thank
G.A. Smolenskiy, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.. I.A. 14yllnikove
Candidate of Technical Scienceso anC Engineer V.A. Isunev.. There am 10
references, all Soviet.
From the Authors
Ch. I. Preparation of Ceramic Materials 5
Brief review of the properties of some ferroelectric materials 5
Features of the mwmfacturing process 8
Preparation of initial materials 12
C ard 2/5
Production of Ceramic Piezoids (Cont.) SOV/3532
Ch. VI. Coating With Metallic Electrode Glaze 68
Preparation of silver paste 68
Preparation of the surface of a ceramic piezoid 70
Coating with paste and the process of firing-in the silver 71
Ch. VII. Soldering., Impregnation with Bakelite Lacquer and
Polarizing Barium Titanate Piezoids 76
Soldering 76
Impregnation with bakelite lacquer 79
Polarization 82
Ch. VIII. Some Problems in Planning the Production of Cermic Piezoida 84
Working out a plan for a large production assi nt 84
Choice of the method of straight-flow production and method of
transportation 85
Determining the labor required 86
Determining the type and amount of manufacturing machinery and
auxiliary process equipment 88
Card 4/5
PALIYGRK, A.S., inzh,; CUBAN, 0.1., inzh.; 'S.H.-Mi, V.I.'., inzh.;
GUSEYANOV, M.Kh., inzh.; 3LUCHISM ll,_IJ.Ya,. inzh.; BOBKOV,
V.S., inzh.; KUMEW, Pok., inzh,
Starting a 150 Mw boiler after installation. Teploenergetika
8 no.7:8-12 J1 161. (14DU 14:9)
1. Yuzhnoye otdeleniya Gosudarstvennogo trosta po organizataii
i ratsionalizatsii elektrostantsiy i Gosudarstvennaya rayonnaya
ele:rtricheskaya st-ntsiya "Severnaya".
SLUCHISURI, H.Ya. '.. inzh.
Inatallation. of the TGM-94 boiler and M-150 turbine system
outdoors, Fnergeidk 10 no.3:1--4 Ur 162. (MIRA 15:2)
.(Boilers) (Turbinos)
CHABAN, 0.1., inzh.; VIZIR, B.S., Inzh.; SLUCHISHKIN, M.Ya., inzh.;
GIJSEYN(,),/, M.Kh., inzh.
Special operating features of the steam and water circuit of the
TGM-94 boiler. Teploenergetika 10 no.6:21-25 Je 163.
(MIRA 16:7)
1. Yuzhnoye otdeleniye Gosudarstvennogo tresta po organizatsii i
rtitsionalizatsii rayonnykh elektrostantsiy i setey i
Gosudarstvennaya rayonnaya elektrostantsiya *Severnaya".
CEREMMUZ)OISKI, Leszek; KRASKA, Tadeusz; SWCKA, Cecylia
Preliminary clinical experiences with the use of a polarizing
mixture (potassium, Inaulin,, glucose) in myocardis.1 infarct.
Pol. arch. med. wawnet. 34 no.5t541-547 164
1. Z IV Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademii Medycznej v
Warszawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. 7A. Askanaa).
SLUCKA, Cecylia; TENENBAUM, Barbara
Rh7thm of the coronary sinus. Polski tygod.lek, 15 no.12:425-
428 21 Mr '60,
1. Z rV Kliniki Chorob Vownstrtnveh A.M. w Warszawie; kisrownik:
prof.dr med. Z. Askams.
(HRART phystol.)
Mycotic emboliam of the corvnary arteries of the heart. Kardlol.
polska 4 no-433U-314 161.
1. Z IV Klimild Chorob Wownctrzaych AM w Warazavie Kierownik: prof.
dr. Z. Askanas.
iPO LX1. D
SLLJC:CA, Cocylia, Fourth Clinic of Internal Diseases (IV Kii-
nika Chorob Wownetrznych), AM [Akademia Medyczna, Medical
Acadcmy] and Central Outpatient Clinic for Circulatory Dis-
eases (Contralna Przychodnia Chorob Ukladu Krazenia) in War-
saw (Director. Prof. Dr. Z. ASKAXAS)
"Effect of Alternatin.- and Condenser Currents on the EKG
of the Do,,."
1,.'arsaw Postou Hir,,icny i 'Itodycyny DosidadczalnoJ, Vol 17,
No 3, 61 pp 347-350.
Abstract: Author analyses the EK-71s obtained in fibrillation-
defibrillation studies on a doG's heart with AC and condens-
or dischargos. 5he notes particularly two types of ventric-
ular fibrillation observed. One involves oscillation of
sogments of the ventricle with sinusoldal EKG pattern
(Schwobun'-sform), usually reversible and susceptible to do-
fibrillation; the other -- vibration of fibrils or minute
parts of the chambor, irreversible, not susceptible to do-
fibrillation, and an EKG pattern resembling a phonocardio-
,,ram (Gerausharti-). Two Polish and one German references
11@ i U J
Pyelitis in pregnancy. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.47:1879-1880 24 Nov 58.
Pyelitis (Pol))
(MLITU, in progn.
(Pol) )
Therapy of trichomoml urethroprootatitia. Polski t7god. 1*. 14
no.20:927-928 18 M&Y 59.
(TRIGH0140MUSTS, ther.
urethroprostatis (Pol))
OMSMA I d In s
trichomonal urethroprostatis, ther. (Pol))
(PROSTATS, ther.
trichomonal urethroprostatie (Pol))
SIJJTSKIY, Leon [Sluckij Leon]
Treatment of urogenital trichwoniasis in men and vomen. Uro-
loeiia no.5266-69 161. (MIRA 14sll)
1. Iz polikliniki Vo.2 TSentrallnogo lCLinicheskoco gospitalya
(nach. - doktor mednauk Ch* Vorkhalovskiy), Varshava.
Management of Trichomonas vaginalis infection of th8 urogenital
tract in men and women. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.lla:1451-1455
1. Z Polikliniki CSK MSW w Warszavie Dyrektor: dr Warchalovaki.
JAUGIETS, VoldonvAro; SLUCKMA, Ituta; LKVI, S., red.; PILADZE, Z.,
tekhn. red. -
(Academician Janis Berzins; biobibliography) Akademikis
Janis Berzins; biobibliografija. Rigaj Latvijao FSR
Zinatnu akad. izd-ba, 1963. 77 p. WIRA 1723)
1. Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskas Republikas Zinatnu
Akademija. Fundamentala bibliotoka.
1EILF, 'IUCKINAI ...; :.,
fAcadel-Lician Ar,;Ido Kalnins; a biobiuJLioe.-aThy) Akaderikis
Arvids Kalnins; biobibliografija. Riga.. LfAvIjas PsIt Zi-
natnu kkad. lzd-ta, 1964. 154 p. (IAIRA 17:10)
1. Latvljas Padomju Sociall.-Alskas Rerublikas '@Inatnu
kkademiju. F-unda-mentpla biblioteka.
r- Tissular reactions if the rabiit spleen t) intramuscu]Hr administra-
tion of the leucocytic preparation. bokl. ki SSSR 141 no.6:1473-
1475 D 1 (1. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Institut morfologii zbivatnykh im. A.N.Severtsova All SLSR.
Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Bakulevym.
(Serum) (Spleen) (Karyokinesis)
@@, A.V.; SItIDSKAYA, A.I.
tics o.-' tte deveioFcc-nt w,.d the j@-,cturc- Cf per
blood in white rats thymantcedized ir. tte e&7"Y Pf"-a"@-
Dckl. AN SSI 1 159 no.5tl";q7_1200 D '64
1, Institut morfologii zhivotnyth im. Sever"-.sova AN 55SR.I.
Predstavleno akademikom AoN. Bakulov'lm-
.J,JM*IF,A",rA, A.I.
Sploon hl.-.ogeny of whi te rfito thymcctom, ;7,(jd at an early f;oii*,-
natal period. Dokl. AN Z'371@1'1( 161 no."033-735, Mr 165,
(MMA 38:4)
1. Inotitut morfologli zhivotrrikh im. A. N. Sever tsova All S@SR.
Submitted April 27, 1964.
A @@O f @ @J't
wi-,-b serum.
the 1.1nijhol'i GrF"r:v 0' the
rabbits ar.
ed. 60 rw.11: I It
Mid. eksp. biol. I r.
1-orr- &T ond,@,-t 2,
1 . J[@Ibora. c,rjyjk tsitologii (::av. - ch c-n-' --J.
(".K. Yhruolichov [doceasedj) Instituta morfoloeill 7.1jjvotr,,.;kh inent.
SSSR, Moskva. Subinitt-i
11@11;@1: ,ova All i April 3, 1
DUBYANSKAYA, Yelous Androyevne; SLUDSKATA, L.A., redaktor; ROKANOVA. Z.A.,
tokhnicheakly redektor
(Manual for practical studies in botany; snatomW and sorpholoff of
plants] Rukovodstwo k prektichookin soniatilan po betanike; mnatoutia
i norfologils rastanii. Moskva, Goo. isd-vo md. lit-ry, 1956.
326 p. (NLRA 10:2)
(Dots ny--Anatolw)
WBTANSKAYA, Yelens Andrerevna: RADISIG. Nataltya Tikhonovna; L;ATSIATA@_ L.A.
redaktor, GLUXHOTADOVA G.A., tokhnicheekly rtdaktor, - -
LHotany; a brief course for schools of pharmacy] Botaniks: kralkil
kurn d1la farmatsevtIchaskikh uchilishch. Isd.6-oe, perer. Moskva,
Oos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1956, 375 p. (MLRA 10:4)
SLUDSKATA, L.A., kandidat biologichaskikh nauk dotsent.
Kbrphology and anatomy of cauliflower In ontogeny. 1%v. TSKM
no.2;10?-118 156. (MLRA 9:12)
(Ontogeny (Botany)) (Cauliflower)
SLUDSKATA L.@@ dots.
Studies on the mycorhlza of citrus fruits. DDkl, ?M1hA no.28t3226
326 157. (=A n84
(Wcorbiza) (Citrus frults)
Nemytskiy,, Viktor ladimirovieh,, Professor; Sludskayat Maria Ivanovna;
and Cherkasovp Andrey Nikolayevich
Kurs matematicheakogo analiza, t. I (Course in Mathematical Analysis#
v. 1) 3d ed., enl. Moscow, GostekhIzdat, 1957. 486 p.
25#000 copies printed.
Gen. Ed.: Namytskly,, Viktor Vladimirovich, Professor; Ed,:
Lapko, A,.F.; Tech. Ed,: Gavrilov, S, S,
PURPOSE: The book in Intended for university students, although the
content of the book exceeds the requirements of the teaching
COVERAGE: The basic concepts of mathematical analysiss such an
sequence# limit of a sequence, function, limit of a function and
continuity of a function, are introducedp and the theory of
Course in Mathematical (Cont.)
differential calculus developed* The application of differential
calculus to the study of functions is presented and son* mechanical
problems are given. The general theory of series# the expansion of
functions in power series, and the calculation of values of certain
transcondental functions are presentedi The basic theory of integral
calculus is developed and Its applications to geometry and to
mechanics are given. There are no references,
Preface, to the Third Edition 11
Ch. I. Functional Dependence
Ch. II, Real Numbers and the Limit of a Sequence of Numbers 32
1, Sequences of numbers 32
2. Umdt,of a sequence of numbers 34
3. Real numbers 39
4. Criteria for ex4stence of a limit of a sequence 56
C ard 2/18
C&II Nrz qA 3o3. N43428
AUTHORS: lemvtaidy, V. v MmAsyWp X. , Owrk"ov, A.
TITIZ: A Course in Natbmatical Analysis. Vol. 3:1. (Kura mtematicbmakogo
amliza. Tom II)
PUB. DATA-. Gosudarstvennoys izdatel'stvo tekhni tiebaskoy literaftry,
moscov, 1957, 498 pp., 25,000 coPies-
EDITOR: Editorial Supervision: Nemytakiy, V., Professor; Uttar:
Lanko, A.F.1 Tech. Ultor, rermakove, Ye. A.
FURPOSK: Mw book vas vritten as a textbook for the eamrse of mathmatleal
analysis at state mlversitl6z and was appro*d " such by the
Ministry of Higher 2ducation of the USSR.
COVERAGE: The present volme covers the expression of fmactions by Wimilts
seqvances and series of fmctions, differential caleulm of
functions vith nany variab3an, and integml calculus of fametions
Card 1/32
A Course in Mathematical Analysis. (aOut.) CaU Nr: - OA 303. 543f428
with several variables. There am no personalities wA no references.
Section One: Expression of Fmations by M%finite Sequences MA
Series of Functions 3-1-3.19
Ch I General Theory of the Series of Functions 11645
Section Onel Sequence of f=ctions U
1. Concept of the sequence of fmctions
2. Convergence of a sequence of functions
3. Convergence test of a seqwnce of functiow (Muchy test)12
4. Limit function 12
5- Uniform convergence 14
6. Cauchy test for uniform convergence 16
Sec:-;Ion Tvo., Series Amctions. Uniform convergence 19
Card 2/32
T 414,
4, 41
X-ray istrant4ations Sal the U. 5 S. Ill phosphorites
1). SAIII-11141%J1 .2416.14AVA.
00 1-t. N@ 't 14 a 1939. N.,
46. 1111 11, NAI.J. Reff"JI. /Aqr, 1940, %,P, 1,31.1 $1,
I toy 411 Ill.
00 1-111 the KC%XkWY PUIloI
*iL phAfttJh"FIVV0 Otte I-14111kill
f O
oo o
jtikwo@,ippkal AndIveam. Uhr w1m, of p6mithiptol- nil.,
k'ar, mats.1 'Isficlo., a, iw% @Upjk,afr'l J.v % rat
6 lw@auw to-th he%. I[w lhuvaj-.Iif@ tAilk. oto. soar
& I.. th.-u s.#&y Ilk p1p..
00 I'll',viles wc -1111.lAt to 114. litalind Ilk
ph-plaurites So it-opwr COS Ikl tu-i chance the 1411ii-ar
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00 1611CO, *r"fliable-4 flit dwrilmsi,-n-if 6orr.
111141 AIRI 14 1114 It filfril-ItIt I 1,,f Alawl lie. SIMI 1111@
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Synthirds and inveftedom of "Ilew "*fit# 411. .4
__Caa@wnko, N. N. .19mlskays, arsol N. Kh. Aulinyan.
1-wil. Abad. X40F.-M.T.S.R.. Set. Groolf-2.112 290103f)).-
The synthesis ill martal. and di-suMes (4 M frilen Will. of
@inglarioiltirsivirms, it idled. Prom &it. vaIns, of NOSO.,
wi 111 *".1 w INMI :Idn. of ff" JWLI. a pill. liff."tkill
vistural niffietite is tilitalroord. The Norton. tot milkthe
.6. socvlinjoalow toy hornialliviJA Most tolNo4i at thir liortiod-
intitriar sl%mni that natural mallorrile IA" nowt Itorm at
:11.W. por.@ For-Ni 04"S.. voilh and
t.rAv,,ite boorms in a.1,1". t. milkii1e. Tb,rr -
I., It k, n,,j tnte thalt %*i rjul Ile Nj,I6ulrslv% aloays fileno
At highrf trivilm. jewut :;,W). Thor n4winal nordorr (A sel-n.
irtoin l1w @dns. uwI in the clipo, was: milicrite @ hfav-
it,-. @".I then cwwn. 4-4 the femaining Ile willis. shwhi afl(ow a
FrS in wp. The disrup6po of this order b rarely ollserml,
and lhcn (mly at the I.,U,,,14ry toortwern w4bi phaws.
(*.Iwfvs %. I*fwv
Synthesis of viseelte md polydymite. Zapiski Tsesoyus. Wineralog.
Obahchastva 82, 42-52 '53. (xTjLA 6:4)
(CA 47 no.27s8592 153)
I -P @@ il 11
- I/
"It.-I.-W -
Ls@ I
, , @,, "T 4
-.-1 L@@ -
--, ir @?@
Vil@ .14
Data on awmals and birds of Central Kazakhstan. Izv.AN Kmakh. 047. (Km 9:6)
Work results on acclimatization of commercial game animals in the
Kazakh S.S.R. during the thirty years of Soviet rule. Izv.AN Kazakh.
SSR.Ser.sool. no.7:3-17 '48. (MLELA 9:5)
Data on the ecology of the Ka%akhstan pigeon hawk. ImAN Ka-!akh
SSR.Ser.zool. no-7:128-129 148. (KW 9:5i
@ .
Problem of the economic utilization of elk in Xatakhetan. Isv.AN
Kazakh.SSR.Ser.sool. no.9:52-77 130. (XLRA 9:5)
- . - -" @-A@ r., - "
Mass destructions of animals In the deserts of Xazakhatan and
their effect on the numbers of animals. Trudy Inst.sool.Ali Xazakh.
SSR 2:3-30 2:3-30 '53. (NLRA 10:2)
(Kazakhstan--Ungulata) (Winter)
6LUDi3KIY - ,
Birda Of 806theftStOrTl V12akhatur;. Tr-ady Inst.2col.AN Xazakh.SSa
2:173-180 '53. OU2A 10:2)
Settlementn of wild unimitIc nf the tuigit in the forect stoppe and the
stenne of Western Siberia and Ka2a)FhBtan. Bljl.YOIP Otd.biol. 58 no.2-1
114--22 153. (KLRA 6:6)
(Siberia. Wentern-Zoogeogranhy) (Kazakhatun--Zoogeography)
Tiger In the U.S.S.R. Izv. AN Kax. SSR no.123:18-43 153.
(XTaA 6:12)
11, 1 T
'Imimals of Xazakhstan." A.Y.Afanas'ev, V.S.Bazhanov, M.N.Korelov,
A.A.Sludskii. Raviewed by U.N.Kartashev. Zool.zhur.33 no.1:237-240
Ja-F 154. (MLRA 7:2)
(Afanas'SV, A.Y.) (Kazakhstan--Zoology)
"M -Ows"Woopps
CommorcIA117 hunted animals of Kaxakhotan and taske in thq field of
thmir economic utilixoktion. Trudy Inst.seel.AN Kazakh.SSR. 4:3-17
'55- (MIRA I0.'l)
(Kazakhstan--Zoology, Scononio)
- I- - T, SAira' in KazaBatnn. Trudy last.sool.AN Irazakh.SSR 4:18-55 155.
(MIRA 1011)
USSR/General Division. Nature Conservat'Lon. A-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 20, 1957, 85094
Abstract recently; it is not known whether the
"kulan" (Equus asinus hemionus Pall -- a
wild donkey), the yellow lemming, the
11sterkh" crane (Grus leucogeranus) still
exist. Thirteen species of mnmmals are on
the verge of disappearing: the muskrat,
the Polish marmot and the Menzbir marmot,
the snow-leopard, the hunting-leopard, etc.
There is a great drop in the number of
flamingos of swans, of pelicans, of
bustards @Otis tetrax), etc., and among the
reptiles, of grey monitorsi A numerical
survey of species of mammals and birds
utilized by trade in the past and of the
trade volume at different times is given,
as well as a glimpse at the adversities of
Card 2/5
USSR/General Division. Nature Conservation. A-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 20, 1957, 85094
Abstract the "arkhar" (the native wild mountain
sheep). Wide migrations of these wild
sheep and cases of their app@,arance in
regions from where they disappeared in the
XIXth century were observed in the fall of
1951 and in the following winter. These
migrations were due to food shortage after
a very dry su=er. In 1955 the Presidium
of the Academy of Sciences, KazSSR, founded
a commission for Nature Conservation. A
few years ago, in Kazakhstan, there were
five reservations, the total area of which
was 792 thousand hectares (0.3% of the
territory of the Republic); nowadays, there
are two reservations (98 thousand hectares
or 0.03% of the whole territory). It is
Card 4/5
SWDSKIY, A.A. -@6@--
Reproduction of the goitered gazelle. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Luakh.
SSR 6:78-108 '56, (KIRA 104)
From the results of ornithological research in central
Kazakhstan. Trudy Probl. i tem. sov. no.9:67-72 160.
VIFL,i 131:9)
1. Institut zoolo0i Akademli nauk Kazakhskoy SSR.
(lasakho tan-Birds )
Distritution and bi@)IoFy of the white crane (Grus leucogeranus
PallJ Ornitologiia no.2:159-162 '59. (MUU 14:7)
(cranes (Birds))
134AGILOV, Musa Isayevichi SLUDSKIY, A.A., kand. biolog. rIBukp otv. red.;
BjjAjLOVSy,AyA, tekbn. red.
[Ecology of rodents associated with the landscapes of Bet-Pak-Dala
and the southern part of the Lake Balkhash region) Zkologiia 2aW-
shaftnykh gryzunov Betpat-Daly i IUzhnogo Pribalkhashlia, Alma-Ataq
Izd-vo Akad. neuk Kazakhekoi SSR# 2961. 365 P. (MIRA 24t7)
(Balkbash Lake r3gion-Rodentia)
Di-q-,ertati-m dpfendel nt the Zoological instlt%te for the acadeldc
legree of Doctor if 3iological Sciences: N6
" v"TI,!41s of Kazakhstan as Eatural Aniral Resour@-es and the Enrichment
of Their Fauna."
Vestnik Akn-.i @!auk Fo. 4, 1063. pp. Ill)-145
Interrelations between predatory animals and their prey; exemplified
by antelopes and other animals and their enemies. Trudy Inst. zool.
AUN KRzakh. SSR 17:24-243 162. 4aRA 17:2)
F,.xr remources c@' Kazakhat:tn and pu.,,slbilitl,@-m for the develcpment of
comercinl hunting In the R-public. Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR
17:5-2) 162. (MRA 17:2)
A Irrai-Atri
h", t
SL!IDSF.I*j', A.A.
I pas and deserts. Trudy Inst.
Mass s'urva*ion of animals in Eurqsian Atop A.
zool. AN Kazakh SSR 20:5-83 163. (MIRA 17t2)
Sands of semiarid zones of Eurasia as minor ranges for the survival
of xerophilolis arizals and sis focil of *", slecies formation. Trudy
Inst. zool, AN Kazakh. SSR. 23:208-215 164.
(MIPA 17:11)
Mutual help among redatory animals of different species during
hunting (adjuvancy . Zool. zhur. 43 no.8:120-3.-1210 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Institut zoologii A111 Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ita.
V. -od
LMM!3krat. nnd coyTu farrnlw@ In arr, Central Asia;
mnLerlals@ Ondlitrovod:3tvo I rratrievocl.rt,vo v Kuzakhstane I
Srednel Azli; rater-laly. AlTji-Ata,"Nauka" Klizakliskol OSE,
1965. ("!DLA 19:1)
1. flauctmo-proizvodstvenmyn konferentriya uo ondatrovodstvu
I nutrievocictvu Kazalhotsina i res,,,ublik Sre@rey Azii, Alrpm-
Ata, 1964.
314=11Y, A.Y. [deceased]
"Now data on roof characteristics of Crimean mountain pastures.
Biul.NDIP. Otd.geol. 29 no.5;71-75 4-0 154. (KLRA 8:1)
(Grimsa--Geology) (larlov, M.N.)
'Au 1.) " rc) V
USSR/Klectronics - Vacuum Technique, H-9
Abet Journals Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 3522-(
Authors Gvozdover, S. D., Sludskiy, V. N.
Institutions None
Title: On the Occurrence of Oscillations of the Relaxation Type in
Electron Guns
Perlodical: Vestn . Mosk. un-ta.., 1956, No 21 37-kh
Abstract: An attempt was made to explain the causes of occurrence of self-,
excited current oscillations in the space between the grids in an
electron gun. Theoretical calculations are given for the potential
distribution.- in which it Is assumed that the problem is a one-
dimensional one and that the potentials of both grids are the aam,@.
It is shown that for a certain value of the current a Y.4 rtual cathode
occurs in the Inter-grid space. Since the latter vanloh6i at aoothtrl
smaller value of the current, current oscillations of tth relematicn
type become possible. The authors propose that the vanishing of the
Card 1/2
0 B019/BO56
AUTHORS: Karasev, M. D., Kovalenko, A. A., Sludskiy, V. N.
TITLE: A New Lecture-demonstration of the Propagation of Electro-
magnetic Waves Along a Line
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskov'skogo universiteta. Seriya 3, fizika,
astronomiya, 1960, No. I, pp. 66 - 69
TEXT: The system described in the present paper is shown in Fig. 1. it
consists of a high-frequency generator, whose energy is fed into a cop-
per wire by means of a coaxial cable and a tuned cone. The energy pro-
pagates in the conductor as a symmetric surface wave with a field struc-
ture that is equal to that in the coaxial cable, and is shown in Fig. 2.
The HY-component of the magnetic field is determined by means of a frame
antenna with a detector and a galvanometer. The following may be demon-
strated by means of this device: The equivalence of the displacement
currents and theconduction current, the field structure can be better
demonstrated than by means of a Lecher system, and the scattering of
Card 112
@I!ofithlv List of 1@iA Daro-rean Accessions. Vol. 3, no. Library of Congess. !larch 195
L;'j,-G!iO.iijOVA %J A
Z., 14UDr.1 36M-@NUVA,, Es
Central blochemIcal Lpboratory (C"ntralne Blochemicke
Laboratorlum)s OM"4# Tronohlna (for both; Clevarck-
1A rentor) *
vratt,,lays, !,ek!arjky 2bxo-r, No 7,, july 1965, on 393-400.
"A contribution +10 the Problem of standardization of
uater"rinatlon no-noplobln In the blood."
"Application o@ S. A. Chaplygin's Method of Approximate Solution of Operator
Equations." Cand !Ihys-Meth Sci,, Kazan State U imeni V. I. U11yanov-Lenin,, Kim
Higher Education USSR; Kazan', 1954. (KLO No 5, Jan 55)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Instiutions (12)
SO: Sun. No. 556, 24 Jun 55
Al /,V,
Sluirial S, N. ApprGx1mate solution of operator equations
of S. A. CaAygm's inethoO. D@,kl kkad
Nauk N-S-1 Wit 1 6", 565@ ,115-Im-i (1?@Uwaftj
The mcirMd; OfS. apgovinmUnn of
SOlUtiOnS to (fifigrf-iltiat and Jiffmocedift-reatial efisia-
Acan be extended za Ow. .Auti-,n if qj)-,Fjj(or vjudtj()(I@
(in pmialiv @@r&red Imem space- the !.ciuw,)a-; are
appv,xanated by :,zeans uf Up[wr an,l lo%cr -ccc,ic%,
apprijklm 0 pIf's wtl;ch t;i
from Baluev's theory. This paper contains the statement
of two tlieorcms@ (lie first of which contains numernits
.Condit ions a nd is lengthy to state. The second theorem is a
Special oi--e of the first, is some-what simplir to state, nnd
illustrates the general type of rrsult under discussion,
Ixt 11 W an operator ddined-on au interval Ly,, Q of a
ParUally ordered linear space. Let r be an additive
o1wrator having a positive inverse r- and such that for
all Ax>O, r(A-%)aP(z+Ax)-P(-t)- If One aperator r-1P
is monotonic and continuoas ani I'Lr#):505@P(Q, then
the least and greatest solutions in [yo. ;?,J, denoted by jt
and i, respectively, of the eiluaticm P(%)-O can be
obtained by the itei-ative proccdur@e
fe"', -@- T%lft av,
Sufficient conditions are given for the uniquene-ss of thot
solutions. It is showa that CaplVin's algorithm and t%o
of Italuev's theomns can b-t dtd@@ from thtse theorents.
P. LaSaR4 (Notrr Dame, Md.).
X- Applwad= of a pivgin t-,pr mr(bod of
t "r, D,k@ N @6 HR 17 41i!
Exampt, Coniul, r the
If awl are functions satisfying. for r4ro,
N, I Qt@OSyo, YO) , !n,i @ WO) /(I. Y)
is (07111nuous in and if C>2,jlayC--_--A (C >0) for
aR functions y(t) (yO;9;y!:-k'lO); than t6 itewive pi-ocedure
--e to
1 2
15 -1( I
SUBJECT USSR/LIATHEYATICS/Differential equations CA.RD 1/1 PG - 644
TITLE 'Th-e--u--nITETted application of a method of eaplygin's type for
ordinary differential equations of n-th order.
PERIODICAL Doklady Akad.Nauk 110, 936-939 (1956)
reviewed 3/1957
If for m 1 for the approximative solution of the equation
y(m)-f(t'y'y1V ... qy(M-1)) . 0, Y(k)(t 0) -1Vk (k-O91f..'M-1)
methods of eaplyginb type are applied, then either it must be assumed that
all laf have a fixed sign or the methods must be restricted to certain
lengths yof the interval Et 0'tj] . The author proposes a new method, where
the length of the interval can be arbitrary and only the boundedness of the
@f is assumed, The choice of the first approximation, however, is very
ay (k)
difficult. The algorithm bases on the functional analysis.
INSTITUTION: Public Educational Institute, Komsomollsk na 1mure.
AUTHORs SLUGIN,S.14. PA - 2367
TITLE: 1_t_eriT1--6-n-*e+hod of the Unilateral Approximationa of the
Solutions of Operator Equations. (Iteratsioralnyy metod
odnostoronnikh priblizheniy pesheniya operativnykh aravneniy,
PERIODICAL: Izvestiia Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat., 1957, Yol 21, Nr 1,
pp 117 - 124 (U.S.S.R.)
Recaivedi-4 / 1957 Reviewedt 5 / 1957
ABJTRACTt This paper deals with a generalized scheme of the formation of
approximations in the sense of S.A. Tachaplygin -- upper and lower
approximations of the solution of an operator equation. Approxi-
mations alternatet if the previous approximation happens to have
been the lower, the next is the upper and vice versa. The scheme
wqs made concrete by some types of equations.
It is said that, if S.A. Tachaplygin's method is to be used, and
also in the case of several varieties of this method, it is
necessary to apply either a sign constancy to the corresponding
generatrix in the linear part of the equation concerned, or to
refer to the part of the modification of arguments which is limited
by certain conditions, It is also recommended to apply the
algorithms of the approximated solution of operator euqtions,
Card 112 the applicability of which is unlimited, and which (as also in
AUTHOR s S. N. (Kmsanol I sk-na-Amure)
TITLEi Approxinative Solution of Implicitly Given inteoral Equations
(Priblizhenror reshen4e interrallnykh uravneniy, zadannykh v
neyavnom vide).
PERIODICAM mst@tjcheskjy sborniky 1957, Vol. 43., Nr 1, PP. 3-8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For the integral equation
M F(X,Y(X),Y) - 0
where it in Y K(x,s,y(s))ds and /f either -b or -x
a successive method of Chaplygin type is given.
The continuous functions uo(x) and v 0W are assumed to
satisfy on I a,bI the inequalities u 0 (X)!!@V0(x) and
FEU014 OK-FIVOI , where F[y] denotes the left aide of (1).
For all continuous functions y(x), u O(x)< Y(X)- N>0
Card 1/2 7-Y 1-Y ivy
AUTHOR: SOV/140-58-6-24/27
TITLEs Some Applications of Two-Sided Ipproximation Methods (Nekotiryye
primeneniya metodov dvustoronnikh priblizheniy)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uohebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1958, NT 6,
pp 244-256 (USSR)
ABSTRACTt The present paper contains a further development of the methods
for the approximate solution of o erator,;)uations elaborated
by the author in earlier papers ?Ref 1,2 . The first and the
second paragraph of the paper contain only certain improvements
of the results obtained In [Ref 1,2,3 'j . � 3 contains applications
to the Cauchy problem y"-f(t,y,y') - 0, oty(a)+ Pyl(a)
fy(b)+ Syl(b) - 0. � 4 considers the solution of an in;4'gr'o-
differential equation with ordinary derivativem. � 1,F treats
systems of differential equations with a retarding argument. In
� 6 the author uses the method for the solution of systems of
implicit functions proposed by the author in [Ref 9].
There are 9 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONiKazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Ullyanova Lenina
(Kazan, State University imeni V.I.Ullyanov-Lenin)
Card 112
AUTHOR: Slulva-z! NI.- SOV/20-120-2-8/63
TITLEs A Modification of the Abstract Analogue of the Method of Chaplygin
(Vidoizmeneniye abstraktnogo analogs. metoda Chaplygina)
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii naukjSSSR, 1958, Vol 120pNr 20 pp 256-258 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Baluyev [Ref 1] and the author [Ref 2] proposed approximate
methods for the solution of the operator equations in semi-
ordered spaces. These methods based on the method of Chaplygin
for the solution of differential equations andt in the present
paper, they are denoted as the "abstract analogues,'. The paper
contains proposals for the simplification of the very extensive
algorithms of [Ref 17 and [Ref 2] . Some examples for the
application to ordinary differential equations are given.
There are 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION:Komoomollskiy na-Amure gosudarstvennyy pedagogichaskly institut
(state Pedagogical Institute in Komsomollsk on-thq A@ur)
PRESENTED: January 13, 1958, by S.L.Sobolev, Academician
SUBMITTED: April 1, 1957
1. Operatora(Mathematice)--Applications 2. Differential equaticMe
Card 1/1
AUTHOR.- ""lu,,,in, SOV/20-120-3-8/(7
TITLEs On the Theory of the ITethods of Nowton and Chaplygin (K teorii
metodov Nlyutona JIL Chaplygina)
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRf 1958tVol 120,Nr 3,PP 472-474 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The author considers the solution of the equation P(X) = 0
with the a-d of the methods of Newton and Chaplygin, Several
well-known variants of these methods (Icantorovich LRef 1
Azbelov [Ref 5) etc) are modified and partially aimplifiedp
partially generalized. The inequalities of Chaplygin are re-
placed by operator inequalities. The author gives an algorithm
of the ty-pe of Chaplygin (construction of minoring and majoring
nequences, converging to the sought solution). Altogether six
theorems are formulated*
There are 8 Soviet references..
AS'SOCIATIONs KazanBkiy [,,osudarstvennyy universitet (Xazan'State University)
PRESEETEDs January 14, 19569 by O.L. Sobolev, Academician
SUBLUTTEDs January 13, 1958
i. Mathematics--Theory
Card 1/1
AUT170,j: AwAn, j.*,'. SOV/20-127-1-6/65
'MLE, A Tw@_-STdei-Estimate of t@.e :,olution of a Linear Functional
!'@IRIODICAL- Do!:Iady Akaderiii nauh :;I-J'jR,195@,Vo1 127,lir 1,',IP 34-36 (U3SR)
AK'11TIUCT: Let X be a 1, - space (See Z-Pef 2 7), K, its linear semi-
ordered subspace. Let a, b C-XI exist to every - r-_ X , so
that a -__x!@b in X. Let Y be a 1: -space isomorphie to the
X - space X1. Let K, HI, 111" be ref,"ular operators of the
class 110 ; If is assumed to transfer X into itself ; 111, H"
transfer X into XI and let U-:@Hlx!@,-;11 + x , O:E@RIIX@@-11_x (x>O,
x CY) , wherebyY -X or Y -x,. i,etr,,r" be the
restrictions of the operators If', H" on XI ;
I X I = 111 X I I F )IX I - 1111Y I - Le t A - F1 + r# B r, - r
Theorem : A is to be chosen so that (I - !)- > 0 and the
elements x and i are to be defined by
(1 -1)(-, -.I)-Y-,Y+ z + X) +
Card 1/3
A Two-Sided Estimate of the Solution of a Linear 011/20-127-1-8/65
Functional Equation
,vhere z E X and yy