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, (W ol Y SLAPANSKY, AntonLn - An unlversal metal plating appparat,is. Sdel tech 11 no,1:25-26 n .. Ja '63. 3LAFAI4SKYJ A, General Tech, vraca 15 no.2:127-128 F 163. BOBOG, D., Ing.; SLAPGIU, Gh., ing. 14---thcds for the 'Internal checking of electronic voltmeters. Metrologia apl 1-1 no. 10.-467-469 0 164. SLAPGIIJ, G., Ing. Problems related to the increase of productivity in the chooking and calibration operations in the process of iidniffacturing monophase electric meters. Metrologia apl 11 no. 5:226-229 My 164. SLAPCIIJ, G., ing.; BQBGC, D., ing. Organization of the metrological activity at the "Electromagneticaw works. Metrologia apl 11 no. 6s268-274 Je 164. SL@PICHIN, G..", Use of a GlPlA vibration Ecrean for sievin-v refractor-u- m-t-arials. Ogneupcry 29 no.22a578 '"4 0 (MIFA 18?-'!) 1. Krasncgorovskiy ogneupornyy zavcd im. Lenina. Slapins, G. h@Ilp to Indu.3try. ob-r. 20, no.b.29 A '63. (MLIRA 16:7) 1. Direktor Vyssbikh klirsov Soveta r naxodnogo khozyaystva Latvipkoy S-13-R. (1.-qt,vi&--Tt-..chnlaal education) S.LAPNICj'UI., -,Ivan.7 inz.; ICRZEL, Marijan., inz, Natural gas and petroleum products as raw materials for the production of carbon black. Nafta Jug 13 no.Jl/12:312-316 " )62. 1. *MetanO,, Kutina. i 1 SL4PT CA; ivan, inz.; MERZEL, Marijan, inz. -- ---- -@-I Gas and derivaTives of T,--troleu-- as raw materials for the Production of carbo@ black. Nafta jug 13 no. 11/12: 312-316 ITI--D 162. 1. "Petan", Kiltina. MUL, Marijan, inz.; -SLAP14ICAR, Ivan, inze Production# propertieo, and application of carbon black in rubber inabstry. Tehniks Jug- 17 no.10-. Suppl.: Hemindustrija 16 no.10:1�71-1976 0 162* 1. Kemijaka industrija 'Retan"., Kutina, S.LA-PSAK, Stane, dipl. inz. (Ljubljana) Conference on scientific research in engineering. Nova proizv 3A:239-240 JfjFe4L1icnl and eletrical -@4. SLIMAK,.Stane, inz. Second Yugosia:v Conference on Ccmponent Parts and Materials. Nova pro-Lzv 14 no.5/6.14,36 0 163 SLAZiRCHMV, K.R.,kand.ekonom.nauk; K,00.-:07, F.A.,prof. industrial upsurge in Russia in the nineties o_* the ninateentb century. Sbor.nauch.trud. Ivan.sellkhoz.inst. no.16:5-14 '58. (KIU 13: 11) 1. Kafedra ma ksizma-leninizma IvanovBkogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo Instituta (for Slashchov). (Russia--Industries) A.RTAM011OV, kandidat khimicheskikh Muk; STMLIN, B.Ya., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; SLiSHGE[EV, N.S., inzhener; RUMSH, D.I.& inzhener; ZF;- LIKSON, T.I., L.I.. Inzhener; AR&MV. L.V. Regeneration of a used catalyst with preliminary degreasing, Masl.-zhir. prom. !8 no.6:17-19 Je '53. NT-RA 6-.6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatei-Iskiy institut zhirov (for Artamonov, Sterlin). 2. Moskovskiy gidrozavod (for Slashchev, Ramsh, Zelikson, Shay- nin, Arapov). (Hydrogenation) :,-,'tse of continuous vacuum filters In the manti(acture of a ' CA a N. 9; Slasfichev, and L. 1. P. A. Artamonov@ - ' ' " . 'qj TM 77OTOInO-7k I row yd bhe F; I - I-roln. 18, is()-. V@ o-tSkIv;7j CO,(l) ants CuCO,(Il) suspension is fed by gravity flow into a semicircular trough contg. a hair-subinerged drum-shaped filter. The filter is subdivided into several secticris whi-h are intermit- tently connected with a vacuum line by means of a slide th h d t Th li id i d i t l es. rawn e rum ro a e mo er s n ve, as t qu -va through the filter cloth, and water. flowing on the outside of. the drum, cleans the catalyst, which is then scraped off by knives. dried, etc. Most rapid sedimentation of I and 11 OCCU" when they are obtained from NI and Cu sulfate 7 soln. contg. 9-10 g. of metals per 1. at 50% Under these conditions, 70% of the mother liquid was removed after a 4-5 hr. sedimentation period. The catalyst removed from the filter contained 0.68-0.97% of NarSOj. The temp. of the wash water should be from 36 to W. The diagrams of _ apparatus and data are given in 2 tables. !77@ it I- @FrTj , OIA *.,'C'.T-,j 'f 0 -1.1 - - 0 .-* .. - - , A. ". , @ I Soccnd Conforcroo of Yomg Goof;mphore of Siberia and US Far ';auto Zapo Zebolke otdo Geoge ob-vu SM noo 24s 137-139 164 (MIRA .19ol) PETRIYChLJK, I)rrdtriij Ignatlyevich; SLASHCHEVA, Lidiya Alekseyevna; UMUGOV) P... red.; CFOTIYEV, S., tekhn.- red. [Manganese and its importance in znachenie v sellskom. khoziaistve. 1960. 45 vo, P. (Manganese compounds) (Trace elements) (Agriculture) agriculture] 1-farganets i ego Frunze, Kirgizskoe gos. izd- (MIRA 15:3) SLASHCHEVAY L.A.; USANOVICH, M.I.; SUMAROKOVA, T.N. Complex compounds of monovalent copper with thiourea. Part 1: Compounds of cuprous chloride and bromide. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3:683-688 Mr 162. (MIRA 150) (Copper compounds) (Urea) SLASHCHEVAJ. L.A.; USANOVICH, M.I.; SWAROKOVA, T.N. Complex compounds of mona7alent copper with thLDwea. Part 2: Compounds of cuprous chloride. Zhur.ob.khim. J2 no.8:2408-2411 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Copper chloride) (Urea) SUSUCHEVA, L.A.; USANOVICH, M-I-; SURAROKOVA, T.N. Complex compounds of :nonovalent copper with thioureae Part 3: Compounds of cuprous sulfate. Zhunobkhim, 32 no.8:24N4415 Ag 162. (MM 15:9) (Copper sulfate) (Urea) YANYSHEVA, S.K..,--44q4q4!!YJ@.. S.K.,; nIKIR, I.L.,; SOBOLEVA, V.S.,; S@;'Tti'.K.I; FIDOSIYZT, V.A.. red.; BUEVSKAYA, V.A., red.; SOLOVITIV, S.N., [Cartographic chronicle; organ of the state bibliography of the U.S.S.R., 1954) Kartografichooksia letopis'; organ gosudarstvonnoi bibliografii S35R. 1954. Moskva, Izd-vo Yses.knishnoi palaty, 1955. 124 p. (KRA 12:7) 1. Vaesoyuznaya knizhnaya palata. (Bibliography--Kaps) GANZ, S.N.; BRAGINSKAYA, R.I.; GORCDETSKIY, N.I.; LONSHIN, M.A. Prinimali uchastiye: *LAZHCHBYAY,&; 14OLCIIAZIOV, V.A.; MIUMMY B,G. Absorption of nitrogen oxides by milk of lime in mechanical absurbers of a pilot plant. Izv.vys.uvheb.zav.; khim.i khim. tekJi. 5 M-1:155-159 162. (MIRLA 3.514) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut iraeni F.E.Dzerzhinskogo. kafedra tekhnalogii neorgalvicheskikh veshchestv. (Nitrogen oxides) (Lime) ROZIN, B.B., inzh.; UnWAN, R.S., inzh.; DANILOV, A.M., inzh.; SLASHCHEVA, V.M... inzh.; GUREVICH, Yu.G., kand. tekhn. nPuk Statistical artalysis of causes for changes in the impact toughness of 3OMPA steel with the use of punched card computer m&ddmd. Stall 24 no.l.'74-77 Ta 164. AwItt- (MIRA 17:2) 1. Zlatoustuvok:17 metallurgieheskiy zavod i Chelya4inskiy politekhr-icheakiy institut. Nauch. - jo-lor7T (:;!' the httL,,2rf'l,,- Plia-sus shamyl Clu," on cil o" ','lnist@-,rs, 16 1 " 3 RL, 1@,ajn ad,-.,JnjEft,ration for natural roserva- zapiski (C cl-:-n 11, P. tions)@ Issue -3 SO: U-30L-e@ 11 T.'arch 53, (Letoi)is 'Zhurnal Invkh Statey, No-7 1049). _'T -- - . ;@l @: i-.1. S--L-.ASHCH--,VSFIY, P. I. " A solution of the ancient pro;-.lems of the Eul-arian F.-nrle,-nic ?Lston inversarinus Rlhl.", Launh,-mptod. zapiski (Council oC r-linistars, IRSFSIR, Madin admi-nis-11-ral-irm for natu-al re@@.-rvations)l Issue 11, 194,'_@, T,. V41-L,2. S 0 : U-30142, 11 l'iarch '53, (Let,:--pis "'hurnal Inykh .5tatey, No.7 191:9). /- I I .- I ,--.f , -1 @:,; - @@ ; "I -, - - @L Y... (Kalinin). 916@.HCIPIYY Trainer. Kryl. rod. 7 no.10:12 0 156. (mm 11:2) (Airplanes-Piloting-Study and teaching) ZURKOV,, P.E., prof.; BOGATSKITY, V.P., inzh..@ SIASHCHILIN, I.T.., inzh. Determining the stability of the side slope of a pit. Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; gor.-zhur. 5 no.2@92-96 162. (,'EPA 154) L, Magnitogorakiy gc-mometallurgicheskiy institut imeni G.I.Nosova. Rekomendovana kafedroy otlaytoy razrabotld- poleznykh -iskopayemykh. (strip Miniyw) kRocks-,Testing) ZURKOV, P.E., prof.; SLASHCHILIN, l.T., inzh. '@ @-. @ -T-,--, - - Drawing ore through e,@ Zo-rKlngss lzv*vys.ucheb,zav.;gor.zhur. 6 no.11:13-15 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut imeni Nosova. Rekomendovana kafedroy podzemnoy razrabotki mestorozhdeniy poleznykh iskopayemvkh. KOSHKIN, M. L., prof.; GIL'W, B. I.; DUDA, M. N.; DUDCHKTKO, I. I.; ZVYAGINTSEVA, L. I.; SLASHGHOVA, K. V. Preventive irradiation of preschool and younger school-age children with small (non-erythematic) doses of ultraviolet irradiation. Vrach. delo no.6.-127-132 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Kafedra obshchey gigiyany (zav. - prof. M. L. Koshkin) Khar1kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS-THERAPEUTIC USE) (SCHOOL HYGIENE) st@.Syl' J. Journal of the Science _of Food and Agriculture Feb. 1954 kgriculture and Horticulture pnd C (RdegaL natek Rolm., 195a. @$A 90--16 6 relatkw was apparent betureon Aranspiration rates of dormant )-year apple abouts aw -A-inter hardiness. G. POLL#D,,,, SUSHY J. A few leaves fron, the history of piracy. p. h80, (VIIEDZA I ZYCE, 'Vol. 21" No. 7, July 195h., Vlarszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List oC East Eatynpaan Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, 111o. 5 May 1955, Uncl. SLASKI, Tadeusz; MAZUREK, Ludwik Necrosis of the renal papilla. Urol. polsks, 8:167-172 1956. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Lodzi-Kierownik: prof. dr. Marian Stefanowski. (KIDSMS, 4ise&ses, necrosis of P&PIllae. (POW (KCROSIS, renal papillae. (Pol)) SIASKI, Tadeusz; MAZUREK, Ludwik ,-- --l'- -::@- Necrosis of the renal papillae. Polski tygod.lek. 11 no.47: 1992-1995 19 Nov 56. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Lodzi; kierownik: prof. dr. Marian Stefanowski. Lodz, Zielona 16. (KIDNEr DISSASES, case reports, necrosis of papillae kPol)) KL3PACKI.,W.;SIASKI,, Z. sgbji#@@- Brief 'characterizatiOu Of the epidemic of Heine-Nedin disease in 1951 in the Inblin province vith special reference to earV diagnosis. Pediat. polska 28 no.4:395-WO Apr 1953. (CIML 25:1) 1. Of the Pediatric Clinic (Read--Prof. W. Klepacki. M.D.) of lublin Medical Acaderff. SLASKI. Zbigniew, WAISSUNSICA, Krysty-na. Case of Heine-Medin &isoage In prognanoy. Pedlat, polsku 29 no.9: 900-903 Sept 54. 1. 2 Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych Akademii Medycznej v Lublinle. Klerownik: prof. dr med. W.Ilepacki I z Kliniki Oinekologlesno- Pblo%niczej Akademii Medycxnej w Lublinis. Klerownik: prof. dr med. St.Liebhart. (POLIOMYELITIS, In pregnanc7, case report) (PRIGNANCY. complications, polio.. case report) GRZYCKA,-WARAKOMSKA, Sy1wia; SLASKI, Zbigniew late comPlicatioas of tuberculous meningoence-phalitis. Pediat. polska 32 no.11:1255-1261 Nov 57. 1. Z Oddzialu Zakaznego Kliniki Chorolt Dziect A. M. w Inblinie Kierownik; doc. dr med. W. Klepacki. 1dres; Otwock, ul. Korazaka 5, Sanatorium im. J. Marchlewskiego. (TUBERGUIWIS, KENINGIUL. compl. late compl. of tuber. meningoencephalitis (Pol)) GRZYCKA.-WA'.RAKOMSK&, Sy1wia; SIASa,,,@Piew Favourable effects of hormone therapy in tuberculous meningoencephalitis in children. Pediat. polska 32 no.12:1361-1365 Dec 57. 1. Z Oddzialu Zakaznego Kliniki Ghorob Dzieci A. M. w Lublinie. Kierownik Kliniki: doc. W. Klepacki. (TTJBBRCULOSIS, XMINGUL, in inf. & child ther., ACTH in tubere. meningoencephalitis (Pal)) (ACTH, ther. use tuberc. meningoencephalitis in child. (Pol)) SLASKI, Zbigniew; SZCZEPANSKA, Irena Contribation to the problem of the etiology of Steveno-Johnson disaaae. Fediat. pol. 38 no-5:497-505 My 163. 1, Z Oddzialu Zakaznago I Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w Lublinis Kierownik: doe. dr mad. A. Sokolowsh-Nkowa. (STEVENS-JOHNSON SYNDROME) (SULFAMETHOXYMIDAZINE) SLANSKIY, D.A. "'Block' delivery of pipeline turbocompressors" by S.IA.Kurits. Reviewed by D.A.Slanskii. Stroi. truboprov. 8 no.5:39-3 of cover My 163. (MIRA 1635) (Compressors) (Pipelines--Design and construction) (Kurits, S.IA.) CHERKES, Aleksandr Illich; W711NIKOVA, Valentina Fedorovna;- SLASTETI, M.I. re4l GITSHTEYW, A.Do@ tekhno red* ,A [Manual on drug therapyl Posobie po farmakoterapii Kiev, Goa* med. iza-vo USSR, 1961. 551 P. ?mIRA 34:11) (MEDICINE@-FORNUIAE, RECEIPTS, PRESCRIPTIONS) SLASTIN. N.F..; PINOVICH, L.I. Case of subcutaneous nqi&eis in a 7-year-old child. Pediatriia no.5: 86-88 S-0 '54. (MM 7:12) 1. Iz kliniki detskikh bolesney Khabarovskogo meditsinskogo Instikuta t ]Mabarovskoy 1kriyeroy malyarlynoy stanteli. (MTIASIS, in infant and child, subcutaneous) KUZIMINOV,, I.I., red.; KIZPACH, N.Ya., red.; SLAIEUENIZIKO, V.A,, red.; TREFILOV, V.A,., red.; VORONINA, N.j red. [Socialist production collective] Sotsialisticlieskii proiz- vodstvennyi kollektiv. Moskva, Mysl', 1964. 230 p. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Moscow. Akademiya obshchestvennykh nauk. SLASTEIIIIN, V. A. SLASTENIN, V. A. -- "The Work of the ScY,ool Komsomol on the Patriotic and International Training of Pupils." Moscow State Pedagogical Inst imeni V. I. Lenin. Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopts', No 5, Moscow, Feb 1956 SIASTEMIN.,V.A.. inzhener. --.- Reducing plant idling time. Tekst.prom. 16 no.9:7-8 ;S 156. (Tex8tile machinery) (XLHA 9:12) SJASTmiJN., Ye. V.: MAster Tech Sci (diss) -- "The eject'-on effect of water fissures located in the corners of the auction tubing of hydroturbines". oscow, 1958. 17 pp (Min Higher Educ USSR, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner M I Construction Engineering Inst im V. V. Kbybyshev), 150 copies (KL, 110 1, 1959, 121) NAZAROV, N.T. kand.tekhn.nauk; SLASMIN, Ye.V.; SOLOVIYEV, P.P., inzh. P Laboratory studies of an ejector. Sbor. trud. VNII*rud no.2:53-63 162. @ (MIRA 16-3), 1. Kuybyshevokiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut. (Pumping machinery.-Testing) (Sand and gravel plants-Equipment and supplies) ,3LAS,.,Ly El"N 0. :". Dissertation: "Ilew Dases for Solving Certain Problems in the Technology of Concrete-" Card I-,ch Sci, Kharlkov Construction Engineer-fng @Inst, Ydiarikov, 1954. leferativnyy Zfturnal-- , 1.: 1 Kiiindya OSCG.,;, Ito 14, Jul 54. 30. tUrl No. 35b,9 25 Jan 1955 SL4TZNF,O, D.M.; VINARSKIY@ V.L. Acid permeability of -acidproof cements. TSeawnts 29 no-1:13--14 TOWF (KUU 16:2) 1. Kharikovskiy inzhenezmo-stroitelInn institute (Cement-Testing) LEYYJITLING. K.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik; SUSTENKO,__T.S., nauchnyy sotrudnik --A@ bawing timber for tieB. Trudy VSNIPILeadrev no.7sl7-26 063. (MIRA l7i2) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskly nauchno-issledovateltakiy i proyektnyy institut lesnoy 1. derevoobrabatyvayushchey proaWshlennosti. PALEFOV, V.; SLASTENKO, Ye. On the main and the most important. Sotp. trud 5 no.12:145-149 D 160. (141RA 14: 6) (Bibliography--Iabor productivity) MWERK0. M.; SUS-Ivao, re. Prodoction cooperation and specialization are important potentials for the increase of labor productivity. Top. ekon. no.12:40-48 D 6o. (MIRA 13-.12) (Machinery industry-Labor productivity) @Ssrc > r- @--? 1 5 May 610 ZEL-TSER, P. and SLASVENKO, Ye. co-author in source an a icle entitled "Improve the Economic Liaisons in Industryll. Kommunist No. 7, May 1961 OSource signed for press 17 (2) ag DEMCHENKO, M.; SLASTENKO, Ye. Conference on problems of specializatit;n and cooperatj@n in industry. Vop, ekon. no,S-136-1557 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Industrial organizati-m-Congresses) PAVLOV, Sergery ,'Ak19jmovich;--&ASTE1@K02 Yeygerq:@_N @' @'Ovich; CIO-WOV, Ye., f@ - red.; KUZI-IETSOVA, A., tekbn. red. (Specialization in @he machinery industry] Spetsiali3atsiia v mashinostroenii. Moskva, Flosk. rabochii, 1962. 58 P. (MIRA 15:3) (Machinery industry) DEMHENKOY M.; SLASTENKO, Ye. Problems of specialization and cooperation in machine construction industries. Mashinostroene U no.12s8 D 162. POSPELOVA, Yevdokiya Alekseyevna; SL.ASTENKO,'Yevgeniy Naumovich; MAYEVSKDY, IN., doktorekon-,-- n--a-4,---oAv*-. red.; MAZOVER, Ya.A., red. izd-va; SHEVCFMIKO, G.N., tekhn. red. [Production specialization in the food and light industries] Spetsializatsiia proizvodstva v pishelievoi i legkoi pror.-jshlennosti. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSRI 1963. 310 P. (MIRA 17:2) Za ek-on-1vu 360C-6 t.: ratsi-- SO: Vol. 45, 1,49 Le tc )i s SLASTENOV A,.I.- KLJZIMTKO, K.N., kandidat, fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, If re or; LIMONOVA, Helel tekhradaktor, [Astronomy at Zi--xkov University during the last 150 years (1805- 1955A Astronomiia v Maarlkovskoz universitete za 150 lat (1805- 1955); istoricheskii ocherk. Kh Ikov, lzd-vo Kharikovskogo ges. univ. Imeni A.M.Gorskogo, 19559 183 pe [Microfilm] WaA 825) (Kharkov University-History) (Astronomy) S/035/62/000/004/001/056 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHORS: Bazhenov, G. M., Slastenov, A. I TI=-L: The determination of absolute first-order perturbations caused by Jupiter and improvement of orbital elements of the asteroid Velleda (126) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 4, 1962, 10 - 11, abstract 4IA103 ("Tsirkulyar Astron.observ. Khar1kovsk. un-t", 1961, no. 23, 22 - 29) TEXT: The absolute perturbations of elements a, e, M and matrices V/ @P?c Qx RX Mr = (Py qy Ry @Pz Qz RZ were found by G. M. Bazhenov by the method described in his Doctor's thesis "On first-order perturbations of orbital elements of a body having a vanishingly small mass". A. I, Slastenov determined, on the basis.of the series obtained by Card 1/2 The detemination of absolute... S/035/62/000/OOVOO1/056 A,-01/AlOl G. M. Bazhenov, perturbations of the asteroid Velleda (126) at observational moments and improved the elements on the basis of 6 oppositions. The improved elements were obtained for the moment of osculation 1960, January 27.0 UT. [Abstvacter's note; Complete translation] N. Ya. Card 2/2 SLASTENOV A.I. I_ Improving the elements of the orbit of minor planet Amalia (284). Uch.zap.KHGU 91:249-253 157. (MIRA 15:3) (Planets, Minor--Orbits) SLASTZNCV, M. F. Gataract Repeated paracentesis of the cornea in the treatment of cataracts. Vest. Oft. 31 no. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. Unclassified. EXCERPTA INEDICk sec.12 VGI.121/2 0-,)htI,,a1rrioIcc_:,y rob- 5S 267. THE TREATMENT OF OCULAR XEROSIS BY TIR.MNSPLANTATION OF CA DAVERIC CONJUNCTIVA (Russian text). S I a s t e n o v AM. P. ZAP.SOTS, ZDRAVOOKH. UZBEK. 1956, 3 (64-66) ------- Transplantation of cadaveric healthy conjunctiva was performed in 5 patients on 7 eyer. with trachomatous xerosis. The operation promotes moistening of the! eye and k. may enhance the visual acuity. The case notes ana the method of operation are cited. (S) VOINOV, I.I.; ZMELI, Ye.Ya., zaveduvushchiy; SLASTENOV, Ye.P., dotsent, zave- duyushchiy; BOGDANOV, G.R., direktor. ---. , --. Microbiological characteristics of cultures of dysentery bacilli. (Authors' abstract). Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immn. no.3:20-21 Mr '53. (MIaA 6:6 ) 1. Epidemiologicheskiy otdel Sverdlovskogo instituta epideniologii I m1krobiologit (for Slastenov). 2. Rayonnaya sanitarno-bakteriologicho- skaya laboratoriya (for ZeYbel'). 3. Sverdlovskiy institut epidemlologii i m1krobiologii (for Bogdanov). (Dysentery) VOINOV. I.I.; SLASTENOV, Ye.P., dotsent, zaveduyushchiy; BOGLZOV,.G.F., di- rektor. The problem of the OHeidelbergO infection. Biological characteristics of bacilli of the serological grmp of paratyphus B Heidelberg, excreted in diarrhea in newborn and in infants. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i immm. no.3:33- 57 Mr '53. (MLRA 6-:-6 1. Spidemiologicheskiy otdel Sverdlovskogo oblastnogo inarAtuta mikrobi- ologii i apidemiologii (for Slastenov). 2. Sverdlovskiy oblastnyy insti- t-ut mikrobiologil i epidemiologii (for Bogdauov). (Paratyphoid fever) (Diarrhea) SIDOROV, D.P.; SLASTENOV, Yu.-L.- Stratiraphy of Mesozoic coal-bearing sediments in the Ust'- Vilyuy gas-bearing region. Trudy VNIGRI no.186:32-43 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Verkhoyansk Range-Coal geology) SLASTENOV, Yu.L. I - - - Stratigraphy of Lover Triassic sediments the Kitchan uplift (western Verkhoyansk Range). Trudy VNIGRI no.186:23-31 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Verkhoyanak Range-Geology, Stratigraphic) SLASTENOV, Yu.L. Lower Triassic and Paranorites zone in the western Verkhoyansk Trudy VNIGRI no.220. Geol. sbor. no.8-. 201-204 163. (MIRA 17:3) SLASTENOVA, Ye. M., Cand Med Sci (diss) -- "Fathohistological changes in the 0 eyes with certain methods of inoculatin-c, animals with various strains of the tuberculosis bacillus". Samarkandl 1959. 15 pp (Samarkand Med Inst im Acad I. P. Pavlov), 250 copies (,,m, ,io q, 196o, 129) SLASTENOVAY Ye.M. Dispensary treatment of tuberculosis of the eyes. Sov.zdrav.Kir. no-5:1+3-48 S-0 162. (MM 15:10) 1. Iz patofiziologicheskoy laooratorii nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza (direktor - doktor med.nauk Yu.A.Volokh) i kliniki glaznykh bolezney Kirgizskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsin- skogo instituta (rektor - chlen-korrespondent AN Kirgizskoy SSR V.A.Isabayeva). (EYE--TUBERCUIDSIS) KITAYFV, M.I., dotsent; 5@ @TENOVA, Ye.)@., Problem of tuberculosis in Kirghizistan. Sov.zdrav.Kir. no.5:60- 64 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Iz Kirgizskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza (dir. - prof. Yu.A.Volokh). (KIRGHIZISTAN-TUBERCULOSIS-PREVENTION) SUSTIKHIN,,,M,,.4., Influence of neurolytic mixtures in the prevention of complications following the transfusion of heterogenous protein preparations. Akt. vop.perel.krovi no.7:295-301 159. (MM 13--11) 1. Klinika obahchey khirurgit Voyenno-meditainskoy ordena Lenina a)mdemll im. S.M. Kirova (nachallnik kliniki - prof. V.I. Popov). (BLOOD PLASMA SIBSTITUTICS) (SHOCK) (SYMPATHONDWICS) SUSTIMIN, 14..A.,.mayor maditsinkoy alushby Lrtic cocktail in the prevention of anaphylactic shock In poottrans- fusion reactions. Voen.-vied.xinwe no.8t63-0 Ac 159. (MMA 12:12) (RIBMNATION, ARTIFICIAL) (XWD TRAN87USION oomplications) (ALLUGTO etzoloff@ SLASTIKHIN, M.A.; KATAYEVA, G.A. (Leningrad) Effect of a lytic cocktail on certain biochemical indices of the blood in tranmatic and anaphylactic shock. Biul.eksp.biol. i mod. 48 no.9:71-77 S 159. (NnU 13: 1) 1. Predstavlena, doyetvitelinym chlenom AMN SSSR V.N. Chernigovskim. (HIBERNATION, ARTIFICIAL effo) (ALLERGY exper.) (SHOa exper, ) (BLOCD chain. ) POPOVJI V.I... gof., general-mayor meditsingkoy sluzhby; AAMMLYEVY A.N.; I=H X, G.A. j podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby,- SLASTUMN, M.A. mayor meditsinakoy sluzhby -- Some problems in the pathogenesis of traumatic and anaphylactic shock. Voen.-hied. zhur. no.7:25-27 31 161 (MIRA 15:1) (ALLY.RGY) (SHOCK) (BREN) PCt4OSOVj, D.Y.; SLASTIKHIN M.A.- YERYUKHIN, I.A. (Ieningrad) Two cases of anaphylactic shock following the administration of bicillin. no.1:144-145 t62. (YJRA 15:1) 1. 1z kliniki obshchey khirurgii Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena lenina, akademii (nach. - prof. V.I. Popov) imeni S.M. Kirova. (ARTAPHYLMS) (BICILLIN) 5 7) Soil Scionco. Cultivation. Improvoment. Erosion. J-4 Abs jour : Rof Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1958, ,,,,o. 72758 Author : Slastikhin., V. Inr3t : fto+, givon Titio : Evalua:tion of Soil Eroslon By Photograp@s Orig Pub : Agrikultura shi vitoritul Moldovey, 195B, No 2, 17-16; Zomlodoliye i zhivotnovcdstvo Moldavii, 1958, No 2, 14-15 Abutract No abstract givon Card 1/1 42 YAROSHENKO, M.F.; SLPSTIKHIN, V.V. Problems of the utilization and conservation of bodies of water in Moldavia. Okhr. prir. Mold. no.2:67-73 161. 0AIP-A 15:8) (Moldavia-Water resources development) (Moldavia--Fisheries) SLASTIHIII, V. V, Nature of two-component torrential streams on slopej in Moldavia, Izv. kN Mold. SSR no.9:12-16 162. WRA 16:1) (Meldavia-fiLmoff) (Moldavia-Eroslan) MnT.nOV..4yov, 4,1,,7, SLASTIMIN, V.Ve Results of field studies on the silting proceag in ponds of YAjdavia, Okhr. pr1r. Hold& rw.3t8-3.4 165. (MrPA 18110) OSLASTmw, V,V.i PENIKOVSKAYA, A,M* Water for a nationle neads, Okhr. pr1r. Mold, no*303-24 165* (MIR.A 18110) SLAST-IKHIN.-V..V.;- KUZI'.--7TSOV, I.A., st. nauchn. sotr., ret3enzzent; LISITSYNA, Ye.A., red.; S.'IRNOVA, E., red. [Problems in the melioration of slopes in 'Moldavial Vop- rosy melioratsii sklonov Moldavii. Kishinev, "Kartia mol- doveniaske," 1964. 211 P. (@LIRA 17:8) 1. Sovet po problemam vodnogo, khozyaystva AN SSSR (for Kuznetsov). SLASTITIKOV, G.S. Cdeceased3 -Mm -Polychaeta in Onega Bay of the White Sea. Mat. po kompl.izuch. Bel.mor. no.1:411-427 '57. (XIaA 10: 8) 1.Kafedra, gidrobiologii i ikhtiologii Leningradekogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Onega Bay-Polychaeta) BRAUN, -M'.P.;-- VIN'OKUR-. B.B.; IVANOV. F.I.; SIASTNIKOVA, L.F. Anstenite transfor-nation during continuous cooling of certain steels used in mRking large croRe-section mchine parts. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN USSR no.7'137-148 156. (MIRA ll.-I) (Steel alloys-Metallography) GERTSRIKEN, S.D.; DEKHTTAR, I.Ta.; PLOTNIKOVA. N.P.; SLASTNIKOV-ki-,L.F.-, TATSMIKO, T.K. I Inve6tigating diffusion In the iron - aluminum system in a wide concentration range. Isal. po tharopr. sPlav- 3:68-76 ' 58- (MIRA 11:11) (Iron-aluminum ii.m. J,r I GERTSRIKT-N, S.D.; YATSEIMO, T.K.; SIASTNIKOU, L.F. Jm7astIgating the diffusion of cobalt and iron along grain boundaries. Issl.po zbaropr.splav. 4:152-157 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Diffusion) (Metal crystals) 18(4.7); 2501) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2306 AkWoulya nauk Ukrainakoy SSR. Inatitut astallofiziki Voproxy flatict Wt&IIoV I matallovedeniya, (Problems In the Physica of Obt&ls and Pbtallography) Klyev. Izdu-vo AN Ukraln3kiy SSR, 19039. (Seriess =tat Sbornlk nauchnYkh rAbOt, Nr 9) Errata slip inserted. 3,000 copies printed. Zd. of Publishing Houses V.L. ShkUrko, Tech. Ed.: M-I- Yerlmova; SdItorial Boards V.M. Svechnikov, Academician ' Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian 33N (Rasp. Ed. ), S.D. Gortsriken, Doctor or Physical and MathaismUcal Sciences; and I.Ya. Dekhtyar, Doctor of %ohnIcal Sciences. rmosss This collection or articles to intended for scientific workers, aspirants, and engineers in the rields of the physics or metals, setallography, " metallurgy. It ty also be useful to students or advanced courses In MetallurgiCri arid physical facul"es. COVZRA43t This collection of articles deals with the following top Gas a so a spot-ed'Weitlysi; heat treatment, deform&-\ 4, tions, mad crystallization conditions on phase transformationa,, structures' and properties or metals and alloys; the affect or additio"I alloying components an volumetrIc and intercryatallinefl.- diffusion in alloyal and the efCact of repeated quench hardening - and radioactive and ultrasonic treatment on the physical proper- ,.ASaa or alloys. No personalities are mentioned. Rerarencen T1 --Meno movera;* dr.the.artlcles. 31 "=. V - and A.T3-'Il- In --tI&-tI-n of T M, aro tio@l -10 . L111-thO T14 State or covbalt-rich Co-Gr In aebalt-base solid solutions " a more precise 105 determination or phase ranges in equilibriuss diagrams of the Co-Cr system are inventigated. The kdcro3tructure or allor,"Mplos In discussed. 3vechnikov, V.11., Yu.A._pShCrjj%iuzkjv_, y A& stre o V-9-2w, find -K-_3fi7ur1n. Investigation 46:,N!trenP V -Alloy System A . he -__ 120 Constitution diagrams and adcrostructurea or various binary as-sd %Orn&rY Alloys were Investigated. Changan of h&rdness with changes of temperature are shown. Lasnik A-0. , and Displacement of -Fj@@ Curve, of, - MWr- phases in the Pe-Cr Alloy ss'@ System Due to Prolonge High- tempo ra ture Heating of the Ph&" - @ __ . ., . . Electrolytic chromium and Iron or@ used for making the allols. Spiral samples, 20mm. long, were heated In a vacuum and electrical 3*6918tivity me measured. Th. drop :r rHg6!5'tlvlty at thesfi@ltraxsfcrmation is discussed. Yo. A. Anisotropy in the Diffusion In Cu_AU Alloys Undergo vg Ordering 09 The calculation of diffusion coefficients for a IIloyg undergoing ordering to made analytically by the method or neon energies " by the *configuration anthod.1 amtsElkan-" ftJ-'_PrXjM_jbnikov. Investigation of Tolujaptric Dirru;lo'n of Iran In Alloys 147 Alloy@ composed or Fe - 0.27 percent Al, and Fe - 0-39 percent Al, -am investigated. S"plos, 10 x 13 x 2.3ma., were defor"d and anneal;d; I The mean grain size (0.3 to I=.) did not ch&ng* after dir u on annealing (770 to 12300C). The polished surfaces of the samples were coated with radio active iron (I to 2 microns thick). The doptb of the dlrru;. 100 14YOr 1-300 LO-150 alaronal varied wl@A_jonerawre and ties, of annealing. Gortsrtkon. S.Dj T K Yatsenko and L P Slastnikova. In- or vastigiLtion D ?rLsjor cTC@%jt ;;'&@@n Boundaries of Cob&It' Nickel. and I.LQ,j 154 The absolute values of ditfunion coorricients for Co-Co, CO-51, CO-Pe. FG-Pe. and P*-MI, I.e., diffusion with regard to t1wo and temperature or annealing, were obtained for grain-boundary diffusion and volumetric diffusion. The relationship betw*on coefficients for both diffusions to discussed. GERTSRIKEN, S.D.; YATSEITKO, T.K.; Stud7ing the diffusion of cobalt and Iron along the grain boundaries of cobalt, nickel and iron. Sber, nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no-9:154-161 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Diffusion) (Metal crystals) 351715' S/601/61/000//013/()07/017 Oe 2)2 j7 /DJ3 02 yt4 H-;- 4- , D. (deceased), P-ranishnikov, 11. P. and 0-1 1.1,c. diffusion process in the 2-modifica- @ion 01, LL11,1i its alloys conzainin, small admix- of ii-o" coba t and nickel , . U`ralri@nslkoyi inutytut me*talo--yzy- U 2-a ,,,;cIUnYkJi rabot, no. 13, 1961. Voprosy fi- .,.-.,@'G'allov i -c-tallovedeniYa, 88-92 LL study of dfffuslon of Fe, Co and Ni in 4 @'@ C_ f 9 9 1 02- @;D.C.C. SUrU vure) o- .7' pure Ti and its o s co n-. a -:'- ni@ - L -- z :,I e , 4 a Co and 4 at.-,, Kii. Dif- -6 . U Carr4 I I, a @3 ;_ed out at', 800 12000C in a quartz -Uube 'I ZI, OTI. a@ at.-ioo7)heric jjresSL;re. The ar-on was ourified J tl-ie tulbe. Diffusing ellements were in the form of -59 60 55 59-63 I e Concentration of a Co Ni d 1/2 Q"/601/61/000/013/007/017 ... D207/D302 d4!@',,--ce the sariple was found by autora- U U was @)Iaced in con'Mct with a photographic -.1 a-j: o AUica @-,3it of -he resultant image was measured d e. U ul V @ k' U w i a c ro @31 _@j t oT.,ie t e r - q (INP-4). Diffusion coefficients D v.-e--c deduced D O.'1086/t.tan,% , where t is the duration of dil@'fui5ion z@,rmeaii- ne nS and tea -' is the slooe of the tracer con- u I j)iotted a-:-ain turie snuare of the distance alono the of 'o and Ni moved very rapidly in B-Ti and its 7-,c,Ys: :2-1-,e d4@@usio--i coe+"icients were of the order of 10-7 cm2/ i@L all,', the Pre-ex!)onential fac-or D in U 0 _:j --IT i-.,ere bo t',, 3,rea t. er for di ."'f us ion of iron in t-he l'i'al'! 1,11 oure titaniurni, but tuhis increase was such that 1, U ed t@ie sa D a _4 1". rze in Ti-Fe as in Ti. A similar ef waLi obL;a_@-ved in diffUsion of cobalt and nickel in Ti-Co and @@Ilcjys res@ect-*veiy. There are 3 figures and 2 tables. U.1- -0 i-inuu.-y 15, 1r'jO' _.urd 212 I S/601/61/000/013/008/017 &0 D207/D;-,02 6 Gcrtsriken, S. D. (deceased), Yatsenko, T. K. and.@@'u- -i1myu. Diffusion in silver-zinc alloys "rademaiya nauk Ukray4nslkoyi RSR. Instytut metalofyzy- ky. Sbornih nauchnykh rabot, n. 13, 1961. Voprosy fizi- ki metallov i metallovedeniya, 93-99 '2 -E_ @'2 21 h eauthors investigated diffusion of Zn 65 at 250 0 650 C in 65 @ + 33 at.@@' Zn alloy (f.c.c.,c6-phase), diffusion of Zn au -.00 0'500C in the Ag + 48 a-t.% Zn alloy (b.c.c., B-phase), and dif- 110 OC in the A- + 49 at.% Zn alloy (b.c.c., J_Usion Of A;@-' at 400 - 650 )hase). Diffusion annealing was carried out in an atmos h of _,e ar-mi and the tei@-iperature was controlled with the M 7) A a,)oaratus. Por the 33c,'a Zn alloy aC-counter and apparatus E7-9@ (3-2) were used Ito determine the distribution of Zn 65. Por the 48 Card 1/3 0 S/0'01/-1/000/013/008/017 Diffusion in silver-zinc alloys D207/D302 49c,,,' Zn alloy s the tracer diatributions were found by autoradiogra- phy: The sar.,iple was placed in contact with a photographic film and the optical density of the resultant image was measured. Dif- fusion coefficients D were deduced from D = 0.1086/t.tano@, where t is the duration of the dif fusion ami_@aling and tanq, is the slope ol" the tracer concentration plotted against the square of the dis- Ca-lace along a sample. The values of D in the 2-phase alloys were 2 - 3 orders of magnitude greater than in them-phase alloy. This was primarily due to the fact that the 2-phase has b.c.c. struc- G"'Alle WqIch is a less ';ic,-htly packed lattice and therefore diffusion tI_,_rou,,h it is easier. Other, less important reasons for the diffe- fence ,between the rates of diffusion in theoC- and B-phase are: D increases with concentration of zinc, and there are more inter- atoms in the 3-phase. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 12 t I t - refe-re-_--ces: 5 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most recent to the English-language publications read as follows: A. B. Kuper, D. Lazarus et al., Phys. Rev., 104, 6, 1936 D. Laza- rus and C. Tomiruka, Phys. Rev., 103, no. 5, 1155, (1956i; C. Card 2/3 40976 S1659/62/009/000/006/030 1003/1203 AUTHORS Gertsriken, S. D., Slastnikova, L. F., Yatsenko, T. K., Volkova, T, I., and Mirkin, 1. L. TITLE The relationship regularities in the diffusion of nickel in nickel-base alloys and the refractory properties of these alloys SOURCE Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metaflurgii. Issiedovaniya po zharoprochnym splavam. v. 9. t962, Materialy Nauchnoy sessii po zharoprochnym splavarn. (1961 g.), 42-46 TEXT Data on the mobility of atoms at elevated temperatures are necessary for the investigation of heat tesistant alloys. Such data were obtained here for different grades of nickel and of nickel-base alloys containing Cr, W, Mo and Co. A layer of radioactive Ni63 was electrolytically deposited on polished samples, which were heated to a temperature range from 970'C to 1170T. The diffusion coefficient of nickel was calculated from the difference in the radioactiveity of the surface before and after heating. The self-diffusion coefficients were calculated- for refined nickel: D = 0.36 exp (- 64700/RT) cm,2/sec, for commercial nickel: D = 0.25 exp (- 63006/RT)cmz/sec. Diffusion coefficients of nickel into both refined and commercial grade alloys were calculated, and the mechanical properties as well as the melting points of the alloys were determined. The conclusion reached are that the long-time strength and the resistance to relaxation of nickel-base alloys Card 1/2 rhe relationship between regularities in the_ SI'659/62/009/000/006/0"'O 1003/1203 at 800T is due chiefly to the qtructure and to the di5locations in the alloy, and that the thermal mobility of Jtom_Q of the chief components is of lesser importance- In the discussion, E M. Pivnik expressed the opirion tha@ the relationship between the diffusionin nickel-bas-. alloys and tbeirheat-resistance may bernotecomplex than Sugge*tcd by the authors, while, A. Ya. Shin@ae-y believed that may be premature to draw conclusionse on the relanonship between the heat-resistance of alloys and the diffusion at low temperatures, There are 2 figure, and 2 lable.@ Card 212 GERTSRIKEN, S.D. [deceased];@@ASTNIKOVA, Lj..; YATSENKO, T.K. Diffusion of nickel and chromium. Sbor. nauch. rab. Inst. metallofiz. AN URSR no.14:31-36 '62. (MIRA 15:6) (Nickel) (Chromium) (Diffusion) s/6oi/62/000/616/022/029 E193/E.383 AUTHORS: GertaAken, S. D.:, (D ec eas Oct) Yatzenko T.K*-@ and SlAstnikova L.F TITL DiffusAon.ofiron in.,i-o-n-hafnium all oys 41 Alcademiya nauk,Ukrayinalkoyi RSR. lnstytut,_@ 6 metalofyzylcy. :Sbornik nauchnykh. rabots no*-, I V Kiyev, 1962.', Voprozy Aziki metallov I metallovederxiyao-, 158 167 TIM -use -st The radioactive trac d to udy: J:. er.technique was effect of sman (0.02 Hf,additions on the diffusion, Fe in d t ilute Fe-Hf solutions containing about@0.008% C in both h nd a Y a The coefficient of. a ranges. Conclusions diffusion of Fe in both y and a. modifications is practically unaf f ect ed by Hf addition in the concentration range studied., _A The same a pplies to the pre-exponential factors and activation-' energy for volume-diffusion of Fe in Fe-Hf. alloys.' -2) @ The C nditions o of diffusion in the a and P phases'are different ;.J@or both pure Fe and Fe-Hf.alloys. Transition from.the body- centered t o face-centered cubic cr &,tal structure brings About '4rd 1/2