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20-118--4-57/61 Certain Rules Holding in the Tillering in Perennial Loose-Tillered Cereals in Their First Year of Life and in the Subsequent Years, in Comparison to Related Annual Cereals their place of origins 1) those formed directly from the seed embryo, 2) those formed from the buds of the type I sprouts as long as those sprouts were in the vegetative (shortened) state or - short sprouts which had been formed in the respective period, and 3) from buds of the lower knots of the elongated generative (pro- bably also vegetative) stalks which upually begin to.grow during the development of the seeds. The first two types are morphologioallyequal. For the sprouts of the second type the author keeps the term "tillering sprouts". The sprouts of the third type are formed at the perennial cereals after the harvest. So they are referred to as innovation sprouts, Thus all type 1 and type.2 sprouts are described as tiller- in.rr knots, whilst those of the third type are described as innovation knots. According to the results given above and to the technical terms the total variety of the cereals in- vestigated here can be summed up in three characteristic Card 3/5 groups: I. Annual cereals. Every sprout can live for so- 20-Ila-4-57/61 Certain Rules Holding in the Tillering in Perennial Loose-Tillered Cereals in Their First Year of Life and in the Subsequent Years, in Comparison to Related Annual Cereals order. In the following,year this knot is again replaced by the innovation knot of the second order, and so on. III. Per- ennial cereals the short sprouts of which can live for 195 - - 3 years. These ake: Cock's-foot grass, Bromus erectus, partly also Festuca elatior. The tillering knot does not quite die in the first year and works in the following year besides the'innovation khoi of the first order and in the year.subsequent to that besides the-innovation knot of the second order. So in one three-year old'tillering, sprouts of three morphogenetic types can' be found. There-ard 1 figure, and .8 reference s, 4 of which are Soviet., PRESENTED: October 5, 1957, by A, L Kursanov, Member of the AS USSR SUBMITTED: June 17, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 The Relation Between the Activity of Organs of 20-U8-5-,57/59 Vegetative, Propagation in Perennial and Arnual Cereals and the Process of Seed Formation shoots, in cereals. The author carried out his work with hertaceows grasses (cereals). Perennial cultivated rye was chosen as representative of the perennial cereals. The annual cereals were represented by various sorts of rye, wheat, barley and oats. Moreover, an amphiploid hybrir! (Nr 927) was included between the "Alabasskayall winter wheat and the perennial Anatom lian rye (Secale anatolicum). In each of the incubators which contained 7 kg of soil-T-Fe-st and coritrol plants were sown. The first were sterilized-Mainly the forming of new stems was recor= ded although also the dying of already formed stems was observed. The number of the living and the dead stems, which had formed after the forming of the ears, was recorded all phases of deve= lopment. For this purpose threads of different color were used. The dynamics of the formation arid dying of the shoots are given in table 1. The analysis of data shows that 1) the steriliza= tion of the ears practically did not influence at all the for= ming of new shoots in the perennial sort. 2) In the case of annual control plants new shoots were either not formed at all, or if any, to an extremely limited number. In the case of the Gard 2/4 operated-.on plants a considerable, although smaller number of The Relation Between the Activity of organs of 220-1-1&-5-57/59 Veget4tive Propagation in Perennial and knnijal Cereals and the Process of Seed Formation sorts., In the case of the latter the innovation shoots (table 1) which had formed due to sterilization later de= veloped into reproductive elm of low growth with small ears. In some cases they also died without having formed new shoots so that the plant died. The contrary was the case with the perennial sorts. All these observations may open new ways for the selecticn of precious annual sorts. There are 1 table, and l6references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Stavropol'skiy sel'skokhozyaystyennyy institut (Agricultural InstituteStavrdioll) PRESPNTED' . September 9., 1957, by A. L.,KLIrsanov, Academician. SUBMITTED; June 17, 1957. Card 4/4 KLOPOVP A.A.; SUIPCHINSKIY. V.V. Sta-t,-,opol Botanical Garden. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no.39:3-6 260. (MIRA 14--5) 1. Stavropollskiy botanicheskiy sad, Stavropol' Kavkazskiy. (Stavropol-Botanical gardens) SKRIPCHINSKII V.V. - - .I- ~ I --- _._ Biological fourxiations of the perennial characteristics of tillering gramineous plants. no-43:34-47 161. (MMA 15*2) 1. Stavropol'skiy botanicheakiy sad. (Hybiridization, Vegetable) (Gramineae) SKRIPCIIINSKIY, VI.V. Determination of plasmatic permeability as a method for the evaluation of frost resistance of potatoes. Bot. zhur. 48 no.8.-1168-1172 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut rasteniyevodstva, Leningrad. (Protoplasm)' , (Plants-Frost resistance) (potatoes) SKRIPCHINSKIY. VI.V. Seed germination of some wild ornamental pl-nts under natural con- ditions. Biul. Glav. bot, sada to.50:78-82 163. (PEFA 17:1) 1. Stavropol'skiy botanicheskiy sad Stavropol'skogo upravleniya lesnogo khozyaystva i okhrany lesa. SKRIPCHINSKIY, V,V., doktor biolog.nauk; NATAL'IN, N.B.,- kapd.sellskokhoz.nauk Raising rice. Priroda 53 no.1%20-28 164. (MIRA 1732) 1. Stavropollskiy botanicheskiy sad (for Skripchinskiy). 2. Kubanskaya risovaya opytnaya stantsiya (for Natallin). Hitfll~xi I Y V- V, ;~, . - - - *~ - - - j . -(~ -- -, L " ~ M" I ~~ S Cap Pr -~blem's ~ f 1. .;",. j ~ 1 Z, . A ~ , ~L. _.~ ~', ;j ~ Fil , ,~ , c I -- - I I- v, t],, b 1-,*-,. (8 n-;~ 3 -, ' . -- -' )' IM .-I ( t4 , R.-I ~ ;~l " _,. j1 -, ) 11 'A I Y, V I V~ I I ~ V-EEW!, ;ecphytee i-~;st renstance of vegetative primorrila of some cf the Stavropol Territory flora. B1,ul. Glav. bot. no.c;5;109-114 164. 1. .`7.tavropollsk4ly botanichesk-ly sad. V :ua .6 theory- b! 02 Ja-F t65. (MIRA 18:6) 6~1 SPH TTC.711 I i1i's K rf t,r 11 -- *.- 7 - - .- -- Thoor 4nrj.. y of phasic develoMent and Dlalvlt~ breeds , Genetika no.3:144-160 S 165. (MIRA 18-1-9) 1. Stavropollskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sellskogo khO--,VUyctva. SubmitLed July 8, 1965. ";.c),-,nd -encral --a clien-Icorre. --oskovskogo me- Continvo-as steel -~cstln-- at tho Nlovo-Tullsl ii l' tollur ic 1 1-1, t Biul.te'- .-e'r-on.inform. no-l-:11-13 12:7) (Novo-Tullskiy-Continuous Casting) AUT11ORS: 0. 1., K11"Illni. M- V.- K--M. M-, TITLE: Cc-tnt3 nn Recirculatic,i -3*,.--'1mc1t'n-' PERIODICAW -,.,Go (U!;3q) Stal lir 10, p, zl?,! ABSTRACT In conparing performance and 7. o,,e-h--th f 18-, by m A j 1). ~j M. 0. !. 1). Lhe - o point out that workl,F 11tion. .- not ;a nutho a-L contequently, re- furnac~s dt,n b h tlc3l lor O t a '. "a a a S" 'a rG Of tc~ t3 "ealed ,. t t . ! ' y r that rocir c" 1.11.. ra,,~Perattv. ur ace e nferlor In c,pacity ind perfomanc . to at W, 'I ar d ope -hearth furnace3. There are 2 tablea; and I Sow let rerere-e. Card 1/1 PASTUKHOV, A.I.; I I It A.L.; ANDREUV, T.V.; MAZUN, A.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: MARKIN, A.A.; Sj9jE9HUK_, V.S.; MAR TONOV, Yu.A.; SE=IN, N. P..; GAVRILOVA,, Ye, A,. GAVRIWVA., YO.A. Steelmaking from Tanadium cast iron in convertero with a top ' oxygen blow. Stall 21 no*12:1070-1074 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Steel-Metallurgy) (03cygen-Industrial applications) REZNICHENKO, V,A.i SIDORFNKO, G.D.; EPSHTEYN, Z.D.; MARKIN, A.A.; SKRIPCHUK, V.S. I - __ _ -_ ~ . , -_ - - Pilot plant investigation of the blowing of titanium-niobium cast iron. Titan i ego splavy no.8:72-85 162. (M1RA 16:1) (Cast iron-Analysis) (Slag-Analysis) -(Oxygen-Industrial applications) MAZUROV, Ye.F.; GNUCHEV, S.M.; SHRIPGOE, V.S.; IMARKIN, A.A.; LYALIN, Ye.S. Sponge iron used as a charge material. Metal-lurg 9 no.11:17-19 N 164, (MIRA 18:2) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii imeni I.P.Bardina. NAGORNYY, L.Ya.; PEGHUK, V.I.;.-SKR.IPCHUK, V.Yu.; TOPOLEV, V.P. Methods for reducing the dynamic error of tensometric scales. Izm. tekh. no.12:15-17 D 163. (MIRA 16:12) Influence of the --,ane of the experimental body on the shearing strength of the tjued joints. p. 51- ( --IAR`~--' v'-`7KU" 1. 1, No. 1/2, Jct 1956, :~ratisln-4, "'ztchos1ov,?Ma) SO: Vonthly LiSt 3f -:,ast -'-ur-)pean Accessions 7C, Vol. 6, ho. 12, iDec 195?- Uncl. CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cheudcal Technology - Chemical Products and fl-L'q Application. Synthetic Polymers. Plastics. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1958, 27034 Author : Lexa Jaroslav, Skripen Jan Inst Title : Effect of Low-temperature Hardening on Bonding Strength of Phenol-Resorcin'ol-Formldehyde Adhesives. Orig Pub : Drevexsky vyskum,'1956, i, No 1-2) 147-156 Abstract : The performed teAs of wood (of conifers) bonded with phenol-resorcinol-formaldehyde adhesive FR-80 (I) at 5, 10 and 150, have shown that final bonding strength does not depend on temperature of hardening but is determined by shearing strength of the wood (which, in the conducted tests, was of approximately 67 kg/cm2)- Determinations were made of the length of time during which th2 parts,to be bonded should be maintained under pressure (to achieve a strength of 70% of ultimate): Card 1/2 l.: t cl 1 : c, t r,--, c n i i c t r - s - (Vi ni s t-.,: vc s ~brt c tvi F r;~ h,-,, Vol - 4, P-0 - S C -,"H -e:7t "-.urcnenn ~.ccet~sjcns List, cf Conc-ress 1. 5, D;: SIMSON, A.E., knnd.tekhn.nnuk; NASTROV, R.A., knnd.tekhri.nRuk; SKRIPETS, N.F., inzhener; FAVOROV, Yu.L., aspirant. Dynamic characteristics of two-cycle diesel engines with diverging pistons. Vest.TSKII MPS 16 no.6:39-44 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Khar'kovskiy teplovozostroitellnyy zavod im. V.A.Malysheva, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta i rnarlkovskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta im. S.M.Kirova. (Diesel locomotives) BALASH j R.; SKRIPETS, R.---[Skrypets', R.]., starshiy inzh,; TIMHENKO, 0. [Tymc-fiiiiikop 0j, tekhni Glazing bricks made of raw materials with a high moisture contert. Sill,bud. 11 no*6:20-21 Je 161. (MM 14:7) 19 Nachallatk budivelinoi dillnitai Bilokurakinslkoi mizhkolgospnoi budivelinoi organizataii Luganslkoi oblasti (for Balash). 2. Viddil geologorozviduvalinikh robit i tekhdopomogi "UkrsIl'gosptekbnJkJ* (for Skripets, Timchenko). (Brickmakin SMIPEETS, V. [Skrypetss, Vd, iInzh, ------- --.- ., Letis observe exactly the techniques for vibrating brick. Sills bad. 11 no.8:22-23 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Brick induBtry) (Vibrators) SKRIPETS, V. [Skrypets'. V.], inzli. Heat blocking of kilns and c1riers. Sill.bud. 13 no.5:14-15 14y'63. (MA -17-3) SOIPILI) V.I. Some problems relative to the genesis of the Gay deposit. Mat. po geol. i pol. iskop. IUzh. Urals. 16o. (Ural Mountains--Chalcopyrite) copper pyrite no.2;76-80 (MIRA 14:3) SKRIPILI,, V.I.,- NEDOZHOGIN, M.S.; SIBIRSIrJIYA, N.A. Rasic geological characteristics of the Gay copper pyrite deposit in the Southern Urals. Mat. po geol. i pol iskop. IUzh. Urala no.2:81-93 160. ~MIRA 14:3) (Ural Mountains-Geology) SKRIPILI . V.I.; MDO'17,HOGIN., M.S. Geological and structural position of the Gay copper pyrite deposit. Razved. i*ol-h. nedr 26 no.4*~10 Ap 160. (141RA .15:7) 1. Gayskaya geologorazvedochnaya ekspeditsiya. (Gay -'legion (Orenburg Province)--Chalco-o *',e'j .yrit S KIUPIL I Y, V. I a 8tructure of volcanic formations in the'Gay ore province and distribution of pyrites in them. Geol. rud. mestorozh. no.l: 80-91 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 1434) 1. Kompleksrlaya teinaticheskaya ekspeditsiya Yuzhnourallsko'go geologicheskogo upravleniya, UEa. . (Magnitogorsk-Geology) VODOREZOV, G.I.; DEPLIPIK, A.I.; LAZAREV, P.V.; SKRIPIL' V.I. Ivan Vasillevich Lennylkh;.1901-19610 obituary, Mat. po geol. i pol. iskop. Illzh. Urala no. 3:3-4 162. - I I I f I NOVIKCIV, M.F.; V.1. Yelenovskoye capperz-Mol-~tdPtIUM dc-P2it- Xa-, PrI k,ecll, 1. Pcl~ iskop. Illzh, Urain no. 3-.171-17:', 164' ti~IHA i7--,) . - . 7 1 '1 -, 1, - -, , : I -~:~ I . 41 . I ! "- Je ~ 1 :" ~ !, - , . i ! , , :;. L . G Fiv or. t ." I . ll,:i7-7-- 'T, ~L - ,! a " , Accus -- - -~ a I . -- - , I " - no , , 4 -I - - 1 -, -') r! C. ~ . I KUZ "Iff N, A. I . -, SKRI PI N, f1r. V. Gorrf!lation of apmidiurnal variations in the intensity of the hard component of cosmic rays with semidiurnal fluctuations of barometric pressure. Trudy lAk.fil. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. no.l: 23-26 l5s. (KLHA 9;10) (Cosmic rays) (Atmospheric pressure) KUZI~QN, lk.l. ; SYRIPIN, G-V- ".. ... Monthl3r-iid('T,-S-'~"~imont~ily variations in the intpnsity of cosmic rays. Trudy lAk.fil. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. no.1:27-32 '55. OILRA 9:10) (Cosmic rays) -)'K'R I V USSR/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic rays fluctuation FD-2207 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-12/25 Author Kuzlmin, A. I., and Skripin, G. V. Title Letter to the editor. Influence of lunar tidal fluctuations of the atmos- pheve upon the intensity of the hard component of cosmic rays Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 28, 6o8-6og, May 1955 Abstract Theauthors state that a consideration of the influence of lunar tidal fluctuations in the atmosphere upon the intensity of the hard"Component of cosmic rays 6'1 is of interest both for the study of the nature of the half-daily rariations in the cosmic rays and for the stuay of the nature of the dail-v fluctuations of the temperature in the upper layers of the atmosphere (Ye. S. Selezneva, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. geogr., 9, 82y 1945). In connection w1th the fact that the period of the main lunar tidal fluctuation of the atmosphere equals one half of the lunar day (N. Ye. Kochin, Sobraniye sochineniy [Collected works], 1,1949), they expect the appearances of the effect of the fluctuations in the regular half-daily variations in the intensity of cosmic rays, but that these regular variations can be masked by statistical fluctuations of the cosmic ray particles. They thank Professor Ye. L. Feynberg. Five References Institution Yakutsk Affiliate, Academy of Sciences USSR Submitted January 19, 1954 Category USSR/Nuclear Physics - Cosmic rays Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 10,57., tio 622 Author Kuz)min, AI., Skrypin, G.V., Tyanutova, G.V., Shafer, Yu.G. Inst Yukutsk Branch Acad. of Sciendes USSR. Title Unique Flare of Intensity of Cosmic Rays. Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, loB, No 1, 66-68 Abstract Report on the results of measurements of intensities of cosmic rays during the time of the great flare of solar activity on 23 February 1956. The measurements were made in Yukutsk (elevation 101 meters, 510 northern latitude, 1290 eastern longitude) with the aid of ionization chambers shielded with 12 cm of lead and aimed with a telescopic system made of Geiger-Mueller counters. The maximum by which the intensity exceeded the usual value occurred at S.40 -- 4 hours Greenwich mean time and amounts to 165 -- 20Yp, depending on the type of recording apparatus. Apparatus re- cording extensive showers with a density of 25 and 50 particles per square meter did not detect any increase in Intensity. C-7 Card 1/1 SKRIPIN, GeV* Mffect of radioactive ervinations on the observable diurnal variations in the intensitv of ionization produced by cosmic rays. Uch. zap. IAI--. tin. no.1:2~-321 1117. (MIRA 110) (Cosmic rays) 89791 S/169/61/000/GO3/008/022 AC)(j5/AW:z o 7 Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnalk, Geoflzlka, 1961, No, 3, P. 10, # -,G79 A UB 10 R: __ariPLnj__1L_ TITLE. On the Star-Diurnal Variation of lnten~slty of the Stablo Component of Cosmic Rays PERIODICAL. "Nauchn. soobshch. Yakutskiy fil. Sibirsk. otd, AN SSSR", 1958, No. 4 pp~ 72-74 TEXT. The star-diu-nnal variation Is studied from da-~a of contl=:aouz record- Ing of the Intensity of the stable component of cosmic rays at Yakutsk in 1954. it is shown that 'he observed star-diumal variation with a-n amplitade of 0.06 + 0.002% and with a time of mayimum at 22.9 � 0.5 o'--lock of local star time occ-'s as a result of seascnal variations of the amolitude of the slwn-diurnal variation. With respect to the dls-~or-.ion effect of zhe sLm-diur-nal %ariatfor., -the star- diurnal-variation of intensity of the itable ~ompcr.`ent vanishes. N. K. Treunslator'_- not-e; This is the ftill translation of 7ne original, Russian abstract. Card 1/1 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 881 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yakutskly filial Variatsii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchey (Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic Rays) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 168 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, seriya fizicheakaya, vyp. 2) 1,500 copies printed. - Resp. Ed.: Shafer, Yu.G., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: Fradkin, M.I.; Tech. Ed.: Pavlovskiy, A. PURPOSE% This collection of articles is for scientists and students of cosmic rays and meteorology. COVERAGE: This issue contains articles on experimental methods In the continuous registration of cosmic rays, the investigation of meteorological effects of the different components of cosmic rays, and the connection between variations in cosmic ray intensity and solar and magnetic activity. Part I describes apparatus used in Card 1/6 Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic Rays 881 measuring cosmic ray intensity on and under the earth's surface and in the upper layers of the atmosphere, and specifically discusses the ASK automatic ionization chamber. Part II discusses the theory, methods and results of the investigation of meteorological effects of the various components of cosmic rays. Part III discusses the characteristics of daily variations in cosmic ray activity. The following scientists are mentioned in the introduction: S.N.Vernov, Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Professor Ye.L.Feynberg, and N.L.Grigorov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. The articles are accompanied by diagrams, tables, and bibliographic references. TABIZ OF CONTENTS: Preface 3 Card 2/6 Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic Rays 881 PART I. APPARATUS FOR MEASURING VARIATIONS OF INTENSITY OF COSMIC RAYS Shafer, Yu.G. Continuous Registration of Variations in the Intensity of Cosmic Rays by an Ionization Chamber With Automatic Control 7 Shafer, Yu.G. Further Improvements in Automatic Cosmic Ray Stations 23 Kuzlmin, A.I., S$~,ripin, G.B., Yarygin, A.V., Installation for Studying the Ene-r-gy-r?mTa-c~eristics of Cosmic Ray Variations 34 Kuzlmin, A.I., Yarygin, A.V. Apparatus for Subsurface Measurement of Variations in Cosmic Ray Intensity 36 Belomestnykh, V.A., Shafer, Yu.G. Methods of Registration and Study of Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations in the Stratosphere 47 Card 3/6 Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic Rays 881 PART II. METEOROLOGICAL EFFECTS Dorman, L.I. Concerning the Theory of Meteorological Effects of the General Ionizing and the Soft Components of Cosmic Rays 59 Dorman, L.I. Concerning the Theory of Temperature Effect of the Neutron Component in Cosmic Rays 68 Kaminer, N.S. Problem of Temperature Extrapolation in the Lower Stratosphere Region 73 Sokolov, V.D. Methodology of Applying Temperature Corrections in the Intensity Measurements of the Hard Component Cosmic Rays Using the Atmospheric Temperature Profile up to Elevationsof 5-6 km 78 Tyanutova, G.V. Preliminary Results of Comparing Data or, Measurement of Global Intensity Variation of the Hard Component of Cosmic Rays with Instruments ASK-1 and S-2 81 Card 4/6 Variations of the Intensity of Cosmic Rays 881 Koval'skaya, A.I. Problem of Seasonal Variability of the Barometric Coefficient of the Hard Component of Cosmic Rays 85 Kovallskaya, A.I., Krasillnikov, D.D., Nikollskiy, S.I. Preliminary Results in Determining the Barometric and Temperature Effects of Extensive Torrential Rains Near the Sea Devel 88 PART III. NATURE OF VARIATIONS IN COSMIC RAY INTENSITY Glokova, E.S., Kaminer, N.S., Mishina, N.A. Cyclic and Seasonal Variations of Diurnal Wave of Intensity of Cosmic Rays 95 Kuzlmin, A I Skripin, G- V Relation of the Diurnal Effect of Cosmic Ray IA-eln:5~Hy-~=magnetic and Solar Activity 107 F~ks, L.A., Shvartsman,B'.F. Temperature Effect in Seaeonal-anid Diurnal Variations of the Hard Component of Cosmic Rays From the Data Collected on Shmidt's Promontory Station 118 Card 5/6 SKRIPIN, G.V. --l- Diurnal variation in the irtensily of the hard =-np~-nent of cosmic rays. Nauch. soob. IAFAN SSSR no.l.-72-74 158. (MM 1721) jp 09000 SOJ106f-~9-4-4061 Translation from% Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 4, p 126 (USSR) AUTHORS,- Sokolov, V,.D,, Skrigin, G V htt__ TITLE. In the Yakut Laboratory of Cosmic Radiation Nr 5, pp 40 - 42 PERIODICAL. Mezhdunar, geofiz. god. Inform. byul., 1958, A&STRACT: The collaboration of the Yakutskiy filial AN SSSR (Yakut Branch of the AS USSR) in the investigation of cosmic-_ray.;/ kn accordance with the IGY program is described. The stations of the world- wide network were supplied with standard equipment of two types in accordance with recommendations of the Central Committee for the- IGY2 a telescope counter of charged particles and a neutron monitor. The observation of the cosmic radiation in the stratosphere permits the investigation of the stratosphere variations of cosmic rays, their variation with the altitude of the atmosphere, the connection between the variations in the stratosphere and the variations at great altitudes, and the obtaining of information on the transformation mechanism of Card l/ 2 primary particles in proportion to their penetration into the LIK 80404 In the Yakut Laborator-j of Cosmic Radiation SOV/169-59-4-4o6i atmosphere. The equipment for stratosphere investigations comprises a telescope counter for measuring the intensity of the cosmic rays and a set for measuring the temperature and the pressure in the flight altitude. The equipment is carried to the stratosphere by sour-ding balloons, For in- vestigating the intensity variations of cosmic rays beneath the earth's surface, a counter equipment of crossed telescopes has been developed, con- sisting of a device placed on the earth's surface and devices placed below the earth's surface in depths of 7, 20, and 60 m of water equivalent. The main purpose of this work is the investigation of the energy spectrum variation of the primary particles on the basis of the observations at various levels below the earth's surface, and the study of the alteration of the intensity variations of the t-meson component in dependence on the thickness variation of the absorber, The time frequency variations of extensive atmospheric showers of cosmic r s were also investigated in the range of the ultra-high energies (1013 - jolyev), which has been studied relatively little. By means of a standard neutron monitor placed on the earth's surface, the Intensity of the neutron component of the cosmis rays Iz recorded, which is Most sensitive to variations in the low energy range of the primary spectrum. Card 2/2 L,V. Terent'yeva VK 29664 S/16g/61/000/005/023/049 3, AO05/A13O AUTHORS: Danilov, A.A., Druzhinin, S.N.~ Kapustin. I.N., Skripin, G.V. TITLE: A counter telescope f3r measuring the hard oomponent of cosmic rays below the grou:ad PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Ge._~fizika, no. 5, 1961i 11, abstract 5 G 93. (Tr. Yakutsk. fii. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz... 1960, no. 3, 40-45) TEXT: The authors desoribe the deeign of a cosmic ray counter tele- scope produced in Yakutsk. The telescope :~oneists of three single blocks with a total area of about 0.9 M2. To :Lnerease the efficiency of the equipment, a quenching circuit is introduced, counter end effects are ex- cluded and automatic control of the stability of the high voltage supplying the counters is effected. The teleszops of triple ~;oincidence, installed at a depth of 60 m of water equivalent, allows the re~zording of the hard component of cosmic rays with an accurarq- of i-4% per heur. The device has been in operation since February, 1956. X [Abstractor's notei Complete transla,,ionl Card 1/1 3 W/o e00 (101//, oy6) AUTHORSs TITLEt 29671 3/169/61/000/005/034/049 A005/A139 Kuzlmin, A.I., Skripin, G.V. On the decrease effect of cosmic ray intensity during magnetic storms PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no- 5, 1961, 13, abstract 5 G 104- (Tr. Yakutskogo fil. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., 1960, no. 3, 121-139) TEXTt The authors investigated the upper limit and shape of the energy spectrum of primary particles of cosmic rays subjected to the action of the mechanism responsible for magnetic storms. For the analysis they used data obtained from continuous recording of intensity at Yakutsk by a neutron monitor, an ionization chamber and counter telescopes placed at depths of 0-7, 20 and 60 m of water equivalent. The data were corrected for the barometric and temperature effects. The presence of effects of intensity decrease at depths of up to 60 m w.e. shows that the mechanism which modifies cosmic ray intensity during magnetic storms affects par- ticles with energies up to 400 Bev. This being the case, the energy Card 1/2 DOW-!AN I L.I.; KUZ1111IN, A.I.; _MMKIN, G.V. Sounding electromagnetic conditions in the interplanetary space and in the vicinizy of the earth by high-energy cosmic rays. Goomag. i aur, 1 noj-'333-345 MY-Je '61. (MIRA 14:9) 1,, Nagnitnaya laboratoriya AN SSSR i Laboratoriya fizicheskikh problem Yallcutskogo fili4la S'birskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Wsmic rays) ~-:tdzdly 1-,f the ... SIC --5- 8/6 P/OCO/OC6/018/136 A06 I/A 10 1 particle--z. The values of the barcm.,etric. coeff-fo.4-i-n of different components ar~ iridic-ated, as Twell. as the principal rez~u!+13 ot a-n inv,?s+].gatlon of 27-day and ~:c,iar day variations of intensity, Plienomena obs ~~r7~-d djring magnetl'.c storms Trv-.~ int-err--lation factors u~tw~en variations of intensity nrlmar~; rid secondary coswic ray componerits up t.,, :nergle,- :,f ~j'00 Ee-.r are '11res-~ fact.-)rs are litilized Cor -'the ana-Iyz;.;s of some types of varia- of intensity. 0. Kaiminer note: Complete trzanslation] 5-1 7- 741.5~) S/169/62/000/004/075/103 D218/D302 AUTHORS: Kuzlmin, A.I.0 Danilovt A.A.j Krymskiyq G.F., and Skripin, G.V. TITLE: Energy characteristics of cosmic-ray variations during magnetic disturbances PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, no. 4, 19620 14, ab- stract 4G74 (V. sb. Kosmicheskiye luchit no. 4, M-t AN SSSR, 1961t 16-24) TE'~'T: The data obtained with a number of surface and underground instruments at Yakutsk are used to analyze the energy characteris- tics of cosmic-ray intensity variations during magnetic storms. It is shown that the intensity recovery period after the Forbush-effect minimu.-.q decreases with increasing depth of the recording device. 1br some Forbush-type reductions there is a noticeable North-South ani- sotropy in this effect. The method of coupling coefficients is used to determine the energy spectrum of the Drimary radiation during Forbush effects. Best agreement between experimental data and theo- retical predictions is obtained with the following primary differen- Card 1/2 S/16 62/000/004/075/103 Energy characteristics of D218YD302 tial spectrum C, 0.7 offjE a F_ at E 1 D at F_1 Further analysis shows that the effective width of the corpuscular stream should depend on the energy of the scattered particles. It is surrr-*ested that the regular field of the stream carries with it magnetic irregularities which give rise to scattering and diffusion of moderate-energy particles. The parameters of the streams, and the ma-netic irregularities carried by them, are estimated. [Ab- stractor's note: Complete translationi. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Skripin, G.V. TITLE: On som-- properties of (based on directional cosmic-rays) ) 7-'A 1-Y-i S/169/62/000/004/088/103 D218/D302 the solar-diurnal variation underground measurements on PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Geofizika, no. 4, 1962, 16, ab- stract 4G87 (B 8b. Kosmicheskiye luchi, no. 4, 1-4.1 AN SSSR, 1961, 229-236) TEi"7,T: A study is reported of the solar diurnal variation in the cosmic-ray intensity, based on experimental data obtained with di- rectional t 'elescopes at depths of 7, 20 and 60 m at Yakutsk in 1958 - 1959. It is shown that the phase difference between the southern and northern telescopes located on the earth's surface is also pre- sent in measurements with underground telescopes. The source of the diurnal varlation lies at an angle of 830 east of the sun-earth li- ne in the plane of the exliptic. The energy spectrum of the diurnal variat4 on is of the form Card 1/2 S/16 62/000/004/088/103 On some properties of the ... D218YD302 5D(E) r 0.16 E-1 , (E -;-- 13 Bev) V~ D(z:) ~_ t - 0, (E 13 Bev). Data on the anomalous characteristics of the solar-diurnal varia- tion during the period of minimum solar activity (1954-1955) are gi- ven. EAbstractor's note: Complete translation]. Card 2/2 "'. 2 2 63 S/845/6Z/000/004/0o6/oi5 E032/E314 Kuz'min, ~G. V AUTHORS: A.I. and ~kri i In TITLE: Underground variations in the intensity of cosmic rays during 1957-1959 SOURCE': Akademiya nauk .9.55R. Yakutskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya fizicheskaya. no. 4.. 1962. Variatsii intens.ivnosti kosmicheskikh luchey, 66 - 82 TP_XT: The intensity of the ~L-meson component was measured with a system of counter-telescopes at different-depths below sea- level (7, 20 and 60 m of water equivalent). Variations in the intensity of the ~L-meson component at sea-level could b8 Investi- gated with this apparatus for an energy range of 2 x 10 to 2 x 1010 eV, which corresponded roughly to average primary-pakicle energies between 40 and 2oo-400 BeV. The vertical intensity in a solid angle of ~-l and the intensity from the southern and northern directions at 30 0 to the zenith were recorded at each level with triple-coincidence telescopes. The accuracy was sufficient for the detection of fine effects provided the recording was extended over a period of some months or more. It was found that meteorological Card 1/4 S/845/62/Ooo/oo4/oo6/oi3 Underground variations .... E032/E314 effects in the intensity of the hard component at sea-level and the above three depths were in agreement with the 1~~meson scheme for the generation of the hard component in the atmosphere, suggested by L.I. Dorman (Variatsii kosmicheskilch luchey (Variation in cosmic rays), Gostelchizdat, Moscow, 1957). The best agreement between experiment and theory is found to occur for the following values of the exponent y in the effective integral IL-meson spectrum: s ea 1 ev e1 -Y = 0.3 7 m w.e. - Y = 0.5 20 m w.e. - Y = 0.8 60 m w.e. - Y = 1. The meteorological effects at different depths below sea-level are in good agreement with Dorman's theory (mentioned above). This is confirmed by the fact that observed seasonal variations in the ,i-meson intensity at different depths and the expected changes due to temperature effectswere identical to within experimental and computational error. itnalysis of solar-diurnal variations at a fixed point again confirmed Dorman's theory of the modulation of Card 2/4 s/845/62/ooo/Oo4/oO6/015 Underground variations E032/E3i4 the prilnZLry cosmic-ray intensity by the electric fields of solar corpuscular streams. The lower energy limit for particles . .. modulated by these streams is 12 BeV and the effective source of these variations lies to the left of the Earth-Sun line at an 0 angle of 66 +- 11 . The ratio of the amplitudes of 27-day varia- tions and the reduction in intensity during magnetic storms are the same within a wide primary-~particle energy range (2 x 109 - 4 x lo 11 eV)so that it is suggested that they are due to a common mechanism. The energy spectrum of primary variations is of the form: 6D(O b < C D(E) aca e El where C1 = 7 + 2 BeV, a = -0.7 + 0-3, a 0.22 and b = 0.11 for the magnetic-storm effects and a =-0.06, b = 0.03 in the case of the 27-day variations. This spectrum is consistent with that expected on the Dorman theory due to the scattering of particles by the frozen-in magnetic field of a stream with an Card 3/4 S/845/62/000/004/oo6/ol5 Underground 'variations E032/E3i4 4 intensity of 10- gauss at the Earth's orbit but appreciably disturbed by the interaction between the stream and the inter- planetary medium. The considerable change in the energy spectrum of particles with E: -,, 30 BeV in the primary stream during magnetic storms suggests the presence of irreguiarities in the regular magnetic field of the stream and the importance of the influence of electric fields. There are 5 figures and 5 tables. Card 4/4 C) 4?2'L, S/845/62/ooo/oWoo/o13 E032/E314 31 AUTHOR: Skripin, G.V. TITLE: Main properties of solar-diurnal variations according to directional cosmic-ray measurements SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya fizicheskaya. no., If.. 1962. Variatsii intensivnosti Rosmicheskilch luchey, 83 - 90 TEIXT; It is noted that there is a lack of information about the nature of the diurnal variations in the intensity of cosmic rays arriving from different directions with energies in excess of 20 Bev. It is also not clear to what extent the mechanism proposed by Dorman (Variatsii kosmicheskikh luchey-(Variations in cosmic rays), Gostekhizdat, Moscow, 1957) ~xplainsthe observed anLso- tropy in the high-energy range.. _.. . The present-paper reports-the results of directional measurement of-the diurnal vari- dtion obtained at Yakutsk at the Earth'asurface and at 7, 20 and 60 m of *water equivalent in 1958-1959. The measurements showed that the observed difference in the ounting rates of telescopes pointing north and south of the zenith at the Earth'asurface was Card 1/3 S/845/62/000/004/007/013 "lain properties .... E032/E314 also observed at the above three depths below it. This is inter- preted as being due to the effiact of the Earth's magnetic field on the trajectories of the incoming particles. Using these data, a determination was made of the direction of the source of 0diurnal variations in 1958-1959 which was found to lie at 83 � 4 to the E,arth-Sun line in the plane of the ecliptic. A determination was olso made of the strength distribution of the source of these diurnal variations in the plane perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. Finally, data are also reported for the intensity at 60 m water equivalent in Yakutsk during the 1954-1955 minimum. The apparatus employed has been described in previous papers (the author et al - Tr. YaFAN 353R, ser. fizich., no. 2, 34, 1958; -do-, no. 3, 40, 1959). The energy spectrum of the diurnal varia- tions was obtained with the aid of the data provided by a neutron monitor. The spectrum was found to be 61)(c) o.16.E:-' e > 13 BeV D(E) 0, c < 13 BeV Card 2/3 S/845/62/000/004/007/013 Nain properties ... E032/E314 It is found that the effects due to the geomagnetic fields are sufficient to explain the differences in the phases of the diurnal variation of cosmic rays arising from different azimuths. Analysis of the diurnal variations during 1958-1959 showed that they exhibited no seasonal effects. This *means that the source of the diurnal variation partic *ipates together -with the Earth-Sun. line in the annual revolution about the Sun and remains to the left of this line all th-e*time. All these effects are found to be in agreement with the theoretical results of ljor.;ian referred to above. According to Dorman's theory, solar- corpuscular streams carrying frozen-in regular magnetic fields are the sources of mean solar-diurnal variations and the present results forin a new experimental confirmation of this theory in the high-energy range. Finally, a considerable change was found-in the diurnetl variation during the period of minimum solar activity (1958-1959) and this is ascribed to a reduction in the frequency of ejection of solar corpuscular streams and the return of a large number of such streams to the Sun. There are 3 figures. and 3 tables. Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Kuzlmin, p,.I. TITLE: On some basic variations in S/845/62/000/004/oO8/013 E032/E3i4 and sl~~ ~pi-IG-1.1- I _~: L Properties of disturbed diurnal tile intensity Of cosmic rays S UIR?c I': Akademiya nauk SSSR. Yalcutslciy filial. Trudy. Scriya. fizicheskaya. no. 4.. 1962. Variatsii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchey, 91 - 102 T "I' ~X' T: J. Sek�do.and.S~Joshido (Rep. lonos Res. Japan, 4, 37, 1950)t aiad-the present authors (Tr.YaFAN SSSR, ser. fizich., no. 2, 107, 1958) have found that there is an increase in the amplitude of tile solar-diurnal variation and a shifi of the maximum towards earlier hours during and after magnetic storms. According to the theory of Dorman (Variatsii kosmicheskilch luchey (Variation in cosmic rays), Gostel-,hizdar, Moscour, 1957), this is due to the fact that during such storms the Earth enters a corpuscular stream carrying a large frozen-in magnetic field. The source of the solar- diurnal variation is then displaced towards the Earth-Sun line and the amplitude of tile variations increases with the energy of the recorded particles. This theory has not so far been satisfactorily er~fl?q- The aim of this work was to use the data obtained at r U 5/845/62/000/004/008/013 On some'basic properties .... E032/E314 Yakutsk to determine the main properties of disturbed solar-diurnal variations and to compare Dorman's theory with experiment. 'The analy--iis is based on 1957-1959 observations with the apparatus des- cribed in an earlier paper (the present authors and A.V.Yarvg in, Tr. YaFAN SSSR, ser. fizich., no. 2, 34, 1958). The apparatus consists of counter arrays and telescopes at the Earth surface and at 7, 20 and 60 m of water equivalent. All the data were corrected for meteorological effects. Magnetic data were taken from the pub- lications of IZMIPIi.N. The analysis covers only those cases whe: the reduction in -the measured *~i-meson intensity at the Earth surf- ace was not less than These data show that magnetic distur- bances are associated with considerable changes in the solar- diurnal variations of cosmic rays. The degree of disturbance in the amplitude and in the position of the maximilffi diurnal variations is greater at higher energies of the recorded particles. The maxii,,)um change in the diurnal variations during magnetic storms at all the four levels mentioned above i4as recorded by the telescope pointing in the direction parallel to the plane of the ecliptic and at 300 south of the zenith at a geographic latitude of 600. t was found th-t; the experimental data on the disturbed diurnal ~ ard 2/q -z-/645/62/000/004/008/013 on some basic properties .... E032/E314 variations during magnetic storms were consistent.with a spectrum of tile form 6D(c) 0, C E: 0 OL D(E:) ~,ac C C a = -0.5 10 15 BeV A isrh or e and c0 = Moreover, the experimental data are also in agreement (to within experimental error) with the variation spectrum accepted in Dorman's theory r> -C, 2 6D(c) f 2 -1 C E 1 1 < + sin D(C) C 2e 4 2 0, C El where f = 0.30 and c 80 - 108 BeV. The source of these Card 3/4 s/8115/62/000/004/00il/013 On some basic properties .... EOWE314 variations is found to lie at 35 + 5 0 to the left of the Earth-Sun line. The soiirce of diurnal vari"~tions during magnetic distur- bances is associated with a mechanism whose position in space varies continuously. A large number of considerable disturbances in the solar-dilirnal variation was noted during 1957-1959, during before and after magnetic storms. The general conclusion is that the main characteristics of disturbed diurnal variations are in good agreement with Dorman's theory, which explains them as the effect of the electric and magnetic fields of solar corpuscular streams reaching the Earth. There are 3 figures and 6 tables. Card 4/4 L2266 S/845/62/Ooj/oo4/oo9/013 E032/E314 AUTHORS: Kuz'min, A.I. and Skripin, G.V. TITLE: On the coefficient of absorption of- cosmic rays wbich are responsible for solar-diurnal variation S OURC E' - nauk SSSR. Yakutskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya fizicheskaya. no. h. 1962. Variatsii intensivnosti kosmicheskikh luchey, 103 - 107 TF',XT Results of a comparison of diurnal variations in the ~i-meson component of cosmic rays at the Earth'ssurface with measure- ments obtained with similar apparatus und *er different absorbers are reported. The A(_~