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bOGDAITOV, German Fedorovich; 8EZRUK, V.M., prof., retsenzent;
LYSITZINY M.P., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, CAV. red.,
6KORYNEVA) N.P., red.
(hanual. for Inbaratory f3tudles on artificial sol-I stabiliza.-
tion] Rukovodstvo po laboratarnym Iislerlovani lair, pri 1,-kuc-
stvennorn ukrepleni'L gruntov. Leningrad, lzd-vo Leningr.
univ . 0IM5~ 107 P. a8! 4')
t nUTS, Sh.F.,
ANSBEUG, Ye~.A~ , assistenL, i3OilOVlTSKIY , V.P~, dot!3. ; - ~
dcts.; Frinima-D uchasti7e. SE~;GaE;V, V.A~, dots.-,
V~ S~ , s-t. ra7ucim. Setz. re-j.
fnvac-Lioe in gensra" bydrageolog7l Praktikrum po obshchei
-'drcgeol:-iA ~ Lenmigra:,~,, lzd-.vo Len.4;.n8-,r. un-l-v.,, 1965.
L. Kafedra cr-idrogeolol-i-i Leningradskogo gosudarstvezi-nogo
u-niversiteta im, A-,A,Zhdarova (for Buts, Ansberg, Sergeyev).
2. T-nqj,,j.' ` Zeamay kory.. Leningrad 'for Samarina), 3. Gornyy
Tu I k
lns-Otut- Leningrad (for Borovitskiy).
I.I., prof-y
3 KIL~ q 3 Prof., Otv. red.;
[Prinziples of ihie Modem theor7 of the -~arthj K Osnovam
sovremelmi-A zeirL". Lening7radf IsA-vo Leningr. univ.,
lg(,5. 137 P. I OaRk 18:7)
S Vasilly Mlkh&yl.,jvj.-:,ii SHORYININA, N.P,,D red.
(Paleoclixatoiagy of Lmrasial Dre-mia, k-limaty Fvrazil.
Leningrad, lzd--7o Leningro uriv. ?t.1. Y~65- 1-65 P.
(MIRA 18,.12)
LEBEDEV, V.j. Prof., otv. red.; KOHAC;HEVSKfYj' A.G., dots.p otv.
red.; FROKEOROVA, M.I..4 Prof.) otv. red.; TFUTNEV, A.G.,
Prof., otv. red.; POZDY3,TI2-VA, V.A., red.; FETROVICarvAl
O.L., red.; MATMEVA, V.V., red.; SKOhYNDIA, N.P., red.
[Chemistry in the natural sciences] Khimiia v estestven-
nykh naukakh. Leningrad, Izd-vo, Leningr. univ., 196r-
' .116 P. (111RA 18:9)"
1. Leningrad. Universitet.
KOTOV, Nikolay Vladimirovich; SKOHYNINA, N.P., red.
[Petrology of granitoid intrusions In the western part
of the Zeravshan Range] Petrologlia granitoidnykh in-
truzil zapadnoi chasti Zeravshanskogo khrebta. Leningrad,
Laningr. univ. 1965. 156 p. (MIRA 18ilZ)
S/05 61/04~/002/005/047
B 1139214
AUTHORSi Zavoyskiy, Ye. K.,_~Ko~FE~pin, V. A.
TITLEt Magnetic analyzere of emission spectra
P&RIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,.V- 40,
no. 2, 1961, 426-432
TEXTs An investigation is made of the extent to which the phenomena of
paramagnetic and other forms of magnetic resonance can be used for the
study of emission spectra. Some methods are described in this paper.
Theory and description of some magnetic spectral analyzers (MSA) are
given. The principle of such an analyzer may be seen from Fig.l. 1 is
the input broad-band,appliance which guarantees the connection of line 2.
with the radiating system. 3 is the load resistance of the line, 4 is a
broad-band detector; 5 is a recording instrument, for example, an
oscilloscope; and H is a quasistatic magnetic field. For a spiral wire
without ohmic loss, the decrement of damping is given by
Car~,d 1/4
Magnetic analyzers of... B113/B214
2n4v 2g2 2N6f(-v)rnlYS7 S(S + 1) - M(M - 1)
a a kTAc 2S + 1 (4), where r is the
frequency, g - spectroscopic splitting factor, .0 - Bohr magneton, N
number of paramagnetic particles, 6 - density of the paramagnetic, k
Boltzmann's constant, T - the temperature, f(-O) - a function having the
form of t~e paramagnetic resonance curve, S - spin, M quantum number,
F- - dielectric constant, /J- -magnetic permeability, n number of
windings per cm of the line, and r radius-of the spiral.
A'V2g2O1N8f (v) Ye-~ 9 (S+ 1) - 1W (M - 1).
kTAc 2S+1
holds for a coaxial line. The total damping factor of the line per unit
length is given byt a + a 0 + a, , where a0 is the part due to loss in
the conductor, and a 1 that due to loss without resonance. If the
spectrum consists of one or several monochromatic lines, then, at rat;
of change of the maghetio field of 7-10 7oe,sec- If a transmission b:nd o
Card 2/4
Magnetic analyzers of ... 13113/B214
3.5-107 cps is necessary for the recording instrument in order to record
these lines; for continuous emission spectra, the frequency need not be
so high. If there are m grams of a paramagnetic in the line, the highest
energy that can be absorbed by it in a time smaller than the relaxation
time T0 is equal tot U - (NIA)(g~ 2H2/kT)m (9). If the pulse duration
-r (TO, the pulse output is W - U/T which causes the saturation of para-
fadgnetic resonance. To avoid this, W must be less than U/i. A ferrite
can also be used, but it has the disadvantage that there is a non-
resonance change in the loss due to the change of the constant magnetic
field. Ferrites ior which this is not the case and which have a narrow
resonance line can replace paramagnetics in the region -1>3 cm- Four
MSA circuits were investigated. The first works on the principle of
compensation at low and high frequencies. Two similar lines containing
a paramagnetic are used. The second works as a discrete "resonance"
spectral analyzer. The third is a spectral anAlyzer which uses the in-
duced radiation for the amplification of week signals. Finally, the
fourth is an induction MSA. Measurements were made of the damping
Card 3/4
Magnetic analyzers of... B113/B214
factor bf the line, of the non-resonant loss in the paramagnetic, of the
sensitivity of YISA, and of the dielectric constant of the paramagnetic.
The compensation principle of the MSA was also tested. Also the para-
magnetic resonance curve of MnSO 4 Pshown in Fig. 3, was recorded for a
rate of growth of the magnetic field dH/dt - 2-5-10 oe. For a trans-
mission band'of -the amplifier of 2 Mc/sec, the measurement of the
sensitivity of MSA gave the result 10-9w. Experiments with ferrites
showed that they can be used in MSA. It is, therefore, possible to use
the phenomenon of magnetic resonance for static and dynamic analysis
of the radiation of a wide range of waves, uhere MSk can be used beat
in the millimeter and sub-millimeter ranges. Academician A.Ye.Arbuzov
and Professor F. G. Valitova are thanked for the preparation of the
diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl preparations, and Professor S. A. AlItshuler for
discussions. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 2 referencess 1 Soviet-
bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. Jim 0#
SUBMITTEDs July 18, 1960
47 41 Jf gy0 ?:
Card 4/4
Turbulent heating of a plasma. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 43 no.2:
411-421 Ag 162. (KRA 16:6)
(Plasma (Ionized gases)) (Electromagnetic waves)
Capture and confinement of a turbulent heated plasma in
a magnetic trap. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 43. no-4:1547-1549
o 162. (MIRA 15:11)
(Plasma (Ionized gases))
(Magnetic fields)
A11THORS: Babykin, M. V., Zavoyskiy, Ye. K., Rudakov, L. I.,
Skoryupin, V. A.
TITLE: The observation of a two-flow ion.instability in the case of
turbulent plasma beating
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 43,
no- 501), 1962, 1976-1978
TEXT: The method of turbulent heating of the electrons was used for
observing the abnormal scattering of plasma beams (produced by two
titanium guns). The experimental arrangement was described by Y,.V.Babykin
et al. (ZhF-TF, 43, 1547, 1962). Two plasma beams (density 2.1013 to
5-1013 cm-3) travelled in opposite direction inside a quartz tube of 3.6 cm
diameter in a homogeneous magnetic field (600 oe) at the maximum speed of
1.4-107 cm/sec, interpenetrating within an oscillatory circuit which served
for the turbulent electron heating. Throughout the entire space between
the guns the electrons were heated to 300-400 ev during 0.2 Asec. The mean
Card 112
ACCESSION NR: AP4019216 S/0056/64/o46/002/053.1/0530
AUTHORS: Baby*kin, M. V.; Gavrin, P. P.; Zavoyakiy, Ye. K.; Ruda-
kov, L. I.; Skoryupin, V. A.; Sholin, G. V.
TITLB; New results on the turbulent heating of plasma
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor. fiz., v. 46, no. 2, 1964s 511-530
TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma heating, turbulent plasma, heating, plasma
electron heating, plasma ton heating, collisionless plasma heating,
plasma confinement, plasma confinement time, electron confinement
time, ion confinement time
ABSTRACT: This*is a continuation of earlier work by the same authors:
on turbulent plasma heating In a rapidly alternating magnetic field
(Yaderny*y sintezv Appendix 111,,.1962; ZhETF., v. 43., pp. 411, 1547,
and 1976, 1962). The present paper reports the results of exteTiments
with a net netup, the parametdrs of which have made possible 1
rapid collislonless heating of the plasma electrons to 1.5 keV by a
strong hydrodynamic wave propagating In the plasma transversely
through the magnetic field; (2) investigations of the confinement of
a plasma in a magnetic trap; (3) observations of the c6llisionless
heating of ions, which accompanies the turbulent heating of the
electrons under certain conditions. The electron temperature was de
..termined from the absorption of the electron bremsstrahlung in thin
carbon films, from the ratio,-of the rates of decay of various spectral
lines, and from readings of a probe. The plasma concentration was
determined by optical means. The noise produced.:in the plasma was
due to ion cyclotron oscillati s and o magnetic sound resonance, V
plasma electron pressure of 10?9 eV/cJ (approximately 20% of the
alternating mpgnetic eld pressure) was obtained in the concentration.
range from 10le to l0f~/cm3. Confinement times were-130,gaec for
100-eV ions and--..,60 Asec for 5QO-eV electrons. No strong instabil- I
Ities were observed during the time of plasma confinement in the trap,!
lIon cyclotron waves and natural oscillations of the plasma column were
bbserved. A theoretical mechanism is proposed for this electron
heating and is found to agree qualitatively with experimental resultW
qrig. art. has: 17 figures and 10 formulas,
SFMITTED: 13Aug63 DATE ACQ: 27Mar64 ENCL: 01.
SUB CODE: PH* "NO REF SOVt -008 002
Card 3/,4_3
I 11. 7-
L 14o32-65- 1-;EC(b)--2/EPA(w)-2/EtiG(k)/E%IT(I)/EEC(t)/EPA(sp)-'~/T/E~IA(U)-?-
Pi-4/Po-4/Pz-6/Pab--10 ASD(a)-5/Af'gL/AEDC(b)/AEDC(a)/~SSD/ASD( 3/AFP-,TR/
ESD(gs)/ZSD(t)/IJP,(c) AT
ACCESSION NR: AP4047934 S/0056/6 47/004/1597/1600
AUTHORS: Baby*k:Ln, 14. A. 11 Gavrin,,P. P.; Zavoyski Ye. K.; Ruda-
kov, L. ELkor A.
I (upin, V.
TITLE: Turbulent heating of"4~"plasmavin_a direct discharge
Zhurnal eksperimental,lnoy i teoretiche.skoy fizikio:vo 47,
no. 4, 1964, 1597-1600
TOPIC TAGS: turbulent plasma, plasma heating, discharge plasma,
ionized plasma,plasma inject-ion, bremsstrablung
ABSTRACT: A direct experiment in which ?:he discharge is produced
between end electrodes is reported, aimed at expr~aining the strong
..electron heating observed in an earlier investigation by~the auenors..'
(ZhETF - v.. 46, _ 1050,. 1964), and which, cannot be attributed -to turbu-
i c wave. X-cur I- t-
lent heat ng by the magnetohydrodyn ren -was made
12 -3
to flow through a 'fully ionized plasma with density.-40 ro-
Card 1/3
~L 14032-65.-
duced by -plasina injectors. Th'e--'plasma..Wais.-adiabAticallv conniressed
by a factor 25.after heating:by the:,,current. The magnetic fie16
at the instant of injector operatioh,and during the direct discharge
fwas 350 Oe, and rose to 9 x 10 00 at the maximum of compres~sion.
:The electron temperature estimatedifrom the spectral distribution of_,
the bremsstrahlung is -200 keV# and.the ion temperature -3-keV- In
;addition to the 'hard bremsstrahlung, neutrons amounting to -105 per
pulse were also 'recorded. The heating is due to:the,discharge of
an appreciable fraction of the energy of one of the injectors through~,
:the plasma along the magnetic field to the other.injector, occurring
:when the electron-velocity reaches a certain.critical value. :The
7plasma thus produced was.contained in the magnet ic mirror duri the
entire -lifetime of the magnetic~-field, approximately.,2.msed. "'M e
authors thank-A.~ 1. Goriano who directly participated in the -ex-w
periments." Orig. art. has: 4:figures.
L 19045-65 54T (1)/MKG (k) /EPA (sp) -2/EPA (w) -2/ETC* (t) /T/FFc (b) -2/ka (m) -2 P0
PIZ17pi-6/Fab-10 AF.DC(b)/AYP-TR/ASD(p)-3/RAE14.(a)/SSD(b)AWL/ESD(g*s)/TiP(c) AT,
ACCESSION NR: AP,5000307 S/0056/64/047/005/1631/1643
.AUTHOR: Baby*kin, M. V.; Gavrin, P. P.; Zavoyskiy, Ye. K.; Ruda-j~'
kov, L. I.; Skorvupin~,V. A.-
TITLE: tability of a turbulentIV heated plasma'~durincj adiabatic
SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 47,
no. 5, 1964, 1631-1643
TOPIC TAGS: plas ma confinement,.plasma diffusion, bremsstcahlung,,
adiabatic trap, plasma trapping, plasma heating
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of a-series of earlier investiga-1
tions by the authors (1961 Salzburg Conference, paper No. 209;
ZhETF v. 43,411, 1547, 1976, 1962 and v. 46, 511, 1964). ;'he pre-
sent paper reports on experiments on adiabatic compression of t.ur-
bulentlyheated plasma and investigations of its stability, diffusion
Card 1/4
L 19%5-65
transversely to the magnetic field, and bremsstrahlung. The experi-~
mental setup is illustrated in Fig. 1.6f.the enclosure. The maximum-.-.~:-,
compression magnetic field was 9 k06, with a half-cycle duration
2.5 msec. The results have led to the following conclusions::
1. Turbulent heating together with adiabatic compression is an ef-
fective means of obtaining a dense high-temperature plasma with
relatively low coefficients of magnetic compression. 2. This plasma
was fully stable in a mirrar.trap for -2 msec. The hot plasma oc-
cupied the volume of a cylinder coaxial with the magnetic field of
the trap. The stability is due to the-presence of cold plasma, and.
the amount of cold plasma obtained by ionization of the residual
neutral gas by fast electrons is sufficient for the stabilization.
3. The upper limit of the velocity of hydrogen plasma transverse
to the magnetic field, determined bythe measurement accuracy, IS
2 m/sec at T e %~j 10 keV and n ;-_ 2 x 1013 cm-3. The electron tempera-,
ture, determined from the bremsstrahlung radiated from the volume
of the plasma is -30 keV at the density of 2 x 10 13 cm. -3. 'The
Card 2/4
BABYK1N , 1-1.A . ; GAVi"'iN 9 F. I'll; Y , Ye K. ; RUDAKOV I L, -1 . ; SFPYT--~ 114 , V.A.
Turbulent hpatlnl~- of a ulasma in a stra-h' di-charoe. Zhur. eksp.
i teor. fiz. !,7 no.4:j5~7-11600 0 --,Ll+. ~ I -- ., -
('!jT!la'j IF:l)
A donor means one who gives. Voen. znan. 40 no.12:16-17 D162
(MIRA 18A)
1. Zamestitell predsedatelya TSentrallnogo kamiteta Cbshchestva
KraBnogo Kresta RSFSR.
N, V. lei SFORY il~K A4A, VP~,
U-i a: tm! I I'c k4. - in a f li C~- dL.1ain- swainp re
I girm during
Zr,---j]. zu-. n:),---.452-.4r4 1:~ C
(MIRA 18:8)
Fr-,, i vo lmnaya ",.a W- ra t-,r-.iya Mi ni s te n3 Ora zdravookhmneniya SSSR~,
Vlosk" ~alyzhskaya oblaEtnaya sani-tarno-c-pl.deriiologicheskaya
2. USSR (6oo)
4. Coal-Mining Machinery
7. Productivity of the PaT-1 waste filler machine in relation to the petrographic
and granulometric composition of the filler, B.M. Skoryy, Eng. B.A. Rudnev.
UGoll 28 no. 5, 1953.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl.
I. ~.
Lomonosov lectures in the department of engineering and mathematics.
Vest. Mosk. un. 5, No. 8, 1.950.
9. Monthl List of Itussian Accessions, Library of Congress, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
~ - ~ ~, ~~l '- -
In the department of engineering and mathematics. Vest.Kosk.un. 8 no.8:171-
173 Ag '53. O(T-W 6:11)
(3ngineering) (Mathematics)
---- ~ , ~ - 3. - -
In the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics. Veslw,.Mosk.un. 9 no.6:
143-145 Je '54. WIRA 7:8)
(Mechanics) (Mathematics)
Ogibalov, Petr P11atveyevich
Izg1b, ustoychivost' I kolebaniya plastinok (Bending, Stability and
Vibrations of Plates) [Moscow] Izd--vo Moskovskogo univ-t",
1958. 389 P. 5,,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Moscow. Universitet.
Ed.-. -.3koryy, I,.A.; Ed. of Publishing House: Kondrashkova, S.F.;
Tech. Ed.: Mij-11h, Ye.V.
PURPOSE: This book Is intended as a textbook for university students
specializing in the theory of elasticity and plasticity. It may
also prove useful to students and graduate students at technical
Institutes of higher learning and to engineers engaged in planning
and calculating laminated elements widely used in the various
branches of modern technology.
COVERAGE: The author throws light on present:--day problems in the
theory and calculation of isotropic and anisotropic thin plates
Lomonosov -- Lectures 1957 at the Mechanical- SOV55-58--2-33/35
Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University
"Investilgation of the Boundary Layer of the Moticn of a two-
Component L-iquidll.
Thr cther lectures were g~~en ,eparats-ly in the sections
mechanics and mathemati:.s. "he Z011.01,7illig lec;tures were given.
Pri fessor L.N. STeten3kiy; Corresponding Member, AS USSR %
Propagation of Sound Wa-zes From a Rotating Deformed Ball.
2, Profess,,-..r G.G. Che rayy - The Flcw Around Thin Truncated
Bodies by Gas ',Uitlh Slipetsoriii Velocity.
3. Profess.ij- S.?T, Nikifor(.,)-: , Propert-i-es of the Calculation,
Consti-action and Structure o-f Hydrot-e~hni, Dikes on the
R--'vers of the Cent-ral Strip of the USSR.
4~ Professor A.Ya. Sagorinnyan 7 Penetration of a Rigid Body
into -"-he Ground.
.1. L-it,.-irov-Sedoy, SenicT.- Sr-I.ent-ifif3 Assistant - On the
c 41 A~ -
Synthesis of Control Circuits With Bounded Interval of
Variation of the Controlled Variable.
6. V.A. Lomakin, Candidate of Phys i ca.11 --Ma the mat i (-,al Sciences
Scalar Plastic Metal Properties Undex Variations of
7. Professor N,A. Slezki.p g On Some Questions of the Flow
Around Porous Walls.
Card 2/5
Lomono3ov - Lectures 1957 at the Mechanical- SOV55-58-2-33/35
Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University
8. A.L. Pavlenko, Lecturer t Generalization of 'he Theory
of the Transverse Shock Against a Flexible Thread.
9. A.G. Kulikovskiyp Aspi-rant -. Flow Around lffagnetized Bodies
by Conducting Liquid.
10. N.V. Yeremeyevq Lecturer s Instruments for the Analysis
and Synthesis of Mechanisms.
11. V.S. Lenskiy, Lecturer j Some General Lwmis in the Be-
havior of,Multiply Loaded Metals.
12. V.D. Klyushnikov, Aspirant i A Variant of the Theory of
the Increases of Deformation and Blasto,,Plaatic Stability.
13- Professor M.I. Vishik and Professor L.A. Lyusternik :
Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions of Linear Equations
With Small Parameter in the Derivatives.
14- Professor O.A. Oleynik : Some Non-Linear Partial
Differential Equations (Survey of the Results of T.D.
Ventsell, Chzhou Yuy-linl, N.D. Vvedenskaya, A.S. Kalash-
nikov, Ye.S. Sabinenv S.L. Kamenomostskaya)-
15- Professor M.R. Shura-Bura and P.N. Trifonov, Senior
Scientific Assistant s Automatization and 'Programming.
Card 3/ 5
Lomonosov - Lectures 1957 at the Mechanical--- SOV/55-58-2-33/35
Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University
16. A.D. Gorbunov, Lecturer and B.M. Budak, Lecturer
Differenc~e Methods for the Solution of Hyperbolic
4!7~ N.S. Bakhvalov s Number of Calculaticn, Operations for
the Solution ef Elliptir; Equations.
18. V.I. Lebedev, Aspirant s Difference Method for the
Solution of the Sobolev-System.
19. Professor Ye.B. Dynkin % Markov Processes and Semigroups.
20. A.G. Kostyuchenko,, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical
Sciences 3 Decomposition cf Differential Operators With
Respect to Generalized Eigenfunctions.
21. F,A. Berezin, Candidate of Physical-Mathemati,al Sciences:
Fcundat4ona of the Theory of Spherical Harmonics on Mani-
22. V.M. Borck, Aspirant i General Properties of Partial
Evolution Systems.
23- V.A. Uspenskiy, Candidate of Physical-Mathematical
Sciences s On Constructive Mathematical Analysis.
24- P.L. Ul~yanov; Lecturer t Reversal of Terms in Trigono-
metric Series.
Card 4/5
Lomonosov - Lectures J9r'7 at the Mechanical- SOV/55-58-2-33/35
. I Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University
25. I.G. Petrovskiy, Academician
Scientific Assistant s On the
of a Differential Equation of
Right Side.
The contents of all the lectures
and Ye.M. Landis, Senior
Number of Boundary Cycles
First Order With a Rational
have already been published.
Card 5/5
Moscow. Aviatsionrryy tekhnologicheskiy institut
Voprosy soprotivleniYamaterialov; prochnost' alvuniniyevykh splavav (Problem
of the S trerkgl-h of Materia1s; Strength of Alimlinun Alloys) Moscow, Oborongiz,
1959. 117 p. (Series: Its: TradY, v'YP- 37) 3,600 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency. Ministerstvo vysshego obrazcr7aniya SSSR.
Ed. (Title page): S.V. Serensen; Ed. (Inside book): B.V. Zaslavskiy;
Ed. of Pabl'-E;hing Hov-se: L.I. gheyafayn; Tech. Ed.: L.A. Garnukhina;
Managing Ed,,- A.S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for workers of e~nginiMring da~mp
offices, indust-rial 16.9toratories and scientific institutes of the fflacbine-
buildi.~g and f!-ir rapearch fellr-Rs and stude&,,s of advanced courses
in of teA-q-tcal educetdor-
COVERAGE* 'r-J's rf 8 articles in vtich mechanical properties
of deformed allixemm alvioys are descrit-ed. Me load-carrying capacity of parts
Card 1/4
Problems of tte Strength of Mater"a"-s (Cont.) sov12686
made of tLneee alir-,Zri -4!F --LQsidered amd some res- s of the investigation of
Vte ~L46tntbutlcn cf s-r-esses and str&�r-3 in 1~~,-s ard joints are g:Lven.
1. Pes'-h.'Lr-.a, Ye. Yh= Eff~-,:!t cf ilaaign aad Mat-erial of a Rotating Disk on
Stressed Condition and L-ad-carrying Capacity 5
The ai~t~-or conzidere protiam-4 cf load-carz.Wing
capacity in ela~t,lc plast-ic cou-!! '*;ions in connection vith the
special featares of F,..e aag-~,qm of t~ie deformstjiar~ of Material in
rotating ~U 11"ka -
2. 1mov, G.T., and 01"ry. 7---a Prdblem of Apprcmimation of
Deformation riagrams 13
The properties of the defc-n-mation diagrams ans~yzed for aluminum
structu:ral alioy~,-,
3. Giatsintov, Ye. V. Effect of scime Structural Parameters on the
Distributtion of Stresses In Fir Tree Fastenings 33
The stressed condition in an elaztic region in flexure is
analyzed based on the exmple of a blade root fir tree fastening.
The dependence of t,,ia stressed condition on t.L. a design pexameters
Card 2/4
Problentz of Of (COrit-) sov/2686
introdnctiond' of elastic properties of materials
of the- blade and d�sk are shown.
4. Stepanov., Ye.-P. Irxestfg&tion of Stresses in a Wedge Under a Triangular
Load (Applied to Catter,a) 52
The author uu~e:3 the optic met!iod of investigating stresses which makes
possible an &as.],ysis of the applicability of corresponding
theoretical sol-Air;nz to thetdetemination of a plane stressed state
in cutteri;.
5. Kogayev, V. P. Basis for ',~ie Choice rf an Eqizal Strength Beam for
Cl-alibrating Wire Tenscmeters in the Presence of Transversal
Vibration!. 62
In connection vit-), tlie elaboration of eq#1ment for the calibra-
tion of tre--amitterscalculation, 6f an eqxml strength beam with
tran-sversa.1 vibraticras preseat is given.
6. Serensen, 9.V.jM.N. Steyacv, V.P. Kogayev, ax:d Ye. V. Giatsintov.
Stabil-4 ty of the Fluncti.-,n of Distribution of Durability in Test-
ing tLhs Stabll_ity of A-flation AUoys 69
Card 3/
Problims of of Waterials (cont..) SOVI 2686
Prc;blitms of Vte sta." -!li+.Y of avietion stx,_,ctura*1 alloys are con-
sidered In the etatic aspect in order to Ot,,"-air. a stable distri-
bittion of d1irrability at variaas leTels of stress.
7- Voronc,~-, S.M. [Deco-asedl, aad M.N. Steyncv. Fatigue Limit of
AL,iminim Alloy AK5 WL-Ub~ a Slatelike Strac-ture o:? fractures
The relatior. of fat.-'Ag,_,s to slatelike stractare of fractures
is malyzed in studying tL%,-z s-italility of &,,tation structural
8. stev"nov, M.N. sualface St:r'em&t,-.,Ang of Almin-mal Alloys AA-1
=6 0-17 Illy fla=,:~r Harderlr_g 96
Fatiow- ree'LE;tance of cola-hammered samples w1th changing
parazuetera of the strengthened layer and the mechanical
properties of the layer axe described. The dependence of the
value of final streeaes cm the hammering tecbnology is shown and
~d,_estrengthened layer axe determined.
AVAILABIE: Library of Congress
Card 3/4 12-9-59
AUTHORS: Shchegolevokaya, N. A., Netrebko, V. P., SOV/153-2-2-26/31
-Skoryy, 1. A., Sokolov, S. 1.
TITLE: Polymer Materials for Models of the Polarization-optical
Method of Examination of the Tension (Polimernyye materialy
dlya modeley polyarizatsionno-opticheskogo metoda issledova-
niya napryazheniy)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimiches-
kaya tekhnologiya, 1959, Vol 2, 1Tr 2,'pp 280-286 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The demands made on the method mentioned in the title with
regard to the materials used, have considerably increased
because the tasks became more complicated and manifold. The
present caper continues the authors' previous investigations
in this direction. It concerns the examizidtion-method
mentioned in the title, of tensions on the basis of products
of combined condensation and polymerization (Refs 2-4).
The authors further developed the previously prepared ways
of the variation of the structure and properties of materials
and investigated some more possible and at present topical
ways, in order to obtain materials with various properties.
Card 1/4 The optically-sensitive materials looked for, are based
Polymer Materials for Models of the Polarization- SOV/153-2-2-26/31
optical Method of Examination of the Tension
upon products of common polymd)rization of unsaturated poly-
esters and monomers,'..Apart from diethylene glycol,. sebacine,
and maleic acid, ~bhthalic anhydride
,,as well as terephihalic
acid, tung-oil, lineged-oil, castor-oil, and caprolactam were
used as initial chemical agents for the manufacture of poly-
ester. Besides styrene and methylmethacrilate, acrylo-nitril
also served as monomer.. After an introduction, the
expevimental part is subdivided into the,following chapters:
a) Examination of the influence of a,pairt~ial replacement of
the sebacine-acid in the polyesters by phtmlic anhydride,
tereph**%lic acid, and terephlbEaic-dimethylesiter;
b) Examination of the influence of a partial replacement of
the sebatdne-acid in the polyesters by 6astor-, tung-, and
linseed-oil (Fig 3), as well as by a mixture of these oils;
c) Examination of the influence of an addition of capro-
lactam; d) Examination of the influence of tie replacement
of part of the methyl-methaerylate and styrene by acrylo-
nitryl. on the basis of the obtained results, the authors
arrive at the following conclusions: 1) The task of
Card 2/4 producing optically-sensitive materials according to the
Polymer Materials for Models of the Polarization--- SOV/153-2-2-26/31
optical Method of Examination of the Tension
"freezing"-method (metod zamorazhivaniya) on a polyester
basis, which are analogous to the material IIMIKh?J-ImaSh"v
which however are disting#shed by their optical-mechanical
characteristics, was solved by varying the combination of
the initial components, and the method of condensation-
and,-polymerization-reaction, respectively. 2) Among a
number of test samples, stiffer materials with an increased
modulus of elasticity compared with I'MIM-ImaSh", and lerss
stiff-ones (with decreased modular values) tip to materials
with signs of liquid state were produced, 3? The following
can be used as structure-forming factors: a) increase of
phthalic acid contents in polyesters and b) increase of the
content of polyesters in the mixture with monomers (styrene
and methyl-methaerylate). The introduction of the two
mentioned factors is specially effective for the modular
increase. The optical sensitivity can be ihc'reased by
raising the styrene contents in the monom6;i -mixture.
4) The mentioned vegetable oils were used with positive
results as fluxing.agents which come into reaction with
Card 3/4 other coap*nents, 'feffect of the "inner plastification").
Polymer Materials for Models of the Polarization- SOV/153!.2-2-26/31
optical Method of Examination of the pension
5) Caprolactam and acrylo-nitryl strongly accelerate the
reaction of the common polymerization in the presence of
benzoyl-peroxyde. The polymerization-process must, there-
fore, be carried out at a lower initial temperature..
6) The introduction of acrylo-nitryl at the expense of
other monomers reduces the optical sensitivity of the
finished product with a,simultaneous increase of the
elasticity-modulus. There are 4 figures, 1 tablet and 4
Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut khimicheskogo mashinoatroyeniya i
Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni*N. V. Lomono-
sova; Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii i kafedra teorii uprugosti
(Moscow Institute of Chemical Engin'eering and Moscow State
University imeni M. V. Lomonosov; Chair of Physical-
chemistry and Chair of the-
SUBMITTED: blay 6, 1958
Card 4/4
Ag :24
51 ~U
T .-g
~s 13
- Ila
ilia 11
I 10 ku'o S/032/60/026/009/014/018
AUTHORS: Shchegolevskayaq N. A.? Morozov~ B.--A., Skoryy, 1. A.j
Kopytov, V. D.; Sokolov, S. I.
TITLE: The Use of ERaIL Resin to of the Type E-Poxy-CHS-2200 for
the Polarization-optical Method
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriyaj 1960, Vol. 26, No. 9, P. 1149
TEXT: An optically active synthetic resin was obtained by using the
Czechoslovakian epoxy resin of the type Epoxy-CHS.-2200 with phthalin,
anhydride as 'hardener. The resin mentioned differs from the much used
epoxy resins of the-tYPe -)40 *(E40) and )A6 (ED6) by having a lower via-
cosityl'and a homogeneous mass being nevertheless obtained with pht-halic
anhydride. The molten 0anhydride (40 9) is added to the epoxy Tesin
(100 g) heated to 120 C, the mass is carefully mixed, pGured intio pre-
heated molds, and left in the thermostat for 24 hra at 100 C and then X1
faz 21 hrs at 1200C. The properties of the resin are tabulated. There
are 1 table and 1 Soviet reference.
Card 1/2
The Use of Epoxy Resin of the Type S/03 60/026/009/014/018
Epoxy.-CHS-2200 for the Polarization- B015YB058
optical Method
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut. khimichaskogo mashinostroyeniya
(Moscow Iustitut,~ of Chemical Machine Conetruction).
Vsesoyuzn,yy nauchno-issledovatel'skly Inatitut
metallurg-'cheakogo ma9hinostroyeniya (All-Union
Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgical Mash.ine
Construction). Moskovskiy gosudaretvennyy universi*.et
Tm-oscow state University)
MAZNOVI Ivan Mikhaylovich,- LENSKIY) Viktor Stepanovich; OGIBALOV,
Petr Matveypvich; SkOORUYI, ILvan-AleksaadrovigLhi__!~IlKOp I.A., red.;
[Laboratory manual on the strength of materials and on deformations]
Laboratori3yi praktikum po soprotivleniiu materialov, deformiro-
vaniiu. Pod obshchei, red. P.M.Ogibalova i I.A.Skorogo. Moskvap
Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1961. 199 p. (MIU 14:6)
(Strenght of materials)
(Deformations (Mechanics))
AUTHORS: Dobrovol'skiy, I,P,, Engineer,
Kartashkin, B.A_ Engineer. Kopytov, V.D., Engineer,
Skoryy, I.A. , Candidate of Ph3,sical and Mathematical
TITLE: An I)ivestigation by the PhoLo-Elasti city 'Method of the
Stresses in the Assetablies Used -to Fix the Active Steel
in 14ydro-Alternators
PERIODICAL: Vestnik elek-tropromyshlerinosti, 1961. No.2, P.p.8-13
TEXT- The assemblies used to seCLLr'e the stator cures in
alterna tors someLimes fail- near tile The
asseiiiblly is loaded by the rcic!iztl ~-Llccicl-ioo c.~( :,IncZ
an (I ',)y t~jn,rent ia I f orc es 0-A e0 C I (I(; i. I' CJ7 C- L ~- 1-it 1:0 T:.L- ril-LIC;
,)f Lheso -Loa4'-tnt.,t- is dif.('ert--t condi.tions and as veL
sw7ficiently ri-Liable mij~thocU~ of, tho;-,l do not eX.L-%t.
These. loadings and the places of higlhe!it qLres.-3 are USIUA11Y
derei-iiiined bV fUll-SCE11C tests an it-zi5embljes, itsing strain giauges,
gauges is selected arbitrari*y,
Tfie location of the strain I For
,ccurate desi-n it is necessary to determ-ine serarately the
stres.scs due to the axial and radial loading so as to assess their
Card 11/8
AIL Investigation by the Photo-Elasticity Method ...
combined action. Then when full-scale tests are made, the straj.n
gauges can be placed at the most significant points. I t 18 A I S 0
important to determine the stress distribUtiOn in the thickness
the ritigs that support the keying ribs. Stress changes result
froai alterations in the rigidity of the joints are also
It is not possible to study all tht-~;e problem.; by mean,i
scale tests. Accordingly, tests were made by the phofo-el.isticiiy
method, using transparent models in polarized light. Thi_~ inethcd
is effective for deter-mining the stress distribution over the whole
rangeand. moreover, no initial stresses are introduced in the
manufa.--lure of the models which could distort the results. The
principles of the photo-elastic methods of stress -determination are
bri-efly explained. It is noted that, if the models are heated tindfi-
load to a temperature of 100 to 1,50 C and then _~;lowlv cooled undli!c
loart to room temperature, the stress co.~iditioti may be I-Cf.,91ried Irl
the. model and is not altered when iL v9 sectioned. BV t"I"s Mea!)--j.
the SeLtions may be studied to determine the _qLres-s dLstribmioi)
throughout the bodY of the model Thr.~ 01--!"hod
Card 2/ 8
An Investigation by the Photo-Elasticity Method ...
the study, Fig,l shows a model of a fixing assembly consisting of
a support ring I which is fixed to the stator frame of tile
alternator, a block 2 welded to the ring and a keyinp- rib 3
welded to the block, In an actual machine there are sevu,il rings
but, to avoid difficulties in modelling, only an individual. assembly
was studied, The model was made on a scale of 1/5 To study the
influence of assembly rigidity, three methods of fixing were used:
In tile first, the ring and keying rib were made in one solid piece:
in the second and third, the assemblies were made of separate parts.
stuck together to imitate welds of different kinds, Each of tile
models was tested under radial and tangential. loading applied
mechanically;stresses were determined at four sections. Curves of
equal slope of main stresses (isoclines) and trajectory of main
stresses (isostats) were constructed. The differences in the
principal stresses were determined along the selected sections-
by integration of the equilibrium equation, the detailed stress
distribution was determined, With radial loading.stress
concentrationb were observed in sections of the ring close to the
Card 3/8
s/ L to/61/o(,,c,/oOP-/(.,o?/ooq
E-1- 94/E If 55
An Investigation by the Photo-Elasticity Method . . .
keying, rib in thn region between the welded joints, As the
i-ILslatice from the wedge increases, the distribution of stress over
the ring thickness becomes more uniform, With tangential Loading
the stress distribution did not depend much on the method of
constructing the model, Stress peaks are observed in places near
the side faces of the block, Here, all three stresses are
considerable and should be allowed for in assessments of strength-
The results obtained by the photo-elasticity, methods were compared
with strain gauge test results on radially-loaded models
fabricated in metal and annealed before test to i-emOve rcMan(ML
stres~vs. The stress distributions obtained by the two methods
Were ~ ollip'll-ed. By the photo-elasticity method, the conditions of
oclul Librium are fulfilled to within 6 to 7S. Whereas the tests on
Metas niodnls in the c or-re-4i pond ing sections indicate that the
condi-tions of equi.librium are fulfilled to within 110%, rhe
difference is due to bending OF the rings that occurs in the test!,
on tho metal. models, Decause of the test conditions. most of' the
strain gauges are fixed to one si-de of the ring A fv%,; goti.Qe~s
Ca-(i 4/8
An Investigation by the Photo-Elasticity Method ...
fixed on the other side demonstral-ed the presence of bending,
which altered the stress distribution by 20 to 30% ;is compared
with uniform distribuLion throughout the thickness, Because of
the smail number of' strain gauges on the lower side, it was not
Possihl(~ to make allowance for bending when the results were
worked out, It should be noted that when stresses are
determined on a transparent model, the method is such that the
measured stresses are averaged out over the thickness of the ring
and the results are not affected by bending. It is possible to
calculate the stress distribution for the case of radial loading;
experimental and calculated values are compared; there are
certain differences for which an explanation is offered, On
consideration of the general picture of stress distribution under
the influence of radial. and tangential loads, as determined by the
photo-clasticity method, certain recommendations may be made for
full-scale testing, If the strain gauges are fixed on the axis
of symmetry of the block, where the stresses are only due to the
action of radial forces, the magnitude of the radial force may
Card 5/8
An Investigation by tile Photo-Elasticity Method
readily be calculated, With this knowledge, it is possible to
calculate the stresses due to radial loading in the ring on both
sides of tile axis of synunetry of the block, Then,if strain gauges
are fitted in these places, it is possible to obtain the stress
distribution due to tangential loading by subtracting from the total
stress the stress clue to radial loading, Here, it is of
considerable assistance to note that the stress distribution clue to
tangential loading is obliquely symmetrical. Hence, by adding
together the indications of two symmetrically-located strain "g-auges.,
its effect i!my be neutralize(] and tile stress (Ime to tile radial. 'Vor~~n
may be determined *more accurately. SLrain gatiges for measur~l.rlg
stress should be fixed to tile rin'sr at a distance from the block of
not less than 1,5 times the thickness of the ring. At this
C11-i-LaIlCO, tile influence of irregulari ties in the stress
distribution within tile thickness of the ring uill be without
effec t It is also advisable to fix checl, strain gauges or.
side of the ring, to exclude errors that may be
intro,~uced bly bending, TLie tests Ly the photo ..elastic ity
Card 6/8
An Investigation by the Photo-Elasticity Method ...
method were made by the Laboratoriya opticheskogo metoda
issledovanlya napryazhaniy (Laboratoi~v for the Optical Method
Research of Stresses) MGU jointly with !he section for dynamic
researcl~ of Laboratoriya clektricheski%h mashin (Laboratory for
rLectrical Machinery) VNIIE, and those by the strain gauge method
by the above named laboratory of VNIIE at the Institut eloictrosvarki
imeni O.Ye.Patona (Electric Welding Institute imeni O.Ye.Paton).
There are 11 figures.
SUBMITTED: Narch.17, 1960
Card 7/8
OGIBALOV, Petr Matveyevich; KIYKO,
1,A,., kand. fiziko-matem.
tekhn. red.
Igor' Anatollyevich; ZK94YY)-
nauk., dots., red.; LAZAREVA,, L.V.,
(Behavior of matter under pressure]Povedenie veshchestva pod
davleniem. Moskva, Izd-vo Mook. univ., 1962. 153 p.
(MIRA 15:9)
(High-pressure research)
I'll', VikLcr Vasillyevich; SKORR, I.Ay dots.l red.
[Friasticitj under the effect of vaf-ilablu I)ads' F1a3-,irh-
- j -
riast' pri per_eL-.enr_,ykh ria-gruzheniiakh. 1.'c)skva, Izd-vo
Vlosk. univ., _196~~. 262 p. 181.10)
Role of heparin in the metabolism of esters of fatty acids. Biul.
eksp.biol. I med. 42 no.12:33-36 D 156. (MLRR 10:2)
1. Iz 4-y kliniki vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - prof. B.Prusik;
rabochays gruppa dotsenta X.Fuchika)* Karlova universitsta v Prage
(MMARIN, effects,
on fatty said esters metab. (Rua))
(FATTY ACIDS. metabolismi
eff. of heparin (RuB))
SKORZEIESKII, D.S., otv. red.; AFA-?,AS'Y-PV, G.D., red.; RMEYEV,
B.7.1 red.; FOR'KOUDIA, V.F., red.
[Charnokiteol Charnokity. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka H l9u~.
816 p. (Ito Doklady sove-tskikh geologov. Problema 13)
(NLiA 17:6)
1. International Geological Congress, 22d. 1963.
SKORZHIMKIY., G.G., starshiy inzh. (Stantsiya Smorodino, Yuzhnoy dorogi)
My practices in curve calculations. Pat' i put.khoz. 5 no.10:16
0 161. Off.RA 14:10)
(Railroads-Curves and turnouts)
Aneurysms of the trunk and main branches of the pulmonary artery.
(Report of 3 cases). Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.244.916-923 12 To 161.
1. Z Zakladu Radlologii A. M. v Lublinie; kierownik: z-ea prof. dr
med. K. Skorzynski i z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A. M. w
Lublinie; kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Tuszkiewicz.
(PUU40NARY ARTERY dis) (ANEURYSM case reports)
4994-66 EY*Mm )1E4P( t LjjFAP1 T
ACC NRs AA%000050- SOURCE CODE: PO/0046/65/010/005/02617nZ~R
'-~Puk, V.; !Iqwor -Tom --_Q0vorek, T
AUX _gukoi Wlq:1zArTi, ; e ~Ic W1 z S~UEMt;ki Zb 91~il
0 n I SIC11
ORG: Department of Experimental Physics, M. Curie-Sklodowska University,. Lublin
TITIE: Measurements of gamma-gamma angular correlation in JitL 0~'
SOURCE: Nukleonika, ve 10, not 5, 1965, 261-268
TOPIC TAGS: lanthant Inadioisotope, gamma ray, spectrometer, radiation detector
ABSTRACT: Measurements of gamma-gamma angular correlation for 140T.
were carried out
by means of a gamma-gamma directional correlation apparatus consisting of a coinci-
dence spectrometer with two detectors, one fixed and the other movable., The movable!
detector was adjusted at angles 90, 135, 180, and 2250 with respect to the fixed
detector. For the 304-162 kov cascade about 25,000 coincidences were collected for..
each position of the movable counter. This allowed determination of the angular
correlation coefficients- A - 0-060-1 0-007, A4 = 0.020 -1 0.014. Assiuring the sp
seqi-,ence 1-2-3 for the 364-192 kev cascade, the radiation should have a mixed multi..!
polarity (D,Q) for both -transita:bns of -thi13 -cascade-A, The measufdn6rits of a low
energy'linV 30 kev + x-ray. correla tion. with the -537 kev. garm line,alse showed
distinct anisatropyj and allowed for detenaination of A2 -i'0*030,-f 0-015 without
correction-for the ay componente Orig, artehass 7 figures 1 tables and
form q.
or 1 SUB CMs NP SUB14 DATEs --none OTH JW: oo6 SOV REF OU
do ?Of 4013
L 14635-66 MU(m) DIAAP
ALM NK: AP6008152 SOURCE CODE: PO/0046/65/010/008/0527/0529
AUTHOR: Goworek,-Tomasz; Skorzynski., Zbigniew; Wawryszczuk, Jan
ORG: Department of Experimental Physicso Universi~j M. Curie -Sklodowska, Lubkln
TITIE:. Gamma-gamma angulgr, gorrelatinn in sup 147 Eu to sup 147 Sm decay
SOURCE: Nukleonika, v. 10, no. 8. 1965, 527-529
TOPIC TAGS: europium,, samarium, radioactive decay., coincidence circuit, nuclear
energy level, nucleus
ABSTRACT., Gamma directional correlation measureme were made in 147Eu decay in
order to obtain more data on higher levels of the MSm. nucleus. An energy level
diagram is shown. The measurements were performed using a fast-slow coincidence
circuit with a resolving time of 48 nsec. The authors thank Prof. Y~~
enabling the taking of the measurements. Further thanks is given to the Chemical
Group of JINR in Dubna as wall as Mr he preparation of the sources.
Orig. art. FaR-3-Ti-gures and I table: ~Vor ,
SUB CCDE: 189 20 SUBM DATE: -Feb65 / OTH REF: 003 / SCV REF: 002
Card l/
- SKOS, R.M. - ---
Discussion on the degasification of coal strata. Przegl
gorn 18 no-4:246-247 Ap 162.
SKOSAREV-~ Yu.F., aspirant
Method of measuring the calliber of small vessels. Sbor. trud. Kurskr.
g0s. ,,led. inst. no.16:132-133 162. 17:9)
Iz kafedry operativnoy khirurgii s topografichoskoy anatomiyey
(zav. - prof. Ye.F. Nillmllchenko (deceased]) Kurskogo meditsinskogo
Syno-ractculy, intraarticular necrectcrmy --,:d arthrolysis in
tuberculosIs of the large Joints. Ort~p.travm.i p-rctez.
no.6:24-30 161. (MIRA 1.4--S)
1. 17. kostnc). -kill nirgicbeskoy
F.G. Skosogorenko) OdJesskogo
instituta tuberkuleza (dir.
kliniki (vakovoditell - prof.
- starsh.--elauch.sotr. M.A.
-CS', I
J.-- A. 111.
",~upations Concerning tbe Salt-resistance
of Perennial Wheat." Candidate of Biological
Vest. Ak. Nauk SSSR, No. 6, 1944.
Re-oort U-1551, 7 November 1951.
ACC NRt AP6021437 SOURGE- G.0.Dli';-'-~~/64i3-/66/oco/oli/oc)41/()oL,42-----
IAUMIORS: Yegorov) B. A.; Skosyrov) I. S.
---------------- I-- ---------
ORG: none
;TITLE: A device for measuring mismatch angles. Class 21y No, 182230
;'SOURCE, Izobrateniya, promyshlonnyye obraztsyj tovarnyye znaki) no. 11, 1966) 42
iTOPIC TAGS: electric measuring instrument, error measurement) angle measurement
ABSTIFLACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for measuring the mismatch
angles botween the axes of the resultant magnotic flux of a synchronous machine and
the emf characterizing tho position of its rotor. The device includes sensing
elements, the emf phases of which depend respectively on the position of the rotor
and on the phase of the stator eirLf of the test machine. Tho dovice also includes
amplifiers-clippers, differentiating circuits, and a sawtooth voltage generator which
includes a trigger controlling the triode wid a W network (see Fig. 1).' The design
makes it possible to measure the mismatch angles during machine steady-state
operations in transient conditions over a wide frequency range. A tachogenerator is
connected to the output of the RC network through a rectifying bridge. The
bachogenerator makes it possible to change the voltage amplitude on the capacitor
ACC NR: A-P6021637"
Fig. 1. GPN - sawtooth voltage
r TG generator; T - triode;
RG - network; TG - tachogen-
E-4 C) erator
of the PC network in proportion to the angle during. tlie dischar'ge time once during
the period of the variable frequency. orig. art. has: 1 figure.
Card 2
SKOSYM, Petr Georeevich
Turkmenistan. Moskva, Holodata gvardiia, 1948. 276 p. Illus., mps (l fold).
(Nashe, rodina., geograficheskaia nauchno-khudozhestvennala seriia).
Transportation (p. 268).
DLC: DK854.855
SO: Soviet Transmorf&tion and Coamnication. A Sibliogranhy, Libmry of Congress,
Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified.
,~KOSYJMV, Petr Georgiyevich; KAUYEVA, 0., re4aktor; VOIKOVA, L., tekh-
- ~ or
[Turkmenistan] Turkmenistan. Moskva, Izd-vo TsK VIKSH "Molodaia
gvardiia," 1955. 293 p. (MMA 8:6)
(Turkmenietan-Descrtption and travel)
Potochny-y method v stroitel'stve (T,,Tass production in construction) '.,Ioskva, Cos.
Izd-vo Literaturi po stroiteltstvu i arkhitekt-ure, 1953.
139 P, tables, diagrs.
AUTHORS: Danyushevskaya, Z. L.,.Skosyrevy V. P.
TITLE& Technology problems of special types of tamponage cement
PERIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnaJ& Khimiyap no. 21, 1961, 111, abstract
21K309 (Nauchn. soobdhoh. Goo. Vass. n.-i. in-t teementn.
prom-sti, no. 10 (41), 1961, 15 - 18)
TEXT: The special tamponage cements also comprise gel'oement and'fibrous
cement. The former is obtained by adding 5 - 7% of bentonite clay-to
ordinary tamponage cement, the latter by adding fiberay e.g. the lowest
type of asbestos fiber A-6-40 (M-6-40) in non-looeened state. The cement
and the additives cannot be mixed in ball millsA It is recommended-to
mix the cement with the additives in a soreening screw-and sub.sequently in
a packer-by means'of a stirrer.- The strength of gel cement and fibrous
cement considerably exceeds the requirements of rocr-1581-42. (Abstracter's
hotes Complete translationi
Card 1/I
SK0,S'iiEl', Vasiliy Fmr-IeD-vicn; TABUNIINA, 'L,!.A., red.
nauwal tor workors engaged in the maimenance
and rel-air of electric filLers ] ~ar~4 Etka ~o t---khn,*ke
bezopasnoti (ilia rabochikh po obcluzhivaniiu i remontu
elektrofil'trov. Poskva, Stroiizdat, 1964. 38 P.
(RIRA 17:6)
BERG, P.P.; FEYGELISO"T, B.Yu.; Prinimali achastiye: ZASETSK'IT,*G.F., iuzh.;
RAKOGOIT, V.G., inzh.; KMITETSOV, Ye-I., inzh.;-ZMSYRZU, A.N.,
starshiy tekhnik; USTICHEM, R.D., starshiy tekftaik.
Metal shell molds. Lit. proizv. no-10:32-33 0 16o. (MIn 13:10)
(Foundaries-Equipment and supplies)
Erosion of alkaline lichen-covered takyrs. Izv.AN Turk.SSR no.l:
33-W '55. (MLRA 9:5)
1. Inutitut zemledeliya AN Turkmenakoy SSR.
(Soviet Central Asia--Takyr)
cc-untry : USSR
pravc., L
C-,tu,~~ory: Sail Scici.,v- Clul-tivation I.,.r --ca
s Jour: r=Dic)l , n: 3-4, 1,058, No 63121).
..,uthor Sli)syrcv.*,., If.11.
Inst -S81, --s
Title The Prcbi,~~:.i :L' MilizinG T---]Wrs~
OriC: Pub: Izv- i'IT T-urI'::ZSI'%, 3.0156, No 6, 15-23.
: stra, et: The Droblaa c-f utilizinZ; tahyr an tal-yr.-ty
.,b d ~c
Goils of thu c=r--l zcnc, wlncru the
arcri of taosc L-ar-ths in Vac MarU~b =a~l Tu,1zhon
d(At--s --Lmc `.S about 700,000 hectarcs, io exardned.
Data arc -Tcs,~ntcd which characterize ~hc rropertics
of takyrs of Viu Tcdzhcnskiy raycn; tl-iQjr .-,)overty is
uvi&mcud thQix cre.-anic xtcrialls and nutritive
ca- rd 1/3
AUTHORs Skosyreva, K.N. BOV/165-58-6-4/24
TITLE: An Experience in Making Takyr Soils Tillable-
PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, 1958t Nr 6t
PP 25-36 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The attempts made served the investigation of the possible uti-
lization of the especially unfavorable Takyr soils which ar4i due
to poor porosity, high salinityy high alkaline and low humus
content and weak development of micro-biological processq&~
While the bean plants were a complete failure, good results were
obtained with cereals and grass plantings, clover.and rye grasep
and they were still further improved in the second year of-cul-
tivation. Artificial fertilizers were pWarably usedv' wb:erebv
it was determined that the 6ptimal- quantity was 90 P + 90 H-vith
300 *f/ha sand. Upon obaer'vation of-these" measures a cotton -
harvest of 24 hdwt/ha~could_,be reached in the second year. There-
by, cotton-monoculture is not recommended, instead, a specific
rotating cultivation, preferably in the series of six: cereal.-
barley or wheat (spring), clover and rye grass (autumn); clover
and rye grass; cotton. The practical execution of the proposed
Card 1/2 method is already under way.
Leaching saline takyrs in the area of the Kara Kum Canal. Izv. All
Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.6:48-60 161. (MIRA 15-1)
1. Institut zemledeliya Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva
Turkmanak SSR.
-Z, A,I-
-~:----- - -
Using aerial radiometric surveying for investigating oil and gas
fields. Geol. nefti 2 no.2:2?-33 7 158. (MIRA 11:2)
1. Institut nefti AN SSSR.
(Radiometer) (Aeronautics in surveying)
CO-H ..,,I ;A s
.1 t a .5 . 9
IV &
Li of P; A 9 4 3.
:-a Iil 0A
-. g
. ~ ~'!, 1 3~ & '41
1 a,'
SO av~
0 oa
'k;,g % I
L'R 31
Mip- 1 A 01 V !1V 'Q
$,!,I G
(Waaes on state farms- a collection of materials on.wages and work
norms for state farms) Oplata truda v sovk4ozakh;,.sbornik materialov
po oplate truda i normam vyrabotki v sovkhoiakh. 'Moskva, Izd-vo K-va
sell.khoz.RSFSR, 1960. 380 p. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Hinisterstvo sellskogo khozyaystva.
Upravleniye organizataii trada I zarabotnoy platy. 2. Upravlaniya
organizataii truda i zarabotnoy platy Ministerstva sellskogo kho-
zyaystva (for all except Fedorov, Saytanidi).
(Wages) (State farms)
Determination of currents and losses in the damper wiading of an
auxiliar7 synchronous generator with independent electronic exci-
tatiox. Sbor.rab.po 163.
(KRA 160)
(Electric generators)
Tncreasing the power facto 'r of rectifiers using nonsy=etrlca_l
control and determination of the harmonic composition of phase
currents. Sbor. rab. po, vop. elektroi4ekh. no.10:017-112 163.
(MIRA 17:8)
,Form of fall streaks, their representation on radar nephograms
,and relation with the microstructure of falling jarticles.
Trudy TSAO no-35:66-78 160. (MIRA 13:11)
(Radar meteorology) (Cloud physics)
L-. ? ~~ ~1 ~,
AUTHORS: Mazin, I.P., Skosyreva.
TITLE; On the size distribution function for cloud droplets
SOURCE: Tsentrallnaya acrologicheskaya observatoriya.
Trudy. no-36. moscow, 1961. Voprosy fiziki
radiolokatsii oblakov, 43-52
TEXT: L.M.Levin (Izvestiya AN SSSR, seriya geofiz., no.10, 1958)
has reported that the empirical data on droplet size distribution
can be described by the so-called gamma-distribution
n(r) = Ar"exp(-r/p) where a is a constant and A involves the
incomplete gamnia-function. However, he found that high values
of a were necessary to account for 71% of all the data, while the
results obtained at TsAO indicate that. a should be much smaller
(2 instead of 8). The present work was undertaken in order to
elucidate the reasons for this discrepancy. The new analysis was
.based on airplane determinations carried out by TsAO in 1959.
The reasons for the above discrepancy were found to be as follows,
Levin's results were obtained with droplet traps located on the
Earth's surface (Trudy Geofiz. in-ta AN SSSR, no.7A, 1954) and the
Card 1/2
Hydromechanical drive of the reels of cooking vats. Der. prom.
24 no.7:26-27 i1 165. (kfIRA 19: 1)
1. Kosl~romskoy tekhnologicheskiy institut.
BFIIA, Eduard; PODLESAK, Karel; SKOTAK, Antonin,
Motion study in workers rawring slag--~-anen'. Prac. lek.
16 no.249-52 HrI64
1. 'Ustav hyL--'en7 prace a chorob z povolani -7 prednosta
prof. dr. J.reisinger, DrSc.
&T4 K ""Isits *I* "Ort9fiss mots
$40tak, J. Oaliva, Aq~IJU* i950, Vol. 30, 123-424)
u x
lion imwtftv
00 041 0 00.00,
a 0
On the problem of the effect of ultrasonics an the osmotic
resistance of erythrocytes. Ser. wed. fac. med. Brunensis 36
no.]/2:27-32 163,
1. Katedra lekarske fyziky lekarske faku-Ity University J.E.
Parkyne v Brne Vedouci katedry MUDr. Jaroslav Stanek We.
SKOTAKOVA, Marie; NEZVAL, Jaroslav; SMAL, Emil
Contribution to the mechanism of the potentiating effect of
ethylenediaminetetraaceti- acid on the bactericidal activity
of N-(alpha-carbethoxypentadecyl)-trimethu:Lammonium chloride. Brunensis 37 no.l.*21-28 t64.
Contribution to t~pakchanism of the potentiating effect.of
sthylonediaminetei~aacetic"iit&-on.~the bactericidal activity of
N-(alpha-carbethoxypentadecyll-,t~hyI ammaKLim chloride.
1. Katedra lekarske fysi-ky lekarske-NI-culty university -T.E.
Purkyne v Bime (vedouci:doc. Mr. Jaroslav Stanek, CSa.)
a Katedra hygieny a epidemiologie lekarske fakulty university
J.E.Purk~me v Brne (vedouci:prof. MUDr. et RNDr.Karel Halacka).
AUTHOR: Skotarl, P., Manager of Artistic Activity 27-6-17/29
TITLE: Young Talents (Molodyye talanty)
PERIODICAL: Professionallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, 1957, Nr. 6(145)
p 25 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author calls attention to the talented youth of the Labor
Reserves and mentions some works of art in sculpture, painting,
mosaicv etc. submitted by students of the Labor Reserve schools
for the 2nd All-Union Competition. A selection of the beat
works of a total of 739 entries, will be shown in connection
with the 6th World Youth Festival in Moscow. There are 2 photos.
ASSOCIATION: Labor Reserves' Central House of Culture kToentrallny Dom Kull
tury Trudovykh Rezervov)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
L-8721-65 EEQ-2/W (1)/EEC-4/EED_2/EWA (h) :_'M4/peb/Pl~4 53D/Asb(a -5
JffDTC (gs)l
ACCESSION PR: AA038176 S126901631005104102
JAUTHOR: Mertsalov,,. V. M.; Skotars, S. A.
TITLE; Infralow-frequency high-power noise generator
SOURCE: AN .LatSSR., Institut elektroniki ivy*chis lite It noy tekhniki.
Trudy*, v. 5., 1963. Avtomatika I vy*chialitaltnaya tekhnika (Automa
tion and computer engineering), no. 61 257-262
TOPIC TAGS: *nolse generator, infrasonics~ noise spectrum., correla-tio
unction., spect.ral density
ABSTRAM, A bigh-power noise generator is described for use in in-
vestigations of automatic control systems at-very:low frequencies,.*
The functional diagram is illustrated In Fig. I of the-Knclosur-e*. The
electric connections are shown in Fig. 2. and one.ofthe possible con--
truction variants is shown in Fig. 3M It s primry noise source is
the variable conductance between electrodes plhoed in a spray of,con-
ducting liquid. The random changes in-conductivity -are converted.4ilte.",,
random relay-signale.fed to a.bridge.# theoutput of random'
Carcl 1/4'
L 8721-65
-1.~McZSSJON NR-. AT4038176 RMCWURE.- 01
A 2
Functional diagratw~of noi,34
Iiii 2; Blee rid'alAf4gr4
genera ov~
- powei" iuppliyj --6-onduc v ty
B randord . un re ay block) -
D - bridge circuit$ *,.H. outptit~ relay
card 3/4
4~278-66 IJP(e) na
ACC Rk, AP5027377 SOURCE CODE: UR/0371/65/000/005/0015/002C
01, '; ~- ~, q, ti ' s- ~- c/(/ 5-
AUTHOR: elov V F __B Karavayev,.Y
2.1ovs _e. V.--Karavajevs, J.; Skotart, S. A.-
SkJar`s5, S.
ORG: none
TITLE: Microwave system for studying the interaction of electromagnetic Vaves vith
ionized gases
SOURCE: AN LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 5,
1965, 15-20
TOPIC TAGS: microwave oscillator, electromagnetic wave diffraction, electromagnetic
interaction, ionized gas, microwave technology, shf oscillator, waver-H-de
ABSTRACT: A microwave system for measuring the basic electromagnetic parameters of
ionized gases by recording their interaction with electromagnetic waves is described.
The basic equipment is a superhigh-frequency (A = 3 cm) oscillator equipped with a
special waveguide containing.measuring probes and a bridge-type device for compen-
sating the initial reflections. The system performs the following functions: 1) con
tinuous measurement of antenna input impedance; 2) continuous measurement of impedanc
at any point of the waveguide; 3) accurate recording of signals reflected from ionize
gases; 4) measurement of the conductivity of ionized gases both by reflected and
transmitted signals; 5) study of radio wave attenuation and reflection phenomena in
Card 1
L 9278-66
ACC NRt AP5027377
magnetized ionized gases; and 6) study of the effect of the frequency of radio sig-
nals on the character of their reflection from transmission through ionized gases.
Measurements conducted with this system have yielded results which are fully in
agreement with those obtained by the circuit (loop-analysis) method. Orig. art. has:~
4 figures and 1 tab 1e. [JR1
SUB CODE: 09,-101 SUBM DATE: l8mar65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS:
,-Card 2/2
Glaciation traces in the southeastern part of the Aldan Plateau
and the Dzhugdzhur Range. B!X . MOIP. Otd. geol. 36 no.2:144
Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:7)
(Aldan Plateau--Glaciology)
(Dzhugdzhur Range--Glaciology)