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A. N. TAIEN(P'SKly, SFC),ROKHODO!fp -hr, Of C-OmPlex co, + .1tan -.,n--sses 12--116 '65. -1. v- - I chern. met. 9 ilx~ "1 7, ys.ucheb.zav.; (MIRA 18--4)d !. Ural'31:iy polite-khrii2lieskiy institut. SKOROKHODOV R ; - - _,._ - Rotary (vans) Yents. Vod. i san. t9kh. no.3:37 Mr 157. (United States--Water pipes) OCRA 10!6) SKOROKHODOV, B. ~ --, Some problems of depreciation and general overhaul of communal enterprises. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 6 no-8:7-8 '56. (MLEA 10:2) (Civil engineering--Batimates and costs) SKMORHODOV, B. Magnetic water motor. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 7 no.4:29 '57- (NM 10:7) (United States--Witter meters) - SKOROKHODOV, B.P. __ - FWWWWFIF~ Norms of amortization of public bgths. Gor.khoz.Kosk. 31 no.6.,28-30 Je '57. (M1RA 10:7) (Amortization) (Moscow--Baths, Public) SKOROKHODOVI B.F. __-- - ~ Living conditions Of the workers. Gor.khozJbsk. 36 no.lj48-50 A 162. (MM 16:1) (New fork (City)-Housing) I,IY,I;(.I,AY, Georgiyevich; ~TAOROKEODOV,- Grigorly !Fedorovich; DO.,"D11"PKINI, N., red. [TDward the gonlo of albundancel K -420bl2iia. '.'Olgo- grad, Volgogradz*oe krizhrioe lzd-vo, 1c)63. 38 p. (KIRA 2813) MORDVINTSEVAY AN, kand.takhn.nauk; OLISHANSKIY, N.A., kand.teklin.nauk; Prinimal, uchastiye: SKOROKHODOV, L.N.,, inzh. Welding plastics. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no. 3:96-108 !61. (14M 14: 5) 1. Moskovskoye vysshe~s tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni Baumana, (Plastics-Welding) NEKRASOV, L.I.; SKGROKHODOV, I.I. The question of existence of higher hydrogen perosides; critical review of literature. Part 1. Vest.Mosk.un. ~er.mat.,mekh., antron.,fiz.,khim.11 no.1:213-219 156. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Xafedra fizicheskoy khimii Moskovskogo univerBitata. (Hydrogen peroxide) NNKRASOV. L.I.; SKCROKHODOV. I.I. 1xistence of a higher peroxide hydrogen. Zhur.fis.khim.30 no-5:1189- 1190 My 156. (mm 9:9) I.Moskovskiy gosudarstv~nW univeraltet imani M.Lamanoseva. (Hydrogen peroxido) S-KOROKHODOV , 1. 1. Ond NMASOVY L) I, "Concerning the problem in Regard to the Existence of a Higher Peroxide of Hydrogen -- Part l," by L. i. Nekrasov and 1. 1. Skorokhodov, Chair of Physical Chemistry, Mos- cow State University., Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Vol 11, No 1, Jan eb 57, pp 213-219 After reviewing USSR and foreign work on the synthesis Of H204 and results obtained in the investigation of products obtained in attempts to synthesize higher peroxides of hydrogen, the authors subject to crit- ical discussion data on the physical and chemical properties of the glass- like product obtained in the low-temperature condensation of dissociated water vapor or dissociated H202, as well as in the interaction of atomic hydrogen with oxygen. They arrive at the following conclusions: 1. When water vapor or hydrogen peroxide vapor has been dissociated by means of an electric discharge and the product of the dissociation has been condensed on a cold surface (at a temperature of approximately minus 1800), the radical H02 is formed, which may either be stabilized by freez- ing or undergo association, forming the hydrogen superoxide H204- In ad- dition to that, H20 and H20 are formed on the cold surface. The glass- like product consil Of H2C , H202, and H20- 2. When the temperature Is raised. the glass-like product undergoes a number of transformations. After being originally in an amorphous state, it crystallizes at minus 1150 and begins to decompose. At the temperature of minus 6101 when the rate of decomposition reaches a maximum, the product melts, becomes poorer in hydrogen superoxide because of the continuous de- composition of this substance, and-is transformed into a solution of hydro- gen peroxide in water. 3. The decomposition of the glass-like product, which begins at minus 1150, is due to the reaction H204 H202 + 02 4. To confirm these conclusions and establish beyond doubt the exist- ence of the radical HHO~ and Of H204, more thorough investigations will be necessary. KOBOZEV, N.I.; SKORO)MODOV, I.I.; NEXR.ASOV, L.I., MAKAROVA, Ye.l. Phyaical-M=istry of concentrated ozone. Part 2: A study of the synthesis of the highest peroxide of hydrogen H204 by the reaction between concentrated ozone with atomic hydrogen [with summary in English]. Zhur.fiz.khim.31 no.8:1843-1850 Ag 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosavn. (Peroxides) (Hydrogen) (Ozone) 61 AUTHORS: Reznitskiy, L. A., Khomyakov, K. G., 76-1-1V32 Hekrasov, L. I., S)(orokhodov, 1. 1. TI-111LE: Conc erning the Higher Peroxide of hydrocen, and Frozen Radicals I. Determination of the Deconposition Temperature of tile Classy Substances Produced in the Electric DischarL:e From ,'tater Vapour (K voprosu o vysshey vodoroda i zamorozhennykh radikalov. I. Opredeleniye teploty razlozheniya steklovidnogo veshchestva, poluchen-noLo iz parov vody v elektricheskom razryade~ PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fizicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 7~2, Nr 1, PP- 87-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results of the calorimetric determination of heat effects are given, which ac~3ompany the deCOMPOSiLion of the glassy substance (obtained from dissociated steam with an electric discharge). The method of continuous heating on adiabatic conditions was used. This method makes possible the determination of heat effects in a relatively quick and realiable manner. 9 construction of the calorimet-ric in- ve5tigation of the interaction at low temperature of vapour dissociated in an electric discharEe vuas worked out. Three Card 1/4 heat effects were determined thich accompany the heatinC; 76-1-13/32 ConcerninC the Higher Perodixe of Hydroi-er and Frozen Padicals 1. Determination of the Dec3mpo Sit4 on T emperature of the Glassy Substances Produced in the Electric Discharge From Water Vapour process of the Elassy substance. The authors show that at -1150C the first exothermic effect begins and that it is accompanied by a separation of 02'At - 700C the 61assy substance begins t'-,,;, melt. This goes ~;-n till -55 OC. At this temperature the endothermic process pa3oes over to an exothermio Dne. This is accompanied by a turbulent separation. of 02* It reaches its maximum in a liquid phase at -1r3OC. This exothermic effect takes place in the meltinE. range of the eutectic of the H20-H,02 system. in order to take this effect into account the heat of fusion of the eutectic was determined. It was 74,5 cal,1g. When determining the real value of the second exothermic -effect this auantity was taken into account. The authors stated that wita the first effect, which began at -1150C and which was accompanied by a separation of Cas a heat of 78,6 k3al/Mol 0 wa5 separated. The endothermic 2 effect which is connected with the melting of the substance and Card 2/4 which beLins at -70' is also accompanied by a separation of 76-1--13/32 Concerning the Hieher Perodixe of Hydral---er 9.--d Frozen Pad-4calp, I. Determination of the Deccmpos~4'-ion Te,7.D~ratu--~~ of the Classy Substances Produced in the Electriz Dischart-,e From Water Vapour j,as. With this effect 100 cal/L if202 ,.,ere recorded. The quantity of the oecond exothormic effect was 68,0 kcal/fi"ol Of C, 2' It is accompaniod by a docompo.91tion of if204* The data ?Jven huro Prove till) proce-Do of thu docOmponition of glkway substances suggested earlier by one of the authora (Nekrasov) (ref. 6). The endothermic effect stated with this decomposition has not yet been clearly explained. According to the opinion of the authors this effect had to be attributed to a change of the stiate of aLgregation with Classy substances, which would coincide with the explications in ref. 11. The authors were advised by Professor N. I. Kobozev. There are 2 fipires, 2 tables, and 12 references, 2 of which are Slavic. Card 3/4 Concerning the HiCher Perodixe of Hydro,-,3n and Ft-)zen Fad-4cz-15 I. Determination of the Decomposition Temperature of the Classy Substances Produced in the Electrio Di3charee From, Water Vapour 76-1-13/32 inien4 71. V. Lomonn-iov ASSOCIATION: Moscow State Un4%,ej-r-ty (Iloskovskiy univez-site-t, im. M. V. Lomonosova) SUBMITTED: Oct.olber 3: '1956 AVAILA3LE: Library of Con---ress Card 4/4 srommCoov, t. f.: Master Chem S~:i (diss) -- "TrIVest,'vation of m-thods of pr-aparation and the physi-cochemical properties of roz-,2n peroxide radicals sYstems (1109--11204-11202-H20)". Moscow,, 1959. 12 pp (Moscour State U im M. V. Lomonosov), 110 copies (M,, No 12, 1959, 126) 33691 S/076/62/036/002/002/009 B119/B101 Ifekrasov, L. I., Kobozev, if. I., and ~v ~~' I Yevdokimov, V. B. (Moscow) TITLE: Problem of higher peroxides of hydrogen and frozen radicals. VI. Investigation of the magnetic properties of peroxide radical condensates PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no. 2, 1962, 274 - 281 TEXT: The authors studied the magnetic properties of peroxide radical condensates synthesized both from dissociated water vapors and from the reaction of atomic hydrogen with liquid 100~- ozone by methods already described (Zh. fiz. khimii, 31, 1843, 1957; ibid., 12, 87, 1958). The magnetic susceptibility was determined by the method of comparison with water as gauge substance (measurement of weight increase in the magnetic field) between -150 and +200C. Below -1100C, peroxide radical condensates are weakly diamagnetic; their susceptibility is -0.1 - -0.2-10 cgsm. The paramagnetism of the system increases with the temperature owing to free oxygen (neither adsorbed nor occluded) forming from Card0 MAL'TSEV, Yu.A.; SKOROKHODOV, I.I.; NEKRASOV, L.I. Hydrogen superoxide and frozen radicals. Part 7. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.12:2740-2745 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Lomonosova. ACCESSION NR: AT4028330 S/0000/63/000/000/0041/0045 ADTHOR: Xobozev, N. I.; Nekrasov, L. I.; Skorokhodov, 1. 1. TITLE; Mechanism of low temperature formation of hydrogen peroxide SOURCE: Saveshchaniye po khimii perekisnyfth soyedineniy. Second, Moscow, 1961.. Xhimiya perekisny"kh soyedineniy (chemistry of peroxide compounds); Doklady* soveshchaniy. Moscow, lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1963, 41-45 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen peroxide, low temperature formation, nascent hydrogen, ozone,- oxygen, hydrogen, hydroxyl radical, water ABSTUCT: This paper proposes a scheme for low temperature reactions of atomic hydrogen with oxygen. The authors explain the research of interaction of nascent hydrogen with oxygen at low temperatures with the formation of hydrogen peroxide and water as a final product. The paper claims that, in addition to water and hydrogen peroxide, the primary products also contain free frozen HO 2 radicals and 0, compound, the higher peroxide of hydrogen. The concentration of 110 radicals ~2 4 2 . in condensates is small and in the best cases attains only 0.4 wt--d,.. The H02 and R204 radicals can be maintained only at temperatures of less than -1200C. At higher temperatures the latter break down into hydrogen peroxide and oxygin. If hydrogen Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4028330 peroxide is formed in the heterogeneous mechanism through the HO2radical, then the formation of water occurs basically in the gaseous phase or through OR radicals or oxygen atoms. The proposed scheme reflects the basic outlines of the process of hydrogen peroxide formation at-Jow temperatures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University) SURIKETTED: 13Dec63 DATE ACQ: 06Apr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 009 Card OTHER 017 5( ") SOV/76-53-9-321/37 AUTHORS: Skorokhodov, 1. 1., Nekrasov, L. I., Pezni-k`y, L. .1, Khe)=,Ya- v , N - I TITLE;: On the Problem of the Higher Hydrogen Peroxide and Frozen 0 Radicals . II. Some Notes on the Thermochemistry of the Higher Peroxide H204 and the Radical HO 2 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33, Nr 9, pp 2ogo-2095 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In a previous paper (Ref 1), calorimetric investigations were described which dealt with the decomposition of the solid condensate (C) obtained by freezing out (at -1960) the steam dissociated in an electric dischar-e (as a so-called vitreous substance). The two-stage decomapposition took place with two exothermic reactions: HO 2+EO2 -:~ H202(solid )+02 (1) and H204(liquid) ---> H202(liouid)+02 (2). Detailed checking of the decomposition of (C) (obtained as mentioned above/as well as by a reaction of atomic hydrogen with liquid ozone) indicated that the resultant data need some correction. Visual observa- Card 1/4 tions and data obtained by the thermographic method (which On the Problem of the Hi7her -'ydro-,en Peroxide and Frozen SOV/76-33-9-32/37 Radicals. II. So::-e Notes on the Thermochemistry of the Higher Peroxide H204 and the Radical HO2 will be presented in a separate article) showed that on the decomposition of (C) the solid phase vanishes at -70 to -600, the melting being an endothermic process. Livingstone, Ghorm- ley, Zeldes (Ref 8), and A. I. Gorbanev, S. D. Kaytmazov, A. M.Prokhorov, and A. B. Tsentsiper (Ref 9) found that the concentration of the free HO 2-radicals frozen in the (C) amounts to 0.3 per cent by weight only. Hence, it results from (1) that the portion of hydrorren represents only 4,o of the total amount of the forned hydrogen, and the first exothermic effect is to be ascribed to the thermal effects of reactions (1) and (2) as well as to the crystallization heat of the amorphous portion of the condensate. The authors analyzed experimental data on the first thermal effect (Table); the crystallization fteat of the amorphous (C)-portion amounted to ,!~,H = -2.6 kcal/Mol H2021 which is near the melting point of H202' It is therefore assumed that the devitrification of M is directly connected with the presence of H O,,Anthe condensate. Card 2/4 2 On the Problem of the higher Hydrogen Peroxide and Frozen SOV/76-33-9-32/37 Radicals. II. Some Notes on the Thermochemistry of the Higher Peroxide H 20 4 and the Radical HO 2 The value A H= -39 kcal/mol was obtained for the thermal effect of H 2 04-decomposition in the liquid phase of 0 2 and H202' Here- from the authors calculated the formation heat for H 204 (from the components) and the re-formation heat of the HO 2-radicals into H 204* The respective values are A H= -6kcal/mol and &H= -15 kcal/mol H 204' They are in good agreement with other thermochemical data. The structure H-0-0-0-0-H suggested by A. N. Bakh (Ref 15) is the most suitable for the data obtained. Cal- culation of the bond energy shows that the energy of the mean 0-0 bond is found within the range 11-43 kcal if the other bonds are contained in the H 202 molecules according to the corresponding bonds. There are 1 table and 17 references, 8 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 On the Problem of the Higher Hydrogen Peroxide and Frozen SOV/76-33-9-32/37 Radicals. II. Some Notes on the Thermochemistry of the Higher Peroxide H204 and the Radical HO2 ASSOCIATION:Gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosovs, Moskva (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: March 28, 1958 Card 4/4 S/189/60/000/004/006/006 B002/BO60 AUTHOR: Skorokhodov, I. I. TITLE: Lomonosov Lectures at the Department of Chemistry PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta.. Seriya 2, khimiya, 1960, No. 4, pp. 77 - 78 TEXTi The scientific conference I'Lomonosovskiye chteniya" (Lomonosov Lectures) was held at the Department of Chemistry from April 14 to 15, 1960. The conference, convened on the occasion of the 90th birth anniversary of V. I. Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union and of the Kommunisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza (Communist Party of the Soviet Union), was opened with a lecture by Professor M. I. Shakhparonov: 'IV. I. Lenin and Natural Science". A. A. Balandin spoke on the subject: "Ways of Development of Catalytic Ilh-emistry" and gave detailed results obtained from the stepwise decomposition of hydrocarbons by water vapor over nickel catalysts in a research conducted jointly with T. A. Slovookhotova. The lecture by M. A. Prokoflyev and Z. A. Shabarova dealt with.- "Binding Forms of Nucleic Acids With Amino Acids and Card 1/2 Lomonosov Lectures at the Department of S/189/60/000/004/006/006 Chemistry B002/Bo6o Polyacid.-// Proteins". V. I. Spitsyn reported on "Research Into Inorganic made jointly with T. Kolli, Ye. A. Torchenkova,' G. N. Pirogova, V. Ya. Kabanov, and others. V. A. Kargin, P., V. Kozlov, and N. F. Bakayev reported on "Microscopic Structures of Polymers"., Academician A. N. Nesmeyanox lectured on "Ferrocene, a New Aromatic System". V. M. Tatevskiy dealt with "The Theory of Connection Between Properties and Structure of Molecules". Card 2/2 S1076161103=100310221023 B1211206 AUTHORS: Nekrasov, L. I., Skorokhodov, I. I., and Kobozev, N. I. TITLE% The nature of the peroxide-radical condensates (Answer to P. A. Giguere and D. Chin) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 3, 1961, 691-693 TEXT: P. A. Giguere anA D. Chin (Ref. 1: J. Chem. Phys., 31, 1685, 1959) doubt that a higher hydrogen peroxide H 204 is formed during peroxide-radical condensation. This assumption is, however, confirmed by various physico- chemical and analytical methods (thermographic, calorimetric, and magnetic investigations). Especially by magnetic investigations it is shown that the peroxide-radical condensate is slightly diamagnetic at temperatures below and that at temperatures above -1100 C the total magnetic susceptibil- ity increases along with a simultaneous increase of the paramagnetic pro- perties. The increase of the total magnetic susceptibility shows that the liberated oxygen is to be regarded as a decomposition product of the unstable chemical composition H20 4* The process in question is therefore not a simple Card 1/3 S/076/61/0-"5/003/022/023 XY The nature of B121/B2o6 desorption of occluded oxygen. The following chain structure.has been as- signed to the compound H204: H 11-1011-10,11,0INIO I/H. The failure of P. A. Giguere to obtain H204 is explained by the application of solid ozone instead of liquid one. The decomposition of the compound H204 at a temperature increase proceeds according to the reaction H204 --;~ H202+ 02. The mechanism of the reaction of the H atoms with the liquid ozone film is discussed. The radical H02 formed on the surface of the liquid ozone according to the reaction 03 (liquid) + H ---> H02 + 0 M diffuses into the ozone film where the reaction HO 2 + H02 __4 H20 4 (4) takes place. There are 14 references: 8 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: P. A. Giguareg D. Chin, J. Chem. Phys., 31, 1685, 1959; R. A. Jones, C. A. Card 2/3 The nature of 5/076/61/035/003/022/023 B121IB206 Winkler, Canad. J. Chem., 29, 1010, 1951; J. S.. Batzold$ C. Luner, C. L. Winkler, Cariad. J. Chem., 31, 262, 1953; J. D. Me Kinley, D. Garvin; J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 77, 5802, 1955, ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosudarstverinyy universitet im. M. V. bolnonosuva (Moscow State University imerd M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: September 15, 1960 A/ Card 3/3 22005 S/076/61/035/004/013/018 Iq 11ro B106/B201 AUTHORS: Skorokhodov, I. I., Nekrasov, L. I., Kobozev, N. I., and Makarova, Ye. I. TITLEs Problem of a higher hydrogen peroxide and frozen radicals PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no- 4, ig6i, 905 - 910 TEXTt III. Kinetics of the decomposition of peroxide radical condensate formed from dissociated water vapors By peroxide radical condensates the authors designate the products formed by freezing out water- and hydrogen peroxide vapors after dissociation in an electric discharge, and also by the reaction of atomic hydrogen with oxygen or liquid ozone at very low temperatures. Data available in the literature-concerning the kinetics of decomposition of these peroxide ra- dical condensates with temperature rise contradict one another as to im- portant items (Ref. 6: E. Ohara, J. Chem. Soce Japan, 61P 5699 1940; Ref. 7: L. I. Nekrasov, Dis. MGU, 1951; Ref. 8: R. A. Jonesq C. A* Winkler, Canad. J. Chem., 29, 1010, 1951). For this reason, the authors Card 1/5 22005 S/076/61/035/004/013/018 Problem of a higher hydrogen B106/B201 studied the decomposition kinetics of such condensates, which were pre- pared in an apparatus described earlier (Ref, 5: Zh. fiz. khimii~ 319 1643t 1957; Ref. 11: Zh. fiz. khimii, 32, 87, 1958). The water vapor entered the discharge tube at a rate of 1.4 g/hour and a pressure of 0.5 mm Hg. The discharge amperage was 0.2 a, the voltage 1000-1200 v. The cooling trap was cooled with liquid nitrogen. 0.7-0.8 g were the initial amounts of condensate in all experiments. The condensate composition was the same in all experiments; the molar ratio between oxygen generating from decomposition and remaining hydrogen peroxide was always 0-15, the concentration of H202 in the final solution was 50 percents by weight. The decomposition of the condensates was studied in an experimental system that had been likewise described earlier. The decomposition of the per- oxide radical condensates with slow heating was found to take place essentially in two stages with different temperature coefficients and dif- ferent activation energies. The first noticeable separation of oxygen takes place between -95 and -700C for about 17% of the total oxygen formed. The solid condensate starts melting at -70 OC; this process comes to an end at -600C. In this temperature range, and also on a further heating, Card 2/5 3/076 6210/W35/004/013/018 Problem of a higher hydrogen ... B106~2201 the second more intensive.stage of decomposition,takes place, at.which the 0chief oxygen amount escapes. The decomposition is completed at -40 to -30 C. Between -110 and -1000C a hardly noticeable step appears in the curve-of gas separation, which characterizes a weak decomposition process in which about 3~ of the total oxygen is generated. This weak dec*ompo- sition is accompanied by the disappearange of the yollowish color a modification of the condensate structure: the condensate becomes opaque-and-begins to melt in places, An analysis of the kinetic curve, t-ken.under isothermal conditions, showed the two-stage decomposition reaction in the temperature range -95 to -40 0C to be a reaction of first. order. The activa+ion energy amounts to.1.2-1.4 kcal for the first stage of decomposition (with condensate in the solid state), but 8.0-9.0 kcal for the second stage of decomposition. The results substantiate the ear- lier assumption of the higher hydrogen peroxide H 204 being contained in the condensate* The authors reach the conclusion that the assumption put forth by E. Ohara some tiie ago (Ref. 6) "is still the mott probable ex- plaftation hccbunting for the results obtained: Accordin'g to this'asbump- tion, the two-6take asp6ct of the decompobition of the peroxide radical Card 3/5 Problem of a higher hydrogen 22005 S/076/61/035/004/013/018 B106/B201 i condensate is due to the decomposition of the H204 compound, which takes place by different mechanisms in the solid ahd in thb liqUid state. ~ Mentloh 18 made bf Ye. N.'Yerelnin, who'took part in the work of Ref- 7 to- gether with L. I. Nekrasov and N. 1. Koboiev. There are 3 figures, 1 ' table', and 17 referencess 7 Soviet-bloo and 10 non-SoViet,-bloc. 'The three most recent references to English language ptiblibatibns read as follows: M. A, P. Hogg, Je E. Spice, J. Chem* Soc'., Sept.9 ;971, 1957; J. A. Gormley, J. Amer. Chem. Soc-, 79, 1862, 1957; R, L. Livingston p J. A. Gormleyq H. Zeldesp J. Chem* Phys,f 24, 4839 1956. ASSOCIATION% Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State.University imeni M. V. Lomonos.ov) SUBMITTED: July 28t 1959 Card 4/5 22005 S/076/61/035/004/013/018 Problem of a higher hydrogen .. . B106/B201 +.10 140-, -K-- T k. MULL-1 IR k t, C LIO.. -I(-, I T UtIff.-I k. Ig k MOTOA pannomepnoro Harpenanna MOTOA HOCTOR11HUX TOMUOPaTyp -to() 5,78 0 00288 -2,572 -100 5,78 0,M8 -2,056 -96 5,65 0:00337 -2,472 -92 5,53 OjOI52 -1,818 -93 5.56 0,00330 -2,482 -78 5,13 0,0184 -1,735 _91,5 5.50 0,00359 -2,445 -Irwr 4.58 0.0291 -1,530 -80 5,19 0,W390 -2,4U8 -14 4,57 0,0231 -1,636 -67 4.86 O,W470 -2,328 -50 4.45 0,0385 -1,414 -57 4,64 0,oOOSO -2,022 -41 4,31 0,0831 -1,080 -50 4,61 0,0117 -1,932 -48 4,45 0,0110U -1,398 -43 4,35 0,0948 -1,024 Tablet (a) method of uniform heating, (b) method 'of constant temperatures. Card 5/5 .1)1 13-20 930 ) an d - z z C, n.- 9 1026-1050 R:~i s g i s : s tud ! d, I r gE. -r~ist3 and r k I i "! T i 7r d~ --hprge 1-14020 2~ nc)8 f ilp Tr a z I' P rydr -d crs r d, Tre -z rl r, n: r t he d d NH irli 0,~ 5, '~? Q 3 0, 110'~r'/Oor ;C05/0013 rrv ~ i t i (~ rc Af 1; ~,d -i ~: i n ii d ;~ r i tir, R 2 1 r e f e r r e dt. f) the t n tv I amot, n t Cf NH 3pa-qqPd through the appar-itus. Experi- mentF, ,~t -190 ar-I -196"IC :;how-d that the rield of N.H. doea not derend on temp's, I-Iij i) I-p T t is -(nrlud-rl th;- ft.rnifion of hydrazine rr,-,,~eeda according io the eq,,,at,on 'IF 2+ N112 + lit ---)N 2H4 + 11 (5), where M is a part!olp -aus;!rn~ -recorrJAratiQn, Disqoci.rition of N H proceeds accordirg, to the 2 4 N H --) N,H A(-- 2NH (6) and IT H 4- H go NH ~ NH (7). Thus, 2 A 2 4 2 2 4 2 3 the .,,,-I.eld of N,F", rleppnd.? )n se-eral factors Wnivh rict toge+her: 1) -n the C., . I ,--oncentration of TIF ralicals. which 1'. inversely prcr,;rtioral to the 2 dissociaiion of NH 3 ; 2) on concentralion of atorzii- hydrogen, vvhich is directly propc-rt;LonaL to the dissoc-,ati,-?n of NH J on the time for Nh-11ch 3; the gns remaina ir. the discharge tube, The shorter thas Period, the less Is the dissociation of N 2-11 4* A maxivjm degr-?e of NH disso,~iatinn -orresp -.onds to a vri-inimum conrentraticn cf NR, radicals and to a maximum --oncentraticn of Patoml-c hydr.,.gen Th!.~---., the Yield of hydrazi-ne reaches a Oard 3/6 24020 S//076/W035/005,/003/008 Study of t-e formation -;f h-fdrazine during... B1 01/k 113 minim!im with maxinum di.-,s~-,ciation of NR3 S. S, Vasi.-I 'Yev and Ye . N. YeremLn are mentioned. There r3re 2 f .gure3 and 14 reforenceg : 3 Soviet-bloo and 11 non-Soviet-bloo. ThP 3 Mo9t ir!-,ortant reforences to En,~Ylish-lqrpuqge publications read as flllowc- j. 0. Devins, B. Milton, J. A-,er,, Chem, Soc., 76, 2618, 1954; G., W, Rotinson, M. J. McCarty, J. Chem. Phys, 30, 9?91 191;9; K. Ouchi, J. Ele~.!-rf-'-hem. S--(,,. Japan, 20, 381~ 19,52 ~~.SSOCIATTON: Moskovskiv gnoudarstvecnyy im. M, V. Lomon03OVa (Mos~,ow Stt;f,e Univerqity imeni M. V. SIMMITTED - July 3, 1950, ',ard 416 27683 0 S/076/61/035/009/006/015 B106/B110 AUTHORS: Skorokhodov, 1. 1., Nekrasov, L. I., and Kobozev, N. I. TITLE: The problem of a higher hydrogen peroxide and frozen radicals. V. Thermographic method for studying the decomposition process of peroxide radical condensates PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, V. 35, no. 9, 1961, 2025 - 2030 TEXTs The decomposition of condensates containing peroxide radicals was studied thermographiczlly. The systems investigated were obtained from water vapors dissociated in an electric discharge, and from the reaction of atomic hydrogen with liquid 100 % ozone at liquid nitrogen temperatures The system obtained from water vapor contained approximately 15 % (by weight) H 2 04and considerable amounts of H 202 ; that from hydrogen and ozone contained up to 60 % H 204 with no H 202. The method of preparation was described Dreviously (Ref, 2: N~ 1. Kobozev, I. I. Skorokhodov, L. I. Nekrasov, Ye. I. Makarova, Zh. fiz, khimii, J1, 1845, 1957; Ref. 5: L. A, Reznitskiy, K. G. Khomyakov. L. I., Nekrasov. I. I. Skorokhodov, Zh. fiz. Card 1/4 270 S/QJ6/61/035/009/006/015 The problem of a higher hydrogen B106/B110 khimii, L2, 87, 1957). The thermographic investigation method was similar, in many respects, to the method of differential-thermal rapid analysis elaborated by G. V, Ravich: G. G. Tsurinov, and V. A. Vollnova (Pef. 3: Zavodsk. laboratoriya, 21, 602, 1953). Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the apparatus used. A photorecording Kurnakov pyrometer of the ~ITK-55 (FPK-55) type was used for recording the heating curves. Heating was carried out at a constant rate of 150/min. Automatic recording was switched on at -160 to -1500C. and was continued for about 10 min. The investigF.tions produced the following results: Independent of the prepa- ration method, the peroxide radical condensates contain the same compounds which decompose during temperature increase. The evaluation of thermo- chemical data (heat effects of 34 - 36 Kcal/mole 0 2 at decomposition temperatures >--550C) showed that the decomposing compound is the higher hydrogen peroxide H 204' which agrees with the data in Ref. 8 (1. 1. Skorokhodov, L. I. Nekrasov, L. A. Reznitakiy, K. G. Khomyakov, N. I. Kobozev, Zh. fiz. khimiJi, a, 2090, 1959). The differencesin the thermo- grams of the zwo systems investigated are based on the following fact: The condensate produced from dissociated water vapor is of disordered structure, and crystallizes at -110 to -700C. The hydrogen peroxide in Card 214 2768~ S/076/61/035/009/006/015 The problem of a hi.-her hydrogen B106/B110 the condensate is responsible for crystallization. During heating in the temperatare range of from -110 to -750C, the heat of crystallization of the amorphous part of the condensate appears, therefore, besides the chemically conditioned thermal effects. On the other hand, the condensate from the reaction of atomic hydrogen with liquid ozone before decomposition contains no hydroren peroxide, and is of crystalline structure. In this case, no heat of crystallization, only chemically conditioned thermal effects appear. The good agreement of values for 6H calcula�ed from thermograms with data obtained calorimetrically shot-is that the thermogral,hic method may be successfully applied to the investigation of frozen systems containing radical and metastable compounds. The authors thank Ye. I. Makarova for conducLing the chemical analyses. L. G. Berg and V. Ya. Anosov (Ref. 71 Zh. obshch. khimii, 12, 32, 1942) are mentioned. There are 4 figures, I table, and 10 references: 8 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: R. A. Jones, C. A. 'Winkler, Canad. J. Chem., 29, 1010, 1951. ASSOCIATION: 1,.Ioskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Larionosova (Moscow State University:imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Card 3/4 3126 '117 S/076' /62/036/"001/007/017 B, ()7//B 1 10 AUTHO"~S Skorokhodav, I, I Golubev, V. B, Nekrasov, L, I, and Ke-)bozev, N . F. T IT',,E The hip-her hydroren peroxide in frozen radicals. V~ Electru,i paramarnetic resonance atudy of peroxide radical condensate PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khiiqii, v, 36, no. 1, 1962, 95 - 97 TEXT: The synthesis of the radical HO 2 either from dissociated water va 'nor or on reaction between Dure ozone and atomic hydrogen at -196 0C has been studied by the e.p.r. method. The purpose of the investigation was to check published data (Ref, 1, see below; Ref. 2: A, I. Gorbanev, S.. D_ Kaytmazav, A, M. Prokhorov, A. B. Tsentsiper, Zh. fiz. khimii, 31, 515, 1957; Ref. 3, see beloww, Ref,, 9: S~ D. Kaytmazov, A. M. Prokhorov, Zh, fiz. khim-ii, 54, 227, 1960) and to establish the maximum HO2 concentration oossible, The resonance spectra of both peroxide-radical condensates exhibit asymmetric maxima at 9000 /SEC. irrespective of the method of synthesis. The asymmetry is due to the anisotrony of the g-factor which Card 114 32637 S/076/62/036 '/001/007/017 The higher hydrogen peroxide- B107/13110 amounts to 2.009. The line width is about 75 ce, Synthesis from dissociated water vauor has shown that the ratio of unpaire"', electrons to the number of H 20 2 molecules remaining after the decomnosLtion of' the (-,oriden,-,,,t(-- varies from 0 to 0.0()7, ,-Aiich ?. ,-rees with Ref, 1 (0.0065),. The d-,vergencp from the value ,,,iven in Ref.. 2 (CI-004) is explained as folic;T- The condensate is se-,)ara ted in the cool-.n- trap in the form. cf t.-,,;o nne sli,-htly ahove the level a,' liquid ri~troger, which is white ~,nd ~2`,,',- but. M,, -,,iilile otlf,.e-- below the level and containz7 about 5f;:7, H 0 at,ld the raadi-cal FO . At -JIOoC, 9 2 2 thc rin,- tnrns oarnm,,~-Iune~~(, abiorn.~Ien dir.-.uni.shes. Frcm flur,,~ r- i ~,-r 5 ha F, - Vi n *, ~,-a t t 11 e rI t i ,j!-2--jrerj C-JeC7ron~ 'o numbe r o t' H 2 0. mol~ac;iles remaining after tne tic- o-, 'Uir- condensat- Varles -ror, O,ucf, to O~00)~ From th~ .~-iraciaf-netic -Lone it is nj' -c--ssible to deci-je w-e-her the radical HO e o r -L ~. .-Iyaroxyi L: T-- r e s. e n-, The presence Cf T o d rf xy L 110, i gamma Ice ou i Car(I 2/4 132637 6 The hi-hor hyd ro-en peroxi~] e -E 1 .3 7'-P 0' below); the resonance spectrum of' the condensate in queo r-ion rn-s--nl~ i,.- the Famma spectra of organic comnounds, suzch as Te--Ion. polyethyl-r-i--, etc., -4hich "lie radical C-0-O', as -iell as the snell;!rum of* notassium peroxid- K-,,)-O*; when the rin- '-ecDnes co1cr'es-, n-t-w-e-i r, te~i T e -110 and 00 xY,_, i io s e C a c~ilculate.l for the the ralica, 0~ to % 1 - 1 - by w e i Fh wihille that for :10 is 2 The pregence of HO _s therefore very p roha le The -max i mum, Ll I 2 Tirere a r,~ asuro -)iint S ,)htained from the me~ -ments amt t o 0 4;,) by weight. '18 refere-tices 10 Soviet and 8 non-Sovir-it, It" o iA rmrot recent references to Fnj1ish-l,.irIFuaUe publications e as followg: Ref. R. L. Livin~-ston. J. A. G'normley, 11. Zelcies, J, Chem. Phys, 2 :7, 1 I )l 56 ; R e f - C , K . Jen, S N. Fon er, E- L_ C oc 11 T- a n , w e Rev., 112, 1169, 195,~,; i?e' 1A : J.. lt,- Flo,-~rnoy. L. H~ 7_lauiz~, S. ~i. Scollii!-7, The fol.Artn, intornational S- () C free rr.96 ic~, 1! stabilJ7;,tion, V, 1)~_),5; H, 'N'. Refroad, ""'. G,),d,,, Bull. Amiev.. P~,.,,-, 3i-,~_-_ 2oo, iq~-,6. C,kr,! 5/4. TI, i e - -V7 A L 61080,-65 EPIN,/E.PF (c N, (n),42JEli P ve C. Ft --a RM CCESS1014 14R: AP5018253 -LT./0078/65/010/ 00711740/1742 546.33'137'173-31 AUTHOR' Skorokhodov, I. I.- Kurbatov, G. 11. TITLE:\\Thermal decompositOn of ni t V Iperchlorat-fl J SOURCE: Zhurnal neorganiclies,oy khimii, v. 10, no. 7, 1965, 1740-1742 TOPIC TAGS: nitrosyl perchlorate, nitryl perchlorate, thermal degradation- ABSTRACT: X-ray diffraction studies of the solid phase formed by the partial decomposition of nitrosyl perchlorateklwere carried out, ta an attempt to deter--::._ mine the mechanism of this process. The compound was decomposed at atmospheriC.' pressure at 130,150C in.a stream of nitrogen. interplanar dista nces and line was- --that --the - intensities I-or the brightest lines were determined. -f Lund -thermal decomposition-of-nitroisyl ehloride in the solid phase produces nitryl. I perchlorate, as follows; N 2 OC104 7--> N02ClO4 4 N02 C101 A monotonic increase in the relative amo.unt.of-nitryl-perchlorate in- the Solid: Coed L 5135-65 EXT(m)/UF(c)/ZM/Wp(J) Pc--4/Pr-4/Ps-4 M RM/1rdMT/JAd/JF.4 ACCESSION NR: AP4046080 S/0076/64/038/009/2198/2203 AUTHOR: Skorokhodov, I. I.; Nekrasov, L. I.; TITLE: Hydrogen superoxide and frozen radicals. 9. reactions of atomic.hydrogen with ozone and oxygen in the gas phase SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, v. 38, no. 9, 1964, 2198-2203 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, free peroxide radical, ,hydrogen oxidation, gas phase oxidation, liquid phase oxidation, ozone oxidizer, oxygen oxidizer ABSTRACT:- In connection with the search for-an efficient method of synthesizing hydrogen superoxide, H204, the.gas-phase reactions of atomic hydrogen with ozone and oxygen have been investigated. The purpose of the study was .to confirm an earlier assumption concerning the particular role played by the liquid ozone film in the formation of R204 in the reaction of atomic hydrogen with'100% liquid ozone. The gas phasr. reactions were carried otit in avacuLn apparatus used previously for liquid-. ,phase reactions, and their products - peroxide-radical condensates ~were collected, .in a liquid-nitrogen trap. The products of both gas-phase reactions were identical,--,, containing water, hydrogen peroxide, H204, and H02 free radicals,\'Xthe latter in .Card 1/2 :;;~PawXtW_ NA L 15135-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4046080 very small amounts. However, the H204 content was about 27% by weight Inthe pro- duct of the ozone reaction, against 15% in that of the oxygen reaction. The com- position of both products contrasted sharply with that of the condensate obtained previously in the liquid-phase reaction (40% water and 60% H200. This fact was taken as an indication of the effect of the liquid-ozone film. Haximum yields of. all reaction products in the gas phase were observed at high 11/03,or H/02 ratios. As the ratios are lowered, the yield falls to zero. A reaction mechanism based on experimental data was proposed, according to which H204 (as well as Rj02 and H02 free radicals) is formed on the cold walls iof the reaction trap, whereas only waters' is the end product of the reactions in the gas phase. Orig. art. has- 2 figuires~ and 11 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny*y tmivergitet im. H. V. Lomonoeova (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 02Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EP, cc NO REF SOV: 010 OTHER: 009 Card 2/2 1 63565-65 NdT%(m)/EPF( o VEPRANP J VT Pc-4/Fkr-,h/Ps-4 RPL Md/Rm 1ACCESSION NR: AP5013527 UR/0076/6*5/039/005/1277/1281-. 51fl/. 545 :'AUTHOR: Malltsev, Yu. A.; Nekrasov, L. I.; Sleorokhodov, I. I.; Oks, N. A. !TITLE: Use of the EM-4 electron diffraction camera for studying products of the -temperature condensation of dissociated gases and vapors ilow ISOURCE: Zhurnal fizicbeskoy khimii, v. 39, no.. 5 965~ 1277-1281 ITOPIC TAGS: electron d iffraction camera, free radical ,ABSTRACT: Free-radicallproducts of the low-temperaiure condensation of vaDors and ~aases pass~_d-IFP-5-5-gff-ah electric discharge were studied by using an E14-4 electron Idiffraction caimera modified by the addition of a system for cooling the sample And ia system for protecting it from contamination (by water vapor or vacuum lubricant). IThe design and operation Of the SySteM3 are fully d,~scribed. The two systems per-,_.,~ )Oc.lTh- protective system permits imit electron diffraction studies from 0 to -i9( ;experiments at -1900C for 11/2 hours with contamitatin the sample. This was 1 19 ~demonstrated by an analysis of ammonium chloride (see fig. 1 of the Enclosure) I certain change in the interplanar distances shown by these mlcrophotogra~Tnsis ~ue t6l j Card 1/3 T. 1ACCESSION MR., AP5013527 ENCLOSURE: 01 ACC NRz AP6034150 SOURCE CODEi UR/0076/66/040/010/2361/2365- AUTHOR: Nckrasov, L. I.; Skorokhodov, I. I.; Kobozev, N. I. ORG: Chemistry Department, 'Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov (Khimicheskiy fakul'tet, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universite t) TITLE: Physical chemistry of concentrated ozone. Formation of ozone from oxygen in a glow discharge at low temperatures SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 40, no. 10, 1966, 2361-2365 TOPIC TAGS: ozone concentrated ozone, glow discharge, elemental oxygen, ozone formation kinetics ABSTRACT: A study has been made of the formation of ozone from oxygen in a glow discharge at 0.5 mm Hg and -196C. The generator was described in an earlier study i (N. I. Kobozev et al. Zh. fiz. khimii, 34, 1843, 1957). The generator was operated on voltages ranging from 800 to 1200 v and a frequency of 50 cycles with a discharge current of 0.15 amp, The flow velocity of oxygen varied from 0.1 to 4.0 X/hr. The experiments were directed toward determining the place of ozone formation, and the role of the discharge tube, connecting channel, trap, and priesence of elemental oxygen in the trap. It was shown that ozone is formed in the trap, and only in the presence in the reaction zone of a cold surface and elemental oxygen. The glow discharge is only the source of elemental oxygen. In other experiments, the L(~,~rd 1/4 UDC: 541.14+541.13 ACC NRI AP6034150 1,9",v.'Mollhr' 0 10 0 Soo /Ma 1//r a 590 10#04, lFig. 1. Dependence of the absolute Fig. 2. Dependence of the degree yield in ozone on the U/V parameter of oxygen conversion on the U/V (U, discharge power; V, flow velo- parameter city) a - Inert; b - active surface of a - Inert; b - active surface of the connecting channel. the connecting channel. dependencies of the yield in ozone and of the degree of oxygen conversion on the U/V parameter (U, discharge voltage; V, flow velocitq were studied with the use of connecting channels with inert or active surface (see Figs. I and 2). The results of the experiments have indicated the following mechanism of ozone formation: Card 2/4 ACC INR- AP6034150 1) dissociation of molecular oxygen in the discharge tube 0z + e --).. Oz- + e, 020--1.- 0 + 0. 2) recombination of oxygen atoms in the connecting channel 0 + 0 + M - 02 + (2) (M,-walls of the channel).. The reaction l/reaction 2 ratio determines the amount of elemental oxygen reaching the cold walls of the trap. -This ratio depends on such factors as flow velocity arAd pressure of oxygen, discharge voltage, and state of the surfaces of the discharge I tube and connecting channel; 3) reaction of elemental oxygen with oxygen molecules absorbed on the cold walls of the trap (3) 0 + 02-S - 03-S, -'~a'lls' of the trap). ACC NI: AP6034150 In the experiments, small amounts of almost 100% liquid ozone have been synthesized. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 13May65/ ORIG REF: 0081 OTH REF: 011/ F Card 4/4 SKOROKHODOV, L. N. Problems in the theory of the welding of plastics by means of ultrasonic waves. Plast. massY no.11:33-35 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Plastics-Welding) (Ultrasonic waves-Industrial applications) MOKWINTSEVA, A.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; Prinimali ucha6tlyes- OLISHVISKIY, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SKOROKIIODOV, L.N., inzh. Ultrasonic weldina of small-size-po-lyethylene shells. Trudy MVTU 0 no.106:199-207 162. (MIRA 16.-6) (Ultrasonic welding) (Plastic3-44elding) " K Ol " I ROMODOV, 1- Ya. "Kratki ocherk. istorii russlr-.o4- meditusiny, Izd. Pral-ticheskaya -Meditusina, Leningrad, i926, 262 pp. SKOPOKHODOV, L. YA. USSR/Medicine Medicine, Military Nov 1947 Medicine Training "Military Medical Academy imeni S. M. Kirov," Prof D. N. Lukashevich, Maj Gen (Med); Docent L. Ya. Skorokhodov, Lt Col (Med), 8 pp "Voyen-Medits Zhurnal" No 11 Briefly describes history and fundtions of Military Medical Academy imeni Kirov, factor in rapid imrrovement of military medicine. Soviet military medicine parallel- ed general development of nation in rise from agricultural economy to become one of great industrial powers of world. FA 53T75 --I - -- - - , i.. .,. f H - ~ rlaly ; o isiorii. meditSirSkOy !T.ikrobiolo. ii v ciore-,olyut.siolinoy F~Ossjj (1-5tteriBlv an tL - Ili.-tory of YicrobicloEy 12 Frerevo-lutionary Russi~), Yedr-iz$ 1c,4;: 1, - I -. -iRiMedicine LT-J-demioioFy FD-3305 Card 1/1 Pub. 148-21/24 Author Skorokhodov, L. Ya. Title : The status of e-Didemiology in Russia during the first quarter of the l9th century Periodical : Zhur. mikro. epid. i immun. 10, 90-92, Oct 1955 Abstract : A review of work in the field of e-Didemiology in Russia during the first quarter of the l9th century from 10'sources dating from 1798 to 182.0 is given. The 10 sources are cited. Institution : -- Submitted - June 24, 1955 SKOROKHODOT. L.Ya. MI.I.Babukhin, the founder of the Moscow school of histologists and bacteriologists* by A.I.Me.talkin. I.A.Alov. IA.B.Zesin. Reviewed by L.Ik. Skorokhodov. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. i immun. 27 no.11-100-103 N 156. (MLRA 10:1) (BABUKHIS, AIRIUNDR IVANOVICH, 1835-1891) (MSTRIZIN, A.I,) ~LOV, I.A.) (KESID. U.N.) SKOROKE---*,~OV, L.Ya. (Leningrad) Pavel Gorianinov and his role in the history of Russian medicine. Trach.delo no.2:213-215 F 157. (KIRA 10:6) (GORIANINOT. PAVEL FEDOROVICH, 1796-1865) SKOROKHODOV, L.Ya. ~i-us- sia nmicrobiology in bacteriological control of the efffictiveness of disinfections; author's abstract. 2~hur.mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 28 no-8:77-78 Ag '57. (MDU 11:2) (ANTISEPTICS, effects. bacteriol. control (Rua)) , I.; -.-II I . 1. p . II/ .11 SKOROKHODOV, L.Ys. History of the Leningrad Microbiology Society. 7-hur.milcrobiol.epid. i imun. 28 no.8:156-157 Ag 157. (MIRA 11:2) (LSNINGRAD--MIGROBIOWGY--SOCIETaS) SKOROKHODOV, L...Ya.- "Dictionaz7 of terms for a course in agricultural microbiology" by A. I. Metelkin, 0. A. Metelkin. Reviewed by L. IA. Skorokhodov. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun..32 no.8:11+9 Ag 161. (MIRA 15:7) (MICROBIOLOGY-DICTIONARIES) (HETELKIN, A. I.) (METELKINJ 0. A.) SKOROKHODOV, L.Ya. (LenLina-lad) W.I. Rusaian madl~~.Lne in V~e t:~xe of NapolLeouL,- Wareg rAi the 150th annivensary of tha var of 1812., Sov. zdrar. 21 no.926?40162- (MMA 17 -, Q .SKOI(OKIIODOV, Lov Yukovlovich; NEYVAN, red. [How microbiology developed] Kak razvivalas' mikrobio- logiia. 1.'.oskva) Meditsina, 1965. 48 p. (I,',IRA 18:9) ACC NRs AP6015243 SOURCE C06L /bon AUTHOR: -Sk-u -~khodov, L ORG: TsVIISK im. V. A. Kucherenko (3- i TITLE: Prevention of crystallization arc_spot welded metal i/J SOURCE': Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 5, 1966, 20-22 TOPIC 'FAGS: steel, arc welding, spot welding, weld defect, metal cryntallization, welding electrode, welding Lechnology/St.3 steel 4 ABSTMur: The arc spot welding of elements of St.3 steel more than 10 mm thick results in a~ low resistance of weld metal to crj~-tallization cracks. It is shown that this may be offset by adjusting the welding conditions and particularly the electrode fecd rate. The cracks arise at the boundaries of columnar crystallites and chiefly at the sites of their mutual contact, i.e. they bear a distinct inter- crystalline character and are affected by the orientation of these crystallites Thus, during deep fusion welding of this kind (depth of fusion up to 45 mm), the crystallites contact at their ends if the electrode is stationary during the cavity- filling stage, i.e. when the diameter-to-depth ratio 0 of the weld pool is 1.25. It is established that if during this stage the electrode is additionally fed at the rate of 6 mm/sec, the depth of the weld pool is reduced while its diameter remains I 791,763: 620.191.33 ACC NR: AEF6015Z43 virtually constant, i.e. ip is increased to 1.7. The crystallites are bent in the direction of the center of the weld pool and the crystallization cracks in the weld metal are partly suppressed so that they do not emerge to the surface of the weld spot. The welding is carried out under tighter conditions (current density 40-50 abun2), with the electrode melting rate being higher than during conventional arc welding. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: lOJun65/ ORIG REF: 003 Card 2/2 )i- - I --"' - - -,- - * ~11. 5" , ~. ',"I .'~ LI Lractors 'T 511-pur,.ose marhine. Sov. -hen. NO. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 195? ~M' uncl. KLEMMIYKVA. A.I.; SKOROKHODOV, N.A.i Prinimali uclmstiye: ALEKSANDROV, G.F.; BABUN, F.Ya.-, BAYBARIN.",P.P.; VAYNSHTEYN, TS.Z.; (RJSZV, L.V.; ZHITVIN, N.P.: KONTSEVAYA, Te.M.; MINA, K.M.; NOVLTANSKAYA, K.A.1 FOD- i' VOYSKIY, L.N.; THUR SKV, D.S.; FLEROV, N.G.; CHIMCH", I.A.; TUROV, Yu.M.; GUDKOVA, N., red.; YEGOHOVA, I., [Light over the gate] Svet nad zastavoi. Hoskovskii rabochii, 1959. 422 p. WRA 12:4) (Moscow--Metallurgical plants) KOVALMIKO, Vladinir Ivzmovich; SjOROKHOPqV,_Mikhail Arkadly~yizh; ., tekhn. red. TSYGMKOVA, D., red.; YAOXI[k ~A, [Birth of the new] Rozhdenie novogo. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1961. 141 p 0 (MIRA 15:3) (110scow region-Agricultural workers) KOKOVIN, Yevgeniy Stepanovich; SKOROKHODOV, Mikhail Yevggenlyevich, KOLOMI'YTSZVA, 0.1., red.; GLUBOKOVA, N.A., [Under the North Star] Pod Foliarnoi zvezdoi. Moskva, Izd-vo *Sovetakaia Rossiia." 1960. 157 'P. (MIRA 13:7) (Nenets National Area--Description and travel) Xlectric fences for forest and shrubby pastures. Mias. ind. SWE no-2:33-34 '57. (KIRA 10:5) 1. Starshiy zootekhnik Smolenskoy oblastnoy kontory Roaglavzagot- skotootkorma. (Mlectric fences) SKOROKHODOV, 11., With the new curricula. Sov.profsoiuzy 6 no.16:34-35 N '58. (MIR& 12:2) 1. Direktor flagnitogorskogo gornomatallurgicheskogo instituta imeni G.I.Nosova. (Kagnitogorsk--~-Mining engineering--Study and teaching) 1. M. IRS), INOV. bezon~:tcri,~stl ir liteiirrr nrolzvodntva. ~10-.,-,va, 1947. 7 Ilibliography: 2n5-2o6. Accident prevention in t"lle f,"indirig, t--IdU-2trf. DD,': TS21O."161 S 0: %nd Ve-C!i,,talcal Enginecrtng in thc Soviet Uaion, Llicary if lon~zreuc, 1953. SKOROKHODOV, N.Ye., kandidat tokhnicheakikh nauk; ZAYVDV. M.A.. kandidat 1 --.1 --- - tei6fAei-Ekh nauk; KOFDLIV, A.S.. inzhener; SKORDKBDDOVA, V.F., inzbener. Measuring the pressures exerted in the cold rolling of thin sheets. Trudy Sib.met.inst. no-2:5-18 '55. (MLRA 90.12) (Strains and stresses) (Rolling (Metalwork)) Q91 A Y', kandidat takhnichookikh nauk, dotsent; GOLUBNV, T.M., professor. doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; ZATKOV. M.A.. kandidat tekhnichenkikb nauk; CHMYSHIW. N.A.. kandidat tekhnicbeakikh nauk, dots6nt; KOROLIV, A.S.. inshener; OSHIN, V.I., inzhener. Determining acting forces in friction and eccentric presses. Trudy Sib.met.inst. no.2:19-29 '55. OMLRA 9:12) (Strains and stresses) (Power presses) SKOROKHODOV, M.Ye., doteent; KUCHKO, I.I., inzhener; KOR=V, A.S.; BUKHVOSTGV, I.G. Investigation of the rolling of experimental raila. Trudy TSNIZ MPS no.111:25-32 '55. (MLELL 9:5) (Railroads--Rails) -SKOROKHODOV, N.Ye., dotsent; CHELYSHEV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; -ZAY~, XA., dotsent; FROWV, N.P., inzh.; KORDLET, A.S., in2h.; KBAVCHMMO, L.Ya., inzh.; SKOROKHODOVA, V.F.. inzh.; ABAKMV, V.A., dotsent [deceased]; YLFTAWY, Y-P., inzh. Investigating conditions of rolling plain and shaped sections on a medium-ohape rolling mill. Trudy NTO Chern.met. 15:24-55 159. (MIRA 13:7) (Rolling mills) SKOHOKFODGV, 14'.Ye., prof. otv. red.; AGAFOV, V.F., prof. po rabote, dots., red., 30YAPSHBOV, M.I., prof., red.; VFOFLOVSKAYA, Ye.S., red.; GAGETI-T-ORN, A.V., red.; GOLIESHTFYN, N.A., red.; IVANOV, N.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, 4-ts., red.; KORZH, P.D., prof., red.; PETROV, V.M., dots. kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [30 years of the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute] XXX let M2-il. Magnitogorsk, 1962. 170 p. (MIRA 170) 1. Magnitogorsk. Gorno-metallurgicheskiy institut. 2. Sekretarl partiynogo byuro Magnitogorskogo gorno- metallurgicheskogo instituta (for Petrov). 3. Dekan me- tallurgicheskogo fakulfteta Magnitogorskogo gorno-metal- lurgicheskogo instituta (for Ivanov). 4. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy fiziki Magnitogorskogo gorno-metallurgicheskogo instituta (for Korzh). 5. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy obrabotki metallov davleniye 111agnitogorskogo gorno-r,,.-tallurgicheskogo instituta (for Boyarshinov). EWP(k)/EVff (d)/EWT(my/EWP(h)/EWP(I)/Evip(v)/Ewp(t) H?'/JD ACC NR~ AP6005559 SOURCE CODE: UR/0148/65/000/010/0084/0089 AUTHOR: Skorokhodov, N. Ye; Subbotin, V. A. 11.~ ORO: Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgy Institute (Magnitogorskiy gornmetallurgi- cheskiy institut) TITLE: Study of the performance of composite rolling-mill rolls SOURCE: IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no. 10, 1965, 84-89 TOPIC TAGS: composite roll, rolling will, cold roll-Ing, hot rolling ABSTRACT: It is shown that the working surface of rolling-mill rolls can be easily renewed and roll changing eliminated by using rolls of thi-composite type, con- siating of a fixed central core surrounded by two semi-cylinders that are fitted to- gether. Rolls of this kind (Fig. 1), have been experimentally used for 10 months in the cold rolling of lead, aluminum, and copper and in the cold and hot rolling of low-carbon steel. It was thus established that the fastening of the semi-cylinders to the steel core of the roll is sufficiently strong and reliable even under condi- tions of extra-high loading. This new design dispenses with the need for roll changing, since now the roll core is a permanent part of the rolling stand and only the semL-cylinder need be replaced. The new design is suitable for both smooth and grooved rolls. This was also confirmed by laboratory tests on model* of two- and I L 2G779-66 ACC NRI AN Fig. 1, Composite roll with lonthwigg-split barrel (one seal-cylluder removed) ACC NR: AP6005559 four-high mills, and by the concomitant analysis of rolling kinograms. on entry into the area of deformation the gap between the joints of the semi-cylinders decreases owing to the compacting presoure, thus preventing any flowage of metal into the gap. iC_ The elimination of roll changing increases the productivity of rolling mills, while the fact that the roll core is -now a permanent fixture facilitates the entire tech- nological process and its automation. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SM DATE: 12Apr65/ ORIG REF: 000/ OrH REF: 000 :41 Card :-)KO;-"C42!O3OVj P. I. PA 52~__53 USSR/Medialn; - Grain Oct 1947 Medicine - HybridIty "Rationalization of the Method and Technique of Interhybriclization of Grains," P. I. Skorokhodov, Turkmen State Selection Station, Bayram-Ali, 21 pp "Dok Akad Nauk SSSR" Vol IVIII, No 1 The Turknen selection station first began hybridiza- tion on a large scale in 1946. Experimenters faced a number of difficulties,in the form of unsolved problems of the biology of blocming under specikic conditions in the subtropical climate of Turkmeniya-* Reports a method of pollination, called lUdted free pollination developed under these conditions. Sub- mitted by N, A* -f,-"7 Apr 1947. am Makelmo 52T53 SKOROKIIODOVI Pli. - - tu -*:7h4 'er Of the moi- -re of 2-1' ;~- -L I C'n-estnut soils und the Protection of forest st7ips. no.2:74-79 F 164* (MURA 17:3) 1 - 1- u ~. Volgogradskaya se-- '---,'-;-.!-,~-.~7yeystverl-rL!=-Lya opytnaya stan'siya. SKOROKHODOV, P.M., inzh.; KONDAKOV, L.A., inzh. Phasing at 110 k7. Rnergetik 8 no.1:28-29 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Electric currents) -.S-KOROKHG-DOII,- P.M. - Concerning the modernizaluion of the SLP-2 steeloscope. Energetik 10 no.4:32-33 Ap '62. (KRA 15:4) (Steampipes-Testing) AUTkR., Skorokhodov. S.A., Foreman SOV-91-58-4-12/29 TITLE,,, Some Problems of Organizing the Electric Assembly Work at a 220 kv Substation (Nekotcryye voprosy organizatsi-i elektro- montazhnykh rabot na podstants-ii 220 kv) PERIODICALg Energetik, 1958, Nr 4, PP 15-18 (USSR) ABOTRACT, The author suggested and intrcduoed some rationalization projects improving the quality and speeding up the rate of electric assembly work. A description of a new design of the hydrostatic level utilized for checking and displacing horizontal axles of large-sized construction and equipment is given. Deficiencies of the former design, (continuous liquid consumption which stops operation and the breakage of glass pipes) are eliminated by this new design. The in- stallation of air circuit-breakers of the "VV-220" type by means of a 3-ton automatic crane is described, as well as the assembly and installation of "RLNZ-220" type dic;connec- tors. These disconnectors are supplied in nonasEembled state and each pole is assembled and set on the earth befcre being lifted by an automatic crane. The installation of current transformers of the "TFND-220" type by means of a 3-ton auto- Card 1/2 matic crane is also described. These current transformers SOV-91-58-4-12/29 Some Problems of Organizing the Electric Assembly Work at a 220 kv Sub- station are supplied in an assembled state, filled with oil. Their total weight is 4,400 kg, including 1,500 kg of oil. There are 4 diagrams and 1 graph. 1. Electric power plants--Substations--Construction Card 212 SKOROKHODOV, S.A. [Credit for co=er.::ial enterprises] Kreditovanle torgov-jkh organizatsii, Yloskva, Gostorgizdat, 1961, 103 P. (MIRA 15:8) (Credit) 5KOHOKHODOV, Sergey Alekseyevich; KARFOVA, L.A., red. (Developing credit to the domestic trade of the U.S.S.R.] dazvitie kreditovaniia vnutrennei torgovii SSSR. Lenin- grad, Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1964. 159 P. (MIRA 17:6) -ah- ,I -Ila r. - c i Q I' cv of ~Ln C) ~c, f4 C'~~L, V! z z 7.- ' ' ' - r CY.C11 hy banyl compounds. &axy ip w la - ' L l r with 590 4l,90, as alXwe gave 0% J(eBMC((U1)Bx. bt, 1 also obtaiued in 1-o' 4% yield 5192 Q21 V 1 sonien" ljtctdtides la o ! wetby LAL444 Q-&IWUIS Into . , 118-19 , (1:0 I. , n , met4XLSjhCP~.*Of 160 als, m c 0-oXO 21cohi T, 1. Teal- from the above bronto ketone by hydrolysis with a1c. a J- , , -K; and S. S. Skornkhmlov (Strise ~ NaOlf; the latter procedure gave the carbiffol. N W-8 1 - I4J- ht n th i 2 17nitwrud). Zhur. 06 rhckA~~575~95 -me : ox;k~ --V 1.6160. t(CAt ng y d. 1.016, M. o5j; ~a, 120,25b.-The be--t isornerizing catalyst ethylethylane oxide 30 min. at 60-70* with p"ous plates f 13;~ i i & satd. with ZnCIj Mu. and dried at 110", followed by diitu, of 7 addu Wuc ithout 10 1 b 6% or somer zation of metbyllac:tolldes, Meo R.CR ), of - ,- . res w ; gave 9, distillate, y OX0 ulci- is ZnCls-, the derivs. of tertiary ovo nics. require drops FttO soln. of ZnCIt to the above oxide nve at i:~:,:-,P, ,nere drastic conditions thnn do the corresponding derivs. of reaction, resulting In formation of PhCH(O?J,,)COL :. ~ , secondary alcls. The methYllaclolides of alkaromatic oxo .99.5-9,8*, dm 1.015, n'0 1.5050; Senjitarbazalle. in. IA, ~ I aleg, &play au absorption band at 017 cin. -1, characteristic 2,4-dinitroPhenYlkydrawnr, rn. 140-l'. To 11.12 g. 2- of the oxide fing in these CoMIKIS. To20g.PhCOC11J[eD flittlioxy-2-phenyl~3,3-dbitt:tliylethy!ene oxide was added ill dioxane was sdiled 60 g. dioxane Br, yielding 81.1170 - bromo deriv., ba Ill 13% which (52.27 g.) treated with 3 ml. satd. ZuCl, in EttO and alter I hr. at I IV there was MeOM (from 16 g. Na) suspended in RtjO. gave in 10 hrs. . formed 872% Afel'AlCAcOMe. b& 89-90% n1j' I.M. -Simi- 03.6 % l-,nakoxy-l-Phenyl-2-tneihjd-1-6leme oxide (1j. hr 75.5- larly 1-niethozy-l-plienyl-2-inetliyl-l-btitt-iie #,xidu 1::tve v, 1), 101-~2*, di, 0.9%.3, t-1.1 1,4051, absorption ittax. 265, methazy-3-plieftyl-2-penkir:,.)". b, 98-9', dj, IAY-15~ 257, -954, 252, and 213 mp. Heating this 4 hr!;. with 5% 90 so Il e 58 f h (atime, in. 08-9'), which with 11160~Cl in 10% KaOlf gave ( . l SEsC(O1lV -, lo. d" . "a A tav S J.870 EtBz, identified as the semicatbazone, m. 5 r;1-1 1. ;Q, which has absorption max. 320 and 234 nip. * Similarly ZlIC12 in EtO added to I-methoxy-l-phenyl-21- Refluxing PI-iCOCBrMcRt its aq . tic. NaOl f 21 hrs. gave the tnethyl-I-hctene oxide gave 73.4% 3-methovy-3-phen)4-3- sanic n1c., Ill 113-13.5*. 2-1le-sanol with PBr& gave 52.5% heptanane, b, 108-0. dzO.1.192, nl.* 1.1003(oxime, Tn. 71-2'). 2-brotnobexatic, 6 47-84. which conventionally- yielded To PhINIgBr from 2 g. Alg was added 4 g. PhCIl(OMeY b4 130-2*; this (1131.3 g-) COEt. yi0ding after 5 h". reflaxing and usual hydrolysi- y and 83 K. 93Cri0i ill 484 g. H,O was treated with 62.5 nil. all unstated yiekl of the a-iromer of ElPhC&011 In. ILSO, and 120 mi. 1120 ant. after I hr. at 70 yielded , the fl-isorner was prepd. sindlarly from benzoin Me ether; 821.3% tit, b, d. 0.057, the Product. m. OV. The spectra of thenu comptis. art: ?jV 1.5070. which with dioxane-fir gave 71% 9-brom.)-2- 1 shown. methvi-I-Phenyl-44exanone, b, 43 1~9*; this treated Ivith AlCONa'111 Rt,O gAve 58-35'o 1lrxC:1,' oxide, b. 07-81, nU, T;flsheated /y USGR / Physical Chemistry, Molecules. Chemical Bond B-4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 25788 Luthor : B.S. Skorokhodov Inst :Lenin9ii&'ffnD1i_eF5ity Title iInfrared Spectra of C~ -Oxides Orig Pub iVestn. Leningr. un-ta, No 16, 110-116 -Ip Abstract Spectra of o4 -methoxy- -phanyl-p-ethylethylene and -me- thoxy-g -ethylethylene (RZhXhim, 1956, 39530) were obtained in order to make the data of infrared spectra of -metho- xyoxides more precise. It follow from the obtained results and bibliographic data that the frequency of about 900 cm-1 is characteristic ofCk-mothoxyoxides containing phenyl in thecKposition. Monoreplaced c~-oxides of the aliphatic series with heavy norm4 radicals (octyl and heavier) ha- ve a band of about 917 which is missing by prop lene o- xide, Asymmetric direplaced o~-oxides (ethyl esthers of Car(i 1 A - 29 - Yclic acetals of Ve methyt [a.ctolide 0 Pr ation erties of th f "Oloct.", I W t -- t T- ridoon (o I Tau L-urakhod v (Stfzte Vriv- Ijf-qr-i--- - -- Zhur -Obs I ( I 9W); C L C-A 90, 7725c.-To 20.5.3 g. Ke,CCOCIj*fc-. in dioxane - .dded 45 g. Jjox. Brandafter l.5hrs.at7G-SO* thtre e --~ ' -- - This(421~j ubtabiedS2.71' CCOCM-Br.4),52-3~ ;., e J., M 8 wu 5 L-Ided over I hr ~ to 5.7 g. Na in '-". ml. L-y M, 14 md fiftt:r 4 days at r,K)ri temp. thv soln. was -~izd. with CC,. Filtered rapiMy, and jaimedia-tely fractionated yicjding IOX put -,live Me& CC(OMf). CAfc..O (1), - h. 77-7ti*~ b - UA-511 7 3 4-mv ~ abson, tiqu * 0.8916, YM 1.4173,: which dqts~ nct; Iramis typical of HO and C:O groups and does dispiLty Ln abi. max. at 8,04) cm.-I typical of the oxide ring; Q6 small arnt of VeXOCA-feIO.W'e, bn 70-l', nU I 4.21GO. was A Isulatvd. The ppt. fman the above is'~Iatiou Waiwash'A with Et:O and distd. yie!ding 7.33 Z. -oxo--ttmol-; Imating the pi oduct with dil. acki &-ave a further yk!d cf this sublancc. "Ox~,tenol" (11) had been r-zga~~ as a cyclic compound but "as shown by its iafrarcd spectrum to I;c Me~CCOC'- MejOH (cf. CA. 50. 47819)- ShAdng I with dil. IGSOt kives 71.P% U. m. 49'. G. M. icoselapolff I "