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9. D.
F A 64/49T3.4
Avg 49
Refractory Materials - Tests
"The Service of the Ra= & Walla of Electric
Furnacefj~" S. D. Skorokhod, 2j pp
"Ogneupory" No 8
-original material used for lining a 15-ton electro-
furnace proved unsatisfactory when a more powerful
furnace transformer was installed. Describes
trials. -c-arriedout using four alternative
materials,, with tbree tables.
ivv 41 ; W
0 OU ; W* ; 0
_1_1 LJL -A. A A
c UIL VW(td Life of Mandbod glee.
irie-Farlas" Lhdffiga, (in Ruuiani 6.
A %
v 14 i%!
Adattion of wwe shavinp and
00 1 round blast-furnsce a
f e re-
,a t use
ractory man on
briquettes at points of hi Y
ghest W0AI`
3 are SUffifeNted 23 Means Of inCM31116'
00 . the useful life. (Big?
00 .3
010 43
- :
aWAI oat 131131 OK GOT As I
w 0 11 a I )r so 5 As a 2 9
U is A* NO, so
locroam" t1w lowwoom of ow M SAM".
No. 4k 27& igloo: abdr&CW im
SNA . W. -d W b-- ell
a" the cmwm sisce low w1W WMIMS
jjmg the back WSH
p,d vnth 300 Mum- V96090WOry
Ck& The cbrome. bddo Oft immom (08
.by U%,
compod" =:rk =-!~ j.Tb%:.-'t."b; M -t 2w "P*
Wd..d 1 14-2-9 msi~-*- b-0- lb~ % of tbek oe~ okkuma or~
ac:ount oj the checkem Tho rooft Main 00-70
at the end of the caMP1161L
Magnesite mass with an addition of calcium aluminate slag for
electric furnace linings. Ogneupor7 18 no.9:401-406 '53.
(MIRA 11:10)
l.TSentral'ny7 nauchno4-issledovatellski3r institut chernoy metallurgii.
(Refractory materials) (Electric furnaces)
High alumina bricks in arc furnace crowns. Ogneupory 18
no.10:470 153. (KIRA 11:10)
1. Gisogneupor, "Slektrostall."
(Refractory materials) (Electric furnaces)
O,A.; PATON, B.Te.
Reports (brief annotations). Biul. TSNIICHM no.18/19-67-68 157.
(MIRA 11:4)
1. Zavod Daeprospetsstall (for Speranskiy, Borodulin). 2. Chelyabin-
skiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for Khizhnichenko). 3. Uralmashzavod
(for Zamotavev). 4. Treat "XLektropech'" (for Thymberg). 5. Moskov-
skiy institut stali (for Okorokov). 6. TSentrallmY7 nauchno-ioBledo-
vatellskiy institatf chernoy metallurgii (for Sellkin, Svede-Shvets).
7. Institut elektrosTarki AN USSR (for Paton, Medovar, Lataish).
8. TSentrallnaya laboratoriya avtomatiki (for Yefroymovich,
Vinogradov). 9. Gisogneupor (for Skorokhod). 10. Treat "XLektropech'"
(for Katsevich). 11. Thilloskly na=hno-issledovatellakiy institut,
okhrany trada TeesoyuzLogo teantrallnogo soveta profsoyuzov (for
Translation frorn: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallur3riva, 1958, Nr 6, p 81 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Skorokhod, S.D.
T IT L E. Refractory Service Life in Electric Furnaces (Sluzhba ogneu-
porov v elektropechakh)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii, 1957, Vol
18, pp 639-651
ABSTRACT: Data are presented on manufacturing methods and the ser-
vice lives of conventional silica-brick and chrome -magne site
roofs for electric arc furnaces at various plants. Note is taken
of the lonaer lives of chrome -n-lagnesite roofs, averaging 95
heats, and the following measures are recommended to in-
crease it further: increasing the density of the brick, increas-
ing the magnesite component of the brick, improving the struc-
tural strength of the roofs by raising the rise of vault of the
masonry to 1/7-1/8 of the roof diameter, reducing the height
of the economizers and turning on the furnace after blowing
with 0? with lowered electrodes for the purpose of preventing
an electric arc frorn developing between the electrode and the
Card 1/2 economizer, employment of a system of repairing the central
Refrii(Jory Service L,iff,- in Electric Furnaces
portion of tht- roof only, arid elimination of the need for hand-chipping the
bricl- arid the heel of the roof by using shaped brick. Methods of lining
furnace walls are set forth, as are the factors affecting the service lives of
%valls, and it is recomniended that preparation of wall-rarnming mix be done
in mixing machines, that magnesite powder with a 40-45' angle of repose
when poured be employed, that the walls be touched up before every heat,
and that the proper plastic material be used for this purpose. Data are pre-
sented on unit consumption of refractories in steel-foundry departrnents.
The requirements to be met in lining induction furnaces, the methods of do-
in!; this, and the cornposition of the refractories employed for the purpose
are described. The desirability of performing one or two boils with the ad-
dition of new ingredients to acid furnaces in the course of a campaign and
the prospects for the use of rammed materials and cast furnaces of sintered
Al__)03 with added TiO? and Zr02 are noted.
Refrao'ory materials--Performance
3. Rej'raczory ila~erials--Applicatlions
2. Refractory materials--Effectiveness
4. Furnace liners--Materials
Card 2/2
15 (2). 15 (6) SOV,W-59-T-6/14
LUTHOSS, Zhikhar-ich, 3, 1., ROY-A. A 1., U. A.,
Sk.rokhod, S. D.
sting tutorial for
?=LE, Refractory Concrete " Electric Ins" (Og-up.rnyy
lie trod. Coolorn of n.atz-1-ara F-runo..
bt% kak l.ktroi.oly.t imr, "t.ri.2 d a ckhldit.1-Y
.'.k%,c4w duavykh -tal:VI-L1 Gykh Penn7
Card 1/4
card 2/4
ol.-go-7. 1959. Wr 7. VP 309-319 (USSR)
The tiles I. tb. arch Of a
during ap.,,.tion. by J".- and ohra.ou-
fo""A.T "t-d' say bt,h often leads
:= and X==- -AX'a OAdc Ire in this I I
ah;~t circuits And A bur-L-4 t--Zh of %be colors. ric-rs I
Shows who 4&pon&o=. of the IQgwzi%hA of the myg4ific electric
resistance An the tvaprat~ fat, 4~ At
%he experimental plant of th. Mkrlias~LiY AAAnhAG- valdovat.1-ski).
titut C'Mouporov (UXIIO)PCz%b!" ~Ioj.jtjfjo Research Institute
1.27.ractorloo (MrIIO)) And &% th. S..iluki work . .... riments
with highly I.Minou,s r treatori.., %he Original materials of
which ". Lndl' :tad in A table. .." carried mt. The microscopic
inlo.tig.tLoca to carried Out by W. To- DrI h*rk (Footnote 2).
"On yrop-ti.. of the .-ple. -
f i=.%:d*0Lnp1t:b1Io 1.`Fdg=%Ze 2 shoesi the thermal anonsian, -a
teazwo 3 the dependence of the Ing,rith. of be specific .1..%riA
r be t
6:sistaa 8 f "Plow. 1% w" not Possible, howsver, to
a . ,
.,our. the 1:.-tric Insulation of the cooler. I= this say. Highly
U.inovo; A:m t see &JOG prwpaz~d at the experinental plant of
the UNTIO. Highly alual-casi fire clay with & Crain size of from
3 to below 0.09 Am w," -ad As & Th. chemical .-P-ition
amitrefrsatorine;%of the co,manz =4 of the fire clay are Indicated
in able 2. Th. rographle vas anxvi.1 Out by L. A.
fts-Rims (Footnote 3), the Z-ray szealzation by B. Yo. 5*1srwd'v
(Foot." 41 and the thermal Analysis by V. V. Pu.toTal.v octa. 5
and TU 4. Further axpericonat. v,aro oaz~Sfd mt with Issued noomem,
thow:wye.ition, density =4 strength 143.0. of which ar. indi-
cat 1. table 3, Th. chazact.ri.t1a of %b- smpl.. is humta in
table 4.,igur 5 oh-. the ab.siou Of the with a re-
frea ry proda: and an iron tuho, &ad figur* 6 above the cohesion
of the con.r.t. %,ith . .,1.1it-ahzenis. tile. But .180 this
orporineat did not anoure an adequato electric insulation of the
coolers. xrPecia"zo orm bv%br = and big* .1'.- tne, of a
iZR7d9iT-is7a;';'---;rR7T Got -atth- orp*ri..Ati
plant of the rJIIO. The properties of the cement And G ... rots
with She fill.r of 1,Lgtay saunt-, fir. clay ". indicated in
tablA5. 3oso data ch-zsrizing the quality of the highly
-ch t1los sal of the fir. clay Are iz4icatod in
tabl 6. Th:,Ln.1 , =iof :he anal;r. by rofractor7 concrete
I. :Airl t in ar ant (Ties and 5). The chemical oopoai_
tion. of the co.cret. one end of the slog a-at is shown LA
1&b!,*.'_ Th;.,otrOCzaPh1- 1Z--stI9-t1W was carried Mt by U. I..
Dri -k C t'Ot- 7). Pis- 9 &h-- A 00--rotf piece after
12 ..It.. Th. exper Ine'to carried mt shwei that the us. of alisdo.t.6 th hm,
t: burning t Oa4rh of the coolers by short
air'd toad. . .=Itlac Period of the furnace arahe,
by 172'-1,; %= C"x A, Th satisfactory applicstlon, result.
no, I. ,
of the concrete Insulation ;ar .1-trode *colors abould be;," *a- " p"sibl-, in all olectron.tallurgia plants,
P_timjwr~ in he furnaces vorkL=g with oxygen. Th. series
production of the material needed for the insulation hculd be
or,.z.'Th.r. "a Ificare-, 0 tables, and 20 reference.,
Card 514 10 of which ar. ,-,at.
ASSOCIATION, Ukral"kiy Lastitu% ornsuporor'
Ukraine Scientific Research Institute of Refractories)
Zhfth-*"", 0 A., hOrten, OIAY~, Y.. A.,
1-yr-a, L. A.); Z .. d -Mk;t-t.1- 'naktro.tal-" Work.)
(Ublakharvakly, A. Y.0 Bkorokbod, S. il
15 (2)
AUTHORS: Zegzhdar V. P., Kablukavskiyq A. F., SO V/ 131 --5 9-9-7/12
Laktionov, V. S., Skorokhod, S. E.
TITLE. The Use of Graphite Chamoilte Bricko in Steel Casting Ladles and
Gutters for Steel Malting 1'arnaces
PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 9~ PP 4-19-423 (USSR)
A13STRACT.- The Vsesoyuznyy institut ogneupory-f (All-Union Institute for
Refractories) has carried c.7.t expax-iments with g-raphite-chamotte
bricks, csntaining `15% and 2% -,.f graph~-*Aejx~ 80 t ladles of
the Izhora Works. In thr. "Elektrostla:'.111 Wk)Tks experiments were
made with 20 t casting ladlas vrith graphite-chamotte bricks of
thG. Bjrovichi Kombinat fo:t- refraot-,r-,ies. The properties of the
bTi,--ka are shown in table :. The w-3a:t, of the test bri,7-ks, burn'.
at high temperatures, is ind1oated ia table 2. In casting steals
of the types '10-45, EShKh-15, 2-OG, 5"KhN31~ 20Kh, EU87
and U'-OA at the "Elektrosta'.111" ~vo-21-ca tv'he g-caphite chamotte
lining of the ladle has not exerci~%~d eny influence on the carbon
content of the meta3,. The of the mortar used may be
seen. from the table 3. Figures i and 2 (photon) show the
condition of the joints, made from mortax Y~c " and Nr 2 after
Card 1/3
The Use of Graphite Chamottq Bricks in Steel SOV/131-59--9-7/12
Casting Ladles and Gutters for Steel Melting Furnases
10 melts. Data concerning the .5tability of the test ladles
are given by table 4, and table 5 contains data concerning the
wear of the lining of the ladle. The installation of a thermo-
couple for measuring the u~etal temperature in the ladle is
represented in figure 3P and the respectiva measuring results
are compiled in table 6. Figure 4 shows the mannaar in which the
side walls of the casting gutters are subject to wear.
ConclusionB3 When casting dead, bubble-freet steel with a
carbon content of more than 0.5116 the graphite-chamotte lining
of the- ladle does virtua.Lly n-3t exercise any influence upon the
carbon content of -the metal. It mus"' still be found out
whether this lining can be used when oasting steel with a lower
carbon content. In erder tc prevent the destruotion of the
Joints, the use of a special mortar is recommended. Owing to
their higher heat-c-onductivity it is nct advantageous to qmploy
graphite-chamotte briQks for lining the bottom of the ladles.
A further paper in this field will deal- with the changes in the
shape and the dimensions of these products, as,we-1-1 as ibereduction
of their heat conducV.vity. The ns..%P.3sity is stressed of of
Card 2/3 an ind-astris:1 T)roduct-ion of the graphite-.~hamotte bricks.
The Use of Graphite Chamotte Brioks 'Zm Steel C:O-
Casting Ladla2 and Gutters for S-15eei Malting Fl;xnaces
There are 4 figr--va.,3, 6 tabhRs. and rsfarep-,3es,. 5 of which
ASSOCIATION. Vsesoyuvoyy ins-hitut I--q!3ti-;.uta for
Refractor-.9,ci). Zwwcd "Elektrostal" ("Elektrcstall" Works)
Card 3/3
Effect of the composition of the metallurgical powder mix on the
stability of sidewalls and hearth bottoms in electric are furnaces.
Ogneupory 29 no.6:276-280 164. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Vostochnyy institut ogneuporov (for Khoroshavin, Syreyshchikov).
2. Zavod "Elektrostall" (for Skorokhod).
VO--,-C;Vj Ye*V*j inxh.; '_,3YFj L.'.:., inzz~.; %-c., (jets.;
6K K-- D,
MR0,11C inz*-.; Ye.,
, inzh.
Conv3rsion of boiler PurrixoL; Zrom bloc-*,, ,oat to mallleC
by inut .-!ling cyclone furrac-o-3. Izv. r -eb. z~-V.;
yo. -acl
4 no. 1:116-1-92 Ja 161. 14:2)
1. Urallskiy politekhnic'iesIdy lm;titut inani L't.'% :."irolra,
I'ralm:~shzavod i Uralenergcchar-'et. Fradstiaviana
promteploonergetiki Ural' skogo pol-'_teI:hnicI,,.es,:oGo ir.~;t_tv_Lu.
SKOROMOD, V. G. Prof 9A9T67
USM/Medicine - Botany Sep 48
Medicine - Plants
"Dokuchayev Tree Forest Belts In the Donets Coal
Field," Prof V. G. Skorokhod, li pp
"Priroda" No 9
Describes remains of vide forest belts indicatizE
that steppe regions were once covered with dense
timber. Based on geologic and paleographic studies,
author traces history of these forests. Under
Soviet rule much done to restore these forest belts
ind some day USSR lan(Iscape will be greatly changed.
USSR/Meadow Cultivation. L
Abs Jour : Ref 2hur Biol., No 14, 1958, 63269
Atth,-)r : Mynakan, M.A,, Konakov, m.K., Mashkevich, N.G.,
Skorokh,xl, V.G.
Inst : Voroshilov~;rad AGricultural Institute.
Title : Meadows of Kolkhoz imelli Budenny of Novo-Aydarskiy
RayDn and Ways to Imprave Them.
OriC Fkib ; I-Tauchn. sap. Voroshilovc~Tadsk. s.-Idi. in-ta, 1956, 4,
iio 1, 88-97
Abstract Ho abstract.
Card 1/1
S-0-EOU'rIOD. , V . 1E"-, 'v' G~ili, III. P0,- -0"--r , I.!., vT-nz7,.vn, F~ . i P.Z.,
C-ZhIlSK-Y) u F.)
"The (-onditi-~ns of 2-laintainim- the Che;~iical Ned-Lun. in the
Rtrien in Ruminat.s.ll
Eeilorzq. prer,--%.,ited to the 1~th Int'l. biochemistry ContTess,
-1(~ Auc.
GZHITSKIY, S~Z. [Hzhytslkyi, S.Z ]; DOVGAN', 11ja. [Dcrvhan', N.1Aj-
ROZGONI, I.I. [Rozhoni, i.I.); SKOH000D.M. (Skorokhidy V`.Ij
Effect of urea and sodium sulfate on fermentation processes in the
rumen of the cow. Ukr. biokhim. zhur, 33 no.1:101-106 161.
OEINA 14/0)
1. Research Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of the
Western Regions of the Ukrainian"S.S.R.
SKOROKHOD,1 V.I. [Skorokhid, V.I.]
Some indices of fat metabolism in cows following the feeding of
urea and sodium sulfate. Ukr.biokhim. zhur. 33 no.3:379-38.4 161.
(MIRA 1/,: 6)
1. Nauchno-issledovatel'Bkiy institut zemledeliya i zhivotno-
vodstva zapadnykh rayonov USSR, L'vov.
5l,,'OHOICPDD) 7.7.
Root-mean square f:bresser. and the rate of deforuation in
a ductile norous material. 5 no.12:31-35 D
165. ('19 HA 19: 1)
-,. Institub problem ma6erialovedeniya XN? UkrSSR. Suh~.-,`-tted
june 20,, 1965.
f) f 7
I) , 18(7)
AUTHOR: Skorokliod., V.V. and Fedorchenko, T2"., ".orresponding
_~Iember of the AS Ukr!7',TZ
TITLE: On -the Conductivity of Disperse !Iixtures with Imper-
fect Contacts Petween the Particles
PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Fauk Ukr,-,ins,koi, 1959, Yr 7,
pp 756-759 (Ukr9l~M)
ABSTRACT: A method for calculating the conductivity of disnerse
statistical mixtures with imperfect contacts between
the particles is proposed in t'~-is article. The method
is based on the theory of electrical contacts (R.ffolm
and an analogy existing between contact resis-
tance and poor condLrtive film resistance. The method
is applicable to the mixtures of any concentration
and any number of phases, The conduct-ivity of pressed
one-component, bodies was calculnted by this methord"
applying experimental data on porosity and pressure
of pressing. The results of experimental men.sure-
Ca--d 1/~) irents of conductivity shw!i satisf-,ictory agreement
On t~,.e Conductivity of Disperse ~,Iixtures ",7it- Tmperfect Con-lb-acts
I-'--t%;ee-,I tce Particles
-,:.,ith the calculated ones. There are 11 mathenatic
formulas, 1 diagram and 5 references, 4 of r-hich are
Cloviet and 1 German
ASSOCIATION: 1nstY'Uut metalokeramiky i spetssplaviv AN URSR
(Institute of Powder Metallurgy -,nd '7pecial Alloys*
A7, Ukr99R)
SUBITITTED: January 30, 10,59
Card 2/2
AUTHOR, Skorokhod, V.V.
TITLE: On the Electric Conductivity of Dispersion Mixtures of Conductors With
PERIODICAL., Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 8, PP 51 - 58 (ussR)
ABSTRACT; There exist several attempts to construct a theory for calculating the
macroscopic electric conductivity of many-phase bodies /Refs 1,21. Their
results disagree with experimental data LRefs 4,V. Therefore the author
undertook to calculate more precisely the conductivity of a statistical
mixture of a conductor with a dielectric at an arbitrary concentration of
the latter. He derived Formulae 18 and 19 on the basis of considerations
following from the probability theory, while each phase was consIdered as
a mixture of spherical, ellipsoidal and cylindrical elements. The author
does not present final analytical expressions which should result after
inserting into those formulae all the necessary quantities, but gives in
Table 2 numerical values of ~F( G), being the ratio of electric conductivi-
ty of the mixture to that of one component, for various concentrations of
this component. These figures are plotted in Figure 1 and compared with
Card 1/2 experimental data obtained from measurements of electric conductivity of
On the Electric Conductivity of Dispersion Mixtures of Conductorts With Non-Conductors
porous bodies sintered from copper and iron powders. n-,-.e agreement between
the experimental points and the theoretical curve is satisfactory. In
conclusion the author thanks I.M. Fedorchenko Corresponding Member of the
AS Ukrainian SSR for discussing the present investigation.
There are; 2 tables, 1 graph and 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet and
2 English.
ASSOCIATION- Institut metallokeramiki i spetsial9nykh splavov AN USSR (Institute of
Metalloceramics and Speclal Alloys of the AS Ukrainian SSR), Kiyev,
Card 2/2
AUTHOR- _.Skor2tgp,~~.
TITLE: The Viscositylof Some Two-phase MixtureA
PERIODICAL, Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 11,
pp. 69-71
TEXT: In the introduction the author briefly deals with the analogy
between the equations of hydrodynamics in linear approximation and the
formulas of the elasticity theory. This analogy makes possible to use
the formulasIreviously obtained for the modulus of elasticity for the
purpose of calculating the viscosity coefficient of multiphase mixtures.
The equations for the calculation of the macroscopic moduli of quasi-
isotrop3-c. mixtures of solid phases are:
+ 4P
3K ( '4(l) 2L3K-- 4P)g
3K t 44 K (9K + 8p)~L + 6~ (K+2p)
Here K and p are the compression- and shearing moduli, the index 1 refers
Card 1/3
The Viscosity of Some Two-phase Mixtures S/1-to/60/003/011/007/0!6
to the 1--th phase, A9)(1) is the volume fraction of the 1-th phase. These
formulas are used for the calculation of the viscos2ty coefficient in the
suspensions of solid particles In a viscous incompressible medium and in
the case of mixtures of viscous incompressible media and air. For the
viscosity of a suspension the expression
5%%(l)/2)_-' (2) is obtained, which for goes over
into the known Einstein formula. For a porous viscous mediums the rela-
t ions (o) 2'Vl) (0)
3~ I)q ~ - 1 (4)
3 7TT17 .4(i)(3 -
are cbtained. The empirical formula for the relative viscosity of suspen-
sion, which was suggested by Higginbotham et al. (Ref. 4), is practical-
ly identical with (2)~ The formulas (4) were checked according to the
experimental daia of another paper (Ref- 5). From the diagram in Fig* 19
good agreement of the formulas derived here with the experimental values
may be seen,. There are 1 figure and 5 references4 3 Sovietq 1 Britishq
and i US~
Card 2/3
The Vls:,Os,tY of Some Two-phase Mixtures 3/17 601003101110071016
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallokeramiki i spetsiallnykh splavov,, 9~ Kiyev
(Institute of Powder Metallurgy and Special Alloys~ Kiyev)
SUBMITTED: April 19, 1960
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Sk0,rokhod#__V#_V## and Fedorchenko, I,* , Corresponding
Member AS UkrSBR
TITLE: On two-phase system sintering
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukrayinetkoyi RSR- Dopof#di, no. 10,
1960, 1463 - 1407
TEXT: After referrin to the theoretical investigations in this
field of B-Ya. Pines TRef. 1; ZhTF, 24, 9V 1956) the author consi-
ders the sintering of two spherical particiest assuming that one
of the particles is not deformed during the sintering process. If
the particles are A and B as shown in the diagram (Fig. 1), then,
writing h = NK, h = R ain a tg 1 = 2R sin 2 a
eq and hence, to the second order of accuracy
ca'~ Card 1/4
0z I
On tvio-phase system sintering D251/'DjO3
ASSOCIATIuN: Instytut metalokeramiky i spetslallnyk4 splaviv AN
uRSR (Institute of victal Powders and Special Alloys
."AS UkrSS-.R)
SUBMITTED: June 9, 1960
Fig. 1.
Card 4/4
AUTHOR: Skorokhod, V. V
TITLE: Calculation of isotropic moduli of elasticity of solid dispersion
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1962, 37, abstract 1G277
("Foroshk, metallurgiyall, 1961, no. 1, 50 - 55 [English summary])
TEXT: The author considers the problem of the theoretical calculation of
isotropic moduli of solid dispersion mixtures with arbitrary number of phases at
an arbitrary disparity between the moduli of the phases. A special case of such
a model is a porous body. A comparison of the theoretical.and experimental re-
sults on the effect of porosity upon the modulus of elasticity of sintered Fe has
shown satisfactory agreement.
R. Andriyevskiy
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
-AUTHOR- Skorokhod, V.V.
TITLE~- On the phenomenological theory of condensation in sintering porous
PERIODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal.; Metallurgiya, no. 12, 1961, 46, abstract
120322 ("Foroshk. metallurglya", 1961, noi-2, 14_2D, English
TEXT: Equations for the caleulation of macroseopic.elastic moduli are
employed to compute the viscosity factor of porous bodies and.-suspenstons. The
experimental data are in a satisfactory agreement with the theoretical relation-
ahips. uses Ya.I. Prenkel's concept on the equalization of.the energy
dissipated as a result of viscous-flow to the loss of free energy during sinter-
ing, and takes Into account the effect of potosity on the viscosity factor. As
a result, a differenmial equation is obtained for kinetics of changes in density
during sintering. Due to lacking information on non-stationary changes in via-,
Card 1/2
61 000/012/061/149
On the phenomenological theory ... AEMYAW
cosity, the direct experimental checking of the theoretical relations obtained,
is difficult. However, some indirect data sho% the reasonableness of the cal-
culations performed. There are 10 references._
R. Andriyevskiy X
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Skorokhod, V. V.
T =1 i Investigation of the k:Lnetuics of contraction during sintering
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurn-al, Metallurgiya '. no. 1, 1962, 38, abstract 10289
("Poroshk. metallurgiya, 1961, no. 1. 3 - 10, English summary)
TEXT: This is a critical discussion on mechanisms of the effect of defects
in the crystalline Rt-racture on shrinkage during sintering, proposed in litera-
ture, The author reje~~:`Iz the conc-apts of B. Ya. Pi,-Ies on the causes of accele-
rated rates of snrinkage kinetf-cs. 11, Is s~iggested tc connect sintering kinetics
with -the growth of mosaic domal.n.5; this Is '.TA agreement with the theory of dif-
fusion creep developed by Natarro and ent_ails increased viscosity. Experimental
results on the shrinkage of C-.~ Towdex- brIAquets "- Cu-Ni alloy3, and results of
studying the growth of domains darirg sintering, were correlated. On the basis
of 'theoretical connepts on shear and -clumet~~-ic viscosity of dispersed porous
mixtures (RZILMet, 1961, 121G322L. a phenomenological theory is proposed for the
sintering-of Cu-W type 2ompounds. The ixperimental results are in a qualitative
agreement with t1heoretital d~ita. P. Andriyevskiy
[Abstracter's note: Comrlpte translationi
Card 1/i
AUTHORS: Skorokhod, V.V., and Fedorclienko, 1.11.
TITLE: On the sintering of two-phase powder systems
PERIODICAL: Akademiya na-uk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Dopovidi, no. 4,
1961, 486 - 489
TEXT: The authors carried out an experimental investigation on t0he"
kinetics of the growth of interphase contacts in systems contain-
ing tungsteh, and on the existence of porrelations between the
angle of wetting and the magnitude of interphase contacts. E:kper
ments viere carried out i~sing various systems: Cu - 17, (CIX + 516
Ni) - V1, Cu-ZrC, (Cu + 5 % Ni) - ZrC, in order to determine the
g of the system and
existence of correlation between the sinterin
the angle of wetting..Equilibrium. is not attained in practice,,
hence the equilibrium "angle of solid wetting" is evaluated from
the formula
Y 1-T(l)
2 a-cT(t)
Card 1/5
On the sintering of D213/D303
where R is the radius of the particles, ~t 1 + COB op e is the
angle of solid wetting,
T (t) e p di)
0 is the surface tension of the more fusible phase, is the vis-
cosity, a = -V-z~, + 0.5, c = 0.5- z!~~ = 0. 25 - i-t/8 [ Ab-'
stractor's note: y is not defined]. For constant sintering time
T(t) = const, g (_V/R)2. The conductivity is measured on an MD-6
bridge. The experimenta-1 results are shown in the table,.
satisfactory agreement with the theoretical values. The kinetic
grovith of contact in the system Cu - N7 vis.5 investigated at tem-ue-
ratures ranging from 8500 - 10500. The curves obtained show a good
general resemblance to the curves for the kinetic growth of conduc-
at these temperatures. From formula (4) a theoretical treat-
ment is developed. In the case j-,,= 2A/Z-Z, (4) beco=es %
Card 2/5
S I b 1/ 000/004/0 11/013
U n i e s I n t iz;; rn E~ o "L~ D21-J/D-JO~
where 6 eJ
B dt
is -3-Intering time. in the flIrs-I approxImazion
From Nabarres theory of streng-th and -~he theory of the diffuse
grovith of b-:o..---k :~rystaio the r,2Ia-.iDn-_hip for Is evaluated.
wher;~~ A7) the Ilnear d1mens:.on ot -Ahe b*. cick crystal in2.sially. D
Card '5,;'15
S./G 2 1 /6-11/000/004 /0.11/013
On the salnzer~ng --f D-2 13/ D3 0 3
is the oe:;Lll : ien-, of self -d:L ffus-l on. 6-'s the atomic diameter, and
a' the 3izr.fa:e telic-iion a7; the bound.-ry of the crystal. X-ray inves-
by 's method yllelded A~,, ,0-5 _M, -.1 depends on
'he angle f disorien'atlon at -,,hz, bound~,ry of tile crystal. For
sr2all anc-11'es tl-ie Shokl 1- -Rid F'cirmula holds
1 -1 11 E)
0 E(A ,
where E is the angle of di.sorientation. and E 0 and A are constants.
For the most probable value of E. E 5 - -110" e -- 3 ergs/cm
There are- 2 f_lg-ures. I table --nd 10 ref'erenc_=s.a 8 Sovie-LI-bloc; and
2 non-Soviet -bloo- The refel-enCe to the ~'" publica-
zion reads as fo71cv;s. P.R.N. JTabarro. Rep. Corf. Strength Solids,
London. 1948.
ASSOCIiTION: Instytut metalokeramik! i spe-tsial;nykh 3plaviv AN
URSR (Institute of Metallo-be~ramics and Special
Alloys of the AS UkrSSR
SUBMITTED,- December 28? 1960
Card 4/5
Theory of shrinkage in the initial period of sintering. Porosh.
met. no.40-8 JIAg 161. (MIRA 16:5)
1. Institut, metallokeramiki i spetsialInykh splavov AN UkrSSR.
(Sintering) (Porosity)
2 5166
/01_,.0,/o(j6,/007 /009
D 2? D
d Fed
Ali T-TORS V. V. an
T -1 PLL,,
7 Y' T'e t I'jL f C-
Ak -:j i~m-..Ya n ;xu ? n
r nuatioz! PI
TEXT, T,. a r n the
1 9,
t ache k -
s re
.i I
o n s c
t'-1, u I
A h P,_ r z e s . T.-,, the
ri::3err -
1-1 f
-o, f r r t",:, i e
pr~:-en c- hr rs r o ri-,r-d
I - -
, r
tnw~ e a a L~ e r s
d .- ~
h a T -
7 e
- - - f , 1, r sh r -_ nka, a -i r 2 n
-u r E
ir i' ,
t ~ ., n e
t~ r2 _~ !. , - :-
', t~ deperderc~ Cf
r sc-ri cs
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n -
~u ~_'.Ind W w,-.s
du vi -
p a7,: n.,
Y cor duc VI
Tile reS h a!
Card I /
S., 02 1 /6
I'lle e f f 1)-'7 D 3 0 1
t'h C) -9 e v" th, n C! I t--, w d e r ~k VI -~,r tJ e s I%:, T~ r, F~ th e,
highest c-onk-u.: %, v- -,y. in the ~:s of experimen"O -,I],- fl-~-
F.~-ndence o-' conlra---i-Dii ol- i-,7ative concentra-ion
~,n samrle.~ v-:-,h 6i"' d rat 1-o 9 eqlA aii, 2 -.,iz -1
I- - w
a.nd 2, Sava,] -h AC .~2 of V/ were hea-ed :i~
.000 0 C' fc,--
Z--' c L
ungs t en. c~n t en C,, -,h e , on t, rac cl-:re copper T)ovid;_7,r
-1tiese '~t-,nt- taken aE~ gre.pli shows tl~!-r vi i b.
i .-,Ten il- -h~ -,~xtu-ve,
thf~ ()L -ing, the amcun,l of
c.c,ntrac-'--,k-Jn ic, decreased. Tilic r(-.SUltS Triay b e
pl. ained by meun.~) :-,,f f'al lowl ng theory 1 assumptions : If in a bi -
nary mixti.ire wnich tvt,,, kinas of es, dif fering -in dimi~-n-
s,~ ons . are pi S ~,n -t ( pa.-ti cc- les in --Ja~,h bleing of the Same siize)
then the Part of t'---.e s-,L-face of cjvi.i-.-~- ol one phase, cor.-
tactinc- !a par-i-;le a-,. -the other not be proport:onr---, to
CL,rd 2.-,~~,
6, 0 0/ 1006,.- 007/009
f, f
S fDf e!7
o a nt~thod
f iia anci frr~m t: -,,7 s c, by inean3
a" onductivity of
L a
4~~ V;.- f, y T;, --x *c) tung-
t.7 nd-
alr! y -9, -sf ar;
:A n J rl d
I t f- - a c ni 1) 7 c- r *c evalua e the
f t A f:;7 nf par.-,- s li~ n -1;e snrInkage during
:i n ~z n t h I fl e ;- t e d aith ibe
j CIS : 1 V 1 7 DL. r.. n n-- th~-~ i-,angsten par-1~4 cles
lb el, a e -15 17 -.V -1 CL j n 3 c) I - M 1 ~-i bi~ assumed that -he
e f"f e f n,,-- ~5 n t e r, e c: -2 d t f 1 of the
Z- C c; S V f tl 3 ~im n tl 3:-, 1 U m t-;- n n -t o l;7 e so I i d
s tim rez the -,ol-al ef-
pliase- It a. r 7 'r, z i r. I i e z e r o G ~ z -, e U -; m u -
f e c t -1 v P s d --l i.,, r, s e q., Li ~ i 1 7 o T'he ~,epen6ence olf
~he rel"Iti-l- znase contend- !q
shown graph-ally, -!,be i-,-,ares proves the validi-
ty o-f tlic- alktc-.~%- -,:--n,--!ernin,-- t .ne effetc; of' the Pa.-t-icle
Card 4 "5
S/02 61/000/006/007/009',
Tile effect of space ... D247YD301
diVJLrIlCter ratio on the dependence of contraction during hCatirj" on
the relative c,ontents of components in two-phase mixtures. Thcre 2 figures, 2 tables and 6 Soviet-bloc references.
AS'SOCIATION: Institut metalokeramiki i tspetsialln]-kh splaviv
AN URSR (Institute of Metalloceramics and Special
Alloysp AS UkrSSR)
)UB,.'ITT7ED: February 7,
Card 5/5
AUTHOFE: Skorokhod, V. V., Pedorchenko, 1. M., Panfilov, Yu. A.
(In tne calculat-ion of 'the concentration dependence of electric con-
ductivitj~, and magnetic permeability of bi-phase cermet alloys
PFHIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Pletallurgiya, no. 3, 1962, 41, abstract 3G281
("Poroslik. mietallurgiya", 1961, no. 4, 42 - 21-5, English sununary)
The applicability of the Odelevskiy and Landau and Lifshits formulae
to calculate -the properties of the type of conductivity was checked on Fe-Cu. and
compositions. Both formulae are in a satisfactory agreement with experi-
miental data on electric conductivity and magnetic permeability. The authors
-=-!Y~7c 'he
causes of deviaticns from the theory which are connected with the for-
mation of partially matrix systems or the imperfection of interparticle contacts.
The authors Dresent also results of investigating electric conductivity in the
Cu-~;,* system.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation] R. Andriyevzkiy
lard 1/1
L iw5o~-63 rWP(4)/E'-VT(m)/BDS--AFFT.C/ASD--JV
AC=SSION' NIR: AP-30010 2- s/o226/63/co--oIco3/cc,2-- oo29
AUT-HOR: M-orokhod, V.; Banneva, G. 0,
TIME: Investigation of sintering of ITi powcLers prepared by different metho'15
SOURCT: Poroshkovaya ractallurgiya, no. 1963, 25-29
TOPIC TAGS: carlmnyl Ni powder, electrolytic Ni povder, sintering or)
viscosity, linear shrinIm-ge, inteerpartbiclc Contact., porosity, lattic-c '-!I~'tortion
ABSTRACT. An investiL-ation of the kinetics of sintering 99-5~ ~--pure elec.
,-Pm-e carb-onyl Ni 'povdar a' te=_eraturez
lyt-Ic and 99. 5% U equal to or less than
0-56T I-K (TrIl = melting temperature) iias been rade in an effort to determine
fect of physicochemical pr perties of powders by differ-ent
the e~ o I -
methods. The aver-age particle size was 22-5p, for the elec trolytic powder and
9-7~t for t-he carbonyl powder. E~Pecimns 5 x 5 x 70 rom Were Compacted with a
porosity of -5-39.6and sintcred in hydrogen at 300, 4oo, 5co, 6oo, arid TOOC for
8 hr. Significant differences in sinteri-Mg behavior -vere observed in the po-w-
y more active than tie electro-
ders tosted. The carbonyll powder vmas considera-bi-
lytic poq'der. The linear shrinlagge of both powde-rs -increased with in.creasing
L 1075o-63
termerature and prolonaad holding, but in electrolytic powder after 44o min at
4oo, 500, 6oo, and 7=,, it amounted to -- OArI:LtclY 0.34.1 0.33, 0.50, arad
0.9Yp, respectively; the corrcsponding figures for carbonyl powder were approxi-
ma.,,~--ly 1.40, 3.80, 6.00, and 3.70,1-4.. The growth of the interparticle contact
'5r/Ak (-,rherc k is the electrical conductivit., of
areas measured as
4.ero poro, is the electrical conductivity of
co-nT,acts reduced to
solid material), followed the sa-me pattern as that of linear sbrinlzac-,. and
aftor sintering for 440 min at 300, 400, 500, 600, and 7OCC . n-moix-titca to approxi-
m---telY 0.30, o.4o, o.53, 0.80, and C~92;t-, re-srectively, for electrolytic po-.,Tder
an-C.. approximately O.T , 0.35, 0.90, 0.94, and 0-95-5,'~',, rxesm--~ti"IeIY, ' r cax`-.~)onyl
po,e.eder. Porosity of the carlbonyl nickel compacts a~creased much more rapidly
tnat of the electrolytic nicIml cormacts (see 777~.G. I of Enclosure). Tne
experimentally det-ermined values of the coefficient of viscosity for electrolytic
Ni at 700C did not differ si-Aficantly from the value calculated fro-a t1he
ro formula; for carbonyl 11i, however, '.he calculated was almost four
orders higher, which indicste3 that carbonyl Ni has much higher diffusion. actiVity
than electrolytic NIL 7-he crystal lattice of electrolytic Ni was fomd to 11-C
more distorted than that of caxbonyl 1UY
-'n~icn shows ttkat lattice distortions
have no effect on the sintering activity of powders. The only explex-ation for
Card 2S~'
L 10750-63
the highher activity of carbonyl powder appears to be a highly developed net-work
of macrodefccts. Orig. art. 5 figuresy 2 fornmiass, and 2 tables.
ASS(MATION: Institut metallokern-miki i spetsialny*kh splavov PJT US)SR
(Institute of Powder 14atallurgy and Special Alloys, All USSR)
SLP-,',IITM, D: 22D-,c62 LATE ACO,-. 11-11,163 "E'N'CL.- C-1
ACCESSION NR: AT4oJ396I S/2659/63/010/000/0252/0257
AUTHOR: Fedorchenkot 1. M.; Lyspurpy, A. P * Skorokhod V V
TitLE: The nature of1the high temperature oxidation of porous nickel
SOURCE; AN SSSR. institut metallurgli. Issledoyaniye po zharoprochny*m splavam,
,,v. 10, )963, 252-257
TOPIC TAGS: nickel, porous nickel, nickel oxidation, oxidation, high temperature
ABSTRACT: Porous product's manufactured by powder metallurgical methods are find-
ing even wider use in vario*s fields of engineering. In many cases these products
viz. metal-ceramic bearings, filters; and packings, work at high temperatures. The
authors have investigated the oxidation of porous products to determine the speci-
fic features of this process at high temperatures and to.observe the qualitative
variations connected with internal oxidation of the sample. The process of oxida-
tion of porous bodies differs greatly from that of compact bodies. This is ex-
pressed by disruption of the normal course of th~ temperature-oxidation curve and
by a variation in the observed oxidation law. These features of the oxidation
of porous bodies can be explained by the decrease in the surface area taking part
Card 1/2
"The influence of imperfections of crystal lattice on the siatering of metal
paper to be presented at the Intl Powder Metallurgy Conf, 14-17 Jun 65, New
York City.
Ukr Acad Sci.
1. 4711 -65, 3 )IEV-IT(m)
ACCESSION DR: AP5008273 -S/0226/65/000/003/0058/OQ611,
TMORS t Sko~~ehLod Panichkina V. V.
1 TITLP tric conductivLty of porous mate
i Elec rials sintered from-qqpper wir
SOURCE; Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 3, 1965t 58-61
TOPIC TAGS:- copper, sintered metal, electric, conductivity, resistivity/ R316
ABSTRACT: The authors present atheoretical analysis of the electric conduc-
relation to porosity and Imper ections of contacts~
tivity of a porous material in f
in ge.-eral. The results of experiments performed on briquettes sintered from
copper wire, showing the dependence of electric conductivity on the poros
ity and
the t~ma of the agglomeration are also presented. It was shown by V 9V
I Skor0jiod (IFZhp 2o 52p 1959) that the conductivity ofa porous boctr eqwls the
conductivity of the same nonporous body-, mltiplied by one minus porosity,, mul-;,:
tiplied by the ratio of the mean field in the conducting.phase and the mean
field in the'porous body. For a body made of short-length wires, it ia assumed
that the wires are arranged in all directions. The conclusion Is reached that
the value of the electric conductivity does not approach zero when the number:
LCard. 1/2
63~39-65' EITP (.e)/r7-WT. (1m)/T/Z--',,T t)/-P',;,T (k)/LT,"p-(z'j1 /alp b)/F_-&.(c Pf_ti/Pad- IJP(c)
'rD 4
,ACCESSION NR: AP5013244 UR/0226/65/000/005/0001/0003
;'AUTHOR: Skorokhod, V. V.; Khriyenko, A. F.
'TITLE: X-ray inv t' f nickel vowders
~SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 5, 1965,.1-3
.TOPIC TAGS: nickel powder, x ray crystallography, dislocation., er metallurgy
X-ray techniques were used for studying packling defects in nickel powders'.-.-~---,
~Carbonyl,and reduced nickel powders were studied. For comparison, shavings of -cast,
:pickel were also investigated. The effect-of packing defects on the broadening of,
ok-ray reflections was taken into account. The method which was used permits deter-
J41ning the probability of- defonnation faults and twinning faults -jointly but- not,-
parately. The powder briquets were irradiated in -a U21S-50T' unit us ing, copper R~a
r1l3diation. The (111), (222) and (200) lines were recorded. The (400) line was vftry
faint for -the powders. Each point of 'the re-Clec-tion pattern was esta blished bya-
five rainute. pulse count. -jReproduciBility of experiments was found to be satisfac-
;tor-j. Results show thaf'~arbonyl nicRel has the -lowest dislocation density and-the
~greatest packing defect probability. These defects are attributed to processes oc~
LCard 1/2
SKOROKHOD, V.,,'., inzh.
Coal base of the.ilaur Economic Region ;-d ways of expanding it.
Obog.1 brik,uC'. no.2?:3-8 162. (14IRA 17:4)
--SKOROKHOD. Ye.K. (L'vov. ul. lenina, d.4r?. L-v. 3)
Peculiarities in the diagnosis of acute hematogenous ostoomyelitis
in children. Nov.khir.arkh. no.6:124 H-D 158- (MIRA 12:3)
1. Kafedra travmatologii, ortopedii i detskoy khirurgii (zav.
prof. I.L. Zaychenko) Vvovskogo meditsinskogo institute.
Petellar frActures nnd their trentment. E.K. SkorokhGd. Ortop
travm. i protez 19 no.2:76 Mr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11;5)
1. Iz kafedry travmatologii ortopedii i detskoy khirurgii
(zav. - Drof. I.L. Zaychenko~ Llvovskogo meditsinskogo instituta
(dir. - Prof. L.H. Kuzlmenko)
Diagnosis of acute hematogenic oeteomyelitis in children'
Pediptriia 36 no-10:77 0 156 (MR; 11:11)
1. Iz gospitallnc7 khirurgicheskoy kliniki LIvovskogo msditsinskogo
instituta (zav. kafedroy i direktor instituta - prof. A.11. Kuzmenko).
SKOROKHOD, Ye.K.# dotsent (L'vov); OKESEK09 N.N.9 vrach (L'vov)
Appendicitis in children. Zdorovle 7 no. 5.22-23 MY 161.
(MIRA 14:4)
--.SKOilOKHOD, Ye.K.,, dotsent; OLESHKO, N.N., vrach (L,Ivov)
Acute appendicitis and its diagnosis in chi-ldren. Felld. i akush.
26 no.7:13-19 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7)
S,KOROKHOD, Yu.V., inzhener.
Development of foreign navies in the postwar period. Sudostroenie
23 no.6:39-43 Je '57. (MLRA 10:?)
~XOROKIIOD. Yu.V.. trzhener.
Devellr)D-.ent if foreign navies In ths postwar nerlod. Sudostr,)enie
23 no,7:52-5~ Jl '57. (MLRA 10-8~
Nar shins)
I :- 11 -. r --1. ~
SKOROKHOD, Yu.V., inzhener.
Development of foreign navies in the postwar Deriod (conclusion),
Sudostroenie 23 no.8:63-66 Ag '57. (MIRJE 10:11)
ZIMOV, R.F., I-and.tekhn.nauk; SKORDMOD, Yu.V., inzh.
Shipbuilding aa treated In the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Sudostroenie
25 no.1:86-87 Ja '59. (MIRA 120)
SKOROMHOD, Yu.V., kand. tekhn~ muk
- - operations research and its use in shipbuilding- Sudos~roenle
28 no.l.-77-79 Ja 162. -IMIRA 1627)
(Wpbuilding) (Operations research)
Z; Kc)" -)I - , ; .t . ., 'w-r!et. nank-
- I., ~:,iunf;ryls nav.v anti cybernetics. Mor. sbor. 48 no.7,
';',-.6S J1 165. (MIRA 18:8)
Information retrieval in the field of archaeological literature.
NTI no.8:13-16 163. (MIRA 16:10)
L 110)!--63 EWf(d)/rFU-C(W)/BDS/RC-2 ASD/AFYDC/ESD-3/AF00 Fg-4/Pk-4/
Po-4/1-7-h GG/IJP(C)
ACCESSZON XR: 'AT3062149 S/2923/62/000/000/0105/0110 X
AUTHOR: Skorokhodlko., E. F.
TMZ.- Coding-the meaning of words according to the indicants of the objects
denoted by them.
800C3: rjfthislitellnaya matematika i tekhnika; trudy* aspirantov Instituta,
kibernetiki AN USSR. lzd-vo AN USSR, 105-3-10
TOPIC TAGS: word meaning code, machine translation
ABSTRACT: An attempt is made to code the meaning of a word according to a more or
less detailed description of the concept for which the word stands. The word
""lane" used as an example is described as a "heavier-than-air flying apparatus
that has a power plant causing its flight and.the vings." By assigning a code
notation to every element in the above description, a certain code formula is
obtained. Modifications of the elements 'result in a set of kindred concepts aLl
words, such as autogyro, glider, propeller glider, airship, balloon. Possible
applications of the above coding system to machine translation are considered, the
task being to find out the meaning of a term used in the source language (and
absent in the computer memory) by analyzing the context around the term. Orig.
art. has: 2 formulas.
Card 1 /*
--------- ---
T , K*.-Tav) -, r~IKORCjKJ-.-GDf K n-, E. F. ( -Kiy,- -;
P~11'-,NTGIINAYA, ~..-E. k. -~
it r_,, 11 , gr-nf -Sen. ~jnces in all -' ~ -i'a-i
- - --.,6 .- - , -
F-r o b -j . lK I b .' '
~ --)mp; z. -~-. no,JL,.)~.Z6"--273 '63. (1.1T-,
-,IA 18.'4j
L 17109-65 r-,!T (d /BXT/EED-2 IEW (1) P0-h/rk-,4/Po-4N-4 (iW
ACCESSION NR: AP404-8652 13/0316/64/QW/406/0025/0026
AUTHOR: PBhenichnaya, L. E. SkE2khq
TITLE: Information retrieval with the'aid of common meaning codes
SOURCE- Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya informatsiya, no. 8, 1964, 25-26
TOPIC TAGS: I d-ormation coding, common meaning code
ABSTRACT: An experimental system for information retrieval, based on a consideration
of the common meaning of two concepts, was developed at the Institut kibernetiki
of Cybernetics) of the AN Uk A connection to said to exist If the contents of two
concepts contain at least one common:element. The code for any expression can be
I represented in the form of a branching system in WhIch the* apex node to the convolution
of the code, the center row of nodes is the code itself and the bottom row is the involute of
the code, as shown In Figure I of the Enclosure. Bolld line connections between the nodes
represent relationships between the kind and the form of an idea, while all- other relation~'-
ships are represented by dotted lines. If the is performed acoordini..'-
to a request B, the document A Is adid to have an unconditional common meaning wffh B If
the graph of A contains an apex B connected vetth the apex A by a solid line. Similarly,
f!qcumeqt A has a hypothetical common meaning with B if the graph of contains an ape:Mt
LCOM 1/3
L 40833-65 EVtr (d )/EPA -2/TDB(j j )/EEC (f )/JM/EED-2/EV1P(1 Pq-4/Pg-4/Pk-4-
AccEW1019 Nru AP5008600 1516.5100DIO021001610018 ~7
AUTHORt Skorokhod1kop R. F.
TITLE: Information-reirieval system with improving parameters
SOURCE-. Nauchno-tekhnicheska3ra informataiya, no. 2s 1965, 16-18
TOPIC TAGS: data processing syeem, documentation, information retrieval..
information centers library$ computer data processingy information processing,
information storages information analysis
ABSTRACTt A scheme for a two-stage Jnformation-retrieval system is.discus'sbd- in:
which the data retrieval is performed by initial inversion selection of the
search images and stibsequent checking of the search images selected by the block
of logical relation, during which irzwlevant documents are separated.- Such
programs can be improved continuously,by-the introduction of corrective orders
concerning the quality of the selectiori work. 'The, inversion',search block selects.
all papers ' whose, titled, have even the remotest relation to the inquiry, The
logical block includes a number of.discrindnatore (operators) each selecting
documents with a definite type and degree oflogical relation to the inquiry. The
type of the operators selecting the documents determines the smount a irrelokant
Card 113 ------- ---
SUBMITTa)t 16Nov64 EWLt 00 . SUB CODE: DP
I a tri
.I-hfF-)rxab4on stnragp -.n* rs-I 1--val syster, -with improwd pers-
meters. NTI n3.2C.6-18 '65. OCRA 18s6)
SKOROK inz h.
Use of electrically welded pipes -.Iith a spiral seam according to
the specifications of the All-Union State Standard No.M96-,48.
Enerpi~tik 9 no-7:19-20 JI '61. (kRA 14:9)
(Electric power plants-Equi ment and supplies)
(steam pipes3
SHCHEKIN, Rostislav Vladimirovichy kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.;KOqENEVSKIY,
Sergey ?4ikhaylovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; BE14, Georgiy
Yevgenlyevich, dots.; ARTYUSMiKO, Mikhail Alipiyevich, inzh.;
ROKHODIKO Fedor Isidorovigh, dots.; LOBAYEV, B.N., doktor
tekhn. nauk-, 'prof., red.; POLTORATSKAYA, E.A., red.; SURYGINA,
E.N., red.; VOLOSHCHENKO, Z.N., red.; LEUSHCH&NKO, N.L.,
(Handbook on heating and ventilation in residential and public
buildingsISpravochnik po teplosnabzheniiu i ventiliatsii v grazh-
danskom stroitel'stve. [By] R.V.Shchekin i dr. 2. izd., perer. i
dop. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR, 1962.
1019 P. (MIRA 16:2)
1. DeystvitelInyy chlen Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektury
Ukr. SSR (for Lobayev).
(Heating) (Ventilation)
L 55993-65~
ACCESSION NR: AR5014013 UR/0372/65/000/004/VO70/VO70
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kibernetika. Svodnyy tom, Abs. 4V444
AUTHOR: Skorokhod'ko, Ye. F.
TITLE, One approach to compiling a data-language for technical sciences
CITED SOURCE: Sb. Obchysl. matem. i tekhn. Kyyiv, AN URSR, 1963, 45-52
TOPIC TAGS: computer language, logical system Approach, ordinary language
approach combined approachp data language component, mathematical operation
TRANSLATION: Two possible approaches to the compilation of a data language
(i.e. as a logical system offering the possibility of logical processing of in-
formation written in the data language or as a system more proximate to natural
language with the inherent simplicity of translation to and from the data
language) can be combined by representing the data language as a logical model.of
the ordinary language. A data language constructed in such fashion could serve--,
as an intermediate language in computer translation. Listings of objects and re-!
lationships (i.e. orbit, rmss, charge, motion and to be an object) to be a sub-
Card 1/2
ject, etc., respectively) assume the role of basic elements of thelanguage to
be compiled. Such objects and relationships are designated X ,X and Rl$
11 X2"
R2'.;_R , respectively. A set of topics for which relationsh Ps are dehned is
ref. re~ to as a situation. The latter represented by a graph.whose
vertices correspodd to objects and whose edges correspond to relationships.' A
situation consisting of two objects and combining their relationships is called~:
elemental. An elemental situation is described by means of a.s imple phrase in
the form X,R X.. The author defined several operations for use in constructing:,:
-1 a I
more complex concepts, corresponding to situ4tions with a number of objects in
excess of two, from simple phrases. Somaidentity transformations which cot~-
respond approximately to an actively-passive,,transformation, ordinary
''language are presented. Appropriate signs can be introduced to.. indicate the
order in which the relationships are realized and to facilitate the description''
-of a situation changing in time. H. Arapova
Car -2/2
tekhn. nauk., red.; CqICHKOV, md.; MEDRISH, D.M.,
tekhn. red.
[Manual on the operation of cold storage warehouses] Spra-
vochnik po ekspluatatsii kholodillnykh skladov. Moskva,
Gostorgizdat, 1963. 175 P. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Sotrudniki Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo inati-
tuta kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Piskarev, Kholopova,
Shelaputin, Noskova, Alekseyev, Dracheva, Olenev, Pavloya).
2. Rosmyasorybtorg Miniaterstva torglov1i RSFSR (for
Selivanov, Vinogradov, Mirolyubov, Rovenskiy). 3. Gosudar-
stvennyy planovoy komitet Soveta t1inistrov SSSR (for Skorokhodov).
(Cold storage warehouses)
OSINTSEY, Arlmdiy Stepanovich; VMHININ, A.M., redaktor; SKOROKHODOY. A.A.,
redaktor; WCHKO, Tu.V., redaktor izdatel'stva;
tekhnicheakiy redaktor
[An analysis of potentials for reducing the cost of steel] Analiz
rezervov anizheniia sebestoimosti stali. Sverdlovsk, Goo. nauchno-
tekha. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, Sverdlovikoe
otd-nie. 1956. 125 P. (KIaA 9:8)
TALUIET, Aleksandr Iosifovich; SKM ~ODOT, UkadiZ Aleksandrovich-
GUNOTSKIT, G.K., retsenzent; Luutummii, Sh,F., red.;
LUCHKO, Tu.T., red.izd-ve; TURKINA, Te.D.,,
[Accounting and analysis of the administrative operations of
a metallurgical plant) Bukligalterskii uchat i analiz kho-
zisistvennoi deiatellnosti metallurgichookogo zavods. Sverdlovsk.
Gos.nauchno-tekhn.i.zd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgli,
Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1960. 447 p. (HIM 14:3)
(Steel industry-Accounting)
VESELOV, Nikolay Grigor'yevich;3KOROKJIODOVp A.A., retsenzent;
POPOV, Leonid 14.M., red.izd-va;
MALIKOVA, II.T., tekhn. red.
(Cost of cast iron] Sebestaimost' chuguna. Sverdlovsk, Metal-
lurgizdat, 1962. 51 Pa (MIRA 15:6)
(Cast iron-Cost)
DUKIRIEVICH, Vadim Ignat'--evich; KONGVALOV, Leopo-114 Anatollyevich:
M&LIKOVA, N.T., tekbn. red.
[Steel costs]Sebestoiniost' stali. Sverdlovsk Metallurg-
izdat, 1062. 57 p. NIRA 15-7)
[State plan is the law of production development] Gosudar-
stvennyi plan-zakon razvitiia proizvodstva. Moskva, Metal-
lurgizdat, 1963. 21 p. (MIRA 17:3)
ISKQRUMIDV, Aleksey Gavrilovich; BFMZOVSKIY. Semen Mikhaylovich;
.b, I - -
IoBbr, _nr-a.m-1 YakdvIevich; TSYRULINIKOV, A.L. redaktor;
AVRUTSnYA, R.F., redaktor; BZKM, O.G., tekhnicheskiy re-
[Secondary ferrous metals] Vtoricbnye chernye metally; spravochnik.
Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi
metallurgii. 1954. 336 p. L*Microfilml (MIRA 8:1)
(Scrap metal)
sov'*I'~a---".----~~" 24
AUTHOR: Skorokhodov, A.N., Engineero
TITLE: On the Theory of Planetary Rolliur (K teorii planetarney
PERIODICAL: Izvestiyq vyashikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Chernay3-metallurgiya,
1959, lir 2, pp 61-71 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The operation of planetary mills, which are now being use(~,
abroad, ~-Ref 1-3~j7 is described. Th,~, rate of planetary
rolling is computed in order to dete--,-mine the force and
power consumption of the process.
There are'4 diagrams, I graph and 3 American references.
ASSOCIATION: Ghelyabinakiy traktornyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant)
SUBMITTED: AuC;ust 14, 1958
Card 1/1
ILYUKOVICTI I B.M. 9 a tarahly kalibmvshchik SKOROIMODOV, A. N.
Expanded groove,losign of side ring shapes for ZIL-164
automobile wheels. Metallurg 6 no.12 :27-29 D 161.
(MMA 14:11)
1. Chusovskiy metaLlurgicheskiy zavod (for Ilyukovich),
2. Ural'sXiy po-Utekhnicheskiy institut (for Skorokhodov).
(Rolls(Iron mills))
AtrIHORS: Tarnovskiy, I. Ya., Skorokhodov, A. ff.
TITLE: Mechanics of metal deformation at rolling complex shapes
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 3, abstract 6DIO
("Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta", no. 127, 1961, 19 - 32)
TEKT: The modern conception of the stressed and strained state of metal at
rolling complex shapes is described. In view of a great variety of complex
shapes, a classification of shapes in groups is suggested. 1. BY the form: a)
with two planes of symmetry (H-beams and other), b) with one plane of symmetry
(rails, T-beams and others), c)without planes of symmetry. 2. By conditions of
lateral deformation: a) with a free expansion, b) with a restricted expansion,
c) without expansion. The analysis of the mechanics of metal deformation shows
that neither Brovo's nor Tafel's method can be accepted as a correct one. It
should be recommended to use electronic machines for performing calculations,
since the functions derived are very cumbersome.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation] N. Yudina
Card 1/1
TALUIUVS~~TY_ T.Y,.i, ; _~
An.Uyoi:3 of deforn-a-ticiL9 in the rolling of c-rosa-like, shapes by
me~)nq of varial.ion;Clf method-s.; chern.met. 5
262., (IMU 15 - -17)
1 . Ural 3 ski y politekhr-dlclies~l y insti tut.
( 04~t,32-work)) (Deforzi~tiozis (Machanics))
Expanded finishing groove in the frolling of channel No. 10.
Metallurg 7 no,8:23-24 Ag 162. (MIRA .15:9)
1. Starshiy kalibrovshchik
zavoda (for Ilyukovich). 2.
institut (for Skorokhodov).
Chusovskogo meta3-lurgicheskogo
'Urallskiy politelchnicheski7
ILYUKOVICH, B.M. starshiy kalibrovshchik; SKOROKHODOV A.U.
- -I- -
Rolling of tire ring shapes. Metallurg 7 no.9:19~-20 S
162. OffRA 15:9)
1. Chusovskiy wtallurgicheskiy zavod (for Ilyukovich).
2. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Skorokhodov).
(Rolling (Metalwork))
Rolling of H-bc-ams with free widening. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.;
chern, met* 5 no.8:62-68 t62a Oun 15:9)
1. Urallakiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
(Rolling (Metalwork)) (Beams and girders)
Calculating di-Xonriationo in the foming and edging groovea
during the rolling of T-sections. Stalt 22 no.10:925-928
o 16;.) . (MIFLA 15; 10)
1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut i Chusovoskoy metallurgicheskiy
(Rolling (%Lletalwork)) (Deformiations (mechanics))
[Variational principles of mechanics in the theory of ir-.etal-
working by pressure] Variatsionrqe printsipy mekhianiki v teo-
rii obrabotki metallov davleniem. Moskva, Nletallurgizdat,
1963. 52 p. (MUL6. 17.5)
Deformation, forces,:and the conamption of energy in rolling
T-sections in edging passese Izvsvystuchebezav*; chern*met, 6
no.1:67-77 163. (MIRA 16t2)
1. Umllsk~y politekhnicheskiy Institut.
(Rolling millsl
Deformations and stresies during strip x~plling with cracUorm
grooves. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.4xt&j I
(11WIA 16 3 5)
1. Ural'skiy politekhrich6okiy institut.
(Rolling (MaLalwork)) (Deformations (Moc4anics))
Deformation in sheet passes during the rolling of T-sections. Izv.
vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.5:11&-122 163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
(Rolling (Metalwork)) (Deformations (Mechanics))
Shape changes dlixing metal roll-ing in open beam passes.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 0 no.12:82-89 163.
(MIRA 17:1)
1. Drallskiy poJ-itekbnicheskiy institut.