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FACC NR, AP700*7680 fields on the nuclei, corresponding to these two systems of hyperfine splitting*' For T.= 200 and 273*K, . was obtained from the position of the outemost lines of the spe ctrum. The Hnuc~m for the second system vanishes near the Curie point of gadolinium. The riation of Hnur(T) for the first system apparently shows that the corresponding Dy I-ns behave like ,paramagnetic ions in gadolinium. Reduction of the- speqj~ra of Fig. I ~ielde,d for the ratio of the magnetic and quadrupole momnts of the first-excited 4nd ground states values M./pA = -1.2 � 0 1 -0 37 � 0-05)p Q*&O = 0-85 � 0.11. The quadrupole splittinis V7 = (1/4)eqQo at ?emperatures 30 and 80*K turned out toibe 660 � 60 and 530 � 50 Mcs. The authors thank I. B. Filuppov for help; N. E. Tu~ovich, V. A. Drozdov, and V. S. Sheffer for supplying the liquid helium; Yu. Kagan and A. M. Afanaslyev for discussion of the results; and V. Ye. Keylin for help in'conatructing the cryostat. Orig. arts has: 2 figures@ SUB CODE: 20 ?UBK DATE.- 29NOv65 ORIG REF: 001 CTH REF: 004 Card AID P 1623 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 5/23 Author Sklyarevskiy, Ya. Z., Eng. Title : Acid flushing of a boiler Periodical : Energetik, 1, 11-12, Ja 1955 Abstract The MP 150/35 type boiler after 5 years in use at a heat and electric power plant had acquired I to 1 1/2 mm of sludge in its tubing. Because of the small dia- meter of the steam condenser and feeding pipes, the mechanical cleansing had to be avoided, and flushing with 5 to 7% solution of inhibited hydrochloric acid under 3 to 4 atmospheric pressure was undertaken. The author describes the technique of flushing, and says that the reconditioned cleansed boiler worked for 1 1/2 years without damage afterward. Two diagrams Institution: None Submitted : No date SKLYARIEVSK[Y., . ~'. n7i- i , L Calculation of complex nongy-mmetrical r.(jd,-!3 using static sim-latcra. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; anerg. 8 no.6.1-11 in 165. (MIRA 1,30) 1. Moskovskiy orderin Lonina em-rgrUcn-~;kly institut. Predstavlfna kafedroy elektric-hesk."kh 3tantsi.-I. SOV/123-59-22-92276 Translation from: ReferativW zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 22, p 120 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sklyarov, A. TITLE: New Metal Cutting Machine Tools in 1958 PERIODICAL: Tekbn.-ekon. byul. (Sovnarkhoz Ullyanovskoy obl.), 1958, Nr 2, PP 49-51 ABSTRACT: Four new models of milling machines\"Were manufactured at the DlIyMovsk Plant for the Manufacture of Heavy and JWiaug 3.chine To 1s. A new vertical cantilever miller, model 6N14, for the milling oT'plane surfaces, various grooves and profiled surfaces was brought out, designated for machine parts of medium size. The miller is provided with a stepless regulated feed drive which can be adjusted during the cutting process. Table dimensions are 500 x 2,000 mm, spindle speed ranges from 25 - 11~ 1,250 rpm (18 speeds); the driving power amounts to 14 W, the weight - is 7 t. Moreover, a cantileverless miller, model 659, was constructed for the milling with end cutters of extensive plane surfaces of large- sized blanks. In some cases this miller can replace big-sized double- sided plano-milling machines. A separate table feed in longitudinal and C~ Card 1/2 transverse direction is provided for, as well as a stepless regulation of PETROV, V.A.; EO.1149;', E.A.; VOLODE, A.P.; DEZIISOV, V.A.; KOCFKONOGOV, V.P.; BEGAM, L.G.; BARANOV, M.A.; TAVLDIOV, V.K.; YENIKEM, G.Sh.; BARLEOVA, A.I.; KuDPYAVTSEV, G.F.; MALYAVSKIY, b.K.; CHEGODAYEV, N.N ; V.S.; GOIIIKBERG, I.V., retsenzent; ENGIELIKE, V A., retsenzent; KHRAPKOV, V.A., retsenzent; ALIPERT, G.A.) retsenzent; ALEK-IZYEV, B.N., retsenzent; IKLYAROV, A.A., retsenzent ALEKSEYEV, Ye.P., retsenzent [Railroad surveying; reference and methodological hand- book] Izyskanila zheleznykh dorog; spravochnoe i metodi- cheskoe rukovodstvo. Moskva, Transportp 1964. 495 p. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Babushkin. Vsesoyuznyy nauchnc-issledovatellskiy in- stitut transportnogo stroitel'stva. 2. Leningradskiy go- sudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatel'skiy institut Gosudar- stvennogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta po transportnomu stroitel'stvu SSSR (for Gonikberg, Engellke, Khrapkov). 3. Sibirskiy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatellsk-iy in- stitut Gosudarstvennogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta. po transportnomu stroitel'stvu SSSR (for Alekseyev, YeP.). 4. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy proyektno-izyskatel'ski-y institut Gosudarstvernogo proizvodstvennogo komiteta po transportnomu stroitellstvu SSSR (for Allpert). a sea Go *a so 004 see a$ I A A A, a so rj THE APPLICATION OF SPECT109WHIC A24ALYASIS WHINY UUDIN %-ORKS. A.A. SKLYAROV (IZVEST 1951, (Fit.), 5. (2/3), Russia to fit on to the eye-piece of a stooloiscopel s 0 for Uiv analysis of non-forrous metals. The d quantitative method for analysiur Cu alloys fa oo tho motified steelosoope, is described. A d.o $41GoI11*1010 0 IS W it it it it it 10 0 op J, it 41 oiltl 4 0 1 $-- - a I ties AT THE KAR(KOV FUCTRICAL .00 AKAD. MAIM A.A.L.R., ~00 ,)G. dasoribes a camera dssipiiiO -00 that the latt*r may 'o used .0.0 valpp vent of a visubl. simi Sao Sn. Pb, Zn, and Fit, using 06 arc Is used a s light source. 12; AID 00 F 0 go S wee .3 it AM L S no0 it v I ff a sit w St 14 0 0 0- 0 9 0- 0 a 41 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 4 9 0 0 111 0 0 a a 20(4) P931CMICAlt 4331RACT; Card 1/2 a- Tt:?AjKorctklyv -ot3hch,niy&) Zavo4skays laboralarlya. 1959, Vol 25, 81 7. PP d8t-G)? CUZII, I. A. Vlkhaylov# F. I.)Xo:t-mrov, T. A. Mir-t 11 1In-ut Laboratory 4 Aarlb. f.r It* Th. smplinC as Carried Q.t tj me"m of 4h~ae,.~ cut,:r, sbo.% 70 c. '-, t I .. :n be ott.l..4 Lthln aCroh. r Th ' ' I "' 2' ' lnst;tGut. .Ocki.g am ih. ;rtmoi;1s, of Co. tn. mific alectric real n;. of -star 1. hYdro h tllll .p at. o pro p.O t, ag. he ru.ctLo.l.g of tho d,lll* a-r-ns or the bete- t- I t. :,"14': dipped Into the enter to bo Th. J.,Lc. has %. , S . a. a%I Itb %rt.4.. 71G .-%h h -;,Itfy r I W P23, and Irlodew P2B for the bridjo schead. It. ..:jhv to 2. kC and Its are 25, 100 070 am. 't i. clmrg!l by two batteries r:;.I; Tay S- KOKYUM. A. A. Sklyarov (NII Uxr. % mrz r,r on d'fl "I""t Of %h- Ph-t--.t-r rW-56 (p1,), ;nd. -he -hl CA .rror- -aA be --Otdod b ... of I Th." art 2 rlurva. Card 2/2 KLEBANOV., F.S., knnd, tekhn. nauk; ROSSCCHINSKIY, V.I., inzh.; 'XYASN1K'C;V, A.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; BARATOV, E.I., kand. tekhn.nauk; IIALASHUKO, E.N., inzh.; KOREPAINOV, K.A.) kand. tekhn. nauk; SKLYAROV, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; SYROYEZHKIN, KUKITAMKIY., M.P., inzh.; VORC,NINA, L.D., otv. red.; BERKGAUT, V.G., red.izd-va; DOROKHINA, I.N., tekbn. red. (Improving mine ventilation methods in hydraulic mining] Sovershenstvovanie sposobov proveterivnniia vyrabotok gidroshakht. (9y] F.S.Klebanov i dr. Moskvp, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 156 p, (MIRA 16:10) (Vine ventilation) (Hydraulic mining) 5(4) SOV./80--32-4-43/47 AUTHORS, Khornutov, N.Ye, and, Sk--yarov,1-.,T. TITLE- Electrolytic Preparation of Potassium Perborate (Elektroliticheskoye polucheniye perborata kaliya) PERIODICAL: Zhu7-nal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4, PP 931-932 (USSR) ABSTRACT- Anole processes, constituting the base of the electrolytic method of sodium perborate preparation, have been insufficiently studied thus fa Theories proposed for the anode formation of nerborates ~R-efs 1-_47 wer not able to explain the t-.)tality of the observed phenomena, in this connection zhe authcr3 have been studying ihe electrolysis of solution of carbonates, borates snd their mixtureB. The results were partially laid down in a previous publication ZR-ef g. The present note contain some results obtained during investigations into the effect of electro lyte composition on the process of anode oxidation of borate-carbonate solutions, The run of anode processes was observed by measuring the yield of active oxygen in the solution. The application of mixtures of borax with potash as an electrolyte proved to produce a positive effect. The yield of active oxygen for different ,.oncentrat-ions of Card 1/2 the compovients is shown in a table. These results indicate a possibil Elect-rciytic Preparation rf FcraZsium P;mv.-b-'rare (SOV/80-312-4-45/47 of usinp- the mix+u~:es of bcrax ;7-' th potaoh for elef-,trc;-.ItIO Dreparation. of perboratps. A 3eries of polarization measurementc on platinum, ,arbori, and Lend -inodp-, was c--.trri(-d out for berax-patash mixtures of various concen':.razlons Thr~ value!~ of rolarization for them are lower then for b-.rax-scda sol-uticna- There are, 1 ~-able and b re"crences, 2 o--.' which are Soviat, 3 German and I SUBMITTED, February L~', Card 2/12 SKLYAROV, A.T.- KOLOTYRKIN, Ya.K p Effect of carbon monoxide on the electrochemical be-havicr cf nickel and iron. Elektrrkhirriia 1 no.38360-363 ~Lr t65* (MUPA 18:12) 1. Flziko-khlmic~eskiy institut imeni Karpova. YAKOBASIIVILI, S.B.; MUDZHIRI, T.G.; SKLYAROV, A.T. Surface tension of slags in the system CaO - A1203- Avt0m- svar. 18 no.8:44-45 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Gruzinskiy institut metallurgii. Submitted June 27, 1964. SKLYAROV, A.Ye., inzh. Checking the resistance value of XF elements. Blek. i tepl. tiaga 2 no.11:32 N 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Electric resistors--Testing) SKLYAROV, A.Ya., inzh. Ofovocherkassk) Instrument for checMng commutator insulation used In electric machinery. Elek. I tepl. tiaga 3 no.4:23 AP '59. (HIRA 12:7) (Electric instruments) (Electric machinery--Testing) SKLYAROV, A.Ya., inzh. (1,16vochorkaunk) Device for checking turn-to-turn faults in coils. 9lj)j,..j tnPl.tiaga 4 11a.1:27 Ja 16o. (1411k 13:4) (Electric coils--Testing) SKL-YAROV, A,Ye. -. imb. Devices for contrclling the electric parametera of the elemente of electric traction machinery and apparatus. Vent. elektroprm. 32 no.5;54.,58 My ;61. ONIIRA 15:5) (Electric controllers) SMAROV, A.Ye.; ALEKSANDROV, K.B. Method for testing the electric strength of the insulation of the sections of traction motor windings. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 2:174-185 162. (MIRA 16:8) (Electric insulators and insulation-Tooting) (Electric railway motors-Windings) I!;,.!! PH TrIplIP11111, "I. SKLYAROV, A.Ye. Method and device for determining defect location in the turn- to-turn insulation of the sections of traction motor windings. Sbor. nauch. trud. EINII 2:246-249 162. (KM 16:8) (Electric insulators and insulation-Testing) (Electric railway motors--Windings) SKLYAROV',:,,Aleksp,y.,Ygll~~;;!~yleil, inzh.; ALEKSMR)ROV, KanqtantLn Borisovich, kand.tekhn.n a,u]- dotsont Choice of the parameters of an impulse voltage for testing the insulation of winding sections of electric traction motors. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 6 nn.5582-591 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Nachallnik otdela novykh niatodov i7-mereniy novocherkasskogo nauchno-issledovatel-Iskogo instituta elektroltozontroyeniya (for Sklyarov). 2. Kafedra t,~o-eticheskikh osnov elektroteichniki. Leningradskogo institata inzhenerov zhe1eznodorozhnaga transportA (for Aleksandrov). (Flectric railway motors) SKLYAROV, A.Ye., inzh.; TOPALOV, O.N., inzh. Testing of armature with circuit winding for turn-tc-turn short circuit. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.9:21-22 S 163. MRA 16:10) SKLYAROV, A.Ye., inz-h. Locating insulation defects in sections. Vest. elektroprom. 34 no.2:65-66 F 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Electric machinery-Measurements) (Electric machinery--Windir-go) SKLYAROV, A.Ye.,, kand. tekhn. nauk Testing of the insulation of traction mo-.or-c in manufactu-ning plants. Elektroltekhnika 36 no.8:13-16 Ag 164. (1,URA 1?-.9) MIKHANTIYEV, B.I.; SKLYAROV, B.A.; SEMYTOV, B.A. Preparation of vinyl esters of q-acridinecarboxylic acid and Its incomplete acylals. Ilauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; khim. i no.4:759-76o 158. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Predstavlena kafedroy v7sokomalekulyarnoy khimii Voronezhakogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Acridinecarboxylic acid) (Acylals) KUTUKOV, A.A.; SLOBODKIN, V.A.; SKLYAROV, B.S. Torsional vibrations of the ZD6 engine shaft lines. Trudy NPI 112:59 161. (IURA 14:9) (Marine diesel engines) H. 1 G(,t,.L iYENKC; , ii. ; B_ESHi(~iWAf"l,'YV I G "If LOT P . A VSK A Y."'. , L. L. ; I b VAG r 1-21 VK . C, FCj," OEr,'2-'CIV ?f.A. ; KOKO~T'V, A. T. Yu V. MUROCHKA A. L. kard. tek~,n. nauk; 'A..L., kard. tekhn. T (:I~(' RA Y L Y A a -.,; k? -'-A %'I " R I KO F . I .1, 5, KIII!, N , ?.'(j li , L . V:: LI A . F. VEI 111; LO VV. Ya S K L YA I ~'G B. S. ; SO U)V I YEV, kand. .ekhn. nauk; ji"E'OVIKOIT, A.A.; TTKIR",MV, N.G.; I li E i ill' I ilKO P.H.; YANOV, V.P. electri-c locomotivf,.' E'Iectrovoz VAPO. Nlovocherkasnk. rauchno- isoledovatellskii insti.tut fllektr-(wozo!-,Iroprjijr,. Sbo~xjik llauchnykJl trudov, vol. 5.) (141!; A 18: 5) SKLYAROVI G. 17".0 -;". ~-, () . ; : , 7 ~- ~ , . ! ~ , p t, I ; - ILO", ruL, .1, -, 'I. Kilm"~,wiJkLi o~~VCi.. -- Dies for cold extrusion of steel parts. From. Arm. 6 no,11: 52-53 N 163. (KRA 17:1) 1. Uarlkovskiy velosipednyy zavod. P~l 1. 1 fill ~,. i , 1 1 : ! '. ~ ~. -, .,I I "-ti-C. k'b fv~` I i I I SHAROVA, A.S.; SKLYAROV,.G.A.- AKSENOVAV B.F. ~ - --l - Group and fractional composition of humus in grey forest soila of the Sim agricultural zone of Bashkiria. Mat. P6 12ueh. pochv Bash. ASM no.l.-50-61 160* (MM 1413) (Sim Valley-Forest soils)(Sim Valley~--Humus) SHAROVA9 A.S.; SKLYAROV, G.A.; AMENOVA, B.F.; RADTSETA, G. Ye. Available zinc content of certain soils of the Sim agrIc-ultural zone of Bashkiria. Mat. po Izucb. pochv Bash. ASSR no.1:94-99 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Sim Valley~-Soils--Zinc content) SKLYLTZOV,__.~.~., starshiv nauchnyy sotrudnik; SHAROVA, A.S., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Brief agrochemical description of grey forest soils fo the Sim agricultural Tegl6n of Bashkiria. Mat. po izuch. pochv Bash. ASSR no.1:170-187 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Sim Valley-Forest s6ils) 0 G A. '- '-IOEGLOV A. V. otv. red . ye.,; tjtfyjje ,-, 4 1:, th i -lereFJ 5 ano productive j,ockjvy Eashkirskoj 1&1~, ikh gentzj.3 i ~harakteristlka. Mo- Naunkal l9f,4. 244 p. 17:10) SEMICITMIX0, I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SKLYAROV, G.M., ekonomist Prospects for developing the dry proces2 of cement production in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Nauch. soob NIITSementa no.9:43-4.5 160. UMU 14: 5) 1. Azerbaydzhanskiy nauchno-issled.ovatellskiy institut tsementnoy promyshlennosti. (Asia, Central-Cement industries) (Kazpkhstan-Cement industries) 1. 1 . I I . ! 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 "r , , "' , - " , - - - -!, SMAROV, G.S. , inzh. .eorging then with ins3ortion pieces. 14aHh.3pl. no-5:&~-65 '58. (14IRA 12: 11) (Diee (Metalworking)) EM I.-J-11 "IlIff .... I 1111111 p I I El".q1 I I If"' I I p" I --- -,- - - SKLYAROV, G.V., inzh.. Semiautomatic machine for cutting periodic rolled stock for bicycle bushes. Mashinostroenie no.4:14-15 R-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kharlkovskiy velosipednyy zavod. .~(Gutting machines) SKLYAROV, G. V. inzh. New techniques for manufacturing bicycle bushings. Manhino- stroenie no.5118-19 3-0 162. (MMA 16:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy velesipednyy zavod. (Kharkov-Bicycles and tricycles) SKLYAROV, 1. Rgeonditioning bodies of dump trucks for hauling mortars. Avt. transp. 37 no.2:51 F '59. 041RA 13:1) (Dump trucks--Bodiea) SKLYAROV, I. On the road of prowth. Sill. bud. 11 no.12:3-4 D 161. (MIRA 15!2) 1. Predsedatell soveta, Starobellskoy mezhkolkhoznoy stroitellnoy organizatsii Luganskoy oblasti. (LuFansk Province-Construction industry) %,fk KOREPANC-V, K.A., kand tekhn.nauk; SXLY-~ROV, L.A., inzh. Calculation of the leakage of a rigid air ventilation duct in blind development dirfts. Izv.vy5.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.4: 87-91 6o. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Donetskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni industrialInyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy rudnichnoy ventilatsii i teckhniki bezopasnosti. (Mine ventilation) SKLYAROV, L.A., inzh. Gas pressure in the seam massif. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav. gor. zhur. no.8:50-53 '60. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Donetskiy politelchnicheskiy inatitut im. N.S. Khrumhoheve. Rekomen- dovana kafedroy rudnichnoy ventil7ataii i tekhniki bezopasnosti. (Gas in rocks) 2 SVIRSKIY, Ya.I.; SKLYAROV, L.A.; GUTMAN, L.M. Improved performance of the BG-100 automatic batcher; 195.1 model. Koks i khim. no.11:19-21 '61. (MIRA 15-1) 1. Stalinskiy koksokhimicheskiy zav3d. (Coal preparation plants--Equipment and supplies) OVILIENKOVI A.R., inzh.; GUSIKOV, P.G., inzh.; SKLYAROVL.A.,,Jnzh. Automation of the benzene scrubbing department at the Stalinsk Coke-Chemical Plant. Mekh.i avtom. proizv. 15 no.6:18-20 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6). (Stalinek--Coke indu4try) (Automation) IvANI"'iy 1;.N.j SKLYAROV, L.A. Using the method of gas-flame 3praying for applying plastic coat- ings an large irticles. Mashinostroenie n0.4:89-90 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2) ~ ~ . I -I I If 11 M itch SKLYARUV, H. Simple trailers for transportation of panels. Avt.transp- 37 no-3:15 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:4) (Truck trailers) SOV/ 13-1- 58 7- 1 (jO54 Translation from: R eferativnyy zhurnal , Metal"urgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 302 (USSR) AUTHORS-, Skl Sklddno,: . 1, K, Radetskaya- E. M, TITLE: Effect of Temperature Stresses an the Strength of Heat Resistant Alloys (Vliyaniye temperatUrnykh napryazlieniy na %-ynoslivosL' zhitroprochriykh spta%.,o%-) PEMODICAL: V sb. : Issled. po zharoprochn, splavam. Vol 2. Moscow AN SSSR, 1957, pp 66,75 ABSTRACT: The investigation of temperature stresses on the strength of heat- resistant alloys was carried out on flat and hollow cylin drical specimens according to a tpecially developed method, Testing of flat specimens of heat res;15tant alloys E1-437B and El -617 electrically heated to 800c)C wth temperature drops of 50~ 100, and 1500 between the edges and the central portion of a specimen was mtde on the D, V~ L. (Deutsche Versuchsanstalt fiir LuftJahrt) type machine The hollow cylindrical specimens of EI-437A and EI-617 alloys, heated an the exterior in a fur- nace and air cooled from the interior were tested at a surface temperature of 7000 on Schen~ type machines, Hollow cylin Card 1/1 drical specimens of the El 4 37B alloy, cooled on the exterior SOV/137 58-7-16054 Eftect of Temperature Stres-ses or. the Strengthol Heat -resistant Alloys and heated through the interior cavity were tested at 7000 surface temperature on Wehler-type machines, Measurement of temperatures was performed by the method of the natural thermocouple. Draw'ng-- of the specimens are given, together with a description of proposed methods for testing of heat-resistant alloys tinder concurrent action of temperature stresses produced by tempera- ture differences and a vibratory load, It is established that a temperature drop of 50-150 0in 2pecimens heated internally and cooled externally can cause a 1-3 kg/mm change in rr, . Dui~ing+he testirig of specimens with high stress concentration and a low0 Tw"11"the relati-ve decrease in (Tw attains appreciable values (up to 507o with a drop of 1500). As for the effect of temperature on the vibratory durability of alloys and also for the effect of the outer surface and the susceptibility of the alloy to the action of surface stress concentrators, various effects of a temperature drop on the u-w can be observed. A!-;.oys-. -Properties A 1L'Oys fa-tors Z. F Card 1/2 32-P-28/61 AUTHORS Sklyarov, N.M., Radetskaya, E.11. --S7,cT-a-dn6-Y-,- i.K. TITLE kethod and Apparatus for Testing Fatigue under the Influence of Stationary Thermal Stresses. (Metodika i apparatura dlya ispytaniy na ustalost' pri d*ystvii statsionarnykh temperaturnykh napryazhenij.) PERIODICAL Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 2.21, Nr 8, pp. 954-956 (U3SR) ABSTRACT The work is divided into three sections, as follows: 1. Examination of plane samples: The samples were heated by electric current and had a special form which permitted to determine a possible drop in temperature after an average load. By means of a special machine (DVL) the samples were subjected to various loads at various temperatures, and to constant external cooling by flowing water. The results shoffed that a considerable reduction of the fatigue limit occurred according to ho-v much the drop in temperature was increased. Mathematically the case corresponds to the formula: E a A t where 6-1L1- signifies Poisson's coefficient, 2 (1 -0-4, CARD 1/3 xn~t- the drop in temperature, E - the modulus of 32-8-28/61 WIP-thod an Apparatus for Tenting Fatigues under the Influence of Stationary Thermal Stresses. elasticity and a the coefficient of linear expansion. 2., Testings of hollow, cylindrical, internally cooled bodies after pure bending: In this case the standard machine by Schenk was used for the fatigue tests. The external heating was performed electrically. The inter- nal cooling was carried out by cold air blowing by means of a rotation compressor. The results showed that in the case of several fireproof alloys the fatigue curves in- dicated that thermal stresses due to a heat drop of 500C had practically no influence in the thougness limit. 5. Testings of hollow, cylindrical bodies which were in- ternally heated and externally cooled: In this case the machine for bending was used. The internal heating of the sample was carried out by an electrical rod heater, the external cooling by cold flowing water, where the bearings also possessed the sa-me cooling. The curves of heat distribution in the section of the wall subjected to stress showed that the temperature variation in this case took place according to rules which are close to the linear ones. 32-9-28/61 Method an Apparatus for Testing Fatigues under the Influence of Stationary Thermal Stresses: Tests of fireproof alloys showed that under constant conditions of temperature and heat drop a heat drop of 500C at an external temperature of 7000C effected a deviation of the fatigue curve and a reduction of the fatigue limit by 10 %- 0; illustrations, 2 tables) ASSOCIATION: None given. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. CARD 17/3 18(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOI-.'ATION SOV/2262 Sklyarov, Nikolay Mitrofanovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sovremennyye zharoprochnyye splavy I materialy (Modern Heat-resi6ting Allo7s and Materials) Moscow, Izd-vo "Znaniye," 1959. (Series: Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh I nauchnykh znaniy. Seriya IV, 1959, Nr 12) 44,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencyt Vsesoyuznoye obshchestvo po rasprostraneniyu politicheskikh i nauchnykh znaniy. Ed.-. T. F. Islankina; Tech. Ed.: L. Ye. Atroshchenko. PURPOSEt This booklet is intended for the general reader. COVERAGE: The author discusses the importance of heat-and scale-resistant metals and alloys in modern engineering. Special consideration Is given to materials used in building gas turbine blades, combustion chambersp and elements of space rockets. He deals with the crystalline structure of metals and alloys, the theory of vacancy -ind diffusion of atoms, and the effect of temperature on these phenomena. Cdrd 1/2 Modeqi Heat-resisting (Cont. SOV/2262 He also describes the properties of various heat-resistant materials and their fields of application. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTSt Some Information on [feat-resistant Alloys and Materials 3 Classification of Heat-resistant Alloys 13 Iron-base alloys 14 Nickel-base alloys 16 Aluminum-, magnesium-, and titanium-base alloys 18 r -temperature Refractor Alloys High 22 CerainLc and Powdered Metal Materials 27 Nonmetallic Heat-resistant Material 29 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress GO/Isb 10-8-59 Card 2/2 k Fj a j I 'It v 9 V t: p. co !jig 3 4 j al. *3 " 13 M* I ) ,i ~~ I ~, ~~ ;v I I ME i 3i 9 to W n I VA 1V AA SAMSONOV, Grigoriy Valentinovich; PORTNOY, Kim LgayeVich; FRADITSBITICIi, I.N. , retsenzent; SKLYAROV, N.M.1--doktor teklin. nadk., prof.., ratoenzent; BALISHINY M.Yu,,, kand. tekhn. naukp retsenzent; BOCHVA.R, M.A., Inzb., red.; VIIJOGRADSKAYA, S.I., red. izd-va; ROZEIII, V.P., tekhn. red. [Alloys made of high-melting compounds) Splavy na osnove tugoplav- kikh aoedinenii. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Oborongiz, 1961. 303 P. (flIRA 14;9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USS (for Frantsevich), (Heat-resistant alloys) (Ceramic metals) - --- _~iqYtor tekhn. nauk, prof.p red.; KUINAVSKAYA, _~KD AROV, N.M., .red.; I'LOMIN, V.P... tekhn. red. (Thermal stability of heat resistant alloys]Termostoikostl zharoprochnykh splavov; sbornik statei. Voskva ' Oboron iz, 1962. 168 p. WIRA 15:105 (Heat-resistant alloys--Thermal properties) S/853/62/000/000/001/008 A006/AIOI AUTH0113: Ak;mov, L. M., Sklyarov, N. M. TITLE: Methods or' Lestlne, tho acale-resistance of heat-resistant alloys SOIJECE: Termo5toykost' zharoprochnykh splavov,'sbornik statey, Ed. by. N. M. Sklyarov, Moscow, Oborongiz, 1962, 5 - 52 TS(T: The authors attempt the classification of existing scale-rezistance test me'Uiods in order to select the most efficient processes fo.- establishing standard conditIons. The methods developed during the past 10 years are collec- Led in tables I - 3 ana divided into the following 3 classes: 1) methods to de- termine scale-resistance by one-time heating; 2) by multiple heating and 3) methods 4o deter-mine the scale-resistance as 4 capacity of withstanding the ef- fect of heat-alternation upon the mechanical properties and other operational parameters, An analysis of heating and cooling sources and of criteria for eva- luatin6 tne scale-resistance, shows that an effective test method should assure Loading and deformation schemes like those of mechanical tests, and yield equal- ly simple and reliable quantitative scale-resistance evaluations; the test con- Pard 1/2 It Methods of T"~3tirlg the... rII853162100010001 001/008 Aoo6/A1o1 ditions should be close to real operaLional conditions Of the parts with regarcl to heat processes and strained state. These requirements can be met by cornbin- ing tile following 3 types of test: 1) Gradual accumulation of deformation by repeated effeetz of temperature stress; determining the elastic and plastic de- formation components of a single cycle during the whole process of the test un- til deformation failure takes place, with simultaneous stress control. 2) T'ests with r.gid clamping, assuring also transverse deformation as an intermediate transition from a uni-axial to a volumetric strained state; this Is most full-ly brought. about in a free specimen. 3) Tests with free (unclamped) specimens si- mulating parts, for which the material under investigation is intended. There are 3 tables. Card P/P S/853/62/000/000/CW/008 Aoo6/Aioi AWHORS: Plaluonov, A. A., Skvortsov, G. V., Sklyarov, N. M. Tl'kr,!-,-: Scale-resistance tests of' heat-resistant alloys under conditions of constajit. operational length of the specimen (rigid seizing) SOURCE: Termostoykost' zharoprochnykh splavov, sbornik statey, Ed. by N. M. Sklyarov, Moscow, OborongIz, 1962, 64 - 69 T,!YT: An attempt is made to reduce the 1parasitic" deformations In scale- r,~!slstance tests on a maciiine with rigid seizing, to a magnitude not exceeding 5,~ of tne neat cnanges 1r, the operational portion of the specimen during cyclic heating and cooiing processes. The method of a rigidly seized specimen has the follGwing advantages: ti,e measuremenL and control of stress are simple; the specimezis to be subjected to scale resistance tests are similar to tensile-test specimens; heating by electric current, passing through the specimen, Is conve- nient and rapid. The method developed "or scale-resistance tests is particular- ly suiLable for the comparative evaluation of scale-resistance in series and ex- perimental heat-resistant alloys and steels. Tests were carried out with Card 1/3 It Scale-resistance tests of ... /8 5 3/~ 2/000/'G-DG/CN~ /'()C,,6 Aoo6/Aioi 37 )'(h) I Y 16 1,() (1787), "llimonik" type, 61'( 17) type aLloys, and cast alloys types .--C3 W133) and "Nimokast". The temperature rarw.,z from to 800",; and POO - 600OC; maximum te-MI)e I'll LUres are clOC) - 1,1()O')C. The (]-~vf~ioped system of' rigid seizing of' tne specilliell Is Illus- traLed and diff'ers from prt~vious ~iy~;tems by greaLer r1jr1dty; conditioris -,,hu.~, created yield ieast variated results. The developed unir, can also be used for large-scale tests with variable rigidity. The method and design of the unit make it possible to perform tests at any temperature level actaining the melz~ing point of the alloy, wirh temperature differences wnich are determined b,-.- maximum values of the cycLe top temperature. The tests are accompan'ed by tem.- Perature stress control. The specimens are designed with ~eazt material conzumc- tion. T`ie mie~nrjd is r,:~comm-,endea for research work and, is to be used iii. IE-Ajc-a- e--1,a1uaL.*or-, o., ~ieat resistarL alloys. There are --) fioz-~s- Scalle-re~iistance tests o'... Figure I . AssembLy dLaErari of a un'L witui a so?.Ized specimen L,egerld: I bench; 71 - C I amp; 3 - p1n; 4 L;pecimen; 5 - texLoILLe packiriv,; 6 - threaded support; 7 - nuL; 8 - plate; 9 - textolite busiiing; 10, 11 - wedges; IP - stopper screw. S/853/62/000/000/002/oO8 A 006/p, i u i Card 3/3 S/-653/62/000/000/003/008 Aco6/AlOl AUTHORS: Skladnov, 1. K., Sklyarov, N. M. TITLE: Scale-resistance tests of heat resistant alloys on simulated and natural blades and free specimens SOURCE: Termostoykost' zharoprochnykh splavov, sbornik statey, Ed. by N. M. Skiyarov, Moscow, Oborongiz, 1962, 70 - 78 TOCT: There are no data available on scale resistance tests with heating by electric current passed through jet-propulsion-engine blades. The authors attempted Lo develop a unit for this purpose. The blade section was leveled by milling metal parts off the blade back, in order to prevent non-uniform heating. The heating temperature in 'the blade could be elev'ated to 1,1000C. The blades were tested on a machine, designed on a step-down transformer basis. Blades were preliminary sand-blown, milled to 3 mm thickness in the bulging part, heat- ed to 9750C within 30 sec, and cooled in an air jet down to ?OOOC within 60 sec. The number of cycles varied in a ver-j wide range, depending upon the material and the experimental conditions (from I to several thousands) until the appear- Card 112 5/85 3 /62/Wi/C 30/(_'.-J I /0C8 Scale-resistance tests of ... Aoo6bmi ance of cracks, which could be visually detected. The test results are tabu- lated and show that the scale resistance of the, blades Is affected by a nurnber of structural and teciulical, factors, In particular, by the surface condition. .3and-blown blades withstand about 210 to 40 more cycles than blades tnat were Manually ground on. a coar~je emery stone. However, the sand-blown blades are I+ - 0 time:-, iess resistant (comparing the number of cycles until the appearance of cracks) tii~aji blades manual-6round with a file and fine emery paper. Blades imade of' a de'Lormable alloy are by one order more scale-resistant than cast blades. It was eztablirhed that the structural factors, determining the rigidity anQ temperature differences, exert a grea'Ler effect than defects of the scab type, since in all cases the breakdown occurred not in the scabs but was located in blade sections, determined by its design. The exceptional effect of the surface treatment upon scale resistance was confirmed by tests made with flat specimens whose surfaces were machined in different ways. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. Card ;_~12 TUVANOV, A.T., rlav. red,; V-ATKI1.'-. A.Ye., kand.; t~~'naulk, red.; 7-ALYMOVSKIY, A.$,p-red.;'KMGIN, V.I., red.; KISEKDi, S.T., red.; FJ5HK=A-RATUiE, S.L# daktor tekbzko -sauk-9 --red.; ~PAITSHN, Bel.j:kand,, tekbn. nauk.,-rei.; ROG0111141 Z.A., daktor kboz. nauki red.; SAZHVA,, CP4. red.; SKLYARGVt N.M,,,, dottor tekhn.nnul-, red.; FRIDLYAIIDERp I.N.) dokt6r tekhn. muk, red.; SHUBNIKOV, A.V.y red.; SHCWBINA, V.V., doktor geol.-miner. nauk, red.; SIRAYBER, D,S., kadn. tokhn.nauk, red.; GEMELI, S.V., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; NOVIKOVI A.S., doktor khoz. nauk, red.; KITAYGORODSKIY, I.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; ZIIEREBKGV, S.K., kand. tekhn. naukj red.; BOGATYREV, P.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BUROV, S.V., kand. tekhzn. nauk, red.; POTAK, Ya.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; KUKD1, G.N., doktor tekhn. nauk., red.; KOVALEV, A.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; ZENTSELISKAYA, Ch-A-) tekhn. red. [Building materials; an encyclopedia of modern technology] KonstruktsioraWe materialy; entsik-lopediia sovrememioi tekh- niki. Glav. red. Tumanov, A.A. Moskva, Sovetskaia entsiklo- pediia. Vol.l. Abliatsiia - Korroziia. 1963. 416 p. (MIRA .17:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Kishkin). i S K L Y. U-~' u'l j -';' ~ ~' . Dies for the beprling of ;;tee] parts. Yu2.,-s;Aam.P-Oizv. 5 no. 8:46-47 Ag 163. (MM~ 16:91 1 I SKLYALM, N.S. Upsetting J 4 . . . I I -miters ins-Lead off grim-ung Kuz.-afitam. Froizv, 5 no.12:43-ld, D '63. (WIRA 17:1) SKLYAROV., N.S. Pimching hole:3 in difficult,-trranch spot5. Mashinostroenie ne.4- 39-40 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 1712) , . :,,, , inW". 3 k f- N. - I - n .- - . Dies wil th self-adjusting punches fcr counter.5-51 king ap"J t.--.-.=ing hole.i. Vias~-Inostraenie no.1:42-43 ja-F '64. NIFjt 17:70 SKLYAWV, N.S. Device for straightening and notAing washers. Mashinostro- itell no.2:21 F 64. (MIRA 17:3) M.1,F A 'I SELY AROV, Ill, 4~ S. Au--matio mac`.-fne -f~r cu-Aing and s-raictiteni g billets. Mashino- 0 r, tr, -~ i iIno.110 N 164, (MIRA 1W) ~ 1 - --] --' I -- e .; : -- -- I i. - , - 11C. ., -:: -, ~ 'I -. -~ I . "' 7 j,,..,A 1"") 1-:'. . ~ F 'P. .Kl'yl-~ I ~oiv ,'; ~:: .. ~7 chfae fo~- f-ittl.n7 tubes, Mashinostroon' . u 'V) IT a '~ I c m a I .. 1 .1 - I A, .4 r(%.2s3zJ-.'3r, 16~. (MIRA 1886) !14' , , 1 " ! " a ,~F l-'i A, io", r --.- - I I . I I - Al..~-- M, -, j-., . : -_- , I . :. , ."-:, . ~- -~ ~, ~!. 1- !- . :,~a 4- - - I g !: 1- -'. , r,,,, I M, 16 t b 11 I!, - .., -~ I 1 11 ; : a :),.s. , in7~. I 'De-mialuto-matic na-c'-line for cutting Lnd bending contact plalles. 't . . no.6:71-72 N-D 16r (MJT'.A 18:12) W AUTHORS: Belotakiy, A.V. , Gridnev, V-'. . Sklyaroi', O.Ye. 2- 1 71 TITLE., The Ion-X~R~ Tube With Revelvir~g A;-,.ode loy-m-a-,ya trubka s trra3hchayush,~hlra3ya anodlom) - 0, ~ 50 us PERIODICAL: Zavodgkaya Laboratoriya, 19-57, Vol. 23, Nr 12, Pf.'. 149 -~ 0 ( SR ABSTRACT- The new oonstruction of this tat,-2 suggested in thia pP_r_e-':. ccraslst3 of a tube-shaped stand fa_916-ened onto a -table-, it has a central. pro- Jection into the upper part of which a porcelain tube (irsulator) in a conical box is introduced. On the upper end of the porcelain tube there ls a special derloe which is connecter! vrith the cpthc".4e holder together with the cathode in the interior ot the tube. Here the ca- thode may be adjusted fr,.)m the oatsid-.% The er~ode 4.2 ir. vbe lozer part of the central projection a.-rid iz fitt-tid on to the ridbile end of the anode shaft. The anode shaft itself I's harizontal, 'vi-a ralle- bearings, and as packing a number of rubber, waoherz metal flt- tings are used. The anode shaft is driven by an e1ec1crc-mo4:o'r whia,6 is fastened beside the apparattLs on the plate of tKe Va-t anode shaft together with the driving lisk are coniitruc`*.:!d IX'. such a manner that the anode shaft is adjustable in the ho-e-zontal d`r~--,Uon In Card 1/2 order that at its end in the Interior of rhp an-jara-'us the anode The Ion-X-Ray Tube With Revolving Anode 3 2 - -, V 71 together with the 3ampll^ can be mounted or removed. In cer-.aln cases the anode can be replaced by a prism upon the surfaces of ,~ljch -th... necessary metal. layerv. are fixed. The anAe owy be tlstd vhil-! at rest, and the foaas spot is Lsed up to 2.'-, rmt al. 10-12 xA girO 125 kV of the specular iron of the anode. in the ca.5e of a. rpv3lving anode the number of revolutions is )+50--500 Der minute witl~ a Mrrent of up to 25 mA, 35-40 kV, and a. foai_s spot of 0.8-1.0 mm is prufrid:?G4 (in the case of continuous stress). There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kiyev Polytechnic Irlstitut (Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy inst"tut). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 212 1. Tub es-Cons tric tion methods E17T(l) LPC( & 5 5 -) -, h !` ) " ~ j Pi-4'- ~JP"c) -jD/GG ACCESSION NR: AP5012505- UR/C032 / 0/03 i o. /%0_3/404. 539 16 9- 01! AUTTHORSj Kozyrskiy, G. Ya*; Kouonenko,.V. A.; Sklyarovt 0 TITLE: An,x-ray camera for studying the mosaic structure o crys r ~4 2b AM SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, V, 31, no. 5: 1965p' 6:223-6P. TOPIC TAGS- 9r4 x ray photography# metal. 6~turo I v 'h' 11 st~! microscope Al ABSTRACT: The authors have devised a camera for deteridni~~ l~itcs~ii~~siructull, ~EI.I: specimens in this camera may, e -rotated dbi in crystals. The a m lb l ~'Lt ct~V~! axis por i Ifen- I - -1~ dicular to the incident beam by having two mutual perpond 6tLlar 1 Ake s of rd f' a- :4 tion with the direction of the incident beam Oarall6l to oid Vd qi0ib. This irot~J tion has caused reflection to disappear in'older'cameras b prot~t of beam shape, which is elliptical, This disn~dvantage Is O I~I;e V -- --- O ~n the - i described sGtup by keeping the relative position of speci.M 64 i to bh~ m fixed. lAn-j ; A other source of error in older cameras, shifting of grains ~: ~ ~iniA 6formatlo-~ has been removed by developing a special hoild6r f or tho spbii imen~j':a blowing 6,41im-, S omplete~ A pensation for any defoT=tion, The camemparmit a eterW bation d; Card t-11 ACCESSION NR: AP5012505 *6n!i mosaic pattern in grains ermits-study of utialij ~a t;iany 4 graiii:distrib t*6n!! wds )f 1 rotation) caused by of metal at high tempo'rature, . . and ~a..110 all6vrs obser.4 I-' tion of other structural changes in metals dur ing dofoxtwitio~~-!! Cadj)~jtaiiona ~w Ird made by means of an NBS-2 microscope. Orig. arb~ hasl I fi&itie. -ASSOCT-ATIONt Institut metaUofiz:Lk:L Almdemii nauk UkrSSX in, !of-tbe Physics of Metalat Acadenq of ScienceslUkrSSR) SUMMED., 00 ENCL f 00 SUB' kE.- 1 19S. NO REF SM 001 OTMMI 000: i 7-1 ! TifMP. fi 1 !Mff,. 9 P"qx,, P.R, P F M, ,, I 11 SKLYAROV, P.I. (Volikomikhaylovskiy rayon Belgorodskoy oblasti) Constructive applicatl~n of organizational forms in the agri- cultural work of vt~udents., Politekh.obuch. no.12-.27-28 D '59. - 04IRA 13:5) -(Agriculture--Study and teaching) SKLYAROV, P.I.; MOLOTKOV, G.A. wwwvpl~ Technical and econmde council of the Zaporoshlye Economic Region. Met. i gornamd. prom. no.1:78-?9 Ja-Y 162. (MIRA :16:6) 1. Predsedatell Zaporozhskogo soveta narodnogo khosyaystva (for Sklyarorv). 2. Uchenyy sekretarl Tekhniko-ekonmicheskogo ooyeta ZaporozhBkogo soveta. nar;,tlnogo khowyaystva (for Molotkoy). (Zaporozhlye ovince-Industries) I" ILA i 'a ?I AIEKSEYENKO, M.F.; BAIMS, P.S.; BOBKCV, T.M.; NATAPOV, B.S.; RYABTISEV, S.I.; SKLYAROV, P.I.; FIWITSOV, V.P.; YUDOVICH, S.Z.; PRONIN, V.Ye. DI-1 stainless steel. Stall 23 no.2:159-162 F 163. (miFA 16:2) (Steel, Stainless) J '122" "1- %. / _; -6682 ACC NR, AP6029056 SOUNCE CODE: UR/01413/66/000/0,F4j6()Ej/ !NVENT OR -Averchenko, F. A.; Alekse- kay - yenko, M. F.; Babakov A. A..; Babits a, A Batrakov. Soroko, L. N.; I ORG: none "~n-ko, A. L,iGabuyEv,_(;. ; ..S.; Kulygin, G. _Eh N.. Pridantsev, M. V.; SklXarov, Ps I. smolxakovl.V. F.; ;~-L. L.; Frantsov, V. P.; bhamll', TU. Ma phkevich, Ye- I- TITLE: Stainless steel. Class 40, No. 1839117. SOURCE: Izobret prom obraz tov zn, no. 14, 1966, 82 TOPIC TAGS: stainless steel, chromium titanium steel, molybdenum containing steels nitrogen containing steel, titanium containing steel 1b ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a stainless steel containing chromium, molybdenum, and nitr6gen. In orde- to improve weldability, the steel has the following composition: 0.08% C, up to 0.8% Mrs up to 0.8% Si, 15-18% Cr, 0.2-0.6% Mo, m4-o-15 N, 0.4-1.2% Ti, up to 0.035 S, and up to 0.030 P. 1'WW I SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 3oian65119AA Tci-s I Cqrd Tun 66q-i4.pi8.8;. 669-U-126--194 L no66-6~ AM '006 b: L 4- .ACCESSION NR: AR4045862 SIOP_99161;V,~ /M023MO23 :SOURCE: Refs zhe Biologiya. SvodnyPy tomp Absb;l. :AUTHOR: Kolosova, A. A.; Domichevo N. P.., yela~i I A!,~. 13 yan *1 V, P. M.; Gor klyarovp 7ung G -G,o Gorikovj, N G 40 !TITLE: Certain morpholoeical regi-x1a;rities of 6til ngipp,; in V161 a _ho ?-JAnt tissues with a support-mechmlical funetiot! C ITED SOURCE: Sb, 3 Vaes. konferent i ad!,' kane organov. 1963. Yer&VhE~_ V~630_-_3 47~;54 JTOPIC TAGS: transplantationj, homotransplant tidaues~;: support-mechanical function tissues., tissues 'TRANSLATION: Tissues with support-mlechanical cti lis; (bonds 4 ;cartilagesp fasciast tendons and pericardium).1 e. ligh dend I I ave !durability., and few vessels; "and$, under transpl'.n*tai;tn.n,condli~ty0r;ll3 tthey preserve their structure for ~ a 'long time aiid Pd. ~tox~= a slppo~t ifunction. Transplanted fresh or preserved tisiti6s a, wor * eond!`tioias iof +40, -250, -18909 and lJophylization. are gr~dtially`rasorbdd wid 43 ;,.r -.411 z=1111111 01 elm M I I IN oil I M 7 'L 60882-65 .. ... ...... "JI AOMSION NR-- AR5015934 6n.oia-k SOURCE: Ref. zh. Biologiya. Svodr4y tom, Abe 1114125. KoZ107) V.; Sklyarov,.-P.H Eter ya.. G*P- AUMOR: TITIE. Use of preserved tissues in thoracic surgery ta, CrM SOURCE: Sb. MateriaJy Yyyezan. nauchn. sesBil N, -i d Walch. k. sperim..khiururgii MZ RSFSR sovwstno so Stavropol'ok. mod!. 1964. stllnc~W na-Kavkaze, 1964, 67-68 TOPIC TAGS: plastic surgery, thoracic surge*, hernim, ti~4e' tilem~60aat TRARSIATION: Fascia was used for plastic surkery of brand4al SiJ666 IM IT, 6 patients 5 to 65 yeaxs of age.: In 23 Patients-' rAriaeVUa ~"zeA ! it'4 -.25 sn4 .183, C Two patients developed fistulae vhen t6 trondbida 64ui~p~sut=4 weris- vere used. I made vithout stitching instruments* Using tlie plastic covering vith frozen tissue, 10 out of 83 pattentd!- WoqOA: fistuh,19. cloging a bernia- opehing _or duplicating a the igm during in 31 "ate ;7 Card 1/2 SUB COO: IS MiCLs 00, %TW it -F:- 17 2/2 77- mmmmlI L 00971-66 a J6' ACCESSION NR: AR5015932 U.R/0- 2-99/65/000/01-1/JK018/14018i 577-99 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Biologiya. Svodnyy tom, Aba. 1IM113 AMIOR: Plotnikov -M Eteriyaj, G.P. V.I.; Sklyarov. P TITLE: Biological and plastic properties of frozen pericardium CIM) SOURCE: Sb. Materialv Vyyezdn. nauchn. seseii N.-i. in-ta 3dinich. i eks :xIaL pe khirurgii MZ RSFSR sovmestno so Stavropollsk. med. in-tom, 1964. Stavropol'-na. Kavkuze, 1964, 59-61 TOPIC TAGS: tissue transplant, thoracic surgery, dog TRANSLATION: Pericardia of young dogs,, killed by electric current,, were placed 2 hr after death in a sterile flask filled with No. 199 medium and 10$ of homoserum with addition of 1 - If ml of a 1% glycerin solution. The pericardia wer:.- frozen at -1836C and stored at -250C for 5 days. The tissue was then cultivated in Carrel dishes containing 2-2.5 ml of liquid phase (10 hemoserum, 90% of So. 199, medium and 50 units/ml of penicillin solution) in a thermostat at 37*C- The most ard- C J/ T 11~T 71 14 1- '10112MM!"'UmMIR ........ ... ......... L 00971-66 ACCESSION KR: AR5015932 growth of the tissue was observed on the third'day. In the experiments with ani 1s in replacing defective pericardia, diaphragms,, slid bronchial stumps, the frozen pericardia showed satisfactory plastic properties.,, N. 81. 5 ..' M PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 760 Promyshlennost' Kazakhstana za 40 let; sbornik statey (The Industry of Kazakhstan During the Last Forty Years; Collection of Articles) Alma-Ata, Kazgosizdat, 1957. 150 P. 13,000 copies printed. Gen. Eds.: Brover, I.M., Professor and Yerofeyev, N.A., Docent; Eds.: Spivak, F.L. and Illyashenko, L.V.; Tech. Ed.: Zlobin, M.V. PURPOSE: This is a popular book for the general reader. COVERAGE: This collection of articles, compiled by 12 contributors, relates the story of industrial Kazakhstan under Soviet rule. The introductory chapter surveys the Kazakh economy in its entirety, whereas the other chapters deal with individual industries. The book contains data and figures on almost every aspect of Kazakh industrial endeavor. There are 14 photographs, 1 map, 26 tables, and 5 diagrams. No personalities are mentioned and there are no references. Card-j/6- The Industry of Kazakhstan (Cont.) 760 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Neyshtadt, S.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences. A General Outline of Industrial Development in the Kazakh SSR 3 During the Sixth Five Year Plan, Kazakhstan plans to increase the production of electricity 2.3 times, rolled stock - 2.1 times, black copper - 1.9 times, lead - 1.4 times, coal - 1.6 times, petroleum - 1.4 times and fertilizers - 8.8 times. A number of shortcomings are pointed out: many Important construction schemes are behind schedule; the production of light, household, and textile goods is inadequate; the 1956 plan for copper, zinc, lead, and coal wan not fulfilled; planning is not coordinated, and good produced in Kazakhstan and needed by local enterprises are shipped elsewhere. Several examples are given. Millgram, M.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences. The Mining and Metallurgical Industries 23 This chapter mainly reviaws the Kazakh nonferrous metal industries and the expanding iron-mining industry. Card 2/6 Tne industry of Kazakhstan (Cont.) -fwal Kazakhstan occupies the first place in the world in vanadium and chrome iron ore reserves. However, the location of vanadium ore deposits is not given. Furthermore, the data on molybdenum are confusing. The chapter gives figures on the planned Karaganda Iron and Steel Combine. Kozhakhmetov,K., Yesenov,M., and Shaukenbayev,T. (Candidate of Economic Sciences). The Kazakh Coal Industry 37 The description of coal deposits Is limited to the fields of Karaganda. Ekibastuz coal is being used by power plants. The authors give some data on equipment used. Future plans are discussed at some length. Kozhakhmetov,Kh., Yesenov,M., and ShaukenbayevT. The Kazakh Petroleum Industry 56 The article contains data on total oil reserves, but pro- duction figures are outdated. The problem of refining is treated superficially. Card 3/6 The Industry of Kazakhstan ("'ont.) 7bo Kozhakhmetov,Kh., Yesenov,M., and Shaukenbayev,T. Power Industry The article uses practleal examples to advantages of hydroelectric power over power. The existing power projects are data on them are outdated. Information power lines is available. The Kazakh 64 demonstrate the thermal electric listed, although on power grids and Sklyarov, P.P. The Kazakh Machinery Industry 71 The a~~Yicle gives specifications of drawing mills made at the Alma-Ata Heavy Machinery Works (AZTM). Ten other enterprises are mentioned together with some of their products; another 10 plants are listed as being under construction or planned. Bekturov, A.B., Academician, and Suvorov, B.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences. The Kazakh Chemical Industry 80 The article lists a number of chemical enterprises, mainly plants producing fertilizers, and discusses some of their problems. Other items discussed are potash salt, borates, and synthetic rubber. Card 4/6 IY EV LEV ,Valentin Ivanovich; Tetr-Nasillyevic1h; 0MR-MY, V.A,S) red.; 130RUIJOV, II.I., tekhn, red. [Experience in the installation of 110 to 220 kv. power transformers) Iz opyta montazha silovykh transformatorov na- priazlieniem 110-220 kv. Moskvap Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1961. 40 P. (Biblioteka elektromonterag no-58) (MIRA 15:4) (Electric transformers) SKLYAHOV, R.Ya. Some geological features of the Chadobets anticlinal uplift. Mat. p0 geol. i pol.iskop.Knsis.),raia no.3:21-29 162. (KRA 17:2) L 35073-65 EPF 0 /FPR/D-1P(J) /0.M ')/T; Pc /ft- M -4/pm' 4 11 1 :ACCESSION NR- AR5006368 G 6 .61/614 000/024/S~ 1/602 1 71 Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 24S182 ,AUTHOR: Mikhantlyev, B.. I.; S~lvarov V' A.! Y M'. alko"M F~qa~,?u I'M i6ftj 'Sbmygaleva, T. A.; Vt tsman, Fi D.;-Shevt vaj- "&71~' la ITITLE: Polym r' erization and c~p ition :of simple'vi Veth; i ORTerill J ~CITED SOURCE: Tr. Labor. khimii vysokomolekul. soyedlne~ Vol. ,vyp. 2, 1963, 3-11 !TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, copolymerizaitioin, 'vinyl eth~ po~/mor,. copo mer 1 7 1 TRANSLATION: The possibility of prodilcing high--molecula; i 't p jpo pli W and -70 of vinylbutyl ester was investigated. In t~e presence of ~!f rri 6-loiride!~it' 5 ;mm pressure and 80-900C vinylbut i meriied i4 r0 y1 ester, s:poly tforill;0- , ductl.with' ,molecular weight of 14,000. A polymer with!a 6'olecular~! 4 "!~,htT if; - 6:,400 i~ obtled at normal pressure and -30C in the presence:of Br,. Vinylb4tyi i~3t.6r is 01,:pol merized with -livinyllin the presence of Br or ferric ch4iideii~ 1, ~ i ap to be 3 ,the better catalyst,lin whose presence apolynxir with th~ ~jmolec,, I r wreighk j 'of Card 1/3 .............. I LIE- L: it 7~ 1: L 35073-65 A, i-~A: i -i : CESSION NR: AR5006368 AC it 10,400 is produced at -50C. Chains of vinylbutyl ester. d o m ;.'L,) 6 a" t qin thi! $:trilc- c ture of the copolymer, and transverse bonds are pres6nt pil ','ac dVnt !of the!, 1)(4yl chains. The copolymerization of vinylbutyllester with di'''nyl, 16es not oc~uv Imider the effect of phosphorus anhydride and forria chloride. ! bie pAgivinylethyt test'er is copolymerized with styrene (1:1) in the p~resence of f,61'-.4C 4.torid`de an,d ,in he ratio of 1: 2 in the presence of the dinitrile of azoisobW~"yric' laoid: * The! c*iy- mers produced have a molecular weight of 58~000-76,000 ailirfori~I'Al". Msi~-tan~ to water and dilute solutions of acids and bases. Vinylbutyl estr~r is copolylierilted with styrene in a 1:1 ratio (FeC13 as catalyst) and 1:8 ratio (IBF3 as czttOyst~ pro yl Esher. ducts with molecular weight of 2~000-50000 are formed. The viwylphen is also copolymerized with styrene n ratioi of 1: 1 and 0i ~ in~ Oje ~presen-6 of, t he,;: esterate of BF (as catalystT, anI s also ttopolymerized 41th HeAing, in r4tioh. of:~ 3 i:1, 1:2, and 2:1 at 100-1050C. Solid copolymers are ob~,t~I*ned~,4,-th Molecular weights of 48,500-92,000. Copolymers of If-vinylacrida "d s tie are prodW::ed ne y:0e in mass and in emulsion; N -vinylF-cri done, s.~~ne, an7 ;k ny J~t ie produdeil inj emulsion and also N-vinylacridone, styrene, divinyl andia6~ylo~ UrIle. , Ibe prPd- ucts have molecular weights of 200,000-650,000. Of the rlabber-~jJilke materials Jr.-os t plastic was the latter copolymer, containing N-vinylacriftne, otjjfrene, div~nyl~ and! acrylonitrile in the ratio 1:16:29:22. 14-vinylacridone ri~4uce:~ -~,he solifl~ility! and increases the hardness of the copolymers. S. Bass Card 2/3 Z SXLTAROV, Vadim Goorgiyovich; BARDASH. A.F. [Cowbarn for 102 head, of reinforced concrete elements made b;- collective farm labor; with superposed roof. Model plan Ho.2101 Korovnik na 102 golovy iz sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh k-onstruk-tati, izgotovliaemykh silami kolkhozov; a sovmeshchenrqm pokrytiem. Tipovoi proekt No.210. Kiev, Izdatel'skii otdel, 1955. 16 p. 77 plans. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Ukrainskly gosudarstvenW instItut proektirovaniya sel'skogo i kolkhoznogo stroitellstva. (Barns) alLi~u Georgiyevich S~~ , a [A cowbarn for 204 head, of reinforced concrete made by collective farm labor. Model plan No.216] Korornik na 204 golovy Lz sbornvkh zhelezobetonnykh konstruktaii, izgotovliaemykh ailami kolkhozov. Tipovot proekt Ho.216. Kiev, Izdatel'skii otdel, 1956. 17 p.. 77 plans. (MIRA 9:10) 1. Ukrainakiy gosudarstvennyy institut proyektirovaniya sel'skogo i kolkhoznogo stroitelletva. (Barns)