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B"IBK(-j, A.K.; MOUL0,Y~-1. Uje of the mefAl-indifaLor mothod for thp s-udy of oxalate com- plexes of iron. Ukr.khin..zhur. 30 no.11:1204-1213 164~ (MJRA 18:2) 1. lnotLtut obshchey I neorganicheskuy khimii AN UkrSSR. SHTOKALOV, D.A., Cand fech Sci -- (diss) "Improved .4 along trenches." Novocherkassk, 10.57, 18 pp (Min of Agr RSFSR. Novocherkassk Engineering Improvement Inst NIMI) 200 copies (KL, 32-58, 109) - 63 - SIITOKALOV, D.A.; STOLINTKOVA, G.A., red. [I_-r_i.-aT_i,-.-n tec~z_ic~ue -for grain crops' Tekhnika poliva zt-_-rnovykh kulltur. Vloskva, Kolos, 1964. 61 p. (MIFI 17:12) SHTOXALOV' I. - - - -1 - Solution of linear differential equations of the variable coefficients. Zbir.prats' Inst.mat.Alf URSR 148. (Differential equations, Linear) -th order with no.9:140-161 (MLRA 9:9) L 34351-66 E',,~T ( I) YN ACC NR: AP6009062 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/001/0142/0 AUTHOR: Shtokolov, L. S. (Novosibirsk) ORG: None TITLE: A generalization of experimental data on the prevalent crisis of heatq~~ during the boiling of liquids SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 1, 1966, 142-144 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, fluid flow, heat transfer fluid, hydrodynamics ABSTRACT: The author presents a generalized formula for the calculation of critical heat flows during extended crises. It is shown that prevalent crises are mostly charac- teristic for the boiling of high-temperature organic heat-transfer agents. An analysis of experimental data shows that the values of the critical density of heat flux during extended crises is mainly determined by pressure and fluid flow rate, and Is independent of either time or experimental sequence. Good agreement of the expertmental points at highly variable conditions of fluid flow near the surface of heating confirms the assumption!, Card 1/2 L 34351-66 ACC NR: AP6009062 of the author on the hydrodynamic nature of the extended crisis. Senior laboratory technician 1. V. Svorkova took part in the work. no author thanks S, , Kutateladze- I and A. 1. Leontygy-fox- participating in the discussion of this work and for their remarks. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 4 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 09Mar65 / ORIG REF: 007 / OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2 UIA ACC NRi -SO U-'R"LC"E-`C' ODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/ull--t~-7 AT6021839 AUTHOR: Kutaleladze, S. S.; Loontizeys A. I.; Mamontovs, N. N,; Moskvicheva, V. N.; Shtokolov, L. S. ORG: Institute of TherinoDh-vsics. Siberign Branch AN-5S�B (Institut tepioflziki SO AX SnSn~ TITLE-,e,Hydrod;Mamic theory of the host transfer crisis in forced flow of a_1Lo1Qn The crisis st high flow rates and a zero vapor .Z liquid. content in the flow SOURCE: Teplo- I massoperenos. t. III: Teplo- I messoperenos pri fazovykh prevrasbehenlyekb (Heat and mass transfer. v- 3: Heat and mass transfer In phase transformations). Minsk, Nauka I tekhniks, 1965, 118-124 TOPIC TAGS: boiling, beat transfer, hydrodynamic theory ABSTRACT: From the theory of the limiting friction laws in the turbulent boundary layer It follows that when the Reynolds number approaches infinity, the critical injection in a homogeneous flow is equal to &P 2cl, Wo, Card 112 137-58-4-6437 Tr.nslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 14 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shtokarev, A. Q TITLE: Operation Of An Experimental FluoSolids Roasting Installation at the Copper Smelter (0 rabote opytnoy ustanovki dlya obzhiga v kipyashchem sloye na Sredneural'skom medeplavil'- nom zavode) PERIODICAL: Tr. Tekhn. soveshchaniya po obzhigu materialov v kipyash- chem sloye. Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1956, pp 72-74 ABSTRACT: The schedule under which this installation operated was as follows: drying of concentrate (9-11 percent Cu. 6-7 percent Zn, 37-40 percent S, 34-35 percent Fe) in a drum drier, delivery to the bin, transfer from it by a belt platter feed onto which quartz and limestone were also proportioned. This charge went to the disintegrator, from which it went to the screen, and the -2 mm. product was carried by belt past scales and on to FluoSolids roasting. The first time the furnace was used--electric filter dust being employed--the entire layer fused. After the second use--a charge being fed (800 kg sand, 200 kg cinders, and 200 kg Card 1/2. concentrate)- -the furnace stopped after 12 hours because of ac- 137-58-4-6437 Operat'on of An Experimental FluoSolids Roasting Installation (cont. ) cumulation of large grains of concentrate in the layer. The furnace was then started on a charge (18-20 percent concentrate, fine sand) and was run for 10 days, 2M tons of concentr;,te was treated, and 86 tons of cinder was obtlined, the rest being electric fiJter dust. The S content of the cinders was 3,7-6.0 percent and the sulfate content up to 2.5 percent. The SOZ contert of the gases was 10.4 and up to 12 percent. The capacity of the furnace was appx, 10 t/mz of charge per day, the :,ir used being 419-4Z5 m3/m2/hr. The blast pressure was 1200-1350 mm water. A.P. 1. Metailurgy-Roasting precesses Card 2/2 -.t- P.; BUROVOY, I.A.; KRICHE ALFKSFYFV, Ye.S.; ZASY-PKTN, N.S.; SHTOKAREV, k._ EVSKIY, It-1--l - G,Yn.; BOROVKOV, Yp-.C,.; KUZ~,TSO , u.A. Utilization of the excess heat of the fluidized bed of roasting furnaces. Prom. energ. 20 no.5:43-47 My 165. (MIRA 18:7) AT.JT-TTO'L!Sz Burovoy, I.A. , &-ichevskiy, G.Ya. iuld Shtckarev, ",,Jf, l3fi-38-3- " 21 TITLE" Development of arrangements for removin., excess heat frrjm a fluid`zed bed for roasting granulated copper-zinc concentrate at a high productivity (Razrabotka ustroystv otlyema izbytochnogo tepla kipyashchego sloya dlya obzhiga granulirovannogo medtio-tsinkovo.-O kontsentrata pri vysokoy proizvoditelluostil) FEMODICAL-r Tsvetnyye Afetally, 1958,3 1fNr..3. pp.- 30 - 38 (USSR) ABSTRACT- A limiting factor in the productivity of fluidized-bed roasting of sulphide ores in roasters of 1.5m2 hearth area and over, though this is not evident in laboratory-scale installations becuase of higher wall- area- hearth area ratios. The auth~irs describe work at Gintsvetmet aud the Sredneural'skiy copper-s--elting works on a 1.5-m2 hearth area roaster with water-cooled sides and divided into three zones by two water- cooled blocks, each consistingr of threa plates with evaporative cooling (Ii-sA & 2). Deirtyar copper-zin~3 concentrate pelletised in a drying drum was used, the roasting beizirr --ontinued to 5-8j5 S in the residue and to enable tile daily rate of roasting to be rLised to 13 tonnes of sulphurA12 two of the zones of the roaster were provided with additional cooling in t1le ~oxrm of verti-,al coolin coils directly in the bed. The rate of heat removal sas 530,000 keal/m of bed, the vertical- tube coolars being the most effective, while a simultaneously installed Card 1/2 -water-injection system had comparatively little effe-.t (table 3), Development of arrangements for removing excess heat from a fluidized 136-58-3-6/21 bed for roasting granulated copper-zinc concentrate at a high productivity, t3 . The authors rrive details of the procedure used for casting the blocks (fig.3), describe the difficulties eii.,ountered in sta-rTiffg up a roaster with such effective cooling, and outline the tedious procedure which, in the absence of blast-heating facilities, had to be adopted, They give in a diagrannuatic form (fi-.4) comparative data on productivity and specific firing rates for fluidized-bed roastin of various sulphide materials at the Voskresenskiy chemical combine as well as at the Sredneurallskiy and zinc works, The following personnel of the Sredneurallskiy works tire named as having participated in the workv..Ye.S. Alekseyev, T.F. Kirova, P.V, Bryantsev, L.I. Burma, B.G. Klyayn, M.P~ Bryantseva, V.K. Vinokurov, V.-P. Grishanov, A.V. Posto-onov, and A.P. 01'kov, The Grintsvetmet personnel were I.T. Ua-tveyev and M.I. Ifantsevich. There are 4 figuxes, 3 tables mid 3 Slavic references. ASSOCLITIOY Gintsvetmet i,Sredneuxallskiy Medepla:vil.174yy (Gintsva~=.e:it the Sredneurallskiy Copper Smelting Work--) AVAILADLE~ Library of Congress. 1. Sulphide ores-Processing Equipment 2. Heat transfer-Equilmeryt. Card 2/12 t~~2;6 A-1 61, Diattt 4EN We 814V w Bud WI-OX-OX7 alc-mdeCvql- Atom - con ila 0 -the 6 Cr 181, rr, Q'i ied 8 noFtorWL,'--' -oontain ~to d. t I G. - '"I'ne Icz-.1 iotor-in~- t~ j,,. of t'--o to lont'-th. ~Z ul~ conve,. ors -ven ~10Ej~'Tj ~!J;l '-eleCtioll Of l'-c loc.;..Iioii of 11- ~riviz- -ew---," I.-v- stiya Dno XIX, SCO: TJL---60!~', 10 j--~!- :'j, (Leto-lis Stuatey, T-To. 0", 1949). 1 -0 - - " - - I . I . I.. ~, ., i,-., ~ k :i I C' ),, S;i ~ovliawi k 5 i_c ), Lf- 'g. : rh- ac-eiarati._n of movement of a chain of ~ype-ST-11 s-~ra;.-er conveyors", izvequiya Dne~;ro,,etr. gornogo in-ta im. Artema, Vol. L(, 194d, 1:- 105-11. SO: U-ub~l, 16 Sept. 5j, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh State-, No. 24, 1945). S,rli ILI - I L: ~ ,-1 . jj~ Poljra~- --v, ~i. S. and Siitokla-, 1. `7. VIThe achievemeats of Sov-i,-t --cience in the theory of b< conveyors", lzvestiija Dnepro-petr. g.)r.-..o ro in-ta i i. Art~-.r,&, Vol. X, 1A ', P. 13' 43, - i`bliog: 17 ite;-z. Y C - ~; , - -.- 5 ~--) :'~-41'31, 1(-I Sept. 1'),53, (Leto~pis 'Zhurnal F 1963. SPR11,G TMANSE-WERFOam"MAG YOM15 1" 04AIN g gimp CMIYOK, Sht0khman, I.#. wA Grebeantlov, $.A (Ugol(Ceal). Dec. 1951. 21.22). An illustrated deocreplies to Civent A speolial link which Is inserted in the chain has slightly $-shaped springy side plate* and an instrument travol1ing round vIth It add recording relative movements of Its two ping. (L). SHTOK104AN, I.G., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. Dynamic stresses in the chain of scraping conveyers. Sbor.trud.Inst. gor.dela AN UIRSR no.2:97-104 152. (MLR& 7:12) (Coal mining machinery) SOLOVIYEV, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank. Review of 'Collection of problems for a course on mine transportationg by Professor N.S.Poliakov, D;cent E.K.Komarova, Docent I.G.Shtokman. A.A.So- lovIev. Ugoll 28 no.6:46-47 Je '53- ------------- - (MLRk 6:6) 1. Kharlkovskiy gornyy institut. (Mine haulage) (Pollakov, N.S.) (Komarova, E.K.) (6htok=m,,I.G.) SHTOKM.&N. I.G., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank; MURZIN, V.A., Icandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; POLUYANSKIY, S.A., inzhener. Experimental determination of the propagation speed of resiliency waves in conveyor chains. Vest.mash- 34 no.2:26-27 F '54. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut im. Artema (for Shtokman). 2. Institut goraogo dela Akademil nauk MRS (for Murzin and Poluyanskly). (Conveying machinery) blame: SHTOKITAN, Illya Grigorlyevich Dissertation: Dynamic loads of chain drives of ore coaveyers Degree: Doc Tech Sci Affiliation: Dnepropetrovsk Order of Labor Rod Ban- ner Mining Inst imeni Artem Defense Date, Place: 13 Jun 56, Council of Leningrad Order C) of LGnin and ')rder of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst imeni Plekhanov Certification Date: 29 Jun 57 Source: 1) 1F/57 POLYAKOV, Nikolay Sergeyevich; UCHIN, Anisim Yakovlevich. agmifill - ii ya Grigorlyevich; FAY3ISOVICH, I.L., otvetstvennyy redaktor; NADEINSKAYA, A.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Gutter-loader model DGr-2m] Gornpprokhodcheskii kombain DGI-2m. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1956. 11 p. (KLRA 9:10) (Coal mining machinery) 124 --58--9-1054 8 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 158 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shtokman, 1. G. TITLE: Dynamic Loads -tri the Chain-hauling Organs of Mining Conveyers (Dinamicheskiye nagruzki v tsepnykh tyagovykh organakh rudni- chnykh konveyyerov) PERIODICAL: V sb, : Vopr. teorii i raschet.a pod"yemno-transp. mashin. Moscow- Leningrad, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 169-174 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Mining--USSR 2. Machinbs--Stresses 3. Chains--Applicat1ons Card 1/1 SHTODIAN, I.G.P doktor tekhn.nauk; KELINIKOV, T.V., inzh.; POLUMISKY, S.A.,, gornyy inzhener Experimental research on increasing the speed of the chains of scraper conveyers. Vop. rud. transp~. no.2:9-24 1957 , (MMA 14-4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Shtokman). 2. Khartkovskiy zavod "Svet shakhtera" (for Meltnikov). 3. Institut, gornogo dela AN USSR (for Poluyanskiy). (conveying machinery--Testing) SHT0194AN-,-,,I-.-G-.,., doktor tekhn.nauk Dynamic processes in flexible traction connectors during unsteady motion. Vop. rud. transp. no.2:61-71 1957. (MIRA 14:4) I. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Conveying machinery) SHTOKMAN, I.G., doktor tekhn.nauk Static tension caused by changes in the length of the chain contour of a conveyer. Vop. rud.transp. no.2:79-84 ij~7. (MIRA 34:4) 1. Dnepropetrovski-y goxlkyy institut. (Chains) (Conveying machinery) BILICHENKO, N. Ya... dotsentip kand.tekhn.nauk; KUZNETSOV, B.A., dotsent, kand. tekhn.nauk; ~H _I.G., doktor tekhn.nauk Resistance on the deflector drums of belt conveyers and sprocket scraper conveyers. Vop. rud. transp. no.2:123-127 1957. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (conveying machiner-y-Testing) I.G. Basic pprameters of scraper conveyers. Ugol' 32 no.3:10-14 Mr 157. (MLRA-10:5) l.Dnepropetrovskiy gorny7 institut. (Coal mining machinery) (Conveying machinery) SOV/1222 -58-8--?/29 AUTHORS: .,qh+,ok-,an -T-G, Dcctor of Tp--;h-nical S,~iences,and L Technical S-iences I,Yakhc,v-j t ski yS. T. Candy iaf.4 '-wJL' TITLE: Procedure for the katigue -4-nalysis of Cc-L-4'ejor Ohains (.Metodika raschata na ustalest!' tyagovykh tespey konveyefov) PERIODICAL: ;7,+-rcyen~ya, 191~8, Nr 81 pp 2'1-26 (USSR) VestrL,k rashinc ABSTRACT. Cardl/4 Frequent fat.-ligue failurej, of :,-hains have pr,,:~.mpted -a-- ana1,7s--!.:3 c-f t1ta aqjuiva ent, fat-igiae load and its ;;omparrisor- with the limitJ'Ing fatigue strength. The fat4-g--,e load amplitude varies continucusly. The equ-1 val~,,nt faIji.gua lo-qv:l Is def-in-ed by the following relat-i.on. Tht-- T----th pcwer cf t-Jua equivalent fatigue lcadl~ uraltip~'ied by tjae vambe.- of L--yoles ~'Iife) which defines the limit-'ng fatigu~3 loarl at constant -3mplitude in a -3ymmerrJ.~.-al -!.F3 equal V, the a4m of all fat,-4'-gu,a contrib,-t~'-cn te,-,ms. Each term refers to a =,,mber of --yellies wld~,,h the symmetrically varying load has a constant" amplitude and -is equal to this numbe:~ multiolied by the m-th power of the load amplitude. m is the of the fallAng branoh in the load/ L -fe it -is s~a-ued +chat fc-1- -,hains of f at4 gue l-i ,,29 Procedure for the Fatigue Analysis of csuveyo2 Chains 'd - j typfcal coal conveyorez, operating -,~mder intense ~',orrosion conditions, the limit_`ng symmetri*-'al fat-igus load --omponent is practically independent of the mean load. The example of a mine conveyor chain. de~';igr.~%ted 6KR-17_~ -Js qucted wherein the fatigue load independent of the mean chain tension aud amou-nts to 7u0 kg~ It was f ound on the basis of some test resullts that "1-:he symmetzical cycle load ampiitude vanishes at the driving spro-1ket and grows linearly along the tension side to become a maximum at the driven sp_-ooket. AS the z-hain passes ovel- the driven sprocket, itis mean tkjar3,J_-_n undergoes a sudden Jump from d in the --er;;ion a'de 'r t-ha- of -he zide. In -ing load --cm1ponent doee mot vary but doing sc,, the f luct-L~_441__- retains its maximum ampli-ade and, dur-ing the passage al,:)ng the iila~~k lerigth ~tf the agaam diminishes in accordar.3a w~L~h a Linea:_- law -antil J_t van-'shes when reaching the d-r-i-jing sprc-Aet. The f:z~ecvien;.Y of fIL-:~-~.uati-:3.ns is M - the apro ~--ketv t.---,th f requan~'.-. Fien),~~e the total numbe:- of fluatuatLG;ls is Squal to th.~ number of -dimes :_~.a--'h link passes o-re::, the dri-InLz -,2.ries -he numlber c-_f 1-inks Uard2/4 in the straight p,1-z'tic-ris c,' the ~,IaEc_n, it 1-s :z-taterl that SOV/--22-."-,8 - 8---/20, Procedure for -t-he ZatigU6 AnaiYS.-S cfr iJha-_Ls the maximum ampi-itude of the fi-t_tuating-load -.omp,=ent can be determined a. tes-. of the ins-r~alled chain., siylre maiV chains woxk t.,.nder rasoname. onditions. 7he combJnation of these assiimptions. with the help of elementary algab.:a, yieldts the &qulvalent fatigue load (Eq.(12)) whi~,h t~a_n be c,:.mpared with the fatig,.ie strength - rJg testf_-, e:-!carmple, the iAP me a su r e dJ rL Lonveyor chain install-d -.n a -,-~on-ayor ellf DDO m. leagth between sprc,~kie tc -- n tr e s. The -,-hain haE a c;f 8 --m and operates at, a 114.near speed of u,43.2 q/sec;., The mean tension in the ta-,it st-da 200 `0-g and in the slack stde, 1 ;,M kg. The fc.:-r, a ser-7ise life of 2 4L00 ~,perating The impl-it-uda Cf the fluctuating- 1. -1 - t(7,und `o be 800 kg. Fatigue testsof -oad compc,.aeL~ wa_ the chain hava estal, a ~=~7mmetri.f.,al 3y-21e fatigue 1, -ude.) 'or a fatigue life trength of 700 kg ~'.:~cnstan`: ampl-it s of 3 million cy:-._e,3.. The vaLue of the exponent m was 9. The appl-ication of the method prcposed in the report yields an equivalent fatigua lr;ai of 840 kg. It fcllows that the effe,~tive 1,:-ad Axneed;,; the limitimg load ani the chain ;:annot. be expaz~z;ad tc! la3t the :r~eiuLred Ser-,riLe life. Card3/4 - SOV/-'22-58 8-?1201 Procedure for the Fatigue Analysis of Conveyor Chains considering that- a maximum fluctuating-load amplitude may vary from one installation to another, whilst the other properties of the chain remain the same, it is useful to derive for every chain a relation between the equivalent fatigue load and the maximum load amplitude. In a typical example, both magnitudes are nearly equal at 600 kg. However, at a fluctuat-ing-load amplitude of 200 kg, the equivalent fatigue load is about 400 kg. There are 2 figures and 8 Soviet references. . Chains--Mechan4 1 kcal p:~opertf~_-s 2. Chains ---Test m~,thods Card 4/4 SffOKMN, I.G., doktor tekhn. nauk; LIPITSKIY, G.T., in2h.; UGOLINIKOV, V.F., inzh. Rolling hinges on traction chains of multibucket excavators. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.12:79-86 158. (MIRA 12:8) l.Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy inatitut. (Excavating machinery) SHTOKMAN, I.G. Fatigue strength of mine conveyer traction chains. Nauch. trudy WI no. 20:54-60 158. (MMA 11:8) (Conveying machinery) (Link belting) I (Metals--Fatigue) SRPOKMAN, I.G., doktor tekhn. nauk,; LYAKHOVITSKIY, S.I., kand. tekha. nauk . Fatigue analysis of conveyor pull chains. Vest. mash. 38 no. 8:23- 26 Ag 58. (Chat as--Test ing) (KIRA 1l: 8) POLYAKOV, Nikolay Sergeyevich. prof.; SHTODIAM. Illya Grigorlyevich, prof.; KCKAROVA, Yevgeniya Kuz I mini -Tchn~ "SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O., prof., retsenzent; ANMIMV, A.Y., doteent: retsenzent; VASILIYEV, N.V., dotsent, reteenzent; YINIIIEVICH. A.V., dotsent, retsenzent; LOPATIN, S.I., dotsent, retsen2ent; SOIDD, G.I., dateent, retsenzent; SHAKWY.'a= , L.G., dotsent, retsenzent; SHORIN, V.G., dotsent, retsenzent; SMOYLYUK, H.D., inzh.. W. A.D , otv.--ed.; SMYAR, S.Ta.,; rettenzent- KOTMTS KONMATQ2VA, tekhn.reZ[. [Froblems and exercises on mine haulage] Sbornik zadach i uprazh- nenil po rudnichnomu tranaportu. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Hoskva. Ugletekhizdat, 1959. 256 p. (MIELA 13:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN VSSR (for Polyakov). 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN SSSR (for Spivakovskiy). 3. Kafedra rudnichnogo transporta Moskovskogo gornogo institute, (for Spivskovskiy, Andreyev, Vasillyev, Yevnevichi Lopatin, Solod, Shakhmayster, Shorin). (Mine hnulage) SffWWN, Il'ya Grigorlyevich; YAKOVEIZO, Yu.P., inzh.,; KOLOMITTSET, A-.D., red.izd-va-, ILIOSKAYA. G.K., [Dynamics of mine conveyer traction chaiwil Dinamika tiagovykh tsepei rudnichnykh konveierov. Moskva, Ugletekh- izdat, 1959. 289 p. (MIRA 12:9) (Conveying machinery) (Mine haulage) VASILITEY. Hikolay Vasillyevich, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk;POLYAKOV, N.S., prof., reteanzent;. SH~_QMN -.-prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; BAKHURIN, K.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, reteaLzent; KIMIRTSOV, B.A., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; BILICHENKO, N.Ya., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; RINGETICII, A.A., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KOZLOVSKIY, S.I., dotsent, kand. tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; YIETHETICH, A.V., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk.; GARBER, T.N., red.izd-va; SMMYAR, S.Ya.. [Transportation and storage in ore dressing and briquetting plants] Transport i sklady na obogatitelInykh i briketnyk-h fabrikakh. Moskva, Gos.naachno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma dalu, 1959. 341 p. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Zavednyushchiy kafedroy rudnichnogo transporta. Dnepropetrovskogo gornogo instttuta, chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Polyakov). 2. Kafedra radnichnogo transporta Dnepropetrovskogo gornogo institl- ta (for Shtokman, Bakhurin, Kuznetzov. Bilichenko, Rengevich). 3. Ka- fedra rudnichnogo transports Hoskovskogo gornogo inatituta (for Yev- nevich). (Ore dressing) (Ore handlin.-) (Conveying machinery) To- ALEKSANDROV, B.F., inzh.; BALYKOV, V.M., inzh.; BARANOVSKIY, F.I., inzh.; BOGUTSKIY, N.V., inzh.; BUNIKO, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; VAVILOV, V.V., inzh.; VOLOTKOVSKIY, S.A., prof., doktor tek-hn.nauk; GRIGORIYEV, L.Ya., inzh.; GRIDIN, A.D., inzh.; ZARMAN, L.N., inzh.; KOVALEV, P.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; KUWUSOV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; KUSNITSYN, G.I., inzh.; LATYUM, A.F., inzh.; LEYBOV, R.M., doktor teklm.nauk, prof.; LEYTES, Z.M., inzh.; LISITSYN, A.A., inzh.; LOKHANIN, K.A., inzh.; LYUBIMOV, B.H., inzh.; MASIUL-EVICH, K.S., inzh.; MALKHASIYAN, R.V.; MILOGMIN, M.M., inzh.; MITNIK, V.B., kand.tekhn.nauk; MIKENYEV, Tu.A., inzh.; PARMONOV, V.I., inzh.; ROMANOVSKIT, Yu.G., inzh.; RUBINOVICH,, in2h.; SAMOYLYUK, H.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; SKEKHOV, V.K., inzh.; SMOLDY- REV, A.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; SNAGIN, V.T.. inzh.; SNAGOVSKIY, Ye.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; FETGIN, L.M., inzh.-, MNKELO, B.B., inzh.; FURMAN, A.A., inzh.; ]MORIN, V.N., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; CHET- V)MOV, B.M., inzh.; CIRJGUNIKHIN, S.I., inzh.; IKOV. V.N.' inzh.; SHIRYAnV, B.M., inzh.; SHISHKIN, N.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; SHPILIBERG, I.L., inzh.; ZEORIN, V.G., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; 1. G. ,doktor tekhn.nauk; SMIS, N.A., inzh.; TERPIGCM. A.M., glavnvy red.; TOPCHIYEV, A.V.,; LIVSHITS, I.I., zamestitel'; ABRAMOV, V.I., red.; LADYGIN, A.M., red.; MOROZOV. R.N.. red.; OZbWOY, M.I., red.; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A,O., red.; FAYBISOVICH, I.L., red.; ARKHANGWSKIY, A.S., inzh.i rea.; (Continued on next card) AT, SAIMROV, B.F. 0,4rd 2. BELYAY-7V, V.S., inzh., red.; BUKHANOVA, L.I., inzh., red.; W-ASOV,- V.M.. inzh.. red.; GLADILIN, L.V., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.; GREBTSOV, N.V., inzh., red.; GRECHISHKIN, P.G., inzh., red.; GON- CHAREVICH, I.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; GUDALOV, V.P., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; IGNATOV, N.N., inzh., red.; LOMAKIN, S.M., dotsent, kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; MARTTNOV, M.V., dotsent, kand.telrym.nauk, red.; FOVOLOTSKIY, I.A., inzh., red.; SMLICEWY, P.L., inzh., red.;SAL'- TSEVICH, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SPERANTOV, A.V., kand.tekha. nauk, red.; SHETL-ea, G.A., inzh., red.; ABARBAROMM, F.I., red.izd-va; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L.,; KONDRADYINA, M.A., [Mining; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; entsiklopedicheskii spravochnik. Chleny glev.radaktsii A.I. Baranov i dr. Moskva, G s.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu. Vol.7. (Mining machineryl Gornye mashiny. Redkol.toma A.V.Topchiev i dr. 1959. 638 p. (Mining machinery) (MIRA 13:1) SHTODIAN, I.G., doktor tekhn.nauk Qualitative theory on the breaking of traction chains on mine conveyers from fatigue. Vop. rud. transp. no.3:9-22 1959. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Chains-Testing) (Conveying machinery) -,SHTOEMS I.G., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; EPPEL'J, L.I., gornyy inzhener Testing traction chains on mine conveyers for fatigue. Vop. rud. tranap. no-3:22-28 1959. (KERA 14:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ornyy institut. fChains-Testing) (Conveying machinery) SHTOKKAN. I.G.. doktor tekhn.nauk - - r- Allowing the use of a spring dynamometer to measure the dynamic load of traction chains. Vop. rud. transp. no.3:63-67 1959- (MIRA 14:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Chains-Testing) (Conveying machinery) (Dynamometer) S11TODIAN, I.G., doktor tekhn.naiik Theory of the performance of an inclined automatic belt conveyer with the motor cut off. Vop. rud. transp. no-3:82-86 1959. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ornyy institut. fConveying machinery) SHMMAN, I.G., Ator tekhn.nauk -~---d Research on the effect of externalp diversified drag on eliminating vibration in chain conveyors. Voporudo tr m ps no.4:24-33 160. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut im. Artema. Conveying machinery~--Xibratiou) SHTOKKAN, I..GG..$_&ktor-,tekhn.nauk; SHEREMET, A.A., Inzh. Belt-chain conveyor theory. Vop.rud. transp. no./+:92-98 160. (MIRI 14:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut im. Artema. (Conveying machinery) ,__ SHTOR4ANq I.G., cbktor tekhn.nauk Problem of calculating the driving power of a winch in tail-rope haLage. Vop.rud. transp. no-4:325-330 160. (MIM 14:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut im. Artema. (Winches) (Mine haulage) POLYAKOV, N.S.; SHTOENAN, I.G., doktor telthn.nauk More about the selection of the-motion speed of the scraper traction chain. Ugol' 36 no.3:57-58 Mr '61. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut*, 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Polyakov). (Conveying machinery) I FOLYAKOV, Nikolay Sergeyevioh, doktor tekhr. neuk, prof.; .9HTPKM',___ Tlly~~ Grigor-1yevich, doktor tekhn. nauk., prof.; KVITKO, A.K., otv. red.; KOVAL', I.V., red. izd-va; W-jILIFA, L.I.s tekh-n. red.; SABITOV, A., tekhn. red. [Prinieples of theory and design of mine haulage apparatus] Osnovy teorii i raschety rudnichnykh transportnykh ustanovok. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 490 p. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk USSR (for Polyakov). (Mine haulage) SHMKMAN., I.G., prof.; BYSTROV, V.V., inzh. Stability of traction chains of mine conveyors under the action of transverse loads. Izv. vys. uch. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.6: 89-94 '62. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Donetskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politekhnicheskiy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy gornozavodskogo transporta. (Chains) (Mechanical wear) (Conveying machinery) pr f.; TINOSHKIN, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KRASILOVSKIY, L.S., inzIj.; ILICHEVY01, II.I., inzIj.; BERLIN, M.Ya., inzh.; SMIRNOV, V.K.) inzh.; EPFELI, L.I., inzh.; FILIPPOV, A.M., inzh. New two-member sectional TOR traction chain for underground scraper conveyere, Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.2-.33-34 F 7762. (I-JIRA 15:2) (Conveying machinery) YEVNEVICH, Anton Vladislavq~ich; DAVYWV, B.L., prof., retsenzent; SOLOVIYEV, A.A-,'prof., retsenzent; J."HIAN, I.G., prof., retsenzent; IIASILIYEV, N.V., dotS.~ 10. M.M.9 RIM)WOVAt') I.V.I red.i2d-va; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., takhn. red.; MAKSIMOVA, V.V.9 tekhn. red. (Machines formine haulage] Gornye-transport~ye mashiny. Izd.2. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 467 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. KharIkovskiy gornyy institut (for Davydov, Oolov'yev) 2. Donetskly politekhnicheskiy institut (for Shtokman). (Mine haulage) LEYBOIT jRXI., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk., red.; OGLOBLIN, D.11.., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk., red.; NAYDYSH, A.M., P, -'Of.Y red.; KSEVOFC11TOVA, A.I., prof., red.: I=VEDEV, B.I., dots., red.; TARANOV, P.Ya., dots., red.; Lb-YYUOV, '%..M prof., red.; SIMQ I.G., prof., red.; POLESIN, Ya'Ll UYU W-1 - - otv. red.; YEROKHIN, G.M., tekhn. red. [Safety measures in the coal industry] Tekhnika bezopas- nosti v ugollnoi prorVshlennosti. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1963. 317 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Donetskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Taranov, Shtokman). (Coal mines and mining-Safety measures) SY-TO?2-101.. 1.G., 1raf. S'le2ecti-on of a place to lo~-ate intermediate drives and equalizing- de,,-ices for inclined apron -conveyers. 1zv.vys.,,.r.;gcr.zhur. 7 no.7-.86-9.1 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Donetskly politekhnicheskiy institut. Rokomedovana kafedrcy rudnichnogo transports. 0 LTC o Its On ~nc -JqL;i.s Jasc.~ .'or Galc,zlei'_tilti' "itatiolizu.", 91 :! , - : ~ ! I - - - - . . - . . . '. .. , r, ~ - - - " 1 . '. . . .- - - - . I . . . L, - , ~ , f I w ~ !, C . :- :-~ -. . . . I - - --- - -- 1. ~'. -!-, It Dok.Al", -1 - I ., I . -! I --: - . L---,. C - - --, ; ' . ., ? - . . .. 0 - I - - " --. . - , 11 -, - - .- .!- -.-. - , I .,~ . , -- ! , _ - " ~ - . , - .-, " - ..*, , -i..- *- . p ~7ar 7~-: 11 Lok.,~ " .. .. -1, - - ~ . - -.- .- - , .1-4, -1 ~ - , -1 I 1 -45. -- ... - . -.1 -. .- . '. ~ - , . , - -,, - --- . .!-, -- - '- t - ok jig Orgin 19, Best conductivity *Vertical Distribution or Thermal Waves In the Sea. and Indirect Metho& for Determining theCoerficient Of Turbulent Beat Conductivity,," V, B. Stokwn, 44,:,PP! Vru4 Inatituts. Okeanol" Vol. I Discusses errors of calculation of the turbulenth,sat, obn&uctivity coefficient the FO'Urr16r-SobmIdt~.: iiethod and 7jeldstadle'formala. Show's that.bampu*.; Uon of 4 by phase Usplac.sment, amplitude relati6w,t!"i Ohould* n6t be used as iLtAlresont. for seandepth 11111116A~z~-' All "611--, li:~ Int *Is tut "thist the' re It e'Vw:"""w-"O'U2d k"d bj'appii6iil6a~L~ of method -on Sargasso Bea, data. 50"3 STOKYAN, V.B. ~An 1946 USS/06011ii0logy Currents, Ocean .On the Dissipation of Inergy in.Stationary Ocean Currents.." v. B. stoknan, 16 pp "Trudy-Instituta. Okeanol" Vol I Wolves equation by integral method for computing dissipation of energy inaurrente ]produced by'*Inds and pressure gradients in homogeneous limited am or finite depth. - Cemputatione.for the "AranngrqrAff lightshipaaeevell,*the6ry,. Includes critical analysis of computation by K. Suds, of dissipation In convectional durrent'that disputes ..the NWIJAbillty- the cmiatationse 501&t 0 now Mis , , li" 1 , ~., I.II.-~ 1- : ~ -2~ '~, :': Isa .ftchalve system "On the Relationship Between Coefficients of Rorizon-,~i tai and Vertical Turbulent Beat-ftchangs In the See#, ,giT. B. Stokman, 10 pp 'Trudy Instituts Okeanol" Vol I Relations between coefficients or horizontal (Kx),. =A., tie- vertical (IL) turbulent heat exchange in, the ika shown to b6 determinable approximtely from the oz- preselon Kz Thus- IrX in on the average-106 times greater than 36. Ividence produced that Kz, contrary to general opi ,;ion, 50T Jan 1946. USIM/Ocesmolog.v (Contd) plossiseakoleculkr rather than'turbiaent signirl-: 01MOS, .whereas rx iiay have turbulent 'bighiriciLne"e.': Th~s; relation between the two will be particularly high. 5OT81 conductivity "On the, Thernal Regime of the Zwoshlo, V., B, S.tckemn, 25 pp "Trudy Institute. Okesnol" Vol I Analyze& temperature observations on the eectlai*'~;~~'~ off Si ono Misaki in. atteapt to chara9terIze. the:.',~~ .thermal regim of the Mxroshlo. Can*tes vertl4iX. changes of the coefficient of turbitlent beat- ~LI ~bonductivity by 7jeldsted's formula. Determines,I change@ with time showing large yearly variation,,. At the,iOD-a depth. CalcUlitem approximate value ~f advactive hiat-how in the 0. to 2W-& layerL A IC 50ft eanology (Contd) Jan 19M ..'Abd the nean value of the horIzontaltemperature.: .gradient, and qualitatively analyzes local obsWil of temperature at different depths of the sectiwiw'~ IC E-4 to .1. - ItTlieory of Equatorial '~;cunter-Currents in Oceans," Iz Alcader-di Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz vol x, i-io b, 194b (517-527). (meteorologi-,,,a i Gidrolog a, 110 b liov/rjeec 1~47) liy SO: U-3216, 3 Apr 1953 Dok. li j. - "*Cbserved Peculiarities of Coastal Circulation in tho Sea and Dieir Connection with tne Transverse Irregularity of the Wiryi," Doklady Akadeidi 11au'r-, SSSR, ~ol 54, No 3, 1946 (227-230). (Meteoralogiya i Gidrologiya, No 0 Av/Dec 1947) So- U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 Siiiu-EAL, i. i_. tlEquatiom for the Field of Gompleto CurrciiL3 which arc Excited by Winds in a 1[otLro(;onvous Sea," Dol-lad-: Akader;ai Nauk S'JSR, Vol 54, 194b (407-410). (It-teorologi a i Gidrologiya, Eo b. Ncrv/Dec 1947) IY SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 :1 "' - 7* -, I ~ ~ 7- -,- --. ', ;- 1~ -",. 11 -1 I-i ` " ~,- T -~:~ of ] --t-lo-T - - ''-. -I -p .-I I Fl. -.. , 11''; ~ ~,. -- "I. - Is .1 ..- . - - -. I DoIc. ! " '. ~w - I ~ I- - I - ; - I - -I -, P: , . --.,; -- t . C. - : ~ -. r, I , ,.*'-,~,. 1. i. ~1, - -. - , ..'. I - 1 1 r, -, rcu la, ti -,.!I -,_C~ ~e` ',- '.-~,.ndss a 'I- ' t iar ts o' -~e, ~;a-7,; an -C~a - -1 U_ ~.,_ -.ILL 11., G_ - . . -, .1. ,J , H -'e:)rol. * ~ .4 1 - - --- ; - 1, 1 - "* - _~ r) . _0 41 .11 - -7 "ITIU2, 4 L ), I -M" V. V. tl-Dissi.pation of bnorU of Stationary Uurrents Which are 6xcited by a I.-Jon- equilibrial Wind in a Closed Homogenecus Sea," pp 53-64. (Yeteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No 6 ','o,.r/Dec 1947) So.. u-3218, 3 kpr 1953 3,HITCIK,I,VIIN. i. - . "Are Counter-Guri,ents Possible in a Shorcless Sea 1,11lich are Due to Local Ition-uniformity of Winds)" No 5, pp 83-91. (M,eteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No o Nov/Dec 1~47) I SO: U-3218, 3 41 1953 SHT~)KMAN, V.B. "Effect of Bottom-Topography on the Diredtion of Currents in the Sea. Priroda,, 119 (19471), 10-23. SO: Translation-2524467, 30 Apr 1954. V. B. ,"IltoW=I, V. B. Timrotioml Model For the .Give%xIation on Tho Sin-face of The-Ocem K-1-11fag-10-ro of The Equatorial Counter Cun-ent L\-,k:Lad,j Akadem~ya Nauk,, SSSII Vole 57,9 1947P ppv 669 Evow B. N. L. aUde to R.-Salentifia Per. Lit. lie. Vol. 1., Nay IL948v P. 22 Ocean Currents p Ocean "New Indicators of the Significance'of the Irre" larity of the Wind an One of tho Reasons for Circu- lAtion in thw. Soap V. B. Shtokman, Inet OoeanolqW, Aced Sol UM, 4, pp "Dok Akad Nauk SM" Vol WInp No 1 Mrregularities.In the vlhd are proposed so an ex- PlSj*tim for the'.6b6arved diec'ontlnioui charao,tee of o6currende- of e4uatorlal bounter'6uiiiieiAs"'ofm the surface of the ocean, when counter currents exist, M 52T38 USM/*drology (Contd) Oct 107- 1n the form of separate; comparatively short lensib, and are not spread as a continuous strip of largeT zonal expanse. Submitted by Academician P. P. Shlr- shov, 28 Apr 1947. 6"~;% I., ~ I ~ '. - JL, t , -, . ,, j " C.._, a , ~3 , ~ , -, , j, - , ~ C- - - , 11. I-e 7 ' Z 4 , ' C.2 fins tori all rr. re rrotivotec:~nd-r v I _ _- - - ~ . L, -.- Z., , 1. - , a .1 - ~, - - - -6 7 -es. : ~'-cxo,- 'eo* - I ~; 0 . -, 11 1 , ~ct n - - ~ ~ 'a d , 1'. 4 8 1 .~a, SHTOMH,, V. B. PI. 43/43T92 UMAID Norte Qff '~Rslstlm between the Field of Wind) Field or Over- all Currents and the Intemedlate.71eld or Mkoe" In a Heterogeneous Ocesnyw V..B. Shtokmani, Thet Ooew-., nology, Aced Sol USM, 4 "Dok Akad Nauk SSW, Nova Ser" Vol. Liz, NO 4 Shows that original themoy of horlzmtal 0114culaticd in heterogeneous ocem Is Inadequate, and estab- lishes now not or equations for varlms ccmdltlons.~. ftbmitted by Acadmician P. P. airshov,, 9 Doc 1947! .3. do, -r4 1 7 r ~ A),qy I - - -- - --- 'j, 1. V.'S. 2. ITSM (600 4. Ocean Currents 7. StLld,~--ing the effect of wind and bottorn profi I e on resultant circulation and distribution of masses in a non-homogeneous ocean or a sea. Trud,v Inst. okean. 3. 1949 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. USSR/Oceanography Sea Bottom Nov 49 Sea Currents "Influence of the Relief of the Sea Bottom on the Direction of Sea Current," Prof V. B. Shtokman., 14 pp F2' -4 ~4 "Priroda" No 11 Shtokman has formulated a new theory on the in- fluence of the sea bottom on direction of sea currents. Points out cases where Ekmnn and Sverdrup's theories do not hold. Basis of the theory advanced is the following rule: When an elevation of the bottom is intersected by a 152T83 USSIi/oceanography - Sea Bottoms Nov 49 (Contd) flow, the flow line twists around the top in a direction corresponding to a whirlwind in a wind field; when a depression of the bottom is intersected by a flow, the flow line twists over its central part in the opposite direction. 152T83 USSR/Meteorology - Winds, _~.i Mar 50 "Determining the Flov Velocities and Density Dlatr:L- bution in the Cross Section of an Infinite Channe.L., In Dependence Upon the Wind Effect and lAteral Fric- tion in a Coriolis-Force Field,n V. B. Shtola-mil Zust of Oceanol, Aced Sci USSR -Dok Ak Hauk SSW' Vol 1XXI, No 1, pp 41-44 Shtokman sets up and solves equations for x and y components, S. and SY., of total flov-9 in barocline iota, also quantity Q, involving density of flov. Gives example of iso-lines dravu on cross section 3W a deep and 100 km widej, using these equations. Sub- mltt4id7l4 Nov 49 by Aced P. P. Shirshov. UM/Geophysics - sea currents Sep/Oct 52 "Application of Method of Full Currents to Com- putation of the Circulation Produced by an Irregular Wind in a Sea of Elliptical Shape," V. V. Shtokman, Inst of Oceanol, Acad Sci USSii "Iz Ak Nauk SSSRI Ser Fiz" No 5, PP 57-68 In his previous works "Dok Ak Nauk SSSV' 54,5 1946; 59.4 1948; "Trudy Inst Okeanol, Ak Nauk SSSRO 3, 19~5) the author attempted to show that computation of full current in the sea has 226T59 advantages over computations of velocities of current on sap levels. Results show that full currents in the -iAAle of transversal sections of closed sea of elongated shape may, without considerable error, be substituted by an in- finite rectilinear channel. Received 14 Dec 52. P_26T59 C) USSR/Geophysics -w Sea Currents Nov/Dec 52~: Determining Steady-Sta~te Currents and Density Dis- tribution in the Middle Cross Section of a Closed Be& Elongated in Form," V. B. Shtokman, Inst of Oceanol Acad Sci USSR C12 "1z Ak Vauk SSSR, Ser Geof iz" No 6, P 57-72 Expounds method of computing total currents in middle cross section of closed sea extended in direction of wind. It is possible to replace elGagated sea by rectilinear channel bounded at infirLity, for any cross sectional nonuniformity 237T50 of vind. Computes densities of water in cross sec- tion of elongated sea. Proposes general model of density distribution. Indicates method to find coeff of lateral turbulent friction from density and current-velocity calcns. 237T50' to USSR/Gecgraphy'- Sea Currents Aug 52 "Magnitude of Deviation of Sea Curren+s Which Be- sults From Relief of the Bottom," V. B. Shtokman, Moscow Inst of Oceanol "Meteorol i Gidrol" No 8, PP 13-19 Previous investigations by author (cf - 'TrIroda" 11, ).949; Yjeteorol i Gid-roll, 6, 194q; Trudy Inst Okeanol, Ak Vauk SSSR " 3, 1949) dif f;r from the formerly accepted theory of Ekman, with whom author polemizes. He develops a new theory of current deviation due to the relief of the sea bottom. But he 229T75 considers this thepry incomplete, until the soln. of the math problem of lower boundary of flow excited by wind. 229T75 CO 7. 5. _PA 22,1T36 USSR/Geophysice - Sea.Currents Jan/Feb 53 "Some Problems of the Dynamics of Sea Currents," V. B. Shtokman, Inst of Oceanology, Acad Sci. USSR "Iz Ak Nauk SSSA, Ser Geofiz" No 1, pp 69-77 Investigates the influence of latitudinal variation.of Coriolis parameter in the distribution of,complete flows and densities in mead cross-section of a Aver elongated along the winl-form. Indicates that in- f1iience of latitudinal variation of C~rfolis parameter in minor for small transverse dimensions of internal rivers. Qualitatively evaluates thickness of the bar- oclinal layer in the limiis of which the circulation in the ocean caused by wind is realized. 241T36 SIRODIAN,V.B., doktor fiziko-matematichoBkikli nauk, Drofessor , !, - Effect of lateral irregularity of drifting ice on horizontal circulation in the ocean. Metero, i gidrol. no.2.-20-24 F 153. (MLRA. 8:9) 1. Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR. (icebergs) U=l /11,,~O~ s ..-Tun m a chn-an, no' "`cd---l of Gomplcll- Gizr-c-L 00, 'Cla I I! !,T 3'! Frcaucn6, tl-e hcrc~e~ of a -flat --ttc -:trd r-C cormlet,~ :~-2S Cn 41-e Sea. scus Be s o :-ndel - n:- '---is-d cn a,-aLcr-7.-. Cl, e T- C~ f- in 0 --re 4 r,?-, 'ul-.e Coriolis 'orce rlcu-~-in- rr-delin-. _ftl ij . Ii -. ' T'.~ - - '._ j J" at c -1-- 10"~IeM of countercuri-e!,,ts ~'o :.Ilc! i, I the c i c 1,~ J- Ll f r-.u "D -D t Sel --ut* C'v ,.e solu- I, (D 4 ZZ C I ur"'L, lc t'.'u f_. c t Ic r , rl -,n-'le oC I --,I. tud- -i C ~-jTj cX LI, tl, . of c 1 a n e vc_l*L;~ed in t: n v 0 1 r U` C 0 1-1 c~-ence fr6ra ttie -.7or!r consists in ',-ouncanj Con T t*j~ns t o i c i 6d b,-,- ottc:7. (c-'-v--S_ -~ct-nn of tlll~~ bc-t 1.' 1 4. 1. a C ~_,t . - . 4 . 11 - - 1 3 c lj~ 'r~t 7). __ C.L L_ -z Cal l.nv.-L.-*,--Al_o-ns into t:.e c' -'-:I'c uatlorl. 5 t' 1,; t t~!e I n cro ss s c tl c. n c f a V_'_-"*_l,-.i_'_L_ ae- bo a 1. t ..... r C 'D 0 _!j I!(; -iec Lei --o.: I !:~Il of 'Lil-; CZ%:'Sf' n; here t',e -current cf n T.dt;' Ere: er C~:ist_- t i e c.1 S t t - I I J, -u t ~_on 3f count-'rcun"eats I-elLe-If :r~~J ~-,,t - , -." L'" an icle-11 sc-. c~' cons~_~- de.TD-~!~. for _nt :rA arl'-Ltrary :0--ut of the bottom.; :-~e Uses fl-(~_*T".. -,Din-zs 7~f' ---xid eros-',.on. SrL,,-"0. 713, SHTCKMAN,V.B.; TSIKUNOV,Y.A. "Al- , - Development of absolute currents in the ocean by wind action. Trudy Inst. okean. no-9:5-22 154. (MILRA 8:6) (Ocean currenta) L e L ll~ a 7- CiE I AA, fie., ~f A't zqmt .,rrI 'd( -,I ~.e -&C CJCL 13 ';, and ta raeridional Lomn~lsrl- Sir M--: '1&a1v evident, The e,jA-- n~ ~~,w far calcuiab",~ rlhc bouadariel lr~ J~r~*cnte~' Z It waz founq lhc~,r ttical i~ Lit....; corrtsPv d nce qUl:,t;t--,Vejl d - W'Toz =eats 2. Pacific . ~-td q L Z.1 A % FELIZENBAUX, A.I.; FORIN, L.M.; SUTOKKAN. VsB- Calculating deep-sea currents by means of using the surface currents and the gradient of atmospheric presffare. Trudy Inst. okean. 25--153- 170 '57. (KIRA llt2) (ocean currents) -T. VI V f f ~. r~'/ " SHTODLU-10 V~B. Wind influence on currents in the Bering Strait, causes for their hIgh velocities and their prevailing northern direction. Ti%dy Inst. okean. 25:171-197 157. (MIRA 11:2) (BerirZ Strait-Ocean currents) FM17MfBAUM, Aleksandr Isayevich;_SqqEMN,_j-k,-,,_ prof.,; GUROV, Kh.P., red.izd-va; TIKHOMIROVA, S.G., [Theoretical foundation and methods of calculating steady currents in the sea] Teoreticheakis oanovy i metody rescheta iistanovivshikhais morskikh techenii. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 196o. 126 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Ocean currents) -SHTqLMAk,X B~_ Follow-up to O.I.Mamaev's article "T, 8 analysis of moving water masses in the ocean which are limited in respect to the vertical. Okeanologiia 2 no.5$949 162. (MHU 15:11) (ocean currents)