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i'llbANOV, M.M.; KO'S"RYUKOV, (;.V.; ASFANNYAROV, Kh.A.; mimswrov, H.A.;
Author's communictitions. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.2:67-68
AP-Je 164. (MIRA 17:9)
1 05197
9(.0,3) SOV/142-2-3-5/27
AUTHOR.- S i I i n
TITLEt The Multivibrator Turnover Potential
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchabnykh zavedeniy, Radiote%hnika, 1959, Vol
2, Nr 3, pp 299-306 (USSR)
ABSTRACT- In this paper the author presents the analytical dependences for
the turnover potential of a self-excited multivibrator, which fa-
cilitate sufficiently accurate calculations of the duration of
the generated pulses. The results of the analyses have been con-
firmed experimentally. Although, the turnover potential is one of
the basic parameters of any multivibrator circuit, the available
literature does not contain satisfactory analytical expressions
or descriptions of experimental methods for determining its mag-
nitude. Most authors identify the turnover potential with the so-
called tube-blocking potential, (Ref.112,3,4,%5). This results in
the widely used expression for the turnover potential 119= '&a
_W_ . "
where Ea is the voltage of the anode feed source; lb-tube amn"L
Card 1/3 ficstion factor. The inaccuracy of the aforementioned approac
The Ifultivibrator Turnover Potential
was also noted in ref.5 by A.M. Donch-Bruyevich. The aforemention-
ed deficiency of the generally accepted representation of the
turnover potential does not lead to any serious errors in inves-
tigations nn long its it does not touch the problem of operational
stability of titultivibrator circuits. In the latter case, such an
analysis will meet essential difficulties. In this papor, the Au-
thor presents some results of his theoretical and experimental
investigations of the turnover potential of some typical circuits
of self-excited multivibra-~ors Couposed of triodes, as shown in
fig.l. Ile discusses the anode-grid characteristics approximation
of triodes in the area of small currents. Ile derives an analyti-
cal expression for the turnover potential. The investigation of
experimental circuits, as shown in the block diagram, fig.5, con-
firmed the correctness of the analytic conclusions. The author
conducted a number of multi-vibrator circuits measurements with
tubes 6N8Sq 6NIP and GNU. The author compared the experimental
data with theoretical data obtained according to the formula
Card 2/3 El go = E 0 - UOC - Ea + 1 In q i0 + 1 In S;62 Ra2 Ral and
9 p, q q
The Multivibratur Turnover Potential
witi, mic first mentioned fon-.iula. The rosults of this paper con-
firri indirectly the suitability of using the exponential approx-
imation of the initial section of' the anode-gred characteristics
of triodes. The publication of this paper was recommended by the
KtLfedra lJosicovalcogoav-1alslannogo instituta imeni Sergo Ordzhonl-
,.idze (Moscow Aviation Institute imeni Sergo Ordzlionlk.dze). There
are 2 circuit diagrams, 2 graphs, I block diagram and 7 Soviet
SUBMITTED: July 3, 1938 (November 19, 1957)
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Silin, V.B. sov/io6-59-8-6/12
TITLE: The Effect of Variation in Valve Parameters on the Pula*
Duration in Multivibrator Circuits
PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1959, Nr 8, pp 43 - 51 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The objject of the article is to determine the variation
in the value of the pulse duration T or in the value of
the oscillation period of multivibrators when their valves
are replaced. The article is restricted to multivibrator
circuits which employ triodes. The relative pulse duration
variation is given by:
T to A 9
: ~j A2 (3)
T in 90 +- U&0ago+ U90 aSO
Ego + Ugo
where E0 is the amplt1due of the pulse voltage at the
The Effect of Variation in Valve Parameters on the Pulse Duration
in Multivibrator Circuits
anode of the conducting valve; R 90 is the trigger
potential of the closed valve; U so in the potential
of the point of connection of the grid-leak resistance
to the grid of the multivibrator valve. 9.0 ' is considered
a valve parameter, since it to almost independent of the
other circuit parameters. But, since go depends on the
anode loads# Eq (3) cannot be used directly to find the
effect of valve replacement.
Assuming that the anode characteristic is linear and has
the form shown in Figure 2, the r*lative change in
ZO(A 90/90) for &relative change (OR /R,) in the internal
resistance of the valve in given by:
A go Ri 6R1 (5)
d -3/6 Card2/6 to Ra * Ri Ri
0t, fteilt Clep
12e *rjocle eqcls
a: Oil
41, ti, e
The Effect of Variation in Valve Parameters on the Pulse Duration
in Multivibrator Circuits
current ia I determined at some particular anode voltage,
and in the trigger potential 9go. The form of Ecp (3)
and (8) are such that a change can be made from the unknown
relative variations to the variation coefficients of i
and E go (Ref 2). The latter are dimensionless character-
istics of the variation In the random value of T due to
changes in ial -(VT(ia) and due to changes in
Egot VT(E go and equal the ratios of its mean square
standard deviation 6Tto its moan value T , when each
parameter varies. The variation coefficients can be
combined to account for simultaneous, independent variation
in ia and Ego :
y (i , E ) = V2U ) +-V2(9 (12)
Card4/6 T a 90 V T a T go
The Effect of Variation in Valve Parameters on the Pulse Duration
in Multivibrator Circuits
This assumes that the triodes are not halves of a double
triode. In the case when there is correlation P between
the variations in E go and I a then:
V2U V2(E + 2(OVT(:L )V (E (13)
VT(i a'Ego ) -_ V T T go a T go
The article then gives the results of experimental
investigation in which the circuits shown in Figures 3
and 4 were used.
It is concluded:
1) correlation between i a and 9 go increases the
stability of the circuit against valve replacement,
especially for free-running circuits.
2) With proper selection of the circuit parameters, the
stability improves 3-4 times when U go = Ea (the HT
Card5/-6 supply voltage), compared to the stability when U go ~ 0
The Lffect of Variation In Valve Pax-ameteirs on the Pulse Duration
in Multivibrator Circuits
3) With proper choice of valves having the highest
possible correlation between their parameters and making
Ugo = Ea , the maximum deviation in the oscillation
period when the valves are replaced will not exceed
15 - 2 %.
There are 11 figures, 2 tables and 3 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: April 26, 1959
Card 6/6
- ~.., i ,a T'Q " (_ - ci -- (, -L , e
J~ . I . , f, ~ i c11 ** -!-* S~3) "6tabilitv c ! the perfoi-La.-,c
of _- c"- e s o f L.ultivibrator--.11 lVoscow, 1060. 16 pp; (,Vinistry of hi,, ner
- 11 rZ;
~a!.d 1',,-eccr.-J-~sry E--:ecia ist Educaticr. RSF;~R, -'.oscow Crder of' Lenin Avistion
in,-'% ii.,. 11". Ordzinonii-idze); 160 copies; price not x~iven; (Kil, 22-6,C), 130)
- C:
Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze
Voprosy Impul'snoy tekhniki I elektronnykh vychislitellnykh
ustroystv; sbornik statey (Problems in Pulse Technique and
Electronic Computers; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz,
1960. 102 p. 9,150 copies printed. (Series: Its: Trudy,
vyp. 126).
Sponsoring Agencies: Ministerstvo vysshego I srednego spetsiallnogo
obrazovaniya RSFSR, and Moskovskiy ordena Lenina aviatsionnyy
Institut Imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze.
Ed. (Title page : V. T. Frolkin, Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Docent; Ed. ~Inslde book): Ya. N. Luginskiy, Engineer; Ed. of
Publishing House: E. A. Shekhtman; Tech. Ed.: V. 1. Oreshkina;
Managing Ed.: A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific and
technical personnel, and for students in advanced courses In
Card l/ 3
Problems in Pulse Technique (Cont.) SCV/5197
schools of higher education.
COVERAGE: The articlesdescribe the results of investigations car-
ried out by the M-Ai (Moscow Aviation Institute) on the following
subjects: stability of the operation of multivibrator circuits;
comparative analysis of relaxation oscillators with a capacitive
plate-grid coupling (phantastron oscillators); a device for pulse-
code modulation of voltage into a binary digital code; analysis
of the stability of the moment of synchronization of a driven
blocking oscillator, and a number of other problems of pulse
technique. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany
all the articles.
Silin. V_ R_ Duration of a Multivibrator Pulse as Function
6-f-Voltage Variations of the Plate Power-Supply Source 5
Card 2/3
SILIII, V.B., inzh.
Dependence of the pulse durations of a multivibrator on fluctuations
in the plate voltage supply,. Tfudy PAI no.326:5-44 16o.
(MIRA 14:1)
(Oscillators, Electric)
(Pulse techniques (Xectronice))
alLI',, V. 1.
Y.T., redaktor; Wi~,KO.Vf,--A.M., takhnichaskiy redaktor
[Gymnastics] Sportivnals gimnestiks. Koskvs, VoonAzd-vo N-va obor.
SSSR, 1957. 60 p. (HIBA 10:8)
(Gymnastieb) .1
I I . .
11 . . .. . " * .
. 1: '~ :') ' ~, . , - -, , , ~ ,, . " ~ -- - .; -- - - - " - , - ~ Z31J..
SILE;, V. 1-1. -_ "The ',ost Important Problems in
in the USI~." All-Union Sci Res Inst of
Villyams, L'Ooccri, 1955. (Disoerta"I-,ns
Candidate of A-rIcultural. Sciences)
the Production of EaY
Fodders imeni V. R.
fo.- the Degree of
3C: ',~nizhnaya L:~toi)1,9: I'o. 39, 24 Sent 55
DIME ER, A.A.1 DZTUBA, M.L.; BLINOV, L.F. kan~.Idat eel Iskokhozyayetwennykh
nauk; BOLDTRRV, N.I., kandidat pedieogicheskikh nauk; GAT-GULIMA, Z.S.
GRUDEV, D.I., kandidat sel'skokhozvaystvennykh nauk; DMOV, Ta.G..
professor; KOVAISNXO. V.D., ;KRTSINA, 0.1.; IMO, V.I.; IJV1 N.Y.,
kandidat sellskokhozyaystyannvkh nauk; MORDKOVICH, H.S.; POPOV, I.P.
kandidat biologicheskikh nauk;SAGALOVICH, Te.N,, agronou; &T w Is- 7-y-
kandidat maditainakikh nauk-. SHAPOVALOV, Ta.Ta., kandidat sel'sko-
khozyaystvennykh nau; SECCNDMTSKIY, E.I., kandidat seliskokhosyay-
stvennykh nauk; WHIM, A.Tu.. kandidat meditainakikh nauks RODINA.
P.11, redaktor; YUROVITSKIT, Ye.I.. redaktor;FXVZNXR, V.I.. tekhni-
cheekiy redaktor.
(Home economics] Domovodetvo. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhot.lit-ry.
1956. 479 p9 (KIRA 10:5)
(Rome economics)
USSR/Faria linilrals - General Problems. Q-1
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 3o898
Author : Silin V.11.
Inst :
Title : The Mst Important Problems in the Production and
Utilization of Hay.
(Vwlineyshiye voporsy pm izvodstva i ispol'zovaniyn sena).
Orig Pub : Vestn. s.-kh. nauki, 1956, 110 3, 73-83-
Abstract : The article gives a general description of hay resources
of the forest-meadow, steppe, and desert-steppe zones
of the 'USSR. The conditions required for the increase
of the productivity of grasses ad the procurement of
high quality hay in large quantities, the role of hay in
the feed rations of different fam animals, and the ef-
fecti-ieness of hay meal as well as that of hay infusion,
are pointed out.
Card 1/1
, V . N. , Criud Acr 2ci -- (diss) ";-',Ozt iii'VOrtWit COIlditicrio Of
t"!; t. i of I oJ* 111,1- , Yj I (I i ts u ti I i z a Lion . " Lurii i~,--rwl-l-uslri ein ,
.1 fl~ -
ll)i~C. LL pp; (Min.;.-Ary of Agr,icultum! bunir.i~n-ifi Arric-iltui-a)
Ir,~;t); 160 copie.,;; pricf--- riot f~~,iveri; (KL, 18-60, 1'14)
Zootechny as a creative occupation. Zhivotnavodstro 24
no.6:13-18 Jo 162. (NIRA 17:3)
31;,1.1k. V. %.
uInvestif-ation Of Gl-ue-Steel Junctions in Application to Sectional Wooden Bridces."
Sub 26 Feb 51, MiliAgry Red Banner Enf-ineering Academy imeni V. V. Kuybyshev
DisserttttionR presented for science and engineerini; derrees in Moscow durint- 1951.
SO: Sun. No. 480, 9 May 55
KOBIKOV, G., knnd.tekhn.nauk; SILIN. V.. kand.tekhn.nikuk; SHHVCHFINKO, G.,
Glued-wood structures used in bridge constarction. Ayt.dor. 20
no.12:19-21 D '57. (MIRA 12:4)
(Bridges, Wooden)
KOBIKOV, G., dote., kand. tekhn. nauk, podpolkovnik: SILIN V. d to.
kand. takhn. nauk. Inzhener-podpolkovnik; SHI-Bi~-~#. I lam.
tokhn. nauk, podpolkovnik.
The use of glued units in military
zhur. 102 no.3-38-41 Hr 058.
(Plywood) (Military enginnering)
engineering. Toon.-insh.
(NIIRL 11:4)
IVANOVA, Yelena Konutantinovnal knnd tekhn. nauk;.SILZ,-:VP.s kand.
tekhn. nauk, nauchnyry red.; VILKOV, G.N., red. izd-va; HUDAKOVA,
N.I., tekhn. red.
[Glued wooden structures) Kleeriye derevianzWe konstruktaiii opyt
stroitel'stva za rubezhom. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.
i arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 82 p. (MIRA 14:10)
(Building, Wooden)
KARLMNIN, il,o., dok-tor toklin,nauir, pror.; BOLISIAKCV, V.V., doktor takhn.nauk,
prnf.; KAGAIT, M.Yo., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.: S7192SITSKIT, G.V.,
kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsont; ALNKSANDROVSKIT, LV., dotsent; BOCHKARN,
I.V., kand.telchn.nauk, doteent Cdecoased]; FOLOMIN, A.T., doktor
tekhn.nauk; PrinlvmLl$ vaba0lyflACLONNIX, O.Po luzb a; SILIN T, I, -
dotsont. kand.tekhn.nauk; PISCHIKOV, Y.G., Icand. tekhn. naa-7-Potto sent, a
nauchnyy reJ.; rV=(YV, P.T., doteent, red.: BORODINA, I.S., red.
izd--,ra: RUDJAKOVA. N.I.,
[Wooden structureal Dgrevianuye konstruktaii. Izd.3., perer. i
dup. Moslcva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.
materialam, 1961. 642 p. (MIRA 15:2)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitelistva i arkhitaktury SSSR
(for Karlson).
(Buildlyin, Wooden)
V 1", i-~
iq,rt- iq ~o
Sec P
7m 00 -V-1 F.- -
Ipw. Tmw. fit, n, M,2-9 (No. 3. 510
in RUSAM with
InaAdm ot -chms w&,,v on tin
th. ffow" "a NO& to Qg�M VIOL ampm
WK-4gwv in *4 bw A
of ,m WeAswe OIK dva
&.,** off-w wom"O",
co~wn coaadwm*, of =oo4Mmr OOK"
canrof lie in
coam-d wkh emvkmbm
u TIG&,Oy
446,094669994 a J&~m$md'm
* I
of 1% a
1 1
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$-I. '*Dial 1
FA~r. sbmd
. I ftm. Fin Ll. #41S."Plan Nor,
002- On to)
It so same So grawlsokaW effects mW prowt, mals-
port" to " f"Wral I - al I a Cie 4" wu-*"ra at 00
vlectne. A cakviskMa III Uw liderectias behissis am elec-
0 croa and a wevive now way Am 69 in CM dawlis of k*
9 -,; I
fliergles Ohio lstwwtbm lanam" dbe espressi a for the
elw1ram's _, to a mwk blOor degree tho dme
the gravilmi"m (106d.
w -T
0 "'e, a cretompi H-a *a--
4 1. a a if
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0 0 0 IN 0 0 0 0 0
L cd a 0 1 me a .1 a 's
0 0 0 4
4 4 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 04
SILIM, 7. P.
USSR/Electricity - Superconductivity Dee 51
"Superconducting Cylinder and Sphere in a Magentic
Field," V. P. Silin, Inst Phys imeni P. N.-Lebedev)
Acad Sci USSR
"Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXI, No 12
.,pp 1330-
Discusses problem of behavior of owperconducting
cylinder and sphere in homogenous magnetic field
on basis of new pherjaq*nological theory. Obtains
expression for magnetic susceptibility, as function
of field temp. Investigates breakdovn of supercon-
ducting state of -3uperconductors of small size.
Submitted 9 Ms~~ 51.
USSE/Ruclear Physics - Mesons Feb 52
Theory or Capture of 7T-particles in Deuteron,"
I. Y&. Pmeranchuk
"Zbur Mesper i Teoret Fiz" Vol = No 2, pp 129-135
Pros American expts (cf Phys Rev, 81,56~, 1951),the
author establishes the probability ratios of this
processes: p + rr --t n-+Yceand d+Yr- -* a + n. 4- x* without
application of the meson theory. Similarly be finds
ratios of radiative capture: p+yr--4n+81, d.+*'.on+n+ll
Sb~m-vo- Oat exact measurement of ratio of antirOin p
and in d may enable one to establish number and spin
ofiE andir* . Indicates the general connection mong
USSR/Nuclear Physics - Mesons (Coutd) Feb 52
the processes with participation of slaw mesons in
hydrogen and deuteron. Indebted to B. loffe, A.
Hudik and 1. Shmushkevicb. Received 3 May 51-
PACTIO of muaxow V. F
?,.Opvo.tAL 4" 22 136.9(1152) fob,
itoof . fit-
Cd two Suct
I W-Aw Rimatt"n
clig"00, tral scalar I"d r.CAf& W(O
A I..mi in &I
1%v C :vol", c"Upliftem Ik" (G Y.)
.Ith do
-7 V W
At 8233 AEC-tz-3724
ACTING PAa3jq"1jj V- L
ranslilad frok ZNr. Eka
iW I Teoret. rrr~T
An equation to derivei for tho
function, %% 111. N ts IL Igeueraliziltion at a well kang
-C-rs-q--tvn. VVI ib tho Aid of this equattom, the excitatit a
(vibrAlloo) spoctr4t cf Yz~acroscoptc ayatems of lavritcLag
particlas is invesUg?.wd. The quantz:m dimperstort equa 11
$too Is frvrA wblc!b conf-~ftcts *" frequency gad the logi.-
rithmic d4crex"M a darupla. mth tho yibr3tion wRve
Yactor tor auch it) tzm3. For nng"glbW dampir4 the vi-
bration spectra of dgonerale Bose itai Y~jrtni sy&tomi.
with central forces to obvilned, Ila eavi pf jnxv;-~t-
teraction bat:wesm
9'. partict" Is unalyzml. (authr'
102". On the lk*ry Q( (hv
syt(cot of muld-vqt1clet, V. P. StuN. A. A~qpjr.
I.-No-, TTI -2), 64
The spectiA of symmi of multi-intilck-s wkh
-ntral Intcyac6on am cofuidcrcd tit high Ivnpeta-
turcs (Holizmano d4tribution), as well as at kw
temperatures (renni disiribution). In the region a(
long witycicngths the excitations Correspond to tbcte
obtained in the invwfpti-~n of the cL%%%iW We ic
equation with elf-coasisicat interaction. 1A tic
region of short wavelengths tbe quantum characer
of the cAcitations bccoms cwntial. Tratavese
Vibrations were corditkr-d in a &vAt= of
placed in a medium with a dkkcuic cc--nt oe
Irs's a
wlu = G( onksoom
Va. L 'gMtnich -Wzz;k"4-,rv. l,=
State usil., u1 N44 S.S.S.R.
IZI. 361-4(1062).-la order to obtain a powlUr wmpkW
bgtw the quAtusa-thearedcal &w dw cluskal
bvhtumt, fb* 400tom dktr#mtkm fish f(pqj) 4
exprMul In tam d tu d. Matsix, wd At Momaturn
Auk. p In the ow"Mans equation for 24A b re-:
PWtA%IrlOU b**SM WhOll iQtRXMAd M a a Safte ,
diffatm. As spvmfosatim 0 - c P "Me (w the tMintent,
of edwan "*memw a Sim. Thk lamb to am expres.
(or the
,=tkWk&fttj= fooWas wbk-h Is
-dou 4etandoe 9M awtrom of the orsum cousidaW In.
. . * of Its bdW MO. TU qwvVArkks of thr
Initial XfAtl av CA tM su"Mtw cwdy. **As-
Afally to dKtm pkma a" #a
Us S I?
Oil a IdAtivistic lfwwy at OW Inle"Cliars of
amdrom. 1. L-, JAm Y- L..59jbL. AND V, YA.
FAmotup. A. :A*er- 1. 3-1)
it is shown that a rejollivislic mallsient of two
nudcons inieracting through * pscuiltwcalar trieum
Ikid ~kb pwudu~cctur coupling doci m-4 altcr a
prmous cunduiiun 11. Tanim, Awrojil of Physics,
VSSR, 9, 4410 OV-13)) itx)ul ilm inssaWity of IN
I) i(Cul h'Caul. Q( 411, potc at r -- 0. Tim pownfla
ubt~ntd (join sc,:und.*rdcr gicrtutbilion thcory I.
wnsi(kred. In inoshcr sixtio4s, the wiaik of Leyi
fAbm. 80 (19)2)) wixvining plaudoscalar sm"i
with pscud(YA.~lArcuuptinitiscomltkrcd. hisshown
thm his ",ndusluns of no hinifing misif Infirtitt encri y
rot the l*k.-1)mkvn sysscm. Ste isuvrni'm
P 4
u S S R
'30. -ON 8 *AMY d bdrsetka 9f vvidem %W
Y, LgMMZI#. OWP. feor.,Hz, A SO, 4,
The methodafTaffun Is used to descIribe the system'
of nudwa + one pseadox-alar i-mmn with paeudo-
SWAScoupling. NimltmrcoWisnc&Wctcd&adau&"
vadables are apamted ca In this a
Im1whal IM faletswon VADWHO exc" =pOltlolto
It is shown that Me high momentum oampomts Ot
* wave-function of this system do mt cut off
!!!TEjLUA rapyglt to 81". a anite encray.,,.b. IL "mm
-P. silt . Zhur. Lksptt . I Teorct. FIz. 25. No. 2, 255-6(195~~).
Drim tun)
The experimental data for the scattering of meSO43 In the
8% stale determine only two parameters (scattevIng length a
and ranga of force r0 In a phenowevolotfical thwiry. With a
particular choice, of a - 0.33/ite and re - 1.0571/0 c, agreemrnt
with experiment to oWitoed. (Sclence Abstrzdst,,____
Ard LZAXlJahUF ~Vffpekltl rig. Nault ED
`!-!~IP 4 July. N Russlan) L.,
TM accuftwisted remits of experlaWnfaf work 0% SC&Uqr.
Ing of I -mt$Oiu by Ift ItTA 1h are discm*v& ODrrQlWtJ30 09
the scattering remits to a theory of Iv-*W 10. The
general theory of t-utsum scatterinli by tatlaose tad he
experlintrA41 #&t& are lalerprets& The Unary of weak wW
strong book bi tM IntstactIm of m-me, i &PA wnlecrA is
"SWAO& 53 refereaces. PAS.3L)
-5 / L / Al. V.
Ussllr. cle'ar Physico - 'rifave eqUUtionn FD-747
Card 1/1 : Pub 146-1'(/22
Author : Ginzbur6, V. L., -and Silin, V. P.
Title : Some remarks on rclativiatic wave equations with mass spectrum
Periodical : Zhur- eksp. i teor. riz., 27, 116-118, Jul 1954
Abstract : Letter to the editor. Analyze equations from works by H. Yukawa
(Phys. Rev. 91 [1953)). A. Pais (physica, 19 [1953)) and J. Rayski
(Nuovo Cimento, 10, 119531) and the reasors, for the divergences in
computations. 11 references, including tte 3 mentioned foreign.
Institution : Physical Institute imeni Lebedev, Acad. Sci. USSR
Submitted : April 19, 1954
7" M the RWM of exted of MANI
P. ~k 0 zh. I Fir.. ri,
NO. Z)- ikya"Jjj" 0 1 Ran.
The lnfluciii-Wjf~ -correlation of paritcles arisin
from their ldcntioy (from synvneffliallott or ant -
symmetrizatlon) an ilia statistic3l distribution functio i
for many rwficlc-i is in%xvigated In lint order im I, s
cfrecti. The spectrum diffiers only slighily firmn IN I
gisenbyll)owlf-consiittiitricldnppm,Kh. fils-Owma
that this latler appmach is Inapplicabic- In an ck-xi nit -
lon phtsma ir the intcraction cncrgy bctwrcn juirtict r
k comparable to 11wir kinclic cnergy. u. t imM 4
111n, V. p., on a Modifled T method. k~ M~
--nx, 27, 754-756 ~1954), (Russi")
Dancoff 0 MM
amm and
Lrsing the metliod or n -460 (1945)] the -U' , nOV:,- At,
Arad. Sci- USSR. Phys. 9, 449
t.f. t1p tjje Ka f gat d one IM-tqp
dic pri'.1ton aai
aluill- It is fillowil how
.1 thl~ lowest approxill).
Armin I hv idlexg of M. C ivii [Nua-vil Cinwato (9) 10, 6'4--(;2'j
--V~j.-Dyson (Princrt
MR IS- 7(,il. ---
& - I_: .
qiantum kinetic equations in the study of the spectrum of a many-
-particle system. Trudy Fiz.1not. 6:199-268 '55. (KLU 9:5)
(Particles, Blementrary--spectra) (C4iantum theory)
'-7:331i,,'Nuclear 1,1visic-, - Excitation t3Fectrum of =V-particle system FD-235b
Card 112 Pub. 146 - 230/34
Author 31lin, V. P.
T i t I- Concerning the article "Spectrum of excitations of a system of
many particles"
Periolical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 28, 749-750, Jun 1955
Abstract By considering the correlation of jarticleE which is due to thiix
identity one can distinguish the correlation of particles which
are in identical spin states and the correlation of particles
which are in different spin states. In hiz-, earlier article (JbLi-
27, 1954) the author utilized an approxinuition of the binary
function of distribution, lihich approximat--on corresponds to tak.-
ing into account the correlation due to the identity of partic2,~s
which are in identical spin states. In the present article ti-
author considers the case of the electron, as against the case of
Bose particles without spin. He finds that the spectrum of
excitations of a degenerate Bose gas of pa--ticles with unit sy:~L
possesses the form of a spectrum of noninteracting particles,
a spectrum not satisfying the condition of superflui-Jity. He
-I r'.'jlc' FD-2358
th-r-k--fore con(.1ujes that the sulerflui,11ty of helium is al:parently
due to not only Bose statistics, but allso ;ibsence of spin in the
atoms. He thanks Professor V. L. G'Lrzburg for Judging the re-
sults. 1 ref.
Institution : Physical Tnstitute im. P. N. Lebedev, Academy of Sciences USSR
Submitted : FebruarY 7, 1955
C 1~11.1
Method of truncated IkM equatlems sad Its
w6.tkm to The scattering of amsom by nwiewn.
V. P, Snjw, 1. F. TAmm AND V. YA. FAtNstva. ZA.
-*kvv-TF6r-f7z.,29, No. 1(7).(~19(1955)ln Rumisen.
The so-calkd Tamm-Dancoll' method Is reformu-
fated, beginning from covariant equations. Frort
these. equations in threc-dimemionid momenlurs
space am obtained. Bourselary con&tiom am cov-
sidered, Dyson's formulation in the physical vacuut-i
(Abstr. 3834 (1953) 66, 97 (1934)1 Is applied and the
relation to the old formulation In the bare vacuut.-i
discuitscel. The systeer of mewn + nucleon is cot -
sidered, takfng Into accoi nt coupling with amplitude a
describinj three or few virtual partic-k-i. Resul,s
obtained numerically by nsidellon to S- andP-wivi j
siv not Included here, but will be reported stparxtel!.
Renormalizafion Is briefly considererd. a. z. %to% -4
1) 4 1 q 47-1, (07
iv,L.: .4
METAIZ. V,L.%MburS,1AdV-P-RJl1P_
toot. FU .. V tin
*1(_7 Zh_ MP*rN In
1.. an
Bentham and Kronig!s statemem that the electr a vtscos-
Ity In metals, resulting from Influence$
the absorptivity of metals for VierM.Mg =Was Investi-
gated. ThIs w"d be important in metal-apttes, alittrical
and thermal condiketivity, abn efted ate. It was Jo ind that
the above vANorki' trethod Is Incorrect, &M their rosulls
wrong. Except for very high frequencies, the effecz a( elec-
tron Interaction are negligible.
Electrical Research Association
a~e ~tz. a'uk, VLA. 56, Vo, 4, 569-635
Perturbation theory to nnt completoly sticcess*ul 1,~ Itj
tgeatment of quantum_;DSM.0 dyaajrnj~~q, It is rece 5Firy to
use methods of solution not associated with _,tcp-by-stvjj ~n:tly-
stm of the Interaction constant. One such method, to which
much effort has been deyoted 1L, them last_ three years to thRt EA
Tamm uA Dancoff. The present arlicle sets out the basis
of the method and Its application to v2jrLous concrete problems
of the quantum theory of mesons. The old T.-D. method to
discussed In conventional and cnvartant forms and Its appll-
cation to the Interaction of nucleons, interaction of i -mesons
etc. The new T.-D. method is also appll&d to these problems.
Ost4lih V. ?
It ._: .
truntitted fieffequations and h* application to 3
,~ of utesons by nucleous. V. 11. Silitt, 1. F. -
and V. Yu. FaInImIg. Soviet IAys., 7111? 2. :
3-13(1056)(Lngf. C.A. 49, 15512i.
wy -at 46
an obstacle for a van-P omenof I n Y of energy
im of Wids. in me t I!ue OOrM4~;ts7ThC pteSent j
with wvue=ions watecl to the atwnt-
fatt"ctlors. inetic- suatru quaatwu ewm.
tions for electron luteractims sod cousklem Wr
(small U valut3) with or small damping effect. Calcrw
-show that the Interactions practiowy disappe" *hw the
"Ciiation energy is smail M, compansion with ate; kinetic
energy n(partictcq. This Is expected to happen at I igh dtn-
sWts of the dcCcocrAted clectroo gas, e-g~ 10" P4": rcm. % per
n njany MCUIS ffie Rwiron
cc., as W metals At. At', Cu- L
tbvuguitudd of CmTections Gall.
USSR-!A1.:,miz and M,-,Lecular P~4ysica - Ww Temperature Phy3ics, D-5
Abst jjtLna1: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 34-1~31
Auth~ r: Silin, V. P.
T.nst-Ituticn; Ncne
Title: ~On)Certain Thermodynamic Inequalities
OrIginal Pericllcal: Zh. eksper. i teoret. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 1, 197-199
Abstract: Thermodynamic inequalities are derived for nubstances, having magnetic
and diele--tric properties, and certain conclusions are made in the form of equi-
l1brium magnetization curves of the magnetic material. The conditions of thermo-
dyramlc equilibrium of superconductors are analyzed.
/ Ole/ - 1 -
USSR Vaj;n,tinm. Magnetic Resonance. F-7
Abn J ur i 1(of Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, 6901
Aut. or t Silin, V.P.
Inst 3 Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow.
Ti tle i Tho Kinetics of Paramagwtic Phemosena.
Orie Pub s Eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 2, 421 - 422.
Abstract : Starting out with the kinetic equation with vector pha3e
space magnetization density, an equation is derived for the
variation of the density Id (t) of the magnetization of the
conduction electron of the metal in a magaetio field. Ao-
count is taken here of the collisions between electrons in
thermal motion, accompanied by a. change in the directions
of the electron spins; the resultant equation therefore des-
cribes the spin-lattice spin relaxation :)rocesses. The au-
thor's results are in agreement with Dysonts work iho deter-
mined by means of complicated calculations M(t) with allo-
wance for the diffusion of the electrons of the metal.
Card 1/1
AUTHORs Silin# V. P. 56.-2~6/4T
TITLEt (Note on)the Theory of a Degenerate Electron Liquid ( K teorii
vyrozhdonnoy eloktronnoy zhidkosti)
PERIODICALi Zhurnal Eksperia. i Tooret. Fisiki., 1957t Vol. 33, Nr 2(a),
Pp. 495-500# (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The object of the paper under consideration is the expansion of
Landau's theory on a degenerate electron liquid. Landau's theory
Termits a phenomenological consideration of the correlation of
totrons. The modifications must be investigated, which are cau-
4d by the limited effective of the forces acting between the
atrons. The theory by Landau of a ferai-liquid and the approxi-
mation by Hartree-Fook: At the outset those theories are compared
in their application to the kinetic equation considers& in-a line-
ar approximation. The corresponding states are differing onV lit-
tlefrom the homogeneous equilibrium states. Landau's theory of tho
forai-liquid takes no consideration of the effects, which are pos.
sibleif the effective range of the forces is of the aeas oader of
magnitude as the inhosiogeneitios of the liquid. For thin reason
this theory cannot be applied immediately to the Coulomb interao-
tion. The energy as a functional of the distribution function,in
the cast of Coulomb interaction of particless Because of the con-
siderable &*If consiating interaction of the partials* the energ)
Card 1/2 of a single partials is dependent on the state of the surroundiN
AUTHOR: Silin, V.P. 56-5-2JV46
TITLEt Oscillations of a Fermi Liquid in a Magnetic Field ~Xolebaniya
Fermi-zhidkosti, nakhodyashcheynya v magaitnum pole)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperim. i Teoret.Fiziki, 1957, Vol. 33, Nr 5,
pp. 1227-1234 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Kinetic equations for the case without a magnetic field were set
up by Landau (ref.2). Theme equations are now extended to the
assumption that the spin oscillations of a Fermi liquid Wre place
in a magnetic field. Further, the spin oscillations for the spatial-
homogeneous case are investigated and the fzvquencies of such oscil-
lations are computed. In this case the frequencies are limit values
of the spin wave frvquenoles if the wave lengths tend towards in-
finity. The presence of a constant magnetic field makes it possible
that the spin waves are propagated in real, liquid He3. There are
6 Slavic references.
ASSOCIATION: Physics Znstitute imeni P.N.Lebedev AN U3SR (Fizicheskiy institut
im.F.W-.1ebedeva AN SSSR)
SUBMITTED: May 6, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Silin, V.P. 56-5-34V46
T ITLE.- 'On the 1heory of Anomalous Skin Effect in Xettax (K toorij
ancMI'Doso skin-effekta Y metallakh)
FMODICAL: Zhurrial Eksperin6 I Tooret.risildo 1957, Vol. 33, Mr 5,
pp. 1282-1286 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The attempt is made to explain the phenomena of the ancemlom skin
effect by means of the theory of Fermi liquids modified by Landau,
and the author extends this theory to & degenerated "electron
liquid". It is shown that what in known about the Pend surfaces,
which are obtained from measuring the surfaoo impedance within the
domain of the anomalous skin effect, does not depend on whether, in
the case of electron conductivity, the eleotrons are regardod am a
gas or as a degenerated liquid. It is shown that, when exploiting
experimental data, the use of the isotropic natal model reprosents
a good auxiliar7 for the purpose of easily computing its parameten
Yo (electron velocity on the Fermi surface)
Po (electron momentum) and
A a 2 f a 9 008 X p ( cog X ). There are 9 references, 5 of whiah
out 1/2 are Slavic.
sov/ 56- 34-
:,Ptical Pru-,~Qrties of .1el.-JO in thu Irifrartad 11-a.-~-e
o svoyotw,~%.h net_.,llov"~infra!,-.ra!2?1oY oblasti)
P Z"R I OD I CAL: "'hurnal Z1:3nerivientaltno.,i i Teoreticheskoy Fizil:i, 1958,
Vol. 34, IIr 3, p~ . 707 - 713 (USSITI)
AB,;TRACT: _111elle oz)tical properties can be described b_
Landau theory for the Permi liquid. The present iurk Shovis
that th,.~ results obtained by it essentially differ from the
correuponding results fror.,t the usual electron theory of me-
tals. First the author shortly reports on earlier work's deal-
ing vith the same subject. Within the range of small frequencies
where the static characteristics of metals can be nei;lccted
this theory based on the conception of electron liquid does
not differ from the usual theory. The same applies also for
a clearly pronounced anonalous skin effect. First an equation
for the description of the electrons of the quasiparticles
of the degenerated electron liquid - is given. The collision
integral of the Fermi liquid coincides with the usual one.
Card 1/3 The equation just mentioned is then specialized for the infra-
SOV/ 56-,Vt-3-26/55
Optical Properties o,' Hetals in tho Infrared Rzin-e
red r,~nCe and put down in zero-t'-' a,;Prox_i._-.ation. From this
can then easily be determined tlic zero-th anproxi-mation of
tlie complex tensor of conductivit- 6~~p
well as the correspondinG tenuor of the complex dielectricity
constant. Also for the surface impedance of the metal a for-
mula is put down. In zero-th approximation the density cf the
electric charge is equ 4l to zero, and the continuity eqw-tion
then has the form div j - 0. ~-'he expression for the surface
impedance obtained is purely imajinary. Then the author in-
vestigates the case where the collision inte--ral and the term
containina the constant magnetic field strength are essentitl-
ly greater than those terms containing a derivative with re-
spect to the coordinate. The resultin- expression for the
density of current is put down. Also the case where the skin
effect is neither normal nor anomalous is of interest. This
solution of the problem is, however, Iractically already
contained in the results given. The perturbations leadin.-'- to
the correction of first approximation enter the correspondin~z
equations in an additive way. An expression for the surface
Card 213 impedance in a Ceneral case 13 put down. The results obtained
SOVI 56- YI -
tlio 'n';-- red Rwijc
-'ct i, 0 o r, ..e 10 in
(?33(j-ritially 3ii,iplif i -d -;~,eu t1,, i.v~,tal can be rej , r ed a
izootropic. -umu fomulae lound earlier are here ope-
.-i , Thers., are
--ilized for thii, case. 10 references, 1") of which
are Soviet.
Fi,-,iches%iy institut in. P. 11. Lebedeva A-kademii nauk 33SR
(Inatitute for Physics imeni P. U. Lebedev AS USSR)
S 113.'- 1 .'T"; D: Ortober 1, 1957
AUTHORs Silin, V. P. SOV/ 56-34 - 3 - 5 5/ 5 5
TITLE: on the Theory of Plasma Waves in a Degenerated Electron Li-
quid (K teorii plazmennykh voln v vjrozhdennoy elektronnoy
FERIODICALt Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958,
Vol. 34, Nr 3, Pp. 781-782 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs According to the theory by Landau (reference 2) of the Fermi
liquid the kinetic equation for the non-equilibrium additio-
nal part 8n of the distribution function of the quasipartic-
les (electrons) of the degenera ted electron liquid reads
Sn a - n
+ V j_r n- SE no ~ + ei 7 -4-1~ , 0
_7 _t IS &0 6 o
no denoting the distribution function holding for equilibrium
and F_o the energy of the electron in theequilibrium state. The
author investigates the,, solutions of the above mentioned equa-
tion in the form en e(i - - i Qt) and is interested in the case
.k kr
Card 1/3 of long waves, which makes possible an expansion with respect
On the Theory of Plasma Waves in a Degenerated Electron SOV/56-34-3-55/55
to the powers of k. On the condition that the Fermi-plane is
a sphere the following dispersion relation is obtained for
the dependence of the frequency 0 of the plasma waves on the
vector within the range of long wavost
2 2 2
- W 0 + v 0V0((3/5) + A0 + (4/25)A 2)k
V0 and po denoting the velocity-and the momentum of the elec-
tron on the Fermi liquid; Ao or A2 respectively denote,the
coefficients of the development according to the Legendre-
polynomials. An . 0 holds f;r"a*n idejtl Fermi gas of the elec-
trons, and the last mentioned formula transforms into the
corresponding formula of the previous work by Golldman (Ref 1).
The author then estimates the coefficients An for the case
that the function f is determined by the amplitude of the scat-
tering to the front. This amplitude is here computed in the
Born approximation for a screeninE Coulomb potential. When
the anisotropy of the metal is taken into account in the ap-
proximation fA) 2/ Lr2 ~> k2 >) &j 2/c2 ( where c denotes Vight velo-
0 0 0
Card 2/3 city) also the term of longitudinal waves can be used, Then an
On the Theory of Plasma Waves in a Degenerated Electron WV/5(>-34,- 3 - 5 5/ 5 5
Li quid
equation is given for the determination of the frequency of
plasma vibrations. All which has been said here can refer to
real metals onyl when the~enery of the plasma vibration is
small compared to the distance from the conduction zone to
the next filled zone. The dependence of the f
"',requency of the
plasma waves on the direction of the vector k can lead to a
widening of the line of discreet losses of electrons on the
passoge through non-cubic metals. There are 4 references,
4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONt Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physical Institute imeni P.N. Lebedev AS USSR)
SUBMITTEDs January 2, 1956
Card 3/3 uscanxt-Dc-60,620
Sil in ? s
T 1 -2 L E of f Co-
o L-."-. ~7 v:v-, v
V o I
2 S7 On, e o f t--. o 1~.-,Dbl' a:., o o c. c r ~j
io t"-.C, invus
C t I U of
t-. f 'o T n o AL j u i
in'LD if 'ion dc-eLl,
tic fioid 1.;
t': c path length -~f
ve::t t ion of o tical. ~i-:j ,L,:,t n 0 0 f
,.e -'uz; :"J", efr-~'.t iL c- r:-i -
tio a micv~)_-copic-l t'-'co.,Y "Rc,':- 1-7)- 1'-. t
I t i ~ i i i
Card 1/ 3 fi-_,c path 1engtIr c c n s
T of t, ic I i:_,
-k i
G""! f r')
on --fL~cc of L'.c; I t i t.. t
t i,).,. falls r z j
c0 ~)r Z. %n c
of Z~.
it holJ~~ t: D (w E c 1: 63 o r
V/C nd 1 .1. (1-lt Y(W)
,J,~",.Dtes tllo~, d t
ve ~ t o r on t,-. I z ti -a c eW J- t-. t' e r i.1 e, t i n 3
and t~-,e Llax-sell equations (,! Z:.,~Zvell) et-l".".tions
for t'-c, com,~lex r--flection- an~ t'.-le comi;1ex
refr!'.c t i on in 1 i cer, ~: re 0 e ri ve d t'le, case 4
i~-, inv(.,.-ti;, Aed. It is- ohown ",-, , f f e c t i e,
C,-.,rd 2/3 complex refrL:,c.,tic)n ~Je-.,, nd or, t~-.e
C-oc Q
for r.
0 "not1wr t
-: Aif'
tion of t:.~- incident
t to
0 1, F
t t v
pf f
~;-i'y "Ut
~UV/56- 35-5-2'1/56
AUTHOR: Silin, V. I-.
TITLE: Oscillations of a Degenerated Electron Fluid (Kolebaniya
v,yrozhdenno,y elektronnoy zhidkosti)
Pr~'-IIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoj, i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 55, Nr 5, pp 1243-1250 (USSR)
ikB~`TRACT. The author of the present paper inve3tigates the oscillations of
Lsn electron fluid on the basis of Landau's theory of the Fermi
fluid (Ref I). An investigation of these oscillations by means
of the general theory of the degener~ited electron fluid permits
consider%tion of the longitudinal plasma waves as well as of
the transversal electromagnetic waves (Refs 2-4). Here the in-
teraction between electrons which ik; caused by the electro-
magnetic field is taken into conside!ration. This consideration
is, however, of use only if interac-.ion between electrons is
imall com;,ared to their kinetic energy. If this is not the case,
the exchange correlation of electrons changes the kinetic equa-
tion (Ref 5). The theory developed by Landau has already been
discu6sed (Ref 6). The author bases his investigations of elec-
Card 112 tron fluid oscillations upon an equation of motion (according to
Oscillations of , Depenerited Electron Fluid SOV/56-35-5-27/56
reference 6) for quasiparticles as well as on the Maxwell equa-
tion.s. '4ithout considerin1g, spin-orbit interaction, plasma waves,
electromagnetic waves, zero sound and spin waves are investi-
gated. A major part of references mentioned in this paper are
enrlier papers by the same author. There are 11 references, 10 of
which iLre Soviet.
FizicheaVij institut im. P. N. Lebedova Akademii nauk 3SSR
(Physics Inotitute imeni 11. N. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciencea, U:~.'A)
May 31, 1956
Card 212
Detemination of the effective mass of carriers and optical constants
of g9miconductors. Fis.tyer,tela I no-5:705-708 MY '59-
WRA 12:4)
1. Fizicheekiy inatitut im, P.H. Lebedeva, Moskva.
A 05482
AUTHOR: Sili . y P sov/i4l-.2-2-7/22
TITLE: Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Media Having a
Spatial Dispersion
PERIODICAL-, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Radiofizilca,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 198 - 202 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The theory of electromagnetic fluctuations (S.M. Rytov et
al. - Refs 1-10 shows that if there exists a local
functional dependence between the induction and the
intensity of the electromagnetic field:
Di (r) = eij (W)Ei(r) , Bi(r) = 11 ij WHi(r) (1)
the correlation of the random inductions is also of the
local type. Some corollaries of this theory can be
derived from the following formula (Ref 4), which deter-
mines the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field in an
infinite isotropic medium:
Card 1/6
of') 11"
Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Media Having a Spatial
11W ell 2'
2 Rc 2.
The left-hand side of Eq (2) is related to the average
value of the product of the field components by means of
Eq (3),, In the above equat~ions, the notation is as
R = r - r got (W)
is the itaaginary component of the permittivity
+ ic") ;
w is the frequency of the electromagnetic
field (which is a sinusoidal function of time);
T js the teiiiperature,
I-x is the Boltzmart consLant.
Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Media Having a Spatial
The peculiarity of Eq (2) is the presence of the
6-function in front of the term which is proportioial
to the imaginary component of the permittivity; this
leads to infixitely high fluctuations of the electric
field in dissIpatIve media, This singularity corresponds
to the longitudinal field fluctuations. The singularity
can be eliminated if the equations are constructed which
permit the existence of longitudinal electromagnetic waves
so that to each frequency w corresponds a wave having
a definite wave vector k The spatial dispersion of the
electric field can be taken into account by employing
Eq (4) (V,.L. Ginzburg - Ref 5). The induction and the
intensity of the electromagnetic field are related by
means of the integrals (V.D. Shafranov - Ref 7);
Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Media Having a Spatial
D,(r) = dr'Q D (r, r'; OE (r')
I I I ii - - i -
D (r) = dr'Q B (r. ri; OH (r')
L I I i - -, i -
where the kernels (P and Q11 may be dependent on the
form of the raedia considered. In order to investigate
the fluctuations, it is necessary to add to the right-hand
sLde terms of Eqs (5) two random functions K and L
which denote the inductions of the electric and the mag-
uetic field, respectively. The correlation of these
inductions xs expressed by Eq (6) (Ref 4). The Maxwell
equations, when vrritten in terms of Fourier components,
are in the form of Eqs (7); similarly, Eq (6) can be
Written as Eqs (8). On the basis of Eqs (7). the fielAs
are given by Eqs (9). From these and Eqs (8), it is
Cald1416 possible to derive Eqs (10) and (11). By employing an
Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Media Having a Spatial
inverse Fourier transformation, the average value of
the product of the electric.-field components is given
Ei(r,w)Zi (EI'WI) = OCI(E)ICi(EI))W 6(w + WI)
21i6 (w +, w I) cth - Iij (R, w) (12)
where fij is expressed by the next formula on p 201.
The correlation function for the longitudinal fields is
therefore given by Eq (13). Now, if the equation which
permits the existence of longitudinal waves is in the
form of Eq (14), where a and P are real, Eq (2) can
be written as Eq (15). The first component in square
brackets in this equation corresponds to the longitudinal
Card5/6 field, while the second component represents the transverse
Electromagnetic Fluctuations in the Media Having a Spatial
field. It is seen that Eq (15) does not contain the
singularity in the form of 6(R) . Further, when the
complex permittivity tends to zero, the fluctuations of
the longitudinal field do not tend to an infinitely large
amplitude but, on the contrary, tend to decrease. The
author makes acknowledgment to V.L. Ginzburg for his
interest In this work. There are 10 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR
(Physics Institute im. P.N. Lebedev of the Ac.Sc.. USSR)
SUBMITTED: January 2, 1959
Card 6/6
AUTHOR: Silin. V. P. SOV/126-7--5--2/44
TITLE: bR_fH_e_TFe_Ory of Conductivity~'
Pi,~RIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol ?, Nr 3,
pp 331-334 (USSR)
AB-STIIACT: The usual theory of conductivity of nietals (Ref 1) is
based on the assumption that -the conduction electrons
may be looked upon as a gas of non-interacting particles.
In rea.';,_ity the interaction between the electrons is not
small (Ref 2) and it ic, therefore natural to suppose
that many of the results of the usual theory of
conductivity might be incorrect. This means that it is
desirable to set up a theory of conductivity in which
the conduction electrons are looked upon as a degenerate
electron fluid. The pioblem may be solved using the
Fermi fluid theory put forward by Landau in Ref 3 and
treated by the present author in Ref 4. It is shown
in the present paper that the theory of conductivity
based on the electron fluid idea leads to the same
results as the usual theory. The phenomena considered
are: electrical conductivity, thermal a)nductivityland
Card 1/2 thermoelectric galvanomagnetic and thermomagaetic effect st:'~
On the Theox7-of Conductivity SOV/126-7-3--2/44
A similar result is obtained in the case of liquid He3.
There are 7 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 1 English
and 1 a translation from English.
ASSOUATION: Fizicheskiy Institut imeni, P. N. Lebedeva AN SSBR
(Physical Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev, Ac.Se..USSR
SUBMITTED: November 20, 1957
Card 2/2
VAn ~14U, ~)ilih, V.2. -rld i3tiSOV, Ya.F. SOV/51-7-4-1b,/32
On th3 Optical ?roparti-3s of -or-Al Films in the Rei;ion of ~,noaalous
c:) I ti. Oatica I ;; ooktroukopiya, 1959, 'Vol 7, 1 r 4, op 547-531 (US'R)
L IT. T Thin ftl-b car, L)3 ubed to deter.-Ine optioal coitstants c1f, conductors.
Th3ory )f th,3 a 'Aical propirtios of fiL,Ls ~As "oually jieSlectod
una--;~Llous Licin 9fAoct, !'.,hich lu vsry Important in wany wetils (Refs 2-4).
Th3 x-atriorti eill tl-ib .-Ip by con.;idaring optical properties of
wataLl kcon~uatIr,;jfi1.,...; in tne cA:s,3 i;iien the surface losses due to
the difl'use scattarin6 Of elec-.rons at the surface carnot be neglected.
For..Aula,3 are L;Iven for the phase-shifts of reflected (cL; and
tr:.-&nswi,~tod (.01 waves for the reflection (A) and transmission (T)
coafficiaatr. ~-nd the ubborption coafrician-e .'. = I - it + T. They are
Aven both for s-olarization (Eq.-; 7-11) und p-polarization (Eqs 12-16j.
,'h#3 f or,~u Ift s iwp-. i f y considerably in the limiting cases of very
G.. i;ii-a C.~-Acai .1roLart135 Of -ZZ~Al in tkI0 .'06ioj , -in 3fiect
of -aal%lous "
A'IL-s ~iad ,"ssivo cmiductorra. Furth-,,r si~plificaticn occurs
---h,lln t~i3 r-.ul ;:A'.'* Mf -;3r..jjtrjVity Jb conuidorAbly larder than unity.
e r I b e r. 5 1 ythoor3tical. 'hero aro t, references, 3 of which
I 'OV15t, 1 iish, 1 Dutch and I aixed (Soviet, 3n~lisli and
3 r.;.Un
it)-r-l L ry 18, 195~.,
AUTHOR.- Silin, V. P. sov/56-36-5-2i/76
TITLE: On the Problem of Optical C-~nstante of Conductors
(K voprosu ob opticheskikh postoyannvkh provodnikov)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959#
Vol 36, Nr 5, pp 1443-1450 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref 11) the author investigated a theory
of the optical properties for the case of an inclined
incidence of radiation upon the surface of a massive conduc-
tive body. The anomalous skin effect is taken into account by
the introduction of a boundary Gond-tion on the surface of the
conductor. The surface resistance thus taken int3 account leads
to an additional loss which cozreznonde to the dIffusion
scattering of the conductivfty eleLzrons in the metal surface.
In the present paper the prob-Ir-m. of determining the complete
set of optical constants and t-he fluctuations of the e1eGtr,:,-
magnetic field and the relationF in conaidera-
tion of a boundary impedance z is discuesed. The imp*,dance
Card 1/3 is connected with the surface j?irreat density i and he
On the Problem of Optical Constants of C,,nductiors SOV/56-36-,5-21/76
tangential components of the clect=4-c field according to
E-n r(&)) denotes the complex surface
1 (60) t ( n
conductivity and i? is the e-tt-ernal ver'.4-cal on the
of the conductive body. For ar-inotropic conductcre and --iiia
crystals it holds i0C - rat 0Lp , where A.9 is the two-d:~m-en-
sional surface tensor. In th-a following, conditions a=j
discussed first without considering the anomalous skin 9-ffect
of D EE and the complex dielectric constant
(n-iX~ = E.1 + iE2 and then in consideration of the
anomalous skin effe-3t if D = C-E+ aAE + b grad div E
It is shown among other thinCs that for an isotropic conductor
two real quantities that corzespont~ to complex boundary
impedance, must be taken into account besides the refraction
index n and the absorption constants )C . The real part of the
boundary impedance determines the surface losses, and the
imaginary part of F_ determines the volume losses. The
relations are discussed which exist between the real- and
Card 2/3 the i1maginary parts of complex surfaca conductivity.
On the Problem of Optical Constants of Conductors SOV/56-36-5-21/76
For the field components of an isotropic metal in the
semi-space a correlation formula is derived and discussed.
There are 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONz Fizicheskiy Institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR
(Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTED: November 5, 1958
Card 3/3
21. (6)
AUTHOR: Silin, Y. P SOV/56-37-1-40/64
TITLE: On Collective Losses of Fast Electrons in the Passage Through
Matter (0 kollektivnykh poteryakh bystrykh elektronov pri
prokhozhdenii cherez veshchestvo)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 3T,
Nr 10), pp 273 - 282 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper deals with t'.1e problem of losses of fast
electrons which pass through thin films from the point of view
of the theory developed by I. Ye. Tamm, I. M. Frank, and
E. Fermi (Ref 1), taking spatial dispersion of the dielectric
constant into consideration. At first, a short report is given
on the general stage of the problem. Spatial dispersion leads
to the circumstance that the dielectric constant in a tensor
even in an isotropic medium, and has the form
k k k k
tr ij _ ::~Ij + :!U 61 (p, k) y Ftr
Eli (0, k Z (0, k) 16 k k2 and S de
noting the transverse and the longitudinal dielectric constant.
By use of the afore-mentioned formula, the author finds an ex-
Card 1/4 pression for the energy loss of a fast charged particle per
on Collective Losses of Fast Electrons in the Passage SOV/56-37-1-40/64
Through Matter
unit of length in the passage through matter:
W - le2 z2+00 odw 00 qdq 1 1
2 2 2/v2 Y11r,"Tr
Wv q +&a q
00 0
v q Ze denotes the charge,
2 2 2[ -2 -2 tr(,Jlr-2+,F/.2
c q +&j v _c E q ~j I -
and v the velocity of the fast particle. The first summand in
the curly bracket depends on tae emission of longitudinal
waves, the second summand by the transverse Chereakov-radiation.
As ordinary collective losses of fast electrons are just con-
nected with the emission of lcngitudinal wavesp the author con-
centratee his attention upon the first summand in the above
formula. An expression for the probability of scattering of a
fast particle per unit-leneth of path into the angle de with
emission of a longitudinal quantum (Plasmon) in the frequency
interval dw is then written down. The experimentally measurable
Card/2/4 quantity is therefore Im [,IF-I(o,k)3,and this very quantity
dn Collective Losses of Fast Electrons in the Passage SOV/56-37-1-40/64
Through Matter
must be determined by the theory of collective losses by using
one or the other model representations of the electrons of the
medium. The author then finds the corresponding expressions
for El for the case of an electron gas of high density and for
an electron liquid. Further, certain particularities of the
losses of fast particle:o(which are connected with a possible
excitation of the zero und) are discussed. For the spectrum
of plasma vibrations, the expression
3 2 k2 1 2
2 PO . 2 OL k is obtained. The longitudinal
C-10 - 5 2 6o 2 0 p 0)
dielectric constant of a degenerate electron liquid is then
calculated according to L. D. Landau's theory (Ref 3) of the
Fermi liquid. In the next parl, an expression for the proba-
bility of scattering of a fas-t electron per unit-length of path
with emission of a longitudinal quantum is found, and some con-
clusions for that range where the spatial dispersion is no
longer weak are also discussel. The next part deals with anotbAr
Car-1 3/4 possibility which leads to a dependence of the amount of dis-
On Collective Losses of Fast Electrons in the Passage SOV/56-37-1-40/64
Through Matter
crete losses on the scattering angle, and is not connected with
spatial dispersion. Such a pos&ibility results in the case of
optically anisotropic media. Fcr relativistic electrons, the
role of transverse quanta, and particularly the Cherenkov-radi-
ation, must be considered in the investigation of losses. The
author thanks V. L. Ginzburg and L. D. Landau for the kind clis-
cusaion of some problems. There are 18 references, 13 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSH
(Institute of Physics imeni P. H. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTLT: February 23, 1959
Card 4/4
240). SOV/56-37-1-23/'64
'AUTHORS: Zharkov, V. IT., 411,ig
TITLE: The Theory of Weak Solutions of He4 in Liquid H93 (Teoriya
slabykh rastvorov jje4 v zhidkom Ed)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959,
Vol 37, fir 10), pp 143-153 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The present paper is concerned with the therm9dynamice and 3
in liquid Ile
the kinetic phenomena in weak solutiona of He
In the case of such a solution, 2 kinetic coefficients are
to be considered in addition to the viscosity coefficient
and the heat-conduction coefficient x, i.e. the diffusion co-
efficient D and the coefficient of thermodiffusion Dk To
k denoting the thermodiffusion ratio. These coefficients
T kT
are determined by the equations T - -QD( 7 c + -V T) at
_+ -30 - -
0. ? denotes the
+ gFermi - 0, -xV T at ? -
9 . gim
current of impurities, q the heat flow, g the total current
of the momentum in the solution; the latter is compos-%d of
1 the momentum transferjed by the impurity excitations g,
Card 1/
4 and of the momentum g. transferred by the Fermi
The T'heory of Weak Solutions of He 4 in Liquid He3 SOV/56-37-1-23/64
excitations. Instead of the usual deviation of the distribu-
tion function ofthe Fermi excitations from the equilibrium
value bnf a certain effective expression
6n,P -we f6njf("P*,_P"1)dT1 enters the collision integrals
caused by the scattering of the Fermi excitations. But the
same expression appears, instead of the usual 6n4,,in the
formulas for the various currents determined by Fermi ex-
citations. This is why the form of 6n is not observable
in the calculations. The first part ot the present pa3er
deals with the'thermodynamics of weak solutions of He in
liquid iie4. The authors investigate the conditions under
which the dissolved He4 atoms can be described by Boltzmann's
statistics. The deviations fron classical statistics occur
at those --temperatures at which only the interaction of the
impurity excitations between each other, or the quantumlike
degeneration of the impurity gas, are essential. The spin
of the atoms is equal to zero, and the temperature T of the
degeneration of the impurity eas is therefore equal ?o To =
. 22 2/3 - 2/3 1/kM)(3 2/3 denotee the numbqr'.of atoms
Card 2/4 ~ n0 0 n/2)..r.0-,.,Q1M3
Phe Aeory of Weuk Solutions of He4 in Liquid He3 SOV/56-37-1-23/64
3 3 3
of pure He in 1 cm M3 the mass of the Ile atom, a the
concentration of He The authors then compare T 0 with those
temperatures at which the interaction of the impurities
between each other plays a certain role. The second part
deals with the kinetic equation. This equation determines
the distribution frction of the elementary excitationnin
the solution of Ile in liquid He3, and has the form:
q - PO - kf-c. The authors derive the kinetic equation for
the Fermi excitations and also for the impurities, the col-
lision integrals in the standard form as well as the ef-
fective cross sections for the scattering of the impurities
on the Fermi excitations and impurities. The third part deals
with the diffusion of the impurities. An this problem can
hardly be solved accurately, the two limiting cases of high
(range of validity of the Pomeranchuk law) and low tempera-
tures are investigated; the reaults in the intermediate range
can then be determined by interpolationo The corresponding
diffusion coefficients are explicitly written down. The thermo-
diffusion ratio is calculated in a similar manner as the
Card 3/4 diffusion coefficient. The thermodiffusion coefficient is
Weak Solutions
small as compared with the diffusion coefficient. The
cosity and the thermal conductivity are calculated in
last t,%o parts. The authors thank B. I. Davydov for a
discussion. There ore 14 Soviet references*
Institut fiziki Zemli Akademii
(Institute for the Physics of
3ciences, USSR)
nauk SSSR
the Earth of
Magnetic susceptibility of relativistic electron gas. Zhur.ekspA
teor.fiz. 38 no.2:645-646 F 160. (MIRA 14:5)
1. Fizicheskiy institut im. P,N.L43bedeva Akadeaii nauk SSSR,
(Electron gas)
Silin, V, P.
--A.ftv .................. ......
The Theory of Ultrasonic lbsorption in Metals
PERIODICILs Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I t*orotichookoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 977-983
TEXTi The article under review describes a theoretical investigation of
sound absorption in the low-tomperaturo range where absorption is caused
by electrons. The frequencies under consideration wer* eo high that th*
condition X >(
tiw Coulomb depends, in a --unonant manner, on '.!e frequency of
the variable V. L. Ginzburg i.; thanked for discu~usions. There are
reforence~n: .. ';cviet and 1 British.
jZOOIATIO": Finicheskiy institut i7~. 11. 111. Lebedeva Akadomii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Physics imeni P. 11. Lebedev of the Academy of
Sciences USSR)
SUB,'.IITTED:' December 24, 1959
+ V 'f- + . (E + ' (vH))
dp'dr' n.- U...r r'j) J., (p. r')
Op dr
M dr'dP' n.. (p, r, p', r', t),
Card 3/6
U r - V, V'. at, x
g... (p. p'. d, -!I-
+ - (COSO. -dp
x Cos
i st'.1 till
I Cos Q.-I H -j-,
at, jTF I a C,
- I-L -~-)k I.. (P" R1, t 4(P, R, 0, (12)
H, dr'
It (
rAe (a. e-11 t+v H
H If (HE (10)) +
_~. [F. I sin Quc + e. dt'
It 11H P1111 COS, If
JE (P) Iii sin 0. + i
i1i JE W) 1111 COS a.+ +1t
+ If-- lf+v -
dt' P'(P I
Ir + -I- di'P W),
Card 4/0