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MAYAROV, S.S.. inzh.-, SIDUROV, F.H., insh. ............. ~-, ~- , -- Review of B.V.Metlin, N.V.Poluaktov's book "Safety measures in operating hoisting machinery at machinery plants." Bezop. truda v prom. 3 no.9:35-36 5 '59. (MM 13:2) (Hoisting machinery--Safety measures) (TSetlin, B.V.) (Polunktov. I.T.) KOROLV, A.A.; SIDDROV* P.N. Operation of an elevator without operators. Bezop. truda v prom. 3 no.llsl9-20 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) Movators) BAYKOV, S.F., kand. teklm. nauk; BELRIKO, I.S., kmid. tekhn. nauk; MUM, S.F., inzh.; MLYANCHIKOV, M.P., inzh.; BERIISILTMI, I.L., inzh.; BOGORODITSKIY, D.D., inzh.; BOLONOW, Ye.V., kand. tekhn. naulc; FROZGOLI, I.M., kand. tekhn.nau-k; VIADIMIROV, V.B., inzh.; VOLKOV, P.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; GEIUSIFOVA, inzh.; ZIJUKHOVITSKIY, A.F., inzh.; KABAI;OV, MI.F., inzh.; KAI'EVTSOV, V.Y,., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOLOTEITOV, I.V.,, inzh.; KOPMUTIYEV, I.M.., inzh.; Y,UZ17ETSOV, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; LIVOV, D.S.0 kand. tekhn. naW-,; MMKO, I.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; 1-1"'ZOV, L.M., inzh.; CIL'YIT IK, N.D., inzb.; RABINER, Ye.G., inzh.; ROWDEXIMISKlYs Xu.L., kand. tekhn. nauk; SAMIONIKO, I.M.0 Icand. tekhn. nauk- SIDOROV P.N., inzh.; SPITSYN, W.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nuuk-;-Fff~i;~EV~5.,I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; Cill,tIKOV, V.T., kand. te,-hnnauk; SHEYN, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; IIIMRG, 14.Ya., nauchnyy red.; BIAGOSKLONOVA, N.Yu., inzh,, red. izd-va; SOKOL-OVA, T.F., tekhn. red. [Antifriction bearings; marmall Podshipniki kacheniia; spra- vochnoe posobie. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry, 1961. 828 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Bearings (Machirery)) 22150-65 EPF(0/KPR/Mff(1n)/T Pr-41/Va-4 ICCESSION NFt AR4045075 S/0277/64/000/005/0036/0036 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mashinostr. mat., konstr. i raschet detaL. rnash. Otd. vy*p.,'Abs. 5.48.Z58 AUTHOR: Sidorov, P. N. 7. TITLE: P ogress in the of roller-contact bearings- CITED SOURCE: Tr, Vses. n. -i. konstrukt. -tekhnol. in-ta podshipnik. Rrom- sti, no. 3(35), 1963, 31-39 TOPIC TAGS: roller contact bearing, bearing design, b e-aring performance, bearing maintenance TRANSLATION: The artic 1e dis(,.usse s some new and updated designs* of antifrict ion~- bearings which insure improvements in life, load capacity, allowable speed and. ,rj precision of revolution, sensitivity (i.e. decreased friction losses), technologi- cal, effectiveness, as well as operation, assembly and disassembly features, Cardllz L 22150-65 ACCESSION NR: AR4045075 SUB CODE: IE Z/Z Cord GONCHAROV., K.F.; DOBROzARSHY, S.A.; SI i" KOIIOSTASPEVSKI3-, R.V.; KAB S, Ya.P.; di%ffK0, Ye.M.; KA;iASIK, P.I.; GAZAAOV, L.A.; YAKFIN, B.A.; GORIN, II.V., red.; PO'IANSKAYA, Z.F., tekhn. red. (Ball and roll-3r bearings; catalog and handbook] Shariko- vye i rolikovy-3 podshipniki; katalog-spravochnik. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. *4oskva,, 1963. 379 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Moscow. I'Sentrallryy institut nauchno-tekhnicheakoy in- formatsii po avtoratizatsii i mashinostroyeniyu. 2. Nauchryye sotrudniki Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo konstruk- torsko-tekhnologicheskogo instituta podshipnikovoy promysh- lennosti (for all except Gorin, Polyanskaya). L 40201-60 (,l v)l ~Lfit 'k 1 " .Acc NR, AT602-1888 SOURCE CODE: UR/32-18/63/000/003/003,1/0039 AUTHOR; Sidorov, P. N. (Engineer) ORG: None TITLE: The development of antifriction bearingilesigns SOURCE: Institut -hno-issledovatellskil 1.1ennosti. Trudy, no. 305), 1963, TOPIC TAGS: antifriction bearing, durability, friction lose, steel k~ I ABSTRACT: " "T'he author discussen newly produced and updated designs of antifr_i,ction Improved durability and load capacity of bearings are consiaei~d- A classi- cal expression is given for ca1culating the durability of antifrictIon bearings. Since the coefficient of vork capacity is dependent on dimensions, the number of balls or rollers, and the type of contact between rolling members and races, new antifriction bearings have optimum dimensioas where an increase In size might reduce ring or sepa- rator strength. In order to avoid this disadvantage, the following measures were taken: 1. The number of balls and rollers vas increased by asking roller bearing I blocks, of tvo or more rows of bearings. Increasing the number of rows Improves the I load capaelty of the-supports. Furthermore, static load capacity Increases in propor-i ~tion to the number of rows; 2. contact vas modified by eliMnatlog efte effect which I L 40201-66 ACC NX, ATM21886 is detrimental to bearing durability. This was done by using tapered rollers; 3. An- other way or improving durability and load capacity Is to divide the acting LO&a InTO;: radial and axial. This may be cione by using combination bearings. The angle of con- tact is also helpful in this renpect; 4. pure steel vas used which has a much better working surface, better clearant:es and other parameters. Increased peralasible rota- tion speeds of bearings are etudied. Improved precision of rotation Wd sensitivity, (lower friction losses) are con3idered. The development of self-lubricating bearings has solved many servicing problems. Self-lubricating bearings have been in existence for quite a while, but self-lubricating roller bearings have just come Into existence. It is hoped that this type of design vill. undergo further development. Simplification of assembly and disassembly of antifriction bearings is considered. It is advantageous to develop bearings which can be serviced without disassembling the units in vhich they, are operating. The use of rollers enclosed in separators, hydraulic forcing and otheri measures and designs can elimirate unnecessary time lose on assembly and disassembly operations. Orig. art. has: b rigwes, 1 formula. BUD CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004 r., znertm in J nf~ ix., t-n; lie v nc-.-C; 3C42, 11 V~rch 53) (InItIcIls 111~6urnal ',a. 7, 1049~ _; 1H I . . T. SLlcrcv, P. P. ll-Krt'r trbawa aml its ,.,rcpliyl,-.xis it, the., newl.orr" (Ilaper read It 'I - cf th~.- Scuth of the PSF5- the ;;cint in meeting, of the nediatrician, i I and the cbstetrician-gynecologists, 10 March 1948), Sltornik nauch. tru'lov (Rozt. obl. nauch.-is:3led. akushersiro-ginekol. In-t), issue 8, 1948, p. 111-17. SC: U-3261., IC, A-ril !9r.-" (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh St-tey, No. 12, 1949). -1 ~ : ~ :--l : I - I : I sidc-rov, P. P. and llllkr~llskiy, V. V. "Tho- study of vit,,3!7:in F as a 4 1 nit I.;.ri,* frxtrx 'n, ncrr-.,il L-Licr", 31c'mik nnuch. trudov (Post. obl. :,:4 1 ; ', ::. 11" 26. in-t), Issur! 3C : U-_32611 10 April 1.9"3 (Letords IML-nal Inykh Statey, No. 12, 10/49). SIWROV, P.P. (Stalino) IM-1.1 - -I Discussion on P.A.Boloshapko and T.H.Maliavinakii's article 'Clinical aspectB and conduct of the third (placental) stage of labor.' Akash.i gin. no.1:44-48 Ja-F '54. (NLRA 7:6) (Labor (Obstetrics)) (Beloshapko, P.A.)(Mallavindkil, T.M.) SIDOROV P female pelvic fracture and its effects on the function of the se-tual apparatus. Nov.khir.arkh. no.1:128 Ja-F 159- (KIM 12:6) 1. Akushersko-ginekologichesimyu kliniks Stalinskogo meditain- skogo Instituta. (PRLVI3--FRAC7M) SIDO-HO.V-,-P.P-v (Sydorov, P.P. 1, prof.; V.P. (Miroshnychenkc., V.P.]; KARFUSHIN, V.P. (Kerpushyn, V.P.] Comparative characteristics of operations using obstetrical forceps under pupendal and ether inhalation anesthesia. Ped., akush. i gin. 23 no.6:/,:,-47 161. (MIRA 15;1,,) 1. Kafedrn akusherstva I ginekologii (zav. - doktor med.nauk, prof. P.P.Sidorov (Sydorov, P.P.1) Dvnetskogo moditsinskogo instituts. im. A.M.Gorlkogo (rektor - dotsent, A.M.Ganich1cin (Hanichkin, A.M.]) na baze klinicht-skoy bollnitsy im. M.I.Kalinina (glavnyy vrach - V.F.Zubko). (AIWZTIIESIA IN OBSTE'fRICS) -,f' s ri '7-7 -4, sov, ne 'r, I - 11 P T)i ~ ?I ruid I n t.:j t,[, W! bIll n I kiini- '.c t' tv v rf I to sk 'JIDCHOV I'. .9 z . Technology (Foniralation of a plan for orgp-n-izational and technicall measures in enterprises of river transport) Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva rechnogo flota SSSR, 1950. Yonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July 1952. Unclassified. LSWIDOV, NIkhail Yedorovich; SIMOV P P redaktor; KOBW1OV.T~.M., =-k=LIS redaktor; B=YAV1MfiKTr.-Z-.T--.S1mensent; UUSNAYA,A.K.. tekhnicheskly redaktor [operating floating emnes in city harbors on a cost accomting baste] Is opyta raboty pIowuchikh kranov Gorlkavekogo port& n& khosreschete. Moskva, Isd-vo ORechnol transport.0 1955. 40 p. (Cranes. dorricks, etc.) (MLIA 9:3) SIDOROV, Pavel Petrovich~ KALININ, B.A., retcenzent; ZOTOV, N.M., reteenzent; I ,, red.; RRERLIR, X.Z., red.izd-va; SALAZZOV, N.P., Lways of improving labor productivity in ship repairing and ship- building enterprises] Puti povysheniia proizvoditelluosti truda v sudoremontnykh i sudostroitelInykh predprilatliakh. Moskva, lad-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1957. 58 P. (MIRA 11:1) (Labor productivity) (Shipbuilding) 1 14 . i- - - /-~' , If- , : .' - .I , KALININ, Boris Arkhipovich; ~IDOR07, P.P., red.; LOBANOV, Ye.H., red.izd-va; TSVRTKOVA, S.V., tekhn-.rP-r.- . _., [Development of maximum efficiency ana production time standards in inland water transportations] Posobie po r&2r&botke tekhnicheski obosnovannykh norm vyrabotki I vrement na rechnow transport@. Moskva, lzd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1957. 165 p. (KIRA 11;1) (Inland water transportation) (Labor productivity) PROTASOV, Vnniliy Semenovich, SIDOROV, Pavel Petrovich, KOLOROYTSEV, V.P. retuenzent, GUREVICH. Sh.K., retsenzent, ARSYMIYEV, S.P., red.; IVANOV. L.A., red.; LOBANOV, Te.K. red.izd-va..- TERMAOVA. T.T.. takhn.rode [Economics of river transportation] Ekonomtkn rechnogo trAnsportne Moskva, Izd-vo ORechnoi transport." 1958. 321 p. (KI" 11:9) (Inland wnter transportation) TEWAKOV v Serafim Fedorovich; SIDOROV?, red.; ARKRIPOV, YeJe. p re- toonzent; WBANCVv re .M4 red. izd-va; BODROVA, V.A.# takhn. red. [Guide to the establishment of norms for loading and unloading operations] Posobie normirovebohiku pogruzoehno-rasgrusochakh rabot. Moskva, Izd--vo ORecbnoi transport," 1961. 136 P. (KIRA 24:7) (Loading and unloading) GLAZKOVt Mikhail Mikhaylovich; YELISTRATOV, S.I., retsenzent; SIDOROV, red.; IDBANOV, Ye.M., red. izd-va; RIDNATA, I.V., tekhn. red. (Business accounting in a harbor section; from the work practice oftho Moscow Western Harbor) Khozraschet uchastka. porta; 1z opyta raboty Moskovskogo Zapadnogo ports. Mo- skva, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1963. 37 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Moscow-Port districts-Finance) (Loading and unloading) k1i us 114 PMikhail Davidovich, St. nauchn. sotr.; RUMYANTSEV, S.M., red.; SIDOROV) P.P.., red. [River transportation during the completion period of the socialist reconstruction of the national economy of the U-S-S-R-P 1933-19371 Rechnoi t--rsport v period zavershe- nila sotsialistichetikoi rekonstrultsii narodnogo khoziaistva SSSR (1933-1937 god:,), Poskva, Izd--vo "Rechnoi transport," 1963. 237 p. (MIRA 170) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatelsUY institut ekonomiki i akepluatatsii vodnogo transporta. (for Amusin). .;IUCHOV, Fave-I Petrovich, kand. Okon. nauk; KOULEV, Alok.,,,widr Ivanovich; Prinizal uchastiye FAIIIIJOLOTSIM, F.P.; ARMIYEV, S.P.., red.; DMIN, A.M., red. (Economics of river transportation; production economics, organization, and planning] Ekonomika rechnogo transports; ekonomika, organizn-.siia i planirovanie proizvodstva. Mo- skvaj Tranaporto 1965. 283 po (MIRA 18;5) 120-4-33/35 AUTHORS: Sidorov P.S. Shapking A.A. and Dedov, V.B. TITIE: Fraction Collector (Avbmaticheskiy kollektor fraktsij) PERIODICAL: Priborj i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, 1957, No.4. pp. 101 - 104 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes a simple apparatus for automtic collection of frhctions based on the principle of registering fallinb liquid drops. The volumes of the collected fractions caii be changed over a wide range of 1 to 50 drops. iiormally, the collector collects up to 50 ml of tLe liquid. The apparatus consists of three interconnected parts: 1) a drop counter, consistinc.- of a telephone selector switch; 2) a collector; 3) a platinum. contact. The collector, consisting of a disc carryinL~, the receivers, is fastened to the axis of a second selector switch. FiG. 1 shows the general view of the equipment. Each drop, es it falls, wets two plat- inum electrodes causing the counter circuits to operate. After a fixed number of drops, the counter gives a signal to change the receiver position. Electrolytic action is negliCible (4 4A for 10-3 sec'~. The electric circuit is described in FiG. 2. There are 2 figures and 3 non-Slavic references. CMAi4a - I F T - T - A J-T BAXIR)V, Urkhan Khakimzhanovich; KRUTOVSKIKH. Nikolay Daitriyevich: .~IWRDV, Pavel S14orovich; BOODHOWY, V.I., inzhener, retmenzent; RUBOK, K.G., redaktor; TIZWEDVA, H.L.. redaktor; WIMN, I.K. takhnichaskly radaktor [ventilating overheated sections in copper pyrite mineQ Opyt provetrivantia razogretykh uchastkov madnokolchoAanzWkh shakht. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry pa chorml I tovetnot nwtalltirgit , 1955. 46 p. (MLItA 8: 10) Ofine ventila-.1on) (Chalcopyrites) BAKIRUV,U.1h., gornyy inzhon(T; SIDCROV,P.S., gornyy Inshener The ventilation of slaIng rooms-Gor.shur. n0-5:40 J.), NY 155. (KM 8:7) (Nine ventilation) YMOLAYRV, A.A., inzhoner; HYZHKOV, F.R., inzhener; SIDOROV, P.S.. inshener. "rience in ventilat-Ing mines after large-scale explos-rons.- Bezop.truda # prom. I ito.5:10-12 157. MRA 10:7) 1. Untpromed' (for Ternolayev and Byshkov). 2. Dogtyarskiy rndnik (for Sidorov). (Mine ventilation) (mine explosionO SID~'R~ , 7-~. T %~V .. I "An Inve3tig.:Ition of thf- ComToAtion of the Fhencls of the Lenzine and Kero~c~ne Fractions in Tars of" Baltic C11 Shale." C=,.d Chem Sci, Inst of 1, ,ineral i0 Fuels, ,Icad jci USSiZ, 23 110V 54- Mk4 19- 1' v 54) Survey of -ScienLific and Technic,11 Dissertations Defended at U6SR HiCher Educational Institutions (11) SC: Stri. No. 1-21, 2 Jun 55 SIDOROV, RJ, Chromatographic Eeraration of phenols of shale tar. Izv.Sib. otd.AN SSSR no.12:65-74 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial Sibirskogo otdelenlya All SSSR. (Phenol) (Chromatographic analysis) S IIX)%,)V, R.I.; TROTSEIRO, Z.F. Study of thn compotiition of industrW liquid-phass hydroge- rvitne. Report lb.l: Composition of the broad fraction of a hsaTV oil liquid-phase hydrogenate of the moderatn tempraturo tar from Cheremkhovo coal. Trudy Tost.-Sib.fil.AH SSSR no.18:5-13 '59. (MIRA 12:10) (Coal-tar prnducts) NIKOLkYEVA, D.KJ%_: SK _ ~~ V, it. I. 1. ~L Study of the composition of industrial liquid-phase hvdroge- nates, Report Noo;': Composition of th" slime of the heav7-oil hydrogenate of thn moderate temporature tar from Ch"roy*hovo coal. Trudy Vost.-Sib.fil-ItH SSSR no.18:14-20 '59. (HIM 12: 10) (Coal-tar products) SIDOP-OV. R.I.: NIKOLAYLVA. D.Kh.; TROTSEWO, Z-P- Study of the composition of industrial liquid-phase hydrogonatOSo Report NO-3: Composition of the tar hydrogenate obtained at 450 . Trudy Voet.-Stb.fil.Ah GSSR nool8:21-31 '59- (MIRA 12:10) (Coal-tar Productn) SIDOROV, R.I.; THOTSE10:0, Z.P.; IIIKOIJ%YNVj%, D.Kh. ,I.- Study nf tho composition of influotrial liquid-phase hydrogenates. Report 36.4: Compo3ition of a hydrogonate of Cheraid.-hovo coal. Trudy Vost.-Sib.M.AH SSSR no-18:32-41 '59. (MIRh 12:10) (CoaL-tar products) ULECHITS, Materials balance sheets of the liquid-phase hydrogenittion of the tar of Cherankhovo coal. Trudy Voet.-Sib.fiI.&H SSSR no.18: 42-4.9 159. WIRIL 12:10) (Coal-tar products) 33602 3/678/61/000/038/001/0()9 016 0 kr,57/AI26 AMORSt Kalechits, IN., Pavlova, K.A., Kaliberdo, L.K., tkvortsova. 0.0., Bogdanova, T.A., Sidorov, RJ , Trotaenko, Z.P. TITLEs On the chemLsm or transformations or bi-cyolic hydrocarbons under conditions of destructive hydrogenation PERIODICAL: Akademlya rauk SSM. Voatachno-Sibirskly filial. Trudy. Serlya knImIcheskayar no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevraahchenlys. aromatiches- k1kh uglev(>Iorodov v protsesse de3truktivnoy gldrogenizatsli., 31 - 57 TEXT: Laboratory experiments on destructive hydrogenation of naphtha- lene, tetralin, and decalin were carried out under aemi-industrial conditions In presence of industrial catalysts. The composition of the pr6ducts obtained was classified, 17 single hydrocarbons were separated, and 11 more determined by spectrum analysis. It Is shown that transformations or bi-cyalle hydro- carbons occur in the preannee of tungsten catalysts and In vapor-phase pro- cesses preferably by consocutive hydrogenation Isomerization# and flne! split- ting. Tho transformationa observed ax* explained by the carbenium-lonlo the- Card(o 33602 S/678/61/V)0/038/001/OC,9 On the chemism of ....... Ao57/Ai26 ory, and schemes for transformations of bl-cycli., hydrocarbons In vapor- and liquid-phase processes presented. In the present paper a discussion Is pre- sented of the problem oftransformations of polyeyclio hydrocarbons with a re- view of appropriate literature data. Among the problems to be solved is the question, whether a direct splitt .Ing of the rIng is possible In hydrocarbons of the Wralin, tetrahydrcanthracene, eto. type, or whether IsomerIzation occur3 before and whIch borda and by what reasons are most easily split. This and related problems were !-nvestigated before. Experiments were carried out too, with a powdewd Fe-sem,coke catalyst at 4700C, 45o atm, 3 h and 10% catalyst. 'Me products obtained were separated by fractional distillation, and the re- malnder chromatographicallf treated over silica gel [types M6 orKCX(XSM)l After separating methane-naphthenic and aromatic fraol~jons. narrow cuts weir prepared by fractional distillation. The cuts were specified by -J?)O and dd~' 4 values, and some also by Faman spectra (taken on anOCn-51 USP-51) spectro- graph]. The amount of cyclohexane wW homologues, and of bicyclic hydrocarbons containing hexamethylene rings were determined by D.D. Zelinakly's method of dehydrogenation catalysis. The content of paraffinic and monooyallo naphthenic hydrocarbons was determined by means of specific refraction RD and molecular Card 2/3 3y'02 V('M/6 1 /ow/03h/w 1 /009 On the chemiam of ....... A057/A 1;~(, weight and nomogram. In fractions boiling above 1440C. the RD value de- cransed,thus Indicating Of presence of bl-cyclic naptrienes. The authors assumed for these fractiont. that 1) only a mixture of paraffinic and bicyclIc naphthenes in present, or !) only mono-. and bicyclic naphthenes. A principal difference In the tranafoniation mechanism of bicyclic hydrocarbons between liquid- and vapor-phase coiditions can be seen by comparing the types of hydro- carboy) groups In the hydrogenation products. Completely different occurs the vapor-phase hydrogenation In presence of tungsten catalysts. The laomerization process is much more Intersive (twice as many products) than in liquid-phase hydrogenation, or without,stalyst. The present experimental data, as well az those obtained in prior investigations (with other catalysts) can be explained by assuming the ionic mechanism. A partial occurence of a radical mechanism is not excluded. There &:a 6 figures and 10 tables. Card 3/3 S/678/61/000/038/004/009 A057/A126 AUTHORS: Sidorov, R.I., Trotsenko, Z-P., Nakhmanovich, A.S. TITLE: Investigation of the composition of industrial liquid-phase hydrogenation products. Report 5. Investigations of the com- position of mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbons of the liquid- phase hydrogenation products obtained from heavy oil of medium- temperature tar of Cheremkovo coal PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskly filial. Trudy. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashcheniya aromati- cheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizat- sii., 68 - 76 TEXT: Mixtures of aromatic hydrocarbons were investigated, separated from an industrial liquid-phase hydrogenation product of a heavy oil of medium- temperature coal tar from Cheremkovo, which was studied already in an earlier paper [Ref. 1: Trudy Vostochno-Sbirskogo filiala SO AN S35R, Serlya khimiches- kaya, 18, 5 (1959)]. The purpose was to determine the homologous series of Card 1/3 S/678/61/ ~000/038/004/009 Investigation of the composition ...... A057/A126 aromatic hydrocarbons and their quantity in these mixtures. The mixtures were distilled on laboratory rectification colums, and the fractions obtained were specified by refraction indices, specific and molecular weight, by ultra- violet absorption spectra, and qualitative picric. acid tests. Some fractions were Identified by the n-d-M method (Van Nes - Van Westents method). Tetralin was determined by N.D. Zelinskly's dehydrogenation method. Tabulated results of 56 fractions of samples I - 3 show a content (in relation to the total neutral part of the product) of homologous series of: 7.7% benzene, 7.4% in- dane, 14.6% tetralin, and naphthalene. No compounds of the homologous series of diphenyl and cyclohexylbenzene could be observed. The fractions of sample 4 (boiling at 210 - 3200C) show a considerable complex composition. They con- tain a small amount (0.3%) of compounds of the benzene series, compounds with one aromatic and one naphthenic ring, compounds with two aromatic rings (among these naphthalene), and some with simultaneous two aromatic and one naphthenic ring (probably acenaphthenes, and possibly fluorenes). Fractions boiling above 3200C contain neutral oxygen compounds of a homologous series represented by the formula CnH2n-180. By chromatographic separation of a fraction boiling at 4200 - 5200C, an oxygen compound containing C - 87.6%, H - 6.26%, and 0 - 6.14% Card 2/3 s/678/61/000/038/oo4/ooq Investigation of the composition ...... A057/AI26 was isolated. Assuming also a single oyygen atom in the molecule, the authors suggest the formula CnH2n-240 for the homologous series. Thus, apparently, the latter belongs 'to the aforementioned type of oxygen compounds, but con- .ains a fourth benzene ring. There are Ifigure and 3 ables. Card 3/3 33605 S/678/61/000/0-'08/005/009 A05VA126 0 /o2 0 AUTHORS: Sidorov, R.I., Nedell xb9tt9Ynx_'_E.I. M.M., Khvostikova, A.A., Ivanova, L.S. TITLE: Investigation of the composition of industrial liquid-phase hydrogenation products. Report. 6. Investigation of the com- position of the gasoline fraction in the hydrogenation product of petroleum residues PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskly filial. Trudy. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashcheniya aromatL- cheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizat- sii., 77 - 86 TEXT: The composition of the gasoline fraction obtained from a liquid- phase hydrogenation product fromr=out of Ramashkin and And1zhan petroleum was Investigated In order to improve the efficiency of hydrogenation plants. The amount of the gasoline fraction, separated by fractional distillation In a laboratory-scale column, was 26.1% of neutraloil, 0.67% (2.7% of the methane- naphthenic fraction) of which were hydrocarbons boiling at 20 - 500C. The Card 1/3 33605 8/678/61/000/038/005/009 Investigation of the composition of ...... A057/Ai26 latter contain 1.01% 2-methylbutane, 0.93% n-pentane, and 0.75% non-saturated hydrocarbons, or a small quantity of cyclopentane. Determinations by the GROZNiI method [Abstracter's notel not desoribed here] showed the following composition of the investigated gasoline: 8% non-saturated, 25% aromatic, 17.5% naphthenic, and 49.2% paraffinic hydrocarbons. The high content of aromatic hydrocarbons indicates the usefulness of this gasoline as automobile fuel. The single components in the methane-naphthenic fractions were separated also chromatographically on MCM (shsm) 6o - 150 mesh silica gel, with 12 actIvJ ty units. The final identification of each component was carried out by means of Raman spectra. 117 compounds)i.e. about 77% of the methane-naphthenic con- centrate were identified and some regularities observed. Tt was observed that naphthenes contain only 14, compounds with quaternary carbon atoms, while paraffinic contain 29.0%. Naphthenes with quaternary atoms are apparent- ly less stable in liquid-phase hydrogenations. Aromatic hydrocarbons were separated in the present study, chromatographically and then by fractional distillation into 34 fractions. 14 compounds were identified by means of Raman spectra Fon aHCH-51 (ISP-53 ) device] and ultraviolet spectra (on a CO -4 (SF-4) device]. The composi-Mon of the aromatic fraction Indicates Card 2/3 33606 S/678/61/000/038/006/009 A057/,A126 '57 '? 3 0 0 AUTHORS: Stdorov, R.I., NedeL', M.M., Khvostikova, A.A., Ivanova, L.S. TITLE: Investigation of the composition of industrial liquid-phase hydrogenation products. Report 7. Investigation of the com- position of the hydrogenation product obtained from petroleum residues PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSE. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashcheniya aromati- cheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizat- sij.., 87 - 94 TEXT: Detailed investigations of liquid-phase hydrogenation products obtained under industrial conditiDns from petroleum residues are important for studying the chemism of these processes and for the exploitation of the products. Results obtained with hydrogenation products of a petroleum re- sidue are presented and discussed in the present paper. By comparison of the present results with those obtained earlier with coal hydrogenation products, some conclusions can be drawn on the effect of the raw material composition Card 1/3 33606 S/678/61/000/038/006/009 Investigation of ........ A057/A126 on the yields. A wide fraction of the following composition was used: 91.9% neutral oil, 1.1% bases, 0.3% compounds extractable with 10% NaOH solution, 1.8% tarry compounds separated by treatment with acid and alkali, 1.5% sul- phur, and 3.4% water losses. Only tiie composition of the neutral oil was in- vestigated in the present experimenta. The oil was separated by a laboratory- scale fractional distillation column, and the fractions were treated chromato- graphically onUlCM(ShSM) silica gel. The obtained results demonstrate the considerable effect of the raw material on the yield. The aromatic fracticnS were investigated in details. The number of carbon atoms in side chains of the molecule of the aromatic hydrocarbons was calculated in an analogous way as suggested by N.R. Hazelwood [Ref. 6: Analyt. Chem., 26, 1073 (1954)]. Calculations made by the Van Nes - Vaa Westen method gave contradictory re- zults. Crystalline carbazole was found in the wide fraction of the petroleum residue hydrogenation product. A separation of the gasoline fraction is re- commended. Another test, related to 121e effect of the composition of the raw material on the hydrogenation product, was made by chromatographic analy- sis (using ShSM silica gel) of a mazoL,t obtained from Romashkin petroleum. The following conclusions can be drawn: An almost complete hydrogenation of Card 2/3 33606 Investigation of ......... S/678/61/000/038/006/009 A057/A126 nonsaturated hydrocarbons, conversion of nonhydrocarbons Into hydrocarbons, cracking of hydrocarbons with long side chains, hydrogenation of aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons to hydroaromatic ones with subsequent splitting of naphthenic rings, are resulting in th,? final product:hydrocarbons with one aromatic ring. These processes occur simultaneously and the relation In the quantity of final products correspond.-i to the composition of the raw material. There are 5 tables. V)( Card 3/3 33607 S/678/61/000/038/007/009 16- 17 a 0 0 A057/A126 AUTHORS: SjqRr2Y,_R,1~, Kh,roatikova, A.A., Nakhmanovich, A.S., Shergina, N.I. TITLE: Investigation of the composition of Industrial liquid-phase hydrogenation products. Report 8. Composition of highly con- densed aromatic hydrocarbons PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskly filial. Trudy. Seriya khImicbeskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashchenlya aromati- cheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizat- sii., 95 - 102 TEXT: The composition of high-molecular aromatic hydrocarbons$ pres - ent in a liquid-phase hydrogenation product obtained from medium-temperature 61-r semicake tar, is investigated and the content of hydrocarbon "types" determined in the present paper, which is part. of a series of reports. The Investigation concerns a liquid-phase hydrogenation product obtained under industrial conditions from a heavy oil of medium-temperature tar of Cheremkovo coal. The product con- tained 4.6% water, 10,9% phenols, 2 .4% bases and loss, and 82.1% neutral oil. Card 1/2 33608 S/678/61/000/038/008/009 15-1 2 1? 00 A057/A126 AUTHOR: Sidorov, R.I. TITLE: Investigation of the composition of Industrial llQuid-phase hydrogenation products. Report 9. The composition of aromatic hydrocarbons of a liquid-phase hydrogenation product obtained from medium-temperature tar of Cheremkovo coal PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial. Trudy. Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 38, Moscow, 1961. Prevrashcheniya aromati- cheskikh uglevodorodov v protsesse destruktivnoy gidrogenizat- sii., 103 - Ill TEXT.- The purpose of this paper is to determine the "typen composi- tion of aromatic hydrocarbons of a wide fraction of liquid-phase hydrogenation products form experimental data of present and earlier Investigations. Some new results on the composition of high-boiling aromatic hydrocarbons are presented, and a procedure for determining the composition of higher boiling aromatic con- centrates is described. It is shown that the Van-Nes - Van Westen n-d-M method Card 1/2 SIDOROV, R.I. Composition of concentrates of aromatic hydrocarbons of low molecular weight analyzed by the *type* of molecules. Trudy Vost.-Sib.fil.AN SWR D3.38t125-IX 161. (MM 15:4) (Hytirocarbons) - S1DOROVI R.I- Graphic interpretation of the results of structural group analysis of aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures. Trudy Vost.-Sib.fil.AN SSSR no.381l32-141 161. (IMA 15 W (Hydrocarbons) VAABEL', A.S.1 KALIBERDO, L.M.; Selecting a steady state chromatography of a mixture oxidation of propylene to Ser.khim.nauk no.206-92 SIDOROV, R.I. .. for separation by means of gas-liquid of oxygcn compounds formed in the propylene oxide. liv. 80 AN SSSR no.7 163. (MIRA 16slo) 1. Institut nefte- i uglakhimichoskogo Binteza Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR, Angarsk. IVA NOVA IL.S.; SHE16IHAp N.I.; SIDOROV.. R.I. Composition of phenols of mean temperature ChereirLkhovo coed tar investigated by the methods of spectrophotometric analysis and gas- liquid chromatography. Izv. SO AN SSSR no.11 Ser.khim.nauk no-3: 109-113 '63- (MIRA 1?93) 1. Institut nefte.- i uglekhimicheskogo sinteza Sibirskogo otdaleni- ya AN SSSR, Angarsk. IVANOVA, M.P.; SIDOROV, R.I.; KOSITYNA, E.I.; GOLOVANOVA, N.I. Composition of the gasolire fraction of petroleum from the Markov field. Xhim. i tekh. topl. i masel 8 no.12:13-17 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Sibirskoye otdeleniye AN SSSR. SIDOROV,, R.I.; BABOSHIN, B.K.; RUDAKOV, G.A. InveatlRating the composition of hydrocarbon terpene mixtures by the method of ps-liquid chrowatogranhy. Paport No. 1: Studying conditions of the partition of terpenes. Gidroliz. i lesokh1m. prom. 16 no.2312-14 163. (MIRA 16W 1. Institut nefte-1 uglekhtmichaskogo sinteza SibirakoRo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Terpenes) Chronomatographic analysis) ~ 51DOROV. R.I. Graphic interpretation of the results of structural-group analysis of mixtures of hydrocarbons. Trudy Ko*,MmlAhI-. 13: 68-78 1,63. (kiU 16:5) 1. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Hydrocarbons) BABOSHIN, B.K.; SIDOROY, R.I.; RUDAKOV, G.A.; NIKOLAYEVA, Z.K.; xl---7--,,,re~,.- IVANOVA, Investigating the composition of terpene carbohydrate mixtureq by the method of gaa-liquid chromatography. Gidrolis. J lesokhim. prom. 16 no.l,.'14-15 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut nefte- i uglekliimicheakogo sinteza Sibirokogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Gas chromatograp:-q) (Terpenes-Analysis) sloowv, R-1. L 5,8856-k~. SA%"' ACCESSION MR: APS017979 UR/0065/65/000/007/0020/0023. 543.S44 I.; Ivanova, N. P.-,Polyakova, L,A,; AUTHOR: S R. 11. Denisen i ko, A. Agapova, 1. N. In UM TITLE-_ Determination of the concentrat!,on of aromatic hydrocarbons petrole: fractions by gas-liquid chromatography SOURCE: Khimiya I tekhnolo iya topliv masel,-no. 7, 1965,,20-23 9 TOPIC TAGS.-- aromatic, paraffin, hydrocarbon, petroleum.- gas-liquid-ph ABSTRACT: Adipic -ester of polyethylene..- lycol, di-B-cyanethyl ester. of ethylene .7 glycol . tri-0-cyanethyl ester- of glycer:' n j, tetra-0-cyanethyl ester -of pentaeryth. chro rite, and 0,01-oxydipropionitriie'were used as stationary phases in a study of matographic determination of paraffinic-1 naphthenic-$ and aromatic- hydrocarbon groups In 1500-2500C petroleum fract-Ionn. Selectivities of these stationary phased. in separation of n-paraffins from aromw:ics in the 250-1800C range varied from 7.7 to 21 '5%. - No separation of an individui 11 compound - within each group of - compounds.- can be achieved with either otie-of thesij atatioijary phaseae Concentration -of aro, Card 1/2 L 58856-65 ,ACCESSION MR: AP5017979 1,.:.; _KH%'05T,'KOVA A A . .;TLOI,')VY- ~ t Treatment of the R14`-600 solid carrier for gas-liquid chromatography. Zhtir. anal. kh.4m. 20 no.7,-898_899 165, (MIPA 18 S 9) 1. Trkutnk 5tato (Iniversily. :A 7 4F P': (I C~,-,nr ri~~ tu re L nLIK-ASLANOV, A.S.; SIDOROV, S.A.; A., red. [Sand-jet method for perforating wells and drilling-in) GidropeskostruirVi metod perforatsii skvazhin i vskrytie plasta. Balva, Azerneshr, 1964. 11-5 p. (MIRA 18t2) 1 SIDOROVI S.I. Automation of branched conveyor lines on the.surface of 9&1t mine No.3. Sbor.nauch.trud.UkrNIISoll no.6:54-62 162. (KMA 170) L, -~ " ? 4.., MINHAYLOV, V.G.; KRAPIVIN, M.G.; SIDOROV, S.I. Study of cutters and conditions of drilling with manual electric drills. Sbor.nauch.trud.UkrNIISoll no.6:52-54 162. (MIRA 17:3) OSTROUKHOV, I.V.; SIDOROV,j,T,-,-. Prospects of using self-propelled equipment in salt mines. Gor. zhur. no-4:22-25 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut solyanoy promyshlennosti, g. Artemovsk. :". ." '~. :. , ~ I . ; ~', i " v't j.1 , I,IA. I . - , -4 1 !, . ! ~,-- ~: ". - - , , * , a ! .: , , 1~ "., -~ . I - . f''. I. . , ~: *: I I*, ,f', ~, 3,-. . , -.: ., ; "! 1 1. n n an cdgl sa tale -,r lb~ e),-, ng 2 v (MITR' -'7; 10~ m. j cf dark-c lorod crude salt in Kalkamen bollo!'C'y iinu-It. tiu~. Ul:ri,1113oll rc.7:77-8.2 164 ( %i I ~.A 18-.111 U t Z '1'!* r c- n,--:: e SIDOROV, S.K. Quality of fiberboard. fum.prom. 36 no.5:14-15 My 161. (MMA 14: 5) 1. Glavnyy inzh.Mariyokogo kombinata. (Hardboard) 31POROVY S.K.; DCKOSIE-,'I-'XOI A.V. Dependence of the mean maj,netic moment of the alloy atc= on the manganese content in diso',-dered nickel ruinganese alloys. Fiz. met. i metall(wed. 18 no.i);811-820 D 164. OMIPA 18:3) 1. Tnstdtut Vizlkl m~tjjllov AN SSSR. M M 2 OA 06 0111.4 00 40 ' 00 a aftognFe. vs. 00 f 19M); cf. ecad. sci. U. 00 1 it, 61166,-C I he UWAW MW 64013 not theme in 000 the liquid to I at; Rau and 00 00 00 6,1 AS. $k. b u vs a 000*0000000000 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s a a Elm 0 a IN a a M a 9 9 9 V W W v v is A A AA 0 1 A 8 d swag mink 006- 41 S.=,.. Neftre IS7, 317 Yesm val 'Yt 'Sbur' Cam Fad ' : 1 6 . d.C.A. S.S.2.46MISO am I long the awar nessoolie saw. IMAWy in awes. Waticel famous one PIT- vkh Cjls. Rvi lowly arg. counpda. do AV When pegging from I I" auto (d. Vaidytowthem C A n - i h A C i E . pulac at . .0. 97(P). f. . cee too see x** noill ties ! too 11 01 u 600909019896699000090099909900 OW 0 W-W _x_x 4 er -Xif -,e a Sot np , -2 septet I M AND $To 64 4001A 1 ;2- in* sail of do 26"4 m as 11111"4" ashm Va. 93. am coop. mw~ Mac Aw. V. & 5. J. ". M-2 =1m)(in =-A *MOW lZmad bwkmmd ypc varic babow timom; go dot. dw mwf~ allIlglti -00 of I mi sum im a mdu " M48 ~Poris% N.0 pk- -00 in ibe aftp domd a No dk=BPN" the mow" do at m aim is F -T9 -N1 ii;; -00 T. U. DwAdflowpi 8 1 L A941ALLOOK4L LM~&VVM CI&6WICAtOO #low smatirs 16140j if GMT ON * Ir 'I V -T-7-7-7--v AV ;ANAllN::UeW 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 I-Jt- so. go 0 1 a 0 e 0 010 0 * 0 see 400 00n! 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K. 00 leg* see Rol lee I L a mov&tLuesseak LITINATWEI CLASSWOCAVICII, Joe* sic., I.- I-. .3 0-9 -1 -6-1 -0" -r IA I IF a 4 3 9 w i7 w i u a At -0 is;" Ad 0111 1110113 194111:1114 1 ill 0000 0 Vee 00 00 00 *0 00 00 00100 00 00 00 00 00 0 060 0 0 r 4.f1'OpQrbr5 of M01'r /1. 1 eFh I V. fi *The A'r4UKVM1#`111 61 Atims tu tile Alloy AuCu, awl fit.. liall A. mvIS Nj-+..-.Y(I III.S.S 1:.), 19111. 4,1";' ..' ..11 ~1:. l:wh.I' I In'te. 0 11.0 IN, I.. -i " N 0 ff F" - " - ~ ~ ~ ~ - T T- V - -D q q * O * .0 6,6 a s 69 0 ,D , . V .1 , . . AA 00 IA UV it . 1.o - - - " 6, " . t A A coo ft& .(.top's ..w. I)imributi" of atme a Ow AmCm* &UoY A24 We 111&U cqnst4at A. Koluar afri S. 51,1011M J. T-4- Phl$. ' 1l- AllOY Witi rItPd- DY 11 s R.) 11. 7, 11 13,19M. - I 00 he fluic nirlisit, hol"e"Iml It I 1 11[ it At .3W tJ Irm, thrn " l in wairr) r4we p. 1"itlivilY 0 &MOI. CO"st- 1 00 intignelic j*jjI_ 11411 cv;j,t. R -6141 X 10 ttlltf~ ii4ppto%. v,n%4.1. 121 I'vilipefing at 7 000 . l-A. R - 04) X Io 0. (31 renspering at lit, it Jvr " 9 l 400 it froulwt. . (3) ( KAvr 07. 01. It I N x 111 414,; - 1.8 101, 01110 101 Ili*.) 0 -tightly tint-stw, Willi =00 q. I Irfolp'. R fl.Ing 0 1 172 x lit 4 I'm JAI) be 0 0.11A). (I) With a n.'sul $&rn dr, 1111111res- l t4 writ ..I,- 3 jIv 11jilltly jillrfellt, hilt AtIA&mguuq fr.u a** im.A. I'liv invetmon temp.. curmlitividing to the -it*- RvIlAnifitnit f, fill orij.111VT tit ptrttive. S-h a 1whavikir of R had C., b 4 lton L I- ted at file fratsiriem to ordered distri . %fK. O.r jII,,virX Alonis. in vww #4 the suprrzones intersectiots ,%ifh thr suff4ces (cf. C. A. 31. 4174. the thrim,wirc. c. in. 1. tif the runpk- Ni- %ith Inercilmlig dritree 'A w.firfing (cf. 13 .0 1 At I 1%.K t ijg q,j .f CA SCATOC. U a AV 00 is r q 9 " " 11 Ovid WIT Ila lquct It" 0 0 0 41 WO 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 aliall gr 0 0 O:e 0 a 0 0 WID 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 STT)CROV) S. K. The Effect of gepularization on Hall's Effect in Alloys. Ural Industrial fnstitute imeni Kirov., Sverdlovsk,, 1943- SO-. U-1837; 14 April 52. w w w w w 9 w IF w 9 W w W a 0 0 a Ole elm dr a a so Ste a a a a a a a e a a a a V jk- La I 1 8 is u u ts if m m v is a a All a isva p a to of 4m am age go ill A 91r "pigs ".046 1 Om iiiiiiiii Otm UNOW do to mm so Im W Ilm ANOW UJAaft ammep, fuel. X&FW. i famd. Filiki. low 1&(S;. - -Wil ll L k f th O H V m i A C e mus s rum e vac umm m a s a m ey ms. r -4 6 k 1dro stow, t mmb Wm to Tam A - -4146 x 10 C.JAAL he as 41 -0 I 0 d6 1 4 ' A - -f We x 10 n 0 e4jLm. AV a l m" - == 7 so &I - m1k)v Ault'n Shp valrimikam of VW~ e . . 16 dww- f I" Is ammurviod with tip rximilmm stl~ " = Pb- AAsOm 11. In the trommitilm Inma dWwdrr of ,, ,, to Onirr, Haws COWL a -7311 x 10-4 to +3ft,< 10-4 c4Am. 00 Ha's evaL mameed =hmap. diffew little Imam dw vdm , -,W d A W M Mee 0 Con SMWO F . M as ram *OF. 7u - - np. - 4 : by6I1;dWWmhmmofthvFrrmmA surfecr owing to Mis (for, W4)b~z~ see 0 Willf. HaWs covwL (ne AuCu. and AsOm j; law . . Mft fy IrM the rempamitillm of thr allays. Age A "pin Imbd bramervi Moo nxwk. OW pkvtricall Moe mwa~ fW the oiam Mor im Is -N. A. lee R P 60 O see 00 00 00 . see 0 S L .9 3 I-LL6r(,KAL LMRAUAI CLAWOKATION CZ moo 00 t -A., ua is; A 9 a ow 0 a G o * ! 0 f t is 4 a u ma a I a " 0 0 0 0 O ** 00 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 969 000 911 6 0 00 0 0 0 9 4 0 ,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 1. , 0 0 00 A As **a J~~A 00 60 00 00 0 d I !00 W 1 liame-d- 1 Process AAA Rag filled W So Pd&# Pd control. Prato p1lwa cd R agsk"t AN-M-S-3-it-I the 1361. % IMS&PY '"Also I%ICU,,Ii&PPrwlfbM txtk Itall co". X OW tbc e1K- M- .*I vily p were field, at rum tesup. ud at miefuitudes vu 10 the staim way its term* id the dittlet 44 am of an Ifislicatiori orderind; The OU of a main. fur 9, in trinp., an I'd -Cu 41layis cumilS. 18 at. % Pd. bumatigettimse 1. cm(tasA to AIACU,. can lar ig-Tilmesf to Insuff1kirtit degret of ' I C 4 Pd b ;,- at Imol fur a hri.. art 28 ( M uj Amid 4 at. % . ardning of The M-Cu Mlo" inyriligateof. By I Wisis"I III U111V 140 0 life'. omvmf Into fibeala 0.13 mill. 31111' t d k l I am " h d tims. is is Infrit"I that at higher -Iegrres al ortler. K may - ' Aultra e 41 val ifts tviolm. rm" o thic , an In ties amt- lo ov.Irr4IjwxiV transition ifira b th ll alloy taut SW thisis I U,.Wflpo a 4-halla'. -4 -leis Its she 15 i t w e e p. Is irrt,l evote At ins-rrorwis avrotsilly with Ed l w o 48,ra rr If ' 494,. lisalicate 151'~ I'd 01" 4 M ll f IdC I h Owtv I, oot the lemixt iotht-4tissat ai an i . o"Ahl I 14 Y I,sistroc l ass or a u,. .., t oy 0 e , ta s t ltit it* tinetwi, allo nir ff t t . In Oft Au-CLi sy-lem, 'Ilw effect of W4"imo go X at ' * ' a e. at y. ., s rorprr e s, s towt of She temls. ul invit%urtrurist tat R to very %lialit, I.Cu alloyp it "- their I* AsCus; tbers is no StIva W % 1 N. tbuti sum-saw as in ibe isitcs system. Its rdce. the effect id " . Pd thm hir Cal ordefrift is Struarr for SAW 13 at. It PdC Sta Oudkim at 24 ) % . s r u. at. . ( room trusm iffe 13 and tk 15 St. % am". a - -4171 x 10'6 *ad -IfW X 10"" c-S-S-te.. r"P.. as Ms. onirrw at 3110% X - -2M X 10' aid - 1210 X 10 -0. romp.. the d~Lvwaw am a renk 40 Ibn it- dritivis istbuis3-21stild(urlbe 13%Pd aft OWN? I)w hOw (actat came == PK Qualitati = tbat I'd dwitans la ke frub 0. = : tabir 60 put in eke, Coast.; thast is, they 4=26 asset stfair. tv"anturnily. tim comm. Cd cmed. ~kArftmm 61- "Ohil.111s" wish in.-Irating I'd 'Mm"Sens 10 111o on". amid dw derimijilat of M 44 She allow frons WkIdivier infiftimmums wkb L. soft. 111"11119" .. . .... *"&AV Sit 'I AV to a] i 11i - i i 1i a a I OF a 9 a 4 I*/ftt 307 ~o AIIWS 10 IS, Moctramostlo P"portlee or Bome filtable Alloys a. r. sidarov, institute or raysias or Mgt"@, Ural Brawh,, AnsfisM or Solmose or the UM, 6j pp 01w Ak Nauko Bar 71sloe Vol, 110 go 5 Tbo study or the elsotramqpstio properties or stable &Llmys is Interesting rrce tvo steMpoints: 1) a m8ffif- uroment or the propertl" peradto a quamt1tative do- tominatice or the nudoor or electa in the lattice or the allcUrp and 2) rem4to or mob a study can be utilized ror the themy or eloctrow~pstlc properties IC 36TOO OW/ftyaloo (Contd) Sep/Oct 107 Article discusses the romIts vb1ob mom dbtalnfd b7 measwIm ILU's street. gAd also Mw ob=Vo In . simttm4wistawo in transverse magostic riolds. lk- Insets me caaftoted an Au'ft3' ft'no md Au-Qu 36M ~61 `6 -A Compact XL*otrcm"wt,- S. K. Sidgrov, Inst fte or UNtals, Ural Br, ACMA Sol um, It *Zavoid labor" Vol IV, No 1 Dworlbee en seelly mWL econoulcally produced OCIPsOt elecumm4pe,t), VhIch p1=1ts mommu4ment at mamet" and ic pircgertles at rom temperature SM well " at I mrstumi at whIch n1troom bolls. MW SIDOROVO S.K.1 DOROSUNKO, A.V. Dopeiidence of tho magnetizaUan of n1cknj-,mnng&n*ss alloys on the composition and order in the distribution of stAss. Fiz. mt. I netalloved 20 no.D44-54 J1 065. (MIRA 18:11) Lb rnotitut fizlki metallov AN SSSR. L 07099-67 EWT (1)/F4T (m)/EWPLt YET IIJP(c) JD/JG _ACC NRt AP65029110 SO RCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/006/0968/0971 AUTHOR: Klyushin, V.V.; Sidorov,S.K.; Kelarev,V.V.; Getman.I.Ya.; Arkhipov,V,Ye. Z2 ORG: Institute of Metal Physics,Academy of Sciences of the SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR) Pd system Cheportj TITLE: Antiferro-ferroma haso tronsition in the Fe(Ptx 1-x)3 0 RVPhys i All-Uni onference on theetic ics of Ferro- ana ntiferromagnetiom held 2-7 July 1965 in SverdlovsL/ SOURCE: AN SSSR, izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v..30, no. 6, 1966, 968-971 TOPIC TAGS: phase transition, ordered alloy, electric resistance, spontaneous magne- tization, coerciv-_ force, iron allay, platinum alloy, palladium alloy The Fe(PtxPdl-x)3 system was selected for investigation in view of its ABSTRACT: -ferromagnetic phase suitability for study of the behavi?,y of t~ie antiferromagnetic transition. The end compositions -7VePt_'hnd FePd.'14 are binary alloys with known properties, which become ordered /QAu'"rEU;-ffjne ordering) at 710 and 82VC, respectively. The mixed ternary alloys (with 2~t;7tomic'p~rcent iron) are also characterized by AuCu3 type ordering. The investigated compositions are tabulated (16 different specimens); the specimen preparation procedure and the resistivity measurement method were the some as described by V.V.Klyusbin, I.Ya.Getman, V,K.Zubankov, and V.V.Kelarev (Fiz. metallov i utetallovedeniye, 21, 153, 1966). The temperatures of the phase L -:, 'i-_ - ACC NR: AP6029110 transitions were determined from the anovalies in the temperature dependences of the electric resistivity. Also measured were the values of the spontaneous magnetization and the coercive force. These were determined by means of a vibrating magnetometer to within 3% for rod specimens. The comrosition dependences of the Neel and Curie points, the magnetic moment and the coercive force are presented in figures. A radical change or break in the curves is evinced in the region of 37 to 50 atomic percent Pd. The results and specifically the probnble character of the antiferro- ferromagnetic phase transition are discuEsed at some length. It is concluded that thl transition is realized by the process deEcribed by S.K.Sidorov and A.Y,Doroshenko (Fiz. metallov i metallovedeniye, 18, 811, 1964), involving gradual rotation of the magnetic moments in the entire volume of the specimen or appearance of ferronagnetic phase nuclei in the antiferromagnetic phase and the growth of these nuclei. Which of these mechanisms predominates will be determined in further studies. Orig. art. has: I table and 2 figures. SUB CODR: 20,07 SUM DATE: 00 ORIG, REF: 005 OM RM . 007 2/2 ner.--y~ 7'" ',:j n r lny;.I~ tey "'911,9 Z !r- ~IDC)auq, j. E. 34-38. Ito,ji re.;publIkanskogo saveshchani~a ju,,-.cbno-reditsirsHJh elespertov i pervoy se-sii nauciincg~) 2bshcheLtva suciebr,.,Ph redi~.ov i kri-nAnallstov kaza"'-hskoy ~;SR Alm-AJa). Zdr-.v*okhraneniye kaz- akhstana, 1949, No. 5, c. 45-48. C-= SO: E.IzY-mya LetOTIJSI No..6. In.55 *YI& 38299 M and SIDOROVA. L. YAzhet li primenyatloya ffulfol~t-4mbazin kak protivoukausucyo sredstvo? Zdravookhranonlys Kazfd:hstann, 1949, No 6, s. 22-24 'T USSR/Hurnan and Animal Morphology - Fcrmative Elements - R-4 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Blologil, 1957, No 16, 70577 Author : Sidorov, S.M. Title : -7-WeR-M-stfor Carboxyhemoglobin Determination. Orig Pub : Sb. nauch. rabot po sueleb. med. i pogranich. obl No 2, M. Medgis., 1955) 191-1-93 Abstract : A new convenient test for IMCO, can be done with a small qu. of blood under any condition of lego-medicinal work. lml of blood is diluted 10-fold with dist. H20 . To 2 m. of this solu. is added 3-5 drops 20P, solution of ferra- cyanidoyellow (blood-tialt), and then 3-5 drops of 0.01% solution of potassium bichromte. Mix liShtly. A posi- tive reaction for HbCO gives a carmine-red color after 20-40 see. Norml blo(A treated similarly assuaes a brownishgreen color. After standing,, red colored flakes settle at the bottom of the test-tifoe in the first case, and brownishgray in the second. In a positive reaction Cara 1/2 107 - -Luns of 110 in the I whereas the reac- them. PpeZeller) Ka,;ayama, Vachholz,, does not show Card 2/2 IC8 SIDOROV, S.M.; MOLOTOV, B.V. q- - - -- - Objective method for the fixation of additional traces of a gunshot. Sud.-med.ekspert. 3 no.4:54-56 G-D 060. (KML 13:11) 1. Byuro Glavnoy sudebnomeditsinakoy skspertizy (nach. - prof. S.M.Sidorov) Hinisterstva zdravockhranentya Ratakhakay 55R. (PHOTOGRAPHY, BAIL STIC) -SIDOi%OV, S.M., prof.; MAtKAA'YA1I, 0..-.. Case of closed traumatic rup-,ure of the heart, Sud.-med. ekspert. 4 nc,4:54 O-N-D 161. (KLHA 14:22) 1.'Byuro Glavnoy sudebnomedi-.sinskoy ekspertizy (nachallnik - prof. S.M. Sidorov) Ministerstva zilravookhraneniya Kazakhskoy SSR. (HURT-RUPTURE) SIDOROVv S.M.; MOLOTOV, B.V. Study of lesions inflicted with blunt objecta with a rorunded surface. ekspert. 6 no-4:51-53 O-Dt63 (MIRA 16j12) 1. Byuro Glavnoy sudebnomeditsinskoy ekspertizy (nachallnik; prof. S.M. Sidoror) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya XazSSR. SIDORGY, S.N. SwIl turbine motor for high-speed photographic recording equipment. Usp.nauch.fot. 6:116-120 '59. (NINA 13:6) (Mwtography, HI&-speed-Equipment and supplies) (ftotogrs hie optles) (%rb ines3 37131 S/122/62/000/004/003/006 D221/D302 AUTHOR: Sidorov, S.N., Engineer T-T A .TITLE; !._'-'h-speed s,mall-size sliding bearings with an elastic support P-MIODICAL: VestniX %ashinostroyeniya, no. 4, 1962, 27 - 29 TEXr1l: The life of !iJ*;.Ch speed bearings is determined by the parame- -he RPM ; An, where d is the diameter of the journal, in irm; n is 4' lir.,lited to ~n conditions of fluid lubrication this coefficient is 150,000 - 2009000 = r.p.m., which corresponds to a peripheral speed of 10 - 12 nVzec. ~`u_rther improve-men-11- may be attained by re- ducin:- --,kie shaft diameter. Unbalw-nce of the rotor causes however a I? .'I a t I e ve displacement of its center of Cravity with respect to the r axis of rotation. This produces important dynamic loads which re- sult in forces actine, on the bearinea. The axis of the rotor then describes a cone with its apex at the center of gravity, and harmo- ca nic vibrations will be generated. The system has many degrees of freedom viitn amplitudes difficult to compuIVI-e. The author introduces Card 1/2 S/122/62/000/UO4/003/006 HiGh-speed small-size sliding ... D221/D302 some simpjifications so as to enable -he amplitudes to be analyzed and deduces the equation of the forced vibrations. The rotor osci- llations were recorded by an oscillograph .,tith a 160 r.~.agnification. The -10 (12-P-10) recor'der employed a speed of 40 m/sec for the film. The above uermitted the discernment of two comionents in the .'bralions: One of lo,.-, frequency determ4ning Lhe precession of t1he L v -ion of its axis. rotorp and t.-.e other which characterizes '-e nutat The boa.-ing is provided .%rith pressure lubrica~tion fed through two diametrically opposite holes. This separates the journal from the bear-Jr.g. The damping is ensured by oil-resistant rubber rings. The journals are made of carbide rods, 3K 15 (VK15). ,results of the in- veszigations are quoted, as well as the inell,-hod of calculating sg;all hi6h-speed units. The experimentus have confirmed the validity of this procedure. There are ) figures and 7 Soviet-bloc references. Card 2/2 BELOV, A.I.; IVANOV, K.I.; KLOC4KO, N.A.;-SID.Q ~VS.F.; USHKOV, N.N.; YARMAN, M.F. Ways of improving bits for 3A-100 air percussion drillin rigr Vzryv. delo no.46/3:232-23;3 '61. fMIRA i5a) ',Boring machinery) f "I , 4 SiLm,mv, s.s. Hydrothermal metamorphism of racks in a postvol--anic process as revealed by a study made in the Ebeko Volcano (Kurile Islands). Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no. 3:6194)20 Ja 164. (MIRK 17:5) 1. Sakhalinskly kompleksny3r naiichno-issledovatellskiy institut Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom V.S. Sobolevym. KIRSANOVJI I.T.; SERAFIMOVA, Ye.K.; '.)IDOROV, S.S.; TRUBENKO, V.F.; FAREEROV, A.I.; FEDORMMTKC,-r.A-.-,f",'IfflLOV, V.N. Eruption of the Ebeko Volcano from March to April, 1963. Biul. vulk. sta. no.36:6,5-72 164. (MIRA 17s9)