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31600 !5/048/61/025/012/004/02~' L1. 17- DD B102/B138 AUTHORS: Shtollts, Ye. V., Glazer, A. A., and Shur, Ya. S. TITLE: Variation of the process of magnetic reversal when the dimensions of ferromagnetic particles are reduced PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v.25, no. 12, 1961, 1445 - 1448 TEXT: That the coercive force of ferromagnetic powders increases with de - creasing grain size is already known, but the nature of this effect remains unknown. In this study magnetic reversal was studied on MnBi powder as it has high anisotropy, which permits visual observation of magnetic reversal even in single-domain particles. Since MnBi is magnetically uniaxial, pseudo-monocrystalline specimens could be produced with the following particle sizes (coercive forces): 100-20X200 oe) 70-20/4600 oe), 16-3/A(2,900 oe) and 4-4~412,500 oe). For these four types photographs were made of powder deposits in various states of magnetization at fields of up to 21,700 oe. The relative residual magnetization was determined for all size groups; 0.21, 0.54, 0.73 and 0.96 was found. The magnetic reversal Card 1/2 -j 13, 1009 jaT Ste, 0 teS 'fest~-~ra'* ,,.%,e0 f er-r3' Tyle se 7, 06 5 '90-A ge7ae;"tI - ValovLo e&- 3- tes XIS U T-r" t to ex Ge ~e -h -~.q Sj:bI'j -'-i-o'a .-te-res 09 YLO. 0 O-as T Vk~o "j e -9 ala 'tj&OYL . Nil j0 tr~A'S 4 _F j e Q 0 O'So'a r te -ne 0 -re e ate. &0 toro tioft Tt 0"3,11 ,rLe ~bO '10 10,011, -L 3v 1 0 'ho it, i.7'e. e is laet c t t!.Seo- 1,00'9 'go-e e, jvLP -~S-a es-~'S ted. It or, 101 te '50. -,,,,&e'r StX TIrLe &e%q'VN "O~. yj~ -te'r . 5to-r tv re. ),-re - tyLe i.ID~. NO'S I ea- JS 8--j- C - Otl 63. .10 :~Jjj st-P3. 11 e T 'ha' ev, 18, r 81 'fj-~ 6 &3-e OTL e G ...,,-re T h e Stal StAx tj~e 0'-r~f j:%'- &0 We-re t-I 'Lepe Bled- tf'o cas O'~ t~.OT169 T 'to -below 1* Irst I 0:0 ae 0,-r 91 -f~& 19. see 9 - -ti-r- oi -.11.e stet 1 113- .06 tyke Zati rec ~q -b -ae -magneti- (:B-e t-~.O%,. W -b er.4 Cle C'J et 'b that, -qe"3wjue rae e.1 This means i n we, ue_gIL S M c)jR Me_ c te T e C 0 n ferri+~e6 than a &e _r' jje-re 865. %1 -rela field is much smaller ~eT partici. Tqes e 6,,, ae is probably due to a Oki ~O-re _Ln a demagnetized crystal the domain boundar -be T& --a way that the total energy is at a minimum. These bc V'O' --oly distorted by demagnetization with variable Card 2/3 S/048/61/025/012/0-11/022 B117/B104 AUTHORSP Yermolenko., A. S., and Shur, Ya- 3- TITLE-,,, The nature of the coercive force in alloys of the "Ainico" type PERIODICALg Akademiya nauk SSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya,, v. 25, no. 12, 1961, 1479 - 1483 TEXTs Alloys of the system Fe-Ni,-Al differ from other age-hardening alloys used for vermanent magnets so far as their maximum coercive force is not due to quenching the material from the temperature of the single-phase state and subsequent tempering (treatment of type I) but rather to cooling at a certain critical rate and tempering (treatment of type II). The difference between the two types of treatment was studied in the present paper, basing on atudies of magnet�c properties of monocrystals of an alloy containing 24% Co, 14% Ni, 8%. Al, 3% Cu, 51% Fe. The disk-shaped specimens were 0.35 mm thick and 6 mm in diamete--, Their surfaces coinci- ded %Jth the crystal plane (1001 with an error of up to 20. The heat treatment was made in an argon atmosphere. A rotary magnetometer was Card 114 S/048/6!/025/012/011/022 The nature of the coercive-0 B11:7/B104 used to measure the magnetic characteristics. The coercive force was measure-d at room -temperature by the usual ballistic methods 0 The variation -~n coercive force and torque ampla-tude3 was measured at 625 C in a field of 16-600 ~~e according to the tempering time., The coercive force of Specimen ni-~, 2 (t-reatment of type II) rapidly reaches its maximum value of 430 ce and remains pract~-cally constant beyond this value. After temper- k for 60 hours,. its coercive force ing -specmen no. I "treatment of type I) 1-12aches a ralue of 90 -~e at 625 C which can,, however~ be increased by additional tempering at 700 0C and s)absequent- annealing at 625 0C. After a 54--hour tempering, both specimens exhib:i-t- --identical torque amplitudes which even increase -in no, I if the process is continued, In specimen no,, '1Z -the torque amplitudes are negative in the entire field and slightly depen= dent on 'he field. In rjc~ 2, the amplitudes are positive in fields of less than 8000 oe and negative in stronger fields, After a 60-hour tempering at 6250C the amplitudes are pos-i-tIve in The entire field, In the presenT case, the shape o-f 'he torque characteristics was related to +1 ypes of anisotropy in the spec`men: c-rystal---o- .he presen.,-e of iTvo t graphi.c inagnet-1c, aplsz~tlropy and (2' an anisotrop t:1 i _y related to the form of Card 2/4 S/04 61/025/012/011./022 The nature of the coercive B", I 7YB104 precipitates (anisotropy of the stray fields ). During the decay the last-mentioned type plays an ever more important roles the character- istics are shifted from the negative to the positive range. After a 60=hour tempering at 6250C the tcrque characteristics for both specimens have practically identical amplitudes over a wide range of fields,., where- as the coercive forces differ from each otherlya factor of nearly 5, Investigation of the saturation magnetization I s and of the coercive force in the temperature range, where these characteristics change re- versibly, has shown that both specimens agree as to 1 s and temperature dependence, This indicates that independent of the type of treatment., the phases resulting from decay are of identical or similar composition, Great differences in the relative amounts of the phases are also unlikely. After tempering the specimens for 60 hours, rotational- hysteresis as a function of the strength of the external field exhibited 'the same oharac-- ter as ordinary hysteresis in an alternating magnetic field., The large differences in the coercive force of the specimens, produced by the two types of treatment,,. are attributed to a definite distribution of grains C a r d 3 The nali~ure of tile coercive 3/048/61/025/012/011/0e-2 B117/BiO4 accord' in i E, to the r coercive force The special advantage of the treat- ~~en-c of type Il -is that a structure with almost equal grain sizes can be 1:.,'utained The grain size corresponds to the coercive force, The authors t'hank L. V, Smirnov for the growing of monocrystals, and L,, M. Magat for having determined their orientation, There are 5 fi, res and 9 referencesi 4 Soviet and 5 nor.-Soviet-, The four rmost recent references to Engl--ishL- language publicataoris read as follows- Wohlfarth, E. P- Philos. Mag.. SUPI'-"' 59)1 Clegg, A. G., McCaig, M... Proc, Phys, Soc, London, . ~, 87 (119 B~ 30; 817 (1957); Nesbit-t E. A~, N73.1liams H~ -J-.. Bozorth R.,M.,. J~. Appl, PhYs', 1014 (1954); Fisher J., S.,. Hol'Lomon j. H._ Turnbull D, J, AppL y s'~ L Ph 775-7 (1946),~ ASSOCIATION.--- inssizut, ffziki metallov Akademii. nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics of Met-als of The Academy of Sciences USSRI Card 4/4 S/126/62/013/001/002/018 E073/E535 AUTHOTZ's Litzhirisl-caya, M.G. and Shur, Ya.S. MI.* : oii the nattire of magnetic aiiisotropy in Vicalloy I% 100 LC '.I,: P Lzi ka m e ta I Lov i metal 1 ovec I eniye , v. II), no 1, 1.962, ji () - r-, I-) T L "T \ccording to theoretical conceptions, the magiietic nnLsotropy of' sirigle domain Lorinations may be chic to mr.1ttiral. crystallographic aiiisotropy of particles of the ferromagnetic phasn, Anisotropy of the shape of the particles, or anisotropy of the stresses in the material. No definite data on the nature of this anisotropy in Vicalloy have so far been published. In this paper the changes in the magnetic properties of Vicalloy she(~t,-,iieasured in variotis directions relative to the direction of r o. a function of the temnering temperature were investi- I L in, gated. The alloy used contained 12~'dl V, 50','~/ Co, rest Fe. Th a sheet i-;-as cold rolled to 1 mm thickness with a relative reduction t- 86 Furthermore, an alloy containing 11,;'0, V and 52",^o Co, rest i,'e tras used in the form of 0.6, 0.4 and 0.2 mm sheets. Th e specimens were -in the form of strips 100 mm long, 1.5-2.0 mm wide Ca 1-0 -L )9 On the nature of magnetic S/126/62/013/001/002/018 L'073/E535 and discs of 6 mm diameter. For strips cut in the direction of rolling, transverse to that direction and at an angle of 11c;0, the"'Ajb.~:' magnetization curves and the hysteresis loops were measured; on discs the coercive force 1-1 was measured at various angles re-Latix,,-~? to the direction o~- rolling. Measurements were made by a b~illistic method in fields up to 23700 Oe; this field is sxifficient for obtaining maximum valties of residual magnetization I The saturation magnetization was determined by extrapolation for an infinitely large field. shows the dependence of the coercive force if c? Oe, and the relative residual magnetizatiol) ir = Ir/I s on the tempering temperature (of 30 min duration) for I mm thick'strips. The clots relate to values measured in the direction of rolling and the crosses to the transverse direction. There is a change in scale after- the initial section of the graph.. It can be seen that irt which is low for specimens which have not been tempered, increases sharply in the case of relatively low tempering temperatures (4000C), .-ihicli is in agreement xsrith results obtained earlier on Vicalloy wire specimens. Figr.2 shows the magnetization curve find the hysteresis loops of Card 21/4 019 /03- 3/002/0 v,0'7'5/S535 and a 1 14. G alli.1ve eti-C aria rlst of Sat MEL ST, e tI, e t e till) delvi. Orce e e rj:jarL9; eilr3 ca,3-01 i- imetavLoNre Coerr tyl -10v tb b 1 .,-b e-d e C juetal e. 01b -i-T1 11 e rVatkire of 1~15 coti~cs ar e I I C) ti-O 'Leris 0 0 V,05tIq;a c al-es t e e IE;g ,,te Jn rIJVLra til 0 3 xlc,.L S OIMS t -I C t j.0a fvo e t -r xx C,,,Ie _,frac ..j.MevvS 013 3. .01, -,tIher 5 5i-C C13. the Corre5 Itilvat-3. a5 bOL -)c-raj . irjs a re 11011 r the Alt, n Matl Olr%S -.tbe S,nea5AX Oca C.-I - Vt 03- rrjea 0 det ef U11 r force vere I imeTlt S im e-as V 3. CrIle def 0 5 C 11019 . Cro- r -1.%r C tion 5, 0 r- a -V e b1 e ef p OL Me, tho r ~Jje Coe et-!*L the Tyve e all O-f -,-7,e 0 tyle Ma. g;II 11:1 Sed- a t,,r e t -j~ OTL a-aal- Me OL 5 %1 f ter .V-ur- a tLl C -as . v t a. IlLed - C.~Lt-hj:a v 5 t OLTV eL3- -r e 53- eca. - e tlaa A in a CA the the Sp rer't r -11 50 eobt OL ,,,per ed -io bIO -Ses. ,a of Co - d'a t ve~,r te ,tve5 . VI dL,:, e r,5 C S beet' . atlo '1 52 hi t --L 7, yLar e re ert3-E o.-, t1le 12YO -lar S Prolp tylat MOL ST, S ijl"nE ti-I a t -IL C by %,; e I '- a COTV 1kr am-Tv vf'j- MeL g"a Meas the a1-3-01 f.-Lr5t c t 0'P t I MXIM OTL peG3- e -f e atm ~;er e Ma a e fIIP all i e d I:jeat e-ats -,7cor,n--' t i oils of O-rde~ Vj e Eck S Air eM e state of the theor I/ Cx-phase are 01' the d . GardL -",h c01--responds to --re 't' -' P-reclicte of th. of icsi-lig] e-donjaIn formatiot1s. -"The size Card 2 the same order. Comparirig the Change in the magnetic S/126/62/013/002/004/019 E073/F,535 results with those of studies of' the magnetic properties, Lhe mechanism of' formation of a high coercive force in Vicalloy is explained as follo,%-is. In the Luitempered state, the allay has a multi-domain magnetic structure. During low -temperature tempering, the y-phase forms along the boundaries of the a-phase blocks in the form of -thin interstices which constitute a barrier against displacement of the boundaries between the domains. Therefore, even fox- small quantities of the y-phase, the magnetic structure will approach the single domain structure. If the tempering temperature and the quantity of y-phase are increased, the magnetic structure becomes a single domain one due to a further splitting of the a-phase blocks by the y-phase and to a reduction of the dimensions of the a-phase blocks. After high temperature tempering, the dispersion of ~ the phases decreases and the conditions for the existence of a single domain magnetic structure cease to exist. Thus, the increase in H is due to the development of a single domain structure. ... c of considerable importance also is -the magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the a-phase, which is small after low temperature Card 3/5 Change in the magnetic S/126/62/013/002/004/019 E073/E535 tempering and reaches maximum values at tempering temperatures -that are higher than those which are suitable for obtaining a single domain magnetic structure. Maxi-mum H values are obtained if in addition to the existence of a single dos-.iain structure, the material has a sufficiently large natural crystalline magnetic anisotropy. There are 2 figures and 1 table.'~-"' ASSOCIATION: Institut fizi-ki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: May 5, 1961 Card 4/5 s/i?-6/62/013/003/005/023 E039/E135 AUTHORS: Shtollts, Ye.V., and Shur,._Ya.S. TITLE: on the process of magnetic reversal in single crystal particles of the alloy MnBi, PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov 1 metallovedeniye, V-13, no.3, 1962, 359-364 TEXT: It is well known that as the size of particles of ferromagnetle substance is decreased the coercive force Iner-eases.': Hence, in fine powders in which the particles have a large magnetic anisotropy, very high values of coercive force can be obtained. The physical nature of this effect has not been sufficiently studied. Previous work was hampered because of the difficulty in preparing samples of pseudo-crystals in which the single crystal particles are orientated in space. in this work the difficulty was overcome by using the ferromagnetic alloy MnB! prepared by sintering powdered Mn and B! in a magnetic field. The particle size was changed by sintering at different temperatures. It is shown that the formation of the magnetic Card 1/3 S/126/62/013/003/005/023 on the process of magnetic reversal '*'E039/EI35 phase begins at about 250 OC, maximum magnetic saturation being reached at 300 OC. Curves are obtained for magnetisation along and at right angles to the magnetic axis. In the former case saturation is reached in a field of about 5000 oersfed, while in the latter it only reaches 50% saturation at 20 000 oersted. By decreasing the size of the particles from 100 x 19 to 16 x 3 microns the coercive force along the axis increased from ; t 200 to 2900 oersted and values of relative residual magnetisation xncreased from 0.21 to 0.71. The dependence of the coercive force on-the angle y between the texture axis and the direction of the magnetising field was investigated. it is shown that for samples with dimensions 100 x 19 to 70 x 19 microns the maximum coercive force occurs for an angle y = 901, whereas for particle sizes of 19 x 4 and 16 x 3 microns the maximum coercive force occurs at 45 to 600. On comparing these results with theory for samples 100 x 19 microns the agreement is good up to (P = 6o to 700; for larger values of 9 the experimental curve falls below the theoretical one. For part1cles of Card 2/3 UJA io S/126/62/013/003/005/023 On the process of magnetic reversal.. E039/E135 16 x 3 microns the agreement is good only up to 9 = 30 to 4001 after which the experimental curve decreases. It is concluded that for large values of y the magnetisation process occurs as a result of an irreversible rotation of the magnetization vector in the particles. There are 7 f1gures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, AS USSR) SUBMITTED; July 25, 1961 Card 3/3 J 2~ S/126/62/014/oo3/003/022 The mechanisin of thermomagnetic ... E021/E435 precipitate and by growth of some particles at the expense of others. There are 8 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 11, 1962 Card 3/3 S/126/62/ol4/oo3/016/022 E073/E420 AUTHORS! Shur, Ya.!51_~zat, L.M., Yermolenko,- ~A.S. TITLE: On the relation between the crystal stvuctura and the magnetic properties of alnico PERIODICAL: Fizlka metallov i metallovedentye, v.14, no.3, 1962, 458-461 TEXT: So far, the nature of:the 'structural transformations which lead to a reversible change in the magrietic properties of alnico has not been resolved and the authors considered it of interest to try to observe these transformations by accurate measurement of the lattice parameters and a determination of the average distance between defects from the positions 'of the satellites on the X-ray spectra. Spe6imens in the-form of discs and plates cut from single crystals in the plane (100) of the alloy (24ao Co, 14% Ni, 8% Al, 3% Cu,'remainder Fe) were' used in studying -the temperature dependence of the coercive force and the saturation magnetization by means of a rotary magnetometer. It was found that th*ese properties do not depend on the preceding heat treatment but are determined solely*;by the last temperifto; temperature, wh1ch eard 1/3 42248 S/126/62/oi4/004/006/017 E039/E AUTHORS: --Shur, Ya.S., Glazer, A.A., Shtollts, Ye.V. TITLE: On the nature of the temperature instability of the residual induction in powdered MnB1 alloy permanent magnets PERIODICAL: Fizlka metallov i metallovedenly, v.14, no.4, 1962, 523-528 TEXT: The temperature dependence of tbe' domain structure of V small particles of MnBi alloy with residual magnetization is studied by means of the Kerr effect over the range + 2000C. Three particle sizes are investigated (samples 1, 27and 3 of 6, 20 and 30 VL respectively), the coarse particles having a multidomain structure while the finer particles are single domain at room temperature. Critical temperatures are found for thd transition from single to mult1domaln structure. which are lower for the smaller particles. The temperature dependence of the relative residual magnetization Ir/Is (Ir to the residual magnetization and Is the saturated magnetization) in also determined. At 200C the values of Ir/Is for samples 112 and 3 Card 1/2 SHUR, Ya. S.; GLAZER, A. A. Temperature deperdence of domain structure in magnetouniaxial ferromagnetic materials. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 14 n0-4: 632-633 0 '62. (MIRA 15-.10) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (Domain structure) 4 ZATKOVA, V.A. S . Connection between magnetostriction curves with the domain structure of silicon iron crystals. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 14 no.5:785-787 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (Magnetostriction) (Domain structure) SHUR., U.S. Domain structure of ferromagnetic materials. Izv. MI SSSR. Ser. fiz. 26 no.2:261-262 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Ferromagnetism) S/048/62/026/002/017/032 B106/B104 AUTHORS: Startseva, I, Ye., Glazer, A., A,, and Shur, Ya. S. TITLE: Temperature dependence of domain structure in ferrosilicon cr.)~ s tal s PERIODICKL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no, 2, 1962, 262-265 TEXT: Earlier studies of the domain structure in ferrosilioon crystals (Ya. S, Shur, I. Ye. Startseva, Zh, eksperim, i teor. fiz., A2, 566 (1,060)) have revealed a temperature hysteresis of domain structure, This fact may possibly be the cause of the departure of the calculated from the measured temperature dependence of domain structure. It was investigated as to whether experimental and theoretical data will agree better when this hysteresis is excluded. This may be accomplished by allowin6 the specimen to attain the state of equilibrium at every temperature, The domain structure of ferrosilicon with 3.5 7o' Si was examined by the magneto- optical Kerr effect. Annular specimens (outer diameter 40 mm, inner diameter 28 mm, 0.35 mm thick) were cut out from coarsely crystalline Card 1/3 S/048/62/0206/002/017/0'32 Temperature dependence of- B106/BI04 textured ferrosilicon. After polishing the specimens were vacuum tempered at 12000C, and subsequently their surface was slightly oxidized in order to increase the angle of rotation of the plane of polarization, The (011) face was near the surface in most of the crystallites. Temperature dependence of the domain structure was studied in the range of 20-6000C. At every temperature the specimens were carefully demagnetized by alternatinE magnetic field with its amplitude monotonically decreasing to zero. This procedure was to eliminate the temperature hysteresis of domain structure. The studies led to the following conclusions: (1) The domain width is strongly temperature dependent when temperature hysteresis is eliminated by demagnetization at every temperature. (2) The temperature dependence of the domain width observed in equilibrium agrees oualitatively with the calculated data Strictly quantitative comparison of experimental and theoretical data was not possible as it is not known how the magnetic flux is closed at the crystal edges. (") Various authors found in the study of different ferromagnetics great discrepancies between the experimental and theoretical temperature dependences of the doma' n widths These discrepancies are obvioUSly due to th; fact that the observed domain structures which exist in metastable states were ccmr~are'd t1-- Card 2/3 S/048/62/026/002/0-17/052 Temperature dependence of. B-100"/BIOA calculated equilibrium stinictures. There are 3 figures and 9 referen'-zes- 5 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet The three most recent references to English-language publications read as follows. AndrA W., Ann, phys-, -7, 78 (1956); Fowler C., Fryer E., Phys, Rev,, 2j, 52 (1954); Tatsumo-o -6-kamoto; T,, J~ Phys. Soc. Japan, 14, 1588 (1959)- V/ Card 3/3 S/048/0'2/026/002/018//052 B1000104 AUTHORS: Glazer, A. A., Shtollts, Ye. V., and Shur, Ya. S. TITLE. TemDerature deDendence of transition domain structure in small-size particles of MnBi alloy PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. _26 no, 2, 1962, 266-269 TEXT: The present work was experimentally to check on earlier conceptions (Ref., '11. Ya. S. Shur, Ye. V. Shtollts, G. S. Kandaurova, L. V,. Bulatova, Fiz. metallov i metallovedeniye, ~., 234 (1957); Ye. V. Shtollts, A~A~Glazer, Ya. 3, Shur., Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., 2.5, no. 12, 1445 (1961)) about the nature of magnetic transition domain structure which may occur at certain dimensions of small-size particles of MnBi alloy. The temperature dependence of domain structure of MnBi alloy particles with transition structure at room temperature was studied. At room temperature t e alloy MnBi has a very high coefficient K of anisotropy (some 107 erg/cm~_) whi~:h is highly temperature dependent whereas the saturation magnetization Is ~_.f the alloy is only slightly dependent oh temperature, K drops to one Card !//3 Temperature dependence of transition- B10061-3104 tenth its value as temperature decreases from +20 to -1500C, while Is increases by 5 ~6, The boundary energy associated with the value of K can therefore be varied within a wide range by varying temperature whereas the magnetic charges remain practically unchanged. The domain structure of spesimens described earlier (Ref. 1) has been studied by the polar magneto- optical Kerr effect. Remagnetization at room temperature after magnet~iza- tion of the particle by a strong field (some 103 oe) was visually obse-rved- The magnitude of the negative magnetic field at which sudden remagnetiza- tion occurs was determined (this field is practically equal to the coercive force). By the same magnetic field the particle was then brought to residual magnetization and cooled with liquid nitrogen. The changes in domadn structure during the cooling were observed. Two different showed at -15 and -420C, respectively, a sudden division into domains turned out to be irreversible through subsequent temperature increase, The amount of this new domain phase was about equal to the quantity of original domain phase in the demagnetized state at room temperature. Remagnetization at room temperature of the particle with the lower splitting temperature has been effected only by a stronger magnetic field than ;in those cases with the other particles, In simnilar exzeriiments it Card 2/3 S/048/62/026/002/0-8/0z2 Temperature dependence off transition- B106/3104 was established that the temperature of splitting into domains d~7creaz." with increasing coercive force of the particle with transition structu_r-. Some particles heated to +2000C did not split into domains- The rc-~u-_~_ are interpreted as follows: In the case of magnetization at rocm temperature by a field that is strong enough to suppress nuclel Gf remagnetization the rarticle remains in the state of residual mag-ae-t-Lza~_:- Owing to the decrease of the coefficient of anisotropy, boundary decreases on cooling and new remagnetization nuclei will form leading transition into domain structure at a certain temperature, This pr3cess i, jump-like because it leads from a metastable to a stable state., The formation of remagnetization nuclei is inhibited with increasing coer~i;-~- force. One therefore has to cool lower to achieve transition into domain structure, K does not decrease on heatin-g to 2000C and consequ-_ does not reduce the boundary energy~ From these results the authors in~._ V/ that inhibition of remagnetization nucleus formation Jis the reason fc-r th~ occurrence of a transition structure. Such an inhibition may occur at high boundary energy densities. A, S. Yermolenko is mentioned: There are 2 figures and 5 references: 2 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet- The referen-:e to the English-language publication reads as follows: Roberts B "t' Bean C. P., Phys. Rev., 5)6, 1494 (1954). Card 3/3 L 18104-~663 EWT(l)/EWP(q)/iWT(m)/BDS/ES(s)-2 ASD/AMC/ESDi-3/IJP(C)/ W PWPt-4 JDAW ACCESSION FRt AF3DO2842 S/0.126/63/025/006/0839/0845; AUTHORSt Kandaurova, G. S*: Shur.; Ya 9~4! TITLE: Domain strue of 4 cobalt monocrystal SCURCEi Fizika metallov i metellovedeniye, v. 15, no. 6, 1963, 839-845 TOPIC TAGS: domain structure, cobalt monocrystal', powder figure effect of magnet_~ ic field ABSTRAM The domain structure variation on the basal plane of a cobalt monocrystai has been observed. This structure consists of a maze representing the outlets of the basic spontaneous magnetization domains on the basal plane of the crYstal. The: sample was placed into a magnetic field with intensity of about 20 000 e; it was i oriented parallel to the plane (the horizontal field) and also the! plane (vertical field)4 The maze pattern was obtained after the crystal cooled below the Qurle rointland after the sample was demagnetized by a field parallel to its hexagonal a-;ds. if, -was established that powder figures consisting, of star pat- terns are formed the action of a magnetic field perpendicular to the axis of light magnetization. The rows of stars were oriented in the direction perpendicular,-- to the external mr~!gnetic field. This structure was preserved also in the remmant Card 1/2 i. 18lo4-63 ACCESSIM M AP3002842 magnetization state of the sample. It is beUevea that in the latter case the'in- ternal crystalline structure approximates the simplest domain structure of plane parallel layers. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. A-13SOCIATIM: 'Urallakiy gosudarstvenrW-*y urdversitet:'imi A. M. Gor1kogo (Ural stated. University) ; InstItnt flziki metallov M SSSR (Inst:Ltute of Phy-sical Me~~Iurrv. SR) Acad p7 of Sciences, StMMI WED: 28,Jul.62 DATE ACQ: 23.Tu163 ENCLi 00:. of-Mme. 00 SUB CODE: ML NO REF SOVt 003 Card 2/2 SHUR, Ya.S.; KAFDAUROVA, G.S. Observaticn of the initial stages of the formation of remagnetization nuclei in a magnetoplumbite crystal. Fiz. metu. i metalloved. 16 no.l: 158-160 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR i Urallskiy gosudarstvannyy uni- versitet imeni A.M.Gorlkogo. (MagneLoplumbite) (Magnetization) ZAYKOVA, V.A.;,q , Yal.S. Dependence of the curves of magnetostriction in silicon iron on the state of the crystal structure. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no-4:614-617 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut fiziki ibetallov AN SSSR. ACCESSION NR: Ap4m3ogo S/4126/64AW/001/0031/0039 AUTHORS: Yermolenkop A* So; Shur, 'Taio So TITLE: Magnetic structural ans34mia of high coercivity Alnico alloy 1SOUMEt Fizika metallov i metalloved.j, v. 17,, no. 1. 1964,9 31-39 TOPIC TAQS: Alnico alloys magnetic structure, coarcivityv saturation magrwtixa_ tion, crystallographic anisotropy, unia3dal anisotropy., tempering,, annealingj, qpenchlng, rotary magnetometer ABSTRACT2 The temperatur 6 dependence oT saturation magnetization,, coeAive force., and constants of crystallographic and induced anisotropy of Alnico alloy was investigated. The specimen was obtained by melting the alloy (24% Co,' 14% Ni, Al 3% Cuv and the rest Fe) in a high-frequency furnace in-vacuum. The saturation magnetization was investigated by Sucksmith' s method (W. Sucksmith. Proc. Roy, Soo*; 1939., A170s5%). The specimens were prepared in the form of parallepipeds o; dimensions 5 x 0.7 x 0.7 mm. The tbermal treatment of the specimen was performed in an atmosphere of argon or under vacuum'in a specially designed apparatus whi-_ enabled the quenching of the specimen in waterp then-chilling it at a desired rate, ..... . The relative error in the measurement, of the saturation magaetization did not Card 1/3_ ACCESSION NR: AP4013090 exceed 1%. The temperature dependence of the constants of anisotropy and the coercive force was studied with the aid of a rotary iiagnetometer. For this experiment the specimen was prepared in the form of a disk 6 mm in diameter- a:rA 0.5; mm thick. The constant of anisotropy was o6tained by a harmonic analysis of .-the torque curves. Ballistic methods were used for measuring smiall values of _the coemive force and for studying its angular dependence, The effect of fieating the specimen up to 600C and then cooling it was to increase the cobstant of anisotropy at room temperature. It was found that at high coercive states (final tampering at 560C) the alloy showed two phases sharply distinguished by their saturation magnetization., I gauss and I The constant.of al about 16oo 82 - about IW gause, uniaxial - anisotropy could be computed from the formula! K. (to - I.S)P N.) Iles, where N. and Nb are nagnatisation factors and are relativ,4 iftwe volumes* The values computed from this and the experimental values agmee The natwe of structural change and the mechanim of formation of hi ob" coareive 6"tw ire discusseds Oriso art,* hams 7 ficares od 3 formu.1as. AS=TATICEs - Institub f1miki mst&Uov.AX MW (Institute of "ift ffit ata"S. AN WM) ACCESSION NR: AP4013090 SUB',%=TIZ 22NAy63 12CLs 00 SUB CODEt MK# SS NO RIW SM 003 dTHERs. W Card 313 ACCESSION NR: AP4017367 S/0126/64/017/002/0296/0298, AUTHORS. Magat, L. it.; Shur, Ya. S.; Melkisheva, E.N. TITIZE: The relation of the coercive force to the initial decomposition stages in an oversaturated solid solution in the alnico alloys SOMRCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniyep v. 17, no. 2, 1964, 296-298 TOPIC TAGS: alnico alloy, alni alloy, niobium-alnico alloy,-alloying, over- saturated solid solution, solution decomposition, coercive force, modulation period, Guignet-Preston zone, tempering ABSTRiLCT: The following alloys were studied by the method of x-ray(analysis: alni (305%a Ni, 14~. Al); alnico (14%. Ni, &A Al, 24% Co, Vo Cu); N-b-alnico 14%o Ni, 8% Al, 24~,,.f Co, Yi) Cu, O.W.' Nb). The size of the spherical Guignet-Preston zones was determined from the scattering of x-rays in the Laue diffraction pattern, and Vie modulation period was determined from the position of satellites on the x-ray patterns of rotation. The coercive force was measured ballistically. Figure 1'. on the 1~nclosure shows the results obtained. It was ascertained that the decompositim iof a solid solution during tempering started with the formation of the Guignet- ,Preston zoneu-whAh were replaced subsequently by a periodical modulation struature.1- ACCESSION NR: AP4017367 Llie growth of the coercive force during tempering started during the formation of the Guignet-Preston zones and reached its maximum during the second stage at a certain optimal magnitude of the modulation period. The above conclusions were true for all the types of the alloy studied. It was also.proved that the satellites observed on the x-ray patterns of rotation correspond to a periodical modulated structure. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR'(Institute of Phyrics of Natals, on's AN SSS11,1 SUBMITTED: lojul63 DATE ACQ: isma 64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: ML NO REP SOV: 004 OTHER: 004 Card 2/3 _77'_ z A -a rIr A,; of the form of magnetostriction curves of silican ix-~n crystals on the natuxe of changes In the domain structure d=ing palarit.y reversal. Fiz. met. i metal-lo-ved, 18 no.3.342-- 3 59 S 164. 17:11) 1. Institut fiz!kL metallov AIN SSSR. m L 22897-65 EED-2/0.rr (1)1274T (m)/E7e1P(b)/0JP(t) IJP(C) JD ACC SSION NR: APS001240 B/0126/64/018/005/0711/0716 AUTHOR: Bogoslovskiy. V. N. ; Shchepetkinx A.A. Startseva, 1. Ye. -, A V.K Chufarov, G. Shur. Ya. S. TITLE: Effect of the phase composition on the magnetic properties of magnesium- manganeB -iron ferrite with- a rectangular hysteresis loop SOURCE~7nzika metallov I metallovedeniye, v. 18, no, 5, 1964, 711-716 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite magnetic property, magnesium ferrite, manganese ferrite, spinel solid solution, hysteresis loop p ABSTRACT: The object of this work was to find out whether the rectangularity of the I hysteresis loop of Mg-bin ferrites is related only to the presence of vacancies, or whether trivalent manganese ions also play a major part in this phenomenon. An Mg-Mn-Fe ferrite obtained from a mixture of 34 mol. % MgO~ 8. 5% MnO (in the form of MnCO3)'and 57. 5% Fe?0,3 and having a relatively high rectangularity coefficient of,the hysteresis loop was Investigated. X-ray diffraction was used to determine the concen- tration of the components of the spinel solid solutions, the magnetic characteristics were measured by the ballistic method, and changes in the composition of the solid solutions Card 1/2 L 22897-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001240 were induced by annealing the samples under various conditions. It was found that the increase or decrease in the rectangularity coefficient of the hysteresis loop is due primarily to the formation and disappearance of Mn3+ ions, although there is a simu-1- taneous change in the concentration of vacancies in the spinal solid solution. Samples containing an appreciable quantity of vacancies but no MnP+ ions have a rectangularity coefficient of less than 0. 5. The authors conclude that the rectangular shape of the hysteresis loop of Mg-Mn-Fe ferrites obtained from a mixture containing over 50 mol. % Fe2,03 is due to the presence of Mn,3+ ions which cause local distortions of the crystal structure of the spinal solid solution. Orig. art. has: I table, 1 figure, and 7 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii, Sverdlovsk (Metallurgical Institute); Institut-fizild meiauov AN SSSR UnstitUt* Of the PhYsics Of HatalS, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 0ZNov63 ENCL: 00 SUBCODE: XM, EM NO REF SOVt 007 OTHERs 010 Card 2/2 11,7CESSX03M NR: AP4023397 S/0048/64/028/003/0504/0506 AUTHOR: Onopriyonko, L.G.; Shiryayeva, 0.1.; Shur, Ya.S. TITLE: Forromagnetic resonance in magnetically uniaxial single crystals and domain structure Za-eport, Symposium an rorromagnetism and Forroelectricity hold In Lenin- grad 30 May to 5 Juno 19627 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya, Seriya tizichealcaya, v.28, rxo.3, 1964, 504-506 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic resonance, domain structure, domain wall oscillation, domain wall resonance ABSTRACT: It has previously been shown that a ferromagnetic substance with domain structure has three coupled resonant frequencies, due to precession of the magneti- zation within the domains and to oscillation of the domain walls (K.B.Vlasov and L. G.Onopriyenlco, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye,15,45,1963). These frequencies iwere calculated Xor an ellipsoidal sample having plane-parallel or cylindrical do- imain structure by the method employed by J.Smit and H.G.Beljers (Phillips Res.Rep. ~10,113,1955). and the results of the calculations are presented briefly. Forromag- ~netie resonances were observed at 36 895 megacycles in single crystal discs of mag-,- Cordl/3 ACCESSION XR: AP4023397 inetic plumbite and cobalt for various directions of the applied static field. The I :plumbite discs were 0.56 mm in diameter, 0.10 mm thick, and were cut with the axis iof easy magnetization perpendicular to the plane of the disc. Two resonances were :'observed at fields for which a domain structure exists, and a third peak was ob- Iserved at a strong field, corresponding to a state without-domain structure. As the: !angle between the applied field and the axis of.oasy magnetization was decreased, this third peak shifted to lower fields and disappeared, together with one of the domain structure peaks, at an angle of 630. The remaining peak disappeared at 360. .This behavior is in rough agreement with the theory. The cobalt discs were 7 mm in ~diameter, 0.2 mm thick, and were cut with the axis of easy magnetization in the ;plane of the disc. With the applied field in the plane of the disc perpendicular to[ ~,the axis of easy magnetization, and the high frequency field perpendicular to the disc, two peaks were observed, of which one is related to the domain structure. As ,an angle between the applied field and the preferred axis was decreased, the peaks decreased in intensity, and disappeared at an angle of 780. The cobalt discs were examined at various temperaturess Two resonance peaks were observed at temperatures up to 250OCo The resonance field dearqased with Increasing temperaturea' Ws beha- vior was expestode ariesereeh"I 4 90VOULAN. Card 2/3 3/3 Card 7~ ACCESSION hR: AP4023406 S/0048/64/028/003/0553/0558 a -AUTHOR: Shur,Ya.S.; Glazer,A.A.; DragoshanskiyYu*N,; Zaykova,V.A.; Kandaurova.G.S. TITLE: Regarding departures from homogeneity of magnetization within ferromagnetic' domains*ZR-oport, Symposium on Ferromagnetism and Ferroelectricity held in Leningrad: 30 May to 5 June 1969 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no.3, 1964, 553-558 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic domains, ferromagnetic domain inhomogeneity, magnetiza- tion.reversal nuclei A13STRACT: This paper is a short summary of investigations, conducted in the Ferro- :na-netic Laboratory of the Institute of Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, SSSR, concerning departures from homogeneity of magnetization within ferromagnetic domains. The early stages of the formation of magnetization reversal nuclei on the basal plane surface of a magnetoplumbite crystal, and their development into domains'- was observed by means of powder patterns. Motion pictures of this process were made,) and several. frames are reproduced. As the magnetizing field (perpendicular o the t crystal surface) was gradually reduced from saturating values, the powder pattern, Card l/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4023405 initially featureless, first showed large (-0.1 mm) circular bright spots. These de- creased in size, increased in number, became irregular in shape, and finally some of them could be seen to grow into twisting domains of opposite magnetization. The ~initial large spots revealed by the powder pattern are ascribed to "spin vortices"p., ;regions in which the spins are inclined to the surface in a circular pattern. Thesei- ,~arise because they provide partial flux closure within the crystal, thus reducing the surface energy. As the magnetizing field decreases, the spin inc.11nations :in- crease, and the disturbance penetrates more deeply into the crystal. Finally spin reversal occurs in the center of the vortex, and a reverse magnetization nucleus is! formed. These nuclei grow into spike shaped domains..If this interpretation of the observations is correct, the intersections of the wall of such a spike domain with a plane parallel to the magnetic axis should have opposite polarities; this was ob-~, served to be the case in-cobalt. The domains in Co and in Kn9i alloy were observed :, ,to increase in size with increasing temperature, although Vne saturation magnetiza-: -tion did not change significantly over the temperature range concerned, the crystall .anisotropy decreased markedly, and no domains of closure could be found. This be- havior is ascribed to spin disorientation at the higher temperatures, resulting in Internal flux closure and decreased surface energy. This interpretation is supported' Card 2/3 ACCESSION IN'R: AP4023406 by the fact that the contrast of the domains as observed with the !on.-i-cudinal Kcrr effect, as well as that of the spots on the basal plane as observed viit~:i the polar Xerr effoct, decreased with increasingtomporaturo. This increase in spin disorien- tation with increasing temperature could bo due to increasing influence of crystal imporfoctions as the crystal anisotropy docronses. Tho magnotostriction, of silicon iron in the [100) direction, which si,ould vanish in an ideal crystal, was found to depend strongly on the annealing process to which the crystal had been subjected. The less thoroughly annealed specimens showed greater magnetostriction. and less pex-. fect domain structure. This indicates departure from uniform magnetization within the domains due to crystal imperfections. It is concluded that investigation of the departure from homogeneity of the magnetization within the domains is prerequl- site to a deep understanding of various properties of ferromagnetic. materials. 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of*F1WS:LCs of Metals, Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SUMMITTED: 03 SUB CODE: PH DATE ACQZ 1OAprG4 NR REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 C.rd 3/3 SHUR, Ya.S.; DRAGOSHANSKIY, YU~N~ - ~ I.. I... 1. - Nucleation and growth of magnetic reversal in cobalt crystals. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 19 no.4:536-543 Ap 165. (MILRA 18:5) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. z' ~ 11 t )HUR, Ya~5, ; KAiMANOW , t',"',, - "'NOP1.3 i TW.NK0,, LWAIG~r dppenden~~e uff forc..e -In magw-,Lesilly lfarrcgaa-g-nHt--*.-n -iingl-i- -~-.rysiils. Zh-ur. aksp. i toor. fiz. 4.13 F 265~ (MIRA 18:11) 1. fizik--,* mctall-~~,r AN SSSR. p1j", SHIA- Mar--,-s~opio rlcma~ns Ln M'~h--coerc-ivity alloys with a aingle- S!.r-acturs. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 48 domain magnet... - nc,'3~8-4-817 Mj~- 165. (MIRA 18.-6) ~ns~-ivu7, meta-lov AN '-SSR. A~ I v J- - L EI;F-r i.' -',),,/EWPke)/E'dT(m)/EWAlkd)/T,/F~WP(t)/El.TP(z)/EWP(b) IJP(c) JD-/'GG ACC INR: AP5028555 (Jv~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/65/020/005/0673/0682 AUTHOR: Kandaurova, G. S.; Shur, Ya- S. ORG: Ural gosuniversitet im. A. M. Gor1ki (Ural'skiy gosuniversitet); Institute' Ph s-~s oT-Metals AN SSSR (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR) y I TITLE: Origin and formation of domain struStuMin magnetically uniaxial ferro- magnets. I SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 20, no. 5, 1965, 673-682 TOPIC TAGS: magnetization, magnetic domain structure, ferromagnetic material, cobalt, metal physics, magnetic property, single crystal ABSTRACT: Powder figures of domain boun -'es were used to study magnetization in magnetically uniaxial crystals of coba.- magnetic plumbite. The origi'n and formation of the domain walls as a function of lowering of the magnetic field were studied. The field was applied parallel to the axis of easy magnetization. Both crystals had a hexagonal structure while the hexagonal axis was the axis of easy. magnetization. Cobalt single crystalsyere used in the form of thin sheets 0.8 mm UDC: 538.24 Card 1/5 L 14988-66 ACC NR: AP5028555 thick and 100 mm2 in surface area; the surface of'the crystal was close to the basal plane. The magnetic plumbite was also in-the form of.single crystal sheets with thicknesses ranging from 0.6 to 3 mm. The powder figures were obtained while .the crystals were subjected to magnetic fields perpendicular to the.,surface of the sheets of varying intensity. The origin of the domains in cobalt was at the edges of the single crystal, limited only by the flatness of the sample. The results for cobalt are presented in figure 1. The experimental conditions in obtaining the i pattern were discussed. However, no generalizations were attempted until further results were obtained with the magnetic plunbite having a similar structure, A magnetization curve was given in which both the magnetization and the surface-den- sity of patch-like domains were plotted as functions of field. An explanation was offered for the results in terms of an electron spin model for the domain boundaries~. It was established that at saturation, the domain boundaries of both,crystals tend to decrease their density. As a result, cylindrical domains of reverse magnetic phase appear, which gives rise to the powder figures (shaped like round patches),of~. varying dimensions. With increase in applied field these convert to-cone shaped mains. It was concluded that the existence of the reverse magnetic,embryo would be', of general utility in explaining the appearance, formation and disappearance of the' domain structure of massive magnetically uniaxial crystals during their reverse magnetization. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. Card 2/5 L 14988--66 ACC NR: AP5028555 "'A Az 04a bO 4Fj 51 4 !C- 4 4, 4;,:; t4.-e u ,u :~rz 1 7 7f' N, S, ic Q rL-~ -J r s r 7:*4pimi~ Fig. 1. Powder fiaure obtained on the flat basal plane of the cobalt ex-yptal with I c--14,500; d--13,900; --8600; 9-- the fields: a--~7,000; b--14,600; e--13,000; f 150; h--7200; i--11,500; j--13,400 oers~teds. Field directed perpendicular to the surface observed. Card 3/5 L 3.4988-66 ,----AC(; NR: AP5028555 Q 2, Powder flg--,re for the flat bace-I plano of a magnet:La plumbIte crystal W.V.p the fields: a--25301 b--2470; a--2150; 4--2020; e--1530; r--580; g-(- 1140); h--17001'F 1-236o; J--(-?-700) oersteds, Field directed perpendicu3ar to the, served surface Card 4? L L4988-66 ACC UR: AP5028555 0,8 TR peptagons/mm -200 and the Fig. 3. Magnetization I (H) curve showing surface pentagon density as a function of field n(H) forthe magnetic plumbite crystal. 800 1600 2VDV J200 H, oersteds lip(c) 6 W(1)/EWt(m)/A4P(v)/EWA(d) 9/0 42 &APM002672 SOURCE CODE: ItR/0126/65/020/006/093 AUTHOR: Shur, Ya. S.; Mishin, D. Dunayev, F. N.; Fleshchev, V. G. (06 ORG: Ural State University (Urallskiy gosuniversitet im. A. M. Gor'kogb)-` TITLE: Temperature-induced magnetic hysteresis in the high-coercivity alley Co-Pt - N - - . I _;- YY1 k SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 20, no. 6, 1965, 939-942 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic hysteresis, magnetic coercive force, temperature dependencef cobalt containing alloy, platinum containing alloy, magnetic structure ABSTRACT: Cyclic variation in the temperature of a ferromagnetic present in a weak magnetic field (compared with the magnitude of the coercive force) leads to an irre- versible change in the extent of its magnetization. This phenomenon is termed tem- Z) 44 perature-induced magnetic hysteresis-KTHH) and is due to the attendant reorgani- zation of domain structure. if the type of domain structure changes along with the temperature, irreversible processes of the displacement of domain walls also occur;. it is this that leads to TMH. It appears that marked inhomogeneities of magnetic structure, ;eflecting the heterogeneity of crystalline structure, should exist in the alloy So,-,1?t'1Jhen in high-coercive state: roughly an half of the alloy's volume is occupied by fine-disperse particles (30-50 A0j of the ordered phase separated by the disordered phase. This alloy displays a sharp temperature dependence of the ani- Card 1/3 unc, 538-991-23 Z b c I,gauss a 600, 0, 525. 02410- - _~x n-SOO P "0/0) H 600o e 600P 600, I/So 0 120 3 '0 15 - 60 30 /00~)e /Doop 0:;~ ~/00, 0 '0 .0 2 a ~~-~2~00 1206 0 'j,gauss d- e f :1200-- 60 60- 60- 40- .0 aoooe 0- 0 /0 J /00 be /00. ox ~000 P, 0 0 1,2 0,6 0,6 20 20o~ /00 200 JOOOCU~ /00 200 ICO~_'100 200 JOD IC .. ..... ....- Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of the magneti- zation of the Co-Pt alloy in various struc- tural states in the presence of the cyclic variation in temperature 20 320 20*C C3 ACd Nk: AP6002672 sotropy constant, which also should lead to a change in magnetic structure. Hence it may be assumed that such an alloy must display a marked THH. To verify this assump- tion cylindrical (length 2 cm, diameter 0.45 cm) specimens of Co-Pt allo -y,of equia- tomic composition were subjected to various types of heat treatmentl(q'u, enching,from 1000*C at 1.7 deg/sec, with or without tempering at 600 or 700*C for from 20 min to 3.5 hr). Observations of the course of magnetization in the presence of cyclic changes in temperature from 20 to 3200C and from 20 to 520'C (above Curie point) were per- formed by the magnetometric method, with the specimens placed in magnetic fields of 20, 100, 200, 400 and 800 oe. All the specimens displayed high values of TMH, as il- lustrated, e.g. by Fig. 1. The markedly inhomogeneous magnetic structure in the high- -coercivity Co-Pt alloy is present because the ordered-phase particles with a high anisotropy constant K are oriented in the easy directions. At the same time in the dis ordered phase with low K the spins will deviate from the easy directions and be align so as to reduce the density of magnetic charges within the ferromagnetic. With vari- ation in temperature, due to the strong temperature dependence of the ordered-phase K, the type of magnetic structure is altered. If this alteration occurs in the pres Ience of an external field, processes leading to the growth of resultant magnetization will- chiefly occur. These processes may be reversible or irreversible; it is the latter that lead to TMH. Orig. art. has: I table, 4 figures. -D 6 62 12, k; Sou-,"IE, CODA:.: U;VOO481GG1O30100G1l03011031! S Shm, Yn. S. n ov of PI-ySics, Acadciay Of Sciences, SSSR, (Institut fizilci O'all SS*z;'-.*'j Ural Sta-.;o Univort;i~ty- (Ui-al'-Slciy-----96~-dddrstvonnyy univorsitot) t"-.o domain structure Of mia-notoplizibite ZH-oport, All-Union Con- G;- -2."ysics of Ferro- and Antiferroma.-netisn, held 2-7 July 1965 in AN SSS.Z. !Lvestiya. Scriya lizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 6, 1966, 1030-1034 forro:-ag-notis-m, -magnetic domain structure, s-ingjq crystal, lead compou'ryl, ur-faxial crystal n technique to investigate the T".,D authors have cmploycd the powder patter d,ama-4r. szruczurc on the basal planes of P'OO'GFO'O crystals. The investigation was 3 because the theory of J.XacZer and II.Gcrporle (Ceckosl. J. Iraysics, 1311, NO. 152 (1031)) does not account for the ln-minnr donains with walls perpendicular to rmjnoz--4zi--L-' field that have been observed in uniaxial cobalt and magneto- ,P-Itz:,b"zo cryszals w,icn the magnotizin-- field is perpendicular to the easy MaGnetiza- -o,n axis; z1-.o acc-,niulation of nore experinental data is regarded as a necessary first stop toward the :improvement of the theory of magnetic switching in uniaxial crystals. Cord 1/2 -7 08759-0 7.'-c were 0.68 to 2.4 --m thick plazes with -areas from 20 to 30 nm2. The 1-1--tt-e-rns were observed or, cleaved faces, which required no further processing.I an-'--~o :; between the magnetizing field ard the hexagonal CPOO:Q axis could be de- wJ-Zhin -- 10, and the magnetizing field could be varied from zero to 20 kOe. 2o~..--Jor pat-,;orns were recorded in magnetizing -Cields of different strengths and at -n-:los G fro;-a 70 to 900. Seventeen powder pattern photographs are presented and lt- -'s concluded from the observed domain structures that magnetization in directions nearly perpendicular to an easy magnetization axis is effected '02. -- -;.-.azion and -rowth of nuclei of the new magnetic plinse. The mechanism of nucleus y io=:--tion, az,--* -rowth is discussed, but definite conclusions concerning that mechanism caz,r.o-z, bo drawn from the available data. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SU:3 ccn---: 2Q/ SUB;4 DATE: 00/ ORIG REP: 006/ OTU REP: 003 I !'(C) Sh ilryay'~Va 0. 1. Of Pilysics, Ac'-'C;Cr'IY Of Sciences, SSSR (Institut Xiziiki O-Z 4 CroSo- _Zj tically unJaxial single crystals with differ- All-Unlion Conference on the Physics of Forro- hold 2-7 July in Svordlovslc/ w*-N SSSa. lzvostiya. Scriya fizicheskaya, v. 30, no. 6, 19GG, 1012-1015 1321:"~ T2-S: resonance, zarignotic domain structure, lead compound, sin:~10 crystz-'! 1-- ordor to irvestigate t1ie influence of (10;-.ia:Ln structure on ferromagnetic! zho au"Lliors have ine.-isured the Ii.-gh freClUency absorption of magnoto- s~Jngle crystal;plntes at frequencies below the 36.9 k:51z Tho results Obtained with a 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.05 rrmi specimen out z:ic lacc~z:; to the hexagonal axis (which is the easy magnetization a-- ic ally uniaxial crystal) are presented. For the measurements the w.-s i:,ourntcd on the end wall of a cylindrical cavity, which was located X11 k-Leld Of an c1cctromaUict and was excited in the 11 mode. Before the me ure- i -0 - 112 as --c=s werc: --ade, either honoyco,-.,b or mazo type domain structures were produced in thei 0375~-67 - NR -16020123 by them to saturation in directions perpendicular or parallel ~o ~:"o lie I in fields L:,:! S a g on a 1 a x s . T! c.-;c domain structures were stable -u:) ZO 11 :~C-e an-' disappeared in f ields stron_,cr than 15 k0c. Constant frequency ab- curves %,:ore recorded in varying applied fields making different angles 0 h,:;xagonal axis. When 0 was 900 there were observed a strong absorption peal'. Ics (depending on the domain structure; az 2t~.G k3o ard t-ao or three subsidiary pea' wero t.l.-ce pealks in the case of honcycomb domains and two in the case of maze -,z fields between 7 and 11 k0o. As G was decreased the main resonance shift- sI-i2;:-'-,:Iy to-.-.rard lower. fields and the subsidiary peaks approached ench other, merg-I '41 ' Z. 0 -6 OaC!' ozher and finally witi-, the main peak. At 9 = 67 there was a I, ru-iona;ice poak, and no resonance was observed with 9