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Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400010004-5 TAI I C .La 0 S U R E PROPOSED C,I.G. DIRECTIVE PIAN FOR COORDINATION OFBIOGRAPHIC, INTELLIGENCE Memorandum by the. Director of Central Intelligence, with the Unan: mou.s oneu.rronco oi he Into tI C once Ac~vsory Bo~.rcl 1. Under the provisions of N.I.A, Directive No. 5 which charges the Director of Con3tra.l Intolligence with acting for the N ti.onal Intelligence. Authority ' in c.oordina.ting o.11 Federal foreign intelligence activities related to the national security, the following pia.n for coordination of Foreign Biographic Intel- ligence is n3u-iounced. 2. Categories of niogrn.phic i ersonalities C . Allocation of rj.Vinary rosponsibilitibs for reporting Biotrai74C Data, producing Biographic Intolligc.nce,. and main- taining comprehensive supporting files on various categories of personalities is made to the intelligence agencies rep- resented. on the I.A,B., in Tabular fore, below: Cn.te~ pries of Porsonolitios Political Cultural Sociological Economic Int,Orna.tiona.l Military (;Xrly) Arr?iy Air Force and Separate Air Force Naval (Navy Navy Air, or Fleet Air ~>.rr.,s j Scientific Intelligence Agencies of I~rirrL Rosponsib tli State Dept. Stato Dept, State Dept. State Dept. State Dept. W:.r Dept, Navy Dept. Each agency as jointly agreed or, in accordance with 'categories above, Enclosure Approved For Release-2002/06/1-8 : ,CtA-RDP84-00951 R000400010004-5 Approved For Releas S E C II H T :2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400010004-5 b. The allocation of responsibility within the various categories above is based upon insuring complete coverage of important individuals and minimizing unwarranted duplication of 'effort. However, in special instances where a personality in another category becomes of particular interest to 'any into 1.1igence agency, nothing in this directive prevents or restricts such agency from reporting and maintaining a biographic file on that individual, so as the departmental agency holding primary responsibility is duly informed., and is furnished with`the data necessary for its own file. c. Each intelligence; agency has the responsibility to produce ,!nd evaluate responsible Biographic Intelligence on personalities within its own categories of primary responsi- bil_ity for the other agencies requesting and authorized to receive some, or if desired, to make available the appropriate source material. In this connection, agencies will circulate to one another and. to CIG a list of qualified and security approved personnel authorized to engage in direct liaison. 3. Coorc:'.i.nation at foreign posts: a. The chief of Mission, or his delegated staff officer, of each, ontba.ssy, legction, or foreign post is charged with the overall responsibility for the coordination of biographic intelligence in his googrophicel area. To effect this co- orciina.tion he will: (1) Maintain a local coordinated biographic file on all important pergonalitlos. (2) Insure that all personalities in the above cate- Sories,arc being covered by biographic ,reports, and that the responsibility for such reports is delegated to de- ertmonta.L fie_Lcb reprosontatives so far as possible in a.ccorda.nce with the appropriate departmental primary responsibility listed above . SECRET Enclosure Approved-For Release 2002%0616 CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400010004-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400010004-5 S E C R B T (~} Insure that whenever one or more of the departmental intclligo.rico agencies arc not represented at a foreign, post, reporting on the appropriate categories of foreign personalitie=s of such ,gencies is delegated to the extent possible to other members of the staff, b. Field representatives of. each intelligence agency will be directed by their departmental agency to: (1) Cooperate in. the coordination measures for bio garaphic intelligence prescribed by the chief of mission. (2) Promptly enter into the local biographic file, all source .aterial and copies of biographic data reports on personalities within their own departmental categories of primary responsibility. (3) Enter in the local biographic file and bring to the attention of the appropri.ato representative any other biographic c~at^ or ma.teriral, of interest to the latter, which comes to their attention. (lk) Collect information and report. on :personalities other than within their own categories of pritaary re- sponsibility when directea by the chief of mission duo to the non-representation at the post of the agency of primary responsibility. (5)' Promptly forward to their hone office biographic reports rcfloct4ng thou source materials which have been collected and entered in. the local Biographic File from any source a?nci which fall into their departmental agency categories of primary interest, (Whenever the activi- ttes of personalities reported upon plaices or appears to place them in r.Iore than one category of primary responsi- bility, ooch interested field representative will forward to his hone office his own estimate. of the personality together with a reference to the report prepared by the other interested field representatives.) SECRET 'e -I c - 5 - .Enclosure Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400010004-5 Approved For Release 2002/06/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000400010004-5 SECRFT (6) Call to the attention of and mike available to the ch:i.of of mission and to the other field representatives a?li dirccti.ves and instructions on the subject of bio- gr~aphic intelligence which are received from their home office. (7) promptly forward to home offices other than their own biographic reports on personalities other than of their own interest for whom responsibility has been dele- ge.ted to them by the chief of mission, Standardization and use of biographic reporting forms a. For the present one form, to be called the Suismary Report Form, will be standa.trdiZOd and this to the extent that it contains the basic factual data on the top as shown in the Enclosure (Apponr1ix hereto).,. and is not over 8" wide and approximately 13" long. 5. a l The Director-of Central Intelligence' will undertake to exploit for the benefit of CIG and, the departmental agencies sourcbs of biographic information from government agencies not rop-ros6nted on the L B and will maintain such other. biographic files within CIG as he deeds necessary to comply with the President' a directive. b. -The' Central Intelligence Group will act, as a clearing house for foreign biographic, intelligence received from its own sources or from agencies of the goveri.le nt other than those represented on the I~,B will pass on the appropriate intelligence to the agency holding prir.mry responsibility therefor, 6. a . The Director of Central Intelligence will take the necessary measures to ascertain gaps in coverage of biographic intelligence and to undertake, remedial action therefor. 7< a. Departmental intellige.nee agencies will ilinnediatelyy is- sue such directives. to the field as will insure that this plan raa;y come into operation not later than 1 January l947. SECRET Enclosure c 7, Approved-.For Release 2002/0641-8 -reiPc-RDP8-4=00951 R000400010004-5