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SO V/ 12'G-6 -2 - _2 6 / ~4 Thermodynamical Derivation of Dynanic Suscept-ibill-i"., equilibriwia, usinE, the lineal, approxii,,iation and accordini -to (2) T ~~ 4- (a - a (T - T ) + a) (A - A (3) T 0 )A 0 ( TA rp 0 wl-_,~ere the z~,_iuilibriwr, values of the derivatives are found from, -jhe equation of state for the subsystem and IcT L (Za)Tj J_s the time of isotherm-ic internal relaxation. In this approximation 4 = cx(T - TO) (4) vihere a is the coefficient of thermal conductivity between the subsystem and the thermostat, and Q is the heat driven by the subsystem to the thermostat. UsinE well knovin ther-,nodvnamic relations and the linear Card 3/5 anr-roxi-ma-tion we find that SOV/126-6-2-26/34 Thermodynamical Derivation of Dynamic Susceptibility T0 (1A + (T - T _6T (5) 11a 0 Ca )a where C a is the thermal capacity of the system and = C (6) a a is the time of external relaxation at constant a. For A = const both external and internal relaxation takes place in the subsystem. The time of external relaxation at constant A can only be usefully introduced when the internal relaxation can be neglected. In the case of adiabatic isolation of the subsystem (a -~ 0), eliminating T-T from (5) and (3) we find that the adiabatic relaxRtion time for internal relaxation is Ts = T - Ca T CA Card 4/5 When A-Ao varies periodically with frequency w we find SOV/126-6-2-26/34 Theruodynamical Derivation of Dynamic Susceptibility using (3) and (5) that the dynamic "susceptibility" is Eiven by: + 'wTa A 1 + iw(T T+yTa)-w2Ta IrT There are Soviet references. (110-TE- This is a complete translation) ASPIOTATION: Urallskiy politek-hnicheskiy institutjUrallskiy filial AN SSSR (Ural Polytechnical Institute)Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc. USSR) SUBLIITTED: April 169 1956 Card 5/5 1. Thermodynamics-Mathematical analysis kj ~rn, AUTHOR: S I i,), D v , 50V/126-6-~3-29/32 TITLE: ~31 TTi _0 -2 al.11*c -)f 'R--, ProcP_.1-.z__'Cs in A ti 1 U v L.;isLo::ia_'z_1., s dopolnit- FERIODI~'A_'.: Fi7.i'.:a tall ov J_ 1`5L~) Vol G, Nr 3, PP 570-571 (U;3:]R) AB.3TRACT: Co-onside-_,, a system -c.-Kii-c-'a is characterised by t1ae te--.:iTleratare T~~eneralised force A a-d a co-ordinate a con~u,~L*al-e Uo it, and -_ is described by -he U equation of stuate, A AM a), as well as a certain addit- ional internal -~~a=detar 71 , --ah-ich in the equilibrium state of the syotem, is a function Df a and t , i.e., Tj = -q(a, t). 'We shall assume that the additional p-crameter Tj characterises a definite internal proDertuy of the system, for exam-ole, t1le den-ree of long- and short- range order, spontaneous ma=etisation or electrical polarisation, anti- lerroma--notic order, etuc. When the state of -he system chan:res ~%,ith bime the Dar--metuer Tj assumes a no-i-equilib- riu-..q value 71 / 71(a, T) as a result of which the syste-ir, as a -a1-i-,)le 3ill Da.,;s through non-equilibrilra states. We Card 1/9 shall ass~:lme t1iat, in a non--eauilibriurm state, the free SOV/126-6-3-2Q,/32 On the Thermodynia.~-.ic S,-E=y of Rclaxation Pi-ocesses in Systems witull Ad"'itional P.3--ameters eiier~~y of the system is F - F(T, a, 71) ahere F71 (T, a, -.0 / 0 (the subscript denotes differentiation with res~.-)oc-u to t1de corres-)ondins parameter). It follows that C.1 in a non- e (1ui librium 5tate of the sy~stem: A = -F a(T, a, TO (1) In an equilibriiii-i state: 71 (T, -q) Till (2) According tuo(Ref.1) the change in the entropy for a non- 7 eq-ailibriu.--L stuate of the system. is given by: TdS = dU + Ada - F 71 dTi Card 2/9 SOV/126-6-3-29/32 -t---~cesses in On the T'--aory .-Df' .3yste--2is wi-th Additional Paramete~os 17'riere U(T, a, rj) is the internal ar-er- Tae last item in Gy Eq.(3) describes t~ie nor;--equilibriLua part of t-',ie entropy cjllanr~e. From the e--z---aressior. for the increase of entropy, 0 - ilich is a direct of Eq.(3), i.e.: w T&~ T1 a-ave in t-:-ie of the ther-,iriodynamics of irreversible -;r--)cesses (Ref.2): Ij = -LF (T, a, 11) 1 (4) who-re the kine tic coe f f icient L > () since A~ >0 Eq.(4) holds for s:7,all deviations of the parameter Tj from its equilibriLL-a value and, in special cases, coincides with those used in (Ref.3). If one expands F T) into a series about ti-le position Of e(L-Uilibriucii and retains only linear ter-,s, one oblva-ins from Eqs.(4) and (2) an expression allich describes Card 3/9 ti-Le, -variutuion of Tj vii-th time: sov/126-6-3-29/32 On the Thermod,-;-namic Theory of Relaxation Processes in Syote-ms Addition--I Parar-aleters aT + 6a i(j,11)l (5) T aA2 1 where TaT = (IF T1 is zhe relaxatiDn ional parameter at const.-ant a and Uo sho-w7 starting .~iituh Eqs.k-1) and (2) condition, that with another choice of will hve the fo_~m: XY, * 11 + ATI =I-q)y AX + 617 (1-6-X (!yn)X time of the addit- T It is nossible and the adiabatic the variables, Ec,,,.(5) (6) where x and y are two arbitrary variables involvin.- T, a , A and the entropy S and 'rx-Y is the relaxatuion Card LI-IC) SOV1126---3-29/32 ,Cory 0l tb,, Tvncl~ci,10~1-7-fl T Tite on n,3 t r. r F, i-i onal Par--:1i .1 - ant -,,c and Y t co ovlin,-, _kdd u .-L u -L L> ra-;a~cter q C the f o1' ti-me of the pa nrlected by ,,I,-:-,ation tuir-les are co T f r6 ka T ,Tk73r-ATr( ~-Idw I aT kT k - T T T) a a (rT 31 a/ T c A.S aS -k La, T - ju T IT a - 1 -1 -,,a T TS qbk~ a' rp T- Ur-T)--77t( T TT o- the sYs-~,O`ll ,-Oecific heav -- vihere c and A, re the he SIYD- SYS-.-37'a at a are "Lie heats D:C t card 5/9 ~C' ~q and ~c ki u SG'1/126-6-3-29/32 U On the Thermodynamic Theory of Relaxation Processes in Systeas Additional Para-met-)rs c o ris 'U a n 'U a and A The latter t-,;io s-lecific hea-Us are associated wiil-h those de-rees of freedora ~Trhich are responsi-Ible 0 for the anijearance of properties characterised by the para- :,I~~ b-,~r il T'I'le quantities: [(LA IA - the contribution to: eaid determine )aj ,"'A due to these degrees of freedo::,i. \7 .ca T T, a VIhen the system is periodically disturbed at a frequency w vie iiave 'on calculating the dynamical derivatives, using I CD Eqs.(l), (2), (5) and (7) and the adiabatic condition: 1 + iWTYZ (8) (~Y) Z, W Z, 1 + iWT -Z where :-I, y, z are three arbitrary variables involving T, Card 6/9 SOV/126-6-3-29/32 On the Ther:,jaynamic Theory of R-,.~laxaU"--'I,-,--- Processes in Systerms with Additional Para:.-,eters a A mid 3 '.Tear the Curie point, using the -Uher--o- dynamic theory of transitions of U~he second kind, we have, accordin.- to L"hr-, above: ,r-yz 1 T~Kz ay T-C ) z where a. is the jump in (3yz~)z Oft: ) Z A generalization of the of -,arameters leads to bx )Z, C) =- (~xz n=-1 at the Curie 7Doint. above results to an arbitrary number the followin.-, result: 1 +- iW-C YZ n (10) + iWTxz n Card ?/9 SOV/126-6-3-29/32 On the Thermod,-fnamic Theory of Relaxation Proces:3cs in Sy-Ste:,,S ',-rituli Additional Parameters No,u the variation of 1 with -time cat-inot be characteriscd by a sinr':le rolaxation time, as .-;as the case with a sinr7-lo parameter, since the approach of -the 71n to their equili- brituin values, nn at constant x and y will be described by the follo-viing expression: t 0 Xz Txz Tin = 71n 4_~ A~je k n =~ 11 21 ... I NI k=l X xz where A;~,- are functions of T and the initial Card 8/9 SOV/126-6-3-29/32 On the Thermodynamic Theory of Relaxation Processes in 3jf3te.-P.3 -,,-;ith Additional Parameters conditions. There are no fi,:~:-urcs, and 3 Soviet references. 3 ASSOCIATION: Institut fizi1ci met--liov Ural'sko-o filiala AN SSSR U (Institute of PhYsics of Metuals of the Ural# Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: A-pril 16, 19-57. 1. ThermQdynamics--Theory 2. Thermodynamics--Mathematical analysis 3. Equa~dons of state--Applications 4. Phase transitions Card 9/9 AUTHOR: Shmatov- V. T~ SOV/126-6-6-3/25 TITLE. Internal Friction and Absorption of Sound in Systems with Auxiliary Internal Parameters (-Tnutrenneye treniye i pog.loshcheniye zvuka v sistemakh s dopolnitelInymi vnuturenn- imi parametrami) 1".EIRIODICAL: Fizi-ka metallov i metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, 11Tr G_ pp 984-993 (USSR) ABSTRACT, By an auxiliary internal parameter the author understands a quantity which describes an internal property of a system and is a function of state under eauilibrium conditions, When the system is perturbed the return of the aux-iliary in- Uernal parameter -q to its equilibrium value produces a lag, which appears as an inelastic effect: internal friction and absorption of sound. Internal friction may occur in systems where 71 is the degree of lonc--rancre order (Refs.1-5), in 1' substitutional (Ref.3) and interstitial (Ref.6) solid solut- ions, where -q is the degree of the predominant, distribution of atoms -produced by deformation, Internal friction may occu also in antiferromagnetics where i1 is the degree of anti- Card 1/4 SOV/126-6-6-3/? Internal Friction and Absorption of Sound in Systems with Aw.,i?iary .Internal Parameters ferromagnetic order. Internal friction can be er-pected also LD in ferroma-neties, ferrites, ferroelectrics and piezo-elect- rics, in which -q is, respectively, the spontaneous magnet- ization, sDontaneous and forced electric polarization. In internal friction occurs in systems with an auxil- iary parameter whose change is accompanied by perturbation of the system and in which perturbation of the system alters the value of the auxiliary parameter. On propagation of sound in a system with an auxiliary internal parameter, local variations in the state of the system will produce relaxat- -ional absorption of sound,since the system as a whole will pass through non-equilibrium states. Such absorption of sound occurs in liquids and in multiatomic gases. The author calls acoustic absor-otion in solids - internal friction, and acoustic absorption in gases and liquids - absorption o~ sound. The paper gives a thermodynamic theory of internal friction and relaxational absorption of sound in systems with auxilia- ry internal parameters, Formulae are given for the magnitude of internal friction and values of the velocity and the co- efficient of absorption of sound in such systems. Near the Card 2/4 point where a II-type phase transition occurs (if the latter SOV/126-6-6-3/25 Internal Friction and Absorption of Sound in Systems with Auxiliary Internal Parameters is due to the existence of an auxiliary internal parameter) a relationship is found between discontinuities of elastic ,rioduli and the value of internal friction, as well as a re- lationship between discontinuities of the square of sound velocity and the value of the coefficient of absorption of sound, It was found that internal friction and absorntion of sound reach their maximum values near the Curie point. The results obtained for internal friction and absorption of sound are of a rxeneral character and do not depend on the C) Card 3/4 SOV/126-6-6-3/25 Sorpt4on Lr interr -al Friction and Ab of Sound in Systems with Auxiliary Intjernal Parameters nature of the This paper is 6 of which are ASSOCIATION: Institut (Institute of USSR) auxiliary internal parameters of the system. entirely theoretical, There are 13 references, Soviet, 2 German and 5 English. fiziki metallov Ural'sko-o fi liala. AN SSSR 0 Metal Physics, Ural Branch. Academy of Sciences SUBMITTED: June 18, 1957. Ca2d 4/4 SWIVITOV, V. SOV-3-58-9-25/36 AUTHOR: Piguzov, Yu,V,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Moscow In- stitute of Steel imeni I.V. S'Lalin TITLE: Relaxation Phenomena in Pure Metals and Alloys (Relaksatsion- nyye yavleniya v chistykh metallakh i splavakh) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1958, Nr 9, PP 72-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From 2-4 April 1958, an Intervuz Conference on the'Relaxation Phenomena of Pure Metals and Alloys" took place at the Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Institute of Steel). The conference was attended by 196 representatives of 24 higher educational institutions and 31 scientific-research institu- tes (including 8 institutes of the USSR AS),,from 13 cities of the Soviet Union. Doctor K. Mishek of the Prague In- stitute of Technical Physics and Den Ge Sen of the Pyongyang State University were also present. S.I. Filippov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Steel,,opened the conference. A reviewing report was delivered by B.N.Finqkelishteyn [Fftia-l in *smw lretitube~ of Stee2). V.T. Shmatov (Institute of Physics of the USSR AS in Sverdl~vsk) and N.S. Fastov (~Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chdrnoy metallurgii (TsNIIChM) .GAxdga*- Central Scientific-Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) reported on "Application of the Thermodynamics of An-Balenced Conditions." AUTHORS: Skrotskiy, G. B., Shmatov, V. T. SOV/5~-34-3-32/55 TITLE: On the Thermodynamical Theory of Resonance z7aid Relaxation Phenomena in Ferromagnetics (K termodinamicheskoy teorii rezonan5nykh i relaksatsionnykh yavleniy v ferromagnetikakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1956, Vol. 34, Nr 3, Pp. 740-745 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present work shows the following: Using the thermo- dynamical method of irreve-.'sible processes equations for the time change of the magnetization taking into account the spin-spin relaxation and the spin-lattice relaxation can be obtained on very general and simple conditions . Furthermore the influence of the spin-lattice relaxation on the phenomena of ferromagnetic resonance are discussed. The system of spin-moments responsible for the magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic substances can, from the thermodynamical point of view of be separated into on own sub-system with the temperature T(spin-system). The Card 1/4 residual degrees of freedom of the complete system are On the Thermodynamical Theory of Resonance and Relaxation -,%V/56-34-3-32/55 Phenomena in Ferromagnetics here considerad analogously to the thermodynamic theory of paramagnetic relaxation (K~ Gorter, Ref 4) as a thermostat the temperature T0 of which is in this work regarded as constant. It can be shown that the last mentioned condition will only slightly become manifest in later given conclusions, and one can also easily free oneself of this condition. The processes of the spin-spin relaxation and of the spin-lattice relaxation in general take place commonly, and they are also connected with each other. In the case of a sufficiently fast change of the field strength f? the sub-system of the spin moments will be in e non-equilibrium state. The temperature T of the sub-system and the magnetization M do not satisfy the equation of state. In order to take into account the internal relaxation the author puts down an expression for the change of the entropy of the non-equilibrium state of the subsystem: TdS - dU-9d1T + (H H dM Card 2/4 On the Thermodynamical Theory of Resonance and Relaxation Phenomena in Ferromaonetics SOV/56-31;-~-.~2!55 U denoting the internal energy of the subsystem. For the change of the enerey in the subsystem it /dt T d 6 S/dt = (H--' - dM is found. An equation describes the time modification of magnetization which is dependent on the gyroscopic properties of the magnetic moment and the process of the spin-spin relaxation. The characteristic feature of the isothermal and adiabatic changes of state are shortly shown. Then an expression for the amount of heat do, is put down which is transferred from the spin system to the lattice during the time dt. The specific heat of the spin system is so great that a radiofrequency field with small amplitude cannot noticeably raise its temperature. Therefore the spin-lattice relaxation has only an un- important effect and practically escapes observation. The spin-lattic relaxation is neglected in the further con- siderations. At temperatures far from the Curie point Card 3/4 (T < 0 ) the external f4 eld 10 does practically not change on the Thermodynamical Theory of Resonance and Relaxation Phenomena in Ferromagnetics SOV56-34-3-32/55 ASSOCIATION: SUBMI-TEMi he amount of the vector of spontaneous magnetization = its, but only its direction. The ferromagnetic i resonance is in weak fields very insensitive to the detailed form of the equations used for its description. The one or other form of the equations must only then be preferred ahen non-linear effects are observed. There are 11 references, 7 of -..hich are Slavic. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Ural Polyteciinical Institute) October 18, 1957 Curd 4/4 SHWOVY V. T., Candidate Phys-Mth sci (diss) -- "Cn the theinodyw-mic tj--eory of rolaxation phenomena in SYstems vith Supplementary parameters". Sverdlafsk, 1959. 8 pp (Min Higher Educ URSP, LTral State U im A. M. Gor'kiy), 120 copies (KL, No 22, 1959, 109) /?. J? A 0 0 66606 AUTHOR: Shmatov V.T. SOV/139-59-3-28/29 TITLE: On the Papers of V.S. Postnikov on the Theory of Internal Friction in Metals at High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly, Fizika, 1959, Nr 37 PP 174-175 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Postnikov (Refs 1, 2) proposes a theory of internal friction in metals at high temperatures. According to Postnikov internal friction is due to directed migration of vacancies in a field of stresses produced by extension and torsional vibrations of the sample. The present author criticizes in detail Postnikov's formulae, for the following reasons. (1) Postnikov assumes that a uniform elastic stress a in a sample (due to the weight of the system producing torsional vibrations) both lowers and increases the energy of formation of vacancies Ull which is impossible since in this case only one effect may occurg either an increase or a decrease of Ul (cri is a,scalar component of a tensor). In addition to this erroneous assumption, Postnikov takes the equilibrium number of vacancies n t- be given by Card 1/4 66606 SOV/139-59-3-28/29 On the Papers of V.S. Postnikov on the Theory of Internal Friction in Metals at High Temperatures The mechanism suggested by Postnikov for internal friction due to motion of vacancies is physically inconsistent. It is known that directed motion of vacancies in a field of elastic stresses is possible only when that field has a gradient, For the above two reasons, Postnikov's formula for the amount of energy scattered by elastic vibrations in a sample, given by Eq (1), and his formula for internal friction, given by Eq (13), are both in error. The physical meaning of the coefficient of proportionality a which is very important in internal friction, is not given at all. (3) kt the end of his second paper (Ref 2) Postnikov discusses relationship between the rate of diffusion creep and internal friction. Here again the same error is committed: forced diffusion of atoms is considered "in the direction of action of Ci stresses" and such diffusion does not in fact occur. It is known that forced diffusion of atoms in that sensa can be produced only by a gradient of elastic stresses and not by Card an elastic-stress field itself. It follows that 3/4 re Postnikov's results on creep and internal friction a ,~ 66606 SOV/13 9 -59-3-428/2Q/ On the Papers of V.S. Postnikov on the Theory of Internal Friction in Metals at High Temperatures also untenable. It is quite likely that internal friction in metals at high temperatures is related to vacancies but an interpretation different from that of Card Postnikoir is required to explain the facts. 4/4 There are 2 Soviet references- This is a slightly-abridged translation. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Metal Physics Institute, Ac. Se. USSR) LIK SUBMITTED: March 31, 1959 67708 -1UTHOA. ~,hmatov, V.M-. ~-10V/126-7-3-1/44 2 in Substitutional On the The ory of Internal Fri ct ia and Interstitial Solid Solutio s lli~ Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, PP 321-330'(USSR) In Ref 1 the present author has derived formulae for the in-1U-e:aia1 friclion for systemc; .-iith additional parameters on the basis of general thermodynamic ideas. In the special caZe of a sin,-,;le additional parameter the inte.raal frict-ion in an isoth-xrmal -Dre~ess is given by ;~q (1), where w is the frequency, r is the relaxation time of the additional parameter at constmt' U '4cfoi~mation (e) and tef-'werature (T). The degree of - i-elaxation of the isotherm, 1 elastic modulus A ma-v be redUCed ~.o the form Given by Eq (2), where El is the non-relaxin6 part of the modulus (Ref 1) and (1/E)" is the addition to the value o-F' Mrie reciprocal modulus due to degrees of freedom associated with the existence of an additional parameter. In solid substitutional solutions and alloys -~,iith long--ra-nn,e order these X Card 1 /4 additional -Parameters are the de~,ree of -oreferred 0 - LI 67708 '30V/126-7-3-1/44 on the Theor-j of Internal 2riction in ~_.'ubstitutiortal and Inter.,~titiul -,,'olid 3olutions diuuribut_~on of thc: substituted atoms and the degree cif loni,-ranSe order respectively. if (TV0,ij) is the non-equilibrium thermodynamic DotentialT, then in e cuilibrium: ~) _q (T~ 0 (3) and hen,~e one can obtain the additional parameter -n as a function of a and T (Eq 4). If Eq (5) is differentiated_~;wice with respect to 0 one obtains Eq (6), where MMO is the eQuilibrium thermodynamic potential and 1/E'. A comparison of Eqs (3) and II~q M-and it then follows from Eq (6) that is given by Eq (8). If the identity given by -L!Ici (5) is differentiated twice with respect to temperature, then using Eq (7) one obtains the expression for t-he specific heat due to degrees of freedom associated 0 Card 2/4 'ith the existence of the additicaal -oarameter which is given by Eq (9). A combination of Eqs (8) and (9) gives 67708 S OVA, 2C-)-?--3--L'/44 On -chlo. Theor y of Internal FriQtioa Jn Substijutional and Interstitial Solid Solutions correct. Instead,the relaxation time given by Eq of the present paper should be used. U - f2here are 1 figure and. 25 references, 11 of which ..~)oviet, 8 English, .3 German and 3 Inte-Pnational. A.860CIATION: Institut fiziki metaliov AN SSSR Physics of i-..,,eta1s,Ac.Sc., USSR) April 25; 1958 (29) are (Insti-uute of Card 4/4 _~ Q ;?-j 00 67751 19 60 sov/!26-8-5-3/29 AUTHOR; Shmatov, V.T. I TITLE: Relaxational Absorption of Ultrasonic Waves in Ferromagn_qLi.qsjk PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 81 1959, Nr 5, pp 667-670 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Using the thermodynamic -theory of relaxation phenomena (Refs 1, 2), formulae are obtained for the absorption coefficient and the dispersion of ultrasonic waves in ferromagnetics. For longitudinal vibrations, the com lex velocity of sound of frequency t,,~ is given by Eq M (Refs 2, 8), where Co is the usual Laplace velocity of sound, .)raS and -reS are the relaxation times for the degree of ferromagnetic order y at constant stress a, deformation 6) and entropy S. Using this expression, it can be shown (Refs 1, 3) that the velocity of sound and the absorption coefficient are given by Eqs (2) and (3). The degree of relaxation of the adiabatic Young's modulus can be written in the Card form given by Eq.(4), where ET is the isothermal 115 Young's modulus) E'T is the non-relaxing part of Young's modulus, i.e. that part of the modulus which 67751 SOV/126-8-5-3/29 Relaxational Absorption of Ultrasonic Waves in Ferromagnetics does not include the contribution due to ferromagnetic order, ca and k,-, are the specific heats, and cla and cl, are the specific heats not including the effect of ferromagnetic order. Since the ratios of the moduli and the specific heats are close to unity, Eq (4-) may be replaced by Eq (5), where WET)" is the contribution of the ferromagnetle order to the magnitude of the reciprocal of the isothermal Young's modplus. The second term in Eq (5) is of the order of .10-4 and hence the degree of relaxation will be determined by the first term only. It is clear from Eq (3) that -when W-tcS = 11 the absorption of sound will have a resonance character. The degree of relaxation of the isothermal Young's modulus can be expressed in terms of the degree of ferromagnetic order using Eq (6) which was obtained by the present author in Ref 10, where c"a is the additional specific heat due to the existence Card of ferromagnetic order. Using the Weiss theory (Ref 3)~ 2/5 one has Eq ( 7) , and hence Eq (8) , where G) is the Curie temperature, k is Boltzmann's constant7-and N is the number of uncompensated spin moments per unit volume . L4/ 67751 SOV/2-26-8-5-3/29 Relaxational Absorption of' Ultrasoni-- Waves in Ferromagnetics As can be seen from Eq (8), the degree of relaxation, and hence the absorption of sound at frequencies given by #,WES1 increases with increasing temperature and reaches a maximum at the Curie point at which Eq (9) holds. If the ferromagnet is placed in an external magnetic field H, then instead of Eq (7) one has Eq (10) (Ref 3), where & is the Bohr magneton. Hence, using Eq (6) one finds that in this case the degree of relaxation is again given by Eq (8) but now the degree of ferromagneti,3 order is a function of the external field7 and hence the degree of relaxation is determined not by the spontaneous magnetization but by the true magnetization. However, the increase in the magnetization due to the external field is small and does not play an important part in a wide range of fields and temperatures. The effect of the external field need only be taken into account near the Curie point. The shortcoming of the Weiss theory is the fact that it Card neglects ferromagnetic order at short distances. if 3/5 this approximation is removed,, one obtains (Refs 3, LO instead of Eq (7) the expressions given by Eqs (11) and 67751 3OV/126-8-5-3/29 Relaxational Absorption of Ultrasonic Waves in Ferromagnetics ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Aca4_qmy._of- 6ciences USSR) SUal'ITTED: January 19, 1959. e This is an abridged translation. Card 5/5 311M&TOV, Y.T.; GRINI, A.V. Mechanism of the occurrence of internal friction imvurities peak. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 8 no.6:829-833 D 159. (MIRL 13: 6) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (Internal friction) (Alloys-Metallograpby) 67657 SOV/126-8-6-4/24 AUTHORS: ShS~~~ ~ and Grin', A.V. TITLE: The Mechanism of Formation of an Impurity Peak of Internal Friction P PERIODICAL:Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 6, pp 829-833 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In polycrystalline pure metals only one internal friction peak is observed at high temperatures. Since such a peak is absent in monocrystals of pure metals, its appea a ascribed to relaxation at the grain boundaries.1v hen impurities are introduced into pure metals, an additional internal friction peak appears; it is known as an impurity peak. From the systematic investigations of this impurity peak, carried out by several workers (Ref 1 to 5), the authors draw the following general conclusions: (1) Even small amounts of impurity (0-03 atomic %. Ref 3) may produce an impurity peak of internal friction. (2) On increase of the impurity concentration the impurity- peak height generally rises but in certain alloys it reaches a maximum and then falls or even disappears completely (Ref 6) at higher impurity concentrations. Card 1/3 (3) The activation energy of relaxation processes 67657 SOV/126-8-6-4/24 The Mechanism of Formation of an Impurity Peak of Internal Friction responsible for the impurity peak is close to the activation energy of diffusion of atoms, provided the impurity concentration is sufficiently great. (4) With increase of the impurity concentration the internal friction peak due to relaxation at the grain boundaries (observed in pure polycrystals) is depressed and may disappear altogether (Ref 1 to 3, 6). (5) The impurity peak is found only in polycrystals and not in monocrystals and consequently, just like the peak observed in pure polycrystals, it is due to processes occurring at the grain boundaries. (6) The magnitude of the impurity peak is only slightly affected by the change in the mean grain dimensions (it falls gradually with increase of these dimensions; Ref 3 and 6). In contrast, the relaxation time related to the impurity peak depends strongly on the mean grain dimensions, rising rapidly with increase of the latter. The experimental observations summarized in the above six points can be explained as follows. Impurities are concentrated predominantly at the grain boundaries becaus Card 2/3 the energy of distortion by an impurity atom is lower at IV 67657 SOV/126-8-6-4/24 The Mechanism of Formation of an Impurity Peak of Internal Friction the grain boundary than inside the grain. Elastic deformation which alters this distortion energy would either favour or obstruct accumulation of impurity atoms at the grain boundaries. Consequently if such deformation is varied periodically the impurity atom concentration at the grain boundaries will also vary periodically. If elastic deformation alternates sufficiently rapidly the changes of the impurity concentration will not manage to follow elastic deformation and this will, of course, lead to dissipation of elastic energy, ie to an impurity peak at appropriate frequencies. The authors discuss this mechanism mathematically and show that it explains satisfactorily the experimental data summarized in the points (1) to (6) above. The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 4 English and 2 international, ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Metal Physics Institute,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1959 Card 3/3 /'q TO V V. T. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5305 Moscow. Institut stali Relaksatsionnyye yavleniya v metallaldh i splavakh; trudy Me.zhvuzovskogo soveshchaniya (Relaxation Phenomena in Me!tals and Alloys; Transactions of the Inter-Inst.i.tute Conference) Moscow., Metallurgizdat, 1960- 326 p. Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya RSFSR and Moskovskiy institut stali imeni I.V. Stalina. Ed. (Title page): B.N. Finkellshteyn; Ed, of Publishing House: Ye.I. Levit; Tech. Ed..- A.I. Karasev. PLJRPOSE -: T~iis collection of articles is intended for personnel in scientific insti- tutions and schools of higher education and for physical metallurgists and physicists specializing in metals. It may also be useful to students of these fields. COVERAGE: The collection contains results of experimental and theoretical inves- tigations carried out by schools of higher education and scientific research 705 Relaxation Phenomena In Metals (Cont.) SUV/5' institutions in the field of the relaicatidn ~ phenomena in metals and alloys. Several articles are devoted to the investigation-by the Internal-friction method-.-.Ait uti, t -,~i 7 IA "nc -ctra and lialochromism of Di-(2-dimethylamino- S/079/60/ 030/04/7 0/060 ;'YI-._d,,I) thane BOOl/BO1 1 d,.c:_.qvative on the methane bond, and 2) by oxidation of this compozind into the corresponding carbinol and subsequent salt formation re_actioxi~ In order to establish the true cause giving rise to the formation of the co-10-r- ation, the authors made a spectrophotometric investigation of this phencrien,-n. The determination of the absorption spectra of alcoholic and sulfuric acid oolations of 2 -dime thy lamino-5 -pyridyl carbinol; of di-(2-direthylami;n')-r- pyrid~l)-carbinol and di--(2-diriethylaraino -pyridyl)-methane revealed that th= -5 absorption spectrum of the acid solution of the first COLI-OtInd (Flua I) ~Iif__ fers little from the one of its alcoholic solution, whereas for the sec,--;nd compound (r.ig, 2) there is a considerable difference between the curves, of the acid and the alcoholic solution, There is a considerable difference R-1-so beti,een the curves of heterocyclic methane derivative (Fie. 3), Thusi the ,:)ccurrence of a red coloration on the dissolution of the above methane in h.:A sulf'tiric acid is to be explained by the formLtion of a dipyridyl carbor.-Jum sa-l-', (1;~st scheme). There are z, fig"re.s ,--nd lit references, & of which ar;~ Soviet. ASSOCIATION: KharIkovskiy t-asudarstvennyy univeraitet (Kh_ar`ko-v State University) Card 2/3 MAMONTOVSKIY, Ivan Aleksandrovich; Sf 'I~WEVKA, Semen Matveyevich;. KLOKOV, B.K., nauchn. red.; SOROKINA, M.I., red.; NEa',YSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red. [Mechanization of winding, insulating~ and stamping operations in the manufacture of asynchronous motors] Mekhanizatsiia obmotochno-izoliatsionrqkh i shtampo- vochnykh rabot pri proizvodstve asinkhronrjykh elektro- dvigatelei. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 109 p. (MIRA 17:1) Category USSR/Optics Physical optics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No 24oo Author Klimovskaya, K.L., Vishnevskiy, V.N., Sbana evskiy, V.Ye. Title On the Glow of Hydrazide of Tti-aminophthalic Acid Orig Bib Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz. 1954, 18, No 6, 694-695 Abstract No abstract K-5 KLIMOVSKAYA, L.K.; S124AYLTSKIY, V.Ye. I - Investigation of chemiluminsacefide. Dop. ta pov. Llviv. un. no.5. pt.2:78-79 '55- (VT.RA 9:10) (Luminescence) SM4AYEVSKIY, V.Ye. . . - -DliYii9l-fru8tuations of Ca/Cb in wheat. Dop. ta pov. Llviv.un. nji;6 pt 2:67-68 155. (MIRA 10:3) (wheat) (Chloropby-ll) Sfh!AYEVSKIY, V-Yo.~ YASIPISKAYA, A~A., Using the direct current bridge for measuring the electric conductivity of ore minerals on the site, I-Iiln.sbor. no.14: 371-373 760. (JAJRA 15.2) 1. Gosudar6tvenn-yy universitet imeni Ivana Franko., Lvov. (14inerals-Electric properties) .-)O-IQ ~ ~ -L, 1/ 0 11/002/0 22/0 25 ~/_3 3 9 S-/ // .9 3 E'O _7 3/ E 3 - 5 AUTHU1,16 G.L J.'k e 1,a V~ Ye, and Vadets, D. 1. 'PIT LE, - oi tiie Iseudobinary Section ZnSb-CdSb by thp. Debye Method I'L1116L)ICAL J-'i-6jka iwitallov i m(italiovedeniyej 1961, Vol. 11, No. '21, jqj~ 311 - '~13 TEXT . Tilic p~icudobinary section bets%reen the two semiconductor co%i1jounds ZnSb and CdSb contains a number of semiconductor alloys (Refs. 1. 2)~ Only the extreme compounds of this section have been investigated by X-ray structural analysis, namely, tkie compounds ZnSb and CdSb (K.E., Almin, Acta chem.scand~g 1946, 2, 400 - Rel, 3)~ The work described in this paper is a fXrSt attempt to apply X-ray btructural analysis for investi- gatin-, the entire -3ection under coiisideration- As starting materials 99-()()9 ana: 99,99~u Sb .,.rere used,, According to spectrum ailaiysis the Cd iias the following: admixtureslb thousandths 5o; Cu tenths '5.-. Ag hundredths 5o and Ca tenths '/a, The materials Were 'treighed with an accura.-.y of I mg and mixed in the ratios enumerated Ln Table I ktile Second and t1ii-rd columns give the Card 1/7 !-,/126/61/011/002/022/025 lavestigation of E073/E335 composition III III(Ac!CtIlar totix Eli and fifth columns in weight ~J Fu.4Lon wa:i carried otit in porcelain crucibles in an electric nitifile f'urn-tce under a flu-: consi tin o mixture S g f a of KC1 and NaCi. The inelt was intensively mixed with a graphite rod and then Leemed in an iron mould, Liotuogenisation was effected in sealed pyrex ajiipules (,these were first evacuated to lo to 10 Mill 11g.) and following that for 100 hours at 2110-~~70 0C~ Fr(-,::: the horiogen-ised alloys powder was produced 0 wha.c~i was tempered in evacuated sealed glass ampules at 200 C for ~O hokir.~i, whLch were then allowed to cool down with the furnace, From the thus-produced powder. 0.9 mw dia. cylindrical specimens were produced, The investigation was by means of j;: (URS-70) apparatu6I 11hins copper radiation without a filters A -,/olta-ge of 35 kv~ 11 curretiL intensity of 12 mA were applied to the tube, the exposure time being 7 hours. The chamber diaincter was 66 inin, Under equal conditions, X-ray patterns oi the starting components were produced. The distance between idenLical lines of the diffraction patterns Card 2/7 Il,'073/E335 ij..'.restigilt loll Of . . . . ct~,* Tall (;OCT"!u 06paMa, nec. ,JO.ICK. Vu o6pa=ll Z119b CdSb Z.,Sb CdSh_ ZnSb' CdSb IGO 12,2 Io 20 7612 2 3 's ' 80 14 9 ~ 4 70 35 6 59.7 U,3 5 6 40, ~~ 5-1.5 4 49 45 -,5 - 0 , 44,4 515.6 3 - 55 39,5 ' 9 -1. ) 2 65 40 G5 69,9 I 1 35 70 30 25,5 74,5 3 83 12 so 20 16,7 , s 91 ,3 14 10 go 8,2 ' No 15. Iro C;ird 3/7 s/126/61/011/002/022/025 Table 2: Tadnitan 2 3tin citito nocionimbix PCWQTKI(, KX o~:P=a 1 6,145 7,715 7,805 370,085 2 6,170 7,750 7,695 377,470, 3 .6 190 7,785 1 7,945 383,060' 4 6: 23 0 7,840 7,965 389,235 5 6.245 7,865 7.99b .392,915 6 6.250 7,910 8.0,15 397,79b 7 6,290 7,970 8,070 404.690 8 6,295 7,975 8,075 405,460 9 6,310 8,005 8,110 409,660 10 6,310 7, 985 8,100 40S,045 I 1 5,330 5,053 8,135 414,620 12 6 ~.Io 8, 065 8,155 417,035 3 6 375 : 8,125 8,195 424,3c)5 4 G,.-.CO 8,175 8,240 431.090 15 5,415 8, 200 8,255 434,210 C, I rd "1/7 20219 s/i2t,)/61/011/002/022/025 Investigatiult of E073/E335 was mea-surcd with an accuracy up to G~ I nim. The relative iiitensitv (--)f Ulir, iiijes was Gleterinined visually by means of a lo-unit scale, i'ecordiiig (identilication) of the X-ray diff- raction patterns oj_ ZnSb azid CdSIj was by the method of selection. Ttle Obtai'lled 11 It III ILlklice~~ did not cwradict tile conditions of extinctiorl ior the space group D, h -1.) bca No Cd, Zn and Sb Linf!s were detected oil tile X-ray diffraction patterns. Comparison of tjit~ X-ray diffraction patterns of ZnSb and CdSb with those of iMerii,,ediate alloys ha-s- shown 'hat throughout the entir(! SeCLIon tile structure of triese alloys does not change artt-I the saTac applies to the space group, This fact enabled choosing indices for the diffraction patterns of the alloys of Eli,.! critire ZnSb-CdSh section on the basis of the ratio of' the ixiterisitie~s ui the lines and the interplane distances.. The lattice constants a, b. c were calculated by the wethod of* least squares on the basis of general indices for all tile alloys starting from C-,. = 25* . The calculated lattice consLazits and the determined volume of the elenientary ceil for all the alloys are entered in Table 2 Card 5/7 6/126/61/011/002/022/025 Inve s t:L gra t i o a o I E073/E335 ( la t t i r- e C C, 11 S La 11 t. kx) I'lle, accuracv of the determinations was, 0,005 kX., TIJQ obtaiiLed 3:-e-sulls, presented in plots as functions oi tilie lattice parameter ; Fig. l,and of the elementary volume . Fig. 2 , on the CdSb concentration (molec%), are curves witn , hardiy noticeable bend for a concentration of about j(-: Zn.,~b- Tlt-t5 leads to the assumption of a proce-9-9 of orticring of the so-Lid solution, 'rherc- are. 2 t igures , ~2 tables and i references 2 Soviet aiiti I ixon -6ovie t , ASSOCIATJuN~ L N-ov-ikiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ini Iv. Franko (1-:vov State University iin- Iv- Franko) 6UBI,JTTED~ June 27. i960 Card b/7 S/165/62/007/003/006/015 ,.e_-.moeIect-.JLc and electrical ... D299/D301 decreased with increasing temperature; 6 first decreased and then s-,rted to increase. The effect of the heat treatment on the properties cf srecimens, is shown in graphs. From the temperature dependence 3f t~-.e srecimens it is i)ossible to determine tile dependence of .--.-and ~-k on ation of t*, c ~"C e 11-1. r ne components at various temperatures. With ;0 Cd"b, %, -.1 . orderinC; of the solid solution takes place a' temperatures uve of the temDera'ure-dependence curves, obtained it COMPLIXISOr. autillorsy with those obtained by other investigators, shows that I.e Drocedure used in the present investigation yields a higher degree 0 order-Jrg. This is also confirmed by the sharper extrema of the curves ~as compared to those 'in the references). There are 4 figures, 1 table arka 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to -1.,e En~,114s'n-lan6-uage publication reads as follows: K. Toman, j.Phys, and Cne.-.. Solids, 1 1 , no. 3-4, 2, 1959 - .1SSOC-_.,TIOII: LIvivs1kyy derzhuniversytet im. Ivana Franka (LIviv State- University im. Ivan Franko) August 206, 1961 Card 2/12 ACCESSION NRs Ap4oo9393 S/0126/63/016/006/0941/0943 AUTHORSt Shmayevskiyj V. Yes; Mikolaychuk., A. G. TITLEt Electrical conductivity and structure of thin ZnSb-CdSb film SOURCEt Fizika metallov J metallovedeniye, v. 16, no. 6. 1963) 941-943 TOPIC TAGS: thin film,, film, metal fi-Im, ZnSb CdSb thin film, thin film structure,, thin film electrical conductivity, electron diffraction photograph,, film electron diffraction pattern., ZnSb CdSb electron diffraction pattern, MM 4 megohm meter,, MVU 49 bridge ABSTRACT: This work was carried out in order to study the structure of ZnSb-CdSb films and the relation of electrical conductivity to temperature in this material. I These thin films were vacuum-precipitated on a series of cold glass, chemically cleaned plates. The electrical conductivity of the precipitated metal layers was measured in air with the use of a MVU-49 bridge and a M14-4 megohm-meter. The results obtained are presented in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 of the Snelosure. It was established thatt 1) the relation of electrical conductivity of films to metal concentration was similar to that of massive polycr7stalline samples; 2) in all 1/1';- _70-71 - 7 ACOMSION NR: AP4009393 the varieties of metal concentration studied here., electrical conductivity in- creased with the increase in temperature; 3) high conductivity observed in the 1,.,-samples rich in CdSb was explained by a partial decomposition of this compound (during the precipitation process) into the components Cd and 5b; 4) the electron diffusion patterns obtained immediately after the metal precipitation had diffused lines- this was explained by a certain degree of structural disorderliness (the lines became well defined again after the samples were heated at 120-150C for 30 min); 5) the structure of thin films was of the type ZnSb. The lattice parameters decreased with the increase in ZnSb concentration; 6) the structure of CdSb was studied in order to check the possibility of its decomposition (into Cd and 5b) during precipitation. No lines corresponding to Cd or Sb were observed. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Llvovskiy ordena Lenina gosuniversitet im. I. Franko (L'vov State University) SUB!-aTTED t 23Feb63 DATE ACQt 03Feb64 EINGLt 01 SUB GODSt ML NO REF SOVs 013 OTHERs 005 Card i r