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Approved For Release 20001, ! lA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 (3d draft, OCR Hi story) Contents 1. Introduction II. Background Through 1952 A. Previous Histories B. Basic OCD Functions C. OCD Organization III. Consolidation Programs, 1953-1957 A. Organizational Changes B. Systems Improvements C. Additional Services 1. Security Classification for Documents 2. Cables, briefings and debriefings 3. Bureau of Customs 4. Branch Libraries 0. Participation in Special Surveys 1. Working Group on Information Handling 2. Clark Committee 3. Inspector General's 1956 Survey IV. Transition, 1957-1958 A. Report of the Library Consultants B. Changes in OCR Management C. New Look at the Library Consultants' Report Approved For Release 20 -RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/RVSIE?IA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Contents, contd.) -2- D. OCR Changes Attributable to Consultants' and Task Team Findings E. Early OCR Interest in Computers F. Other OCR Activities, 1957-1958 V. Collection of Intelligence Materials A. OCO in 1953 1. Liaison Division 2. Foreign Publications Procurement Program 3. Graphics Register 4. Biographic Register B. Requirements Coordination C. Collection Activities 1. Direct Collection 2. Indirect Collection 0. Summary VI. Processing of Intelligence Materials A. The Intellofex System 1. Indexing 2. Machines 3. Publications issued 4. DARE Experiment 5. Computer Applications. B. Dissemination C. Biographic Register Processing EG RET Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : 'CIA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/4, IA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Contents, cont'd.) 0. Graphics Register Processing 1, Photographs 2. Motion Picture Films 3. Subsequent Processing Developments E. Industrial Register Processing F. CIA Library Processing G. Special Register Processing H. Reccrds Mana ein vit- ES!C. Summary VII. The Central Reference Concept A. Initial Consolidation of Reference Facilities, 1947-1957 B. Further Refinements in the Central Reference Concept, 1958-1960 C. The "All-Source" Concept, 1960-1966 OCR Regroups, 1966-1967 E. Summary VIII. Foreign Documents Division in OCR A. Background B. Significant FDO Developments, 1964-1967 1. Mechanical Translation 2. Expanded VI 0 3b1 3. Study of - Publications 5. Organizational Changes 6. Benefits Under OCR C. 9. Summary SECRET Approved For Release 2000/06/26 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Approved For Release 20 Contents, cont'd.) `6+Y CIA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 IX. Customer Support Within CIA A. Bibliographical Research 1. Library of Congress 2. CIA Library 3. Selected OCR Publications 4. Review of OCR Publication Program B. Biographic Services C. Graphics Support Programs 0. Industrial Information E. Liaison Activities F. Special Intelligence Coverage G. Significant Projects 1. Vietnam 2. Communist China 3. Cuban Crisis, 1962 4. Dominican Crisis, 1965 5. Arab-Israeli Crisis, 1967 H.. Summary X. OCR Support to Other Agencies A. Specific Intelligence Community Responsibilities 1. Collection and Dissemination 2. Biographic Intelligence 3. Radio Stations Branch 4. Liaison Support. Approved For Release 2)26 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Approved For Releaseflff/26 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Contents, cont'd.) 8. Unique Arrangements 1. Special Arrangements with the Military Services 2. Special Arrangements with the Department of State C. Inter-Community Activities 1. Advisory Committee on Foreign Language Publications 2. Ad-Hoc Subcommittee on Information Processing 3. USI8 Committee on Documentation 4. USIB Committee on Procurement of Foreign Publications 0. OCR Relationships with the Academic Community 1. Release of Foreign Publications 2. Dissemination of CIA Publications E. Summary Chanc e5 ire OC-ti s tAM S15feehs G. pre~avat 0V% 4' O)a Cdv+nyvter ,Sta Le,MrA S c?F 4c.Yi' NceA 5 (4 CU Cov putO?v' ] r yt~t CNWC f,~Hase S' z??vase IL ? V h,ase `RT H. Ret le4 f1CJirifi25 E. Or ga nrlat~onal Cfian, QS L,4 0C R XII. Co nc[usitAs P_f %, vi?tieS Approved For Release 2OOff6 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/0~f griFfA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0 Contents, contd.) Appendices A. Chronologyt 1952-1967 =-~4bbrev-fatiorrs- - +i r Manpower statistics 4 4. Key OCR Personnel . e- L I's t- of surveys of OCR 25X1 X8 C -". List of Central Reference Advisory Group (CRAG) Papers List v?F y / ?. A Personal Interviewed Source References Illustrations Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. Attachments A. ( - )) t 11 ~ nval ePec't5 > 0 9 e r g .d ix C '5 " 1 i 0 ' k 1) 05' -1 7. B. Approved For Release 20~ /t~l9t6 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000200010001-0