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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
March 10, 2000
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Publication Date: 
June 1, 1969
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Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R0001000800037- Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 ,SECRET Page Introduction I. Factors Affecting Support Activities, 1953-1967 2. OCR Support Activities/Programs in 1953 . . . . . 3. CIA Customer Support and Relations . . . . . . . 4. Community Support and Relations . . . . . . . . 5. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Summary Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 SECRET Customer support and relations is the single most important measure of effectiveness of an OCR-type support service oriented complex, the "pay-off" of its dedication and effort. The story of OCR during the period of this History concerns essentially how it supported Agency and Community needs within resources available at any given time. A perspective for assessment should be based on an appreciation of the factors prevailing during the specific time period involved, i.e., a time of building an intelligence agency and community as distinct from the post-19G3 environment of pre-emptive emphasis on systems design to meet the pressing challenges of information handling confronting an established community. A unique characteristic of OCR was the scope and diversity of activities combined in one operating component (office level) under single management. This centralized organization, performing such a wide variety of services in support of so many needs made a notable contribution to the over-all intelligence process. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 Approved For Release 2000/04/1WyDP84-00951 R0001 00080003-2 1 HE Several factors comprised OCR's contribution: 1) During the Agency's growth period, OCR's "centralization" feature provided more economical means of using existing resources to meet new and rapidly expanding requirements than would have been the case if the varied functions and special files had been decentralized among customer offices. 2) Single office management facilitated intra and inter-Agency coordination of support services, and turning the corner from the prescribed basic tasks of the "getting started" years to the broader horizons of coping with the challenges and problems of a "come of age" organization. 3) OCR was well equipped to provide leadership in the community of information handlers and to cope with the kinds of problems facing a new agency and a developing community, an efficient means to achieve objectives and a more cohesive and flexible instrument of accomplishment. 4) The intangibles, such as imagination, definition of concepts and objectives and personnel dedication, were given the opportunity to play an important part in performance effectiveness. SECRET, Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 SECRET OCR's customer support and relations were marked by a high degree of accomplishment. These accomplishments, so varied in nature, tend to be taken for granted. Their intrinsic value does, however, require placing them in proper perspective in the over-all history of the Agency. 1. FACTORS AFFECTING SUPPORT ACTIVITIES The nature and scope of CCR support were dictated by the changing times and conditions falling within the purview of this History: 1) The changing aspects of the Cold War, the new problems of emerging New Nations, the proliferation of new crises in new areas. 2) Shifting and expanding priorities, the increasing emphasis on more specific current intelligence requirements as basic needs were filled. 3) The impact of new technical collection systems, techniques and facilities, the faster response time for requirements and requests, the increasing need for an all-source reference system for support services. 4) The increasing volume of material and information to be processed and retrieved in shorter time. f SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 ,SECRET 5) The resultant pressures on OCR facilities and services to meet the challenge and demands of the information explosion, the need for automated and computerized systems. 6) The continuing problem of absorbing within existing personnel strengths the additional activities of system designing and planning to meet these demands without jeopardizing the on-going basic and continuing activities of office responsibilities. 7) The move to the new Headquarters building, locating most Office resources under one roof for the first time, with resultant increase in customer request volume. 8) The establishment of the Defense Intelligence Agency, an additional major intelligence agency in the Community, and the resultant adjustments and changes in relationships and procedures between OCR and former independent military components and commands of the Services involving inter-Agency collection, coordination and support services. 9) The effects of budget and manpower reductions on OCR's resources and capabilities to support customer needs and requirements. 1ECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2 Approved For Release 200010 GURCIA-RDP84-00951 R0001 00080003-2 ISET' 10) Organizational changes and reorganizations. 11) On duty strengths and overtime. 12) New functions and workloads absorbed. 13) Effect on operations and morale of the unusual number of surveys and studies of OCR. 14) Lack of knowledge of OCR capabilities and services. 15) Difficulty in determining and maintaining customer feed-back on OCR support. 16) The less than adequate customer office level response for evaluations of support services rendered and the resultant pinch on OCR at budget time. 17) OCR's continuing problem to know what customers want and to know what to process in material received daily on non-priority areas. IOU Approved For Release 2000/04/18 : CIA-RDP84-00951 R000100080003-2