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tit 00 kTIT#.
show LA. Gtimmirs
Afmkov. latt. lxzhmf.
98 (1940)&ExpeiinTents
the local bel-type
pted an plaftable for
ing to the All-Union
prIcesses in the U.S.S-R.
S anti the physical-chemical
00, t frictory clays am described.
Awl m=VVZ1
0 9 TO D 0, it a a K a St 9 Past cog
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11 U. 13 W 1, 4 is a
L-V I to AT A ts
41. t'splow
Or sawaa PIPs. Vado.
rfP40.41J41tiYO, Sborptik TrWm
& 00
Nilmmumid, &MM, No. 1, ZU-
In replIsciq refractory clays by
clays viest, carried out with various ^01111
The clays in%-mti-
the pmduction of mwer pipes actuird-
Staxiclard (OST) 68.73. Production C,
are dimmed. The clay depoltits J; i
;f ., P
proprnirs, of the 0zhel-type re-
I; If 00
ITT , -
11. 1go
- 700
I I a d It g
Cr of 61 a a a K It a It at 1 6 2, V -
-of -.ITV I ( leg
: 0 0 0 0 0 0 W Or 0 0
0 00000010
0 is 4D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0. 0'@ 0 0 0 0 -
Program at the gla" an cer"c,injusu4" for the year
19". 1. A, 'it SUIx'mayu i Arrain. Proxg., 1944,
No. is* of (lie glass mid ceramic in-
dustrics in I tie reconstruction of the liberated xrc&3 is out-
lined. Many of the destroyed plants am already rebuilt.
and much of the equipment moved eastward during the
invasicit has been returned, Evert the fall capacity of
these industries as they were before the war 6 insufficient
to cope with the enormous ta* of rebuilding the war.
devaitated areas, Ile ncvd of windowpane Shiss. brk-k,
and cerandc building materials iii enormous. Me" am
already drawn for new plants of vastly lucTeased ca-
ity. They cz for plants to be located In the Ukraine.
.Cite RUSIls. the Lenlit" and Xfowuw areas."Trans-
caucasia. mul other parts of the country. Itecaww of
-tioutsportation dlificulties, great %treas will be laW on thc
wilitetion of raw rnaterlals found locally or In the int-
furdiate neighborhoott .110.
1) is )d a It 20 14 11) it tj U Mis At 11 w &I
6 L 4. a ft I
go ti-
R. L. and Shiloys 1. 1. (BmU. Aced. Sci. U.S.S.R. , 61. Sol. Tech,
1946, No. 5, '-f 5-j)-.
00 J!
00 the offset od two fireclays of a 2i@-hr period of heating at a tem-
00 z perature corresponding to the refractoriness (1,71W. mid 1,6600C.
00 respectively) is described. An improvement of 400-508C. in the re-
frtatorim" after f usl=, and an increased resistanee to slag attack
go ji is reported. The results of a petrograpblo examination of the fused
material are given.
i-Gw -a- -L $ v
OU it (i pit otoc Ka Ra Kit" I(OCK11111
SHIIOV, I.V. (Moskva)
Orientation of birdhouses. Priroda 48 no.6:116 Je '59.
(MIRA 12:5)
SHILOV, I.V., inzh.
Protection of bulls from dorrosion* Sudostroenie 24 no-9:76-77
S 158. (140A 11:11)
(Hulls (Naval architecture)) (Corrosion and anticorrosives)
SHIIOV, I.V., inzh.
Selecting the diameter of discharging pipes used in carbon dioxide
fire extinguishing units. Sudostroenie 25 no.4:67-68 Ap '59.
(MIRA 12:6)
(Ships--Fires and fire prevention)
(Fire extinction--Chamical systems)
0,1111 I'Qv' K I IN
Tym-panal 6rgan
Certain data on meso-epitympanitia. Vest. oto-rin. 14, No. 2, 1952.
Mon List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified.
SHILGV, X.R. (Moskva)
Some clinical variants of chronic auppurative epitManitia.
Vest.oto-rin' 21 no.1:108-113 Ja-F 159 (Min 12:1)
1, Is
otdeleniya (nach. zaslyzhennyy vrach
9FSR M.M. Filippov) Glavnogo voyennogo gospitalya ime akad. Wqlffe
epitympanitia, chronic suppurative, clin. variations
(RUB)) .
C- le ir. t., ie -3 r, @3 @:c-en t
rn c
--l U-, L U.
Aca.-;: Scl- --no- 0@ `C)--@er
c---' J-nr;Jc-t3 c,' 20cl-ical Scienc@@
:@'o 26
SHILOV _ L, A. : Meter Tech Sci (dies) --- "Investigation of the burning of
_I-;- ,
shale coke ,ri' th a boiling layer". Leningrad, 1958 - 16 pp (Min Higher Educ LTSSR,
Leningrad order of Labor Red Banner Technological Inst im Leningrad Soviet), 150
CoDies (n, No 4, 1959, 128)
@UTHCR Shilc-,-. L.A. 23-58-1-4/10
T.I. T L E On the Diffusi--9 and K-.:.net4-c Properties of Kukersite Shale
Coke (O_d_Jf_FuzIr)nnykh 1' kineticheskikh svoystvakh koksp.
PERTODICALs 17--.-estiva Akade--r-i nauk Estonskoy SSR, Seriya tekhnicheskikh
I - -
i f4 -ziko-matematicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 1, pp 34-43 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The institute of Power Engineering of the AS ESSR asked the
Laboratory of Thermophys-ics of the Leningrad Polytechnical
Institute imenii M.I, Kalinin to investigate the diffusive
and k--*neti,- pzopertiies of shale coke, i.e. the principlen
of its @@ombus+_-'cn Process. Investigations revealed that
at temperatures of 600 - 8500 C and with pieces of oil sha-
le of ove-- _'COv size: kinetics may be disregarded and the
pr-cess considered as taking place in the field cf diffus-I-.n
exclusi-,rely. To achieve a high degree of reaction in shal_-@
coke il I's essential tc develop technological processes ba-
sed on small-sized or crushed coke.
The-re are 4 graphs@ I diagram and 6 ref ererces, all of which
are So-_-'et.
C a r d 1
On the Diffus" e and Kinetic Rroperties of Kakersite Shale Coke
ASSOCIATIM Irstitut energetikJ AkademiJ nauk Estonskoy SSR (Institu-.e
of Power En.-ineering of the Estonian SSR Academy of Scien-
Laboratoriya Leningradskog, politekhnicheskogo
injititUta imen.l. M.I. Kalirina, (Laboratory if Thermcphys-,*,-q
of the Leningrad Poly t o@-,hni cal. Institute i-ini M.I. Kallinin)
SUBL`IITTED@ September 18, 1957
1. Kukersite-Zombustion-Analyide
Card 2112
Burning coke from kukersite shales in a fluidized bed. Gaz. prom@
no.6:8-13 Je '58. (MIRA 11:6)
AUTHORSi Kondrttlyev, K.Ya.i Professor and BhiloT, L.A.
TITM Several (P*obIiIPsW!i of University Edudation.(O i2ekot,6iykh Y6-
pro'akh ufii"vbraitstskogo-obraso*vani~s)
vy'ashei shkoly, 1q58,!Nr'l0,.pp 17'@- 23 (7884)
ABSTRAM Taking the experience of the Leningrad Utiveraiiy-as 4w ex-
ample, the authors dsai'Witu a niiibeiof.pr6bIsR's'in_th#
organization,of university-
ciVal object at,prssont'is'to ra tho.4uality 6f"*40@traia-
ing of specialists.' This'c&n 'only be a0hiii4d ....47-wUtOiiIfj-
ihg the contact... between, i4ii1rersity, * liti @Produc'itjoi' iy-
co;i@i` iig' studr with'ictuil la"bior in''' yakio- a ri Sis" I a6i"br
strengthening the.material-teabnical basis of hijbi6i Odusi-ai-
tion. Thr r4gulations for idiiission sfiould-bi 41t4red and
tho..organisition of study and praotical trainixg.thoisughly
ijk0roTed @ ilthou4h adequate- in so&4 respects, ths-16ft" Oii-
a4thod of 4urollizig secondary school gradidatee contained
f3soA6 serious shortco*i0sil studetts Vere '06're
46ji6tinsi scornful totWo-physical liboi, *o1itletlIYAS-
iAftid itb. Thse#r#l@msht of itudsitti -at Oftekit-, iftt UL
the future *ill confikit of P*isoiis having ei0eriesse- i1i'lits
84VOtAl jMbjIjWS Of UniTersity Education Bov-3-50-10-2/23
and a vork record. The guthors stress the ne4essity fsrt.G,
better Organisation of fraotloal training"Sad 40001sia thAt
the suggestions oonta@y% .94,,iu the x6ted "Letter I-100" per-
taining to the students' indo'*ndenco-and t@e *vertazing2of
the studen.tvvera not carried out.- Training by correspond-
ence an4 eveting-couries is also unsatisfactory., Pers4na
attending these coursoa ihould be,givau-nore tias for itudy@
and-their job should.o.orkespond to:tho speciality they are
studying'. , The duthors go on to@ exaidin4 the now formis of
hig .4r,-.Oducation'(abrrom~ond*noe"*stud* - r,asident study -
co, respondince'itVO.: Ifii it*pr4ient difficult to deter- what extent.thel@evystaxi are-aacepUble for:-ani-@
Yeisity educations They claili that giant* for ',scientific*
ork,@ rv too small And ioAstik*s are not.ulod ftiiozally.-
institut Issui T.A..StekloT'a,(InstItut0
of iathemation-imoni V.A. -Stskjoi
)is used"&* SaIllustration.
The @f-f ectivwLess #;f sciepti ic vork in greatly reduced be-
cause ofthe ixpovvibi@!@y to publish,-tepecially
in.the iield 9i humani#rian sciences (philolazyg-oviental,
studtos,-etc.) anOhe desor@p.t*ve parts. of natural soliuo4s.
A f4ttho* defidienj'fle the 6 Sdurnils.
_*#brtage of zoi*niifI
tAsi,-authovs also r,A t
a 49F to thi ipsufficiena of laboia, cry
oil ind pmqj@ and ths',reduotion in staff@. They don'bt the oz-
Several Questions of University Educatier- BOV-3-58-10-2/23
pedienos of a paraillel existanoe of pedagogical v"W and
universities in large cities and point to.the benefit der-
ived from uniting small vuzes with large ones. In conclue-
ion the authors deal with the question of propagating sciOn-
tific knowledge, the post-graduate oourses for raising the
qualification of engineers and the 2-yeor courses for for-
eign languages, organized by Leningrad University.
ASSOCIATION: L nin radskiy gosudarstvennyy univer*:Lt-*t ineni A.A. Zhda-
n:vs. fLeningrad State'Univervity imeni A.A, Zhdanov)
Card 3/3
STARTSHY, T.I.; DAVIDOTIGH, Ya.I., doktor yurid.nank. red.;
KOUSTALET, B.F., red.; SE010Y, L.A., red.; TODCLAGIRA, S.D.,
[Socialist competition in Leningrad enterprises during the
years of the first five-year plan, 1928-19321 Sotsialisticheskoe
sorevnovanis na -predpriiatiiakh Leningrada v gody pervoi piati-
letki, 1928-1932 gg.; aborniic doknmentov i materis'lov. Pod red.
I.A.I.Davidovichs. Leningrady Izd-vo Laning.univ., 1961. 343 p.
(MIRA 14-:4)
1. Leningrad. G'osuderstvenny7 arkhiv Oktyabr'skoy revolyutsii i
sotsialisticheskogo stroitelletva.
(Leningrad--Socialist competition)
VOEDMOV, Anatoliy Vasillyevich, akademik (deceased]; RAMER, V.K.)
Prof., otv. red.; SHILOV, L.A., red.; VODOLAGINA, S.D., tekhn.
red. I
(organization of state industry in the U.S.S.R.] Organizatsiia
gosudarstvennoi proinyshlennosti v SSSR. Leningrad, Izd-vo
Leningr. univ. Vol.2. 1921-1934. 1961. 863 p. (14IRA 15:3)
(Industrial organization)
ZISELISON, Ye.i.; TYULtPANOV, S.I., red.; red.
[Restoration of industry in Leftingrad, 1921-19241 Vossta-
novlenie promyshlennosti Leningrad, 1921-1924 gg. Leningrad,
Izd-vo Leningr. univ. Vol.l. 1963. (Its: Vosstanovlezlie i
nachalo rekonstruktsii promyshlennosti Leningrad, 1921-1928
gg.; dokumenty i materialy, no.1) (MIRA 16:10)
1. Leningrad. (Province) Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Oktiabr1sx6y
revolyutsii i sotsialisticheskogo stroitellstva.
L 13288-66 EWT(d)/EWT(m)/EWP(v)/EWP(J)/T/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/EWP(l) RM
ACC NR: AP6000321 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/021/0010/0010-7-1.
INVENTOR: Belotelov, H. A. ; Y!!rthorubov,_B. A. -, Kallnq Kryyrhkov_. A. J)
y, V. G
J,i.t.v@inA@P.; Mel'nlr-c-henko, V. Z.j'Morozov, G. N. Olerins-27, B. I.. Klebanova,
S.; S-olnyshkin, h. M.; Fri-dman, A. N.; Shilov, L. A.; Shchutskiy-,..S. V.; Yano@@k-iyl
It. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: A device for auto tic xont ol of an installation for polymerizingigaseous
-wa 4r. r
olefins. Class 12, No. 175923'Cannounced by the Leningrad Affiliate' of the All
Union Scientific Research and Design Institute for Chemical Machine Building-(Len-
in-gradskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo, i konstruktorskogo insti-
tuta khimicheskogo mashinostroyeniya))
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 21, 1965, 10
TOPIC TAGSt polymerization,olefin, chemical engineering, automatic control equip-
'ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for automatic control of an
,Card 1/3 UDC: '66.05-5 66.095.26 678.742.2
L 13288-66
,ACC NR: AP6000321
,installation for polymerizing gaseous olefiiis, e.g. in production of low pressure
;polyethylene. The unit consists of two temperature controllers connected to. a flow
,regulator for the product reactor, and a presbure regulator connected to the con-
itroller for the coolant. For increased productivity and optimization of the pro-
1cess, one temperature controller is connected through a speed reducer to the.prqs-
Isure controller which is connected through a second speed reducer to thi flow regu-
ilator for the product reactors Ths.otlior temperature controller is connected to the
;flow regulator for the coolant.
L 13288-66
ACC NR: AP6000321
11 -
Fig. 1, 1 first temperature controller; 2 first speed reducer;
3 - pressure regulator; 4 - second speed reducer;'5 flow regulator
for the product; 6 - second.'temperature controller; 7 - flow regulator
-for the coolant.
CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: olrob65/
It Card -3/
Vibrat-on surface grinder. Suggested by A.P. Rozhinp L.A.
Shilov . Rats. predl.-rxo. 37:8 '59. (MIRA 14:1)
(Grinding machinQ
1. SHILOV, 14.
2. USSR (600)
4. Factories - Heating and Ventilation
.." 7. Economizing compressed air. Za ekon. mat. No. 3, 1953.
9. Monthly Lilst 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl.
V. Ys.
LCultivation practices for increasing crop yields in Groznyy
Province] *Agrotekhnicheskie mropriiatiia po povysheniiu
urozhainoBti dlia Groznenskoi oblasti.0 Groznyi, Groznenskoe
obl.izd-vo. Pt.l. LCultivation of field crops] Polevodstvo.
1945. 178 P. (MIRA 13:8)
1. Groznyy. -OblaStnOy 26M811nyy otdel. 2. Glavnyy agronom Groznenskogo
Oblastnogo zemellnogo otdela (for Shilov). 3. Groznenskiy Oblastnoy
zemelInyy otdel (for Skibo, Roaozhina. Shamoshnikov, Stspanyuk,
Aptekarev). 4. Di.rekbor Opytn&y stantsii Grosnenskoy oblasti (for
Grabovskiy). 5. ;nspektor Inspektury po,sortoispytaniyu zernovykh
i maslichnykh kdl'Itur i trav Kinisterstva seltskogo khozyaystya
SSSR (for Knogolet).
(Groznyy Province--Field crops)
Northern boundary of the habitat of RhombomVa opimus Licht in conditions of
the Northern Ural region. Binl.MOIP. Otd.biol. 58 no-5:3-10 '53.
(MIRA 6:11)
(Ural Mountain region--Rodentia)
Effect of agricultural activity on the territorial distribution and.
settling of the large desert mouse (Rhombomys opimas Licht). Doki.Aff
SSSR 93 no.5:903-906 D 153. O"Ju 6:12 )
1. Predstavleno akademikom Ye.N.Pavlovskim.
(Field mice)
Hares in Ust-Urt. Priroda 43 no.11:116-117 N '54. (MIJU 7:12)
1. Aralomorskaya stantsiya Ministerstva zdravookhraneniva SSSR.
Characteristics of the ecology of the jird (Rhombomys opimas Licht.)
during the winter period in the northern Aral Sea region. Biul.KOIP
Otd.biol- 59 no.2:3-14 Mr-Ap '54. (MMA 7:6)
(Aral Sea region--Rodentia) (Rodentia--Aral Sea region)
Practical use of automobiles in counting large desert mou a
(Rhombonys opimas Light.) populations. Biul. KOIP. Otd. biol.
59 no.3:37-4,8 MY-Je 154. (HLRA 7:7)
Biological principles and methodology of predicting changes in the
population of gerbils (Rhombomys opimus Lich.) in the desert zone
of the northern Aral Sea region. Trudy probl. i tem.sov. no-5:12-
22 155. (MLRA 8:12)
1. AralomorBkava protivochumnaya stantsiya
(Aral Sea region--Gerbils)
Method of calculatiag gerbil colonies from a car and some results
of its use. Trudy probl. i tem.sov. no-5:23-24 '55. (MLRA 8:12)
1. Aralomorskaya, protivochumnaya stantsiva,
Ancistrodon halys, a carrion-eating serpent. 31ml.XOIF.Gtd.biol.
61 no.4:86 Jl-Ag 156. (Y(IRA 10:8)
Dry varihervaceous valleys in the
landscar)e features and ecological
and their intraZOn8l significance
in English]. Bial.MOIP.Otd.biol.
northarn part of the Aral region,
characteristics of the valleys
in the desert zone [with summary
63 no.3:41-55 ?tr-Je '58.
(MIRA 12:3)
Spring and summer feeding habits of common raven in the northern part
of the Aral Sea region [with summary in English]. Zool.zbur. 37 no.10:
1521-1530 0 158. (KRA 11:11)
1. Aralomoralmye. protivochumnaya stantsiya. Ministerstva zdravookhrPLne-
niya, SSSR (Arallak).
(Aral Sea region--Raven) (Birdi-_"_FO__Oa)'_
-rhe ch.nracteristics of the digtribliti.-n of t-e .-'erbon in the rl@i@rue fcci of
r.-rt@err and near Ustvurt." P--e 275
snv-shchnnivp no nnrazitolicheskira rrQblemam i
'hnle_znYAm. 22-20 C"@' 1050 r. (Tenth Confprence on FarpF;Itolrwical
Problems and Diseeses with B'aturaj F-ci 22-29 October lp5q), Moscow-
Lpninqrid, )c5Q, Ar-!,demy of Yedic.-I Sciences USSR nnd of Sciences
Aralamorskaya Antiplague Station
Use of an aerovisual method for calculatid#@,A;the mmber of
colonies of large gerbils. Voen.-med. zhur.* .no. 6:84 Je 160.
(KM 13:7)
Enzqstic chamateristics of plague in the northern Ust Urt and
the 'area north of it. Biul. MOD. Otd. biol. 65 no.5:137-138 S-0
160s (KERA 13:12)
Notes on some reptiles in the northe.-,m part of the Aral Sea region.
Trudy Inst. zool. AN Kazakh. SSR 15:170-176 161. WU 14:7)
1. Aralomorskaya piotivochumnaya stantsiya Ministerstva
zdravookhraneniya SSSR.
(Aral Sea region-Reptiles)
Characteristics of interspecif@c contact in colonies of theF_greater
gerbil (Rhombomys opimus Licht in the northern part of the Aral
Sea region. Zool. zhur. 40 no.3:4,34-4,46 Mr 161. (MM 14-3)
1. Aral Sea Anti-Plague Station and Aral Wanch of the Moscow
Society of Naturalists..
(Aral Sea f6gion-Gerbils as carriers of disease)
Surface food supply piles of the greater gerbil (Rhombomys opimus
Licht.). Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 66 no.6:43-50 11-D 161.
(14IRA 14:12)
SIULOV2 M,111.
occurrences of cats in the Ust-Urt. B-_Iui.MIF.Otd.biol.
67 no..'il54-155 Jl-Ag t62 NST-URT-CATS) (MIM 15'.10)
Brief news. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 68 no.4:152-158 Jl-Ag 163.
(MIRA 16:10)
Distribution of thn V;sppe pika in the Aral Sea reivion,
Biul. MDIF. O-Aal. b@ol. 68 no.407-43 ii-Ag 163. (MIRA 16:10)
AID P - 723
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 16/26
Author : Shilov, M. N., Eng.
Title : stopping no-load run of motors of
metal working machine-tools
Periodical : Energetik, 9, 20-22, S 1954
Abstract The author briefly describes the arrangement.
2 diagrams.
Institution None
Submitted No date
3@sure fan for forging furnaces. Vest.wash, 35 no.12:
60-61 '55. (MLRA 9:5)
(Yana, Mechanieal)
AUTHORS: Silkin, Yu. A., Shilov, M. P. SOV/76-32-11-26/32
TITLE: The Use of the Balanced Electronic Bridge jW@209 for
Recording Thermograms (Primeneniye elektronnogo uravnoveshen-
nogo mosta j!KV-22109 ' dlya zapisi termogramm)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, Nr 11, pp 2634-2636
ABSTRACT: The Kurnakov pyrometer used in.thermographic investigation
methods has some disadvantages. The industrially manufactured
electronic potentiometers of the types' EPP-09 , and -EPD-09-
as well as others, are free of such disadvantages. These
potentiometers are, however, not very sensitive. Much more
reliable investigations can be made with balanced electronic
bridges. The sensitivity to voltage of the balanced electronic
bridge-scheme (Fig 1) with a resistance thermometer for measur-
ing temperature changes is determined according to an equation.
The sensitivity and the amplifier,coeffi-cient in balanced
bridges are not lower than in the amplifiers of potentiometers.
As the amplifiers do not have vibration transformers the
Card 1/2 operation of the whole instrument is more reliable. By a
The Use of the Balanced Electronic Bridge KLP-2()g for Recording Thermograms
modification of the measuring scheme of the bridge (Fig 2) as
carried out in. the present case ordinary and differential
temperature recordings can be made at the seme time.
There are 2 figures and 4 Soviet references.
SUBMITTED: February 27, 1958
Card 2/2
AID P 3592
Subject USSR/Aeronautics
Card 1/1 Put. 58 - 9/26
Author Shilov, N.
Title In the aeroclub of Kurovsk
Periodical Kryl. rod., 11, Insert, N 1955
Abstract This article consists of several photos whose captions
describe various activities of the aeroclub. Several
names are mentioned.
Institution Aeroclub of Kurovsk
Submitted No date
SHILOV, Nikolay
Land of giants. Sov. futo 20 no. 12:2-4 D 160. (MIRA 14:1)
(Y.rasnoyarsk Territory-Economic conditions)
- SHILOV, 1-.ikolay, brigadir- ekskavatorsbchikov
When work goes well. Transp. stroi. 13 no.7:43 JI 163.
(MIRA 16:9)
1. Trest Kaztran stroy.
HOV 11 wb . STItR.jjM!n, L., ln::h.
SISLOV, L j inzh.;
Rural e(nstmction reqvires proca,,-;t elements, ail. .troio
no.10: 2k'-29 0 161. 14:10)
(Precast ccncrete construction)
SHILOV, N. - '',
We are drawing the participation of the activist group. Fin.
SSSR 37 no.6.-83 Je 163. (HIRA 16:9)
1. Nachallnik upravleniya Gosstrakha Karellskoy ASSR.
(Karelia-Insurance) (Karelia-Trade unions-Officers)
SHILOV, N., inzh.
Construction in the virgin lands needs prefabricated elements.
Zhil. stroi. no.6sl7-20 163. (MIRA 16:10)
)Fpy ' - 4 i lil i I., p dpolkwmik; SHILOV,
ganaral-mayor ar-tildler IMLER
1;. Inehener-poicolkovnik
p p T 0 0r a n vooruza.
Mle thodologi c al ski@, -mstruc@; on. Tekh.
no.4-,36--40 AD '6/-. (IHI FA 17. 9)
ACC NR: AP7005135 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/004/0606
AUTHOR: Sarrak, V. I.; Shilov, N. A.
TITLE: The influence of cobalt on the tendency of iron toward brittle fracture
SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 4, 1966, 606-610
TOPIC TAGS: iron base alloy, cobalt iron, brittleness, low temperature metal, transi-
tion temperature, tensile property, internal friction, activation energy
ABSTRACT: A study was done on the influence of cobalt on the brittle fracture of
iron at low temperatures. The iron had the following compositions: 0.01-0.02% C,
0.20% Sij 0.17% Mn, 0.012% S, 0.0035% P, 0.013% 0, 0.007% N, and 0.002% H. Impact
testing was done at temperatures ranging from -192 to +1000C. The iron samples had a
constant grain size of 35-40 U and were alloyed with 5 and 10% Co. The impact strength
given as a function of temperature, showed that 5% Cc lowered the transition tempera-
ture by 200C, and 10% Co lowered it by 400C. Tensile testing was done at tempera-
tures ranging from +20 to -1960C at a constant crosshead speed of 2 rtm/nin. Tensile
samples had a diameter of 10 mm and a gage length of 50 mm. The tensile strength and
ductility were given as functions of temperature for pure and alloyed iron. The ten-
sile transition temperature for pure iron was -1000C and -1250C for 5% co. rive ten-
t Card 1/2 UDC: 539.4
sile regions were separated on the basis of strength and ductility changes as a func-
tion of temperature. The mechanism by which cobalt irhproves the plasticity of iron
at low temperatures was determined from internal friction properties on 0.8 mm sampl-
es which were vacuum-annealed to a constant grain size of 35-40 mm. A reverse pendu-
lum was used to get the amplitude dependence of internal friction at temperatures
ranging from 70 to 4700C. At low amplitudes (below about 4-15-10-5 depending on tem-
perature) the internal friction was independent of amplitude, while at higher ampli-
tude it was proportional to amplitude. The slope in the amplitude dependent range
was related to dislocation mobility or the energy for dislocation climb (AW). Values
of Ig AW were given as a function of 11T for the 10% Co alloy. Below 3000K, AW de-
creased as a result of increased lattice friction, wh@le the sharp increase in AW
above 5000K was caused by the locking of dislocations with interstitial impurities.
The Cottrell relation for the concentration of impur.ities locking dislocations as an
exponential function of temperature was given. Between 300 and 5000K,.,AW was not a
function of temperature. The activation energies for@dislocation inte@action with
impurity atoms (U ) and the activation energies of mobile dislocations W ) were giv-
d r
en for each alloy. Alloying with cobalt decreased both U and U , as well as the
d r
saturation temperature for impurity atoms. Thus cobalt had the same effect as nic-
kel. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, 1 table, 3 foraulas'o
SUB CODE: ll/ SUBH DATE: 09Nov65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 001
Card 2
"Unpublished Letter of A. N Krylov" from Works of the Historical Inst. on
Natural Sciences and Engineering, Vol. 5, P. 381,1955.
----) @ i ( -1 0 ,@ (,,f @ I -
"Krasnaia Talks, * Factory work practices. Tekst. prom.
no-5:6-8 MY '55. OMM 8;6)
1 . i )'.. -* czj",: I.'
, 1 1,
@ - - - I - Lj
SHILuV, N. I., Colonel
"Military Atlanes of the USSR and Prerevolutionary Russia and an Attemrt at Their
Comparative Analysis." Sub 29 Jr,n 51, Military EnginseriW: Red Banner Academy imeni
V. V. Kuybyshev
Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 1951-
SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 MaY 55
'Cartography. a review and guide for the construction and use of
maps and charts* [in Spanish]. Ch.H.Deetz. Reviewed by N.I.Sbilov.
Izv.AN SSSR Ser.geog, no.2:85-87 Mr-Ap 154. (MLRA 7:5)
(Deetz, Charles Henry, 1864- ) (Cartography)
New textbooks on cartography in Bulgaria and Poland. ReTiewed by
N.I.Shiloy. Vop.geog. no.34:174-181 '54. (MIRA 7:12)
(Bulgaria--Cartography) (Poland--Gartograpby)
SHIWV N. 1 0
Useful textbook
rian]. L.Gvenes.
76-77 Ja-F '55.
on work with a globe (*Using the
Reviewed by N.I.Shilov). Geog.
LaJos) (Globes)
globeg[in Hunga-
v shkole 18 no.l:
(MIRL 8@*3)
P - -. . I I.. '..; .
Soviet geography in the pages of a German geographical journal. Isy.
Tses.geog.ob-Ta 86 no.3:314-315 NY-Je 154. (MLRA 7:6)
1 (Geographv--Pariodicals)
SIDELINIKOV., N.A., general-polkovnik v otstavke; SUKHOHLIN, A.V., general-
leytenant; NOVOSELISKIY, Yu.V., general-leytenant v otstavke;
general-mayor zapasa; NALINOVSKIY, A.A., polkovnik
zapasa; OVCHINNIKOV, N.M., polkovnik zapasa; ZHOLNEROVICH, S.A.,
podpolkovnik zapasa
To soldiers sergeants, officers and generals of the former 30th
(later l0th@ Guards Army. Voen. vest. 42 no.6:46 Je 162.
(MIRA 15:6)
New data on"th6.clistribution of some WSIMMAIS, chiefly rodents. in
the northerA Aral Sea region and neighboring areas..Biul..MO.IP.-Otd.
Bibl. 60 no.5.:43-58 S-0 '55- (MLRA-9;IP)
LAKEAKIN, Vladimir Vladimirovich, professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk;
SHILO vich. dotsent. kandidat fiziko-matematiche-
a kh nauk- FFJ)OAOV-,--7-.P@.,redaktor; LAVRICNOVA, N.B., tekhnicheskiy
[Atomic powered ships] Karabl' na atomnoi enargii. Moskva, Izd-vo
'Morskot transport," 1957. 150 P. (MLRA 10:9)
(Atomic ships)
High speed tunneling for horizontal mine shafts.
Moskva, Gos. nauch.-tekhn. izd-,ro lit-ry po chemoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii,
1947 267 P. (49-29361 TK285-35
1. Mining engineering
2. Tunneling
I Udalkin,lf.B. jt. au.
SHILOV Nik ILIYASHINKO, Nikolay Antonovich; UDALM,
v ch.
SOY. L.Ya., redaktor; PARTSEVSKIY, Y.N.,
redaktor izdatellstva; P&TROVA, N.S., tekhnicheakiy redaktor
[Advanced methods of sinking mine shafts] Peredovye metody prokhodki
stvolov shakht. Xoskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po
chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 459 p- (MLRA 10:1)
(Shaft sinking)
0. It XIF..
It 18 Ao 22
P.- t. -0-4
$-,rpr- -r-
P. P. S.P-
wpww .00 ..1- M".-.
It 10 A* UCM)
IL rL swm
R. OL T-"
c Xkm c
r. AL X-
C- .. ... P.- 0 , -.
r IL Pp.M
A. A. C-
It 18 Ao n
rpr@.. wmmgpmg tmum p a&
JL x K-..4
S-pw. -
r"m ww"dtw tor taw coutAnow MMUDS of Us soleatuls 2"hw1weal 9"Isly of
j.&I. saciaNcim me Ximealmal Cmmuloatlaw In. A. S. P"aw CMZ), Mmom,
0-12 ifts.
General loss formula for unequally accessible connections.
Elektrosviaz' 15 no.8:69-70 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:7)
(Information theory)
of flumbrir of r)-a!-,vP-rd ',Jne:3 uf 7,r,-)Up search in
automatic V@lephcrip exchangt,3. T -ly url- b. Inst. sviazi.
107---" 14 163. (MIRA 17:10)
Od-.@oskii elektrotekhmiche3ldy ln.,,ti tut
KOPP, Mark Filippovich; KHAILKEVICH, Anatcliy Demlyanovich; SI@JIQV_
%Lf,g'Semenovich; SkIAHLEIKO, Yk--,vgeniy Arid ri anovich,
Vk-tKOVICH, Aleksandr Yakovlevi,2h; RESHEETU,,IKOV, 14I.V..,
retsenzent; METEL?SKTY, G.E., otv. red.; 03:--AZT-qj-VA, Ye.A.,
[Te.@tbaok on telephony] Zadachnik po telefonii. (By] F.F.Kopp
i dr. Moskva. Sviazl, 1965. 279 p. (MIU 18:3)
KHOSEMKO, G. (g.Zhigulevsk)- SHILOV P.1 YAGAFAROVI G. (Krasnoborskiy
rayon, Tatarskoy ASSk); YURIY'EV, K. (UAlBO); RUNOVSKIY, A. (Gomel',
Passages from some letters. Radio no-3:16 Mr '61. (MIRA 14:8)
SHILOV, P. [Shylov, P.] doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.
Water does the work. Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.10:24 0 162.
(MM 16:1)
(Mine hoisting)
I.K.; ROTOVA, M.N.; BMPOVA, L.G.; MARTYHOV, V.I.; obshchiy red.;
SHILOT, F.D., red.; VENG.70ZHA, S.R., takhn,red.
[Economy of Dagliestan A.S.S.R.; statistical collection] Narodnoe
kboziaistvo Dagestanskoi ASSR,- statisticheskii sbornik. Makhachka-
la, Dagstatizdat, 1958. 119 p. (MIRA 12:12)
1. Daghestan A.S.S.R. Statisticheskoye ilpravleniye. 2. Statisti-
cheskoye upravieniye Dagestanskoy ASSR (for B.M.Shilov, Karm-anov,
Bagramov, Yevseyeva, Lukomskiy, Rotova, Belova). 3. Nachallnik
Statisticheskogo -upravleniya Daggestanskoy JASSR (for Martynov).
DUGANCVY G.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; VASIN, V.I., gornyy inzh.; -SHILOV, P.D.,
"Local 'ventilation in metal mines" by IA.Z.Bukhman, U.Kh.Bakirov.
Reviewed by G.V.Duganov, V.I.Vasin, P.D.Shilov. Gor.zhur.
no.8.-77-79 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Duganov).
(Mine ventilation) (Bukhman, IA.Z.) (Bakirov, U.Kh.)
SHILOVik, T.F., inzh.; SHIMV, F.D., inzh.
I,tive control of the lapping process. Mashinostroenie no-3:
53-54 My-Je 1614. (MMA. 17: 11)
- 1 1 1 1 T
-I f I rt-- V VI i -,a
T- DOBROVOLISKIY, N.D., gornyy inzhener.;ZAYTSEV, G.G., gornyy inshener.;
MIN, F.F., gornyy inzhenor.;SHITOV, P.G., gornyy inzhener.
New alternative to the ore storage system for lode mining in
unstable rock. Gor. shur. no.2:7-9 F 15?. (xiaA lo:4)
(Mining engineering)
Method of Least Squares. Geodezizdat, Moscow (1940)
25179 ShIlov, -".I. Analiz Do-puskov Tochnosti Goodezicheskikh 3''emok Fri Dorozhnykh
Izyskanlyakh. Trudy Moek. Avtomob-Dor, In-ta im. Molotova, VYF.11. 1949,C.17-57
SO: Letopis' 110. 73, 194*9
S R r T "TT
The Committee on Stalin Prizes (of the Council of Ministers USSR) in the fields of
science and inventions annmmes that the following scientific works, popular acien-
tific books, and textbooks have been submitted for competition for Stalin Prizes for
No. 22
the years 1952 and 1953- (Sovetskaya n!Ltura; Moscow, -40, 20 Feb - 3 Apr 1954)
Title of Work
Nominated by
Shilov, P. I.
"Geodesy" (2d edition)
Moscow Automobile
Hi@.,,hwqy Institute
SO: W-3o6o4, 7 July 1954
k-- - -
SHILOV, Petr Iosifovich; IUOZXKTSWA, A.I., redaktor; KUZIMIN. G.M., tekhni-
' aktor. I
[Geodesy] Geodeziia, Izd.3-e. ispr. i dop. Moskva, Izd-vo geodezi-
chask.oi lit-ry, 1956- 395 P- (HLRA 91-5)
AUTHOR: Shilov, P. I., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
TITLE: A Hand-Book on Least Squares (Ob odnom posobii po sposobu
na imen'shikh kvadratov)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aero-
fotos"yemka, 1958, Nr 1, pp 165-169 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In this book review the author discusses the hand-book
"On Least Squares" by Professor A. P. Yushchenko published
in Leningrad in 1956 by "Morskoy transport" (Ocean Shipping),
Publishers. It was written mainly for educators and candidates
for chairs of navigation. According to the reviewer this
little hand-book has many merits. Everything noteworthy with
regard to the manifold questions on probability theoryv the
method of least squares, the theory of errors and on many
others is discussed in a concentrated form using examples
from practical experience. Inspite of its great merits the
reviewer thinks that the hand-book also is deficient in
certain respects. They are mainly: repetitions, in a few
cases a style which is too vague, conclusions which can be
Card 1/2 accepted conditionally only and other things. In his review
A Hand-Book an Least Squares
the author only regrets these deficiencies as they reduce
the value of this hand-book which otherwise is Good.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut
(Moscow Institute of Highways)
Card 2/2
A HTHOR: @ShAJ- -,,.KP-rofessor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Maximum Permissible Errors in Measurements and Adjustments
(Predellnyye oshibki rezul'tatov izmereniy i uravnoveshivaniy)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i
aerofotos"yemka, 1958, Nr 2, Pp 3-14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The probability a that the standard error t will lie between the
symmetrical limits -t 't that is to say that
a - a'
TfX >t >-t 1% .-formula (4), is expressed by the integral of for-
mula (5) having the same limits. The inequalities (4) which
correspond to the inequalities (6) t aa >&>-t a6 show that the
random error L lies within the limits of -t a and +t o and is
a a
also determined by formula Three cases are investigated:
4) 1
11 12 "' 1 n. are values of a constant quantity X -jbzained by
a series of equally accura,@e apd independent measurements. Por-
mulae (0) and (10) are derived. The left and right parts of the
inequai,ities (6), (9), and (10) are in geodesy termed maximum
Card I./i permissible errors. These formullae express the limiting values
9OV/ I @iij-')8-2-1/22
Maxi.mum Permissibie Errors in Measurements and @Itdjustmnnts
of the random errorsL@ and6 s (the arithmetl-lc mean@, Thp@ errors
in turn, are determined by the probability a which is near
unity. a being given. t a is obtained by means of a ta tle com-
piled with the help of formula (5). If ir- is desired to :@n-
crease the accuracy and reliability of the true value derived
from the arithmetic mean of the measurements, it 1.s poifiLed out
that a demand for better accuracy entrains a rapid ivI-rease of
the number of measurements. Attempts should be made not only to
increase the number of measurements taken, but also tc improve
on the quality of measurements by selecting the right instru-
ments and method, and by exercising great care when taking the
measurements.,'-2) Measurements of unequal weight 11, 1 2 ... I n'
which are free of constant and systematic errors and were car-
ried out independently, of the same constant quan@ity X with
the weights p 1' P2 ... Pn' It is shov.., that in eval-uating a
series of measurementE of an unknown quantity the maximum per-
missible error in the result of the desired unknown quantity
Card 2/3 for the given probability a can be determined by assuming a def-
lezaximum Permissible Errors in Measurements and Adjustments
inite probability a and assuming that random errors in the
measurements conform to the normal law of distribution- 3) Sim-
ilarly, the method of least squares can be used in determining
u unknown quantities from a system of n >u linear equations. In
this case, as well as in the adjustment of measurements of an
unknown quantity, difficulties arise: usually the theoretical
value a of the mean square deviation of the unit of weight is
unknown. in practice, therefore, approximations are used. There
are 7 tables and 5 references, 5 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ,Ivtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut (Moscow Highway In-
'UBMITTED: March 3, 1958
Card 3/3
MAZMISHVILI, -Abram Ivanovich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; BMTATNV, Boris
Ivanovich. nauchnyy sotrudnik, kand.tekhii.nauk;_�g~~Oy,_._.R.,A.,
prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; PAVLOV, F.F., prof.,
doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; PAVLOV, F.F., red.; SHURTGINA, A.I.,
red.izd-va; ROMIINOVA, V.V.,
[The method of least squares] Sposob naimen'shikh kvadratov.
Izd-vo good.lit-ry, 1959. 370 P. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Kafedra Marksheyderskogo dela Moskovskogo gornogo instituta
im. I.V.Stalina (for Belyayev).
(Least squares) (surveying)
3W SOV/154-59-3-3/19
AUTHOR: Shilov, P. I., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
TITLE: On the Basis of the Method of Least Squares (K-obosnovaniyu
sposoba naimen'shikh kyadratov)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aerofotos"=@
yemkay 1959, Nr 3, pp 23 - 31 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: First, the method of the least squares is explained.
Next, A. M. Legendre who introduced this method for the first
time in 18o6 and his theory are quoted. It is further shown that
the solution of the problem under the condition of a dispersion
minimum of a weight maximum leads to the same normal and weight
equations as the solution under the condition [PV21 _ min. The
method of the least squares is shown to yield values of unknown
quantities with the greatest weight, regardless of both the
distribution law to which the casual measuring errors obey,
and of the number of measurements. The principle of the greatest
weight, which is assumed as the basis of the method of the
least squares, is found to correspond to the assumption on
which the Legendre rule is based. Next, the method of the least
Card 1/2 squares introduced by Gauss independently of Legendre, and the
On the Basis of the Method of Least Squares SOV/1511-59-3-3/19
respective theory are dealt with. In this connection, reference
is made to Academician A. A. kFarkov, who developed the Gauss
theory further, and to his letter addressed to A. V. Vasillyev
(Ref 2). Finally, the author of the present paper deals with
the application of the principle of the greatest veridity in
mathematical statistics, which likewise leads to the meth.-.d
of the least squares (Ref 4). The application of the principle
of the greatest veridity is found to lead also to the solution
accordin- to the method of the least squares. This principle
is not founded on a strict basis, and is regarded as an empiri-
cal rule (Ref 3). To be true, the inethod of the least squares
according to Gauss yields the most reliable values for unknown
quantities, but is not convenient in all cases. P. L. Chebyshev
(Ref 5) is quoted in this connection. Concerning other methods
applied in the case of adjustment computations Ireference is
made to the paper (Ref 6). There are 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut (Moscow Automobile
Highway Institute)
SUBMITTED: March 13, 1959
Card 2/2
SHILOV., Petr Iosifovich; RUIESHOV, D.A., prof., retsenzent; KOLOSOV,
--------B.-A-..--duts-.,--f-etsenzent; LEVCHUK, G.P., dots., red.;
SHURYGINA, A.I., red...izd-va; SIFNIGLEROV, V.S.., tekhn. red.
(Geodesy] Geodeziia. F;oskva, Izd-vo geodez. lit-ry, 1961.
392 p. (IURA 15:2)
S/15 60/000/004/001/004
AUTHOR: Shilov@ P. I., Doctor of Technical Sciencesq Professor
TITLE: The Use of Matrices and Vectors in the Method of Least
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i
aerofotosllyemka, 1960, No. 4, pp. 23-41
TEXT: In the introduction of the present paper, the author gives a
survey of studies on the improvement of the method of least squares, the
application of this method, and the use of matrices inNveodetic
adjustments. He mentions papers by Professor N. A. Urm7avT-7FRe-f. 0,
Academician A. N. Kolmogorov (Ref. 2), doctor's theses by A. I.
Mazmishvili (Rdt. 3), V. A. Romanov (Ref. 4), the candidate's thesis by
A. F. Krastin' (Ref. 5), papers by Yu. A. Gordeyev (Refs. 6,7), the
graphic adjusting method by V. V. Kavrayskiy and N. G. Kelll@ the catalog
of foreign publications compiled by R. P. Makeyev, a paper by S. G.
Makover (Ref. 10), papers by G. M. Bazhenov (Ref. 13, and in the
Card 1/5
The Use of Matrices and Vectors in the S/154/60/000/004/001/004
Method of Least Squares - B012/BO54
Uchenyye Zapiski Khar1kovskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta im. Gor1kogo
(Scientific Notes of the Kbar1kov State University imeni Gorlkiy), 1949,
No. 8), and a paper by S. L. Khublarova (Ref. 14) on the investigations
of TsNIIGAiK concerning the mechanization of solutions of extensive
normal equation systems. It is pointed out that the choice of the form of
writing down equations and formulas depends on the particular problem.
Therefore, it is not necessary to keep to a certain form of writing down
only because of the "unity of style". Some problems of the theory of
adjusting indirect measurements are dealt with. First, the transition
from observational equations to normal equations is investigated. Formula
(1.2) is written down as an observational equation for indirect measuring@
The transition (on Legendre-Gauss's condition) from (1.2) to normal
equations is simplest if the observational equation is represented in
vector form: formula (1.10). The scalar products of the vectors in (i.10)
are replaced by the corresponding scalar quantities, and formula (1-15)
is obtained. On the basis of this derivation, the coefficients of the
unknown quantities and the free terms of the normal equations may be
regarded as products of two vectors., For the purpose of comparing, the
Card 2/5
The Use of Matrices and Vectors in the S/154/60/000/004/001/004
Method of Least Squares B012/BO54
transition from observational to.normal equations is realized by the
combination of formulas in vector and matrix form: formula (1.20) is
derived. It expresses the normal equation system (1.15) in matrix form.
The comparison shows that in this case the formula is shorter whereas
the first derivative (formula (1-15)) is more illustrative. It is pointed
out that the matrix form is very convenient in determining unknown
quantities and estimating their accuracy. Nextq.the author investigates
the control formulas for checking the solutions of normal equation
systems. He writes down the-matrix from the.coefficients.of the unknown
quantities of system 0-15); formula .(2.1).. This-matrix corresponds to
the quadratic form @ ; formula (2.4). From the latter, the author
derives the linear equation system (2-6) matrix form is
represented by (2.7-). Thus, every quadratic form (2..4) corresponds to
the corresponding linear equation system (2.6), and vice versa. From
(2.6), the author obtains another equation (2.8) for the quadratic form
as the bilinear form of the variables x, y. The relationship between the
quadr-atic and bilinear form on one hand, and the system of normal
equations on the otherg has a,practical value for the numerical solution
Card 3/5
The Use of Matrices and Vectors in the S/154/60/000/004/001/004
Method of Least Squares B012/BO54
of these equations, for the control of the solutions, and for estimating
the accuracy of measurement- and adjustment results. The quadratic form
(2.4)-is transformed into (2@13)@ Formulas (2.8) and (2.13) are applied
to normal equation systems, and formulas (2.26) and (2627) are obtained
Formula (2.28) is finally obtained with their help. From this formula,
(P -can be calculated either with the aid of (2.26) in dependence on the
values obtained for the unknown quantities or with the aid of (2.27),
independently of these values-.-This guarantees a reliable and complete
control. of the total solution of the respective normal equation system.
From formula (2.27), � -can be determined from the scheme for the
solut-ion-of.normal equations with a certain structure of @ according to
the-rule-established by Professor N. I. Idellson@(Refo 17 ; The 3rd
chapter deals with the weight coefficients Q. The author studies the
system of equations (2-7) and the corresponding system (2.6). He derives
formula (3.23), and shows that the quality of the unknown quantities
depends both on-the quality of measurements and on the choice of the
system of unknown quantities. If the system of unknown quantities was
obtained by the method of least squares, the spread of the unknown
Card 4/5
The Use of Matrices and Vectors in the S/154/60/000/004/001/004
Method of Least Squares B012/BO54
quantities will show minimum'values thanks to the weight coefficients.
Formula (3.23) shows that the.results obtained on 'the basis of the
principles of least spread of unknown quantities are identical with the
results obtained on the basis of least square errors. There are 17
references: 13 Soviet, 2 German,.1 Danish, and 1 Belgian.
ASSOCIATION: I.Aoskovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhnyy institut (Moscow
Automobile and Highway Institute)
SUBMITTED: January 20, 1960
Card 5/5
sHILOV, Petr Iosifovich, zasl. deyatell nauki i tekhniki RSFSR,
--'-----doktorAekhn.nauk) prof.; LEVCHUK, G.P.,, red.;
BRAZBNIKOV, V.I., red.izd-va; ROMANOVA, V.V.,
[Geodesy] Geodeziia. 2. izd., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos-
geoltekhizdat, 1963. 381 p. (MIRA 17:3)
- --- --- -- - -- - --
1- 0-: : 0 0 o o
0 9 0 0 0
Zi I I I a 5 a
so A A--- C
Choice of suitable types of respirator for reme work in
the potmah mining industry. P-L-,Shilov. Kalil
I U. S. S. R.) 6,114a. 4,40-3(1937).-The restifis6f pbysiol.
test% carried out on subjects westing 3 types or rrspirator%
Vil., the RKR-1, the Dratem 1924 and the KIP-4 are de.
scribed. The tests were done under standard conslition% .00
at external tenip. of W-50% at 10* intervals. For all
types of app., anaalysam of exhaled airshowed that that CO, -00
content increases sharply when the external teinp. is -00
tuiseal front 20* to :M)*. while at 40* and 50" it fall% lit-bor
that for 30". B. C. 11. A. .00
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