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SVECHNIKOVA, E.L.; SHIGAYEVA, M.Kh. Variability of some micro-organisms under the influence of the mud from Lake Balpash-Sor. Report No. 2. Variability of micro- organisms by introducing them in mud substratum in cellophane bags. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. i virus. AN Kazakh. SSR 5:98-103 ,61. (MIRA 15:4) (Balpash-Sor, Lake-Baths, Moor and mud) (Micro-organisms) !,i SHIGAYEVA, M.D.; SIVERTSEVA, V.D. Natural variability of Actinomyces coelicolor; strain Has 17. Trudy Inst.mikrobiol.i virus.AN Kazkah.SSR 6-78-82 162. (MIU 15:8) (ACTINOMYCES) SHIUMITA.,; SIMTSEITA, V.D. V@iriability of Actinomyces, producer of ccelicomqcLn, induced by ultraviolet rayse Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. i virugo AM Kazakh. SSR 7:90-94 163 (@Mu 16:1Z) SHIGAYEVA, M.Kh. =3 Z' iv- OmYc e @ Characteristics of a pigmentleS93 Variant Of " 4, coelicolor, producer of coelicomycin, Trudy Thst. rdkrc- biol. i virus. AM Kazakh. SSR 7:95-98 163 (MIRA 16:1-2) Effect of ultraviolet rays on the pigmentles5 variant, pro- ducer of coelicomycin. Ibid.t99-105 3625-65 AR4045853- @inereaso thd stibility-of -the .SUB CODE: LS EKOL: 00 -- --- ------- - L i ar, Card g/2 SHIGAyVIA, M.Kh.; SIVERTSEVA., V.D,; DZYUBANOVA., R.M. Effect of ethylenimine on Actinomyces coalicoloro producer of celicomycin. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. i virus. AN Kazakh. SSR. 8: 86-92 165. (MIRA 18:11) -SHTU@YF,11.q, M.Kh.; SWUITSEVA, V.D.; ALEKSEY-EVA, S.I. t"baracteristlics of tbe active strain of A!:'%,imCr,3y:eV T):.,.) -dy lnsts mikr Jur@sd by the act-lon of ultraviolet rays. Tru W I Ce- bio.l. i virus. AN Kazakh. SSR, 8293-100 165, (MIRA lPzll) SI!IGER, A.G. Administra timo -territorial I no e delenie zarubez',Inykh stran. Chast'l (Achinistrative-terri- torial division of forc-igi-. countries. Part 1). '.-.osk-va, Geografgiz, 19S2. 272 p. S3: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Vol. -6, No. 1, April 1953 8-6t7-- VOLIF, U.B. "Admixistrati-re and territorial division of foreign countries"; handbook, part 1. A.G.Shiger. Reviewed by M.B.Tollf. Izv.Yoss.geog. ob-Ta 86 no-3:312-313 MY-Je 154. (HLRA 7:6) (Shiger, A.G.) (Administrative and political divisions) CHIUZO, Nagaiszi,, dr., prof.; YOSHIO, Okada, dr.; SHIGETOSHI, Ishiko, dr.; SHIGEO Daido dr. @ - - q.. i 13- Electron microscopic picture of the healthy and diseased lung. Tuberkulozis 17 no.2:40-46 F 164. 1. A kyotoi Egyetem. Tbc kutatointezetenek Sebeszeti klinikaja (Japan) kozlemenye. CHIJZO, Nagaiszi, dr., prof.; YOSHIO, Okada, dr.; SIIIGETOSHI, Ishiko, dr.; SHIGEO, Daido, dr. - Electron microscopic picture of the healthy and diseased lung. Tuberkulozis 17 no.2:40-46 F 164. 1. A kyotoi Egyetem The kutatointezetenek Sebeszeti klinikaja (Japan) kozi-emenye. a cn from: Referativnyy zhil-rnal, Metallurglya, 21 -tCO AT)"IHORS, TITLE-,, S/137/60/000/009/028/029 AQ06/AOOl 1960, No. 9, p. 269, Kopp, L.P., Shigidina, L.M., Sudakova,_O.D. On the Problem of Causes of Reduced Duct1lity of X23 H 18 (nQN-11-81 Steel at Elevated Temperatures and the Possibility of Improving Same by Rare-Earth Elements \ PERIODICAL: V sb.: Redkozemel'n. elementy v stalyakh i splavakh, Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1959, pp. 211-230 TEXT'-@ A study was made of the dependence between the macrostructure of a K-1-:23N18 steel ingot and the ductility of the steel at 0,00-1,2000C, and of the effect of rare-earth elenents on the macrostructure of the ingot, -the purity in respect to S and 02, and the ductility of the steel. Ductility was evaluated fr,:@m the number of revolutions until the breakdown of a square section specimens cf 10 x 10 mm, twisted at high temperatures. It was stated that the int-roductfon Card 1/2 S1 137/60/000/009/028/0 29 Aoo6/Aooi On @he Problem of Causes of Reduced Ductility of X 23H18 (Kh23Nl8) Steel at Elevated Temperatures and the Possibility of -Improving Same by Rare-Earth Element-s t@; t;he steel of 0.2% Ce caused a decrease of the S and 02 content in the steel but did not change the N content. The positive effect of Ce on -the ductility of Kh23N18 steel was established only at 1,2000 and Ce content 0.1%. The effen-t cf Ce Is --onnected not as much with a reduced 3 content, as with deoxidation of the steel and the formation of compounds of rare-earth elements with S and C-2 hav,-ng high melting points. There are 10 references, T.F. @-ransla@r, 's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abzetrast ,-r Card 2/2 5-7 -,r' IT BOLOTOV, P. A. Inzhener i 0ST-42"K, i". A. inz-h., VOROKY", A. 4-1. Tn7-h., Irzh. Lerdngrads'l-i.y filial Vsesoyuznovo nal-i(-hno-iFsl---iov--',ellskoco instituta stroitelinooc- i dorozhnoffo mashinostro,,@-erdya RASTWTV'ASOSE PR-',')I'lN0DTTEl-'iT),:T I YU 1-2 m3/chas DLYA ZME ST"' IKE RASTVOROV Pa e 10 i1i 9 SO: Collections of Annotations of Scientific Rosearch %Tork on Construction, complete in 1950. 2-oscow 1951 - Ll - @*j , " : , I I , @ . C- I :; , I ,I '.-JI u , I k 1. - - . ' Tf - 3 1 (' S. -" "ne w(--dvrig cf tfie 2tart vaves ni N ai w t -he - L L I I - .1 il k mc,.9-.28-29 IMTFL4. :L",..:Lo) . L S 161,76 % SORVIN, Te., inzh.; SHIGIN, Device for measuring the filament voltage of high-yoltage kenotrons. Radio no.2239-40 F 163. (KML,16-.2) (Diodes) (Electron tubes-Tasting) SHIGIN A kand, tekhn. nauk; POSPELOV, D.,, starshiy prepodavatel' Cybernetics in automotive transportation. Za rul. 21 no.3*. 16-17 Mr 163. (MIRA 16--4) 1. Moskovs@iy energeticheskiy institut. (Transportation, Automotive) (Cybernetics) 6PBli@,', ',. A. Pp.rasit6s - -erons bew filarip of ileron. '@ruklf Gel'm, "Lab. 1-10. 5, 1951. C). Monthly List of Russian -Accessions, library of Congress, Seotember 1952. UNCL. I -- . - ItHelminths of Ichthvophagous Birds of the R-ybinsk Reservoir." Cand Biol Sci, All-Union Inst of Helminthology, 1.'.oscow, 1954. (RZIB-Jol, No 8, Dec 54) Survey of Scientific an,4 Technical Fissertations ILefen@ed at USSR Higher Educational Instittitions (12) SO: Sim. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 SHIGIN,A.A. Results of helminthological research on ichthyophagous birds of the Rybinsk Reservoir for the three years, 1949-1951. Trudy probl.i tem.sov. no.4:57-60 '54. (MLRA 87) 1. GorIkovskiy Gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut, 17afedra zoologii. (Parasites--Water birds) (Parasites--Fishes) (Rybinsk Reservoir--Parasites) SHIGIN, A.A. -Gdap'e'ndence of the genus Epiethmium (I@he, 1909) In connection with the description of a now.species Ep.colymbi nov.sp.from the great crested grabs. Trudy Bial.sta."Borok" no.2:327-334 155. (Trematoda) (rarasites-Grabas) (MINA 9:6) M:,@;21 Zooparasitology - Helminths. G-2 Abe Jow : Ref Mix - Biol., No 18) 1958, No. 81706 Author : Shigin, A. A. Inat : Titlo : Parasitic Helminthe From Herons and Grebe of the Rybirwk Reuorvoir Orig Pub : Tr. Darvinsk. goo. zapovedno, 1957, No 4, 245-289 Abstzact : In the Darwin reservation in 1949-1952 and 1954, 168 grey and 2 6Tey-cheeked herons and 70 large grebe were dissected, in which 638 species of helminths were found (28 species of trematodes, 13 cestodes, 21 nematodes, and 1 skreben species); in grebe 27 Species (3-1 trematodes, 7 cestodes and 9 species of neizatodes). Eleven species of helminthe complete their full cycle in the reservoir, using different fish species as their intermediary or final hosts. Among parasites most pathogenic to fish are Card 1/2 7 IZMIOVA, N.A.; @.HIGINA.A- Parasites of fishes of the Volga River in the regions of Gork:ir and Kuybyshev Reservoirs. Trudy Biol. sta. "Borok-4 no.3:364-363 '58. (min 11: 9) (Gorkiy Reservoir-Faigsites-Fishes) (Kuybyshev Reservoir-Parasites-Fishes) SHIGE-4) A. A. "On the Specific Composition of the Uplostomum (57trigeata) Fenus of Trematodes Unich Parasitize Gulls." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseases with Natural iLeservoirs, 22-20, October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Darwinian Stete Reservation SHIGIN A.A. Helminth fauna of laridine birds in Rybinsk Reservoir. Trudy DGZ no.7009-362 161. (NIRA 16t2) (Rybinsk Reservoir-Parasites-Terns) (Rybinsk lleservoir-Parasite&--Gulls) (Rybinsk Reservoir--Worms,Intestinal and parasitic) 4 T , _q.'G-N; -.@ A0 life span of" Diplostomum spathaceum in. the organism of an additional host, Trudy Gel7m* lab. l4t262-272 164- (IC RA .17-10) SUDATITKO'l, V. Y04; STIIGTIT, A.As Mathoda of studying motAwercaria, oEP tavmatodes of the order StrMaidida. "Trudy Gallmo " l5sl58-166 165. r (MIFA 19il) 1,1 111 G.1 LN , A. A. Taxonomic sigmificance o--:' the secc-rdary excretory isystem Lin metacercaria of the genus Diplostomiuz. Trudy Gellm. lab. 15: 200-202 T65 OMIFI 19 :1) Study of the life c@,-cle of Diplostomum mergi (Trematoda, Diplostamatidae), a new pathogen of fish diplostomatosis. Ibid. :203-205 112-3-6498 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 3, p. 200 (USSR) AUTHOR: Shigin, A.G. TITLE: Generation of Given Time Intervals by an Electronic Computer (Polucheniye zadannykh interivalov vremeni pri pomoshchi elektronnogo schetnogo ustroystva) PERIODICAL: Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, 1956, Nr 18, pp. 319-330 ABSTRACT: The author describes an electronic instm-ament, designed and constructed in the Electronic Computing Laboratory of the Moscow Institute'of Power Engineering..The instru- ment generates pulses with determined and precise sequential time delays. There are two interval ranges: 1) 10,20,40,80, 160,320,640 and 1,280 -4sec; 2) 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 'and 128 msec. The desired interval is selected by a switching arrangement on the control partel. The absolute error in' Card 1/3 the first range is less than 0,25,k sec, and not greater 112-3-6498- Generation of Given Time Intervals by an Electronic Computer (Cont.) than 2,-9 sec in the second range. The output signals, which indicate the limits of the intervals, have a peaked shape of positive and negattve-polarity (the first half of the signal is a positive pulse; and the second negative); the total durationg of the signal is not greater than 0.8 /.4sec. The instrum4nt can be adjusted for continuous generation of pulses or for the generation of only two pulses with a given sequence interval. Paired pulses are registered by neon tubesw The instrument is pro- vided with two output channels, which can be connected in. parallel. In another mode of operation,paired puls 'es can also be generated in different channels,';i.e.,'@he first pulse in the first channel and the.second pulse,in the second channel. The operating condition.T are.selected by means of flip-flop switches. The instrument operates in the following manner. A 100-kc quartz-stabilized sine-wave generator sends signals to a pulse shaper. If necessary, a four-stage frequency divider is connected between the Card 2/3 112-3-6498 Generation of Given Time Intervals by an Electronic Computer (Cont.) generator and pulse shaper to decrease the frequency by a factor of 100; in other words, the signal at the divider output has a frequency of 1 kc. A blocking oscillator employed as a pulse shaper shapes the sfne-wave pulses into- short peaked pulses of alternating polarity. Definite pulses are now selected (for example, eveiy second or fourth pulse). The-pulses are selected by a counting circuit consisting of trigger stages; the method used eliminates the possibility of different'triggering times influencing the uniformity of the pulse-sequence. The output device transforms the pulses Into a bipolar form and permits controlling the ampliiude of the output pulses' in the limits of 0 to 5 v. The shape and amplitude of the output pulses are monitored by an oscilloscope unit con- sisting of an amplifier, a sweep generator and an oscillp- tron. The shortcomings of the instrument are pointed out, and methods for improvement are suggested. V.A.B Card 3/3 SHIGIN, A.G. lagh-precision time-interval transmitters. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-5:30-31 '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) (Time signals) ZR-111-1, Vik1wr- Aieksandro-vich; BARABANOVA@ G.K., inzh., retsenzent; HDANOV, G,.111,, doktor tekhn. nauk.. retsenzent; ROGACHEVA, G@I.!' inzh@, retserzent; SEMOVA, Ye,T.p inzh.s retsenzent; !S!HLI @LN@ kand. tekhn. nauk.. retsenzeirt; MMENS, S.L., inzh., red., MODELI, B.I., tekhn. red. (Eleotronic 3al-ulating machines; fundamentals of theory.. design, and application] Blektronnye vychislitellnye masbiry;, osnovy teurii, rascheta i primeneniia. Moskva, Mashigz, 1962. 737 p. (MIRA 15:4) (Electronic calculating machines) s/196/62/000/017/005/005 E194/E155 AUTHOR: Sh TITLE. A computer for determining the technical-economic characteristics of thermal electric power stations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i energetika, no.17, 1962, 29, abstract 17 G 163. (Tr. Mosk. energ. in-ta, no.37, 1961, 169-181). TEXT: A computer for this use should perform the following: collect and sort all the necessary information; convert the information into a binary code; correct the initial data, using certain mathematical devices; calculate in a certain s6quence various technical-economic characteristict, of the sets, and groups of the thermal electric power station as a whole; calculate The technical-economic characteristics to der-ermine the optimum operating condizions of the power station. on the basis of The formulae that are obtained for determination of the technical- economic characteristics a programme is drawn up for calculating them. Analysis of the programme shows that the error of calcula- tion of the technical-economic characteristics is of the Card 1/2 A computer for determining the ... S/196/62/0()0/017/005/005 E194/El-55 maximum values of the magnitudes calculated, unless the instruments used to collect the necessary information are improved.- With the existing instruments the error can, however, be reduced to 2-5-3/a by taking mean Values of initial data over a interval and excluding significant random errors from the mealis by the usual methods. A digital computer was selected for the purpose. Analysis of the computer programme provided the initial data necessary both to select the type of computer from th-s- available and also to develop a specialised computer (i-., latter case the functions of the computer may be extended). it appears most promising to employ the principle of paral-le-z operation iri computers with ferrite-transistor elements. -.-. ti n r] a - mental properties are given of a computer based on electrotile tubes. Such a computer, if the series principle is used, reAitires 580 electronic tubes. It has approximately the same operi'llill.,1 speed as the high-speed universal computer type Urall which contains 800 electronic tubes. 4 references. @_Abstractorls note: Complete translation.j Card 2/2 POSPELOVJ, Dmitriy Aleksandrovich;.SHIGIK,--A-G-,-dots., red. [Arithmetical and logical principles of digital computers) Arifmeticheskie i logicheskie osnovy vychislitelInykh mashin diskretnogo deistviia. Moskva., Mosk. energeticheskii in-t. 'Pt.2.(Logic algebra functions, synthea" and analysis of networks with time independent operation) Funktsii algebry logiki, sintez i analiz skhem, rabota kotorykh ne savisit ot vremeni. Red. A.A. r Shigin. 1961. 107 p. Pt-3 . LTime dependent and rwourrent Boolean functions, analysis and-synthesis of networks with time dependent operation] Vremennye i rekurrentnye bulevy funktsii, analiz i sintez skhem, rabota kotorykh zavisit ot vremeni. Red. A.G.Shigin. 1961. 79 p. (min 16:4) (Electronic computers) SHIGIN, A.Go System of complex automation and calculating machines. Trudy HEI no.4-1:5-18 162. (MIRA 26:7) (Automation) (Electronic computers) BERS, A.A.; SHIGIN, A.G. Structure of the command cycle of a discrete-type computer and computer efficiency. Trudy 'MEI no.41:19-32 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Faectronic computers) SHIGINI A.G.; SHCHEGLOV, YU.M. Special features of the operation of a ferrite-transistor stage. Trudy NEI no.41:6:L-80 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Electronic computers--Circuits) SURGUGHEVA, M.V.; SHIGIN, A.G. Study of the input characteristics of a transistor during large signal input. Trudy MEI no.41:97-3.12 162. (MM 16.'7) (Transistors) POSPELOV, Dmitriy Aleksandrovich; SHIG1'N-', (Solution of problems using numerical computers] Reshenie zadach na vychislitellnykh shinakh diskretnogo deistviia. Moskva, Moak. energ. in-t. Pt.l. (Principles of programming] Osnovy prograumdrovaniia. 1961. 159 P. (MIRA 17:1) x I . . ',_ - . '. 1,,, H, , -)F:@:vfj ) ; si IG, N' , A.G. 1, ) 1 F Z- ' I " sp . 4,;@ f a:'J thm.-l' 4 1 ` opo@rat. *@,n - 1 'T. AN -,S , Tel .. 0 Je ' 64- (Mip-; -1-1:10", T,, 7,lj an nz;u S'c PYAIKIN, V.P.." SHlGllll,-L.G-;- 7rifor-,natior nets of concepts and of the structure of a reaniting process. Trudy MEI no.53-89-95 '64. (14-IR' -7,6) ACCESSION NR: AP4041961 S/0280/64/000/003/0069/0071 AUTHOR: Allperovich, L. Z. , Shigin, A. G. TITLE: Control by the modulus of arithmetic operations SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 3, 1964, 69-71 TOPIC TAGS: control system, error correction, automatic control, cybernetics, arithmetic operation, modulus, modular control ABSTRACT: In the work of V. V. Peterson io kontrol.e summatora Kibernetichesldy sbornik, 1962, No. 4), it is shown that any self- con tained,con trol. of a summation device is control by a modulus. In the present paper, the organization of control with the use of several moduli is proposed and recommendations are given for the selection of a system of moduli. A method of error correction is also described, an8 the control of'numbers wUh floating commas is considered. For convf!nience of control the selection of a modulus is based on the following fact: Let A a.xl be any number written in a notation system 7. L-A 0 Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041961 with basis x )- 1. Ifere 0,< a< x. In ordor that the oqu.ality be true with respect to the modulus it is necessary and sufficient that the modulus p be a divisor of the number x - 1. Five examples are considered. In conclusion, the author points out that examples of the use of one modulus for control of the work of a machine are well-known. The extension of the number of moduli seems a comparatively simple problem-and does not cause difficulty in its realization, while providingg a significant advantage to the system in comparison to the well-known methods of multiple duplication. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas and 3 figurer.. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 15Oct63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MA, DP NO REP SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 2/f.) C d MkTVBYEV, V., inzb.; SHIGIN, I. Large precast reinforced concreto industrial building. Stroitell no.2:3-5 F 160. 04IRA 13:5) *_, 1 1. Proizvodstvenno-telchnicheskoye otdeleniye tresta No.2, Voronezh (for Matveyev). 2. Glavnyy inzhener spetsuchastka URR-570 treBta Stallkonstruktaiya (for Shigin). (Voronezh--Industrial b-aildings) (Precast SUBJECT AUTHOR T]@TLE PERIODICAL USSR PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA GORLOV, G.V., GOCHBERG, B.111., 1=ROZOV, V.,?T., SIGIN, V.A. The Angular Distribution of the Neutrons Produced on the of the Reaction T(p,n)He3' gurn.techn.fis, 26, fasc. 5, 985-959 (1956) Issued: 6 / 195_@_ reviewed: 10 / 1956 1346 Occasion This angular distribution was measured for proton energies of 1200, 1400 and 1600 keV. The protons were produced by means of an electrostatic generator and after passing through a 90 degrees magnetic analyzer they were directed upon a tritium target. The system for the voltage stabilization of the generator war- rants a constancy of the proton energy which is accurate up to 2.10-21 A solid tritium target was used, and a long counter served as a detector. The proportion- ality counter had a firm covering of boron and was filled with a mixture of argon and methyl alcohol. Next, the problem of the sensitivity of the long counter with respect to neutrons with different energies is discussed in detail. With the help of the obtained characteristic of sensitivity it was possible to measure the angular distribution of neutrons with more than 25 keV with great accuracy, i.e. for all angles at proton energies of 1400 and 1600 keV and for angles below 1520 (in the center of mass system) at '1200 keV. In the case of large angles and 1200 keV accuracy is considerably lower. Angular distribution was measured inside a cabin of 3 x 3 x 2,5 m, the walls of - which were coated with a mixture of paraffin and borax. In the center of the cabin was the tritium target. The long counter was located at the distance of of -21=f 42- -4 21M SOV/89-6-4-8/27 AUTHORS: Gorlov, G. V., Gokhberg, B. M., Morozov, V. M., Otroshchenko, G. A., Shigin, V. A. *---------- TITLE: The Fission Cross Sections for U 233 and U235 Under the Action of Neutrons With Energies From 3 to 800 kev (Secheniya deleniya U 233 1 U235 pod deystviyem neytronov s energiyey ot 3 do 800 kev) PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 4, pp 453-457 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The neutrons were obtained from the T(p,n)He3-reaction, the proton energy amounting to 1200, 1400 and 1600 kev. The measur- ing chamber, the construction of the target, the neutron de- tector, and measurement of the angular distribution of the T(p,n)He-reaction are described by reference 2. Determination of the dependence of the fission cross section on neutron energy was carried out in two stages. First, only the rela- tive course of fission cross section dependence was determined. Next, the absolute value of a f for 270 kev neutrons was measured, and with this reference value the relative curves were re-calculated. Results are graphically represented and Card 1/3 show the following limits: 233 235 SOV/89-6-4-6/27 The Fission Cross Sections for U and U Under the Action of Neutrons With Energies From 3 to 800 kev En af(U 235) Of(U 233) 3.4 kev 4.8 b 7-5 b 780 kev 1.05 b 1.9 b Accuracy of neutron energies at E p = 1200 kev En = 3-4 kev + 0.8 kev 235 .+ 0.7 kev 233 200 kev + 28 kev for U + 17 kev for U 340 kev + 13 kev + 9.5 kev Accuracy of neutron flux measurement: ,2-3% (at neutron energies of 9 and 3.4 kev it however amounted to 6 and 14% respectively). Accuracy of the measurement of the relative course of the fission cross section curve: -4% for U235 and -6% for U233 (except in the case of neutron energies of 304 kev 16%, 9 kev - 9%, 30 kev - 6%, for u235 and U233 corresponding- ly 19, 11, and 9%). Sum errors in absolute af-determination: Card 2/3 U235 , 7%, U233 - 8%. 233 235 SOV/89-6-4-8/27 The Fission Cross Sections for U and U Under the Action of Neutrons With Energies From 3 to 800 kev The results obtained agree well with previously obtained data, but it must be born in mind that the present work was carried out already in 1953-1954. There are 3 figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Cross Section of Th 229 Fission 66160 SOV/20-128-5-12/67 electronic recorder. Nickel windows U-5 mm thick were soldered to the front plates of Pe chamber. A thorium layer approximately 0.8 mg/cm, thick and having a diameter of 17 mm was attached to the high-voltage electrode of the chamber. The thorium had the following isotope composition: 60 Aof Th 229 and 1.5 mg of Th 232. The chamber was filled with7 4@% argon and 35FA methane (2 atz pressure), and mounted on a turntable. The resolution with reference to the energy varied from 2 kev for measurements of 6 kev neutrons to 20 kev for measurements of Z 350 kev neutrons. The number of fissions on the scattered neutrons wr determined from deviation of chamber counts from the 1/r -function at different distances between chamber and target. Results of the experiment are illustrated in a figure. The course of the cross section curve differs greatly from the typical dependence of the fission cross section on the energy of the neutrons. This holds for nuclei split by thermal neutrons. The cross section decreases bv 20% altogether in the interval 20-200 kev, thereafter diminishea greW toward a minimum at 600 kev, and then increases again by 25%* Card 2/3 Unfortunately, measurements at energies above 1200 kev were V 66160 Cross Section of Th229 Fission SOV20-128-5-12/67 not possible owing to the large content of Th 232. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy energii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) " 11 - PRESENTED: June 2, 1959, by I. V. Kurchatov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 9, 1-959 Card 3/3 66412 SOV/20-128-6-16/63 AUTHORS: Gokhberg, B. M., Otroshchenko, G. A., Shigin, V. A. TITLE. Effective Cross Sections and Anisotropy of Np 237 and Th 230 Fissions PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 6, PP 1157-1159 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was a matter of interest to measure the effective cross sec- tions and anisotropy of nuclear fission in the immediate prox- imitY of the threshold value. Such measurements had hitherto 238 232 been made only for U and Th . The authors investigated nuclei Np 237 and Th 230. Experimental conditions and technique of measuring the fission cross sectione had already been in- vestigated earlier (Ref 3). The layers of fissioning substances 2 had a thickness of-J0.5 mg/cm . Further experimental conditions are mentioned. 2 diagrams illustrate the dependence of the fis- sion cross section and the ratio of differential fission cross sections5f(O 0)16f(go 0) on the energy of neutrons. Because of Card 1/4 the small effective cross section of reaction, anisotropy of I 66412 SOV/20-128-6-16/63 Effective Cross Sections and Anisotropy of Np 237 and Th230 Fissions NP 237 fission was only measured beginning with a neutron energy of 350 kev. Owing to the lack of sufficiently reliable data concerning the isotopic composition of the Th230 sample, mea- surements could not be made on Th 230 above an energy of 1200 kev, where impurity Th 232 begins to make its action strongly felt. Owing to this reason it was also impossible to determine the absolute value of the fission cross section of Th232 by this 237 exoeriment. For Np ,fission cross section remains almost constant in the range of energies of from 12 to 100 kev, i.e. within a tenfold change of energy (-,j20 mb), and a threshold value of reaction is evidently lacking. This fact is a little surprising, as seen from the viewpoint of the fission model used today. On the other hand,the plane course of the cross section and the slight Anisotropy of fission are evidently in good agreement with the fact that the original Np 237 nucleus is odd - even and that it exhibits a high spin. The Np 238 nucleus Card 2/4 originating from the capture of the neutron is odd - odd, i.e. 66412 SOV/20-128-6-16/63 Effective Cross Sections and Anisotropy of Np 237 and Th 230 Fissions it is highly excited, namely with a large moment. This leads to the mentioned character of dependence of fission characteristics on the neutron energy. Fission cross section of Th 230 versus energy of neutron function is likewise in good agreement with the conclusions derived from the "collective" model with respect to the even - even nucleus. Fission of Th 230 has its threshold value at 650 kev, with the cross section increasing strongly beyond that value. At the beginning of the general cross sec- tion rise a local maximum is clearly noticeable. This is the reason why the Th231 nucleus may have a level at a great dis- @ance from the other higher levels. Anisotropy of fission in the L. range of this maximum, however, is the opposite to the one which is presupposed by the collective model for an even - even nucleus. Further investigations concerning the character of Th230 anisotropy and especially, measurement of the total angular distribution of the fission fragments, are yet required to clarify this problem. There are 2 figures and 4 references, Card 3/4 1 of which is Soviet. 66412 SOV/20-128-6-16/63 Effectiv'e Cross Sections and Anisotropy of Np 237 and Th 230 Fissions ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy energii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: June 2, 1959, by I. V. Kurchatov, Academician b@@ SUBMITTED: April 9, 1959 Card 4/4 31082 S/'63 61/001/000/004/056 2 jV0 B1 02YB1 36 AUTHORS; Gokhberg, B. M., Otroshchenko, G. A., Shigin, V. A@ TITLE,, Fission cross section of Th 229 , Th 230, and Np 237 and fissim anisotropy of Th230 and Np237 SOURCE-. Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispolizovaniyu atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent@ 1961, 57-61 TEXT4. Fission cross sections and anisotropy were measured around the fission threshold. The bombarding neutrons were produced in T(p,n) reac- tions. in bombardment with neutrons of E n< 350 kev@ E p was 1200 kev. for En,> 350 kev Ep was varied and only the neutrons emitted in the direction of the proton beam were used. Fission was determined by a plane-parallel ionization chamber connected with a recorder. The background due to fissions induced by scattered neutrons was determined by check measurements and did not exceed 10%. Anisotropy was also observed with an ionization -,hamber. The energy resolution was 30 kev. Results; Th229. The X Card 1/3 33032 S/638/61/001/000/004/056 Fission cross section of ... B102/B138 229 232 specimen consisted of 60 gg Th + 1.5 gg Th . 6f - F(Ea) decreases rapidly between 6 and 20 kev, it decreases 20% between 20 and 200 kev and reaches a minimum at 600 kev, after which it increases slightly again. 230 Th The exact isotopic composition of the specimen was not known@ Only relative measurements were made up to En = 1200 kev. The fissioD khreshold is at En--670 kev. The local maximum at Enf@--770 kev suggests the existence of a Th 231 level far removed from the higher levels. The results are in ood agreement with those of the collective model of even@ even nuclei. N537. The specimens contained practically no admixtures. Between 12 and 150 kev, 6 f is almost constant (- 20 mb), then it rises almost linearlyR and tending to saturation a bit beyond 1000 kev. The anisotropy@ 6f(Oo)1af(qOo) was also measured as a function of En. Between 700 and 1000 kev it decreases from 2 to 1.2 for Th 230, then rises again and at @200 kev reaches 1@4. The existence of a maximum near the threshold is in accordance with the collective model, The anisotropy in the range of this maximum is, however, in contradiction to the model giver, in. Ref, 2! In NP237 "he an-is'otropy was only measured from E n - 350 ke7@ Card 2/3 J 3-11082 S/638/61/001/000/004/056 Fission cross section of ... B1021B138 It rises from 1.0 to 1.2 when En is increased to 1500 kev. This slight dependence is due to Np 237 being an odd-even nucleus with 7/2 spin. There are 3 figures and 3 non-Soviet references. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 1: Hjill D. L. and Wheeler J. A. Phys. Rev., t2p 1102, 1953; Ref@ 2: Wilets L. and Chase D. M. Phys, Rev., 103, 1296, 1956; Ref. 3: Henkel R. L. and Bralley G@ E. Phys. Rev,, 103, 1292, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institut atomnoy energii AN SSSR (Institute of Atomic Energy AS USSR) Card 3/3 '2985 B/64Y61/OOO/OOO/O12/O33 B1 04 B1 02 A 6 4 00 AUTHORS; Otroshchenko, G. A., Shigin, V. A. %, 237 230 TITLE.- Cross section and fission anisotropy of Np and Th SOURCE: Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed. Neytronnaya fizika; sbornik statey. Moscow, 1961, 211-216 TEXT: The angular distribution anisotropy of the Np 237 and Th 230 fission fragments was studied. The fission was induced by neutrons of up to 1.5 Mev produced in the reaction T(p,n)He3. A 30-40 Va proton beam from an electrostatic generator was directed at a tritium target. This target consisted of titanium saturated with tritium to T/Ti atomic ratio of 1.8. The neutron flux was determined by a boron counter. At neutron energies above 350 kev the measurements were made in the neutron fluxes leaving the target in the direction of the proton beam. Owing to its thickness the protons lost about 60 kev in the target. The neutron energy was varied by varying the proton energy. In measurements with protons of energies lower than 350 kev the proton energy was kept constant at about 1200 kev and neutron fluxes were used that left the target at different angles Card 1/1 32985 s/641/61/000/000/012/033 Cross section and fission B104/B102 relative to the proton beam. The fission events were recorded by means of a plane-parallel ionization chamber. A thin layer (0-5 mg/cM2, 17 mm diameter) of the substance to be fissioned was applied to the high-voltage electrode of the chamber. The chamber was filled with 2 atm argon (with 35@-' methane)@ The energy resolution varied from 3 kev for 12 kev neutrons to 20 kev for 350-kev neutrons. The anisotropy of the fission fragments was determined by means of a double ionization chamber. The substance to be fissioned was placed at a distance of 67 mm from the target, The results are graphically represented. There are 3 figures and 3 non-Soviet references@ The two references to English-language publica- tions read as follows; Henkel R. L-, Brolley UTz E., Phys. Rev., 103? 1296 (1956); `,Vilets L., Chase D. M., Phys, Rev., 103, 1296 (1956). Fig. 2. Cross section and fission anisotropy of Np 237 as a function of the neutron energy, Legendi (1) af in barn, En in kev. 230 Fig@ 3. Cross section and fission anisotropy of Th as a function of -the neutron energy. Legend; df in relative units, En in kev. Card 2/1 S1jlGI,Nj, V.,@. Anisotropy of I 00/IgOO fragments resulting from the fission of U233 by 100-1000 Kev. neutrons. Dokl, Q) SSSR 140 no.2.'351-353 s 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Institut atomnoy energii im. I.V.Kurchatova AIN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikon A.P.Aleksandrovym. (Nuclear fission) (Uranium--Isotopes) (Neutrons) OTROSHCHENKO, G.A.; SHIGIN, V.A. [Effective fission cross sections and anisotropy of Np237 and Th2301 Effektivnye secheniia i anizotropiia. deleniia Np237i Th230. Moskva, Glav.upr. po ispollzo- vaniiu atomnoi energii, 1960. 12 p. (MIRA 17:1) DUBROVINA, B. M. ; @1@:UGEN,@V. A. "Fission cross section of PA 231 and RJ 239XY neutrons in the energy interval 1,5 - 1)00 KEV." report submitted for IAEA Intl Nuclear Data Sci Working Group Mtg, Vienna, Y-13 Nov 64. ACCESSION NR: AP4042787 S/0020/64/157/003/0561/0562 AUTHORS: Dubrovina, S. M.; Shigin, V. A. TITLE: Cross section for.fisaion of Pa-231 and Pu-239 by neutrons in the energy interval 1.5--1500 keV SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no. 3, 1964, 561-562 TOPIC TAGS: protactinium, plutonium, fission cross section, fission neutron, odd even nucleus, neutron scattering, inelastic scattering ABSTRACT: The authors wanted to ascertain whether the absence of irregularity in the variation of the fission cross section with the ..neutron energy.near the fission threshold is a characteristic of all odd-even nuclei. To this end, they studied the variation of the fission cross section of the odd-even nucleus Pa231. The cross sections for the fission of Pa231 were measured in the neutron energy interval-140--1740 keV. In addition, they measured the fis- Card ACCESSION NR: AP4042787 sion cross section of Pu 239 in the neutron energy interval 1.5--1250 keV. Tile measurements were made with an electrostatic accelerator, using a procedure analogous to that described earlier (G. V. Gorlov et al., Atomnaya energiya v. 6, no. 4, 453, 1959; B. M. Gokhberg et al., DAN, v. 128, no. 5, 911, 1959). The results obtained for PU239 agreed within the limits of measurement error with results by others. The measurements indicate that the fission cross section of Pa231 deviates greatly from those of Np237 and Am241. The dips fol- lowing the maxima in the fission cross section of Pa231 are apparently_ due to competition on the part of the newly uncovered channels of inelastic neutron scattering. It is, however, difficult to identify 231 these channels, since the corresponding excitation levels of Pa have not been suffidiently studied. The results of the work there- fore show that the irregularity in the course of variation of the fission crossIsection are observed also in odd-even nuclei. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. Report presented by A. P. Aleksandrov, CoM 2/1 2737-66 EWT WAPF (n)-2/EWP(t)/EV1P(b)/@WA (h) IJP (r,)- --- -JD/WVI/,ZG ':ACCESSION NR: AP5024335 UR/0367/65/602-/002/0243/0247.1 iAUTHOR: Borisova, N- I.; Novgorodtseva, V. I.; Pchelin, V. A.; ShIgin V A ITITLE: The syLpMetrin F* threshold for Np237 73 ;SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 2, no. 2, 1965, 243-247 !TOPIC TAGS: ia@nium@lradioisotope, nuclear fission, fission cross section, !fission threshold !ABSTRACT: The cross section for symmetric fission is measured as a function of ex-@ Icitation energy. Particular attention is given to the behavior of this cross sec- tion close to the threshold of asymmetric fission. Np237 was used as the target. Fission was produced by neutrons. The low degree of anisotropy in the angular dis-al l Itribution of Np237 fission fragments, and the weak relationship between this.ani- isotropy and neutron energy indicate that contributions tothe fission cross section, 1from various states at the fission barrier do not change considerably when the neu-@ 1tron energy is varied. This made it possible to eliminate the influence of ind ;pendent-particle effects on the fission fragment yield. An electrostatic accel:r-a-1 itor was used. The T (p, n) He3 and D (d, it) He3 reactions served as.sources of imonochromatic neutrons. Symmetric and asymmetric fissions were identified by the ICard 1/2 2737-66 ;ACCESSION NR: AP5024335 99 ill 140 iradiochemical method. Yields-were determined for No Ag Cd115 and Ba The' methods for preparing the sample for irradiation and deter-mining the yields of these'. j @isotopes are described. The exposure time was 25-50 hours at a neutron intensity Of neutrons/sec-cm2 The results are graphed and tabulated. It is found that ,the thresholds of symmetric and asymmetric fission coincide. This indicates that :the process of symmetric fission coincides at first with the process of asymmetric, .,l .fission and that the differences in the yields of symmetric and asymmetric fission and in the behavior of their cross sections at high neutron energies are due to Vie effect of fragment shells which appear in the last stages,of the fission process.. ,"The authors consider it their pleasant duty to thank B. M. Gokhberg,,and B. V# Kurchatov for constant interest In the work and discussion ofxthe results, and also f, L. V. Chistyako for valuable consultation on-methods.'!'.@Orig. art. h I fi as gureq 1 table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 20Mar65 ENCL: 00 so CODE i NP z' NO REF SOV: OOS OTHER: ,Card 2/? .............. L 1843-66 EWT(m)/EWA(-h-)-- VR/3136165/ I ACCESSION NR: AT5022292 000/796/0001 AUTHOR: Shigin, V. A. TITIE: Nuclear fission via quasi-molecular states SOURCE: Moscow. Institut atomng eRSgii. Doklady, IAE-796, 1965. 0 delenii yader cherez kvazimolekulyarnyye sostoyaniya, 1-14 tOPIC TAGS: nuclear fission, nucleon interaction, nuclear structure A13STRACT: A mechanism of nuclearfission via quasi-molecular (QN) states is proposed. The stability of QM states in relation to the fusion And separation of touching nuclei is due to the.presence of nucleonic structures in the nuclei and to the associated additional resistance of the nuclei to distortion. At the same time, these states are unstable toward nucleon exchange by the nuclei. Consideration of QM states leads to new interpretations of the fission process I- according to which fission consists of:1 (1) the growth of a light-nucleus on the surface of the nucleus undergoing fission (this growth takes place at the expense of nucleons migrating to the surface' from,.the core, in,which the nucleons are bound together less tightly than in,the light nucleus); (2) the subsequent separation of the quasi-molecules formieC The growth of the light*nucteus,begin's _@Card @2- SHIGIN, Ye.K.. aspirant Synthesis of automatic control systems with sign-shifting input of integrating and correcting elements. Naucb.dokl.vys.shkoly; mash.i prib. nn.1:193-199 ' 58). (MIRA 12:1) 1. Predstavleno, kafedroy "Teoreticbeskaya mekhanika"'14oskovskogo vysshego tekbnicheskogo ucbilishcha imeni N.E. Baumana. (Automatic control) AUTHOR: Shigin, Ye. K. (bloscorz) 1 o3- I q-z'r-31112 TITLE: On the Improvement of Transient Processes by Eeano of Corrective Terms (Rectification Terras) with Variable Para- meters (Ob uluchshenii perelchodnykh protsessov korrektiruyushchi.mi zvonlyami s peremennymi parametrani) PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1958, Vol. 1% !Tr 4, PP- 3o6 - 311 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Here some methods for the improvement of the transient processes in systems of automatic control of the fourth order with two inte,,;ratine terms are given. It is shown that by introducing parameters, which charrr,e during the course of the transient process, in a system of automatic control with given structure and given characteristIcs of the inv.-iriable ground terms the goodness of the transient processes can con- siderably be improved. Furthermore is shown that in syste.-is with an integrating term this is obtained not only by intro- duction of a variable time constant of the differenciatin.r, tern but also by the most necessary introduction of t@'-ie Card 1/2 variable time constant of the inte,@;ratin- term. 103-19-4-3/12 On the Improvement of Transient Processes b,, 'aleans of Corrective Terms (Rectification Terris) with Variable -Parameters T;-,ore are 4 fi,-ures and 5 re-ferences- of wh4ch are Soviet. S U T-1 11 1 @--` -'E DlilaY 18, 10,57 AVAILABLE: Librar- of Con-ress 1. Transient functiors--Coritrol Card 2/2 28(0); 10(2); 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2036 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni N. E. Baumana Mekhanika; sbornik statey (Mechanics; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 119 p. (Seriest Its: Trudy vyp. 92) 3,400 copies printed. Errata slip inserted. Ed. (Title page): V. V. Dobronravov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book)t Ye. V. Latynin, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: L. I. Sheynfayn; Tech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.: A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific and xesearch personnel, engineers, and students of advanced courses at instrument-making and machine design vuzes. COVERAGE: This volume deals with problems frequently encountered in modern instrument making and in designing specialized machines and includes general theory of automatic congrol, vibrations, theoretical and applied gyroscopy, stability of motion, etc. Abstracts of the individual articles are given in the Table of Contents. Card 1/6 Mechanics; Collection of Articles SOV/2036 previously neglected, and a more exact map of the operation of the gyro pendulum emerges. The results obtained will unconditionally be useful in producing gyroscopes, the opt@rating-accuracy requirements for which are increasing all the time. References:1 Soviet. Orekhov, P. V. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent]. Derivation of a Formula for the Gyroscopic Moment With the Aid of Coriolis' Dynamical Theorem 24 This article shows the derivation of the formula for the gyroscopic moment with the aid of Coriolis' theorem. The gyroscopic effect is encountered in many fields of instrument making and machine design so that a descriptive explanation of this phenomenon is very practi- cal. Shigi,n,__Ke.,._K,,._[Research Fellow]. Nonlinear Automatic Control Systems With an 1@@ent Having A - type Characteristics 28 This paper develops a new control method using non-linear systems of a special form and having particular characteristics called Delta- characteristics. The method permits a considerable improvement of the transient process, reducing the amount of overshoot and the time Card 3/6 Mechanics; Collection of Articles SOV/2036 Zamuruyev, G. I. [Assistant]. On a Method of Determining the Stability Criterion for the Operation of Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engines 66 This paper investigates a timely problem in modern rocket technology, namely, the problem of harmful fluctuations of pressures in the chamber of a liquid-fuel rocket engine occurring during the combustion process. The author investigates the entire hydraulic circuit supplying fuel to the combustion chamber and determines the parameters required for sta- bility of the process. References: 2 Soviet, 1 translation into Russian. Zakharov, Yu. Ye. [Research Fellow]. Determination of the Axial 4ydrodynamic Force on the Valves of Hydraulic Servomechanisms 85 This report considers the processes taking place inside the values of hydraulic servomechanisms. The phenomena associated with the flow of a viscous fluid inside a complex geometrical configuration with specific boundary conditions are of great importance in the investigation of the entire hydraulic servomechanism and,consequently, in setting up the equations of motion of the whole automatic-control system. References: 2 Soviet and 1 English. 99 Card 5/6 SHIGIN, Te.K. Using units with logical and operational elements for operating a system of automatic control. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; mash. i prib. no.1:119-126 '59. (MIRA 12:8) I. Statlya predstavlena kafedroy "Teoreticheskaya mekhanika" Moskavakogo vysshe tekhnicheskogo uchilishcha im. Baumana. I fAouTtomatic control) SHIGIN, Te.g.-, :.-: - Block of logical elements equipped with semiconductor dovices. Nauch. dokl.. vys. shkoly.; mash. i 159. (MIRA 12;12) (Ilectronic control) SHIGIN, Ye.K.. agpirnnt 1-1 - @ Nonlinear automatic control systems with elenents having delta- type charnctnrintics. [Trudyl WTV no.92:28-48 159. (MIR& 12:10) (Automatic control) TIKIDIENEV, S.S.; TRONINA, V.P.; CHIKIN, V.A.; KNMEV, G.N.; GULYAYEV, M.P.1 ZAKHAROV, Yu.Ye.; CHIKINA, I.S.; LYAMIN, V.I.; BOCHAROV, V.K.; SHIGIN, Ye.K.LKROTOV, V.F. -- Scientific, pedagogical and social activity of Professor V.V. Dobronravov. [Trudy] W-TU no.104:7-18 161. (14:M 15:2) (Dobronravorv, Vladimir Vasillevich, 1901-) - 11 A UT HOR Ye. K, (Vororlez;-.) TITLE: A servo system with logi-,al control 20748 S/10@/61/022/GO3/003/008 B116 B209 PERIODICAL. Avtnmatika I ttilemekhaiiika. v., 22. no- 3, 1961. 3!4-321 TEXT.: 'In 'At-- prp_-3er@t: paper an elec-Tromechanical servo system witb jump- like variaticn of the correction uni@ parameters is described. The changes are initiated by a logical semiconductor block, il typisal assembly so.heme of a servo system as shown in Fig, 1, The system is of second order cf a3tatism with respect 'c ?@he contrcl and of first order of astatism -esoact to the disturbances_ The logica! laws of the jump- like cnanGe cf the parameters are given in a way -,hat during jump-like re,plat-lon tLe systerr is nct -c overshoot. In order to reduce 'O'he time of transition in sucP_ a system. the variation of the parameters of the differentiating unit 2 and of the integrating unit 3 have to be jump-like, If to.-ether with the intrcdu-.@icn of an enhanced attenuation, 'ntegraticn with the inverse sign is performed, the transition will take place without a considerable overshoot, If the quantity changes its sign Card 7/8 20748 S1 2 /0,23/00 2/008 A spi-vo ,-,y@jtem with logical control B'10"/B209 at the output of the differentiating unit 4 and -1- the amplification factor K 3 of unit 4 changes jump-like. it is possible to reduce the transition time and the maximum control devia@ 'ion during stabilization. The logical laws for jump-like switching of the parameters from 2, and 4 FiG.- 1) are written down; K for x x . 0 and x"x' < 0 1 10 11 2 2 4 (9) K, K K f ox x x 0 and x x > 0 (10) 2 2 4 1 K IK' for x X 0 (11) K20 for xix,, 0 and x,,x 4 0 (121) K for x 1x 2> 0 (13) 2 n,2 "2 0 _K@2K,20 for x 1x 2 0 1\14) Card 2/8 A servo system with logical control 20748 S/1 03/61/022/003/003/008 B116/B209 K for x x > 0 and x x > 0 (15) 30 1 2 2 4 K -K for x 1X; 0 and x (16) 3 W'30 ;x4 < 0 K for x (17) 30 ix2 0 where x 1 denotes the error, x2, x3, x4 - the quantities at the output, K1, K2 , K3 - the amDlification factors of the respective units and/O.- elements, K , K - the basic values of the amplification factors 10' X20 30 1 of the respective units, KAI' KA21 K62' K,63 - the amplification factors of the respective parameters, x 7 - the controlled quantity, p - the symbol of differentiation, Tit T - time constants, 13 2 x KT,pxl x K 3T3p x7 (K const, K const)- 2 @ T1 p + I T Ip + I 3 Card 3/8 A servo system with logical control 2o748 S/103/61/022/003/003/008 B116/B209 The logical operations according to the laws (9) - (17) were performed in an experimental servo system by means of a block of logical elements. The quantities X1, X' , and x were fed into the input of the latter. 2 The block compares the signs of these quantities and acts upon the elements 2, 3, and 4 (Fig. 1) by means of A 11 1829 and 6 3 by changing the parameters of those quantities. A apK-627 (DRK.-627) motor was used as a connecting element of the servo system, the signals were summed up by a magnetic amplifier 59 the electronic amplifier 6 was used for the matching of load. Fig. 2 shows the wiring of the semiconductor block of logical elements. In order to avoid coupling of the circuits of the system, the examined d.c. voltages were transformed into pulses in this block. Fig. 5 shows oscillograms of transients of the servo system in the curves of the key resistors (1