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Subdivision of Lower Famennian. deposits of the Khoper-Buzuluk
interfluve. Dokl. AN SSSR 146 no.1:193-194 S 162. (MM 15:9)
1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiY institut neftyanoy i gazovoy
promyshlennosti. Predstavleno akademikom D.V. Nalivkinyme
(Khoper VaUey-Geology., Stratigraphic) -,
(Buzuluk Valley-Goologyx Stratigraphic)
Devonian sediments of the western part of the northern Caspian
oil- and gas-bearing basin. (Trudy] NILneftegaza no.10:127-
181 163. (MM 180)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskava, laboratoriya geologicheakikh kriteriyev
otsenki perspektiv neftegazonoanosti; Vsesoyuznvy nauchno-iseledovatel-
Bkly geologorazvedochnyy neftyanoy Institut; Nizhnevolzhskiy nauchno-
issledovatellakly Institut geologii i goofiziki i Volgogradskiy
nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut neftyanoy I gazovoy prcrV&%ilennosti.
Stratigraphy of Lower and Middle Jurassic sedi-ents in the southern
slope of the Greater Caucasus in the Mount Kazbek region. Dolcl.
AN ~')S.SR 155 no.1:92-95 Mr 164. 0q.RA 17:4)
1. M~skcvqkiy gosudarst-vennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova.
Iredstavieno akademikon, N.M.Strakhovym.
Upper Famemnian sediments in the souLheasterr, part of the Russian
Platform. Dokl. AN SSSIR 160 no.4:927-9,30 F 165.
(MIRA 18: 2)
1- rlat,,-i,,no-issladeva',.ellskiy institut neftyanoy i gazovoy promystlen-
nosti, Volgcgrad. Submitted Nay 211 P)bz..
Effect of fluatuations of an electron beam in the transit channel of a
traveling-wave tube on its power and efficiency. Radiotekh. i elektron.
10 no.7:1269-1281 J1 t65. (WRA 1817)
Effect of alloying on the deformability and recrystallization cf
9-utanium all.Vs. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvat. met. 8 ro.-';i
122-127 Ib5. (KIRA M.10 1J,
1. Vaescyuznyy nauchno- is sled ovatel I skiy trubryy inntitut.
SHEMENKO, V.I.,, inzhener-kMmik-koloriot
I t,
Carefully train colorists and finishers. Teks'. prom. 25 no.8:81-82
kg 165. (MIRk 18:9)
L 3806-66 EVIT (I )/EIVAth) JM_
AUTHOR: Taranenko, V. P.; Shavchankog V. 1.
TITLE: Effect of ripples of the electron beam in the drift channel of a TW tube
upoxx its power and efficiency
SOURCE: Radlotakhnika i elektronika, v. 10, no. 7, 105, 1269-1281
TOPIC TAGS. TW tube, glectron beam
ABSTRACT: Based on J. R. Pierce's relation for the beam ripples and L. A.
Vaynshteyn's nonlinear equations for the TW tube. (Rad. i elektronika, 1957, 2,701.
883), new nonlinear equations and initial conditions are developed which permit,
estimating the effect of the electron-beam outline on the power and efficiency of a.-
TWtube. The new equations were numerically solved ona digital computericir.a,
set of parameters typical of operation of A, TW*ube. R is found that:: (1)'The,
beam-radius ripples reduce the wa3dn=m. output and ranximum efficiency of the
Card I /Z
., L 3806-66
1--'lACCESSION NR: APS017663
L 2841-66 94T(WEN/ AT j
ACCESSION NR: AP5024126 UR/0185/65/010/009/0960/0968
AUTHOR: Shapiro, V. D.; Shevchenko, V. I.
TITLE: Induced scattering of Langmuir oscillations in a plasma ithin a strong
magnetic field
SOURCE: Ukrayins1kyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 10, no. 9, 1965,,960-968
TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, magnetic field plasma effect, plasma electron
oscillation, electron scattering
ABSTRACT: The present paper studies the nonlinear scattering of Langmuir oscilla-
tions on electrons of a plasma in a strong magnetic field. The linear damping of
the oscillations is assumed negligibly small. After solving t1pkinetic equation
by means of successive approximations over the oscillation amplitudes, the authors J--
formulate an increment expression for the quantities defining the rate of change
in spectral density of oscillations as a consequence of the scattering process.
They show also that in contradistinction to the-uni-dimensional spectrum case
the change in the total energy of plasma oscillations in the strong magnetic
(k)-De < < I for Langmuir oscillations-
field occurs in the lowest order in k2,X2
Oscillation,;amplitudes for which the nonlinear energy dissipation becomes substan--
card 1/2
'.1hooping cough vacoine from bouillon culture* Vake i eyv, nool:166-
169 163, OWIRA 18:8)
1. Uningradskiy insUtut vaktsin i sy-vorotok.
Isomerization of trialkoxyphosphazo sulfony'laryls'. Zhur. ob.
khim. 35 no.7;1224-1227 Jl 165. (MIRA 18:8)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR.
L 074ohL-6- DiT (1 IJP(c), GD/AT
k,f,f NIp 'r
A N SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0156/0164
:AUTHOR: Shapiro, V. Shevchenko, V. I. Z71119
1ORG: none
'TITLE: On the induced dispersion of Langmuir oscillations of a plasma in strong mag-
;netic field
!SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of
!plasma). Kiev, Naukovo dumka, 1965, 156-164
iTOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillation, plasma resonance, plasma magnetic field
:ABSTRACT: Nonline.-w interaction of wave harmonics in the long wavelength range of the
ispectrwn is investigated for the conditions of a strongly magnetized plasma. The line-
iar damping of the vaves is considered small due to the small number of resonance par-
;ticles and all oscillations are along the field lines. The mathematical description of
~the system employs a set of equations for the electron and ion distribution functions
iand for the electric field. The system is analyzed in the second and third approxima-
ition starting with linear solutions. The initial one-dimensional spectrum remains
:nearly uniform un&_,r the action of dispersive effects and is seen to correspond within
a cosine factor to the one-dimensional model'. The interaction between waves leads to
imping of energy From the higher frequency part of the spectrur, to the lower. The
Card 1/2
L 0 1,,,) 11; -
ACC NR: AT6020579
Idissipation of wave energy by plasma particles is considerably smaller than loos of
lenergy to lower fTequency waves. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas.
!SUB CODE: 20/, SUBM DATE: IgNov65/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: 001
Card 2/2 01~~
Shevc"enko, "Aiaides o'L Sulfuric Acid. -'-ste.-Is of Arysulfonan idoposporic Acids."
Cand C!-,em Sci, Dnepropetro-;sk Matallurgical Inst, Dnepropetrovsk 1953. QtEFbIALTFiDYY
zu: Jan 54.)
.... XNAL--L:L'-: FLA, No 12
Source: SUR-1 168, 22 J 1Y 1954
/Erteri of arilsrifonimidophadphoric atids~ A. V, Kir-
MA --
~'_-i ?4 474-9,';W54.1
46. 1113-V 11
L _4 . . 49
t ,4n. of 0 , g- Na in 15 mi. ,T,- NTI-45lf
"7:pCj' in 'jTV
n! 7,1,411 "-st'r' ;I,J to Pi't thi: cT.-~t. Ar-
1, n'r P", t It- -c zA I up lit
"Ii. 4 fJ,~ ncutr ti %r---
79 807o. Vie trmikyl v6,~r- Lr ,i~iio! iii 1Q), .,-i lit rfi~
usu, org. solvenU, wid can he dLitd. in m4vo, bit iv,t dt
atm. pressure, they 4re stable in UtO, even aiw licating,
and to dil. mineral acids In the cold. but ar~-' Ali)wly hy-
drolyzed an heating (in I hr. reflUxing with OXX HCJ
0111Y570 of a tYpL-qICstcrv;4m hydr6lyzed).' InALq, ELOIL
the hydrolysis is Much more rapid becatsili of b4tter-scily.
The hydraly3ig kids -Arse,,miro(OR)j~ A~A*Lrl by.
formation of ArSdIWI, abd tile m :; uIkyJ r-3terl could not
The hydlinlysiilr alk. than III:
aci,1; anti yields the it
Na saIL- of UA~ dialkyl -31cm 'ilho-.v
above, and no further rtaction takt-s place. Thu followin
ArSOIN:P(O.Ife)j-m~ obtaind (Ar, %-yiel anti m.p.
sliovrul- PA,75.131,38-40%
The following ArSL-AM1PV(OA1e)j were bbW I ph.! t.
15, 108-W. ti-AUCtIli, "10.4, 14.5--6"; p4millog, 8.95.-`,
I-C,#Fl,, 25, 164-6'; Z-Cjaffj,. 12.3. 144-5*.
The prepri. of the ArSOIN.P(ML was run similaillyj but
the isolation was changed sNce the colloidal NaCt eould not
be filtered orf;- the feaction mixt3. were concd. and treated
with alittle the NaCl, aftict, whicli'the
lfs4i-v 0
pro,lucv~ were i5drited ai above, with ilur)Nd 'It ntoll a
~widar :~_-ric:i rf 3u c-~tcfr, wa4 obtain(A. nie following;
compti5. (Ar, ft. ut+., and -/~ yi&I shown,- w,;re prejO
ArS0%N:P(0R)i: Ph, El, liquid, 91.5; a-HeCtIlt, D.
35-7 .12.1; p-;;1cC.1[, IEl, liquid, 78.7; I-GH,, E'l,
M-5" SGA; 2-Callt. ;t~ 51-2%-75.4. A.&SOtAWPO-
(OR), Ph, M, 111-112% 6~82, R9, 97-11'.
9.76; p-3f,:Cj1t4, Fj, 104-0, 7.48; I-Coll,, F-11 154-5',
Ii. 16; Et, 161 -J". ZIA, AtS(.~X- P(OR), A,
8", li,phl, M.L ~Afecilli, Ba. liquill. SS-7 (d~o 1.111,
liquid'iM.9(di, 11411, ttv, 1. 13410);
Gill,, Bri, liqu;d, W.9 Mt. 1. 135, 0,11 1 .,U2). 115-ticaly-
iis (if the A.Srj:T;1l-.P(0l,;, it-. X a1c. Na0if I hr. at rdtux
K:Ivc! the ('Atowing AeAhSHPOWRI, (Ar, R, % yield, and
III.P. allown): 11it, Ue, 03, WS-9,; I-Ctoffi, Ile, 0',, 164-
5 -C4111, Me, 92, o-.,VcC%11., Ej, 06.7, 9-.-$*;
I-C1411i, EJ, 06.1. 154-5% 2-C,,11-,, Et, KI , 161-21-
I-Gff-.. Bu, 92.1i, 75-7*_ To 1.04 ~g. Na dissal"'J a, 36
nil. dry ROU waq added with stirring at 40-50' 0.101 mote
ArSWN:PC4 iit CJl&. the solvent removed in meuo, the
residue taken uti, it% 20 nil. 1[10,. aud. the soln. acklificd,
yiJiliog T-1412% Heating 3t.03 g~ I-
_C,JT~S%NII% wj~:h 31.7 g. pure PCIj in 35 rul, Mi on a
steaut. Kath I fir. jrave after dila. with -15 mi. hot CC14 and
cooling, 93.5% I-Callt.50,MPa., tu.-110-12* to a murky
liquid, elear ,it I IT" In a.3-3.5 hr. reaction was si-,nuarlv
prcvK!. 00.1% ?-C14111S,Oj1V.Pc1z, in. 150-2, (front Mi.
Both rmt ratha -slowly with 1130,: yielding tile sulfon-
arnides; the reavtiun is niore r-.zlji,l in, alkali, tim Ist step
of hydrolysis, yi.-Iding ArSO~VLIIPW3, is scim& 7 ffnes as
fast as tht 2ndstcp, in whicit the amide is formc-I.
Nt. E'Zosolipcia-
USSR lcherdstr7
Card 1/1
Authors Kirsanovj A0 V.; and Shevehenk6.-V. IN
Title Dialkyl others of.arylarultonamidephosphoric acids
Periodical'-.- Zhar. Ob. Xhim. 24, Ed. 5, 882 887., May 19 54
Abstract Described is a new.method for-the dirivation,or dUlIql ethers-.of-
arylaulfonamideohosphoric-acids from chloranfridrides:of those acidsA
sodium alcoholates. The authors obtained dLvjethyl--dietbyl:and.di-n--
butyl ethers of arylsulfonamide acids and sodium salts of di-n-butyl
ethers and described their chemical properties. The dialkyl ethers of
ar7lsulfonamidephosphoric acids obtained.from dichloroanhydrides differ
in no way from the dialkyl others through other methods, Two U=
references. Tables
institution: The I. V. Stalin-Order of the Red Banner-Metallurgical Institute
ol. i-Dkz4l, v 48,414
.0; d MA
6101i"T-.11115, MilK
~~: -r,
USSR/Organic Chemistry Synthetic Organic Chemistry, E-2
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 616o2
Authort Kirsanov, A. V. Shevchenko, V. 1.
Institu'40n: None
Title: Acid Chlorides of Aromatic Acid Esters of Arylsulfonimido-
phosphoric Acids
Periodicalt Zh. obshch. khImli, 1956, 26, No 1, 250-~254
Abstract: There is described the reaction of the sodium salt-of the chlor-
amide of benzene sulfonic acid with acid chlorides and di-acid
chlorides of the esters of phosphorous acid as a result of4Wh
are formed, with good yields, the following acid chlorides (or
di-acid chlorides) of aromatic esters of phenyl sulfonimidophos-
phoric acid (1) (listing the yield in %).- C6~5S%N = FC12(OC6
(II) (Oil; 92-9); Car!!SO2N FWOC6~5)2 (in) (mP -690; 90.1
W~S02N = FC1 (0-0 C CH3 (IV) (031; 94-3); C61~S02N
PC1(0-m-C6H4GH 3)2 vNill 96-5)P-- C61~S02N a PCl(OC 6114CH (VI)
Card 1/2
---------------------------------- ---- -------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
USSR/Organic Chemistry Smth61,1_r_ Orgw!;L-- Cheinistry, E,2
Abst Journal; Beferat Zbijr - W-m-4ya, No 1, 1957, 96o
Author: Kirsanov, A, V., and Shevchenko, V. 1.
Institution: None
Title: Reaction of Trichl-~7)r-.,,-Phosphazosulfoneaz7ls with Alcohols
Periodical: 71h. obshch. khimi1i, 1956., Vol 26, No 2, 504-510
Abstract: The react:~.,)n car ArSO2N a PC13 (I) with alcohols follows a number of
cifferent mechanisms and depends on the nature of the aryl radical and
on the conditions of the reaction. The first chlorine atom in I re-
acts faster v1th the alcohol than the remaining chlorine atoms;
initially., an unstable molecular compound with IMI is formed which,
after 60-90 minutes at 5-9, evolves 0.8 gms-equiv El to form
A'6~~N = PM20R) (11)j the reaction rate corresponds to the first
order kinetics. When the reaction is carried out vithout evolution
of M., the following mechanism is observed: II (R z CH3) + HCl-#
CH3C1 * A,_S02N =.- PC12(OH). A large excess of alcohol leads to
Card 1/3
with &I
Im- --See C- AJ
r --8(
Acylatien of N, N~-di chlorarylsulfaml, des and arylaulfamides by
anhydrid6s of aromatic acids. Ukr.khim.zhur. 23 no.4:493-495
'57. (MIRA 10:10)
l.Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichaskiy institut.
(Acylation) (Sulfamide) (Anhydrides)
AUTiORS3 /Shevchenko- V. I. , Derkach, G. 1. 79-28-4-52/60
TITLE: Dimethyl Esters From Aryl Sulfon-.II-Methyl-Amidophosphoric
Acids (Dimetilovyye efiry arilsullfon-N-metilamidofosfornykh
PERIODICALz Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii,1958,Vol.28, Nr 4,PP-1085-1087(USSR)
ABSTRACTs In recent times a great number of diesters of aryl sulfonami-
dophosphoric acids were produced (Ref 1). It is, however,
probably not proved that they have amido-like structure
(formula I). However, it is not excluded either that the
compounds of type (I) are in equilibrium with a phosphor-
azo form (formula II).
ArSO2NH-PO(OR )2 ArS02N_p( OR YOH)
M (II)
The structure of these diesters can hardly be explained by
chemical methods. Also for the explanation by physical meth-
ods compounds of structures (I) and (II) as samples are ne-
Card 1/4 cessai-j in any case. A great number of compounds of structure
Dime.thyl Esters From Arjl Sulfon-11-Methyl-Amido phosphoric Acids
(II are known (Refs 1, 2); while compounds of the structure
(I) are unknown, Therefore, it was of interest to alkylate
the silver and sodium salts of the diesters ofaryl sulfon-
amidophosphoric acids. It could be expected in this case that
either phosphorazo compounds or esters of the N-alkylated
aryl sulfonamidophosphoric acids would form because some
cases were known in which alkylation of silver and sodium
salts took place in one case with nitrogen and in the other
with oxygen.
The authors investigated methylation of silver and sodium
salts of aryl sulfonamidophosphoric acid and dimethyl esters.
Methylation of sodium salts was unsuccessful. The sodium
salts remained unchanged after long heating with methyl
iodide on a boiling water bathp while they were converted
into ill-smelling compounds with dimethyl sulfate. On the
other hand, silver salts easily react with ae thyl iodide under
formation of dimethyl esters of the aryl-sulfon-11-methylamido-
phosphoric acids:
ArSO 2ITAg.-PO(OCH3)2+CH3J 0 AgJ+ArSO2N(CH3)-FO(OGH 3)2
Card 2/4
Dimethyl Esters From Aryl Sulfon-IT-Methyl-Amidophosphoric Acids
By this method compounds of the formula III were produced for
Ar= o-toluyl,c---naphthyl and P-naphthyl. These compounds re-
act neutrally and are insoluble in alkalies. If boilt for
a long time in aqueous alcoholic hydrochloric acid the com-
pounds of formula III are IWdrolized under formation of the
corresponding N-methyl-.aryl-*sulfonamides which proves their
2. 3 3)2 2 2 3
Ine N-methyl derivatives easily solve in methyl iodide, acetone,
benzene, and boiling alcohol while they are difficultly
soluble in petroleum ether, and insoluble in Tiater. The com-
pounds of formula III with Ar = :x-- and (_'-naphth~l are 0
crystallized compounds with melting points at 91 and 82 31
respectively. The meltinG points of the isomeric trimethyl
Pqtnrs are at 84 - 85 0 and 93 - 940 , respectively (Ref 1).
The compound (III) with Ar - o-toluyl could not be obtained
in pure form. The reaction product formed a thick, oily
liquid which cannot be distilled without decomposition.
Card 3/4 The mentioned reactions as well as the crystalline form and
Dimethyl Esters From Aryl Sulfon--N-?Aethyl--Amidophosphoric Acids
solubility of the formed compounds are described in detail
in an experimental part. There are 5 references, 4 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut
(Dnepropetrovsk fletallurgioal Institute)
SUBMITTOD: March W, '1957
Card 4/4
; (3)
AUTHORS: _qhevchenko,__V. I., Merkulova, Zh. V. SOV/79-29-3-54/61
TITLE: Phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls (Fenildikhlorfosfazo-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 3, PP 1005-1008 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Kirsanov, A. V. (Ref 1) succeeded in synthesizing phosphazo-
acyls according to the scheme AcNH, + PCl > 2HC1 + AcN-PC1 W.
C 5 3
He and his assistants made use of.the reaction (I) (Ref 2) and
obtained a series of new phosphoric acid derivatives of various
kind. This reaction was, however, not exploited for the synthe-
sis of organophosphorous compounds in which,
the phosphorus
atom is linked with the carbon atom. The assumption that the
phosphazo reaction is bound to proceed not only with PC1 5, but
as well with tetrachloro-alkyl- and tetrachloro-aryl-phosphorus
compounds, trichloro-dialkyl- and trichloro-diaryl-Phosphorus
compounds and dichloro-trialkyl- and dichloro-triaryl-phosphorus
compounds was confirmed experimentally. The authors succeeded
in obtaining the phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls ac-
Card 1/3 cording to the scheme
ArS02NH2 + C6 H5Pcl 4 ~- 2HC1 + ArSO2N=P(C6H 5)C12 (11) in the
case of the reaction of the phenyl-phosphorus-tetrachlorides
with the sulfo acid amides of the aromatic series. The obtained
compounds are either crystalline or dense viscous liquids which
decompose also during the vacuum distillation. They react
easily with amines, alcohols, phenolates, and hydrolyze with
water to aryl-sulfonamido-phenyl-phosphinic acids according
to the scheme (III). The phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls
may be synthesized as well according to the second phosphazo
reaction (IV) (Refs 3,4). With and without solvent not quite
pure, crystalline products (by-products) are obtained. The
phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonpheny1 could be obtained ac--
cording to scheme (IV) (yield 75%) and identified. The phenyl-
dichloro-phosphazo-sulfonaryls of the type
ArSO2N=P(C 6H 5)Cl2which were obtained according to scheme M
are given in the table. There are I table and A references,
3 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
ASSOCIAHON: Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk
Metallurgical institute)
SU3M IT. TED., January 29, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHORS- Shevchenko, V. I., Stratiyeakc, V. T.
TITLE: Eaters of Aryl-oulfonimido-phenvl-phosphinic Aoidal
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimiiq 1960, Vol- 309 No- 5# Pp- 1561-1565
TEXT: The authors of the present paper investigated the reactions of
phenyl-dichloro-phosphazo-aulfonaryle (I) with sodium alcoholdtes and
sodium phenolates. In the reaction of compounds (I) with sodium alcoholates,
either dialkyl enters of aryl-sulfonimido-phenyl-phosphinic acids (II)
or sodium salts of the monoalkyl eaters of aryl-sulfonamido-phenyl-
phosphinic acids (III) are formed in dependence on the quantitative ratio
of the initial substances. The'reaction scheme is given. Under certain
reaction conditions which are indicated the compounds (II) can be obtained
easily and in good yield. In Table 1, 14 compounds of type (II) (ArSO 2N=
-F(C6H5 )(OAlk )2) are listed, They are neutral substances which do not
react with water. In alcoholic solutions they are readily hydrolyzed by
aqueous acids or bases. On alkaline hydrolysis the compounds (III) result.
Card 1/3
Esters of Aryl-sulfonimido-phenyl-phosphinic B/079/60/030/05/32/074
Acids B00r,/BO16
In Table 2, 5 compounds of type (III) (ArSO 2 NHPO(C6H5XOAlk)) are given
which were obtained by hydrolysis of the corresponding compounds (II).
These monoalkyl eaters (III) may be prepared with advantage directly from
compounds (I). The reaction conditions, under which the compounds (III)
are obtained as principal products of the reaction of (I) with sodium
alcoholates, are indicated. Table 3 presents 19 compounds of type (III)
which were obtained immediately from compounds (I). The monoethyl eaters
of o-, m-, and p-nitro-pbenyl-sulfonamido-phenyl-phosphinio acids could
not be obtained in this way due to resinification. The monoalkyl esters
(III) behave like monobasic acids, and can be titr~ted with sodium
hydroxide using phenolphthalein as indicator. The authors further
synthesized a number of phenyl-diphenoxy-phosphazo-oulfonaryle (IV)
(ArSO2N-P(C6H5)(OC6H5Y by reaction of compounds (I) with the corresponding
sodium arylates. Table 4 summarizes 7 comPounds of tYPe (IV). These
eaters are stable to water. In acid media they are hydrolyzed similarly to
compounds (II) to give aryl Bulfonamides while they are more stable to
aqueous bases than the compounds (II)~ Under certain conditions which are
indicated it is, however, possible to obtain the monophenyl esters of
Card 2/3
Esters of Aryl-sulfonimido-phenyl-phosphinic S/079/60/030/05/32/074
Acids MOW
aryl-sulfonamido-phenyl-phosphinic acids (V)(ArSO 2NHPO(C 6H5)(OC6H5 by
alkaline saponification of the compounds (IV). Table 5 shows 6 compounds
of this type. In an experimental part all conversions accomplished are
described in detail. The 5 tables mentioned give yields, melting points,
and empirical form-olas of each compound. Table 1 further contains the
percentage contents of alkoxy groups for the compounds (II)i Table 4 the
nitrogen contents of the compounds (IV), and the Tables 2, 3, and 5 the
results of titration with sodium hydroxide for each of the compounds. For
the compounds (11), (111)9 (IV), and (V), appearance and solubilit in
'~ is
the common organic solvents are also giveng A. V. KirBanov (Ref. 4
mentioned in the present paper. There are 5 tables and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Duepropetrovskiy metallurgicheskiy institut (Dnepropetrovsk
Institute of Metallurgy)
SUBMITTED: March 21, 1959
Card 3/3
DipkLenyl-ohloro-phosphazo-sulfone Aryls S/079/60/030/05/33/074
B005/ .o16
aryl-oulfonamido-diphonyl-phosphinio acids (II) are formed according to a
given scheme. Table 2 summarizes the 9 compounds of type (II) which were
obtained by hydrolysis of the compounds (I) contained in Table 1. Both
tables present yield, melting pointp empirical formulap and the result of
titration with lye for each compound. The compounds (II) are colorless
crystalline substances which are very stable to hydrolysis. They may occur
in 3 tautomeric forms:
ArSO(OH)-N-PO(C6H5)2 Arso2NH-PO(G6H5)2 A:rSO?-P(o6H5)2 (OH)
(A) (B)
It may be assumed that the amide form (B) is most stable since the N-H bond
is less polarizable than the O-H bond. The compounds (II) can also be
synthesized from N-diphenyl-phosphine-aryl sulfonamides by oxidation with
hydrogen peroxidep or by bromination and subsequent hydrolysis. The
corresponding reaction schemes are given. In an experimental part all con-
versions carried out are described in detail. A. V. Kirsanov (Refs. 1,2)
is mentioned in the present paper. There are 2 tables and 2 Soviet
Card 2/3
AUTHORS: Shevchenko, V. I.-and Stratiyenkoq V. T.
TITLE: Diphenyl-.alkoxy- and Diphenyl-aroxy-phosphazo-sulfonaryI
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1960~ Vol. 30, No. 69
PP. 1958 - 1960
TEXT: Diphenyl-ohloro-phosphazo-sulfonary1 compounds,. as the acid
chlorides of aryl-sulfonimido-diphenyl phosphinic aciday react readily
with water, alcohols, aminesq and other compounds containing an active
hydrogen atom. They react still more easily with sodium alcoholates and
phenolates forming diphenyl-alkoxy-phosphazo-sulfonaryls (esters of
aryl-sulfonimido-diphanyl phosphinic aoids)I(I, R . alkyl) and diphenyl-
aroxy-phosphazo.-sulfonaryls (119 R - ArTI-respectively:
(C6H5)2ClP - NSO2Ar-~' RONa (C6H5)2(RO)P-NS02 Ar.
- NaCl
Card 1/2
AUTHORS: Shevchenko, V. I., Alpatov, Ye. P.
- 6 52 ~
TITLE: Electrolytic etching of metallographic sections with direct obser-
vation of the exposed microstructure
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no, 4, 1962, 82, abstract 41496.
(V sb. "Proiz-vo trub" no. 5, Khar1kov, Metallurgizdat, 1961, 15o-
TEXT: For exposing the microstructure of chemically stable high-alloy and
heat-resisting alloys of particular effectiveness is the method of electrolytic
etching based upon the nonunifom anodic dissolution of various structural
constituents of the metal and its cumulative dissolution along the grain bound-
aries. The authors have designed an adapter for the metal microscope, which .41
allows one to carry out electrolytic etching on the whole investigated surface
of the section with direct observation of the exposed microstructure. The
direct observation of the electrolytic etching process eliminates underetching
and overetch4ng of sections and guarantees a high-quality-exposure of the micro-
structure. A diagram of the designed set-up and the description of its principle
Card 112
Electrolytic etching of metallographic ... A060/A101
of operation are given. The set-up is designed for electrolytic etching of
sections In nonagressive media.. The exposed microstructure may be Investigkod
without taking it out of the
-md photographed with enlargements up 'to 450 X,
electrolyte. Photographs of microstructure obtained in the process of electro-
lytic etching are appended. Besides its use in high-quality exposure of micro-
structure, the proposed method may be useful in investigating various structural
constituents of complicated alloys. The study of microstructure without extract-
ing the section from the electrolyte is particularly expedient to carry out in.
cases when the contact of the etched surface with air, and the rinsing intro-
duce alterations in the exposed microstructure.
G. Tolmacheva.
[Abstracter's note; Complete translation]
-Card P_/2
3/023623/61/0 27/00 8/012/0 20
Method of cathodic visualization... B103/B203
of ground sections of high-alloy steels. Cathodic etching was conducted
in a 400 cm 3 bath so that the polished section (cathode) lay horizontally
in the electrolyte at a distance of 10 - 20 mm above the anode (polished
stainless-steel plate) lying on the bottom. AICA -6M(VSA-6M) rectifier
was used as a d-c source. The ground sections were previously polished
electrolytically. For distinct visualization of the-structure ., a current
density of 150 - 200 a/dm2 had to be applied to the cathode for I - 2 min;
current densities below 100 a/dm2 within 1 min were insufficient (3-ceel
grades: 1X18N9T(1Kh18NOT) and X25-r(Kh25T) of "he austenite and ferrite
class). The structure visualized in this way was not inferior to the
anodic treatment with respect to distinctness. The authors also studied the
structure of the following high-alloy steels: :)W211(EI211) = '420H14(2
(Kh20N14S2),-3H847(EI847) = X10151136(KhiW5113B), gm53(Ele,53) = )(16(2H92
(Kh16S2MB2),-DA888(EI8S8) - X13H14PC4G(Kh13N14GS4B), and others. Hitherto,
a chemical and an electrolytic treatment in various electrolytes had been
recommended for etching these steels, which, however, had not always
guaranteed satisfactory visualizaiion of the structure. Besides, the
Card 2/4
Method of cathodic visualization... B103/B203
variety of procedures disturbed the metallographic studies. Anodic
etching rendered visible the microstructure of bimetal specimens of
high-alloy steels only with difficulty since these steels have different
electric resistances. Thus, only the structure of one of these steels
became visible while the structure of the other one had to be chemically
visualized, in addition. The authors' method visualizes the microstructure
of bimetal specimens of steels of different classes (e. g., EI847 - EI853)
which hitherto had not been possible with other etching methods, The
structure visualized in the manner described may be studied with a light
or electron microscope. In the latter case (with the use of -,itanium
replicas), the replicas can be more easily separated from ground sections
treated by the cathodic method than from those treated by the anodic
method. The relief of the section surface in the former case has no deep
boundary grooves such as are formed in anodic etching.. The titanium
replicas were separated in the reagent by N. LT. Popova (Zavodskaya
laboratoriya, XI, 10, 887 (1945)). There are 4 figures and 7 references:
5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.
Card 3/4
blethod of cathodic visualization... B103/B20,5
ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy trubnyy institut
(Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Pipes)
Card 4/4
Isocyanatephenylphosphinyl chloride. Zhur.ob.khim. 31
no-9:3062-3066 S '61. (14IRA 14:9)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii ALI Ukrainskoy SSR.
(Phosphinic chloride)
~1' It 6" S/076/61/O35/O1o/oo6/o15
BI 01/13110
AUTHORS; Shevchenko, V.
and Alpatov, Ye. N. (Dnepropetrovsk)
TITLE: Structural etching in electrolytic polishing
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 10, 1961, 2260-2264
TEXT: The authors studied the structural etching in electrolytic polishirg
of stainless steel 1X18H9T (lKhl8N9T) of the austenite class, and X 25T
(Kh25T) of the ferrite class. Their principal aim was the inhibition of
structural etching. The surface of steel samples was directly examined
under 450-fold magnification during electropolishing. Pictures were
taker. by a 3eHM7-C (Zenit-S) photocamera. Electropolishing took place
with an anodic current density Da = 55-65 a/dm2 (V = 2.5-3.0 V). No gas
was formed. The following results were recorded at D = 50 a/dm2.
Etching appeared after current was turned on. Anode surface was dark. A
yellowish passivated film formed, grinding traces were smoothed, anode
structure became visibleg relief edges of crystallites became prominent.
This current density was not sufficient to effect dissolution of relief
edges. The structural relief vanished at D a = 60 a/dm2. If
Card 1/2 A
S/07 61/035/010/006/015
structural etching in ... B101 YB110
Da = 55-60 a/dm2 was used from the beginning, the anode structure did not
become visible.. If polishing is briefly (2-3 sec) interrupted by turning
off thf, current, it will continue without structural changes on the anode
surface once the current is turned on again. Thus, anode passivation is
not eliminated by a brief interruption of the polishing process.
Structural etching was not observed until current was turned off for an
appreciable len5th of time. Kh25T ferrite steel was electropolished with
Da = 60-65 a/dm . The same results were obtained as with austenite steel.
The conclusions reached by S. I. Krichmar, V. P. Galushko (Zh. fiz. khim"
30, 578. 195o' to the effect that structural etching was inhibited in the
limit current region during electrolytic polishing were thus confirmed.
0 0
There are 3 figures and 7 references: 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet.
SUBLINT ED February 19, 1960
Card 212
Reaction of aryllphosphorus chlorides with acid amides.
Khdmiya I Prime-rienive Fo3rom rvanic lie gkikh loyad-,'-ierdv ((;havdgt~r
y a!,l
ap-,)Ucatlon ot orjpnrphospkx)z-u~! eomrx-~ur0b) A~ Y+-
~ubL by Kazar 632
GnIlection of mrin"et.-e nape." Presented at the !9c,;9 Kazarl -J7;
ct-mlstry of 'ryallvv'losphama Govwouw~;~
KIRSANOV., A.V. [Kirsanov., O.V.J. akademik; SHTEPANIX, A.S.;
Reaction of diphenyl phosphorus trichloride and diphenyl
phosphorus dichloride with urethan. Dop. AN URSR no.1:63-
65 162, (MIRA 15:2)
1., Institut organicheskoy khimii AN USSR. 2. AN USSR (for
(Phosphorus or anic compounds)
(Carbamic acid.5
3~ArylcarbamidophenylphoBphinic acids and their chlorides. Zhur.
ob khim. 32 no.l.-150-.153 Ja 162. (NIRA 15;2)
1. Institut organicheskoy khiTni:L AN Ukrainskoy SSR.
(Phosphinic chloride)
Este3!s of diphenylchloro- and tiipheziylphosphazo carbonic acid.
Zhw.ob.khim. 32 no.8:2595-2600 Ag 162. (14IRA 15:9)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN Ukrainskoy SSR.
(Phosphazo compounds) (Carbonic acid) '(Esluers) -
Phosphorylation of malonic acid eaters. Zhur.ob.khim. 32
no.9:2994,.-3001 S 162. (MIRA 15:9)
1. Institut organichesko khimii AN UkrSSR.
(Malonic aciZ (Phosphorylation)
Diallyl esters of ai7lmilfonylaiddaphosphoric acids. Zhur.ob.
khim. 33 no.22562-564 F 163. (MIRA 16s2)
1. Institut organicheskoy kbimii AN UkrGSR.
(Phosphoramidic acid)
Trich:LorophosphazoperchlorovizqI and trichlorophosphazoperchloro--
ethyl. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 n0-4:1342-131+5 AP 163. (MIRA 16,-.5)
1. Institut organichaskiy khimii AN UkrSAR.
(Phosphazo compounds)
-i-65 EWT, (d /,:XTf1)/_E_ECkfb)-2 'FdA(h) Pn-4/Pac-4/Peb/Pi-4/PJ_4 AYdL1
ACCESSION NR: AP4047248 S/O.-,4Z/64/007/004/0517/05Z3
AUTHOR- Murav'yev, V. V.; Shevchenko, V. 1.
TITLE: Two-stage collector potential depression in O-type TW and BW tubes
SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiotekhnika, v. 7, no. 4, 1964, 517-5Z3
TOPIC TAGS: 0 type tube, TW tube, BW tube, 0 type tube efficiency
ABSTRACT: Based on recent (1953-6Z) American findings, a calculation method
-type tubes with a Z-stage collector
of the maximum possible efficiencies of 0
depre s a ion is off e red. The load eff iciency of the tube is given by:
I _X X. 02. - CIE.)(, -pz.)
I Ink P1.)
where is the electronic -efficiency,
r cdeff. ntwv~y-
d,,and 0( are the normalized coUectorcurre-'nts;---F,'-.,--i~id-- are the-_
Card 1 2
7~ W
normalized electron kinetic-energy losses. On the strength of the above
formula, curves of the numcimurn possible efficiencies for single- and Z-stage
collector depression are plotted, and the realizability of high-efficiency tubes is
discussed. Orig. art. has: 7 figures and 10 forrrralas.
~- - -- .1---..n ~'- " 1 ~: I ~ ~ ,
2,,21.3,31-Tatrabromodipropyl and .2,21-dibromndiallyl eaters or aryl-
sulfonylamidophosphdric acids. Zhur.ob.khims 34 no.2:624-627 F 164.
1. Institut organichaskoy khimii AN UkrSSR.
Lr, 27 34-6 ERT, M, .'EPF(c T/ Pc:-4/Pr-4 PM
ACCESSIOti 3R: Ap5ol61go UR/rW9/64/034/01a/5954/3955
A=OR: Shevchanko, V. I.; Stratiyenko, V. T.; Pinchuk, A.K.
ME: Triph-enylphof3pha-zosulfonylax-yls
,)OURCE: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, v. 13~4, ao. 12. 1964, .5954-3955
TOPIC TAGS: org%nic phosphorus compound, organic aulfur compound, chloride, organic
Abstract: A Kirsanov reaction takes place under the action of tripheqyl-~
-plhosphorus dichloride on areaezulra=idoa~lta Xarzt-tri heq: _~tphmz 5LLIr!~- 4-
P, _- - _ i ~... P , yApha - - I
fonylaryls in 89-94% yield. -Th-a reacti A-rdtesi' I-- - 1 1
0 of diphdaylphdaiphoras
trichloride and triphenylphosphorus dichloride with arer-esuifamides are
approx1mately the same. Orig. art. has 1 formula and I table.
PSSOCIATION: institat organtcheakoy-~kkimii--Aka-iieud-'&,-nauk-Ukr~~.Y-.SSR-(laGtitute--r~-,~
of Organic. gaemir, try Academy of Sciencee, Ukrainian
Card: 1/1-
L 52797:-65 EW-1(m)/EPFCc)j (j~ P94/?r-4- RK
ACCESSION NR: AP5016191 UR/UO79/64/034/OW3955/3958
AUTHOR: Shevchenko, V. I.; Pinchuk, A. K.; Kozlova, N. Ta.
TITLE: Mixed diarylchlorophosphires
SOURCE: -.".hurnal obahchey khimii, v. 34, no. 12, 1964, 3955-3958
TOPIC TAGS: phosphtnic acid, chloride, organic phosphorus compound, chlorinated
organic compound
i Abstract: Mixed diarylchlorophosphinos' weii prepared on the basis of" ~J
the comparatively readily available mixed diarylphospizinic acids or
their chlorides. In the reaction of diar7lphosphiaic acids or their
cL,,Ioride, -wiLh ,'Liosphorus pentachloride, diaryldich.orophosphoaium
FAr2PClq'Pcl6, are formed in almost quantitative
L -j
:i,~,-LLng with diarylphosphinic acid chlorides, they give
r i clo r o p h o s pho rus. The diaryltrichlorophosphorus compounds and
hexa chlo ropho spho rates are aot reduced by methyl
P I L 1~ .The reacti,in reiults ia the formation of diarylphosphi-
nic a,~;id chlori,ies, methyi chloride, and phosphorus trichloride. Reduction!
of Lh-i diar-ldichlorophosphonium herachloropho~phorates with red_phosphorual
L 52797-65
produces mixed diary1chforophosphines. Nitro-substituted diarylchloro-
phosphines cannot be preparqd by this method (only the chlorides of the
corresponding aryInitroarylphosphinic acids are isolated from the reactioa
mix-~ure in approximately 50~ yi,ld). Orig. art. has 10 formulas and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheakoy khimii Akademii rLauk UkreLinskoy SSR (Institute
of Organic Ghemiistry, Academl of Sciences, Wrainian SSR)
SUBMi 30,SeP63
NO REF SOV: 001 arm: 003 JPRS _A
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AP5013116 UR/0370/65/000/002/0134/0140
;AUTHOR: Alferova, N. S. (Dnepropetrovsk); hp ~enk~o. V. I. (D~eprcpetrovsk)
I - $ ~~
TITLE: Deformation/~.3nd recrystallization of a-titanium alloys
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 2, 1965, 134-140
.TOPIC TAGS: titanium allay, stainless steel,, metal deformation, metal recrystalli-
zation, metal mechanical property ,